The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, June 08, 1857, Image 1

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    A 943.7. -,, T
•• • •
JR :4 :
„,,In E.
.1~7~~•f /•.~ 1
11 •i•.:;
ll'tf.! ..,-,' :
/By IL 7. • ST.I 11 1, E
tw. l ;
ndrTAT?Jts' OF 7717 S PAPER
•. •
,Th prild
.irqn ewiapiler is published
alay murning, Ly .11ENnyJ. Sr tHLE.
Tj46 per annum if paid in wlraur,— , Z2.o9
ainam if not pahl in advance. No suir
obOilition discontinued, unless at thi ontion of
tbeipubliohir, until all arrearazei are paid.
Prertimentents inserted at the usual
Job l'rinting done, neatly, elienply,
with dispatch.
''' VW.... LLfice in. South 'Bald tn,ow street, direet
-I,9ppo4ite Wampter's Tinning Estublisli
alliWone said a half s,piarel-front the Court
le, "COUPI LE 6" on the siin.
- -
6 b Dollar & Seventy-five Cents,
iVill Secure the _Regular Visit, of
• I,'
" 11 ' ei - .0 1 : 61 )Piial •
le Ake Home of any Family in the Couuty
ASpefitlnetrcuation and Amusement
• rolt FATHERS,
imustwiats, BROTHEfts AND iffitTf4
AliftairNithould be'lr;tboilf the Compiler.
sltes could he spot in no more
manner than by,ing
/OM* Atienstmint," which ivill furni,th
yeitivtith'ail the -news of tit:• (lily. the
zaarkets i the marriages and the Meath.
odiktoting in the•cotninunity, with (.110iee
tiatlet.ionii of literature, poetry, wit and
hlitibtl And ail that will go to snake up
araie Fatuity Newspaper. A.(l-
41 - titer - Editor and Proprietor, TIENItY
J. Mt. .
tr .
_%1:1) - IS.
Lapareatucie o(4n 031114 writ of Favi "'whist.
: Out of the Court of Count ~,,, Pleas
or.#l4oom county, Pennsylvania, and to we
directed. will Go exposed. to Public Sale. at
Vlbu : 1ib,5.c746e„4,414;:e l'u l37, ug . t h ' pt ur „ / 61 J .11 , 3 ,, 5 ;
1 11 -Atm*, P. M., the fulluwing de:
lettllaii'itest Dtlatili viz:
OltdeM3l, situate 0 llentirr,:,•trin township, Atilmartiounty, P 0...: CtotiLlitling . 1 . 2.0 acre..
moils vi lexo. niljoining, bouts of Nlidntel Fis.
on :I;ll , . s o e vr rc.c oT t l e t:i
.r ,,,,, : ,,, : ,,e,.„ .i ...ti,i,,,ther5,
h P .tiyty 'friattb' DIVA:MING 6. -
kV. - .g' Ititelleu vltzo•hed.
ti le'.6.e Barn, Var7ing* ... -
Uatalwitild tiltl nerostutry out bulithti,, , : no
Ortdoettittilld;* well of water uear the (Ivor
Seized ow4s4mt 0 elocution ai the property
diaffoxLca. tool to Is- 5 . .1 . 1 111( niP.
. ~ /-IENIIN Ttlf 3,11 S Slizriff.
.Vgi i c . e i . s ( s :e ;. 4y.4 ,,, , iurg. r
OPTCII fkreerit. of the purchase mon upon
*ll valleitilhy die Sheriff unst.t he paid ore :he rue
diarelyeacter the property i. struck tiolt - ii. mod
Off 114 „to comply tbetewtat, the property
7ilkeirlitt bp psi up fur sale.
- - --
iti:zi i . REAL EsT,liirr,.
Itt• T ht....oe- of authority sire n in the
/14°swift -end testament of JtxtiKPH TON.
A., „ itllier, deal:load, I will sell on the
li irS., pa ;Tim ro kty, the 11, h d, 3 v June
. ttrAilic vendee or outcry.
s-4 , .
aitttMtinMatfertocushtp. l damt ern inty, Pa,
lattimjaibe occupancy of Ft 'nets IleNutt. de
ceased. The property i.s situate at the junc
tiot thepuliitc road-14n.ling from Gettys
tool I.o7,Carlisle and fr ,, n, York to Chamberr,
bta tour miles from lletlysburg. It
ed by lands of Josep!i Itnyly, Jesse
Baelitn.: Sinnott Eicholtz, Daniel Stltzgirer.
Juba Quick's!. and otherA, and Contains 242
ACASSorith the usurd allowance. The un
prolpeappicua are a large
U 'ficoStury
le 0 G II OSE
9 •• I I •
• •
A AA Story L }lons!. an orchard,
to V la'of water near the imildings--Nev-
Warn** springs of Water Upon the place.
Thelinit . a' taro proportion of tine Meadow;
-41acnef pond 'nuttier, and bout so situated an
io tt9lor , atstcieiou .11 . the tract, (IC desired)
„la tn conitnence at IJ:o'clock. P. M.,
Rh. ,iittendance wilt be feu and tenni'
atimikltdown by I VILLT.IN L. MILLER.
IlardlObit ' Ithaeo tilt et the '...t frill ath I te.t.tument of J.
with 7,,rreuce. tto elthe, 4.1.e.....i.
~,retiiKtrts debtrouN of vlew mg the tract
pre libria:to the ti,iy of sale, ark. 1 tivie.ted to
eal Iltiibtt Capt. HEN ItY N% ri-mic, residing
rIA y la( ot aka t ion &to title. . eau he
obtluielKfromi & fir. Met :LEAN. wy
Att7l4,rei.iditig auurg.
SOOINkc. Knives and Forkw.
r_riOVING just reeeixe , l of our own ingw-
Jacrigaft, from E ~.11a.n.1, a large awl, ex
teusiite( assertnwit of (faders, we invite the
attiewpiifoo of I.lnwe in wai.t of unv .rule of
t i
Kni enpfuqorks, Carver., Nut P 5.., ic,. .., to
~ 1P. 1 41 exatuine. We w?Il , ell at ~uch
.pri tia wilt clefs competition. Al,o, a lar4e
LoaaotiktfErit of l'alkle Pork, which will he sol.l
,Aepanately. Dun't (urge: ~., exam.:,e -the
At 0044 iii FAIINEtiI'OCKS'.
SillirQuuntry Mervhuts can be finT,plial at
~ a an* d t ail volwa. 3147 18.
r. )1 Ladle*, This Way
AK k PAiTON: have always on
LIAR a large and well selected C.ok. of
• Mioseo', and Childreieb
snow GA cons AND SI.IPPIEV+,
of 611,0311 e, tad nt all prices. No trouble to
sh°o4o/46 ltlav IS.
gcnyttseso Scythes Scythes t
FA lINESTOCKS have just received the
As** *of SCYTHES ever offered in
the ipsygly t .They onmrise &variety of =ken,
isolufAxg 1111 X Elt STEEL, STFA.I. BACKS,
kg., :gfitil the attention of Farmers and
otha Hlntited, assuring them that we will
sell Hlifiii - tteaper than elsewhere. [Mat . Ift.
iiilletitosed to Hanover.
J WILSON, late of the Wash- .
i. 4 ii 011 to at, Abbottstown, has taken
is r , „ rorhore be will be happy to &aor
tal& , • y patronise him.
is •• ' (NIUE the markegar
deo " • durfilivilar with the choicest
.of Stiblee-sre commodious, and
stosiglid Oslo s. Give him a call.
ltmtadn .Find FiLtsc. os the spot,
44 4 t rolditiog w tsidie everybody emu
d f pri I 27,1857.
I :=E kg ra4l 7 ;Yersio ss Is tad Shaw*
444,inire :
End ete* st SellitiVS.
Parting of the Widow's Son.
ay Yes.:spo nix tr.
Yon Blender boy his hart bath launched
On life's deceitful
balmy years of ;unship* o'er,
Ile pie)* without
amid the stir and strife of pal,
MI devious course to run,,
The tempter and the s'n'are to bia•—
God bleat, the widow's
Ire turneth fmnt the pleasant door, ,
And from the harden fair,
Where with his little eradelte wrought
lionesih s nwther's este— . •
lie bears hood like manhood high,
Yet tears their course will ran,
When nn his struhger Led he rests--
tlol tile4s the widows eon.
Ye %ay he goeth forth alone
darethe a ntfol
No, no, n !Ten 14 round him thrown
More firin than diamond shield--
A tn&urnful •notier'g fervent prayer!
tilt•his iiie 1. clone,
Till time. :tell 4sil, stood ehange are o'er—
God bless the witbrw's eon.
4 filiiiTllslllCDll,t.
rain's settlement, after the enrse set
unon hint by the Txtril, was in "the land ;
of Nod on the east of .Eden." If Eden '
represents the AVllfilt. IaqVVOCII!
the Indus and the Niie, then this must
have lwen in the wild, nuattitainons re-'
gions of _Northern India and AVestertv
Tartary. The exact eonntry our genii
g-aphy en nnot define. Two pecul ri
ties have elmracteriaet, the inhabitants;
of that region in every air.. It has been
a "land of Nod," that 14 4 lntrandering, ;
litißettied," as to a large 'sfilktre of its''
population ; and yet it has hett, isfhinge
t say a land renntrkabk for the magni
tude. grandeur, wealth, manuthetures,
larning:lnd corn memo of cities-H . llst
8.4 the early cultivation of the arts
the deeendnnts of t'ain might sugL,est.
Nowhere else in the world has been seen
the tnim . diter of smelt eontratleties and ;
of such extremes. And to this day, it
is a wonder. Ttio- traveller with peril
penetr.ttes to the centre s of these wild 1
and grami landse Ines wltereleven nativ-e
collects the highest moniatiiiis and deep
est ellttsma in the worM—the most say
age sterility, and gardens of the very
primeval pamdisaie fruits. But when
he does so, is nmazud ity the fortifies
tions, the palumsd, the libraries, the
fonntiries, the bsznars, the temples.—
Ile meets therewith men *lin seem the
genuine offspring of prodigies of
learning. • that wander over the Conti
nent like vagabonds; speaking many
langmages.poets, philosophers, 3 -et mur
derers.and claiming (kseent front Israel,
or from Alexander the Great, vet iring,
abject, knavish begrArs; peddling in the
tue hour din tnoads, pills, manuscripts,
garthents, !verb', rattignarian relies,
musks, shawls, or cutlery; which they
have carried immenee distances, hut
with distrirat of 'every one, they keep
concealed till opportunity for their dis
posal presents itselft the aentest, basest,
unhappiest of mankind. The temper
and the bane,. mardervr's
fit ni]ly remaiti with them, after all the
changes of ski titotemtd-years, till this
" Aigoic se . ''.—A gentlewoman
. 3r4.4 - Dash informs the
world by adyertioement th d she "eon-
tinues to giv4,wr awl interes
ting del4ipatpontsof„C,4racter, discover
able fr9m,the;lnindwriting s " A spider
having been tlqty dip9ol in an ink bottle
was suffered. to, crawl about u sheet of
writing paper, which
,Wafts immediately
forwarded to Yiss' Dash - thtsh with the
required • "13 wuny postage stamps,"
for the Svhil evines nothing under a
clear shilling,. and her re4ponee costs a
penny. After a very brief delay, Miss
Da-di Dash :.ent_ the foll Owing delinea
tion of character as Supplied by the
- The Individual i= a young lady who
too often :suffer; herself to become a
iietim of ug, I 'ss AuTen.e. Moreover,
she is so frequently bent upon conquest
that it can I.w no wonder if her most
skiafuily wo v e n ',lan, are rudely broken
it those she would ensnare, She k,
certainly, of a domestic character; nev
erthele.s gire no sigu of housewifery,
as it appears to me that'she can't abide
a Irr , mm, and has no respect for the tidi
ness of a 11011, , e111:1;1. Is an excellent
hand at crochet and open-work."
With the slight mistake of a spider
for a young ladY, the " interpretation "
must be consi(fered perfect, and well
worth the thirteen postage stamps.—
An Editor's Sohlogt4.—lrere is a fun
ny little rktrody 1 ' going thetroands" of
the press :
Ta write or not to write that's the question:
Whether it is better to take op the pen,
After a sleepy clintiex of baked heaps,
To nib it. scratch spar pate. and feel fur brains
In vain, till the hist hour to publish ;
Or seize the scissors manfully,
And clip, and clip, and clip
The better thoughts - of others t
We pause for moonset ; • • -
Joe, band the seinen.
•ar 4 , Conscience 1 .7 miAi r iirs. Hopkins
indignantly : do you.oniipot?,e that no
body has got any eons/51 , 44140N hut your
self ? My ca!u3eience li gooti as
anii,better,i,ooi for it has
Inver ben 4M in the vou.r4o of my
life, while youf . a upot, lie',nearly worn
,Sophist rif is Itice , a l liifrutocv eur
tain—kt=6B ah 'ortilknieht, but its
1 9 e to ' 61st .
The Posterity of Ca'n
, ,
. ......,...,.,, 4
~ . .
'c 1 e•. , ,, , I:
,' i'!
I:. I. ' !..., '.,
-r t o
The Duel.
In his Cyclopedia of Wit and Irtnnor,
Burton quotes the following reply to a
challenge from a work publish?ti in
1;96, and entitled -Modern Chivalry :"
"Sir: I have two objections to tills
duel matter. The one is lest I should
hurt you ; the other is lest you mhouid
me. Ido not see any good it would do,
me to put a bullet through any kart of
your body. reould make no use-Cif you
when dend fn' any' canna'' , rittrposes,
- as I would a rabbit or a turkey,-:. I ant
no.mnnibal to fed op the float
Why then shoot down a human erea.:
tore, of which I cotdd 'mike no use? A
Buffalo would he better meat. For
though your flesh may be delicate and
tender, yet it wants that firmness and
ekisistency which taken and retains
salt. At any rate, it would not ho fit
for long sea-voyalvs. You might make
a good barbecue, it is true, being of the
nature of a raccoon or an opossum ; but
people are not in the habit of hurbotaing
anything human now. As to yourhide,
it is not worth taking off, little better
than that ofn Year old colt.
ttlt would seem to men strange thing
to shoot a man that would stand still 1,,
be shot at., inasmuch as .1 Nave. Wen
heretofore used to shoot at, things flying,
or running or jumping. Were you on
a tree uow, like a squirrel endeavoring
to hide yourself in the branches, or like
a raccoon that after much cycin, and
spying I observed at length in the crotch
of a tall oak, with Loughs awl leaves
intervening so that I omit] just get a
site of his hinder parts, 1 sLould think
it pleasurable enoagli to take a shot at
you. But, as it is, there is no skill or
judgment requisite either to discoverer
take von down.
"As to myself, I }lo not much like to
stand iu the way dr anything buruifuL
lAM under apprehensioi you might
hit me. That being the e se, 1 think it
most advisable to Atay At tiAtanoe. It'
'von want to try your vistfils, take linfll4
7 obieet—a tree or' iiinarn-door—about
my dimensions. If you hit that, send
me word and I shall seknowL.klgu that.
if I
.had been in titel twat' place ) oil
might also have hit niat.,
Late rapt! Pen ii. Militia.
't3lujor Valentine Jac . ko - , U. S. A."
—iv— l'''" - --
A Talo.
Says, the lawych. Aaiianh
v some
times ery •nearly approach IVSSOII in
their cunning."
" I got interested in be study or
serpontA -down in Arkansas, whoro I
spent the most of last v}tu•. I don't
know why, but I n•as constantly watch
.ing thew in now situations, and sur
rounding them with novt.l
Of nil kinds I experimented most with
rattlefmakes and copper-heads.
Ono Afternoon I seated myself on a
little knoll in the woods to smoke and
read—for Lalways had a book or 'low*
paper witkme—andhuil been enjoying
myself for some time, when I espied a
topper-head making , for a hole within
ten feet -of where I sat. Of MUM I
threw down my book and cigar, and.
proceeded to try a. new experiment.
As soon as I stirred, the. rascal maile IL
rush for the hole; but I caught his tail
oh he got netirry in and jerked him sonic
twenty feet backward. 'Hp threw hint.
self into a coif in no time, and waited
forme to pitch in, But I emiclUded not
to 1 t him try his hole again. After a
Debi ho started for it, stopping when
Ist ,to coil himself api but as I
kept pretty quiet be recovered coo&
denc4 and again went in. Again I jerk
ed hkn ont.—No sooner did he hit the
grou*l than he made a midi for the hole
in a &knight line for my lege. But - that
didn'4 work, for I got oat °Nu) way,
and give him anotherliirtl . ..
"WM timehe lay still awhile, appear
ing toteflect on the course to be taken.
After time he tried it over agitt,!
thougi rather slowly.—After getting
his heal a little wal - in, lie stopped and.
wiggle , / his tail, as if on purpose forme
to Kral it. I did so; and quicker than
a flash'te drew his head out and came
within tbout a grurrter of an inch of
strikin me iu the face. However, I
jerked liin quite a distance, and resole
ed to look out next time. Well,
-he trill the same game again, but
it woulin't work—l was too quick for
"Tlii4Wimitte lay in a coil half nn
hour, \vi out stirring. At last, how
ever, he ied it once work.. 'lowly:lac
ed to W , kin five lest of the hole very
slowly, iled azain, and then, the ma•
cal! got he start of me by one of the
catest th iv von ever hoard Cfr"
i t
".I.IOW . as that ?" we all exclaimed,
in one b th.
"Why,' - id the narrator, r.inkiug his
voice to le acme of twleinnity, and
looking a. ionest and as sober as a man
could look ,, whv he just turned ti is head
toward int Land, and went down the
hole tail fivit !"
*rile.ha take the greatest liber
ties, and g e the least assistance. 4fa
stranger v . not help us with his purse,
he will not littat. u with kis eonualeats;
but with tious, it mostly happens
that they e the veriest misers with
regard to heir property, but per
fect prodi_ . in the article of advice.
ae.—Flowers hnv'e bloom
: fries, and passed aWay,
gy, .unseen by wan, and
virtues have been acted
places, without note or
he sweetness of both has
Humble 1
ed on our
from age to
multitudes 0 1
oat iu °Nit%
gone up to It
'Walker ? of Kansas, re
-, salary of all ) 501) oaf
to pay hia,pnv,ata,
other eTrellsedt. 1114 e
I ittlgt33S is lAldegli# n
balrGoveril I
eeivos a vett
of which bp I
retry And a
A.!) ''l'7l.
" TILL:Ill is .1—`1,1) NULL I',LLEVAIL.."
The 3fetnoir. of'l.;ir (liarlc.; Napier,
i just pnlii.Oted in Ed!:landant:tilt inany
' 118 VW Ote I!I tereitingrbt A tWiett tIS. • 11 ( 0
.4 etaaplu of,tottlgrttpils:, • , '
Wlicu at 13arinuilf, !in li',' , ,,witb his,
reg,inient, C'bt. .N . apter, Nvriting to his,
mother, sti\i': 4 !"l'o 4 4 ,- pae'li'ets tire 'dy't...
and •wit Me Veen talittin; flail
the. Yards:sot inortorovhere ; .and sclibit, a
frig 94:e .geed Hi1 ,. .1c1.• driF4;helli Lltritilif.
Jove tbey take hers
,17,atqi - A
etrs . il i tt
well and are gentlemen ifil6litaide-o
wsrfiw. . Deeatur rerusod CArdoti'm
Biitli l lt 1 4 1tYilit, 4 Sti f . )rlti . linVe . I titgekM t '
so tirott;-} Ethorthlt be induinted iv ittlie it
ritonvyulif!; W4oni tlruktios,.tieoo;4lL ea , '
much. 4 1 1};34.Arp,,ri43" Ant ) / I :o9Fii ,
One. an aequaintance of wino,, has got
the 3Cleb:lonitia;: 1 :111f - wlut 'hets6 n' Ps
' oiler, and 'illlnM Witt?' tae: Fftn 1
• taken one of owe eltipe, but 4 - urhinisolf
• captured by the Poietiers,seventy4oorv.
being now an Kit:.4lb4ll frigate; if ho
nioets us we mind .takot hire, on:tease
no lunge r r,otiv,ttreigli if, 1i9,0C0nkr4."..:.",
Vrom - leinainla, , har Qfi Napier sail
ed totv..lnitelea. :in tanie
tocetigaged in
j .
soffit; of the Ilteriag aild.disaatresiti optir
-3 tit): L'i carried °alai
,tgai mit the A trieri vans ,
br the (4/serinqviit, over ,w 114.44 Kim
(.gone Ill s . eNer,ilea a
,d9osite pow-.
er. The ii.ll filet hod of ,varrare strut;k
lam 11,4 triNrurdlr, and ha ftit•the systetri
'of lottcling cannon • toi the asoath• with
odds .and emdt ogoldiennT, it was hist tub,.
lkorreitee :—"7,000 nieti are at Iltiltiraora,
and we have no such force; still tny
/opinion i-4, that if, wo. tuck upour altssrtat
and lay our ears back, we itttly, thrash
them; that i., if wt.k. caught them out of
their rectit, so asito slap tit them with
t'ie havonat. vihersvill not stand that.
But they - tight uutdiriy, , tiring jagged
piee.t..4 of iron ikktd mvory 1011, or dwil.
;,,,..t, ll:ca,, broken . polferl f old.l,oolfs of
gans,' go ii hari.e/s; everythnn , that Will
do ini.cliivfo
.—n board a t . wenty-pitt
ship that we tvok,, I ftittud ;Lis sort „cif
ammunition regulark- prepar&C ' T 171;
14 Irrnii!_!. Nth'irdelip:iitm . to be killed fit ( -'
et.istin Er to t I w. , {sew ornatioi r; stud ttotit;:
ins so itle:nigitt tyr eutrec.t. but to Joe i
Jou., , 1 agatpiq :,di rill i iii,tittite.oretive.,i
IV e (14}iCt liick likt: gentlemen. ' A '2 . 41t,
1,1101 in the •,,,(onaelt,i.4.tlno ; we (lie h9,-,
rorenile'; hut ]'fiat :i tint,q, eithah.tttl.
~,,.., r., -turti,,,,,, ,vit): 8 garnish 'if;
rusty Isi.iii4tny.rteitli, itMutes' us , die '
utigvlitveily:';vitittii. elk. " ' ,
---- P
- - Arlf it 7
c.rpo ... p on.,
The orkliival periwtmill motiot man- 7 ,
the h,,,1., ri,!, inventor.. 77 )i. i s r...lii4s, of
New 1 , ,,,,,,,, ( . .pii t i.l4-tit,, 4as: ap.iv , 4l
in New .Yplli. .1,41, n ut up fiiar qt . 44
rotmirkak utachim.i4n ihe
31 USt'lllll,. % licTe th,Cy
,{O*C ,;101,: 911 eXill -
I, i tion . as ptti.4crs, to if curious, ciao
and cunning hi such imittctifi• 01Ci of the
machines is similar in: its 011stntetioll
to the 011 . 0 on ptigi2Ulpf out•
lltst volume. The, three othe :tr dif
ferent. One is it magii.i dock ;Ilie oth
er iin elimi tie N 1 heel. aunt the tbitel4l:fogrt
revulviug lirlips balls 04 tijetlOM ptlielelli.
They move itiquirentiy .its it, they tips.
gessed 1 1 .01 pokialr and 'motion iu Ilion
yielves., We itre no hulierers, in perpeie, s
teal 'up ,tin,...for tioi,t, a .
,t,b,;p g - ,,,„„ 1 4 14 , 4 „...,,i. ,
lile.:, but fur rate, si:ilftli epepimens 4.
mechanism, )11'. W 411,4194 eltown him
self' to - he lilt ori;. , lnitt genitts' r and hie'
nmelttnek ore 'welt tvorthy- of exami
nation on chits atootint.-1-I.3eietif iffe holt,-
kali. •
.Snit BarrtiA fot
Mr. C. W. Cook of Waterloo,' Y.;
g ives a f a ct of - great importance in ref ;
oren4 to the preottirratlon 'of appleA:
ITe.porc•hasod five ha rrelle'of choke. 111r1
pick takeu , from one pile, lascastaniii,.,
find pig tli m in WO hit , COAX.: f) r i h a lo ,
Ist, of e A ilr4 list,,lx . lien,bo emir IA
tynine* treni, those in foiir of fhe bar
ri•lA live* tilfhttlN l ' ' - tlitinaged,
duiser. Talmud iin :the other borrt.ll Noir*
stain d- 7 4-. • fresh- *n4 ;good," !Whitt vat.
the cause ,cif the, p,reserykti9p..Q4 t4 l ttPm.
,tea in this barrel. Ito save it, was a
ky ram aittflui4 (61 a'"gqeil
coarse salt, and hel2l . lliyis thla"irtt4 the
euiLly 'or timirjiguyvaq fron4 •Tott.,
Breailtq' , 'CAlleTetferal pgariples
shortid irreinsir: ham, Astirkite.'
Thesg ar*- 7 1.'13egiu Bettiu
by_ degrees. 8. 1 144;y1444 191 Patistutt
4. Be limn. 5.. reql.jytlll tvi gener
oils, but . nor, too sti,malliting
Be , Very sure .tlither to ov 4 rtlisk tho
strength, or crush tl spirits Oa volt.
3,t , rhanint
daQtie tiK,ue p;wked within each boot'
of a horse k so folded, hack \yard anl
forward, that it would pre:+ent a lowface
of t , ur feet square WtTO it sproad out.
Thus his 11nil and the entire weight of
his body rest on spring eushious
in boxes.
0 1 ; m 77, 5 , U( liorses.—A .
An licwi ,r
gentleman writing tv the American Agri
rulturit, states that he thDroughly
cured a film young wary, afflicted with
the Leaves, h..e.chug her nu cora:it:llk:4 i
and that the (1,i4e1),N0 RICV4.I* returned.—
The irritcr yotesJtalge Baera opinion
89 to cortirltarks being a remedy, bat.
dtAtingnished . a4ricultuL-4 „Laving had
it horse atilieted fli , order,
which disapi)estred utter being t.) fed.
Yilnkee ,Sort Gake4.7-1 wa, .
r ll l-
water ur sweet pisceof , Larkl
targer" than a hen's og; a Ltd°,
salt; wet stiff roll us fhin
a 4 pie etust; cut in square' Icakes and
fry. , ; :
tktm beipg {d
,9t r
iwer th—bipvimnostßuhaf
d; *ll4pois t rP 1 , , a
slanderer; of tame, thatmara ftatterer:"
• '"‘ / • fi ;'
MI! 144.40444744,.,tei leo
iittpngth iutoq try#4lol7.iteiggie
iiiithich it is ilkro so .
.1-11 it 1
Yankee Fighting
1 _ ~~~
1 411111
i u...
. .~
. L
" 'ftiostioeisto ftbtolittil btetessisry .16tailtra
t,t0tf NO WilLiifilf4**qnhuilVi4/
14;97 / 41 1 MT Mittirodtil 2 99 o .
le ota cos 8 pray aummi , up in
th 4 itilllitt irig eiehltiff Y' "u‘ ' '
eantil4gracluation fticilicnntentrf. " 1 1 1 1 4000
GM cf,t4Rercursaisso alismiloil4ohircalaUgti
kiost b-ulrc Alratotrquilts atid 4 ncrbsary
Coat arl it iettl'oficay, -1 • I _ - 40.ft s.
)4' . h - ol j e ecii i i i )fi e, i'h ' 1 mid, ' 1 Tot' 7- r
e • 94 °
AI 611 kit - stkard - rn,tinn ' 17:27 0 4 1- -
ilindsockhankiriiyeentraisanituld ccil iltu'
,W 16 094 4 a Ati•tcyst , ioNoti - 8 3,149 7;4
Amontit to be obtaTnnd try a Th e n, 1.91,050
6 tiods: l --Atintlx , isor Iti !It* Lsreknotiti To+tt
ruettigage on waits basis mois tad
alloynn 14 ethic stilt pit Qt . ' Irlnt
, e 44 1 p0 ( 14 9,f 411q,17 ,I qxtanptod hy
)14 7 .1t
law sqm vino lond . o ilep,,ax,e Q ugp,
tufo% •Ift'inve , , l tii) . Ciit, and" should at
()Ott take Vitnic a in [Old 14.4 Hasa of gle
cutithsc•tarrattt I 1,3 , mpiiiilkotici. Tile
tasiratalgui areitrao iumastitchite.ambeint
of„.tu t o it minima thowsvml,i/oliars. Big
N.. Ol tk4l 3 ittnol ll 4 tilOrq. ) vmA•qq.* : 1 1 0 A # llll }
up tn this date, amount of $135,705!e1J disposed of sutlident tn . realize , the
Of tluip r ,044,ctr it ttiu t_'3,llol) dual,,' ' fl i,id e I elicit% amount, p rim':' about VI 06,000 in
by odtei &la w ,1,4 44 4f .„4... ir , nioner. ' Ifeside•ttlie ~ ec• m ita- Itbove re
. .
contra( t, birdie L.racinat ion find mason- 1 forted! to, the mortgage-attic+ ill reentst- '
ry of the road front its Eastern term', I ed. ia York, anti Adams taktuttieti, tartars
sus, at Ilatiouer r tlytittiiitersoution with 1 the , graded and bridge/1 a tvit-extutichifg
the graded Work witmli etimmenceB ut a est Walli from Gettysburg, and con-
G ettyt ,h or ,.. aw l etk i m i a
, 11- o , t , to the strileted about vr,(3
, -437. vii this work'
3E.Ar3 laud t litate „I..iite be . 3 mu; •tlie town n ik) ut (7:3(1 •" 91 1 haR 114 e el - Pen/It'd, anti
of a 3 neshoro'
rit• t ,,, h ,„,,., u.1 , 2 _ about twill's , milei* (Rill bintsinsi pcm•
750, ist actual'mone3' tfithsc 7 rlption, now thin athtl w 114 ,/r. wati'l ' ttYliblog and
/ R ona paid min aittitalownts merorcifitz ON t r the South mountain. II nearly all
to the term* Of Ow , attinteriptinii, o t T grasled and, bridged, reat l 3 for the RU-
A Inch abula $60,001.41184 64AL Or paid ,Pqrstrac ture ' This work was granted
in am( e l pended in grading and 1,1nd., 11 % `to the fletty‘bui.; ibillrti.ul Company,
the road, aceordin;i 46 the terms orthe I , batialta of Acta iniTgy, 'Sir choir attic and
contract with ititt•-trs. LIMN k TAYWIIt; 84. 1" 10t o 'we ibreversui** ililrexel4l l ,T-1
leaving s balausa yot unpaid, t pock i•I rig, wisli certain ea4t,ipli t tt., ,11.114..1a are
nubs(•rtption, iu Imp guauter,ly, instal- 1111 1111ifilei• This ate wpsta arcl is
men ts„‘uziPst :11)41 November nest, of tittiiethi,q the tith•titi'citi"tir Npitallsts
&i ) !,7so'PhisA 'Phis halahee alt available, in ninSfitifilifft , 3 ° 11 ) (t ' 11 " 1 4 t . (fire(•t rinds
and will be plitictnally paid s 4 it falls i P ra t'th ia b l e e nd"' I v Ai t 't fr ni ni'Vtniadeis
due, except, attooirthilg to a.oloso ealcit.... Oita, as will lie iteem4sy the artiehss in
1:4200,40mnd,V 0du0, 41 0, 1 0, y , di be lout! the - North' [Khan thhe ~ t nee
I ))74lcirviop 14 • hu 140, 4 ,10, 44 .11kt' to th e I Thin, in ariii=sainee, j ogs * lilt
stotlf, and either a qre at, the time, or , t hus
loan, aualso, thy ii4itillimmit iu tha
hail-t. since become liisoli-ent I),c. ilia t_ lhoricls, 'be) ond a wiesticin tit the sufet t t
f ter,
in,q this last itnionnti rot het', or at lett,4 I (liar :a
thiistroater portion of it, will lenitte n net PP"' b'll' l4l4 nf 'the 1 . Pent r nr ft"' inti -
Amu /vat t o h a pa id* em i i vi v i, t , p ril.46,. notnentttiona of 8 in° and AM k.l( 11 1 With
750 - T,h+4 I‘)' 2l 41-{{tiP 4 / 1 1 - 1 14 1 i4trfu,g the , ( 'N/P,' 1 , 11 • 6 (or Juleol.t NI Orr 110410 am h il d,
bilynnerz pa) ante. euinanua4l,) , gm l e ore eXt.t. 44.1 I
I I C/ 1 - .I:' A' Jet ' I, for delive r s. erN The onillani are
rhictract —A contr.vt W 1 1 ,4 entered
into our a • car att, o+. tit% Mes4l l, i Ti•win t nc' ^(11 'I''"'"? 61 11 ) 6 In ' l l.t Al e ll'qei'iPtionc
IL Taylor, tor gymnast. tom 11, 1 411 4 ,,,, 1 , 0 01 131 ptrOitieittO tolretrit 'thri ritrriieltet+, at
Toad from i ti 11 - 0201 . nt teetwaniB, w i per , ; pl.', for ever:v.4loo th heeds, leper' the
it, eo.yttet.ts w it,h 4 ,i'5,11-4007. etc lirantth 1 ( oinjttiou a pay i fit„tbe, .1, 0 e4g A t *n e g o.
ILiaroad, to its % n cisettion Aptl i l the soaped b.) ti it' t;nn}ptiii) • Lt) ,u,lttal bale,
era deli w ark a th oml'ennt 11% ania
t for less than thaty, the sidiscnbers
jt , titrtymi, „ xt , creyt .. v oiii rti2, , , whicii . i . o iii ~.,,.. I arc , to hare thtz ttiTtlantage of the re- '
,teach; treat:mirth tot the 31aryland tine (duet ion made up to theta In bonds
,—thao clistaattolsons.lianover to Gettysei re remst.—Tbo viand IC poi reality and
,b,, rlr. b 0 v 16 i Ta ik i i b y , t i ma ,.. hae , e i th , o , practically. but a. contmunmon of the
_Rath oad• ilauovar .13ranekt itniirinad fattlier np ,
•into the interior of the countr3 , Una
, The m ork his beC , n areas p ly prc'n , r,,, ea
sing ever since, tind is tiii* t fit.tHy cons- v. eAtern Winne De utt whitiutit thr el totta,l
Octet', thole beim/. yt.t . , rt , ottt fmir tnitt.., i Dt tiouyfbuszc, to wuith "tali the tuipott '
to gisisle Tho tiritkreaviro all hulls., ant( t it niketure will be buil at, pastiest . The
I tit° licavietzt und *oat•costay,annhniikt I,l l '"ver, ",, 34. ",s'il' brat'lik tun rs ulair - uP 4 1
A Itl i t 4 arta eAcztv4.,,t,w0,100,131,44t4d... The , 1 rOna tIIOIO t . 4 art !Writ. Central twill-4w,
! tertur. of the (On t Hat t were $`••:),061 . 111 1 '6(4131 / 113149444t t: "n ut iltehlul Hui " "' Eh *
I va*l l tin,l S 1.1,01) fly Flto(k; 4' e.. - iqn . lotkt and pansubt at sight angltsto
~e, ), c: r. ( r .
fired to—the Complinv• tiaylhi • them 1 slic,N., 0„13. lit ,•almost, ilitottlit wool.)
mobility tor ate vrosit tlaajey_l ego i k , 01 004 the brmA•out iTatturgr, ad distataesctt this
-1 !ter (cut, , retuined t ag a seettra.‘ tor, ILP teeit muitti.:l , I ,
soinph.stion le trio vtroik. ' rr rll
' Protsibl's ..listsitie ,, L.e ,,, Tbet 64 tty , tisirg 1
1 L The bbd dr i 1i 4 1 44„1 I. l • n iyi r f.t ia i ly tt n . laid llatioN or It illros4l4 'be/No' lateral
'the 044 and the •r. 1114 Om* liiip t two. r ii; ritattitelihtii !extending 'w.eigtswartl frump
4)xftirtl, sail 4tnnos of gix mi t gs s,,t un i d t 1 18 ,4..narim I Ate,- tba Northern, Contnt
ftradOg wtll- bo •40a4gAb i ttnst i ,10 1 4 4 144, 40 I ,,,,44lPOttliillbellattlier tbsy,auelhatotidadi
litst itiy.iie trfts.k / cNo t b e j a i 4 f a v cor. The le•-s the effec t of the main road wall
vit It
able arrangentietheen 13 ettri with toUlniNsi Ile 'gratentrikktraied eitk
L i t
the Ilitnovrll
eattlielsllalfrott VointmiVrl,4lXlLitisratattf ot,their Openaticnri alas is
to stick the read as &At OA aunt *444 i ILl'umtritiatstroll,beant4s 4 -nitt.ENiaxid
west; tip, t Wit vaul t , l o u jo w w, i s o nr i„,,,„,,,i gas Over the _miiver road. It does
tin an-in ettnp.,frum tl!qoalest Iho ' rra7ktP t ifib l + 44l mihltharti • bt• the'Prolainit,
Ili clown t ' ' fUr
l i bl Or• Utihettn• C'ettlrallulittibitauk.
ht crit t , kih m n t e k i l skti v ie t y ili 3 4 of pet twidilntaisitatiets i 4413 t u.treuntardonatiant
for 1 n - 4 . 10644.4 1 n4itn ligutoitehl- DWI* y mitlenimr section of tonality, • tiotnthet
fil'ONit having Want plink &ethical:4ols e d, sbaltotht.less‘4B tiAl Mill:rat &WO% art i
It ay fruiu 14i tt ull i s l ietpc“,yA l tizu, 0 , 4 4 At 641V/11111Ni thekisteteeptillherall
t finii whole :mama gox 1)e f ts4fc - e
re f ebl l 6l t_' llll6l ,i' 11 a1 . kg11 ,4_"_,. 414 " 9 .,,, b3 ',', U1
taxied at 81.0.000 ' therCli'ciii!%' a' • rew " f4-4 '•iw 11 2 '" ' l9 '''''''''
, tgioo , B 9,o;kttiwf•
ITHARreh or i v iii It :f ott i the Wiwi aillititebildglibMireii ltd eV/
,taaistatitertibrotniek rithseriptitia,aftorL.4 l " llll6, oNimisthe 14 k'a'all vt:lbeintl hth
~r ad ipa a* 4 b r ad r eprob m o a d, ai 1 141 e !asulkpaßtlabilisci.. nod quail
' jug the r t ishciA Air, a fun 44 p f 1_,,,, ' Het )11014 of 'I • 1 1 , (1(1 . .1111 5.0. : Ilt
r.OO. - Ma ng then, what all fairnwnstnatp
("c'oct of Sciiiiisig-liii•e / . '' l ' lifivretteHeWitiVt i fi4o . 0 70 1 0 8 rft.vf4.ll
i ron Rag , , 54) HILL I , 4 43 l e tt i..ff i i. lei cid . t t ,
.tuiinoiletiecitlclitiekilinstmL4l,llatiTthfltt'llityriitntives:', "t g 1 ' frc r lin ; l l i i n fi c , e t t e ‘ll l l l : r.' 6 ;l' h u ( s )lli4 nle l t at ti e t ° di l l
mile. of r Ai. at Xt..)lK) per toil,
dehrered et Wrig,h4ville, Sit(l3t2 rat Tiroaticit4 Obielfhtinititfttqltittittetihir Ili 4 .31 ' N 14 i rtr j
Rad, Cr /a A kitle of 6il i f je, 1 1 eell "1.61 ti what butyl las,..vequinerblfar)istuaaf omit ~, " y tane.of nfrett, Mr. Sniff, for '
well cri.eunto•bane il Fruity time, threo
~, , . . ,et.e. , ..t. 44iniption, wo Litre tlit) 14440Agiir'n
' ' S N' B52
, triavtilifiN 11,,byt,41 tiFf flic vitl'el .Lope 141 4 .11 / 11 )(1. 1944 i respestae
rieleit on iron fmm *id: Marina to ' • i ' ' • • .If t r t S We ian in the toinirtiPqL3 / anti the .fath.
, liarotnet, i 1 • 1 IG. 1 /4. Ow l' MI IL a p...p„r( frr . 1 .le, all
c„,, 4 ,,,.. fr 1 - •i m aB4 loi r k ore It Millri:s4 n iii iislitfitiefif ear n ' rant/ " '
, 1 0 imi re .. , cc tpi ~. ,• . o
Lent 41 er piece„ 1[.27; CentrWiltifireliki, IM illE44l)4 4 tWf(*t An L I FlDee ' ltl on lY ondc I herd
1.4” 111 ,-T ill 'tr telt: ~L,' "•.1 •I f Illiktail vi sbf we ß of c n o o o l lo
~ 1.,1 ,i t ~, , it 8 tike ; Owned ttikvnye Ata till Duet
mturs s t ud wo w , 4,. , , ~: &3ji Ihr ovary loOseng 50 ba 111.11• 1 , 2 0115 bu OM. 10167 .00 (ICI , (k " 1,,1,! i • .
50 (..,,, 112 'l6 , *v ll4 o4' o4 " • f-lb '• '4l) soul : Mr, Sail& . 're drunk;
„, ~ bo I (tag. . ZIA& 3.X16 Ou
W'lol,s (Y at of 44 pertructprn, ' $114,97i •• : 2 tnwiig it ' ll trscts...t pen,ai e as ite. Ad F ill alitforyatiselleutik.. RI
Utters hare ihetili hiutile td ftirfneh ihitt 4 . i f eingo ol l ll & mooki i . ..r.a#,liilß•fii, smo wir. o. an the , mor4ll/14 c :,, ,
tiitsh rad% of 44.3 host qtutiit3 kst a lbeiViviVaificrielskv , ;litodsietr i OrV/R" " say, 311 7 ( A dis , it 4 11 r d
.995 , 'ea •
less privy a • laelt ,would Awake 1,4 X) or Hi F0104440160/4/M1 AA. AlLLAhvgioh of crinn., iv st 'lke one, it'a eaniC round the corner
s• „
•li ,I, iin 0, lintli-ms Ito G o sh . £ tlac road,, tr,Y•!ii44,114 1 be 4AlAL'llgti lic'-' 4 A 4 ."lttY l,- iitco pr three butes " '
,„ _ ,
• , $ 1)
• et ;04, "
Read Ch.,t.i
I.lfortfinyi". ne tit7ty4liur ,
t i
( 4 otripativ;lit W.fiiineo' or
edntsirttti 3 ht 111114 r . tihiirter hn f tittki4tip-'
pletnents thereto, have deeided_ipruitia
JQ.4 i I YrA( I ur tituirafki4(F./Irrt
mortAitke'tilloi4 th eir Aitilroad
,tLeo ,
IttarßAlPTOPciJailty; Vie; 'ti' thti
Maryland fltnifOlLitAiralt.otittilt-Ifl 10,
birg,rieta ihrsiadtkitu.ainatir c Pia. l / 2 14,0 oin-
Plato viOupri*-1
tub fiftj ; ti o itt . qs of Ea ilroitd, with the
ineorae, equipoteil land appurtgnancea
iilk,..aceurcill6l 4 4= tliii4
mortga#44.atle itramielit motor tho-inUreti
authority oI 13w144. 14 1 IPPearb'Y
rei4rotg.te,44l .4anco i l /10,
Betololy of reli11 4 )1111114 .1 , *nd Ole reso
lutions of the Mari! of Direkors in ite- ,
cothilance thet4with tuts& the copy 1
of the niostgaigavitakil.
13,2sia.—T e subacriptions nvt
rAnititi Striell of the
laid with En iii: rails, iq)C),972. ,
The "PAcrnix Ir , i'n TrorT,s" propose
to deliver intmtiaitttely, at Wrights
villo,,tive hundred:4mi3 of fifty potind4
rail 4. tho btutt , qttality; at 34240 - per
ton, Lind the 1,31411,,re dnriug th 4. wont-.
*tor, ap fast as tho laying of tht; track,
proLtrey'sco. •
Tlinff,; 'ITV !II Id ittoa to tite-tottpinfg *took
subsvription, the ewe' of 893,220, noised
on a loan, will pltFe the road in nip-,
nine order, by laying the track tyitit,t lie ,
best fitiiitittr of rail; and in :most' dui-a
ble Manny, as rhe'prieea above 'nknied
fdr puttetial3, mati labor; tau ealealated,
for the bestqual, 4.9ft: 11 44 ; *4O t4O.
'most c:Onvlete tvor c icntana 9.,
- 7T he road Will bt v0i126 a'4lht ks the
:1 - -ing., 'of the ttlitt‘k 'peo , rria4s,ltirv'the
: Iranerar ; Comptintvpasitteaorztuit soot
tliorkiligt4,44o , 44PaitrOPM4 l 4 l o44 , l
i ngement may , be
.. made . The. 4rite,
opolief'' ftri end bi: , 'to MO 'bit?pitiffel,,'-
i r
Nrit IR;ftbiltin etth ttoiltilitt*n yalititeri
sw ,iae olefiettriming fikibroakiiiivingi
lsll l . • t qgt 44.944 1 444-of ithe Jilluo, I
ver • t ilroau.
qa 0 0
' t()I {,
1f,41., us
t n r
thttiliti,' 13511 tonW,. •.`
Master, 700 watch --v .
j..un5.3941,001. 60T0W,CY ,1 9 0444 0e",' .
- •th d ' rum the 114 , .Takii..lh; 10
;in% , 4 1 1 . iiel;heitliii...19 1 "t" 51113 ; •
t WO OW Gughbttt Tee ' AtROO,
`P - •;;'; 4 , 11111. •,! ;.•
Slaceiltts from titsiarAt offertiliiitiaa4ll3 otl
Pry vogt,lron ;16 na:erip,l•29o tuna N-400,00
Ettit,'soo4l Qackg, 1000,60
1 Ides wad :Leather, ISO tong, ' 1114 SA,
CALI 1,. f l 000, 09
ran ite i yetlch Wei+ al% rery l ffne
: quality at GettyaLorg,and the buait
Demi will aver:wa..? tona.por day,
10(w Jpaial;paa . c ; 1200,84
A 21.. •
tnia64tia'attptg 7 ht anftini to Ot5G.kR?
Mail ht. pritiliptia , llkook+ ‘' ) s 9oo,4W
Paptitimpriv sop et sts,Allituovtr lismodsti 1.
althoulir i gyAttt rotcl is- 70161 g
4 ruff
• • • 1)a t.)l Jed.; lir
M" 'Air& 1 i i ggria l
19P, n
• iouth of 4 6001haVell Wfb 1 1 J f'f ,
products of which would pose over
e •
tilt! it.
' al ;1 qi
the low estitn, 1
Iteeettom note . goaletx
per aununi,,Azi.tistmw.:: 4147e4Z.929 00
Iteceipl Cri) kilSimo.l % itK G
s isee anoints,
rihfitb . oooo
, 41
• w ftsit • leo
. T0t.41- I npy l i f e l ma2 c
%oh or rho #raltilumi p
fhitti file MIN Whinvelerttitg'
of Wsynesborowie‘ltittenkieir
iVeyetteville metteesebeilkedetheribirrg,, ,
Leepesee,rily piolgtAkisrpo4,--r •
. pirm_ert (04,3 BAP,
tnake - a trip t Ate mie twiidays,
fret itlb 'go
Ye chantboe4o;rog,lttpl.l4ll4iiirthil - hrt- •
ter plecei•thopiamausratity , imiles tlrr
tiier 419/11. 1btai41114i11101014 , 211/10413, thu
Cloy btt by tin e tapplArg Get
tysburg. Thim wi ll " undoubte edd,
mach to our road itifreiAt, ,
pharieisgetw;Tent btit•it isiblignf 'al made iii the ebevVettleule
tioem, bueMose. •, 4 1 • ';ii 1 • ,
Th l travel to apd ,Ntn.Bituitit,sin)rg ,
and vciiikq , j intwli of w d hickuclyees to .
lialtiraore'via FrOeiiere6iWestminstdr,
will a I pass OVi e r:tilb r eettrgblliA : nal. , "
.road, • a itsoonetztaltikihniW4ll:loag then J
Fwithii ten miles, bYrivg*Lro4d, to a '
i'Rail.sad. ~it kieitkvittlq: iihtti4es tha
husiv: 08 above refFtreil,, 9.Xligß,{o ,•
'a Kit, }rude hi v . ariotts inds . qclumber,
Bark', , .; passi ng 1)4 - Cr flite'fbad, east. '
Atli : county feuds egresttiiiatyoattle
for th city hotltetotrul Ahern may bo :
expec fd to pas 4 Amor Slw,ivad , beshiblif •
4 Tarr quantity Or Ticirkand bacon, for ,
whiel no allownlieeltalOodo In tI P e°re
gQiff . , t fin i el n . t rieJe* . c.N.I - l'iC: l:/" #l .
PON - Of runHava;, • r, - ,' iroyit Ilmnch
Rail (I, as "per ri ncapt s tt#t,ement, :ti•
lor c nt or tto. • gMs, earnings, say,
40 *4. cent on abdall,froilltf hisila,26o; '
loavii . a net: seltaiiiie 0f5114,890 'to Ixt •
alllro )rtatcli, log tilis.
impra_ et of thii .
n. . •
terest on the l"d, Wll l lll4%.divi-', •
dens blt i thei a ot4 . stoi
T :tiihi h"tW tfttarg
Raft- '
road , . no- a)Paiodikate, if4bitti-elteeeding' 1
silty oetju the, nrikomottiftanlanbrok- , f
en ie gth ,of tllO, ,gailet t fpr u krvore OAR :!
two . ' ile's. The ryadmcipplapttiV,Ay, ..,
very -traight, ainl n'onellbf 1.10 Curva.
throw 'hare .4 1 HA t#41, 1 4r- Ihst, (Aid - -
I tho ,, - , d., feet, oplid, !iltbedlig of a!- •
very-' ll 4. l lYliglii4lTO . Sfik beileg:4 • i
it gra -elly nature, an'll"not liiikohl c.c ho
itileet d by heavy wus in f r ruins.,
nolbwif ':
( 10#.. ,
,y, r/t. Co, -
DA oni TriLta"giiiiote#Y.' ' ' ' '
r .
, ,
of th
ditl . _,
Abe l
• 1 . 4
e at/ 1 14 : ' • . 1 `
e'" 1 lad 7
In tti ceinto -, b/wf . 11.otti this
.city}to Lbw, iwith sirdt..QA.ll Certaia.Too- •
etisii 4 b :TE",,0 1 41; 1 #. 4 44,0 ,, ,ti1gre mistA ,
'enortnons,opp t iepi.,,, , ,
Ma'ariir` pOi(f tixe- gentfinian,,
(II , ;v 1 do'oit/etants+ 4 , 0 61:family.
p i e ' 1 L ' ' ' '
• " EWY the•goidt repty;
we.. wake the crue.t„tip in A, vhaelintr,- , •
raw, whi - •1 it a wicr an appl i t4 trap, stsd
then shake tilt: fruit irieu
• r• •
*0"" It is a greatutaliiiantwisow, dulys
Bruyere, " not to hams mina enough
to t taJk 1041, 4 4 04P.IgniuMitlifmtithitlf
Rt.'. tr. • , 11
• A Limit! • klkaiitir.-64114 Ay; eay little
eon, Inhere 46ealtiet-siteha Asa& read! . .
044: }Efigra eg- 0f,i1040001,
where 44
a spo t wiH rah*
fitt . ileentiveroathoftdomOieneamdgetitivi.
it.4tAke.#oatglaajfittuaa 049tRivilicP • big
another W.rel
A New INA perierilfi , speillchrg
" 044,60 us anhinesuits" there,
; .1.,,-,, , :A , : .1..1?:,",.. ~ . •
j s
Pvem y e ar via, ,114 y ~
,e sAme
, t l ypeci assetrithiges , . ,p lilt:, tho
talk:. llte'eiithitc. e - e Kahle
• a uneisitionitagaivatitiii)non43lm-
se*lio:wwolimisoldnor,efilvulds ,
eali, '40.1-11 , e7 1 tritettlho ca: the
• d to fork Tier t I(.i. cash., So fur
thbV . 'aiiiillMia eljileii*ntink:
. a ,
:eiti sof iik4 . iiti MAliiiiidgabdi .
1:1 taitik;' .thersea.tivirially.mtvititNi '
' V); 41 1 4 iffiluoyJpCslispates add
)Si?rth , ,w 1 1 e ri i i,l49, a 8i1t r,, f ,,.. 4 ,0..d
io . f trirdiv,i, in ZitiSKIC i . y 040 at a
thit by : ball-414107'A1 I, .6rie tuft
lite to th/Olabittairtnthe alitlek"
e denunciations and aiscords ham
nof arc the f itrotlongresintitt.-.
itiOn noboPiflAiltiitaYrolVgiaitii-
MN!hilt ieukki-e0 the- Ithole •
1r1,•.1a io . telt
aojticsklinrem aircilialey i 4
he did, al wayifsoisktiHitoidedl it. -1-
related. tluale vomilmview, in- Con
'Fluriar OIC *Ng* prvtheratab,
;14,0044'47;14 AgililitlKlPHA /0,
ter Vol fruit_
tiy*e' uPon
Mem- I '
if.fdii NH' ithiattel aliPitrY ?faore ,
two th,)toa t i f i not IaLQ4II-,
'Nflich"e 4 rikued 4utlier'el the t:ebu-