The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, July 27, 1857, Image 4

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Nolueqt k more frequently askol,
ill 444, iiio• ay.) we to protvet our crops
irwojwi;.irquth awl ill our 01)46011 no
liNeHtiMn van be mom rea,lily
facturily aretwori.4:, than half
tbe'fotal ainount cif tvio:• titre revej vv.!
647(1, rievur• from the .low and
eontinged . emplensatio., of watery rap. pr
from the stuio.phcre ; whercvor ait ems
eirenLaw, anti uu a ui rh part ie:e , colder
than itsolf, this e,mden-ation tutlia tw
coyttntrally goint; on : and iti
ltegratO to milli a depth :pc to enable
the eh-Nil:it:mg at n), , phero to meet with
the surflocea I,artiv;e4 cotter than it
seLC, she .deposit of woh• mast be
eoutiouotts. h-is for these reasons that
thoroughly uade r-d rained an d sulmtoiled
!Whitt ',ever suffer front dronth. We
hare proveri this to our entire satisfac
tion, by ten years' practice ; end, while
sot4p of oar ,Heiglibors with the sante
kiwi. of soil twat eight inches plowing,
_lose their erops I) . y arutith, we fill w
_ ? c - feoi•auys snit • effort on• auk- portion of
ontfaent: -Uri soils not preixtred hr tin
iift,drltiulttg. #
eat deep suh-soil plowin,
the blit e!routh may be materia l l ' y
atuktigrated by frequent stirring of Clic
a.trtisos•uoil. The frequent stirring will
n li only cause the Inure free admissiou
of atastoopltere, and-t hits cause a greater
a.nount of nohilensat ion, but at the seine
time by change of position of particles
of soil pll the condittons for growth will
443 materially lucreased, and the aug- I
mated honewit of crops will pay the :
?xponse of such extra treatment, while
its use in _very dry times may save a
~,,,,,„erOp !Which wmild otherwise he entirely
lost. Stony crops may be partially pro- I
tested front drouth by mulch; for as
this, prevents the immediate contact oil
the sun's rays with the surface of the
soil, and does not prs - eut the eireula-
Con untie atmosphere, it proves a pro-1
tecttoq to all soils which are entirely
free and well pulverized nt the surface !
at the time of mulching; thus diVarf!
pear trees, strawberries, gooseberries,
and many other crops wioch suffer tun
teriiilv from drywall, are protected to a!
considerable extent when fully ttitilched
with salt slay and other cheap material. !
Why is Clover Beneficial to
*Cause it derives. a vast amount of
rarbun from the air, which the clover
samllea to Ow, soil. .l dry stalk of
o..lovettoonsiosalmoat entirely of carbon.
If sivoy of ch is turned under and
fietilrlf,' a large trantity of carbon is
distributed in the soil. Even it' the crop
iY not turize4 under, a large immune is
depqsi:od zu the suil through the roots
of dile plant.
elaadbon forms the basis. of charcoal,
amity agtirultural writers is frentient
ly fitted riiiimnvinotisly with Milt wont.
It is'a s ji, at:elklit absorbent, and lOr thk
reason, is: vaTizable iµ soils for the par
posetaAr.ctaining manures and all ferti
saattors. In Enrope,and in many
plaeasin Win country where the soil is
poor'and-maintres costly, carbon (or
chaele;oftY4 iY thluentbr scattered over
.of l ncitture or other substances
ettuttin4tlrtnisive odors, and the gast.s
thua' escaping will b.. absorbed by the
chaff cuaL It is also au excellent absorb
eat ior moketrrsz and is theretbre very
valmtble iu etAilK. It also render.: the
soil lifarkrirt, and in tine, k one of Our
m )41, valuable mammas. It is not oar
t• • • • -
-purpose zert. ovisktef.dl ztsexcelleilt ,
qualitietz.but we wish merely to say
that in no way rali it be so easily and
cheaply . ...*?mbenell with the soil as; by
raisiugelover. Farmers who have tried
it and semi its ctDco upon their Mail,
consider it onoofthabast wayi of kOtp
ing their land in a fertile state, lm rais
in it as eta altornaW crop.— raileg
la. addition to the above, we would
suggpt : t,ltat clover benefits land other
thaa,,k its deposit of carbon taken
fnm* tit* stozosplwre. While growing
its daoitt pervade the sub-soil and feed
upon orgatnie•matters it contains,
but • • ; o and progressing them
for jilt
• a higher slags of crops ;
for of • norgunie constitnents
by enttnitt„, plants iv so changed in its
state or 'condition, that when clover de
payit,44 ii*,sttelnents deposited in the
surface-soli, the future crops ran avail
pf tiptrit-for 'their immediate use. Many
soils requite natttathtm, and while the
plover is decaying after having been
plowed in4pacel last which secure
the eirchtftloff . ofliteitniersptt',Te, and
et:imminently' tieeessitry chemical chan
05.% The picots of clover are mac+ more
ltbatltiapt titan Cst - gonerully Supposed,
undtfte4l3,.lc4 welt as the tops, ltepttne
fohn:ni aria! purposes.
.Ncttwitlistantling all the advantages
to titian from the plowing under of green
props; there are bat low localities where
such. practice Is advisable; for in most.
partsdokayr (-Gantry cheap organic mitt
ter Opy )).4 procured if required, and at
less cost than the ratite of the clover
proetot remoral. Thus swamp muck,
salt • I t'aeliklqw muck, and a variety ofarlfss r 4 l IN MEASCIT
pthfs 'cheap substances, after proper AVD NEVER OCT or SEASON!
I,relAnaela i may ho substituted for - growl F- IR3IEItS, read this, and then came and
NEVER pianures.7,- ir.riony farmer. • buy. for we still have few more left l",
' The subscriber takes this method of calling!
the attention of the public in general t..) that
Borer Worms it Fruit Trees. valuable pioee of machinery, styled
The paturni oilf4iciike in:toots &Tog- ' Hersh's Patent Hay Holster and Manure;
it their eggs dung the summer months. Excavator.
or the apple borer beginning' Having the right of all .I(lams county, he
parlyoin 4rnie, and that of the peach will sell either machines or township rfiCliou,
world a tittle later. Now if it can bel H. (l. CARR.
pmittived 'to hare the yoang insect' I:l4iiirAlso. at the tame plaee, you can be ac-t
enutunslated with as tine can be'
4atclithl in the midst of causticalkali,
got up
in the State for tho stone money--(xot- +
klov, 4slies, soda, potash, guauo. or *Leidy kept on Ii and.
titnotpt, soap ;or ill lufusions of tobacco.l Repairin , ••lone. neatly and cheaply, at Alton
pr sulphur, it will be at once relieved pltice. All kinds of country produce taken
from all t h tr tronbles of life, awl we. at in exchange for work.
the Winn' time, front the ruinous rust (WI i;ettvshure. May 14 • 1557. (m
k - eeping it. A wa.l l of sion•,‘ of the t u and A.ft
ammo ingredients, thickened with clay 1 1 of every tic,cription, and far mile cheap.'
scl Itoto Alissolvc gradually, mid applied at listsGaml Arciatuakviitt's
to the stein early in .lul3 - . and a small: 11 . TWIT:ELLIS, P.tra,sols atol Fans can be ,
Nonni, OtifetAi lime at the base, will' lJ f•sin(l. good nod cheap. at Sf`IIICK'S..
generally secure the tree from the in-; APONIFIEft on eiviravritergn I.vr. fur l
. aeets of this aeirtou of last ti making Soap—lo he hail at
son's grgthiitithityl4. p,t, you rse In extir- t
JI - ST 17:011 Tile l'171;
patfitiNt: If the 'Anil 'rAi4ell routtlf4 vitoxNETS. Rilibons, Parasol! and Skawla
the,base ;:kr the tree during summer. it ' to be had very c h eap `, With a Larger Stock Skald Ever
proßentair lie insect front lodging so M.N.YI3 NtlflitECX has joist reeeired from
iddeply, AO undies it easier to det , .o EI.:N" Ch , t irla ;
t " la t s sui4t4,, xe. ,re- 4
~ ...,l e h e. e by a largo Atcwk of 1111001.111IES,
Jul vesseeuei and to prevent it.— lrlr- che;p7aatre—a large
'L i:7 m A I r h i II"
'' —the l:urst Ire has yet off ered t 4)
e ir , an dwhich he ix 'tow opening, at
fh',a.' k FACT. ---MONEY .S.AVED buyiss his new, Nrr'l t'orner, on Baltimore
.. ,
.1100 r
I 'X your lists l a p s,Boots and &Uwe at ° street. Cite him a call ! You will ling his
otetAgnoic Brandy r —The Patent Offis ,m d...t0
hathetArtied initp l'alifornia a new 4 - 14 RRRog m il untligs
ca si n
new ! 'sugar. Molasses, Salt, Teas.
in - aU4y, I r by!' is called California grape' U 2 )s nt clatryining else, the host and the cheap
bought liivrer. aud a l arger assortme nt est. to be had in Irwo—he haring bought at
jairaor'' ia.said: to IN/a 4 e's thaq elsewhere is always to he had. at low ratent, awl beutg. detonuitost to sell fast
an eXaallier)t flavor, and to be far mor FAH Esrock s'. omit' I profit,. ro.eolloot, Ke:r's old corner,
'm ist:Ode' than the best brandy impOr-.‘ Slif",ON arrival of Spring koala this day Baltimore and High Streets.
peal 1601-'-fsilrVe a t th e t o tse,t l itioore of F.IIIXI-'4.4IOCKS'. t Cettysliurg, 31.) . t 11, 15:1,7. •
• -- . .
Register , '" Notice.
()TICE is hereby given to all rill, "edema Savings'inotitia t.
tion of Admits Co.
dther persons Came-erne& that The - itilaiie.
iTtraliwi .1 1 7 herrinalltrx utent—ledelf T ills in.tit„,intt receives depoto tea fur which
he pre..enteil at the Orphan's Court a Adam ., Forover to months. 4 per cent. per annum.
county. fur confirmation sad allowance. on I For 3 and not over Itl month., :t per cent.
t/.', dri I/. the l;th &to
..t o s nod next.
" 7 : : 'per annum. Fur transient deposocii. not less
(These are a portion of those to tie pre4ented.) ,
than J Idais.',pr.. cent. per 'maim. payable
-'ail. The second account of Abraham d emand on wi:t 611 L notice.
Adinnntttr‘ttor c. t. a. of Jacob Sell, (cull .
stint fund (capital) of Eklii,th O has been
airtight.) decoy-cal.
The first and final acitment of James For 'vane „ N o, nn w r ,t re ,,d ay.
j it o " t ," l : •Ltrry.,ll. er. , A irre du : i . r rit i. ter of the "tett' of re 04111% 011 Sep„ 41 to ass
' littetrotto be •liuwed whenever the &wank"'
272. The first accoent of George Elie! 1
e '
Exe aninum to &edam each additicial n 5.00
miter effthe teat wall' aid- imminent al
and upwards.
Sarah Rife. deceased. 1 Oflice in Smith West Corner of Public
'273. The guardianship account of Jacob Square. next to George Arnold's store. Open
Wehlee and Samuel Li. Patterson. tinardiana
411 ,, ruo " A. to 3 ".
of Agnes Getz , Lavinia Catharine Getz. Sam. i ingt i eprentee every Saturday' from M.. and
9 rercir.
A . M. to
tie) Patterson Orti. Mary Getz. and John G Y. Shollas Getz. minor children of John Geis.,
late of nountpleantnt township. Adams own.
ty. deceased. (rendered by Jacob Welder and
George Ehrehart. assentor of the will of said
Samuel B. Patterson. DOW liGOIDUW4.)
275. The seemed account of William Bit
linger. Guardian or Howard Bi Wager, a /wiper
son of Joseph Bittinger. deceased.
276. The thint-eoeunnt of William BittinKer.
one of the Executors of Soneph Bittinger. late
of Berwick township. Adams cosine. deed.
277. The first account of John gel:on:lode
and Samuel Ornilorff. Executor. of the last will
and trstatnent of Samuel Ormlortt. Isle of
111tiontioy township. Adams county. deceased.
27 1 .1. The account of Audinag 110Farland.
Executor of Nancy Melarlasul, lite of Ber
wick townabi p. deceased.
WJI, F. W.ILTEIL, Itegi4fer.
Per DANIKL PLANE., Deputy.
Ilegister's GelAYgtAirll•
July 13. 1657. td
Bonnets and Straw Goods,
No. 4 North Howard street, up stair a,
(01,;xpsite the Howard lloune,)
Adam H. Ws sigrrd,
Dani e l :4. ir ' BALT' MOR E,
Jat Strope f
May IS, ItA57.
Erie•. B. Buehler,
3tturntli at taw,
'% ?ILL faithfully and promptly attend to
all husinens entrusted to him. lie
speaks the German language. Office at the
same place, in South Baltimore Street, near
Forney's drug store. and nearly opposite Dan
ner & Ziegler%a store.
Gettysburg. March 20.
Wan. B. 1I"Clellan,
3ttarunt at taw.
fiFFICE on the south tide of the. Public
Square. 2 doors west of the Sentinel office.
Gettysburg, August 22, 1853.
D. Nl`Conaughy,
attarartt at taw,
(Office removed to one door West of Bitchlees
Drug& Dauk-store.Cliambersbarg,street.)
4ttoruey & Solicitor Tor Patents
and Penvlons,
OUNTY Land IVarrants. Back-pay sus
pendeil Claiiiis.and all other claims against
the Goternitiept at Washington. D. C. also
American claims in England. Land Warrants
located and sold. or lio.lght. and highest prices
given. Agents engaged in locating warrants
in lowa. Illinois and oilier Western State.
,r,r,77 . A.pply to him personally or by lutttr.
Gettysburg. Nov. 21. 1833.
Bounty Land Claimpl.
lil F.: undersigned will attend promptly to
the collection of claims for Bounty Lands
tinder the ilte act of Congre.a. Thaw who
have •Ireldy received 40 or 80 acres. can now
receive the balance. by caking on the tinh.cri
ber and making the necexs.ary appliattion.
JO F:1- ER.
Gettysburg. March 12. 1855- a
J. Lawrence Hill, pl. D.,
W.... Otitert _
i. his 9flice one door west or, the babe
chinch, in Clistnhersburg rtreet, and
opposite Gratniner's store. where those wish
ing u) have any Dental Operation pet form
ed are respectfully invited to mill.
itiirKß/iNCES : Dr. D. Gilbert.. Dr. C. N.
Retluchy. Dr. D. Horner, Rev. C. p. Knuth.
I). I).. Rev. 11. L. 'laugher, I). D. 4 Rev. Prof.
William M. Reynolds, Rev. Prof. M. Jacobs,
Prof. M. L. Sispver.
Gettysburg. April 11. 1853. tf
Ladienethis Way !
(1011E.1N XTON ha‘e arwayq an
baud a large and well selevred
Ladies', 11i. a+', and
SauEs.---(;--tiTEe't AND SLIPPEas.
of all kinyi, all/ at all priees. No l trfaaVv.tis
show Gutals. .fav
i ,ic.. &c.. k large and selected from the latest
Kay Wanted. 1 styles—all of which they will dispose of at
'DEM ONS having llay to sell will do well l prices &slew satisfy can possibly afford. their
1, by culling on the subscriber. in Genes-I, system being to well CIIEIAP, for task sr routs.
burg, who k desirous of purchasing. The l try paidtate. . . . -.,
highest market tour will be paid at all times.l They will make up garments of every de-
As he intends having the Hay, after he -I seri ption in the most substantial and desirable
trig packed, hauled either to Hanover or Balti- I manner. all warranted to fit and not to rip.--
more. the prefe:enee to haul will be given to( Otxxisllissigigeg them not to be made cp in their
those from whom he may purchase. mita hHilt will be cut free of charge. They
/ SOLOMON POW ERS. 1 Ire tiebitteltpalot of 11.E.31)Y-MADE CLOTH.
December 6. 1852. tf , ING. is the best manner, which they sill sell
' as cheap as the cheapest.
RIVIIO -- IVA L. - They bait also on band a large assortment
Alex. Frazer, Watch and Clock-maker, of Ilwiery. Suipenditra. Skirl*. :.:/tift Cullara.
AS removed his shop to u r li s l„ tmet, i ke.. to which they would call the attention of
11, bilow Ihke's store, where he, will' the public.
always be happy to attend to the tmlla of cus
turners. Thankful for past favors, he hopes, ! 11:71he Latest Fashions regularly received.
Cash or Country produce always current,for
sor wo7k. Doo mistake the place.
by strictattemtion to basins, and a desire to Pc"
pleaserto merit and receive the patronage of t March 17. 1856.
the priblie.
Gettysburg, May 18.1A57.
Trr•oduvn ,
John Horner.
&home Arnol.l.
Jacob Mu:Kelman,
D. 11e0nrsur,hy,
John aliet
John Timone.
Santstei Ifrurbnralr.
A. Brims*lmam.
1). Mceruarv..
Itiftmert Ifornrr.
Api iIG. 1857.
Ono Dollar & Seventy-five Cents,
Will Seeare the liogular Visit of
t„ the /Ante qf any .11'amily ;a the. Cianty.
Afford Instruction and Amusement
01.1) ANT YOU4G, •
.I%) . family thou/.1 Ix withoitt thr Compiler.
cmild be spent in no more
protitahle mann'r than by suhscrihing
for the "Comm 031," which will furnish
you with all the 11CW, of the day, the
markets, the marriages and the deaths
occurring in the cot munity. with choice
selections of literature. poetry, wit :gym{
humor, and all that will go to make up
a first-rate Family Newspaper. Ad
dress the Editor and Proprietor, llexur
.1. SrAut.E. May IS.
Jann Brown'pg
TIIE FIRST Book of the Rational System of
English t rammer. 25 cts.
Tint smoxu Book of the Rational system
of Etiglkh Gramma, de•tigned to teach thu
proce,..s of Analysing the English Language
with sound judgment ; and the art of using it
with grammatical propriety. 31 cts.
These works ire now use .1 in the Public
Schools in the First School District of Penn
Tits Tutu) llnoK of the Rational System of
English Grammar, designed to enable the
learner to he,•ome most thoroughly Refithiinted
with the nature and use of the l'ituusitioNs,
and may be read by him either in or out of
hOOl. 50 CI 4.
wets aside the old Grammars, esposes their de
fects, demonstrates the little use of attending
to diem. and presents to the Teacher the un•
erring and ..ndy w•ay to the Grammar of the
Englikle lwncunge. :171 eta.
For toile by PL-rEit GRIFFEE, 11t ARCH
Strut. Philadelphia.
March 2, 137. Gm
/1 1 T.'. r.i B(/‘,7's _1 NI) sif()E,S
owlersigned having purchased from
I IVor. W. Paxton, Elsq.. his entice Stock
of 1;oods, will cniitinue the husine.,.s at. the old
stand. in Chit *.trert. a few door*
o al the timurniid. under the Linn of 8:11
MA )1 At 'AIit:HLNIIACGII. and soliuit the
patruruige of their (mends. and the public gem
erally. We,lia%e mole arrangewei.Ls i. Lly
increase our Ruck of
//tic and 54a....t,
f and will ways. keep on hand a fullets:ortment
of all hist..N. suitable to the seallon, which will
he sold at the lowt.t pousil4e ptteeB. llopiii , .
I by .tact attention to businesA, to mere a
ernl patronage. we invite ail needing
in out lion to mil and examine our vitals loc
i to. e purchasing elsewhere,
GettyAbur;,.. Jan. 12, Iss7.—tf
iICW Goadm!
( 11148 • & BEI/. Vespectfully inform their
of friends and the public generally, that they
hate opened a Merchant Tailoring
Epatibthihnsent, in the roots recently tic
, copied by A. Arnold. in South Baltimore street
Hear the Diamond, where they well at all times
he happy to accommodate all who mac patron
ize them. Their stock of Catetinieres,
I Vestings, Cas.sinets. Curds. Summer Goods.
1119‘ree, /*odd Bair Dye.
T"'sHAIR DYE needs' only e trial to Mt.
isfy all of its perfection es a lkep, and the
followinitestartestat from that eminent Anal
??tie Chemist, Professor Booth. of the U. S.
'Mat, will only costirto whet thousands hare
previntmly borne testimony to.
Phillielphia. Feb. 17th, 1M ")7.
"Being well acquainted with the sahstancee
composing Meer x Livid liar Dye. I am eat
ietird that by following the simple directions
given for Its I I e, it aril: not injure the Hair or
Suin, hut will give a luau rut and (livable eolur
io Use 'lair.
1V1.:9 C. rorrrit.
lIOVEIt'S wit! list; IN KS, including
11,rer'v F 1 tad , and it,rer'T Indelible Inky. en:
too well known and introduced to regnire any
additional testimony of their character. The
gales h ave t wei , increasing attire their firm ;it
,giViilg evidence that the articles
truly der, that intnutue merit claimed at
first for them hy the Manufacturer.
(Orders, iiiiiireq,cd to the Ninntibetory. No.
416 RICE Pitrret above FOURTH, (old No.
1 145.) Philadelphia, will receive prompt mitten-
tion by
JOSEPH P.. 110VER, Jltnufulnrer
April 13, Pd 67• -ty i " ..
. _
TWO D 1111,,Y LINE%
nA ye, ern.
1 4 , 4 XTR A At - WO Miilo D ATIONR. —The an
dentirtedseturns his thanks intim point'
for tha enceursgernent heretofore extended to
hini. and takes pleasure in announcing that ho
bas noolpleted ainoterinent. by
which TWO DAILY LINES of ?.rtskae" g' ,
I 'caches will run between Gcrtys- \-2. I
burg and Ilsnorer, to ("inflect with the trains
In and from 113sItifnerc, lark. llarrishurg.
Philadelphia. be. Persons desiring tirl,eteor
information wetl call on the undermeneit.or on
Cowman Tarr.. Ticket Agent. at Ono Eagle
llotel. in Chafahersburg street.
CUP:ivecial attentioti given to all packages.
otc.. or tuber business entrusted to the floater
signed between Gettysburg and Ilanover,
which will be promptly and carefully enroll
ed to.
7The undersigned has also of ar
rangements by a Inch lie still be aide to supply
Coaches. - Stages, &c., for Funerals. and other
occsalOus, at moderate
nettrlthurg, Apnt 13. 1857.
N I) N E . 11" Fl.ltr
'pH' E ondersi k med respectfultt inform their
1 friends and the public in general, that they
have ammenced the Cabinet and Chair-Making
business. in Ilaltinmre street. near ;diddle,
'A here they will manufacture all kinds,- rl
- FITI:N If I' RE. such as Dre.sin g,
and ,Csnaum Bureaus. 'tables Diva-
riot's dust. miions, Bedsteads, Wardrobes,
Strands. and every other article in then line—.
aid. of the best workmanship and good WS,
terials, which will enable thew to warrant
their work. Alm, every variety fC.IIRS.
Cormsa made at short notice and in the
various 'styles.
House Painting and Papering attended to,
and done in the lw,.t manner.
Their prima will be am low. as 'he Inters,. ea
all who may patronize them will acknowledge.
, 0 - I,anither and country produce talten in
exchange foe work.
Gettysharg, Feb. 23, 1t. 1 57. ly
Do You Bamains?
SCHICK'S ctiE.u , sToi:F;,
rm.., o f (I,' 1F , 1114 , 11id rin , i Ih,lluuwe qtreet.
L.SCII has just returned (run Phila
-0 • ile'phia with a toll and complere assort
inent of:s wing (l.s.ds, consisting of Black and
ranoy coi,red Cloths and Ca.ssimeres, of all
styh's a n d patterns ; also Satinerts,.lets',
Cottonades and Linen I;,s ids, f o r Men's wear
and Satin, Silk, and 31arseilles vesting; also,
Suspenders, Cravats, Handkerchiefs. Hosiery,
tad (Hove., at prices to suit the times—whieh
gentlemen wishing a complete uutfit,'wuuld
du very well to eX'llll///(I.
Fort me Broils. —lust received a superior
assorts n eat of Illaek Silks, Kilici, will ho sold
low; also, Berege do Liines,
Brilliants, Cali.!oes. Irish Linens, Swiss. B
and Canshrie 3lnslists, Dotzol Swi-s and l'hod
Mindins, Gloves, Ilil, sons. Collars, Dress
Trimmings, & which for variety. ex
cellence and cheapness cannot Le surpassed
in this market.
se2rltecolleet, that alPhi l m:, , h there iv a
great rush to Schiek's for bargains. all VIM he
aecommodated. No trill), te to show t; .ods.
Therefore cull in, and it mine tile largest,
richest. and cheapest stock you ever laid your
Clettymburg, April 13, is;;
New Gooll4--New Firm, I
A.\'l) THE cAsII
EOR(; E It NOLO 1, CO. Imre jiNt rect4v•
e , l from Philadelphian haml.oute •h-mt
ment or Goods, huitable for the seabon. Our
htueli of
Beady-aade Clothing,
and 411 Cord. in that line. is exten.ita. Cheap
l'amitinert-i.ra‘hineretts.Drap Devi te.
Ve.ting , i. Drilltn4•;..te..ece. and
If we cannot plett.e you in a garment
re:tile-made, we hire our Taihir4 emt.ozitit/y
cut Ling mit and ;linkup; I. and can make you
u,Arinent upon p.liort. !Intim.. and in the very
manner. Oiir prices cannot he heal.—
Glee int Nit t vh 3 1.-57.
P. S. —I have given Mr. J. C. Gwrin au in
tervat expresaly for the purpose of aettling up
u.y uIJ bitsmeaa. I have now been opt.Tatitur„
37 years auil have never until now avteriiiinol
to settle up my bitattleas generally. Thit..e
therefore who are tudcluted to too, either by
Noc e or Book- account. will planse call
auil pay the Annie. Uro. A It Nt/1.1).
March 1557. tC
("he'll) Ifft fehrt irud ✓wrrlrq
IIr . IIOLES %IA: and Retail. at the Phi Me
l, phul IVatch and Jewelry Store, No. "RI
North Second btrect, corner sof Qua, ry.
Gold Lever Watches. full jeweled, IS carat
v i s es , $2B 00: Gold Lepincs. 10 carat. $24 00;
Silver Levers, full jeweled. $l2 00: Silver Le
pine, j . ewels. S'J 00; superior Qoartiers. $7 00
Gold :spectacles, $7 00: tine Silver. do. $1 50:
Gild Bracelets. :3 (10: Ladies' Gild Pencils.
$1 00: Silver Tea Spoons. :Jet. $5 Oil: Gold
Pens, with pencil and silver holder. 111 00.
Gold Finger Rings. 371 cents to SSO: Watch
Glasses. pliin, I2i cents: patent 1$1; ballet
25: other articles in prof)o.-tion. All goods
warranted to be what they are bold for.
On hand. some gold and silver Levers and
Lepines. still lower than the above prices.
Ozt. 20, 1856. ly
- - -
Nem . ' Hard ware spore.
INHE . ;uhacribers would respectfully an
nounce to their friends and the publio that
they have opened a hardware Store. in Balti
rnore street, adjoinivii the residence of David
Ziegler, Gettysburg. in which they always In
tend to otter to the public a large and general
assortnielit of
Hardwire, Iron, Steel, Groreries,
Oikko AI /1/) ID it:C-k. ila 7' 2 '
icbar—marr, Shoe Sivbings,
Paint's, 011114, and Dye-staMi,
in general, including every description of arti
cles in the above line of business, to which
they invite the attention of Coach-makers,
Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Cabinet - makers,
Shoe-makers, Saddlers, and the public gener
ally. Our stock haying been selected with
great cars and purchased for cash, we guaran
tee (for the ready money,) to dispose of any
part of it on as reasonable terms as they can
be purchased anywhere.
We particularly request a call from our
friends. and earnestly solicit a share of public
favor, am we are determined to establish a char
sc:er fur selling (Mods at low prices and doing
business on fair priiiciples.
Gettyßbarg. June 9, 1451. tf
Removed lo Hanover.
111,ANCIS MI SON; late of the, Vv'ttsh
-11 I •
nt:ton Hip's() at ktilrottatown, has taken
in Hanover. where he will be happy to enter
tain al/ who may patronize him. His Table
k supplied with the best the market and gar
den can alfjrd, and ins liAr with the choicest
of liquors. lli Stables arc connuodmus, and
attended by careful Ostlers. Give him a call.
You will always find FKANK. on the spot,
'ready and willing w tuake everybody coni•
fvrtabie. [April 27, litrs7.
rEORUE and Henry Wimpler will maks
ILI Howe Spouting and put up the name low,
for cash or eliustry prod OOP. rinlbere lOW
others wishing their beans. barna. ke., spout
ed, would do aPell to give them a call.
April 18. 1553. tf
tity anti the best ittock ever brought to
pi. phew: donlil it, tuft utul wet
fur yourselves —at • WU
. ... • .
C a OlCfi,r4 t ßM LAND I S Dealik or Sicknein?
lOU &I'L'. . effoOS Re.III•LEN 'fill'. 1.
lIIIIE Illinois Central Railroad Company flolloway's Pills.—The blood furnis h e s
A is noir prepared to sell about
it . i the material oferery bone, muscle, gl and
1.500,000 Acrd ofAnd fibre in the human frame. When pure, it
•I %mores health to every organ ; when corru pt.
' 4 3 .4 ",„ 1-\ _ j a : &'.. c 1 . .) la , ,A .. , -, ...7,2, - T . c . , 10 . 73 rk, ii i it neeetiverily prodneea disease. Iloit,nway's
Pita/anaemic dtrectly upon the elements of the
in trace of about roSTI ACaus, on luaj crcdile
/ organ ] of life, neutralizing the principle of dia.
utt-i ;ow ix.. iif tidere.t...
' mom, and thus radically curing the malady,
Those lAnds were granted by the Covent- .
l e t - w he i t i h ver er , in i"..1 nerves, the stomach ,
merit to old in the, convirnction of this Ilriad , ! located in
the muscles, the akin, the
mold arc liworig, 010 Tici/04.4. and 'moat fertile in ;
brain, of any other part of the system.
world. They extend from North Fast and ,
North NVea,t. through the middle of the State. l'iov/ Thtvitormit th- R'orrel!
to the ettreine South, and include every ratio-{ ottow.ti's PILLS aro eqtuilleefiloacioun in
complains common to the whole human race.
ty of climate and productions found between
parallelsa latitude . The Northern and in tharirderS peculiar to certain climates
portion iv chiefly prairie. interspersed with,
_florin illy 11i.v1.0,(f 7 1 rt. and kamlities.
fine groves. and in the•middlo and Southern , rtyep.paia, and derangement of the liver.
sections timber prellannuates. alternating w sth
' the source ofinfirtnity and suffering. 'and the
beautiftil prairies and openings.
cause of Innumerable deaths, yield to these i
The chmate is mere healthy. mild and eq tla-
ble. than any other part of the minntry—the curatives in all canes. however aggravated. !
sir is pure and bracing, While ltring streamsacting as a mild purgative, alterative and ton
ic : they relieve the bowels. purify the fitting.
and springs of excellent water iabotind.
' . Bituminous Coal is exteneivly mined, and and, /nai g nr at a .. th e aYaLein and 1110 nOnlinnutiaa
supplier{ a cheap and desirable fuel, being fur.; at t h e Fame t i • ,
nisbed at many p oints at ill. to 84 per ton—l i'l'iv - roi- ft cO , . li e ." --. .V;TrOff.f rinnpilli/J/T.
When all stimulants fail, the rermiraring
and wood can be had at the same rate per cord. I
and bracing properties of them Pills give firm- 1
%lidding Some 'pf excellent qtmlity Into
abounds. which can be preen - me for little more' neS4 to the altAking nerves and enkeldad an " -
' tics of tile victim tit general debility.
then the expense or transportation.
111 case: of the fracture of bones, initt.
The great fcrtilitrof these lends, which ere 1
rase caused by steam exp'osions, BrUlheS•
a black rich mould from taro td five feet deep,
and gently rolling.—their contiguity to this B arns ' 4 1 1( - 1- • ithc"mati•m , Stiffness of the I
loons, ana enntractton of the sinews, it is ray- I
Road. by which every facility Is furnished for '
played and warmly recommended by the fat-;
' travel and transportation. to the principal
ulty. This marvelouit'remedy has been intro-1
markets North. South. East end West. an-1 I ,
the economy with which they can he enlti -a. I dotedbyits itivenuw in person into all the
lending - Hospitals of Europe, and no private
i ted. render them the most valmible inert:trot-Tit
without it. that can be found : anti present the most fa. household should be with
i tt , II I'llll I . T. 4 ,, tynty.
1 hostile opportunity. for pervons of induvri ions
I The Niedic•ii Staff of the French and English
1 habits and small mum to
acquire a comfort.
Armies in the Crimea have officially signed
able intlepentliatce in a few years.
Chicago iv , the greateat grain market In the their approval of Holloway's Ointment, as the
most reliable dot assns for sabre-cuts. stabs,
world—and the facility and economy wok
and gun-woo d s. It as alstO used by the sir
which the products of these lands can be
geons of the Allied Navies.
transported Id that market, make them moth
more pr , iiiehie. i t the prices • eeked , u th , li,:ii tic Othis,...n: (4,‘,/ Pills sb.oad be us,/ s 'ii
lii. Psi lwrinj suss :
these metre remote et government rates,-.u, e
theannatisin Sore Throats
the additional cost of transportation iv a per. v,7,',7" ,„„,..,rn,, Sore* of all mom
petual tax on the latter. which must be borne cit.! i e-t nut,t, '.,lt Rheum Sprains
by the producer. in the reduced price he re- t'''''''"'"" S, AM. Stiff J"lnts
F....tut a i.k.;11 W.A.* Tea.,
CVIVe.4 for his gratin. rte. It.tit Shell.-,1 ',iambi l'lven4
The Tll is Perfect—and when the final
payment% are made, Deeds are executed by
the Trustees appointed by the State. and in
whom the tide is vested, to the porchliseru,
which convey to them absolute titter in Pee
Simple. free and clear of every incumbrance,
lien or inorigage.
I', ne yr are remit All to R 311: h a t, r ,*
watt p'•r'eul. Twenty per cent. will be
deducted from the credit price for Cash,.
Those who piirchase on long credit, give
notes payable in 2., 3,4, 5 and 6 year , : alter
date, and arc required to improve (me-tenth
annua" ly for fire yeArs, so as to have one.h.lif
the laud in cultivation, at this cud of that
Competent Surveyors will accompany those
who wish to examine these Lands. free of
charge, and.aid them in making selections.
The Lamle remaining unsold are as rich
and valuable as
t thuse which hive been dint
paved of.
.Vorm will be sent to :try one
wbo will enclose fifty cents in Postage Sumps.
and Books or Pamphlets. containing numer
ous in'strinees sneces4ul farming. signed by
respectalde and well known farmers living in
the neighborhood ofitailroad Land:. through-
out the State—also the cost of fencing, once
of cattle. expense of harvesting.
etc.—or any infurmation—will be •cheerfully
green on application, either personally or by
letter, in E,tgltah, Frfnch or German. addrvs
sed to JOHN 11 II: 411 N.
Lan! rn•Jrn!...lnhor et the 111,nel, Centrel it IL c,
, 1 7,e1 like in Illinoint Central Railroad De
pot. clover. Illinois.
April U. 15.57. Gm
r()Pr;EI: ('ONTI('TED.
Jon' s. UYG Is TIIF.
a Who ha. ha I 14) )oars experience as a Dank
o; er and Pahli.her aml author of
.1 .s da.4 '
.11,1,411 ra j ra
w h•riuvle,
:• *1 whrn, far 10 toweeveive nights. over
'?"7" 50,000 l'eople
Dreete.l him with nntiek or appiattsc. while
he the manner in which
in " terfeiters exeente their Italia!, and the
No" soreea and uhortest means or
Detecting them !
60 The Bank' Note Eng avers all gay he i 4 lac
© greatest Judge of Paper Money living.
e or Tnx I.lot.titXT CV:ITT - 11T FOR
lO.T Et' rlmi ttousettitimti RANK NIITE3
"“Desrrilling every thmuine. Rill in exibicuce,
and exhibiting. at a glance, every
Counterfeit in Ci-eulatinn!
_rrsvigeci sn rdinirably that RF.VERENrE 13
r i ps. ifinvz to exagninc ! No pages to
"hunt up! But so sinyliticil an.l arranged
C that the Merchant. the Bayer and Business
wan caw see id/ at u Glance.
Proneb nnR o,rman.
6 ruts tacit ItAT RV \to Tfillt !VIM IN lITS OWN
am Also, a list of
ALL TA; rIIIifLTS DUMAN! IS A 11111141,4
A Complete IS *tumor/ f .the Finance of
Europ e . and America wi )be published in
:t e ach edition. together with all the impor
os. tent ~Vetea of the day:. Also.
Froni an old Stainu,cript found in the East.
o ft furnishes 't,he most Coniplete Uistory 'of
0 Describing the most Perplexing Situations
.• in which the Ladies . and gentlemen of that
NI country have been so often found. The.;e
Stories will continue throughout
the whole year, and, will
prove the most entertaining ever offered to
the public.
IrtFurnished , Weekly' to Subscribers
©only. at SI a year. All litters inuet be ad
dressed to
JOHN DYE. Broker,
Publisher sod Prwprieliori 79 Watt street,
April 27. 18.57. ly New York.
300 Doz. Knives
II At Ill}
ir t Ut t n r Eg i r l
England, (31 of
a large n a i n in d Pn e
teosive assortment of Cutlery, we invite the
attention of those in want of any style of
Knives and Forks, Carvers, Nut Pies, (&e., to
come and examine. We will sell at such
prices ILA Nrill defy competition. Also, a large
assortment of Table Forks, which will be sold
separat dy. Duset eieelirle the
,"Country 3lerchanta eau be etipplic4l nt
a small a,lsance. May IR.
Imurance Company,
CAPITA 813(J.586 —effects insurances in
any part of the State. against lorim by lire
prudently adapts its Imi:rations to its resoor
ces : affords ample indemnity, and promptly
adjusts its losses.
Adams county is represented in the Board
of Managers by lion. %miss ItloCtitas.
WM. 11cCLEAN..1 , 7^1 1 .
office or Al. Z W. McClean, (iattyabarg.
May tIG, 1850.
Scythes ! Scythes ' ! Scythes !
- 11 A IINESTOCKS have lust re.2eiel the
largegt lot of SCYTIIts ever offered in
the county. They comprise avarietv of makes,
including Si IS RE. EEL,,STSEL itAchs,
whiathe attention of Formers and
others is invited. assuring them dna we will
sell them cheaper than elsewhere., !MAY /S.
.Bringrrum , Augiusibaugh,
WE are just receiving a new lot of
T Y Hate, Caps, Hoots £ Shoes 4
— o f the very latest spring styles. and r
intend selling at small profits. Call and sec
them berme purchasing elsewhere. Remelt".
per the place. Piston's old stood, Chambers:,
burg street. March
Lootharn Fore 9 4-woo
Erlipt.onet , -ore Won't, - N °awls of all k Lodi
'„'Sold at the Manufactoriec of Professor
Ilot.eoir. 4Y. N.l Maiden Lane. New York. arid
244 strand, tonrion. by alt respectable Drug
gists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the
C nited State and the civilized world, in pots.
at 2 , rewo, 62 1 . ants. and each.
(1 there 1. a cutisiiiieratilesaving by taking
the larger vizes.
H.—Directions for the pittance of tia
tient,: in every disorder are affixed to each pot.
S.'l7('ai lit ion :—.None are genuine unless
the words "if d otra,,E,Nru• );),-4 and Le m trify & ”
are diserrnahle as alwatrr-laa 11. in every of
of the linok of directions around each pot or
box ; tl e .anie may be plainly seen by ',obi
to,/ 6, le If rJ the li ! frht. A handrome reward
wilfbe given to any - one rendering talc!' infor
mation as may lead to the detection of nny
party o^ parties coccnterfeiting the medicines
or rending the same, Liaml ino them to be
Sept. 1, 1656.
To Those Who Want Farms.
EVE: tl' MAN.
ry:11: RII)GIV.IY F.1111C(1)ITANI:
trt3t3le.terz.na3 meta , 13y witieil ail who tie
sit,. to Pr•ttlt• l , at • cita-o eita d 3 qn.
'ho Fai nio• con , i.t of the hit hole•itone
s it pf the ofo•.t sup ii•iiir f fa:11141,7,
in a rupally iinp• .ving place. into IfillCl/ all
est •i one eaii4rution is now. Tionrilz. The
i. 4 1,,-ite.l in Elk County. l'etinsyl
‘an.a, in tile midst of n thri‘ing popidativrt
of s.ime 01 111 . rile .Baia te in perfectly
hy, and the terri'oie rda..t.ite of the ‘ve.tern
ferer ft ;tr.(' ruts nn nbutlan,-e
of the be4t nindity of Coal umti iron. The
price to bey it out is front :51 to per tiete,
paya'ile loc inAttilw. , :it..:u tit looate‘l nL rho
tinor of or a share of '2.5 .acres en
io time -;son. 1.. r 5391). payable
per inoath,, or 1:2 s 1 per
e‘ery of fOO ruin
tin ler, eau , ' ill n I% .t1:00. a 1.•( . ..1111( Of 5 per
cent. w i ll he allowed, and for over ::4111') a dia.
ovuut ..f i•I cent.
Li e in•id .r.n :4 the iutrantmgeg..mig„ratinf..;
to t his locality tlis folt swing itre presented :
—it is a ri-h linwstone. eapatile
of r.ii•ing the he:II-II...I erupo, utrin, to
this sett h`inelit 11.1 , At-tallied Its prewar great
," it is the eentre of the ,rent North
NVest Von) 11 kelestiiie , l ...non t o ho.
, z .., f ue line et . the gre:tte.t. 1.0 ni•-s iihteei in the
jt will supply the Lake market,
isitripaintion Rod travel the gment
est in the It hits five u - irkithie veins
of the hest Rita htilifiittt ain.iunting, in
the itg,iregute to eter *2.2 feet, which' makes
"".2. 0 0 0 tons of Con( under eitsle nere. This
will make the land ot inestimable vitlort..
'l'he eminent state geologist, Dr. Wins T.
Jackaun, of Bosom, hits male n geologisal
surrey of the httiit. and analysed the coal the
iron ore and ttw This rrport to
gether with mops will be 'Tarnished to in
• Pmirtit--Taree railroads are thro'
this pr7erty. Thus Suuhnry anil Erie non
food gives tut 'n market for our cool to the
runs from Erie to l'hiltvielphitu A
large pert of thia road Fins been finished, 'awl
is now itt running order. Away form is
now working, • ftom grin toward...our land in
the we,torn direction. the means for the cam-
pletion fit' whir+ hays been enise.l—it will soonlx tinishtsi. The Allee:iteny Vttlley - Railrostl
oQnneetis us with New York. B Atoll and l'itts
hur;.t. Thu l'enaugo Road euuueets us with
the West.. - •
There are:already good Turnpike Rands'
running through this property, various other
roads have been opened w aeommisodate the
emigration and settlement which has already
taken place.
'There is no opportunity. equal to it now of.
fered to the no who wants
a home att wasy way. and make a settlement
where ho can live in prosperity tm'd Inlepen
deece in a climate PIAtFECTLY 11F,ALTIn - .
No arse of the fever ever having been
known to occar in this settlement. It is not
like going to the backwoods of the West,
among perhaps intaeraat, people, where 11101113
is no somety, churches. or schools. where the
price of lend is highouttl where the emigrant,
after being used tote healthiett climate in
the world, has to endure sickness and pain,
and perhaps ruins his health and that of his
family. But here is a thriving settlement
haring three towns, containing churches.
schools, hotels, stores, Paw mills, grist Mills,
and everything desired. There is a cash
market at hand. The lumber trade Last year
amounted Waver two hundred million feet of '
lumber. In a short time, owing to the eoal.
it will become still more valuable, as a num
ber of iron works sped manufactories will soon
be started ; they are at pre-cut .tarting them
extensively at Warren. en for those who
0 0 n ot w i sh to g o there, the payment* are
such that they can easily buy a farm to save
their rising fatuities from want in the future,
or to gain a competence by the rise which will
take place in the value of By an out.
lay scarcely missed, s substantial prorisiun
can be made. •
Persons should make early application, ap
ply ur write to fi. Jetieries, Secretary, No.
1:;O Walnut Street, below Fifth, Philadel
phia. Letters c arefailly an_swered..giyini
full information.
! Shares or tracts of land can ho lion..,oht or
. secured by letter enclosing the first instalmenli
of five dollars, wbon the subscriber will bt
i furnished with books, maps, Le. Warrantee 1
Deeds given. Persons can also purchase from
I our Agents.
Route front Philadelphia to Tyrone on th e
Pennsylvania Central Railroad, and thence
!: by Stage is Lle / land. This is a delightful
season to. stait Se r liareip—tbe best . hotel so
commotlabilio is ite(oda liluquire fur E. C.
! Schultz, 11.441.: the Agent fur the property at
St. Nliirs'A.
June ` 4 , 1857. 3m •
Chair & Furniture Establishment"
In 11,iltimure
A je i i '' l ?T,A l 4 S e
1 ( 4 1 A G l a ' y Sl'.
ee l I V A nt li .ii, Fj r rit ° yett S cs:
where ure kept alw,nes on hand, e,r , novie tir
order, every st.) le I , IPrenehIETF,A-T,EITS,
ih lirtir, Cloth or lirne4kelle. - •
French Full . Stuff stud !deflitllleyilotuine
ARM in Plush,;
Bruentelle. i
French Full s,tnft. Vabrred • P.AILLOit
CHAIRS, in bets, wi t ts 414,04‘ .or, •
SOFAS. hilt ?rend) Pprina I%taho,nhn7,an - tt
Walnut .I',u•lur eir
ItikIKINII PITAI.IIS--varioitis dasignaidtv
Hair, ("bah and Plash. •
Stuff Spring LOUNl:}l3—rt 'largo
nioot rthrup un lio4d, ur :lily e zi.1.1.4, 14 tiiudo
ur ..., , l with any. io( tinter, ' •
.111.1)1131:11 SCITS—in 11titliogliky or
o.m olote, from A.94'uti.
CANK nod itookint dO.-4414
/nrfze*(t aasortinent reedy'Aer-:trae
house in the limited Statel--trum•Sltit doom
en up.
Bar !Lunn, Ofier and Dining PIXAIRS, lq
Oak, Walnut or 3talitipt26., wio) .
or Stitlfi.4l amsortmene etubritdilg.'
over 5(1 dozen.
Wwd Neat ell AIRS and SETTEES Ira
Rocking; Chair.--over
A. 31ATIIIOT, 25 Streik
near Fayette street.
May lA, 1857
.New Goods.
FATINEST(WK - itrunitEns
\you LO rollevt fully inform their ettratent-
V ers and the publie gonerallrthet the'y
lace itt•it tile ,, e4t. and hel4toiteleti
e 1 4 aook of Spring and Summer Goods ecer
~ i f, r ed to th,:al. 14a ring purchaf‘eti thr the
they are prepktrel to otter each in
due..tmlits a% to defy all competition. WIND'
us a call—no troupe to Hviit
&,a of the Rat Pruitt.
April 13. 15:,7
Remo Few Doors Soot r.ft he Old %tend.
•T H. SK ELLY respectfully informs his old,
• customers and the public generally, that
he continues the 7:111 - 40111.VG BUSINEss,
near his old stand, in South Baltimore street.
where' he will he happy to accommodate all
who may patronize him. All work entrusted
to his care %varranteri m fit sloth* of most sub.
stantial make. Thankful fir post &wore, Ito
solicits a continuance of public pstreohe.
lri /„. s,A Jug ;Ind maser
I'i, are received. Call and see them;
Gettysburg. Apiil 'J, 1815:
10 O'er Cent. Iniercut
ynn want to inviNt your money with a
certain return of gond intereqt, and at Iha
.zame unto lirnkh to your familleit that *hid''
wilt h e prolitaltle and useful—buy all
_your ,
Good 4 at Fahnestocks' CiteapBto = 4.
have received, and are cisnitantlf ,adding
every 0614 now a n.l ileairabla to their attack.
April 27, 1e57. tf
9111 P, understned. beir4 the nethoOted per-
I_ son to make removals into Ever Grredr
CL•tilvirry. hopesi 01.4 such srtrontemplpte,thp ;
re:n.,val of the remains .I.4,..deeenseel relatives
or filen 1.4, will avail themselves Or this 11114014
the year to have it done. Ulu trims are
modorste, and every efrort made to pleonke:
PET tat I . llOltS.
Klrper j the Cemetery.
Febraary 9. 18.17
New Millinery.
71/ISS LOUIS.% KATE LITTLE eriitbeeilk,
-Vl. inform ttm Lathe% of town and -cnouttly• •
that She IS now ;Winn Nrtrn execute Jlillinery
in all its Ittancites, in , WetiniAtil l e ea**, #
few doors below Mr. (leorge Little s sture.— .
IVorli chnie cheaper thait vliewbere iu tows:
Please call nod s t - e .
April 21, 1856. I.
Illinorer B. Railrozid.
VVR.UNS over the I lonover Brukh Railroad
AL now run as-fotiowa
First Train lea re. 4 II anover et 9 A. M.. with
Paseengers fur York. Ilarrisl urn,. (Mendes
end l'lnlmielphia. This Train also connepts
with the EtprehS tut llaltiosore, anivittgtherp
at 12. x.
Seca - I - Train leaves at 3 P,.x.oviti.. Pakesen
' ..
gers for Baltimore said igummediateplatr.
and returns with passengers from York. in.
April 21. .1..P:113, AVI!t
Dianlond 'tensor.
101I\ IV. TIPTON, Fax/atom/Me Amber
• .furl If,ilr Ih. vx , r, ran at all times be roost;
prepared to attend to the• calla of the people. at
the Temple, in the Diamond, adjoining' the
County Buildinr,. From long expertener, he
flatters himself that he can go through all the
rannfications of the Tonsorial Department
With such an infinite degree of skill, as will
meet with the entire sati sfx Mall who may
submit their chine to the keen ordeal of Ment
zer& He hopes, therefore, that by his atten
tion to businees. and a desire to please, he will
merit is well as receive. a liberal share of pub.
lic patronage. The sick will be attended to at
their pi irate dFellings.
Gettysburg, Jan. 8, 1855. tf
The Ladies
WILL find it to their advantage to ealT at
Fahnestock Brothers, and see their
large and 'dirt!) stock of Silks, Challis, Lawns,
Dueal,t, Tatnartines, Delaines, Calicoes, Ging
barns, 4:e., which are selling cheap at
si g n of the Rd
April 13, 1837.
Flour! Flour!
MIIE undersigned continues the FL9nr basi
-1 ness its heretofore. lii sells by the barn'.
or any smaller quantity. By taking mar i.
morns he can buy as high and sell as low as
anybody else, and by always endeavoring to
keep none but the brat, ho hopes to :merit lad
receive a continuance of I i beral patronage.
At the Post Office.
Oct. 8, 1855.
iiiirWe are better i ty(paresb :temtn;'
ever to execute JOB titian,' ix ita
-parlous brandai.g. Witt txdlVlrstg,
and an unusually large. aas*. t
* Of
jobbing' letter and otbet,iwitef , the
'Lublin may rest assoretipthat lbr giant
neas and expedition in dointr'work, the
" Costmga" Office "eate,t be bOt"
. -
BREADS, Pins, Needissi , ThbaMeis,
T Aids.
dies' sod °door Combs, Besibue.
Kyes, Tooth Brasile* , hail -triuloftrill
alltabes, obesp at