~_ 1:1 etompiltz, lt J. STABLE, EDITon AND PRIIPRIETOR GETT VS II ( - PG, PA Illrcedsy Wirt:ling, Oct. 19, 18,57 ....tb,. r DEMOrRATIC .I01,11 . 7 ( '-1710. 4 7 A, Orand. Display of FIRE WORKS Will take plu,ee in (1 F:TT Li DIG on Agaturtjay Ereui,ii next, [Oct. 24,] in liohor or the triumph of p ac k er an the Whole Ticket! Something re• ittwtive 'nay be an ticipatcd— hripat the magnificent Victory which occasions it. air Let the poo ple of the county, old and young, conic lO witneois the Display and interchange GOA grstulations. COLE WITII A RUSII! [Oct. 19. Union, Butler, •• 111:The Democratic Triumph in tile'B erwick twp., State and roanty will be celebrated at. 74114F1E1,1) on Thursday Even iHr S l at, [Oct. 1 r:13 . 44 large t urn : out of the ' irue:boarted beniOeracy of that region is expected ow the occasion. Let the ibwia be crottled I pet. 19 VICTORY! VICTORY!! -L8 ,InT, Mimi, fie One of Tour Loudest Crop ; OMNI r4ll PEONES 4\D 74E WIIOL WICKES' 2'he Afapagers I ,AI - tell and their Forces Asfitfd—"lfone, Foot & Dragoons.' MI . The battle of Teessiay was a spirited ours is Adams, and the result has more than ?talked the most sanguine expec ihtio. tAll hor.or to our sterling De- . • f ni pie i psracy for their gallant bearing libtonOput the struggle I They have ntained their political integrity, and 80. nobly earned the palm of " Well *feel' Well Done !" Proscription and ftaiKielem find no congenial soil here. .:•Netwithstanding the doperate indus try otlie Dark Lantern leaders and -their eatididatesi-notwithstanding their /refit! !Worts against three or more of 1+47 : 4 11911434 0 147- , •vre have the satisfac -040 44 1 !Poluleing that Tjik 4NTIM; .144.0CRLTIC TICKET, FROM. TOP TO BOTTOM, HAS BEEN S UCCESS. .117 L, by inajori ties handsome--44Qleed, ).orilliant I A result now for the first ittlif - MioMpliabed iq the history of the eenati, Is it wonderful that Demo- Miss Crow ? Better reason fur it could ;set be •wiahed. 4.aoir at the returns' ittgares"' throngbout " tell u tale " be dig 'kited. or mistakw The vaunted strength of several of the.c.ppositiou sominees dwindles into nothing. Those inspired the most cheering hopes ifikajangliteretl with their fellow's. 4s An instance, John Scott waapue of their main props-" a tower of strength," as they said. And yet Robert Martin, re garded as one of the most unpopular candidates on that ticket, received more votes qicut ho did. Verily, verily, there is " many a slip between the cup and the lip." *8 might enlarge on this topic, but time sud ruom ere limited. Nobly, go big duno, lion-lwarted Democrat of 4(1040i! Shout Snout. This "glo v"-is not only enough "for one day," bid for years I ._ Ratamine the returns. Are ? Adams County—OfliciaL SI t EC7ION-aIOBER 13, 1337 - leturv"ti., ..4i, cgauni rii la L4 GOttiorborg,. ' Ito :..1)4 167 2L Vsoalerland, V 6 126 98 123 Uttlostown, 97 63 US 63 114 50 125 50 Mrlipriogs, 151 247 156 57 Miaelligviria, 1.0) 2v7 1'..)•) 208 lioti/o„ 116 67 1.36 - 67 asealiss. I 3 174 114 174 ItuaterotOirtt, 174 /in 113 110 I‘bitiktin, ISI 1414 161 145 lbetswago, 109 7 110 7 114411endeers 74 86 74 86 W .O ' . 110 62 111 62 t, *1 A 38 128 11 3 124 49 424 41 ) trtok .bor, V 34 27. 5 4 Ymeolus; l'idua. 49 48 3 7 49 luel - 37 100 37 Mitw, 103 lib 103 111 i tap., 3 1 • , 30 50 31 , U:4 V.)oo 2364 4)11 Wp..ll...llll•oldara LIMITSS.I.Irrumpow t i krt tes U . WI -- - 104 - 1.14 '4 I IIU lid /25 94 - - DC '"47 97 94 Oda* • 1 61 119 263 1-;ri a 0 9i 35 - 135 - - 110 174 111 174 -1 1 , itto ~' ~: ii666l6isitiisllM 170 • 468 lib t 1 1. 0 11 1.21) 15 1 1 1: 1 ) . 74 86 78 64. - • 106 - 62 119 51 ihtt 2SB 40 170 43 =, I_l 61 111 56 - • • 86. &I Vreedkia, 49 48 6) 47 'Os 89 48 I! dint% 8.4144 Berwick twit.. E . - - 2s . -12 2008 2338 1972 I _,, , a , • < " t Pr 14 1 - - r ... . Pftebegiot.7. adteder 4k. lt•corder ' Ilearar. Iliattia. Alms. Hale. . • ' • . r 'i . i fiettysbarg. 10.1 I°o7 167 :ow ; (' ll 111 berland, 94 124 94 122' i Littleorttnvn, 91 66 88 74 'Election of Nom William F, Packer and Oxford. 125 56 104 80; the Wholer Democratic Ticket ! York Springs, 1:',9 2,54 1 - '9 245 31illeratogro, 197 21a 199 208 I.lerlin, 14-4 53 138 67 ' Menaden, .113 174 113 175 11 unteratown, 169 113 163 115 Franklin, 151 147 151 147 1 Cotuoritgo, HO 26 p 5 31 ilieidlarsburr, 72 88 76 31uuntjoy. ••-.. 112 61 120 N Moon tpleastint, /96 41 193 44 ' Hampton, 127 55 1 51 Berwick bor., 24 i 22 35 Freedom, 49 48419 46 , Union, 100 37 106 37 1 Butler. ' 102 117 107 113 ! lierwi4 tarp., 50 31 47 34 M. 58 1939 2327 1961 Clerk . iddebrosi. fi Gettysburg, I$ 187 Cumberland, W 121 Litticvitown, - 91 66 1:3 61 11.2 ::(:4 MillerAuwu, 201 20S Berlin. 86 115 Menallen, 114 174 Ilunteratown, 167 112 Franklin, 151 148 Connaragn, 11 0 26 Ileidleraburg, 74 86 Nuuntjuy, 112 61 Amin pleasant, 108 30 llainetrom 115 65 Berwick lx)r., 22 36' t Freedom, 50 48 106 103 48 2306 2001 2367 1937 ColntigeliMber annlairktakil Uhrtarti4r.tharrill M* 11. Gettysburg, lit/ 199 It'4 IV; Cumberlaucl, 98 123 08 120 Littlestown, 94 60 • 98 65 Oxford, - 125 56 124 57 York Springs, 150 255 166 'Xil Millerstown, Lk/4 204 191 , 216 Berlin, 135 67 134 67 Menallen, 114 173 114 174 Ilonterstown, 170 111 174 110 Franklin, 111 114 FA/ 149 Conowago, 14-4 33 11/ 26 Ileidlernburg, 74 86 74 86 Idonatjoy, 112 61 112 02 Mountplesaant, 197 40 198 39 Hatnpum, 126 56 124 58 Borwtek bur., 22 35 2 2 35 Freedom, 50 46 49 48 Union, 94 47 106 37 Butler. 115 102 102 118 Berwick twp,, 50 31 50 31 2367 ltni 2365 1961 Director of the Poor VI gum Dharsca.tioaDestusw*.can.e . bur. Gettysburg, 168 Yu2 163 205 Cumberland, 96 125 96 125 Littlestown, 97 65 97 67 Qaforil, 12-1 57 123 53 York Springs, 157 117 260 Milleratown, 206 201 193 215 Berlin, 136 67 136 67 Menallen, 113 174 114 174 Ilunterstown, 172 111 156 122 Vranklin, 111 147 131 166 Conowago, 110 26 110 26 l(eidlersbarg, 73 87 74 86 Monntjoy, 112 GO 112 61 Mountplexeant, 198 39 157 3tl Hampton, 124 58 125 57 Berwick bor., 22 35 V 35 Freedom, 50 49 48 49 Union, 106 37 106 37 Butler, 81 140 113 118 Berwick twp., 50 31 5) 31 rt 170 =l3 r.)9, Getty*berm to foss 9Ol 202 Combortaal, 97 91 121 122 /../itiodora, II 89 68 69 031614. I% 1% 60 60 7 7 TP=llO , s I% 149 139 =1 11 2 11111 190 198 191 190 Berlin,, 132 132 •14 04 91eea1149. 319 110 176 176 1-14140neure11, 174 174 111 309 Irantlll, ua 191 143 143 8 1 C/a° 9o llll, 108 100 6 0 14 14 Ipti4lerfabgrs, 76 76 87 Pi 31045t,i4 0.1, *mat 306 309 ft. 190 194 29 91 20 3 3 Hampton. 111 117 47 47 12 12 114rwielc bar , 21 11 31 34 Freedom, 40 49 46 46 1'10.13, 101 101 33 33 batter. 104 104 , 114 114 Berwick twf..., 40 60 30 90 V/00 XOO Ul4 )4141 40 40 • pirentrata in $ll tLL CArs—Cipirition In tirirlajority for Packer 463; Strick land 453; Pill 274; Lightner 3611; Bunhey 419; 3lyors 368; Wolf 302; Danner 430; Raffensperger 430; Ilereter 404; White 357; Goldsborough 814! Hazlehurst, the Straight-off can didate for Governor, received 2 votes in Germany, 10 in Oxford, 12 in York Springs, 3 in Franklin, 18 in Conowago, 1 in Ifountpleasant, 12 in Hampton, and 1 in fterwick--_-total in the coun t}-, 59. _Liderman,. the Straight-gut candi date for Canal Commissioner ' received 1 vote in Germany, 10 in Oxford, 8 in York Springs, 2 in Franklin, 15 in Cun owago, 1 in Mountpleasant, and 12 in Hampton--total in the county, 44. The vote on the _Amendments to the Constitution will be given in our next. The Force of Truth. One of the most comfortable positions imaginable to be in, is to have the Right and the Truth on one's side—and another is, to be sustained in their ad vocacy by the people. Fqr weeks be fore the election, the Opposition leaders and,their mouth-pieces spared not in denunciation and abuse of the editor of the Compiler. What it all meant, "the whole world and the rust of mankind" may not have been able to divine; but we consoled ourself with the reflection that they felt the force of vas TRUTH ag,ainst their cause and their candidates, and henee they bore us no good will for taking a hand in spreading it: MET could riot deny the facts as charged against them. The proof was at hand to confound anti defeat them. This they very well kniiv--and as "drown ing men catch at straws," they opened their batteries upon us for telling the people whet theseleadars fetidly hoped would never get to their ayes or ears. Bat the POVULka VZIDICT sustains us, and that's cbmfort - enough. So lire away, "'.!lollies;" Here's kt yOu again! Ber-Tbe Democratic party of Adame is the "clean wheat" now. hadn't The Opposition better get ♦ " Sam; Idaelliae!" • ,a 36 AU the :New Yosit beaks ham sqspencled specie payments. 105 102 50 El 37 i lig at 1 Trassuer. Maxim, &;•til. 176 192 100 119 97 66 1'22 61 1;4 4 2.01 1A 2.96 133 67 109 nu 166 114 151 147 IU7 2.8 78 83 114 58 199 38 127 65 23 34 50 46 'os N Auditor Coroaer Adsvaiiklisepr.m. I I 4,1 r 14, GLORIOUS TRIITXPH ! TIE LE64I4TUIE EMELT IEIOCIITIC: PENNSYLVANIA - AFFIRMS liEft DgCISION OF 1856 The Old Keystone True to lierself—True to the Constitution and the Union— True to the Equal Riyhts of all the States &all the C'itizens Sufficient returns have been received to warrant us in announcing the grati fying intolligenee that theWitot.t.Demo caartcSraTE TICKET HAS SEEK ELECTED By A.3IAJORITY TRAT MAY REACII FoRTY TUOUSAND!! This is no ordinary triumph. Tho . whole country was looking to the result in Pennsylvania. The victory of last • year was attributed to fraud and (keep : tion l and not to those ilselings of rever t mice and reg-mrd for the Constitution which so emphatically characterize the ; Democracy of the Old Keystone State. But the present triumph is a full and entire endorsement of that of 1855, and places the Pennsylvania Democracy on a solid platform, which cannot bo mis understood or misinterpreted. The Black Republican party is beaten on the broad issue made by their own 'State Convention, and championed by their most gifted :old intelligent leader. The Know Nothing orl.canization is re buked, and that in a signal and crush ing manner, and the election of the Democratic State ticket eovers the whole opposition to the Constitution, the rights of the States and the sanctity • of religions sentiment. At this time,says the Pennsylvanian, we can but state fu is—announsx3 re sults. The application of these filets is a labor to be performed when excite ment has ceased and the popular mind is in a state to see and appreciate all the poculiar 'circumstances which enter ed into the State contest just termina ted in such a glorious manner. Enough time proud consciousness of having wiped out the stain which three years ago was placed . upon the brow of old Pennsylvania, by the election of JamEs PoLLocx as her chief magistrate.— Enough to have defeated DAVID WIL MOT, and that party which proclaims open hostility to the Constitution, and the Union of these. States under that instrument Enough to have stamped the broad seal of Pennsylvania's dmiim,p probation upon all and every attempt to mingle re/igion and polities. This is the meaning of the victory which we take pride in heralding to our friend all sections of the Union, The returns of tit/ izveral counties com,► in very slowly, bat enough have bean received( to warezia t the belief that the majority for the Democratic State Ticket will r,lach 40,000!!! The following are what have reached Majorities for Packer over Wilmot. Berks, 6,000 Clinton, 400 Cambria, 1,200 Northampton, 3,956 ' Perry, 400 Centro, 510 Philadelphia, 17,000 Bedford, '6OO • Cumberland, . 400 Luzerne, 1,500 York, 8,536 . Dauphin, 100 Bucks, . 1,000 Lyeoming, 1,500 , Lehigh, „ 1,000 Montour, 412 Columbia, ' 1,200 . Snyder, 10 Montgomery, 2,000 Carbon, 000 Seihtrylkill, . 8,000 Westmoreland, 800 Franklin, 118 Chester, 119 ..11ajorities for 11rifinot over Packer. Allegheny, 1,500 Lancaster,, • I,tr o Susquehanna, Indiana, 1,000 Delaware, 16 Tho Democrats will probably have two thirds of the 'members hi each branch of the Legislature. Philadelphia.--James R. Ludlow is elected' Associate Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, by the truly handsome majority over Judge Conrad, of 5488 ! This is a highly gratifying result. The majority for John P. McFadden, for Prothonotary of the District Court, is 8845; and the Democratic candidates for Recorder of Deeds, Clerk of tho Court of Quarter Sessions, and Coronor are elected by equal if not larger majori ties. In the old City Senatorial District, Samuel J. Randall, Dem., is elected to the State Senate by 8:?.0 majority ; and the whole Democratic City Legislative Ticket by about the same vote. In the old county Dr. 3farselis is elec ted to the State Senate by a plurality of 9,231. The whole Democratic County Legia halve Ticket ie elected by about the same vote. on,.Judge Bell is elected to the Sen . - ate tram Delaware and Chester, and Col. R. J. Ilableinan from Dauphin and Lebanon. Judge Ni Dern., and Me- Clue, K. N, & B. 8., have been elected to the Legiolature trim Franklin and Fulton. Them must hare been whole sale trading to elect McClure over so sterling a Democra,t saSensom. "Ina": PACKER & THE WHOLE TICKET! "Onts": TIM " 'MOLL TES I" Triumph of the Blood Tubs Au eletioil, so called " for the name : or the thine' eame off in Baltimore on Wednesday last, for members of City Councils, &e. The Democrats had no organization, and polled but 2,980 YOtCIB, to 11,878 &now Nothing votes. The day was characterised throughout by the most disgraceful rioting, disorder and bloodshed. So threatening was the aspect' of affairs that many of the Democratic Ward candidates withdrew in the morning,. as did many of the !Democratic election officers. Justice Iwould not be done them, and their lives were not safe whilst upon the ground. At a few of the polls where the Demo crats made a stand for their rights, they were attanked with all sorts of deadly weapons, by the "Plugs," " Blood Tabs," " Snakes," and theirs& sociates, and nearly all driven off. One man was killed, and many wounded, some fatally. And this is the "green , spot" which Know Nothings Rail higUit of! Every truo-hearted American must tarn from the contemplation of such a scene with sickening mortification. "--- " The Stintq Thursday says : • The Electair resterelay.—By courtesy we use the term "election," but we -! suppose the record of American suffrage • in the whole history of our country con tains nothingsohumiliating as the trans actions-which took place yesterday un der the nom:nal pretense of an "elec tion." To call the thing; a "farce" is to sport with.the most vicious and demor ' alizcd political condition of this eota ' munity. Moreover, disorder, riot and blood.hed have again disgraced the name or our tutv, 811(1 .we stand in the record of y'esterday's hideous proceed. logs a blot upon the escutcheon of popu lar liberty—a very mockery of political independenee. 1 It is an neccessary to refer to any par ticular facts, or to tell the story of the day. It is related with emphasis in the returns of the polls of the several wards, ; which sufficiently indicate that many I thousands of the people have been vir tually disfranchised, and that no oleo tion has taken place. A certain Dum ber of ineu will be returned us elected members of the first branch of the city council, and as such will take their seats, but uader eireumstances ‘vhich few - will be disposed to vaunt or even coutena plate. , " That the opposition ticket was not a strong one, 18 eVillellt from the thet that every man on it folk behind their Suite tteket."—Star. thet.,Mr. DAN NIKR, Mr. RAFFENgPEIairR, and Mr. llEurricn, curb receive more votes than (;en. Packer'in the county, and the rest of the Deixiovratie eantii datt.s coin III) to Ow ta•iZiliOrliuod with theiraggregate of votes.. It is hardly in ta , lte for the Slar to talk of "strength," now that the "strotil" candidates on thi Sam and ,S%rin/oo ticket have been 6o awfully dis tanced. Who is itc.;/,,,n.sibdity 7" is fre quontly asked. We do nut know, and therefore cannot answer, but understand that the question refeks to some body who had been paying,' during several weeks, for a liberal consumption of had whi,key at the Know Nothing "Head Quarters"—said some body calculating that said " red eye" would have the all powerful effect of inducing several Democrats to vote the Know Nothing ticket. It is asserted, however, that if there be "a slip between the eup And the lip," the thing didn't happen to those of our boys for whOin the whiskey was intended. They wade sure of that —and then voted the Democratic ticket, as usual They were not to be bought and cooped so cheaply. We believe it was old Weller that declared, " whether or not it is worth while to go to so much trouble to make aci little, is altogether a matter of taste." ,1 'A rare appeal to the charity of the Opposition leaders must now be presented. It is currently said that one of their candidates declared, soma weeks before the election, that he "would spend all he was worth " in his effort to deft..at his Democratic opponent. Well —the election is over, his Democratic op. ponent is not defeated, and as a conse quence, we must presume that our oppo sition friend is " hard up." Gentlemen of the "Superior Council," don't desert this favorite " strongest" candidate of yours', in the hour of his vexation ; bat be sure to administer, with whatever of consolation you may deem fitting, this piece of wholesome advice: " .Never make rash promises." AirAi the Opposition " ..11a88 Meet ing" in this plaoo some three weeks ago, D. A. Buehler introduced Mr. WlLltur as "the next Governor of Pennsyl vania !" Did he really mean "the next," or the next next, or the next next msxr -NEXT XEXT7 He must be bad at guessing, or didn't " say" out. all he rpeant ; tbr the returns--Trrx onss—, lean to thb likelihood that somebody else than the father of the " Proviso" is chosen "the next Governor of Pennsyl vania!" ftrAs was generally suspected would be the case, the " Molly Maguire" nags of the Know Nothings and Mack Re publicans couldn't "make time." They lacked speed, and had tea much wind— ail wind—" sound and fury, signifying nothing." They were kept on bad po litiesl fodder, and it is therefore not to he wondered at that they were unfit to travel the " hard road to Jordan." wk . We have notyerbeen able to learn exactly the number of killed and wound ed in' Tuesday's battle, but it is very large. The Star managers are badly hart—a tire in front and rear !" 4631 4841408! 483! 483! 483' Georgia Election. in *ll but six counties, Brown, Dem ocrat, tbr • °oven:or, has n majority of 10,149. Tho State Senate consists of beinocrats aryl 32 Americana, at the 110[160 105 of the former and 59 of the latter, Democratic majority on joint ballot 109 1:: Ohio Electticox eIIiCINNATI, Ott. lb.—Ja fifty coot ties Chase, (Republican,) for Governor, loses 9,000 on Fremont's vote. Both •_ parties are claiming the State by a bmall majority. "Molly Maguire." fiv`When it t became evident to the Opposition leaders, some three weeks ago, that the people of the county would find out all about Mr. Mussr.vsimes votes iq the Legislature last winter, they started the " Molly Maguire" (or second 4 ‘ Peg Beatty") story, with 110 hope that the prospects of Mr. IVRA: who is a Catholic, might he sufficiently damaged,thereby to secure the re-elee tion of their man..l3atdict_tinx-desporate and unprincipled resort do them or their 'candidate any good? Not a whit of it The pople were not to be hum bugged again, and least of alt by a device so shallow as this. We would advise the Managers to put "a few more of the same sort" in soak for the next heat. They could hardly- do the Demo cratic party a greater favor. IfirT4at "veteran otliee-bolder" dodge of the Star has turned out -about us profitable fnr the opposition as the Molly Maguire" business. Mr. DAN NER ili elected in spite of the one, and Mr. WILL in spite of the other. The Managers are not half as sharp as they used to be. vies. LI ge WILMOT'S Speech lust wee': must have told upon the Demoeraey.--4 &ar of the.9th. D®'•Guess it has told—but 'tottier way! (Communicated Bound for Salt River. MOUNTAIN' ir r IMIA, Oct. in, 1 57 Mr. Staple:--The last 1 heard of IN. Wilmot he was at Harrisburg, I sup pose; fur the purpose of engaging pas sage up Salt River ; should h e succeed ip finding a suitable craft for his con veyance, I hope lie will take the Black Republiean editor of the Stqr and Ban ner of your place along, a 3 firtmi Mol.tr M%du IRE. Thntft of Givinje Was•hington Thule ('ustia, 4 Arlingt , m.—The yeller:ll4e Mr. Cu.dis, of Arlington, died at his resi deuce in Alexandria county, Va., on Saturday week. The whole country know him, and his patriotism will long 1e remembered. Closely allied to the Washington family, fond of calling him self the 6114 of Mount Vernon, he was never so much in his element as when he was .talking or writing of the great chief and the men and times of the rev. ulatian.. lie had been fondled on the knee of the Father of his Country, and received from him the kin_hiess of a parent. lie repaid that care and affec tion with filial devotion, and to the dny of his death all the recollections of his life centred around or radiated from the Time he was one of Washington's family. Ile lived to a good old age, iseventy-se ven years,) retaining his mental facul ties to' the last. His funeral took place onTuesday at 12 noon at Arlington. Sinking of • the Steamer Metamora— Eight !tires Lost. -.?1.11Mr YORK, Oct. 13. —,-The steamer Metamora 'was stink nn the North River this morning in collis ion with the steamer Commodore. The passengers were all saved except eight. The Metamora was bound to New York from liaverstraw,and the Commo dore was going to Albany. The latter returned. Severe Money Pressure at irete Orleans. —NEW OaLwis, Oct. 18.—%The actual slate of the financial panic here is frightfully severe. Heavy suspensions are anticipated. Money is extremely scarce and stringent, and th ose who have it show no disposition to lend on any terms. The height of the crisis, so far as the city is concerned, is rapidly approziehing. Suicide of a Bank Officer.—Prrrns- Wild, Oct. It—Thomas H. Harlon burg', (*shier of the Branch Bank of Cape Fear, at Washington, North Ca. olina, committed suicide by shooting himself. He loaves a largo faintly, and was universally respected. No CALM is assigned for the deed. werNearly all the cotton and woollen mills in Philadelphia have stopped al ready, and the remainder are only work ing up the limited supply of material on hand. Some have teased from a want of funds, while others, finding that goods could not he manufactured except at a loss, wisely resolved to lot their mills stand idle until the times change and the produets wily remunerative prices. I% ith this latter class, compris ing less than a third of the whole num ber of Philadelphia tiling, it is a ques tion of time when they will resume. York Fair.—Mr. Christopher Rice, of this county, drew a special premium of $l2 for a grey stallion, and Air. Abra ham Rife, of this county, a special pre mium of $5 for a bay stallion. Tha n ksg iving L a y in Maryland.—Gov. Ligon has issued his proclamation re commendaing the people of Maryland to observe Thursday, the 26th of.Npvern ber, as a day of thanksgiving. The re. commendation will, nti doubt, be univer sally observed, as usual. This is the second State that has named the same day. Mrs. Cunningham Fled.—NEw Tonic, Oct. 13.—Mrs. Cunningham failed to appear in court, to-434y, and her coun sel denied all knowledge of her wherea bouts. IW-The Democrats will .lkace a large mejorityio the oast Legislature of New /to. The Legielature.—The Relief ---,- stay of execution the reran, thirty days BilL : from the passage of this set. or within thirty The 'Legirthtture adjourned on Tueo•tdays from the rendition of any future judg• i y a judge thereof, or by such ment, he shall give security to be approved of day last, after passing the ft/Hotting b .;,1 • ).... IN- court or by bill : aldermen or justice of the peace before whom : see), judgment was obtained. (or the sum re. ,4,,, A c t P. ori.l.Mer hr Cie fieettiriptieu or N,- 1 ens i'isytirettga lee sneered ; together with the •nterest and costa : ate notelt, ootifor 012 Re- /rr.rided, That this section shalt not app'y to the wages of labor nor to debts upon which lief of Debiors. t Secrtott 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and stay of execution is expressly waived b th. I Ihouse or Rep re sentatives of the Common- debtors, not to judgments upon which a y stay . weskit of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly 'of execution has already been taken under mot, and it is hereby enacted by the author'. : existing laws: An , / promo/re!, That the pro ty dips same, Thai the provisions of every ' visimis of this section shall extend to judg. act of Assembly, or of incorporation or re-in- , menet entered or to be entered, as well upon ;corporation, heretofore passed,declaring or au-. bond and warrant of attorney as upon mon- I tborixing the forfeiture of any bank, soiling, i gages to secure the game, and to any robot. , trust, and insurance company or corporation • quent grantee or owners of the premises so 1 having banking privileges, or inflicting any bound, as well as to the original obligor or penalties. or auth Jetting any compulsory se- i mortgagee: ii or dol fit; titer, That ,traid stay signment, Aar or by resew) of thn non-pay- lof execution shalt not apply to judgnaents i t . ment of any of its habilitiee, or the issuing or i mortgagee, or on bonds secured by niortgage paying out the notes of other banks incurpor-; unless the interest thereon shall he paid vrith. lard tinder the laws of this Commonwealth, I in sixty days after the accruing of the same. in though not specie paying. or its loaning or i Hoek funds as the banks ate authOriged by discounting without the requisite amount of. this act to use. specie of or specie fonds, since the first _day oft Smarms 1. This act shall-take effect imme. Septembers Anno Domini one thousand eight," diately, except the 31 section, which shall not i hundred and fifty-seven. be and the same is Igo into operation until Tthe provisions of thi s hereby suspended until the second Monday of act are accepted as herein provided, but no April, Anne Domini one thousand eight bun- I bank or other corporation, shall be embraced ,fired and fifty-eight, and all forfeitures and within its provisions more than thirty days penalties, or liability thereto, heretofore in.! after the passage hereof, or after any bank i curred, or that may be he'reafter incurred, be- , shall have suspended specie payments upon tfore the said eecot t d Monday of April, under ; its notes'or obligations, unless the etockhohlers such acts of Assembly or of incorporation or , of such tank or other corporetion'sball before re-incorporat:on, fur or by reason of the causes the expiration of the said thirty drip; or Within i aforesaid, or any of them, are hereby remitted, thirty days afterony bank shall have suspend and so tench thereof as prohibits any bank ed specie payments' upon its notes or obliges from making loses and discounts, issuing its, tions, at a meeting to be called by the direc t own notes, or the notes of other banks incur. , to a thereof. for t*t purpose, on ten days' iporated under the laws of this Common. ' public notice, in line or more newspapers, aoS wealth, though not specie paying or declaring - cept the provieiotis of this act by a majority dividends during the suspension of specie pay- , of votes of said stockholdere r to be voted mews, or from loaning or discounting..with. and counted it:cording to the proilsions in the out the requisite amount of specie or specie charter of such accepting battik, or other co rpo funds as aforesaid, be, and the saute is hereby, lotion, regulating the election ordirectom. but :suspended until the *ley and year aforesaid, to mike such acceptance valid, there shall be and any suchbank. during such suspension filed in the office of the Auditor General of of specie -payments, rosy altclare dividends this Commonwealth a certificate that this act to en amount not exceeding six per cent. per has been dilly accepted under the common ' annum on its capital ; and this act shall ex- seal of such bank or other corporation, attest. tend %leo to all banks, seeing, frost, and in- • ed by the signature of its president or ca,k surance companies, and corporations with ier. And each of the said bank' accepting the banking privileges, chat tercd or re-chartered provisions of this act_ shall also pay into the o .der any law, fur periods hereafter to tom- - Treasury. of One Commonwealth, on or before titmice, and to the payment of stock to all banks the first day Of January, Anno Domini one , incorporated_ by the Legislature at its last sea- thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, or sion. i I within thirty days after any bank shall se t Secerzno 2. That, in addition to all state- i copt the provi,iuns.of this act a awn eq ial to one fourth of one per centunt upon the capital pent:: and returns now required by law, each stock of said bank, in addition to any amounts and every bank in the cities of Philadelphia.: they aro now by law required to pay. Pittsburg and Allegheny shall, on the first ' discount day in Janualy next, and weeklyi approved April 16: 1850. entitled ' " n sea monwealth. on the same day,. and monthly, i Sitorinx 8. That the 47th section of tbe see A thereafter, and every other bank in this Com regulating banks." be. and the same is hereby. repealed : Prbri led. That all suits brought or thereafter, make up a statement, to be yen-. now pending for forfeitures or penalties milder fled by the oath or affirmation of the president the section hereby repealed shall not be effect or cashier, to ereof, showing—first, the amount , of its loans and discounts ; mooed. the amount e'lltff'roPY. of specie in the possession of and owned by 1 SVlrrlf"r 9 . That the Legislature hereby re such hank, Red the balance due from other serves the right and power to alter, revoke, or ' annul the charters of any bank or banks, core hanks. in distinct items: third', the amount of its notes outstanding : fourth the amount of P°r""°" or m r P ° ra'i''''''• accepting the (monit ions of this act, when in theta opinion the same deportits. including eleposits and balances due other banks; which statement shall be pub.; may prove injurious to the citizens of the lished in the next sue c eed,,,,,,. issue o f a news-; Coruniontreal t It, in such manner, however, •,, as to d i no injustice to the corporatore. piper in the county in whisiii the bank is to Sitcoms 1- i. That. no bank, savings fund. cared, or if th,re, lie tit llCWSp.tper iii such i comity then in some newspaper of some insuranee, or trust company shall. directly or , ' neighboring county: anti any violation o f indirectly, _purchase, or be concerned to the this law, or foilure to comply with its peovie- porch Ism of the notes of any of the incirrpor. ions by any president or any cashier of any ' atm! hanks of this State at less than their par value ; and any and-every of the officers ..r hank. shell he a tuiedetneanor. and each of the said in titntions violating the pmvisions of said officers shall. upon cone is 1011 theruof. be Oiv• ection shall be deemed guilty of a anislie puniehed by a flue of Hot loss titan fire hen tne or. punishable, upon conviction, by a fine died nor lucre thin one thousand dollars, at of t leas than nye hendred dollar* nor inure the o ts er e ,i,, e o f th e court : ogre half to he than one dione Ina dollars, one-half to be paid given to the pro:,ecittor, and one-half. to the county in which such hank is located. to the infortorr, and thin other half to the use SzcolON 3. That the said banks are hereby , " ' the C°: " ° "'"" ith ' nquired to recgive at par in plytnent of al , bexotox 11. That no 'dock*, bonds, prom i hypothecated p or held trap, demo due, or to'tecume due to them, ra iser . not s, per:m4f roperty. or other , respect- l i al ie secur i ties, ties, rin ively, the notes of all the solvent hank*, pledge, either with power of ittorney attached of the Commonwealth which paid specie fur or for credit or money loaned. shall • all their Italidities on and immediately prior ebe otherwise, . son 6.m. the period of six mouths from the to the (1i ,t day of Septemtor last, area which ...see.— o f this . t without the con/seat .of shill continue solvent, and the said banks t=g e ,, a o i t , i r ie- is d k e i b r, to n r ; emi t itoot, , or . . pairz .s bypokbeersting are alas hereby authorized to pay oet, in al/ t tse same unng t had, and ob , tint. hue...less trarsactiette aril .Itseonnts, the tairieti in writitie • said notes so long as the banks issuing the saartos 12. hat the notice required. for 'same shall remain solvent: but in case any payment. provided in the chariest. of linlip,lll president, arid a majority of the board of lilies - fund enilarnet companies. 1 t all inns eXCeea tors of any of the said bank:, shill certify to , mg one Moat dollars, be, and the same the Gov ei nor, under oath or attit mutton u. the is hereby,' extended for the period of two president, his apprehension and beim f that ally months duting the period of "anspeneion of bank in said certificate named is in an unsafe . condition, the Governor shall thereupon sp- specie psywatits authorised by th e ii set. • —s point three judicious persons, not itiot.eeteri ' in said ham, as cominiesioners to investigate Damobratie Id3etiag at A.bbott.e. the condition of such ha .k. And the said ; to Wll. - commissioners shall. after taking All oath or i A meet i ng of the friends of t Packer affirmation to perthrin the du'ies of their sip- , poinunent with fidelity, forthwith proceed to and the whole ltethocratie Siiite and make the said investigation and report the re- l County Tickets took place itt trio house . suit thereof within ten days to the Governor; ffice , ilehottattbwn, t e land if the oriof the said bank shall refuse i of Michael liollnlatt, in to permit the said cutninissionere to make ,on Saturday week, which organized _ a a _ ' such investigation, or to produce any books fo llows : or documents necessary fur that purpose, or " if the said cumtni.saitmers, or a majority of t President, DAVID NEWCOVER. ' them, shall report that the said Lank is in ant Vice Poen:dente, Frederick Wolf, John unsafe condition, the Governor shall thereup- Lynch, George- King, Samuel Miller, on issue his proclamation declaring the char- ; ms e i taol I t otroutu, Nicholas (.!arns, , John ter of the said bank to be forfeited. and the . Elder, Jatiob .11u11,, and Franklin' Grove. said bank shall be deprived of all the benefits; .erertartes, Abner llildebraiid, Hari: , - of this act, and the directors thereof sh iNall forthwith make and execute an assignment in .iltOn King,-John Dolton°, Patrick liar the manner provided by the act emitted -An kips, and Samuel Wolf. 1 act regulating banks," approved the sixteenth i The meeting was addressed by 11. J. , dsy of April, Anno Doeuini one thousand and_ eight handled and fi ft y. and the expenses of Staple Charles Will, for an hour or each commission, including., the compeers-, more, on the issues involved in the con tion of tho Commissioners at eight dollars per c!. Veit ; Thu gatheritio. was quite a gratify day, each, shalt be-paid by the bank against , which it is iaseed, unless the report shall• be tug ono. favorable to its condition, in which ease they , shall be paid by the applicants; but any? bank or banks, which shall, before the period hcreinbe(ors limited, resume and continue the , payment of specie on all their liabilities. shah ; not after 'such continuance, he subject to any , of the provlsious of this section : Peoeid,/,1 1 That no bank shall be required to receive the ' notes of any bank against which a certificate may be made as aforesaid, at any time after 4 the delivery of the same to the Governor, un til the commissioners shall report in favor of; such bank, after which the notes of hitch bank shall again lie received as required by the pro visions of this section. 1 Semosi 4. That the several collectors of , taxes, tolls, and other revenues of the Coin- I monwealth, and also county treasurers, are I hereby authorized to receive, for State pierpoe- i • es, the notes of the solvent banks of this Com-I 1 monwealth, though not ispecic,paying banks, i Zin payment of the'said taxes, tolls, and reve- i nues, and the State 'Treasurer is hereby all. , thorized to receive anilooreipt fur the battle; in the same instinct as thouell said banks , ' were specie paying. I Ssortoo 5. That the deposits by the State Treasurer, or to the credit of the Common- i wealth, in the several .banks and,other cur l' porations, and all bank notes which are now or may hereafter, be in the Treasary during the period of suspension aforesaid, shall, front time to time, on demand of the card Treasurer, be paid by the said banks or other corpora tions respectively, in specie, in such amounts as may be required by said Treasurer, to ens ble him to pay the interest assuring on the public loans of the Commonwealth. Sacriox 6. That, upon all judgments here. 1 to(ore entered in suits commenced by writ or otherwise, or which may be entered dur ing the period hereinbefore mentioned, i in so ! ions instituted by wilt or otherwise, n any t court in this Commonwealth, or before any alderman or justice of the peace, on judg• meet obtained before said officers, if the de fendant shall be possessed of any estate fn fee simple, within the reepectiye county, Worth, in the opinion of the court. alderman, or ins, tine, site amount of said judgment over ai 1 above all inciembritnees, and the au:mantel. empted from levy and sale on esecutten, he shall be entitled to a stay of execution there- .. , , • .3 , ..1,i .: it • •• Air il on. on judgment now obtained, or to tie eh- , Dar Only thoso wito . lttrti:tdgetrOd untied oil Suits now brought, for the term ' of i • . 4 .,., the mise ri es iirpopeoft lipts riligpi,l QUO year from the date of the paaaageat -- form, can itivreeteiti . the Alm 01 a am, and on all others for one year, to be cou " 1 * edi . ine that wilt emir ibis 410:400,,,--i ... ,de-i To all who view 4 And AI remedy ,w,"44,y,t,' . rued from the bet day of the term to which c m c , n..... , , , the salmi was onintoitooed; avid evety _ *w an t in suc h j u d i oset may have the awes i try tit* allnieltated 2~1. Daworatio Xasthig at Irish- town. In the evening of the same day, the Democrats of Oxford and surrounding townships turned out in huge numbers toll mooting at Irish town. As the par ty from this place wore approsehliss the Village, they wore met by a prams sion of a hundred or more, with drum and Are, uoiderthe Marshalship of Capt. Thos. Brady, and escorted in. The en thusiasm manifested on the oocaoion—, was not to be mistaken; and sent a pleasing thrill through-tht heart of a very Democrat present. The officers of 04' meeting, were President, Gsonoz LAWRENCE. Vice Presidents, John Camp, Thomas Brady, David Fink, John Lawrence, E. Robison, 'Nicholas Ileltze), John lake• Jacob E. Miller', David Lawwice, anc Mathias Martin. S,!crettiries, Theodore Tanghinbaugh, John Brady, and Fiva Li tie. Jesse D. Newman and H. J. Stable "3 made speeches, and. Charles Will els° made a few remarks, all of which wore well received. The meeting adjourned' ' at about 10 o'clock, in high hopes IllirA Democratic Meeting wasleld A • at Wattles'P, in this place,_oll Mul2ttay evening, at which lion. Daum Zisb= I,ER presided, assisted h a nuipber or Vice Presidents and Secretaries,. whrtoitnamis - are not now rentatibered. Mr. Philip Redding made an saaelleckt t : German speech, and H. J. Stshldand E. B. Buehler, Esq., skidniaiid ,, iitte 11_ meeting in English, : =E:3 .~i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers