The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, September 28, 1857, Image 3

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~ ~~~ ~~~L~~.
Death of Samuel Spangler.
We are pained to be compelled to
record the death of Mr. SAMUEL SPAN-G
-EM, of lieuntpleasant township. Ile
was in our office on Monday afternoon
last, enjoying his usual health and spir
its,—and now he is no more.
On Tue,day evening, the family re
tired at the usual hour, Mr. Spangler
sleeping in the lower story, and the
rest of the family on the second. Be
fore getting to sleep, those up-stairs
were startle l by a heavy fall upon the
fl•pir below, and descending to ascer
tain the cause, found deceased lying
tpon the floor, life having already de
parted. It appears that be was for
years subject to spasms, and his death
is attributed to that cause. le was
aLt . el, we think, about or' years. His
remains were on Friday followed to the
tr.raye at the White Church by a largo
nut:T(4er of frienili and neighbors, sin
cerely his sudden
Property Sold.
The Farm of the lattli JOHN DEAR
DORPF, St raban township, weR recent
ly sold . at public Sale, by the Executor,
FR.EDERICK DIEIIL, Esq.; for $5,200
e has er.
The Farm of the late Yacon 3taarso,
in Munn tjoy township, was sold at pub
h'• sale on the 18th inst., by the Execti
t,r,, JACOB and JOHN ItAsmo, at 8 . 243
per sere-16 . 1, acres. Deatt.t...ll..kalso
purchaser: •
The Mill and 0 Acres of Land bi
longiug to Mr. JOHN Cosnox, in IGen
ninny towusbip, advertised to be told at.
public sale ou Saturday the 26th lust.,
was sold to Mr. MICHAEL liiilPEll, of
York county, on Tuesday last, for
$4,3U0 at private sale. - •
New FirmyL
Wm. Gluzspir. and 11EsnY TiIOMAS
recently - formed a partnership in the
}leer,' Grocery, Confection and Notion
business. Store in York street, one
door east of Wattles's Hotel.
Wu. Bonn SG SOS flucceed B. H.
liinnigh, at Smith's Corner, on the Dia
mond, in the. Grocery, Confection 4Lid
Notion business.
Silvans & BUZIELLXR have opened a
Stove Sala Room iu West Middle street,
where a - large variety of Wood and
Coal Stoves can be seen. The Coal an.
Lumber trade is also embraced in their
E. 11. 3lmstan is about opening Dry
Good, Groceries, &e., at the South-east
Corner of the Diamond, and is now in
the city making pnrchases.
F. B. Piciuzio has also gone to the
city, to lay in a stock of Clothing_ and
intendia*- 1 '; ''' .*llll4-63e4
zu - aLTOd.) t --
at MiddleCOtra old stand.
tarOrphans' Court was in. session
several days last- week. The motion
for an Injunction against the School
Directors of Huntington township was
Court refusing to grant
the injunction.
On Thursday morning, Mr. A. NEsnrr
BACOIIEE, of this place, after a credita
ble examination in open Court, was, on
motion of D. 11:Conaughy, Esq., admit
ted to the practice of Law..
JO:a - Professor REYNOLDS, formerly of
Gettysburg, has accepted the position
of President of the Illinois University,
tendered him at a recent mooting of the
Board of Trustees.
stir Mr. VINCENT O'BOLD ) of the neigh
borhood of McSherrystown, has lost
forty-one hogs since the hog cholera
first made its appearance in this county.
. Mr. JOHN SPANOLER, near Littlea
town, has lost thirty-two hogs, whilst
others have lost from ten to twenty,
and in fact in some sections therq is
scarcely a hog left, so prevalent and Ca
tal has the disease been.
ser Mrs. GINTLING, residing in Cum
berland township, ha placed us under
obligations by the present of a basket
of very fine Peaches. Thanks!
The Franklin Railroad.—The entire
amount of stock ($37,500) necessary to
secure the reconstruction of the Frank
lin Railroad frJut Greencastle to ILI
gerstewn, lid., has übscribed. bed.
SilirA. Poisoning case iu Alabama re
sulted iu four deaths. A negro woman
eliiirged with the deed is in jail. •
. gar The official majority for the De
mocrats at the late election in Kentuc
ky is 1:4,114.
`There are plenty of young gentlemen
as well as plenty of old ones, whose beards
are turning gray, which gives the former a
great deal of uneasiness, and exposes the age
of the latter. Tu avoid these little perplexi
ties we advise such of our readers to use
Pref. Wood's flair 11 , ...storative, which will,
itilhis coarse of a few weeks, change the hair
to 14 natural color. It dues not d) e the hair
like. the' most of the hair restoratives, but
protium a gradual change of color from the
ritetiathe heir to the final end, and gives it
a fine and glossy appearance. We have seen
many parsons who have used it successfully,
and pronounced it the only invention which
has 001120 up to their idea of a "cure for gray
heads." We commenced using it about two
months since, and if we are any judge of age
and beauty, it-has made us sickest ten years
°anger ; to fact we are beginning to look
ik c ails younpand tool very much like getting
Yoang wife. The change is sniraculoua,
4.4 it would be as difficult to find a gray hair
now at it would be to find an idea in the head
'of the Duke or Bucking ham. We know sev
eral old toads indents* young widows ' whose
eibbat.ark just beginning to assume asilvery
li t yikaiod who have been talking seriously
!ti m Sothis rsmedy i ssitwe advise
delay Loy Wager. It nave fails — .
• Would.
• ...r ••• ,-.) s ..
4114 i VT et, Daticmuni. gels‘ . 24, sltir
To variolas articles which have ap
peartsi in the Norninj Times, of this
city, and other opposition prints, as
sailing Gen. PAckin upon old Canal
transactions, no reply has beer made,
probably for the reason that a prompt
defence was nnnecessary to p.irty Mao-
CegS, and because, also, some of the
charges are frivolous, others inoon,is
tent and absurd.upon their face, and all
of them obviously malicious. The old
journals and docain.ints to which refer
ence must be made in making or repel
ling such charize.4, are not w.thin th
reach of must persons, and it is tedious
labor to pursue an investigation even
with their aid upon any question of
Canal inanagem,_ait controverted be
tween parties of o;ficials twenty or
twenty-five years ago.
Bat although it mss be, tedious, and
a work of supererogation so far as the
requirements of the canvass are con
cerned, we will answer some of the
charges in question As an act of justice
to individual character unjustly and
rudely assailed.
GeII. PACKER was a Canal GOlllial4-
sioner in and is assailed for not
removing Cul. Ploterr from the office
of Superintendent of the Tioga division
of the North Branch extension--it be
ing al..ged that each removal should
have been made upon the evidence of a
man named, CLARK, Nvtio is said to have
testified before a Legislative Committee
that Col.'PlOaLEr was concerned in a
contract while holding his office of Sup
perintendent, which would have been,
if true, in violation of law. Upon re
ference to the Senate Journal of 1&58-9,
when the Committee spoken or was ap
pointed and made their report, we do
not find this statement borne out by the
facts. No such evidence is stated to
have been given by Otank, and if it had
been, it would hail been false. Col.
Plotter , was not at any time directly
or indirectly interested in any contract
after his apiwintment us Superintend
ent. The records in the Auditor Gen
eral's" office, will 'show• that contract
Toe section 29; Tioga line, which- had
been taken by Col.' Piourr and Ctanit,
was abaudolied before his appointment,
and was re-let to GEottoe Seorr, (now
one of the Canal Commissioners,) who
went on with-the work and wee paid
for it. That was the only contract Col.
PIOLLET ever had with which CLARK
had aay concern, and in fact, in that the
latter was not really interested as a
partner, (although he alleged it) as was
afterward proved iu a suit in the Court
of Common Pleas of Dauphin County.—
Tbe whole charge is therefore ground
less, and might be dismissed without
. notice. But we may state In
addition that the report of tbe Commit
tee to be found at page 1236 of the first
volume of the t sonate Journal, does not
implicate or censure Col. Piotaarr iu
tiny way whatever, which would of it
self be sufficient to answer the calumny
in question. That Committee consisted
ofJ Steonit,of Lancaster, ABRAHAM
31ILLEir, of Philadelphia City, and three
others, most if not all of whom were
politically opposed to the Demacratle
party. The Committee say in their
eport,"after alluding to certain declara
tions said to have been made by him :
"It is but jastice to Mr ~.,en"-.
v e n ofr
aue-leed to show
1.4 e .
the appointment of any particular En
gineer, nor could the Committee disc v
er that any attempt had been made by
him to influence, control or direct the
Engineer in regard to the manner of
making estimates, or in any way to
carry out tee threats above alluded to.
On the contrary, several contractors,
whys° political opinions were -adverse
to those of Mr. P., and who have con
tracts upon his line, were examined be
fore the Committee, and testified that
they had no cause of complaint, anti
certided that his character and conduct
'us Superin tendeut was good," (p. 124,1. )
Note word-is said by the Committee of
the charge now trumped up, and the
above extract does not iodic as if there
was cause for removing the Saperiu
But behold another wonder! Upon
reference to the books in the office of
the Auditor General, it will ho found
that. DAVID WILMOT, Black publican
candidate for Governor of Pe nay van ia,
'was Col. Ptol..r.res e during his
'whole terra of service as Superintend
ent. It is a somewhat romantic charge
against Gen. PACKER that he did not
have Pfor,Lwr .and Wmator turned out,
of office after The endorsement of Col.
P. from a Committee of political oppo
nents, - which we have quoted above.—
coi..pOLLET was Superintendent from
Feb.' 12th, 1839, to the 7th of Minh,
1841. D.tvin F. 8.-karoit• was then ap
pointed, and Continued to serve until
the Ist of June of the same year, and
was 8 - nceeethd, N•ti believe, by SAMUEL
P. COLLIN4IB, who continued to serve
until -typist Ist, I:q2, at which time
work upon the line was suspended.—
DAVID WILMOT drew pay from the
State Treasury as Clerk to the Superin
tendent from Feb. 12th, 18:49, until the
Ist of April, 125-12, and had there been
anything wrong in the odicial conduct
of the Suprin [cadent he would certain
ly have known it, and should have du
nounced it.
The above statement is verified
throughout. by reference to public docu
ments, access to which can be had by
any one; and it will be seen, that were
the charge maintained, it. would equal
ly affect the character of the Guberna
torial candidate of the opposition. It
shoiVs how dangerous it is for anony
mous slanderers to attempt to asperse
private citizens, without first verif),ing
their facts, and discovering bow and to
what extent others may be involved.—
We will speak as to other points of this
subject hereafter.
Lancaster cotton mill No. 2
is said to have been sold by David Long
enecker to tied. Robert Patterson, of
Philadelphia. The price paid was about
ser There is nothing in the whole list of
medicine creating such a stir among invalids
as Dr. Sanford's Invigorator or Liver Remedy.
It gives such quiet relief as to ounvince the
paaeat of receiving benefit almost as Algal as
the medicine is taken. We do not know oft
single ittstauce where it has been taken with
cut benefit, and in nearly all cases a complete
cure is effected by its use. It has acquired
its wide popularity simply because it does
what it to recommended to do. It is con
stantly enlarging its circle of friends, carry
ing healing on its wings, and joy to ttm
hearts vf those suffering from Liver Compaq's*
Jaundice, Dyspepsia or-general debility.
•AirA. D. Buehler. Agent for Gs ;burg;
War. Berlin, ilavater ; sad liew.
AZiablibitab ' • tlepL '
Prom the Feeneytreates
Canal Slanders.
eirrajougde Naiads* . . .
11M faser_s•f like
o x y 2,(stem--Wasstaovow, H. X..
June 10.— ring iatade . ttoe of the Vell.itci
Eiders, p dog Uy Dr. George R. rllen. of
Windsor.. t., and from knowledge obtained
of their efOotey in other eaft.t, we cheerfully
reeeturnenoll them toil'. pnblie, believing they
wilt fully a:net/tin the recotuamodation of the
proprietor., We hope that this valuable retne
ily may be seceesible to an the eau:telt.
S %let ti. I s ltli.r3, f
/ U. .S. Sens. from Vermont
WIL UPI! tk.
J Adz.* F. Svoilvs., fr. S. Sen. from R. Itlatvl.
J. T. Moliat 410. C. S. Senalor, awl formerly
G al-rrsOf ()J . / r t....aim:4:y.
L. A. Att , t4t.n, ,f7,r3t - ry alm'ornAr f) r C. Itr , m 1.
Wu. W00n1ii..t0.:7., lot. 6: , •rr,or of _Me'', :run.
1L UC,:(.I-0 , Dy4: - )e,...ia,
A.thma, and General Delnlity of the Syete,
rdsce4 it among t;ie molt w,ifiderful dit4eoveriel
in meleal 9,:ieltee. as l ItaA 4 ; reit it a reputa
tion far tiepin,' nny remedy kivitrii for these
complaintr. in nll t rrtri,w4 f irin4.
SE CH W. Ft) W , /3' 4 Wrt-hint4t , )n
street, B Pruprieters. S,ll by their
agent* everywhere. Sept. 21. '2w
se— The fe,meas ttri ng fent high, by
41 feet wide, and weighing 4,3t.iti pound., has
been attracting witch attention at the offi c e of
the FAltitgles %VD MEcit.tYle . i SAVING'S INg7l
- in S. W. corner of the public square.
Eierylr,dy nearly in town has been to Pen it. friends from the country have been and
are still tlrniTi•i•z, in, to see this, I. l lc largest
err broil I 'd
this Safe furnishes another ground for
confolence to 41. T oiitors. The security for
the dep 'sits they wake is of the same char
acter, and as extensive as those afforded by a
batik to its depositors, the stockholders in the
one and the other being in the same manner
liable. The safe keeping of the monies en 3 the
security tp depositors thus afford a double
safeguard to those thinkititz, of depositing
their miKies trol , !re, instead of lying idle, they
will produce interest—in th; . tring's Insti
- •
On the 24th inst., at the Tremont Rouse. in
York. liy the ler. A. 11. L.ehman, M , j. J.
SA NDF."IIS, of Baltimw.3 C'ty, to :11i4A M AUX
Adrunstenunte. Pa. •
On the-Nth bythe Rey. Jamb Zing.
ler, Mr. JACOB MILLER, of Monntjoy tp.,
Tyrone township.
Oa the 17th inst., by the IfOV. J. Alleman,
LINK' E.IIAB.NEII., bath of A,lnnot county:
On the 17th inst., by Iter. Jacob Senhltsr,
PE CER CIUMI, of Adams county, to
Miss ELYZABE ru KAMER., of Carroll t.w.
35 1 .' .: % s
/ 16* .•
. 4 k•-..
• -
0,1 Wellies.lay last, Mr. DANIEL 1101,
LINGER, of Ty roue townihip, aged 2.5 year's.
en the 17th inst., in ClllloWar. n+llip,
MAlttl'Alt ET RITZ, aged . 77.;1
t uouthe
ontls days.
Oa the 211 inst., MAR daugh
ter of Wig. Weiduer, of alien township,
agol l inootli.
Oa Friday Ist!. of dysentery, NEVIN, son.
of\fr. henry Lady, of Butler township, aged
about 9 y-eare.
Ceerldbad freakthe - titbit BARI isoreY:•-+ a -16,110 re' Wen
IP ...A ,atore—Friday (met
r-wur. per barrel, $ 5 4 4 ((?, 5 50
Violent, per tan.hel, 1 10 ‘ta 1 45
Ilya, .... ... 65 (4, 75
Beef Cattle, per h 7bl t' ' 5)
ued., 0 v
11v, 0, 0 5!) ( 5 , 9 75
Hay, per ten, 12 1)0 (.. 18 00
Whiskey, per gallon, 24,...k& 25
Guano, Peruvian, per ton, 05 00
Bummer—Thursday lust
Flour, per Vol, front wagons, $5 25
Do. " friim'stares. 6 50
Wheat, per buallel,
,l; 1 to* ®1 20
Rye," 70 -
Corn, ; 55
Clorerpeed, ".
Timothy, "
Plaster, per ton,
York—Frid.ty /tuft
Flour, per bbl., from wagoin4, $5 25
" from stores '
6 50
Wheat, per bushel, 1 30 13 1 40
Rye, It
COM, 41
Oats, Id
Cloverseed, " '
Timothy, "
Pl:tater; per ton,
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration, with the
willunnexed, on the estate uf William Light
ner, lace of tierinany township, Adams eoun
ty, deed., having been granted to the under
signed, residing in Union township, he hereby
gives ndtice to all persons indebted to said
estate to make immediate payment. and those
having claims against the same to present
them properly authenticated for settlement.
'Woe r lank the will clammed;
Sept. 28, 18 7. 6t
Administrator's Notice.
.01 —Letters of adminietration on the es
tate of Margaret tialbruith, late of Menallea
township, (now Butler) Adams county, do
t:ls:axed, ha% ing been granted to the under
signed, residing in Butler township, he here
by gives notice to all persons indebted to said
estatg to make immediate payment., and those
having claims against the :salllC to present
them properly authenticated for settlement.
Sept. 28, 1S 7. Gt
Alministrater's Notice.
of administration on the estate of Ann
Gaioraith, late of Butler township, Adams
county, deceased, having been granted to the
undersigned, res:ding iu the same township,
he liereoy gives notd , :e to all persons indebt
ed to said eitate to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against the Beale to
pre,ent them properly authenticated for 8 etr
Clement. JOHN B. GALBRAITH, Adut'r.
Sept. 28, IS 57. Gt
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration on the estate of
Jane Bell Galbraith, late of Butler township,
Adams twangy, deceased, having been grant
ed to the undersigned, residing in the same
township, he heroby gives notaim to all per
sons indebted to said estate to make immedi
ate payment, and those having claims against
the same to present them properly aiithenti
eated fur settlement.
Sept. at, 18,17. tit
Administrator's Notice,
DAN lEL HOLLINGE It's ES fATE.—Let- I TRUNKS , Carpet Bags, Velices, oh . a., of - Lihithannitratees Notioa, '
ters of administration on the estate of ' 1.. best quality, and low rates, at ~,_ TOSEPH SMITH'S ESTATE.--Leuors of
Wale' Hollinger, 'late of Tyrone township, SANION'a. _. d edmistimentiem On the estate of dcwlPPli
Adams ootinty, deceased, having . been grant-, sgcoND arrival of s r i„„ 6004 n thii . A .. Smith , late of Moeuitplessant tewn'p. Adeuee
ea to the undersigned, residing in Hunting : ;
zi the sto of a kurzwroc &' . *atty . , demeaned. hoe t ng. been granted to the
Cheap re
ton township, he hereby 'eves notice ter aft' i. 1 isadeepigned t milling ta Oxford Arraahip,
portions indebtedto said estate to make imMe..! - volt an ' ichinit in the Fl our, o men i
tw ' b enib t tr po t*. l A , I ,4 l ,,,,s amo d e b te 4
diate payment, and those' having &dens ' jr . p ro i s i en b ne, m g) 6 4 -i to o ut .. ta, terikelnreediate Feys ten c,
against the Mae to present theca prowl," o . ll„kung A . Tubjalr, eitedlagime rvi . g rili X/41= 1 110 sairocia roma
authenticated for settlement
OUN STARRY, Atfier l ., ‘ _ J ll ..hbf on ia o 3,Vg tit iliir '' ' ''''
. ' ,' , p - -ersiirr
sopkastuem ow, , , 1 ' "P5.:14,711 isamkPl
•. • . •
1. r R
1 • ~. .
A Valuable Farm, ••
EAL ,,
llpursuant* of an alias Order of the Or- nil!' E Hefei eg p a p al Mnxink, late a t
N ph an's Court of Adamacounty, the under- i lionntpkasant township. Adams county,
signed, Administrators of the estate of Petur I deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on t h e pee .
Toone*, dec'd., willat Public Sale, on ! usi•ea, on Szturday. the l7th day of October
the premises, on , day of 1 ~e=t, that VALUABLE FARM, situated in
f.) owing
tiliffilie.ri, the pr t , i i i i i l f r i t h y of said / (h e county and township aforesaid, on the
bees •• 1,1, viz: , public road leading from New Oxford to New
A VALUABLE FARIS, ,Chester and Petersburg, 11, miles from the
situate iii 9 ratan township. Adams county, former place. containing 42 ACRES, more or
within 1! miles ,f the Gettysburg and Ilan- less, enjoining lands of John Albert, Jacob
over Railroad, and the same distance from the Wiest, and others, and the Little Cooewago
Gettysburg nod '1 rk Turnpike, adjoining creek. The improvements are a
111 -
lanai of C.iriatian Th.ouris. David Monfort, two story BRICK HOUSE. with,`, 4
Henry Thomas, and others, containing 148 a Stone Kitchen:Bank Barn.Wa- Y.
ACRES, mire or lest'. al, Alt 40 acres of which gun 'Shed , Coln Crib, Carriage 4 • •
House, Potter Shop, &e., a good well of water
are first rate Timber-laid, with a due propor
tion of Meadow. The improve- ~ . ; near the door, cud a first rate Orchard of
ments a,. a large Two-story; liti choice fruit. The land is in a high state of
SI'OSE HOUSE, Stone Kitchen . cultivation, part of it being well limed • 8
and Smoke House attached, Duo ...--. - acres are excellent Timber, with a good q aim
ble Log Barn, Stable, and all necessary out- lacy of Meadow. This property w told m a t e
buildings; a to id Apple Orchard, and • new-
• first rate Mill seat. would afford good water.
1 S convenient to public roads, and only a mile
er•feubut well of water near the door ; water
in the barn-yard; se % eral never-failing spring from the Gettysburg Railroad.
on the F a rm, a nd a never-failing stream Also, a Tract, containing 7 Acres, more or
through it, to which access fro.o nearly every leas, of excellent Cll ESN u.e TIMBER L liN D. I
field can be bad fur the watering of cattle. situated in Cumberland county, Pa., one mile
dwirPersons desiro us o f v i ew i ng the pro- north of Whitcstown, adjoining lands ofJohn
Lough, Peter Gimp, and others.
iirt f the it •of le will plea-e elll
ee i t li o , m4 4 ; : e lio wt ing to view the Plum can do
the adj,daing Farcueww-rb- he lA idu.v of said deceased,
liforSale W coottlience at 1 o'cloel,r,;',, tootling th, reon. Pki•-• n an d a goo d t i t l e
on eut:d day, when ittomdance will be giver will le given on the lst day of April, 1858.
and terms made kr! ,wn by Sale to commence at 1 o clock, P. M., on
By the Court
&pt. 23, 1357. to
At Public Sale..
TN purview° of an Order of the Orphen'3
1 Coati of Adatn,i eft., will be off red a - Puhtie
Sale, on the pretni4e4, on S itsr lay , th' 24th
dog of October next, the Roi l l,Estase of Jo l ts
Fiacanteze, Jun . lute of Tyrone township,
Alarus county, decosisetL onnOrting uf
A VALUABLE 1 0 ,1101,
sitnate in said township, adjoining lands of
Martin Itaffensperger, /heirs of Abraham
Snyder, deceased, and others, and the Great
Conowago Creek, and rimming 112 A eIIY.S,
mto or lege, of Putented Land. The im
provements are a Two-Stu,
Weatherboarded DWELL l',CO '"
HOUISE, a One-Story Kitchen,
Bank Barn, part Stone and part .
Frame, Warn Shed and Corn Crib attacheu ;
Swing House near the Divellise, with an es
colleot Spring of Water; a yen 4 Water,
with a pump in it, in the Burn Yard. There
is another Spring on the Farm. with running
water through the Farm. end the Great C me
wago runniugalong the breadth of the place.
There le a good Hug 8 tilde ;atm on the promi
ses, a young Orchard, with a variety of fruit.
There is a sufficiericy of Meadow, and also of
for the quantity of land. The Farm
is tinder good fencing, and in a good state of
culti ration.
par Popguns desirous of viewing the proper
ty before the day of sale, will please . call on
the subveriber, living on an adicaniqg place.
jaa:ile to e.luttaeace nt: 1 o'olook, P. M.,
on said day, when attendance will be given
and terms tuado knoirs by
By the Court—J. J. BiLnOtil; Clerk.
ear-If not sol 1 , the fatrukarill be ufered fo
RENT, on sai:l day-
Sept. 28, F 57. is ,
• -
Mutual Fire-Insurance Company.
Incorporated March la, Aikl. •
• Prelig4lll-4311ftrir Swope.. 4 4:
Vice Pmritlent—i. H.
Serretarv—D. A. Buehler.
7'rearit rer—Durid JVCreary.
Kei• MI I ire COMM Itahaej McCurdy,
Andrew Ileintrelinsii, daeotlKlng.
kl/ , rtu
It. .M'eordy, JaciAr-lKdogr. Iliiiataellaush
I). l'ercitry, .1. J. Kerr, M. Fichelherger, S.
Kart:. And e c Polley, S.
Wm. 11. NlT".ellan,J - X;; - rrtirtUric.t,..rildrig.
Crenry, John II .rner. E. W, Stable, J. Augh-
Abtliel F. alit.
gii,)".This Company is limited in its opera
tions to the county of Adauts. It lutes been in
mteves•ful operation for more ?him six years,
and iii that period hits paid all losses and ex
penses, to ilhout amp 41XICSSIIIERi. , haviNg also
large surplus capital in the Treasury. , The
Company employs no Agents—all business
beirg done by the Stantiger4. who are annual
deleeted, by the S.ockholders. Any person
siring an Insurance can apply to any of the
above named Managers fur further infur
l 6 00
2 50
6 50
aarThe Eifrutive Committee meets at the
office of the CompanT 071 the last Wednesday
in every month, at P. M.
Sept. 28, 1857.
6 00
3 50
6 50
Celebrated Liquid Glee.
article ever invented, for house, stoand
office, surpassing in utility every other 'glue,
gum. mucilage,
_paste or cement ever known.
'Always Ready for Application. Adhesive on
Paper, Cloth, leather, Furniture, Porcelain,
Chtna, Marble or Crime. For mlnufacturing
Fancy Article., Tor, etc., it hitlidto enoerior,
not only ponsevlsiuw greater strength than any
other known article, but aseheren more quick
ly, leaving no stain where the parts are join-
Ninillt FAILS.
Within the last three years upwards of
250,000 bottles of this
_justly celebrated
LIQUID QLUE have been sold, end the great
ermvenience which
_it has proved in every
'case, has dmkerreilly - sectired fur it a demand
which the manufacturer ban found it, at times,
difficult to meet; flt*krvoNle*;c4 by all who
have used it, that its merits are fir above any
similar article or imitation ever offered to the
' fair Thiv GLUE iv ertentir-ly rounlerfeihNi
--,,brerer C'elebrated Liquid
Clrr the ri'reat Adheri re." Tai.e no other,—
TIVE..VTI - -.PII - E CENTS A It 7'l'L
}lanuf,►ctured and Sold, iVliotesale and
Retail, by
WM. C. 31eREA, Stationer,
1"o. 9117 Oho-nut Pkiladelphits.
far Liberal inducements offered to persons
desiroue of twilling the above article.
Sept. 28, 18.57. ly
7 Teachers Wanted.
THE School Directors of
. 11ermany town
ship' will meet in Littlestown, on Satur
day, the 17 tit day of Oelober next, at 1 o'clock,
P. M., for the purpose of employing Teachers
to take charge of the Schools of said township
during the winter term.
By order of the Board,
W3l. DLITT ERA, Sse'y.
Sept. 28, 1F.57. td
TIIE Szhool Director's of Union township
1 will rueot at N'. 3, or Shildt's School
house, on Saturday, Me 10th day of October
next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., fur the purpose or
employing five Teachers to take charge of the
Schuuls of said tewnship darinotte Winter
term. By order or the Board;
Sept- 28, 1857. .td
IfiiirllUY your Hats, lisps, Boots & Shoes,
stair_i_i at Bringmno & Aughinbsugh's, iq
Cltanihersburg street, at the sign of she
..j .l„ , futr,“.graturs
Teachers Wanted.
said day. when attendance will be given and
ttriiot made known by TUE II EISS.
September 28. 1834. to
pum ance of an Order of the Orphan.'
(' ,urt of Adams county, the aub.criber,
A I,l6'6%ft:tuft of the elate of ABRAHAM
Kt rc lIEN, decease t , will sell at Public Sale,
j, t h e pre lu i, e ., 0,4 rorthiy. tie .1/4 day
wzt, the fulLiwing }Zeal Estate of
said de :eased, via;
A LOT OF GROUND, fronting on
GettysLur g st set, in lbuul t,n. Adams coon
ty,und known on the plan of said loan as lot
haring t ,era u erect/xi a one and a
a, half utory Frame DWELLING
HOUSE. a Lug Stable aid a Shop, E 111::,
aitii oiler kuprureuienta.
Also,' A Lel` OF GROUND, situ
ate in snid town of Hampton, fronting on
Gettysburg street, and kmnrn as bit No. 30.
Also, A TRACT OP LAND, situ
ate in the township of Reading, Adams coun
ty, adjoining lambi of Joseph Sheaffer, Adam
i t tor, anti others, camtaining live aurae 1:11:443
or Ws.
5.210 to oolttoenoe at 12 o'clock, M., on
said day, when atfendan:e will be given sad
terms made known by
M MT' GETZ, .4(be'r.
By the court—J. J. Baldwin, Clerk.
Sept. 28, 1857. to
WILL be offered at Public Sale, on Sat
urda_y, Me 341 day of October neat on
the prcutiaeg,
tlitaate in Mouutioy township, Adnms coon
ty,en the Turnpike leading from Littlestown
In Gettysburg, four miles from the former,
adjoining lands of Jetum D. Newman And A
braham Girher. The house is a
with an out building orllkne,
suitable fur a wash house, smoke- " _,
house, or any other purpose; also Stabbog
sufficient for three head of cattle, 4.1. The
lot contains,l4Vinre or less, planted with
growing yotag • trees.
dearly opposite the aborts, oontaining t acre,
more or les*. The Cols will be sold separate
ly Or t' , Zeihar; to salt purchasers.
itirS de to commence nt 12 o'clock no said
day, when attendande will be given and terms
made known by TUE HELL
ow prow* 311CALT. pleb.
Sep ember 7. 1851.
Crotid Farm,
%MIR subicrfber, intending to retrieve. will
8 tite,-diii, L idiA Hg of 41.4,ugaini=vd, 94' .
EARN!, situate in 31euntiey township. Mania
county, i Mile we's of the Baltimore turn
pike, adioining la.als .of Michael Trestle,
Michacl Fissell. Go rgc Bushman, and others,
14 ce - itaining - Pil ACitti.3, more or less. Tao
ii is in geed cultit,-ation, part haring been
I—is under good fencing. And well water
ed. Abeut3o acres are Woedlilid, andabOut
30 acres Xl.ottoin. 20 of which are now in ex=
celletitges*. The linproyentents :,
sire a large Two-story „BRICK .-_-• Ill'
ITOUSE.Brick Bank Itarn,Wagrm -- `; II if
Med. Corn Crib. Carriage Boost, - _ —.—:-...
&alike 13,14 e, 2.elcellent Wells or Wactir,
at the buil•linr, and a yodbg 01lCLIARD of
. ~
thriving trees. '
tar Persons wishing to view the premises,
are requested to call upon' the subscriber, re
siding th envy'. ,_, 6 a
ser-se. to cerrtnenee at 1 o'clock, P. 311-.
on sold day, when attendant* will be given
and terms made known by
serif not sold on said day. the Firm will
be for Rent.
Sept. 20857: to
The Franklin House,
(101134111 LT TFIS 001.1511 N HOWL)
Corner of Franklin and Howard Streets,
BA tillirm °nit.
rarPonnanesit and Transient" Boarders
neeummoditted with First-Class Board and
Sept. 2P. General Superintendent.
Gettysburg Female Seminary.
rp II E Winter Sesiion of this Institution will
commence un the , 1 / 4 :•,,,nd Monday of Or
tooe,-, (Cwt. 1.201.) Circulars, etc:, en
quire nt the re , i4 knee of fey. 11. Erstsit,
Writ Middle Street, Gettysburg.
S .pt. 21, 1 3t
9 Teachers Wanted.
TIE School Directors of 111ountpleasant
tirrrnship will meet on S('lthreday, 10th
day of October uezt, it 2 o'clock, P. M.. at
Brush Run School House, for the par
employing teachers for the winter ter
EtillEßT ECKERT, See'y.
Sept. 21, 18S7, td
Teachen, Wanted.
TIIE Board of School Directors of Readir.g
township will meet at Sheaffer's School
house,one mile north of Hampton, on &at:r
elay. the 10th of October nezt, at 2 o'clock, P.
M., for the perpos.e of employing 7 Teachers
for said township. to whom liberal wages will
be paid. By order of the b,iard,
Sept. 21, 1857. td
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of ruirninistration, de bonis
non, on the estate of William Hartsell, late
of Mountjoy township. Adams county. de
ceased. hating been granted to the undersign
ed, residing in Cumberland. township, be
hereby gives! notice to all persons indebted to
said estate, to make immediate payment, and
those having chime agaitist the same to pre
!sent them prUperly authenticated for settle
Adan'r cla bonia nun.
Se t. 21. 1857. 81
A Valuable Farm,
tIE Rein of DiNint. Itiettues, deceased,
will offer at Public Sale, on the,
on Tuesday. the (la day bf o e l o l, r n e x t, th e
following property of Imod deceased, tis :
situate in Reading township, Adams county,
within two mile,' of the ilettysburg and Han
over Railroad, and 1 mile from New Chester,
adjoining lands of J elepli Spangler and John
Laydom, and bounding on the Conovrago
Creek on two sides. The Farm contains Hifi
ACRES, more or less, about t 0 acres of which
are first rate Timbei tat d, A) ith a due pron. r
tam of Itloxidow. The improve
ments •
aro a large two story L
BRICK 110['5::, with a two - -Il*
story Kitchen; a double log Barn. - ~.. : 'hk %
with 2 Threshing Floors, Wagon Sne I ,toil
Corn Crib, Carriage House, Spring 11,11‘e.
and all necessary outlmildings; a good Apple
and Peach Orchard of choice fruit, and a
never fiing spring of wa•er near t.l - ie d ,0...
The C.mowago roil+ within on_ev" noire I
yards of the buildings, which is Cory cou‘oui
ent for watering °attic.
gar Perioll.l wishing to view the property,
are requested to cull on, the lieirs, residing
, tar Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M.
on said day. whoa attendance will be gi%ci
and terms made knuwn by
September 7, 1A.17, 4
FW ' rI7I3II I ; TM
MIR unitersigned, desiring to remove to
1. the West, offers for sale the splendid
on which he re4ides, situate in Butler town
ship, Adams ninety, on the State Road lead
mg from Gettysburg to Newvilk, six miles
north of the former place, and within n short
distance of the thriving village of Moldla
town. This Farm possesses features of a de
sirable character such as can be claimed by
few oche do the State.
It con tains 106 ACRE' —hetween 10 and
II acres are coiered with lofty Tiwbor, and
there is a good proportion of Meadow , but
ma, the cleared laud is %ell adapted to the
growth of wheat and other grain. Since 1832
nearly 0,000 bushels of lime and about 1,500
of tubes have boon put upon it. The soil has
been turned up a foot in depth and no rook
or other obstruction found upon the entire
tract. The Farm is hanilenuely and °one.-
niently divided into fifteen fields, with never
failing water in every one of thorn. Upwards
of 600 panels of post and rail and 300 panels
of board fence have been put op since 1852
um that, in cultivation, water, fenciug, and
every other requisite for a MODEL FARM,
this one is hard to excel. The buildings
(all erected wince 1x52) consist of a large dou
ble BRICK HOUSE. with Brick
Back-bnilding, large sod dry cs i" 1111
lar, and* a constant fountain of
water under the r •of of the house;
a commodious Bank Barn, unsurpa , in its
improvements and conveniences ; arm Shed
and Corn Crib. Carriage House, a complete
Hog Stable, and all other necessary out
buildings : also a two-story TENANT HOUSE
and Back building. recently erected. An un
failing well of water antis running fountain in
the barn yards The buildiivr are construct
ed in the very beat style, and their location is •
such as to afford a view of all the fields from
them. There is on the premises a first rate
young 0110'114 LID of Apples and Peaches,
and the country is she excellent for fruit.
The track, is being hid for a Railroad from
Hanover Lel Gettysburg, and when finished
will add tioelt to the agricultural importance
of thin region. •
3:7Teraens wi hing to view the property
are requested to call upon the subscriber, re•
siding thereon Leiters of inquiry shoUld be
addresited to Bigler P.O Ad tins wounty. Pa.
August 31, 1857. ?
nROW. P. MAU:WAGER. fornierly , el New
'torn. end lately of New villa. Pa .
nounces lc the Citizens of Gettysburg end vi.
cinity, that he will he pleased to 'give private
instrections on the Pwro.Mai.onson,Vtot.titi
he will arsli-ticeiniaviLlinAltt& billlrnwsitirrn
CULTIVATION OP TUN Voice, and TiattiMir
For partinlara and references enquire at
John_... 'fate's Hotel. Gettysburg, Pa.
111171 0 E R AVMS.
Itev. J. Evans. Newville, Pa.
Rev. D. IleffelUnger. -
Dr. &-A. Sharp,
Dr. David AM.
M. R. Linn. A. M., 44
John Diller, Pres% cif Newville Brass Band.
J. U.' Herron, Esq., New vi Ile.
Ream. Shryuok A Swish, Chambersburg.
Capt. Bradley. Mercersburg. Pa.
J. B: Meyers,
Dan'l Shelly, Supt. Com. &hails
Dr. IL L. Lenber, Churchtown, Pa.
Rev. Seabroolts, ,
corn. John Thomas Newton,,U.
Capt. 8. P.. Wilson, U. S. N.
Capt. J. Pendergrast, U. S. N.
Dr. Sharp, Surgeon, U. S. N.
P. A.—Toning Pianos and Melodeons at the
shortest notice,
Gettysburg, Sept. 7, 1857. 4w
Fancy Furs for Ladies..
JFAREIRA & CO., (New Nu.) 818
ft, MARKET Street", above Eighth, Phila
delpbia. Impotters, Manufacturers and
dealers in LA•ltes', Gentlemen and Children's
FANCY FCRS, Wholesale and Retail.— J.
F.-k Cu., would call the attention of Dealers
anillhe public generally to their immense
StoCk of Fancy Furs for Ladies, Gentlemen,
anirehildren; their assortment embriteeq
every articleand kind of Fahey Furs, that
will be worn during the Season--such as Full
(74psw, Llalf Capes, Quarter Capes, Talmaq,
Vines, Doff*, Moil's and Muffatees, from
the)fieest Russian Sable to the luwest price
Domestics Furs.
For (lentlPtnen the largest assortment Of
Fur Collars, Gloves, Gauntlet•, Sce.; being
the direct Importen of all our Fars And
Manufacturers of them under our own super
vision, we feel satisfied we can offer better in
ducements to dealers arid the public general
ly than any other house, having an immense
assortment to select from and at the 31anufair
turers' prices. If - r only 4.4 k a nit/.
Ka. 818 Market Street, above Eighth, Phild'a.
Sept. 21, 1857. 4m
A GOOD LITTLE FARM, within one or
two miles of Gattylibury?, in exchange
lur Philadelphia property, clear of all incatn
branves. The property is nearly new, and
leased to good prompt paying tenants. Ad
dress, (with description of Farm,)
...L 21. 1857. lin
will sell at Private Sale two small
DWELLEit.I DOUSES and Lots in am,
Chambersburg street, recently bails
and in good condition. If not sold before the
first day ofJamary next, they will then be
rented. GEO. ARNOLD.
Gettysburg, Sept. 21, 1857. lm
TUE undersigned requests all persons in
debted to him either by Nut. or Book
Account, to call and make immediate gar
ment. Ile has made no assignment of has
Books; and will urge the collectwu of amounts
with all speed. TIIOS. FILIZER.
Sept. 14 1857.
ILVEht.--.A analog of Silver Spoons and
10-Silver Forks, as tow as (14 prices, nova
ta!behad as &MICK'S. cal soon, as o w
salt rapidly.
A FACT: - 4 SAY,FD by Visa
IS par Haw CNN'. BIM Sboul,ll t i t
, , . r ippoopmui dr AugAisiNseart.
For Sale.
W /.' / Rif!
rr 11%.nmlersigned !cep( ctfully annonnce to
the citizens of Gettysburg, and eteinity;
that they have entered iittera ecepartnership,
and intend opening a 0/.1 L d' LUIERER
FA RP. on Washington atreet, in the rest , of
the raglo Hotel, n here they will be happly
see all who may f.ivot thetn , with a call. 1 hey
will Cornish cvuy variety ,if S/ore, /Thick.tmitit
awl LoP • ~• f I, nt the rOweetpeasi
b!e wholesare lates. in order to introduce it
into general use. hey also intend keeping
a full and g...ncral assortment of
soon ea the Railroad is completed. They
will keep constantly on hand every ear : Myer
COAL and WOI s'I'OVE‘4, among which
are the celebrated Ik, illiain Penn, Noble
Cook, Ileyel :ind -ea Snell Cook
Stoves. Also the Cli.trtn, Capitol, Victor,
Planter, Pitmium and Parlor Cook &oven.
Air-tight, Star, Franklin, Hot-air Parte,
Grate, Lady Washington, Oak, Magnolia,
Union, Air-tight Bare Cylinder, Tropic and
Harp Canton Stoves.
Persons wishing to esaminc their stock will
please call at their Stove Ware Borns. on
West Middle sti eel, at the residence of Robert
117 Orderspromptly ratended to.
Gettpthurg, Aug. BL, 1857.
Administrator's Notice.
term bf administration on the estate of Si
lisabeth Hughes, late of Germany tap., Adams
co., dec'd., having been granted to the under:
signed, residing in the same township, he
hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to
said estate to make immediate payment, and
those having dainty against the same to pre.
sent thew property a uthenticated for settlement.
tIEN SY SP A LDING , Adua'r.
Sept. 7, 1857. fit
Administrator's Notitte;-
tens of adbainlstration on the estate of
Sarah Deardorff, late of Stratum twp., Adam/
co,,deceased, having been granted to the`uos
dertigned. residing in Franklin township, he
hereby, gives notice to all persons indebted to
said testate to make immediate payment, and
those having dolma apinst the same to pre
sent them properly authenticated for settle
went. . FREDERICK DIEHL, 4dner.
Aug. 24, 1857. 6t
Aimiaistratorgs Notice.
k administration on the estate of Samuel
RAC late of Straban township. Adams county,
deceased, having been granted to the under
signed, residing in the same township, be
hereby gives notice to all persons indebted
to said estate to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against the same
to present thew properly authenticated for
Sept. 14. 1857. Gt. .
LlVituttit4" l'fwsrsw*. -
Letters uottamentary ou the estate of Catha
rinekleiselman, late of lierniltOn twp., Adams
payed, having been granted to the
— a linin'n Read
ing township, and the last name in nasc-xerr
lin, Hamilton township, they hereby give notice
to all persons indebted to said estate to
Make immediate payment, and those haying.
claims against the same to present thew pro.
perly authenticated for settlement.
Sept. 14,1857. 6t
administrator's Notice.
Lette , s of administration on the estate of
Anthony Deardorff, late of Franklin township.
Adams county. deceased. having been granted
to the undersigned, residing in the same
township, he 11,•reby gives notice to all perso..a
indebted to s iid estate to make immediate
payment, and those having claiuis against - the
same to present them properly authenticated
for settlement.
Sept. 14, 1867. Ot Atha' e.
Oth) Laborers Wanted
RAILROAD. Wagoe $1 20 per day—
bard $2. 50. This Road runs through a
high and healt:iy coutit.r,y ; no noinorgi Ito
in the state. Wages liL,jd lirinetually -eve
ry mouth. Rail.r7ittd contmuniontion le Hano
ver, York county, Ponaliania., whore Lite
Road contmeric ,,, t. Elortiry to be made of
Contructurs un the line.
Gettysburg. Aug. 31, t4:7. 4t
Littlestown RO.roadyv,
111 E Fifth 31ontlily tulnient . iof Five
1),,11ar9 - 'per Share on !the Stock subscrib.
cd, will ho duo and p.iyablb to the Treasurer
of sail Coinioio2;, the 2sth clay of Sept. next.
serßy a Ite‘olutina of the Beard of Direc
tors, passtil ou S July ..5 - ,h, all per
sons in arrears nicer Aiii4.24o,will be charg
ed Jutercst at the rates ot , Jue per cent, a mount
on their hack pa) ulcotS, iu accordance wit*
the Act of Assembly. E. F. SIIORB,
Sceretary nf Me Board.
Aug. 31, 1357. td
N. B.—Any of the Directors will reeeipt
for payment's on Sweit.
1: ora lly ri,•4 II ad CO 11,44 . 0748.
TliE undersigned have purchased the Gm
eery Store of E. IL MINNIGII, on the
Northwest corner of the Diantoml, formerly
occupied by A. B. Kurtz. where they invite
the attention of all who may wish i;roceriee.
Confections, Fruit .4—t;otfee, Tea, Sugar, Mo
lasses, Slit. Starch. Soda. Spices of all kinds,
Lemons, Figs. A:tuond.s. lee. Also, a fine as
sortment of chewing and smokin ,, e Tobacco,
&gars. Snuff, lc. ".._7•Couittry Prvdiace te.
ken in exchange for GUods.
September 7, 1851.
Fall Dry', Goads.
JI • U streets,' Philadelphia,: resperelfofir re
quest Cash Buyers to ezoopne the Stgelilii
SKASONABLE (100144Fldspts4 to, Ba r r
Full Line of Fall Dress Custli„
New DesiAtuo of Fall Shawl*. ,
Rich Silks of NOWeAt St ,•_
Good Black Si Ike of aR mrsartkaov - ,
4 Cases assorted Pragch-lOrissoir • .
7 .6 Poll de Shel . ree l, '
ead.A we ei, ean . •
Sattdetts, eanitostec, a av a.v e giv t ,,, w.
*Wins. Listenie.lfistessets,'
N. B. 'Audio?Afit u = er k
t ad this
e n
ension often to t
Goods. SortniliEVA.w.