CI One Dollar& Seventy-five Cents, PA ID IS Alll A 5( R, 'Will &tare the • Ileglilar Visit of , " /e 11) I , " pi , p to tht Some aay Family in the County. ITS PERUSAL WILL , Agortt Inetruation and Amusement FOR FATHERS, lionlm, BROTHERS AND SISTERS,' OLD AND Yurso, MALE AND FEMALE. 7. flimsily should be without the Compiler. • .0.111,75 could be spent in no more rlmanner than by subscribing te "ComrstAn," which will furnish you with all the news of the day, the markets, the marriages and the deaths occurring in the community, with choice selections of literature, poetry, wit and humor, and all that will go to make up a first-rate Family Newspaper. Ad dress the Editor and Proprietor, Hamar .1. STABLE. May Is, Carriages, Buggies, &c. GOOD AND 011E.4P! undershmed would inform his friends sod the public generally. that he con tinuant the CARRIAGE-31A KING BUSI NESS. in all its branches. at his establish neat, in East. Middle Street, (near the east end.) Gettysburg. Pa., where he has ~n haul first-rate lot of work, and is prepared to put up to under whatever may I,e desired in ins line, viz :--Roeltawey and Boat-Rudy - Carriages; Falling-Top, Rock away dr Trotting Buggies, oSt(plr , Jersey Wagons, dv. Withgood wurkuien aud good materials, he min Pledge his work to he of the best quality —sand his prices are among the lowest,, afi'Repairing done at short notice, and at reasonable rates. Country produce taken in aseinuige fur work. Cull ! JACOB TROXEL. shoe 15, 1857 TO THE COUNTRY. GOOD NEWS. HAVE rented the Foundry for the ensn- Iting and am prepared to make the different kinds of Castings usually made at a, Foundry. I will keep constantly on hand the , REGISTER & REC4,III,Eas. different kinds of PLOUGHS, Points. Shares, I Cutters, Ac.: Pots. Kettles. Pans. Washing , PO the Voters of Adams county:—At the Machines, de.; Stoves and 31aChinery • Por- solicitation of numerous friends, I offer Alas. Verandah's and Cemetery Fencin; I myself as a candidate for the office of Regis marttt and put up with dispatch. f ter A Recorder, at the next election, (subject All orders will be attended to promptly; , to the decision of the Democratic County but being. without capital, and mone y b e i ng Convention.) Should I be nominated and necessary to carry on tie lousiness. 1 will be elected. I pledge tucself to discharge the du e:impelled to sell fur cash, but on all country ties of the office to die best Of my ability. work 5 per cent. will be deducted. Suitable Wll. OVERDEER trade will be taken, if dc;.rercd at the time Bende"Tille. June 8, 18:)7 of purchasing. Give us a call. E. )1. WARREN Gettysburg, June 1. 125.117 Attention, One and All .NOW IS THE TIME To Hare Your Picture Taken. SAMUEL WEAVER haying. provided him own' with in entire new and splendid SKY LIGHT DAGLIERRF.AN BOOM at his resi dence in West ?diddle street. opposite Prof. J1100V4.., one square West of Baltimore street, wbeii be iv now prepared to furnish Atubrolpes and Daguerreotypes, in every style of the are, which he will war rant to give entire satisfaction. His long ex perience ■nd superior apparatus give him advantages seldom furnished by Daguerrean establishments out of the city. He has a large number of apecin►ena at his Gallery. in Chain- Lembo rg street.w here he will continue as here tofore, which the public are requested to call and examine. o"C:bar g es from 50 cents tr. 1110. Hours of operating from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Gold Lockets, Breastpins, suitable fur miniatures. always on hand, at the very lowest prices. c"Children will nut be taken for less than 31,00. AMBROTYP ES taken from one dollar mind upwards. and in the best style. July 20. 185 . 6. tf Bzingman & Aughinbaugh, STILL AIIEAD! WE are just receiving a new lot of Hale. Caps, Hoots & Sh orel 1 . 1 —of the very latest Spring styles, And intend selling at small profits. Call and see them berme purchasing elsewhere.. It...mem ber the place, Paston'a old stand. Chamliens• berg street. March 23. Hanover B. Railroad. IrIRA INS over the Hanover Branch Railroad JL how run as follows : Twat Train leaves Hanover at 9 A. x., with Pitsmottert for York, Harrislmrg, Columbia and Philadelphia. This Train also connects with shit Bsprvas for Baltimore, arriving there Second Train leavesat 2.15 e. x ,with Pas sengers foi• Baltimore and intermediate places, and returns with pa►rengera from York, 41. e. Ang. 3. J. LEIB, Agent. - - Removed to Hanover. PRANG'S J. WILSON, late of the Wash ington Howie at Ahhottstown. bad taken HIRSHEY'SOLD AND POPULAR STAND. ni Restorer. where be will be happy to enter tain all who may patronize him. Hid Table ix supplied with the beat the market and gar den can afford, and his Bar with the choicest of liquors. flit Stabled are com motions. and attended by careful Odtle *N. Give him a call. Tod will Cwaye find FRANC. on the /mot. mti ly and wining to make everybody mut! furtalsle. [April 27, 1657. Cigars and Tobacco. A LOT of extra fine Cigar", of choice brandy; very Pu pe rior Casindieb, Con - grave. sad Notural-leaf Tolavvx), for Pale by E. 11. ntri:g74lBlli ARR. Cedar.wa re and endless n varkty of Household article*. to be had levy cheap at FAH NESTOCK BROTHERS. fItrRENSWARE. China. Ohm and Stone waro—a large assortment and selling dump. at . , Comsat k Parrox's. AFM:N.—MONEY SAVKD by buying your Hata. Capa. Boots and Shoes at Bringagast é Arghi4lfrasegies. ~~BN'S And Buys ' Boots ,. Shoew . Gaiters acid Slippers, of .sU kinds, sad sT ell pram, as *haw as tie cbcapefit, at COBEAN in PAXTON'S. AIrUSIC.--IViolins, Flutes. Guitars, Ae ourdeuns, Ilarnionicans,—in short, from a buraphina down to a Jaw's Harp—now on hada and fur sale at SAMSON'S. EN'S and Boys' SUMMER (EATS of all 1111. kinds, hi vit:—Straw, Chip, Braid, Panama, Otter Skin, Fur and Woof at all prices, according to quality, nt May 18. COBEAN & PAXTON'S. Aftssgs , and Children's Flats of all kinds .11.1. and at very low prices at COBS. S it PAXTON'S. FRUITS and Confections, niee and fresh, fret feisai the city, t4l h' bail at GILLESPIE it THOMAS'. LA DIES'LIGIIT KID 800 rs.—A fine as 'sort/tient of Kid 13oo:s both for Lathes assollitiitses. just reLvired and for sale by July 20. It WM. BOYER. WALKING CANES, for gentlemen, of ra rims kinds. just receivial by Branyllaws J Astylitstbaugh. CANDLES AT 16 CENTS.—A first rate article of Mould Candles can be had, at Ib oents per puuud, ut NOKBECK'S, Kerr's ul4 comer. FLOUR, CORN & OATS bought at all times kr J. NOB tufruer of Baltimore pod Nigh streets. rikAOCERiES--- 1 fileali supply of ifolaa kit es; SaigiK awl Cures, j_ust received and for amia E. 11. MINNIGU. AMES :Gaiters. Busitina, and Bandies .11./ fur nab "sap at .1 Ostuttiata3Nt ALIGHT:CO.OOII"S. • 141111E11111 7 A LTIV. /111) the Voters of Adams nounty;-ICassinr aged by numerous friends. I offer Myself sea candidate for the office ot SIIEKIFF at db. next election. sgabjert to the decision of the Democratic County Conyention.) Should Ibe nominated and elected. I perdae myself to giisebarsv e . the duties of the office with prompt news and fidelity IS,I Ars LIGHTNER lliountjoy tp.. April G, 1857. ‘HERIFFALTY. FELLOW -CITIZENS of Adams county:— I offer myself as e candidate for the ufßee of SHERIFF at the October election. (subject to the Democratic nomination.) if I should be so tacky as to 14 ooruinated and be elect ed, I Isbell pledge myself to cli.charge the du ties of said office with sobriety and fidelity, SAMUEL Mountplessant tp.. April 20. 1857. mIiERIFFALTI. 10 the Voters of Adams county : Encourag ed by numerous friends. I offer myself as a candidate for the omas of SHERIFF at the nett election. (subject to the A merican •Reputr lican County Convention.) Should Ibe elect ed. I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the Aim with promptness and fidelity. ISAAC LESPER. Cumberland twp.. April 13. 1857 IMOTHONOTA K Y. are aothorited p, annovinee that Dr. V C. r. GOLDSBOROUG 11, of Hunters town. will he a candidate for the office of Prothonotary-4ubject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention—at the en cuing election. June 15. 1g37. REGISTER & filo the independent Vetere of Adam* Cl,. i I Fellow Citizens :--The nnilersigned offers hitnself to your consideration ea a candidate for the °Tice of Register and Recorder of Adams county, (aubject to the decision of the Democratic Convention.) and respectfully co hefts your support and suffrages. Should Ihe ! nominated and elected. my endeavours chill he to discharge the ditties of the office with fl deity and impartialitv. JOIC4 L GUBERNATOR. Conowago tp., April 27. 15.57. REGISTER dc. RECORDER. .1 - 10 the Voters of Adams County.—Fellow I_ citizens: Being encnuiaged by numer ous fnends. I offer myself to your consideration as a canditlite for the office of Register and Recorder at the next election, (subject to the , action of the Democratic County - Convention.) And should I receive the n Niiiriation and be electedi shall duly appreciate your confidence, • and promise to discharge the duties cf the office promptly and with fidelity. Your übcdi.•nt servant. ZACHARIAH MYERS . Tyrone tp., April 27. 1857. • REGISTER AND RECORDER. TO the Voters of Adam county :—Fellow- Citisentl—Enoouraged by the solicita tion', of numerous friend., I hereby announce myself alt a candidate fur the office of Register and Recorder, subject to the decision of the Union County Nnvention. Should Ihe hon ored with your confidence en I elected, I pledge my best efforts to a faithful and im partial adminiptration of the duties of the office.* DAVI!) MCCItEARY. Gettysburg, July G, 1857. REGISTER AND RECORDER. rilO the voters of Adams county :—I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of REGISTVAL AND RECORDER, sub ject to the decision of the Union County Con- vention. Should. I be nominated and elected. I pledgemyself to a faithful and impartial dis- charge of the duties of the office. _ _ _ ALEX. AN OF:It COBEAN Gettysburg, Aug. 3.1857. CLERK OF THE COURTS. PO THE VOTERS OF ADAMS COUN TY.—The undersi,tned. at the solicits tbms of numerous friends, offers hivaself to your consideration as a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Courts, tit the nest election. (subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention.) f Should I be nominated and elected, the people may rely upon a faith ful discharge of duty on my part. GEORGE BUSHMAN. Cumberland twp., June 2,9, 1857. CLERK OF TILE COURTS. T the solicitation of 'numerous friends, I 11 offer myself as a candidate for the office ut Clerk of the Courts, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Should I be so fortunate sts to receise the nomination and he electea. I pledge myself to perfurm the duties of the uffice to the best of my ability. HENRY G. WOLF. Gettysburg, Aug. 3, 1857. CLERK OF TILE COURTS. MO the Voters of Adams county:—l offer 1 myself as a candidate for Clerk of the Courts. Should I be nominated a►.d elected t.ledge torself to a prompt and faithful dis charge of the duties of the office. _ _ _ WILLIAM YOUNG Mountjoy twp., Aug. 3, 1857. Win. B. it'Clellan, 3tternrii at las. OFFICE on the south side of the Poblic Square. 2 doors we of the Sentinel otßee. Gettysburg. August 22. 1853. D. MlConasighy, 3tturar; at Dui, (Mee removed to one door West of Bathler's Drug t Book-store,Chatn bersburgatreet,) Attorney &Solicitor for Patent. and Peomions, BOCrNTY Land Warrants. Back-pay sus pended Claiut,and all other claims against the Government at Washington. D. C. ; also American claims in England. Land Warrants located and sold. or bought, and highest prices given. Agents engaged iii locating warrants in lowa. Illinois and other WeNtern State:. •..kpply to him personally or by letter thuyburg, Nov. 21, ltss3. - - Edw. B. Buehler, 3ttatata at t aut, WILL faithfully and prnmptly attend to ail business entrusted to him. lie speaks the Gennan language. (gat* at the same place. in South Baltimore street. near Forney's drug store, and nearly opposite Data ner 4 Ziegler's store. Gettysburg, March WI. J. Lawrence Hill, K. D., lIAS his Office one door west of the Lnthe ran church. in Chi inbersburg street. and opposite Gratntner's awe. where those wish. ing to have any Dental Operation perform ed are respectfully invited to call. Rarsitssess : Dr. D. Gilbert. Dr. C. N. Berloclty. Dr. 1). Horner. Rev. C. P. Knuth. D. D.. Rev. H. L. Baugher. D. D.. Rev. Prot William 11. Reynolas, Rev. Prot M. Jacobs, Prof. M. L. Stcever. Gettysburg. April 11. 1853. tf 2 000 PIECES OF WALL PAPER jest f rectove.l and for ask at COBEAN & PAXTON'S. :arm UT sEASOIT Ar/ Virg* OCT nr LIMO( 17 4 1 AR:IIKRS, rend this. and then come and _E buy. fur we still hnve"n for more left !" The odibscrilrer tnkes this roatlio , l of (-ailing the attention of the puLlic in general to that piece or machinery, sty led Sent. l'atent lily Holster and %azure Excavator. Ilaring the right of all Ma'am eatioty, he will sell either machines ur township rights. 11. G. CARR. *rm..). at the same place. you can be an ectuainda.ted with a• fine BUGGIES as can be Rut up in the State for the same money—con stantly kept on hand. -Repairing done, neatly and cheaply, at short antice„kll kinds of ouuatry produce taken in exchange for work. Gettysburg. Slay 18„ 1857. fin REMOVAL. Alex. Frazer, Watch and Clock-makes, . HAS removed his shop to Carlisle street, below 11 oko's store, where he will always be happy to attend to the calls of eivi bitilere. Thankful fur past favors, he hom , by strict attention to business and a deeire to please. to merit and receive the patronage of the public. Gettysburg. May 18, 1857. Jamey Brown'm GRAMMATICAL WORKS liM Ftasr Boon of the Rational System of Eng eiranamer. 25 cts. Tns SICOND Bo st of the Rational system of English Grimmer. dviigned to teach the promo of Analysing the Eltgliab Language with sound judgment ; and the art of using it with grammatical propriety. 31 chi. These works are now used in the Public Schools in the First School District of Penn sylvania. Tits Titian linos of the ltational System of English Grammar, tleaignetl to enable the learner to be. nine Told thoroughly acin.lintrd with the nature and use of the PREPOSITIONS. and may be read by him either in or out of memo!. 50 cts. Batowx'sGILAMMkTICAI. RKADICIL This Book sets aside the old Grammars. expoges their de recta. detnowitrates the little use of attending to them. and presents to the Teacher the un erring and only way to the Grammar of the English Language. 37; For ssle by PICTICa GRIPPES., 118 ARCH Street. Philadelphia. March 2, 1857. Gin Important Di*covrry. CONSUMPTION And all Dixeaselit of the Letnyx and Throat , are Poxitively Curable by Inhalation, WIIICII conveys the remedies, to the cavities in the lungs through the air pulsars. and coining in direct contact with the disease. neutralizes the tubercular matter, allays the cough. causes a free and easy ex-I pectoration, heals the lungs, purifies the blooti. imparts renewed •i'ality to the nervous system. giving that tone and energy so indis pensable for the restoration of health. To be able to state confidently that Consumption is curable by inhalatiun, is to me a source of unalloyed pleasure. It iv as much under the control of medical treatmeut as any other for midable disease: ninety out of emery hundred cases can be cured in the first stages. and fifty per cent. in the second : but in the thirdstage it is impossible to save more than five per cent for the Lunge are so cut up by the dis ease as to hid defiance to medical skill.— l ven. however. in the fast stages, Inhalation affords extreonlinary relief to the suffering attending this fearful scourge. which annually destroys ninety-five thousand persons in the United States alone : and a correct calculation shows that of the present population of the earth, eighty millions are destined to fill the Consumptive's grave. Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so , fatal as Consumption. In all ages it has been the great enemy of life. for it spares , neither age nor sex, but sweeps OIT alike the brace, the beautiful, the graceful and the gifted. By the help of that Supreme Being I from whom cometh every good and perfect gilt, I am enabled to offer to the afflicted a permanent and speedy cure in Consumption. The first cause of tubercles is from impure, blood. and the immediate effect produced by their deposition in the lungs is to prevent the free admission of air into the air cells, which causes a weakened vitality through the entire system. Then surely it is more rational to ex ' pect greater good fmin medicines entering the cavities of the lungs than from those admin istered through the stomach : the patient will always find the lungs free and the breathing easy. after Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhala tion is a local remedy. nevertheless it acts constitutionally, and with more power and certainty than remedies administered by the stomach. To prove the powerful and direet I influence of this wine of administrat on, chloroform inhaled will entirely destroy mensi• bility in a few minutes. paralyzing the entire nervous ey-tem, se that a limb may he d am. I putated without the slightest peke inhaling I the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a few hours. The inhalation of ammonia will mete the system when fainting or apparently dead.— The odor of many at the medicines is percepti ble in the skin a few minutes after being in haled. and may he immediately detected in the blood. A convincing proof of the consti tutional effects of inh I lation. t is the fact that sickness is always pr od uced by breathing foul air—is not this positive evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepared end judiciously I administered through the ti;IS should pro duce the happiest tom:tit! liunng eighteen years' practice. many thonilaikds totaling from diseases of the lungs aid throat. have been under my care, and I have effected many remarkable cures, even after the sufferers had been pronounced in the last stages, which fully gatieflea Inc that consumption is no longer a fatal disease. My treatment of con. gumption is original, and founded on long ex perience and a thorough Investigation. My perfect acquaintsoce with the nature of tuber chem. &c.. enables me to distinguish readily, the various Ames or disease that simulate non • gumption. and apply the proper remedies, rare ly being mistaken even in a single cue. This familiarity, in connection with certain patho logical and microscopic discoveries, enables me to relieve the lungs from the effects of con tracted chests. to enlarge the chest. purify the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone to the entire system. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United States and Canadas by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. But the care would be more certain if the patient should pay tne a visit, which would give me an opportunity to examine the lungs and enable me to proscribe with mach greater certainty, and then the cure could be effected without my seeing the patient %gain. G. W. OITAIIAM. M D.. 0 . 0**,1131 ("Id ,Vo. 1 09, )belute Lea, PIIII.ADRILPHIA, PA July 20, 1857. ly Bounty Land Claims. MBE undersigned will attend promptly to the rollection or claims for Bounty Lands under the late act of Congress. Those who have aln:ady received 40 or SO acres, can now reoeive the balance, by caking on tho subscri ber and making the necessary application. JOEL B. DANIiER,. Gettysburg, March 12, 1855. tf Flour for Sale. IF you want a good barrel of Flour, call at HOKE'S STORE, as lie has made arrange. meats to have always the best, which he will sell at 25 cants advance. May 5 Candles mid soap. SPERM, Adamantine, Patent and Mould Candles, Ca•tile, Olive, Iluttio-inada, Eureka, Variegated, and Itoein Soaps. for +ale by • E. 11. MINNIGII. ALWAYS ON RAND.—Bilk and Soft flats :IL of every description, and for sale cheap at Arcnms‘uon's. ffittliaMM &Maga Institution of Adams Co. rpglITS Institution receivesdeposites for which 1 it pays interest is follows : For over 1U months. 4 per cent. per annum. For 3 and not over 10 months, 3 per cent. per annum. For transient deposit's, not lea* than 3 1 1 dap'. 2 per cent. per annum, payable on demand without notice. A joint fund (capital) of $lO,OOO iuia been paid in. For loans apply on Wednesday. Sums received on deposits u low u a dime. Interest to be allowed whenever the deposiies &moo nt to $5.00, and on each additional $5.00 and upwards. Oface in South West Corner of Public Square. next to George Arnold's stars. Open daily from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.. and for recriv. ing deputies every Saturday, from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Presiaont. GEORGE THRONE. Treasurer &Seerelury, • GEORGE ARNOW). • Directors, John [trough. John Horner. - Samuel Durborarr. George Arnold. .14. Heintz.!man, Jacob Mussilusan, D. McCreary. D. lieConeughy, William Culp. •John Mickley, Robert Horner. John The one. April G. 1857. New Hardware Store. THE, sulsacribens would respectfully an. noiinoe to their friends and the public that they have opened a llardvrare Store.. in Balti more street. adjoining tSe residence of David Ziegler. Gettysburg. in which they always In tend to offer to the public a largo and general assmoluient of Hardware. Iron, liteel, Groceries, CUTLERY. COACH TRINIIIINGS, SPRINGS, AXLES, LO Lk 11).. Sr Tabar-marr, Blloc firbings, Paints, Oils, and Dye-slugs. in general including every description of arti cles in the above line of business. to which they invite the attention of Coach-makers, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Cabinet-makers, Shoe-makers. Saddlers. and the public gener- ally. Our stock . having 'been selected with great care and purchased for cash, we guaran tee (for the ready money.) to dispnse of any part of it on as reasonable terms as they can be purchased anywhere. We particularly request a call from our friends. and earnestly solicit a share of public favor, as w e are determined to establish a char seer for selling Goods at low prices and doing business on fair principles. JOEL B. DANNER., DAVID ZIEGLER Gettysburg, June 9, 1451. tf With a Larger Stock than Ever! JACOB NORBECK has just receiTed from e , the city a large stuck of GROCERIES, FISH, largest he has yet offered to the public, and which he is now opening, at his new location. Kerr's Corner, on 11.1Itimore street. Give him a call! You will find his Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Balt, Teas, and ererythinE, else, the best and the cheap e.t to be had in town—he hawing bought at low rates. and heing determined to sell fast at 4mall profits. Recollect, Kerr's old outlier, Baltimore and High Street., Getty.burg, May 11, 1t4.57. TE undersigned respectfully inform their 1 friends and the put , lie in general. that they have commenced the Cabinet and Chair-making business. in Baltimore street. near Middle. where they will manufacture all kinds of FURNITURE. such as Dressing and Commou Bureaus. Tables of nous desc ipiion.c. Bedsteads. Wardrobes, Stands. and every other article in then line— ALL of the best workmanship and good ma fermis. which will enable them to warrant their work. Also, every variety of CHAIRS. ComNs made at short notice, and in the various styles. House Painting and Papering attended to, and done in the best manner. Their prices will be us low as the lowest, as all who limy patronize them will NekllOWledge. U'Liiinher and country produce taken in exchange for work. NORFIECK & REILLEY Gettysburg, Feb. 23, It's 7. ly Health or !Meknes.' CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM Pills.—The blood furnishes ■ the material of every hone, muscle. gland and fibre in the human frame. When pore. it secures health to every organ: when corrupt. it necessarily produces disease. llot.t.elwar's P tt.t.s operate directly upon the elements of the stream of life, neutralizing the principle of dis ease, and thus radically curing the malady. whether located in 0 . . e nerves. the stomach. the liver, the bowels. the muscles. the akin, the brain, or any other part of the system. not.t.owaes Pius are equally efficacioux in complaints common to the vrhole human race. and in disorders peculiar to certain climates and localities. Dyspepsia. and derangement of the liver. the source of infirmity and Buffering. and the csoe of innumerable deaths, yield to these curatives in all canes. however aggravated, meting as a mild purgative. alterative and ton ic they relieve the bowels. purify the &Ili:is. and invigorate the system and the coast/station at the sante time. GPneral li - sobwm--Nerrons Complaints. When all stimulants fail, the renovating and bracing properties ofthese Pills give firm ness to the shaking nerves and enfeebled mus cles of the victim of general debility. In met of the fracture of bones, inju ries caused by steam exp!oxions, Bruis e s, Burns. Scalds, Rheurnatiam, Stiffn e ss of t h e Joints. and contraction of the sinews. it is em ployed and warmly recommended by the fac ulty. This marvelous remedy has been intro duced by its inventor in person into all the leading Hospitals of Europe, and no privaw household should be without it,. Undeniable 7i-sfinurny. The Medical Staff of the French and English Armies in the Crimes have officially - signed their approval of Holloway's, Ointment, as the mom reliable dnasing for sabre outs, stabs, and gon-wounds. It is also used by the SUP. pone of the Allied Navies. Beth the Ointment and Pills should be used in the following Vises: Malawi Sittraiaatima Pore Throats Durum Starisom Sono at all klub Muffed Iliad. Salt nose Spralas Calltolakam &nada Stiff Joists Fistula Ski. Simms letter Moat Swelled tilattits U lairs Lasabsan Sore Legs Yeast's' Pores 114 seer's' ItraptioaaSors Brestts Rosati of all klads Piles Pore u•ad. • • •Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Hoi.Lowar. SO Maiden Lane. New York. and 244 Strand. London. by all respectable Drug gime and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United State tend the civilised world, in pots, at 21 cents, 62; cents. and g 1 each. CJ - There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B.—Directions for the guidance of pa. tients in every disorder are affixed to each pot. 'l7 - Caution I—None are genuine unless the words "Holloway. Neer) ',lrk and London," are discernable as a toaleP-otark in every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box ; the same may be plainly seen by /sold isy the leaf to the ltyht. A handsome reward willbe given to any one rendering such infor mation as may lead to the detection of say party or parties counterfeiting tkie medicines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. Sept. 1, 1856. eowly JOAN HOKE BOXES Oranges and I4emons, in &ore, h i . arid will be auld atteaper than anywhere eln. Cell and see at E, IL MINNIOIrS. JUST 1'120.1f TIFF: cur, REMOVAL, AND SEW FIRM tried Throtwhina the Worbi! Alarming Di mrders Two pumr.LIIIIES TO 174 w) virm. XTRA ACCOHNIODATIONS.—Tbe on. dersigned returns his thanks to the public for tha encoursgi went heretofore extended to turn, and takes pleasure in announcing that be has completed al rangemenut by which TWO DAILY LINES of v e ,- 0 2, Coaches Will run between Gettys. burg and Hanover, to connect with the traitut to and from Baltimore. York. Harrisburg, Philadelphia, kc. Persons desiring tickets or information will call on the undersigned. or on l'itsatus Tars. Ticket Agent, at the Eagle Hotel, in Chatubentburg street. Ir7Speeial attention given to all packages, &c.. or other business entrusted to the under signed between Gettysburg and Hanover, winch will be promptly and carefully attend ed to. undersigned has also effected sr. rangements by which be will be able to supply Catches. Stages. Au., for Funerals and other occarions, at moderate charges. NICHOLAS WEAVER. Gettysburg, April 13. 1857. Statifftr & Harley. Cheap Watches and Jewelry, IL~TIOLESA LE and Retail. at the Philadel phia Watch and Jewelry Store. No. 90 North Second street, corner of Quarry, Phila delphia. Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 carat cases, 128 00; Gold Lepines. 10 carat. 52-1 00; Silver Levers, full jeweled. $l2 00: Silver Le pines.ewels. $9 00: superior Quartiers. $7 00 Gold Spectacles, 37 00: fine Silver do. $1 50: Gold Braceleta. $3 0 . 0: Ladies' Gold Pencils, 81 00: Silver Tea Spoons. set. $5 00: Gold Pens, with pencil and silver holder. $1 00. Gold Finger Rings. 37i cents to 880: Watch Glasses. plain, 12i cents: patent 181: Lunet 25: other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for. STAUFFER & EIARLE,Y. On hand, some gold and silver Levers and Lepin e s. still lower than the above prices. Oa. 20. 1856. ly Tailoring. Removed a Pew DoorsSoutb ofth e Old stand. JII. SK ELLY respectfully informs his old • customers and the public generally, that he continues the Ti IL I) ir !Yu B 1 ISES near his old stand, in South Baltimore street. where be will be happy to accommodate all who may patronise him. Al) work entrusted to his care warranted to flt and be of most sub stantial make. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a continuance of public patronrge. Sew 11,e k Spri 111111 Sommer iii4hiosts are received. Call and see them. Gettysburg, April 9, 18;5. 10 Per Cent. rnterest. A NEW SAVINGS INSTITUTION —IF you want; to invest your money with a certain return of good interest. and at the Caine tune furnish to your families thnt which wii! he profitable and eseful—buy all your Goods at Fahnestocks' Cheap Sto-e. They have received, and are constantly adding every thing new and desirable to their stock. April 27, 1857. tf New Millinery. "ItIISS LOUISA KATE LITTLE wisheii to inform the Ladies of,towit and country. that she it; now prepared to execute in all ita branches. in West diddle street, a few dour* below Mr. George Little's *tore.— Work done cheaper than elsewhere in town. Please call and see. April 21, 1.85 ti. _ Diamond Tonsor. Jon's W. TIPTUN, F,,rhitoivible Thrber u 1441 /fair Dremyer, can at all dines he found prepared to attend to the calls of the people. at the T.-,ank. in the Diamond. adjoining the County Buildinz. From thug experience. he 4.1 litters himself that he an go through all the ramifications of the Tonsorial Department with such an infinite degree of ski,l, as ia ill meet with the entire satisfa!tion of all a ho may submit their chins to the keen ordeal of his tors. He hopes, therefore, that by his atten tion to business. and a •lesire to please. he will merit as well at receive. a ltheral share of pub lic patronage. The sick will he attended to at their pirate dwellings. Gettysburg, Jail. 8, 1855. tf ' The Ladies lITILL find it to them :vivant/14:e to call at F i thne4to e k Brother.. and .4.te their large and die.tit stock of Silks, Phalli,, Lawns, DucalA, Tatilartilte.4, Llelitille4, halm, iu., which are vlienr. tit FAILS F;STt)l' fn qol4e lied /''son[. April 13, 1857 Flour! Flour! THE undersigned continues the Flour neas as heretofore. 1k sells by the barrel or any smaller quantity. By taking SMALL ruoms he can buy as high and sell as low as anybody else, and by always endeavoring to keep none but the best. he hopes to nierit and receive a continuance of liberal patronage. WIL GILLESPIE. At the Post Office. Oct. 8, 1855 ••• THE LARGEST Chair & Furniture Establishment In Baltimore. IATI1101" , 8 GAY ST. WAREROOMS, 25 Aura Gay serer!, near Fayette, where are kept always on hand, or made to order, emery style of Freneh TETE-A-TETES, in Plush, flair, Cloth or Braztelle. French Full Stuf and Medallion Parlor ARM CHAIRS, in Plush, Hair, Cloth or Brocatelle, French Fall Stu, Carved PARLOR CHAIRS. in .ets, with Plush, Hair, Cluth or !Imeldalle. SOFAS, half French Spring Mahogany, and Walnut Parlor C HAIRS, in /lair, Cloth or Plush. ROCKING CR AIRS--rarious designs, in Heir, Cloth and Plush. Staff Spring LOUNGES--a large assort ment always on hand, or any pattern made or covered with any goods counter. CII AMBE Ft SUITS—in Mahogany r Walnut, corpplete, from $34 up. CANE CIIAIRS and Booking do.—the largest assortment ready made in any one house in the United States—from $l2 a dos en up. Bar Room, Offire and DininellAlßS, in Oak. Walnut or Mahogany, with Cane, Wood or Stuffed Seate--an assortment embracing over 50 dozen. Wood seat CHAIRS and SETTEES and Rocking Chain—over 100 dozen. A. ItLITILIOT, 25 North Gay Street, Dear Fayette street. May 18, 1857. ly EIGHT -DAY, Thirty-hour and Alarm Clocks and Time-pieces, Watches, and a fine lot of Jewelry, at SAMSON'S. ROOTS AND SHOT S made to order, of the beet material, and by good workmen.— Call at Br/aortas et Asigkiabasigk's. SILFER.—A fine lot of Silver Spoons and Silver Forks, as low as oity prices; now to be had at SCUICK'S. Call soon, as they sell rapidly. ALARGE' lot or SUMMER OWTLEING, selling at very small profit s li t COBEAN & PAXTON'S. To Those Who Want Farms. A FARM. WITH IN , TUE REACH OF EVERY MAN MLLE RIDG WAY FARM COMTANy,b as made arrangements by which all who de- i s i r e t o settle or purchase a home can do so. I The Tutus consist of the hest limestone soil of the most superior quality for farming, I in a rapidly improving . place, into which an I extensive emigration is now pouring. The property is located in Elk county, Pennsyl vania, in the midst of a thriving population of some 10,000. The climate is perfectly healthy, and the terrible plague of the western fever is unknown. It also has an abundance of the best quality of Coal and Iron. The price so boy it out is from $3 to $2O per acre, payable by instalments, to be located at the time of purchasing, or a share of 2.5 acres en titling to locate the same fir $3OO. payable $6 per month, or 12} acres payable $4 per month. Discount for every sum of sloo and under, paid in advance, a discount of 5 per cent. wall be allowed, and fur over $lOO a dis count of 10 per cent. In considering the advantages of eitilgrating to this locality the following &represented: Fir:l—The tail is ayilh limestone, capable of raising the heaviest crops, owing to which this settlement has attained its present great prosperity. Sseond—lt is the centre of the great North West Coal Basin , and is destined soon to be elms one of the greatest business places in the State. It will supply the great I; ke market. (according to impulation and trate' the great est in the Union.) It It is fire workable veins ' of the best Bituminous Coal, amounting in the aggregate to over 22 feet. which makes 122,000 tons of coal under e t acre. This will make the itnd of inestimable value. The eminent state geologist. Dr. Clots T. I Jackson, of Boston, has made a geological survey of the land, and analyse I the twal, the , I iron ore and the limestone. This report to-1 1 gether with maps will be furnished to in-' (wirers. Fourth—Three railroads are'l-tid out thro' I this property. The Sunbury and Erie Rail- ' mall gives us a market for our coal to the lakes—it runs from Erie to Philadelphia. A ' large part of this rood has been finished, and is now in running order. . heavy flow is now working from Erie towards our land in the western direction, the means for the com pletion of which have been raised—it will som\ be finished. The Allegheny Valley Railroad connects 114 with New York. Boston and Pitts , burg. The Venange Road connects us, with the West. There are already good Turnpike Ponds running through this property, various other roads have been opened to accommodate the emigration and settlement which Ilias already taken place. There is no opportunity equal to it nowlf feted to the man who wants to provide himstlf a home in an easy way. and make a settlement where he can live in prosperity and indepen dence in a climate PERFECTLY EALTII Y. No case of the fever ever having been known to oeeur in this settlement. It is not like going to the backwoods of the West, nutting perhaps intolerant pople, where there is no swiety, churches, or schools, where the price of land is high.and where the emigrant, after being used to the healthiest climate in the world, has to endure sickness and pain, am: perhaps ruins his health and that of his family. But here is a thriving settlemmt having three towns. eiintaintug elutrehes, schools, hotels, stores. saw mills. grit and everything desircil. There is a cash imirket at hand. The lumber trade last year amounted to over two lott.dred million feet of luml)er. In• a short time, owing to the coal, it will become still inure valuable, as a num ber of iron works and manufactories will soon Ise started ; they are at present starting them extensively at WiNen. Even for those who do not wish to F n there, the payments e such that they can easily .buy a farm to sat e their rising families from want in the future, or to gain a competence by the rise which will take place in the value of Look. By an out lay scarcely missed, a substantial provision can he male. I'er4osivld make early apnli t ion . ap ply or write to E. .Jefferie4, Seeretarv, Walnut Street. lielovr Lmerm tutrefullly answerel giving full infprmatiun. Shares or tracts of land enn h o bought or steered by letter enclosing, the first instalment of five dollars, when the subscriber wilLbe furnished with trstks. maps. &v. Warrantee beds given. Persons can also purchase from Out A 4eitts. 'urn fronn PhiTnilelphtn to Tyrone on the Penti-vlvaitia Central Railroad, and thence by Sta e to the land. This is a delightful yea+ttn to viikit St. 31nry'A---the hest hotel ne iK atiorde.l. Eropiire for E. C. S; hnitx, Eq., the Agent fur the property ut St. 3f.try's.• June 8. I)QT. 3m 25 WITNESSES; 014. TILE FORGER rOV►7rTEA. JOON S. DYX IS THIC . ‘N , ho has had 10 years experience as a Bank s: er and Publisher. and au►hor of g A Series of Lerhirex al the iieuadsray Ttl bernadr. when, for 10 enreewnre nigh•e, over 50.000 People _CB Greeted him with rounds of applause. while Fhe exhibited the manner in which Coun terfeiters execute their frauds. and the surest and shortest means of Detecting them ! The Dank Note Engravers all Pau he is the O greatest Judge u( Paw Money living. O • GRE (TEST DISCOVERY OF 117 K PKINICNT CRNTrItIr FOR O DETRCTING CUUNTKRFEIT DINK NOTIP.P. Deberlhing every Genuine 11:11 in existence, and exhibiting. at a gimice. every X Counterfeit in ei-culation! :t; 0 .. Arranged NO ndmirably that sarsaascs Is sAgr AND DICTSCTION INSTANTANKOVS. 17 No index to examine ! No pages to hunt op! But so aitoplified and arranged 0 that the Merchant, the Ranker and Business man can see all at a Ulauce. 4 Pirwth and Ormuz,. TM'S EACH MAT READ THE SAMS IN MS OWN me N /MITI TUNUC C. g mon PIUMICT LINK SOTS LIST 114.11LLSUID as Also. a list of • Au. mg hni,s Itassiss n ANIMICA ! A Complete Summary of the Finance of .Europe and America will be published in :each edition, together with all the impor taut News of the day. Also, ra A SERIES OF TALES. From an old Manuscript found in the Haat. i g It, furnishes the most Complete History of ORIENTAL LIFE, ce Describing the most Perplexing SitaatiOns ve in which the Ladies and Gentlemen of that al country have been so often found. These o lla Stones will continue throughout the whole year, and will ,Itl!prove the most entertaining ever offered to the public. 72-Furnished Weekly to Sabecribeni p only, et El a year. All letters must be ad dressed to JOHN S. DYE, Broker, Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall street, April 27.1857. ly New York. 300 Dos. Knives and Forks. HAVING just received of our own impor• tation, from England, a large and ex tensive assortment of Cutlery, we invite the attention of those in want of any style of Knives and Forks, Carvers, Nut Pies, to come and examine. We will sell at such prices m will defy competition. Also, a large assortment of Table Forks, which will be sold separately. Don't forget to examine the stock at FAH N E STOC K S'. Country Merchants can be supplied at a small advance. May 18. TRUNKS, Carpet Bags, Velices, &e., of best quality, and low rates. at SAMSON'S. SALT ! SALT!! SALT Ill—Just received, in One order, large and well-filled sacks, fur sale at the bast rates. at E. U. KINNIGH'S. Do You Wish liarkains? It thrl, GO TO SCITICK'S CHEAP STOIC?, Coriter of th e Diamond and Baltimore street. TL. SCI lIC ti. has j sr. returned fronPhila -01 • dolphin with a full and complete /assort went of Spring hoods, consisting of Black and Fancy aulured Cloths and Canimeies, of all styles and patterns ; also Satinetts, Jca nw ; Cottenades and Linen floods, for Men's wear and Satin, Silk, and Marseilles vesting : a t. ) . SuNlenders, Cro vats, handkerchiefs. Hosiery, and Uloves,at prices to snit the times—which gentlemen wishing a complete outfit, 'Kook! do very well to examine. n. Tux Lsoits,—.Just received a superior_ assortment of Black Silks, which will be saki low ; also , Berer,,e de Laines, Giegbams, Brilliants,Calicioes, Irish Linens, Swiss. Book and Cambric Muslin., Dotted Swiss and Plait Gloves, Ribbons, Collars, Drees Trimmings, Ate., dtu. , which for variety, ex cellence and cheapness cannot be surpassed in this market. J& Recollect, that although there is ts great rush to Schick's for bargains, all can he socemmodated. No trouble to show Goods. Therefore call in, and examine the largest, richest and cheapest stuck you ever laid your eyes on. Gettysburg, April 13, 1857. New Goodx.New Firm, A'.Vl) THE CA.SII SISTR.V. V ROM; I.; AR MOLD ti CO. have just receie, k. ll ed from Philadelphia a handsome awn went of Gixids, suitable for the season. Our stock of Beady-Made Clothing, and all Goods in that line, is extensive. Cheap. Cloths, C 4 Asimereq.Catihmeretta.Drap Detate. Linens, Vestings, Drillings. &c., Le. Call and• see us. If we cannot please you in a garment. ready-made, we have our Tailors constantly cutting out and making up, and can make you a garment upon hhort notice. and in the very best manner. • Our pri - be beat.— Give us 4 Mill. 3),'J7, P. S.—l have given mu an in.; tereat expressly fur thi settling• up• my old business. I he operating! 37 years and have nevi letermined, to settle up my bus ii iy. Those therefore who are in( , titter ty Dut!, Note or Book please ea 14 and pay the same. ',NOLO. March 30. 1.857 llover'm Llgt d Hair Dye. THIS HAIR DYE eds only a trial to sat isfy all of its per vtion its a Dye. and tbo following testimonial rum that eminent Anal- Mtic Chemist. Professor 1 Booth. of the U. S. int. will , only contirw khnt thousands !novo previously borne testimony tn. "LASUILATOHT FOIL PRACTICAL cirtItIIISTIM, - ST. STIP111t1 • S PLACS. Philadelphia, Feb. 17th, Is;7. "Being well acquainted with the substance* composing /hirer s Liquid Mar .I),ye. I aln set. ii.tied that by following the simple directions given for its use, it wil: not injure the Haw or Nl:in, but will give a manna u•id durable (s.for to !Ise hair. JAIiK.9 C. BOOTH. Chnnijd.'• HOVER'S WHITING IN iiS. including Ibrer's Filta, and Iforer's ladnlitle Inks, lie too well known and introduced to require any additional testimony of their characters The sales have been increasing since their Brat iu trttnluctiun, giving evidence that the articles truly posse's that intrinstr werit claimed at. first for them by the Manufacturer. Orders, addressed to the Manufactory. No. 41G RACE stieei above FOL:ItTFI. (old No. 145.) Philadelphia, will receive prompt atten tion by JOSEPH E. /1()V ilisnufaciurer. April 13. 1857: ly TIIE PERRY COLNTY MUTUAL FIRE In'urance Company', fIAPITAL 6139 586 effects insurances kJ any part of the State, against loss by tire,: prudently adapts tt4 operation 4 to its reirour ces altords ample indemnity, and prtimptly adjusts its Issas. . Ad•ttlis ,conoty i. represented in the Board. of Managers by llon. MosKs McCi.itaff, WM. 1,.(1,1"; 1N ..I , Tot, Office or SI do W May 26. litSti t CIIOICE 1.1.1111 .14ANDS - I NHE Illinnia Central 11.1ilroail Company" is now prepared to sell' about 1,4'00,000 Acre* of t'%Y f\.? ' l % l, C+ - 2n A 4 'WI` •" n 4 ii fat I 21a:1' A . _Y in truct:i of aiMut FtiafT ACISKA, uit lunj credits aml rti loft. ralex of inforexix. These lands were granted by the Govern ment to aid in the construction of this Bumf. and arc amotie the richest and most lirae in the world. l'hey extend front North INst and, North West. through the middle of the to the extreme south. 'and include every satie ty of climate and productions found beta ten those parallels of latitude. The Northern portion is chiefly prairie. interspersed wither hue grovts and in the-middle and Southern gee( ion.; timber predominatea. alternating with beautiful prairies and openings. The clrnate is more healthy, mild and equa ble, than any other part of the country—dm air is pure and h acing. while bring streams and springs of excellent water abound. Bituminous Coal is extensively mined, and supplies a cheap and dosimble fuel, bring fur nished at many points at $2 to $4 per ton . — and wood can be had at the same rate per conl. B u ilding Stone of excellent' finality also, abounds, which can be proctired for little twirl than the expense of trans:Kinn. The great fertility of tl ntla which Ore a black rich mould from two to life feet deep. and gently rolling.--their contiguity to this Road, by which every facility is furnished for travel and transportation. to the principal markets North. S.outh. East and West. and the economy with which they can be cultira- Led, render them the most valuable investment that can be found : and present the most fa vorable opportunity. for persons of industrious, habits and 'mad! nteans, to acquire a comfort-. able independence in a kw years. Chicago is the greatest grain market in the. world—and the facility and economy with' which the products of these lands can be transported to that market, make them much more prufitable, at the prices asked, than those more remote at government rates,— as the additional cost of transportation is a per. petual tax on the latter, which must be bur*o by the producer, in the reduced price Le re ceives to his grain. &c. The Title is Perfect—and when the final payments are made. Deeds are executed by the Trustees appointed by the State. abd in whom the title is vested, to the pnrchasers. which convey to them absolute- titles in Fee Simple, free and clear of every incumbrance., lien or mongage. The l'rires are front itti to .3O; Interest only 3 per rent. Twenty per cent. will be. deducted from the credit price for Cash. Those who purchase on long credit, give notes payable in 2,3, 4. 5 and 41 years after• date, and aro required to improve one tenth annually for five years. so as to have one•halt` the land in culUvation, the end of that time. Competent Surveyors will accompany those who wish to examine these Landis, free of charge, and aid them in making selections. The Lands remaining unsold are as rich, and valuable as those which have .beao posed o(. ceelional Maps will be sent to any ono. - who - will enclose Illty cents in Postage Stamps. and Books or Pamphlets, =taint% Woe' , one instances of successful fanniag, ivied, by respectable and well known fosse= hating iq the neighborhood of Railroad Lancia, th roug h. out the State--also the cost of terming. pr i of cattle, expense of bppreAtiesg. tbreshlnt, etc.—or any informatiow--will be c t ieer k,r, !Oven on application, eithex persomdly or by letter, in English, Eronallt or German, addres- • sed to JOHN WILSON, Land Coannindoendsdibe Mao% Central II Ce. 117 1 480 e in Illinois Central Railroad De pot. Chicago, Uinta* April al, 1857. Lim