The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, August 03, 1857, Image 4

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    Are 'Negroes Citizens ?
"It is nut a little remarkable," says ]
the Cincinnati Enquirer. "that' those
journals and those partisans who assail
the Supreme Court of the United States
for declaring that negroes are not eiti
zens the United States, should so
suddenly have awakened to the
ty of the doctrine, since it has been
acted upon ever since the formation of
the Government. Several State - Courts. I
and among them Pennsylvania and
Connecticut, have made the same deck
ion, and yet no • .outcry was
, made
against it. Most of these partisans were
the supporters of IIENRY CLAY while he
lived, although he boldly expressed the I
same conviction. On the nth of De
cember, 1851, Mr. CLAY introduced a
resolution in the United States Senate,
in regard to the AXVIONY Buass' fugi
tiveksae, in Boston, where a mob of
negroes sought tomevent the execution
of tke law. Her hum reported in the
Coßgressional Glebe:
"But, sir," said Mr. Clay, "this is not
all. By whom was that mob impelled
onward? By our own race? No, sir,
by neyroes ; by African desecinhint.s; by
people who rIASeR I no part, an I contend,
in our political nyianni,.. and the question
which arises is, whether we hball have
law; and whether the majesty of the
Goveimment shall be "maintained or not;
whether Aye shall have a gork.•rntuaot of
white men or black men in the cities of
this country."
,Now, if " Afrt . ran drs"-ndarits hare no
part in our puiitical gystem," how can
they be citizen.; of the Unifed states?
Mr. CLAY way not at ta , :ked for expresw.
ing ouch opinions, for, at the tine they
w . erp uttered, nol,ody but a feAV
doubted their judicial and constitution
al correctness.—Pennsylvanian.
The Uncertainty of" Life.—W hen Gen
eral Pierce's cabinet was installed, there
were tlio of its members whose ill
health and declinin congitutions caused
serious apprehensions that there Avoid I
be vacancies in it before the close of the
administration. They were Dobbin and ,
Davis—the former during his whole ;
term was in a very feeble coalition, and ;
Colonel Davis arose from a sick bed, to
Which ho hitd long been confined, of al
`disease which his physicians thought
would disqu - dify him for the labor and
excitement of public life. But it was
jocosely re . marked, at the time of the;,
organizition of the cabinet, that Gov.,- !
norMare'y had strength,Agorand
en lu
ranee enough lbr the whole executive)
department of-tkernment.
Governor took great prilleludiis
cal powers, and al waits aseril4l
sound health and stal worth proportions
to the necessity, to which he was sub-:
.jecte4.l in boyhood and manhood, of
working in the field. Yet how unc'er-;
tam is human life. "Let him that '
standeth take care lest he fall." The
Hercules, physically and intellectually,
of the cabinet, now-rests in an honored
grave, while his frail and delicate associ-.1
atea sariive—the one (Colonel Davis)
in robust health, and giving promise of
a biilliant life.
e wag of Cumberland, Md.,
circulated through the city- the . mport
that; on the 4th, Prof. Culex would per
form the wonderful feat of walking on
the water It is estimated that there
were betwet:n 2000 and 3000 person. 4
present to witness the wonderful per
formance. As the time appointl pass
ed ang still no
.Prof. Cukr was to be
seen, the people .bevame impatient ;
aboat this time it wits whispered around
that Culex Ikao . flie , Latin word for
ilfusquito, when the truth flashed upon
their minds that xhey had al! Veen
• WIN - Sidney Smith said, " Difforent
animal ' s have different - ways of accom
plishing the same thing. -1 condor,
finding a largo - tortoise, stoops down to
his sandy bed, seizes him, lifts him high
in the air above a rock, and lets him
fall, and then picks out the 'meat at his
leisurd. An anaconda, finding the
same animal, slowly coils liim'wlfaround
'him and crushes him to jelly." This is
the way the Black Republicans and
Know Nothings serve the Constitution,
• one tries to dash it down from the
"higher law" flight, and the other
isrikobeeit in the folds of religious in-
A Queer Blackffird.—The _Somerset
(Pa.) Democrat says that some time last
fall a blackbird came to Mr. Joseph
Snyder's, in that borough, and has since
lived constantly with the chickens. It
has become thoroughly domesticated,
and comes regularly for its food. In
stead of roosting as the chickens do, it
- takes a position on the rooster's back,
who bears the weight of his little friend
with great good nature. But the most
, - singular of :►U is, that it has learned to
crow like a cock, and crows regularly.
more frequently than the rooster, and
seems to be vain of itA accomplishment.
dm Editorial Di/incr.—At Syracuse,
N. Y., last week, during the exhibition
of Reapers and Mowers, a dinner was
given by the editorial fraternity of that
city to their quill-driving brethren from
abroad. Gen. Webb, of the New York
(bowler, was in tho chair, and a jovial
time followed. Every one present was
4ppily called out—every one made a
raponse, more or less pertinent, and as
it was agreed to "sink the ship," no
one was taking, notes. It was a most
agreeable dinner, nor could the saline
aprings of that city furnish anything
equal to the "attic salt " which abound
ed at the banquet.
afirTbe white of an egg has proved
of late the most efficacious remedy for
baron. Seven or eight successive appli
cotions of this substance soothe the pain
ifitdizelluie the burned parts from the
sir. This. simple remedy seems to us
far prererehie to collodion, or even gun
t otton.
I;ELLOW-C.ITI7.ENS of Adams minty :
I offer myself ax a eandilate for the ofti , e
of SHERIFF at the Oatolier election. ..übject
to the Dem .eratir nomination.) If 1 should
be an lurks- as to be nominated and be elect-'
ed, I "hall ple,l2e myself to discharge the du
ties of said ottim• with soriety and fidelity.
110tritpleasant tri., Aril '2.t.). 1657.
SHERI FrA 11:11Y.
TO the Voters of .Idaini co unty :—Enconr
aged by numerotia frirndq. I offer 'import(
as a candidate fur the oilice of SII MUFF at the
next election. (aiihject to the decision of t he
Democratic County Convention.) Should Ibe
nominatet: and elected, I pledge myself to
discharge the ditties of the office with prompt
ness anti fidelity
BOUNTY Land Warrenta, Rack-pay fora
pended Claiina,And all other claim.: a gaimat
the Government at ‘Vaakington. I). C.: slim
American claims in England. Land Warrants
located and srgd. or bought. and higheat prices
given. agents engaged in locating warrants
in lowit,littnois and other Western Stater.
(7/".ltitily to him personsily or by letter.
Si ELTIC. Gettyaburg, Nov. 21. 1653.
rpo the Voters of Adams county- : Encourag-i Edw. E.ll:lChier,
ed by numerous fiends. I offer myself as 3ttnrnr Qt tro,
a candidate for the office of SHERIFF at the
next election (subject to the Auteriem Repub. 'W ILL faithfully and promptly attend to
limn County Convention.) Should"( be elect- all business entrusted to him. Ile
ed. I iiledge myself to discharge the ditties of speaks the German language. Otlire at the
the office moth promptness and fidelity. same Owe. in South Alaltunore street. near
IS; kC LEEPSIL. Forney s drug store, and nearly opposite Dan-
Cumberland tap.. April 13. IS:i7. ner Z.egler'gstore.
Gettysimig. March 20.
Mountjoy tp.. April G. 1657.
RI (,:i§nrEit it.- REcaramis. -
Bounty Land Claims.
f 110 the Inie•i)tmtlent Voters of &dams cn.—.
I Feutpx citizens :--The nn,!ersigned oilers TEE underni.ned will attend promptly to
himself to your connideration an a candidate the collection of claims for Dainty Land
tinder the late act of Congre.s. Those who
for the 0.1.ce of Register and' Recorder of
it.t..e already feevived 40 or 8k) acres. can now
Adams co'tnty. (subject to the decision of the
Democratic Conventton,) and respectfully nn- receive the balance. by esl:ing ern the , :ilev:11-
liens your support and suffrages. Should Ibe her and making the itecen.ary apol:ratiom
nominated nod eleaed. my en'tlenvotir4 .liall JOEL R. II .1 NN Eli.
he to dis-harge t.e duties of thektlice with ti- Gettysburg, :March I. 1e55. ti
dehty and impartiality. —.
Conowago tp.. Apiil :27, 1&57
ItEcawrElt & III:CORDEat. '
11AS hi. Ofike one door west of the fintiv ,
!DO the Voter. of Ailatnn eouritv:—At, Cie
ran chureii, in Cliainhenntur,l iitreet. and
1 .iiiieitation of niiiiieriin. fr..-iii.-, 1 ~ ''or
orturi.ite Grimmer 's ' , titre. where thee w 1,11•
LI V.Pif as a ,il WI '141 . 0., for tile oftuie of ite_;i—
ter ct. Iteeiriliii., at toe next election, (.. o t,i,,t, int: to have any Dental Operation purfuria•
etl are respeetfuly tu%i:ed ni call.
to the decnslon of tie Dinnociatic C iiiniv
of Inv : at F 1.40: Ci:..i : Dr. D. litibert. Dr. C. :C.
Convent . Should I he no:Ili:IA.0,1 a:id
Piie: inch', . Dr. D. Horner. llev. C. P. Kr:loth.
re 1. I ple,l;ze nivi.iilf to tit.eitarg.r the thi-
D D . Rev. Mr, Burgher. D. D „Rev. It?t,i
ties of the oihite to the hoi , t 0 ,:1;• v.
wm. ovEr.DEr.r.,. ' wiiiin. L
Sti.e‘er. M. I:eynoldA, R e v. Prof. M. Jaeuip„
Benilorqvil!e, June S. Is:t7. Pref. M.
_ ._ _ _._ ' (Jett.)seurg, April 11, 1853. tf
itEGiSTER at RECORI)3.R. ■••=v•Nri 1 1.. < ti -,—• - -
4J V . ... - 11-,.. rim, T
FlN)the Voters of Alan's Connty.—Feßow
..,. \i, 'NE% rrt ()rt. OF •EA•oN :
citizens: Iteing evict - imaged by numer
ous friends. I offer :nrelt to your con,rder.ttion 1 - 4 1 kR)IERS. re.... 1 thiq, and then Vi , 711' .. nn , l
as a routdidate for the office of Regimer and I hay. for tt e .4: il !tat e ••;t f •te In ire lon !"
if.....")rder at the next election. (.uhjeet to the 'I ,iili,..rihier co.-, Cil, inettioil o f ,•,;1,,,,
action of the Democratic County Convention.) the iic tl.e le ',lie in 1.-..-teral ti t.iitt
And Apulia I meet% e the nnitination and be v , l'i•Lile 1 , :e...e of ma •ioneTV. Kt) le I
elected,l shall duly a ppreci.ite your ennthienee,'s Patent Hay - Roister and
and promise to discharge the duties of the Excavator.
utile,: rrowpt.'.v and with tidthty. ll•tviry: the
ri,fit. (if all, A !inns conntr, he
Your obedio will
nt servant. sell ei m - . i
ther, acanesior t"n ii hit, ri - ••••tt•i.
Z “:11A1:1All MYERS.
I 11. G. 0.11:1t.
I Tyrone tp.. April 27. 16.57. ; r- , ..?.••A150, nt Oleg:tine Plitc", v.iii rail li.. ip.-
, ...
, cnnun-inte.i with it , fine iitiro :IE:4 a , e. i n ) e
rp o toe V o ter, of if Adam'. count r :—Fetl.ile_ : it ,in in the State for the.r..ttnentoney—cua
' I
Cii . .?.eit-:—Ei , e iurage. I liv the ..,olicita- , '''''' n ' l Y ke p t on l ' r-ivi. -
11.2,..tirin..:•Iiine, r.r.ttly an•le!cs , rjr.nt .:' , 0.,-*.
1 , 0 0 of iiumer,i..., fri.•iid.,, I he - reliv rnnotiliee
inv,el: .1.-• :1 rand. !ate fir the oilice . of R • •••••.er n ', All , l " l ' "t . cuu . ltrY Pr' 1 " , :e 1 .-" e"
in e , :rnange oir
Liii v.-or:-.. .
:l ller, ir.!er, ,iii . ;: • - •.•t t•i the drei , ioit of Cie
I.7ii:on l'iiuutv Coilt ention. Shot.] I 1 i j . h„ ._ . ________ (3 'tt)shurz. M. - -ty I. 1•: i'.
_ _ _
ore•I with A, ur e.,nti.lenee Roil eleetol. I
/;rlO , lZe toy le+: e!l , rt. 1 ,, a faithful and iiii
, Partial oC the duties of the
I .ifil •e. DAVID Meet:I:ARV
! tie:lv:burg. J :Iv G, 1,..);
curcal.: o:"r Et'rti.
rilo voie:l:s 4)1.• ADAms cw•N
TY.—Tile Co. taannar,,ta , frnaoak, ~ ; ?a‘r la:111-cla t.,
your car,,,i,ier,iGan :Is a canaiiaialo for the
f C;ork of the t'ourt4, at the next ~eltatati
I.u!lan4 to Olf` of the I.), : iu,vrane
Couhly ('m% ehtion.) Should Ibe n.1'1111:0,4
and elected. the prti,ple may rvly upon a faith- I
ful discharge. of duty on any atra.
Cumberland hrp., JIM.: a, IK)7.
uvrito\OTilCY. --
E t 2 arc n i l
t t 1 , 1 1 1 , 1 r i : s z 7 : 4 : i t
i t:
t n ., t i t ; t e' l t
tewn, w ill Le a candidate for the ~tim e et
Pr ttlionotnr:,--mbieet to the tleeit,ittli et' the
Detneeritie Couuty Cuitrentiuu—at the ea
suing: t leetien„
J elle 15,
81/0 1 P6 A lilt S3IIOES,
At !hr obi Sbuld in II es! Clozalwi•vlntr, rlrre!.
r lIE tinilersi . gne.l big just purchased a well
selected Stock o' Goods, and Menet: the
attention of the public to his fine asstn tinent of
Gentleinen's. Ladies', and Chil
dren's BOOTS AND SHOES Viti ttio.
These Goods have been ~elected
ith a view to meet the various wants and
necessities of customers. Also. a •Plenai.l a•-
snrtment of Plain and Fancy AITEII . -;
SL I P ERN. of all sizes:and descriptions, made
of vei.y best unaterials..which he is prepared to
sell on as favorable terms as they can be had
at any place in the County. Having been
engaged in the :sMai business lot 30 years. he
flatters himself that he has st levied such
Girds as will give entire satisfaction to all
who mai wish to purchase. Call and elamine
for yourselves.
c'tionts. Shoes, mule to order as
heretofore.WlLLlAM BO YELL
Slay 11. 1557. 3m
Bringman & Aughinba,ugh,
sinr, .111E.ii)!
lITE are just receiving a lot of
flats, Caps, Boots &Shoes
—of the very latest Sprint: styles. and
intend selling at small profits. Call and see
them berme purchasing elsewhere. Remem
ber the place, Paxton's old stand, Chamhers
burg street. March 23.
Removed to Hanover.
FRANCIS J. WILSON, late of the Wash
ington Nonce at Abbottstown„has taken
in Hanover. where he will be happy to enter
tain all who may patronize him. His Table
is supplied with the best the market and gar-
den can afford, and his Bar with the choicest
of liquors. ills Stables are commodious, and
attended by careful Ostte - s. Give him a call.
You will always find FAA'.. on the spot.
ready and willing to make everybody com
fortable. [April 27, 1857.
Spouting' !
GEORGE and Henry Wampler will make
[loose Spouting anti put op the maim.' low,
for cash or country produce. Farmers and all
others wishing their houses. barna, kc., spout
etl, would do well to give them a call.
iku. WA..IIPLER.
April 18, 1853. tf
1 BOXES Oranges and Lemons, in' Store,
and wit t, sdd caeapur than anywhere
eise. Call aad see at
r.4IGS AND 11AISEN.S.—A fresh lot of
Fig and Raisins. jt2 4 t reCCited and fur
sale at E. 11. MINNIGII'S.
GENTLEMEN, do you want to select !ruin a
large and handsome variety of Cravats,
llandkerctners, Suspenders, dre.l If yon dry
call at SCHICK 3.
FLQUR & FEED always on hind at
DoWDER and stioT, the beat invnulac
tured. to be had at Nth:BECK'S.
BONNETS, Ribbons. Parasols and Shawls
to be had very cheap at
CEENSWARE. China. Gls"' and Stone
ware--a large as•iortinint ani selling
cheap. at COISILAN & PAXTON'S.
♦1 your I;ass. Caps. Boots anti Shoes at
/Lingua:lt if As jisiiti.aug4's.
OFFICE on the south Bide of the Pnblie
Sqn.tre.2,lnors of Ole Sentinel office.
Getty burg. August 22. 1853.
(Office removed to one door West of Buehler's
Drng•t fhpult-store.Chambersburgstreet.)
Attorney &Solicitor for Patents
and Pensions,
Area. Frazer, Watch azi Clock-maker,
I 4 , 1 .\i•
.% ays Lc 11.1;;-•
I.v .trit•tArte,.•l t 1, , :-;u0•.• .t;1.1 .t re t
) nwrit aud reLeae p.Ltroll:k r ;e ‘.l
ti • •Ii 0.•-•.
VOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees and
other person: concerned. that the .1.?, ; ,;, , -
i v t r o,,, s hereinafter titentirmid
he presented at the Orphan's Court of .I,l:iiitq
county, fur confirmation and alloaanr•e, on
1/N 17,/u lal of jrr•tnal viz:
(Thee are a portion of those to he pre<ente•l )
161. The .p.econd account of Abraham Sell.
Aihomistrator c. t. a. of Jacob Se ll,
right,) decea,ed.
'2.5. The fir.t an.l final ncennnt of Tames
dumuNtrator of the estate or
Jo! , ” Reedier. (lecea,..e.l.
272. The tit ,t account of Georze
Executor of the last wtli and te.tantent of
Sarah Pore. &Teased:
L';3. The guardianship arcnint of .T•ieoli
ehler and ;mimic) B. Patterson.
f ;gilt. GOZ, I,Actitia l'aLliarne Getz, Nllll
- Patterson Getz. Mary Getz., and . 101 fli
SllOllll4 Getz, Intimr eh:liken of .10)111 t , el7.
late of \lon mi.l( a-ant township, Ail4llls Conn'
1) deceased, (rendered Jacob IVtliler and
George Ehreha t, E.centor of the will of bald
S.imuel B. Patterson. now decease.) )
I",'Ci. The accord account of vt illiam Bit
timer, Guardian orHouand IA stinger, a minor
son of Joseph Bittinger,
27r, Th e thi r d account 14 Willi 401 ttinge•,
one of the Executor.: of Joseph Bittile , er, lAte
of Bern id; trivrnship. Adams county...dec.&
277. The fir.t. account 01 John P. , :tsen-ode
and Samuel Orndorlf. Executor• of the List %% ill
and testament of Sttnnel thmdortl. late of
Moo titjny township. Adams eouyty, decen , , , J.
The amount of Ambrose I.7:Farlankl,
Etteutor of Nancy MAarland, late of Ber
m lel: township, deetased.
\VII. F. WA LT E /,' • 7i , /i;r,
Regiater'R Office. Getty.butrg.
July 13. 1857. td
rpriF: FutsT 11006 of the System of
Engl 4i 4 tammer. :25 cts.
THE Boor. Of the Rational System
of English Gramin:ir, deigned to tench the
proce.s of Analysing the English Language !
with sound judgment ; and the art of using it
with grammatical propriety. 31 cts.
These works are now used in the Public
Schools in the First School District of Penn
Toe TOLRD 1100 R. of the Rational System of
English Grammar, desic,nell to enable the
learner to become most thoroughly acqmiinted
with the nature and use of the PRKPOSITION%
and may be read by him either in or out of
school. 50 ets.
Wm. U. 311CleIlan,
3ttorurti at law.
D. M'Conatighy,
:ittarnrn nt
J. Lawrence Rill, a D.,
car:!/s)v.t L.
L• ))„r- I,), •,,
)I:tv IS, lr
itvgi4er's iutire.
.Tat Tirown-4
sets ■side the old Uraturnara. exposes their fie
fixts, detntmatrates the little use of attending
to them. and presents to the Teacher the un
erring and only way to tee Grammar of the'
English Language. 37i eta./
For sale by Pass GatFres, 118 Alt"'
Street. Philadelphia.
March 2, 1857. 6tn
witor.r.sAr.r. DEALTAS/IN
Bonnets and Straw Goods,
No. 4 N(.rtli Ilowar4 street, up stairs,
(oppnlite the liow•ard Ileume,)
Adam B. li7:l7•rd,
Julin A. Strop" )
May 13, Isll
Ladlex, This Way !
CI 182.1 N & PIX'CON have always on
11. ; ,: di t e 7d N ia k la „e r i r w c ( l l , l li is r e e l l e i. z s ted st , ..k
Shots. GAIT[RS Ayr) Starrsas.Detp
'of all kinds, and at ull prices. No trouhio
allow Goode. May 18.
.t LWAYS ON El AND.:-Silk and Soft Data,
of every description, and for sale cheap.
'at BIUNGLIAN do ArilniNeAtAlt'S
UMBItELLAS, Purim's and Fans can be
foam!. good and cheap, at SelllCK'S.
, waking Soap-10 he hod at
" .1I 7' FR O.V . 17TR rirr.
With a Larger Stock than tver!
\COB NOlLliliCh: has just ret.,-i-e 1 from
OP the city, Inr;-,e stwk of aIZOCEIZIES,
FISII. lar7,est he ba: oTort2,l to
public, and which he is non
his new Ineati.m, A rr'.? 11 thin' a -, !
street. Give him a ez.ll! YOU will lint his
Coffee, Sumer, Molasses, Salt, Teas,
and everything, eke, the beat and the ch.•ap
e+t to be had in town—he hnvinq 1) •ug'it nt
low ratea. nog being determined to aell &at
dt rmnll profita, Recollee. Kerr. old corner,
Baltimore and lligh Streeta. •
IGettyahurg. May 11, 1857.
New Hardware Store.
T:IE sulAcrihers, would respectfully an
nounce to their friends and the piiblic that
they have opened a Hardware Stare, in Ilalti.
more street, a Ijoininz the residence of David
Z;egler, etty..ourg. in which they always In
tend to offLr to t!4e public a lar i p and general
us.sor:inent 43(
ilartlwarr. Iron. 31tr1, Groceries,
rAtt ,
Palnt%, OH4. and Il3e-sitifr4,
in generiti including every deqcrip'ion of arti
cles in the abate line of li-ine-s, to which
thvy invite the a Ile ntirn of Conch- twlli s t
11,,icksnilth•. Carneti;erQ. t'abinet -
S'ioe-infiker+, Kutner:. and getter
al!y. Our stock having been s,leeted with
great eve and f..• cash. we gut.ran
tee (for the rendy Inonev.) to k l,pow of any
part of it on t, ren nabie terms a", tl.ey can
he rtir , •l w d litywhzre.
p ,rtn.u;.,r!s• rtqueqt a rill from r
fri. 11 , 1 , 1. as I elt:n .fly n slotrt• of pith' tc
tarnr.nn a e fire Oty , et nursed to t.. 1 tthli,ll n cliar
ny:er f.r .t ihne t'o„4: fit prices uwi tiumg
liumik.s un frt . pritnnplt s.
GettyThnrg, June 9,
tinder•izrled resfrectrii l .lv aft it
1i211.1g ar,d Okt.. pcf !I , ni I:t•twr - lb it Ow::
lino colon:ruin: 1 the n. 1.1 (intr
in Ulftl.ll.l'e IIC11"
%vitt:re they t, I:I All
of NI r.i‘ch st. 1)1,
and Co•atlion itairau. Tnl.le.: or
an , l r% cry other arLicl, in theii
ALL of tli. I,uNt wr,rlstiialif.l.lll nnd gloti
winch will en. 0,10 tituni to ‘t 1-fr- nt
tn, w A! evior.• ft fr., f c
rit.tde at shu:t no: ice, an,J iii lIR
an. /Os •1
it .ii l'a•n:in anal Ptr,"ri.lz attenileil to,
and d to Ow um:l"er:
pt tees will he kV , I,V 11 4 • loweat, ac
ail 4 , Ii 1(13y pall 01117. t. ihriu Wl.l TIM% it,igl%
- , - 7 . 1.11:lOotr aril country produce taken In
exchange fur worli.
GeUystirg:, 1 7 ,1). 2.1. 1 :-57. 1 y
Savincs ll3titution of _4 cams Co.
cc, tv, • titv.:•iteN fur v. 1) ich
i; t oy. :ntc7c-t 1.014,%%.:
For 0% er 1 , 1 a10w..11 , .. 4 !er ot. per it nrolin.
For 3 volt te•: ~‘er lo 3 per c. pt.
p r trln.:ent th 1. ,, i(1••, :1•,..4
riarl 3 LI , plr" Tit! jr•e ai,le
(.11 d, ~ i .•• !
\ nt I. ca}•i. d )
It" 14. 'I. $1"
F. ) , I,in, :In .'v on \Vc.l-,--re.,‘
trot-:%..1 on ch i p I.,vr ai ft ' li me .
T at , r , , c to hr n;: o w t ol tti 6encv, r C.c de;v)-lic.
an ooli ti t to -. - ),uk). and un each :L. J
an l „~, c~, l•
in Smith We , : ror-er of
Sin•tn•, 111 \t ut i;eorge
ltut fioni 9 k. M. to 3 P. M.. ,i , 11.1 f.r re,mv.
int:.ielimiltes every Laturday, flout 9 A. M. to
6 P. M.
Jahn flron7h. John Ilorner,
Sallow( Otirlwrer.r. (;,)r-ze A rnol.l.
1. I ivm , zelm .I,ke,A) Mu..elman.
D. NI •(7t-tarv, 11. \let.m.ll , 4lly,
Rt.hert limns. John one:
April G. 1•••57.
:fl'e4lical He - tot:1;10n
TliF: 1 ;:!.1) 1
- 1 on 17'..7 . 5 0 i ntra . ... T it ...— TIT fi i ;RR AT OWN
-2 1 T. 't isi.i: iNT '—l he vim. •-i - di..e1...e oa
ten in 16.•.; its w.iy to the internal orenns thm'
th e 1 ,,,,r ( .• of the .Lila. This nenetra title. Om:-
ment. iti:iiim under the hand a , . it is ill tohed
1.1.15 ft i.....)r;tc.1 thro.igh the same ehannel, and
reaching the seat of inoainniation. ;yowl-01y
and mi.-it-Italy s:th.lties it. whether lt.e.stell in
Ow lodney... the liver. tin” Itinzs. %IT any other
impoetamt organ.. It penetrate. the surface to
the interior. through the countless tubes that
entimitiniza'c with the shin n , .. , 11111111 Cr r3lrl
' pasmis into the fevered Birth, daubing Its cool
and regenerating influence.
S, ~ 0 - . .'II it ' 1,, 7 '' r- ,Co. '7n , - , i.
i Every sp, ries of exterior irritation is quickly
redtie..ti by the ant i-iniiintlinin tory avii-ill acing
Ointment. Angry Er 1111601 1 ,.. , UCh as Salt
litactins. En-swells. Totter, itim 4 win tn. Scald
1 Iva& Nettle 111.. h. Scabies (or Itch) &c... die/
out, to return no more, tinder its ap , , , licatitio! i
Hospital experie:m? In all parts of the w 0,4 1,
, pruvos its Itila:lthtlity in diseases of the ,eltin, '
i the musdes, the jr.ints and the ,llands. ' i
ri,-,•f. 5'1,?... or I ro.o.Arv./ 1
The eflicit or this unrivaled etterryti remedy
' upon S , rofilla. nail other virulen!..itleers and
sores. is almost' miraculous. It ikr!..t discharg .s
the poi-on whi,:h produces strripuration and
proud tle.h. and thus the cury's V 1 hich its heal
ing tooliertitios aft.irwat d corninete are safe as
well as tiermanent. 1
Illmad.'s, IL lt,se.?, .1) -rat, and .Gilds.
I) li ~ ib.,, l'. N,•tiest. ,
All irregularities
,ind ailments incident to
the delicate and sclAitit e organs of the sex ate
removed or prevented by a few doses of these
mild. but inftttlible alteratives. No mother
who regards )ter own or her children's health
should fail to have them within her reacts. 1
/...1-; tt'itir En-bma. ',cats,
The ndon ••Lancet," the London "Medi-
cal lie ew e " and the most eminent of the fa
ulty ' Great Britain, France and Germany,i
hate eulogized the Pills and their'inventor.
ifollotrayi Pills are the best 'remedy known in
the world for ihe folloteinq (lige , : let :
Aattimia . Debillty Liver Compleints
1 Sorel C4mplainb lever sal Apo Lowness of Spirits;
eraigns /*orals Cow- Pile.
Cold. .
plaints 'hobo and Gravel
Dias's'', thwiseers E4entstary Symp.
Coetiveneas I otigiaetlon Loma
Drayepeia 101 l ovnta { - enema' Affections
1 Iherrtwes Intia.n..eitien {Torun ur all k i this
. Drop..., 1 tiwar . .l. V* eAktleill
4 ,'Sold at the Manufactories of Professor
Ilobbowar. itiO Maiden Lane, New York, and
244 Strand. London. and by all respectable
Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout
the United states and the ciailized world, in
boxes at 15 cents. 62i, cents, and 31 each.
g'There is a considerable raving by taking
the larger sizes.
N. B.—Directions for the guidance of pa
tients inevery 111 . -order are attired to each box.
'Zi - caut 100 i—None are genuine unless
the words ••11, .1).:c.z . ./..V, is / 1 ,-/, m”/ ,r,nmh, ~"
ate discernable :ts a ir thr-mrtk in every leaf
of the bock of &rectums around each pot or
box ; the same may be plainly seen by,'l,, , , , im f
MI /cart') Om li-lin'. A handsome reward will
be given to any one rendering such information
' as may lead to the detection of any party or
parties copnterfeiting the medicines or vend
ing the same, knowing them to be spurious
Aug. 25. 1856. eowly
axles have been increasing since their first in
, treduction, giving evidence that the articles,
1110N7 FORGE r to call at SCHICK'S, all truly possess that intrinsic merit claimed at
IL , ye who wish to purchase choke anklet' i first for them by the Manufacturer.
of Perfumery, II Lir B: usher, Soaps, sod 1 Orders. addressed to the MinefactotT, No.
everything else in that line. 416 RACE street above FOURTH. (old No. 1
- --- --- -- ----- --- ---------- I 145.) Philadelphia, will receive prompt smell.; e ALT! SALT! I SALT!! I—Just received,
fiIIILDREN'S Shoes of every variety and! tion by -1,0 in fioo order, large and well-filled hili:kB, i
I. . 1 size. at Itstsnwtx .t; Autitums.aUGtl . s . l JOSF.PII E. HOVER. :Ittnufarlo:.....r. '. for bale at the lowoet rotes. at • I
Itut:cessors to %1. W. Tartan April 13, 1z.. , .37. ly f 'E. 11. MiN NIGH:S.
:;;F ;:3:.u„
A N N 1' f P. 11
1 ,0 0 los been
(Fart(;} Tint , Nr..
Eußr.r, ARNOLD.
DU I rilli V.
:. --
- --- ITT— - -.,•-,,,- -•
• ..,--.. , -- -, - - . .....,
CIIOICE FA11,31 'TAINTS To tilos° Win) Want Farms.
ir riE Illinois Central Railroad Company 1 EVERY MAN. •
1 is now prepared to sell about
1.400,000 Acres of
I made arrangements by which all ohm de
,el v. ? r., i f f l , . 7 , 1 ..-- ft .-> ifve . . v•••••:: ... r 4 ....% eN, sire to settle or purchase a home can 4,, . 0 .
,:-(1. , ..(L ::;-z. , e.',..1- , LL;I-i'd 4i5ij. 4411 : 2 9 The Farms ocnsist of the hest limestone
in tracts of about Fintri acass, en !wry ercalttsv; soil of the rind superior quality for farming,
au at low rale' of infrrry,' , r. lin a rapidly in place, ittto which an
' These lands were granted by the Covent- I extensive emigration is now pouring. The
ment to aid in the construction of this Road, I property is located in Elk chanty, Penney!.
and are among the richest and most fertile in' y am ,. in the midst of a thriving population
' the world. They extend from North Eastand of some EO
M. I The climate is perfectly I
/fond West. through the middle of the State, ' healthy-, and the terrible plague of the western
Ito the extreme South. and include every vatic- , fever is unknown. It also has an aliundanee
ty-of climate and prodnctioas found between of the bast quality of Coal -and Iron. The
1 I thosewaxl'c s of .at t c.
The Northern price to buy it out is from $3 to $:0 'per acre,
portion is chiefly prairie. interspersed with payahle by instalments. to he blo a t e d a t t h e i
tine grovels. and in the middle and Southern tone of purchasing, or a share of 25 acres en-1
sections timber predominates. alternating with ;t • • i
•org t.) loctce tilt. Ramp far :..1.;;;;, - ) . p „.,.. 1.00 1
beautiful prairies and openings. i,:.: -, pi:. month, or 12'1 nercis payable •:..I1 per 1
The climate is more healthy. mild and equn- month. Diselmtit—for every sum of tt I,io „,,,,i 1
• ble, then any other part of }the country—the un.ler, paid in ttfivonc.o, a. di4e•mnt of 5 per'
! air is pure and bi•azing, white living streams cent. wll he itilowed, and - for over ‘ 4IUO a die-.
and springs of excellent wattr abound. co•int of 10 per ecrlt.
Bituminous Coal is extensively mined. and Inc tncitlei•ir: the advantages nf .onigrating 1
supplies a cheap and desir a ble fu e l. beiag fur- •to this immlity tit" folio wiml, are presented: 1
; nished at many points at S 2 to $4 per ton--- 1',,-,(_That soil is a ri:il I:or:stone. napahle
and n nod can be had at-the same rate per cord. ' o - raisine• the he tvitr.t. crop.. owing t, whieh
Buihling Stone of excellent quality al-• , 0 this settlement has attuned its proient ;;reat ,
abounds, which can he proctired for little more prosperity. I
than the expense of transportation. ' ~.••••woi—lt, is the centre of the great N')rth I
The great fertilily of these lands, which are Vt',..t eIA 11,cit , , and i ; d.. ! i t i l; el soon to 1,,
a black rich mould from two to five (wet ' l •l'er l, e i,im . oioli of il. •
...r.i.ttee; liusine.s Maio. s in the
na i l gesitly rollirg,—their donti•-oitY to this S a te . It will the r•-•elt 1.1 , t „ market,
R:,-td. by whirs every fvcility isfornished for t•,• • .; !,;17 t , - . , •,uktm amt t,-avel the groat
travel and transpottntion, to the T-11. , ip'l c.t. ; n ti,el:: ..... 1.) It has ;its w,,rkaYe Nerii:.;
markets Nortti, South. East and Weo. and ,f t:te he.: 1'..t1, 3 : 11 ., n , c oi l, au-,,, li atii, g i n
the econo:ny with which they eon be colii-a. ' A., ~.1.:77.:-.::- i •t• to over 1.•:.! feet, ti-:iich t i i i i ii
tied, rentifir them the nie.t viliiable incusit.irtit .2.2: , i.l io.l, ~' c. :I mile:. ea •ii a.•:-e. Tiii
that can he round : :and pettNent the most fa - W :I 1.1;'...( 0 't i ' 1 tllt or i•te-.tiln.llAe vai•-.e,
cernlile oprnrt'inity. ter pers.-m.of Mao...ions T . 1 ., e :1. , :.•`.t ,ta:11. r•Ool•)::1 , i, Dr. ( . 11.:3 T.
h„ bit, amt ..11,,,i1 Oit.2:lg, to acqoire a comfort- , Jl-k:,-1, ~ i 3,-t•on, has ricilti a, , 1..ri...,1
abl e in hip, II Ii 11 , :e in 3 I . CW' fear-. .r 4. wiri ey of t 1.1-11, an 1 analy--e 1 the ,, e‘.. 1 1, ite
ellie'v4o k the greet e, t , gra i n market in the' it ~t ore u 1,1 the time +tonic. 'Phis N I ) §l-t; r„-
world—an 1 the facility and economy with ..ether with maps will be -furnishvi to in
which the protlocts of these Inn-!s cell by , 1 „j, . r ..
tratkporte I 1.0 that market. mule thorn much For:.•'..—Tl,ree rail rt):11.4 are 1-1,',1 ~n t tiluLu'
Imre priti:al.le. at the prices naked, than this pr •I e,-•:-. The Sanlitiry no 1 1:-:e i!-1:1-
th.).qi more remote at government rates,--a... r •..•i ; , :i• e• a : a in trltet for our eiini t,i t!:t.. ,
the ad Litton ,1 cost of tra usportat lon is a per. 1., ‘,,,., _ t ..,, „ from 1.`...i, it Pull p h.i : „: .i. A
petual bit the hitter. whi,:h must be borne 1.,, :: • ; ,....- t ~,,- ; 1,1., r ,„, I ;,,,,, b eer , ii..,:,:,,. I, .., i
lie the orwl , ,c,fr. in the ictfuccti in I.:v. he re- i . ;I IA- ill .:'1 ,.. 111'! 0 , I,•r. A lie.tvv- :1.-, - is
c ,;••(,. f r h•••,;zr•tin. • Iri , •11 r,,,l4 our i•I
I",e v,rfvot—if).l w'aeri t h,. ( 1 , i „, 11 „
11 1 :1.k. arc by r . : ,•••1,•r: a w:.;.• 1 1
1;••• S , u'o• , thd 11,1 , 1 . r . O Valloy 1: 1"r..1,1
‘viin•ii tit:e i. Vt 2,01. 11) L',e por,-`ll-er,, •1 1 . •, -*,•, 1 'co x :to I A:. I !'.I t--
w;. , 0.11r..y nl. , y‘tt;e LILtK 111 •
10 Voita.l4o u♦
!car of ry ante, 0 . ,, v, - ,. 1.
lien or :nnr,g•tgC
aro , .1e g , e) , l Ther. , 4l:o
• 1' •d r,11,1! , ro.! •:1 thcs ~e.r•v, , •
• • Twoo.y I , 'rlde r •
!,e , •; - 1 opea, I t., B:••, , miar.htte t
de 1 tNrvl Irn n i e rredit 1;1. .• a. n :Ind ~,n 1
cot' Ion.: cr.
11 , 1t..4 111 V1 ) • , IC in '2., 3. 4..1 nnil ti tear: nl ' lrr o 0p71,7 , r..•"; orpril to it no.-;.f.
4 ile. an.' Ire re , i.,:re,l to improve 0,,e-tt nth f. , I • , :•,
nn'iwt . 1 ' , IV' v. , 4, `z• FU n 3 t" IrtVi •111' r .111 • .1.• a I eo.-y IN • a• 1 a
tl. e land to eu;tleatont, it the eni of that or k-I ,, elte a. , 1
uric. d • a., , .111 t• L'a" Y.
Competent Surveyore win iterompfiny N the 1-0.- et ••r hitt
tt ho weM In examine th e , e I,amk. free of kt, t 1 tit`C•l7 hi tot , , `lti , •.ll , llt. It ;.
uaml Aid them in making seleePoos. ~%; to tt:e of
The Lin Is ri.iirtining unsold are 001 ;on n p.. p." 1.1.., w:).•r.•
aryl valuahie . ns those which littc LaTti did- s - ne.e the
po,e- 1 of. i,t ile I 4•
will he sent to IrY One I ••••!: it.; i t 4) Coe M. Cil 'I
who w.:! ettelo4t•liriy emit.: in Po,:qhze S•nhe Te 4, t p.,t 1 ,, w . 0 : . .he'.,ae•s mhq llal 1,
or Paiohleig. enntr.inmg nima r- , ti,a; A
on: "h -" rc..ful f"'"i" . 2 . •litv. I; .t !•••-ea ta.;,em..;
e ,., ; „„- a nd e in I well kt,,wn Itr nrrc Itylr.;.! h ;,-;;-..• • ,
t h e 11 ,,,h i h re y e w?) of R ihirna , l Ltml , , thhnor,„7l ! . • ;,
not the Sta;e—al , n the Mel oh tenant!. m;4_.e er: , ; ..•
or eat;l2. e i, n,o ,)f htri 11,1 e,!.! ..rk,,t
(~r. —or arr toL.roi ttitfi —.will he e.,e,
no-•llention. t...•hor I -. I
I. ;It r. Fre:oil or th•r:on... •
r•cd to ‘‘ H 1• •1 I'
i . „ t," nr , 4)•••• 1••• • I! Vn
CA:00 ul 1.i.11 ,, RN 42e:4,4.11 L tII V. 1./ be-
p. , :. I
r.:l , izi;,••:t;ire (*p,::g):,-.113 - .
4 , .11`1T 1L `:. 17, 1 1. - 25 e rr rets itt,itrv)c.rc. i n •.: ~i .0 •!.- 1:1..,
I. any pall of I lic• S:N(e. tunins'l lo,a by lire ; ' ' ,'''''
' '''• I " i ','
pred tt
yntly adapts iti npyrlians b, tt.. , ie... '
1r: I'''r-.,.1. •!I l' i - a.t L ..e c..mly apal:eation. sp
ecs : all , nali ample indemnity, and prowptly Hy ..r v. - i 4, ~ •••,. re , .try, N..
udjust.: it"; 10.c.e5.. W.11. n , t :it”t4e., 4 , 4 ,0.- ViAh. l'..ti:a•'.e.l-
VlArni calmly i.: reprveented in the Board I''',"- I ,;,..., earofultly awswure4 givin4
01 lanai;ers by ll , n. 1f , c.r. , .. NI - Cis. ts. ta:iincr..:litti-n.
WAL 31,'CLF:1N. I ',if. S'a : ~.. 0.- tr let% of 1.1:1,1 ran II? ban^ht e , r
fume at at .k. W. .lize/a.13. Uttey+burg. ' ' "VT .( i .' I.•'. 0 , 0.1 . I. ~ i. 14 !he fil-t ; a ... taintea•
May f2G. VoLu.
. / /fi.-e ('. ,:l L--. w . ,•‘:l the , a , .- r.l, w•li I,e
/1, •.1• •1 -. it:i ~., •,:.. :1L1...-. .c .. W t-ra".;tvo
:i •••.1" ,r; • t •I. 1' ~,• L.LII a 1.., p0r01ia..,..0 Iron/
Nz - vs - Gap:N.-71(9N rirra,
( 0 r,, , p,';:: ; it N' .r..0,i. co. hnv.ig.t. Tzi,-
1 P
e•I C• 01.1 M:a le;pitha a haml,oue I . mo t .
tot at of Goo la, bilitatile for tht he.i.sny. Our
scoc:; of
P.S::::7 , :a .3.1 e Cl3Vaia ,
aril al Good: in that 'me. k eve I,e. Olen?
(•;.,..h... ( 1 , -,:mre..('.l,ltinel el s. Pry I)etale.
Ltreni, Ve-titr.:.‹, Pri11utza.47.....te.. Col Rad
see us. If we' comtot li t el : you in a garmrot
readpinade. we have on Tallorx'y
cutting it and makiii , p.. and e to m ike yo u '
a L:nrownt upon qitor ii ice. and in :he r c ry
be‘t. manner. Oqr ricei cannoi. be M it
Give us .i. rail. / Ma•eit 3 '. 'ST.
P. S.—l liar 2 e/.wn Mr:J. C. (;11•11n Rll to-
Wrest exprr<...l for the pogrprNe of Act ilituz op
t h y old ini.•rAicg. I h a v e now been opera:m.4
37 ycarg anti hive never until now detertmthal
to settle ,Alp my Inisitic , R gent:mill% Th“ , e
tltere:ol/ •v ho are ioikillett to me. cithei by
!land S, , te or I{towßeCt.l l lll:, will pl. , t,r_. Bali
an I a y the same. tik.:o-11-INOLD.
Arch 30. 1: , 57. tf
_ ......_—_—____ •
Do You WWI Bargain:4!
", SO, r. , ) TO
Curner ,)./ tits Di:oso/o2 and AO 611tOre Afecel.
11 C z,ss jolt setcriisl fr )n) Ha
ig) • d.• 4) r,t ‘ri;+! n. 1.41111711 , 144,,e0n-i.:i.itr, of Ilia. I
'red C: C4s-linere... , t
;1•1,1 Mt:ortl ; S:;;
Gat"tia,leA and Linen Goad.. fir
m i d St t. Sir:, and lklsti.willus restin;r:
Sasperiers,C:avats. Pos:cry.
an• priot!A to gait the timos—c Inch
wistiiii4 a cxriplote audit, would
dl very well to exanainei
roit THE L.ADIES.--4tllt re !o.ived n superior
a••ert.nent of Black Sae, which I,e add.
t ow ; Tierc.te de La:nes, Ginr,bani•,
1l illinnts ,Calicoes, Irishl Li tien%. Swiss, ,•.t
and Cambria 31uslins, Detted Swiss and Plaid
Mullins, Gloved+, liabhons, Collars. lb-ess
&e., ka., nhi,h for Varioty, ex
cellence and cheapness Cannot be surp.),sed
in this market.
tfarilecjillect, that although there is. a
great rush to Sehick's fur bargains, all eau be
iwerommolated. No trouble to show Goods.
Therefore call in, and examine the largest,
richest and cheapest stock you ever laid yuttr
Gettysburg. April 13, 1K,7.
Bover'4 Liquid Bair nye.
DID HAIR. D 11.: needs only a trial to ;sat
isfy all of its perfection as a 1) 1 ... - and the
following testimonial from that eminent Anal
tti C,,einist i PrOfessor Booth. of the C. S.
Mint. will only confirm what thousands have
proiously bone testimony to.
Philadelphia, Feb. 17th, IS;7.
"Being well acquainted with the tiub.stances
composing L r or - r 1 .11,1"g0i,///a;r I am sat
isfied that by fallowing the simple directions
given for its u , c, it wilt not injure the IL,ir or
skin, but will give a mifuruta.,,i u'urable caw.
to C.c., 114 r.
.TAuns C. Tknirn. An , 71), , f; ,
It,rer'x Fluid, and 119rer'x bid liult lima, ara
too well known and introduced to require 3ny
additional testimony of their character
*.t iat
i 01..i'
~i~ is ~,
, 1 .511,1
u.•t• f. I . r,rlf. on the
,ilo , 7.Pot 1.
t t*. 1,1,•• t• '
11 1 14.1 T..- 1..1. t'
•.:.11./, ::- 1., t11.....1.;.tat for pr iwrty at
i~..T .0
J :the
, .
TIT I v f) rr('r.r.v).
C Pt . !: IC TM: 01'T/11 , 31.
WhO ye Ir. VW? ienVe aS n Pink
ie; er and Ptihii.;!er, and an 0.4)r 4.1 .
.1 :••;•• L r ),•., •i • '
worn, frs- If) q, over
PP 1 . 77 m 50.04 ' 0 NW(' _/T:5
_ .
Greettli hin t ontli rountl4 ~r nl , l , l3ltie. while
he exhiintei the manner in which Conti•
ierfettersi ext•eiite their frauds. s.nd the
buret And ghoNeet means of
Detecting than ! •
The Bulk Note 1:n..; aver.; all sit!: he is the
greatest Judge of Paper Money living.
OF TiIX I , 3l , :suAT ex , Trvi Pon
••Desenblng every I;enuiat, 13:11 ill CNlstl:llCe•
• and e‘..i , l'nung. at a gl.mcc. every
Countcrfl•it in Ci-cul.ati,m:
Irrn ngetl sn Eniralliv that ItErERENCE 13
fry"No tvdii w e'Ca , timv Nu page to
klitins lip! lit so sirtmli tied and arrant:lA
Zthat. the Merchant. the 11.1itker and .Busidess
wan can see all at a Glance.
tan ,l #7-rmlr.
sari et: Tom; t'6.
Also. at lia of
• ALL Mt riI:V.I , E AX , RICA .
; A Complete Sminary of the Finance of
iEuroix. kflil America will be published in
...teach edition. together with all the intpor
tent News of the d Iv. Also. ,
From an old Sliuttiacript found in.the East.
• lurnishes.the most Complete Ilictory of
g Describing the most Perplexing Situations
tat in which the Lidie.l and Gentlemen of that
ri oo'mtry have been so often mind, Thee
aa Stories will continue throughout
• the whole year, and will
*prove the most entertaining ever offered to
l.• the public..
Ir7Fnrniahed Weekly to Subse--ibers
only. at $1 a year. All letters must be ad
dmeased to
_____ _ t
JOHN S. DYE. Broker, 1 Flout*: Flour S .
Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall street,
... , lirllE nthlersigned continues the Flonr betsi'. ''
April 27.1857. ly New York. AL nes.; as heretoftwe. 11t. sells hv the hereof."'
---- — .!/ -
%Cr any smaller q.lantity: By taking PNALI:: , .
.000 nor. lint v els untl'Forlioi. I PltoFers he can buy as high and sell as lee? atir""
IIA VING just received of our own imp 17 • ' aormolY else, sari h3;,41 ways endearortnettE.W
tation. from Engl.l,ll, a large and, ex. i keep none but the bet,. he hopes to:nemadd!' •
ten:ore a.".s tr.:me:it of C.:C.ery, we invite the receive a con:Nl:lance of liberal, pntrons,get ' io-o
att en tio a of tb.,se in want of any style ofl VOl. GILLKSPIE,
Knives and Forks. Carvers, Nut Pies, Sic., to! Oct. 8, 1855. At the Post Offetc - .
core aid examine. We will sell at such I - IGIIT -DAYillirty-honra;i: - .11171na ."' ' 1
prices as will dety competition. Also. a large i
tt ..hortment, of Ta'ole Forks, which will ho sold FA floc ks and 'll me-pieces, Watches', And
separately. Don't forget to examine the! tine hit of Jewelry, at nt FAHNESTOCKS'. 1 i - 3 001'S AND SI.IOES mado to order, of the 1
I ,04' . Conntry .lerchants can be supplied at best material, and by good woricrnent-•
a small advance. .May 18. Call at Bring-man it; Augkinbarcgk's. ' , • 1
QILVEII.—A fine lot of Silver Spoons anti o ;
0 Silver Forks. as low as city prtcos, now.'
to ballad at SCHICE.',S., cal soon, 4
as thes' l ' . •
sell rapidly., - .2' vs
AriAMPIIT Bags, Trunks, Hvolureilagt Ands,
'kJ Copes, at COBEAN .5, - . , PA-yiTo).i!'B.li3..*
''l4 ONNETB, Ribbons and flowers, inlatei •
.A.) assortment, at SolltOK4l..idif
rpr.usics, Carpet Bags, Velices, &c., of
,1 beat. quality, and low rates. at
Chair & Furniture Establishment
.\..?rfls ( y I.lrerf, near Fayette,
where are kept ala - nTs <ln hand, or made to
order, every-Fr:vie of Preneh TETE-A-TETES,
nail, Cloth or:Brneatelle.
Fre:toil Full nitd Mt lallion P4rler
ARM CHAIRS, in Plnsh, Hair, Cluth or
Fre A , • 11 Ftlll Stull" CorrH PARLOR
CLI4III. in s ets, Cloth or
iir pkst t
S9FAS:Intli" Frei' Spring Mahngany, and
Waii.ut Pariur CIIAIRS, in Hair, Cluth. 9r
r7T.1111.5--yarious'dosi , ms
0 I
Hair, CI , tli r.n
Stn'Y Soring: LOUNGES --a large•nrolartl
rapot (Yr :uy pattern made
f. , 1 1r; th nnr _f14.49 tnordnr.
CIIAMDE it Si, i TS—in Ibl:tlior„any •or
\Valour. e , ninl-te, From s:i4 up.
I`iL.'l.l:itS and .I:o4:king do.—the
ready mode la any our
lino-e in the Uaited Stnie.,—fruarsl2. a di:F.-
Bar Rv- n, 071 t..• and D!ning CTIAIRS, in
0t!:. Walttat .or :441u t,:arty, with Calif\ iVirool
or i Sent!s—an wisurtinent embracing
11"'.,1 tt CHAIRS anti SETTEES mutt
C! air • or 10;1 .11.7.i5f1. •
MAT' 2 . 3 N ,, ri.h (lay Street;
near Fayette street/
Mae 1 tz:l7 ly
. .
xr d AA r con \ It( 10 TTONS The an
4 de •4:111 , 1 veturnq his 'thanks o the publics
tor the enenor tartitent lo:retort, • eatt•ntleti 14i
irm, and take. p'ensure in tut) uncing that he
ha,. comp', tt•ti Atringements• by, „ 1 ,, 4
hit DAILY LIN ,S of ;1 4 . , ;./tr4"
e.••!'t run hetweet q•
her !Lino% to knnoo with le trains .
to nut hoe) srr. York. IhrritArtrg. , loon. desiring ticketA or
int“-:•• won tr d c/1 on the untlen•tzned. dr on
T I - tr. ~I,et .12:itt., at 1,11)1 Eagle
Hotel. In t' ti
S;.ecta attonton given to nil packages, •
or oLlt r •:•• tinrtn•Lvtl to the ander
t.i4tteti 1. toot,. tie tt)t.blit ' tt• and Hanover._
a loch ill by promptly anticarefully attend
oti tn.
))). wtrell he will be able to Rupply
y(•acties. Raze;. Ihr FiinerAla and other
OCC.lsluiiS. at kutelem:e rlinrgeti.
t(ielllol,‘S WEAVER. .
Gettrshiug, April ':;.1557.
• i.
i • it
•, : ,
"i; a i" 1:rIai1, nt the
Y it trl)Xlirr Store, No. 4 .lti
SiAlCi, C./I r,fgon.ry,Philu-
r tr 1 :
• • i .ii• 1
t ; t;;''lrq. rill jeweled. IS mint
f ;:!•I It, rarnt.?.24 60; is .111.1 i% tied. $l:2 AI: Silver Le
ie e!• i) , uperior ti.tartiert.t47 00
•I i : fine Silver do. t' , l 51.1:
6.1.1 . I'd; I.Adies' Gold Pencil 4.
el U I; ›.ll%er :v.l Spoons. set. 85 00; Guild
Pen:. wlOl an , l .tive:. holder. 81 00.
Foyer 371 cents to $l1): Watch
cents,; patent 1M: Lutuet
f:5; 0:11.2r artie!Li in wow). Lion. All goods
warranted to be w'olt they are sold far.
1 a " out
The nndcrsi"Hell hnq t 1.4) effected nr-
('~~. ~
5rA171.71".3 & 111GLEY
On some gol I nn,l Lo•ers Ina
Letnn.A. , :till lower than the above prices.
tlrma,e.! r: 0:d Stand.
. revectfolly inform• his n1(1
Gr • cit-totion, au.i thy puhllC getricrally.,lll%;:
11tcontinii , sInc :.„t /XI: Lti:Sl,.lla%i 4 l, ,
ht, .141 `,nth Baltimore street.
%% %ere he tie !nippy to accommodate Ilt .
ho tnny rittoniie littn. Ali work entrusted
to his care warrant( 41 , o fit And be of mist soh: ,
stan'ill Thanlaul for past favors, lw
solicit , a cuatinuance td public patruarge.
~. 2, - ;.i : i q.e(i NauLniir
• are rurvivol. ( 4 311 and see thtua.
Grttyhbutz, A jail 9. ly /5.
19 Pyr Cent. Interest. .
;3.IVINtIS 1:.;S H.TuTtos.—tp,
.1.. you tvant to hiv:.t your merry
rert.wi le;nrn Of g,mta interest, svul at the, vole f trw,it to your families that which
et.! Ie proti.ftt,le and rseful—huy ail your
Goowl- at faha?.:,to:.:l - .4' Cheap Sta - e; TiwY
n.eclie4l. an , l are eettstatutli
in cry thin.: new awl JeSiralilu to their stocif,.
April 27, .tts37. tf .
'1 -
_ . ,
rew --, • •
irigke :try to
:r~ inform LL.e Li iii' of urvrn and •
that she is now prepare,tl to esecuui 3tillintirryr
in all its branches. iliWest'Aliddle street. 11,t
few floors behrc 31... George Little's store.—'•
Work dome n!,eiper man - elsewhero in, town:
Please call WO .:Ce. • • '
21, •
D - c. iaand Ton Or.
TOHV woairros. F f st4inritiltle Ramer? '
n. 1 ,1 ran at all times he fituntil'
prepared to attend to the calls df the people. at
in the Diamond. adjoining. the-
County From long experience. 'ho•
flatters himself that he can go through all the
ramifications of the Tonsorial Department
with• such an infinite degree of skill. as will
meet with the entire satisfirlion of all *ho mar
submit tkeir chins to the keen ordeal of roJ
:ors. Ire hopes, therefore. that by his erten- •
tion to busilie..s. and a desire to please. he wilt•
merit as well av receive. a liberal share of
patroriage. The Aid: will be attended to at
their titivate 'dwellings.
Gettysburg. Jan. 8, 1855. tf
i- The Ladies 0.
Tl lt
lITIEL f. it to their alrantat7e to enll 1 4 •
1..0m track BrurhPr.. nn,l fa,,e
largo and' h , , stock of Sillm, Cirilli4. Lawns,
Du •alg, Tam' i11e.,1), - lainC 4 , ealic ,, es, Ging'.
ham*, Sc., wt ,•11 rare xollin" ehear. at
I'AUSESI'OCK 10.07'1IEllS, ''+,
Siya of the lici Runt. ' ~..,
Aril 13, 1357.
___ ---------., •