U Eltr tanntr. Hog Cholera. Interegidg hr pert (f the State C7tenzig. ~ —The public attent 4 on has been for a J ; long time direct*...d to the existence of a fearful malady amongst frogs under t lie above name. It has prevailed fur l more than a year in the large distiller-.I let of the West and South, as well Its iu the small pens of country farmers ' the East and North ; it liar. c ommitted , fierious ravages it) the Southern and .itidttle States; am( garly in the spring Was tailed ou by Me owner of a large I distillery here_ to attend to his hogs, i which were rapidly dying. I went et fmoo to see them, and obtained for ex -outitiation -loo , ) of many of the hogs in perfect health for the purpose, *ttf 'cOmpari4on with that of those in ar tiirile mortis, tin the act of dying.) ' : These examinations, carefully ramie, re- VoSidci OK; feet of a high inflammatory •coodition of the system, as the 'subjoin ed analysis shows: lief Why li'j Mond--Telo,t— firm, not large, scarlet colored; solids, normal; #,brtil as 2.33 per 1.1.4 a). Jiisease,i n„y111(»Ni -Clot—uotfirra,but large; brown ooloregl; soii.is, less than is the healthy ; tibrin as b. 60 per 3,000. The blood in e.ich case wa, taken from the arteries. This condition of the blood evinced a bigb degree of inflammatory action, but did not bow in what particular or gWo or organs, atractare or structures, 4he inflammation was located. To die parer this I 'made numerous -nior loot examinations, and found, The healthy; the heart, do.; 'SUM oieb, do.; bowels, ineluding the greater find less intestines, do.; kidneys, do. ; jiver, do. melt or spleen, do. lungs inteswly di , quised ; in the upper part they were engorged with datl ~ in ruous, braised-looking blood, and in the lower • Jobe* the inflammation bad proceeded to attlroctition, being filled with purulent •_l!:Axly matter, and entirely incapable Prtr,ryttig on the process o? breathing. 'The left lung was generally more af fected than the right, and in every in "Wawa the inflammation had proceeded •fo a greater extent in the lower than in the tipper parts of the long—in some cases ttle peculiar structure of the lung could not. be seen. so entirely had it come disorganized. In no eases Were yell defined abscesses found nor was the 'Windpipe inflamed but a short diAtance frinn the seat of the diseased lung. Sy 44 tont —1 he Red symptoms were is new on the part of the animal rif faititl,*mae loss of appetite, a kind of tinsky grunt approaching to a cough, annietimes a slight purging of the bow elis„itnd a yellowish colored urine; then 44. animal would become- more weak And seem to be paralyzed in the small of tha back, totter about for a short tine; and finally lay down and die. The treatment was diVided into two *rte—pro-phylactic (preventive) and curative. With a view to the first the pond were scattered over with plaster of Paris and water slacked lime, whilst i Rt , 41/0 same time, they and the troughs ;arms washed with gas tar. The eura trove treatment was the administration of soda ash and borilla. There is some trouble in the solution of borills, and as account soda ash should be used About ten gstins of soda ash and the same amount of borilla should be silvan to each hog two or throe times day; mixed in their food.—This should be g.iven to the healthy as well as the sktkhogs. To the well it does no harm; to the sick it is a successful remedy. „ip . the human species, so in ho,,s— lnitnation of the lungs is a most in cudiocix.ifisease, going on to the de struction of the patient before the mere Symptoms give cause of alarm, and in many -instances hogs which appeared itelettly yet were 'seriously affected with lang 4 intlairimation. The above remedies were used on about three thowittutl hog 4, and in the utmost. intensity of •the disease. The number of their deaths diminished sin , , enty-ifve per cent on the second day at% ter their administration, and in a ;Fort time the disease disappuared from the' locality.. IP! As Soon as.thei'h?„gswere manifestly sick dul l y were pat in pens to them eetvecsad subjected to the above treat- 1 meek Of these about thirty per cent. I recovered, whilst before all ilied. Causes.—lt is A disease of general at mospheric origin, influenced by special, local, existing causes, ouch as the sweat ing sickness, blackdeath, cholera and other epidemics, which at different time has devastate,i, snore or less, all parts-of the earth, and of whose see nature we know but very little. It is not confined to distilleries, but has also proved destructive in the country. —I( is not pro lucud by strychnine, or any vegetable or mineral poison. The disease attended with swollen jaws, the proper name of which is hog quiwy, prevailing in ooine parts of the State, has no connection with the above and can be most st.:;cessfully treated by making incasions over the swelling and then pouring in a small quantity of p.dt_and turpentine. I should be ot liged to Trn-sens through out the United States, who have observ td this - disease . , to examine the blood and the diftreht org:lns, and report to me tho results ; should any be inwps bleati ranking an analysis of the blood I Will with pressure furnish them with instructions how to perform it. A. ILLS IIIG GINS, State Agricultural. Chemist of lid. Look..forMe Be' h.—nose having pees a nd wishing to keep them and , lave lack" must almost daily visit hiine, (early in the morning is the, beat time,) and tip them up on une to and destroy the worms which s'3- crate then elves under the edges of the Ilia's. Unless this is carefully attended ti tilik don't expect to be succegsful in keep- boos--for they are the great enemy Qt the bee. JOHN VP. TIPTO2`.i, Fashionable- Barber Hair Prorwr, can at all times be round prepared to attend to the calls of the people, at the Temple, in the Diamond, adjoining the County Building.. From long experienoe, he flattens himself. that he can go through all the ramifications of the Tonsorial Department `with such act intinite degree of skill, as will meet with the entire satilfc.tion °fall who may submit their chins to the keen ordeal of hien ), aura. He hopes, therefore, that by his atten tion to business. and a , leslre to please, be will How to Fit Grape...--Dr. Underhill C. merit as well as receive. a liberal share of pub has reduced eif ing grapes to a science. lic patronage. The Rick will be attended to at Icre aro his directions; " When in ; their private dwellings. health, swallow the seeds with the pulp, Gettysburg, Jan. 8, 1855. tf - ejtailig! the skirt. When you wish to - flf you w ant to htly G ))DS CHItAY, calk pasako.Loo *twang state of the bowels, at G. F. ECKENRODE & 11110'3, the , pull) with the skins, eject-i insithe seeds. Thus, may the gripe bo NNETS, Ribbons, Parasols and &omit towetifali medicine, whilst at the same ! HO be bad very cheap at Veil* liehres as a luxury unsurpassed j _ FAHN KeTOCK BROTHERS. ttein3i other cultivated frilit. Au adult IV ALK ING CAN KS, far gentlemen, of vii raity'44.4llrt throe to four pounds la Vt r.ous kinds. just received by 47, Frith l'esoadt. Ir is well to take Briagnitia& AoyinibmigA. them with or immadiately after your - Tegulank ' - „Tar A:. is • 1.. 'ram tbe pig Moon 84ti LUMBER, COAL AND STOVES! E I 1? if: THIC undersigned respectfully announce to the citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity, that they have entered into a co-partnership. and intend opening a COAL & LUMBER IAII.O, on Washington street. in the rear of the Eagle Hotel, where they will be happy to see all who may favor them with a call.- They will fur'ilish every variety of Sb,r,. ElaeYcarartla 41,1 , 1 Litswturner's COAL, at the lowest possi ble wholesale rates, in order to introduce. it into general use. They also intend keeping a full and general assortment of LUMBER. as Anon as the Railroad is completed. They w;11 keep constantly on hand every variety of COAL and WOOD S'foV RS, among which are the celebrated William Penn. Noble Cook, Royal Cook and See Snell Cook Stoves. Also the Charm, Capitol. Victor. Planter, Premium and Parlor Cook Stoves. Air-right. Star, Franklin, Hot-sir Parlor Grate, Lady Washington, Oak. Magnolia. Union. Air-tight Bare Cylinder, Tropic and Harp Cannon 'Stoves. Persona wishmg io examine their stock will pleat.e call at their Store Ware Rom; on West Middle atteet, at the residence of Robert Sheads. ' A NTDONY DEARDORFF'S ESTATE.— 1 - 1. Letters of administration on the estate of Anthony Destdortf, late of Franklin township. Adams county, deceased, haring been granted to the undersigned, residing, in the same township, he hereby gives notice to all perso , is indebted to alid estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly autheaiicated for settlement. BENJAMIN DEARDORFF, Sept. 14, 1857. tit Atioser. TIIE GREAT ANIESIVE.—Most useful article ever invented, for house, store and ottiee, surpassing in utility every other glue, c i gum, muCtlage, to or cement ever known. Always Real!, or Application. Adhesive on Paper, Cloth , ther, Furniture, l'orcelain, China, 111:trl.le or (Pass. For manufacturing Fancy Articles, Toys, etc., it has no superior, not Only possessing greater strength than ;my other known article, but adheres more quick ly, leaving i;to stain where the parts are join ed. Navvaxn.s. Within the last three fears upward. of 250,000 bottles of this justly celebrated LIQUID OWE havq been sold, and the great convenience" which it has proved in every case, has deservedly secured for it a demand which the manufacturer has found it, at tirade, difficult to meet ; acknowledged by all who have used it, that its merits are far above any similar article ur imitation ever offered to the public. /Q-This GL trEis &ens irefy counterfeited --oh:erre the label "...4t-Rea's Celebrated Liquid Ghee, Me Great Adhexire.,:: Take no other.— TITEN7T-FirE CENTS B ornE. Manufactured and Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by " WM, C. McREA, Stationer, .V . o. 907 Chesnut St., Philadelphia. tirLiberal inducements offered to persons desirous of selling the above article. Sept. 28, 1837. ly Chair & Furniture Establishment ATIIIOT'S GAY ST. WAREROOMS, .01 21 - 0: 2.5 North Gay street, near Fayette, where are kept always on hand. or made w order, every style of French TETE-A-lETES, it Plunh, Hair, Cloth or Brocatelle. `French Full Stuff and Medallion Parlor CHAHLS, in Plush, Hair, Cloth or Brocatelle. French Full Stuff Carved PARLOR CLIAIRS, in sets, with Plumb, Unit, L'luth or aroestelle. SOFAS, tutlf French Spring Dlabogarry, and Walnut Patio, CLIAIIIS, in flair, Cloth or Plush. • .14OCK.ING CITAIRS--various designs, in Hair, Cloth sod' Plu sh. Stuff Spring 120C.NGES--a large assort ment always on Land, or any pattern made or covered with any goods murder. CHAMBER SETNS--in Mahogany or Walnut, complete, from up. CANE CHAIRS and Roelcing do.—the largest assortment ready made in any one house in the United Statea—from A doz en up. Bar Room, Office and Dining CHAIRS, in Oak, Walnut or Mahogany, with Cane, Wuod or Stuffed Seats—;ti assortment embracing over 50 dozen. ' Mid t eat CHAIRS and SETTEES and Rocking Chair—over 100 doses. A. MATIIIOT, 2.5 North Gay Stroet, near Fayette meet. May 18, 1857. ly jUINDF:I3 mut SHOT, the beet atatia6e 1. • iniet; tobe bad st • NORMECIEII • _ • R. STTRADS [l:7 - Orders promptly attended to. ROBERT SFIEA DR, C. HENRY BC ERLI:R. Gettysburg, Aug. 31,.1857. Administrator's Notice. Mc RE A ' 8 Celebrated Liquid Glue, THE LARGEST In Baltintor, Diamond Tonsor. GlLLtsrzi. nuvar THOWAS. REMOVAL, Family Grocery dic Provision A 's I) N EIV Ir I ft of . Store. THE undersigned respectfully inform their ILLESPIE TIIONI.IB respectfollv in • friends and the public in general. that they ur Galls the eep i e o f Cietty,b orir „d t h e have commenced the Cabinet and Chair-making public general ly, Ott thi have just return- business. in Baltimore street, near Middle, ed from the city with a General assortment of where they will manufacture all kinds GROCERI}:B,PROVJSB)NB and VEGETA- of FURNITURE, such as Dressing BLES, which they are nrepare , l to +ell as low and Common Bureaus. Tables of ali as the b,,,ereim. FLOI „,1 FEED always on rious descriptions, BviSteads. Wardrobes, hand., and sold at small profits. SULD4II. ind every other article in their line— s ore on lurk street, one door east of Wat- ALL of the best workmanship and good ma tles' [lota, terials, which will enable them to warrant Gettysburg, Aug:. 3, 1t4.57. th eir work. Also, every variety of CH AMS. _ I Comma made at short notice, and in the One of the Reid. Farms, , varioto , at vies. F(I R S AI. F . i House Painting and Papering attended to. _ Their done in the best T HE under4l ; :nrd offers at Private Cale,' an Their prices will bemanner. sa low aa the lowest, as his FARM. situate in Straban townshi all who may patronise them will acknowledge. •T A1.,,,, , i county, on the Ilanover road, and ni - irD - I,utnher and country produce taken in joining the eiettesliorg Borough line. The exchange for work. farm contains 101 Acres, more or )eq., the' ISORBECK & REILLEY. land bein,.; of the l.t quality, much of it ' Gettysburg, Feb. 23, 1857. ly .• granite"--.with fair proroni..nn of meadow, and timber. Fences , i,isi and the soil in ex cellent cultivation. The impruve- . -..., me w * are a e4itarOrtable Stone , : : ffMI Dwelling fforSE, Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn crib, &c.—firer ..,,•••.•:...., rate Apple Orchard, a newer-failing well of water at the door, and a number Of springs upon the tract. It in certainly one of the must desirable farina now in market in this county, and demands the Attention of trapitalists C. IL BCEITLER Pertuttht !sighing to iew the property urn requotetl to cull upon the nnatu4Ted, regia ing thereon. DANIEL B NNE& July 13. 1557. 3m ( - lAN weU oheaper than anybody else?— '/ firms/se he buys at suction, for cam/. Leek at his Hats, that he sells, hundreds! of. Gentlemen hate bought and paid for inch Hots from..s3 rsil 10—hut Smur,in st+l)l them And why sbo.st he sell them so cheap Beetinee he bought at auction. hook• at his Waits and Shoes—look at his Gaiters—the/tattle kind sold at other pla. , es at from $3 00 to $4 50, be sells at $1 87} to $2. 573. And Not ti) -1! Beitausu ho bought at book at his Clothing, and, in fact, every thing in his line. Ile will sell s Cuat, Pants and Vest, some linen and some cotton, for from ; $1 75 to 52 00 per full snit. 'And why ? Because be bought them at auction. Also, black Summer Cloth Coat, Pante and Vest, be sells for 00. And why? Be cause he bought them at auction. I am confident that my old friends and customers will bear me out in the above.— I would say to those who live at h distance from tosvu, auppoae you need but a hat, or pair of Gaiters. Why don't you come to my establishment? Even if you lose a whole day by so doing, you will be saving from $1 12} to $1 75 in the purchase of either— and that is PS much as most of men make a day by hard work. Beside this, you can save much .more in the purchase of such other articles as you may need. Recollect, my stock is a large and varied one, and all articles sold astonishingly low. Come to town;get your dinners and horses fed, and you can never fail of saving the price of a day's labor by buying at the Cheap One-Price Store of M. SAMSON', July 13, 154.17. opposite the Bank. TRAVE rental cite Foundry for the enau ing year, a am prepared to make the ti t tfe r eot kopi s Ilf Castings usually made at a Foundry. I will keep constantly on hand the different kinds of PLOCGIIS. Points, Shares, Cutters, &c.; Ket.les, Pans, Washing Machines, ite.; Stoves and Machinery; Por ches, Verandah's and i...eractery Fencing made and put up with •Inspateii. All order* wdl be attended to promptly; but being without capital, and money being necessary to carry ouithe business, I will Le compelled to sell for va,.11, but on all country work 5 per cent, will he dedn e te I. Suitalofis trade will be taken, if delivered at the tittle of purchasing. Give us a mil. _ E M. WARREN Gettysburg. June 1, 1:s31. COATS, Pants and Vests, for boys and men; Boots, Slioe.4, flats and Cape; Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Neck Ties, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, Gioves, Stockings, Sampan ders, ^4l nice of lot of Gowns, Water-proof Oil Coats, and everything else that can be fuuuti iu a Store of the kind, alwaye to be had at SAMSON'S. (Office removed to one door West of Buehler's Drug .k Book-store, Chaintzersburgstreet,) Attorney Jt Solicitor Tfor Patents 'and Penoloos, BOUNTY Land Warrants, Back-pay omit peuded cisi t ns,and all other claims against the Government at Washington. P. C. ;• also American claims in England. Land Warrants located and sold, or bonght, and highest prices given. Agents engaged in • locating warrants in lowa, Illinois and otltgr Western Stater. _fr7Apply to hun pqrsorottly or by letter qettysburg. Nov. 21. 1833. WILL faithfully and promptly attend to all business entrugted to him. lle speaks the German language. Office at the same Mace, in South Baltimore street, near Forney's drug More. and nearly opposite Dan ner & Ziegler 's more. Gettysburg. March 20. Wm B. illrOclian, 3ttorm at I ana. OFFICE on ' the South side of the Public Square, 2 doors west of the Sentinel office. Gettysburg, August 22, 1853. HAS his Office one door west of the Lnthe rito church, in Chatnbermburg street, and opposite Gratnrner's store, where those wish ing to bare any Dental Operation perform ed are . espectfully united co call. Ft4P#RESCItS : Dr. H. Hilbert, Dr. C. N. Beilucizy. Dr. D. Horner, Rev. C. P. Krauth, I). D., !Rey. 11. L Baugher, D. D.. Rey. Prof. M. Reynolds, Rev. Prof. 31. Jacobs, Prot. Id. L. Stwrer. Gettysburg, April 11, 1853. tf - - The Lad i epi WILL fin I it to their advantage to call at Fahnestock 13rother4, slid see their larKe and cheap stock of Silks. Challis, Lawns, Ducats. Tataartinea, Detainer, Calicoes, Ding hams, ,Ic., which are selling cheap at FAUSES COCK BIIOTHEIN, Sip& of the Bei April 13, IM7 A L WAYS ON LIANA.—SiIk and Soft Hata 11.. of every description, and for sale cheap at BIUNCIMAX & Aronfsaadon'sa riIIRREAOS, Pins, N'redles, Thimbles. La i -11- dies' and other Combs, Buttons. Hooks and Eyes, Tooth Brushes, Lead Pencil*. Matches, cheap at NORBECK'S. ('iIIILDREN'S Shoes of every variety and V size, at Samosas I Auonixasuou'a aaccessors to W. W. Paztnn 14'14)TES' LIG n - T it ID BOOTS.—A tine ait. v.ortrnent of Kid Boots both for Ladles and Missies, just received and for sale hi -July 20. It WM. Bofett. u eirss•W A RE, Cedar-ware and endless variety of Household articles. to be had Ter cheap at PA H N FSTOCK BROTHERS. BOSti 44:6, Rihhotia and Eltrwers, in large assortment, at SCHICK'S. QAPONIVIER, ow Cf)Xfaumurso Lawler •17 is king Snap—to be had at , i f • * 1 0 AHNUTOCR BROTHER& • • WHY 18 IT THAT %RIMS SAMSON To Tfl COUNTRY. (;(pip SEWS. Ready-made Clothing, D. TlVC,otfang - hy, 3ttararti at raw, lEilssit. B. Buehler, 3trarani at lam, J. Lawrence Hill, Z. D., ~~~ Still Another Arrival or NEW GOODS, AT JACOBS & BRO'S, Baltimore street, near the Diamond. where greater bar gnillB than ever can be severed. "Quiet sales and small profitA"--always better for yeller and buyer—in the motto they practice as well as preach. Give them a call for anything in the 31ercliant Tailoring line yonwon't re gret it. Gettydburg, July 13, 1857. - - Attention, One and All ! NOW 1 THE TIME To Hare Yoqr Picture Taken. CAMUEL WEA VER having prdvided him self with an entire new and splendid Y LIGET DAGUERREA.N BOOM at his resi dence in West Middle street,- opposite Prof. Jaoobs. one square West of Baltimore street, s here he now prepared to furnish Ambrotypes and DagnerreatyPet. in every style of the art, which he -- will war rant to give entire satisfaction. His long ex perience and superior apparatus five him advantages seldom furnished by Daguerrean establishmentsout of the city. He lifts a large number of specimen? st his Gallery, ih Chain bensburg street.wbere be will continue as here tofore, which the public arc requested to call and examine. [l'"Charges from 50 cents to 810. Hours of operating from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Gold Lockets, Breastpins, suitable for miniatures, always on hand, at the very lowest prices. ./•" Children will not be taken for less than 60 cents, EPANIBROTTPES taken from one dollar and upwards. and in the best style. July 2u,1856. tf T. KINGSFORD 16 SON'S Pure Owego Starch, (Fort wit LAUNDRY,) TTAS established s greater celebrity than 11. has ever been obtained by any - other Starch. This has been the result of its marked su periority in quality, and its invariable uni formity. The public may be assured of the continu ance of the high standard now established. The production is over Twenty Tons daily, and the de and has extended throughout the whole of tt4s United States, and to foreign countries. Working thus on a very large scale. and under a rigid system, they are able to secure a perfect uniformity in the quality throughout the year. This is the great J).•+ideratuui iii .lamb-mating, and is realized now fnr the firxt time. The very best Starch that can be made. and 71, oilt,r, is always wanted by consumers. and this will be supplied to them by the gro cers- as scion as their ctistonten; have teamed which is the best, and ask for it—otherwise tfiey would be likely to get that article on whch the largest profit can he made. 31r. Kingsford has beenengsged in the menu• facture of Starch continuously for the last 27 years. and during the whole of that period the Starch made under his supervit.ion has bren. ',eyelid any question. the best in the market. Fur the first 17 years, he had the charge of the works of Wm. Colgate & Co., at which period he invented the process of the manufacture of Corn Starch. 4/114- .14k . for King tfo mrs Starch, as the nam , - Orasego has been recently !then by another factory. It is sold by all of the best grocers in near ly erery part of the country. T. KINGSFORD & SON'S Cheicelta Corn Starch, (rout PCODINGR, AC.,) ITAS obtained at equal c e lebrity with their Starch for the Laundry. 'This article is perfectly pure. and is. in every respect, equal to the best Bermuda Arrow-Root, besides hav ing additional qualities witch render it inval uable for the desert. Potato Starch has been extensively packed and sold as Corn ,Starch, and has given false ' impressions to many, as to the real merits of Unaware, Iron, Steel, Groceries, CUTLERY. COACH TRIMMINGS, SPRINGS, AXLES, iptit gill ID LI:D ilo I.k LVir (War—mare, 01)ot fipl . t, 0, Paints, Otis, and Dye-stn , in general. including every description of arti cles in the above line of business. to which they invite the attention of Coaob-makers. Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Cabinet -milkers, Shoe-makers. Saddlers, and the public gener ally. Our stock haring been selected with great care and purchased for cash, are guaran tee (for the ready money,) to dispose of any part of it on its reasonable terms as they can be purchased anywhere. We particularly regnegt a call from our friends, and earnestly solicit a share of public favor, as we are determined to estatilish a char acter for selling (ood at low prices and doing business un fair principles. JOEL B. DANNER, DAVID ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, June 9, 18.51. if Spouting! d'ISORGE and Henry Wimpler will make Hone Spouting and put up the same low, lbr cetth ureonntry produce, Farmers and all ottivi w ivfring . their houses, barite, ao.,spott t• ed , would do well to give them a Call. u. & H. W AMPLER. April 18. 1P53. - tf Black allk Hats. and Winter Style, just receired and for sale at COBBAN t PAXTON'S Fashionable Hat, Cap. Boot and Shoe Store. AffiN'S and Boys' Boots, Shoes, Gaiters ,il.l and Slippers, of all kinds, and at all prices, as cheap as the cheapest, at COBEAN dr PAXTON'S. fine lot of Silver Spoons and 1 0- Silver Forks, as low as city vices, now to be had at SNUCK'S. CIA mon, as they sell •, FACT.—MONEY BAYED by buyini IA your Haig. tiNve, toots auti Show ~t • • Brisonots • Avhbatarrit's. lici).Nß arrival of Spring Ghee* this day 0 at the Citesp Store of LUDIZATIXIK'S. lingers, 11;:r, GOOD AND CHEAP: rru}: undersigned would inform his friends and the public generally, that be con tinues the CARRIAGE-MAKING BUS!. E.SS, in all its branches, at his establish ment, in Fast Middle Street, (near the east end,) G e t t y s burg. Pa., where he has on hurl a first-rate lot of work, and is prepared to put up to order whatever may ho desired in his line, viz:—Rockaway and Beat-Body carriages ; Fall rig- Top, Rock away & Trotting Buggies, Jersey Wagons, de, With good workmen and good materials, he can pludge his work to be of the best quality —and his prices are among the lowest. borßepairing dune at short notice, and st reasonable rates. Country produce taken in exchange fur work. Call! JACOB TROX.EL June 15, 1857. Fancy Form firjtadies. 1011 N FAREIRA I MC., (New No.) 818 fa MARKET Street, alvte Eighth, Phila delphia. Importers, Manufacturers and dealers in Ladies', Gentlemen and Children's FANCY FURS, Wholesale and Retail. J. F. & Co., would call the attention of Dealers and the public generally to their immense Stock of Fancy Furs for Ladies, Gentlemen, nod Children ; their assortment embraces every artiale and kind of Fancy Furs, that 'rid he worn during the Season—such as Full Capes. Ilatf Capes, Quarter Capes, Taltnivi, Victorines, Boas, Muffs and Muffateets, from the jlncitt 'Russian &bk to the lowest price I)unestic Euro. • For Gentlemen the largest assortment of Fur Collars, Gloves, Gauntlets, ..1,1.; being the iliv!et , Importers of all our Furs and Manufuotaretvo of them tinder our own super vision, we feel satisfied we can offer better in duceinents;to dealers and the public g,eneral ly than nn' other house, hating an immense assortment,to select from and at the Manufac turers' prices. Ffe only ask a call. JOliN FA111:111.1 & Al , . 818 Ifirket Strut, above Eighth, :Sept. 21. 1857. -Itu FULL STOCK OF Fall Dry Goods. PYRE kLANDELL, FOURTH k, ARCH 4treets; Philadelphia, respectfully re quest Coxli Buyers to e*autiue a fine stock of SE. SONA.4ILE (3001),S, adapted W BEST PrxxsYt.v.s.N.t.t 'rasps. Full Line of Fall Dress Goods. New Designs of Fall Shawls. 11... ch Silks of Newest Stylus'. (loud Mick Silks of all widths. 4 Cases assorted French Merinoes. Poll de Shevres, New Goods. British - and American Dark Prints. Satinetts, Cassiraeres, Cloths and Vesting,. :Unsling,' Linens, Flannels, Blankets, &c. N. B. Atetion Bargains from New York Simi this City daily received. Particular at tention given to Country orders for Desirable (ideas, Terms NETT CASII. August 31, 1857. 3m Hover's Liquid Mir Dye. 111 F , following, from that eminent Physi. - elan of Philadelphia, Dr. Bri iekle. added to the testimony of Professor Booth, only con firms what is evidenced by thousands who have used liover's Dye : • 'o•Girard Row, Chesnut street. Philadelphia, Dec. 22. 18;3. “InTegard to Hbrer's 11. s ir Dyr,'l can state unhesitatingly that it contains no deleterious ingredients. and may be used with entire safety, and the utmost confidence and Tti rr, s, " W. 11, 131UNCKLE, M. D. , Horer's TI - riling and Inks are so well and widely known. as to require no eulogy of their merits, it is only ntee4sary to say, that the steady and increasing demand, gives the best evidence that they maintain their character for superiority which distin guished them when first introduced. gears Orders addressed to the 31anufactory, No. 416 RACE street. above Fourth. (old No. 144) Philadelphia, will receive prompt atten tion by JOSEPH F HOVER, Manuficeturer Sept.?. LNpril 13. ly) 25 WITNESSES; 771 F, FOR roxiyeTED JOBN S. DYE IS TUX AUTHOR., 10 1 Who has had 10 years experience as a Bank er' and Publisher. and author of A• S'ef O.IS of Lecturea at the Broadway Ta es beraacte, 6 2 . when, kr 10 successive nigh's, over ► 37 50.000 People _Ca Greeted him with rounds of applause. while zhe exhibited the utanner in which Coon. es terfetters execute their frauds. and the Cat surest and shortest means of O Detecting them ! ` , Tbe Bank Note Eng. avers a)) say he is the O greatest Judge of Paper Money living. O O GRE.p.T EST DISCOVERY OP MC PRESENT CKNICRT FOB DETECTI'AG CUUNTIDOLIT BA.fig, NOT EA. Desciltoing every Genuine Bill in exi4tence, and exhibiting, at a glance. every Counterfeit in Ci-culation! Arranged so zdutirably' that R.CPSRENCii is CAST AND DICTICTION INSTANTANEOUS. (D'"No index to examine ! No pages to hunt op! But so simplified and arranged that. the Merchant, the Banker and Business man can see all at a %nice. PaoFish. French and Gemini,. TiIUS NACU MAY READ tat imam IN W 8 OWN aa.rivit TUNGUS. MOST PKILMT Bata. NOYg LIST 'Tatiana t) Also. a list of• ALL TVA NITA?' BAZAAAJ f 7 AIM' &A A Complete Summary of the Finance of Europe and America will be published in Ogee& edition. together with all tbeiiiipor -4t taut News of the day. Also, A SERIES OF TALES. From an old Manuscript found in the East. 4t lt. furnishes the most complete History of ORIENTAL LIFE, Describing the most Perplexing Situations in which the Ladies and. Gentlemen of that 1.11 country have been so often found. These Stories will continue throughout O. the whole year, and will :prove the most entertaining ever offered to the public. it 7:7 - Furnished Weekly 41 Subscribers p only, at 81 s year. All letters mast bead dressed to JOTIN S. DYE. Broker, Publisher awl Proprietor, 70 Wall street, April 27,185'7. ly New York. Removed to Hanover. VRANCIS J. WILSON, late of the Wash / ington noose at Abbottstown. has taken ERSHEY'S OLD AND POPULAR STAND, in Hanover, where he will be happy to enter tain all who may patronize him. Nis Table is supplied with the best the market and gar den can afford, and his filar with the choicest of liquors. Hie Stables are commodious, and attended by oareful Ostlers: Give him a tall. Yoe will always find FAANC. on the spot, ready and willing to wake everybody com fortable. [April 27, 1857. Hanover H. ''RAINS over the Hanover Branch Railroad now run am follows : First Trio leaves Hanover at 9 s. is.. with Passengers for York, Harrisburg, Columbia and Philadelphia.. This Train also connects with the Express for Baltimore, arriving there at 12 it. Second Train leaves at 2.1.5 P. X.. with Pas sengers for Baltimore and intermediate places, and 'returns with passengers from York, tie. dog. 3. J. LEM, Agent. Stone Peach & Tomato Bottles. Wft have just received a large lot of - Pooch and Tomato Stock. Jars--an ex. *talent article for .peestrvvng fruit. If you mud. saabetbing that will not rust and injure the fruit, by all mean use stow wan. Thant oothiog mail to it. Coll and see Ihookst , If A lINESTOCKB'. 4,I"J'CT nr sztaz:xasT AND Nicria OCT or !MASON I FARMERS, read this, and then come and buy, for we still have "a few more left :" The subscriber takes this method of calling the attention of the public in general to that valuable piece of machinery, styled Hersh' s Patcnt Hay Haider and Manure Pacavator. Haring the right of all Adams county, he will sell either machines or township rights. 11. G. CARL. ler Alto, at the same place, you can be ac eetumodated with as fine BeGGIES as can be got up in the State for the same money—con stantly kept on hand. Repairing done, neatly and cheaply, at short notice. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for work. Gettysburg, May 18, 1857. Gm THE FARMERS' & MECHANICS' Savings Institution of Adams Co. IS Institution receives depositea for wbieb it pays interest as follows : For over 10 months. 4 per cent. per annum. For 3 and not over 10 months, 3 per cent. per annum. For tranatetrwdepcsites, not leas than 3u days. 2 per cent. per annum, payable on demand without notice. A joint fund (capital) of $lO,OOO has been paid in. For loans apply on Wedriesdar. Sims received on deposite as low as a dime. Interest to be allowed whenever the deposites amount to 35,00, and on each additional 35,00 and upwards. Ottice in South West Corner of Public Square, nest to George Arnold's store. Open dilly from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M., and for receiv. ingdepototes every Saturday, from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. GEORGE THRONE. Trea.vurer & Secretary, GEORGE ARNOLD. Directors, John Rrotigh, John Horner, Samuel Durboraw, George Arnold, A. Heintzelman, Jacob Musselonn, D. McCreary, D. McConsughy, William Culp, John Mickley, Robert Horner, John Thi one. April G. 11557. Important Discovery. CONSUMPTION Anti all Disuses of the Lungs and Throat are Post;rely Curable by Inhalation, vrincli conveys the remedies to the V cavities in the lungs through the air passages, and coming in direct contact with ) the diet-axe. neutralizes the tubercular matter, allays the cough, causes a free and easy ex. peetoration„ heals the lungs, ,purifies the I t blood, imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system. giving that tone and energy so indis pensable for the restoration of health. To be able to state confidently that Consumption is curable by inhalation, is to roe a source of unalloyed pleasure. It is as much antler the contra of medical t stmeut as any other for- I ruidable .•se • inety out of every hundred cases can he cured in the first stages, and fifty per cent, in the second ; but in the third stage it is impossible to save more than five per cent for the Lungs are so cut up by the dig ease as to hid defiance to medical skill.— Even, however, in the last stages, Inhalation affords extraordinary relief to the suffering attending this fearful scourge, which annually destroys ninety-tive thousand peieons in the United States alone: and a correct calcalation shows that of the present population of the earth, eighty millions are destined to fill the Consumptive's grave. Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fatal as Consumption. In all ages it has been the greet enemy of life, for it spares neither age nor sex, but sweeps off alike the brace, dm beautiful, the graceful find the gifted. By the help of that Supreme Bring from whom eismeth every good and perfect I gift, I am enaltled to offer to the afflicted a Ipermanent and speedy cure in Consumption. The first cause of tubercles is front impure , blood. and thi immediate effect produced by their deposition in the lungs is to prevent the , free admiesion• of air into the air cells, which ' causes a weakened vitality through the entire system. Then surely it is more rational to ex pect greater good from medicines entering the cavities of the lungs than from those admin istered through the stomach ; the patient will , always find the lungs free and the breathing easy, after Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhale-I tion is a local remedy, nevertheless it acts consti utionally. and with more power and certainty than remedies administered by the stomach. To prove the powerful and direct influence of this mode of tuirninistrat , on, ' chloroform inhaled will entirely destroy sensi bility in a fete minutes, paralyzing the entire , nervous ey.tem, so that a limb may ~h e am putated without the slightest pain : inhaling the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a few hours. The inhalation of ammonia will ronse the system when fainting or apparently dead.— The odor of many of the medicines is percepti ble in the skin a few minutes after being in haled. and may be immediately detected in the blood. A convincing proof of the consti tutional effects of inhalation. is the tact that j sickness is always produced by breathing foul air—is not this positive evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously administered through the lungs should pro; (ince the happiest results ? During eighteen years' practice. many thousands suffering from diseases of the lungs anti Ihroeit. have been under rn 4 care, and I have effected many remarkable cores. even after the sufferers hat. been pronounced in the last stages. which folly satisfies me that consumption is no longer a fatal disease. My treatment of con sumption is original. and founded on long ex perience and a thorough investigation. My perfect acquaintance with the nature of tuber cles, &c.. enables the to distinguish readily, the various forms or disease that simulate con• smnption. and apply the proper remedies, rare ly being mistaken even in a single case. This familiarity, in connection with certain patho logical and microscopic discoveries, enables me to relieve the lungs from - the effects of con tracted chests, to enlarge the chest, purify the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone to the entire syetem. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United States and Cansdas by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. But the care would be more certain if the patient should pay me a visit, which would give me an opportunity to examine the longs and enable me to prescribe with much greater certainty, and then the cure could be effected without my seeing the patient again. G. W. UR 111A-Nl,ll Offlre,ll3lFillkit SI I ,9,)betote 12t/t, rnii.atm.rutA, ra July 20, 1857. ly ItillOVA L. Alex. Frazer, Watch and Clock-maker, HAS removed his ghnl to Carlisle street., below . )t , 's wbere he will always be happy to attend to the calls of cus tomers. Thrtnkful fur past favors, be hopes, by strict attention to business and a desire to please, to merit and receive the patronage of the public. Gettysburg, May 18, 1857. FrOBACCO I SEGABS. of best brands sad 1. at astonishingly low rates these high times, st the Floor, Provision and Grocery Store of OLLLESPLE & TilOfi&L CHOICE FARM LANDS- l iz\iltinoscentral W . res& Utorany is now prepared to sell &boat 1,500,000 Acres of ZED Mt 711111112 e. LIMA„ in tract! of about poitri Acm, pit IOAg cradils and al tow rate)/ of lith-reats. These lands were granted by the Govern• ment to aid in the construction of this Road, and are among the richest and most fertile in the world. They extend from North Mast and North West, through the middle of the State, to the extreme South, and include every varie ty of climate and productions found between those parallels of latitude. The Northern portion is chiefly prairie, interspersed with tine groves. and in the middle end Southern sections timber predominates, alternating with beautiful prairies and openings. The climate is more healthy, mild end aqua. ble, than any other part of the country—the air is pure and bracing, while living stream{ and springs of excellent water abound. Bituminous Coal is extensively mined, end supplies a cheep and desirable fuel, being fur• niched st . perny points at $2 to $ 4 per ton--• and wood can be had at the same rate per cord, Building Stone of excellent quality also abounds, which can be procured for little more than the expense of transportation. The greet fertility of these lends, which are a black rich mould from two to five feet deep, and gently rolling,—their contiguity to this Road, by which every facility is furnished for travel and transportation, to the principal markets North, South, East and West, end the economy with which they can be cultiva ted, render them the moat valuable investment that can-be found ; and present the most fa. voluble opportunity, for persons of industrious habits and small means. to acquire a comfort able independence in a few years. Chicago is thegreatest grain market in the world—and the facility and economy with which the products of these land* can be transported to that market, make thug much more profitable, at the prices asked. than those more remote at government rates.—as the additional cost of transportation is a per petual tax on the latter, which must be borne by the producer, in the reduced plies be re °elves for his rain, tic. The Title is Perfect—and when the final payments are made, Deeds are executed by the Trustee:it appointed by the State, and in whom the title irsiested, to the Purchasers, which convey to them absolute titles in Yee Simple, free and clear of every inctnbranoe, lien or mortgage. . The Prices are from $6 to Pi r Tniereat nay 3 per cent. Twenty per cent.* will be deducted from the credit price for Cub. • Those who purchase on long credit, give notes payable in 2. 3, 4, 6 and 6 yowl after date, end are required to improve nee-tenth %unually for five yeats, so as to huelorte-balt the land in cultivation, at the end- that time. Competent Surveyors will accompapy who wish: to examine these Lands; titre of charge, and aid them in making selectieds. The Lands remaining unsold an sq rich and valuable as those which have beg die. pared of. r7"Smlional Kips will be sent to siy Doe who will enclose fifty cents in Postage Stempel, and Books or Pamphlets. containing . Amer. am instances of Hum-egg& fanning. mood by respectable and well known far.nern rising In the neighborhood of Railroad lank throne* out the State—also the cost of fencing.rice of cattle, expense of harvesting, titres , etc.—or any information—till be cheerio) y E li given on application, either personally or by letter, in English, Preach or German, mid's'• aed to JOHN WILSON, Lavi COTOMIIII4O4IIIC of the Wioolo caldrons Lae. ll7ottice in Illinois Central Railroad Din pot. Chicago. Illinois. April 20, 1857.. ftin TWO D tiLliC TO HA NO rEIT., XTR A AO COMMIPDATIONS.—The un dersigned returns his thanks to the publid for the encouragement heretofore eitawded to him, and takes pleasure in announeing,that be has completed arrangements by , which TWO DAILY LINES of Coaches will run between Getty& It' ' .• burg and Hanover, to connect with the trains to and from Baltimore, York, Uarrialguir. Philadelphia, &c. Persona desiring tickabser information will call on the unden.igned, or on CHARIAS TAT*, Ticket Agent, at the Eagle Hotel, in' ("ham bersbu rg street. a7Speeial attention given to all peel/sot. fie., or other business entrusted to the uni signed between Gettyiburg and lianbett, which will be promptly and carefully ,attinsd ed to. 'rThe undersigned has also effected or fangements by which Ift will be able to supply Coaches, Stages. 4c., for Funerals ;gd other =salons, at moderate charges. NICHOLAS WSAVER.. Gettysburg, Apnl 13, 1857. . Wood Moulding Mlll, ,Wilhow Sired, ahem Twelfth, North Side.. rouLDtsvis ,suitaWe fur Cisrpeetere., ~Lll Builders, Cabinet and Frafrie Makers, *urged from the best and thoroughly•seasqa ed material. always on hand. Any itattakw worked from a drawing. lib .3 subscriber having pnrobased.the astir& interest, will euntibue the basiness with ftt creased 'facilities. Agents wanted id the" various towns in tide portion of the State, to whom opportunities will be offered for large profits to themselves. SAMUEL B. HENRY. July 20. 1857. 3'n) '' 3 OBE. Ili ratres anti Forks. ITAVING just received of our own impor tation, from England, a large and ex tensive assortment of Cutlery, we invite the attention of those in want of any at of Knives and Forks, Carvers, Nat Pies, ft., to' conic and examine. We will sell at such prices as will defy competition. Also, a Lire assortment of Table Forks, which will be Pohl separately. Don't forget to examine the stock nt ' F.t lINE STOCKS.. tor Country Merchants can be ouppnad a small advance. May Is. TUE PERRY COUNTY MUTUAL. MI Insurance Compauy, CAPITAL 8139,586—effects insensate; is any part of the State, against lass by Ors: prudently adapts its operations to its MOOT ees ; affords ample indemnity, and promptly ackitAsts its losses. Adams county is represented in the Barra at 'Managers by Hon. Moses MoCt.we. Whi. McVLEAN. Agent. Gale* of IL& W. MeV loss. Gottysbssit. May 26,1856. The Rev. C. S. Burnett, WHILE laboring u a Missionary, In Southern Asia, discovered a simple certain Cure for Conzumetion, Asthma, Brow Coughs, Colds, Aerrotts Debility, Lod all impurities of the Mood; also, an easy effectual mode of Inhaling the Lienudy. La. tuated by a desire to benefit his sufferinglows, he will cheerfully Send the Reeve VISO to such as desire it, with full and . explmn , 44..• reetions for preparing and successfully Wl*, the Medicine. Address REV. C. 8. BURNETT. • • 831 Broadway, N.Y . ! MK' August 3i, 1857. fan • — A LARGE lot of SESIMER quo ! ill'. • t 11 selling at very small pmfas at ; ire COBEAN k PLUG ( k• - FOR anything in the Flour, Cirt!iiit kid .. . „, I, „ ..: Provisson line, call at . GILLESPIE'a TIMIlltPe-` 2 Ann PIECES OF WALL PAtigailid ) v V L I received and fur saleW . qOBRA.lif *PAVAIWra-c fiRANGCS, loshcentV'oi*;o=, I.J Spices of all kiachs, 'tipsy amid . Soap, Hair Oils, Est , P , 11108411t01111 , ; PRUNES,earri b : i lki i " rte,'.. et; -lir*atalli 0 _• ; BAMEICNIPa. ~i 1 II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers