The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 05, 1857, Image 4

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    . .
7 'relic liars Wanted. • VIROGLAIIIIA-710N
titre &liool Directors of Germany"WIIEREA S. in tea by the Act of the
; ship will meet in Little4town, bri .ar t s- General Assembly of this state.
& di p. a t 17a ocinber' n•xl: at Elsa. An act to rte ilt. the General Mor
t% Dir. ' for tire purpoow of empkyirv,.: a.-iser. ti,,ipz or thi. emnmonwenlth," envcted on the
'kutiaknwellargeof the S.:lick/1A :1 , 1 of July, It;-10. it hi etijoim donme to give
tiariag tlio whiter tunn.
By order of ti,e liO.r 1,
Wll. Sec'y
Sept. 28, 1857
Teaebera Wanted.
11""'Sthoel Ihrectors of 171 tnwsPhip
• mitt meet at S.;, or Slid it'p
i h.o.i4e, On MiOrill I. AP 101 /i/ny
ace, at 1 o'clock, 1'...1., for the purpope of
'employing five Tavbere, to take ettarze of the
*Sellouts of said torrrodtio during th( witoer
t.erte. By ort'ott t ch i ; fl Ord,
I'f:TEIC LONG, Stelti.
Sept. 28, 1857. td
9 Teacher* Wanted.
V HE School ,D.rect. r,. ~ f M ,uutplea-nrit
siswutiliip will nice! o' Suiat,day. /4 e 10 .9 4
da of Oetaher next. at 2 o'clovk, I'. M., at
Brush Hutt School 11 , .11. , r, for the purpome of
,waiipinyiug teacher. , Mr tlrr vriv,ter term.
EtiliEl'a .i.X',KEl.T,'.sec'y.
Sept, 21, 1857. td
Teachers Wanted.
-r Board of Sehonl Dirnet , rn of Iteaiiir.g
township will mo..t Schnnl
*louse. ime mat. north ‘,t Sator
ity, de 104 •!/' l •
fur the porpo.-e , ,t ferte.hor.,
for *aid townshin. to vrilge:s A ill
-be raid. 1h order of t:,e b ~rd,
W. E. 1111.14. 1 .1111 ND, &t-y.
flept. 21, 11 4 -57. t 4.1
A Valuable Farm,
rlryr. Heirs of Di\ im. Nilo' , n, det.ea.ecl,
will offer at Public 5.0,....,n I,: preini4o..,
oh ' rrtesday. Ike lith day';/ lh t,,,1,r » , ..r.l, the
Tollnwing'property of 6 aid deeea•ed, N . IZ :
.. A' r A 1Z )f. ,
. .
oeittutte in' Rimedivig v,wit-itip, .I.datus county,
,wttliiii two miles of the Cu. r e „ , , and Ilan
pvsir E it ar o s t l, and I mile fr.'m Nt:w Coe.ter,
adjoiniag lands of J c. , cii Spangler and John
:/wytiono, and boundiug on the Conowaz ,
Creak on two sides. Tie Farm contains lai
ACRE ' S, more or less, alsai t GO acres of which
sre first rate Thuberland, with ri due propor
tient of neadow. The imp t
roie- - ~._
manta ate a large t‘,o story +,--7,6
BRICK HOUSE, with a tao as - : ,
story Kitchen; a double log Barn, ..s 1 ' 1 4;• . ;• ti,,i'
with 2 Threshius Floors. Wagon Star.! and
Corn cli&, Carriage -llou.e, Spring House.
t and all ne,:essary outlyuildinzs; a ggod Apple
, and Peach Orchard of choice fruit, and - a
'never failing spring of water near the door.
The 'Conowago 'runs within one hnniired
-yards Of tht, baildingo, which is very conveni
ent far wowing cattle.
. p" Persons wishing to view the propefty,
-' ire requested to call on the heirs, residing
' thereon.
VW-Sale to commence at 1 ozelnek. P. M.,
nit mild day, when attendance will be given
pant arms made known by
. September 7, 1857
A Good Farm,
. stibscriber, intending to remove, will
i ity
offer at Public Sitle, uu the premises, on
4 Vaiurriay, the WM day of Ortobefr next, his
VAL,3I, situate in )lountjDy town hip, Ad ams
county, i• mile west of the Baltimore turn
-pike, arliuinim , lands of Michael Trostle,
.11cliaci Fist:ell', t ieur , ve Bushman, mid others,
containing LIG ACIMS, more or less. The
nd is in good cultivation, part having been
limed-44s under goud fencing, and well water
ed. About 30 irares are Woodland, and about
30 acres Bottom. 20 of which are now in ex
cellent grass. The improvement.. -‘,....,;
art, a large Two-story BRICK 1 - ,it. ni.
1104.:SE,Briek Bank Born.Wagou :, ' fill , ; .
Sited. Corn CI lb. Carriage, Ilou4e,;; - :*---.:
:itutike llotera, 2 eseeltent IVell4 ~t• v titer,
at the Imiltlingvi, and a young 011CLIARD of
thriting, trees.
Stir -Perry - ins to view the premises,
nre reloeste , l to call upun the subscriber, re
eldin,z, thereon., •
Stir Sale to commence at. I o'clkkek, P. 1.11.,
on twid day, when, attondauee will bq given
and terms wade known by
eeirlf not sold on said day, the Farm will
Le fur - Rent.
Sept. 21, 1837. is
Frivate Sale.
r pny, enbserilwr wisher to sell his rA11.711
1 at Private Sale, situate ner.r l'asbtoWn,!
Franklin town•hip, •
ing 75 ACRES and sun o Pon
lands of Thomas Rite, Peter
Miel.iey, Daniel llc of ht.\ ;4, 4
a la rge pr.priltha i of Meadow vLd sor , :e fir
Timber. The iniorovenieuta
of a good Two-staly LAX; 1101:SIAlt!: '
a double Log Bar. Nt itit She Is and
Corn Crib ' a never-failL;; v,y11,1 , -....-izh ft pump,
near the loisTe, al-o. a;. .4 Apple
with a, jariety of ,t l R.r fruit; a
quarry of Lime•-tone, on the far:a.
Persons wishing to view the property are
requested to call upon the sula,erit;er, resid
ing near the property.
Also,. A Tract of Mountain Land,
containing . 32.''A,:res and Perches of Pa
tented Land, Sittiate about':} miles north of
the farm, on the new road" trading to the
ilityml, adjoining Imola of Andrew - Wisler,
itubart Saakeley and others.
Aug. 24, 1857
One of the Belt Farms,
TIIE undersigned of'ws at Private Sale,
his FARM, situate in Strahan township,
Adams county, on the Hanover road, and ad
joining the Uettvsburg Borough line. Toe
'farm contains b 4 Acres, more or less, the
laud being of the. best quality, numb of it
granite"—with fair proportions of mead.,w
and timber. Fences go'ca and the soil in ex
cellent cultivation. The improve
menu+ are a, comfortable Stone :41
Durellini , HOUSE, Bank Barn, all':
Wagon Sbett„Corn crib, ,
,Apple: Vrihartl, 'a nevertfai d
water at the door, and a number of springs
nptid tinitraet: - it is certainly one of the most
tleiirvAlelartis tiow in market in this county,
pod sientands the attention of capitalists.
Persons wishing to view the property- are
requested to call upon the undersigned, resid
ing thereon. DANIEL BENNER,.
July - 13,.1837. 3m
Administrator's Notice.
ter! of administration on the estate of E
iyaa l x .tn Erughes, late of Germany tap., Adams
i x ,..d ee 'd., having been granted to the under.
_residing in the ,acne township, he
Iteneby gives notice to all persons indebted to
staid estate to make immediate payment, and
'those haying clajms against the same to pre
petit them propert7 authenticated for settlement.
Sept +,1857. 6t
Fin*ly Grocery it; PreyMori
ritILLESFIS k T HOM AS respectfully in
+l,s haul tiff:people of Clettysbufg and the
public generally, that thPy lave pat return
ed from *elite with a general 'tamertment of
:LILES, which thew are prepared to 'sell at low
pa the lowest. }IOU I and FEED always on
hand, and sold at /moult profits.
• Swoon York street„ one door east of Wat
tled Hotel.
faottyalsarg. Aug. 3, 1857.
Mica 811 k Bata.
YW A ti ru a t fl i t !i i is g e riar
044" P A Y, Ca rt ' 4 41 4 111/ 4 21/Ge St s.
Public Notice of such Election to be held, and
to enumerate in sorb notioe vi hat officers arc
to 60 elected: f. iIENItY THOMAS. Sheriff
of the Counts' of Adams, do. then-fire. hereby
rive this puhltr notice to the Electors of the
said Cottiity of Adams. thit a
will be held in issid County. on the S•• o of
T 0... ‘,/' it- r n. - 1 , 4r rtit.) in the
several Dr tricts composed of the tullowing
, Tow nslo ps. :
In the First district, composed of the for
ough of Gi.ttysburg and the township of C urn
berland. at the Court.tiouse, in Gen) khurg.
In the Second district. composed of the
township of Germany. at the house now oc
cupied by Peter Lingentelter. in the town of
Littlestown, in the township of Germany.
In the Third district, comp o-ed of the town
ship of 0 cford. at the house of Widow Miley,
in the town of New Oxford.
i In the Fourth district. composed of the
townships of Lstintore and Huntington. at the
hnnse of Caleb R. Hildebrand, in the town
ship of Huntington.
In the Fifth district, composed of the
townships of Ilamil tonban and Liberty, at the
Public School-house in Milleritown. •
In the Sixth district, composed of the town.
eh p of Hamilton, at the house now occupied
ny David Newcomer, in the town of East
In the Seventh district. composed of the
township of Ilenallen. in the Public School
house in the town of flencleravtPe.
In the Eighth district, composed of the
township ofStrabsn, at the house of Jacob L.
Grass, in Hunterstown.
In the Ninth district. composed of tt e town
ship of Franklin. at the house formerly won
, pied by Jacob st.llstioth. in said township.
In' the Tenth district. composed of the
• township of Conowago, at the house of John
' Bushey. in ,AleSherrystown.
In the Eleventh district, composed of the
township of Tyrone. at the bosse of Samuel
Sadler, in fleidlersberg.
In the Twelfth district, cotaposed of the
township of Mountjoy. at the house of Geo.
Solider. in said township.
fn the Thirteenth district. composed of the
township of Mountpleasant. at, the
School-house in said township, situate at the
cruel roads, the one leading from Oxford to
the Two Taverns, the Aber lrow Llunteretnpra
to Hanover.
In the Fourteenth district, composed of the
township of Reading, at the. public School
house in Hampton.
In the Fifteenth district. composed of the
Borough end township of Berwick. at the pub
lic School-house in Abbottatown.
In the Sixteensh district. composed of
township of Freedom, at the house of Nicholas
Moritz. in said township.
In the Seventeenth district, composed of the
township of Union. at the house of Eau eh Le
fever, in said township.
In the Eighteenth district, composed - if the
township 0! Butler. at the public Schoo:-house
in Middletown. in said township.
At which time and places will-be elected
One Governor of Penneylvania ;
Two Judges of the Supreme court of
Ono Canal Commissioner of kenn'n;
One Member of Assembly;
One Sheriff;
Ono Prothonotary;
One Clerk of the Courts;
One Register & Recorder;
One County Commissioner; •
Ono County Treasurer;
One-County Auditor;
One I)ireetor of the Poor;
One Coroner.
Also, to vote For or Against the following
Amendments to the Constitution of the State
of Peonsylvania, agreed to by a.inajorify of
the members elected to each house of this
Legislature, at two successive sessions of the
same, each amendment to. be voted on evpa
rawly, and the tickets to be labelled en the
outside, "First Amendment," "Second Amend
ment." "Third Amendment," and "Fourth
Amendment." and containing on the inside
thereof the words, "For the Amendment," or
"Against the Amendtuent." the said tickets
to be deposited in separate boxes sad sepa
rately returned.
Proposing -1 , n , n,11,1,1114 to 11,e Co n stitution of
the Conentourrealth.
Iter , lrei by the ?m ate nate an! Home of Representatives
of the Voterasoowealth of Penney !reale is General AANIKII.
y met: Thtt the follow - um soloudtaeots are proposed to
the C.:lEl.a Ltettort or the coutta.,nosesttli. to er-corltut• witit
the proAL.,,,n of the tenth article thereof.
t I LST 0311.04 T.
There .hill be an all:an:L.l article to conatitution
to be desliznated as article riereo, ma follows:
Or PUBLIC Drarrq.
Stcttot 1. The Ft tte oviair contract delita. to *apply ewe
nal d-peat. or failure. in rerenuee, or to meet expereova
not otlierwiwi provided for: Lut the aggregate anew:int of '
such delas hrect and contingent, whether contracted by
viquii of one or tore acts of the general assembly, or at
diet...entre:lnd" of time, shall never exceed seven hnairel
and tit thocuund dollars, ant the iimui,y arieng (mho the '
creation of ouch debts. shall he applied to the i urpoei ro e
wheel ft was obtained. or to repay the debts .o esatracted,
and to nu other purpose wi.vieier
:se 2 In .slides to the suave hotel power, the State
may contract debts to repel ow Leos, suppress In urn.. •
to.n. defend the State in war, or to reuse the prevent ,
natvtandiar indebtednevii or the , hot the -honey aria
for from the contract.u.: of • t•.. , 1: •'1 7 , 1 , -1 to •
the purpose for s bleb it rai-ed, or to rei.iy cods Jahn
soil to to other purpose whatever. 1
Sac 3. I.ecept the debt,. above specittel, in secto.o. ono I
and two of this article, cm debt whale, er *hill be created
by, or on behalf of the :Nate
:tan 4. To prorate for the payment of the p7e40131...Pht.
and any additional debt ens:arse - test as the Inel4lA
tore 0141, at its Ant sesame. after the I.loption of Ulm
anaarehuent, create a sinking fund. which quit he sollcient
to pay the accruie; iotereat on such debt an.l annually to
reduce the principal thereof DV a anni not leo. lban tart I
bemired and fifty thousand dollar.; whirl srnkioy fo,id
shall conatat of the net annul loco pe of the public eii k..
from tone to time own. I by N .vaate or the pm..e or
the mt. of stocks owned by this Mate. together with utlior
funds or resources that our be .I... Trusted by Law. r4d,
aid sinking fund ow be inervoivel fro,r, to.. to, ti
assigning to It any part or the taxer. or ether rei eons. of
the state, pot repaired for the or hoar, au! en rout e.-
pemes of zoce - nriveut. stn antes in ca.e. a. - , n,
Du pact of - the I .;0i15:,.,
or arple I othertriiie th to in the er.t.nroi an. •nt
publ, debt,. Pohl the a Lot o(wch debt la
kw the sate of floe !Minn tis of dollars
Ss.: S The credit of the commonwealth ab all not In an)
thahaer, or *tett, be pledge 1, or lamed to aur inifiroto
corporation or avocets/10n nor Shall the sow
loons esith hereafter been.° a )coot owner, or stockholder, ,
to mr re,opyrty, asanciatioo, or corporation
Sac 6 The commonwealth shall out events the debt. or i
any part thereof, of any county, city, bertingli. or plan-
hip, or of any CO - ra.ratlua or t , -ociatioo,Need
debt .hall hare been contraeted to enable the estate to re
pel lararklart. soppreas donne tie liwurnectiou, defend Itself ,
is t 4030 of War. or to assist the state in Use dow.tuar-,;e of
say portion i.f its pri..ent inlebtednera
See .1 The lep.leture .4,01 not authorize es:. county,
City, ternarigkl, township. or 113:0:14 , 1 - ate.1 lip .o-toe;
• of a rote 0: at. fatar , ll , ur other, ice, te become - a
holder in any company. emaciation or torporatlon: or to
aittaftt looney for. or loan its credit to any corporation, as-
Sociatioia, lawW.atettit or party
eecoto survmdirce
riviE following, from that eminent Physi
clan of Philadelphia, 1)r. 11: i - chie, added
to the testimony of Prof,..z.sG r Duoth, only con
firms what is evidenced by thousands who
have need Dover's Dye:
"Girard Row, Chesnut street. t
Philadelphia. Dec. 22. 15,;3. r
"In regard to 11 , ,r-•r' I 11.1 i - 1),, , e, I can state
unhesitatingly that it contains n o deleterious'
ingredients, and may be used with entire
safety, and the utmost confidence and merevs."
W. I). 13RINCKLE, M. D.
11,n-r's 3Vra t 1 mg an.i liz,i4ible bidet are
ao well and widoly known, as to require no
eulogy of their merits, it is only necessary to
say, that the steady and increasing demand.
gives the best evidence that they maintain
their character for superiority which distin
filitt, ,43r5IlinitZVT
1 guished them when first introduced, yaws .
• •
froma../. 3 Ores addressed to the Manufactory,
section two of the first article veL theypeenittetiee.; • •
strike out the eords. • , uf the city of Phoolelphea, tot or. No. 4lti RACE street. above Fourth, (old No.
each coots tv `P ee- '" l7 ''' burn ' ect "P a ll , s e'" ' elle' '' . ' 14.4
ou ) Philadelphia, will receive prompt attim
wiles, sat the ward *. • •uf Philadelphlir of: the wereral .
ouuntion;" fru.n pection maven. sign. smolt, •tglassonis• ,
eurda. ••tunttuor the etty of l'hibnielplon nor any," lin.lln.. 1 JOSEPH E. HOVRR.• No it , tracluirr.
were in bee thereat the vordw, •'•nnt nine" - pad .tat. out I
neetton four. wee article, Lod in lieu thereof inaert 1 Sept. l'• (April 13. I))
the font - vela( : '' -4 T„, , e ts '' •'.; E.--f.4t744-- ----
..Siwrlox 4. In thie pm, One thoaaand eight hundred and I, %IV All: aIA k•iiit,PS, Icll gr . & LiCnr/f 6 .) , a1511.'
Witty hew wed in es fry moveuth rear tbefeetteri ' , Meet/. I r,cTils ki ilsjUst.'Veceived 'Elk ' .
Wives Co the number otuese hug:4mi, 'bait be eytievrtinervi i
sad disti Rioted equ Oly, througouut the f•tate, big rludr,ct.s, I .
n . fsitglititte it Arfaiviittatigi.
portionhll i., = to the number of takatde Inhabitants In the '
: c
W M , thereof ; mews that limy cola oty acsabiesinz 04 kNDLES 4 ,...T 1.4,41. N TS.—A fit - strata
/neat lianas ttunatand nee lowa:ad losable*, may be 41:10....1 article of Mould - Candles con be hard, at
a orParzte rePnenentntiou; but no more than ttlreeenualen ' lii cents per pound, at NOILBECK'S, Kerr's
1 shalt be joitmeit, and no wanly shall be divide, in the Musa, :
old *
Wu of a dietriet. Aoy city emeleicunge enelos e nt nerobee y corner.
jot basnbles tu entitle ! tee at li.te“ two representatirme i i
1 qUEENSWARE. China. Glass and Stone
mum bare a separate representation amiyned it. and *hal i
r t .4otA.l int.mmettfemd o eri e te o f emd ictiott . te rt itt mr ,i i . ware—e. large assortment sad 'selling
of mull taiiikie lAllalatiA. as Mar AA 4 2 A.T We mob of , cheap, at Coats. lli IL P ALIT OX 'IL
1 winchdisL6o4. letial WOOS aim repreoevititlee "
A t „,„,..a dri .hi k ,„ .etea. .. K ., w. 11,1., insertthew. t T.. A URI ,t, STATION tHlY—any Tian
.ol,l‘, "Ibittikr et PhilnaalPhia "bell be dmaol into 01 .- QS tity and the best stock ever brought to
1115 2"" ' rial alitrieb '' d °Witaii"°4.tlirritnrY ' ai aestlY ' this 1 If dbt it,call i n d
p ate. you dote an see
ovoid to taxable population as pusinWe ;bat no vrard Oise'
be dirkbed la the tun:natio,' tberoof." . fur .
yur‘elvex—at SCHICK'S.
lectslapa, et **to reil•ww, Oar Ul• 4 4 4 km of A PUNIFIER oa COVCYNTILATED Lrat for
itZaaradusent, shall divala the cite of Killadelpois into;
as a i lo r w mod myremet t dde e daterteem, ID the mit wer Ow. 1 . testing Soap—to be bad at ,
proesiedi seat dietriefis to Mamba eachanaml maul the sp. 1 EPA HNE.STQCIi BROTHERS.
portioarest In the pm: Oft tammemid might hued:ad sod B o . to
Parasols and sit__,.,
istplitur. i
'MIMI a 5111111101311.. 1 to t* bad eery cheap at ..":
' TWO shall be as adStieeal die** te the het article ati TALr.sgsTocz.s. .
Tberis thall i. an additional article to said constitution,
to be deisigussidelaa article twelfth, as talons:
OF NNW tiOGPirtitdil.
No county shall be ditithel by • Los betting rq over oleo
tenth of ite impal•moo, (*alter to form • oar coeot ) or
ethereke ) efthoul the expreae aoreoebl [orb &lta,. by
a rote of tha elector therm.f.; nor WWI err, twroe•vaby.
be eateled, ouoteuurks lama then fuosliete*•4„rmivar•
NOM eoaditstlam, Odd' •1411. 1* Nu aitered had red si
Bc-rint 201 The Isp.lo-111•Y ghatl har• the pow.- to •/
Or. ',r.'s., mM,.I mny•hvrlP , —; • .o••••-,•••att..o h•r-af
to , oyofy,r.i. by. tyr •.Lyier am V. • r ri•twr,
o th, ' 11 . • 1 , 1 1.•• • • 1••
of tlyy .r.nve‘l.ll .11 • JO, -caner.
in,,rrhttc, •hall tooe soul t , the oror root ,tio.o
P7Ul'o • ol r %sten:inns, d.rveleti to the Act of
A,c-tnl,l, , the 27tii dly, of February,
1.849, entitled 7Ats set to rating at
elections to Adams Dauphin. Yark, Lancas
ter. Cnn3twriansi, Bradtord, Centre, Greets*,
and viz:
TI. / BC it emete.l by ttso !Least,. anti Tint. of
Ft. ,e - e-enLa•ltY. u. ti e -n. terxl,h , t ”erm-rlrsnis in
tient...ea/ 4et it•lr we... 1161 It k+ li•re. , ,,f •114 - tr.! by th e ...
thorftr •1.1 a• —lll it it %111 t.e the qualitle
1/140.1 •.r the r..t,litloonf 4 1.,0t,•10, Dssphon. York.
Prltotiln. •wlyrlttrul, Dr./rold ont re. I; &DJ Lr;•,
.fter th e rt . , , i -t t. r. •f• for all cant
clet. A,r the varinutt 1,0., Cit. t at to Net2M.o „n
non nr t,elrt Pr,. tit Th. r•
entrie.lalw t I rein,rol
tue exio.nt it. of tlt-. • ••, 1 , t
ex , - 111 , . 2 Twat stay 1a array ret, , , n
trntarr an the 'wanner abr., ve.., -114,1 0 1,11. putt.thei
11,) the ettosttng. lava a a ttxte ga.clitlt
Att.4:11t1011 In also directed to the following,
gection of the Act of the General Assembly of
the set:mon of I ssi. entiilid .tct to pro
vide for the c'ectiun of Judge, of the several
Cemrts of this C'omitmovri•allh
FACT! ,T 4 That the elect., n !lea +hall le. held and
ern'ucted in the Revers! ele two di , In the aa,re
wanner in all reßißß , ta as et.eetool, f ,e err -eventAhr.• Are
or Rh ill he in I Rol te I, and hv the Ramo Judo...
Inopecthre anl other 'era, And the prowition. of the
aet of the ilectresl ARRetnbir, Rtititied •' to Act relating to
the elettiatta ..( tto4,ohhonwellth,' •iproved toe se, d ~• J t`, odu.t. I to,,:hthon .e e -. 1 tnd thirty
nine. and lta Relent! Fotrde lient•. ant all other like
LA ill 111.• tee 'be •/1111 he in (.. - oe .!sell
deemel and t. - ken to Stile to the JtriKea l
l'reri led. That the Itfore.old e:e•t •'l , lll vote for jst(en
of the Furee•neCon•t in a Re;Artte lice of pi , er, sod for
a:1 ~ t , t e- .1, 1, 0 % re t o I ,r 1 (.4, Le the hit., on ravttl-
Al aril by vlrt le or the 11th • of the art
;.ereon, etrri , t.ez the Pere,
rho,/ Lit 1/.0 I ou r ooh a or ,v of prol/t or trust
tinier the if, r-L•orist or tho t I • tstr• or of any city
or ineorporatotsib. , th•r a °Meer or
A it... 1,f11•41r nr az•ltt Who ia, Or mind'
i 1111:4, La,* lie4l , •:•ti, • t If or fo..fteisi7
dep. - tot-tit ..1 this Slate. or nr the r n•t•L Stotre. nr of any
, u .c.,,rte,r,cel 1,1 t. nfk I Alm, that 1., e. v mennber of
ennc•rou ant of the `tate I zi.:e.torp vol of the Select or
Co:11.11on Coward of an or Co o,,,.•soeerr of ally la
corpor.itae! (I.4trkct. .4 be kw lt,dinabie of 1106.11t1; or ease.
at the 01.41 n• t, re, the oiti offttge,
leepector. or Clerk of an , Ccetit.ll of thoi Commonwealth,
and tnat tw Judge. I n4pector or other officer of any oath
election. shall be eluode to any office to be then voted for,
Auto—That In (Ito fourth osetHon of We Act of Aonotobly
entit:ed •• An Act relatlux to III•elltionN and for other par.
woe, " rn‘ prd ietth. lido, It in enacted that the
arum :laid 11th Pect lon ..abAll not 14 enuAtrueri, u to prevent
any wattle °Meer or horoc,:li ulecor. from Perrin; sk.ituiAO,
imparter ur clerk. at any general or special election lo tmtm
Aol in ant by en Act of the General Aaairmbly of Ude
State, lamed the 1l der of anly, it la directed that
tba in.pector* end Judge, ho at the places of their districts
on the toy of the General Electing aforetaid, at 9 o'clock In
ttr• fornwx.n, to do and perform th e nonreral Satins required
sal enkined On then, In and by the &anneal.
And be et forthordlroctoki. ia sod kr the feet or the Oort•-
rat Malleably of this State, aloremaid, that one of the Judaea
of e•ch of We different dirt:lets aforrusid. who eball berm
the charge of the certalic•tere of the number of robed, which
eball have been glees ler each candidate tar the different
office* then and there voted for at their respective districts,
ebali meet the third day after the election. which shall be
on PRtbAir. vex fern or. Otrroseit eforeeaki, at the Court.
house. In the Boron° of fietteebters. them and drew to
make • fair statement sod certificate of the number of
Cot., which ghat' have been glean at the different
trirls in the county of Attains fur any person. for the emcee
Sheriff's Office. Gettyaburg. /
Sept. 14,-1857. to r .
Edw. B. Hue
.3ttartirtf at I am, -
IVILL faithfully and promptly attend to
V all business entrusted to him. He
speaks the German language. Office at the
same place, in South Balinitore street, near
Forney's drag store, and nearly opposite Dan
ner & Ztegleekstore. •
Gettysburg. March 2/r.
Win. B. 31"Clellan,
2tiornr4 at tam
FFICE on thu south side of the Public
Square,2 agora %reit of the Sentinel tam
Gettysburg. August 2'2, 1853.
D. IVl'Conaughy,
:Attnrutti nt Into,
(Office removed to one door West of Buehler's
Drug llook-store,Unambersburgstreet,)
Attorney A. sollciSor for Patents
and l'e.AN:o
01;11TY Lind Warr:this Back-pay sus
pended ali other claims against
the Government at D. C. ; also
American claims in England. Land Warrants
located and sold, or boaght, and highest prices
given. Agents engagtd in Ideating warrants
in lowa, II riois and uther Western States.
`...ipply to him personally or by letter.
Gettysburg, Nur. 1633.
- - - -
Lawrence llill, DI. D.,
HAS his Office one door west of the babe
l'. church, in Chambersburg ctreet. and
opposite Granner'a store. where those wish
ing to have any Dental Operation perform
ed are respectfully invited to call.
itessaaNets: Dr. D. Gilbert. Dr. C. N.
Relluchy. Dr. D. Horner. Rev. C. P. Kraut
Rev. 11. L. Baugher,.D. D., Rev. Prof
William M. Reynolds. Rey. Prof. M. Jaoobs,
Prof. M. L. Stover.
Gettysburg, April 11, 1853. tf
- - ---
R -
Alex. Frazer, Watch and Clock-maker,
I_IAS removed his shop to Carlisle street,
helow If stvre, whore he will
alvs :Lys be happv to attend to the calls of cus
tomers. Thauiful fur past favors, he hopes,
L. Strictatteation t.) busine,v and a desire to
pie v••e, to merit and reeeiv e the patronage of
the pui)lir.
Atylibur g , 31ay IS, IS.II. •
loser's Liquid Hair Dve.
Still Another Arrival of
1%; k: W G OOPS,
k T 1 A 42011•5 i BR44';:. 114i14iin ,re street,
r• ri,..t., •ri I. r :4 ..t ••ar
, • I ‘/. Q.. IA Vide*
.1.. I S . -1i I: " — 31'.1.101 better t•Jr
au.; er—Ll 1.1.1 C 1/1',1131 ih , 1 , 2/1;:e 11011
G;re them a I , n• i ti
the 31er;!hant Tailoring hae- r you won't re
gret it.
Gettysburg, July 13, 1837.
lANiell cheaper than anybody el.e
Because lie buys , at nucti,,n, (;,t• etAa.
at Wig Hat-, that he livin , lre.l4 of.
tiontletncli have buti.zht arid pa: , l fur such
11.tt4 A.; 544 to :44 tx)--1.,,t Sam3,m 'Balk
them at Awl why does.lie them
AU r heap ? Because lie bought at auction.
Look at Ma Iloot.a and Nivea—look at hilt
li:then—the same kind sold et other plaaas at
from u) to $4 50, he .ells at $1 87} to
r , 7i. And why ? Breauce he bought at
1..),.k at his Clothing, and, in fact, every
thing in his line. lk will sell a Coat, Pants
and Vest, some linen and some cotton, for
from A 1 75 bi $2 00 per full suit. And why?
liceause be bought them at auction.
Also, black Summer Cloth Coat, Pants and
Ve•t, he soils for $3 00. And why? Be
cause he bought them at auction.
1 am confident that my old friend• and
‘.ll-4.,ener• s ill bear me oat in the above.—
I would say to those who live at a distance
from town. suppose you need but a Hat, or
pair of Gaiters. Why don't you come to my
establishment? Even if you lose a whole
day by so doing, you will be saving. from
$1 12} to $1 75 in the purchase of either—
and that is es much as most of men make a
day by hard work. Beside this, you can save
much more in the purchase of such other
articles as i r u se mny need. Recollect, my
stock is a , end varied •one, and all
articles sold astonishingly low. Come to
town, get your dinners and horses fed, and
you can never fail of saving the price of a
day's labor by buying at the Cheap One-Price
Store of M. MMSON,
July 13, 1857. opposite the Bank.
T HAVE rented the Foundry for the enact
ing year, and am prepared to make the
different kinds of Castings usually made at a
Foundry. I will keep constantly on hand the
different kinds of PLOUGHS, Points, Shares,
Cutters, Ac.: Pots, Kettles. Pans, Washing
Machines, .k.e.; Stores and Machinery; Por
ches, Verandah's and Cemetery Fencing made
and {gut up with dispatch.
All orders will be attended to promptly;
but tieing without capital, and money being
necessary to carry un the business, I will be
compelled to sell for cash, but on all country
work 5 per cent, will be deducted. Suitable
trade will be taken, if delivery] at the time
of purchasing. Give us a enll.
Gettysburg, June I, 1857.
Carriage 4, &c.
rpm , : under would inform his friends
and the, peldie generally, that he OM.
tunics the CARRIAGE • 1i.1,N0 BUSI
NESS, in all it' branches, at liis establish
ment, in East Middle Street, (near the east
end,' fietq - sburg, Pa., where he has on ban 1
a-first-rate lit of work, and is prepared to put
up to order n - hatever may be desired in Iris
line, lig :—Rockaway and Boat-Body
FatUng-Top, Rock
•away (C. Trotting Buggies,
Jersey Wagons, (fr.
With good workmen and good materials, he
can pledge his work to he of the best quality
—and his prices are among the lowest.
C--e-Itepairing dono at short notice, and at
rea rates. Country produce takeu iu
J.:..;:latige fur work. Call!
June 15. 1537.
Ready-made Clotlii:ng,
oATs, Palae and l'eaits. A t r boys and
men; Roots, Shoe., [lasi and Cara:
Shirts, Collars, Crirvuts, Keck Tics, Sticks,
111n1kerehiefs, Gloves, Stoeking.. Suspen.
ders,—a nice of lot at Gallant., IVater-proof
Oil Cont., and everything that oval be
found in a Sore of the kind, a iwa to he had
Attention, One and All!
To Hare Yipir Pi , :tare 'Lilo/.
A3II7EL WEAVER having provided him
t.) self with an entire new and aplettllid SKY
dence in West Middle street. opposite Prof.
Jacobs, one square West of Baltimore street,
e here be is now prepared to furnish
Ambrotypes and Daguerreotypes.
in every style of the ar., which he will war
rant to give entire satisfaction. His long ex
perience and superior apparatus give him
advantages seldom furnished by Daguerrean
establishments out of the city. lie has a large
number of specimen, it hi% Gallery. in Chant
bersburg street,where lie will continue as here
tofore, which the putilic are reqLeatt.d to call
and examine.
ri - Charges from 50 cents to 810. flours
of operating from 8 A. M. to 4 I'. M. Gold
Lockets, Breastpius, suitable fur miniatures,
always on hand, at the very lowest prices.
i? {: bildren will not be taken fur less than
Erj'AMBROTYPES taken from one dollar
and upwardq. and in the best style.
July 20. 1856. tf
Bringman & Aughinbaugh,
11TE are just receiving a uric lot of
Hats, Caps, Hoots &Shoes!, t h l
—of the very latest spring styles, acrd
intend selling at small profits. Call and see
them before purchasing elsewhere. Remem
ber the place, Paston's old stand, Chambers-
burg street. March 23.
Hanover B. Railroad.
FintAINS over the Hanover Branch P.ailroad
now run as follows :
First Train leaves Hanover at 9 A. Y., with
Passengers for York * , Harrisburg, Culunshia
and Philadelphia. This Train also connects
with the Express for Baltimore, arriving there
at 12 ie.
Second Train leaves at 2.15 P. X • With Pas
sengers fur Braltimore and intermediate places,
and returns with passengers (min York, ik,e.
Ang. 3. J. LEIB, Agent.
Removed to Hanover.
FANRCIS J. WILSON, late of the Witibb
. •
ington Honae at Abbottstown, has taken
to Ilanover, where, he wilt be happy to enter
tain all who may patronise him. His Table
is supplied with the best the market and gar
den can afford, and his Bar with the choicest
of liquors. Ilia Stables are commodious, and
attended by ctrefol Ostlers. Give him a call.
You will always find Rassr. on the spot,
ready and willing to make everybody. com•
curtabie. [April 27,1867.
Stone Peach &Tomato Bottles. 1 The Ladies .. •.• '
11,TE have just received a large lot of WILL find It to theleadvantage to call at
IV' Peach and Tomato Stone Jars—an ex- 1 • • Fabnestock Brothers, and se* , thrlf
cellent article 'for regerrlng fruit. If roe I large and cheap stook of Silks. CliaßikLawn4.
wint something that will not rust and injaz e ' Ducal& Tamartine&Delaiaga, Onli g x,e, e , w ag _
the fruit, by all means use stone ware.— ' hams, Ito.. which are &Wilzig cheap at
There is notbiog equal to it. Call and see , I..II4SESTOCK BROTHERS,
them at FA lINESTOCKS'. 1 - Sig* o f ais Lied Front
i LNireTt ON liiiiio:—.Stk-7-1-1-nirtBOftlua;
April 13, 1857. - . .-
y A DIES' LIGHT KID BOOTS.—A fine as- -
I 1 sortment of Kid Boots both for Ladies ' tt
and Misses, just received and iiiir sale •
i of every description, arid ter, salt .elatap
by ,
July 20. It Wei . Bifillito ; " BRINGUIAII &
Atftnitarsauart &
A f SSES' and Children's Flats of all kinds THlrs,„„i.Pi he ns ; 046 1 "li bi p tt l a irn a bl . es it i oo ti
111_, I arid at very low prices at and flyes, Tooth Breshat;, Lezd ' EV,
COBEAN it PAXTON'S. : m atc h". a i m " at , ; ijoßßtax ,
MIRUITS, and Confections, nice and fresh, riBILDILIENPS 'Show' of every variety and
Joel from the city: to be Stasi ,
.1 1./ size, at litarselgt r , x ,.. 1
GILLUM it- T/ 10 WP. amt _ 110.1 V; 1 1r, '
' ''
Savings Xnstitation of Adams Co.
1714titlition reteivesdniosites for which
pays interest as follows:
For or, r 10 months. 4 per cent. per annum.
For 3 and not over 141 months, 3 per cent.
per an.lutn. Fur trt nsient deposites, not less
than s , )diys. 2 per cent. per annum, payable
on demand without notice.
A joint fund (capital) of 810,000 has been
paid in.
Fur loans apply on Wednesday , .
Sums received on depisite as low as a dime.
Interest to be 'Wowed whenever the deposites
amount in t-:5,00, and oo each additional ;5,1)0
and 11 pwardi.
Office in South West Corner of Public
Square. next to George Arnold's store. Open
duly front 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.,•and for.rooetv.
deposttes every Saturday, from 9 A. M. to
6 P. M.
.7",• ,, 5•mr , -, (1. ti:x-relary,
Di red,' rs,
John Brough, John Horner.
Samuel Durboraw, George Arnold.
A. Ileintzelman, Jacob Iduaseltuan,
D. McCreary, D. lloGo` naughy„
William Culp, John Mickley,
Robert Horner, John Throne. •
April 6.1857.
rt-AS established s greater celebrity than
has ever been obtained by suy other
This has been the result of its marked en.
periority in quality, and its invariable uni.
The public may be assured- of the continu.
mice of the high standard now established.
The production is aver Twenty Tons daily,
and the demand has extended throughout the
. whole of the United States, and to foreign
Working thus on s very large scale; and
under a rigid system. they are able to secure
a perfect unifirnnit7 in the quality throughout
heJeir. This is the rent Desideratum its
i.Starch-vtakiv, and it maned now for the
firat time.
The very best Starch that can be made,
and pie other, is always Wanted by consumers.
and this will be supplied to them by the gro
cers, as soon as their customers have learned
which is the best, and ask for it—otherwise
they would be likely to get that article on
which the largest proflt can be made.
Mr. Kingsford has beenimgaged in the mann
a facture of Starch continuously for the last 27
' years, and during the whole of period the
Starch made under his supervision has been.
beyond any question. the best in the market.
For the first 17 years, he had the charge of the
works of Wm. Colgate & Co., at which period
he invented the process of the manufacture tif
Corn Starch.
for KintAforei's Starch, as the
name Oswego has becnceentfy taken by another
It is sold by all of the best grocers in near
ly every part of the country.
Oswego (*Oro Sin reit,
A s tO rc h t h R T o e r d e n i :
i ttiat ec r ;lebr ip ' il ty m w a i r t t h ic t i l e iet
perfectly port, and is; in every respect, equal
to the best Bermuda Arrow-Rout, Is sides hay
ing additional qoalitiett which render it inval
uable for: the ds sect.
Potato :Starch hate teen illusively packed
and sold as Corn Ntirch, and has &en; fakes
impressions to taany, l as to the real neorittoof
our Corn Starch. .
From its great delicacy and, parity. it is
euming also into extensive use as a tlitt,for iu
fants and invalids.
E. N. KELLOGG & CO., Asaxvs,
1:t tHus Strerl, Y:
0'414411 A(.41CC.1, jt hila •
Act:. 10, 1557. 3ut
E undersigned respectfully inform their
friende. and the public in general, that they
have cotninended the thibiuet and Chair. tnak ing
business. in Baltimore street. near
where they will manufacture all kinds
of Fll RNITURE. alteh as limzeting
and Common Buresu*. Tables of va
rious dem. imienut, Bedsteads,• Wardrobes,
Stands, and every other article in their line—•
A LI. of the Spat• workmanship arid 'rod ma
terials, which will enable than to•ttrarrant
their work. Also, evety variety of‘CIIAIRS.
Curious rrijide at sport noires, an(Pio the
various style&
Ilonse P*inting and Papering attended to,
and thMo in the Iw,.t manner. •
Their prioel will be as low ae the lowest, as
N M nho may patronize them will wild acknowledge.
fr . /Plumber and country produce ken in
exchange for work. -
Gettysburg, Feb.. 23, 1657,, ly
New fin rd are Store. .
TIIE . subscribers would reepeetteity
non nee to their fi lends and the public that
they have opened -a Ll.lnivrare Store, in Balti.
more street, adjowing Ole residence of David
Ziegler, Gettysburg, in which they alaraya in
tend to offer to the public a large and general
assortment. of
Tatar-zuart, 131)Qe Sirbingg,
Palnts„olls, and Dye-stai',
in general including every description of arti
des in the above line of basineks, to which
they invite the attention of Coach•makers,
Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Cabinet-makers,
Shoe-makers, Saddlers, and the public genet . .
ally. Our stock having been selected with
great care and purchased for cash. we guaran-
tee (for the ready money,) to dispose of any
part of it on as reasonable terms as they can
Le purchased anywhere.
We particularly request a call from our
friends, and earnestly solicit a share of public
favor, as we are determined to establish's char
acter for selling Goods at low prices and doing
buainessou fair principles.
...10EL. 13. DAN ER,
With a Larger Stock tbAn Eyer!
JACOO NORISECK. has just received from
the oily a large stuck of GIiOCEILIF.4,
FISH, itc..—tbe largest Le has yet offered w
the public, and which he is now opening, at
his new location, Kerr's Corner, nu Ba.ltintore
street. Give
,him a Call I Vou will End his
Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Salt, Teas,
anti everything else, the bust and the cheap
est to be had in town—he_haviti ,, bought at
low rates, and being determined sell east
at %mall profits. Recollect, Kerr's old corner,
Baltimore and High Streets,
Gettysburg, May 11,
Pure .Orr sego Starch,
{lardwart, Iran, Steel, Croteriee,
Gettysburg, June 9, 1851. tf
.11: S T FP. 0)1 TIIE CITY,
ed from
went of Goods',
stock of
and all Goods
Cloths, Caasii
Linens, Vesti
see us. If 'NI
cutting out at
a garment
hest manner
Give ul a ea
P. S.—l hate ,r'iven Mr. J. C. Guinn an in
terest expressly fur the purpose of settling up
my old business. I hnvo now been operating
37 years and have never until now determined
to settle up illy business generally. Those
thleafore who are indebted to me, either by
Bow. Note or Book: account, will please call
sad pay the same. GEO. ARNOLD.
March 30, 157. tf
Inkura lICE Company,
CIAPITAL sl39,sB4—eftects insurances in
W.-) any part of the Sate, against loss by fire
prudently adapts its operations to its resour
ces ; affords ample indemnity. and promptly
adjusts its losses.
Adams county is represented in the Board
of Managers by Hon. 3losas MoCcseat.
. WM: MeCLE A N Agent.
Of of XL 4W. iloClisan. Gettysburg.
May 26,1866.
Do You Wish ltrgains?
Corner of the Diainolid and Baltimore atreci.
1 L.SCWOK has just returned from Philat
lt, • delphig 'kith a lull and complete .aettort
meet of Spri rig floods, consisting of Black and
Fancy colored thuths and Onagaraeres, of all
styles and patterns ; slso Satinetta, Jeans,
Oottonades and Linon Goods, for Men's wear
Ana Satin, Silk, and Marseilles resting ; also,
Saspenders, Cru rate, Handkerchiefs., Hosiery,
and tiluves,at prices to suit the times4—which
gentlemen wishing a. complete Quail; would
do very well to examine. i
Fos 71.1 f. Lentos.—Just reoeivod a superior
nisortment of'lliack Silks, which will be soil
low ; also, Berege de Laine,s, Oingharug,
Brilliants, Calicoes, Irish Linters, Swiss', Malik
and Csashrie Muslin; Ousted Striae and Plaid
Muslims, Gloves, , Bibborue, Collars,. lirinus
TrinliniclePl. &.., Aov which for variety, exr
aellence and chearmas cannot he .surpassed
in this market. - . ,
s4r'Recollect, that attiotigh there is i
great rush to Schick'S Mr nigains, all'eatt he
accorntriodated. No tiontrlte 'td she& timid...
Therefore moll in, and Msamiite the flargeit,
, ricl • y and cheapest istslcit you over laid your
eye, .
1 . yalturg. April 13, 1847. • .
The Rev. ( 4 ,•• . •
T T Southern Asia, discovered a situpfe and
certain Cure for Ciid4Ml up e l
Cim;ll.l4, C49a, Drhiliry;' anti
all iinpuri , tieg of the thood itsb, etikt
effectual mode of Inhaling the- fie 1,1,44. Ac
tuated by to lienettt
lows, '04111 . -ehgrcurr, sehd the ltecipe free)
to such with fulf,anci a
re tiuns fo'r pieparing;and ilOccessfillty using
the Ilectclue. Address ,
REV. C. S. ittlENtr . T.
141.1 fir6./(1v40,
August 1857 . ; Ow '
- Pole • .r
litrE Illinois I:foetal Railroad 'Clottipany
is now iweclarod to avli.about..
- a
4100 p 000 Acres Of '
CTIOVt - 1;' 7.A.P1:11.ii4
in tracts of al;out.roitif ereelfts
aa , ? ,Pne Wet uj inferrlfi. . '
Tfie,te finds wete,,granted by the fbrieriii
'cent to aid in thesoustruction of thjs..,l3/),id.
Mut are among. thq.riebest and inotit fertile in
the world. Theynstend from North, Host and
Ninth West. thvough the middie,q(ithe : Statis,
to the extrewe South.end ineliidenvey varie
ty of climate and proclueliens repel ietween
thew Orallels of latitude. 7:he ZVoithern
_chiefly prairie. interspersed with.,
tina grtives.ancl hp the middle and Sohthera f
Sca : ickhit tintherprecionAnates,alienuttiog with
beautiful prairies anAopcninga.
The climate is mos, aldmyi mtjl.aju4 erre
ble..than any o th er pan el the country — th e
aw a it pure and bracing, 7 winle strearits
and 'pricy of excelbcal. water abou,itd.
Bituminous. Co is extensively tAineci, and
aciteap and ilesirAhle fuel, heingfar
nisliedat many pointy -at *2 to Z 4 per ten:—
and tvtaxlcan be had at the arsine rate per curd.
Building Si n e of excellent quality also •
abounds, which Can 40 procured furiittir more
than the expeock.of ttnnsportation,
. The great fertili'y of theee lands, which are
a black rich mould from two to five feet deep.
,gqntly rolling,.—their contiguity to this
Back by which every facility ma fora:shed or
!nivel and transportation. to the principal
maakets 'North. South, Eaststid West, and,
theeconualy with Arbieh they can be cultira
ted, render diem the iiioStvaluable investment
that can be found ; and present the most fa
voratde opportunity, for person.' of inclusti ions
habits and small weans, w acqinre a conifort l ,
able independence in a, few year*.
- Illicago is the greatest grain market in the';
world- 7 4mA the facility and. economy with
which the products v -these lands can be
transpeorttit to that market, make them touch .
more prifitable. at the prices asked. than I,
those more remote at government rates,- as
the additional cost of transportation ib a per
pineal tax on the latter, which must be borne
by the producer, in the reduced pike ho re
ceives for his grain, &c.
The Ti•lc, is Perfect—and when the final
payments are- made. Deeds are executed by
the Trustees appointed by the State, and in
whom the title is vested, to the purchasers,-
which convey to them adasolote Allies in .Fee
Simple, free and clear of every incumbrance,
lien or mor,gage. ' 1
T lie Prii.:e4 are .from SC, ;
Iva), 3 par rdril. Twenty per cent. will ,
dedocted from the credit price for Cash. '(
Those teho purcbsuie on long credit, give
notes payable in 2, 3. 4, 5 and 6 years after ;
date, and are required to improve ohententb
annually for five years, so as to have ono-half
the lime- ttf.ttrftvatfent7ift - t - heentreelthrt
Competent Eery .sillicentspeny those
who wish to exitnine these Lands. free of
chnrgi..and aid them in waking selections.
The Lands retuaining unsold ere as rich
and eshiable as- those which. hale been. de
posed of.
.11 ipq wifl be sent to any one
who will enclose fifty cents in .PostageSmipioe.
and P.ooks or Pamphlets, containing nolner
ous instances of successful farming,. signed by
respectable end well knowmfariaers tiring in
the neighhoringd of Ratlrood y Lanfla z through
out the State,ralso the cost oflencing. pprice
of cattle. espes l o of itarresting t threshing.
etci n —or any information-FA, be clilee4bUY
giros) on application. eitbc:Cier#4l:oll7 or .14y
letter, in English, French or German; addres
sed to WiLSON.
• LOW commiastoaboa ef Ala AS tpuol ca t ".
&Ulm , id 111 - mots etatral ItanT,ituo
pok, Chiang, ilkinois.
24n1 2U, 1857. 'dm
noac for 'PM. • -
F FOCI went a goat birrel of F ft l
LIOKES STOKE, as he but me wine.
tnents haye al walla the belt * **eh
sell at 25 emu advance.
May 5. /OEN HOKE.
31.'L'sd,,a,nat.BowTassi li. Cyii'_,_ Breed ,
Panama, Otter Skin, F. kid it 00l at Alt
prices, espeord . ing to qua! i st.
taws 18. COllB. l & L'AXTON'-.9. ) .
riLtACR, CORN & O.
WI glitgx . 4l.intes
IA 427 J. NORBECK VOrt* cif Paile
seigitt streets.
Chair ct Furnitnie Establishment
S , T ;r, f A
ne4 l: 1 I r l
where axe kept nlw,dvs...un 11.1,m4 t 4. 111441 a
“rder, every 6tyle t'reliel t
French Fult Stuff' ni.d rh'rti f t
ARM CHAIRS, in l'lush, Heir; notlVdl
- '
French Fall Stuff Curvet...Pk:RUM
CHAIII'S. in sets, with Plush, I
SOFAS, half Frenelx Spripg )Lnhe arl
Walnut l'arlor cit.r.;cs, Itair,.Clotli u
It( )CI:ISG rll.4lllS—rarions designer, In
finir, Chth at Plug]. -
Staff Spriug DiUNGES—a large ,aseere
zuent abruy, on baud, or any inittettt:inailt)
or covered with any goodA - to order.
'1U3.1.1311t Muhogony, ,.
W.llllO, C:llllpkte, from ;J! up. -
C.VNE and Itocktrik
lar ; :c.t a.—lrtinuat ready intrie in any
h,o in e the Unitod States—fruns.sl2 11.41.11 -
en up.
Bar Vogel, Qffiee and Dining CMII-1 . 1.* in
Oak, Walnut or 11.thozany, with Calm, .W 440
or as.hartaleat,
ovor 50 dozen. .
\l'-10(1 seat CII..tIRS raid 41.1171T.:Hg`ltati
Rockily; Chair , --;ortyr 100 dozen. -;
.. A. MA'I:IILUT,•2S N..rth Gay
uear Fayette street..`.
May 18. 41,57. ly -
dr. signed returns bk thank 4u the public
fur* encouragement, beretoßtre C.X.l3lltitli co'
him; antlteges pleasure in announcing tluft ho
has completed afrangementB by
beadles w il l illunisectseetr (;ettys , -'
burg urconnect. will the. entinil
to .1914 foal Baltimore, York, IdarrisloargN .
Plti-inde!phia. Persons desiring Ockeukur
information will call on the under , izned. or on
Ticket"Adetif, - ifiTte Eigle
nowt, in ehmirrbembarg lorrt,gt.
C7Slecial attention given to all packages,
ilk., or other businesq enu•w,ted to the iiier
trigaed bets -thin tiettysturg anti Harowev,
$44491 , wi1l Ipe promptly 411/1 ourvrolly 44q1y4f
undorxii;, , ned has 'arso
rongemenritkr which he u (11. be warm
for Ifunorlio *cid oPmr
occasions, at utotierate
•Otittyliburg, lailn.ll3; 1857. . • I
Slitxt, (Owl' nr , llth, :VITO -
p sa, st r
. 412: 10,.fp , .. 711erit !
. 44 1 ter,s, ( armlet and Fran akers,
ttnitted from' the beet anti thirtitittlibi'sezi:4o4 1
NI witterittl, tbet-ey4i,iti hattit:"Any
vinyl:Nl' from 'drau-i elsi;
t üb*lniiper harittglytirrhasril the entire
lae fe 4r, will w/ittitaatt,lho Lusitv.t. wi4k i jeli s
Lt,lite : l 1,1 4 Tit,t14
/I :11 4 [11:1i ~)f.„ ! . .1/ ”pti. , llllll I
trill be uttied for hir,4l? rir ,ht 4 th ttlCLtise,
• • / • S17.11Cli1; 13. IiTCI:Y.
July 1S 7.
- - 7
309 flux. K.ales at:hd Uorkv..
our. itivas T
Il ‘ 4.iition, trout Eng ti IttitirtlPt
ton*it< meta, of l'titlrri,.tye vlyy.llo
atti”:ti .n in irrult
)(nice , rtn l Parks, Nut Picot. 1 , ..;,14.4
c:tone to t exfuniiie. Wo -t I! tit -Mum
Pricer ri-rrili defy Competition. Akan, A %trig
a.teirt men t of Ttl'olo Forki, veltiett will Ito %Wilt
84):Nran , ly. -tiorgot; to e4stuiptii 4411
__.F.IIINESTyC,', ,
, ,„
te ,
frit , qt) Irridie.. rind- Jr icrfry,••
an! Retail, at , the
•Shia %Vatah and Jewtslrv.Sluri.94;i% 96
North Second street, corner of 9,ua:111, I Vs
Gold Leer Watches, full jeweletl,•lo,cit
cases, :328 00: Ciotti 1411111101. 10 cart
Silver Levers, fall jeweled, $l2. 00: Silvtr
jt•tvels, 59 On: superior (2 , lartierq..Si L A
Gold Spectacles, S'7 00: fine 'Silrer
Gold Bracelets, $3 00: Ladies ) Gold Petionllll
Si 00: S4ver Tea Spoons, set. OW (*aid
Pens, with pencil and silver holder. SLIZIt),it,
Gold Finger Rings, 37i cents to 380,-,W044,
(Basses, plain, 12i cents; patent 1$1; L,t4o
25; other articles in proportion. All
warranted to be what they are sold ttr.
STAUFFER ‘t fIARtP.Y.r... I "
Oil hand. some gold anti silver ttvetil'add
Leprnei. still tower than the abovelticesiort
20, ifsoti. ly •• 1..14
- •
Ft erne% ed a Pew doerfs9 J utit uftheold Sstand.
f' H. SIC Rita retpeetruPylitfbiqe;ti %Weld
• eusoint , ri: and therpubltio'golirstly4.4l4
he continues the TA //,(//a.17;
near his old stand.' In South Baltitnori
where he will be happy to aeaaawnetlaie sa
who may patronize him.- All work entrusted
to tifs care warranted to fit and be of
stantial male. s.'hankful for past favops t igp
solicits a continuance of public pa troure.
ore Arper I , j)rinyari:ANCliedit
Foxisimu are received, OAR and so the*.
Gettysburg, Apt il 9, .1.8 i)
New Malin_ 4 ;14 ,
rss LITTI.Ad
.oJ—inform the , Lath,es uE towp,,fin4 "mires
that hhe is now prepared to executeahltiLerjr.
in sli its branches,' in West IliflOittittudf
few do o rs below Mr. -George Liti,lelitsacits;i3:
Work done cheaper than elsewhere in Unifi b
Please call and
April 21,
Atimltioneeririg.- • , 'l'"
4Nattviir residligLes
174- ktree l iqfiridiromitrwt e iiiearJama"..i'effili t gi
lletty'Abur , , ofrelli his eiArvities
n>i - o•Otaiti 4grifildreir, lliy
are inutl9Pile, and he will en all
dcavor to render satisfaction. llel_ ic_vois
rOce viy Afrare IWpdbitte rtfo-
Aug. 17, 1857./00.U.
.. ~:nolui • 4•4 ' Clikk**-.._
I 'lgj 1
fc" . Octi) . o i 1
olsfaio a
ta r
11, ttl i rßpt s y e :;
.m. of a s
aii ' Amy Ike otiltingtiiiit: ti l iti‘c. -
.Itee'sll*ived 40 or 80 mail'
t ora
receive t e e t wil l i - ca ron - twig
bet and the ' - IF km.
. , .7, i., , '- 1 ~•,, ~d ialfilitl,l3.- A
. letrltykarttle itZtkiiiis,. , t2 11 21 1 W
-7±o-, ',,.., e• t. -4 ---Y-.t.i.- , YfAfmk _"tk.,
a: i.: iSPAIIMPIS.L. -r,;iv=
CASORGE and Henry Wampler will
LA - Eloasit a pat up the calor
for cub o ' 01k-10MM sad all
cibetillei*ki4lol invil ko l4 4 ll . l l ll
id, tumid, - . - •
' --, • ,
, iApril 18,
gl i k.tos
riffsee •
TEE L A 11(111:gT
TV rEll.
1 1 1 7 004
Ifer & liarley. • ‘'
ait •11