U The Vice President ci 'refel's," of the Ne , e , Okserrer, who is travelling. at the Sonth, was lately a guest at a weld in, in Lexing ton, Ky., where he met the lion. John L. Breckinridv, Vi,•o Pre...lent of the United States. lie thus describes his person, manners awl (hone-ale state: "John e. Brockiiirhige, Vice Presi dept of the United 6iates, was one of the pots at the wediling. The rough portraits of him, that starel everybody in the face last fall, give but a poor likeness of this ry man, who, at a youthful period of life un exampled, has been called on to pre side over the most august body of men in this country. Illy term is tali, erect and codimanding, his countenance grave and thoughtful, his manners smooth and gracefnl, anti his+ conversa tion indicates a sober, intelligent and thinking man. With a lovely and ac eoinplislied wife and sweet children, he 'resit>h in a modest cottage, but one awry high, shaded deeply with old trees, a little way out of town. I could not but admire the simplicity' of our reptiblimn institutions, when I saw that this great people have come to this embowered cot, to find man to preside over its Senate, and perhaps to fill its eiukir of state." Lotto. from Brigham Ywing.—lt is stated on the . avenue that yesterday the President received from Brigham Young a letter expressing gratifleation at being about to be relics-LA from the - labors and cares of federal office, and - pledging himself thatt he Mormons will treat aU the foleral officers he may send to the territory well, provided they prove to be honest men, who attend on ly to the legitimate discharge of their !official duties. His letter is further said to be replete with abuse of the re turned territorial United States flte tionaries.— Wax/finibin Star. 9r" , Gallo . of 101,11.-,ll.—The Al. !Any Expri , ,, state.; that the greate,t Lilliuril tnatell eVer 1113th` iu thIN CO(111- - try is NilOak' offiretwvert L. J. Bighorn, the groat .Nifoany player, Mtelisel Phelan and IZa Benjamin.— These three gentkinen are said to be the greateit billiard pl tyers in the world. The mateli is to take .either in New York, Philallelpht: or Baltimore. AS:yria n l / 4 , at.—A !refitletuan of .11. „sbama received from tho Patent ()Ake r some, spring wheat frolt the 11Oly Land, which he sowed laNt .-I ,l 'ing• It CUDIO to maturity iu seven M pro *lacing a large full head, v.ith a berry in every 'resp ec t equal to the original.— This ivhot k reputed to ripen in Syria in sixty days from sowiii* It will thus be Seen that our climate lukteued its period of maturity eleven clays. larThe common vouncil of New Ira yen (Connecticut) have orilervil the Alia-tabus tree,. to be cat down, on ac count of their (li:olgreeahle odor,. SiirCharlott 0.1 one- .llc y Fife, an.l ltorittoo Stewart, recently ( ictc4l of murder at 3!cliec:la.rt, l'a., have Loco sentenced to h e (wog, gek_We know a watchryaker's ap prentice who is so ngly that he has only ln look at the tuo.,t obstinate watch to auako it run. ifiirTo pickle pesivhe: take three pounds of hugar to one quart of vinegar. Spice them—pour the vinegar and su.-ar on cold; then yet the jar in m put o f boiling n•ater and keep it there will' they boil. Sure Enntigh.—The Ilo , ton Post wants to know' why credit ^honld not he given to .physioians in noti , :es of deaths, as well as ministers in notieos of marria ges. A newspaper announcement read—" Died at the halals of 1)r. sad dlebags;-John Doe, a4ed so and so." 1116 r The Big Sqfe. wens uri ng.sl feet high, by di feet wide, ald veighin 4,31;‘) !spends, lo w been attracting much attention at the offi ce o f the Flassa'.s.o.ll MECILIVIC • 4 SAVING ' S iNSTI- Trrirl in S. NV, corner of the public square. Everybody neatly in town has been to see it. Our trifinsils form the country have been and are stilt dropping in, to see this, the largest Safe ever brotNll.7 into the county. this Safe furnishes another ground for confidence to depositor*. Tile security for the deposits they make is of the saine char acter, and as extensive as those afforded by a bank to its depositors. the stockhul4e..s in the one and the other being in the same manner liable The safe keeping of the ninnies and the security to depositors thus afford a donbte safeguard to those thinking of depositing their monies arkere, insteii , l , ;flyine, idle, they will produes inlerest—in the Sarisig's lusti tetios. !'The greatest natural ornament to the " human form divine." is unquestionably a fine, luxuriant, healthy growth or hair. h has been so esteemed in all ages of the world, and among All nations, savage and eivilizettl the Indian ltrale regards the scalp Of his enemy as his greatest trophy. For a similar reason, tho fashionable belle often Alispises tide region -Alf - enmity, as well as her , anther phrettologiCal organs with borrowed lucks. He who ahnulti digouver a mcde of prevent ing the hair from showing the inroad* of en. vitals Time by turning prematurely gray, a r wethod by which it could be restored when ifWing off or turning white, end a way of pro rip gap g its continued add lusuriant growth, be justly entitle , k,..to rank among the fbenefroatone of -the human race. Read the teatinaudials of the wonderful, not to say Al-. , Inot t s ita irgaigaiPi effects uti_._"Prolessor Wood's 'Hair Re.pfrative." and gee - IT - he hao not ac , compliehed jl jtxh i s.—Cupaal City So LA .19r 444.131ettcuLsys. July 27. 2w sartfpiliaoag's ~/Vis are indiapensalile to (the security of licaltb and life in new settle otterita. Fever and awe, biliuua remittents, mi'al CI bowel complaints, are the w,rst enemies the western pioneer has to encounter, and he can only certainly and permanently put them to Eight with the aid of +his unrivalled ca thartic, detergent, and rasturati‘e. There Are multitudes of sallow and feeble invalids, ginw langitishins in the wastern eletwgs, under the endem to diseases of that region okhu would soon find their healthy /*pa:trances strength, and cheerfulness retara, under a ,course of LEulloway's There are occasions when even the Asolthie s t, people need medicine, the change .of .diet. of the weather, and hundreds of i cothes asuses, produce a laxity in the system ,that sta,s4 eorreetin,g, or in other words, the Air e s beeugaes sliglitlyileranged, and needs a tpsaisLx ;i* All who fiud themselves in ititho sitrodima trill try Dr. Sanford's Invigora- Ito ttiefAtiky ebe sure of relief, as we can tes -06 t o L W* racy in caring Headache, indi- Arisdaa . ,.s6: rn S . totogeb, and other ills so com mit fa ft ?IT. It Sets, as a medicine, easier atid better tbett any dose of pills we war immvjaireh, anti is se that the small est Wait asa take it. !EPA. JO, Buehler, 4freut for fi ; Wm. Botha., Ikaorer ; and Charl= ea . Abbut*etawa. /illy 13. Niir The Philadelphia Sea says : "The American Ileptibliean Party are in favor of keeping tho;e Territories free, so that all Atneritnn citizens, native or natural ized, nuiv, for generations to come, have a free home for free men." In the Gos- Pei, according to ST. liverngw, we find this text: " Again, the devil taketh him tip into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, .and the glory of them; and saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall - down and Worship me.'" But the derel did not own a foot of the land he promised ! iiarl wealthy Baptist brewer, Mr. Vassair, of Poughkeepsie, New York, has given 825,000 to the University of Rochester, N. Y., for the erection of college buildings. Stith home brewed generosity deserves jmitution, besides showing that there is virtue in "lager." lEtYIt b 4 stated that Gen, Wm. 11. Miller, of Harrisburg, has been appoint ed Consul to Trinidad do Cuba. 111(3 — Senator Itusk, of Texas, (lenient that lIP intellll4 10 vote for Gen. lions ton for Governor, lie will support the Democratic nominee. rtr«cu around rut holes will drive the vermin away. to e VA" Jr On the "' 4 th ult. he the Rev. .Ineol. &Th in-, Mr. .IoSEPII .I..t'llElWS to Mo.B F.S .1 El:, both of A•tanni couuty. - ,Ca k & e • - 1 ..-I'r.? , - - '" O n the 13th Jlt CHRISTINA ORNER, %rife of 1)111101 II Omer, Menallen tovrn -41”, age .1 3") ear. 4 month. awl 11 duce. Oti i tio• 27 , 1 t .At., 111)111 ANNA, dnuglder of Ighiel ag..i l ninth and .1 day,. ~tj~~rj,~t -i~~po~•~s. Corrected f rom tlae lAte.at naltaL.are.lerk tt !lawyer rapers a y, idaq /text Rom, per barr(.l, Ilibeat, Der bil-liel, I:.‘e, • '• ME MEI Beef Cattle, per hand., MI WESEM Cii.key, per raUnrt, 6 Wilt°, Perin In 11, per t•en I T tery,lit y jail Flom r, pvr fr.,in }r..1.11 st.irt.m }}•heat, per I,u%liel, 1 40 ( . 4 L 60 ILve, 90 Corn, ~,, 70 (lats. li 50 " Plotter, per ton, -Pri,lty hurl FEZ Flour, per Nil., from w:igon4, $C lbo., " from stureg, '7 50 Wheat, per lokihel, 1 65 (i) 1 83 Itye, ~ 95 C.,rn, ~ 75 Oat,, old 53 no% erseed. " & 50 Tim,):hy, " 3 51) Pinzter, per ton, 6 50 WM. GI lit% Rl' ILIUM %S. Family Grocery & ProviNion Store. ILLES PI E TIIOMAS respectfully in- T . form the I.eople of Gettysburg and the public generally, that they have just return ed from the city with a tier 31 assortment of I:WE:RIES. PROVISIONS acil V}IGET.I - whh-li Cher are prepare .1 to sell as low a-s the lnwest. FL and FEED a lw a ys on hand, and sold at small profits. S ore on York street,, tine door cut of Wat tles' Mitch Getty4or,tr. Aug. 3, 147. Littiestkown Railroad! THE Fourth 31ontlily Instalment of Five Dollars per Share on the Stock subscrib ed, will be due and pivable to the Treasurer of said enui rniv, on tke 2814 date of _lapis( inst. See -By a Re+olu tion of the Board of Direc tent, passedlm Saturday, 25th ult., al I per sona in arrears after that time will be charg ed interest at the rate of one per cent. a month on their Lark payments, in accordance with the Act of Assembly. E. F. SHOED, Secretary of the Board. Ang. 3. 1557. td N. B.—Any of the Directors will receipt for payments un Stock. CLERK OF TUE COURTS. AT the solicitation of numerous friends, I offer myself as n candidate fiir the office of Clerk of the Courts, subject to the decision of tbe Deinacratie County Convention. Should I be so fortunate as to receive the nomination and be elected. I pledge myself to perform the duties of the office to the best of my HENRY G. WOLF. Gettralitirm Am , 3, 18.57 CLERK OF THE COURTS. rivo the Voters of Adams county:—l offer I. myself as a candidate for Clerk of the Courts. Should I be nominated aid elected I pledge tnrself to a prompt and faithful dis charge of the duties of the office. WILLIAM YOUNG 3dountjoy twp., Aug. 3. 1857. REGISTER AND RECORDER. vivo the voters of Adams county :—I hereby I announce myself as a eAndidate for the office of REGISTER AND RECORDER, sub jecla to the decision of the Union County Con vention. Should [ be nominated and elected, I pledge myself to *faithful and impartial dis charge of the duties of the office. ALEXANDER COBEAN. Gettysburg, Ang. 3,1857. E.ll - 0 t- AL WINGEED, WRITE & SWOPE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN I BOOTS. SHOES, CAPS, & STRAW GOODS; Atsco, IN FASITIONABLE Moleskin, Silk, Fll and Fur Bats, Cor. BALTImonz 1 ItoWeil) 818., Adam B. Wingerd, baniel S. fr kite, Iti A. Swope Aug. 3, 1857. BALTIMORE, ND FRUITS and Confections, nice and fresh, just from the city, to be hail at GILLESPIE & THOMAS'. riIAOI.ICOO £ SEGARS, of best breodr, and 1. at astonishingly low rates these hieh st the Floor, Provision and Grocery Store of GILLESPIE & THOMAS. FOR avythiag in the Flour, Grocery and Provision sine, call at GILLESPIE 3: THOMAS'. TO.WINPROPEETT, AT PUBLIC' SALE. TAR subscriber . desinng to remove. will offer at Public Sale, on the premixes, nn rite.smo lbr 251 h Art , ftirt litigant, the fol lowing Real Property, rut : No. I.—A I,ol' OF GROUND, sit uate on Baltimore street, in the Borough of Gettysburg, adjoining property of Dr. Krauth oa the south and -The l' e mpil er , * dnoe on the noraL having a two-story Dwelling 110L - Sft.arith a two-story brick Back Building. Stehle, well of water, fruit + . trees. &c., thereon. No. 2.—A LOT OF CHM — ND. sit uate on High sureet. in said Borough. adjoin ing properly ni Lfr. Knuth. the Female School, and Lot. No. 1, haring thereon ereet: ad a comfortable two•story BRICK HOUSE, anti brick Back Building. No. 3.—T WO LOTS OF (;1101'N I). situate on the corner of West Middle and Washington streets, in said Borough, adjoin ing property of Samuel Weaver. on the west— with a two-story BRICK HOUSE, a one and a half story Weatherboarded House, and a frauießlacks:nith Shop, thereon erected. No. 4.—A TRACT OF LAN!), situ ate on the Long Lane. in said Borough, ad joining la n ds of Robert Smith and George Co. don, containing 7 Acres and 92, PetelieN. hay ing a first raw spring thereon. About 4 acres are Meadow. The tract will be offered in two lour. No. 5.—.1 TRACT 1)1.` x.llll , 'n. ate between West Middle street and the Mil lerstnwn road, adjoining lands of Robert Smith sad Rev. Cule. euntsining 7 Acres, inure or lea*--to be °trim] in three lots. 'l' it.l.("l' I..1N1), situ ate on the Miller.town road, in Cumberland township, near the fiumugh. adjoining lands of Ephraim !lanais/Iy. 14cob llerhat's heirs, and Rev. Burkett. containing 36 Acreq, more or leas—to he offered in whole ur in am lota, as may hest snit purchasers. cdJ - Therie Properties offer rare opportunities to make inveatiortitx. and the attrioton of all desinng to purchase i. incited to the sale.— Much of the land II& 4 been '0+,1(41. learSale to c,ttttt at l to 'ldnck, A. M.. on said day. when attendance. will In! ;;;I‘en and leans made I.llnwil by 'fiIIINIAS F. FR.17, - .lt. Aug. 3, 1557. to T11}; Subscriber, Elcciit..r tl.o and •I,lll\ Wu G, CM...4.4, 1% In ~frer nt Pill. 11, ;•:11.•, pr..tiii ses, nn Solitiilay, the next, the f,11,,m Ne;il F...tate ut N.d.d de cerv,e,), ill : situate in 11.1111•p1, t In. maty, ad) 1.4 of NI .1....• let r 0 Neal 1) iniel h bier. awl H i er.. nL art :e mile+ from 11 r tool ; from \.•,r I I , ct r.I • cunt r , ..; re or L•... Ito good propo.ti of Mr ul an l 'lllll' 1 r ,11,1 The itopro‘ent , tit. are r t story Br i ck 1)a riling 1114 .1 4 & Log Barn. and a Stone •••1 E 11111/...N(With It 111'1 err t ling`vrin to it.) and nil nvt, o.ary ut , Apple and h hard : NI till 1.11..111. fruit i.f littik. The f%•tit e. are _,.d • ellethat in ti, •t r r.lrr . It, hacutg teen nearly all lime.l IA it kin ti l e InAt 11`W eilrllMint 11l .kt_re.. llt F ood WOl/111114to the fat in. Z . 7 1 ;• 1 (i 4 7 7.5 1 55 or; 1 75 1 00 6,9,, 1 115 87 (at 88 511 (tit fi :i to, I 1 00 9 0(1 (i, 9 srl 16 IN) or 24 (N) *.?'J ( .! !„ 1.10 .0011 Wi 4 l) ; : , Z tll Ole rortr, are regne.te I t. , "11 .I.lm 11.1nit , r, re.iding there , ,n, the r•ol,.cril,er, n.-i.l - itt Oxfor‘l ikip-Sale to nt 1 P. M.. thlr when atti•Tl 131wve will Iry gl‘en and terms ma ,le knoo-k .11'S '('II .I'. (TIE Er•ruinr „a, r, • Aug, 3, 15.57. ti CE:11 EC G 00 0 50 G 50 V.iLI - ABLE n1:1r nil: SALE NEAr: IN, r itir4tintice of Itut:loritv ziven in the In , t will and to.nonent ~f .1%( d..- ee n s e .-1,, the Eke,,,t..r.. I t;.•• I Jacob Ilerh4t, I, v‘ .(•11 nt Po'r• S Ile, on the Drenai•,,,, "IL nt , t ad, r IAI7, nt 1 n'e!oek,, P. ST.. rho f,ll,,Avir T %allual,le Heil E.titte .I‘went•ed, tic: TII I.: I A II 11, 1, - 111 V taieh AVVI.Aic I yeAideit for thirty `ears, situate MI the Niilierstown road. the fir-t farm from Gettv-itairg. eontaining 140 ACHES and (Io PERCHES of patente4 land. large pr4.aortion of Meadow and a (Inc pro portion of Ti M ber. The improeemeitt4 enn‘iKt of it large Two-etory Ltdi 1101 Si•:, n 5 I large Stone Bank Barn. I% agora S:ted. Corn Crib. and all neve..l: t ry : a fir-t-ra'e never-failin ; _ , Stirin•j; of Water awl Stone Spring Bou-e. M.o.:dine Apple oBr II ABA), with a v:triety (dottier fruit. The knee.' :ire good. and the tan 1 in a tine state of eultit liiiar•l'eriion. i-d Ling to view the pr,,perty are reptestod to call upon the heirs residing thereon. Alin. the Raw lime awl Ware rill he enhl, co Tract of Mountain Land, containing 12 A cr e.. And 66 Perches, adjoining lands of Jacob , Swisher, Michael Trostle, Sol-k -mon Young, and others. Persons wiQhing to view this tract are requested to call at Solo mon Young's. on thP Cold Siring road, on Saturday, the 12th of September, at 11) o'clock, when they will be shown the same by the Executors. SAMUEL II £.IIIIST, Executors JOIIN HERBST, Aug. 3, 1857. tit riIRAINS over the Hanover Branch Railroad 1 now run its follows First Train leaves Hanoier at 9 A. M., with Passengers kir York, Harrisburg, Columbia and Philadelphia. This Train also connects with the Express for Baltimore, arriving there at 12 it. Second Train leaves tt 2.15 P. X ,with Pas sengers for Baltimore and intetinediate places, and returns with passengers from York, &c. Ang. 3. J. LEIB, Agent. _ The Rev. C. S. Burnett, WIIILE laboring as s Missionary in Southern Asia, discovered a simple and certain Cure for Cottsumptian,Aftanta. Conqh*, .Vereour Debility, and all impuritiesof the RThoil ; also, ad easy and effectual mode of Inhaling the Rent•dy. Ac tuated by s ileum to benefit his suffering fel lows. he will cheerfully send the Recipe (free) to such as desire it. with full and explicit di rections for preparing and succeirsfully using the Medicine. Address REV. C. S. BURNETT, 8.31 Bromiscay„V. Y. City. August 3, 1857. Gm ASALESMAN in a first class filo legal,- NotinAt Heitue, in Philadelphia. To one who do influence a fair amount' of Trade s liberal compensation will be allowed. Address BALDWIN. LINDERNIAN& CO. Box 111 Philadelphia P.O. Aug. 3, 1857. It n RANG ES, Lemons, Candies, Crackers A./ Spices of all kinds, Fanry and Common Soap. Flair Oils, kc., at NORBECK'S. 2 000 PIECES OF WALL PAPER just 7 received and for sale at COBEAN tt PAXTON'S. CIANTLES AT 16 CENTS.—A first rate .artiele of,Aloulti Candles can be had, at 16 cent,' per pound. at NURBECK'S, Kerr's old corner. TS and Bojs' Boot*, Show', Gaiterrt and 'Slippers, of all kinds, and at all ptiaes, u cheap as the eVpett, tit COREA ' PAXTON'S. Cl= ellE=l YALIIAILE A l'atitable Farm, AT Pt PIM! F , A. Itare Chnnce Hanover B. Railroad. Waffled, r"11. f. i , 04: 1 , •:::::.1.`.."":"..v:"fr- veti.f RZAL ESTATE AT Public Sale. TilE Subscriber. Executor of SAKAI% Mr*. Mak?, deceased, will otter at Public Sale. I- on the premises, on Sularday, ale 51A duy &-pkurber next, - A SMALL FARM. (formerly occupied by said deceased.) situate in linmiltrin township, Adams roomy. adjoin ing lands of Daniel Baker. John Bear, John Hartman, and others. containing 45 Acres. more or less. The land is under good culti . ration and good feneing. The improvements con , iut of a tam•stoef STONF. mil SE. Log Barn. Wagon Shed • and Corn Crib. Spring !louse, an other out-building. two Springs 1e a and a good Apple orchard on the premises. Also at the sane time and place, will he 'nftyred, A TRACT OP A tiOrT SIX ACRES. half Woodland. situate shout 'one mile from the above, on the Ahlottatovrn Turnpike. ad joining lands of John Bopp, John Grove. and others. fr . /Persona wishing to view the properte are reqnested to call upon Mr. Mathias Mum inert. residing on the tirat rr,SAle tt. commence at I P. nn said day, when attendince wil! be given and terms made known hr (; EORGEMUMM UT, Ker. Ang 1557. is 7r) A 'rY r. ‘e:r S.L At Ci - , `ll.'d LI Z 1 3 • Desirable and Valuable Farm, F IL SA L rrilEstil....riber.Evrc.titor PETTIR FERREE, tleeea,e(l, offers fer ..ant the following demirLilt: Ilcal E‘taitl• of .aid de,....lent, viz : A FARM, I l te the ilome rnteeof Mr. Ferree, zituate in TVIIIIP A'13110% e ,0111•11. h 11,14 ..f All M Ferree, Jacob Arntmber;:er, and others, cnntailliag 242 Acres, more or less, Laving haze p oportiont of W....111a.1 and M"...1.•%E. "f St,Ty weather1....,,:1...1 li ti'SK. It Ste.... !Intik Sart., Shea i r .1.1.1 66f TEN ANT 11t trSE. Stahle, • ith nevertailing lif vcal..t. at .Irre!lint.t, and an .Al..,:ft: OTeilard on the preno-414. Tht• lint alwayq born ad: Witted G. hr one O f the lee.t grain-pr. :luring F.:rnt+ in the whole to it are roluegte.l to ...ill 11r111 Mr. its •k. re•;.ling there oi As the Fann o n n „ venient it will he in tw , ) Nri. or in \t hole, p.m If the nr , ....rty 1. not roll nt irrit ate "al.. ro-r. .24/4 &Vt . nj• L„ t,..rt, it will 1.n..f . t.r0 I at 7...1.1;. outery the one I' Ni Atter:l:tr• en te-m.• m nle knon :: JOEL I:. I)..V\ Jury List---August Term. 11111131111111 Irountol.slmnf-11..0ry l'Mer n .1", 1;,.1,0rt D. Armor, Henry 'Arr. `tr•ia•.an We:llc, Francis Munf”rt, lut 4'.1.1,111.111. Iroo. r . 11vers E.S,,r..l.'walv.titi IT Cuip I,: ~ ,; I,_; t , - " N 1-n.ac IVi .r.l n. \ --I) 4 : l *:l 7 tz -eph :•11 , rb .I‘l% `4,111,410r. I=s Itorw rk Tlrp.-3.1111 enner. II ,t2l;lt-n1i.11.--1-na , 11.- „ tor. •I.•• , ••.e P. T.,p pftr. Pi , 0 , I)•.•I' 1.. i i • It . 1 , 1.-.11. 114 i T. Wr.,;4:, Frsmwis \Vitt, (ie .rire tie•lt , ,u----4P 'ter l; trtiti "1." 1. ‘. J lin . 31 , Ay 1V71!;:: Li:I:„ Jakob !tor ”1 , 1,1-11..nry Pop.. .J 11•Illiam K. (;.dla ,, tief. 11.intin;:tnr.-1.2t3e StenlierN. Dav; , 11:11.141(.4. tie . ..elek.vi, Peter P;:attfituatt. Mferd—L.l ke. , l) 3110 tilt. Philip T. E, qick. Catithorbin, l -11e,,ry B. Cromer I.ilwrty—Vot•'l:l , l Kt•keN. Tcr. , Tie—(lnio4 El•rre. 3iserq. Carrinze*, Ittirxics, &c. 1:001) .1.11) ('///;.1 P! I n•ollt1 inform 1414 friends tie !mitlit. ;:rtterttlit. that he vim tit ter the 0.1.1:!ILLI;E • MAKING lII.SI NESS. in all it's braiielies. at hi:. e.tabli4h llent, 111 F;:m slid llr, Streot, (near the east en,lo tiottyslair;r, Nrlie?e lie has on howl first-rate lot of work, atol i% prepared to put op to order wl.atever (MIT be ile.iired in hie line, ‘iz :—lt , wkaway and Bat-Buily Carriages ; Pi! fling- TT, kick airay & Truttivy 1) Jersey Waycgot, d e.. 40011. With good workmen and good materials, he can pledge his work tow be of the hest quality —And his prices are auning, the lowest. lkirllepairing done at short tiotiee, and at reasonahle rates. Country produce taken in exchange for work. Cull ! JACOB TROXEL June 15, 18:17. ILADELPTIU Woosl Moulding Mill, Ii i!lurc Sired, tibere Medina, „M,rtli Sae r 01 7 suit.tl,l4 , for Carponterq, j. Buildern, C.thinet and Frame Makers, worked from the belt nun{ thorow.f,hly seavon ed nmterial, alvray4 nn hand. Any pattern worked from a drairin...:. :The •übarriher haring pnrchnevl the entire intereat, will continue the business with iu ereasted Agents vr•anted in the various towns in this portion of the State, to whom opportunities will be offered fur large nrotits to thetn.elres. SA3ICEL B. LIENRY. July 20, 1857. 3an Summer Clothing. TIIS morning received, a new lot of very flue Summer Clothing. latent bullion, and will continue to receive every week or teu days. more of different article& irom auction. July 11, lf4S7. M. SAMSOIsr. This Way! This Way!! OsST IN SEASON I.—Fly Nets, of various style' and colors, cheap at SAMSON'S. *arßuY your Hatg, Carol, Boots & Shoes, Bringman & Auchinhauglea, in Chamberaburg street, at the Kign or the ••11IG BOOT." IF you want to buy GOODS CIIEAP, call at G. F. ECKF.NRODE & !SRO'S, at llodlersburg, Adam co. f ISSES' and Children's Flats of all kinds ill and at very low prices at COB EIAN & PAXTON'S. LARGE lot of SUMMER CLOTHING, gelling at very small profits at COBEAN 4 PAXTON'S. It rI; SIC.-Vi,,litt,, _Flutes, Guitars, At, .A. conle.mti, flannoni can , ,-4 El short, from a Seraphima down to a Jeved Ilarp—now on hand and for sale at SAMSON'S. EN'S and Boys' SUMMER lIATS of all in kinds, to wit:—Straw, Chip, Braid, Panama, Otter Skin, Fur and Wuul at all prices, according to quality, at 11,«•COBEA.N1 PLRLIC SALE OF VALT.TABLA REAL PERSON. AL PROPERTY. THE Solreriher, ENeentor of the butt will and tevtatnent of inttyt DMA It!soRYP, eemat4l. - vrill Mier at Public Rale. on the pre in isev, nn rt,,dral to. tit- tilt* d.,1 1 „Itopt,,t ur..-1. the Vowing Real Ftitzte of .aid deccaa ed, viz: TITS aitttate h S*.rshan kownship. Arising &flinty. adjoining lands of Daniel Tkiniik,r, Henry Brinkerhoff. t. J. 'Reeser. and others. eon tsininit 160 At'.,, more or less. with fiiir proportions of Timber and 3lendow. The impmvenients eonsint of a new Two-stere STONE 110 1 St-:, a s b„...e ita rood Tenant Hou.e, Rank Barr, ; war:on Sheds and Corn Crih. Spring Howe. Wash }cane. Smoke House. y spud Wood !loose. sort all ocier necessary ont tittildim.ts, with two never-fa ditvz Sprmils near' the buildings. ,Also. an Apply Orctiatd, with a variety of other fruit. Persona wicking an view the property are requeated tneall upon Mr. Ephraim Deardorff. ret:oling thereon. or on the E:Ceculur, rehniing in Franklin 'ownahip. Alan, at the same time nn•l plane, will he offered. A Tx I(`T OF Nlot NT %IN 1..1N11. containing , . 1•I Aerea and 1/3 Y.•rchec. sitqate in 11 am ltortlein towmltip, A.lan•c county. ail inining lin& of heir.; Peter 11 eikert. Jacob Swister. an.l wheys fr — r . S.4le to commence nt IU d r i,k, A. M.. nn maid flay, when ittembinre will be gtten and torml route known I, v FltEDEitit:S. 1)1PAIL. rr7o, • PON). St the mime time will rhee. the a% A 44 . iw 1.,..tat.• SARAH thiAatimitry, dices sed v 4 ;a Hell the fol. low tog, A firNt-rate Family M woh a colt. ' 4 fint: , , l'%rrince and \A .At I,y the hoo.hel : nod Ifoddin,z 'Paige., Chaff ot. Conhonyik. Tioreso. of fh-nvreeq. Secretary. ilfght (Inv Ch.ek topi g {sire]Watch. l'eriNtinz. Cool, Stove mod Pipe. Ten plAte Stove and Ptpe. 3 hirer: of iter.4. one in St , .l , lnrtirs' patent box, with a %am ty of other •rttelec ton nomeron%4 to loco Attendance .y.ire and term , Lnncen by FIIEDERICK l.11:1IL, July 20, 1837. Valuable Properties, AT PIIIVAT E SALE subscritxr, tlesiiing to remove to the We.t. otter% at I'"iV3tt.! pile, his F'.\RM. oittinte in Cumhet [Mt - n.41111. damp , on the rood leitiltng Cron. I ;et; vQ,1111( , ,Z to Flu field. shout 2 tulle , : from ;he fttrtiter place. adjoining :ands of t;ein ' , Op F- tireis II earn and othiri:, etottaininz At 'lt more or le-.. xitlr due proleirtitios of veadow and Timber. The Improvement. e,•ii.tst of n tiro story STONE II C. , E. a good I ‘Vogoli She.l. Corn CHI), f . l = and all other re.l...nry nut-build tiii•q: a nevei -fading v. ell of'nnter tient- the door of the du ening, n itli no excellent spring near by. piped in.o the barn lirat rote Apple litelt.ird. xtth other frit, on the. Firm. Fences good, and the laid in line cultivation. Al—, it Tra,t ~r r,. 1,771,1, Containing rkt+olit 5 N MA.3. n,kpvinint• the st+oee. with ACtliii6,llll l llr ZWO-slnry :)\ , l LING. Shnp. sell of water, - 7'7 — . 4 , fiuit trees, &e., theleon, tt a 1.! i t :!: 1 very de,iraLie Per-on. wislong to I.:en- the pr - bpertte , ore reque+ted to the uffilur,:gm.d. resoling tot tit, it;tne,l July 2 PO)lit. !,irt:e. runr. St:lo•tr;: or wi:l t , !'or S.4lr 101 l 11. e preinis4 ;•zo, lio• I - 4 1 / doy C'f . Prupor; 1,1) U hirh he re,nlo4.,dr:late in thr I; , r , ,11;.:h (*wtry4l)urg, on the E:1111111•.)lir4 1%401, r./' f A LAU' OF 411.,LN;). enninining nitwit 1! .lerei- , wi•ii n e , imr'"•t"ilile 41 i.,,,,, irel a half %.iirr ll1:11 . K '-i rr t: ‘ llt 1t .. .4:, :r 01111 5tR1 .1 .... S . glrg . 't ••• T - Vitt IV.tter. nna . vari,ty "t' C'i' , ' t * : ‘. 0,,..-, Fruit Tree.. therenn Ir. -•'"i"!..: 4 :__. '....„2.4,1 givel .at the 1 , 4 of 01..h0r nevi ti ie.iiii i Gicir":•.l,lo to eninincii e at I fi'eiiiel., I'. M. nn .aid d.q. n hen nue.i !anee will be siiieli and term:. nuile kinm p by II::\CIZY 11FillOP..1r. te3" - .ll•ik. at the !Mete tiele :til.l place, a firmt-raie co‘{' will he olrereil fir ii•ii.le. Judy 20, lziiiii. tM Public :).:+!e. FICIIP, ;:tilaccriber will Mb rat Public Sale I on the prerni , es. 0., 1'4,,,, , teri +4 • 27.1 , 11 . August next, the foll,l%ing property. aiz : A SMALL l'A I:M. situate in Franklin towalsh . p. Adams county, cm, ta Ming 40 Acres, more or l e ,,s. IA 8 1.0 M Them o improvements are ane :Intl ' ll 9 half story .1 'MUSK Lo g t Barn. ch o p. Spring, Ilim-.9. &C. ' "-.. •• Also, the following L'EllS( /NAL PROPERTY, viz: 1 [basso. 4 head of Cattle, 7 Mag... 1 Wagon. 11.11109, florm (k at s. Shovel Plough.. (double and %Ingle :) Coin in the ground, tt.)e ft .d Oats by the trislwl. Potatoes:: o iill all the Household and Kitchen Formulae, such as Beds and Bedding, Tabli.s. Chairs. Bureau. Cupboard, Clock, Stove. 'fobs coil Pots. [C/1•:ale to commence at I o'clock. P. M,, on said day wha n attendance will he given and taloa wade known lay MI ell A.EL J. II EN RN% July 1 2(1, 1R57. is Still Anblher :arrival of IN E W GOODS, T J ICOBS rm's, Raltitnnre street, near the Diamond, where g-re;iter bar k " gams than ever can be ne,ired. •.(I,sielc and small prolit.."—always better fur 1-eller and buyer—is the motto (bey prodire a n well an preach. ti:ve thetn.,a eau bw vtlotri; in the Merchant. Tailoring line—you won't - re gret it. Gettynburg. July I:3, 1837. tailroad Notice--Pay Up: NroTirE is liere!iy given to the S lICkIIOIO- ern of the lettplut rg Railroad I '‘,lnprirty, that the Seventh luntalnient on each share of ntoek will be required to he paid in to Join IL MeCt.ELLAN. Enq., Tre.inurer, no or before Wednesday, the 12th dwy ut ,luiwo nt , r t, By order of the It•wird. DA VII) WIL LS, Ser'y. July 27, 1857. , Garrvenryto. July 27,1857. Ifig*The Company has purchased 1350 tons of Rails, which at sufficient tat lay 17 miles of track, thank taring a %%Arpin% of 4 utile of Hails for side trucks. Itaile are now be ing delivered at llanmer. and the laving of the track wilt be, vrommeneoi on Monday, August 3ril, and progress steadily until com pleted to Gettysburg. In order to facilitate the operations of the Board, in speedily com pleting the Road, it is their earliest request that stockholders not only pay the above named instalment vomptiy, but pay a . the eighth and last instalubmt also at the same time, %rid receive their certificates of stock.— This prepayment will greatly relieve the Board from any peeuniary embarrassment. and the necessity of temp ,rarity burrowing money. Ready-made Clothing, COATS, Pants and VeQtN, fur hops anti men: Route, Shoe*, flats and ; Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Neck Tics, Stoeki4, Handkerchiefs, Gime., Stocking... Sumpcn der".—a nice of lot of Govrar. 'Water-proof; Oil Coats, and everything, else that can be found in a Store of the kind, aisr.aye to be had SAMSON'S. /1111 E. attention of the LADIES is parneu tarty invited to the large assortin-nt of plain and fancy Golfers, latest style, jus: received by Bringnian ugh i n ! ton !pi. jy ERP DRY.—A fine sssortment of L3l - BRELL AS just received and for sale' cheap at LL :pc/Acta/1. .1010101 W il(111'1. Ili BM • 'At Public S ate. Sultaeriber, Atieuiniettrattar with the wili eutriesal of Mienast. 31iLt.t a. &J•'3„ til offer at •Pubtie Fate,. on tile prt.utikeers. nn ar ;if 4 they of .. atber n er! the 14.451 Imitate - of saititteconoted, vis _A TIT j. 1"..' * ~ asr , Ala I situate in Cornberiana t jwt4 tp , .‘ilarno eontity, adjoining land. of John Inank, Michael Iltv•ihrnan, J .ILn Sly.ler, and ntl , erg, alinat 4 miles from nettssliarg., Fa A and iioa ainie, with , -ni.Ll propor tiona of Me.viiiir and 'The i tn . provernenti. are it la w itot'SE. L. Barn, and the tue iut-buildnig.:4: tta .ltiple Orehard and two neter thiint, St riu near the !louse. Fetiches .11. A the I.Lii , mostly granite, wider gOO7l vu a . I desired, a trail nr 111 nr 12 Avr," of I ed will be offered separate front the ),__ C. .11 %VIM) FEE Verson,' wishinz to view the property nee requested to rail on John iirefauver, thereon, or oil the subscriber, re.idiog, in 11ettyglmeg. P. 6 ..:..r5u1e to ..ommenee at 1 n'..luelt.l'.7il..ou when uttelolanee will be trans make known by WI LL he idierell, at l'al.lte Sale•, nn the preafe.e . q,un Thru•.nhq/, lOth day vont:lining . 29 Acres, in or 1e..., situate i n i',ermanr towmthip. Adanoi county, on the Tiirtwpike leading from Littlegtown to Ci .ti%irs !irgs. one tourter of a mule from the Lamer pia, 0, adioining lauds of Jam lten.haw, (;e“rge Myers. and others. The ini,rore montq are n fzooil two story llttll l l 1.00 llarn.Corn . 115 4 ('rib and Wagon Stied, and other 7 4 . ; ; " PO I .` ut hu.l,linp,4 a never fluting...! well .if water at the door, and ..,e‘eral never sivrin.,:• on the trans: ak.l an Apple ordotrd of (dodo° fruit, with other fruit trees. p er .„,. ris w i.il fing t ilea• the property are reyu • h•d to call up .n theunderii.me.l or r. rie•R4e (louder. re.idiug t hereon. It is nne uC the nu st de:iralile country residen.- et, in the county. Side to e.ennieriee at 1 n'cl.•ek • P. M., en •aid lay. Wiee.l attend:MCC will be ;ilea rind terms wade kiwi% tt by f ifE ttrviervi ,, lif , (l offer. it Private Site, hiv FA .otuate in Strabart towtt•dti;., .'t bito , eout:tv, on the Bottover rood. and ad joining the Gettv,lirg B .rough line. The f.Lrin ~,mtaitim 154 Aoreq, more or levy, the I till being Of the be.t quality, much of it .• granite"—with fair proportions of me a dow and timber. Feneot nod the sr.il in ex cellent cultivation. The improve met.t. are a envifortable Stone ffilllll Dwelling IP /I . l‹, Bank Barn, 4;a.n111., Wagon Shed. Coro crib, &e.—tirst Apple Orchard, a never-failmg welt of tv.urr ;it the door, and a number of spriligv u; ott the traet. It i 4 certainly one of the mo.t ,10 , iti;,ble farm.; now in market in thi4 'count!, 1 , 1 demand- the .ttt ,, ation of ea pitelivts. pe r ..„" 4 w i..h ing to lit.w tie property are reque..ted to call upon the inoh.rNl ; roed. . DANIEL. 11E.N.N Ell. July 1:h, lz• - .7. Stn * NHS 1:1.:17, Sr .11' PC BLIC SALE. r: suirwril.erm, Exeinit , trs of Is.tAc dl I qi..r ut hiLiii• on the lu pliti,:es. nn 7'Lq...,-1‘ , ./. 3. the fdl....viog vu1u.0,113 Real of raid de ee:t,ed, lit.: THE FATi • nn deeen.ed re.ided nll hi. life-time*, situate in I. itimore tO W 1101; p, Adams eoutit v. within three mile+ of iiirk Spring+, adj.,ini•ig land+ of Philip John Brown, I,.itite .I+- per. I+aiie Jlvor.. Josopi, P iwer, awl oCier+, e, , Yitainite_! 185 Acres, more or less, alO , Ut 111+1 of Aviii,•ll ris 111 . 1 . 1.4 tooldorr, and the balance e,,rered vith thrii ing tinder. The Linn i+ wider g enitk mint) and fencing. The improvement+ aril • Tw.,..tory I 4 DWELLING ; 11 4 1 7 5 E , 1:1-7,o large Il r y Ilou.e, : wit "tiler twig. ; T0,.11‘ Ort • 1110 - ‘1 ., eltoiee fruit, with Pe 1,11, Pelt-, Mont and Cierry Tree+. There i+ t. nererfailing .prink "1,, a ter near the di.ir, and a stream through the tarin, it I;eing 010. well watered. , tar The farm wiil lie affered. in whole or in two part+, ix.. may he.t wait piirelia,er.. ZarPergoiei ‘vi.hing tit ties' the preperty, are regle.ted to ‘•all ou the flea(-tiattied Execu tor, re , idinz (heron), D.,ir-S,de 10 eotomenee In i ii'elock. A. :NI.. on said dav, when otteiAatiee will lie sk en and terms made knowwiiv )11NELIES TIESS, Akn, at the .ellne time nod place, the pEits()NAL Pr,OPERTY of de , lezed: 3 tons of Ifity„ 3 Gram Cealle4 ; of Lxrd, 2i yards Ciirpetintr. 3 Ulie ,, t4, Coverlets, Quilts, and. (alter artieles too numerous to mention. THE undersigned, desiring, to remove to the West, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, oa StinNuy, i loymvi 8, 1857. A TRACT OF LAND, containing about 9 Acres, on which be resides, situate in Cum berland township. Adams county, a few him tired yards south of Gettysbunt, on whicLi are erected two comfortable Dwelling 4 ,i 110CSES, and two Stables, with Barn Floor ; also a young thriv- 1-T , Ptr ing Apple Orchard, with tabei ' 4; 4- Fruit Tree=, and two, Levert:tiling cus uf Water on the premises. talr - The land is under good fencing and good cultivation. - Possession given on the Ist of September nest. if desired. CiiirSale to, 4:gm:me:ice at, 1 o ' c lock, P. M., on said day. when attendance will be given and terms ILIA() known by • GEORGE WILSO!si. July 0, 1857. is TED undersigned , Auditnrappuintedbythe Orphan's Court of Adams 4:empty, to re port distribution of the balance remaining in the helt of Jose. pis LEY. Adtuitti-ttnitor of thelitate of ISIAlvt SAMPLZ, late of Mount joy township. Adams county, to mid niuotigd the parties entitled thereto, will attend to the • duties of said ap pointment . at the office of M. I Sc. W. .MeClettn, tu Gettysburg, on Tlaurxday, I Me GM day of .Atigual rterl, at. 10 o'clock in the ! forenoon of said day, at which time and place all parties interested Luny :mewl. MOSES Mt:CU.:AA", Auditor. July 20, 1857. ,te 7 Teacher* Wanted. _____ --------- ---- -- I 911 HE Board of School Direetorm of Strabsta • Agents, Wanted. ! 1 towrighip will ineet at the hon.° of .1. L. 17 4 XCELLENT BOSINESS OPENING.-- , Gaass. in Ilontendown, 0/6 Slitsfolay, the Bth I Wanted a few energetic, indwarious ,of .Inytt.d next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., for the Men, v.) SELL AGRICULTURAL BOOKS purno:•••• of employing, TeacherA for the fall ' among the Farmers. Very fasurable tern,,, term of the Sehool:4 or gait' townkhip. will be given. 14 Lth propel attention. morel By order a the Board. .. . than SIM) per month clear prntit above all ex• PLIEII, MACKLEY, Se 4. pensee eau be re.d:zed. A rare chance to I July 20, 1././ - 7,. td. make money without r'.4l:. Fur pa. ticular.,l' -----• , apply iurtto•ltatcly to C. M. SANTO A. CO., 1 T A DIET LIMIT KID BOOTS.—A linegstr . : 4 Azrieultural 8.,0k Po bli.ners, No: H j O Fut-. I sortment of Kid Boots both for Lottip*, i i , bin street, N. Y. • . July 6, ies7. t...t ' and 3ligNes, jut reutived and for 'tale hr , - - - -f'--- ------i July 20. It ' W3l. BOYER. ' - Floor for Sale. - IF you wants good barrel of Flour. can s at'. Candles and daills HoliE'S STORE. as he has made arrange. C . PERM. Adamantine. Patent and 7410.14 Inents to hive always the best, whichile : Can ,ll 4'4, eit'Lle , Olive, 114:me-made. sell at 25 cents advance.horekts, Venerated, and 110 , in May 5. JOHN 110K.E. E. 11. MINNIGII. A VATAIABLZ ?ABZ Admini*emtn, the w.ii lv 11. A x`r: V.I. FA .1.7' Pi PLIC SALE. A Til I,('T OF roirofb/t' bllext.ne .../t) 4, El'll L. S1101:B. !w• Jrluar•j E. Slaw!, June 29, is One of the Be.t Farim, FOR SALE. GOOD FIRM. JOSEPH lIESS„ Jt/1r 13, 1557. t. Feet-Wort A DESIRABLF, PROPERTY AT Public Sale. Aestiitorhi Notice. 4-404.1. A VAL UABLE . FARM AND( 1C2..Z I.EL C 4% TT AT Phi VATi: SAUL TILE in et.nsequert•e or . 0 .1. lancing age, awl a .le,dre to r..re from lluAness, 'tillers for Fiala his ‘altuil.h. Farm and 2h Property, situate on Marsh Creek., Maim. ...linty, Pa., partly ; I and partly townships, The Parris contains 1724 ACIIKS,,nt first ravel:mil; with t1,(1 prOp , lrtigli of excellent 11e,r,.11tV aril T;1111wer. Tht . irMl , r‘Ort4ll ., nt. VW'. • ll2 fit+t ,, . 2 DWELLING LIOUSVS first r.:te Bonk Barn, .tar to Shop, imlother ; a thriting 10rr11.4,1 n 1 vino. e It Int., and vther improlenteida. Ako, e su perior • GRIST AND SAW MILL, lint hr any in t r, rnenty for erim plemiless of machinery and ervhsarita,geous In. esuon. Thu Mill is ;:i5 feet ivy 48, with J our floors, 3 pair Burrs, a, pair of • Allegheny Clomping Stones, with two omershot water wheels of 14 feet slisatter, and all the nin eltiners requisite for a fir.t, elms Merchant, MM. The stream uu w kit the Mill is Iderti -101 (Big Marsh Ore is a very ...raiment stream. the Mill I sit vide to supply elimen i ers in gri ( 10 g the ,ft', NI Plig. The min was built i And alt the 14111- chi !wry is new. / • It im uuneeemmnry to cuter into n lengthy demeription of the property, us of itorellasinc n property of this examine for themselves, ;kiiy person wiiih ino to lYtew the premises will Lo ehorcn tbo mllllll, fly the subscriber, residiog there on , l'!ie Mill is a ithin•three and a holf-tomes of tie•tyshvrg, at which point a Hailroml iv he inr (milt eanneet with the railroads lenilimt to B iltimore and Philadelphia. It is It:enteil in the midst of a line country and can com mand any amount of custom. 'The property an lie purchased cm rea,ocaldo Omni, advancing, Age being the only motive inducing the subscriber to sell. Any person vii.hing, in pdrefinse, is invited to etql and eXalrTlille the property. I think lie Will lie r e the best Mill in Adanl4 counts-. a-ir If not .0111 by the bit of October nett, the Mill and Flinn will be ;Twit/an die aluttes). GEORGY, TaISTLE. luly 13.15 , :)7. Ct Pel 1 cheaper than anybody elan?— Cecnu•e he laty.4-at aucti,m, ft,r cAstt. Look at hi. Hats, thnt he,selln hundreds of. Gehtlemen haze bought and paid for sneh 11,tts from $1 50 to $4 00—hut Samson nen* them nt 2.. And why doe he yell them so cheap? liceau,e he bought at anetion. L uk at hi 4 lim,t4 and Slnws—look at hia Gaitorle—the Rattle kind hold at other placea from ~S; 00 to i.,44 50, he sena at SI 871 $1 ) B7i. And why ? lieeause he bou,7,4'itt auction. Llok at him Clothing, and, in fact, ereri tliiip,T in his line. Ile will Pell it Coat, Pants and •Vemt, • some linen 111111 some cutter', for from !...4 I. 7.1 to $.2. 00 per full suit. And wt,ky Beetles° tie bought them at auction. Also, black Summer Clot! 'Cout, Pants and Vemt, 6e sellm for ti 3 00. And why? Be catlike he bought them nt unction. j I urn contiilent that my pfd friends and customers will bear me out in the altovei:--- I would say to those who Ike at a distance from town, suppose you need but ' a lia6, - ars, pair of Gaiters.. Why dhoti you come to my establishment ? •Evett if you lose a whole day l.v "so doing, yew will be saving !nip% 12.1: to $1 73 in the purchase of e ith er . -- and that is PS much as most of men make a day by hard work. Reside this, you can save much more in the purchase of mitch other artivle. as vi) miry need. Recollect. my s tock is a large and varied me, tool nfl articles sold astonishingly lost. Carne town, get your dinners and horses fed, all you can toner fail of saving the price of a day's labor by buying at the Cheap One-Price Store of N. SAMSON, July 13, {KT. opposite the Bank. IVITEREAS the Hon. Roentre J. rtstiv.its President of the several Courts of Com mon Pleas, in the ('aunties composing the 10th District, and Justice of the of Over and Tetthiner arid General Jail Delivery; fur the till( of all capital and other oflimderm in the said district, and DAVID ZIROLRY DAVID Esqrx.. Judges of the Cour of Oyer and Tertniner. and General Jail Delivery. for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the Comity of Adams—have issued their precept. bearing date the 22. d day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, and to me directed. fur holding a Court of Common Pleas, and General Quarter Ses sions of the Peace. and General Jail-Delivery, and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Gettys burg. on Marithiti, the 17t/, i f f ,Aogo,l n•zl ; Norirg Is !!trees( GIVEN to all the Justices of the Peace. the Coroners and Constables within the said county of Adams. that they bo then and there in/their pioper persons with their Rolls. Records. Inquisitions, Examina tions, arid other Itememlirancra, to do those things which to theiT offices end in that belief: appertain to be6done, and also. they who will prosecute against the prisoners that are or sisal be in the Jail en the said County of Adams. are to be then and there to prosecute against thew as shall be just. HENRY THOMAS, Slatriir. Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, / July 27, 1857. tc Attention, One and AII Z. NOW iS THE TIME To llare Your Picture. Taken. QANIUEL WEAVER baring pmvided him -17 self with an entire new and splendid SK Y LI. ;HT DAGUEItREAN IWOM at his resi dence in West Middle street. opposite Pmf. Jacobs. one square West of Baltimore Street, where he is now prepared to furnish Ambrotypea and Daguerreotype', in every style of the art, which he will war rant to give entire satisfaction. His long ex perience and iuperiur apparatus giro - hint advantages seldom furnished by Daguirrrean establishments out of tbe city. He has - largo number of specimen, at his Gallery. in Chsvo bersbu g street.w hire he will continue as here• tofore, which tlw public are requested mall and examine. a:7'Charges from ..50 cents to S.IIO. Roars of operating from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Gold I.ockets. Brea/Aphis, suitable for miniatures, always on hand. at the very lowest priers. .13'Children will not be taken &it less than 81 00. I V - AMBROTYPES taken from one &Mar I and upwarda. and in the bast style. oly 2t'. 1856. if HVESTOCK BROTH ERN, dive plat re -11 carved the largest and be lot of STONY: WARE ever offered in the county. consisting or Jars, Juga, Pitchers, Cream Pots. apple Butter Puts, Preserve Jira, Wilk Pans. To ;name Bo flea. Spiitoons, kc.. to which they invite the attention of the public. Call and examine at the Nign of the RED FRONT. July 20, 1657. IVIIY IS IT THAT MARCUS %AMNON Proclamation. Slime Ware.