The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, July 13, 1857, Image 4

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    Senator Douglas on the Utah
A few evenings stat'e, at tlit , roque , t
,of the d rand J ury of the U. S. Court,
at it* session at tipringtield, S...uatur
Douglas delivered a speech upon the po
litical topis or the day. The speech is
;narked IT his characteristic boldness
µtot! energy, itild .„s ‘ vits listened to with
ale greatest attention and respect by
DU of the most discriminating *wh
ew . ever Alseini.kA in the capital of
We have room only co/ a portion of
(he address relating to the I ronhies
Ctah: It will be seen that the Senator
propirreft * guinniary mode of' disposing.
of those heretics, who have not auly for
feited ahl claim to the exercise of squat
ter sovereignty, Isit also to the protec-
Oon of 11 W-feller:I( ;„rovernment:
"The INVlnipeis are *filled with w
cantles of the Pmeful and derrilile oaths
to resist tind"ubvcrt the Government of
the United 4tates to.which these die
laded people are compelled to subserilte.
It is also well known that the Mormon
Governor has been and is now engrnge(l
ill 'brining 3//i3liees with hostile Indian
tribes., them tb join in open
wartire against the Government of the
United States and to murder our eiti-
Zen& ilstimilig that these treports are
time, it proves that the-Governor him
tiis an alien to the Government °fate
United states, and acting in open de
fiance to our laws.
" Under these circumstanees the duty
of the Administration is clear, and he
lead the most implieit eoatidentat in Mr.
Buelianan's liehiness, wisdom and firm
;leas, and'was satistieiblie would move
straightforward, fear-sly in the path
of duty. lie was askt;4l what his views
.of that duty were? Simply arid in short,
remove Brigham Young. and all other
officers of the Territory who sympathize
with him in his treason, at once from
office, and send able, bold, unflinching
men to take their pfaces. Send with
them a strong and efficient body of
troops, under experienced and able
officers, who will be able to protect
the civil officers and enforce 'the
Law. Let ns have good mer for Gov
ernor, Marsh Oh District Attorney and
Judges, and then lot us have a fell and
titir mvestigation into affairs there; let
ua kuaisr i , by reliable and itupartial
ports, the actual state of things hi that
Territory. Let us know who Mutter
ed liabbitt—who massacred Gunnison
—who has been guilty of all the mur
ders, arsons and robberies, and every
flwies oferime that has disgraced that
lerrhory for years past.
"Let let have these facts in an official
isluipe, before the President and Con
gress, and the country will soon learn
'that, in the performance of the high and
solemn shay devolving upon the Exeeu
tiveand Congriss, there will be no va
cillating or hesitating police. It will
he as prompt as the peal that follows
the flash as stern and unyielding us
:death. Should such astate of things
Actually exist as. we are led to infer
from the reportst and such information
come in official 'shape, the knife must
be applied to this pestiferous, disgust
ing cancer, which is gnawing into the
Very vitals of the body politic. It mast
he out out by the roots and seared over
,by the red-hot iron of a stern and un
ffinellieg law.
"Shoahl all other efforts fail to bring
them to a sense of their duty, there is
nit one remedy left. Repeal theleg,tnie
Jaw efthe Territory; on the ground that
they are alien euemies and outlaws, and
petit tAfr be iitizens of a Territory, much
Jess ever to become citizens of one of
the free and independent States of this
glorious confederacy. To protect them
'further in their treasonable, disgusting
,and bestial practices, would be a dis
grace to the country—a disgrace to let-
Inattity—a disgrace to eivilizz akin, and
it disgrace to the spirit of the age. Blot
it mit as one . of the organized Territories
cf the United States, what thee ? It
wilidie regulated by the law of 1791 )
which has exclusive and sole jurisdic
tion ttyer, all territory not incorporated
*Eider any organic or special law.
"lbathe provisions of thattair all crimes
and misdemeanors eommitttsl on its
jsoil eau be tried before the legal author
ities of any State or Territory to which
the offender shall be first tirought io
trial, awl punished. "Under that law
persons have been arrested iq
Nebra.slia and other Territories prior
to their organization as Territories, and
hanged for their erimes.• The law of
1791 has snle and exclusive jurisdiction
fyliCre ne other law orn local character
exists, and by repealieg the orgailliti law
,of Utah you give to the General Gov
crnment of the Cuited States the whole
And sole jarisdiction over the Territory."
The Judge entered into a long and
convincing argument, in which he de
motistrafed that the line of policy he
had marked out for Utah did net con
flict hi any
_particular with the prieti
pies of the ehraska Bill, Gut where in
harmony with the Democratic platform
in rigard to the power of the Govern
meqt over the organized Territories of
the rni4al States.
bit •' Why, Charley," said a Yankee
fo a negro preueher, "you can't even
fell who made the monkey." "Oh,
yes I eau, masses." "Well, then, who
made the monkey?" "Wlly, masses,
Ow same one made the monkey that
pads you."
ilarThe Burlin,6rtou (Iowa) Gazette
*ay* that the libel suit instituted by
Iforswo 11-reeley in the District of Dee
Moines county, against Messrs. Thomp
son -& Siterward, of that. journal, bus
--- -w~-
Oar" Mr. Jonei, don't you think that
marriage is a means.of grace!" " Cer
tainly, anything is # moans of graco
that leadi u.i to repentance." Scene
glaipa with a broom handle.
grit is stated by the Alta Cali
11, OA the authority of minerzt, that
than SIS,UOU,OtIu of gold now lie
wed beneath flu - earth.
.in that Stow,
pepped solely for nafe keeiihrg.
fillirWition.two weeks four married
*pion Now York Live eloped with
• AO*"
ihrCianip' , Iruisetl and applied to
-Ow wound / is a aura
bit tle bau of a
41 41 ff: t".
J.C . Fr rzor rug ctn . ;
With a Larger Stock than Ever!
I.ICOB NtnittECK It.ta juet from
OP the ytl I t trge stuti .rltt
iiirgett tut hit. 4 3 et ..trerea to
the if &Ale, 411,1 whit'., 1.4• it n .r w
hie tiew A'r. on .re;
Pitreet. r him a call! find his
Coffee,la-ar. Molasses, Salt, Teas,
ail,l et er 3 e 1.% the Intot and tl,r elleari-
to hot m tog a—he hating nt
1,9 K artnrn t ined to *ell f.t.t
it Plll4ll profit+. K err . 2.01,1 curuer, '
LLlttin Strut..
I;ett%.thorg, 3lay IL 1r....7.
Alsvaps in Time.:
rit9 iwtt rerei 611 itt hiq iteq u ly-mnije Ckr
thin ! ! Store, 4•11 York
. ..trvet, nearly or.-
the Kink. t begt I ptsorti n pat of
Ready-made Clothing, 1.. r Spring and Sum
mer wear. et Cr 4,1,00iNt 111 this plaet.. If pot
waist a well-art& 0.61, timid, ter any*
thing in the line of Itillulv-made Clothing, at
leo■ trod than they can be had might* of the
cite. call at B.I3I:ON'S.
April 13. 1/457.
11118 tusilen-igned having pairchoitect from
Win. W. Poloist, 1.59.. his ratite Stark
of Goods. will continue the totsoinesis at the oust
Rawl, in Chousisersbarg otsitet. a•few dnewt
weit lig the dseesond. under the tiros of I,lktiNS iv
MAN & and solicit 114
patronage a their friends and the public gen
erally. We have mina arrsusetneuts
to increase our stock of
, •14„ Cape, Biggs amid Aims,
and w ill always keep on hand a full assortment
of suitable to the season. which will
be sold at the lowest possible prices. Hoping.
by strict attention to finsiness. to merit a
eral patronage. we invite all seeding anything
in our line to call and esainine our goods be
(u .e purchasing elsewhere.
CLEO. E. '
Gettysburg. Jan. 12. 1847.—tf
Ono Dollar & Seventy-five Coasts
R ill Secure the Regular Visit of
to the Home of any Family id Hu. County.
Afford Instruction and Amusement
No family xliould be without the Compiler.
i%—51,75 could be spent in no inure
profitable manner than by subscribing
for the "Comm LER," which will furnish
you with all the news of%he day, the
markets, the marriages and the deaths
occurring in the community, wit h choice
plefeetioDS of 14(21 - attire, poetry, wit and
humor, and all that will go to make up
a first-rata Family Neu - tpaper. Ad
dress the Editor and Proprietor, Ilvinr
J. STAIII.E. 31:11"
statill'er & Barley.
(' it 7;) IVlrtrlv* nral Jrrelry
iivpol,Es'.‘ LE awl Retail. at the Phi
V ploa kVatett sod Jewelrr Store. No. :hi
Nnrth Second atreet, corocr of Qua. ry-,
Gold Lever Watches. lull jeweled, 18 carat
t2S 0(1: (101(1 Lepines. 10 carat. 824 00:
Silver Levers, (nil jeweled. $l2 00: Silver Le
pines, jewels. $0 00: 'superior Qoiirtiera. $7 00
Gold Spectacle's, $7 00 : flue Sae* do. $1 50:
Gold Bracelets. $3 00: Ladies' Gold Pencils,
00: Silver Tea Srxwois, set. $5 00: Gold
Pena, with pencil ■nd linker holder. $1 00. •
Gold Finger Rings. 37t oents to $80: Watch
Glasses. plain. 1.2", cents; patent 18t: Lunet
25: other articles in proportion. All goodg
warranted to be what they are sold for.
On hand. same gold and sneer Lever,' anti
!.spines. ><till lower than tbe. &buys pciatu.' t
Oct. 20, 1e.56.. ly , .
HaverNt Liquid flair Dyir.-.
/PM"; BAIR. DYE nvctk only a trial to sat:
Lify all of its perfection as a Dye. awl the
following testimonial from that eminent Anal
ytic ei,emist. erokotsor Booth. of the U. S,
Mint. will onl confirm what thou /Lands hart
previously law rie testimony to.
RT. svitimaxs PLAZR.
Philadelphia. Feb. 17th. 114;7.
"Being well acquainted with the substances
composing Ilarr x Litiniof 'bar Ne. 1 aw sat
isfied that by following the simple directions
given for its me./it wilt not injure the Bair or
SLiu, but will give a ttaluro/ wed chtraide color
to Ike Ilnir. r
JA)1101 C,130071T. 4beabeir: Ckemail."
Ilueder and iforer's buidiae bikx. are.
too well known and introduced to require any
additional testimony of their character. The
sales hare been increasing sine* their first
try-Auction, giving evidence that the articles
truly poiuess that intrinsic merit claimed at
first for them by the Manufacturer.
Orders, addressed to the Manufactory. No.
416 R'%CE .trees above FOrlald. (old NO.
145.) Philadelphia, sill receive prompt atten
tion by
JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer.
April 13,1857. ly
_ .
James Brown's
1M11.: Futsr BOOK of the Rational System of
Engl i ..ti rammer. .25 cut.
Tits S mom.) Boor, of the Rational System
of English Grammar, 'l4,4:sled to teach the
process of Analysing the Dig,lish .1.-anguago
with sound judgment ; and the art of outing it
with grawmatical propriety. 31 cts.
These works are now uael in the Public
Schools in the First School District of Penn
Tits Tin RD Uooe of the Rational System of
English tiratnruar, de-igned, to enable the
learner to be. oine most thoroughly arvinainted
with the nature and use of the Pazrosrritucs.
and may be read by hula either in or out of
school. So cis.
Ilmowv's GIL UfXATN'At. Rtt.lnra. .11i1413onli
meta aside the old Grammars. exposes their de
fucti, dem(mstratex the little Ilse of attending
to them, and presents to the Teseher the un
emng and only way to the Grammar of the
English Lan t ,mage. 371 vs.
For sale I.y Placa G RIP F 11, 118 ARCh
Street. Philadelphia.
March 2, 1857. 6m
Reinoved to Hanover.
LIRANCIS J. WILSON, late of the Weak
ington'tionee at itlihottatown. ha+ take*
in Hanover. where he will be happy to enter
tain all who may patronize him. Hil Table
iiiatippliied with the heat the tivirket aril gar
den can afford, and him Bar with the choicest
of liquors, Ilia Sothic* a a OutittliniliNl*, and
attended by careful (hole a. Give him a call.
You Mill a'orari fina—FKANK. on the mg.,
ready and willing to snake everyhodv emu
fortablos. [April 21. 1557.
AI ME and splendid nssortincot of Sum
uter Goods, consisting, of Iluta, Caps,
itoota and Shoes, at
11()Wil1,it ant SfMT, the licAt mmunrae-
Jurrd, to Lc I/44 at 2gOrIDEVICS.
Chair it 'Furniture Establishment
In Baltimore.
,V0..L1 North Gay street, near Fayette,
ww•re are kept always on hand, or mwle t..
unkr, even , stylnof From+ THTE-A-TETES,
ir. Noah, Mail% Cloth or Broeatelle.
French Full Stuff and Medallion Parlor
ARM CIIAIILS, in l'lnah, Hair, Cloth ur
Freed' Full Stuff Carved PARli)lt
ellAlltS. is sots, with Plash, flair, Cloth or
SOFAS, half French Spring Mahogany, and
'Walnut Parlor CHAIRS, in 'bar, Cloth or
HOCKING MAlM—various deaigna, in
Hair, Ciotb and Nash.
Staff Spring LOUNGES—a large atotort
moot always on band, or any pattern rude
or eovered with any pante to order.
I'IIAMBEIt SUITS—in Mahogany or
Walnut, oomplotok Crum $3 4 up.
CANE CIIAIIIB and Rocking do.—the
largest as ortmens ready made in any otte
house in the United States—from $l2 a doz
en up.
Bur Room, Office and Dining CHAIRS, in
o:tk. Walnut or Mahogany, with Can.', Wool
or Stuffed Sests—.ut assortment embracing
(arse st) dozen.
Wind seat CHAIRS and SETTEES and
Rocking Chairs--over dozen.
A. MATIHOT, 15 North Gay Street.
near Fayette street.
May DI, 1857. ly
New Good&
VTOULD respectfully inform their eustotu-
T era and the public generally. that they
halm just reeeived the largest, and beat select,-
enl stock of Spring and Summer Goodi ever
offered to them. Ilaving purchased for the
CASII, they are prepared to oXer such in
ducenntnts as to defy all competition. lire
us a call—nn tremble to show Goods.
Sips of the lied Kid.
April 13, 18.57
Samuel M. 71Lecutchen,
3811- Wright and Burr Mill &one Nuolufarz
Q OLE Proprietor of JouNsox's highly ap
" proved and much improved SMUT AND
SCIMMNING SlAClntii : improved lanN co:wave
1104 , 1en0 : NO. 64 QUEEN Street, Matt►
Ward.) address Kensington Post Office.
HAYDOCK Street, below Front,
?TULA n 'A.
Cocalieo Mill Stones, Mill Irons. Stunt Ma
chines, Patent Mill Bitch, Portable
Mils. Stretched Belting. Ce
ment and Screen Wire,
31arch 2. 1857. 3m
Now im the Tittle
NOW i 3 the only time to make very pretty
and cheap aelecuous of Spring and Sum
mer iO.ottli. I tell you the truth is. tlant if
vow wint cheap and pretty Goods. to c.)11 at
tit.. north :vest corner of the 1/J*ll)ond—the
only place to get them. Also. Ready-made
1l;u1/4,01 constantly on hand. All goods cut
re „J r Ita rge. Call and see before pureliss
ing elsevr hers, at the Cheap Stnre of
neutered a Pew Doors Swath eft heOld Stand.
j If. SK ELLY respectfu ll y informs him old
O . • customers and the public generally, that
he continues the 1.117,111,11 AW
near his old stand, in South Baltimore street.
where he will be happy to accommodate 311
who may patronise him. All work entrusted
to his eery warranted to fit and beef mie.t sub.
stontial make. Thankful for past favors. he
solicits a continuance of public pstronrge.
_r - ?lie Near ;Fork SpriKg wad Nil 'miner
Faßk • are received. la11an(1 sae thew.
Gettysburg, April 9, IKhi
New Millinery.
1t714S IRS KATE LITTLE wishes to
IT I: inform the Ladies of triven and country.
that "he is mew prepared to er.ecute Millinery
in all its branches. in West 3lidille" street. a
few doors lbelow Mr. George Little's store.—
Work dope cheaper than elsewhere in town.
Please call and sea.
April 21, 11356.
Ilanover B. Railroad.
frRAINS over the Hanover Uranch Railroad
iiour run A,ll kbilowit
First Train leaves Hanover at 9 A. X.. with
Pavwrigers Inc York. Harrisburg. Columbia
and Philadelphia. This Train also connects
with the Express for italtitmire, arriving there
at id Y.
Second Train leaves at 3 r. h., with Passen
ger* for Baltimore and interuiediate places,
and return* with pasaengera frown Yor., &c.
April 21. J. LEIB, Aunt.
More New Stock.
PRENCII Merinos". all colors ;
IIL . Cloak Clutha Silks, the new styles:
magnificent new•DeLainc>s; beat styles Felt
t'■lieoes: very large stock of new• Sh tw•ls;
flannels. Welsh. English and Ainelican :
Cloths. Vesting., and all kinds Men's Wear ;
Sbestings, Table Linens, Towelings.
Fnertli and Arrh iireefir,
tr7St cxe krepe rs are invited to examine our
New Good*. Families can be well suited in
every hind of Dry Goods. We usake Mick
&Rs and Shawls leading articles for whole
saleing. P. S.—Jobs received (billy from the New York and Pluladalpbia.
Norm. Caw.
Lkceiuber 15. 1856. Gm
10 l'rr Cent. Interest.
A NEW SAVINGS visTrruTiox.—lF
• you want to invest your money with a
certain return of good interest, and at the
alone fuse furnish to your families that which
wit be profitable and useful—buy all your
Gluode at lahneetocks' Cheap Ste - e. They
have received, and are constant,/ adding
every thin 4 nee and desirable to their mock.
April 27, 1857. if
Firing uuderiti , , , ,ned. being the authorized per•
sen to make removals into Ever Greet)
Cemetery. hopes that such as contemplate the
removal of the remains of deceased relatives
or friends, will avail themselves of this Keason
4 the year to have it done. his terms arc
moderate, and every effort i+ inittle to please.
Keeper E ! 1" the Cemedery.
February 0. 18.57.
j ARILIAGE Trimmings can always be
NJ bought lower. and a larger **nudism&
than elsewhenvis always to be bail, at
city and the best stock ever bninglit to
this place. If pia doubt it, call in anti see
fur younwlves—at SCHICK'S.
- -
Pins, Needles. Thimbles. i
dies' and other Gmlbs, Bottosia. Hooka
Mid Klett Tooth Braattes, Lout Pencils.
3litches, cheap at
Auention, One and All!
F: Sl7 0 IV.
QAMUEL WE WER having provided him
%elf writ' an entire new and costly appa
ratus, is now prepared to furnish
Ambratypes and Daguerreotypes,
in every style of the art. w Inch lie will war
rant to give entire satisfaction. this long ex.
perience awl superior apparatus give hnn
advantages lithium furnished by Daguerrean
establishments out of the city. Ito has a large
'number of itp.eintenr at his Gallery. in Charm,
lwrsburg street. which the public are request
ed to call and esamine.
7Clierges fman rAleents I.n $l.O. Doors
operat in. from 8 A. 11. to 4 V. M. told
Incl,•ctm. ICrea4tping. suitable fur miniature*:
always nn hand. • t the very lowest prier*.
li - elnldren silt nut be taken fur tam than
SI (Ni.
rrAIIIIR9TYPES taken from one dollar
and upwartlx, and in the best style.
Dec. 2`2. 1856
New Good.—New
fl EC/WM A RNOLD A, CO. hate just reitei4-
Or ad from Philadelphia a bandanna assort
ment 4:411044m, suitable for Rae atuain. Our
stock of
Ready-Made Making.
and all Good,' in that line. ia evenaire. Cheap
Clothe. Caasituerca.Cashmereua. Drop negate.
Lir.etta. Vestinga. Drillinga. &c.. &c. Call and
nee its. If we cannot please lulu in a garment
ready-made, we have our Tailors conatantly
cutting out sail making up. and can make you
a garment upon abort notice, and in the very
heat manner. Uor prices cannot be beat.—.
Give lax a call. March 3). '57.
P. have given Mr. J. C. Coin') an in
terest exprivutly Orr the purpose ofaettling pp
my old buaineits. I have mar heen operating
31 year and have never until no* detertnined
to mettle up any business generally. Thca.e
therefore who are indebted to tile. either by
Bond, Note or Book account. will please call
and pay the name. UEO. ARNOLD.
March 30, 1857. tf
Do You Wish Dar;,-alust
I F SO„ CO Ft)
Corner 4f the Diamond and Atllimure street.
has just returned from Phila-
J • delphia with a tell and complete asssort
ment of Spring Goods, consisting of Illack and
Fancy colored Cloth* and Casotimeres, of all
styles and patterns. ; aka Satinetts, Jeeps,
Cottonades and Linen foul‘, for Men's wear
and Satin. Silk, and 3larsoilles also,
Sus penders, C rovats. Hatolkereli 444. Hosiery,
and Gloves., at prices to suit this time*—which
gentlemen wishing a complete outfit. would
do very well to examine.
FOE TIIE Lusa:A.—rust received n superior
tymortutent of Block Silks, which will he sold
low; shin, Bcrege do 1.-tines, (Thigh:tuts,
Brilliant*,Calieoe*, Iriprli Linens, Strict, ItoJk
and Cambric Mm.lins, Dotze, is* and Plaid
Mo l ding, Mures, Ritstrosts, Col rs. Dews
Trimming*, &r., &e., which for v iety, ex•
cellence awl eheaptiests cannot be urpassed
in this market.
berliecolleet. that although 'ere is a
great nigh to &hick's for bargains, all eau he
accommodated. Ni trouldo to show Goods.
Therefore call in, and examine the largest,
richest and cheapest stock you ever laid your
eyes; on. . .
Getty..burg, April 13, 1857.
- -
Osage Orange Premium Hedge.
THE un.le-signed having made fledging his
1 exclusive loisinem, is now prepared, with
his extensive facilities, to do any amount of
rt4r ft. V'
on t h e mist eussonable terms. in any part of
Pennsylvania. New York. New Jersey. Dela.
ware, Maryland. and Virginia. The Osage
Orange is Iteantifol. ornamental. and protec
tive, proof •agaittat stock, high winds, back
water. ie.
I will furnish Mulls. Plant and Trim nntil
the Hedge will turn all kinds of farm stork, at
nom SI to SI 5 I per rod, one-third to he paid
when planted. and the balance when it is de
clared a good fence by disintemated pet sons.—
Those getting the Hedging done, are required
to prepare th e ground by deep ploughing, and
cultivate the hedge row as directed.
Liedges set and Planta fiirnished at from 51
to cents per rod, payment to be made when
the fledge is set.
r?I'I.ANTS at Wholesale and Retail, 4.
livered at the Railroad Station at this place,
securely boxed. as fullows:
%vi se's 51411111 I are ordered in nne.order. *1.51
per thouxand for No. 1—54.00 for No. 2 ;
5.000 in one order $5,010 for No I —54.5,1 for
No, 2 ; than 5.0110 in one order trt,ifll Carr
No. 1_85,110 for 2.
si*:l► I;•ech nia If the hest quality, at
Vl' hair:oak and Metail. at market priers.
The value id the Osage Orange fur Hedging
iv now settled. Its mimes*. with proper man.
Pigment. is beyond donlit. Nature will do sIY.III
work in making- it an impervious Hedge, if men
will do nis in it* cuttnre.
RHYRRIENCWA —floe. Jane* 00wen. Pre•lJ/at Pena
art/anis SOW• Acricoltemi itarliar;.(kr• ihm. Al. Kelm.
Wemilnc, P.: Gee Jolla (oom. )11eVkytman ; P.; Samart
Wagner : Cmbier York Hank. P.; UM' Wm Wirier,
&imam from Mmimylrmin; lira K C HMO. Phi 1111.1414111,
P..; the Wm 8011, eaUmmo, Pa ;. Wad. ♦. Stoker ; Amt.,
Urmamburg, P..
Dec. 15, '56. Vi reyhen, 4 1fiiiiin cu.,
The Worbri rent Erhihilente j'rizr Medal!
For his Two Pianos. London. Oct, 16. ISSI.
CMEYER respectfully informs his friends
. and the public generally. that he has
constantly on hand PIANOB equal to those
(or which he received the Prize Medal iu Lon
don. in 1851.
AU orders promptly attended to. and great
care taken in the selection and packing of the
same. II 7t e has received during the last 1•i
years. more Medals than any other tanker. from
the Franklin institute : also First Pretniams
at Boston. and Premiums at, New York aad
reroom4 removed from 52 S. Fourth to No.
180 ARCII street, below Righth, south side,
March IG, 1857. 3m
Diamond Tonsor.
JOHN W. TIPTON, faaAionable .114r4er
awl llnir Drrvoer, can at all titnettbs found
prepared to attend to the calls o(the people. at
the .71-wide, in the Diamond. adjoining as
County nuildinc. Front long experience, be!
Natters himself that he can g o through all the ,
nitutfications of the Tonsoruil Department'
with ouch an infinite degree of skill. as wilt;
meet with the entire sa Lisle:Aim) of all who may 1
submittheir chins to the keen ordeal of his ra
zors. He hopes, therefore, that by his wen
lion to business, and a •lesire to please. he will
merit as well as receive. a liberal whereof pub
lie patronage. The sick will be attended to A.,
their plicate dwellings.
Gettysburg, Jan. 8, 1855. tf
_ _
Susquehanna Hotel,
Oppnilte Calvert Statfun, Baltimore, Md.
'VHF: undersigned having leased the above
L Hotel and put itin complete order. is pre
pared to accommodate his friends and the ,
travelling public. The proprietor will be,
pleased to see hi s old friends, and promises to
make their stay coinfortahle and satisfactory.
Baggage taken to ar.d from Calvert Station,
nee ut charge.
JOHN BARR, (formerly If P'nc'a.,)
July 9, 1855. If Paoriucrou.
SILVEIL—A fine lot of Silver Spoons and,
Silver Forks. am as city prices, now' ITESTs. VESTS.—An mtdtnally large rut
to be had at SCHICK'S. Cull eouu, as the • sortment, of every description. inst re
ad ! rapidly. iredat SAMSON'S.
. -
--- -
New Hardware Siore.
I -
THE subscribers would respectfully an- . cia,
npentio to their friends and the public tbst : THE FORG F:1? COYVICTED.
they bare opened a hardware Store, in Belti-h ions J. DYE LS VIZ ACTROIL,
more street. adjoining the residence of David 017 Who has had 10 years experience as a Bank-
Ziegler. Gettysburg. in which they always In- der and Publisher. and author of
tend to offer to the public a large and general g A Serie' of Lectures at the liruadray Ta
aasortment of I ;fla t,rnari,..
Hardware. from, Steel, Groceries, when. for 10 eueceesive nigh's. over
it 3:7- 50.000 People.)
C Wl` LER Y. COACH TRIMMINGS, Greeted him with rounds of applause, while
.2hei exhibited the manner in which Conn
-41116 tl! ®ID 1,0 IL '.2 IL 4 9 am terfeitere execute their frauds. and the
(I cbar- miter , 61)0c .firbings, .Is and shortest means of
) sorest
Detecting them !
Paints, Oils, and Dye-staffs, ' ''The Bank Note Engravers all say he is the
in general including every description of arti- , 0 greatest Judge of Paper Money living.
des in the above line of bu-int er s, to which 0
they invite the attention of Coach-makers,l o . ARE ITER'''. DISCOVE3Y
Blackemiths, Carpenters. Cabinet - makers, I 2 Or 11 1:4tAlMeggi r l i r nt 7 y. )14
Shoe-makers, Saddlers, and the public genes- I WI
i " Desenlhisig every Genuine Bill in existence.
ally. Our stock tiering been reacted with
great care and purchased fur cash, we guaran- ' ag
and exhibit
Counterfeit at a glAnce. every
in Ci-eisletion!
tee (for the ready money.) to dispose of any
61 Ammred so tilinirahly that esesueegs is
part of it on as reasonable terms as they can i. •
Le purchased anywhere.
Ef:7 - No index to examine ! No lieges to
We particularly request a call from our' hunt
up! But
s . m .... .
i purrs and arranged
friends. and earnestly solicit a share of palate '
:that the Merchant. the Banker and Business
favor, as we are determined to establish a char- wi min can see all at a Glance. -
seer for selling (hoods at low prices and doing El
business un fair principles. 4
la F.' , , , ,i;•t. p,orh awl , rlonn.
aO .-
Gettysburg, Jane 9, 1851. if •• LOT ricavecT SASS NUTS I.LST PL;SUSIEED
New Goodm ! • ;,) au. rat PRIVATE BANKER/ is NNERICA
NEW ESTABLISHMENT! A Complete S military of the Finance of
i •Europe and America will he piddishial in
lACOUS & BRO. reapeetfully inform their :each edition. together with all the impur
e/ friends and the public generally. that they el! hint NERVE of the flay. Also.
have opened a Merchant Tailoring* Lia A SERIES OF TALES;
Establishment, in the room recently to- P'` From an o w id„„ mr i in found in thoyana.
espied by A. Arnold. in South Baltimore atreet 4 11 fumbles the moat Complete History of
near the Diamond, where they will at all times ORIENTAL LIFE.
he happy to accommodate all who may patron- gDeserlhing the most Perpleging teiteatiens
ise them. Their stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, dim which the Ladies and Gentlemen of that
Veriting,e; Ceseincts...Cords. Summer Goods , el country have been so often found. These
&c.. &c.. is large and selected from the talon a Stories will continue throughout
styles—all of which they will dispose of at lil the whole year, and will
prices as low as they can possibly al ford. their 42 prove the most entertaining ever offered to
system being to sell CHEAP. fief elate or court. the public.
try produce. al! r'''Fornishell Weekly to Subscribers
They will make up garments of every de- ©only. at St a year. All letters must be ad
scription in the most substantial and desirable d r ,„,.. n d 40
manner, all warranted to fit and not to rip.—
Goods bought of them not to be made up in their
establishment will be cut free of charge. They
are oinking up a lot of REA DY-MADE CLOTH
ING. in the best manner, which they will sell
as cheap as the cheapest.
They have also on hand a large 'assortment
of Hosiery. Stopentiets, &Uri*. Marl Colinex,
/Lc.. to which they would call the attention of
the public.
(CP'The Latest Fashions regularly received.
Cash or Country produce always current fur
goods or wo-k. Don't mistake the place
31arch 17. 1856
TWO D MY LIN 4 4 1
To HANorEll.
dersigned returns his thanks to the imbli
for the encourngement heretofore extended to
him, and takes pleasure in announcing that he
haw ommleted Atrangemenix by
which TWO DAILY LINES of;:+•:"''_
Coaches will run,between Gettya
burg and Hanover, to connect with the trains
to and ficon Baltimore, York, llnrrt.burg,
Philadelphia. Acc. Persons desiring tieketsor
information will call on the under.igned, or on
CITABLE." TATIt, TiCOlt Agent, at the Eagle
Hotel, in Chambersburg street,
('Special attention given to all packages,
die., or other business entrubted to the on ler
signed between Gettysburg and Hanover,
which will be promptly and carefully attend
ed to.
',l:7The undersigned has also effected ar
rangements by winch hew ill be able to supply
Coombe., Stages. &c., for Funerals and other
occasions, at ►noderate chargek
Gettysburg, April 13. 1857.
Bounty Land Claimo.
9 , 111 E undersigned -xill attend promptly to
the rollection of claims for Bounty LandA
under the late act i pf Congreaa. Thmte who
have already received 40 or SO acres, can now
receive the balance. by caging on the atthscri
her end waking the neccquary application.
Gettysburg. March 12. 1855. if
J. Lawrence Hill, M. D.,
` n~iiT. "'
tl AS hie Office one door west of the babe
l! ran church. in Chambershurg rtreet. and
opposite I:muffler's store. where tho.eolvish
int( to have any Dental Operation perform.
ett are respectfully_ iavited tont%
Rarest:4mm: Dr. D. IlitherL -,Dr.: C. N.
Bel lucky ;Dr. 0. [Writer. Rev. (. P. Krautli.
Ii tr. Rev. 11. L. Baugher. 0. 0.. Rev. Prof.
William M. Itcyttelitts, Rev. Prot Al. Jacobs.
Prof. M. L. Starry!,
Orttysburg. April 11. 1853. tf
EJw. B. Buehler,
, libitum; at
WILL, faithfully and promptly attend to
all business entrusted to hir... Ile
apelike the Gentian language. Office at the
same place, in South Baltimore street, near
Furney's drug store, and nearly opposite Ban
ner Ziegler's store.
Gettysburg, March 20.
D• M'Conasegti y,
3ttararq at taw,
(Office removed to one door West of Buehler's
Drug S hook -store, Cha tultersburg street,)
Attorney & Solicitor for Patent'
and PC014101121.
OUNTY Land Warranut, Rack-pay m 0.4-
2.11 ',coded Claitna,and all other claims against
the Government at ICashington, D. C.; llso
American claims in England. Land iVarrauts
located and old. or budght. and highest prices
given. Agents engaged in locating warrants
iu lowa, 1111110 k 111111 other Western Stale/.
27 - Apply to him perbonally or by letter
sburz. Nov. 21, 1853.
W,n. IL 111•Cleilan,
3ttarurg et tutu.
OFFICE nn the south side of the Pchlec
Square. 2 doors west of the Sentinel office.
Gettysburg. August 22, 1853.
The Ladies
WILL find it to their advantage to trail et
Fahnesteek Brothers. and see their
large and 'heap stock of Silks, Challis, Lanni.
Decals, Tamartines, Delaines, Calicoes. Ging;
hams, &c., whith are selling cheap nt
Sign of the itei Frond.
April 13, 1851
Flour! Flour!
rrinE undersigned continues the Flour bald
-11 Dein as heretofore. Ile sells hr the barrel
or any occulter quantity. By tailing FRALI.
PROFITS he can buy as -high and sell as luw as
anytxaly else. and by always endeavoring to
keep none but the best. ho hopes to merit and
receives continuance of liberal patronage.
At the Putt Office.
Oct. 8, 1855
Hay Wanted.
DEk3Q.NS basis; Hey to sell will do web
I. by exiling on the subscriber, in Ocilla
burp who is desirous of purchasing. The
highest market price will be paid at an times.
Oa - As he tweeds Wring the Hay. after be
ing Peke& basica either to Hanover or Balti
more, the preference to halal will be given to
times from whoui be may purchase.
December 6. 1852. tf
jIiTKENS•W ARE. Cedar-wars and endless
variety of Household articles. to be had
very cheap at FA H NESTOOK BROTHERS.
JOHN S. DYE. Broker,
Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall street,
Aped '27.1857. ly New York.
%CU' Family Grocer•.
11111ESPECTFULLY iitlirtn4 the citizens of
lIL Getty•dotrg ■nd the public generally.
that lie haA opened a nen-
Grocery and Confectionary Store,
on the Northwest corner of the'hrronud, for
merly occupied I.y A. B. Kurtz. where he will
have eumoantly on hand it choice variety of
Gill )0011 ES. Ct FECID *1 Ait I ES. end
CEDAR WARE. and everything in his line.
Every article that the Eastern . Market af
ford will he lept on hand or supplied at the
shortest notice. A sham of public patronage
is respectfully solicited.
All kinds of country proyfit:e taken in es.
change for (hal&
February 23, 1557 tf
In.ora nee Costa ny ;
fi ANTAL 5:46 effeeila insurances in
I-) any part of the State, against InS4b y lire:
pnidently adapts its dlilleratioO4 to its resour.
na ; affords ample indemnity, and promptly
adjusts its losses.
Akin county k repcegented in the Board
of Managers by llon. Mows Mts't,ssx.
W3l. 31 , C1.E IN. I ',id.
011 , e all. it W. Iletils.m.Urttysloarg.
May 26,1850.
J. Palmer & Co.,
Dealers in Fiah and Provisions,
itAVE constantly on hand an assortment
I 1
or Mackerel. Shad. Herrings, Codfish,
Beef. Pork. LirJ, Shoulders, llama, Sides,
Cheese, Rice. km.
March 23. 1557.
113nnets! Honnel.4!
iSS Nlce 1.7..‘1tY has' jiiNt returned Irons
lY I. the city with a IleW and Leautiful assort.
meot. of
BIJI\ZII2 - Tld;ZELl73'n Diyp
of 'the ino,.t fashionable odyles, which she in
vites the ladies to call and essiiii.w.eoulblent
that they will lie please.l with her sehretions.
Miss McCreary will carry on tLe MILLI
NERY business. ni all its homilies. nml isapex
by her sulwrior work and tea...liable pih.v4.
to. merit the 011 her friewls.
Gettysburg. April I'.o. 1857.
Bringrnan & Aughinbaugh,
s7'll,L .11//E.10:
ILIVIE are just reoeirinly, a is •re Int of
Cttpx, bouts lt..PlltelettS
—of the eery lAteet Sprin g y styles. awl,
intewl wiling at sttuill pr.dits.
an.l sett
them berm e intrebamtvx" elsewhere. It..noist
tier theltlatit, Paxtuo's 0141 a4lud. ChnlllbCfS•
Wig rt rect., )larell 2.3.
TII E tirolersipeti revertfolly ittforta their
(riend, god the ptiklie itt,pit••rai.t that they
have commence') the Cabinet and Ilia inista king
bw'iness. in •Rattiniort Street. near Middle,
where they will manufacture all kinds ,-.=,-
of FURNITURE. such as Wowing
std Common Bureaux. Tables of va •
rious deep iptierui, Bedsteads'. Wa robes.
Stands. and every other article in their line--
A LI. Or the best workmanship and good Illk
terbila. which will enable Own' to warrant,
their work. Alto, every vAtietr of C11.111'037
Cormus made at abort notice, and iu the
various styles.
!louse Painting and Papering attended to.
and done in the heat matinee.
Their iltifVl.llll'ill lie tot low 111.. 'he lowest ots,
all who may lmtnwtzt• thrill' will .scknowledge.
fOl.nusber end country produce taken tit
exchange Cu. work.
Gettysburg. Feb. 23, lttsi. ly
• 300 Doz. Knives and Forks.
HATING lust rieeive.l our own hip
Cation, from Englltiel. a large and ex
tensive assortment of Vorlery, we 'taxi e the
attention of those in want ..t . iiiY Si . % o or
Knives and Fork.. far' Pt.., Nut Pie *. i to
tsane and et:lol'2lw, Cite wilt 'wit at ueli
prices as trill defy egoni•etition. Abu . a large
assortment of Tithie Forks, which will-be sold
separately. Don't forget to examine the
/kr Omntry Merehante eau he supplied at
a small advance. May 18.
Ladles, Thin Way:
eIOBE.t'S & PAXTON have always on
hand a large and well selected stock of
Ladies', Misses', and Children's
Jan kinds, and at all prices. iNe trouble to
show Uootho. May 18.
Scythes ! Scythes! Scythes!
FAIINESTOCKS have just received the
largest lot of SCYTHES ever offered in
the comity. They comprise a Yftrivtv
Le., w which the attention of Farmers sad
others is invited, assuring them that we will
sell them cheaper than elsewhere. [May LS.
LARGE and Henry Wampler will make
Vl lluwie Spouting and put up tbasame 1011.
for cash or country produce. Farmers *tid all
others wishing their houses. barns. imispost
ed, would do well to give them a call.
April 18, 18,53. tf
ORANGES. Lemons, Candies, Crackers
Spices of an kinds. Fancy and Common
Soap. Hair Oils, &c.. at NOABEC
OOTS A.ND StIOES made to order, of the
best material, and by good workmen.—
Call at I3r inyurun tr• Airohirsbauers.
Health or Sickness?
gjedoway's Pills.—Tbe blood furnishes
11 the material of every bone, muscle, gland
and fibre in the human frame. When pure, it
secures health to every organ when corrupt.
it necesitariiy produces disease. llomowav's
Ptt.ts operate directly apon the elements of the
stream of tile, neutralizing the principle of dia.
ease, and thus radically curing the malady,
whether located in t' - .e nerves, the stomach,
1 the liver, the bowels. the muscles, the skin, the
brain, or any other part of the system.
Thootylienit the Worhi!
ffnunwAt's Pn.i.s me equally eflicacions 1e
complaints common to the whole human race.
and in disorders peculiar to certain climates
and land ities.
4 11417'111;11 11 .171J4411'1114741.
Dyspepsia. and derangement of the liver,
the source of infinnity and R frtri n g amt the
cause of innumerable death 4. yield. to there •
curatives in all however aggravated,
acting am a mild purgative. alterative and inn-.
k: they relieve the bowel*. purify the Unitis e
and invigorate the system and the conatetutkat
at•the saute time.
When all stimulants fail. the renoratiffe
and bracing properties of these
ness to the shaking nerves and enfeebled Avow
des of the victim of 'general debility.
, in case% of the fracture of- hones. hen
ries awed by steam esp!osions. Bruises,
Burns. Scalds. Rheumatism. StiOres of the
Joints, and contraction of the sinews. it ix r m.;
ployed and warmly r &Mint titled by the ric:
ulty. This tnarrelous remedy has been intro
duced by its inrcnior in person into all the/
lending Holmium's of Europe. and no prirkar
household should be without it.
The Nledital Staff of the French and English
Armies in the Criniva h.vr ofticiafly infue4*
their approval of 1101100 ay's Ointment, ea the'
tuo4t reliable dressing for sabre rota. m a balL
and gen-trounda.. jt is also used by the Sari
geons of the Allied Navies.
Build the Ointment and /silly abould be
(he id Intriny cares: •,
Mourns dare 14•willuisilk
Itn nines
ih,rl.l JUstor.rit, Po ryff , of an Lilt
Vivininl nazi& &tit abeam , Pprailia
Chi I him or Benl.lo Vag t.aita .. ,I t
ri.tula akin lii.e.sien TA tor
Gold eitott.ll;tmids runt's' . • , •
Le elphiicn Sem Len '
n , ssmoreall e tes*.. .
Mo , ri.l ?Eruptions:tor.. iir•-vta Sums& Mt khkir
Pies Sone lielnis , • •
* o •Sol.r1 at the Nlanoractories of l'ioccrotor,
11411,LOWAY. RO lai.len I.anc. New York. arid,
'-'44 Strand. London. l.y all respeetalde I)ecip.
Ufists and Dealers in Medicine throug4ont
nited Staten and the civilized world, its pout,'
at 2 cents. 62 1 , cents, and 91 each.
frj•There is a consitkrable saving by •taking•
the larger sizes.
N. B.—Directions for the gni/lance of ps.,
tients in every disorder are stilled In eachput.,
.17../ - Caution I—Notiv ate gess Inc unlews,
t h e words ••11,11/me,,,,..Vr0. .• and I,rnnlns it
are th.cernslde as a ten'er-imirt in Fiery feat
of t h e I.srk of ilitecto.n4 nronrul est+ Or 4
box : the ratite may ir e plainly sees try ,tedriv,
in. 14r /nil hr tile I A liandvitime Lt ward /
wine given to any one resiltritiF p•sich_mlitr
11)31tionas may Iritd to the ileteelittn a pig
party or ponies omoterfritiog I lle
entling the salne. talus ing thew to be
Sept. 1. 1856. eon 11, . •
/1111 E tilmml Company
1 to IloVe prepared, to atmut
1.500,000 .ticres or
--_, •!.
uJ. uzr ,
in trauta of about vi'wr .41.31#4* lung oral
awl al (mc rtil,..
These lands were cranL'd by The Conersl4'
ment to aid in the construction of thin lima:.
and arc among the vieltest and most fertile in
the world. They ex lend from Nlffi It East anti,
Nut th %Vest, through the nistldlesif the State.,
to the extreme South, and ttielgalcOMety rash-,
ty of climate and pi:kilo:lions iound between
those parallels of latitude. The Northern'
portion is chHefly prairie. interspersed with
tine groves,. and in ttn• middle and - Southerti •
sections timber Wed,. 11l ill stet'. alternating with
beautiftil prairies soul tqwningss. • .
The climate is more healthy. tuihl and equa
ble, than auy othempart of the comma:y-0)e,
air is pure n u t h w•iitg, while living streams
: and vitrinzu of exeritriit water alsmnd. "
Ititninitums Col 1... e xten s icly min e d , . an d
supplies a cheap a al ite,iiral.te Intl. being Sir
itished at many points at 4.2 to $4 pelt Itits•f-ef
amid It (1.4 eau he !nut at the sane rate 1.4 . r c 1114.1
' Building Some of excellent quality a6als
a hounds. which coo i s . procured f u r ;it : & Wiwi,'
• , I
I auto the expense or liiiispnoßtion. .
Thu great fertili - v el these lambi, whishiwit.
a Mack rich mould fr.rii two to tire Feet sitep.t
mu d meetly ru tting ....:keir contiguity- J . twdbis
1 ft tol. by which every facility is fornislurd for . ,
tried and trall4p) , t 1 t j".l. to Ow principal
i markets .N'orilt. Smith. Ear.% mutt tV i t.al4,
the economy with a Itich they tlin he alit it
, Ira. render them I h.• most rains We ineentittentr
that can he found : and present the mho ft.. l
rot aloft upportimi: v. ter person.; of industrious
' haltila and moan me ans. to enquire li cusiiktitei
I aisle indrpelskiuse in a few years. , ,
Chic i;,41 is the grealc4 grain market In do,
world-.and the fnitily and eettnom3- %t il t.
I which Om' products of these lands can -I,sy
I tr a nsported, to that market. make tihni tti f n'elif
more print:this:. at the prices asked. - than ,
; those mare remote at government rates,- ail
1 the 101141thiaiti coat of transportatiun iA appet,r -t,
petual tai oti the latter. which tuns[ he isioL9U,
i by t h e producer, io the ledUettl pm ice liclie.
i ciders for Ins grain ate.
The Title is Pe: feet -anti when the nfinili
' payments are Made. Peed"; Ar. Ext•ruktlf fit
the Trustees appointed by the Sm:c. ami in/
horn the' title is vested. to -the purettaserdi
which convey lo them alrminte titles in .krpti
Simple. free idal chiar ill every incutitioraute.
lien or tuor.gage. -_
l'he ,P,0,re..1 .ier rrt,a, ".41; f,r, S;31) , Te1 , .,,*
/d./ 3 yrr , o•zit. Twenty per et•rdt will to
deducted from the rryllit prtee for :'ash:. '
"lune who latrefla.e mu tong •el talitr• chi;
notes payable in :2. 3. 4. ti mut 6 yeamfifivr
date, and arc requited to improve unettential
annuaily for live yeas s. so 115 to have onedsitlf
the land in cultivation, at she end of toas t
Competent Surveyors will setvmpany l those
who wish to examine these I,, ls si,t, f ire et
charge, and nil them its Oinking selections.'
The hands reittaihing unsold are ash tacit
and valuable as tllose which love bons tine
taiaeil rd.
5,,,/i un at liglia"wrn be sent to any one
who will enclose fifty cents in Postage Stamps.
and hooks or • Pamphlets. containing nitinersi
mu instances of suet:wistful forming. aligned by.
respectable and well known family, living n
the neightforhooti of Railroad Lands, through
out the State=also the emit of fencing, pneetto,
of cattle. expense of harvesting. threshing,
etc.-or any information-wiff be cheerfully'
given on application. either personally 'or by.
letter, in English, French or German..iddres.,
sed to JOHN VE 1L,911,114. 1
Land Cotarnkatooor of the tinsel. Contra( I R. Co,
T,7" - ttilice in Illinois t.',a' :fluid Itailrood Dui
pot. Chicago. Illinois.
April 20, 1857. Gm • '
•0 141 ...
Sig-We are better Apreperudi,,Ahom
ever fo r execute JO actuw, i ,• -0144
eariCtis , branches. / With tsrchyPireiseatai
and an anuenallY large assortitund,or
jobbing letter. and ether' materials, tho
public may rest assured' thitibi Reit
new and expedition in dui* was the
• aOIIEPILIM I Moe " can't be . ;
CifiIiLDRE..TS Sims or over" Nslefiikrisold
NJ size. at IigINGUIAN AuGuP l l lO . Bl9l ...
successors to CV. W. Paxton ' ,
t , I
‘ 1 , 41
!, ; N• iti"