The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, August 17, 1857, Image 3

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    Se_ereary Dvb Sis.—The incident to
which tho nom. James C. Dobbin owed
hia Cabinet appointment is thus given
in an exchange paper:
44 Ile wai in th e ltimore Conven
tion, and wag t 1 instrument, of Gen.
Pierces norninati , m. On the 48th bal
lot Pierce had 55 voteq, the !arrest
ntotther he had received. The 49th
ballot cointrienced, and twelve States
Toted, with hat slight changes from the
provioas ballot. Then, /14 the State of
North Carolina was ealle(1, 'Mr. Dohbin
rose, and in a timely speech announced
that hia delegation cast their vote for
Franklin Pierce, whirli fact at once se
cured the uotuination fur the Latter gen
A Clerical Nurse .TheLey.—.l few days
-sinee a minister in Sentea Falls, N. Y.,
hired a livery horse . and wagon to go a
journey. lie was absent two da2ts,
swapped horses six time*, and came
back to the stable with the same horse
he took oat, baying toad:. 5100 by his
A Pedestrian Fart.--d party of petles
trisps reathed the Tip Top House,
Monet Washington, .IS7. H., on the sth
, of August. Up to that time they had"
walked 184 miles. They climbed up to
the summit of 'Mlnnt 'Washington via
Tuekerionn's ravine, tc., passing thro'
the gresit snow arch, whielt is 75 feet
.tong, 10 feet high, and 25 feet wide:
.Yertitera Capital at the Seuth.—The
Memphis Navy rard grounds have been
.sold kor 8380,000 to an association of
Northern espitaligts, who will establish
thereon several factories and a repair
ing dock.
Ingeniotot diode of Escape—On Satur
(Ely a, convict escaped f r o nt th t t Stato
}mann at Sing Sing. S. Y., by throwiniz
a plank in tile river, on wLieh he got
astride, when Lis fellow convicts cover
ed him with front the s hop..
In thi•+ gui-c he floated with tlic
past, the wharves, :tin.' has not been
heard of since.
Der:The wheel of fortune k conlinu
ally tizrning; those that are up to-day
may he down to-morrow, and those that
are down to-day may be up to-morrow,
aw witness the following beggar
girl, iho -m)lieited alms in the street;
of Plidadelplas, got taken to California
&fen- years since, grew into handsuwe
girlhood, won - dm a d miration of a ;mil
lionaire there, was married to him, and
has recently returw_l to l'hiladelphia,
•egtut.l in beanty and wealth to any of
thine of whim she formerly sought
s fa r - The Ilig.S,',/e,YlllPll...uring:li+l feet high, hs
41 tent wide, 4tn.l weighing 4,4tiii pozuntl. s hae
been attratzting min h attention at the offtee
the EARNERa a3l t tc's SAY psn's I V , TI•
"rieTiON, in S. W. earner of the puliliesainare.
Everybody nearly ice town ims :weft w see it.
•Our•frienan from the country have keen and
are still drizepinz, in. to ..zae the l arges t
Su(e ever broltll4l /41,-ozzafy.
'Milt Safe furni-hc•z another r:rrind for
eanfidenire tm, dep 'giro , . The /celerity for
the depedts they wake is of the saute char
eater. atpl as eztenQiie its those i etforded by a
Leak to ita depirzitorzt. the Ntoellioldere in the
0441 Ala the other being in the PRIM! manner
Hattie - The +are keeping, of the amnia. azd the
estitt'ity to depositors thus afford a clwilde
4 0 11 11rogoi to tiko*c th'uking of depositing
thr4r cohere. inifeeul of lying idle, they
VW produce interest—ia the St' icing': Lulli.
Mir There rtte nn.:.tiduns when oven the
pe,tple need medicine, the chnnge4
of diet. of the - weather, and bundretli
.ether causes, p:mluce it laxity in the nyetein
thnt neeidi o.rrixtin4, ~r in other the
li‘er Lecouses slightly deranged, and need, a
atinitilutlr.• ir all wit find thetu-eire., in
'this situatinn will try Dr. S. ford'. Invi,gora
• tor.-they way I.e pure of relief. a• we can te•-
tiry to its effi , i , :,y in etiritig Heads...he, Indi
.ge4titat, Sour Siotuseh, as& other Ms . .° eom
suoa its.* fatuity. It acts ass medicine,
easier and better.thau any dose of pills we
ever swallowed, ant is so mild that the email
*tit infant clut Ice it.
tairA. 11 /Ater. Agent for netirshurg;
m f
. Berlin. allover ; antreliarleA It. 'tea
ry; Albutt.sto wit. •
.Jaly 13.
/M ad's 4ttir /? , sinratire.--Thit wonderful
pretwration is having an exten.ive sale in all
liana oldie Union. It is one of the few patent
anetheines which are now sold over the euun•
try that are really what their inventors Claim
fur them. Wherever it has had a fair trtal,
the result has been precisely am Wood pre
(hew It has never tailed to turn the white
hair back to the ratural ot4or, where the di
rections have been strictly followed, and to
nunaerous ewes it has restored the hair upon
beads that were bald fur years. It is not pre
tended that itwilt tuake the hair grow in eve
ry ease. but where it (dill there Ia
no remedy. The restoration of the hail "has
Diva et ected iu so ma .y instances where the
case seemed utterly hopeles.t. that it is cer
tainly worth while far all who hare lost their
Imir. to try the el neriMent oP using a bottle
,or two of Wool's I? ooturgive.— [Molivae.
BY ALL DRUnGIIFTS. Aug 10. err
Tr..noway', and Pills.—Possei..,-
<a of tbese reMedi every ma . nsis his oivn
family physician. If his a-ite and children are
troubled with eruptions, sore', 'tumors. white
ssvellings, sore tilt oat. asthma , or any attention
of the , Lin, grand, or nisc:e„ a persevering
use or the Oiutinent is all that is. necessary to
produce a ra , lical cure, If on the Other hand
the internal regsits are assaileii by disease—
whether it be located in the liver, the story
/Leh or the intestines. he can eradicate it by
Administering the Pills to the si.derer. under
the guidance of the clear directions which ac
40111100y each box.
,Correetafrota the Lates s - I
Lit, re .T papers.
Baitinio re—Fr ;thsir luxe
ear. per barrel. :7 < , 4 712
'W at, per bushel, 1 33 ig 1 G 5
ritYe, • 82 100
teOrn; 83 04 87
, "20 ( . (4 45
Aeoefeattlis. per hund., 800 (510 00
9 00 (5 9 50
Ilsoicfber- 1•q; 16 00- (522 00
Whiske y , per 29 (5 30
PerlITR6ll, per ton. 62 00
iltamteer— 7 larsday lad.
ram per ikid.. fr°9 l " e na ' $675
Do. ." front storm. 7 -50
Wheat, per Umbel, ,1 X @ 1 50
yer,- ~. 85
Corn, . “ '75
Dace, ..,, , 38
elotitnies6, " 6 00
111.14,1, ". ' • 200
Plimitifr Per kik ' 650
e ...,,,,- __—______
rPrih—iiitist tart.
ALL itOwasires„ $45
11 4 - &So res. 7 54)
/ Qi 175
• 35
-3 50
Rye, t "
Cosy "
Owls; •
Clotweeetti, "
'Plaster, per to;
On thnolth init., br the Her. J.troi) &selller,
Mr. D. 10.:% 4 5...f eArryli rxitinty,
t , ‘ Mini IiANNAIiJ. Nl'6l: WAS. of Many'
(hi the 9th inert., hr the Fame. Mr. JERE
both of Admits county.
On the 11th inst., Lv the *am.. Mr. WASH
LEIZS, both ut Adam, county.
On Thumlay evening., the Gth inst., in
Shippenelmrg, by the Roy. F. A. Rapley, Mr.
GrEO. P. BEAMS. of Cumberland. to Mies
ELIZABETH ['AVER, of P.-nnklin county.
In Charnbersbura, nn thy. flth inet.. at !fr.
liptoriere'n. Mr. VINCENT MeCOY to Mims
SARAH B. VURKEY, bud% isfChumbersburiz.
-pe', s
••••04,-- ; _
At Minurrnsborg. 'on Thursday hod, of
billow' Ai:1101ml, Mr. ANTtios - T I)EAR
DORF?, an old and highly esteemed citizen
of Franklin township, aril 74 Tears 5 months
and 14 days. llin remains were interred at
Aremltaville on the foll,,wing day, followed
zb the genre by s large cionvsiurse of reLiticee
and friends.
Yesterday. of dysentery, Rev. JOHN WEI-
E.of Struban township, aged about 57 years.
'Near Betulerssille. on the sth inat., after a.
long illness!, Mrs SARA 11, wife of Thomas Me
efeittV. aged about 75 ;mark
On - the 6th of duly', Mrs, ELIZA. wife of
Sitnatel Sheets, of fiekilersliurg, aged about
35 years ; and on the 2`401, LOCLSA, daugh
ter of the a bure: aged I month and 21 dap.
On the 25th of July. WILLIA3I IL, eon of
Allen M. and Ilarriet Cook, of Ifeidlersburg,
aged I year and 10 months.
On the 7th inst., near Ilehllersburg. MAR.
TIN EH, sun of CI mak W34oner, aged
al, at I Ven.,.
on t - 11; . . 3(ith ult.. STEWART .11.FM:11,
R , 1(1 of S:ciitii , litnif N . :wry A.
12 iii•iia!pi ::n.l 2 , 4
S rmt iy me:tint!. thr 'otii in Pinhi
afzer n
lIEN I:Y, i•L'y (11.11 ~i I: a ndj tue
Rupp, i» intb, All 2
(I , odgliveN Sale.
Fot - N1)111"..k. REAL
On 1 / 4 :ninrilny. t f:;.'4 v . serf.
rlr S hseriber. Assignee under a deed of
vol utt tary a.sigittoent for the benefit of
creditors. by TrlolieS NVARRES Jt \\ tt Y., n tlt
sell at Public Silt!, at the Uourt•house. in Get
tysbuig. the following valuable property, viz:
No. 1. TWO LOTS col: (i10)UNI),
fronting in ailroad street. on which is erect
ed a valuable Iron and Foundry. 'soon n
it .4 the ••G•rtyvntirq !,." with all th e
necessary apparatus, Steam Eagine. Flasks.
Patterns. Tools, he. 'I he Foundry is now. in
running order, and doing it first-rate business.
No. LOT 01' (;11()1 . Ni),
on co-nee of Carlisle and RAtlroal streets,
with a new Two-story Flick DWELL-N IL
ING, with kttie and Basement—Liege
two story Brick Back-building and
Attic. Stabling, never failuto xe l of water,
ably adapted for a Public House.
0.3. A TW( i.STi )1? Y IZICK
DWELLING. adjoining No. 2. with
Attic. gout cellar. lect-building. &c.
—also new
No. 4. A LOT OF t;OrNI), nn
earner of Clionbirs'org and West streets,
fronting feet un 10tUler street anti
running back back to an silky. with a Two
tit"ry Wort
bearded Back•hutlsting. A Frattie Sko.le: ti
ling, Well of %Vattr,
o. 5. LOT ( cittot-N r), adjoin_
ing No. 4, fronting 6'l feet on Chainliersburg
stmt, on which are erected FOUR
Three-story Brick I)WELLINCiS. with nq
Attics. These will be sold together or il
separately. to snit porclia:sers.
No. ii. I'IVO LOTS OF r?()U . N11,
adjoining No. 5. each fronting G ) feet on
Chain her:J.ll;r e ; sin-et and uurung b,rek to an
alley, tame desiralile lots.
on East Jliddle 'greet, adjoining properties of
I Ephraim llanaway and t.eo. Swope, on it
' , which tare erected a. i giod 'lwo -story
''Frame D‘Vr.LLING. Back-building,
Well of Water. &c.
No. S. .1 LOT OF OROUND, on
Middle street. adjoining properties of
S S- McNair and others, kilning (0 feet on
Middle street, aad running back to an alley.
more or lesm. near Pennmvlvanis College. ad
joining lands of It. McCurdy. Eden Devan,
and I)1 kers.
WARREN. (being the undivided two-thirds,)
ins TRACT L AND. in Freedom township,
containing 40 Acres. more or Jess, adjoining
lands of S. S. McNair and others, known as
" Middle Creek Factory." There are ,
on this pmperty a large Two-story ill ."
DWELLING. Rack-building. Stabling.
Saw 11111, m o d other improvements. The we.
ti equal to any in the contur, and
furnishes an admirable site for a Mill or
CrThe interest of D. Warren, who owns
the other third of plopeitv No. 10. will be
sold at the same time. > o that the purchaser
will-secure an eniire title.
Sale will comnienne at 10 o'clock, A. M..
when attenilatiiN will be given and tet ras made
known by
SA)It:EL WEAVER.. Aaaijnee.
Ails. 17, 1t,57.
A. Good ram.,
ISubacriber. intending to quit farming.
1. will offer at Public &le, on the premises,
nn SaJitrde f , 'Le drtl ry . S , pl.-In6ee ?text.
his FARM. situate in Butler towmhip..Arfrotrim
county, within a mile of Arendttiville. adjoin.
ing lauds of Samuel Wolf, John Hartman,
Thomas Taylor, George Taylor, and others,
containing 105 Acres, more or leas, hating
due proportions of Woodla n d an d Meadow.—
The improvetnenot are a Two-story
LOG HOUSE. with two Kitchens, i
a Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Spring -2 .1-
House, Wash House. and othe
out-buildings : a spring of water near the dour
of the Dwelling, and one of the finest Apple
Orchards in the county on the premises. The
land is under good fencing, end good cultiva
tion; and the cleared laud has all been limed,
Dome of it twice.
Perionle wiNhing to view the property are
requested !o call upon the undersigned, resid
ing thereon.
Sale to commence at I o'clolt. P. M.. on
said day. when attendance writ be given and
tetras made known by
Aug. 17. 1857
rPOI the Voters of Adams County :—The un
dersigned offers himself as a candidate
for SHERIFF at the nest election. stilject to
Lit decision of the Union Ceirnty Convention.
Should he be noluitiated and elected, ht; pledges
his Best efforts to the discharge of the duties
of As office.
Gettysburg, Aug. 17, IKp7.
A .NDREW W. FL7r:NEMING-, residing in
1111. Breckinridgo street, 'war James Tierce's,
Gettysburg, offers his services to tbepublic
as a Bak Crier and Auctioneer. His charges
Are moderate, and he will on all occasions en
deavor to redder ratiqaction. He hopes to
receiv,e a share of public patronage.
Aug. 17, 1z:37.
• c lio
rrIIIE undersigned will well at Public Bale,
Sahtrday. Ike 121 k tfey of Strimber,
11457, on the premises, in Latimore township,
.kdainti county. about one chile and a half
from Deartiorff's mill. and two miles from
Petersburg, the following Real Estate, to wit :
eontaining 120 Acres, more or less, adjoining
loads of Michael Stata6tugh, 31ores Myers,
Janie Stitsel, and the Latimore creek, which
runs dirtsugit the farm. The improveuwnte
are a Twoawry Brick Dwelling
'LOUSE Tenan t House, Log Barn,
Smoke lionise. Wash House, and
other out-buildings, with a well
of ws,ter near the house. About Li as:res are
Woodland, the remainder cleared, in a good
state of cultivation and under good fencing,
There is alto on the premises a Saw, Chopping
and Clover Mill. The land is well watered,
there being a oring in each field. There is
also an Orchard of choice fruit trees oa
the premises.
idirPersons 'Fishing to view the premises
before the day of sue can do su by calling on
Nathaniel Stambaugh, who resides on the
aial-SAle to commence at 2 o'clock on said
day. when attendance will be given and terms
mule known by
August 17, 1R57.
Tke $lO cf. tA 15 Single and Double Threaded
Empire Family Sewing Machine.
N Aeney for the sale of these 31.teltittes
.L eati be secured for this county, on liberal
terms. by a personal application at the office
of the subscribers. S. X. Corner 6tb and
Arch Sta., Philadelphia.
No one need apply without sufficient capi
tal to conduct the business properly, and with
out references as to reliability and capacity%
We pottitively assert that these Sewing
Machines, for all purpose 4 of family aewing,
are by far superior to any Setting Mat. iv) e in
use, (no matter at what exist they are held.)
and wherever they are offered for sale will
meet with a ready and demand.
G. F. 14.111.E1" &
Stlere.SSOrd to drlfie ,1- Superbly
Oruitutes Court Sall'.
Joßil Shay, Equestrian Director ; ) l i t 1 I tirtueol;lll 1114 4 ()....ler of the t trphan's
11. Austin, Mailager ; ..\ . 1 2 . i iith. '_a ) I' Hirt ef .tditins routity, the sulis,riber.
'l'l.o.i:surer ;—Ciuti. ti, Jun IV..trili I lig . l i
v. an ,,..orato r of Piro.' e Uni.t„ deetiased, will
ii.rer at l'at'he •;.ile on the pri , liii•ev, nil Shl
- Mr. ;list}'.
~ i,..2 . 4
irk. IVA ~.17,,!,,t at GE, A i: Re . , ...„ 1,,,,,,,, fi, I , 4111116 'III II of . :4,7 14 e other next, the
''lt, Al I:state ui said 1111•Vile/lt, VIZ :
//it 11.11.'Vh/y, :_ . 41.t. 1.. t, 1 ',.)7 . Di ril rh Vile II
F A It - ,
at _, l!. A., and at. 7 in di(' I.!\ 0.1111. Z.
rilltat. , ill Liberty township, Adams eGunty,
,Wi ll ise..i.m :.• ts.'llt , . ....\ .... ad I .It.e ,
.. ,
.. ,. ,
t tr, , inn. • Nitost. ~1 r. militsliiir • adjoining
To ~,,, both exhibitions. q'
I . hook of Iloi.. .1 tines :11,-lbvit. I .Nlaxivell
The great El'iuebti - an Troupe SltletAid sinel.l., Al ~tberr.,, containing in Acres.
C .11ection of
; , 1 1 iteire or less, :knit do acres of which are
WILD ANIM A LS , tAear..,l and in a ;;and state cultivation, and
wilf be exhibited undtr the smug canvall, fur . " me i, „f the b„l„n,e i s we ll „„,,,,,,i w i t h
only one price of Admission. t liri ti n . Clie•ntit and II iek-nalc Timber. Be•
the cutupany will enter t o wn o n the day of tween 4U and :ill :writs inure could easily be
exhibuion at ibu4li tell 11l the forenno. , in de.ired. The intiwaventents are none-
... i
tiIIAND FMB ESSION, ac•cuitipanitd by the., and-a-half story LOG IiOrSE, Lug ova ~
euperu AE11411.31) Brass Banal, ul :welt e 11 Ind Mini, 4 y (In:hard or choice fruit, 11
instruments, its their t'llelll. MI.IJIC :;:cringe ,V,.. There are lAA . " iZ.., , 1 Spriir4•4 near the
drawn by To dye Ile am; and alter proceed- ilwellin ; ;. The v,,a I fr o m MuillN it's Mill to
Big through the prine4,..4l street*, isl t • hal ial N.uipi:Li.vitlt. int:•1••• thrn• t hi. property.
the ground of Exhibition. ' : 1 ( .. ,14,„'' A t & sper..iiis it ishing to sew the property
The perlormata• %11l conime C. i i iikft .o.* ; are requested to cull upon the suliseriber, re=
and healiwful eVikattr, ` vim nc Elio'riti3iag **mar It will be offered undivided
6 4
' bl.-I.N I CACAI4I / nntriiitliwing. in a . rii,, or its Imo tiart.: , ,to suit istireisa..sirs.
'of rapt skilliul ietidueotet; i; ft . world re-'• Z. irSate 01 eci li kli'llefll'e at 1 11%1 'Ai. P. M.,
114.1W , Iyd d r i rCINCt. 01 0141. m*111405 t4,,p1t... Mu,. I nn •aid d.iy, when attendance will be Ail en
l v tAting with great trittliftilness the itview, the and rector made kri, ,, ,, by
* tharge, Ilk retrent a» tribe rally This lin'. V.; M. COLL. .t.lner.
lista tipecdacle vial be represented with Ass -suov, (]leak. /.4
and emitljil itiippings, cusiumes, apptupria
tausio, b.c.t !, d
1 ilimnitin4ei
in and Acrai.itii. Feats by
int% . ellvLifi A ,ng the p ati
of Mg. Jj&ltobt, will be seen the newly intent
' edritypelleats, collet! the Fireman's Lauder,
eld k einii tririplay of Athletic Sall, se.
Meant, Si e se Act of Ciiititge4, by Mr. W.
1 ARMS - FRONG, in which the rider will give
illustrations of various well known charm. t.enti
' on horseback, accompanied by rapid ch.tiiges
of costume, expressive pantomimic action, ap
propriate muste, &c. l
Soleitilid Act tut Horsemanship, Mr. LUKE
RIVEIL\ in the course tut whim tots ,wc on•
1 I .hell :old intrepid rider wll disphy his
I graceful and rapid feats Isf equitation.
I ~t r •
..i,,u• and uttere,..tina. leittv, ~t Balancing
ion 11 , rseitek, by 1.1:sl'El: SILIY.
Unlit:tut ,11%piiy of liiirstqa.nighili. by
MOSS LENUIT! epee two and tour
minted •, exiiiiiintig a isiutit com
mand of this ruing, uud the astuudmittng
utinet and übeilienve of the noble hurrelg.
Thrilling feats upon the Trapez. ur _Erin!
Gymnasium, Ly '3lessrs. WARD &NICIIGLN
perfurutithee requiring the greatest physical
awl mural nerve ufthe artiste achieve.
Lofty and Energetic Lcap,
Aerohnte Feats and elegant Gymnastic, by
Mons. FLETCIIER. A graphic repreowitution
given of Ihrrettc Jumping. Fence leaping, itt.,
by Mr. LYONS. en his fleet and beautiful
charger. without iculdle or bridle.
Elegiuit and vigorous exe.reisos by the
Troupe, in Tumbling. Vaulting and Summer
setting in the coarse of which the following
celebrated artists will distinguish theunielTes,
rift: Messrs. J. Haaleu, Jim Ward. the Clown,
W. Ward, Kinorde, Luke Rivers, Master
Shay. Mr. Samson and Master Dick.
JIM WARD, the Clown, will perform a
Comic Scene on Horseback, in which he will
personate with admirable dexterity of changes
the following charweters—The Gipsey, Felualo
Modesty, Bat,chus, Otal of Wine.
Featl of Postoring and Muscular S.rengtb,
Elegant act of Lady Fqu estritinisro, by
Mad'llc ADELE 1)1:1101.S. trout the Parisian
l'ircus and Loodon saipaitheatre. in all those
beautifu / Tours do Grace, and agile :cats of
Equestrianism, for which her school //// su
justly and widely celebrated.
Toe greatly distinguished French Rider;
M 4ns. BELOIT, will gire an exhibition of his
surprising art as LA JONGLECR---A.
CIIEVAL, in the course of which he will
perform various feats of wonderful dexterity
IA balancing Balls, spinning Plates, throwing
Knives, playing with S.ieks, during the
motion of hie horse around the circle.
The entertainments will he enlivened and
alternated with the perf.rinaneeA (it a
BANDOF S.thLE MISS CitELS: in which
Mr. IiItILLIGAN. tile Ortginal Soh ltidlet,
and Mr. SNOWDEN, the accomplished Banjo
Player, v.;11 t•ing a tariety ni Popular Negro
Mei , ,4lms, Clwrussea, ( ;lees,
&c. The entertainment 4 wilt
condude with a COMIC AFTERPIECE.
Aug. 17, 1.'457.
DEMALNING In.the P ut Office, at Getty*-
/ burg. Aug. Li, 18.54,
Albert J. C. Little & Moore
Bear Peter Little L. J. Mrs.
Beard Elisabeth Mrs. Met ilr.ughlen James 2
Briteher Win. Parker T.
- Rowers Mary Miss Poll Robert
Creager C. W. RAaver Wm. 3
Evralt Ab'ra • S. J. A. Mr.
Eisenhart J. S. Spangler Barbara Mrs
Fisher Nancy Miss St. John .1.
Ifarluss Randolph I. Tesler R. 0.
llostettor Peter West Geo. P.
Johnson AL C.
frjPelsons calling for Letters in the •above
List will please sty they were advertised.
have been received at thin Office, and are
now ready for distribution arming those enti
tled to receive them.
Prothonotary's Office, Oettys
burg. Aug. 17, 1537. 3t f
BONNETS, Ribbons and Flowers, in large.
assortment, at SCHICK'S.
1)01VDRI1 and SHOT, the best
1 lured, to be had at NORBECii's.
Aug. 17, 1857
LiO of Letters
Pamphlet Laws.
AT 1173L1C SALE.
rir II F. subscriber, desiring to remove, wilt
/ offer at Public Sale. on the premises, on
THeAdapl, Me :.!sth f .b. , ,tott instant, the AA
lowing Real Property, viz:
No. I.—A LOT OF GIM'SI), sit
uate on Baltimore street. in the Borough of
Gettysburg, adjoining property of Dr, lirasth
on tics south and "Tbe Compiler" Abu on the
north. haying a two-story Dwelling
110CSEoritti a two-story bnck R , ck - -
Building. Stable. well of water, fruit ; 1 1 1
freer. to., thereon.
No. 2.—A LOT OF GROUND, sit
uate on High street. in said Borough. adjoin.
log property of Dr. KratitS„ the Female High
School, and Lot. No. 1. haring thereon erect
ed a 'comfortable two-story BUICK HOUSE,
and brick Back Building.
Minato on the corner of West Middle and
Washington streets, in qii4l Borough, adjoin
ing properly of Simnel Weaver. on the west—
with a two-story BRICK a one and
a half story Weatherboarded Houma. and a
fratneßlacksinith Shop. thereon erected.
No. 4.—A T Ii ACT oF LAND, situ
ate on the Lying Lane, in /mid Borough, ad-
joining lands of Robert Smith anti George CO
dori. containing 7 Acres and 92 Percher:. bay
ing a first rate spring thereon. About 4 metre
are Meadow. The tract will be offered in
two lota.
No. 5.—A TRACT OF LAND, situ
ate between {Prat Middle street and the
le road, adjoining lands of Robert Sinitb
and new. Cole. containing 7 -kerns,. wore or
less—to be oirtred in alive lots.
N. ti.—A TRACT OF LAND, situ
ate on the Millerstown road, in Cumberland
township. near the Bomisgh. adjoining !arida
of Ephraim lianaway. Jacob Berber's heirs.
and Rev. Burkett.. containing Set Acrea. more
or lese—to he offered in whole or in sus lota,
as may hest heit purchasers.
ri" -- The.... Properties offer rare opportunities
to make invevtments. and the attention of all
desiring to purchase is invited to the,sale.—
Much of the land has been limed.
ear Sale to commence at Li o'c!acic. A. M..
on said day, w hen attendance will be gi%eii
and tenni made loown fly
1110.11 AS F. FRAZER.
An, is .
'By the emi rt
Aug. 111 ls•ii. ti
A Rare Chance!
I N pursuance of authority given in the last
1, will 'And te4t.tineot .if Jscou lizzabv, de
rea.ed, the sub,crilier*. },t ecutorsut the said
Jacob lierloit, deceased, rill Nell at ['oldie
S de, on the preutises, on MeAday. September
1.557, xt 1 "o'clock, I'. M.. the following.
vidua,)le ReAl E-tate of said tleceabed, viz:
on dese.tse.l residipt for thirty yeurs,
sit ume on the Millerstown road. the first tarn
from lief, e,,nhtilsing 1110 ArIIES And
61) 1':;1:1'11 ES of initegttll 1:to,l, having it
larus, propo r tion of itatiove uud it due pru
purtoni of Ttinlo.r.
T.. in,firoveluentx consigt of A '
/urge Two—tory LU not SE.
large Sumo Bonk IVllgiill
S C.oli Crib, Carriage Ilouse,.
awl all IPCCCINItry ; p tlrSt , ntle
neter-failing spring of Water awl Biotin
Spring 11 , aise. Al'.o, a fine Apple ORC11.11n),
with a variety of other fruit. The fences are
good, and the html iii at fine state of cultivation.
lterPersocts wiKlting to rietr die property
are requested to call upon the heirs residing
Alen, Al the same time aud plare will be sed4l,
A Tract of Mountain Land, . •
vortuuning 12 Acres and fib' t." 7 t .
Perches, adjoining lauds of Jacob ' '
Swisher, Michael Trostle. Solo-
mow Toting, and others. Persons wishing to
view this tract are requested to call at Solo
mon Young's, on the Cold Spring road, on
Saturday, the 12th of SepLem bar. at 10 o'clock,
when they will be shown the same by the
SAMI'EL HERBST, l E xecutor ,
An. 3. 185 i. to
Family Grocery & Provision
CIILLESPIE T 110.51.18 reYpectfully N-
U* film the people of Gettyalharz amt the
public generally, that they have jin.t return
'ell front the city with a t tetieral u.v.vortinont of
'BUS, which they nre prefoired to cell as how
to the lottent. FLOUR and FEED always CID
hand. and sold at sniull profits.
Sure on York street, ono door east of Wat
tles' Hotel.
Gettysbnrg. Aug. 3, 1857.
Executors' *ice.
ta tarnentary on the estate of Jacob Herbst,
late of Cumberland township. Adams co„
deceased. having been granted to the under
signed. the ftrst•naned residing in Gettysburg
and the lust-named in Uttniltortban twp., they
hereby give notice to all persons indebted to
said estate to make immediate payment, and
those having claims against the same to pre
sent theta properly authenticated for settle
Aug. 10, 1837
THE Members of the "Adams Cmitay Mu
hut/ fire insurance Company," are here
by notified that an election for twenty-one
MANAGERS will be hell at the office of the
Seeretary, in Gettysburg, on Monday, tke 7th
day of ...C . - plcanter nest, between the hours of
1 and .1 o'clock P. M.—each member entitled
to one vote for each policy held by him.
The Executive Committee will, meet at 10
o'clock, A. M., on said day,
sir Man a gers having in hands fees due the
Company will be required to pay the same
into the Treasury-on or before said day, to
enable the accounts fur the current year to be
Aug. 10, 1857. 3t
Ready-made Clothing,
COAT 3, Pants and Vests, for boys and
me n ; Bouts, Shoes, Hata and Caps;
Shirty, Cutlass, Cravats, Neck Ties, Stck.,
Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Stuckinga. Buspegi.
ders,—.t nice of lot ol Gown 4, Waterproof
Oil Coma, and. evt'r . , ,tliinit,,eLa thst .Jll be
found in a S:orc of tl. , e kind, al A" aV 4 to he lad
A EA2.2 CEANfy2.
'Desirable and Valuable Fars,
tri/1 E Su ber. Execu tor of Prete Franz.
deces*esl, offer* for este the following
dettirahlt howl Estate of said decedent, Yil :
late the Home Place of Mr. Ferree, sigma. i n
' Tyrone township. Adams ocrue_y, ed.l 4 Ol O lC
!ands of Amos `Myers, death Ferree, Jacob
ArittsLerger, and others. eentaining
$142 Acres, or or its, •
having large proportions of Wadi:old and
Meadow. The improyetneets consist of lb Tire
iry weatherboarded HOUSE, ,
a s t „„ 0 Back Barns Wag" Shed 4: //I I
and C .rn Crib. Spring House, .
TENANT HOUSE. Stable, tic.,
with a nevcrfailing spring of water ut erten
dwelltnr„ and an Apple Orchard on the
This has alWays Leen admitted to he one of
the best grrtimprot)ucing Farms in the whole
neighborhood. Persons wi*litng to view. it
are requested to cell upon Mr. Beek. residing
thereon. As the Flinn is museeptible of con
renient division, it will Lo offered in two
parts or in whole. as purchaser* way desire.
If the property is nut *told ut private sale
previous to Thu rstf.ty. the:24th de y of S e pt ela .
ber a.xl. it will Le offered at public outcry on
that day, upon the premises, at one o'clock,
P. 31. Attendanee riven anti term* made
known br JOEL B. DANNER, Ker.
July 20, 18.56. •
;TILL be ilPu:lie:llen: the
prtnel.ou t huriay.4iotiay
Neplentlxr ide.rt,
containing 28 Acres, more or less, situate in
Germany township. Adams otminty, on the
Turnpike lending front Littlestotro to Gettys
burg, are quarter of a mile front the former
pinee, inlininiug lands of James Renshaw,
tie,rge Myers, and others. The improve
meots are at g , .011 two story
I:l'kli'K 11(1rSE, Is...:Larn.C.tru ..1 . 1 I
('rah and, Wagnil Shed, and other l ,7:, P. 1
out htt i 1 , 1 in :44 : a net er fitilin.."-- -;.
wen of water at the door, and &et era i tic% ,e
filling springs on the tract; also an Apple.
Orchard of deice fruit, with other fruit trees.
Persons wishing to riot the roperry are
requested ts.eallt.p .ft the under•igned A _rent.
or t r. George (bolder, rv,illug t hereon.
1 t o .of Ow 1n...k,19,ir.11Au country re3itlen
cc i
A t
41? oninti. ' ' 4
Side to c.mnnence a 1 o'ehric, P. „M., c a ,
said day, whea utter ince will Legiven and
terms ta.tdu knout;
_ _ .
" I Aye/ t 1 for Jurne.r E.
/Ilene"?.'9, 057. Is
THE Sit twierilotr., Exee.rr,wwof TiA tc
fleeeamed. "ill offer at Putiro• Sale, on the
Srpleniber 3, 1857,
the following valuable Real Estate of said de
ceased, viz:
on which decea-est resided all his life time
shouts in Lanni we ton•tiship e unto,
within three m as h •if York I) itiltig
holds or Philip lies, 1 ilia Brown, kt it Is
pe Is tat 11% ers Purer, on I others
~. ntitininT 185 Acres, more or less,
too of which nre farm Inn I acres meadow ,
nud the 'mintier to% erid with thric iu~ timber.
The farm 1 4 under g d cultivation and ir tud
ifeniity,. Thy impi es ementm sire
al t iV rt 1 1 \ 1 LLING 1111
10 Mani. Barn, large .
hn I use, and other out
buildings t tree Apple Or bards ur thoice
fruit, with Peach, Pow Plum and Cherry
Trees. There is tt never- failing spring of wa
ter near the door, and a stream through the
farm, it being thus well watered.
Dar The f.trui will lie dieted to whole or
iu two parts, as may best suit pari.hrtsers
04"^Po milts wodung to view the property,
are requested to call on the first-named FaeLus
tor, rest hug thereon.
sky", de to commence at 10 o'clock.A. M
on said day, when attendance will I.e gotai
and terms made known by
tOlt 11E'‘S,
Et or 71 '0? .1
July 11, 1857
C'e"..l.lsou, tvt sumo limo nod plac e, the
f.lboving PEIISONAL rimpErrry of de.
ceased: 3 tons of Hay. 3 Grtin Cradles ; a
quantity of Lard, 25 yards of Carpeting. 3, Coverlets, Quilts, and other articles
too numerous to motion,
One of the Het Farm*,
TILE imilersigned offers at Private Sale,
his FARM, mituate in Strahttit township,
Adams nuttily, on the Hanover road, and ad
joining the Gettysburg B.rough line. The
farm contains 154 Acres, more or less, the
land being of the best quality, notch of it
.‘ granite"—with fair proportions of meadow
and timber. Fences good and the soil in ex
cellent cultivation. The improye- •.„.„
laments are a comfortable Shine
Dwelling HOUSE, Bank Barn, • j
Wague Shed, Corn crib, .i.c.—firet •
rate Apple Orchard, a ne ver-failing, watt ut
water at the dour, and a. panther of springs
upon the tract. It is certainly one of the nuisi
desirable farms now in market in this county,
and demands the attentitm of asp:Whirr.
Perseus wishing to rime the property are
requested tu call upon the under.ignod, re .dd-
I ing thereon. DANIEL Bt.:SM.:IL
July 13. 147. iin
nsvßy Tuoves
Npring a: Stimmer Goods.
WE re--pectfully iii6to the attention of
bu)eri uud curt. oplr, I,otit io to% ti
rind courttrit to our new st ,, ck of GootlA. It
o,mcintm of Dry thmolri. Queelibwitry,
Cedar Ware, Crockery WAre, and
It EA D 1.11.41 E CLOTHING ;
Clothin,, ,, mole to order. sc it y-,111 Goode cut
free of ci n ►rge, at the ttorth.a est corner of the
Distround. JJIIX LIOKE.
Juno 1. 1857.
The Rev. C. N. Burnett,
IitHILF: !attiring as a Missionary in
y Southern Asia, discovered a scruple anef
certain Cure fur Cimarrisprivii,Aidlamit, Brun-
Mils's, ConyhT, Colds, Nermus Debility, and
all impurities uf the Blood; also, an easy and
effectual mode of Juliann. , e the Rewal.y. Ac
tuated by a desire to benetit 1114 suffering fel
lows, he will cheerfully send the Recipe (free)
tu such as desire it, with full and explicit di
re thin„ for preparing and successfully using
die Medicine. .Address
8:3 Bruenisray, N. Y. City.
August 3, 1857. Gni
ALL and Winter Stvle, just received sad
fur sale at COBE . AN t PAXTON'S
Fashionable Hat, Cap. B , iot and Shue Store.
MILLS mornink received, a new lot of very
find Summer Clothing, latest fashion,
and will continue to receive every week yr ten
days, more of direrent articles. from suction.
ulv 27. 1.537. M. SAMSON.
This Way! This Way!!
TUST IN SEASON !—Fly Nets, of various
tl styles and °Oars. cheap at SAMSON'S.
I F ay want to tune GOODS CUKAP, call
at Ileidlersbarg, Adams co,
soaking Soap—to be had at
eItiILDREN'S Shoes of every variety and
sticem-ors to W. W. Pastun
FERD always on hand at
lECUNI) arrirnl of Spring 4; , ,f,d0 this day
0 at the Cheap Store ul FAIIN.E6TOCR.Y.
Valuable Limestone Land,
THE F.l Rl[
Black. Slik !Rats.
Summer Clothing.
A Vainable Farm,
Tll£ Sohseriber. Eseeetor of the blot
and testament of Jolts. IlsyMse, Sr., de
oeased, will offer at Public Sale, on the primal
ego. fits Sat'snide, Me I'2a day of Nep !Posher
nest, the following heal Estate of said de
ceased, Viz :
situate in Mountpleasmit township, Adams
enemy. adjoining lends of Moms Scott, Peter
O'Neal, Dorm, Kohler, and others. about 5
miles from Poem* , and 3 from New Oxford,
monteining /id AOUNS, more or less, with
-good proportions of Meadow and Timber-land.
The introvemesp are a Two-
a wry Brick Dwelling HOUSE,-.'911
Log Barn, and a Stone Spring IT I U
lhonse.,(with a nererfailing Spring
to it.) and 01l necessary out-huktings; tltl
Apple and Peach Orchard, with dmice fruit
of kinds. The fences are good, mostly
ellesttut rails. The land is in first rate order,
It having been nearly all lined within the
last few years. About 10 Acres of good
Woodland to the farm.
beWersons wishing to riew the property,
are requested to call on John Homier, Jr.,
residin:: thereon. or on the subscriber, resid
ing in Oxford tovnlship. ,
siir•Sale to commence at It i elnek. P. M.,
on said day, when attendance will be given
and terms made known by
Exemior o f John Header, Sr., der:V.
Aug. 3, 1t157. is
Valuable Properties,
anbscriher, desiring to remove to the /
West, offers at Private Sale, his F.IRM,I
situate in Cumberland township, Adam! co.,
on the road leading from GettyiSh6rg to. Fair
field. shoot 2 miles from the termer place.
adjoining /ands of Geo. CII Ip. Francis Bream.
and others, containing 153 ACRES. more or
less, with doe proportions of Vleadms and
Timber. The improvements consist of a two
story STONE 11011 SK, a goad
7 .
Atllll Barn. Wagon Shed. Corn Crih.
i and all other necessary out-build
ings: a never-failing well of eater
near the door of ti.c damning, with an excellent
spring near 11. 1 , piped into the barn yard.—
A 1.. ) a - Apple Orchard. with other
fi nit, on in. Fenci.4 good, and the
lard in I ••tion.
..1, t Ciro'
containing abmit 5 Acres, adjoining* the above.
l eo r, a co m fo r t a bl e two-story 1)11-EL
LING, Srub:e, Shop. well of water,
Butt Dees, &c., thereon, waking it a
very demrable home.
Pee Now.; u trhing to view the prapertie4 are
reverted in call on the undersigned, rebiding
an the named.
July 27. JOHN BUTT. Sr.
Public kale.
rplIE Suhseriber, Estentor of SAMUEL Mrm
xxur.ilecewsed, will offer at Public Sale.
on the pretuisea, ui4 Sunirdoy, the st/i, dug tj
Scpteuthci nert.
(formerly occupied br said deceased.) situate
in tlamilton township, Adatos county. adjoin.
ing land.. of Ditniel Baker, John ]Sear, John
Hartman. an4 t 'others. containing 45 Acres,
more or less. The land is under good culti
vation and good fencing. The improvements
consist of a two-story STONE
HOUSE, Log Bin, Wagon Shed
and Coin Crib. Spring I_otr4e, sr,
other out-buildings ; two Springs
and a good app Ore on the cretnises.
Also. at the same time and place, will he
half Woodland. situate stout one mile from
the above, on the Abboustown Turnpike, ad
joining lands of John Bopp, John Grove, and
r7Persons wishing to view the property
kre requested to call upon Mr. Mathias Muin
men. residing on the first deacribed.
o :7osale to commence at I o'clock, P. M.,
on said day. when attendanoe wil! be given
sad tenni mule known by -
Aug. 3, 1857. ta
7111/rAl,'7,:g IZ,
At Public Sale. '
ti 1.1 Subscrilter, Administrator witlt the
will u.onolci of MlCttAlti, Mit:GER. deed.,
will offer at Public Sule, on the prcmises. Nn
Sa turd ay, the 51Is day V . Spiraub+a• next, the
following, "teal E•date of said deceased, viz:
A 7.A.P.1.0
situate in Cumberland township, Adams
county. adjoining lands of John Plank,
Michael Bushman. John Slyder, and others,
rtlw.ut 4 miles from Gettysburg. containing
151 .tC ItF.S and anna twee, with good prilsir
dons of Me i
Meadow and Timberland. Thp nt-
Trovetnants are a Two-story Lo
. u.
1101.*SH. bos Born, and the 'its- •-!.
pessary out-buildings; an Alple 1111 •
Orchard, and two neverfai
Springs near the house. Fetiches good. and
the laud. mostly granite, under good cultiva
tion. If desired. a tract of 10 or I 4 Acres of
Wo.'d-land will he offered separate from the
Stir Persons frisking to view tho property
are requested to call nn John Keeranyer, re
sitting thereon, or on the subscriber, residing
in Gettysburg.
w oommenee at 1 o'clock. P.M., on
said day, when attendance will be given and
terms wake known by
.1 A COTI fte:ti S FR.
Administrator nit tie will aangzsd.
July 13. 1837. to
Public Sale.
TILE viultscriher will offer at Pullin sale
oa the prenii‘ws. on 2'hurviday, Me 27/-h
..I,tgrixi next, the following property. viz:
A SMAIdi 14.11 N,
sitnate in Franklin towuship, A(Lons county.
co allinittg 40 )crew. more or Itas.
'Fhe improvements use a one and ,-1
ti •
a half story LOG Htlit*SE, Log i t : 4 !
Barn. 560 p. Spring tluuee, &c. •
Also, the followin. e PERSONA PROPERTY,
viz t Horse. 4ttroul of Cattle, 7 110 gs,' 1,
Wagon. Plough, Home Gears. Shovel Plough!,
(double and single :)Corn intitte grateful. ttye Oats by the bushel. Potatoes : with all
the !Household and Kitchen Furniture. such as
Buds and Balding. 'Caldess. Chairs. iltireau,
Cupboard, Clock. Stove. Tubs cud Pole.
ri" Sale to covontenre at 1 o'clock: P. • .11.,
out said day when auoodunee will be given
and terms wade known by
July 20.1857.
Littleetown Railroad!
THE Fourth 3lonthly Instalment of Five
Dollars per Share on the Stock subscrib
ed, will by due and payable to the Treasurer
ofitaidCompany. 011 1 / 1 C '2BE4 day 0/ A1 W114104%
Ileirßy a I:i:solution Board of Direc
tors, passcil on Saturday, 1.5111 ult., all per
sons to arrears utter that tittle will be charg
ed interest at the rate of •Jno per cent. a mouth
on their hack pa3welitoi, in ni-cordanvn with
the Act of Assembly. E. F. SllOlll3,
Serretary oflite Boa, d.
An. 3, 1857. td.
N. 13.—Any of the Directors will receipt
for payments on Stock.
Wood Moulding Mill,
irdrow Sired, abort Tlo4l.fibt M ill,
UCILILDINGS suitable for Carpenter',
.1.11, Builders, C-tbinet and FlllOlO Makers.
worked from the best and thoroughly *elven
ed ussterhtl, always on hand. Any patteru
worked from s dr4triltK•
1 h.: subscriber haviug purchased the entire
interrt, will continuo thu business with iu
creased facilities.
Agents wanted in the various towns in this
portion of the State, to Nripurt opportunities
will be offered fir large profits to themselves.
July 20, IM7. ?im
jp ONNETS, Ribbons, Parasols and SbAwls
w b e b. t i very cheap at
Pure Oswego Starch )
ITAS eidabli‘hed a greater celebrity than
1, has trot been obtained by any other
This hag been the result of its marked su
periority in quality, and itd inrarmble uni
The pahlic may be enured of the continu
ance of the high standard novr'evablished.
The prodnetion is over Twenty Tone Oily,
and the deinautl pHs extended throughout the
whole of the Untted Suites, and to foreign
W 9: king thus on a very Urge scale, and
'under a rigid system, they are able to atome
a perfect tiniformity in the quality throughout
' the year. 7'his is the ;pets, DemidPrehtle in
Niarth-saakiNg, asti it realized now for Me
firxt time.
The very best Starch that can be madel
and no otter. is al ways wanted by oontipasers.',
anti this will be supplied to them by the gro
cers. an seen an their customers hate learned
which in the best. and ask for 4—otherwise
they would be likely to get that article es
which the largest profit can he made.
Mr. Kingsford ham been engaged in the manu
facture of Starch continuously fiw the lest a
years. and during the whole of that period the
Starch made under his supervision has been. .
heyond any question, the beat in the market. •
Fur the first 17-years. he had the charge piths
works of Wm. Colgate & Co., at which period
he invented the pumeas of the manufacture 01
Corn Starch. '
alrAtk for K;ngsford's Starch, as the
tie Oswego has been recently Weak, another
h ill sold hr ell of tbe best grocers In near
ly every pin of the country.
T. InsosFOßD'•& SON'S.
Oswego torn Starch,
(rON PUDDINaII, 10..) •
TTAS obtained an equal celebrity with their
1.1 Starch for the Laundry. This article. is
perfectly pore. and is. in eser3r respect, must
to the hest Bet touda Arrow- Rout, b. aidesheir•
in ? : additional qualities which render it in's!.
wade for the ihr.ert.
Potato Starch has been extensively rke(e v (i ---
and mold as Corn Starch. and has given false
impyeNsiens to many, as to the tral
our Corn Starch.
From its great delicacy and mit).., ir is
coining also into extensive use as a diet for in
fants and invstnis.
P.H; S/i• ,!.
23 sb.fids ))"hurt.-.,, Phila.
Aug. 10, 1857. 3m
N sell oheaper than anybody chief—.
lieente , e he buys at auction, fur cssu.
Look at his Hats, that ho sells hundreds of.
(leLtieuten have bo& and said forimeh
Hats from $3 50 to $4 00—but Samsun soils
them at $2 25. And why duos he sell thou
so cheat)? Because he bought at auction.
Look at his Boots and Shoes—lurk at his
Gaiters—the same kind sold at other places at
from ou to $4 50, he sells at $1 -874 to
t 47/. And why ? Because he bugght at
Look at his Clothing, and, in fact, every
thing in his line. lie will sell a roat, Pants
and Vest, some linen and some cotton, for
f rom $1 75 t o $2 Ott per full suit. And why ?
Because be bought them at auction.
Abe', black Summer Cloth Coat, Pants and
Vest, he sells for $3 00. And *by f Be
cause he bought them at auction. •
I am confident that my old friends and
customers -will bear-me out in the abuts.--
I would say to those who lire at a distance
from town, suppose you need but a lint, or
pair of Gaiters. Why don't you come to nay
establishment? Even if you lose a whole
day by so doing, you will be saving from
$1 121 to $1 75 in the purchase of either--
and that is as - much as most of men make a
day by hard work. Beside this, you can save
much more in the purchase of such other
articles ,as" you may need. Recolimt, my,
stock is a large sad varied one, and all
articles sold astonishingly low. Come to
town, get your dinners and horses fed, and
you can never fail of saving tho price of a
day's labor by buying at the Cheap One•Prioe
Store of M. SAMSON,
July 13, 1557. opposite the
stone Ware.
rA lINESTOCK BROTHERS have just re
cei red the largest and best lot of STONE_
WARE ever otfered in the county, consisting
of Jars, Jugs. Pitchers. Cream Mks, Apple
Butter Poet, Psexerso Jars, Pak Pans, To
mato, Bottles, Spittoons, ke., to which they
invite the attention of the public. Can and
examine at the sign of this REF) FRONT.
July 20, 1857.
Siill Another Arrival of
AT JACOBS & DUO'S, Baltimore street,
near the Diluituntl: where greater bar
gain" than ever can bewared. "Quick Na
and small pri,6,t , "--411wity's better fur oellor
and luiyer---is the motto they practice. as well
as preach. Give them a anything in
the Merchant Tailoring line—yon - wau't re;
gra it.
Gettysburg, July 13, 1857.
lyth Street, below Walnut.
Session 1867-8.
IFITHE Faculty of this Institution - bar ceneln
defl to bold limier:LT but win Collegiate
, s en i. 4oo in
the year beginning, itt October and
, terminating in March. } , :xaminatiotts am
given DAILY by the Protean/re at the College.
Hospital litatructiiin. and )1: aerial fur Practi
cal Anatomy. gm/aim/of to the advanced
dent. Supplementary Lectures are alaniyen
_during the riumnier.
Faaa.—;lairinitiatim, $5: one full merge.
Et. U ; Perpetual Ticket. ithitt ; Graduation,
A limited number of students. of moderate
means. and well recommended, w 111 Le admit
ted on the Beneficiary List.
For further i• arldreg4 - .
B. IP/WARD It A NI), 11. D..
Aug. 10.. :it Penn.
RP,.. 110 VAL. -
ti,l4, Frit awl Flip fiats,
dt•innt B. Wi u,/rr/, • •
Julia A. ~.‘4pe. J
Aug. 3, it 8.57. -
Ladies. This Way
eIOBEAN k PAXTON have alwaym on
k../ hand a large and well selected shook of
Ladies', Misses', and Children's
of all kinds, and at all prices. Nu trouble to
show Goo4is. May 18.
7, 1 Ilia AND ItatlSlSS.—A fresh lot of
1 Figs Bud ituisiws, just received end foe
sale at E. LI MINNIGH'S.
.NNTLE3I I I.ti, do y b ou want to select from Glarge and handsome variety of Cravats,
Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, ie. f If yea dirs.
call at 9t StUN S. '
WIOBACCO a. SEGARS. km* iteakatiband .
11.' at astonishingly lust rata+ thew high Wpm
at t be Flour, Provittion ati&ilracpry iiturctruf.::
F.S. Lemons. Candice.
ILP ,ipices at all kirkls, Fancy *ad Cauwaia*A-A,`
Soap. flair Oita, &c.. at NI:WRECK'S. •A,
iparl)lsY roar Hang, Cans, Boots & Shoes,
00-1.) at tringman do Aughinbangli's, iR
Chz.zobersburg street, at the sign of the