.. MN lim ''.01 0 1.111.1011 JAI r..111,-.'54:4:a•41 Oar-al.-slit : raciil4") ‘4, Asi 4044 218.f.c. - „str:i• ,- :-.• , • ..•• MEI IMIE ! .1. 1 II - 11. 407 YEAR. lic Qmpflcx. H. .1. srAtitz,rprroß A!Yri PROPRIZTOI GETTYSBURG; PA. 1831. JUOCIM I N STATE 10.11XATIONL . ROI GOVliinfOlt. f k , WILL/4%X E..PAcg.g,R,pg Li_con - • I. I 41k7KM,eallY1811/101Eiti , NESLROD ST.fitICX.LOSIAI ;of cheiktfr -- :firsidzs oimaierlpiungsioacraz WILLIAM 81 1 110...N1G, 01Berks, T11.935-09 r N, of Erie C.LEA.RLES . 4 ) LpL;,O4ortI tw - p f , A yteriff, 155...-I,C - I;ldArls.i Nti)u!AjFoi . -Pirinflionotary: J AC 013 - WcrSirE Pr: lin CtrA l o?bi't s h;lirtd; • If EITItrG.' WOTIF;' I Gettiptiiotirg. i" - • ;till[ , Rerf ,•,,. • : ZAOSAiIIAEL 31 YRIIB, Tyrone, thavniattoner. liCOB .134F,FILNSZE,RGP;, Butler. TreaTurer, JOEL 13 .1 . p4k- . N . N,EA, ,4yiktyabtir,F Auditor, • ISAAC trkT hban '• /30 . ,Wc:fiir to i f lifko; ". ANDItP,worniTE; Preednihr ' CoioWeV, Dr. C. B. 434)IDSBOR01)(111,Stratisn. TI7R2f-OUIP!' TORN °lntl Let every betireerittleo arrauge.,hie. pivireite afrolts;.that Lke•may . lbe grin "60 - tO --;tLke- Election,. ..(ToetitHrrow,. Toesklay.) , :44ttrthere.be 4 a.bhg rill, ",,,fiong..::011; 'irt . d. ; a rill Vt4Liet," far .oend,(4l . Be of i the party. %NOW la *. time Ito P144.04r1414, l tot 'helitlia• the. /4 - kird of.linowuNttlil Turtl 'Wm& ;, , TRrP: t it • KEWARE! BEWitlitg ! The• Opposition :eft% doubtless r at- tempt, as! usual, to circulate false stories in reference to Deinoeratie candidates d ptintiples;iimmetrattelyobeftore, or on, efeetibri•del. , ;BOACAPO •of avoeb f4il ricationoe.- • 'Let .nO Dtrotorat be cjecoia+ ed by the- reinvest' tatiour of any .of political enemies. Let every friend of our eorioria' clung), be Vigilant in this partiotthirOi . G4II IPiftV ENY ES, WE CHAI:Kit:J,C4N 31eSSELKAN with rating for that arch Know Noth ing t:rinketolr And inttnver, Sitnos,Ctio4. erun, for a seat - 4nt'4.lre SenA4e of .the rnited*State"! l • - E CIiA:II6EJOirsrAirSSELMA with voting for'tltz Repeal of"the ;;‘). %je 1 4 n .r upOr; the.' Centrid surd "'Tax j teldiitg to the State nearly TI I2EE 'ltticiAtrn TIT . OTSAND bOLLAA:L.; annum! IVE'Cifffit,l(7ll MUSS I'AINAN `voting `to'telretie rrant nr.rnfidtt the kiffrOns 'LliOn'Sfillinss'of 'Property' owned byt • he Central moth corpoi 4 tition of ?Yu - Um:Uri ttitpL " " r -s.t.t •,.4 tAlyeit.TOYiST Mr*lintAN i l ing ftir a bill to apprOpriitte TittaIt".SIILLIO.N . S of the •IftikbA money valst*-np the . credit •of Sunbury afta l Erle flottipany:l liiu?(§trnart., CAT , frftgY 0044 ortliese charg es. They 'are ft wt,4 a,el ; t 44 printed lvtirriarof . the Jieups* ailcirtienat4t4's R(!0.1. rin strong ashojx" . , thi_qdrV th 9 6ounty, thin* of these votes -1148.41 man. 61 1 1 Jgg, I**4--....A51C?: ,Vgikr o - t ? T rn \1 1 4.44. P: 4 9- I . o r / 111 4 ? Offt ifon; Ciaarlei 14.. rt#tleus. In noticing _l,l4..pctniiiii io n . .` - o i t iiiii ocratjibe - htliti -11"44 443414, Pl i f,,aflisi - 1 5 t u prg e r m ia r 19te.,genoe , (? e c . - 4)Vt tWt' 1 3 titig tale Zits U 4.614184 leirtlftire, l oliotsk 4thitioted titepre. voimthasibernitaiiii}}', OA 44 . 0 . 6244 D i kito4liirftwArhAIROTAIS a t Fr ' . • rilli .#" &nen 1)141114, 9 t6i l- leig •, _ ,ii: . thii•Aiia.lettiliki , #iNti auditly)4addisellAsm this JeWrgwirateigustilor4boismosse a A le severablmencWwwwklaii4B44o44loo- -vidammiltitsinAi,ait brTilioe-Relple letiliaisatiiipakranotukagrrieliruusar a bi l 44 l llll :VC aseill" mself l and usefltiliMirodi A1:1 aliT- .0. ..,. - 0 ~, i ., ..,' /:.:-:..- r.,: 8 .1, ..L.:i • • ..- r- -0 - ..../_.V.. - ' - -.1.- (.: -..,; ,' i . • ' : ms's - - ,., ,~ .. - . • .. _ . , - . . in - «`. INE - . . . . . . ; DI ' . . .' , . . . . // . ' . - . • .. I VOTEIIII, TIMM OF 1 .113:11ii! - In elections to important public offi ces, and especially those of an executive ebsza4er, it is unfortunately too com mon to pay little regard to the guvCJe cationsofthecandidaLes. Mere "talent," in the broad sense of the taratriall not always seeure an efficient and profitable diseherge.of duty. Experience in, and adaptation to,.the particular duty io be performed, rite requisites to slaceess in any promineft4 bile position. This pert of great financial difficul ty4a r#ll4-I.ru i obreisi metropoils ifY a fitting indhifit. upon - he grave importan slt„.ueleitsniperienced and competentstatetithaVfor Clief Ex ecutive cf-ttitnlititte!— : soeschpoled in the birdman of State Adam, familiar with its 'legislation and its rants-- The Democratic party presents Gen. William F. Packer, of Lyoomifig, who haaaer:ved the State as Auditor Gene- . ra1,6 , . / ffrommiasioner, Speaker of the House c',Mepresentativec, Senator, &c., in each which be has acquitted himJ sellUot only tote satisfaction of his party, but to the :Whole people. lir° fault is n;;;Wfnunayaily of our people with'his `discharge . of duty' in any of these positions, eiturience in eith'et or wilitti 11 1 d; go. rfarf '4l l Pt, position of Chief .Extientiye ; nor will Mi t - general talent and ability be -denied. M e is; -then, palpably a propt3r.mith for. the position..-:sits. an one aa will give: confidence in: the Government; which is , all aye preieedant to steady confidence intgonerralibtudases operations. Again we say that this.. period of panic, con fnaititi, and diatrust, is a marvelously proper time to think of thew) truths and to net upon. them- • , : • . Neither OfJ44l)99le:ntitionecandidates lies the experience, and hen." not the peculiar fitness &ad competency, dis ehurge the duties - pertaining to the °tic* of Governor in Stich manner as tico re stone and .ntaintano public uottfidente- Judge: Wilatot is 0, m ern tletchi'?nal 'agi tov;-whose eloction upon such grounds, ecmitisod with bin want of ktyikw ; lo4o of.Stato4ifairs, would only aggravate the evils whi.3l/AtQW 9PPrella 1 1 4. P9m - . triunity and Mr. Houltharst's prospents.l of eleekion Are not.of* character Lo re quite remark. , -Aar burliness men will wok fail: to appreoutte the consequence" upon.: business, of the election or a. Mere agitator..to tit" claiefofficeits the State., With euchre result, there could be , no. rational • hope of a return of business coalitlenee.—Press. ME The bill of the lash session, F 0704, for .tha sate of the State igiprovetuonta m coutaiiiked a Prov4/ 0 7:!•4fli!Ig l'4•Yianal sylvanisk Reilcoh4 frAil'AkaiilM9/9 4 P-Sif talgas forever, Pre . gidede • *At. q9alliiluiti ParellhatalAha wO/0 1 4/07 0 *S1 for !Pk / This , tai• wits. w0.0 11 ;RPT*4 0 •00,444 0 , abaao iraMPR IOO 4/44.Waai- T tath,,,t4l-v.erk4 YYer9, l 9 , 4sil'R► ( 1 5 , 00 y. at aqua"' PFigeoPAGl7l4lej,A* l was to 4-14id.* J u lv , taa. al (4)l4w,NY: of taxes refunded,) for taking works off our 414* •WalliTeat, a bolder piece ofv il AcW esiteted by a Legislacuo.- 7 -Fortunatqly for the puce& of,ttN• state, :the saPF ( TiLa C " lrt kn aalgad this•bargaki iotl sole is the halldtto)Ndeuidiug tkiht, t.hq Pompar qv could not be exe4uPt4d fro*APPAY moat, of to,s. an Use suppP4.9f. t4lB gov. orisient. ..Threo,4 l, vo iirteg.tb4 l l iar ipai was offitktisi.)4 4 ki•l44 ll * CoM4Pato.l' paid into the Stite Treasui7sl4.s,99(!ol tax due-tive-Coamerwealthouid but for the; ehtfigoiititilihaiiimrt, would bak , e . l)4sThq lohts'foligeoti! .- lidt`wevider thaievet , / IRK& Rephighiart , 'Mice i 'the fir agiemit the Ate .41103414 a Court siA r thleticree7, , thSttiosilltmblivetsma tiotP in thb *toss, • eitopsigni is Ines. efilsKirthesiswialdrisitsolls;unchdefts7- ing the expenses or llVtilucrrisawribeeeis andwpeithettiOlef now foie. is /the 'wail Its OP iho poopW6.tiesigm 4 y. No twascioc, ite-hity,•thattier'nprieha thlt ohrigiOs ( h , nd ,tts t ' ,• We , - ask 'the. •PeoPie tb ',Oak 'St , sons neft , L''srld.patetteat6)yl rdosMtl ire ititprewr iijkti-tham the' impOthaoe of 'eleetitrg: Detnolertte tFientieg4. TMs .6fte of tt6 homes no, pendityg, sad Which is to bolleoidol , the seeend Theeday of (*ober-. The Perritx.ratie party lit•pledged to Ilippose all attempts that: ire inade - trtmedesso the - PetfriefYlvitiiia rigtlitro7Nd frets .the payment lir ,Itate twx cart opponetxtd, on the other hap! ) : are as - dzterni t ined tt , ihe ltailmad ,sball not pay, tax. Lt the ji•Opf!i: thiilc, of the natter be fore they, v ote at - the'electlon, and then act 11 their judgmenit die tates,—Carti/ile Xoluittsii• • . r.•.,1/. • /,effr i tnag. T The Governbr For " ,0441 1 liew tia,fe ap- JCA'cralaa lointeciATlllradavaa&r„,6,llll, r .C*4 - at V i gV4 ( 1. 1 4 Ttuualtsgiviug-Daftiulliat.Statli: Milt ED f—a.ctotArbiaN kiNtisitt4l94x' laPt i k * g o* . _ , 41611 ' ' ll. ' l = 4 of sore-tr" oily Ma ill. el w ji..lswT • 4. l .'jpariqVithiwarrree*is thetpricswof . tai n t tot 7 0 , 1) .- the iatykr ,7" 7 t 1 • 7 :0, *W - t , 4%5.10 t tqh lksits. THE cautrry litcxra: Democrats are looking to the jetpOrtftepet : ofthe success. of the state tioket they ,sfkould net for a moment permit themselves to lose sight of that which also attaches to the. county tick., ct t It woeld be bat hall's victory, in gallant Adams, irevep the emallost of Our county *era should be 'bet, thrce . * want of interest. Our county fiCiret is anexceptiogad.e, froul begianing . tp tads NO .W9.,)# 0 10 6 .t 9 es" every : man whole •iiilaW is urPol. i t the, PO vote . f/tl yi*part., Let every Democrat who goes to the polls—and every one should go--votethageatire party ticket. Give fie heed to-tlussaiinove Nothiag‘ IttpUtilltiantf • - *he - efideaveler -to gad etretigtlitioribemserieinfiopetstitedlng Mmocii4i tedliAntly give Weft' the 14nelit `bf oleo th 4 score of piiikrnal faio6v;brsoatetikiera 1 4t#Atitt_ is t9 ?ft t k l !" *l' w 1101/9t4ie” pa r ty itl, Pigil iu NiP B oo C A t°l l l !`i Perw° l o• the Democratic norninee for the 'Wme. office . i so that these . . cab be 5o good grodfilt far any OppositiotvesiallkEkte deetfrlng ttf have 'hitsitelf-plesA iwitts stead of a 1 Democrat; dit the'lielat.-ts lieSseS. #llll:,'lne4trfistes, Bustur,4l7l_, gELS, 'Wort, *firm Ifteettei and - Gernforchustobn, are all -meritoridas men. • it sal home in one solidttimislik bo their stilvortyprid stop to Frsten 'tettlfe i3ersdasion dl lop. posiieruaomiqq4 . B7ya,f;erge Itgfftgted. MIN GO. Pzicker 'Thel 4 eNtita. aft old fhAit•tied gathering of the Cambria county Democracy at P 4g&gFA qn,quesdiki eveuing ac:fek. 44 4 44 4 1 KuP9 11 : , Pfl , c4E } l the -Per,!:ti9 RMAllft 4.F.,P9fßlinoFtl o l o ,. spoke.{' . over two hours with great force pf,,asg4,- ment and at.ceptadviiity. The Echo of eieeks , in'ttri3 tigtiegt - teVms troth of t)ie stile and' iirguinent 0086010 `!lie eittiiiiiii4bin with - which aeneraPickii'4VALe rreb4iVed.' MEI DEMOCRATIC I 'FAMILY JOURNAL. =I 1.1 =1 TIM 'TONNAGE TAX. That an'effort will be made by the Ilepnblican members of the next Legit) , latnrs tsPed the Tonnage Tax, die from the Pennsylianis'ltilikiond; 'add thus r dePriVe the' COrrfitunrweiddi Hof riven u ainiarnting to h nellatut A" mitition sir - *nasal - an tiaaßy,- •is beliek-eist Tkiti }eliding Re= putilledisi - of e' Mate aPpeir'Ventipleta. lywecided to thi3 - Veninetiiiilittlisetbsef Company ; they are; indeed;' based, body and breeches, -by thatiraninfho corpOratkon. -The act 'of tfislaseboblir lethal:ire • eldinptirtg ' this corpoilation froth taiaticu,"ard 'anti robbing. Ifis people of three vh- font hundred then sand dolma airtituilly; was 'one- the Most stupendous atts 'of eorruptiow ant villainy' (Ater enacted by a body • men' calling itself a Legiblatura:' And yet every Black Republitarl"in 'both Honhes voted fbr thhl melt re, and sanptioned this great* - wrong 1 Indeed; it Was the Piinefidl i measure advoeited and pai;i4d 'by that' pitity, and their Goverlior;'Jimii Pou,ocie, - sigiied . the bill, notwithstanding it was . eitaily; Mid' unquestionably Uneorkktiitional, and was so prenottrieed b?l,hci-Stipretne Court. ' - Why is it, we asky that our OPPto nests appear a l p' anxious t 45 favor the, Pennsylvania RailroadL'ompany?"Mhy shoald they desire, to despoil the State, Tpeasury of millioes of dollars? Why ithottld not the rich capitalists sybo`own this money-milking corporation l?? re quircd, to pay. State tii.T . ,'likepther . men? These, questions may well be asked by 1 the people, but it, l ie ouly file initiated —those who are .0 the secrets of the Black RepublieAn party—who . can an sWUr tbem,frotp. their own knowledge : It buX. reaaonaple toiiifer, liowever,' I hti that the leadiug metaof p th ,opposition t ' i are personally interested in t e question, and are partners with the, ilroiain the attempt making to 'rob • dui; Sitte'of. l its just fecenue r ', l b' . _the . IlepUblicens . l can savothe Railroad ron'the paymenil of an .anntial te,Lor,cl quailer of a mil l lion, the Company may . wkii tifcerd to remunerate, ite friends; by palim o g ,them half That amount for their seririteti: That 'this is., the undif standing that's exists ~between thy 8144 ail ,alid 4.41 leading T Republicans, we : have . not a doubt. GETTYSI3U •! 4 "TitTil 1 NIDIWI7, AND WILL 1111 TAIL." , PEN N'A.: MONDAY, OCT. 12, 187. A, . A , TrtiniPetrßlaat I—li s zirile* Awake 1 Arotiss eireodat of the,Democrogic Stets don olifteie.—We 11Pe ; permittetr to 'print , the fbilvt•ritig i. :wtll l ,iiitten and' expressive Circularof, g r .. i .c : ,R, ' litckattw; Chairman of the Denhicititic State COm- 1 ntittmc i te:- the 4seismerate .., titratigire a t thelh . attf.' It 'esitAsyti 'fall fa aviitkett ~. the, @pew*, and ..t.,4 influe energy Ind °outlet% uttO the rimite of all the friends' of •Panitals. 3 , 11dr. lisicicass~ conducts tiiii:' Motpalgb • Sri^ • the '• proper spirit. Iljs'arkiejoniitt?'Oe t ientliable NO 'now at the head, a tbie.41114 . 8.4 the T 4 0:10111 ; Government. .will be. responded to by tpe great body or the people; - ' . "PirfrACOMPIrtA, Sept. tit. 185 T: Vika Stbr.:The 'Democratic State I Comtgtttelittt inipriesetl with the im-; pinioned : cif eflbrt to berate A fnlilletite of our fYlpileds at'fitiilection.•• Virith ft fOI v?te, oni . trinitiph id sited; - ahtt , ' noosing bdi erertitin Vit riecestuir•y to:Se ct re it and obtain 'tin overwhelining Victory 'cly n er - the Opposition. We ap tto .t'og, 'to see that every reasons hereffertis made in yogi' county to itet ont the full rate of our party. We do th i l:tautttiliki'ihere Is reorii to 'fear Chat a Semite of tibrintitya•cohildepee in-our strength_ 41 of etating to 'dtkreitae in- I terosOmd paralyze exertion. The op position' are adapting their tactics to this ebullition Of things, hi failing to nOrninate local tickets •In •Berks• and Many other counties where Democratic: Majorities are litre; ste a l' in' holding meetings and potting forth itheir•exer tient, lit those parts of the Stitt° where they litive majorities. Their object doubtles4 is,that the vote shall be full where''f'Hey , are strong and light where they are'Wot. ' %rt.; :therefore earnestly urge I°U - di give your influtiiee and -ac tive aid leir the short 'time that , will clitp'sebf°4•ll'the election to the meas ures neet)its '6? US seeure 'a Toil Demo -674'19 Votiiii yoni eon itt V.• Oil r frigid& • everytirerti will'be -ureel to co-4iiperAtb in this clay, and it is 4104 that it will be everyttlere - fully discharged:l lilie salatarY results of tt' dceided victory ' over'the' opposition at this time will re-1 licve utt'from•nineti elihrt and diffieulty Hetilr. It'irill ackthi the fanaticism*, of ,t 44'"; eiY,Aiistre.) : Vl° Ilietloes 'spirits , whb would array ode tArti4irlif OW na tional geolcderwy evince Ntuither, and' Utterly crneti the fell MilrtiotOr of dwu nl;on.'Every :Inatitit;t• of patriotism, then, demands our best el:brit: 4 *nd eve .ry ,tnan wbo•loves - his country, hie par ,' and - hts rstp,.shassd now ,uliow va s par t •by hic rents-d,tty detrikiell, 'Vigor. 60 . 4; elderge . tle °Mitt: We look tip you. fOil le' '' ; ''' • .' ' • 'The ; arlditintes I sir the Rate.. ticket deserve - our - eiertionii, eanti •tbeir; situ: cess will be ours; awl bcsideisi years will elapse' before another impertakt eleCtion will be held—.before an °pupt . tunity will, 2tierr do so much as can now be donPMei&tlfogianitiles and our • , ,.It -is . mit a: mare 'assumption _tha r t Robawaylva.9o , Juilda tito fate of the 6iti ti,on, in _her lialtils, dictating, its poliet-', And C'tirhing and co'n'teolling itafketioits and ita"dhilatietisinstli If she waver, tlesultatter will f sODPI e*it in triumph over Lite ruins,of our national 419r,y and pow,ur;,, but while she renia uts Arm, riotism can Wurtleflance " to wrong, pat aHd flit; billtvitrk eViiivil , libeitylvsill re main'elf free Man injury as though no boisterous ' , wave boat. agiAtmor, its bliee• lA's MAUL o.ol4l4l4 7 „'e l Arleyilia, by the. influence and power of bCr great haute, e n tire the 'country wag. tiettillin* with fear of the worst reseite,-plaiied her most eminenr•bon m the National 'Executive °Patin - 'lli halt bdutirimpter ed tXe - Government with .inarketiebili.- tstianshjunitieet *ad ha!~ Wlli - n4 l4 iftill!ld the .PeiPtl 1014+4iPl• *o ll l lel / ce * ,shal,l !To J;lp 4 pros recrean t in' int : in the hour ,of hit tr ittpli,litid'VY stipittri -nese loilei'tlte"gf6 ' and tHeptilrilet profit :Of his sehievernents?• r. Rattkelt, shall Ave net, like true Mani Afiget f P ; 1 • 241 , KT!' ,wit i t i , 4ziergy--with aU ourpolr t r—to p ov_erwitelm t ide opiiMientS 4104 I poliVy, eS fitslialilitl' an a tour doeitriltie •as 'lnd ii putible •lertV;'• add , . thus *emir° • lasting petite/ tooter ooantry, and gp9l , ~ -i ll 4ilitOav4 4 Jour lepplo? ! To dift urge Atiu3 4•Erlyst duty, and to secure these :high cni L ly' atiiotie 'end's, we reeht to you, Mk' •necessary tote, to Work with , utauty , rtaination, to ;get eut a .frail Ittltik.of :the,tkomle, atthe . ezisaiog eke , tip. 9 . . jdat tis not fail : in this, nor have cause hereafter I.:0 fa il 'ourvives `With hidolencittftlindlfference. , • ' 1., , 9 , • ~• , ' - L---14 we/. Or A ' •.• , ; 'Vie. Tfilakaggs Tax ! . i •.,. Wit i oAkig4t cmcupy, a s ipolutpp of orir paper with resolutions adopted by Ts cent Dernocratictleanty Meetings and , Concentionp,i.agitttsPifiV i repeal of the ' u Tonnage Tax," but deorn it ininetea r'itirto"ado ;,cp. Ttiii tactls,l4lii fairnOfit, ~ ,inpchatiiCs' ati'd - tat iiar6lll - gkitimlly, of itt l ) glat'o; itije‘tiGiist nal v6igiall:k olipos- P ed 'to' rOiil ;"ailif it is right tlttit 'theY t : shOilieb,"biaii:4 ió ie:ptai that tai, would pally be rieljigOVFoia tit) ii • vett bit) Stock !gtokribon# tgitt * ol ive largo -10:41130/1 by,Britilil 3 / 4 .- 4 44) 1 ,444 1 0%&441 1 at that setpe:timtecitil 46) 0 . 44 . 1 04/1 80 1 4#P 3 tax.payiagiiiiiliel ofiaar:sitimorw, - . • ,7 L •...Thecilitoliiiftlieoluitil.,44olo44ocky 410144 *44F .. 4t.. . 011 , 4 ifue, , Ittl#* h i l ei l :, t o I li) 13 ,4 3 P." gi*S i fi . • ati• Aiore pi iavor oi . Liio .p..rm i '*' " ' .•'. i , I r.'. ' air; ' l 3 4 4 earVaYrto i l the Ititilliffillefid it Jpote/ft ' riku4l1 1 * .' 8 4 0 1 0 4,1 ti. >e red itstibu Cif, tWroVebt tiotlio_Rogme pot, 441t4r101 .. tic ttwpooF t rti,., . 1. .. ta t e t t , iirid cikalthitY6litly,kri bE7M4ed po f cky .. Hi• . , ... - }EArteit 46 ~.. ib , i tt ie r At ttioelToOdagirliligmiiold , .' - * '.51 3 r: V irl Yk e •fis ' Y' .3 olor•Priaillion - of itho , Qoisurrica- t ; i4. nu,* ;• • . . - ncp, pt k ug. wealth=2=l:l4; ' 34 1 - = . R ..- NT4 a r„hq .. AM" or r 4 o44 itio et INTIff . 1 aLll Felt)tt no Jill bail. • - Me! i'l 09 lo e.tvlfil ipia 41 7;: 21- A . KA - •,uir "4" 41 sr' - l'Atitr.th .frr- 111 Consistency of iniibitimenta. • . Our pqlitical opponepto 7 -we cannot call them by a party, its for they - , change that as oftion' as their 'prince-, pies—hayo ,been pohsis l iOn.t in One thing, at least,-;-abuseOpsertain men of the Detuocratko party, " lit , ithout going beyond'oir 44n State, t 4emight pant to* the teOped uptiob . tiovtti . Wit; duileg, the time he icted . wite the Veliooeetio party " 7 From the Unit): o';. m ~e owed his tlie - day of • • his 'oratory, ho was one of the , best 104.4 tors‘ in the State . Then the op position consisted of Whlgs and Anti- Siosims, and the papers of: the two wings vied with cacti other in heaping anathemas upon " free-trikde Ailt,sooT," as they were wont, to 'call WM., So fierce wire they in their denunelition, and so heart* did they hate him, that they, even Witlit so !Ur as to reeominehd that he 'Sfioaltihe haniShed from the State! lie was . eonsidored by we cab' bidleve' their imperil of the dart; we speak—a 'Monster in tiiirrian shOpie dell titichtifned, potitiially and ifibraTly Corfapt.=-Tliii` was' but few' yettrs 'ago. NOW - we 'find These same Men ompporthigi DAvirti 'Woolor for Governor of Yetfuhoriio ' • Anotlfer titii,il the 014)6460n' were; in the habit 7 4' biisingWithont stint 'tie mercy, - wri4 l ai Wox CA,m , EaoN. 'lf wo had siiace to 4ni•e:;'4;i: rinhlish number of chou...e articles from the 110.= flsbtrrg:Tetegfraiih, 6eileis; Sens bark, to show the okin . kin (eittilned tliis• t Oolitldat'flifaifi l er 1116 4kbalqi•-4-4.ti6i'ain'i'o', 014 - koskti tesfiniony' t z he Was the t anti most elpii•ip* man' That eVer' 3s ) ed,' and iOiere . i4thing, like eerinptim4 tooQ plite'e, it 'Was w c:onebeleil' It. They ad. e u..Za fa in peri nk ) AVi me tp Geis of rho esl lure, *ltti'iS - rfbing :dele gates t doliVelitions, with purehasiu4'j'ph's ibr him self titf frier:lls frlnifib l e C'aiiqtt ttivi'mthiy Othei bio'WU'inadas td tittn tion." ti4f6d ti was Veti' fob tfick3-tii remhiir fait' ii r bV net vrtiht . 'itpo4ll. tibh''dd 18`lij;' 'l.lThs:*titined kind; ?Li" A,kl th : Vet they 'had'' tqf Said 'mill ete.steil 6.31;:tt0N tO'the §Cmate 'l's"e ftW4 scores of others who have been silbjectea t 6 the abuse tishpyptigor, and who *Fs thp,Wailers,do.,,Ateis of; that lfrotkio l 4..-4:441 0 4..4 1 4, ' l 9€'9Pi;elkf AM Y , -1 &rig, ; it+4ool4.l,aa . 1 14,eis poilited, i ctuti Inatioar„, ,w#l 'fiustll4o to show that no diffortobtaLliowiefirtapt god tliehouost a, „Roatociatoor t y. be. itq,Fbe opinion of out:,qppqnpats„tke,is worthy 44; Aeoeixe: tip Aspoont .4 1 ;4• 0 44 0 .10a4N aAkip. of ; ttka patott...XPqMr„ Ala& Rapobitiocko ;"rdfy.rir'L'op econruitt even to renal* $ 'tthe Deo*. erotic rsok:fkka it .DOVa4/414bab a per fect godi whoa. hi joint bianfttetailes aa Dark , Joaixtetia gaptitilicitoism.—They mot coolly • isiaitre - Orn t with:oiyen , trot they.iltipelatilaim.their commandos cir:oltiliA tad' htiipAdri Hontrii .him• I , • JObittoleutlia iskibeteassury.;-40tf •1is1e 11(visuttioxi ••.1 I • • 11614 ) 01 1 eilbeoools kgiCOVVIOpt Wig/ 4./innoettstie ipsartn Jowl - 111lesinkmAt (AST , if -VOTE • 3fr . .Wikaott• an this • ' Winding ifflievo- Ift. , Wiltuvt itttuoicingtipeechei.,l9.44s i f 541 1 0 , 4 11 14 ( .i PvWl -a tRIP4 CltinPal 9 f , ud necessary in ,iti3i - .tam wa ':tiveath r. • We' ttytii triiio'brttlylSitn. 'The hibtir'he is goitig, - tilbitts*r, Kislirtit may- be °sited aituhritiee to eonsia6sytoy. lie is compelled to.all.this dial,4mulge ry Iv I bis eballtinge 4,0 qFn., Pcker,— risrin4 failed to get the General to eon sen,t'to coari.etand'alspute with hint MI Ort4t. the' State; tie iS by nd to make his •otra :waver:Mime good, and. kit slitaw the peppl# OA if itit -I )o *?Praf!ae cPri di4te wuti',t jyinlkyn iii_stirring the bitter •Nviiters of diseOntAnt; he ritiistdo it himself'. "Mr: WiltitiA, hisiiicheeeetilettn tusk. befooi tam, *mita thaakiesa one; .bait hawrig piffled. kimedoif -Pa, it be rnuat, even go tihroggh ,yr4h it. This is tire inn / alio:kgpanaornetimes pays, tor a hasty act.' Fad Mr. 'Minue Verne hienintiitiatiott' itrikly,ltind peti t - away 4h this desk , Aasit Skeradltto pi.ilill eitkaid ingyiti&, lAikkeil9w -Icatifie4l l / 2 4'404, iff getting into a heat, and trying at:‘ ix penment • petiorj . Tie cbtrtd / -'tv14144 1 "C L .).11 4 '4Y4 as ''.4.t.g,'r"i ,t4,714P#Y439:?-!'awAN[rleff' What was Batik:it itturiot tri It will bfe rediemtioted MO she Tmoliff of ilildit waS repnoled 4 u ns pi ev A n er ya w -if4er isekdkotelilisbineAt- 2 men , t4is rapiiil was pitritio . opppffitioa to tlike bemoeraoe,v y were is viola t in theii. dnnuntuati ns• of rreinotica'tle' membiiirtrof Qsn groin, tat, ntiornre now' ofllioserwhavatediesahednedi able 440 age -tifbrpaigh.py., Tut, tbo.very : poll wtlo ral e l4 anii swop sp4orr, ribly at Of "the. Mt i rdpnat: klig - the Terri 0f"4.., iind' 'nursed DaVid W%lnioll 4 ibittdriyi fur . lending itkkak al l, tapper., Aro. • *P w , w _ ..ativactim j,r4g Uri-. ViArfiq elk ..*Mtt,ift t 9vorpor., ship of Binnitylvania. 6 .giv,‘ belevi a numbei l df iSttineta'ffonfi fi e l e ' IMO itg , 1 Whig 1 oUrfiliii, pita imbed a thet period, which will show-Wow vehement the Whig piny JR Pettos)dtailievinii i Edits hostility to the.pimatitrabolition candi date for Cl:warner : . , I: ; [Frost t/se Harristurg Telfgraph. .14y 15, 1846, the* pubgeltedby I'heo. loeilii;'ieho no* Mils Me ' Lasaister hidepautitistv a WiLusal PaPer-i • . pm . `B4t , Ord ) . BtWi. Free l ira& wory was foun din in Peonsy raili; an that witit Vilmot r 'or lirficiftnq.- 1 -1 Thar eiebritionef of esi9ry friend of Peon , sylvatkia i wilLYall upon .and to him ; mail, liu ruautyps that p1a , 413 where the J. worm di th not, and the fire is not qtionelli r' • " • * ' ' * - * - • • *His (ii r iintet'e)'. INFAMOUS T ItHACIVRItY %kid& be rerveriged by, iii9owning•aud 4uraiegi hint, upeAk th 43, ITlSspittl, for support s NAU4: AND DttD WILt "(tilt IS . 1 ...0s1r1t11)8 - 01 0 i l ' VERY 'l9ll4lk E HKARTHD • PIiNICISYLVA-RIAN • ZBer4:A evid i linfrnat i fetly 11, 1 ), a ,paper not 'earn; y fbro-40ernorl " ." Arning , tbanu 31. ha Noted for, 4114) 4 •14 ral4rgn•XiwifF )301,, 2 . Mr.,\Vi r tept, of Peonvlvama r A Le6cioco . F4.l3o Tilde .Rdliegade, froriftlig IYrAdtitil dirstifol." {.Fran the hap r paper AN 18;.18441.i apaue of WI,. LNIOT 4041 be held up to the RebßsA: CONTINI't of every freeman in the state. Tlitl roan who for the' sake ofparty, ortiO E plansiLup. ILEIVAIL.A); mootir,oeu;.s, by_aunportkqi.a Ineasura so disostroulto their desiv;4fintres4, trN PIT T lift FEEKESI lIIATIVX Iv I' DE Si: PIDOPIAZ/tlO 4 groffs , fir/ A417:44c. ,f,i# 4iNe. .14416 lee, a Jyttraal 4Neweist supyorting isui; ciad Mid 6i tre et di iiiut tehki brtkrC ,frotkrtritl9 • .• ..1' :xi 14: si : ,, t 4 jirop i klq4nFtyiTinii i rg OtO • ) T A O 'VCIT* At; 3 I IN' ' ' tYkliT 'et= pi lAti {Nam ad acme paper. gept.,r 104CaP ~r Wilmot, the TRAI T ORREPIpp SV L .iTAT,II".I.I, Couves, *, * lit‘s niarkect Inq 'corn.- i3tittfetitg. 1 *" 121bOtistg bitionr.iif the North, rnialt.ja• 4ottgor pat thair.trnatnin.atiOiVilislikN Itt4l vT44„ §9UTP-E4N.4.14?- 14 /iNC,/ 7 . • . • T i bt4 , !: , r.• *P.A, q 4 yet; t);l • Fie , p i opip te o.44ernor q, gpA4!.....45 sof:ttilylsvlvar*!!! ) , mit .011 I 11, , p, '7ll .1 • ) , AI Ii; •.E1611 f . 44411 "ilil lifeDitiallif u i-l-Mitoirsalt/andoe ' d aria r)reti-f1ic40.16-fru4krrtih.,rl4pootli7fairtrwoondiee rey,„ namnidiia •: ant told Lataanabalitisal •;,' ii, : r - ,1. 7 • . I .1 - 4' ,1 1 41:, , 'S' POT *at y tin 919* a _tPi - t 7 are egtraTe mischicils bad liften tlie' *rid* Intieki , I'4e7: AO DO 4 4 6 I li rV i r _h i t" - Engrossed wi tha pin a 1 eit, cy care of tietliffigiihie. 'they al bee lilielldstfisto elation a tinovvomprees•WlliPitite irk Air intA*4ll eSW wp,ti lefgi a elk, ; ban =lts' .ftrer. Tley 'treat alma, denotutes speetontsei ithabreat them best, who so far agree with therje 6e& plaseryAo Iv, an evil . _Vi,itisess err iiduet thisleth Me. Brine and , Mi. s brikillSOClk?Satie f AMA WTI obi , •„ , 1; Li ti ilk grp yon son °stile° pi' the !craw i ID witioT‘T wcuid handle it:' ` 4 3ltiiir the orient Loirshfiretio.' Trudy. It •Itarusretrea (*mole arit r "Arnil r *mlw i,r Pr o!tit im i " 7f i t ••• -, - -Mtn. J. AGian Jones. Of,lly afeAerat ?pat r t ifi t , if 7 cir ' eXt .lll 61 / 1 ° Chi l latift s ""M t i. " 1495 " 111411 , if " i., Tom. ins integrity and gistßiess flagiticeit. trees ,Esseniiitel letsee9ollll ' • . - , ,• • • • .-• Slone that th e agitation of the 9afention in PlitrietlßUl that has so unitingutbacuute fore Steads w il l Asi destroy cal Nanigf/ItY, ' D illablie career of the lien. J. 4.4.441110 r lnifit " 1 l'' b " l ' iirm "" l P thult w "" 6-44 ` 1 J•tig his llantry and his iillsl6oll. aziepth,o6pn of Me o lfrAcart reee-- .4 ? - PI d military depotis . m. L _ netts,. have•justly won for bin the - - -.. i"" l'lrolitti ireet 7 fitictotl'olsi I t o rl" 1 "tulst yagarft of' the National De , . . t obooll be to aim: VP , . Auksiai'olloool6.f 0e f r e..e. ,y 4 , 44 , 0ga ,,,, / 4/ 1 1 4 ,,„, pf tp j i4 s p ie oon _ t erm ery IJectio6iof the cottntry..". The ot recluenees to thew of tt:ltAittib" l64ll "(itt. --L • eon ( (: a.) Telegraph of the AotlytilL .is 'The dime*, , ISeie g Flee, weeldlise:iablorced , , referring to the fact that Air, Joittle o thcOtion ; irityt..iptitheiff 4 ; "" i l I eoPftPe ' elfl( ll fi le t WWI. the Ore /arkwer—wan rne • declined being a cundidtliw t ,fpr the r_tsierirthi; the ..111A.. tAr; Gitiolin- 1 4chifie his ; egbi cs k ec ie r i p a r t l ie ne x t, , Li ows * Aft,:- i dryer be cort.teitwied vita Juatiottit ot,triffd; Ms _ A .. - ' ~ „/ ~7 ieur rp...., *octal atuouji,!vj. AAd cu pie utargs premainvoroAvett, asynt• '' ' ~, '-, 1, wi t ' yo'boa fir Adai.nl.o4 (mit' . .4•itallteiatiA, s'• • Now 1. t4ljuicw4onnsihmuldograusClite Virfouo MO/ 11111eir totjtet is to. tertleriA idemserietre ( canal rib l ey: fop 40 Owfaceo ll 4.:• elf-rrfl l . ' 1.1141 k 141 e ra ro iii re i c si b:C hl e the ritt i e t titty (ll 2lo3t i • 14 " 1 ": 11: Pi le o /4 ” mr•QPP°*iii",•irieltr kal m id e kgratkd 4,, k aig m , o rgh, mak 1. ,1 4 4 d 4.4 a ned a Otblnqt appall tnio n ,illid I 'Deal .1, , 1 . , j ,,„ n ~, no\v'the Sfienkeiship. -Vic whili:lie 14 w i tiolsl. show, their pppbe don Lo colonize r had Ode hin4t ' ett jtie4-eadi la• lenilitli ti on. Show if.l'huhtesib"i-er gni•aild pietti-t ettorojesievelnktnt aad h*h44ol4l4;4lltn otic aim. 'That ihey.sisi : 'B t iv" , olegir. a.O Fox 1 . 4 4 4i0nal .k.ttifih i ;N . implmlooo. Yi r b7 I die 1 . 1 1 Z 11 0 1W 0 , (Mute l y Jona* or Pen Tie v Lynn la: o eolonizatton To lel) an 4111 uli n t iiip . wahtod to crime ib G-voliiii. lift: Sakai. kli4 ; 11 1- t t..L.tr, llie4 s..... 1") .1.46*. di 11'44: L. i i t .,,,.,„ r '' -- You promised limit rm.. Po apeakAttfige o ' , ..-~- t - - - -4 .- --",, _ de,i c. -- .. ad t 7 ir e W. 1 Collo Pe Conomeifitfteht at Lagrange, i47 l iirgrel:' kalii.fnit" i'll i ritiAOßtiVt- flket e l=tiezi • your yoaroldali fight meat is 00-operstiog with.ittsaillikesitiAttoilis ' , 411 • leaptalakiiieds.- 4 - ebt Nbilib hot - o for the eurot oeof siiisitaisistg_tha_Uniun, it:, i t ta,ol4 l eeenev u tiws;, jiparc j efmt• lo Jospaimakectwavdßizto 910,11 u be / he rairotatvlpuipoik r r a ti l , " 7 l,l*. re illitY2 in°4..i,i7;b, ant bow er pew(*) love to bno tru trittrat ' 1Y n".° ft IrT gWila. ..t il= ittaaes, c ' a ttfte l ;dart/MT-44W ' fiblAttplibbn as. r..,a . . . -ei .611 IlLri-1.1 7.:) sfrAT , ,, . g'-'--• giordianfilifiadfaitifia " 1/ Ottla 41:: ;_-)42.1' .non none dal ow' OM no ed utt mociPed Agmb , 1 0 ' I RA D IV - At e lcitt fill l a.M c l ! tiirThe motto of the BilitallkerAioli- A:7' ; 7 ' '`" 6 . 8 r 4 Pir i g"` P r r 'AielkqfcllPA I PF'Yol r :o1 8-77- "•- --...-- 1 b • mask kk ii , '',' • • • . .•vi.att ,_ 4 , i . . ~, • - ure...a '' i ' ';,•-; 4k419..• .:! 1 6; -a; • 5 ;, 1 • -/. :rah 4 C ifil 71 V: Ad at :. - P 4)14. a r li ' fiki • . ..).,..g, r,. ~ • ''' hi.., „ l obo „,,,,4, -- ,*- - --,,..., - 4"- e "4- =I Amendments to the Constltu . " • Lion. ul irM7VE•tif6i4 - anti (16d fo the ttiffallf:• trgptj nst LIN ion , tnr tp be voted upott. ttt thg - election, Orned out their Derni,crit:ie tendeheaea„/ and urged upon the party the duty of - sustaining them at the pollially voting every amendment "" otAmtembly preserityingithe eaasser• 4 of voting upon the. amoral gsaapdimenu3, is as Wows : „The 4 ' tickets shall be respectively la belled:on the outside first amendment,' raVoitlaimendmerni,"third s mendthetit,' , lbeteth amendment,' and those *mare Grain:al* io.ll4liti AnietKinbelitiki off, may. 4.thafilo*sir sVFesa 004 1 01)..1 gotinv; ascii as, SlaV 5a14 1 . 1 4,9. (141'113(6d; or ilattly writte i tioi priritel ballots or tickets, containing on theiit: side thereof thcrwords,, 'for the amend ment,' kid these ishe are . ciiiii6ml to such amendments or any of' them, may express, their; oppositiou by voting each as many separate - written or printed ballots or tickets, containing on the in- side thereof the words, 'against the amendment."' The opportunity. is now afforded the people of this State of engrafting upon the Constitution several most important and necessary / reforms. By the _adop tion of these amendments they can lim- • it State indebtedness, restrain corpora tions from travelling out of that path prescribed by their charters, annul or repeal any charter, act of incorporation, or general law, tvlienever such charters, acts or laws in their operation aid in juriositil teithe , intereste of the citizens of the Commonwealth; and thus pro tect in the most solemn ingather the credit of the State and the rights of the people. 'All these measures etre corn- mended to the Democracy by . tlt , fn. :6 that they are the legitini4te fruits 'or ' the d4trin6s promulgated by tile wor- _ •ty• qSate indebtedness is a curse upon ' the taxlpayeni • Ha tee ,limit that by, voting for the emends:neat* WAG Con. stitution. Loaning,,the credit of the State, or that of counties or corpera tibns,ils 'not within the Air' meaning or i the , ;Constitution or tile etiarters ender which they act; atut hence au whop, tion of power whickaltotild be checked. ,That can •blinimptipiklighisddErvotipg for e amendmenta "fit j.soh!ttz-z Think aisrters, - lets of hicorpo !Sid '-geCtiral- %Titi;'arti itiftehsrhseelii Means , to oppress - the Wiliam ardnefeb Uwe ,ay. Ow i mooed* , ef lib eie lebeelTh- Vm3AreflOvril to t. 4 ;CO/8V j , gille to lip tees s tore power to . - s er al laili'whieh aid Ohnoxlcituiraiin • '.• bilhlinis,•ah d) to omit any ihartsiothitelli in I listioppenatiort• id Inj wisp{ to 41ilisiieip 44114141 A tlA;JiP, o l:4•9fetheigthti4s 1 Afth ? ail o t t ipoe . Tef9 i rt Ili , perruogedoi r kt #the Ory incenst2 of DeinobAilf--4_,po NE thfuttglits of tits tienOlugilVe t isir they are, and hence our• earhlistii ness in pressing them upon T OR *ow ti9,L, l of tlf ( ?••P"VI ii:1 4 1 1 •;f !f ro their adorion at the po —Pinntyl -rthiltra.•ll -*" 1 ' ' -- •k , LJ: , '41 , 1 (r' -- 'HIT 3 +44 i ‘ a . 'esivie.' , r—r... 7 .-,- not i 1.41 ilt alia t , *WC ' " ' tr ' .1 ant9Afrif P.: 1. - • '." 4 45 13 i11i , i: it Ccr au promeagLi ,ow iiroi mg j 94 *** l # 4 4 4 4 l .lPt e et i e i° 444 4104 490 1 44 , 4 1 w 4 00 4tikon - Kin MO; : kikg ~Zr. 1 9 49 4 #4 , 4r f f0.4 N.94t sionkomi44 auglifoUMPßeisffl °WM 9com Almlitiotligtxl*Ptir4V 941.44144 giht; ,, geliablicanilszci. It n 4 .4ibPliki 94041 Aro :iii 1. in PPWiic94 ;44 1 ‘ 14 44.0 •00.4 1 474F4*.1eVe9 fq-.0 1 40 , ta9OTA *ANEW tc."iifiV 0 414 .1 44t•Jlere wose• .twygtomp#Airoct froinouß,4thekoltel organs. Read it quefu t l/y, i, ~ "We do not intseit - these facts shall Fedloadfillitt'St: • Wie4.110411/9413/41! so far as our intsaice.tan go, shall not be..dismiited t rough , ignorat,ce pytuj4jc.o There are Republicans, so Who'WoUld separate there itiiiiild'entlrely from that which ( theolib *Deb labasad men origmatid. • they ous not -it ; : toe inaelesit4444 are wig ° 4 IY ilk lcr pears.' . f•ntri t/ ...If! n9rit....,4 -;••* r , 4 4 Tt ( . f . , ..- MI MU .11V0 NO•• 3.i • f ti. V = . 40: 1 I:. If MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers