The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, July 20, 1857, Image 3

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    riaße ,or Elopobent .—A //Pod.owrs
Revenge.—The New York Tribune gives
sn seteunt of an k.lopetilt'llt. in "high
life" in Williamstrur ,. . which took place
S few days a,o. It thus narratoa the
faeleof the cusp :
A— is a bolvv merchant in
New York, and hi;s resid;n - ce fOr some
time past has been in Williamsburg, in
the ario,tocratie portioli of the 'city
known as the South'Side. Itis wife is a
beautiful and aecompliso9 'woman, be
longing. to a wealthy and hiLrhly respec
table family in New York, and was
looked upon by her bushand as every
thing that could he de-lied in a partner
fur bk. The thiri.l.pursou, Mr. IL, a
youn g man ,Joim: business in New York,
is also of high standing;.,
Some three months since the wife and
31 r. 11. formed - liCqllailitlltWe in It
:road way maloon. The two feequently
/net at the same place, and finally
-•xrte ardently :Ltinelied, awl fedi ng'that
they would be uNhappy if separated,
the lady deeided to abandon her has.
Cam) awl children and elope with her
liver. Early on the Ynorning of the
•Ith WAS Meted Urion to consUmniate their
41e , igus and carry their ittmi into exe
The husband received sumo intitim
fioais of the step his wife was.; alout to
take, and although he could-not credit
the rumor, dc+•ide.l to h,• full• eoneine.
ed of iL trutli)r fal. , ity. On the
in , question 3lrs. A. kit. the how,e,
and, nateting a earria she itutwediate
ly sprung into it, when tit , . driver pro
-4.141de+ to xaril the South 'retail Street
hashand w:l4 nn' eonviiive 1 of
his wife'sporfoly; and, ovi 'making - the
-eatiage . , wrettelted open the door and
immediately conimene,3l all nosiamtht
upon thoyouluz titan with :t
awl did not desist until hr
datt4vrous wound ne , l,:, several
upon tlic arum--inte of 106 , 1; will Feu
-41,v the arin 4 iiseles , --,i4,1 :11,3 :t severe
aeros . s tho sinrniv L. I)nrim2; the
to •len the yomi , 4 lii u, di•ie113.)•:4•,1
his l,istol, 'tlio 1)311 his :elver
z..try's tlirehead :tail causing a sii4lit
The carriage w.ti tarn bt-k to the
Lowe, the yonng, man romovetl to a
room, anti tho family phy,ician was
called in to dress the wounds. At thin
'ta.%) of the affair the two c.ent lemon
rocognized each other :14 intimate htu-i
-sw,s frien‘ls in New Viol:. As tlw lady
rvntaine I incog., Mr. B. tl.4lare 1 t hat
bt not aware. of the relation
•exi.sting between .11r..1. awl the lady,
.or be tvould not for the world have ta
ken this htip.
'l'lte injured man la Rill' lying in a
critical condition. The wif 4 . has been
.41i,eardefl by her hic.hatol, tt ho' , rave her
4111 V Or liCr.Childrell, he retaining three
. I n r ~h., Dead.
—CINCINNATI, Jilly 1 Enquirer
lr troy that, a quarrel recently to.ik place
itl Morg in comae. 11,.1 w,•en
Mr. M.t.ion, • and Mr Cov, .Inwr.
caudidati for Coligre , s, in ‘vhich Mr.
- Cox wa. shot ht- Mr. Mason anti '
Mr. Cox NV:IS Iht• late member /If Con
gre..: from this (Ninth) distrivl and
maintained 1 high character in his ',ar
ty and in Conle,tvss. •4;eueral Alason i.
a democrat of great 'popularity, ttho
lias also represented the satuct di.triet
in (.'‘oti. , rem. Both "gentlemen were
native Kentuckians, and usually bore
t lientselves with model ion and concil=
liatory tempers. A slight difficulty oi—
curred, lio..vever, some YV , •ok: when
languag.t. tt :V , u•+ nr hoth p Lr
ti,•4, fir. ('ox digt, if it 1V:1 ,
i ti t,ll,l o ,l to rlial%.;:' :1 1 / 4 /141011
- tendencies for rutin! , he did for
tsp..aker oft ho I louse loq;kll?re.etitatives,
the imputation wa • a 1..a.e,,fitk..1i0n.1.-
4;eneral 31a,011 plic.l)kitli grezit se
v,.t mut h so as tio lurk.* ..rite
c..x's frit.`lloA V,;()1 his fail
ure to proleZ4l further in th" matter.—
The fe..ling thus ongentli red has doubt
bo,nt inflamed hr sults;!queut dis
cu.sions into violent uonduet, which has
d 11.7i11ed.—Tho Cincinnati
Enquirer, m•ltieli gave currency to the
runrir that the 11.u1. Mr. Vox hatl been
killed by tho ltun. Mr. M..tsoa in Ken
t in•k.v, now announr....s that the story is
without foinelation, and that tli'v have
l ia .l no Serjillll dispute or controversy.
Loeoinotire I , lrplosino.--Three Then,
,on Wednesday %reek, were instantly kill_'
ed I t Ile explosion of a locomotive near
Montezama, N. Y. The for
o lip, and the report was he: three ;
mile;„ 'no Aitlatra American says:
The consequenee uas appalling. On
the engine at Lile time of the explosion
N% ere Alm Ostrander, contruetor in
chargr of the work, who was blown
NOVvIItY to eighty feet over the track,
done t ba:ik, and into a swamp. He
Was Are:L(11%111y motif ited, and lived but
a few minutes. The engineer wa.4
throu about nine rods by the shock,
;mil %rail killed iastantly. He was fear
fully manglill. 1 multi j ail , the
; fireman, wa.i hurle.i through the air full
nine rods and killed ; instal/1/y. His
body was awfully mutilated. The con
tents of his brain were entirely blown
out, and one could look down from t he
top of his bead to Lk under jaw. Ile
Loaves a wife and tm ochildren.
A Dartmouth .Student Drownr.l.-13os-
ToN, J uly 11.-11. E. 13. Stowe, son of
Prof. Stowe., was drowned in the Con
necticut riveron Thursday, while bath
int. Rio was a student. at Dartmonth
College, and had just returned from
Europe, where he had spent the last
rear travelling with his mother, Mr,.
liarriet Beecher Stowe. They arrived
in the Persia, on Tuesday evening, and
the young Mall readied - home Wedn e , 4.
41*, his mother g oio, t to to pay
ahho rt visit to the family of her broth
,er, Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. lie
u s 19 years of age.
3!e Lymeiced in Cedar County, lowa.
- - -Cnie.koo, July 11.—On the night of
the &l instar.t a mot broke into the jail
of Cedar county, lowa, and notwith
standing the desperate resistance made
by the sheriff and guard, took there
from two men named Gleason and Sop
er, oonfincd on a charge of horse steal
.i,ng, and hung them. Much excitor-cut
yet prevails in the neighborhood.
Ber-Dnring a recent storm in De
Soto connty;lfisa., the linghtning struck
ten negroea at one flash, one of them
J a r m o remit of the recent accident
at the theatre in Leghorn are more la
mentabla—tlntn were notieed. There
,are 106 dead anti about 304) wove 4d.
Doubt at an End.
The I).ttila:4,a of the is one of 1
the noLleat characteristics of an era that the
people think and judge fur themselves. The
mental training received at our C immon
Sehoyht owl Free Academics, fit them fur this
task.; They are taught to investigate. to amp
lyse,-to take nothing fur granted until they
hare telted and prated its truth. Hence if
the “voice of the people," is nut "the voice of
GA" it approximates infallibility more near
ly than any ()pillion limited to a-Flngle clays
possibly (tail.
Apply this rule to the remedies for extrrnal
said internal maladies introilliee I in ail part.,
of the Globe by Profeemr Holloway, and what
Is the result. For every one human being:,
who places confident-II in any other medicine,
at least one hundred rely implicitly uomi his
nnii Ointment, and prim, the faith that
is in them by using these remedies to the ex
clusion ot all others. Li It at anutliersi;:nili
cant fact. %.14111112: the class of me lical dog
matists, fortunately fur mankind diminishing
every day, who deny the efficacy of
preparations, scarcely any two agree. The
pre.cription of each practitioner differs as
widely from that of his neighbor. a. it doe.
(vim Holloway's. Submit any cave, ordinary
of extraordinary, to a himilreil
••regnlar phy.ielan.," awl you will home a
mtielt eolifu‘ion of as there was or
- -
totigite. in- tetor Iteldetas w ill re- I „
cionineitil until in the lith inc t.. near Idctlegtown, Ada m s
Itlatiket. D intor will
county. CHRIS !.\N 1 - 14 AITNEItiagell
quinine and jellie4 awl throw ilia door 4 awl years 7 "'n i l"' an d l7 days.
„pen. Th e imt i eet „, rrtti „ xi , in the'On the 3d inst.. at the houtae of his Fen-in-
Ins. Cirrus Gin-At. of Menallen ton
extrinae—or rather peri•levoi
extremes—will iwrlatli+ try both, or p 004!,1v S %MUM, 1 1 / 1 /li. Sen.. bite of 11, a t rin g tou
slip t the i that a s
t"" inv „ hie , 4 I townt.hip, York county. in the year 01 has
eontratlivti..n. raonot t.e \I 0 , 1113 , err, with ' age. V" r k 1 41 1 4 Nl. c"py•i
31erentio, ”14, 1.1:14111. 0 ' both Your /1!;11,4`.4, On the I.;th wttN.%llNElt,
I of Menallvn township, aged 35 years 5 mouth..mouth..
5. 3 .1."
'ertuidly •rhett we find that one half of the and ' ""'
p•i”ntatioti of the knowii world L tt ,• On the of Tiletnmne
iisc I LS‘IN" "" ) "It ,
Viiit the ri oral toter are .itl...reted to hundred , f""'" rly of lkitin"e• 51,1.. of F'ank
tr,•41.814..nt, gi; eetd , coolwr, forint aly of this county
other. that 110 taco of thl.rn 1 . 311 11 any por.•i
hility lae right, we I,IIIW fairly v. 11.1110- that
the verdict of tbu-ennaisteut nail of toatik;o.l and true
The Lim,. has pa++e.l,ne•ter to return, when
the flie'ion if the Iri+t+ emibl out weig,ll hic,,n
trovertible fart,. Tr thoo.atob:
Vi hate the ntatori:t and
rots mtte.l the li,:ht+ of all ibe School,
in %.tire re,neiei by the dol "I" II .1104.9's
rem, he. Ho., unit ly prvro
-4411..• ..I sill They hil VI) llt ol e I
where% er thvy Im% e 1,1.4•14 join 414(.0.1. They
are out the pet in 1.1 a chine, or a
cla++, or a +ingle community. iintel.ind
their petron, the trhoie habitable f ilohe the
thinttre of their triumphu.—N. ,•ialtirday
Pir VW Beg .IV - e, ri lig .1.1 feet high, hy
•1t feet wile, and neighing ppliti.l-, ha•
been attrn •ting intwit attentiiin nt the naive of
the Fotmiot'. tvo M 0;11-'4 S‘r \ c . s
Tio' S. W. corner of the public millaref
Everylm,4ll , nearly in town toot h,..en it.
fur friettilv from the country have teen and
are- •dill dropping in, to sett thk, the laryort
y; rry-r brosigfri
'fitly Safe another ground for
einiti.letten GI dei.:,itor.t: The S. C:lflty f r
th..lep.R.itg tiler ill.tke ''l' the har
m•ter, 1111.1 :••• by
hank to its tieteentir.: the Ktockliniders in the
one and the other 'wing in the pintile In:inner
linhie 'rite Aare k eepi "1 the itilativ.tllm.l tile
$O - ii - ity to air.rd a
fropliird t() those, thinking fir ilep.4itin;r,
their trh-re, owdr,/ , / ,f/-1,/i/o/ idle, //sr'/
will re.dlire 111.1effil — in the .tiaristu'a
Shnkeu nri,t
•• be roo to remain
(Ise e 1..., a..l oar ere—
(Aar thurtmt c.urto.-r, plowtin. AU I tier woo."
tinde 1114 oepio-w on n
emy.a.Al4oll. 31141 we eon nk.. fancy
he:ll' l 3'44llllg 11:tmlet •.\ c. tot)
Lan): but here I C:ttili , ot stay nele,e, I wore
end, s(wooly garli ar tloe.e., ohrtine.l nt the'
(lotlsing flail of 1:4. kla;11 C ‘Vikon,
(;:).: awl I; G (Jew atyle) Chusnut strtvt,
8.1)o% e
e" - There aro( "yea...M.4ly when oven the veophr need medicine, the eltanges
.Let. of the It I.:viler. and hohd,-4.4.4 , f
~tho r :t laxity in Om s yttp rin
that lowa, corr(s•tio.4. or nt other words. th,.
litrr I,4womes slix s titly I,loranged„ and a
stimula."r. If all who find tht.ons,elv..4 in
this hallar I n nil! try Dr. Said.rd ., Inrig..ra
_tor, they may Lr Mitre of relief. as we can te.-
tify to its elliraey in (airing IleadaYtte.
tii...itiach. and other ills wt com
mute iii a It nets. as Q. nitmlivii.v.
nit.l than any dose of 1 ‘1.!
et cr kw.(ll-tce 1. and is %L., mild that the rmall
est itifint can take it. for Gettysburg , :
Win. annul. 11:inuter ; llvii
rs, -ibioattstuv.rn. .:ly 13.
cer.lPxyrs 11,,r Reqm-raire.—Wo have
ne►er kan•au any ether medicine win as larp•
ol public confidence in so short
tone as this has done. It has not been more
than a•year since we fir..t heard of it, and it
now stands at the head of all reined of tha
kind. We have never used any of it our-
Nei% as. having had no occlusion, as cur •'cr.uwn
of glory" not fully as vet retains its original
color. but gets more 1.41-but r our
friend" bare, and we have never known it
Gail of re,toring 2he hair to its original color.
We advise such as ttre hemming prematurely
gray, to give the "Restorative" a trial.—
C . /wrier (1-1. ) 1. raid, Jane, 1851.
SOLD Dr ALL-4 1 / 4 -unctsrs. July 13. 2w
IlliP/Tottoirag's Wts.—Tho stomach, by
the cue:lib:al agency of its solvent fluid con
sort?: tho fissl into crude blood; the liver
furnishes u secretion which fits it for the
scuous system ; the lungs vitalize it. If thu
stomach is diseased, it pannot produce a
healthful element. and if the fountain of life
is infected, sU tho streams that flow from it
must be poisoned. It is upon the stomach,
the great feeler of the systole. the manufac
turer of the aliment which sulpsequently Is'-
coonel }save* muscle,
sinew, and flesh, that
dloway's Pills aversive their salutary influ
ence, curing indigestion in all its shapes,
and thus givittiv., a vi.z.rous tone to every de
pendent organ. This is the philosophy of
the rapid and thorough cures of all the-varie
ties of interual disease accomplished by this
p iwerful remedy.
Corrected trim th e latent IWU more , York k !lawyer wars—lo'riday last
Ileum per lutrrel, $7 -14 (~ 7 50
Wheat, per bushel, 1 70 (;h 1 93
Rye, .. 95 64 1 1)6
Cum, */ g 3 Qu 90
Oat:, *4 73 (e -61
Beef Cattle, per hand., 925 0,12 00
li.egs, 9 00 on 9 50
II:ty, per ton, 13 00 0418 (N)
Whiskey, per r„all(m, 2‘.s 31
Guano, Peruvian, per ten. 62 00
s w ,
Ilaiwrer—Tliurstlag fail.
Flour, per blil., from waggon, $6 75
Do. " from stores. 750
Wheat, per bushel, 1 65 (4 1 75
Rye, 00
Corn, 75
Oats 50
Clovereeed, " . 600
Timothy, " 250
Plaster, per ton, 6 50
Friday last
Flour, per bbl., from wagons, $0 Z
1)o., " from stores, 750
Wheat, per bushel, 1 05( - _:4 1 80
Rye, "ib. 93
Corn, ~ 75
Oats, 4. 50
Cloversood, " t 54)
Tialothy. " 330
Plarser, per ton, G 50
A Monster Mule.—The Athens,
Herald announeee that there will ap
pearon exhibition in thot, city, in :►few
days, a node that stands over twenty
one- hands hitrii, (seven feet,) ;Pi ten list
in eireumference, and weighs over
:.1,000 pounds.
The Onion (op.—A resilient of South
N iTiverig , (Maw.,) informs Ott. 5 3 1, , a
(;nzette that within n t•ireut, of .three
miles of his residence the onion prop ro
tnrvill to tho Al l lo.nnit in ••:tqh.
i v:r j t atkls
On the rill inst.. it I - handl...L. Chn eh. by.
the Rt. Rev. I;khni) Nrwuntin. Mr. C11.11:1,IN
F. IXISEN. Philo&'phis. funurrly of
('Out to Al iot M $11:1,1 It.. ehlest ilaughier or
Col. J. J. Kuhn. of Adams enmity.
er.drelEs. • • •4.\
' Y 2% 2: 1 .5".;•
. -
Jury -List--August Term:
31 , nmtpLm•aut—'t.•ury
Ik • r
11. , r ..;ut.,11.1:,40111).
lwrty—l 1
r 14, h
A i.ralin,A I‘ I
I❑- 11 lijain 'nip
. hick., l.aac E
T) nine—.l
11 ;i vid Seiivrnrtz.
' 1. Shurle.
GI. %ER tl. it RV.
p.—Joliti El.ler, LeviK (Trier.
/ ,/s-1-161,4, Ilermer../1“•••• P TOT-
0 ,1 all Pi., 5,,1 and 7'hroat
or, bl4lrri hahltlgatirni,
WIIIOII conveys the remedies to the
cavities in the lungs throttle, the sin
passsges, and (simile: 11l dncel contnct with
the it 'se. newt:dire, the t iit,erett tar matter,
ells;.:h.•eino4ll. canoe. a r.,..• a nd cosy e x•
peim.rminn, 111. l. the hings. pin Wes the
Woo.; titipurt. teite%l % A :slily to the tit•trnits
gt%ing Chit t.lur and ritcvy so mills
peusalde I.•r the te-auratt,i, Tip be
attic lu state eitttliiii utly that ( onsuitiption tint. i. U. itie n source of
tionlloyid litun•itie. It is Is uuieh tinder the
coti:rol of wedicoil Ire,lluttit.ts any other for-
Itlldold. disease: ninety mot id every Itutidrt II j
e•ut lie curt d in the lint stages. and filly
la r mitt. the second : but in the third stage I
it is ItlilepAldu to ttve itiore than hive per
cast , for the Lungs are so cut tip by the dis
ease es to hill defiance to medical 4611,
F:it it. bother. in the las: slap s. Inhalation
slfords extraordinary relief li. the suffering
nu, 'pi i n g (hi. fun, huh •ninitge, which aminall)
destrios ninety-live thops.iiitl persons the
I tutu States nlitue : and it correct calculation
skies that of the peenelit 1.1 , 111204 n of the
earth. eizlar titillimer are dtalnted to fill the
Iwooly the quiver of death has no arrow en
rott.tonlition. 111 all ages it has
been the grunt .life. fur it spares
neithe ruzu nor r,i. but sates.tiltalike the
brave. 11,0 heamilid, the graceful Mid the
Filttsi. RV the help of that Supreme liking
11.1111 Whom einneili.erery gond and perferl
gi n. I aw t o n Id o l to oiler to tlic aflitCfrd n
pilitint,t tit :Ind speedy cure in Consumption.
'I he first cease of wherries is from impure
1.101111. and the ittimedinte effect pralticed by
their deposition nu the lutes us tit preens the
free admission of ai • into the air cells, which
causal a weal.rne4l vitality thiough the entire
system Then surely It IS mores rntional to t . X .
peet greater good from torthrmes entering the
, cavities of the lungs than font those nilinin
iStert•il through the stomach : the its tient will
alwa,y rip() I lie bongs foe and the breathing
easy, after Inhaling temeilks. Thus, Inhala
tion is * !oral remedy. nevertliclesm it acts
etistrutio - ially. and with moie power and
certainty than remedies IT the
stomach. To ;.rove the powerful and direct
influence of this mode of eiltiiiiiistrat'on.
cid:m.lom inhaltal s ill entirely oh-41.10y SeliSi•
itilisy in a few minutes, paralyzing the entire
emote , : sy-tem. so that 11 limb may be atti•
inflated without the slightest pain inhaling
the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a
for hours.
The inhalation of ammonia twill muse the
System when fainting or apparently dead.—
' 'I he odor oh many of the elasticities is pereepti
hie in the skin a few minutes after bring in
haled and may be it iiiii rletueled in
the blood. A convincing proidof the consti
tutional efliarts of inhalation. is the fact that
sickness is always prodiirtd by breathing foul
air—lS nut this ptisitive evidence that prop e r
reinecites, carefully prepared and indictee/41y
administered through the lunge Khan td pro-
duce the happiest teetilts I blueing eighteen
, years' practice. many thousands suffering
_ _ from diseases of the lungs and throat, haw,
A. Carl Wantcd.
been under my care, and I have yfectell many
Tiny Atnei•iv.ici I irl, ran Nike and rentrukable cures. even one . the aultererx Nue
eisik well. and do tither house-work, been pronmincell in ilie last stages. which
will finds gaud and nermanent situation in a Fully satisfies me that enneumption is no
small family. in 11.11timnre, at $l,lO per longer a fatal disease. My treatment of eon
week. 1?..r irt!'orimition apply at this office. 1 sumption is original, and lounth4l on long cx- '
July 20, 1N:57. pc: irasec and a thorough ltnieNtigntion. My
r t ierfect acquaintance with the nature of
cles, /Fe., enables one to distinguish readily,
the various forms of disease that simulate eon
gumption. and apply the proper remedies, rare
ly being mistaken even in a single case. This
familiarity. iii cummetent with certain patho
logical awl microscopic discoveries, enables
me to relieve tore lungs (rain the effects of con
tracted chests, to enlarge the chest, purify the
blond. impart to it renewed vitality, giving
energy and tone to the entire system.
Medicines with full directions sent to any
part of the United States and Canadas , by
patients communicating their symptoms by
letter. Itut the care would be more certain If
the patient should pay me a visit, which
would give toe :in opportunity to examine the
lungs and enable me to prescribe with much
greater certainly. and then the cure could be
ellixted without my seeing the patient a,sain.
G. W. GltAll AM. Id D.,
Berwiek T
per. Pete Diek. Isfl:
31eliallen—Abel T. W'riglit., Fritilek Will,
4 let.rge Celts.
II unilt.m—l'.•t'r 1V..1.1er.
11..rmatiy—Martin Jthn 31(.1k:tine
111111 Am St:ttilt, 11 illittm 11.'11.
111311, .I.uu. ,
140 Ziegler.
lier ,, ltgli—lleery t cr. Peter .J..tmc
%I'llliam K. I;.tll.l:_livr. N illiai,i 1;•
liii:gtittg.l.ln.—!.:.Lo 11.1%1. J.. 11.1 I' Slf• .11.• t•,
Frod.tia-.-1:..1wr toi•Oir. 113‘1 , t
Re.tiiiiog —John liolselamaii,
I I x te.d, Mari
litraln&L—Fleming 11' Mr.
Cu ifil wrlali,l-11441 rx B. Cromer
Li borty altnel 1 'orrey.
la+ heloys.
Ty rolik. —Otims Fern , .
i —.J. Ain Mrera.
Public M:ale.
Sal...entice will iilfer at 'NIX,. Sale.
iia the preiiii*e.i. SantJibiy, /he I al.
th i y Jay a,/ ae.rt. the Praverty filet. he
•itiiate in the Mir I le , t
on the Eataiit riiail.
A IPT (;i:Oi,
eontaining al. Ilt II .14 11. . V. II II a riluir , rtnl.!o
law :111.1 tt hall - , t..r% It1:11%4 - :9,
1: ( 01SE, g• Stahl , : S;iriitg. • of ',.•
.ii c el
u II 2"
NV rati . r, :mil nturiviy of r!Piier ' „1: 1.
VI tiit Tri, ,, , theri ,, ii. 1 '' ..; , ..t , , , ii.ii.., , .. i: r-, . ,
givli s ii nn tin: l-t i't (lotiilwr iii .. tt, )1 111 . •I I , I.
Dt... - V a :::111. to rot I. nt I o• 00.4:. I'. M..
nn ?..tiol day. iriwo attendance Nill 042 gi%
tool terms made ko,wn I.y
1 i Y ItlSllol',
8EZ..11.0. nt the .aoe time rola place, a
fir , t-rate COW will he offered for hale.
July 20, 1x37.
A tiditor`p. Notice.
VIE by the
Oriilian%; 4' itirt iit "Mit), 1.) re
rirt dt.trihntieen of the lialaneu remaining iii
the bond: 01 Jie; rn M Adlllllll , tratiir
el t;io ei , tate of %RI Slllil.E, 1:Iti• of 31..n.ii
j.)y Loam-hip, Adam.' county, he Mel altililT4
the parties entithoi theret4i, will ittrnel to the
duties of apis.iutmeat tit the 114firli of 31.
S W. 31relenii, in lletty;iliurg, on Vist, xday,
the lith dap Am,ml mrl.nt 10 in the
Ihreinxiti of baiil jai% , at . hieh time aml p:aco
all parties iatereoeil
July N, 1857. ti
7 Teachern Wanted.
Tin': Board afSuitool Direetoru of Struhan
township a ill WIWI. at OP 1/.111,4, o 1 J.
lilt Ass. in linntersomn. n,t Safftrdity, tke
Ari !pest arzi, at 2 Wel... k. I'. M.. for the
ititr!ooqe of empLying, e 'u Iter4 for the fall
term of the Selio 1.4 Or .43111
By onlerof the Bmir.l.
rETER 31.1CKLEY, See 'y.
July CO, 1R57. td.
rin - Lthi:Lpnr.t
Wood Moulding Mill,
MI/ate ShYri, (dope, Trnrlf7h , :forth Nide.
Af OF IItINGS , siiitahle for Carpenters,
1_ Builders, Cabinet and Frame hl.tkers,
worked from the hest and thoroughly season
ed material. always on haul. Any liattern
worked from a drawing.
The am hiseriher hat i lig, purchased the entire
intermit, will continue the husinese with in.!
creased facilities.
Agents wuntol in the various towns in this
portinn of the State. u) whom opportunities
will be offered fur large profits to tbem,ch es.
July 20, 1847. 3m
Stone Ware.
11A IiNESTOCK BROTH ERN have just re
ceived the largest and best lot of STONE
WARE ever offered in the county, consisting
of Jars, Jugs, Pitchers. Cream Puts, Apple
Butter Pots, Preserve Jars, Milk Pans, 'l'u
nuttoe Bottles, Spittoons, Ac., to which they
invite the attention of the public. Call and
elstnine at the sign of the RE!) FRONT.
July 20, 1857.
sorunent of Kid Boots both for Ladies
and Mines„just received and for sale hy .
July 20. It WM. BOYER.
1 -1 , f a !IT -DA Y. Thirty -hour and Alarm
. . r
Candles and Soap. , Ili Cluck,: and Titne-poseas, 'Watches. and ft
1 tine lot of Jewelry, at SAMSON'S.
SPERM, Adamantine. Patent and Mould _ -----_—___
Candles, Castile, Olive, Ilinue-Loude, l TUST IN SEASON !—Fly Sets, of various
hiareka, Veriegated, and Rosin Soaps. for gale' tj styles and colors, cheap at SAMSON'S.
by E. 11. 31 IN:kat/11. I- - - - -
_ -- - - -
ill 'lk fl'Sl(' —Vi , ,lin., Fillut4., Guitam Ae-
rr lIE WEEl).—Cigars alid Tohneen, th^ i eorde..ll.=, Ilarilini , an.,—iii .hurt, from
_i_ heist of the Karat; in Li), t'ill If • I :•oat,•• . a ;•!tiola ,1 1%.!* to t I. 11 . , lion. 1.,,W yin
Olid 111) Illiltal,e, 41. '• - •k Al.)k ) -\ . :" ' han , l 4:01 f•,.• 1.. , a'0 At SAAISIiN'S.
Desirable and Valuable Farm,
yoat 8 A 1 .
of Prrrit Fr, urr.
1101 . 0141, Ce 1. 1 .11 for Palo Ow following
ilotirable Real Estate of Rni , l (14Vedent. 1111
A 14' A 11 Nt ,
lite the 'lame .f Mr. Ft•rree, mitunte in uywin.hip. Main% eitutitc, adjoining
1:1 - 11(11* •.f Anyul Jarlob Ferree, Jacob
.Irtit,i,er:er. and °therm.
212 Acres, more or less,
linviritt: large pronortiona of W,h..lllnd and
Mvatiw. ocentent.M.Milidt of n Two
St:l7 weatherhoarded 114 /USK, •
a t4t,one )1304 !taro, Wogoo Shod ~, ir
awl l'orn erih. Spr:ing : •,
TEN .11171 4 ironsE. •
with a neverfailin %oring of water a t fawn
threlting: unit an Apillo Oreintrd on the
Thi. In t 4 nlwnr4 I.ern Tull:Otte) to he one of
the I,e.t graint;shieing I*.inn , in the AVII.)!P
larlejthfirtlo4 , 4l, Per 44171,4 161411111 LT to view it
are regnehted to rail ilium Mr. neck'. residing
thereon. A 4 the F.triti is .oimeeinihle of eon.
vet:knit, divi.ion, it will he offered in t wo
part' or in w11.:11o. :14 inirell.l4er4 mny 11c4rr.
If the pr.l , erty cold t,t private sale
it/ Ti10,..,01,0,„ the 2 IA 'log
her rmr'. it will l.e taered at tattery ita
that day. itatta the it
I'. M. Atte:lll.llh , i 1.1.1 tvrtini tu.1,1:.
\ Kr'r.
July 2t).
Attention, One and All:
T, 1,11./',.lire
MI- w Ely r rnvid,il
%%, 'tit MI I utuo 11. %1 SIB •
Li ;PT 1 ) %(;( 1.1:1: EIN IZ ( 11 11 1 ILL him
iletwe in ' West NI e stn.( t nplut.ilt Pra
..f Haltiitiore hireet.
cc Imre he I 110K' prlpareti If) rtillikh
Ambrotylws ant DriglaPrieotypes,
in every style of the Art tt blob he er ill war.
rant to glee entire sAtinfaction. Ilk long ex.
iwneore and .rrynoior nprorrArk give Iron
a4vnionge4 seldom fririrrnlrr 41 lot 4 4 .7,11erren0
e•tn6lt.iuncnt,out of the eft It, llc his 111 large
tininber of speoliairow nt Irk flnllrryt ur I:ll.ithi
-7, .(most,)) Lr rr lie 1% ill ns Isere-
Inch the Intl,ltc tore regranted local'
aii4 rxn mine.
(root s:lerti , .; ' to 7. !lours
of operating rrour ti A. NI Air 4 M. mold
1,•o6o mount turt.n„
111 44 .1 ) 4 nn )1311.1, 31 1114 tort i10W,• 1 4 purr.
Children It ill not lit t•rlst tr for lens than
I On.
'• VII:II! , TYPES .rils(tl frrlfn one dollar
ctrl npwar.l.4. and in the Iwit.,t3 lc.
,1..1v .211. tf
Import:aril Ili•cotery.
CONS i' .`,l 1"r lO N
Oifice,ll3l Filbert S I ..(ol 4 No.lo ,)tdost, 1? A,
July 20, 1857. ly
TuNKs, Carpet Bugs, Ve!ices, &c., of
best quality, and low rates, nt
SALT! SALT ! ! SA LT ! !!—Just resolved.
in flue order, large and well-filled sacks,
fur sale at the luwest rates. at
AL vuopmerv. •
THE Suhverilicr, Executor of the last will
and iestanirnt of Jung Ihmanottvr. de
ce2Red, at •t Public Sale, on the pre
nn T hoormlati. .14gy of Assyria's!
wri. the Billowing Real Ilttate of Kind dooms- • iii
eti. viz:
mitnate S:rahan township, Adams minty.
adjoining lanas of Daniel limiter, Henry
' Brinkerhoff. U. .1. Recrer, an.l when:. CO7I
- 160 Acres. more nr less, with
prod„. lions of umber and kleadow. The
improvements consist of a new
Two-story STONE HOUSE. a ;
good Tenant /louse. Bank Itarn,
%% agun Shed* and Corn Crib. ,—`
Spring, Ilonsc. Wash !louse. Smoke 'louse,
lby and Worst llon4e, and all other neeesaary
ont-lotiltlings. with two never-failing Springs
near the Also, an Apple - Urchard,
with a variety of other fruit.
Persons wishing to view the property arc
requested to call upon Mr. Ephraim Iteardorlf.
resoling thereon, or on the EIMULtir,
in Franklin township.
'Also. at tho tonne time and platy, will he
offered. A TIPtUT op mousT,‘lN LAND,
emit:titling 14 Acres and 93 Perches, situate nn
II nut linetkini township. Attains county. ad
joining lands of heirs of Jacob Herbst. deetl..
Peter t. Jamb Su isher. and whets.
Sale to ceautuence at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
on said day, when attendance will be given
4111.1 t. nos made known by
• FILEDEItICK 1 / 1 F.1111., Exert/tor.
7r7"Alsn, at the sante tithe anti plaee. the
shiweritter, ft 4 A tottini.tratte itt . the Fooate of
S I: ‘ti I.4:Attinhtt , r, ekeeased %I ill 1411 thi.
A liti -rate Family Mier. With a colt. 3 C o ws,
I lob., 1::0 - riAge and Ilarneto4. heat by
the huAel : nod Ileddin.'cp.,
Thal CiW641111,4. Unrest', Co.e of lhaweiq.
Sectetary, 1:4,. t 1it day Clock and I ',i.e.,
Watch. Cat peting. Cook Sone T t • o .
'dat e mune and Pun., . Imes of Reey, floe it
S:othlard'm patent ,box. with a Tanety of Dalt r
r I kit% 100 iiimurrotis to int ill 111:1.
and iiiade known by
FRI:AM:MC 1.:11L,
July 1857.
Public Sate.
rl l lll.l 7 ,liliceriber will otltr at ['ohne Sale,
I MI the premises. on 7'hio.y,/aq. //re '27i/r
, j .Iriiii .1 to- rI, the follou log property , Nl% :
.1 511.11.1. FAHNI,
sitii,te in Franklin tovvo•li p. Adams county,
1.0 lin iiiing 40 Acres, more or le , s.
The improvements ate a one awl , ti
a brill story 10.; IMUSK, 1.41;„; ;:,:' E.
Min, Yloop. S l iming llmsse. Sdc. - '
Also, tilt 11.11,m ing l'EltSI ).N It I. PROPERTY,
viz: 1 I lorse. 4 head ..f t'llitiv. 7 110 , 4.. 1
v% sgon, Plimgh. Ilorse I:eitr., Shovel l'lmighq,
(iloohle and single :) OH II in dilie ground. Itye
a ( 1 Oats by the bushel, Potatoes : with all
the Household aryl Kitchen Furniture. such am
'k i k an d B o wing. Tables. Chaim. Bureau,
Cullboard, I:lock, Stove, Titter and Pitta.
Q_. sile to commence at I o'clock. P. m.,
on said day whin attendsitee will be givets
and terms 'wide known by
July 20. 1857.
IV III( IS l'1"111.11'
N sill Ow:trier ii i el4r.
lir buys nnrtion, 1w c tau.
Look at big flats, that 11, , sell. Isandrods
11,•1,t lemon lillc(1 Iv 01.111 t 111/t1 Laid for ..1,•11
11:tti fr 3 51111, 54 I (Wl S:111115 1 ..11 sells
them at S 2 25. , And why' 111,44, be sell them
so cheap! Iteeause lie leoitf,lit at miletilin.
I,‘.k at kip, ltdiat, , i and Slakes—look at hi.
Gaiters—the same kind sold at other plarem at
from .43 Oil to :3-1 MI, he sells at $1 874 to
$2. 874. And si by ? iteinsuse he bought at
11... k at him Clothing. and. in fart. every
thimf in him line. lie will 'sell • Cue, Pantos
and Vemt. memo Mien and mune oaten, for
from *I 75 s 2 WI per full suit. And why
Ileenume I.e bought them at anytime.
I.lnek Sumner Clod!' ('nut's and
Vemt. ho ~.•II:• far ;,4,3 (Mt. And why Y 1k
(1111.4 . h. I...ta•dit them tit :u►ctiun.
I am routidetit that my old friends and
enstotisers will loonr in, out in the above.—
"' would ...ay to those who live at 3
!mut ton n, maypoole you need hut a ILit, or
pair. ti COPP+. 11 ' b''
.11% you Come to my
e.:tabli4linieist! Even if you lose a 'whole
day liy sit doing, you will he sit% from
121 to &I 75 in the pitrehttse of either--
awl that is iis much iis iihist men tiinke.f a
day by hard work. Bide thig, you curl
much in thin purchase of such (dirt
;trades as you may nevi!. RN' Meet,
stock 14 a large tald nee, and all
articles N . 1,1 astsnishintily lnw. Visite to
himat, get your d;tuier4 null horses fed. and
ymi can nr%er fail of saving the prime of
hor Imy buying at the Chesil thie.l'rice
Sioro of • , M. SA MS: )N,
July 13, 15.17, the
G 0 0 1) 1: Alt M
pilF, Evecntorg IN:1, ‘e IT /UM.
Illrer at Public Sale. WI the
premiAn... on Thursday. 'p/ember 3, IS:07,
the Pollux iug taltodik Itc:tl Estate of said da
ceased, %iz:
ors t *lsiclt derea,ell rtritletl all his lire-limr,
situate itt littimore township, Adams county,
within three miles or York Spring*, adi 44 ll log
landv or Philip Botts, John brown, Isaac As
per. Louie .loveph Power, and others,
""tnilli IPZ 183 Acres, more or less, mous
ItNI of which are farm land, •.!..5 acres meadow,
;old the Icslassve (6 - i•ered with thrii lug timber.
The farni solder gmu cultivation
fuming. Th e impost esneists arc•
Tw..story Log I)WELLING
HOUSE, htrtto Bank Bum. huge
Shops Dry (louse, and olser out
Wallin:rot ; three Apple (lreltards of choice
fruit, with Perkh, l'enr. Plum and Citerry
Trees. There ist a neverfailing rpring of wit
tor near the doisr, and a stream through the
farm, it being thus well watered.
se- Tile farm will be offered in whole or
in two narts, at may lsevt, volt 'petrehsoterv.
Piirl',• - vons wi.'ong: to t iew the pr,iserty,
are n.41(14-4(41 to estil on the first-named Execu
tor, revisfin.4 thereon.
Sear Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A.
on raid (Inf, when attendance will be given
and terms 'mule known lov
.Ttt Ty 13, 1R57. 4 Ear*tors.
It3P-.llso, at the same tiorri and place, the
following l'EltStlS.ll. I'ItOVEItTY of de
ceased: 3 tons of Ilay. 3 tirain Cr:wiles ; a
quantity of Lard, 25 yards of Carpeting. 3
Climas, Coverlets, Quilt., and other articles
too numerous to mention.
Still Another Arrival of
AT JACOBS it Bllo'B, Baltimore street,
near the Diamond, where greater bar
gains than ever can he secured. "quick sales
and small pnifits"--always better for seller
and bayer--is the motto tley pradicr as well
as preach. Give them a call fur anything in
the Merchant Tailoring line—you won't re
gret it.
Gettysburg, July 13, 1857.
To Builders.
SOILED proposals will be received by the
Board of School Directors of Ifuntington
District, until Saturday, the lad day of Au
gust acre, 1857, for the ere-lion of a building
for school purposes, in the town of Peters
burg. (Y. 8.,) Adams oonnty, Pa Plans and
specifications can be seen at any thou, by
culling on the undersigned.
By order of the Board,
July 13, 1857. td
A T, ARO F. assortment of ST it IV GOOD,
jut r, e. and fir male at
r Sc At.,
Sharp Practioe.
A few days mimes pereon, genteelly
dreeeetl. 'no pbeeeeell standing,._ at a.
A slit LL TA 1111,
A 7' Prith/r? ILE..
NA TII.I, he offered( at Pal.tir snl'. on 0
pretake.. on Tharn,/ay, f /ix Pith a t
0/ &pieut/ter
rabtrilde Lino lour Lanit,
containing 28 Acres, more or 1e.4, .ittmte iir
Germany towttqldi.. Adam.t MI the
Turnpike leadi....; from t,. (101ty..-
11nrg, one quarter of st mile from the farmer
foljoiniur, of Jame.' I:mu:th aw ,
George yPrs, awl other... The insorg.No
mentm are a goo.' two story
BUICK 11411 , 5 E. Lee•
C u a
rih and 11, - 31.4mt and o 4
out huildiugo : n never
w.•Il ufwvater :it the dour, :uel
4 [ll - 11M1. on I II!. tra, , t also nu p!.M.
I /reliant of choiee fruit, to ith other fruit tars.
kw the prop rte nrt
requested to c3ll up .11 the undersigned Aj.•nt
r ttn 11r. “e•.rg.• Guider. residiug t her un.
It is 'me of Ow in.tst desiro►hle country remiden
in the enmity.
s.d a £4, commence nt 1 n'el,ek, P. 3!.. nn
.31,1 day. %whoa totemlanec will be givol and
terms tnado known by
1,. swim),
Janis E. :;i,trh.
Juno '29, 1g57. to
Li . .1 I
At Public Kilts.,r with Ow
I 14 Mi, a tel. 1111.1.111.
Lill fill'Pr at ”it pryttit.o....on
Satin/ay, the sfh (Id!' n/' .0 riemtwe in. 1, the
htlluv,ing }:gtatu lil cnld ikee.t.4ed, %tz:
A 7A 7. IC 7
sitnnte in frmalwrlatnt h.wnvhip, %%dams
e..anty, enjoining lands of .1,,1in l'tank,
l'irwlotyl Itamluman, John Slyikr, and oth,r,;,
ale.ut 4 miles frflettyslotr.,f, eilnutinin.4
1.7.1 .ICRES and a ..a m.o. with mull propor
tions of Meadow an,VTitaherlawl. The im
provements are - n-rwo-stnry FAKI • .
III)USE, Lag Barn, and the ne-%I
eessary out-haihliApple , ea
Itreheril, and two neverfailin , ~;,..2,, . fta
Springs near the :tense. Fenehes -"on, null
the land. mostly granite, under g,5,71 ell Wil
tioll. if tle.irogl, a tract of 111 or 12 Avre4 of
Woodiand will be offered separate from the
plrrersona wishing to view the properly
are requested to call on .I,,bit Keefnmer, re
.iding thereon, or MI the stilmeriber, re+ldim;
pi Y lc to commence at I o'dotqc, 1).31.. on
avid day. when attendance will be given and
terms wake known by
Administrator with the sou ApbtlX.l.
July 11. is
undersigned, in eonsoquenell nf
vanging age, and n desire to retire from
business, offers for Rale his valuable Farm
and Mill Property. situate on Mamli Creek,
Adams eounts, Pn.. partly in Cuniherlarol
and partly in Oranklin townships. The Farm
contains [724 ACRES, of tira rate land, with
a full proportion of exeellent 31endow and
Timber. The improvement. von-
a tiret rate 11:ink Barn, ! 6 ; j
(`Doper Slip. Mal other oat-build 160
digs; n thriving - paing orchard 111 141011 ,
fruit, and other improvemehts. „th.o, a nu
not surpiusseil by any in the County for com
pleteness of machinery and itillantagoolis lo
cation. The Mill is 5A feet by 5.5, with four
floors, 3 pair of [liars, a pair of Allegheny
eheppieg Stones, with two overshot water
wheels "of 14 fis.t diameter, and all tlin ma
chinery requisite fur a first class Merehant
3(01. The stream en which the Mill is loca
te., ( Big Marsh ('reek) is a %cry constant
stream, the Mill haying been Mile t Kilpply
einit,niers in grinding during; the
The Mill was built in 1849, and all the ma
chinery is new.
It is unnecessary to enter into n lerigiliy
ileieripti., id . the property. as persons desir
ous of pureletsing a property of l,is kind will
ex ttttt ine fir themselves. Any person wish
ing to view the premises will lsr shown the
kaille by the subscriber, residing there,“,,—
The Mill is within three and a half wiles of
Gettyidetrg, at which point a It:tilt-reel is be
ing built to connect with the railroaits lending
to Batirinire and Philadelphia. It is located
in the midst tif n fine country and can com
mand any amount of custom.
lkerThe pt.orterty ran be purclimed nn
reasonable terms, advancing ago being dm
unly motive inuring the suliscrilier 4i sc:l.
it'ity 'milieu wishing to purchrve, is i4ivitHl
to call and examine the property. I think
he %rill see the 1..4 Mil Lin Adarn4 (Noway.
A yrlln..t mi,lll by ale Ist 01 (1.1,..1i0r
thu Alal and Farm wallop 'ruled nn the
J . ulv 13. 1g57. 14
Public Sale.
TILE undersigned, iksiring to remove to
the West, will offer at Public: SA°, on
the premises. 0/4 Sanplay, ..4ii‘pcst /8,17.
A TItACT OF LAND. sustaining idiont 9
Acres. uu which he re.ifles, situate in
Wigged township. Adams comity. a few hun
dred yards south of tlettysliurT, un vrb;ch a re
erected two otinfortable Dwelling
ROUSES, and two Stables, with szSift
Barn Floor; also it young Orly
ing Apple Orchard, with other ,;.„;••
Fruit Trees, and two eits ut
Water on the premises. ..
pair-The land is under plod fencing and
good cultivation. PoA.e, given on the
Ist of September next, if de4irctl.
rtiale to commence et I o'clock, P. M..
on said day, when attendance will be given
and terms tn:ole known by
July G,
Clwari and TobaCce.
Ator of extra fine Cigar., of choice
brands; very auperior CutiodiYh, Con
gress, and NaturaWeafNitro , . for a:tic by
E. 11. 1111NNIUll.
EN'S and Boys' SUMMER !EATS of all
.11.1. Utak, to wit:—Straw. Chip, Braid.
Panama, Otter Skin, fur and Wool_ at an
prices, aceordiog taw:laity, at
-- - •
selling at very ionell•profita at
SEG ARS. an linownuie quantity, of exi
flavor, and decidedly cheap —also Ti
and Sauff—to he had at NORRECKIL
(TALKING CAN KS, for gentletnen. of vs
nous kinds. just received by .
Briosrptatt& Altjltinhweugh
)OX N ITS, bloom , Parasols and Shawl
be be 11:01 v rry
Iter.Ner 4 4 Nal lee.
4 v ()TICE hereby given in all Leriteeifi aryl
vit f that ttr ot!,
Arr , Letc , P.lnt:f tnentiotetl will
e pr,Netitol et the Orlihri . 4 Court of Arlatroa
0,1,, i ty, for eni,iiintniiun rind allowsnet, rip
.Iftqtday. tht 174 ,hto .111.11ifi t 4421. :
(1 litNe nee n Tinelintiof to lie liersvfetl.).
261. l'he ~ e(ainil account of Abraham tk'll.
.%.Ittintiitrat.or t. a. of JActili Sell, (will
wn;;lit.) ih.veased.
2 The first and final rterottlit of hose.:
Adionuriirotor_,F the ostote of
John Ref cher. deeeniell.
:172. The first account o Georg() Magic.
rcutnitor of the lwst will unl tostancni of
tanit loft, deceased. •
`2.73, The colkrullin , atip nreonnt of Jacob
Welder Rod Sanioel B. Prater:om. Gnat . 'lino*
of;etz, Lavinia Catharine tlete. $1110•
nrl l'atieNon Getz. 11 try Getz, pod John
:jimila.; Getz. :moor children of .lotto Getz.
late of Ntotottplvw-ant 17owtir;tr p. 11.1.1 . 10 PC
iy. deeenhed. (tetitlered I,y Jacolt Kehler mkt
George Paella, t, I.:.evittor of the will of-said
B.nnotel 11. Patterson. nom: deceased.)
273. Thu snood aCC 4 / 1 1/1i Ilit•
linger. (:nanlian oflloa ar.l Bittioger, a tat our
Nl/11 of Ju.eph itere.44.
.276 The third account of to Manger.
one of the Exegutlir4 of .14 , svpit hit,tinger. 140
r.fikmick to. decd.
:277. The fir.. t rieeeent of Ji3lin geketarikle
niel I)rodm Ir. Elecotor: Of the Lou %kill
:tied te+lithieiii. of Simile! (4333133ra, late of
Moon tiny toy. Ad:31114 COUIlly. ileeenSl4/.
27J. The neeouo I of .%lehrose. MeFarluod.
F:leetitor of Nnoey 31eFal and, late of Bei -
wiek Lovi oslop. dec.:3,4d.
W3l. F. W.1411:1:, Neliv/er,
Per DAN I. PLANK, lkintly
negiqter's Cettp,bitig,
July td J
1) ESI 11.1 11 E .1 1131,
At Private Sale.-
TUE 5011.4 rilier, rimov.p. or- Sub., II IA - FA UM, mittiate
in l'intiliorlanil Adrir n. vidnity, near
Creek. 1:111.1 , of Samuel C. , -
Wr.l: Di 1110.14.., heirs ..f Ilenrgn
and idlietA,
with priiiinrtinma or firm,
rate Iyo,nllitail and l'he -Farm IN
wpll a.lOl- ;;pod fearing unit gam' .
r•nitiv;tli,Nl. The impr"%e.aviits
are a Tren-stary
() c; II OIT s
Iztrgo Stnni. Barn, •
W a ,,,i n Shed, rarriagt. I hat,,, Stankci House,
en•l other neepssitry : a siover
t.tilia., aril wAtor : an A plihi
)rohanh varioty of nt.linr.
iftel'ormnis wishing to view t h e r,rvatises,
nrr retittosted to call ti pun ON
'siding till:low. 1.'11114P REDIN(I,
411:ty 18, 1657.
Carringe‘d, ling:Ales, £c.
MBE undersigned would infotin his friends
and the puhlie generally, Oita he con
tinues the E•I% AK I Nil BUM -
N ESS, in all itif Irrancliss, at his efftnlflisli
merit, in East !Biddle Street, (near the east
cad,) Gettystifirg, Pa., where lie has en ban.
first-nite lot of work, and is prepared fAI pia
lip t,r order at hate% er i n
li ne , v i z :_it.,okawify unit limit-1104y
7'ratitiq '
' • Jersey Wity,nts,
With , 1,011 WltrklllolL-411111. good material:T. o run pletiv,r his work to lre of thelfest finality
s--anti lox prices ire fuming the lnwent.
steritepairing done at .short notice, owl at
re:cosi:llde ratfai. Country produce taken iu
exchange for work. Cull I.
June 15, 1857.
ITAVE rented the Foundry for the (magi
ingg year, and nm prepaied In make) the
different kinds 1/ICanGligs usually mule at a
Foundry. I will keep nonstankly on hated the
flifFerent kinds of PL01:011S, flint., Shares,
Cutters, Er.; Pots, 'Kettlus. Pans, Waulhing
Store.: uml !kinehinery ;
etie., Verandah'. and Cemetery rennin} molts
and put up with ,ligpatvit.
A\II ortleni will la! attoticivil to promptly;
hut moll;; aux... Lit capital, alai Total being
niap ; i.4afy to rally 011 the loi,imass, - -1 will tin
compelle4 to sill for eit•li, hut on all eonntry
work 5 p'.r eetit. a ill 10, deducted. Suitabh,
mute will lar takkii, if dehi,,ereil at, the CUM!
pUreitti.Sing', Cil 1. UP mu IT.
Gettriburi, June 1, 1847
fit pritig Sz. sustainer Goodx .
\l r k; rr,pontAilly iocito U. attuntittn rsC
louvers. 11:111 Imalt in town
and country to our new•li It
y Quoonmwaro,
Ct,mlar Ware. kery Ware, Ind I irocetics ;
itßilir-.414 fit: CM/Till:V(1; -
Clothing tututo to I , rtler. geis-Ati Gouda cut
froo of oliorge, at tint nurtl,-uf , t eltrtier llso
Juno 1, 1:i57. .
Agcnts Wanted. •
_ 1.1o:ottol sy few ener , •etic., indot:trintet
aittnng tin Fanners. Very Invixtablo Wrenn
will Le given. 11ith prop..r ailed:Lion. more •
than Slit° p.•r month clear profit drhnre all es
pensea can he re.tlizel. A rant ehhnee
atralce nit:tiny witho u t r;dlt. Fir rutriktilstrol, •
apply itnmetlfately t.. IN: sh XTON
.I:grieulturtilll.l.Al Puhleitterg, No. 1 IU Ful
ton street, N. , July t, 11457. Xi
AdVadatrator's Make.
lost:NE ortxtiorsrx }STAVE. —Let•
tern of mlin . ittistration nu the mate 1.1
Joseph Orntlorlf —tete of Butler twp.. Mom
en.. IleeettsJa. haring been granted to the 4114•
dersigneal. residing in letwe.lotti .lownship. he
hereby giro' itt4ine to twrNonv indebted to
mid manic to wake iimuettiAttipayiuvnt, and
Ovum having elaitros egninst the ~ante to pre•
sent them properly ainheinicate:l for settle.
taunt. 11 . NJ. ROSS 11 11 ITE,
June H. 1857. Gt
Ready-made Clothing,
LIOATS T • Pants unit V' I•,r hop; snit
k„/ men; Simeg, fiats sin4l Cap.:
Shirt 4. Collars, ermatx, Neel Titr4, StA;ek-,
11,unlkerchiek, Glasrw, 6 t4ckii , ;-"• 801 1 041 "
4ivr.A.--3 nice tif 101, Oi (Itoorno. Water-proof
Oil Coatx, still everything else that eal 1w
found iu a Stote of the kind, alweva to holuAl
at S.l:34SON'ti.
Flour for Sale.
iF yon want it good Land of Flonr. call si
11011rS STOILE. sa lic h3stnalle 11Plangr
meats to have Aunty); the bobt, which he wih
sell-at ,5 cents advance
May 5
'Mg attention of the I. A DIM is partieir
1. larly invited to the huge to:Karim, tit tit
plain and fancy 4;allters, latest style. jos!
rem:lvo' by Prioiyown if Although.
I/ EPA ' 1111. Y.—A foie sssortni t of 11 NI-
Ml , . IiRELLAS just received and for gab.
r4ip at Brioupsen& A ughisbaugh's.
LOUR, CA Po; S; OATS bought %Cull titw'
lif J. NORUECK, corner of. Baltimore
and High streets.
2 000 OF WALL PAPER jami
received and for 41, „
ANDLES AT 16 CENT&—Alivirisalh
article of Mould Candles era be histota
ceata par pound, at NOll3NCKl3,4ish . t:
old cornet. • ;
1 .4: a 14 12 S a l l i l i d )pe r
N A5 ,1 84( 1 a; Mb4** 4 3 l ti t ter a i;
prwee, as cheap as' thivelltaricat, nt
A I" ISSES' andlebildren't4 Plata of all kis!!
awl at ver,