The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, August 24, 1857, Image 2

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ght etimoTrt.
U. J. eITAIILY., DITI.R AND Plitil.ll.lllThlt
Mazda Morning, Aug, 24, 1857.
WILLIAM F. PACK ER, of Lycoming
M.Mit?D STRICIi LAN D, or Chester
JrDOES or TUE ..,Ct'ILIC.IIIi cocar,
County Committee
Mr members Skis DemoarattclYtaisties Committee of
Lilian,. county ere requested to most. at 1 1 1 attko's Ilubt. of
Gettysburg. UN ttATURDA'I, IttE :iTil UV t.EPTI-11.
NEAT, at um o'clock, P .11. A full atterklance L.
desired. U. 1.. : 4 TAIIL ehaornaw.
lErTha fallnoriair p•rsons cuoitrqs• t4•l!.,ractotte• : I!
J. OULU', L'lnkirmam Jueut. Trutcl, Jac, 11.4. Jr., Capt
lleary l'otor ik•am Krim L'., Jo
sophP. /ileDirit, Isaac lirretsr, M SatmaPl bar, Jacob
Plakssiiis . Mar, Orsnlear, JawL C
Grandsor, Henry A. Col J. J. loin, Goo.
Flickluer, X.A, err, datbovy Lehr. Jana, Cralusaia,
J. Itruarey, idr., Daum! Amu, asaJ
Joni* flub. Aug LUST.
s e-Gen, W. F. l'AcKra, the Demo
cratic candidate for Governor, will ail
drms the people tie the Court-horse in
York this evening.
la-Col. J.tcoli M. KUNKLY, of Fred
erick, has been nominated as the Dem
ocratic candidate fur Cong,ress in the
'rcderick, WaNhingtnn and Cumber
d district, 3141. lie is a gentleman of
sterling qualities, an eloquent orator,
and'a Democrat of the sternest kiwi.
STEWART, ha' been
nominated for the Legb,latore by the
Democracy of "old mother Cumber
-land." ,
Xontimaii.a.—The Dvniocrats of York
County have inude the following nonu-
nations :
Assembly—William W. Wolf 811(1 A.
liiestanit 4 tilutz;
Meisenhulter; auditor—Zaeliarialt 11.
lioindel; director—Thomas (;. Cross ;
sheriff—Samuel Forsch t ; coroner—Ur.
David S. Puffer; treasurer—John
Stench; prothonotary—Dr. 11. G. Bust
sey; register-- A. M.llershey; clerk of
the otierts--John Reeser; reeorder—
George Wehrly.
4--- - -
ilerA business letter from a friend at
Peoria, Iltitois, dated August 16th; con
tains the following :
"Democraq alrright here.
"We have had very Ira weather
for thti last few weeks, but HOW pleas
ant. The corn crop looks lair for au
abantlant yield, and other grain is very
good.' The farmers are rushing their
graiti, - Into market as fast as they can
get it threshed. Our streeti are filled
with wagons, which makes 'things look
A Close Share. , ---It is still a matter of
doubt who is electedtioversor of Mis
souri. The St. Louis Republican of the
16th instant says that Rollins is 16
votes vhead in 110 counties, leaving six
counties to Le heard from. de
cidedly a very close shave.
Sr. Lams, August 19.—The latest ad
vices, received to-day, are favorable to
the Democrats, who are generally con
ceded to have elected their Governor.
iliiirNothin.;.l has transpired in the
world of polities since the election of
Mr. Buchanan to the Presidency, which
gives us as much gratification to record
as the glorious victory over:Know Noth
ingism achieved by the gallatit son of
Henry Clay. In a district, Ns hick, two
years ago, gave'a Nothing ma
jority of stxraim nomaim, and last fall
gave Fillmore and I.)4nelson'sis hundred
over Buchanan and 11:eekitiridge, James
B. Clay is--tritrinphatitly elected. :Brav
ing all the slander and vituperation
heaped upon him by his unscrupulous
politic:al enemies—turning neither to
the right nor to the left to regard the
unmanly assaults of his persecutors—
lie has won a tnnmph which will give
additional lustre to the sacred name of
CLAY. Let all true friends of the
reion and the Constitution rejoice that
the dark shadow of Know Nothing
Plug tiglyista is dispelled from • the
fields of Ashland.
iiiirThe Alabama Legislature, just
elected, is divided politically as follows:
The Senate stands twenty-eight Demo
crats to five Know Nothings, and the
House eighty-five Democrats to fifteen
Know Nothings. Democratic majority-
On joint ballot, NINETY-THREE!
ifirThree euterprizing citizens of
narrishurg, 31.0ers. James Worrall, J.
J. Dail and A. J. Jones, have purchas
ed the old Franklin Railroad, and will
repliiy it, with heavy T rail.
ltiiirThe Farm Juurital, of Philadel
phia, 48 Lena discontinued, and the
New York 4atarican Agriculturist will be
aunt to snimeri ben in iis plate. Messrs.
Co. published a geed Journal,
that they dicrtioi, meet
ans tronage. tommigt. the
lturizt will be luitknilzed
Bjnd sustained..
MIMS, D. 4 NDEB.SoN, .&q., 4 2 politi c al
writer_ofl4l power, bas bet:vole sole
ulitor of tboilithtdoll.kbia'.ltitges,leva€,:A.
State Politics.
Oen. WI% P. Packer, thp Demoeva. l ., erAl pr I.a
- tters.
tie candidate forkilovernor r will p•borily • . • _
Address the people at various point 4;
lie will upyear &acre *in upder Dotrigs
, the: w
ahe Cour, attracted u 'goodly - nom.!
most • auspkdoas oireunistancti. • 01 bee of people to town. The 'weskit,
every issue be will be imp . reguaye . .. RO T
i.ooupied baiuse days, adiontaiatfran
g i nn ing with the Federal admitostratiou,. Thursday evening. The Assodute
Ile can point friend and foe to the g'en - j j ii4g eiipo W eye r, IN id . Veen ouSasurt i
end welcome that awaltediti444lafii, day, It, A c id y , to some licen se a i d ki s 4
and has accotupliniod It* ciith lilt ein•
usae." ...!:" . . : - -' 1 ...
stitutional progress. On the karma;; Most of the civil cases were continued, 1 ,
question he is armed with the results of and sevorld cc
_ am criminal ca lendar
experience, - n ...tate policy ho can
- 0 'ii -t
settled without trial. The only case,
point to the bauimlauent of a worthless tried in the Common Pleas was the Quo'
paper currency as It triumph of Demo- ! Warrant° inquiring into the legality of
erotic statesmanship. On the .Tariff, rho last election for Managers of the
question, ho can refer to the •"ttled 4lettvsburg Railroad Company. The
" 4 " 14 $ 4 " 1111 "Peril l uaut'" ii "4 ar44l case occupied a day and a half, when
and general legislation. These ( ver y l the jury, after being out a very short
truly remarks The Tress) are the " 46- time, found that Messrs: Irwin and•Tay
ntantials of the feast ho will spread be for were entitled to 227 votes ut the
fore his bearers. There will be none of time of the election, and rendered a
the perstflage of a mere ranter in his:
Lert a . l ni ie . t for the Responden ts—the present
speeches ; none of the noise of air asps- :
rant for public favor who has nothing;
A motion lbr n new trial was filed
Ito refer to but professions. We rei n. '" by the Counsel of the Relators—tS be
tate General Packer upon the easy tri- , argued at the next Orphan's Court.
uniph before him.
Gen. Packer SpruLlog to Me People.— - Cox. vs. Wu. Coif—lndictment for
We perceive that some of our cots ur - Larceny--verdict not guilty.
mien are exercised because Gen. 'ilm. 4 C wt. VS. A. N. Towxstt —lndictment
F. Packer, under the instructionn of the : 1
Deinocratic State Committee, has eon-, for Larceny—verdict Guilty, with a
ceived it to be his duty to decline the ; recommeudation 4
to the mercy Of the
invitation of David IVilinot, the K. .N. i Conrt. Sentenced to 30 days imprison-
Republican candidate for Governor, to
a public discussion. Some ridiculous
contrasts have been drawn in (lasso-
qttenee of Gen. Packer's declension. ,
The mere tact that the hemoeratic can-
didatepr Gove MOT' hat not d. cued it,
proper to moot Ills Ibrlbbl'all 01/100- :
Ill'llt in joint discussion has suggested '
to certain objectors the example ht.l. by
Governor Bigler in his memorable can
vasses of '5l and '5-1, and that of Gov
ernor Wise, of Virginia, in 1554, and
also the Presidential campaign of 1: , 50. ;
It these objectors will look carefully' at
t.lie instaiwes we have cited, tilt-y will
tind that in no one case has die propo
sition for a joint discussion heel, agreed
upon by opposing eandida tes. Mr.
Wise canvassed the State of Virginia
ajoige, as did Ills 0111/011Cbt Mr. Floarney.
hi 1556 the advocates of Republicanism
' took one range of counties and the ad-
vocates of Denim:racy ;mother. thit
this is not all. Wherever opposing eali
i didates travel and speak together, w !licit
is customary in some of the Southern
States,p psonal euliisions are almost cer
tain to : ihow. In the very last contest
ii i Tennessee, and in several of the dis
tricts iu Kentucky, the must uoliappy
conflicts ensued on account of these
' joint meetings. General Packer, advis
!tal by the Democratic State Central
1 Cuminittee, has declined meeting an ad
versary beforehand. This is all he has
dune. Mr. Wilmot sought a joint meet
ing, with nothing to lose by it. lie
placed all his hopes upon the hazard of
the die, and it' detected in the end,
would not be more politically ruined
than he was at the beginning. The
Democratic candidate does not decline
meeting the people lace to face, every
where and always. lie simply abstains
from giving his opponent an opportuni
ty, which, while it• could not serve any
great public porpoise, or advance any
public good, might still further irritate
the minds of the people on a question
which, in the opiniou of all honest men,
was happily put at rest by the result of
the late Presidential election.
We have already announced that
I Gen. Packer will appear before the peo
ple of the different counties of the State
between now and the election, and tvill
give all his opponents an opportunity
of hearing what he has to say
Can't S Icalbac Negroes 117e./e.—The
Wilmington ilerald, a staunch Republi
can paper in Illinois, which has swal
lowed all the other ituus of the party
without a bone sticking in the throat,
has not the anaconda-like property of
gulping down "negro equality," though
covered with the saliva of " brudderly "
'eeling and mock philanthropy, previ
ous ,to deglutition. The editor says :
" Whenever negro suffrage becomes
one of the planks of the Republican
platform, we shall fool free to seek some
other political organization, and we
think we should dud most of our Re
publican brethren in the same way."
Gross .. 1 / a /prartiet..—A. I)N:central)
was some time ago instituted :against
the Commercial Bank of Philadelphia
for charging a gmater rate of interest
than it is permitted to do by its charter.
But about the . time the case was to be
tried, Attorney General Franklin step
pcil in and entered a nolle
continued the suit! Banks ate scarce
ly capable of a more injurious
or villain
ens violation of law than that charged
against this Bank, yet the Attorney
General shields it from punishment
while lie admits its_ guilt, upon the
ground that it has promised not to do
so_again—a promise any detected crim
inal would Make- to-avoid punishment!
Verily' it is time to have a Democratic
VirThe Philadelphia Sun is working
itself into a perspiration ! It says to
the working men of the State, "iryou
lore freedom and free' labor, vote for
Wilmot and wages; but if you think
that slavery should be extended, and
the laborer shorn of his hire, do not
waste your vote on Ilazlehurst, who
cannot possibly be elected, but vote di
rectly ter Pucker and no pay." We call
that tall talk--enthnsiastie and excita
ble, like the gentleman who headed a
line of fire buckets, and as fast as they
were pissed to him he threw the buck
ets and all into the fire, crying all the
while, " pass on the buckets'."
1:0"An elderly maiden laxly requests
of the Bosten Pvst the insertion of the
following :—" Bud test.#—Pretty young
girls kissing widowers' children." She
supposes it would lead to kissing the
Lathers. f.'
GLotto k : „he:lisps plead Guilty on In
dictment for stxtiling a horse, the pro
perty of David Shultz, and was sen
tenced to 19 months' imprisonment in
the Eastern Penitentiary:
3Lutt.i.l)Ectoat plead guilty on an
Indictment for Fornication, and %vas
sentenced to pity a tine of St and costs.
JosEvu MARTIN plead guilty to MI
Indictment for selling Liquor ‘%ithout
license, and was sentenced to pay a tine
ofFlo and costs, and be imprisoned flu
a days.
Tavern T License wa,4 grunted to J.tcun
MARTIN, New Oxford.
The Gettysburg Railroad
Is a " fixed ftiet"—eritosi—stu
The laying of the Hails is now in pro
gress, and by the time this paragraph
is printed the workmen Neill have put
down nearly a mile of the track, in per.
feet running order. A party of halfa
dozen citizens of this place, happening
at Hanover, the other day, took I. ride
upon a hand car, over the finished part,
and being ourself one of the number, we
can testify to the happy feel i rigs created
in all by the "excursion." The " iron
Horse" will most probably be seen
upon the Gettgebury liadroad by Wed
nesday next—to increase steadily in
length of trips until this place shall
be reached. It is contemplated that by
the first of October, or soon after, the
cars will run to New OxfOrd.
The Contractors, in accordance with
the wish of the-Coiupanti•, have ordered
additional forces of workmen upon the
grading of the road, so that the track-
layers may not be delayed at ant• point.
Great credit is due the management for
accompliAting so much under the cir
New Court House
The Grand Jury, lust wt•ck, approved,
by a vote of 18 to 4, of the finding of
the April Grand Jury, in furor of a new
Court-house—the cost not to exceed
615,000, MIMI the old Court-house and
County Building. A handsome and
sufficiently commodious edifice v. ill
doubtless be secured with the means
thus indicated, and the whole will ho
paid off in a few years without the
least increase in the county tax. To
use a common expression, the tax-pay
ens "won't feel it"—except in the way
occomfort when in attendance at Courts.
The Commissioners will soon be looking
around for a suitable site, and when de
termined upon, make the necessary pre
liminary arrangmnents for the putting
up of the building.
' Personal.
With Tuesday last expired twelve years
since we entered upon possession of the
Compiler establishment. Its prosperity
has been steadily on the increase, as
the, from time to ti improved ap
pearance of the paper has demonstrated.
And with still increasing patronage,
our numerous friends and patrons may
rely upon oar utmost efforts to deserve
it.. To work, with whatever of earnest
ness we may possess, for the diffusion
. of the time-tried and therefore time
'honored principles of the Democratic
party, we have ALWAYS looked upon as
a DUTY, and have never been slow to
discharge it. That our efforts iu this
behalf are appreciated, the large sub
scription list of the Centpi/er will testi
fy.—For this state of things we are
heartily grateful, and shall strive to
merit its continuance.
Z*3"•Tlie " lodependent Blues" were
encamped at Black's Dam during Fri
day awl Saturday last, and enjoyed
themselves finely. They returned to
town on Saturday evening, no doubt
regretng that the " good time." had
come t. 5, a close.
Letter from the East, of a de
cidedly interesting character—at least
thoireading of it was so to us—will be
found on the first page of this morning's
. par- Hate you a sister? Then love
and cherish her wits► friendship."—
If you haven't a sister, take somebo
dy- else's sister, give the man a brother
in-ldw in return, treat dm lady hand
t,atn(.ly.tztk.• (oit,).!cr arc(:,. ..
. 1 3Te - uff4 dr anti it Words ut
Assure trr i t n ike tpie an ncemaant,
thain BlillisistlianAis l bout ing(orgin-1
ize4 in! it a k o iai)e. Gett sharg 1018:
lie4tofotn t 9 ll of its lilitAs,
alp the oielnatir." on the Cuea .t" wiy .
douTtrets - piZ:•e• iliff7)7 We wish 'it '8)1 ,
success, and may have more to say of it
lieirkfter ;It wrii - daroilibbak lie
ccifkCillked.. iNitil'‘O.X. IF LilliAl l etickfit
Blues," after full organization.
We trast'our Democrat to
everywhere will lend their local news
papers the most generous encourage
ment ; they should all regard it as oblig
atory upon them not only tit subscribe
personally, but to use all their influence
to induce others to swell the list. Eve
ry Democratic newspaper circulated in
its county, is a missionary going.out to
make converts to the true political faith.
Where the Democratic press is best sup
ported, there we always look for the
largest Democratic majorities.—Pemt
• Black Republican Difficulty.
It appears that. the Black Republican
party in Mercer Bounty have got into
„ u perfect muss." The party is split
up and the editor of the Freeman is out
against the ticket. He nays that it
was nominated through fraud. Now
this is m hat every one outsidt; of that
party expected; for the party ascii'
started in fraud, and has sustained its
ongival character " to perfection."
The Senatorial Conferees from Ikkr
ver, Venting° and Lawrence, "after
long and protractc<l labor," ti it Ceeet/ed
in nominating a Mr. Francis, or La W
voice, as a candidate for thu Senate,
and then ref ouliated him, it is believed,
beeause he was born in a foreign coun
try, :and !tenet. could Wit, k ith pr,pricty,
he supported by the Know Nothin'
in., of the party. Ile must certainly
have an evalted opinion of his own civil
and political po,itit.n in society, if he
will still cling to the party that Nvill
thus meanly repudiate him.
But here ag tin we see the glorious
workings of that fusion compound, call
ed u party. After di:: tiumiaatitai was
fairly made, an after thought came up,
—that it wa, not a judwi,,u.i, our, and
there being no moral obligation in Oleic
Way, t he Conferees repudiated their own
act, and we believe they arc yet without
caudidate.—Crairford hentocrat.
Dreadful Steamboat Accident
' 1 1,1, rig and
Drall•ne,l (•J)lli ,, i(n) took phiee at fwo
o'clock on Saturilav morniti, ,, between
the steamer Metropolk, Captain Brown,
of the Fan River Line, and the propell
er J. N. Harris, Captain Smith, on her
way from New York to New Lonann,
Conn., which re.ulted in a sad foss of
hire. The Erpre“, of Sat LIV an(M . -
11(7041, lA/UW * l/1g 4CCUUIIt 01 the
When just off New Haven, nhont two
o'eloek this A. .11., a vessel with one
light was observed ahead . , and under
snits, crossing the steamer's how. The
pilot of the Metropolis supposed her to
he u sailing vessel, as she showed but
one light, which is the regulation fur
sailing vessels, steamers carrying two.
When too near to prevent a eollision it
was tbund that the stranger was a
steamer. The pilot or the Metropolis
having steered his vessel us usual when
meeting sailing vessels—in ease of
steamers the movements being different
—it was too lute to change the course
after the observing of the fact that the
strange vessel was a stoamer.
The engines of the Metropolis were
immediately stopped, but before they
could be reversed, and the -vessel back
ed, she struck the other steamer on the
port side, just forward of the cabin—
the force of the blow bong such a to
cut the stranger in two, the heavy part
of the vessel going down immediately,
and the lighter portions of the wreck
flouting off
At this moment the scene was a most
heart-rending one. Most of the passen
gers of the Metropolis , where up, enjoy
g the fine moonlight scene, and many
of them had watched, with terrible
un xiety and apprehension, the anticipa
ted collision, mid when the collision
seemed inevitable, the shrieks of the
ladies on board, and the fright of all,
appalled the stoutest hearts
The shock of the Metropolis was se
vere. A passenger on hoard—George
Tappan, a crockery merchant of Now
lledford—was so frightened that he was
taken with a tit and died in it.. His
wife, in view of her bereavement, im
mediately went into hysterics, upon re
covering from which she seemed to have
lost all sense and •realisation of the
death of her husband—her senses seem
ed to be gone, and no recollection of the
death seemed to remain. The commis
erating passengers did not dare to dis
tress her by a reminder, and she remains
unconscious this morning of Mr.. Tap
pan's di-I'th.
As soon as smitething like order was
mitered on board the Metropolis, the
boats were sent out, and immediately
manned by the orew, and every possible
exertion made to save the few who had
escaped the wreck of the sunken vessel,
and were hanging on the flouting pieces
of the wreck.
By this means 10 men of the ill-fated
vessel were saved—five passengers, the
captain, two engineers, and two of the
deck hands,
Capt. Smith, when taken out of the
water, immediately insisted on joining
in the endeavor to rescue any others
who might be floating on the pieces of
wreck, and oontinned w;th others in
the search all night. But the above
aro all, out of twenty-fire soils on board,
that ITCPO saved.
Deaths at Turk, Pa.—Gen. Jacob
Barnitz, an honored 'citizen of York,
Pc, died on the 18th inst., aged nearly
1) years. Jonathan J essup, Esq. anoth
kr respected citizen of the saute place,
and a leadinlc member of the Society of
Friends, wax found dead in his bed on
. the 18th inst„ aged. over 80 year/.
The Nebra4a pelegate.—ClLapman,
I)otn., has b* - 1 re-elected as dOegate
to C'oefress froaa .Nebr:bl;.ll.
A Now Band.
. P,.. UM ClPSlgferd Dsaacest
Beat- Itictraets from ?in
ot'l Letter.
• or —,
Fottll eth cation of our ma/14u w
this week: will , iva some choice extrac t
from flit:kepi letter, act. '
the ow .."'S thief; platform, toether
with Ruch comments as may be , eees
sary in tfit.—idly of explanation. — 1)!W
malignant spirit finds vent fur its phi-
lAntlAopic,,,kinpuipes, j,a ii i,i_iiDl,,Ati , 4;.,. /i ]
- ver nee luposts Ve I,4lpipbtsrstqf t
4 :, 94,, 1 . 11.1„in,....4 14,Astkili a.
eliuren 'lsm ne says:
- Bat that a Priestly Order, invested
IT the batty' wit* a 'irtirrterizats lasit 1
credotal character—with pretentions to
extraordinary spiritual powers—bound
together tliy strong ties, and aeknowl
edgint. at / their 4ead a foreign potentate
-411 a ilehrinnfonier ishotilil utter the
field of
l y n dities, conti-ol bur elections,
tend? té ttftflinticr elf tlttr'gTretttei;
mend, is surely emus:: for alma, and
should awakuu the zealous Tigilauce of
the American people."
We. would ask, when and where has
"suelmta order , " entered the field of
Polities, and as a body, sought to con
trol our elections and rule the govern
ment? Thu history of our country an
swers, nowhere. They, as well as the
notorious Wuuut, have a right to v../te
its they think best, so long as they keep
within the bounds prescribed by law.
I And because they hail t.utlicient common
sense ,and patriotic feelings, to guide',
them }fright in the selection of a party
to which they would give their supiss-t,
they must be em ziod and proscribed by
the famiunist Wilmot. But the beauty
iuf all this is the f.tet, that he eaarges as
a crime upon the Catholics, a course of
jcondia't which has ever characterized
the Know _Nothing party, into whose
arms he has thrown Maisel' with Irani
, tie despair. It was Loulid together,
not only- by flue conitnou ties of a Nucle
i tY/ but riy the mo-4. infutuous oat lis.-It,
to lie 'NUM, is nut controlled by a M
vigil potentate—thd /), ed, for it has
long shim donwsti(lited him. first la its
1 public; acts. iti :out was the control
of the eali re government, awl that too,
by sts_Tet awl fraudulent Ilivati , -;. Y e t
‘‘itli All it, character ope a I,oforo him.
Wilmot, in the hour of den y 111, a- a lan:.
resort, Imp; upon its plattorat a , RI de
: ebtres l'lnlsolf as I4I)oil an .1/t/c, - /t.ati as
anyOf 46 the 111 herr,
- "AVV See the American people thvid
, ed on a MoIIII.IItOLLS i , tille. The priaci
-1 pley or 111101111 frOl.`l.lolll Or 601111%0' 11re
, brOW4'ilt ill tiirek - t PolO:iCt. NI tin's ma
lienable right to W . ,• mid lilleety 'N
111141. The thictrine is openly :I,Nvrte..l
by those Willi hull the o•oyernocuit its
;their ha w k, that God created tit M..4...0 ,
of insnliind to Is: slaves."
here is Wilmot (sit in his true elßir
acter. lle i, AI I, man awl never
deals in trifles. lit,t a dan
gerous man only ttlintwz 1.114111.-s like
hinev..lf, 1010 le 111 belle% e his linriihie
falsifications. .I.le destlA in such I.;:cner
nlitics and wholcs.tle :or.Coist
the Democratie party, that no man, un
less one utter his own heart. IA ill ever
"'lye the least credence to thew. He
knew 1V114.11 110 was punning the last
sentence of the preceding. exwact, that,
it Was an utitilitigi,tted
deliberately front
ratumig - 111:11/s, tin' the express pifrpo.)w
of ertishing the Demotratie party.
.Itid, although it fall, at theli
teat, it still shows no less of that lb:lul
l:4i inhumanity of purpose, m hie!' ever
characterizes tee murderer of the repu
tation as well as of the body.
could ever feel safe with such a inao at
the head Of the State government. Yet
the, Peoille of Pennsylvania ;ire called
upon by the exercise of that power
vested in them by the constnAttion and
laws of the Stzte, to 'place this m hole
sale dcfamer—this ranting hypocrite
about t•lavery and Catholicimn—At the
head of our government, to control its
executive department and wield its
powers for the aecomplisioneol of hi e
riltaimius purposes as portrayed ill CO.'
past history of his life, and' eskeialiy
in his 'wont letter to the Know N0 . ,11-
ings. Will they, can they do it.'
While on the otlp!r hand, the.Deinu
eratit party have placed before th e pm
'plc a candidate every way worthy their
support, foe the chief office of the State.
His 'Ong political career in the State
has made him perfectly familiar with
its entire operations. Ile is clothed
with the wislum of experience, guided
by an eatightoned jtidguieut sus aetua
tesl by the hest and purest motives. lle
does nut have to wander off to Kansas
for at:net:int to place -himself in power.
110 takeieldis stand Opus the broad plat
formof State Rights, points to the vital
interests of our own. StAte, as worthy
of our first attsntium, nod under the
strong ple4les to striolly guard with
watehful' diligence, her every interest,
asks the. support of Lis fellow rill
zees. And he will rut:vivo it twos
giiigiullmca.l%* PaLt•--"artned with this
grca; enti4ute the traveller js preßartld to en
c:Tonter 14 varieties of ell te, furlio has the
means of oradicatin6 near - every species of
internal (_,Viliellf.e. the en entice uf . the allu
vial dlstritits of the West and the tuinasauitio
swamps of the Suataivattd the epidemic% which
at. porateuLar seasons /loam*e the populatimn
of our crowded catioo.ore•stioaeptible of being
ouutrulled by the purifying, disinfecting; tic.-
tint' of the pins upon the amine/ . fluids ; while
external diseases end injuries oh rapidly and
thoroughly cured by the anti-inflatuwAtory
arid flooding matey of the ointment.
~lJar~e~ ~e 0~~~~.
—_- __ ~~_
Baltimutre--/'riday leaf
Flour, per barrel, Ski Gti. tii, G 75
Wheat, par bughel, 1 au e l o . 1 64
Rye, 85 4 1 00
Curu, 14 86 ' ( 14 88
04ts, _ 4/ 37 (f# 4 5
_., .
Beet Cattle, per hand., 750 (i) 975
Ifolv, " ' 9 00 (0 9 73
Ilay, per ton, • 14 00 q t y2l 00
Whiskey, per gallon, , . 2) (.. 30
Ousou, Peruvian, per ton, 65 00
Mgr, per bbl 2; from Truttur,- $0 75
IX,. •• froni stores, ' 7. 50
Whilst, per bushel, '•1 , 20 ® 1 50
Rye, •• as
Cur% 4, 75
Oa ii
Cloy erased, "
Timothy, "
tlaster, per ton,
Yo di—. - Feidow ies Li
Flow, per bbl.,.from we,g ß as, $6 25
Do,. " , from et,q,rea,. '1 50
Whent, •
per bushel, 1 '1'.,0 ® 1 75
I:ye, .. 1.15
Corn, 15
Oats, " a 5
Cloverseed, " 6 50
Tizaerthy, " 850
Plaster, per ton, 6 50
Sir Rae. lloaches, &d- cups, Insects, efv.—
"Mitarlt" Ist, RoacN #c..., - Exteiraingtor
' CostalAs" Botkoug Efierscinatoris'Costcr's' •
ectric Powder, fur Ants, Asettlii,
lyrtimedies no . wn,) "Costar"
gads y trail , pr-paid, wimple box of the
t, Itbtfeh, otte: Ex. to tidy ad I.*s• in thL
U....5.4mi., the iota*. of Moe Electric
Powder for Gsc. (The Bed-bug Ex., being a
liquid cannot hesat by tn 941.)
4, ',4 l rostsKli , will furnish I,lrivists,, Dealers
"01:A..-1141,,11,5111141144 package of
his various preparations (assorted) with cir
culars, WWI, porters, ke. on receipt of $.5,
tatting 1 of; tine when in 'ortliir
that they may te.t their merits.
itilrertimenicut. I'u- Circular.,
nddre•. .6 COST.IIt," No. 3!..3 Broadway,
New York.
air Prof. W,od, the renowned discoverer
of the invaluable •• Ilair Restorati‘e," still
continnea to labor in behalf it the allireied.l
Ills medicines aro universally ailmioted by the'
tnerienti prfts to "xi far superior to all others
fur causing the hair; on the head of (he aged,
to grow forth with as touch vigor and luxuri
ance as when blesited with the advantages of
youth. There can be no doubt, if we place
credit in the innumerable testimonials which
the Professor has in his possessiuu, that it is
(toe of the greatest discoveries in the medical
world. It restores, permanently, gray hair
to its original color, and makes it assume a
beautiful silky texture, which has been very
desirable in all ages of the world. It, fre
quently harens that old men marry beauti
ful and amiable young !miles, and not tinfre
quently crusty old maids ke victims of
I handsome, good-natured young gentlemen,
and by what process it has icier been de
termined, until lately, when it was attributed
to the use of this invaluable Hair Restorative.
—La 'odic Jou, mil.
1..;:0Ln Dacuctsrs. 2w
jeirlhere are hundre,l4 of reme,Tier, sold
:it every Drug Store, purporting. to cure all
di eava+ nasneal;lc, each ad%erCiscd ii 4 the
‘ery he-t e%er known, till we had l(Ht 'all
faith ill them all, lint there is one exception.
NV; , 'Teak of 1)r. 6an.loril's In►ignrs►G r.
eatue to u, recommended Its a cure for
hirer Compl.tint. an f all arising
Lion te•tintonials of
in.Lii) of our Physician., in its favor, in
dined u, to try it, and now ciutvtetion 11,1
min that it one of the gieutt•sf
t•lcr 4 - 11i.11 to 1). .peptic', for it Ifi.ole a cow
/dew arc before the firlt bottle %vas taken,
;111 , 1 11 , W I%e can eat an> thing eatable without
tr,mble. whit betort. Rottling but the ligbte,t
.abf awl 1, 1;eil that ga.xe pain.
N tv %Chat we want to say to linr re a dent IN, jl .
I.,Rer lh .. .perisia trouble Tins.
not 1 . .111 to try this tie greatk:st reunnly iu
the ‘‘....1d.
z•-•-•-.k. It. (letty‘l.nrg:
Wm. II 11.1mA er .Lrol Cl.:erltw It. Hen
ry, • Aug. 2-1. lm
no mg st . o..mea-urit,.zvi, f. e t 11 . 11.h . 1,y
I ••I a nle. aini weighing 4,34111 pruini...
atinwting thratteution ut "filen of
t;s.. v Nietni.txte:.
V. corner ~1 the 1.111.11 e ...plan'.
t,+wit been t o se c it.
tilt* 1 . 0,114 fr..iu the ottllilry :wen 8.11,1
fire .till dr..ppinz iU, to set' thi., the laryr.4
, r• • 1, DO,
re rhi-lien another gr., fi,r
1 ,, The te , rttrity fee
rite 4.6,lp.taitto tiwv wake in tif the same eitar
ter..l:ll extv,n , ice aff..rdol hy
ktak ICpo•itor.. tile gt..,•kit.,r4er• in the
p i , ;mil the 1111ker I,eing in the saute taitneve
Kahle Tin! .Bre tit, tlie
se.•tiritV than aft,' II a double
.rd t. 111111,1 to 01. .S.O think iri .• Of 41114 o.i:1114
monio. trhPrv , i,txlnul 411 - Ilittil
will 7,,.(441ce llic Inds-
r; Ta m,
o', Tue,lav bpi, at St..l“.enlt' , 4 Clore+,
by t It. Caperztitti, )Ir. W.Ni. F. LAN-
WlRutin Ty
s.lux u.tke tem duly
reuci% IVe tender our thnk,, mid of
up fopirations fur the health, liappiiifte awl
life of the 11Qtrly-wradeul nquple.i
lo Cie Litt ..f May, the .Mr.
soon, Mr. DAVI)) to M 0.,.
mI;z•SELXIAN, bu,h of Ilu,uil
tooh.u, tun
0.1 the I. L iii ,by the Ler. J.woh
le., Mr. L LITTLE. (;ett)-hur,..-,
31.1.1tTil A J. 1.1Altl'El:, olCuttihertand
(hi the 20th flu* , Rey. 3fr.
1).11 ' / I) Z. IVAiiNKI: to 11.11:1tIET
111;31311.14 both Butler I.l.cuship.
On the 17th inst., Mr. JACOB LITTLE,
.(Po-tulaster,) of 31,1antIoy township, uged 71
years and 5 months.
On Wednesday last. A)f.INDI ELIZA
BETH, ditip.zlitei of Mr. Criaii Wagoner, of
''Tyrone township. aze'l 6 years 7 months and
19 dup.—Join:: the third of his children re
cently ear p ried off by. we believe, dysentery.
Ou the Gth just., AN \A MARY, daughter
f William and Lucinda Miller, of Menullen
township, aged 3 mouths and 11 dars.
On the 19th In*t., MILTON 11C J1.1 EL, son
of Mr. Samuel Cover, of En/Akin' utiwnship,
aged 1 year Ii mantle mid' I'=deers. .
On the 13th inst., AMELIA ,1 I.IZ %BETH
BRICKER. daughter of Daniel and Anna
Maria Thicker, of Tyrone township, aged,
years and 5 month.,
On the asineLdar, LYDIA:VA LTCE. daugh
ter of Peter and Anna Maria Fidler, of Tyrone
township, aged 3 years 7 mouths and 9 days.
On the inst.; MARTHA REBECCA.
daughter of Samuel and Anna k'abet, of But
ler township. aged 2 wouths and 19 days. .
A Valuable Farm,
IN pursuance of an Order of the Orphan's
Wirt of Adams County, the undersigned,
Inuit istraters of the estate of Putur Tito ass,
deceased, will offer at Public Sale, uo the
premises, on Tueeday. the 15t/ day of STIon-
Ger nes!, the following property of said 'le
i:called, ylz :
situate in Straban township, Adams county,.
within 1 miles of the Gettysburg and Haim
rev Kaltman, and the same distance from the
Gettysburg sail Yurk Turnpike. adioining
lauds of Christian Thomas, David Mnfort,
Hoary Thomas, and others, containing 148
Acres., more or less, about 40 acres of which
are first rate Timber-laud, with a due propor
tion of lileadovv. The improvements
area large Two-story Stone 110CSK, psit,
Stone Kitchen and Suioke House at- "
tached, Double Lug Barn, Stable, and all ne
cessary out-buildings ; a good Apple Orchard,
and a never-failing well of water near the
dour; water in the barn-lard; several-nevei
failing spring's on the farm, and a never-fail
larstrettus through it, to which access from
nearly every field can be had fur the watering
of nettle.
01 (xl
' - 2 50
L 650
NJ - Persons wishing to view the property
arc roquested to cull upon the Last-named Ad
ministrator, residing on the adjoining,farm.
031-3.11 e to commence at 10 o'clock. A. 31.,
on latid day, when attendance will be given
and terms wade known by
By Lbw Coart,--J. J. Bsura, Club
Aug. 24, 18.57. ts
TN parsuarKe of an Order of the Orphan's
Com of Adatas county, the undersigned,
Administrator of the swine of EXAXITIC4
enexiasrsa, deceased, will offer at Public
Sale, on their premises, on the zith
!fay of Septet;ilwr next, the following property
of said deceased, viz :
--At LOT OF, GROUND, situate in
Reading township, Adams county. on the road
leading from Ilanipton to East Berlin, ad.
joining lands of Joseph Shaefer, Thaddeus
Chronister and Adam Miller, containing
Acres, more or less. The lend is cleared,
and in en elcellent state of cultivation.
.ALSO, A LOT OF (iItOtTNI), near
the - shove, en the straw Toed, contarning'l
Awes, wore or less—a smell portion Timber.
Persons wi-hing to view the hits ere is.
quested to c. ill uu the undersigned, residing in
CU - 5..4e to eminence at I o'Sock.
on said thy. when attembtoce *ill be gime
and terms made kn'own by
By the Coart—J. J. Baldwin, Clerk.
Aug. 2.4.
IN pan:nonce of an Order of the Orphan'',
Court, of Adonis mnty, the undersigned,
Administrator of the estate of HART Sortnint
vtit.e,dee..wdl offer at Public' Sale,on the prem
ises, on .Yriday, thr 25th rru yr. J Septeinher :or!,
the following property of Bahl deceased; tie:
A LOT OF (ilt1)1"20, situate itr
the town of - Hampton, Varna orrnty.'ailjuin
ing property of Lucy Overhultzer and
Jacoti I)eaidoril, having thereon a two N g
story name Weatherboardol 11OU E,
Stable, Fruit Trees. tc.
joining the above, with fruit trees tbekverr.
Persona wishing to view the property
are reqisested toGdl upon the undersigned, re
siding in Ilaington. to continence at 14 o'clock.
on said der. When attendance will be • given
aad teruis ni.lde known by •
AVIABVI3I - 111. sie r
By the Court—l J. Baldwin. eltrk.
-lltg. 24, 1857. t,,
.1 DESIIaBLE 1',11t31 .11!
Pithlitl Sale.
Solewriher, wimiting- to realm's. will
I offer et Pol,111: Sale, on ,`.+Ashirday, the.l2lis
d a y 4/ r p tvd er sw.rt, tilt the I'l4ola /e t his
I•'.l:tM, situate in :11olintilkaiant township,.
Adams County, 'within• half a mile of the
i tyst.tii;.: ltailroad, adjoin ing lan& of Job it
Sutter and tallboys, contain
ing .I.treA, more 4.r less. About terms
are brat rate Touher, with a good proportion
of 3leadow. The improvements wito
si•t 01 a otte-nod-e-halt story Dwelling rtA4,::
110l•SE, and Fraine
Sio.,ll,l.Vagoil : 4 404 Crib, 1.11,we.
it'll a 116ATT-i1L11144 SpT{l44 LI 2;11 , 11044
U:tLart, and , Alter fruit trees. The 'eed is,
under gnyd col:it:4lton tutt,V.;uotl feotia%, tjitlt
tritter w uearly ell the fithls.
; 'Pet:+.,ni tt ishitiA to view the propert,,T
are requested to cull %RAT OLIO undersined,.
residing thereon.
to commence at I n'eloelv, P. M.,
' r
on said day, 1t at!ettdaact, will istr gitea
wad :crass tteett: ketnare
WM. A.
Aug 2.1, 157. is
Private Sale.
wislte. to sell hiq 11,111)I
ist Pm ate SAP, situaw near Cas
Frant.hii tosrasolp, Adam: , taututy,
ACRES and %moo Pereitte4. adjoining;
IsLas of renulei .1. (.00p e r, Ily tac kite, P e t er
Mickley, I).otivi.tozei, and others, inteing
lare-,e prots.r.tion of :gentluts- and strutu tine
Timber. The improvements a , 11 .61
Tyel 1-,ttkry L(*. HOUSE. gn::
a double Le,g lLtrit, with Shads and
Corn Crib,'it no% er-failitig well, wit's a pump.
'tear the house; also, a good Apple Oreltard„.
with a variety of other fruit ; also, a good,
tiparry of Limestone, on the farm.
Per;mt, wielling to vier the property RTCr
reitoe-ted to mill upon the subscriber, resid
ing liear the property.
Aiso, A Tract of Mountain Land,
vont:kilning 22 Acres and :PI Porette4 of Pa
tented Land. sittiat , al,,ott tn;le4 north of
trtr \ farm, on the new road leading 'to the
ch er ,t, ho l ds of Andrew' Wisler,
and 0ti 0 .r.%
FIZ /1.:11.1CK. rarEn.
Atz.. 24, 15.7
Administrator's Notice.
►.J tors of administration on the estate of
&Ira)) 1/eartiortl, late of Strahan twp.. Adams
co.. deceased. having hren granted to the un
dersigned. residing in Franklin township, lin
herell gives notice to all Tbersuive indebted to
said estate pc wake immediate payment, anti
those having claims ag•rmst the aatne LO prv
sent them pmperly aqiiinfic‘teil fur schile.
most. Elia/ERICK IJIEIII., Admer.
Aug. 24. 1657. Gs.
S Teachers Wanted.
1111 E Fchu 4 .l Director* of Roder township
will 'nett at thu tchool-house, in Middle.
town. 014 11el1110frif :Ye the 9th Serino
tirxt, for the purpose of etuploying Teachers
fur the Ik:inter term. The County
Su ie
tendent will be present to calming Teacher*.
F.' NV. KNOLTSS. Scey. -
A ug. g 4, 1857. td
2 Teacher% WAnted.
A 31EETING of the School Dimwit of Ot -
ford th*inct will' be held at. the Poldie
SChUOHIOWIC iu New oitu.d, 011 •
the I'2.!h nJ S•plentber wri, at etivek. P.
M.. to receive applicationslor Teaeberrof the
PuLlic Schools of the I)uurict.
By older of the Bnard.
J. 11.. 11EltSii, See,.
Aug. 24• 1557 td
10 the Voters of Adams county ,
ur.dersigned, at the solicitation of ntitser..
nus friends. offers hint.elf as a candidate foal
PItOTHONOTARY. at the Qctober election-
--subject to
County Cost,
and elected, 1
ottLe to the be.
East Berlin
rro the vote .--Fellow
S. Citizen's: esmiidate
for the otice 01 L eieCiltm,
ttui.jrc; to the rican Ile.
publican Cone , toolinated
and elected. I ._ .Marg e thu
duties of the office to Ow icatisfactiort of the
people. ltepettfully yours. &c., -
J. I.3_thltETT.
Gettysburg. Aug. 24.1817.
qv the Yuturs - of Adams County :—Thc on
dersigned offers himself as a candidate
fur SIIERIFT at the next election. subject to
the decision of the Union County Cuuventiou.
Should he he in 'minuted and elected, he pledger
his best efforts to the discharge of the dullest
of the office
Gettyghurg. Aug. 17. 1857 --'
Pamphlet Lairs. , .
'HE P.VMPIILET LAWS of the State
.. bare been received at this Office, and "Fe l
now ready for distribution Unions those en
tiel to receive awn'.
Prothonotary'' , Office, Getups- 1 .. .
burg, Aufr.l7, 1 557. as i , '•
Liget kintering.
A NDREW W. FLEIIIIIIsII, residing in
Breekinridge rtreownear James Pierre's.'
Gettyoberg, effete his servies' e to the , ptsbilnk
as a Sole Crier ed Arethieneer.: His ebaritna
are modertier. sA.• he trill on eit oecasiese en
deavor to mak, eveitecestion. lle UP" 40
receive a awe poio, :primps •
Aug. 17,1235,
tic* of tine