The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 19, 1857, Image 3

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A Short Speech
The Valley Spirit recently had the
following " talk" to a portion of its pa
trons, and we transfer it, to our columns
with the hope that it may product. a 1
desirable effect upon such on our list
.as are in the same" sitevation." Read
and ACT ! Don't ponder until you for
get all about it :
When a printer runs his eye over his
ledger and sees hundreds of names that
litwe nothing set down to their credit,
it is not surprising that lie is ready to
net down priuting as ;About the worst
business in the world. And when he
gets word from one Postmaster that
;rugs has run off and left nothing
wherewith to pay for his paper—from
another that Scruggs can neither be
coaxed nor compelled to pay for his,
.and from still another that Muggs has
died and made no sign whereby it can
be inferred that he remembered the
printer ih his last moments—then is the
poor printer almost ready to set fire to
fns establishment and run away by the
It is truly vexatious to have one's
hard-earned money scattered over a
large extent of country. and to be en
abled to get it in "driblets" only 6y
the slowest, of' slow degrees. But after
all, there is some advantaise--partieu
larry in slippery times like these—in
having,a thousand men owe you five
dollars a-pieee, rather than have one
man owe you five thousand. Suppose
the five thousand dollars due us by our
delinquent subscribers had been owing.
to us by the Ohio Life and Trust Com
pany, where would it be? Non est in
ventus, non ainkeatiliie, in eiramporum, zip
a stuatpibmi, as thu Constable endorsed
on the back of'a State's warrant, when
he returned from an unsuccessful chase
aftet•a,rogne who took refuge in a swamp.
Delinquent subscribers, we are your
debtors decidedly ! If you all had paid
us, we might perhaps have invested in
Michigan Southern Railroad stock or
shares of the Ohio Life and Trust, which
has suddenly changed to Deett4 and Dis
trust. Yon have saved us a world of
trouble, no doubt, and we are thankful
for - it.
..11uwever, it is not fair to r.Sk you to
take care of our money always. You
have taken excellent care of it so far,
for which we reader you due credit ;
but if you are willing, WO will now un
dert4ce the custody of it ourselves.—
We don't suspect your soundness at all.
We have no fear that you are going to
"bust," like he big fellows in the cities,
tur nobody ever heard of a thousand
delinquent subscribers "busting." But
we eanniake nse of some money now,
and it our good- friends, the delinquents,
haven't suspended like some of the
Banks, they will do us the favor to send.
in a hundred or two before long.—
Whenever we get enough we will give
them notice to stop sending.
Winter Reading.
Now -that the election is over, the
readers of the Compiler will again be
served with a pleasing variety of read
ing matter—Poetry, Tales, Wit and
Humor, Home and Foreign News, Ag
ricultural Articles, Recipes for -s aw
Housewife,. and so forth—embracing,
indeed, everything "ornamental and
nsefal.". \ No branch shall be neglected,
but' ail ; reeeire the utmost attention
which time and space may permit. No
effort will be spared_to-make the paper
acceptable to all classes of community
—to make it welcome on the farm, in
the work shy, in the place of business,
and at 41.0 fire-144e. And though en
larged and improved in its typography
as it, has recently boon, we contemplate
still further improvements.
To such as desire a readable winter
companion, we would say, Lake the
thaspiler—enbseribe for it noir ! You
'won't regret it.
serWint,er is .approaching, and yet
we haVe -no WOOD laid in to meet its
rigors. Will not such of our patrons
as design paying their subscription, in
that attic* be good enough- to bring it
soom? We " hanker" after that com
fortable feeling which is produced by
the possession of one's " winter wood."
Sad Death.
-We regret to learn that 3.1 r. Jeers
GRIMZS, of }lamiltonban township,
whilst on his way home from the elec
tion at Fairfield, on Tuesday evening
last, fell from his horse, causing the
breaking of his neck. Immediate death
of course followed. It is supposed that
the fall was occasioned by a sudden and
unexpected motion of the horse. The
deceased was 40 or 45 years of age, and
leaves a large family, in poor . circum
stances, to mourn lii.s loss.
Fatal Accident.
,TOE limos, a colorel man, while felling
a tree on the place of Mre. Brough, in
Monatpleasant township, on Saturday
week, was killed by the tree falling up
on him. He made an effort to get away,
but, the tree not falling in the direction
he thought it would, fell upon him, in
juring him 8o much as to cause his
death in an hour afterwards.
Large Apples,
D4VrID SHRIVEII, of Straban town
ship, sent us, a few days ago, a pair of
mensterApples, one of which measured
fourtee* atul a half inches in eirt•um
Mr. JOHN H. RICHTER, of Berwick
township, has also forwarded several
ver .. lmke, Apples.
- 3 1-r. ABRAHAM KRISE, of Liberty
township, likewise puts us in possession
of a number of fine Apples, one of them
raennaring fourteen and a Aalf inches in
.ag i ..Resr. Mr. Wraisas has received
, &id a ead from the
Ranterstown Congregations,
(whithi have been united under .one
=charge.) Mr. 'Werner has for
e l couple of years had charge of
the Alieeiste, Reformed COngregations
of this county.
The New Court House
The County Commissioners, on Fri
day last, unanimously decided in favor
o f locating ths. new Court House on the
S. W. corner ofilaltitn•)re and yli id.fe
streets, known as I3arrett's Corner,"
including also the prop4;rty occupied by
Elias Sheads, adjoining. The location
(87 feet front) is certainly an admira
ble one, and the price at which it is se
cured very low-43,150 for both proper
ties. The materials in the buildings
alone are worth probably 51,500. Brick
enough will be bad from them, with
those in the old Court House, to put up
tito new edifice. The County Office
building, with the ground upon which
it stands, will, we suppose, be sold in
the lump, and may bring 112,500 to
Plans for the new Court House will be
gotten up shortly, and the building put
under contract.
Property Sold.
The Farm of Alexander Campbell,
deceased, in Straban township, was sold
on Friday week—Col. WILLIAM KING,
purchaser. Price $3O per acre
The valuable Mill Property of George
Trostle, Esq., situate partly in Franklin
and partly in Cumberland townships,
has been bought by JOHN WLIGL; fur
liiie - The farm of the late ISAAC llEss,
in Latimore township, was recently sold
at public sale, by the Executors—Mr.
WILLIAMS, of York county, purchaser.
The Farm contained 134 acres, and the
price brought was $3l per acre.
ser 'A, Big Safe, rnettmu ri n r,r, feet high by
4 feet side, and weighing pound., h a .
been attracting much attention at the office of
TUTION, in S. W. corner of the public square.
EvervlsKly nearly in town has been to see it.
Our friends from the country have been and
are still dropping iu, to see this, Vv. tart/cid
Safe erer lirostithl la'', tie entney.
this Safe furnishes another ground fur
confidence to depoiitors. The security for
the dep - isits they make is of the same char
acter, and as extensive as those afforded by a
bank to its depositors, the stockholders in the
one and the other Wog in the Paine manner
liable. The safe keeping of the monies an.i the
security to depositors thus afford a doublr
safeguard to those thinking of de2ositing
their monies w.4me, in.drad Ihe 9
trill produce: iteerest—in the Saring's
Mr Tim following from one of our Agents,
who is mo well known in tits own State to
neel endorsing by mi. will be read with in
terest by Dopeptics :
LIMA \ ON. N. IL. Feb. 29. 1K)..5
3lsss RS. SLT IL W. Fo w ..4c Cu.— Gen lent en:
Please ~e a rl by k:xprees, another box cirCkey-„,
genateil Bitters. as we are nearly ont. These
Bitters have recently been used with unusual
benefit by a rueutber of my fa mai, who has
derived more advantage from it than from all
other medicines, which fat being known,
zreatly infliten.-ei the Ivr the Bitters.
Tiiere is no profession, iii w lih h a re . .utatiou
fir truth and .incerity more desirable, than
in that ()fan Apothecary ; and for this reason.
1 e always been carciul in ree..ailuelidiog
remedies. Bid I feel ,o safe in advis
ing all who are trouldel with to
resort at um:a to the Ckylesi.sted Bitters.
Yours truly, .fa.,
Sent W. Fowls & Cu., Lit, 11 as.ilitigtan
street, i 4., tan, Prupriet”rs. Sol,l by their
agents et c l 9 - trae e. A. D. Et EHLEK, Gettys
burg. Oct. 10. 2vr
SW= Pi;if.' Wood's Hair Restoratire.—ln
our adiertising colitmus is to he found an
nd~ertiseuieut of this popular restorative.—
We know nothing of its merits save what we
reed, but that is sufficient, particularly when
we see such tegtimonial. of it efficacy fig the
following, which we clip from the Ottuwa
Free Fernier :
ullavitig tried successively sundry highly
recommended 'hair tonics' on our own half
denuded crown, we about lost all confidence
in nostrums of that sort, until a week ago we
met a distinguished politician of this State
whom we had seen three years ago with thin
hair, and as 'gray as a rat.' but now boasting
as fine a head of hair as one could wish.—
We demanded the secret of his ed ap
pearance. when he readily accounted for it
by s~ cdbing it to the virtues of Prof. is - sl's
Ihir Restorative. We shall try that next.—
Rock Rir:q. Democrat.
jperlt is a most undoubted fact that Dr.
Sanford's Invigorator, or L'.‘er Re nody, is
one of the greatest discoveries made in medi
cine the past century. It has beeu a study
of the Dr. during tlenty years' practice to
find what particular organ, when diseased,
caused the greatest number of ills or pains,
and his mmclusion is, that the liver is the
greatest regulator of the system and the moat
liable to disease, while if kept free from dis
ease is a preventative of Dyspepsia, Jaundice,
general debility, &e., while tut but far from
least we mention consumption ; for our expe
tience is that more cases of consumption occur
from diseased liver than from elicit/ter causes
put together.
Taking this to ben correct hypothesis, we
have but to find a remedy with which to cor
rect the liver, and we have a cure of nearly
all the diseases we are subject to by simply
using a preventive. That*. the Inviguratnr
is such a remedy, is beyond doubt to all who
try it; for its virtues are such that for all
complaints arising from liver. derangements,
it is an unfailing remedy, while as a family
medicine, fur all diseases of the etssulach or
bowels, which are caused in a greater or lees
degree by liver derangement, it is the safest,
surest and most efficacious remedy known.
par A. D. Puebler, Agent fur Gettysburg ;
Wm. B2rlin, 'Hanover ; and Charles K. Hen
ry, Abbottstown. Oct. 19. 1m
~ a'kef
Compete( from t hit la Wet 1341t1 mo ra. York k. Ilaaoyer pipers
Baltimore—Friday last
Flour, per barrel, $5 37 R 5 44
Wheat, per bushel, 1 05 (. 1 30
Rye, '• GO (4 75
Corn, " 65 (4 70
Oats, CI - 26 (4 38
Clo ver-seed, " 5 00 (4 525
Timothy-steed," 2 25 ( . - 9 2 75
Beef Cattle, per hund,, 5 00(9 800
Hogs, 4 4 800 (9 900
Hay, per ton, 12 00(918 00
Whiskey, per gallon , 21 (4
Guano, Peruvian, per ton, 65 00
• Haw:Ter— T hursday last.
Flour, per bbl., frotgoragons, $5 50
Do. " from stores. 6 50
Wheat, per bushel, 1 10 ® 1 20
Rye, . " -65
Corn, 60
Oats, 80
Cloverseed, " - 8 00
Timothy, " 250
Plaster, per ton, 8 50
York—Friday last.
Floor, per bbl., from wagons, $5 25
" from stores, 650
Wheat, per bushel , 1 08 la 1 21,1
Rye, 70
Corn, 65
Oloverseed, " • *. 00
Tintoihy, " 2.50
Piaster, per tour.' 660
On the i,,.t., Re.. J.
Mr. IgNATII S WI ~f Turk county,
to Miss SARA II HESS,r
t., A lntu. cuunty.
On the 6th in.t , by the ller. M. J. Alie
nist), Mr. JOHN 11. JONES to Mi..s ELIZA
A. SWOPE, both of Little„ tows, .Athuns CO.
On the 7th inst., by the saute, Mr. DAVID
BENDER, of Adams county, to Miss ANNA
IIIBYEIIR, of York county.
Un the 10th A. M. Hershey, Esq..
Mr. DANIEL MA Rull,of East Berlin, Adams
county, to Miss BARBARA TINNER, of
West Manheim township, Yuri( county.
On the 13th inst., by the Rev. C. J. E'bre
hart, of Mi Ittletown, Pa., Mr. DAVID
MARCH, of Adams county, to Miss MAUItA.
LENA, daughter of Andrew Eshenauer, Esq.,
of Dauphin county, Pa.
On the Ist inst., at the residence of the
bride's father, by the Rev. H. Bishop, Mr.
F. C. OBJAR SIESS, of Frederick ..aunty.
Md., to Miss MARGARET M., daughter of
Abraham and Ra:hel awls, of Freedom town
ship, Adams county.
On the 9th inst.. by the Rev. J. G. Shoe,
Mr. HENRY LITTLE, of Strsban township,
Mount pleasant township.
On July 7th, 18:iti, by the Rev. Mr. Deneck
STALLSMITH, of Franklin township.
3)e /
. 4 !
. • 'l. •
Z., r
On the 7th inst., Mr. SAMUEL STUDE
BAKER, of Huntington township, aged near
ly 73 years.
On the 7th inst., Miss LYDIA ANN, (laugh
teF of Mr 4 ,Jacob and Mary Shaffer, of Peters
burg, in the 111th your of her age.
OA the 3.1 inst., nfter a lingering illness,
Mrs. PH EBE T., wife of John W. Hill, aged
2.3 years 1 ninth and lo days.
On too Rill inst., VALENTINE HEIGS. of
II iiiiiitonban township, aged JO years 10
months and 12 dnve.
On the 15th iurt., FRANCIS HIRE, son
of Mr. Jacob Hare, of Oxford township, aged
I'J years and 3 day.
In MeSiierrystown, on the 15th inst., Mr.
October 1), 1557.
N-Yrice is hereby given to the Scoekle)l4-
ers in the think of Gettysburg, that au
sync tine year, will he held at the Banking
house, on Monday, the 161/4 day of November
A 'terul meeting of tlol Stockholders will
held at the .same tune.
J. B. 311'11E1:SON, Cushier.
Oct. 13, 1.4;7. td
41; *Winter Goods,
FOlt 1K57.
T L. S('IIICK would avail himself of this
0 • medium of announcing' to the communi
ty and public in general, that he ha ,, received
from the cakes the Ili-gest and most complete
stock of DRY GOODS, that it has ever been
your pleasure to examine in this place. all el
which liaa been selected with time. fie utmost
care, nod with particular refer 1•111• 1, to I.llt-
Ul-140 , 1 and wants of the pe iple of this locality,
and which for beauty lifetyle and elmarie-s,
be challeimes ciinioctition. In the L.IDIES'
14:1'.11t1'NIENT. he has all styles, qualities,
shades, and odors of Goods. suitable fir the
eaAuti. He invites tie Ladles to call and
take it look thr.ough his selections at their
exriiest eontenienee. FOR TU GENTLE
ME,N, he lout a choice stock of Cloths, Cassi
meres. Vesting,. &c., &c.. all good and cheap.
Don't pass I.) ,;hie[',—he will always be
found ready to show Gaels and sell cheap—
among the %cry cheapest.
Gettysburg, 0,1. 1.1, '57.
rp AK E NOTICE that we have just reohived
I a new and Rplend id lot of HATS, CABS,
BOOTS if. SHOKS, which we offer to the
public (lAEA PER than ever, having pot
down our quick to the loter.ll living profits.—
Under these arran4ements we can put our
goods - within the reach of ALL. as to style.
quality and PRICE. Our motto is quick
sales and small profits. Call and examine
our stock of goode before purchasing 5140-
u-here. Remember the sign of the " BIG
BOOT." Cliambersburg street. below Bueh
ler's Drug Store.
liar - Boots and Sl.oes made upon the short
est make and by the best of workman.
October 19, 1857.
Call at Picking's
New Clothing f Variety Store.
Oct. 19. 2w
FRANKLIN B. PICKING has the pleasure
of announcing to the eit'sens of Mains
county. that he has opened a New Store, in
the room formerly occupied by P. Mitldlecuff,
on Chemberbburg street, a few doors east, of
the '4 Eig'm Hotel," and immediately opposite
the English Lutheran Church, where he will
be pleased to see his friends. I have just re
turned from Philadelphia and Baltimore with
the largos! and best assortment of
MADE CLOTHING. ever opened in Gettys
burg, which I am prepared to sell at price , so
Low. as to astonish. My stock consists in
part of Over Coats. Frock Coats and, Press
Coats of every description and variety, Pante ,
loons and Vests of all kinds and prices, for
Men's and Boy's wear, Monkey Jackets,
Shirts, Bosoms, Calera, Under Shirts, Draw
ers, Buckskin. Woollen and Cotton Gloves;
Hosiery of all kinds; Handkerchiefs, .Suspee
(has, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, Trunks, Buffisfu
Over-shttes, Gum-shoes, eight-day and 31) hour
Clocks,. Guitars, Alcordeutis, Viol' s a large
ftegortineat of JR,WELRY, choice Segars and
Tobacco, Canes,—in short everything_ belong
ing to a well snorted CLOTAIIIN 4 l'eautrr
Call and see me. No trouble to show'
Goods. 411 I flak is an examination of my
Goods and prices. F. B. PICKING.
Gettysburg, Oct. 19, 1857. tf
STRAYED away, on Tuesday evening last,
from the residence of the subscribers, on
the Railroad, io Straban township, a RED
STEER, with one horn broken off. Any
purrou returning suid S.eer, or giving infor
mation where he may be gut, will be suitably
Out. 19, '57. 3t DOLAN .i. LANE
THE subecriber respectfully informs the
public that he is prepared to make
COFFINS, of all styles, at snort notice, and
at moderate rates. He is also provided with
an excellent new HEARSE, which will enable
him to oonvey corpies to any burial place
desired. His - establishment is located in
Hamilton township, Adams county, near John
Heagy's store, and about one and a half miles
from New o.ltoril, where he hopes to merit
mud receive u liberalshare of so bile patronage.
Oct. 19, 18.57. 3m
ASET of Pump Augers, eight in number,
were recently stolen from the subscriber,
residing near Litilestown, for the return of
which he will paj,s reward of ten ti..llars.
Oct. 19, 1857. 3t
A WM of modei was fotectd in front of the
Perefnlee, in thin place, on To day'
Tb•vrwner ean hens it by identßyinti
it sod paj4sar d this advertisetneat. •
vain at tbs 0nt.19,
(I\\:,) Grs
Great Excitement!
Strayed Away.
CM Reward.
Money Found.
purs.sanec of sundry writs of Fe/add/ion; Ex
■ I .,nsa, and alit% Pseri imuing
out o: the Court of Oommon Pleas of Adams
county. Penna., so , l io me .lirec!od, will he
exposed to Public 5%1e. at the court-lioust.,
to the borough of tiettysburg; on 5.f. , ,,1V„
1k 1411 i .VorrAlx-c. 1 , :!)7 , at I o'clock.
P. NI., the following disscrilied Real Estate. •11
A TRACI' OF LAND, containing
10 Acres, more or lees, situate in Lnti more
township, Adams county, alioining lands of
Abraham Ziegler, Jacob Forseht. and others,
nn which are erected s Two-story ,
Lou HOUSE, a One-story Logzr 1111
Kitchen, Log Stable, and other Jr II
out-buildings ;also, Frnit-trees on ,
said Tract. Taken in execution as toe prop
A LOT OF GROUND; situate on
Chnnihersbarg street, Gettysburg, adjoin
ing lots of Dr. Huber, cm the Weet. and
George Geyer on the East, on
w hich are erected a BRICK -
HOUSE, two story and an attic,
with a two story westherlmaded
B.tck Building, and a well of water near toe
dour. Taken in eseuatiou am tlis property of
SAM Lrrrsa.
..... A LSO -.-
A LOT OF GROUND, mittrate in
York street, Gettysburg, adjoining iota of
Andrew Schick and Maria Winrott, on which
are erected a two story BRICK
HOUSE and a Brick Beck
Building, a Frame Burn and
other out-buildings, a neverfail.
nig well of water near the dour. Mao la
Acres if Lund, more or less, situate in
bel-land township, Adams county. adjoit.iug
lands of Nicholas Cudori, George Wilson and
others. Taken in execution us the property
of OZOICZ C. Sraicionitsrft.
Sheriff's Office, (Gettysburg,
Oct. lt). 1857. to
CE7Ten percent. of the purchase money upon
all sales by the Sheriff must be paid over imme•
din tely after the property is struck down, and
on (allure to comply therewith, the property
will again be put up for sale.
Public sale.
%lin LI. lie midi at Public Sale, at the bite
residence of JACOB BouLure, deeessiel,
in Mountjos township, .Adams county. ou the
Turnpike feeding from Gettysburg to Balti
more. about 4 miles from the former plate.
on 7'hur,/ay, Ike '2 4 ./1/1 day or October inst.,
the tulloa lug property of z.iia deceased, viz :
1 Git, rking. two years old ; Cows and Young
Cattle, Sheep, 3 Wapitis, (one a light Two
horse,) Ploughe,.Cultivutors, D.ouble Plough,
2 setts of [lnv 'Ladders. Stone Bed. Rolla;;
Sereeneeurn Sheller, Winnowing Mill, Hot se
Gears, Cow Chains, Forks, Shovels, Grain
Cradles, :kluvring ; a lot of Ash Plank
and Oak Boards; Wheat, its e, Oats and
Cot o, by the bushel ; Ilay by the tun ; a lot
of Col 1,-fuilder, and Gram in the gran
A , a 'set of Bla.L.k , initli 'fool., and a variety
ul Carpenter Tool., Paint Stone, Turitt.ig
Plane, !klutz Id-boari Pattern; with a ‘itrimy
of Iloimiluld and ihdien Furniture. qutoiist
ing of Table-, Chairs lle Is aril Bed•liug o
Laubach Cooking. Stu% e. 'rut-plate e, Bar
rels, nt.l litany other al ti , -1 3-, too numerous
to mention.
rzir S e in commenen at 10
an Na:(1 day, when atteini.lin.e will lie give
aud tei in, utad, k i n 1,•,-
PETER lit Ali A I, ,er.
0:t. r.)
11110,41t.em :Vol cc.
XI'OTICEk hereby given to all Legatees and
other per,ons concerned, that the .1 , !
ouul+ hereinafter ti.enti,,nerl will
be presented at the Orphan's Court of Adams
county, for confiinuttion and allon atter, on
-Iffnoluy.;h , 1(1,I, vtz :
(Theie are a portion of those to be presented.)
2bl. r-t :tec.uot "1 J A.
Esc iitor of the Loit will and testatount 01
Java)) deeen.e.l.
f 290. tie.4t ..,nt of Samuel 11 hf.
Guardian of estate of II irk
Slothour, minor . o n of Uoorge Siodiour de
ceased, eettled by Frederick Quickie, A 1 • ;n
-istrater uf the eztistcut iiitl sitid Samuel
first nr , i final a , cotint or W. T.
Reel. of Si'ly Rudd,
292. The tirst and final ao.count of J hit
Bushey, Exi•eu:• N o of the estate of 11 iry
utntl, leeeased.
300. The account of C tenolini Jacob., one
of the Administrator.. of John Jacob% who
was Atituittistnttor of Elias Jacobs, di:v.—lied.
MI. The fi-st zunl h.m.l account of J tont,
Benner. Alluxinistratur of Magdalena Miller,
The second and finftl account of
Less and Jacob King, Executnre of Ow
last will sod testament of ./Min Lass, 4lec'd.
WM. F. WALTER. le, w itter,
Per DAUM PLANII, D€paly.
Register's Office. Gettysburg.
Oct. 19, 1857. td
coats be made, they would nil be but-
" be: num
didn'tibink of `that. Beets Watts' Log
ic. Go to the :head of the class, John.—
you'll. be President ef the United States
some day." r• •
To Preserve ApPles.—Wvigla (quit
qsantitjcs of good • brown_ buor
apples. Poal, core, slid . ;nine() . thcak
smalltoe2 . l3l7
o re.
rfIfIR Notes of Jons NrELY. formerlyipf
Freedom township, Adams county, imv
lug been placed in the hands of the suhsuriber,
residing in the same township, for collection,
he hereby gives notice that they will be doe
on the 3rd of Nome/per next, wh en if not paid.
they will bear interest from date.
Oct. 19. '57. td
T WOULD again rewind all three indebted
to me either by note or lx)olt account, that
L am Doer settling op my old businebs.—
Please call and pay, se longer indulgence can
not be given. 01:0. ARNOLD.
Oct. 19,18.57.
ATMS 31eCREARY invites the ladies to
-ill call and examine her large and fashion-
Attie stock of Fall and Winter Millinery, eon
sistiog of Bonnets, Bonnet Velvets anti Silks,
with Feathers, Flowers and Ribbons to
match, Lace, Sets and Sashes, Veils. Mohair
Caps and Fancy Bead Dresses, Bonnet Frames
of all kinds and sizes and of the latest styles.
Also, Mantillas and Fancy Goods of every
description—all of which she will sell at the
lowest caidi prime.
gioalr.:Nlilliners who wish to buy to sell again,
will find it greatly to their advantage to give
her a call. Oct. 1857. 3t
Littlestown Railroad!
PUN Sixth Monthly Instalment of Five
Dollars per Share on the Stock subscrib
ed, will be due and p iyable to the Treasurer
of said Company, on the 2.811 s day of Oct. inst.
serey a Resolution of the Dior] of Direc
tors,passed on Siturday, July 25th, all per
sons in arrears after Aug. 23th will be charg
ed interest at the rate of one per cent. a month
on their back payments, in accordance with
the Act of Assembly. E. F. SIIORB,
Secretary of the Board.
Oct. 5, 1857. td
N. B.—Any of the Directors will receipt
fir payments on Stock.
New Millinery.
inform the Ladies of town and country,
that she ill now prepared to execute Millinery
in all its branches, in West Middle street, a
few doors below Mr. George Little's store.—
Work done cheaper than slumbers in town.
Plum all sad ere.
April 21, MG.
Public Sale. .4 11 0.
r E Sulxwri!.er, intendituz w Tilt faripiril%
I will Rell at Public S.tle, at reni:len-e.
tbW.VIII/111, A illl/14 county. thll'•
fr.a La A t OM: . !it% t , •l dto
7e the fAluveing Per: n.l
Pruperty, v 11:
1 Yearling Colt. 4 Cows. 4 head of Ynont
Cattle. 3 Fat Hogs. b S wok,. Sow and Pig.,
9 head of first-rate Sheen ; Winnowing NW,
Ploughs and Harrow, Shovel Ploughs, Corn
lurk, 11 ty C t:cia S:els , Corn by the
bushel, and hay by the ton.
Akn, flousertold and Kitelten Furniture,
vnell ar Tables, Chain+, Bedsteads, a drat-rate
Ilath.Lway Cooking Sto‘e, Ten-plute Stove,
Iron Kettle, and many other artielea too nu
merouv to mention.
Ser'Sale to cAnuience at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
on day, when attendance will be given
gaud tams id a ile known by
Oct. 12, 1857. t
Cheap Cl•thing#
GEORGE ARNOLD & CO. have now do
hand, at their Clothin Emporium, a
large stock of READY - MAD E CLOTHIM),
all of our own getting up, made out of our
own cloths, and warrstitedi to be made in the
very best manner and a l l'', among which are
Dress Coats of every variety. Over -coats, Pan
taloons, Vests, Monkey Jackets, &c., also
Black; Blue, Olive, Brown, Claret, Drab and
Green Cloths, for Over -costs, with trimmings
to suit, sold cheap ; also cheap Cassimeres,
Cassineta, Jeans, Curds and men's wear gen..
entity. We have just received the fall fash
ions, and have hands constantly emph, j
cutting out wad making up, and if we cannot
please you its a garment ready made, we will
take your measure and make you a suit on
short notice. Call and see us. The above
goods will be sold cheap fur CASH.
Oct. 12, 1857.
atatilrer& Harley.
Cheup Watches and Jewelry,
117110LES ; ALEand Retail, at the Philadel.
V plot a Katch and Jewelry Store, No. 148
(0!d Nu. 96) North Second street, corner of
Qua ry, Philadelphia.
Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 carat
cases, an 00; Gold Lepines. 18 carat. $24 00:
Silver Levers, full jeweled. $l2 00: Silver Le
pines. jewels. ik9 09; superior Quartiers, $7 00
Gold Spectacles, $7 00 ; fine Silver do. $1 50:
Gold Bracelets, $3 00: Ladies' Gold Pencils,
$1 00: Silver Tea Spoons, set. $5 00; Gold
Pens. with pencil and silver holder. $1 00.
Gold Finger Rings, 37; cents to $80; Watch
Glasses, plain, 12; cents; patent 1/4i; Lunet
25; other articles in proportion. All goods
warranted to be what they are sold for.
On hand. some gold and talver Levers and
Lepines. 011 lower than the above prices.
Oat. L.?, 183 . 7. ly ,
Fall Millinery.
7.1. :move of, T. F. Frazer, Baltimore street,
0 , 1«1 d :3 the office, Gettyn
burg, hub just received from the city an un
motall) huge I,, , ortnient of FALL MILLIN
ERY, tie Voition4 fir tho season, to
wai,•ii olio calk the attention of the LAliee,
uti lent that they will he pleased by an ex
-1411.41:Lti ut of the tim.als.
4.urf ree. us how all the her.y4t—')othi for
Ml.inery truth.
OA. 5, 1h,7
I I .1 . j t r y ed :k frt r im
! tit e : l . a e on
t ti k
; .ti kit, 1.; of REA 1)Y-11.1.01.; CLO C li-
I Nli, for Wiot...:r wear, ever opened in
I iettysiyarg. tict. 5.
New Good% ! New GoodN!
itNiwruchl IIi1) •IflEits, hare ja•-.1
received their u.unl large supi,l3- of Fall
to vraie.i they invite the
uttetitfoit (1' tltc pu' - .!ie. The. 0 .0..]s were
tA 111 i.e I Fe. V cheap.
of the Ite.l
}'nut. Oct. 5.
New Goods.
r F.O. .1.P.N 1 11.11 S t'f). hose inst re..eived
Ittr'ge ,tu.-k of Now limo 14, ltillUlig
are L.t.1.0•' 44 in greJt varie
ty' • C:IS3
B. Flan
nels, :31i 41-, l'itiwts, 11.1,1 gener
ally, with a large stoek of kteivly-Nlade Cloth
ing. all ~f our own ta.tking; witrrantel to be
well made si.n,l to fit IA ell, also a large titock of
0.-oeene.i, al! of wo,At will be sold cliu.ip fur
to .h. Call and ice
a w r.t. lux S rOVES un Land x ill be Fold
NCIV 41 °oda 1.
T HOKE li&u unit returned with n large
e) • rave& of FALL £ WINTER GOODS,
whieu he will melt I iw fur each or wuutry
produce. Plea*, gite hint a cull before pur
eliusiiig eltewliere, um you will find it to your
interne: to 01. au. iarAll ammll cut free of
0.,t. 12, 18.57
Executors' Notice. •
ters,tastammitary on the mint. of Aims
ti.i:a Snyiler, lateufTtrunetownrhip, A lams
county, dt....esie± , l, baring been granted to the
usilleroigne4. the 6...4t named remitting in
town4hip and the ingt named resift
ing la Strwhan township, they hereby 'xi‘e
notice, ui all , rename indebted taanid estate to
make imtuodatte payment. and those having
claimq against the same to them
properl3 - PitittiegiCtit.
Oct. 5, ISI7. Gt,
Administrator's Notioe.
TA NLt I, 110 LLI Elt's ES l'ATE.—Let
/ RT.( of alwinistiration on the estate :if
Dwiiel Hollinger, late of Tyrone township,
Adam.; county, deceased. having been grant
ed to the coofersi,guel, residing in Hunting
t:m township; be hereby, gives notice to all
perwue indebted to said estate to make imme
die" payment. and those having claims
against Use name to present theta properly
aistbeetioated ,for nettles:tent.
Sept. 2R, 1557. 6w ,
Administrator's Notioe.
Louere of adininistnttion, with the
will annexed, on the estate of William Light
ner, la,e of Germany township, Adams coun
ty, deed., having been granted to the under
signed, residing in Union township, he hereby
gives notice to all persons indebted to said
estate to make immediate payment, and those
having claims against the same to present
them properly authenticated for settlement.
JOSEPH L. 81101tB,
Adner 'with the 'OW annexed
Sept. 2s, 1957. 6t
Teachers Wanted.
THE BoarAuf School Directors of Straban
tom/ship will meet at the house of Ja-
Dub L. Grass, in Hanterstown, on Satur
day, the 24th of Oefolter fast., at 2 o'clook.P.
M., for the purpose of employing Teachers
for the Winter term of the Schools of said
township. IV order of the board,
Oct. 5,1857.
GAS BURNERS.—A new and excellent
style of Cval Stoves, fur Parlor or Cham
ber use. It is especially intended fur chain
bers, as it consumes the gas, and thus removes
one of the objections to the use of coal. A
scuttle of coal will burn for 13 hours without
regulating. Call and see it.
CHEAP DRL9B OfX)D9.— Yon rill era
tile hitudsonieSt Wad cheapest Loire.'
store Dress Goods vat' tits& In luiru at As
'i . ARNOLDfr. C 4 O.
• .
raIHE u., .1 in
k - t!i• 7'l I`' ht. h
•le re, -1:•, Hi SA .1, p. 1-
m the i .1 I h .1!.: n 11J
teTPI.IWI3 to, Chambers'aur4. 2 miles we.t of
the lortae.r place, and miles north ea.t of
Gettv.burg, '<Wining hinds of David S:hri
vcr, [formerly . Ilinulch's,j William Wirt and
others, containing about 108 Acres of Pa
tented Land, about 18 azres of which are well
Timbered. about 15 acres of Meadow. The
re:t is cleared and in au excellent state of
cultivation, and the whole under givsl elms
nut rail fence. The improvements area large
two story Log Dwelling HOUSE, . •
part wentherboarded, with a one . I ggi
story Kitchen attached. two .. 14 , If ft
neverfailin_g Sprin4 and Spring. _ • ze,"
llouse, a Bank ,-
Barn, a. good as new, witii
wagon shed and corn crib attached, carriage
house, bog ;table, shop, and other outbuild
ings; a neverfai!ing well of water at the barn
yard. with* chain pump iu it; also an Apple
and Peach Orchard, with a variety of other
fruit. marlt is certainly one of the most
desirable Farms now in market, and demands
the attention of capitalists
Persons wishing to view the property are
requested to call•upon the undersigned, resi
ding thereon.
Oct.s, 1857. 4t
WILL be offered at Public Sale, on Sat
urday, the Nth day of Octoher
on the premises, A TRACDOF LAND, situ
ate in Mountpleasaut township, Adams coun
ty, on the road leading from Gettysburg to
Miniver, three mil , es from the Cornier, ad
joining lands of braham Rector, Joseph
limier and John Cress, containing 30 Anros,
more or less, and having thereon
erected a one and a half story •-‘
BRICK nousE, Log Barn, Corn if ji
Crib, Carriage House., Sprin
Muse, and other out-buildings, with a well of
.never-tailing water near the door, and a first
rate Orchard. A never-failing stream of WM
ler runs through it. The fencing is good,
mostly of chesnut rails, and the land in good
cultivation ; about 6 acres are the very best
of 31entl.m. Also, at the same time and place,
A T(IACT OF WOODLAND, containing 10
acres, more or less, situate in NI +untjoy tp.,
Adams county. adjoinin g e. lands of fiery Ree-
Ter, heirs of - John Deardurff, deceased, and
sir Perham wishing to view the itreperties
are requested to call upon. Joseph Eckenrode,
residing on the one first describei.
`Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M.,
on said day, when, attendance will be given
and terms made known by
Agent@ fur Barbara Bixior
October 5, 1857.
Siammonio in Par
Noah Woman, Plaintiff vs
Susannah Ballo, Rebecca :Sly
erg, Juliana !lAN John Myere,
Jesse Myers, Wesley Myers,
Mary Ann Iloapee, Afary C'ath
rine Hartsoelt,Haim Hart-
sock, John Wesley llartsock,
Martin Luther llartsock, Jesse
Marshall Hartsock,Haeliel Ann
llartsock, Delo:id:tots.
The Commonwealth of Pennsyl
lap ia tu the S!keriff (if -mid county,
I r r, Gr. , •tin;:—lfS“oh Warman make
you seen re
,L prosecutin g his claim,
then we e4namand you that you
811111111011 the (left:ads:as to appear before
our Judges at Gettysburg at our County Court
of C./1111111.11 Pleas, there to be held, the IG/h
clay of Xiceotber next, (1857,) to show whore
fore they tke.ty And du not permit partition
to be made between Cite said plaintid'and the
sail defendants, of. the following described
lands and premises, which together and un
•:ided they now do hold, to wit: A certain
P;autation 1 - ir Tract of Land, situate in the
townships of M kuntplzasatat and Oxford in
"Lid county, adjoining lands of Michael
Lesinstine, Christian Zinn, Joseph Stough,
Charles Smith, and others, containing Two
llondred and 'Five Acres, more or less, with
appurtettancett. Witness the Honorable,
Robert J. Fisher, President Judge of our said
Court, at Uetty-barg, the 11th day of Sep
tember, A. D., 1417. •
Oct. 5, 1857. td
MILE subscribers having entered into peri
lnership under the style nod firm of H.
S. k. E. 11. MINNIGII, respectfully inform
the citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity, that
they bare opened a now, large and well-se
lected assortment of.
at the old-established stand, on South Bast
corner pf the Diamond, formerly called the
Jew's corner. oemprising entry variety. style
and price. part of Dry Goods,—Dlack
Silts Black Alptwcas, plain and fancy De-
Betties, Gin,gbains, plain and fancy
Jiletillet+, plain and dotted Swiss Victorines,
Lawn,' Null, Moulding. blue and unbleached
Slitrtings, t)snaburg, Bed Ticking, Jaquereil
Gents' and Boy's Weir.—Black
Black Cassiinei es, • fancy and plain Caul,.
mores, silk and fancy` Vesting, Kentucky
Jeans, Tweeds, Deuins, Cottonailes, Farmer's
Drill—every style and
hosiery of every style and
Groceries.—Brown, Crushed, Granulated,
Pulrerise.J. and Cierilled Sugar, D. 4k. W.
Sirup, New Orleans M dames, Ground MORI
add hneSLlti, Dairy do., Uueonsware, Glass
ware. Cutlery, Colar-vrare;mtmd every other
article found in a walk:midi/acid Dry Goods
and Grocery Store
Having selected their stock with care, they
are enabled so sell cheap for Caah, and re
sTmetfully solicit w share of the public pa,
tronage. •
-All kinds of Country Produce taken in
exchange fur vut.i.
11. S. & E. H. MINNIOII.
Oct. 5, 1857.
/T ..—Letters of administration an the nts
tate of Margaret G.dliraith, late of Menalien
township, (now Butler) Ailama county, de
ceased, having been granted to the under
eignerl, residing in Butler township, he here
by gives notii.o to all persons indebted to said
ostate to make immediate payment, and thu,e
having claims against the same to present
them properly authenticatud for settlement.
Sept. 2.8, 1857. 6t
Letters of administration Ul4 the CaState of
Jane Bell Galbraith, late of Butler township,
Adams county, deceased, having been grant
ed to the undersigned, residing in the some
township, he hereby gives notice to all per
-1110114 indebted to said estate to make immedi
ate payment, and those having claims aguinst
the same to present them properly auttseuti
cited fox settlement.
Sept. 2 4 , 18,57. at
of administration on the estate of Ann
tiatbraith, late of Butler township, Adams
county, deceased, having been granted to the
undersigned, residing iu the same township,
he hereby gives notine to ail persons indebt
ed tong estate to stake immediate payment, .
and those having claims against the same to
present them properly authenticated fur set- i
Cement. JOILN B. o.lL3llAffli, Adsilr.
Sept. 28, 1857: tit •
Letters testamentary on thaestate efOalinr.
rine Geier Imam late of H . amilton twp., Adm.,
county, deceased, baring been granted W. 114
undersigned, the inn uatned residing ib grad
ing township, and the last named ia145413%-. •
lin, Hamilton township, they hereby eve ti nt
to all persons indeLted to said eolith •lo
make immediatepayment, and thaw Josh*"
claims against the mum to prompt tbear OW.
perly authenticated for settlement. ' •
. .
ltflacit.4 7 and Children's Plata oi bt - eil. • JOHN G A IWNIar •a.
kt very low prices as IWOH a • ;
COBLA.N k PAXTON'S. Sept. 1 4 1 11157 .. . 414.111141 1 4
Public ale.
New Cheap Cash Store.
Administrator's Notice.
Administrator's Notice.
Administrator's Notice.
vA.T;,E RE ‘I,ESI' vrE,
n• ;lie
.rt •"111,
•" 1 " 4 0 , /,..„' • •• Op .216
J 11,a1 }; , tuts of dolts
vGen. 3111 . of rone tonurthin o
Ad L•a3 11 - 041611 g isf
A V ILI; AL: Tara KA int
sittmte in 'said townaahap, nli of
Martin 1. alfensiaerger. Heir+ of Abraham
8 ayder, deceased, anal others. aaal the Cfrestt
Conowapa Creek, naoi ent.taiiiii 112 ACRES,
more or less, of Patroto I Land. e im
provements aro a 'faro -
Werttli erboartleal 1) W t: r,1.1N ii'tie til_
n'SE, a O'ne-Story Kita•heo, 1,4/
Bank Barn, part Stone and part
Frame. Wagon S aorl and ( are Crib a tawliets ;
Sprint; Haase near the Dwell; a-, with an es-
cellent Spcing of Water: n Wa• I aaf Water,
with a pump in it, in the Barn Yard. Tams
is another Spring on the Farm, kith runnin;
water through the Farm, and the grant 01110•
wag° roaming along the breadth of the
There is a good Ilo.• Sable ; also on the primal
nes, a young Orchard, with a variety of fruit.
There as a AOC:lent" of Meadow, anal *lan of
Timber, for the qnsnatity nt lanai. 'the Yam '
is under gued.ienciug, uud an a gvol state of
110•Per , ons lies - trouser viewing the prow.
ty beft4e the day of mule, will pleitmc call on
the sitbseriberi ; living on an adjotniogidelos.
S(s - Sole to-eonnnenoe at .1 o'clock. P. M..
on said day, when attendance wilt ,),* giVest
and terms wade known by
By the Cieart-4. J. BALDWIN, Clerk.
tha•lf not sold, the Farm will be offered*
RENT, on said day.
Sept. 28, 1.857. to
TILE Subscribers, Executors of Animas
&moss, deceased, will offer at Pahlie
Stile, on Saturday, the 3 let day - of Odobor
inst., on the premises, that
on which decedent re.4ided upwards sff mealy
years, situate in Tyrone township, Adams
county, adjoinino. ' lands of George Mackie'',
Heirs of John Flickinger, Jr., Authority
Deardorff, Samuel Deardorff, and David
Hoover, eontainidg 202 ACRES, more or lon,
with good proportions of Timber and Meadow.
The improvements consist of a • .
Two-st4n7Weatherboa-dud jilt
ing HOUSE. Bank Baru, Wagon . f ti
Shed and Corn Crib attached,.
Cooper Shop, and other out-buildings ;
never-failing wells of water, doe at the house,.
the other at the barn ; and an excellent AIL
,pie ORCIIAUD, with a variety of other chola}
fruit. Conowago Creek runs through the
Farm, and there are also two springs on the
property. The fence , , 'truly of chesnut
rails, are good, and the land is in a good
state of cultivation, two-thirds of it having
been limed Persons wishing to view the
property are requested to call at the dwelling
it ion.
In the Court
of Common
Piero of Ad
ams county,
No. 9, No
vem hoz. T,
IS:ii. Sum•
mons in Par )
Also, at the some time and place,. will 'be
offered, A 'rum) r OF =UN JAIN 14. / ND,
containing 7 acres, more or lesa, situate in
Menalion township, Adams county, adjoinint
lan i o
d t
f George bleokley, Jacob Gulden, end
othe .
01& - Ale to commence at I o?cloek, P. litt.,
on said day, when attendance will be glees
and terms made known by _
Oct. 5, 1837. to - Executors.
st`lf not sold, the Farm will be Rente4
on said der. .
At Public Mutt.
rirllE Heirs 'of Jtmes Btrrwit, demise/A
wilffer at Public Sale. on the iltrelnleee.
O 1
,4 Trey e ?A the 11th day of Nornalior wet,
at Clock, P. M:,
of said dammed, situated in Carroll's %apt.
Adams oouuty, Pa., 8 miles west oftlepte
burg and 2 miles north of Fairteld, atUtitst.
ing lands of John and Daniel Mickley, Jaiiire
Donaldson. John Rhea, and others, contain.'
ing 127 ACRES and 132 PERCHES, a
Patented Land, with a fair proportion of
Meadow and Timber land. The improvements
consist of a Two-story STONE „
HOUSE, with Back-building,
and a we11,..0f neverfailing water UI u
at the door; Blacksmith Shop; -
a Double Log Barn with Sheds, Corn Cri
and a well in the Yard—also, running water
through the Farm. There is a variety of
fruit trees and an exoellent ORCHARD on
the premises. The land is in a good state of
cultivation, being principally ,a Limestone
soil, with an abundant quarry of stone and a
substantial lime kiln but recently erected.
siirPersons wishing top:amine the prop
erty prior to the sale will call upon one of the
heir., residing thereon.
siarTerms made known on day of sale. -
Oct. 5, Mi. to THE HEIRS.
eviLirc SALE.
N purenanotrof an Order of the Orphans'
I Court of Adams «nutty, the enheeriber,
Administrator of the &tato of ABRAHAM
KITCHEN, &voluted, will sell et Public Sale,
on the prentieeft,on Tuesday, the 20M day of
October next, the folluwing Heal Estate of
said deceaftd, _
A LOT OF GROUND, fronting on
Gettysburg street, in Hampton, Adums coun
ty, and known on the plan of said town as lot
No. 35, having thcrem erected n one and a
a half story Frame DWELLING
HOUSE, a Log Stable and a Shop, „
with other improvements.
Also, A LOT OF GROUND, -sittit
ate in said town of Hampton, fronting int
Gettysburg street, twit known art Nu. 36.
Also, A. TRACT QF LAND, situ
ate in the township of Reading. A la' s coun
ty, adjoining lands ofJolepli Shea r, Adam
Witter, and others, containing !Is acres mete
or le.a.
Sale to eowrinence at 12 clock, M., on
said day, when attendance 11 be given and
terms made known by
By the court—J. J. 11.dda in, etc, k.
Sept. 2S, 1857. is
Administrator's Notice.
non. on the estate of W,ll2 4( ll;rtiell. lots
of 31uuntjoy torrli.bip, county, tie
ceased. having heon grdnte..l to ;,be imtiOrat;ll%
t'sd, tfl
herohy give. 4 to all, in:144.14.4 to
said estate 4)mA:to initiv!.l . :ate payment, mil
those ha% 'nig claims againmt the ) .:tyle to pre
sent then properly ailthentioute.l for gettle
Sept. 2l. Ifts7. 6t.
Administrator's Notice.
Q A 14tUEL 1101IP'S ESTATE:.—Letters", 4.
administratioa on the estate of Samuel
liohf, late of Strsban township. Adams county.
deceased, having been granted to the under
signed, residing in the same towsutbip, be .
hereby gives notice to all persons igijOkedlo
to said estate to make immediate lasitisrii,
an those having claims against the, Nal*,
to present them properly authenticated 'Gar
settlement. .
Sept. 14, 1657. 6t
Pvel ,, vro•Nellil
Ariat'r de bogie now
Exeoutora , Notice.