The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, August 24, 1857, Image 3

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    Texas E7edion.—The Democratic ma- SANDS, !CATITANS & CO'S.
jority for Governor in 17 counties is 5,-; ja c t . RiaLlT amaire .
100, a gain of 84 votes on the last Gov.;
ernor's election. The Legislature is :
largely Democratic. So far the House
stands 57 Democrats, I) opposition; and
the Senate 27 DJmocrats, 6 oppositiod'.
Reagan, Dem., is elected to Congress, ,
over Evans, Amer., by about 4,00 u maj.
Bryan, Dunn., is the other Congressman
lora.—lL isgenerally understood that
the new constitution has been adopted
by the. people, but that the Separate
clause, admitting free colored men to
free auffwe in common with the white.), AND
bail been voted down by a very large , FIFTH iNT F‘IIIPITION -1
majority. .1 .1 J - - 4 - )
! Will I'- -- . 17: 7 . 7' I * SBI. ie o
, i - - eit , orfit lit (i r . ,',... . i,
Erecutiox of aif arderer .-11oLLIDAYs- ' -
On Il'AltS ES U_ 1" sp,7)T. 1411, 1 , 457.
!luau, Aug. 2lst.-11eXitii, the murderer ,
ut NOPCIUSS, Weis executed here to-day:-,
grand Elltibition i• the va-
TIM: leading feature of this
. j
at 20 minutes of). o'clock. lie died • .
protesting his innocence. lie uttempt.! ried pc, lormance of the Iroatle, -
. , .. :td Ed,,,,itt,i Emphanrs,
ed to commit suicide thi4morniug. lie , v . virrosi• AND ALBERT !
spoke nearly two hours from the star- ii l whose mitl i valled feats have been
fold. , - the wonder and delight of thous
_ _ t e ands upon alum-awls in the
414 Patis, London. New Y 011; and
6 •-• l'hiladd ph:a Theatres. They
~ A eitiihit the 1:101. 1 , .. 1 , ! ,, ,, , iii,1i
—"'n Di. , ,' , lyf ~,.. Animal - 74...t1iii , 1y
un-! 1,, , ;.,,1 I° I , l' totAelii .
d i l l it They have heeta taugh! to as
, etll , l an Inclined Plank. only
%INV. I\CIIV.• in • it.ltb. a &Slane.°
1442p0f 3U) arts. wlwre one of them
11 LS lIE 111 ! iti'toa a ," ,, ./a.q..41
110 WTI Li I ~l ;It PO/7s rt-r.
.....• 9._
Tiley it ill also perform a ;Treat
4 variety of FEATS OP PinsTURING,
as ionsc a. Gra NASTICs, OANCiNG,WALTZINI:.
)(ARCM! I, &C., Duch as hate
~ ..."1.
t - --.. never Lien attempted in Amen
, /'1 ca. anti nave I ten the Wonder
I I"'
1 . 1 nut Amazuneint of the world fur
the las; two )•t ars.
The.e per krtly and surprtg
a„„N....l img,lj tr.vned 111, pltAttts. Loth of
/ %%hunt ate quite youtt4, t% ere
Int.uglit out to Lill,. fin/n(ly in
NLlzell last. h ) Ir'. ft :s 1\ US,
1 persotta;ljo lit) i.tirchn,ed them
At an a out tact tilt lie coal -
S . LiaJiti;.: liter the greate-L wild
7 e : Lea-t p,oprietor in Europe
. ..r• !le. :: ii htle they it ere performing an
.;,'• 1 I ei1 i :ag,,,,,,. L at the Pc rt St.
Dew , . l'.ll is. Th, it iotkriti , a.
t1i ".... 'e ttainer• MO \S• I. %(:11.1 . N.
1 . . E, accont p..inn s the F:le-,.hants
and , upi.ri;ileild, their pet Emu
at:et ~.
_ l'a el Ifillai• Notice.
, '1)1,: P:1) 1 11 'l lm , do M 0.% 1,,,,,j.
tiv,l)• .cool u:"'•1 31 "c 411 3• a"we
va the pu :cc, lii it L1i.....t . t 1 . 0 a , ,r.h.
- L- ; " 1 "Y Et t , '.4 1, :4 \\ ILL PLR
. $0": . i'l11:11 ALI, that is .mouttnced
• s ....--- ••, , r i:lostr.,,,d by c.i:• on ',lir
hills. and that alt the Feats that,
. 7 , 4,
nil . r . r....4. 7LI, t il ds i hitt , I tit it ~ t ! q v at .11 ."".
A. -`
45 ' ,..„1, , ),)
and 'I ...C:1 1 .i....1, ..InE .%C.. CM,
. 1 7 1 ,1
,e , i;..,_......i..1.. .. 0. 1C 7.. K ...12 ' LI" DONE.
co' -''- r-- a.
fit the Eqmstrian and ..Aero
,; 1 ,
ter, Laic :),!; , .., , rtu.e.ds, tin Prow le
i .... ~ I. ts e.,ma :Linty tecointmiol to
;10 , i',,,,e - t v(..".;-=‘,„ the tome of :It: loth , le. the
~,, ; LA.:A k . :: - `-:.t, limits. of Mons. }i-1 \ N'lE. , aiol
~ , 410 . 1. 1 .7, a econti ;Islteti pupils. Om
rt. t.te...
( iertna it .-I,roletts flirts N t)
PO MAN a,.. d VON CA• I 1.E.-
7tils 1 fol
3• i ~.., i; 4. 5 , Nine. 1.0, ISE B1:01% Lit. the
I t ~.4.•
r. al tiCeollll 11 , /....1 ETIV•4:11 . 1111C. - -
46,,A„ .. .,
' Mr. J J. NVI IIANS. u tth his
',.. i i• 1.43.33.-
talented lad l'llll.U. Mr. 11 \I.
AVM \R. the Egite.trwi I ,sote.(ine. JESSE
-, S X NOS. Ow ft , urtte point of Mr. 11. SAtols,
the most aeemnplishtil toter of the age. Mr.
GEO. SK.}:t; EA NT. the graphic ...'..7...t0e Ruler.
and a host of other musts of dtsttugutalttal
1N pursuance of an Order of the Orphan's
Cann of Adams county, the utler.l4lwd,
Administrator of the estate of .1 ICOil
deLteaed, will offer at Publi c , Sale, 11:1 the
pretulsei. 004 Sliiirday, (J Pith day of
Mather nest, the following Real Estate of said
damaged., via
situate in Mountjoy township, Adams enmity,
on the Beltiwe * Turnpike, four Miles from
Gettysburg. and PIX mile 4 from Littlestowti,
adjoining land"; of Peter Ormlorff, l'eter
Cownover. J din 'Worley and other.. contain
ing 132 Acres, more or•less. with due nrupur
tintis of Woodland and Meadow. The 'ini
provemente pre a one and-a-half
story Weatherbuarded ROUSE:.
Frame Barn. (with shed,
around it,) Wagoii ,rt ;-tt
Crib, Wash Log Blacksmith
anti other outbuildings: a fir.t-rittp Apple
Orchard ',rebuke fruit ; a not errai I in.: S!tritt4
near the house, with three uther •pring, uu
the preuilAei..
The farm is under gaud eultiv iti 'n and
go. a 1 fencing. and well watered. 1'.•.-.on.
--wishing to view it are requested to cal! on
the undersir,ne,i, residing, thereon. r.e
property will - he offered in whole or, in twu
parts, to suit pnrehrt.,ers.
tat - Sale to commence at 1 - o'ckek,' Nl
ob .and day, when attendance w ill be si‘eu
stud terms made known hv
By the Conrt—J.J. B %um's, Cbik.
August 24. ISS:. to
IN printuttnee of an Onler of the O-nhan'q
1.. Curt of .I. , lain-. 1 . 1 , 1111 * V. tllO 1.11.!..r•i•zr,(0,
-I.lmiiii.trater 01 the e-tat.: of II fe‘ ite BEi LLIi.
(leCelltifq, will liffer at l'oLli. , S.i:e on the
grew Se'', hn NalFlol , ty. 111 , •...'6ll, die v Sep
leador ri , -.rt, the full 'wing Real .Estate uf bat,'
deeea ell, vix • .
N . 1. A LoT.()F 1; ROUND, sit•tate
in lluticr t , .wri-hip. Adaiii- , 0.11.ty. 'Eat: it
mile north of Centre 31.11.. , .iiiing 1aii.1...!
(4,..0ige 'Pohl, Abraham 51a1,.111_ , ..1, iio‘i the
undersigned. containing 2 .1.11'.1:s and 3:
l'erelte. , , (more •Ir le.. -.1 on whi. L are erect::
a Two stun - Frame 11,‘ti;thea•Al '
')welling 11l USE. with A ....L one Ain ; ;
story Frame Kitchen attaelTe.... a A '. ' i • ; -..
L.g StaLle. with a l'i:r iag- 1 4 ,.. . ,- - 4.*:
Iloas.catta.:lie.l, a L .gl'aliiiiet-tnaker'% Shop.
‘t i. 6 other out-huil , :ipg., al.. a %midi.; !Jean oz,
.Apple Orchard, with other - trait, on the
prentim4, and a ties er-failing well of water
next the dour. with n elialit pans!' in it.
No. 2. A LOT - OF IS ltOrN I), ad-•
j , ,ltiiisK the above. omit - ming , 2 Acres and 3::
(tit.ire or le.s.) 13 hate been
well lintel during: tI l.tvt l'ew years.
Parl'ersiiips ‘ien the priiporte
tire re.iiie%ted tii call upon the
residing near liy.
to eoninioniv at I n'.l ick, P. 31.,
on - a id slay. when attendance will i.e goeil
stud term. , outdo kii , iwn 6.
By the Giurt—L.l.ll.ll (%cik.
.11t,;tyst 24. ts
Orphan'io Court Nile.
DY virtue of an order- of the Orphan's
_L.) Com tof Adams coun y. the iinderstglie.l.
.Adiiiiii6trator of the eAme of • hunmx But.-
LION, dred.. w In eipose w sale at pat Mtc
cry, ou.Qe p:eulises, o I 111 ,
day 4.V 3, 1 ,14-mthrr H ex!. at 1 o'Llock. P. M
a certain TII.ICT containing
shout 11 Acres. of Inch- about 4 acres arp
Timber, aini the Libitum in a good io.a.e of
cultivation—On which are erected a in u stn y
mi. LOG 11OCSK, (weather)oarded,) a log
4, iiu wotilierlioartletl Bat ii, and a Lug": Shop,
'lit Sp r in g !louse, and 4illler s oln•bullillitgo:
:Liu thereon an Urciiard of Utility trees. hav
ing choice fruit. The tract In ',twitted in
llenallen tow Attain< con tity. adjoi iiing
lauds of Conrad Thomas,- Levi Irwin and
Peter Dillon. •
The terms will he made known on the day
.ufita.e by JOHN 11OFFIAN,
By the Conn—J. J : Baldwin, Clerk.
Aug. 24.1857. to
Notice of Inquest.
-11 VOTICE is hereby given to-all the heirs
11 and legal representatives of 31.1111
11LW1TT. late ofMenallen township. Adams
county. dean/sell, to wit: George Hewitt,
John llevvitt, Jesse Hewitt, Sarah, intermar
ried with Thomas IleCreary, but nov.- deceiv
ed. leaving her said husband But-tiling; the
slesconliats or issue of Elizabeth, intermar
ried with George Joyce, now hod' de.eased,
Jusepk- Joyce, 31argaret, intermarried with
' Samuel Cook. Obadiah Juyee. now deceased,
leaving issue,Sasan, intermarried with George
B. fiewitt„slawes Joyce, Daniel JQI/00., Mary,
• intermarried with Willi•uu Gardner, botu
now deceased, leaving issue, Alfred Inines
Gardeer, Afary.tan li.trrinue , and,
intermarried' with Henry need—that an IN
/1 QUEST will be held on the following proper
ty, viz : A Lot. Piece or Parcel of Laud, sit
uate in Nenalion toweship, Adams county,
adjuining teal* of David übll. Jona.y
calm, and others. contaioing 10 acres, snore
or lime, tot which are erected a two-story Leg
House, Lig Stable, with the necessary out
buildings—Qs Thursday, the 17 to (icy of Sep
teigber t. at 10 o'clock, A. M., en said
pansies*. to snake partition thereof, to and
ateoupt this heirs and legal representatives of
said deceased, if the statue will admit of penis,
tioe,_ without prejudice to ur spoiling the 66 CONSUMPTIONe "
whole thereof: but if the same will nut admitß Y DR. W. W. HALL. Sent p. p. for $1
O f snub partition, to inquire bow many of said r Address Pablsalser of 1-Adre Journal 4'
heirs it ounvemieiltly eccummod;ite--aad I ii„ith, Nrto lurk." This is believed to be
; part and di% ide t.te &sae to and among se the plainest, most truthful and satisfactory.
manjt of them us the same will ueeumtuutlitte ; book on this subject over presented for pope.;
but if the same will nut admit of division at lar reading : neither medicine or instniments
all without prejudice to or spoiliug the whole , are ftdvised most remarkable results having
"here o f, thea to value and appraise the same. I followed diligent attention to certain forms of
wind* and undivided—whereof all persuns in-, out door activities arid nutritious diet.
teiested are herehv fotifie.t attoul.
THOMAS, Sikeriff. Aug. 24.1857. It
Sheriff's Office. Gettysburg, }
Aug. 24. 1857. td
List of Letters
, il E IIA I S (NU in the Post Office, at Gettya-"
1-8 , burg. Aug. 17, 1857.
Register's Notice. I Albert J. C. Little & Moore
NOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees and Bear Peter Little L. J. Mrs.
other persons concerned. that the A'huin- Beard Elisabeth Mrs. MeGlaughlen James
nitration Accounts hereinafter mentioned will , Briteher - Wm. Parker T.
be presented at the Orphan's Court of Adams, Bowers Mary Miss Peil Robert
county, for confirmauon and ailturance, on, Creager C. W. R./slier Wm..:
Tuesday, the 22.4 day of September runt, viz : i Ewalt Ab'm S. J. A. Mr.
(These are a portion of those to be presented.) ; Eisenhart J. S. Spangler Barbara Mrs.
280. Account of Noun Miller and John, Fisher Nancy Misa Sc. John A.
Miller, Executors of John Miller. deceased, ; Llarlues Randolph I. Tesler B. 0.
-who was surviving Executor of Michael Mil- /lostettor Peter West Oeo. I'.
ler. dentiesexL 'Johnson A. C.
283. The first and final amount of Freder• ' ' GEOIIGE GEYER, P. M.
jek Wolf, Guardian of Win. Flickinger, minor ID.Persons calling for Letters in the above
ion of Wm. Flickinger, deceased. • ' Lint will please say they were advertised .
WK. F. WALTER. Register,
Per DA teat. PLANE, Deputy,
itesister's oMce. Gettysburg, }
A 08.24, Itol. td
Atoonz The enmie feltorem of the entert•in •
1111:111 tt 111 he into baCell the two cerebrated
PEIWOVII.N4; Zf:Bittif4
Trimed t.ius,t maime: by C.
11 It t.•;SET.
ittuilic IGO di-p'3y4 of V ArI.TING. TCIVILIV(4.
riIIFILSETTIV:. Fr.. i$V . the 'l', envy, in which
the Wil rle izynina%tic Ktn:ii,:th CC the company
Will nppetr.
Th,pertto ninncec he nernmnanit.,l with
0.r.r0 11 1 11tE's V. CliltNET It \ND.
E4rli Eliteitairmiew. trill cunclude with the
Rutuatttic of
Trith Avii4,ll/0
the forenoon a Fp!en.lidPßOCES
sros OF ELEPHANTS with the uthziliteent
B 4ND Cll A !HOT. driwii hy a Team of !
will parade through the pniteipal streets.
Door:: open at 11 and i P. M. PeAurm
Strice half an hour aftervrAnk,
IN ill pert to at GEITISBURG, ‘Vednes.
day, &pt. 9th; and at ILANOVER, Tucaday,
Aug. 24.1857.
`Costar's' Rat, Roach, &c., Exterminator.
13UT up in 2tic., 35c., 65c., and Ifl Boxes:
• Cuilar's" Brd E.rteratimator.—
Put up in '25c., 50c.. 75c.. and $1 Bottles.
"Costar's" E'edrie Pwrder. for In
zecl.v, (CY.. Put up in 25c. and 50c. Boxes.
Principal Depot, No. 388 Broadway. New
York, and sold by DRUGGIStS and DEAL
ERS everywhere in the United States, Cann
ills, West Indies and South America.
rnull particulars by Mail
Aug. 24, 1857. Its
1A LARG E assOrtms nt of STR AW GOODS.,
Ilk-just received, and fur sale at
BLINCX.II: & Avousa.suca's.
Madame% Sale.
Oft r q. the Dith i!f&-yentber serf,
FIVE Subscriber, Auignee under a deed of
voluntary assignment fur the benefit of
creditors, by Timoras NValagx ,% Wire, will
Fell at Public Sale, at the Courthouse, in Get
tysburg. the following veluable property, viz:
fronting on ketiroad street. on which ia erect.
cd a •altralie Iron and Brass Foundry. lift* 13
as the " G ityrioarq ILundry." with all the
necessary apparatus, Steam Engine. Flasks,
Pattesno, Tools, &c.. The Foundry is stow in
running order. and doing a first-we business.
on comer of Carlisle and Railroa.l streets,
with a new Two-story Prick DWELL
ING, with Attic and Basement—large Nu,
two Brick Back-building and
Attic, Stabling. sever-failing well cf water,
&o.—admirably adopted ler a Public House.
N 0.3. A TWO-S'fOitY 11 t7IC f:
DWELLING. adkoniag.,No. 2. with W,T:
Attic. good cellar, back-budding, &c.
—also new.
No. 4. A LOT OF GIZOT - NT), on
corner of Chstutiers'.urg and West streets.
fronting GO feet on former tdreet and
running Lack to an alley. with a Two. ii
story Plastered DWELLING, Wvai her- 11
Warded Back-building. a Frame Shop. Stab
ling. Well of 11 ater, &c.
No. 5. A LOT OF GROUND, adjoin
ing No. 4, fronting 60 feet on Chant bersburg
street. on arbieh are erected EttUlt irPt i
Three•atory Brick DWELLINCiS. with " ii
Attica. These will be sold together or 'I '
separately, to suit purchasers.
No. 6. Two LOTM ()F. GROITNI),
adjoining No. 5. each fronting f, feet nn
Chaumbersburg street and running bask to an
alley, being desinible building lots.
on Ea ..t Middle street, adjoining ptopertie: of
Ephraim Ilanaw•ay and taco. Swope, Of I it 4 . ; 0 1. ". .
.thick are erected a good 'lt% o•mory iii
Frame DWELLING, Back-building,
{Veil of Water, tc.
N o. 8 . A Da OF (i1t()I . N1), on
West Middle street, adjoining properties of
S S. McNair and others, fronting tki feet on
Middle street. Lid running Lack 1.41 •n alley.
more or Teas. near Pennßylvania College. al
joinotg lands of It. McCurdy. Eden Devlin,
and other..
11'.11:11EN. (tieing the undivided two-thiids.)
in a'l kAcr L it Ft et.ilotu tun tedop,
containing 4') .leres, more ur lesv. adjoining
1311(14 of S. S. 31eNair and other.., known 43
•• Middle Cieck Factory." There are,_ il
on this property a livre Tno-storyrff
11WELLINIi Ilftrk-I , lllllllllg. Stahhitg,
Stw Mill. and ocher impro‘ementi. The IVA
t,r-1,„,‘ 2 .r is (lima to ally 11l the count:. and
furnishes an udtutralde sae :ur a ur
The in•erest of 1) 'Warren, who owns
On whet third of properly No: 10. vi iH lie
sold at the sank' time. .o flint the putch.L.ser
will secure all Cottle tide.
Sale n ill comintntre at 10 o'clock, A. M..
when attendance will be given and teittn, matte
Lunt', n by
Aug. 17. It<>7.
Priam' sALE.
un.ler-iglitsi r li .4(.11 nt S.!o,
S.1(,1„1 t /. the 111111
1.67, uu tliv ilt t •tsu into.
A 0 ,111 1. , utie 10.1 e it 11311
from Dvarlo Ir. tuill. and t‘%„
Peternburg, the to trtt
contninint! 1:20 .I..reri s moms or h.-, ndioin;ntr
lands of M eltael Ssitmlokuzft. loto.:. 31 ors,
Jacob t.. , lsatrel, nod the Ltd morr vreek. riliieh
runs through the farm - . The imprnienientis
are a Two-story /trick ll%ell;ne . - itir i ,
11OUSF: Tenati• 11,nt:•.e.L 0,4 Barn. •
:s.nure House, Wash !louse, and ;7 1 :' •;,
miler but-build:ll;4 , i. w Alta 'ire' , :::.: , 2:• . - ... n
% g
.., „at,r tle !muse. Aisint I 1
110rez are
1 ' ..0 ,, ,11.111‘1, tift` tem:tinder (146.11.141. In a f..!”..(1
state of etti:ii mina .. iml limier g,s,•l tem tn.z.
There is :ifso o n the I.rPiiike. It Sn's . ( "0-1 , 1.1 , :z
and !'bier 31111. The land is w ell wate.-01,
thine iwii:e a ,pritlg, in enpli 6v1.1. There is
al.. nn Ocel..iril of choice fruit trees un
the premises.
Perp•untt Wi.hing to view the preini , es
kef,,re the dayof s at' Ily 4,11
Nathaniel StatuLaugh, nbo re.oles on the
811111 e.
- "".S de to eommenee at 2 0'4.1 , ,ek i n s.Ci
any, w nen atte n dtw.e v. ill givenbe and term,.
ml4e known lnr
Pllll.ll' S Li3ll.lA - Li II
Auguct 17, liis7
A Good Farm,
Sul.criber- intending to quit farming.
will ultcr at Public Sole, un the preunhes,
0 /1 pli!, obit,
his F. 1 1 .01. Fitl/a . .0 in Butler town-hip. Adams
county, within a mile of Arendmville. adjoin
ing lamls• of Samuel Wolf. John Hartman,
Thomas Taylor, George. Taylor. and others,
containing 106 Aerev,wore or less. having
due proportions of Woodland and Meadow.—
Tile iniproveinemit ate aTwo-story
LUG I.IOOSE, with two Kitchens. 111 I
a Bankjtarn. Wage. SlKASpring
House, Wiahh Mane, and othe • --.
out-buildings : a vpring of water near the door
of the Dwelling. and one ol the finest Apple
Orchards in the county on the premises. The
land is under good. Finning and good cultiva
tion, and the cleared land has all bees limed,
some of it Utica.
Perrone wib.hing to view the property are
requested to cull upou the untkrbsgoed,
tng thereon.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clo:k, P. M.. cn
said day. when attendance will be given and
tcrwa wade known by
Aug. 1.7 1857.
The $10&$1& Single and Donble Threaded
Empire Family Sewing Machine.
AN Agency for thank of these Machines
kan he secured for this county, on liberal
terms, by a personal application at the office
of the subscribers, S. E. Corner 6th and
Arch Su., Philade;nhia.
Nu one need apply without sufficient cspi-
Milo conduct the basins% properly', and with
out references as reliability and capacity.
We positively assert that toileAs Sewing
Machines, fur all purposes or family sewing,
are by far superior to any Sewing Machine lu
Use, (no matter at what cost they are held.)
and wherever they are offered for sale will
meet with a rcadv and constant demand.
Aug. 17. 1857. 1m
At the Old Sland in West C7uumbersburg street.
r UE undersigned has just purchased s well
selected Stuck of Goods, and invites the
attention of the public to his One aseortment of
Gentlemen's, Ladies', and Chil
These Goods have been selected
with c view to meet the tenons wants and
necessities of customers. Also. a splendid as.
aortment of Plain and Fancy GAITERS &
SLIPPERS, of all sizes and descriptions, made
of very best materials, which he is prepared to
sell on as favorable terms as they can be had
at any place in the County. Having been
engaged in the Shoe business lot 30 years. he
flatters himself that he has selected such
Goods as will give entire satisfaction to all
who may wish to purchase. Call and examine
for yourselves.
Boots, Shoes, &c.. made to order as
heretofore. W ILLI A 11
May 11, 1857. 3m
IJOWDPat and SHOT, the best manufan
-1 turgid, abe had at NORBECE'S.
er co' it ii TIME il, T Y ,
PIIHR subscriber. desinng to rerun•.. till
offer si Public Sale, on the preonses, on
Tuesday. au 241.4 of .Argsze Outwit, the M
issing Real Property. wiz:
No. I.—A LOT OF GitOTTNI), sit
uate on Baltimore street. in the Borough of
Gettysburg, adjoining property of Dr. Knuth
un the south and "The l'otitpiler" office ou the
north. haring a two-story Dwelling
I IDVSE.with a two-story brick Birk - -
Building. Stable. well of teeter, fruit a s. 4 d
irreS. therrou.
No. 2:.—.1 LOT OF G1:101.7..ND, sit
uate on high street. in said Borough. adjoin
/mg property of Dr. firauth. the Female high
School. and Lot. No. 1, having theieon erect.
ed a comfortable tweristory SHUCK HOUSE,
and brick Back Building.
situate on the corner of Breit Middle and
Wa.hington streets. in said Borough, adjoin.
ing properly of Simnel Weaver. en the west—
with a two-story BRICK WHISK, a one and
a half story Vt'estherlioardeil House. and a
frame Blacksmith Shop. thereon erected.
No. 4.—A TRACT 0)1" LAND, situ
ate on the Long Lane. in said Borough, ad
joining lands of Itoliert Sniiih and Ge o rge Co
don, coutaioiog 7 Acres and 02 Perches, hay
ing a lirgt rate spring thereon. About 4 acres
Ire Meadow. The tract will be offered iu
two lot*.
No. 5.—A TRAcT OP LAN)), situ
ate between Weat !diddle street nod the Mil
leratnwn road, adjoining Nods of Robert Smith
and Rev. Cole. containing 7 Acres, wore or
less—tu Le otkred to thirty 10t.4.
No. ti.—A Tit.t.c.r or LA N 11, situ
ate on the 11111er6wwit road, 111 Cumberland
towiiship, hear the llomeigh, adjoining lamb(
of F4111;4'111' qatinway, Illerle.o's heirs,
and Rev. Barkett. containing 3G Aere4, more
or lepa—to he offered Ir. whole or in sii lots,
as may Lest purchasers.
", - 'lltese.• Propel tiesoffer rare opportunities
to make Mee...moons. and the attention of all
&airing to purchase is inviied to the sale.—
Much of the land hat been limed.
stir Sale to witonence at 1 I M..
on said day. wtarn attonlatwe trill lw given
and terms wade known by
Aug. 3. 1857. Li
A Rare Chance
4iven in the last
Nri'.l to-tnni , tit of ti oil Ilr.on-t.
c,•.1•••.1. the Exe, ut , .n of I 1,..
3 .e 0.01, 0 a• P ,LL,•
S tic , tip. Slo , nriwr
I ti . eilock. P. M.. tilt' full r,tin~
1.11l1.1:ok of deVeal3ed, t i :
TII E F.l M ,
on Arlii 1 fir thirty VP:1" •
ttiatu on the liller4too 0 Nina. th.• tirit farm
f,..1 ) , tl.t e.ontittni Pr: 11;,1 AcHES, Lit il
6;) 1'..1:( 'II ES of 10101, imviing a
pn.n.o hon of 11eti.:0 r 311 U due pro
The iiu:,-oveoteet , ,oncjst iif i i •
k c i
htrqe Tue-tAwy LOti HOUS.:4 u tip . i
1 tr,4e St"ite Ihtek Barn, N%:kg..11 'z f ."l* 4 i
S n. 1, Cori, r.-ih. C.trnii,.e
.I.el 411 no C••ar y IMI-61.1.111111.:4 ; !i. tii,‘,.s,,e
u , •ler•t•L.ho; :3priii4 or Water a li.l Stun
nut, II ,i.e. 11- ,, ..tline Apple 0::111.110),
u ICI .. %a-ie.,- P , h..t. - f,ito. T , ,e fen,e.. are
g s.”1..l:10. till . 1..11 1 111:l nil(' ..t.r.f . “frillt.l%.ol , afi.
g t -d- I'.•r. .n \\ i..100g, to %stew the preperky
a"o leTae-ted to e.:1: uoon the heirs restdiug
there ,i/.
.11 fa fins , a /1 , 1 plar , trill fe• sn74,
A Tract of mountain Land,
,ntell mu g 12 Ail awl/ ti
P 11101. ~r.;
SwiAlor. Side
mut ntherv . per—n 4 wkiiiiit z to
%ea. thiv tract are reiiiii,ted t 1 call ut S do
nein oil the oitlil road, on
Satiirdav the S lideiwier, it 111ii'elook,
w boa ti ill be the ..atait by the
"E""'T.) r.r„ - „!urs
.!; !IL \ 111.1111:%1', J
A uv . :1.
Orpliatem Court Salt..
y ot All arta% ..lcr thot
„1" Coart .if
A.l in , at -r .J 1 1., deoea , ..l. Will
U f 4.7 Stk. 011 t'lt• 10. 101,$!.. 00 Sai
l! .1.0/. (,1.• 1211/ d i 1 i+r twit, the
Li•al Estate ci said ,lei e :eta, %Ix :
A FA It3l.
situate 1:1 Liberty totwn.hip, ei•unty,
three mike welt of Eliiiiirshuri.
hails of 11. n+. James 31cDosit, ell
SitieldS 161 Acres,
uo,rw or less, about 30 acres of which are
cleared mid in t. good state cultivation, and
much of the balance is well rot ered with
thrivilvz. Cae , init and 11 irk-oak 'Luther. Be
tween Om! :AI m.res more could eiudly Lc
cleared. 'fhe i prov.•ined it tare a one
alitintlintlf story LOG HOUSE, v i 4
Barn, :t young iireliaril of choice fruit,
ke. There are two god Springs near the
'fur roal trout 31eDivit's 31111 to
tlito' this property.
gsarl'ersolo4 wimliing to v:e.v the property
are request,-t1 to call noon the subscriber. re
siding thereon. It will he offered undii
or in two parts to suit purchasers.
stra"..Sale to coistiaence at 1 o'clock. P.
en sari day, when
,atteridance will be giver:
and tennis wade ir,xtuivii by
W3I. A. C0LL...1 Ith'r.
By the Court—J. J. ELturis,
Jug. 1U 1837
Family Grocery 'B.: Provigion
GILLESPIE T11031.1S respectfully in
form the people of Gctlyslpirg and die
poldie generally, that they fare just retorn
ed from the city with a ft,eneral assortoloot of
11LES, which they are prepared to sell us low
as the l o w est. YLOCII. and FEED always on
hand, and sold at small profits.
S ore on York street, one dour east of Wat
tles' llutel.
Gettysburg. Aug. 3. 1957.
Executors' Notice.
e, tamentary ma the estate of Jacob Ilerhst.
late of Cumberland toe tr.hip. Adams co.,
deceased, having been granted to the under
signed. the first-named residing in Gettysburg
and the last-mimed iu Hamiltonian tvrp., they
hereby give notice to all persons indebted to
Paid estate to wake immediate payment. and
times having claims against the same to pre
sent thew properly authenticated for settle
JOHN HilltlisT,
Aug. 10, 1837. Ex're
rPIIE Members of the ''Adaiier County Mu
tual Fire Imttsrauce Company," are here
by notified that an election fur twenty-one
MANAIGERS will be held at the ()ace of the
Secretarv, in Gettysburg, on Moiulay, the 7th
day of &ptembevk next, between ihe hears of
1 and 4 o'clock P. M —each member entitled
to one vote for each policy held by him.
The Executive Committee will meet at 10
o'clock. A. M., on said day.
zkcir M.anagers having in hands fees due the
_Company will be required to pay the same
into the Treasury on or before said day, to
enable the amounts for the current year to be
Aug. 10, 1857. 3t
Beady-made Clothing,
COATS, Pants and Vests , fur ta)ya and
men ; Bouts, Shoes, Hats and Caps :
Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Neck Tics, Stocks,
Handkerchiefs. Gloves, Stockin ' gs. Saipan•
derv,--a nice of lot of Gowns, Water-proof
Oil Coats, and everything else that can be
found in a Store of the kind, always to be had
D. A. BUEHLER, See y
-. ~
One Oof - the aid rkrusil l
Foil SALE.
rpliE undersigned offers at Private Sale.
_I his FARM, situate in Strad** township,
Adnnts couutv. on the llenurer rood. and ad
joining the dettsiairg llonmgh line. The
fano euntains 1,4 Acre, , , more ar less, the
land being of the hest quality, much of it
" gntnite' —with fair proportions of meadow
and timber. Fences -...01l mat the soil in era
eellent cultivati..n. The improve.
.. .
mews are u nooforta:de Stone ~:.:,..‘, It
Dwelling HOUSE, Itnnk 8.1111, -•. • .
Wagon Shed. tiforn erik&c.—flrst -,.......,..,- •,,
! rate Apple Ovehard. n nerve-failing . well w
I water at the ”.ir, and a number of springs
upon the tract. It is certainly one of the motet
desirable farms now in market in this eoutity,
; and demands tho attention of capitalists.
Permute wishing to cietr the property are
requested to call upou the uodersizne I. resid
iiig thereon. DANIEL BEN N ER.
July 13, V• 3 - 313
A siviaLL FARM,
lITILL be ',Serest at Public Sate. an the
premietel, Ott Thursday, the 10th day
of Septentirer next,
rabufbie Linextone Leind,
containing 28 Acres, more or less, situate in
Gertirmy township, Albimm counts, un the
Turnpike lending from Little...imam t o G utty ,•
harg, one quarter of st mole from the fonder
pimp, adjoining land.i of James Renshaw,
GeoNe Myers, and others. Tire int;woye
ment4 ore it good two stmor •
BRICK 110( 7 SE, I.,7.ll:trity“rj,
Crib and Wagon Shed, and other
out ; a never
u-oi or water at the door, mid AO eral never
f a iling arming• on tile tract; nl.n an A nt.le
o t i•haril of fruit, with iit':!•i• fruit tree...
Pereont whehoor to view the property are
reqin.ite4 to mil t.p .n tint utoiergigoetl
or on 3lr. I 4.4rgt• G oiler. I t lioremt.
It ig upon(' the In de.or.l4le e ,uatry re,idett
ces in tlto county.
'.tie to 01111111( . 11M /It , ek. P. M.. an
said day, I'4 lien *tie idanco will lie given and
term, nixie knuwu t,
Awn/ for Mr.\ E. S.'iorb
Juno 29, IR. is
A L 3
Desirable and Valuable Farm,
F 0 It S .1 L E
T •:•.11).crit,,,,t:xpetick.r or PLTER FFRREE,
t.fier+ nor .idl e t/I V i;,11 , .%1 ug
de.irable !teal 'E•tatil'nf decedent, Viz :
A FA It 11,
I tte the II nne situ:ite in
Tyr,.ne C./Lllll V. Wl:Willing
Iniid ..1 Ferree, Jacob
Arntsbvr;:yi. and offitaining
212 Acres, more or less,
having. tatt l e itron:trt;:.titt ttf WII .11111111 and
Mttadt t‘rt e intprttveatenttittttlittimt ttf a Tyr::
St.ry wratherbtrartlo.l 11(WSE, •
:t Stant , Bank Matt, 11rtigtat Sited
tantl trn St,trine: Ilttatte,
TEN .\,NT HOUSE, St.thle, Att...•74
m it'll a nevt•rfailing , ttrittz of water at eat:
dlt ;and an Apple ( )rehartt un the
Till. has alwnys bsen Omitted to hp one of
the hit g-nunimoklikeing Farm. in the whole
Per.oa s w;.11..z to view it
are Nooke,te.l to enll ur,opi Mr. Ilkkok. n•r
thereon. Ag the Farm 14 .1114Celltil,10 of con
venient klivi•ion. it will he ..tiered in two
part. or in whole. purelia.ers mar .le-ire.
lithe pi 4.lkerty 14 nut toll it pri‘ank sale
previon. t.. 4r2-111, Seldom-
IN-s• 71 , 34. it will be otferekl at publie outcry on
that upon the premise.. at one kk'eloek.
I'. M. A.tten.hinek. ..!1% en mot term+ made
knonn h, JOEL il. I).I.NSEIt,
July 21), !Skirt.
THE Exectitiirt4iif HESS,
‘l ill infer at Public 5..10. iin the
Villiy, A S. ; 'PlenillCe
the tulualiie Real Evtate of nuitl de
on whirl' fleeea.ol resiilinl all his life'-time,
%imam in Lion:ore tovrnnhip. A.lnins county,
within three miles of York. ndioiniii
lands of Philip Hews , Silos Brom', Isn't , : As
per, Inane 31.srs..1.1seph P.'wer. and o thers,
inoltaining 185 Acres, more or less, .I.,ut
too of whirl' are 'Arm acre's meadow,
:Intl the balance eolwrinl a nth Girl% i lag timber.
The farm in 'miler g euitilittion awls cud
fensing. The intro-meow:its ars ~• q Y
Tw.i-story Lug 'DWELLING s ftf
HOUSE, large Bank Ilium. large -Yt
Shop, D:y Ilouse„ unit other out
buildin; three Apole (Ir.-lot' e of ehoice
fruit, with Peaoli, Pear. Plum :wit Cherry
Tree+. There is u time, failing sitting of Mu
ter near the tlor, am! :t stream through the
farm. it heing tits well watered.
Apar•The farm will be offered in whole or
in two Varts. me mac hest suit pun
Per Person* to view the pr.w..rty.
are reque-tae w cull on the firstmamutl Ezoeu
tor, residing thpreon.
Aziy-Sale tee commence nt 10 o'clock, .1. M..
un said day, when attendance will 1.03 bet on
and tenni, wade known la+
July 13, 1857. to E.vcniors
11127rALso. at the same time and place. the
following PtilVq.../N PIiOPERTY 4'1.18-
ceased: 3 tons of Ilay, 3 Grain Cradles ; a
quantity of Lard, 25 yards of Carpeting. 3
Chests, Covvrlets. (butts, and other articles
too numerous tin mention.
Swing 4 - - Summer Uoods.
WE respea.fully Livite the , of
buyers and enAt4 nr.r. both in towu
and country to. our new !stock of Ginds. It
ronaiata of i/ey•ti .od., Notions., Queens care.
Cedar Ware, qociterli W.Lre, and 61.0 k :cries;
It EA D 3-.11.1D . 4 ; CLOTHING ;'
Clothing Lauda to order. Ciar.lll Gouda Cut
free of charge, at the uturth-wemt corner of the
Juno 1. 18.17.
The n. C. s. Burnett,
Y V TiIiLE laboring as a Miaeionary in
Southern Am., diacorereita simple and
certain Cure Air Ali um-
CruulliseCrlde, Nervous Deb y, and
all impurities of the Wiwi/ ; also, au tam), and
effectual mode int Inhaling the //eiaril.e. Ac
tuated by a uis*re to beliedt his suffering fel
lows. be will cheerfully send the Recipe (free)
to such is donne it. with, full awl explicit di
rections for preparing and succiebafully using
the Medicine. 'Addreau
831 Broadway, N. 1: (lily.
August 3, 1857. Gel
Black Silk Bats.
ALL and Winter Stile. just rseaived and
12 fur sale at; COI.IE - AN & PAXTON'S
Fashionable Hat, Cap. Buut and Shoe Store.
Summer Clothing.
MITTS morning received, a new lot of very
I fine Summer Clothing, latest fashion,
aid will continue to receive every week or ten
days, more of different article... from auction.
July 27, 1857
This Way ! This Way ! !
JCST IN SK.kSON!—FIy Neu', or various
styles and colors, cheap at SAMSON'S.
IF you want to buy GOODS CIIEAP, call
at Ileidlerabarg, Adams co.
waking Soap—to be had at
pIIILDREN'S Shoes of every variety and
size, at Itatznat.iY AuontsaAccu's
aueeemors to W. W. Paxton
FLOUR % FEED always on hand at
S ECOND arrival of Spring (Mod.
at the Chump Store of FALISESTOCKS'.
40. it
At Public Sale.
11.13 E Subset/bar, Adruiniatrator with the
will annexed of 3ltuu.iat.
will offer at PuLdie sale, oil the premises. out
&dowdily. the Sth day of STkinhor nee, the
following Real Estate of said deceased, V :
AIP A. 1C.4
situate in Cumberland township, Adams
eounty, ntijoining lands of John Plank,
Michael Busitunin, John,Slyiler, and others.
about 4 miles front Gettystotr 7 , vontaining
151 ACRES and allowance. «•ith go , rl tirtTor
tious of Meadow and Timberlsild. The um
nrocements are a Two-story ski .„„ yr
HOUSE,. Log Barn. and the ne
cessary out-buildings: an Apple
Orchard, and two tieverfailtng.-
Springs near the house. Fetiches s,ris * st, aim
the lintel, meetly granite, under grind cultira
emu. If desired, it tract of 10 CO 12 Adroit of
Wood-land will be offered separate from the
bar Persons wishing to view the property
are requested to call MI John Keefanver. re-
siding thereon, or on the subscri'oer; residing
in Oettytthurg.
lify`Sale to commence et 1 o'clock, P.M.. on
said day, when attendance will be given and
terms make known by
Adininietrator with the •ill anoesvil
July 13. 1P37. to
MILE Subscriber, Executor of the last will
mi d t ,,,,,t umea : of JIM 111011.E114, Sr., de
ceased, N% iU 4•se: at Public Sale, tun the premi
ses, 4m S Ain !Wag, Mr 121 h ,big o Svlruithti•
next, the fellawit.g Real Estate of said de
ceased, Tie •
situate in 3loilutpleusant township, Adam,
eounty, adjoining lands of 3loses Senft, Peter
O'Neal, Daniel Kohler, awl others. alsart 5
miles from Hanover and 3 from New Oxford,
containing 52 ACRES, inure or lik i ss, with
good proportions of Moldow aritlTiguher-lantl.
The improvements arc a TKO- '
story Brick Dwelling, 11011 SE,
. -1 1. 1 !
1.•:‘,4 Barn, arid a Stone Spring
I lkillSe,( With 121.1Verfiti tit Ig Spri fig
to it.) allll fill necessary uut•loilldnigN; an
Apple and Peach Orchard, with choke fruit,
of all kinds. 'rite fencer nre 71, wl, metitly•
chesnut rail.. Tile laud is in fir,.t rate order,
it having Leen nearly all limed within the
List hew years. About 10 Aerees of good
Icue4llnntit... the farm.
Stir Per.4on4 wishing to view tkeprrper!ty,
are requested to call un John ilemler, Jr.,
re,iding; thereon, or on the sub.criber, resid
ing in oxford townshiii.
ntirtidle to leommence at 1 o'elnel;„ P.
nn raid day. NThen attendance will be given
and terms made known by
Er,-rirlor of Mender, Sr., eirr'il
Aug. 3, 1557. td
Valuable Properties,
rilllE ',inscriber, &hiring to remove to the
I_, West, offers at Pirate Silo, his FARM,
situate in Cumberland town.hip, Adams co.,
on the road leading from Gettystiorg to Fair
field. about 2 milts from the former place.
adjoining lands of Geo Culp. Franeis Bream,
and others, containing 153 ACRES. more or
1e..., with due proportions of Meadow and
Titubtr. Thu improvements con4i.t of a two
story STONE 11‘ lUNE, a good
, s• Mira, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib.
u I and all other neees.nry mit-build
-1... _ , ~,,... ings: a never-fading cell of water
I t
near the door of the dwelling. with nn excellent
spring near by. piped in:u the barn yard.—
Also a first rate Apple Orchard, with other
fruit, on the Firm. Fences good, and the
land in fine cultivation.
a Trail of elo)iPe Land,
containingibout 5 Acres, adjoining the shove.
with &comfortable two•suxy OW EL..
LING, Stable, Shop, well of water.-
fi uit trees, ,t.c., thereon, making it a
very desirable home.
Persons wi,ltiog, to view the properties are
requested to call on the undersigned, residing
on the last named.
July 27. JOHN BUTT. Sr.
TTIE Subscriber, Executor of SA 51' Mrx
mEaT, deceased, w ill offer at 'Public Sale,
on the pretniNes, wi Saturday. ilic 51/i clay of
N...piclutx.r rice,
A S3IALL FAlllf,
(formerly occupied by said deceased.) situate
"in Hamilton township. Adams county, adjoin
ing lands of Daniel Baker, John Bear. John
Hartman, and others. containing 45 Acres,
mure or less. The land is under good culti
vation and good fencing. The improvements
consi.t of a tyvmstor, STONE
HOUSE. Log Barn, Wagon Shed
and Corn Crib. Spring House, and V;
other out-buildings: two Springs .
and a good Apple Orchard on the premises.
Also at the same time and pl3re, will he
half Woodland. situate one mile Irmo
the above, on the Abbottstown Turnpike, ad
joining lands of John Bopp, John Grove, and
10 - Peisons wishing to view the property
are requested to call upon Mr. llathias Motu
inert. residing on the first dtscribed.
I.l:7Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M..
on said day, when attendance will be given
and terms tnatle known by
ttEOIIGg 5/ t.', MMERT, Ile r
Aug. 3, 1857. ts
THE Subscriber will offer at Public Sale
oa the premises. on 7'km:ft/ay. the 27//4 nut, the following property, viz:
situate in Fran in tovenqh p. Adams county,
containing 40 AEres, more or less. a
The improvements are a one and etr•
a half story LOO HOUSE, Log
Rani, Shop, Sibling House. &c.
Also, the following PERSON AL PROPERTY,
viz : 1 Horne. 4 head of Cattle, 7 Hogs. 1,
Wagon, Plough. Horse Gears. Shovel Ploughs,
(double and single :)ento in the ground. Aye
and Oats by toe bushel, Potatoes : with all
the lioutiehold and Kitchen Furniture. such as
Reda and, lieddlos. Tables.. Chairs, Bureau.
Cupboard, Clock, Since. Tubs and Puts.
(11.7 Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. P. 4.,
on said day when attendance will be giveu
and terms made
July 20, 18.57. tu
Littlestown Railroad:
TILE Fourth Monthly Instalment of Five
Dollars per Shire on the Stock subscrib
ed, will be due and payable to the Treasurer
of said CI nu poop ust&fig day. u / A 's y n .,' L as t.
—By a ltesolution of the 1.1.,art of Direc
tors, passed ou Saturday, :15th ult., all per
sons to arrears after that time will Le charg
ed interest at the rate of one per cent. a month
on their betck payments, in Itecortiance with
the Act of :Use:lady. S. F. slloltß,
Secretary of the Bvard.
Ank.3, 1857. td
N. B.—Any of the Directams will reeeipt
fur payments on Stoek.
Willow Sired, above 21%0Ws Side.
AIouLDINGs suitable fl,r Carpenters,
111 Builders, Cabinet and Frame Makers,
worked from the hest and thoroughly season
ed material, always on hand. Any pattern
worked from a drawing.
lhi subscriber having purchased the entire
interest, will continue the business with in
creased facilities.
Agents wanted in the various towns in this
portion of the State, to whotu opportunities
will be offered fur large profits to themselves.
JulyI:), 1857. 3iu
- . . - ---
BONNETS. Ribbons, Parasols and Shawls
to be bad very cheap at
41- VALUABLP, P11?Xio
4 Vatemb:e Farm,
A 1' AT: 11 ,
Public Sri Ir.
Public Sale.
Wood Moulding Mill,
\VIII li IT Tii.t . r
(lAN sell cheaper than nnyixtdy else ?—•
Because lot buys at unction, for cAsn.
Look at his Hats, that ho «ells hundreds of,
Gentlemen hate bot4ht and paid for each
llaty i rmi) S 3 tio to 041—but KAmoton ielle
them nt •25. And why_does he sell Aim
eu cheap ? liecattse he bought at auction.
Look st his Boots and Shoes—book at his
Gaiters—the same kind sold nt other places at
from V, 00 to Z.,14 50 , he totllm at 31 871 to
:! 0 .2 .s7l. And ulty ? Because he bought at
Look at his Clothing. and, in feet,. every
thing in his line. 112 will sell u Cost. Nate
and Vest, some horn and some toottco, for
fr,, tn $1 75 4142 Oliver full suit. Alai whir;
Bei:mule be bought them at auction.
lbw, black Summer Cloth l'iiat, Pane and
Vest, he sells for ei3 00. And why ? Be.
cause he bought them at suction.
I am confident that my old friends sail
customers will bear the out in the above.—
would say to those who it at a distance
Trout town, suppose you tn. cil.but a not, or
l nit of (13iter». Why don't you collie to mj ,
establishment? t.Eveu. if you:. lam) a whole
day by so doing, you will be sayfpF from
$1 121 to $1 75 in the purchase of either—.
and that is es much as mutt of UM make a
day by hard work. Beside this, yea can sate
much more in the purchase bt finch other
nrtieles as you may need. Recollect,' tar
stock is a large and varied one, alid ail
articles sold astonishingly low. Come to
town, get your dinners and horses fed, and
you comm never fail (Searing the price of a
day's tabor by buying at the Chelan One-Prioo
Store of M. SAMSON,
July 13, 18:;7. oppislite the Bunk.
Pure Osswegi► Starch,
(FoR rug LAtilmar.)
TTAS established a greater celebrity than
ILI has ever bees obtained by soy other
to rch.
This has been the result of its marked su•
penority in quality, and its invariable uni
The public nay be ISMITCIi of the cantina
&nee attic high standard nuw es'ablished. ,
The production ix over Ta•mty Tons daily;
and the domand has extended throughout the
whole of the United States, and to' foreiga
We, king thus on a very large scale. and
under a rigid syatetu, they are able to ware
a perfect unifirmity in thelunlity throughout'
the year. This L the !ji-ea . DrxidiTalmn iw
~hrrr/rrnakury, mad is realized MAO for Ilse
first time.
The very best Starch that can be made,
and no other, is always wanted by consumers,
and this will be supplied to them by the gro
cers. as soon as their custimihr. have learned
Which is the best, and asiC • tor it—otherwi►s
they would be likely,to get that article oat
which the largest profit esti be made.
Mr. Kingsford has beenengaged in the manu
facture of Starch continuously for the last 27
years: and during the whole of that period the
Starch made under his supervision has been,
beyond any question, the heat in the market.
Fur the first 17 years, he had the charge of the
works of Win. Colgate & Co.. at which period
he invented the pieces* of the manufacture of
Corn Starch.
Dar Ask /or Kingsford 's Slareh,- as the
name. Oswego has been recently !ahem by another
fie turf.
It is sold by all of the best grocers in near
ly every part of the country.
Oswego Corn Starch,
(roe. PUDDINGS, ic.,)
J'A obtained an equal celebrity with their
Starch fur the Laundry. This article in
perfectly pure, and is. in every respect, equal
to the best 13enutida Arrow-Root, braider
ink addition4l qualities which render it lova-
I -
Liable for the (Limn.
Potato Starch has been extensively packed,
and sold as Curn Starch. and has given fain
impretutions to Inlay, as to the teal merits of
our Corn Starch.
From its great delicacy and pithy. it is
coming also into extensive use as a diet for iu
tants and invalids.
E. N. KELLOGG & CO., Aalrns,
196 Fitliom N. Y:
ALLEN & NEEDLES, - Ammrs, '
•23 South IVAarce.ii l'hila.
Ar.g. 10, 1857. 3m
Stone Ware.
A 1 A HN EST OC K BROTH ERS have pit ee
l` eel ved the largest. and best lot of STONK
W ARE ever offered in the county. consisting
of Jars, Jags, Pitchers. Cream Pots. Apple
Butter Puts, Pleserve Jars. Dlilk Pans, TO
matoe Bottles, Spittoons. kc., to which they'
invite the atientiun of the public. Call eat
examine et the sign of the RE!) FRONT.
July 20, 1857:
Still Another Arrival of
6.11 GOOI)8,
A T JACOjIS A BRO'S, Baltimore ;greet.
1 - 1 near the Diamond, where greater bur
gams than ever clll he secured. -Quick sales
and small protit , "—always hotter fur peller
and buyer—i 4 the Immo they pr-ad/Gems well
a. preach. Give them tt rail for anything ler
the Merchant Tailoring, line-yuu won't re
gret it. •
Gettysburg, July 13. 1857.
Fifth Street, below it'aOtt:
Session. 1857-8. •
'ruff? Faculty of this Institution ha, meet,-
L ded to hold hereafter bat ass Collegiate
Sear:mil in the year : beginning in October and
terminating in March. Essminatiarut five
given DAILY by the Professors at the College.
hospital Instruction, ai4Material Gar Practi
cal Auntry, yrnittitotrito the advanced
dent. Supplementary Lectures are alaogiven
during the summer.
FENS. riculation. $5 : one fttU tatereg t
$1:11; Perpetual Ticket, loadeasius t
A limited number of atudenta. of modaraaa
mean*. and well recommended, will be admit,:
ted on the Beneficiary List.
For further i-formation, addretut
B. 110 WARD EAND.3I. D..
Aug. 10. 3t Veu*.
RE-1/0 VAL.
Malenkin, Felt and Fur Hats,
Adam B. Wingerd.
Daniel S. White, ,BALTIXORE,
John A. Swope.
Aug. 3, 160.
Ladles, This Way!
COBEAN & PAXTON hare always or
hand a large and weft 'selected stock of
Lbdiate, WigAct4', and-
A Children 1016
of all kind', and at all prices. Nu trouble to
show Goods. May /10. ;
FIGS AND RAISINS.—A fresh lot 'cif
kigs and Raisins. just received and fur
sale at E. U. MINNIGIFS.
CIENTLEMEN, do you want to select from e
.large and handsome variety of Cravats,
Ilandkerchiefs, Suspenders, &A If for O f
call at
110BACCO SEGARS. of be brands, and
at astonishingly low rutenthesi high tittoP i
at t ho Flour, Provision nod priwery Store ug
ORINGES. Lantana, Pauli% Crackasa
Spider of all lit*ayaa4 -C6049114
Soap. flair Oils, &a., mt 4- z.
4® - ) UT ortiropviv
gajr-1) at Bringtattlk:
Caamberatairg 'tree, 'at # of a •