1;23 Fisfa/ Accistral.—A lEvtithegtoxlan rile‘t—A distressing accident oocurr *Al yesterday on tho Philadelphia gall. road, which resulted in the death" of Robert Farnham, Esq., the well known hookssier in Washington city. It ap peals that the train in char;.;i3 of Mr. R. D. Jamar, conductor, wa4 waiting on a sideling at Staunton, a few miles this side of Washington, fur the express trait to pass, and that Mr. Farnham got alined went into the station-hunse, w here he stood fora short time convers- ing with some ladies. As the express train, however, approached within about one hundred yards of the station-house, he suddenly, walked out on the track to wards the coining train, apparently un conselotui of his danger, notwithstand ing he was told by several persons to getospon the car he had left.—The engi neer of the express train also gave the sistOst warning by sounding the whistle for seam time. Unfortunately, howev er, Mr. Farnham %NS violently struck by the biimper of the engine, causing bli, death to a few minutes. The de- ceased was on his way to the White Mountain*, in company with his 00P and two daughters, who aro over whelmed at the sudden and shocking bereavement. llis remains were taken to Wilmington. Mr. F. was a gentle man of ;property, and was greatly re spected in Washington. was. known as an extensive contractor fur furnish ing government with stationery, &e., having but a few weeks since, as the lowest bidder, been awarded one or two of such contracts. The accident is at tributed to the fact of the deceased leaving the cars and walking on the Itrattk a thing too often done by rail toad travelers generally, at almost eve r' stopping-pluee.—/k/tikwre Sun, Cl Tadaday. Mr: Pertborlyx Wealth.—George Pea-; body, Esq., proposes to make Newlm ryport, Mass., a present of 810,000 when they ki hall designate Rome appro priate object for which it shall be given. It is stated by those well qualified to judge, that ifotwithstandim4 the priors-1 iv, or rather republican, manificence of; Mr. Peabody, which has anion rite.' *duce he lis3 been in this country to over; a half million of dollars. such is the ex- ; truordinary amofint of business done , by his bailing house that he is worth . wore, now than on the day he left Eng.; ud.---Beon Led y-7. The Mexican papers annotrry , e the discovery etf pliteeni near Mazat in Mexico. %chid' surpass those of c a ti_ fornia. It is sal,' that the city of Ma zatlan-is fast being deserted, its pupa lation flocking to the mules. As ill tieb 2/24 twenty and thirty ounces are said to dtolioeted with the labor of a few hours The Mexican papers call this a new California. Franklin aml Atar.hall eql , ge.—Th annual commencement of this institu tion , will take place on the . 2t)t It inst.— On the 28th the biennial address belbre the two literary societies will he deliver tsl by David Paul Brown. On the af ternoon of the Frame day the Diagnothian and Grethean Halls will be dedicated in immediate succession. Addresses will Le delivered by Rev. Greor ,, e B. Russell, of Pittsburgh. and Dr. Lewis Steiner, of Baltimore. ,In the evening the ad dress before the Alumni Association will be delivered by the Rev. Joseph. Clark, of Chambersburg,. ilerThe Chicago Tribune says, be cause the Free State men staid at horn from the recent eleetion in Kansas, the Pre Shivery fierce of the Territ , try WAS 11 . 4)41111 to be not over 1500. How ut terly inexcusable for the " friendA of freedom" then to have declined voting, :mill how plainly it AllOW:4 that agitation !Merely for political purposes has been prolonged. Iliir-ricnig-Safe,atea,urinzsi feet high.!4` . 1 1} feet wide. and weighing 4,360 potindK, ha lbcen attracting much attention at the office of the. Faajtsa's %VD MCCaVitei SAVI%G . A Istrt- Term's, in S. W. corner of the public square. Ecerrhody nearly in town has been to see it. Our friends from the country hare been and are still drlpping in. to see thi., the largest Sat , en t er briTitqlat into Ike roasts. s.fe furnishes another ground for confidence to depositors. The serTirity fur the deposits they make is ttf the...mine char acter, and as extensice as those afforded by a lonia to its depositors. the stockholders in the one and the other being in the same numner liable The safe keeping of the monies an 3 the se,ltrity to depositors thus afford a double en/Patter(' to those thinking of depositing their monies where, instead oftyini ieilr , th,y will prance interest—in the • Saciag'e letsti tutiens. liirThe greatest natural ornament to the " human fisrm divine," is urque , itionably a line, duzuriank healthy growth of hair. It has bee* 40 esteemed in all ages of the world, and Slating elt natiens, savage and civilized. the. Intfiun brave regards the scalp of his *Dewy Er. bid grenteat trophy. For a similar ~ea, the fashionable belle often disguises the region of vanity, as Well as her dither plusuFlogical organs with burrowed locks. lie who shoula discover a mode of prevent ing the hair from showing the inroads of en. sinus Time by turningprematurely gray, a method by which it co uld be restored when falling of or turning white, and a way of pro moting its continued and luxuriant growth, would be justly entitled to rank among the benefactors' of the human race. Read the testinkmiats it the 'wonderful, not to say al most miraculous effects of" Professor Wood's Hair Restorative," and see if he has not ao- Romphefted all this.—Capital City Fact. AMA) ST ALL Dauccas-rs. July 27: 2v le'rrollotray's Oittlmes" mut Pills.—ln :Switeedand, where a diem* of the glands of the Sleroet called goitre prevails. Holloway's Ointment kas been used with the must decid ed estemsta. This malady is scrofulous in its character, and previous to the introduction of this famine vemetly, was supposed to b e in.. curable. It has, however, nearly disappear.. ed from the Clanton of Berne, since the es tablishment of Prof e ssor Holloway's agencies in that region, and a distinguished physician of Geneva has recently recommended the use of the preparation in all districts where the malady exists. It is unquestionably a cer tain and safe remedy for all external disor 'dens, and the Pills are esaally efficacious as a .cure for internal eomplatets. /Darner. are. eomutions alien area the flrealthiest people need ssedielee, the ehanges ,of diet, of the weather. and hundreds of ,other emu*. prodnee • laxity is the theele Oat needs correcting, or in other words, the Direr Weenies slightly deranged, awl meads a 34akor. If all who find themselves in ilikulliftluatios will try Dr. Sanford's lurigota trie7 rimy be sure of relief, as ire ean tes flay 4. Os 'Wag in caring lleluladtie, Sour Stemael, and other ills so coin- Anon to s family. It acts, as a medicine, easier and better then any dose of pills we .evermwelloehil. sad Mao mild that the small / •estitnse Was it. giar i koto. Buehler, .gent for &itysburg ; Win. alga: /hooter ; and Charles It. ne n .. sy, Abbottatown. July 13. Gov. Atcrey's Death—girolai-Pres estilsest.—lt is generally known that the daughter of Gov. Marcy passed the 4th'ofJuly in the family ofan acquaint ance in this city. She formed out: of a circle of friends, including ladies and hi gentleman, at the during theday. While all the others were in cheerful w spirits, it asobse in the forenoon that Miss M. appeared to be depressed in mind. So obvious was this to her companions, that it was made the sub ject of remark, when she said her ruind was unaccountably impressed with the fear that a signal calamity bad overta ken some member of her family. Ear ly in the afternoon, the news of the death of Gov. Marcy reached this city, and it Wadi known to gentlemen compos ing the party in which Miss M. was some time before it was communicated to her. While the gentlemen were in a room by themselves, discussing the man ner of conveying to the daughter the sad intelligence, and before she could by any means have received the least intimation of the event, she suddenly threw her handkercheif over her thee, and evidently in deep grief retired alone up stairs.- 7 Troy Whig, 18th A Way to Settle It.—ln Goshen, Or ange county, N. V., an uncle and ne phew, both named Shaw, residing near Howell's Depot, bad a bitter feud.— About a year ago the uncle gave the nephew a severe "lamming." At the first favorable opportunity the nephew squared up the account in the same min. Both applied to the courts for re dress.anda hoard of arbitrators was ap. pointed. The board met last week, and after taking evidence two days and a half, gave this decision: That each pay the other $75 and the costs be equal ly divided between them. Bra -Some funny fellow says that hap piness i v like a pig with a slippery tail, which everybody runs after, but nobody can bold. , • 'l,i •-= • , ti •••- ` - f:r tvois =I On the 221 in4t., in tido% place, Mr. JOAN WIILIE. aged 57 years J in.aiths and G days. o^Velne.d.iy creoing, at the College, Mr. MICHAEL KWl.l,. , iit the 361.11 year of Iris age. Ou the 10th inst.. DANIEL FRANCIS, son of 31r. Jacob Muiser, of Mount',leiLi•ant township, nge.l 17 month+. 0.1 the 'LULL inst. , 11.1\11:1, MARCH, son of Mr. Daniel Nlitreb, of Butler towuship, itge.l 1 year '3 inolitliK :Lll.l 2 day.. ikti.iici ile.poiqs. C.orrected from time latemtlb renre. York k Flannver papers L'ull4lNu,Y-t'riJay l,i.d Flour. per luarrel, $7 44 (4 7 50 Wlleut, per buNtiel, 1 0.1 (14. 1 85 CIII MO Oats, - Ott di lloef Cattle, per } w ind., 8 00 (o;11 00 IL., 9 00 (ie, 930 Hay, per ton, 13 00 (0,18 00 IVloNkey, pi'r gallon, 28 La 31 Gitano, Peruvian, tier ton, (2 00 flasurer--7'ibraselay hut Flour, per WI, from waguits, Do. '• from stores. 7 50 Wheat, per bushel, 1 50 @ 1 70 Ice, •• 90 Corn, 11l 70 Oats, 11.1 50 Ch,verseed, " - 8 00 Timothy, " 250 Plaster, per ton, G 50 J urk—Friday Gut Fleur, per bbl., from w•:ienna, 4,6 25 Do., " from stores., 7 50 Wheat, per bushel, 1 65 ® 1 SO }ice. " 93 Corn, IS 75 oatB, 44 ell , Terned, " Tilatithy, " Plaster, per ton, A Camp Meeting, OR Waynosburo' station, Providence per witting. will be held in Cold S i lting wood, on the lands of Messrs. John and Hen ry Gilbert, not otYr one mile from Waynes boro' commence on Feiday, the 2lst day of _iuguat test, end continue until the follow ing Thursday. No person will be permitted to dispose —uf any kind of articles of traffic, spirituous liquors," &c., within the limits prescribed by the law of the Sotto, which is three mitre from time encampment. Brethren of the Ministry and membership of [lagers town and Chambersburg etations; and Alto Pule, Mercersburg, Bootisboru', Emmitsburg. and Gettysburg circuits, are cordially invited to attend. JNO. IL C. DOSII. July 27, 1857. N. 'B.—The corner stone of the new M. E. Church in Waynesboro' will be laid August 22d, the Saturday of the Camp Meeting. Railroad Notice—Pay Up ! NTOTICE i?+ given to the Stockhold ers of the Gettysburg Railroad Company, that the grrenth Instalment on each share of stock will be require.] to be paid in tp JouN H. Mc:Cum...it, Esq., Treasurer, on or before Widaesday, tise l'2ht day of August next. By order of the Board. 1. • DAVID WILLS, Set's. July 27, 1857. ern -mama, July 27, lfts7. liirThe Company has purchased 1350 tons of Rails, which is suSeient to lay 17 miles of track, thus leaving & surplus of I mile of Rails for side tracks. The Rails are now be-, ing delivered at Hanover, and the laying of the track will be commenced on Monday, August 3rd, and progress steadily until com pleted to Gettysburg. In order to facilitate the operations of the &wird, in .speedily com pleting the Road, it is their earnest requbst that stockholders not only pay the shove named instalment promptly. but pay off the eighth and last instalment also at the same time, and receive their certiffmttes of stock.— This prepayment wilt greatly relieve the Board from any pecuniary embarrassment, and the necessity of temporarily borrowing money. This Way ! This Way !I Tr ST IN SEASON!—FIy Nets, of various e./ styles and colors, cheap at SAMSON'S. sariDUY your Hats, Caps, Boots 1 Shoes, brirlJ at Bringman & Aughiabaugh's, in Cuambersburg street, at the sign of the "BIG BOOT." F you want to buy GOOns CHEAP, call I at G. F. gCtENRODE I Bllo'B, at Ileidlersburg, Adam co. LISSE S' and Children's Flats of all kinds and at very low prices at COBEAN & PAXTON'S. ALARGE lot of SUMMER CLOTHING, selling at very small profits at COBEAN do PAXTON'S. Q . EB ASS, se immense quantity, of exce ll ent 0 fluor, sod decidedly cheap—also Tobacco and ilaug—te be had at NORBECK'S. A 7 ALKING CAN US, for gentlemen, of vs. noes kizils, just LeOeived by Briagata.sii- - • IN announcing the LIFE OF DR. KANE, we arUbut antislitating the wishes of thousands and tons of thousands of the fut. minus of that great man. Having been a personal friend of the de. 'eased, and enjoying a large share of his °m ildews, Dr. Elder is well qualiliod to &jaded to the ROOK. This work will be tamed In use handsome mama volume, and will equal lit every respect the superb volumes of "Arrtie ExplJrationv, recently published. It will contain • new full.faeo portrait, executed on steel, as well as engravings of his residence, tomb, medals, &e. In order to give thin work a,large cireula don it will be sold at the low price of $1 50. More nurrt93oo,ooo 'd4 Intik 9 Months in now being yowl by more than two hundred thousand persons, o ld and young. learned and unlearned. It is pet thelmik - Whieb should be owned and read by every American. 500 Newspapers have esc a =nouneed it the most remarkaAk and se work ever publiaked. • The Fortigs Annuli" and the moot dis tinguished Jammu of Europe are extravagant in its praise. It is more interesting than Robinson CAl soe • being a faithful acoount of privations and hardships, the narrative of which cannot be road with o ut a.shudder. Our most eminent sera have vied each other in extolling its merits. Two vole.,oetato, Superbly Illustrated.— Three Hunred Eograriort. Price 3.5 00. The Liv'saati &airs Griuseil I.:xpeddion ix s ear d i o f tier JAM l'ruskire. Daring the years 1a.70-51. A Personal Narrative, by Fusick KENT KANE, M. D., C. ht. N. One volume five., upwards of 550 pages. containing:OW S too l pl ates an d Wood Engravings. includitig a fine stool Portrait of Sir John Franklin, being the only one ever engraroil in A iner lea. Also, a BIOGRA I'll err FRINLLIN, by S. AcariN Atunosz, Lay. This work is totally distinct from the second Arctic Ex peal t i.bn, and eml irnces much valuable and interesting matter never before published. It should he owned by nil alto have purehased the last Expedit 1111 l , as it makes Da. lisxes works complete. PROTOGRIPII OF DL ENE, Taken fivm L's by Brwiy of .Acto lurk IN PRESS, COL, J. C. FIEMOiT'S EXPLORATIONS. Prepared by die ittilsor. am! Erni)taring al/ kiw Rep •ri Supd..hly Illustrated with Steel Plates nnti Wood Cots, engraved tinder the immo.lMte soperintendenee Q f Col. FRimmr, mostly from Daguerreotcpos taken on the spot, and will be issued in a style to match Dr. kane's works. It will n 1.4, contain a new Steel Por trait, being the only eorreet likeness of the author ever published. Two Vultneg, Ou tavo—Ss IS 1. BY REV. D. P. ;Armen, Of the 3fethrpti4t EpiArvpai Ciurclt DV inv. . C. FI.FTCRER, or tie l're,iwt•rian Chotrrh. This new and splendidly illustrated work (one large volume octavo, in uniform st le With the sillier!) volumes of 1)r. A„ -lie lapturationa,) is the joint effort of the Mr.% e named gentleineii, who. !I5 travelers arid a., missionaries, (and one in an official position an Acting Secretary of the U S. Legation at Rio,) have had it long and varied experience in a land full of interest, whether we re;tar-4 it in a natural, eniumercial, Iwliticatl or inurai point of view. Price $3 00. seir Any of the shove works will be Rent by mail free of postage by remitting the pub lished price. 1 00 cfn 1 12 S 4 oil 87 E3E Agents Wanted. CIIILD3 k, PETERSON, ()vitt.'Rums, 602 Arch Street, Philadrlphht. J. B. LIPPINC OTT & CO.. 20. N . Fourth St., Nita. PHILIPS, SAMPSON & CO., 13, Winter St., thist,in. SHELDON BLAKE,- MAN & CO.. 115, Namaw St., New 1 erk.— O. I'. PUTNANI tCO., 313: Broadway, New York. APPLEGATZ & Main. St., Cincinnati. S. U. GRILkIS & Cu., 111, Lake St., Cii ieftgO. July 27, 1857. 50 6 50 3 50 6 50 WITEREAS the HMV.. RODNItt J. Franca, President of the several Courts of Com mon Pleas. in the Counties composing the 19th District, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, fur the that of all capital and other offender% in the said district, and DAVID ZISGLILA and DAVID MANSE. Esqrs.. Judges oldie Courts of Oyer and Terminer. and General Jail Delivery, fur the trial of all capital and other offenders in the County, of Adams—have heated their precept. bearing date the 22iPilay of April. in the year of our fiord one thotisand eight • hundred and tifty-six, and to me directed. fur holding a Court of Common Pleas, and General Quarter Ses sions the Peace. and Generil Jail Delivery, and rt of Oyer and Terminer, at Gettys burg. .Ifonday. thr 17 FA of An ems: NeXT : kit s is unsay °wax to all the Justices of the eat*, the Coroners and Constables within said county of Adams. that they be then • d there in their proper persons with their Rllll. Records, Inquisitions, Examina tions. end other Remembrances, to do those things which to their offices and in that behalf appertain to be done, and also, they who will prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the Jail of the said Cour.ty of Adams. are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. HENRY TIIO.II,AS, Sheriff: Sherif/ Office. Gettysburg, July 27, 1857. tc - • T s morning received, a new lot of Very fine Summer Clothing, latent fashion. and will coutinne to receive every week or ten days. more of di ff erent articles, from auction. 7uly 27, 1857. M. SAMSON. TM undersigned, Auditorappointedby the Orphan's Court of Adams count;, to re port distribution of the balanoe remaining in the hands of JOSEPH MAcutsr, Administrator o f the estate of MAar Sauna, late of Mount ' joy township, Adams county, to and amongst the parties entitled thereto, will attend to the duties of said appointment at the °See of M. ))kMcClean, in Gettysburg, OM Tastraday, tAelth day of August 71Cd, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at which time and place I all parties interested may attend. MOSES McCLEAN, Auditor. July 20, 18.57. to MBE Board of School Directors of Streban township will meet at the house of J. L Liasss. in Hunterstowo, ox Saturday, ae StA of Atupert next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of employing Teachers for the fall term of the Schools of said township. By order of the Board, PETER MACKLEY, &r'y. July 20,1857. td. LADIES' LIGHT KID BOOTS.'--A floe as sortment of Kid Beets both for Lathes and Misses, just received and for vale by July 20. It WM. BOYER. Caadtes amid Soap. SPERM, Adamantine, Patent and Mnuld Caudlea, Caediic Olive, Home-made, Eureka, Variegated, and Rusin Soaps fur sale by E. H. MiNNIGIi. ..I.loi'S and Boys' Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers, of all kinds, and at all prices, as cheap as the cheapest, at COBEAN & PAXTON'S. Oben End A BIOGRAPHY. sr itto.Lot Ent. Di WEI GREAT WOU, ARCTIC EXPLORATIONS, DL lANEI FIRST DMITITL l'riee 00 BRAZIL AND THE BRIBLIANR. Proclamation. summer Clothing. Auditor's Notice. I Teachers Wanted. ICEDIMMINVI Vanilll) ATPR IVATE SALE. rK sablecriber, desiring to remove to the Went, offers at Private Sale, lio FAkt3l. shoats in Cumberland township. Adams co , on the road leading from Gettysburg to Fair field, about 2 miles from the former place. adjoining lands of Gm. Culp. Francis Bream. and others, containing 153 ACRES. more pr lout. with doe proportions of Meadow sad Timber. TM Improvements consist oisi two merry STONE IltiUlt lit , • good Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Cnb. and all other necessary oat-build ing!: a never-failing well of water near the door of do dwelling. with an eseellent spring near by, piped into the We yard.— Also a first rate Apple Orchard. with other fruit, on the Farm. Fences' good, and the land in fine cultivation. . • Also, a Tract of Choice Land, oontsining about 5 Acres, adjoining the above. with a conifcstable two.swry DWEL LING, Stable, Shop, well of water, fruit trees, Au., theleon, malting it a g I ; very desirable home. • .- Persons wishing to view the properties are requested to call uu the undersigned, midi% on the last named. July 27. JOHN BUTT. Sr.. .a zn2 CZAR 03. Desirable and Valuable Farm, FOR Si LF, TIIF Suh•criber,Ezecutur of PETER FERREL • d.*•e&'cd, offerto fir tittle the toll , .iritig doeirable LitmlEstate of Anid deeutleut, •Tiz : 'A FARM, late the Home Place of Mr. Ferree, situate in Tyrone township, Adams county, adjoini n g lambs of Amos Myers, Jacob Ferree, Jaen() Arntaberxer, and others. euntaining 243 Acres, more or less, having large proportions of Wtasikad an d 3loadow. The improvements consist f e Two Story wentherisairded • e. Stone flank Barn, Wagon Shed 1111 and Caro Crib. Spring House, TENANT 110('SE, Stable, kr. with a neterfailitig o.pring of w tuer at. Ca 10:. I I 1/11 - I.lling, and an Apple Orchard on the promises. This has always been it/Mittel to he one of the hest grain-producitiA Farms in the whole neighborhood. Persons w:dlititt to view it are requested to call upon Mr. Beek, residing theryln. As the Farm is susceptible of et.ii renient division. it will be offered in t wo parts or in whole, as purchasers may desire. If the property is not sold ut pri‘ ate sale precious Thurxday, the 2411, defy of S.' Ttem ber no rt, it will he offered at public outcry un that day, upon the premises, nt , sty o'clock, P. M. Attendance green awl terms to n d o known by JOEL IL DA.NNEIt, Ater . ' July 20, 18L6. Public Snle. THE Subscrit,er 'l4 ill o ff er .nt Public Sale. un the preati,•e., ott S•tittrdtiy, the Fah (big of A ottittxt tv.e, the Property oil whioll lie rebid,. t.ituate in the 11.. rough 111 lietireburg,, ou the RiountiLurg T. 4 1 ,1, Ooolloiliqing of A. LOT OF OItoUND, containing about 14 Acrett, with a eomfitrtable one a n d a half •ttory BRICK • • HOUSE, gtaai Stable, Spring of ~: ; •aril • . Water. and a variety ,if elwice r. 4 Fruit Treep, theren. P.titse.t..itto.i' l. .4 t. g i ven ...1 the 1.4 of 0,1' , 1.er nett. it ,1e...1.• I. Shir Sale to e.oninetiee nt P. M., on ..,hl` (lay, when attendance will be gi%eu and terms wade kiiown BISHOP. Jr. UrAl.°, at the some time awl pl ace , a fit , t-r.ite l'oW w.ll I,e ~tre re 1 r,,r bu l e . July 21), ISL 7. tp. WHY IS IT THAT iniliCVS NATISON ( — IAN Kell cheaper than unyiut4y Beena.e lie buy+ at nut:civil, for eisu. Look at his ilcs, that hu sells hundreda of. G..ntlemen lime bought and paid fur each 11.1te from 13 50 to $4 Siniaon sells them at $2 25. And why dues he sell them so (then!, ? Because lie houxht at auction. I..nk at hia 130004 and at him ihnterm—the same kiwi utter at (ruin A 3 00 to 50, lie sell.. at SI I,' h7}. And why? Beiauso he bougat auction. Look at hi+ Clothing, end, in fact, every thing in his line. He will sell a Coat. Pants mad Vest, some linen nod some cotton. for from $1 7 to $-2 Ott per full suit. And why! Because be bought them at auction. Also, black titunmer Cloth Coat, Pants and Vest, ho sells for $3 (M. And why ? cause he bought them at auction. I me confident that my old friend+ and customers will hear me out in the above.— I would say to those who live at a distance from town. suppose you need but it Hat, or pair of Gaiters. Why loon's you Name to my establishment? Even if you lose a whole day b e