The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, September 28, 1857, Image 4

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"WiTi:REAS. in finil tv •!... Act of the
e Cene:..l \ • • 11tC, 016-
4•An art, t.) tknO.sto i.c t.e,lcr3l 1.1(c
-lio1s of tilt. 0,1c1...wee Oth ett.eted on the
:t 1. enio.o( toe to give
i'ob;ic,No:3e , .... of .tich Elrctimi I
loemin= imell notice w hat Ott •,.r, f , -t•
to e :I. HENRY i'lltlM
of the Matitiof Adatno. do. therefort.. h r,
give Lb** pot)lio notice to the I:tecturs of the
said t oouty of Adttos. that a
"•:vt.:r4POC. y
‘SZ7LIVI:ihre LT/
et %I 1 be heed in said. County. on the
Tues , b , v , ,.r l . 1 t l,e Ott:
several Dirtriets eotoposetl of Ole to' Ica tog
'l . ownships. is :
IA the Firet district. compoeed of the Tor
omit ettiettysletrg, snit the tow tothip of Istitu
trertandoitt the Cutlet b.,414c. in Gettyydnirg;
• In the ilettind dt.triet. coin po.ed of the
towtit.ln p of I ;croiany. it (fir hoit,c 11 ,, W Os
Cilpied l,v l'etcr Lin;cri ti•r. in ole t M n
Littlestow it. in the upt nuany.
In the Third &parte , . e , ttopo-t dor the town
ship of 0 .furl'-. et the hoo:o of W i d o w Ni i t ey ,
this low!' of \.a'
I N the Foot tti dit.trct, rani - lased of the
townships of Litintore ,toil lLuuir t gton. at the
house of Caltdi the town
ship of‘
In the Filth di•trie.t, eon-Toned o f the
town‘llllol of Ilantiltontian cu i taberty, at the
itchool-horse m NliEcr-tos
In the Sitth district. composed of the town
-614 of Hamilton, at the ferihe n tr occupied
by David :Sec comer, to the town of East
Berlin. _
In the Flt-ventli di..trkt. cointiet=ed of the
township of Jkusiten, in the l'oblic &hoot-
Nonni in the t o wn of BenJeravillto,
In the Eighth district. composed of the
iniriuthip ot.itraisin. at the house sf Jacob L.
tiosiso, iu itionterstown.
In the Ninth district. compogeil of tit town
ship of FrauLlin. at the botow f.winerly occu
pied by Jacob st dhunitb, in sada township.
In the Tenth district. timniv)sed of the
township of Voniorago, at the tioose of John
Bushes. in McSlterrystown. -
In the Eleventh district. composed of the
trot uship of T;inne, at the house of Samuel
&tiler. no fleidlerslwrg.
In the Twelfth district, (slims.-r 4 of the
township of ,Sinunijoy. at the house 01 Geo:
frivder t in said township.
In the Thirteenth district, comproted of the
township of Niotimpleasant. at the public
tiehoo4-house in said township. situdic at the
cross roads„ the one leading from Oxford u.
the Two Tarcros, Ow tither Isom Llunterstown
tit Hanover.
In the district. composed of the
township of stealing, at the public School
house in flanipton
In the Fifteenth district. composed of the
'Waugh and township ofl3erwick. et the
School-house 111 A hhottstown.
In the! Sixteenth district. eromposeil of ihe
township of Freedom. nt the house orSichnlas
)lorits. in sild township.
In the Seviitet nth district. comprwed of the
township of Union, at the house of Eno ch Le
fever. in said township.
In din Eighteenth district, composed. -if the
township ei Butler, at the public Schuo . .-house
in Ihddletown. in said ton reihiP.
At which time and places will be elected
Ono Governer of l'elinsy iea n ;
Two 'Judges of the Suprente Court of
Ono Cane' Commissioner of Pcnn'n;
Ono 3fember of Assembly;
-'One Shetitf ;
tltto Prothonotary ;
Onelillerk of 11w Conrtft ;
Qiie Reefirtler;.
(Inc County Copt ntissionei;
Quo County 'fro:ism-or;
One County Aptliter;
Quo Director ui the Poor;
Ono Coroner.
Also, to rote For or Against the following
Atunxitnents to the Constitution of the Skate
of Tenmaylrania, agreed to by II majority of
the triclubers elected to each house of the
Lite tr. Ito.. successtri ...tnnt of iho
ea ittocoantent to be voted on- sepa
tswly. and the tickets to be labelled on the ,
onfittelei"Firist A mend men t," ...Second A mend
nient." "Third Amendment," and ..Fourth
I - Mende; ent. or
"Against the Amendment," the said tickets I
to be deposited in separate tro;ets and belie.- i
Lately returned.
Proposing Aluendiments to ilie Constitution of
B. ~4 by tits &AU* An I unity 11.1vmemotatirms
al the Cosammeweaalth of Peso.y (viols an tieraent Ammma- '
4ly act: that ilia NI lowing ..uneor Lawny are pr.apmmed Lo
tbm resittilabou of lie monmairmure J tta, it; marmoLuam. w 134
Uwe prarari+.4 44 tooth ;AM" there'!.
IlitSl AMCCultxlit
Viers *din Ae na addition a! Article to sui4 constitution
bo ihriip**l no actiele 'Wren, as folly% ;
♦Rtrt.■ 41
OP porsue bIGOT4
Seem* 1, Tim P4to may oantract 4,lite„ to lowly cm
-1114 4.o l eite . or Gann., le revenue., or to meet expel.oa
tout othorrwhie prwriohel for : but the im . r.r ol : o2o . 1 ' , ... 41 t of
pork 'dolitilltroot oott, contingent. ebethor enatrectiet hw
virtue ot one or anew act, of the general amentbly, or et
tlilltentat 'pried:it of floe, Jell oe. er exc.'s!, ..e. ea hootren
Rod littrior ott *Mara. e.. 1 the momma front Um
smith* 48 made debts, Amin tot appliel to the larva... bur
%bleb It was ohtainet. or to repay We &Ma ett essitractett,
and La to .titer purpose what... er
Sec. 1. - I teltadithie to t/ie above Boated power, the State
may coetraet debta to rei.el tnrapion roppreq ivory+ ,
tion. ttoloso% the tltate in • Ir. or to rr.Lca.n the pre-eut
coirattneli tsrelehteharew of the State; but the looney ari.-
su4 frttA• ur
• enetrecetof work dobto, 'half be ellelie.l to
lloe,po for which tt • as ra,e4, or IM repay much rtehee
004 le M. Atter poi...”e 0hrt......r.
See. 8 lttcept the 41111t11 01.0 a aim:tot:lo4.lo Meting , ' mla
WWI tiro of thti., article. p. , debt • tuning: "hill he create*
by. woe be h alf of the State ...
SIC 4. To prnrair for the ferment of lbw preterit debt.
mot aoy nillituatal nett etwitrariel el afon.ettid. the irattALs.
tare em...a. at its 'first aesCira, after Lila adoption of ti n .
alutoolueetat, create a ainkiet fool. which 41.411 be aufßricut
tar pay the scenting Intermit on ouch , Irbt. am/ annually to
Whew the principal therebf, by a %nal not lee than two
tittartrott ati,..l fifty tlionwato.l 4.11 A r ,, 11111 , :1 . 1 4 010 S rani
WWI cosiest of the net anou_ll itkaotie of the putt/ ie work..
felon duo to ti,... *tuned by tio• Stlte. or to- p . uessele of
the Ede of otook., os owl II) like ,t..alw. t , e,t , •tber with ether
AIWA Or thuttirres ltatt i..” be .I,llplate.l by taw. !ha
Mad OankiNg tool , up 641 1ucau........,1 tat... home to tine. It;
Itsuiguirtg to It air tart of the ta•C•, Or olhe - re , roue- of
the roma, cot rylut. - ed for 11. or,latt, - . 4/14 c.arr....1 tt
pertae-A of Coveru•uunt ..1.0 , 1 wile« tii ......0 of rLa - , ant - ALA...IIot
ttuturnealtit.. DO turf u 1 furW.ol .101. o: 1....1 .1... 1 LW ...el
.r tomtitsl 0th0t . ..,.e. to .t, t.l the Ltt•lz 4001.0 ..1. 1.1 Lat.
111.1tolar debt, until q.O ...ow.: ..t ....t/ .1,0.... 10 ,via-v 1 're
f..' the sow of :Ire ...10t... r ti , ii 1, 1
bac. 5. 74. rre.lit of Chu 01.11•1.11,ealtla .4101 and ar•c
planner, or errot. I.r or t.. •ur 1147'1114
C. .nl wt. e 0 F. t Or a......11t100 nor sob Itt the amt.
ateevaelth her - eat:or becutim a J.,/n: owner. or stan-kOwder,
In soy Lt 4,13, or co rporott.ort
Hover', Liqatd lilair tp)e.
rl II I . : follotring, fro•ti thit em mull: -Phi ,i
J_ Clatt of I ' lilisdelplill. I/r. }ln tisk% added
to the testimony of elat...lw 11 ,nth, only con
firms wile. is eviduliced Ly thuu,ands who
Itaire used ifuver's I/3e :
••(;irnril Row, Chesnut street. k
Ploirolclphia. Ike. 22 1.5.:;
' "In regard to 11,rer . 4 ii•rir /I /r, I can state
unhesitatingly that it oontaiits no deleterious
ingredients. and may be uNed V. ith entire
&tarty, and the utmost confidence and wr - e, , ,,.. "
W. D. 111 tINICii.I.g, NI- I).
Threr's Writ i Jig awl I,4,irldde Ini-p, ACC
ao well and widely known, a , -; to require no
' eulogy of their merits. it is only neeeasary to
. sat " , that the steely and increANing demand.
gives the best eve - knee that they maintain
, their character fur stiveriurity which (loam
i guitilted theta when tir.t nitmlueed. yrar4
rrOIII P(Kilibli RwOor to., of the ecaritltatiane. "q"- ( ink a a d't:Caa " to t he ,1 / 1 ,10614071 Y ,
Arid* oat the worth. ..of the ot, et reent.ipte.A.seei et NO. 416 RACE sitemahove Fourth. (old NO.
each musty respertively ,• • trout whoa a. u. rho*. article, 144) Philudelpina, will receive prow IA A aim -
'stoke Qat Lb* evade, ••••if Philadelphia .1.4 id . the isai a.:41 . .
R 01111 1(44 11 ;" from ReCtlor3 **TOO. 11.00.0 ...tacit., .1.. Ike out the MO lay
word*, "neither Lite city of Ph.ladeiptha iser any, ' a*. lit- ; JOSEPH R. HOVER, 21faywlerrtuivr:
art sa beat thereof the wards, -ea I tit, toast el. this out , • -.13 , .., 4 -ii -
IRICR/411 roar, .any article, &RI 14 11H11 tarred
tune 1 . "t • .1. t Apnl 13. ly) •
the following : - _ _ _ __. _ __
• - tati.ttud 4- Is the yearn.. tlemeaaul cl=ot be retried met ' • 1%7 ALKIN G; C .1... N ES, ./gotgleni„.,E„.,
/111 AT tH4r And ill •111 r mirireuta
.. ear th ereafter, lepresen- , Ty „ jut, i lu d s. j tist
mcvived by
datives tattle emsether afoul, ItaudresL *hall be apportioue 1 I
art death ibabail equally. t liroai; -boot we elate, bj . ibaseerta, I il‘ ef4c1111(1A tit A ilweiseballeg.i.
ll pltrpurtille I. the inaitiber 01 taial./14 zwzalkitruttA is the AT 10 CENTS.—.I first rate
asterat darts thereof; esaept th at say ouuuty cont.:anal at I , -
tart these tiassaeot lirdllpualivil Lis-dile.% talky be ickivreif ' article of ndskl Candle, rats be foul *IC
In . 101 raLR ,THer..o.l""°4"; but " ".. ll ' r ' l. " *A . Dt../ In cents per poinid, ut NOILBECKIS, Keris
Wall be joined, audio; carauty skill bk. till kiwi las Lau _
rur"4 - , _IA
tee or a ,Wisest Amy city cortalooaa a a..41_,....4. tun .1,4. , `'''. ` -. mum, .
of taaatAira to eatitle it to at bowl. Lao n,podeeutat., e, 1
VIYAINSWARE. Chios. Gla , ts and Stone
awl la..t • a 01104 ate rtiortmentatiuit au.atmeal 4,, 0414 sloth be Anidelit tato cuaresavut ataxia. of couttgadita ta:Trztory, , ware —a large Ri4ornhent sh.l selling
of meat triable papule:km ae sear as . lay he, alb or: emu'. at • ContitaN . f t PA . I ftWell.
•Itlcti distaste shall sleet owe revocaeatalii a "
i ~„,„ ~. . ~., . ~,,,..,
Al Ithe *ail of eiretwa servo_ eaaaa article , insert .Leo I JT• it TA 1411..1 it 3 I .I ' l ItJAI it 1:' —4ily t i uan
....94 -ow shy .4 ei.u.kaphia 4+.11 be d ' i t .ied 11.4. 1...- , City and the -hest stock ever brought to
Si.. L emodiris' a"'"'"". a ' u g"""`"`""'""" meri f 1 this place. If you d.ollait, ask is at. 41 1 10
taxable popaiatioe aa perukes ; het oaf theca i0....1 ,
iiy - ,dirlikal la the fotinaboa tle-rout "; for yosTaplce•—ut • st3l/CK'S.'
slia losigasiL et l" °rat ......6, ail" itaa "1.14" a i SA PO N! VI ER (JR Casessteraysu Lys for
alosoat, fait , hew the sty at ekst..lotp....alsktu
eieestomideJ aaJ reipronedthicil a d on the abase , 1 ataktitg S-,al)---1.. hu hail at .
- pftaattatisatitartriet. c. ~..":= ut.pi I until the ap- i FAI
.., 0 is the parr oat thiethathl eased lelpatre-a Awl ifs, xv ,.. ... it . ".....,
ai i w s .
sactrosur. ,
.4aill - .... r ft
'totem AHIS.III/THR, ' ' I o.tAkiwi.tinfitsia s A tei -. •
?bete ittili be as aia...ecit &Aiwa la the it* AtiOlo. of r ••..c• , - • - . . . b.. zsrocKs,.
Ohs:. 6. The coamour:v. titr,A •ii.. 11 hut ~, u :ne the deht nr
'bay put thereof. of any you otn cos. les-noels. ur [wen
ehip: or of toy rorp..rute,s or 1...,11i/ell WC9
(11:14 a 1.4.11 lute heeu contracted to tie Silte to re
pel eat prose .I"...r.tsc .11,r-so-tem, strleol Used(
sn true of vssr. to Ilse :Lair stlagsisiargo or
N ., tar portion ita pre..ent inkt , hter limo •
er, 7. The let:i..l.kturc Authoriu• any eoor,ty,
City, borough. too lueo. - o , nte./ hy rutua
Of a non 04 Its rattraps. or l.• Iw...snow a
bvl3srsn any eunssuat,..,./..n I ‘Lia,l.l 4.01 . curpur.O.tuo: or IA
ohtuu 11 1 / 1 1/0r far. or 1.311 It" errata ki LI) our,oralson,fla
sociation, institutoun sa. party .ot,lAir.xe
There Paull Us an ad snick L earrtitation,
to lti dm.isuatel as &rude laa.toil, Y ful:aass.
Allalt LA XII.
OF N',..%1 COL ]TIE
Xu meaty aftell beaten.lel by • hoe euttim ”Rarer no•-
teitt• ter i 4 putaslataon. 4ealter to lona a Ilea meat/ or• er.thwet th eipr .111.1.!:.i. 1.81 acacia wuuy. Ly
I iute cat • elector. tlicc,,r, nor i/1 tl alo uca eF.uutl
be i•tabllsbee, ouateueen4 lea ibmi four bui•L•l jws
otti.l c..elkitlrtioa. which 'lull Le' r earnhe-resl sal rev] am
The I.ll.i•tars than hat. ltra 14...rar to al
••• gonad. 4.1)r ram-tar or lia ,, tp...rzto.a Itert.r.
•Irfo-rto.l Or. 11.0 1 0 r. omf Ter , seurral I.e.
whroPrer la ttarir opt rrk.a It err be injo.44l* trot.E•eltlt.a
Mr r.t , rtl,ireg•T • rill. 1111.1443.1. Proirob 14,4 t u
inurt•••ca .4+:l Le .1 •:,• t-1.1 e.renrattna
Pattlettlor k W:tit - 141u j• fel the A,. to r
„, the tiny. Nehru:lrv,
; :de I ".l :1 art rt to 1 ,, t1n: at
tit c. 1, ,,,, llaul..voi 1 , 1 k.
vr. ( aLre,
a , vl ,1/ •
:1C 71 .1 1 Ne it by /14.... 5..‘6, .41 n n ,,,,,„ 0
il.pre.erelatlle. of Alo ontoora tit e,f 14
1:er....1 1,...,1 1 0t• ..J,6.1 by 'hi. An.
t p„, t... sa. —lll .t 11.6 11 !..4.54.11 •..rtn..lulllsr t
vote nuat...• et Id. ,r L.d 1/ 6.6. 104 . 6.
F/11.‘ , s. Cuult , e lt, I, 411.1
. .11.1.411" . tte.•dCal* Irt t.. tot.. for ail
.1.1..• 'or to I. l• at .1.1.
001 •/ Il• or 1.6 The •16rh
eID 1 it rota) 0 . 0 0.• .1004.1, re.i.6.,u.1 1.)
tha rol.tini; 'at. 41 oir i.irt ..1•• .01.11•Alat
Sr 11 es That . In .1 ..i.t..1 JOT Mr.' ,
‘nolor 6,
wt.-. 101..1 .0,0166 imuu.../a4
It“. I. a • 1 , 1 t 11.• .11/4 , 4,11.41r..:1 , 1
At IL town i• alin irected tut the RilloYeirr,".
Wet ion of the 4^t the (;cperal ‘..z.olubly of
riot tltti —An Act to pro
-1I le for the of .itnlies of the ee%errl
(:(sirl , 4 nf `nln.nnnwe,l,
Pe. (1 ,, V J That eleet'on for holly. shell In hob! sat
eotrla-t- I . n toefiesta,.,oseteista la the Name
uuowr u. Ala .•• reoreeruteLiree a re
g.r Os al I. lael not eN,irin , tr.l. r,.l }or tht• •I..aata hoar,.
ant other *el tkr prosteions of the
AWL "f tuetieuer.d rta. at le I ••In /let reidi6•ol tit
the alertera. tare C !none spprocrol lb*
or lair, one thoneend eight tionelrtal awl thirt:a.
Wee. so 1 ate .e 1 .r al nappaerayessts, eel nil other Ilhe
far ea tie. .41 a!I be ill forte au l applienble, AI II he
, der•neet 1..1 tak 4 n to apply to the election lbr Jurler.;
; Prol flit. Tent the dole-.. 14 elector. At .11 rote for p. 1,4,,
of tlo. Plyre...eCtr..t on a renerat• piece of memo teatfor
all otb, re.inirr4 learned in the Lasr, On .tento
sar separate 1 , 61.C4 of it ,per.
*toes—ln jet a Ida. t 4 the 114 Naflarf thor mod
• syoreasi.l. artery pro.'.. einept,up Ju..tleea "Ireart;,
alio 4.11 boll stay ~Meats llsprotettnent of penal tn. Inlet
enter the tiorrertuseut at the rente4 Motet. or d env city
nr ineurt..orateet .hotriet. mi. Atter a eueeenurionel Aker or
etleiteriote. a ..(.mobs tb .4111ner ee twat. et. to, ne Shalt
be eentortel Inter thy leztelative, eve-mire or jeliriery
department of this nate, or urt he Cnitet 7rtAfen , sreaf raw
sit) or me...qt....1el trict. esetatan 111 at 01,7 member of
Coqtreea /tibial the latel• le-palatere. an 1 of tbe Select or
Cowell at any Citr. or 1...n00k-loner of any I*-
i eornorsta‘l that ;lel. is ter ler Incapable of bol,hoz or ever
cooas‘ el lb. moue U..: Ilea *tire apia....tmeut of J,alx.ti
Itseurrter. of Cirri!. .4 any Plawtia.o ai t'taa 1'044 , honAl'Attl..
not 11,4101 /11.1,1*. yor.inr, of other oelle-r .4 alai aurh
n 4.6 . 11. AI 11l 10 equilole In -nor ogee to he Van.e totel foe,
i is, Ito. 1...Art1..w tiomala the .trt of
*Oat le I -An trt relat.o2 sof for other lair
• we...." sppr o r,l twit l'4o it ei *trete , ' tint the
• /nor '1 I Ins salons • te4 lesnateuni, se to percent
anyeuotni, oUn o r I.k.rungla aolEra.r, tram. •er, Me
tete, for or el, k. at op genet-Al ela-clion an sloe
I An I ,Amts hr an t the tlan.ral laso,nbly ct: this
Star. tau...... 1 Ca. '2.1 •It. of Julr. 1 31. et v. , •lirrcle.l tilt{
- the iti.apecttam %awl It, lea b. It, the 1.1 1a.V.41 of thrill. al P•trieti
M. the akf Of the GAIA•rA: I, , ert 1.41 - 1:0111ALLI 1. Al a o'ctort. in
tins tore 5.... U. .1.• ant je:lor... tit.. ...oral dolma nein/cud
and ertj , • 3 l.4 MI ant In the woe art
Ant le it forth., •lirreqr.l m al Iht U. 1.9 net of th• Gets.
rat Assembly of tio• etas, af0r......4.1. that, wa n of th e Ju tans
of the .I.:rerent ali•trtet.l afasres.ta P. 1.411 be.e
tha charge a the rertelle rte. of the loonier of rote. Wllielf
ataall hate been rare,, tom rash earilt.hao for th• dare/vat
unt.ux• thee 404 there tutu.' lot at their reap•ettre din+ iota,
011.111 ....set brr th.ol slay after the election. ellieh 4,..n
PAID 11ne area or 1.11.-roeu a al . ..resale!, at it,. roWt•
kOMAIk. In U.. Ibusteita of tiettistear,t. thane and there In
wake a fair ottLeurtitt ant cectoro.• nuotter of
tote.. erloeh all.ll Is tre tee, 4.seu et
Piet.. In the tun:* of A 4.. for age pees.. fo, Weather
!lI,NIII . TllOll.lB, Shtriff.
Sheriff's Office. Gel lyehurg,
Sept. 14, 1e,51. to
Ws B. :11'CI ellau,
:ittururq at fart. .
OFFICE on the south Ride of the Public
lJ Si t tinre.2(litoco we4t of the Sentinel onion.
Genty"ltrg. August 22. 1853.
D. M'Conatiglay,
• 31tararq at tqau,
(Office removed to one door of Bnehler's
Qrng k If wk-atore,Cham horshurgatreet.)
littOrtity & Solicit or tbr Patetits
and Perve.o
OUNTY Lind "%Camila. tack-pay enc
.!' kie titled CI PI ims.aml all utlier claim.: against
the Government at Washington. If. C. ;
American claims in England. Lana Warratiti
located and bold, or hooght, and highest prides
given. Agents eng aged in loealiiig, **mints
in lovra,llliiiois a wl other Western State,. •
to him personally or by letter.
Getty abarg, Nov. 21, 1h.53.
Csiw, B. linehier,
attararq at I atu,
"FlLLfaiclifully and promptly attend to
an businmei entrubtlal to bic►. Ile
'peaks the German language. liftlee at the
mune place, in South Baltimore street. near
Goiatys-rintg. Itrett 20.
J. Lawrence Hill s DI. D.,
- "
HAS Li. Office one iloor treat of the babe
r4ii church. in Citainberalinrr, r.treet. and
oppoatte Gratnner's More. where thiNe
in , - to have any Dental Operation petfunu.
eir are respectfully invited tn
lIKFKKENCES : 7nr. D. Cilhert. Dr. C. N.
Bezlncily • 1)r. D. Horner. Iter. C. P. Krauils.
I).1).. Rev. 11. L. &Higher, D.. Rev. Prof.
William SI. Reytiolus, Rev. Prof. X. 111 COLS,
Prof. SI. L. Staiver.
Getiptburg, 40i1 11. 185:1. tf
Alex, Frazer, , Wateh - aiid cluck-maker,
HAS ritginove4 his shop -to !Carlisle street,
1, Fagtrei, ortiers„ite Gill
signiksi bet bappy to: oared tg. the gels of
tomer. Thankful fir ititst favgim.lielispery
by strier garroting ta lumine,gr and 4111. desire to
rrierre, to merit owl reesi‘e thu potruggsgs of
the public.. F, •
M•ty 13. 1457.
'P+ - Mfr:k;.
routed tilo d.wndrn fur thr en .o t .
y'so, twel apt pre),lire.l; to make thei
k; ok to f tl.At uw uruolay tnn.ln rain
Voloplry, 1 w.ll o , op • ont'v)to
. I- ); 1 - 1' A
q' • P < 1, I‘.ll
- ;.% Me- 4 All.l . 1! , Po.
..11 I2ellit . .ely Ve1,1.1.1_ ILI
, t." _r, trsls L , c 11:,C1141.1 , 11 I tkrtilllP: ly ;
7,einz without c. p.:01, and tuvtijv
ikevriantry t carry on ti..• !At-tno.4. I w.ll
4 , , 0.44 i .r etz.o, 7ut ot, all omit ry
work 5 per cent. wail te. t-'. Nutt :A tilu
tra.lo will A° Lak-n, if dchtore , l At the Limo
purchasing. iv t• crll.
E. .Ni.
GAtrharg. Jtme I. I `si
I.IN , 1 . 1
k_., IS^ • aaee hr I.tiy, n I.1•••u. f..r (•‘,.1.
Looh at his Ilat,, th of h.• ....". hundi.' I- ~ r- which is the bc.t, and a..,:, tir it —otherwi-e
Gelitle:ut. I 'lain 1..1,:1.t t11"I p 1 . •1 f ,, r s.l Ti they wont , ' to liiCetv to get •thst article un
flats froin :;&,,,1 50 to „,-;-; tt,l—l.lit S.iiits,n se'l , ix htela the lar4est profit. c tii be inaie.
Clem at 4 :::?. 25. An I why , 1. , P. 1.1:: -el! theta Mr. King‘fonl Las been cngsgeil in the msnit
llll''(.'''''. ; facture of Starch for the last 27
so Atm', ! llN•aasii he Ii .11 -ht :.1
Isik at his
1. ,01: at his 11,...ts :Lila S . lotA— . ' years. end during the whole of th tt period the
Gaiter , —tim pante !...iii , 1.,.11 atinher phi, es at Starch toxic 1 . "'" 11 11•
from !!".3 al to S -1 , 5 0, he 4 e l l l 4loKilps,yn an
172 ni. 4MI why ? Vocal 'er, • , 'or - IT l'i il e NVINti the ch trge of the
atiliun. - • ; r e or iti k: o li nte %: i n t t. he etilg.tte. & ( o ,at whi-h period
Lok a; hit Clitthll67,, 'mil, in fait, PrAry- Noce -4s of the nmattfacture of
thim• in his line. lfe will still A Coat, r4l.lth. ('urn storsib.
anti Veit, SUMO liiteti and Nome eothat, rir I i i i;r s l o 4.. (. 4 . v,ig,r,,,l's S.',/r, 6, ft, •i,6•
from $1 75 th s'2 00 i•er tail mit. Awl why 1' n ~,,, 0 ,,,,,i, fits 6r-a re., AL M :ob. iI y ci w ili v r
Beeattrie be lemg,lit them at auction. iii tory. ...e.
.tlao, black SumnaerCloth Conte Pants and . I t i s s e t t h y
rest, he .ells fin. $3 (10. Anil why ? 15s- :ly every part of the country
muse ho bought them at auction.
• I am confident that my Mil friends n.nd
customers will bear me oat in the above.-
1 would say to those who lire at a distance
from biern„ anppoto you tievil but a Hat. 'ar
pair of Illaiterir, Why dim% you came to my
establish loc.. t ! I: icu ii p,u io, It whole
dot by tan di,iii r .. yon will be savint., from
$l . 121 to $1 :ro lit the po cella.* of eikltst
and that is rs much as most of mon make a
(lay by hard work, Ille.iile this, yiiti C an plivp
much more in the purchase iit sticit other
articles as you tansy Hoed. Reel.lleet, tar
stock is a htrge and verie I one, and all
articles sold astonishingly Slots. Gone to
town, get your dinners and horses fed, and
v in can never fail of *A% 131 g 1110 price of n
il.ty's labor by buying at the Olean One-Price
Store of M. SA 11 4 .0. N,
July 13, 1857. 1 opposite •he Hank
Carriage 4, 11111;;;ri &c.
GOOD A-VD ''/RE_ '?
fp lIE 'undersigned would inform his friends
I_ 11.11.1 the public, generally. that he el in •
times the • M KING BUS!'
NESS, in all its lir:melte., at hi, establish
ment, in East 'Sliil , lle S;reet, (near the east
etid,l Gettysburg, Pa., whet e lie Ii in loin 1
a first-rate lot of work, and is prepared to put
up to order whatiner mai- lie desired in his
line, rixi—Rnekaway sn.l biat-lt sdy
LC- Trotting Bugyir.s,
Jetsry II ity..AS, (Ix.
With good workmen and g.sid materials...lac
ran pledge his work to be of the hest quality
—.tad his priocei are awing, the lowest.
stir ttopairing .bine at short maim, and at
reasonable rates. Country prwilueo taken iu
'axthringe fur w u irk.
JACOB TitoxEl,.
June 15,15-17
Ready-made ClAthing,
GoATs, .font.. and Veldt, for Ivor Had
Awn 13nit4, Shl m. flats Cppg ;
Shirts., Coligni, Cr:lx:tip. Neck Tics, Si.n.ka,
(:1 e*. Stocking-1. Sit..pen
.ler.,-- I nice "f 1.4 of Gowns', Watct-proil
Oil Wata, and e‘er:Allinc C 1.30 that 4:An be
found in a Sure kiwi, always to he l in .,
Attention, Otte oti(1 All
To y„ Pietari•
(ZI3II;EL Ns- ‘Viat having provided him
k_7 +elf with an e!lkirS.Prl ir ilYftrfekt
tit:nee - in West Jliddle street. opposite Prot.
Jacobs. one squire West of Baltimore street,
Where he it now prepared to furnish _
Ambr3typz3 and Dagnsrreotypes,
in every style of the ar.. whit:hire %%ill war
rant to give entire satiNfaction. His long Ex
perience an I superior appEEritul give hiai
advantages seldom turn:Aim! by I)ignerrean
establiAlitents out of the eity. He ha: a large
hotelier of specituenr at hi: Gallery. in (limo
luEntlui g street.whvre lie Pill ountitine aY lucre•
Wove. which the poblic arc n•q.iestul to call
sad Clausinc.
• 97'Charges from 50 cents to $lO. Hoots
of operating from Al A. M. to 4 P. 31. Gobi
Lockebt - ,`llreastpins, suitable fur minintures,
always un hand. at tie very lowest prices.
13`Citildren will not be taken fur less than
SI 00.
IiC77tANIIIRITYPFS talien from ono dollar
and upwArtl4. and in the best style.
J.dy 20. 1855. tf
Biih;gthan & Anghinbaugh,
STILL .11/E.11)!
WE aro just reeeiviug s -tv.l4 Tot of
1111a1N, CL>t ps, Hoots St Shaven
—of the very latest . Spring styles. stet V
Intend ?wiling at small profits. Call an,l see
them heroin purcliassug elsewhere; Ramona
her the place, Pax.tou'aig4latand. Chsinliers•
big Woo L. Jlarch 2.1.
Hanover 11. KAl!raid.
ri'MAINS over the Hanover Branch Itaikroed
nuur rut, a* follow.; :
First Train learei Hanover at 9 A. M.. 'with
Passengers fir York, HarriNburg, Columbia
and Philadelphia. This Train also cot n *cts
with the for itakiniore, arriving ate r re
at 12. x.
fecund Train lea re. at 2.15 P. u .with PIM-
S:itgers, fur Baltimore and ititerinviliste places,
a n.. retut us with passenger. intui Turk,
Aug. 3. J. LEIB, .I;ent.
Removed to Illanover.
2-1 R XNCIS kw of the Wash
.- •
liwtae xt ‘lblmillmown. liaa taken
liEftillErSOLD AN) l'Ol'ULAlt STAND.
411 alaimver, whera lie will be happy to enter
-1.41111.11 whw may patronize : lnm. Ilk
atipplieel With the tacit the market and car
tkii can alrur.l, and 1114 1/ 11' with Olt! ChOlet•it
of lipiors. 1114 -,t, t hl e a are emit tinnljnns, nnd
attended by carefol nAtle 14. time him a call.
leli will always tim I FRANK. oil Coe iipor,
rustily aid willing to make everybody coti•
fortable. 1.1 pril 27.1651.
Sift Another Arrival of
NI?. o 1)8,
T JACOBS at BllO'S, 11 altimare strut,
near the l'Emna ,tl.l, where greater tar
gains than ever earl be secured. • - tju:cic gales
and !anal/ ftrubt•"•—,.tlwaty.t Lotter Inr well •r
and buy = er—:s the mutt.. they :14 well
preach. (live them a call fur anything, in
the 31rrehant Tailoring lilac —ynu won't te
grt it.
Geuysbur• Jalv 13, 1557.
Stone Ware.
A HATSTOCR MOT!! IE:Wt.: hare just re
ceived the largest and heat lot of STuN
WARE ever offered in ttte comity. consisting
of Jars, Jugs. Pitchers. Crenin Puts. Apple
Butter Pout. Pie...terra Jars, Milk Pang, To
mato° litiales, Spittoons, kc.., to, which they
inrituAbe a:Lemma of the Hall and
exataiillK44 Os sign or the UV} itguNT.
20 0 IS5i.
Afitik'SES' and C hililreter Flats Wall Unlit
.111 °aid DA very low prin.' at t .;t• .
• .031:1EAN .It. PAXTON'S.
r, i Rini% aiid Confections. nice anti fresh;
.1. .jatslilivia the eik'd.lri'he Wet-
tATIP• ,
Arc Oill i ttSPllt '4 Ttru'Ax.,
Vlbllt ti niu!..,— ''
. .
Pais osiveitti
(.0% ThIS LAr:CD)II%)
ior .ls estahlkhei a greater erthrity (has
1 - 1 leas crer (Rut obiattied by aoy Wier
This haybeel , 11, of it,' marked cu.
rpet:inity illott,:a!iiirEiPid it, i.ivariailvi d git
forgo: v.
110 ylbl.c tnie IM scimrel ~r the
~f the Ili ; 4 1 .4,11111 , 1 'I ix ei•shiiiim I.
The prolti , ii• ()Ter Txeiity Ten% daily,
and the , i-istun I it.,4 throngirnt the
wh..le of the [met) Sintri, sa,l to foreign
Wo king thug ern a very large Seale, attil
nmier s rig4.l <ysiemi they are able to aecare
pert•et unit it-luny in the Tiility throvighicid,
the ye ir. Flit i Ste m .l 1' •fidre to
a3l it re Lir:e I twee 1;.•• fh •
fir,/ iffse.
The veil best Starch this can , tie made.
Sn4l xll ,e l 4-r, 14 at %rapt wrimeil bt con.utneri.
tml this will be vit . lplie.l to them by the gro
ems. etc their }rave !came.'
Osvergo l'oret *larch,
(Pot prnm xas.
I_TASohtaizrd eh «gnat celebrity with their
Surch for the Laundry. This article is
perfectly rare, end is. in every respect, equal
to the hest liernuda Arrow-Root. h 'dace her•
additionAl iullities which reviler it itival
ualde for the (1. sert.
Polito) Starlit his been extensively peeked
and sold as yarn Starch. and has given fake
unpressiosui to many, as to the teal userho of
our Corn Starch.
Fruit its grrat delicacy and rarity. it is
cowing aim) info eXtunitlYe Uhe 114 a dint fur in
tams and invalitts.
E. N. KELLOGG & CO., Animrs,
Frl/0N \r.•M. N. 1.
Acg. 11. 1857. 3m
AND NEW FIRM. ito and hots Baltimore. York. 11 trrtsburg.
Philadelphia. &c. Persons &siring L
rpm: nndersigned rearwelfully inform their t tc..ets or
iislormation will cakl on the under-11;114:d. or on
- 11 friends and the public in, that they ;
Vitattt.xs Tays. Ticket Agent, at tile Elgia
have commenced the I lit binet arid Chair .uotking
Hotel, its. Glutrobershitrg %treet.
huvinens. in Baltimore street. near 3liddle, t
where they will minukettire all kinds . 1 . !Et B Pe.cial .atteutioll i;"" to nil trirk 3 ,7 , ••••
ar.. or ot h er busittena entruithd to the tan 1.-r
-of FIJ ItN I rups, siwii ~,,, th-,ssing , ..
anal Compton Rua I:AIM. Tel ;ca or,, ...ig..,ned liet Wren Ceityslitir. , 1111.1 11.1111 , v1.1*.
rious desc iptious, Be Wends, IrVardrotie„ ' 1 "'"li will I, e Pluitil'ilY and ' c try MI)" uttLrel-
Stands. nnd every other artiide in their line— ' ed 1"•
ALL of the best verkiiinet-hip and good oi ...:l??The unikratglied has also effected nr
vo.tato theist to
worron mitgeini, ins by wit,cli;he n ill h e ,t ,l e to ..,I yly
their work. Also. ye ) . v iriety of 1711 Alai Coaches. Stages. &c . for Funerals and other
Coireoss made At short Holier, nod iu' the uce"i"" at ti " sietate ehnel : es '
various etyles. . 1 (le:tyrant April Ili. 1857.
limo& Painting an I Paik•ring a tten Icd to
anal done in the he t i. manner.
Their prices will be hS 1//W ha 'hn lowest, ft; ,
all ehn may liturinone them will .acknowledge.; V 4700 1 . lonldinw NM,
D - 'l.uintier and coloury produce taken to 4 li r d:iste ...:trt..l, to'ioce fir,.//en. No!ii Si.te.
elcbange fu: wink. 1 1 II til.,i,lif,NGS ttalitathle fir Cat p••:iteri,
NORIII-:l7g. & REILLEY. : 1 11 Bolide' •,, Cabinet nod Fs ante 31.tker.,
Gettysburg, Feb. 11, 1t.57. ly ' %turned lim n the. best nod thortto4lll). season
--- - - -- --- ----- e I Mati.rial, illWity.74 tart hand. Ally pattern
Nen' litirdware Stare. - : wired flrmi ft ilritarcni.r.
ripliE aulincritsers woidek respectfully nn- ' * I
It. • sube...riber having purchased rho entire
1. flounce tat them friend, aryl the public . intete "?',. etl ,;!' - . ll Littato khir bu.qr-1343 wrth
they have opetwal a ll tot vrvire Stnre, in Hal ti-
crease.: mow
more street. sljmatitis the te-si•loice of i)aeitL Agcrits wonted inthe enri•ais •-- vii.' n this
Zic.-,ler, Gettysinirg. i i Willeil 1111• Y alwnys Itt- P"rt"." of t he 4: " re . t'" eh '" n "p;"' et " n " —
will be offered for laeg • ondits to tht•m-el res.
trod to oirr. to the public.. a larze aud g,eneral
naseoritneitt of r
.J u l y - f-'O. iS.',7 *!••• • ____.
Ilarilvrnre. Iran, gird, Grar
la L trtri
.. , I. NGS, , 301 P 03z. it nivzs and Forks.
e 17 Pi L' STIiiNGS, AXLES, r \ VINO jal it re..ra% pal of anat. 11 V:1 imp tr
olk 011
1 . .. it) :1) I LI
.., 3 2 NZ si ' 1_1: tatimi, frclit E.;;;lxt 1, a Lit . 4e. 31111 ex
te.l, of eiltk 11C 1
rl. 1111 P 1111.
llcbar-zultf, f ' ..3 .1 .t0e .f I%lt itibinv„• i
ot, ~ 4. t.•.. 4., In wan; ..r ~:r Kirk" ,pt.
rairlill, e fillit. and IT ye -*I stet: ' K,i c v. wi,l,Fork.i, Carver:, Not P c.. .c •., to
c it i t e Tt i n n er t a h l e . i I:c h i :l ,3 'lll4 .h
li c e .%
, e i r l y i. ..l l t2 i ,: i t „ iy s t . iu t n o n ‘ f v a h r i, t it: ,•.;n^ a• 4•1 e•cauniritt. We will Kell at gueli
priee4 .)-a will &qc etontieth ion. At.", n,ze
they invite the - oaten; jot
et. Peach-n,
. t.
e - rs at:awl:tient tlf T.Cole F' irk-, which n iP, he a .. 14
separately..'t forg,t to px:unini• the
lilackstuitha, Carpenter.., I !It I,inet - makers,
6c14 I! FA UNE"; COCKS'.
Sims-niaktra, Snl•Pers, and the intleie gesicr- ' , Ny
irreq,lelllLE ry .uerehatits 4.3.2, lie at:up:it:tint
any. Our stock. having 1..... n sdected wills
ft arnall lids ave. • May IS.
gieat care and porchahtal for eaait. he gnash-
-- _ . . - ---
tee (for the ready utotter.) to di.pose of any
nt:TU/ler 4S: ii.:lrieV.
part of it on as reasonable terms as they cart
. o i 4 op Wihrh: • owl ./.. fry I I y.
be purchased any w• hare.
We particularly request a call from our 1 17110LI:S.11.F. n 11.111,4161. at the Philadel
friends. and earnestly solicit a share of public " (Oita Watch awl Jewelry Store, No. 9ti
favor, as we are determined to establish a eitar. North Secood saver, corner Jf Qua re, Phiia
meter for selling Goods at low prices and doing delpld 1. .
business un fair principlts. •. Gold Lever Watches, full isweled. 11 4 1 carat
• JOEL•II...DANNER, ' Cases. :328 us): Gold Lepines. 111 carat. F 24 00;
DAVID 21MA:it. .; Silver Levers. full jeweled. el,... ) 00: Silve.• Le
: pinc:.j..vrell.i.s9 01: sww,ior Qoartiers. 47 GO
Gettysburg, June 9, 1361. tf
Gold Spectacles, :t7 00 . : tine Silver do. $1 50:
THE FARMRILS' .t. 'Mt.:CALA:CR:S . Gold Bracelets. 83 00; Ladies' Gold Pencil.,
Savingts Institution of Adanis Co. II 00: Silver TES Sporms, set. 85 00: Gold
Pen:. with iiencil. Mkt oilier holder. F:l 00.
i I l liiiS IMititution receirt adepom ten fur which field Finger Rings. 31t cents tur44hiVatch
i it pays ipterest as ("hews:
For over VI months. d per tint. per annum. Glasses, plain. 12i cents: patent llii. Lunet
.23; other articles in prupu born. All goods
Fur 3 and rn4.. over 10 wombs, 3 per cent. ' Led to lie whet they are sold for.
per apituin„ l'Agigransient depts.sites, not 1i......a SrAuvvEtt & 11.‘aLEy.
thart`3odays. 2 perper •
. rent . annum. payable , ,
• . O n ./a4 , 4 • POMO gob! and silver Levers and
on demand without notice. i s ,i a ,,,, mil lower thane
~. ; i the above prices.
A . joint fund (capital) of $lO.OO hos been "
Wt. 20, IB3G. ly
paid in. 1 • -- -
For loans apply on Wednesday. , •
Stuns received on deposite aslow u a ditna. : Tailoring.
stunobeed a Pew Iktora Sam t h at t be Q181 , 10111(1.
Interest to be allowed whenever t he deposites
ainoact In 85,00, and on each additional )0,i.0
o f 11. S KELLY respectfully int:wins his old
aril upward s . , • costumers and rho public georndly. that
Office in Souiji West Corner of Public he el w itie s ees the T• 11 " 1 / 11 •VG iirSi-\"/"S ,
Sqiutre, next to George Arnolirs, store. iiipen near his old stand. in South Baltinsite street.
dilly (ruin') A. Al. to :t I'. M., and for recriv- wh e re h e will be happy to neeemmud 4 te all
ingdeposates every , SiiituidaY.frsin 'J
. . 4 %. M. to 0 irillt may patronize him. All cork entrusted
ti I'. 31. to his care wsrraiii ed to lit and be of must :tub-
ir. Soc,•01(r ry,
John Brough. John Horner,
Samuel Durboraw. George "Arnakl.
A. I leintsolussa. Jacob Musselnia n.
D. f%lcCr.ary. 1). \freuniiighy,
Wil;isru Culp. John 11irklcy,
Rol.ert•ll6ener. John ?Inoue.
April G, 1857.
With a Larger Stock than Ever!
TACOR haYi juvt rreeiTe4 front
the City n large tw - k of 11ROCEItIti3,
FISH, largelt lie lirt4 )et offered to
the public, nud which lie iv I I ne opening., at
his new on Ilbltinvire
treet. (lite him a Call! lon will tia I
Coffee; Simar, Molasses, Salt, Teal,
and e‘erythin; else, the be-t and the cheap
est to be had in town—he havim4
/o w rates, and being determined t.l sell fast
at small profits. ICec lleet , Kerr's old corner,
Baltimore and Mei Streets.
flettrsiarg, May 11. 1457.
The La d ies
IVILL Boil it to their wirantage to will at
VV. Fat/tie-stock firothlrA. awl se, their
large and thetpstockofSuits,thniliA,Liniorns,
Ducal*, Tatu n 4.1, Deliti ts us , Catiouen,
hutnn, &c., which are nellinst elienp nt
Sip& of tee .11z1 Front. '
April 13, 1557..
.. . . . i : GORGE and Henry y Wampler will ma
- - --- ' u
riITIREADS. Pins. Needles, Thimbles, La- for cash ur ,touutry, produce. Milo) Spouting and put P the same low . ,
artners and all
1 ‘ dies' and other Omaha, Bottum. nooks others - arialtin4thoir !looses, barns, ttc , spout-
Old. MM. Tooth Betudbeti , ' 14 " Peneiti• ed. Would du wall to give them a call. '
Jiztehes. cheap at NollßFAlli'S. . . : ' 0.4 L LI. INAMPLER.
ifIIII4tIMEN'S Shoes of every variety iiiii : April . lB, )1 1 53. 4,
L.." sue at Hattsdimir a ditiltulikOcea -
rruci;ilwa44l l lo kV. W. Pesten' _ , t cells
_-fi . t . ,,i it:) . ie_ hoots, Soe.; Gaiters
IlL,;iis , ol* lon, and ter Oil ribs, IS cionrili ebitapest esaorr gst
it • • - - ' a ' abed. "
,c 002, 1 13 a' . ..k...•
C hair & Furniture Establishment
In Haitinvirp.
11'11,111"5 \Y ST. W.IIIEIIOOIS,
I .v Gty x(. ed, neix Fayettn,
ullvaz-4 uu hatid, or ol.t.ic
0 r.l,r. e%ery rt•neh TE:TE.A.4.}:TEs,
CI:,0.1 nr Bro...atell(i.
Frod , A stuff and 'Me
A in Plubh, Bair, Cloth or
ri Pn,li run Still! Csrseil PARLOR
CUM its. in sets, w;t:t !Lair, Cloth ur
AO 1•;, half Prendi Snring 31a!iognnv, anti
PI•rlor C 11.1,1115, in tor
Cii.ll2i—varions (le.;gnn, in
linir, Cloth nal
Stuff S t iring Lr)::N3EI3.--a largo amu)rt
mem itheays oti lowal. or any tattcrl made
or covered with any A , ...14 to order.
C A3111.1.:It LT:--: 31ah..zany or
IVlOnut, e.ou d iete, from tii4 up.
CANE CRAIK3 and do.—ehe
lare4t a4Aartutent re:oly a ty one
taapte iu theZuited titate3—froin SP2 a dUZ.
eu op.
Liar Room, 015..0 awl Dining Cil.llllS, in
Oak, Walnut or .11.t . 10,4 —.lly, with Call". W*10(1
vs SualL.l-4144.6 , --4,1 :444ur,ttent ettilauciug
over 50 1..z0n.
'eat 3,1 , 1 SF:TTE'rIS an i
Rockiti;: l'itain•—)ver It) 11.1.m5.
A. 3txritto(', Nt.rth emv
ucar Fit)o,in Ntrcqq.
31.ty 144, 1057 7 1
771 11.1.\"()17-.71.
I'XTRA E L --The nn-
A./ de, signed returns his thanks to the pnhlic
fur the etteuuragt meat he•retufnre exittultd to
hint, and takes pleanure in anuonneing that he
bas u csnitplt led atrangentents by
which TWO 1/.111.1! LIN ES uf
roaches w 111 run between Gettt K.
burg anti Hanover, to connect u ith the trains
stamial atake. Thankful A,r pa:4 favors, he
solictia a continuance of public patrontge.
EP' 24e );•rk Spring a 'ld Sqtatuser
Failtiwit are rereiveil. Cell and ace thaw.
Gettyabutg. Apill 9, 181:).
New Millinery.
I TS'S 1.01:1S.1 KATE LITTLE: w i.hp.s to
.I.TI inform t h e Ladies of town and rnentry,
that she Is HOW plrleigteli CO eiocute 31,11inery
in all its branches, in West Middle stieet. a
fete doors below Mr. George Little's sture.—
dOtie cheaper than elsewhere in town.
Plense call and
April 2,1, 185 G.
NDItEW W. FLEIIMING, re,iding in
Breekinridgo street, near Jaine•. T'ierce's,
Gettysburg, otTers his sen lees to the public
as a Sid , (We/. and Anctiower. charges
are inoduntfe, and he will on all neva-ions en
de:tour to render .uttil4futtitio. lie hopes to
tecoire a share of public patronage.
.I.ou. 17. Irts7.
Bounty Land Claiars.
J' HE undersigned will attend prontplly to
IL the collection of claims for Bounty Lands
owlet the late teL of Congreoui. Those who
have already received 40 or 80 acres, can now
receive the balance. by eating on thu subscri
ber and La Along the necessary application.
Gettyaburg, Jlarch 12, 1845. L 4
Sp cruti nig!
....... ..•
Da You Wish Diuvainsf ins . • , --,T -,1.
ITTO ........ . , :v..,
Cdeier of the Dimoorri and IliMutate street. I And all Dimaßes Of tht Lange and Throl4 •
! are Bmitirrly Curable by Inhalation, -
- g - t.s 'if fC' X' hag jo,4t : ctartic,l fe ,la riila-
OP • ,1,..p .• a with a tub .1,1 , 1 ,-. , :n.', , t , • a , 4 ,, 0rt. VI VI-11CH conveys the remedies to the
~,,,,„.„ , f ...-- - 1 , ,,, : i1., 1,,, c0.,•1 ,, i,1::,::.t Kt,* unit V V cavities in the lungs through the sir
i • vs? . , ,i , r , I se ~.,,.., ~,,i ( ~ ,„.i n, ,, e ., ~f all ponsages, and comiog in direct contact pith
~t. , ,, an 1 u tt4 , l".k : .tku ,S.thi;w:t... Jeans, the disease, neutralizes the tubercular matter.
t• so s-ell sits : , l Liu ~. G..d., i,r 'din's we•tr allays the cough. causes a free and easy es..
and stroll, Sok.. 0,, I Ma, -,..i1t,. to-t.i,,- . also, pectoration, heals' the lungs, purifi e s the
Siz.pen,ho-s,Vraeati. liamtliereli:cf:3.ll,,iery, Moor'. imparts mooned vitality to the nervous
„,,A 0,1,,, e ., at prices to suit . the tittle.,— which system, giving that' tone and energy so malls.
gentleaton wiAing a complete outfit, w..uld , pensable for the reitorstiou of health. To be
do \cry well to`examine. I able to stale confidently that Consumption is
Fort Tar L t Mis.---Inst received it enperior ' curnble by inhaLtdon, is to me a zoom of
looortatetit of Bladtc Silks, which will be sold , unalloyed pleasure; it is es much under the
low : :Ilia. lieregn de Leincs, tiinghatue, control of, medical treatrneut as any other for-
Brill'ants, Calicoes,ieli Linens, Swi s s, nook I mashie disease : ninety out of every hundred
and Cambric liislittim Lotted Swiss and Plaid , cases can be cured in the first stages, and fifty
Mu 41in7i, Gloves, Iti shons; C.dlars. Dress , per cent. in the second : but in the third stage
'l't-inuiting4. &..!.., 3 - ,:., I licit' for variety, es- •it is impossible to save more than five per
cellence and cheapness nout ho surpassed ' cent , for the Isings are so cut tip by the digs
in this =ekes lease as to bid dellince to medical skill.--••
fkayeltetedleet, that alt ugh there is aI, Even. however. in the Ise: stages, Inhalation
groat rush to Schick's furl },-sass, all can he ' effords extraordinary relief to the suffering
arneournoiluted. No tronhlo *0 ahow ousels. ',attending this feet fat xcotirge, which annually
Tlmeterefuse coil in, and examitee the largest, !destroys ninety-five thousand persons ir. the
Timeliest and cheapest stook you ulcer laid your !United States. alone :•tol a correct calculation
eyes on._ shows that of the present population of the
Cettysffetrg. April 13, 1257. s l earth, eighty millions are destined to till the
- • - --- I Consumptive's grave.
Truly the qinver of death has no arrow so
I fatal as Consumption. In all ages it has
!been the great enemy of life, for it spares
neither age nor sex, but sweep.: off alike the
''Crave. the beattlifal, the graeeful and the
gifted. By the help of that Supreme 11.-ing
from whiten control, every good and perfect
I gin, I am 'enabled to offer to Ott nfflicted a
permanent and speedy cure in Consumption.
The tints catieeilf tubercles is front impure
I blood. mid the l itmisediate effect pollenced by
their deposition in the hinge is to prevent the
free adudesion of air into the air cells, which
causes a weakened vitality through the entire
system. Then timely it is more rational to ex
' pect greater good from medicines entering the
learnt& of the lungs than from those admin.,
istered throne] the stomach : the patient will
always find the hinge free and the breathing
easy. after Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhala
tion is i. local remedy, nevertheless it acts
constitutionally, and with more power and
,certain,y than remedies administered by the
stomac To pone the powerful and direct
influence of this 111041 C of adminietrat on,
' chlorofroM inhaled will entirety, destroy senii•
bility in a few minutes. paralyzing the entire
nervous system. so that a limb may he am
putated without the slightest pain : inhaling
the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a
few hours.
The inhelation of ammonia will rouse the
system: when tai "ng or apparently dead.-
The odor of n o the medicines is peroepti
ble in the • kir minutes after being in
haled, and um be home-disk -1y detected in
the blood. A convincing prunfof the consti
tutional effect's of inlialationris the fact that
I sitikness is al ways produced by breathing foul
lair-Se nut this positive evidence that proper
'nit Rev. C. S. 1111rItefie I
, noneditit, carefully prepnnal slid jculieititsely
NV 1 ,4, 11 , 1 1;t h: he
r la n tm A r ,, i i t a ig
di st ... L at.
ma lt! i n i ~ n l .a p r , ey
tu t: ' rl d fl u l . l .e l I r t .i h lt . e h r . c: i l ipi t t h .s tr i tl m i
0.4 t1 , 7 7
certain Core for coast: 111 ill i 0 li, AMtitit ,,, , 111 lIM. I ,reare praetlCV. Me ny thousands FLllrtTil •
, liar,. t.,,,, 1 1,, t , ( ~ 1,1.,, A - serous tirtoWto. si l o from tlioeasto of the lung •and throat. have
all impurities of the Bl,en.f; also. an use' and been under my care, and lave effected many
virus:mil othde of Inhaling the Resist/K. AC- TClllllficable-CHFC.4, even after the imfferer. he'.
tu..ted by a desire to betted' Isis suffering ra, 1 hero pronotinced in the last stage*. which
lows. he will cheerfully send the Emote ',free) fully satisfies toe, that consumption is no
t o so d ' an desire it, with f u ll and explicit di. longer a fatal di-tease. My' treatment of eon.
re thins for preparing and successfully using 141111 1 111 ° 11 is original, end 0004111 on long ex
the Medicine. Address - .pe ience and a thorough itivestigotion. My
REV ..1..c: S. BURNErT, i perfect acqoaatatiee with the nature of ttilier-
S:ti. Broadway, S. .1". City. i rtes , , he., ena fi les, sere to diosing° l4l readily.
August 3, 1857. 6ni : the various forme of disease thud simulate con
_ 1 anuiption. and apply the proper remedies. rare
FARM LANDS ily being mistaken corn in a single . case. This.
I frimilearity. in couttestion with certain path°.
FOB SALE. ; logical nod microscopic discoveries. etiaides
TIE Illinois Central KallTnall Company the to re li eve I n c lungs lo om t h e ar re s t of eon .
IS ItOw pre pared to sell about I named divas, to enlarge the cheot, portly the
1.500,0041 Acre% of i Mood. impart to -it rent-aril vitality, giving
m " , rs . c , „.. 4
, t. - 0 , 1 , 1 , 01. ,, A 7 vvi . n. I , !energy . and tune to :heratire system.
osil to s::f 4' ..a. , .4.:41.11.1..e (.1 ....711".4. 1,./ 'Ci • MeateAttex wall full directiono strut to - any
infra 50...
~.. Isi , r ,i,.7 s r-ssoss, ota lona verge:3; Dart lif , the U toted Stowe and extents's by
'"Th‘ s ese linos 'wire grantee try - toe env fur laitiltlPP l i al is e n g i th i ii r,..? sweiv nr t n a loe resin
fluent to std its the constructoin of thin Root. the faanellr -- e 4 -mi•l -eV nit a 4 ; 1 _. 11 -1,`""a"
and are Iffitonc the richest and most fertile in eromid g i ro: rite s o upporomity to examine t he
she world. They-esters! flout North Kest and lIIII K 4 and (mottle tue to presesibe with suites
North West. through the kite of the State, greeter certainty. and then the core-could Ito
to the extreme "'fowls argil include every emi t . s L.trVetfell Wil illfilt, Mr teeing the patient again.
t)• of climate and productions found between i G. W., 111t.111ASI. 4 D., -
those pundit is of latitude. The Northern !PS/Mersin' Fitt;ert S'. ( .1.1,V• I 9 )'ietuit 12th,
pirtiml k citiefly prairie. interspersed with i • FIrTGADKIXIIIA, r.t.
tine groves. end en the middle and onnthern ; July 6.0. 1857. ly .
Frei lostS timber predominates. alternating with i -------- ---- -- -
beautiful praines end openings'. I 25 WITNESSES;
1 he clynate is inure iteslthy. mild and color. I
hie, than any other part of the country-the I -: VIE 1.'012 1 7 Ell ('O.V re r FOSD,
air is pure and b. acing, a hits lining pertains• Jolts s. DI it 114 TOE AUTHOR. ,
111101 springs of excelhAtt water abuitud. ion Who has hail 10years experience as ii Bank:-
Bituminous Coal is extensively mined, myriaer and Publisher end euthor of '-
eupplies a cheap and desirable fuel. being fur- A.l Serel of Lertorrl ut the Broadway Tim
n;alltl at many points at $2 tn.,?4 per ton-- W I I,roartr,
and 0 eod elm he had at the saute rate pt r curd. ;••* wh e n. Id' I fl.eurceesive nigh 11, otter
Building Stone of excellent quality also li a : '..'.:-/-• 511,0 W Pi ople .41)
•buiiii.l4, which can he procure? fur I .i tile wore, Greeted him with neaten; or opplamer. while
than ills expense of nen-port:ilium. ' 4he exhibited' the manner in which Coons
Th, great fertili'y of these lands. which are lei terfeiu:ns execute ' their frauds, and the
a black rich moult' front two to live feet deep. es &Mist 'and 'illiertest 'means of '
and gently miller, -their contiguity to this en -Detecting them !
Road. by which every facility is forithdied fur I isr The Blink Note I•lngt avers all say he is the
travel and transportation. to the principal greatest Judge of Paper Money living.
markets North. Sunlit, East and %%eat. and .t
-Ow economy with which they min he cold a- - 0 CRC iTrST uifsCov - Ewir
ted, render thou flu: must valuable...investment :
, CO? TIM rnr.orteor UK:ATI-NT ?OR
that cats be found : and present the most ea- CI Dem:erre° cororetimor moot emote,
enralde opportunity. for persons of industrious "Describing every elenttitte Bill in ext.tence,
habits and small means, to acquire a condole- .. - AO- exhibiting. at a glance. every .
able independence in a few years.l td , Counterfeit in Ci-culation!
Chicago is the greatest grain market in the $,,, Arranged so oltitirahly that itesettesen IS
world-anti time facility and eetmenty -with en EAST AND DETECTION( INSTANTASIGICE.
which the products of these lands can he' fr.)- -- so inde-z to examine INo pages 10
transported to that market, urake them touch ett hunt np ! But so simplified and arranged
' more prontahle. at the prices *eked. than 0 that the Merchant. the B.mker and IlliSiheig
those more remote at government rates, -as 1., man cau see all at «, Glmwc.
the additional cost of tratemportatom is a per- s e
point tax on the latter. which must be borne' , e; Leslie. Frroeh em,? €7-rzoort.
by the protlueer, in the *educed P' i c e he re - ''' rlirs Elea MA N Y AIrIi T'lliTtil.!?"lE IN HIS owx
mires (,r his grain. ff.c. IQ '
The Ti It is I'm:feet -and,when the final : Also: m list a
payments are made, Deeds are executed by ss ALL TIIR raIVITI: B-Vilt./1.11 li ASIVIIICA I
the Trustees appointid by the State„ and in I A Complete S ',emery cal the Finance of
whom the-title is vested. to the puerhesers,! • Europe and Aim-rice will be publislnel in
which convey to them abstitute titieii in Fee Meech _edition, together with all the iutpur•
Simple, flee sod clear of every ingutuhrance. ' ; e a taut :eerie of the cans . Also,
lien or niongege. 'o e A SER.Ii. OF TALES ,
7'es Prices axe from. SA to S. 311 it Interest : ' From arn old laittiscrits found is the East.
. T
nary 3 'tor rf,:tf. Twenty per cent. will. tie et It futitiabee the most Complete History of
deducted from the credit price for (lash. I ORIEN CAL LIFE,
rim" who Porrliase on long credit, give 'ne Describing the oust Perp:exin Situatione
notes payable in '). 3. 4, 5 and ti years after om. in which the Ladies and t;entletnen of that
date, and are required to improve one-tenth .4 country have bet's) so often lound. These
annum' ly for five years, so as to hate one-half a Stories will continue throughout
- the land s in cultivation, at the end of that , 1 : 2 the whole year, and will
time. i e- 1 prove the most entertaining aver offered tee
Competent Surveyors will accompeny thosethe public.
who wish to examine these Lallik. free of ViTornildled Weekly to Souse there
Charge. and aid them in making selections. 1 c,only. at 8l a year. All letters mast be ail.
The Lands remaining unsold are as rich i dressed to
and valuable as those which hate been din- t
posed of.
1 . 77. Seel inual Moos will be cent to any one
who will enclose fifty cents in Pottage Stamps,
and Books or Pamphlets, containing 111311ICT.
out. instances of successful finning. signed by
respectable and well known farmers living in
the neighbot hoof of Radioed Lands, through
out the State-also the cost of fencing, price
of cattle, expense of harvesting. threshing,
etc.-or any information-will he elieto fully
given on application. either personally or by
letter, in English, French or Comma, Addres
sed to . JOAN A ILSON,
Last Commisaioner of the lii i woi• Geeing R It. Ce.
',Jelice. in Illinois Central Railroad De
pot, Chicegp. Illinois.
April 2th 1857. 6m
New Gooth--New 14rin,
CII.:WAGE 11i NOLD it CO. have just receiin
Vt esl from Philallelphsa a hautl,owe asomo t.
silent of tioods, buital,lo fur thy int%tholl. Otir
stock of
Roa , ly-Xade Clothing,
and all Good% in that line. i% exien , ive. Cheap
Cloth 4. C 2.04 inert:it:Cashmeres ts.Drap Detatc.
Linens, Vesting*. Dri II inzs, 'I.:- Call and
see us. If we cannot please you in a garment
ready-made. we have our Tailor con4tantly
cutting out and making up. and can make you
a garment upon abort notice. and in the very
hen manner. Our prices cannot be beat.
Give us a 4.411. March 8 I, '57.
P. S.-1 have given Mr. J. C. Otrtin an in
terest expressly for the purpose of ;settling up
thy uki business. I have now been operating
37 years and have never until now determined
to settle up my business genet-44y— Those
therefore who are indebted to me, ether by
Roml. Note or Book account. will please call
and pay the /mine. Lik:D. ARNOLD.
March 30. 1:437. a
Insurance Company,
APITAI. 51:19.58G effects insurances in
9, --) any part, of the State. against loss by tire:
prudently adapts its operations to its resuur.
ces : affords ample indemnity, and prutnptly
adjiists its losses. -7
Aihnts county is represented HI the Board
of Managera by lion.
WM. NIi•CLE IN. .1 rent. -
Mice of 11. t W . MCC kill. (11 e t tysburg.
May 26,1856.
Floor for Sale.
IF yon wants good barrel of Fleur, all •st
L HOKE'S STORE, as he biui made smog,-
meats to harralways the best, which he will
sell at 25 cents 'drawee
Jlay 5
FLOUR, CORN & OATS bought at all times
Ky./. comer of &tamers
and Hier streets- , -
MENS and Iioye.SITNIKER HATS of all
/Tl.- kinds, to arit:--Seraw,. tatip. Braid.
Ildretna. Otter 804 Par• and -Wuul fa all
0 001 4 4 . 6 welettrisi• • ••:'
Nty-1# . .4 C EA. isiLtaWar.oe.
JOUN S. DYE. Broker,
Publisher - 4ml Proprietor, :0 %Vali street.
April 27. 1857. ly New York.
41 1 7 ;;IT IN 33.8.501 T
AND NltYleit Orr 0/? ssAsos
FARMEItS, real this, and then come and
buy. fur wo still have *lt few more left'?"
'I no subscriber takes this methial of calling
the attention of_the public in generpl to that
valuable plec.of nutchinery, styled'
Hersit'a Patantlitay Uoistar and gam"
liming On% right of £ll Adams eonnty,isst
will sell either machines or township nOtsi
U. G. CARH.,..'
"SPAImo, at the same place, 7ou can. boa*
cenunodated with as fine BUGtil KS as eau be
sp in the State fur the same uiuwy
stantly kept on band.
Repairing done, neatly add cheaply,
uve )tws
nAiee, • AR kintle of country prod
in exchange-for Work.
Oettymburg,•lllny Ift, 1857. Bier •
- Leatikine lifts. War . ,
hBAN it PAXTON , Wm: waywunt
and a large and well Wee •seeekiiit
Lediee',4lllliesee,, end . ftliotrume •••I
Btrosie tifariman atee ,
of all kitalp. all
tete A
Jt*-11 11 & • K' .