Wit -ft Kumar. . ---- Paint a Bachelor, _ . -- " ~,..„:- • • . . dent mlutete the following , . ' - • . eat :—" We have a friend—a bp t . fliend—very fond of the socie ty of the ladies, hut extremely mode st and diffident withal. A few evenings slate he Went to make a cull upon an ae qa*tanee who had recently taken to hit:Steers wife. young aud beautiful, and. iota twitter of ...our.,e, overtioling with affection for her husband. Now, this lovely wife of a week, like all other leMlii wires, could scarcely survive the brief absence of her husband for the dis- • charge DMus business : and, always, up on his return, met him upon the threa hold, and smothered him with kisses.— It so happened, when our friend ca ll e d, that the husband was absent, but was vomentarily expected by the fond and arixions wife. She heard his footfall loan the step, and, supposing it to be - hijeltitaband, rushed forth to meet him ; arid he had scarcely laid hi 4 hand upon the hall-pnll, before the door flew open. lend:his neck was encircled by a parr oft white arms,and burning kisses fell thick . am( fast upon his lips :tad cheeks. Here I was a trying situation for a diffident , resio,aad our friend came near fainting 1 on the spot; bet, fortunately, the lady discOvered her mistake in season to pre-; vent such a :melancholy event, and he 1 *wowed from the house - more dead than , alivv., The-last we saw of him. he was leaning against a tree, faulting himself! with his sombrero, in order to recover siren ' gain iia lodgings." 1 . Wirt d Corwin.. 1 4 1 said that Tom Corwin, as he is , Niitiatrly called, was once trying a ' Cale in schich be was opposite to the , tMr. Wirt, when the latter tried a newhat novel mode of discrediting' e evid ice' of Mr. Corwin's chief wit , ii /tote aeouraiy and diserimi erything ttn2,ed, by showing thal,hb a person a' astonishing ere.; dulitv. • 1 ' Wirt.—Have you read Robinson Crusoe r ~„, '1100 . 154 -Yes. yon believe all? Yitness.—Well,.yes, squire; I don't kaositut what I do. nos same answer WAi returned to Veniliver's Travels and other works of fietion, Corwin all the while fidgeting mid getting hot. Presently Mr. Wirt, nudefing the man entirely flatten e4;piat,,resigned him over with a bland . - " Mr. Corwin said he had only one qaestion to fork, anti put it : Corwih.--41ave you read. Win's Life ..of Patrick Henry ? Witness.—Tea. Corwittg- 7 ,1)0,,,y0u believe it all ituesa.-IVby no squire; I can't gO.A A O . 'OKA comic poet, whp wrote before ll*, recent - revistal of hooped petticoats, seams to have tatd the spirit of prophecy was anciently ascribed to poets sta'welLas the rep,itlar.vate.l.- near him take • 4 111dfold Ante damsel, slender as a reed, And fair as slender—beautiful indeed— Suddenly - grow to snqh enormous site Tbet - you curriteareelf half believe your eyes! Spreading toi seem, with each succeeding minute., _ St. Peter's do , hi* el:with a small child stuck in wt.—ln the neigb i liorhOod . lived; a man and wife constantly quarrelling. quarrels their only child (a .nerally present, and of ught many of his father's, Loier wis**-1 ; . with(' shit Wing the b9l) was course had exporbsiens lien the boy had been doing , rung, the mother intending 1 (Idled hiiia and said : re, sir; whaf4hti you do that One day something to ehsstise fdr r. v ocau , 'complacently folding his tatting his father's Rout ners, The bo arms end replied: 71544 ' b. 414 re, *edam, I don't. wish to - orris with you." 'nab lady wrote to her lover, egng , lint to send her some money. -She added by ciay of postcript, "Tam too itatied'of the request I have made in this letter, that I sent after the post. Tarsi to get it back, but.the servant ' mad apt overtake him." .10irA.cletgyman was rebuked by a ,biothar of the cloth, a few days ago, for enitoiriitg, The culprit replied that he ' in moderation. you call moderation?" in said the offender, "one e." Artington says ifshe should way, she would prefer meet catastrophe in the 4‘ Bay 'so that she would halve live on. • mphis Eagle, in describing sion on a railroad, bettween ftrigltt train acct an extra lin, says that 'tate extra _ Tied off aryl took to the woods, and has , not been seen Itinec." liaricharacter in Mrs. Rentz•s story of. •'Love after Marriage" lays down the 4sw thus---" If a man is not ugly enonteh td frighten his - horse, he is hand &Ole enough to marry." 10-The latest case of indolence is thii( related by an exchange, of a man niiittad John [tole, who wasso lazy, that in writing his name, he simply used the letter J. and then punched a hole through the paper. aea, Ornastents.—W hen Dr. Franklin wiliin Patig, his daughter, Mrs. Bache, wriftlt trihtm fai. a suppl 2; of feathers and thread lace. The doctor declined in the following characteristic note: " If you ) woes your nanibrie muffles as I do, andi take ears not to mead the bolts; they will , my _ April 13, 1857 come in time to lace: and feathers,- -- dear girl, xllaY be haul an . iri erica from SlallltiCi 1111. Mecutelsen, eNtrx . turkey's tail." i Mill- Wrig.it and Barr Mill Stow Namrat-- : -....._ .it'V'eint- - -An eminent modern writer hirer. SOLE Proprietor of JoassoN'a highly a p,.. beinlifnlly says: " The foundation of ' pro.e.l and inlich improved SIWY Axe clomps* bappmen is faith in the virtue ' seRICYNING 11ACRINR: improved faux ci.lscAvii o4 t irnms‘n: the foundation of . political IX BIAS 'Snit, TUB PILLIIII.III YACIIIXIi , llt Mite WOuiess is confidence in the integrity WM. Oman.: sad the foundation of all hapi. P , --` tiPtigfrater : NO. 64 QUEEN Street, (18th noes, temporal and eternal, reliance on . Ward.) addreM Kensington Post office. the goodness of God." R 4", ,: 11AYDOCK Si.oct. Wow Front. PHILAD'A. iiiir4t. patient= just returned to this , C ' lic° Mill Sum". M ill Er°"", Snot 311* country t rout a tour in Europe, was: chines, Patent Milt Bash, Portable Mills, Stretched Belting. Ca ndied Ito" he ft ed the ruins of Pompeii!! teem and Screen Wire, Jalt*,t, , Facir . 'welt" Was the reply, 1 Mamma mains° Botsrso CLOVIS. idillair alas so much out of repair." I' )larch t tad. aan =IT 7 I v IT 1 1114 the County of Adatna, returned V and clussifted by the undersigned, Ap praiser of biereantile Taxes, in SCOOrdance with the several Aeta of Assembly, for the rear 1657-8---of goods, wares and merchan dise : Borough of Gettythoary. Claaa. Anneal. Fahne4tock Brothers, 9 '.!!) Is) (;eorge Arn"lJ. Danner & Ziegler, J. L. Schick, 13 10 Oil John ltoke, n . 10 00 , i eurg c Little, •14 7 00 )I.lreus Samson. 14 s 7 00 A. 1). Buehler. 14 - 7.00 eobean k Palton, 14 7 00 D.niel Plank, 14 7 00 Ephraim Minnigh, 14 .7 00 ... Philip Winters, S. S. Forney, Agent, Samuel Little, William tlillespie, Miss M. McClellan, Miss IT. - McCntary, Jacob Norbeek, Alesitmier Pratr, Lien. Jacobs & Bro., Jacob Shea's, ' Bringsn k Aughitsbattigh, 14 A. J. Potterfield, 14 John Soca, John Weikert, George Trost'', (milli) Francis Bream, •• Jacob King, P. A. Mers, • Philip lann, Hugh King. Xedialkas tp. Charles Elden, David Dirioey, J. k S. A. Burkholder, Josiah Penrose & Co., Able T, Wright, George Wattles, . - Juel Fisher, 0 P. House, Wm. Overdeer, Jacob f imer, Birder 'p Noah Miller, Edward Stable, Jaeob Penny!, • Jobn Haver. Henry Hartsell, Samuel Faber, Agent, Thirime tp George F. Eckenrode, Samuel Stoke. Ilulliager & Peter 4. Liberty tp G. N. Grayeon & Bro., Ilamillosa tp, Spangler & Bro., • 14 • 7 00 William' Wolf, 14 7 ($1 Henri , L. Miller, • 14 7 00 J. 8. - Leib), 14 7 00 John Ileagy, 14 7 00 Win. Brechner, 14 7 00 John Ltatolleehell. 14 • 7 00 L diatore Ip. llenry B. Swill, 14 7 00 Alfuositidy tp. _ __ _ _ John Yost, John Itebert, henry Heider, • .Fran/dia tp Jacob F. Lower. 14 7 00 Jacob Mark, 14 • 7 00 Abraham Soott, • 14 7 00 James Mickley, l4 7 06 Ja.oll-Fuliriler, - 14 7 00 Peter Mickley, of I)., 14• 7 110 Martin L. Miller, 14 7 00 John Chamberlain, • 14 7 00 Mfrs. R...llman, I4 7 (MI Isaao.Byers, • , 14 '. 7 00 Thotem Cooper, l4 7 011 C. 11. Curfman, 14 7 00 Jeremiah Wirt, 14 I .7 00 Ilnaingion tp. Jacob A. Gardner, 12 12 50 R. F. Gardner, 13 - 10 00 Riley & Hollinger. , 14 , 7 00 John Gardner, 14 7 00 James Megary,. 14 7 1.10 Ilamiltoribeis tp. &limn & Rinehart, 13 , 10 00 Paxton & Blythe, 13 Di 00 Jacob Reif& v, 14 7 00 John C. &hariser, . 14 7 00 Mre. Stably, . _ - - 14 700 ac/ rd tp. Win. 1). &A. S. Mines, .. 13 10 00. Mary Ursa, 14 7 00 A. Staub, 14' 7 00 Anthony 3f. Martin, 14 7 00 J. N. Smith Jl, Co., 14 7 00 Edward Weigle, 14 7 00 Berwirk tp. at' _D. E. Hollinger I Graft, "T"4 : 700 Wm. Ilacis, 14 7 00 Joseph H. Henry, 14 7 00 Bahia Bisithal, 14 7 00 .ifinntipkstatot tp. _ John lE. 3ftlier, , . 14 7 00 - Peter O'Neal, 14 7 041 Jacob Gunman, ' 14 7 041 Joseph J. Iletuler, ' 14 7 tg) Jacob Steely, 14 7 00 Jacob Gasman, 'l4 7 00 Readisag tp. -Jacob Aulabsogh, 13 10 00, Ifphraiin Howard, 14 7 00 Adam S. Myers, 14 1 00' Andrew H. Miller, 14 ,*7 00 'Coaowago tp. John Booby, 14 7 00 Reily I Sneeringer, 14 7 00 John Ginter; . 14 7 00 L'Asiom tp. Peter Long, - 14 700 Abeiihiun Sell, . 14 7 00 Wm. Myers, 14 7 00 Abraham' Sheely, 14 7 (10 George Bair, (will.) 14 7 00 _ Ger4§anif Ip. Ephraim Myers, 13 • 10 i I E. F. AA. Shorb, . 13 10 I Spalding 1 Bru., 13 10 00 Dr. Stouesifer„ • - 14 700 George Houck, l 14 700 Win. F. Crimps, l3 10 00 DISTILLERS . LICENSE. David Rhodes, Freedom tp„ 10 $5OOO Wm. S. Jen kine,Conowago tp.,10 SO 00 00 Daniel Derek', " " 10 pea. - voricE is hereby Ap given l to all persona in- A. iu the above return of classifies, tion. that I will hold an Appeal at the Com missioners' Office, in Gettysburg, oa rite-play. the 91k day f .Luce ge..rf, between the hours of o'clock, N. M. and 3, P. M., when and where all persons that may consider them selvea aggrieved by said clasaification may nicet!, J M. WALTER. Appralsor of 11m:until* Tama for Adults county. May 1 l irc)- IVMILLI respectfully inform their custom ers and the public genjpally. that they have just received the hu-gest. and hest ',elect ed stock of Spring and Summer Goods ever offered to them. flafing purchased fur the CASH, they are prepared to offer such in ducements as to. defy all competition. give us a call—no tronhle to shove Gsthls. 1:: 12 50 13 10 00 14 14 14 • 14 14 14 -•••I4 Cannberiand fp arab** Sp M New Goods. F.UINESTOCK BROTHERS FAIINESTOCK. BROTTIERS, Sipe of Me Red Faint lop TRINTING. !®`We are better prepared than ever to execute JOH PFUNTINO, in oht curiume bra tiche.i. With two Preset. . and ati wt aually large assortnient of Jobbing lettor and other materials, the pnbfle ntay Teat assured that for neat ness and expedition in doing work, tire " COIPILER" Office "can't be beat." 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 NEW FILIIN ! • RAT', CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES 'HE undersigned having purchased from A. Wis. W. Paxton. Esq.. his enure Stock of Goode. trill continue the business at the old stand. is Chemin:tabors street. a few doors wassail tie demoted, under the thin of BRING. MAN k AUGHINBAUGH. and solicit the patronage of their friends and the public gen erally. We bare made arrangements largely Us increase our stuck of gar, Caps; finds nta Slow, and will *brays keep on hand a full assortment of all kinds. Mailable to the season, which will be soldatthe lowest possible prices. Hoping. by strict attention to business, to merit a lib eral patronage. we invite all needing anything in our line tonal' and czentinewur goods be io.e purchasing elsewhere, GEO. E. ERTEGMAN, H. AUGHINBAUGH. Gettysburg, Jan. 12, 185 T .-11 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 011 Erg 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 THE FARMERS' k MECHANICS' Savings Institution of Adams Co. Uprise Saturday, I.llk of April.. _ TfiS Nitltution reteivesdeposites far which it pays interest as follows : For irisi4noonths. 4 per rent. per annum. F 1 4 ,4 *44 Over 10 months, 3 per cent. per tinplate , For trlinsient depotites, not less thief y 4 1,2 per cent. per annum, payable on demand without notice. 'rho weekly depositors share the Dividend.; def4anid and payable senti.saimally. At the first bleating weekly deposites were aubscribed:by responsible citizens. for the em'. rent year, to an amount esceeding $lO.OOO, Iriiieh will be paid in as required by the busi ness of the association. 7 00 7 ((J 7 00 7 on 7 00 7 00 100 7 00 7 00 For luau apply on Wednesday. Sums fuelled on deposits as low u a dime. Interact to he allowed whenever the depo.•ime amount to $5.00, and on each additional 55,1 , 0 ind upwards. Office in Smith West Corner of Public Square. next to George Arnold'i. store. Open d.uly from 9 A. )1. to 3 P. M., and for receiv- ing depositas every Saturday, from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. 11E1 GEORGE TtiUNE. .1 r GEORGE ARNOLD. Pireeturs. John Brough. John Unmet. `funnel Dorborair, George Arnold. A. Ileintzeljuao, Jacob Musaelman, I 00 7 00 7 00 D. McCrtstry, D. NlcCumughy, William Culp, John Mickley, Robert llorner, John Tilton.. Aril G. 1667. • New Goods NEW ESTABLiSIDIENT! TACODS & BRO. respectfully inform their friends and the public generally. that they have owned a Merchant Tailoring Era ahllntintent, in the round recently oc cupied by A. Arnold. in South Beltimure street near the Diamond, where they will at all times be happy to accommodate all who map patron ize them. Their stock of Cloths, Caspituteres, Vesungs, Cassinets. Cords, Summer Goods. &c.. Lc.. is large and selected from the lateSt styles—all of which they will dispose of at prices as low as they can possibly afford, their system being to soil CHEAP. for cask ur coun try produce. They will make op garments of every de scription in the most substantial and desirable manner. all warranted to fit and not to rip.— Goods bought of them not to be made cp in their establishment will be cut free of charge. They. are making up slot of READ Y•3IADE CU/111- [NIL in the hest manner, which they will sell as cheap as the cheapest. They have also on hind a large assortment of Hosiery, Suspensirit Skirts. Shirt Collars. ie.. to which they would call the attention of the public. (o"The Latest Fashions regUlarly received. Cash or Country produce always current for goods or wo-k. I)on't mistake the place. March 17. 185 G. sitaulfer & ('leap {thicket and Jewelry, IVIIOLESALF. and Retail, at the Philadel- Y phia Watch ►nd Jewelry Store, No. 94 North Sensed street, writer of Quarry, Phila. delphia. Gold L6ver Watches, full jeweled, 18 carat cases. $2B 00: Gold Lepincc 1.0 carat. s2t 00: Silver Levers, full jeweled. 1112 00: Silver Le pines. jewels, $9 00; superior Qua niers. $7 00 Gold Spectacle*. 37 00 :One Silver do. $1 50: Gold Bracelets, $3 (X): Lathes' Gold Pencils. $1 00: Silver Tea Spoons, set. $5 00: Gold Pens, with pencil and silver holder. $1 00. Gold Finger Rings, 371 cents to S 80: Watch Glasses. plain. lf2i ants: patent Isi; Lutiet 25: other articles in proportion. All yarn warranted to be what they are sold for. STAUFFER k. lIAItLEY. On'tuind.,solos gold soil aileer Leveni and Lepines. still lower than the above price*. 04.20. 166 6 , ly D. IVICona ugh ittfrart[ at Tato, Office removed to one door We'd of Duehler's Drag & Dook•store,Chambersl;narglmet.i Attorney £ Solicitor for Patents 'mind 11 1 %02110n5. • rtOUNTY Lend' Warrents, Back-pap gus t/ prisilcsiCisiliotAnd sill other claims trringt the Government at Washing ton . P. ; also American claims in England! Lam! Warrants located end sold, or hooglit, and highest prices given. Agents engaged in locating warrants 1* lowa, Illinois and other Western Stater. 'Apply to him perbonnlly or by letter lieuysburg. Nuy. 21, 1853. David A. Buehler, 3ttaruni at raw, lima, promptly attend to collections and 411 business entrusted to hp: are. 3:7l)111ce in the Diamond, adjoining store of A. 11. Kurtz. Gettleberg, Feb. 4,18543. ly Wm. B. M'Clellan, 3ttaturti at Ifni. tiFFICE on the south Ride of the Pohlk. 1 45 Square, 2 doors west of the Sentinel office. Gentyebury„ August 22, 1853. Edw. B. Buehler, 3ttartati at tau, VVILL faithfully and promptly attend to all. business entrusted, to him. lle speaks elk tent err lingusge, (1114 'it' tliit sauce plane, in South Baltimore stree{,l neer Forney's drug store, and needy opposite Dan. terZiegler's state. Geuystung. March 20.. • Removals. VIIIIE undersigned, being the authorized per t son to maks removals into Ever Green Cemetery. hopes that such u contemplate the removal of the remains of deceased relatives or friends. wiU avail themselves 4' this of the year to have it done. His term= tooderate, and every efSert is made is please. PETER THORN, Kerper llac Crawler,. February 1, 1R57. The Getpl2Lli i iiiiry Railroad 4.ltentlon, One and All! ivy 1 GREAT SHOW. DE;•!)1.1 ! (I[,L rills the attention of "GREAT SEA-SERPENT CAPTURED!" IA Cap -• 'a and those having money to'. OAMUEI, WEAVER having provided him invest, to it, .-110109, now being issued.-1 0 self with an entire new and cceitly appa- The length at their Reed, now under oontract, ' runs, is now furnish is 164 mile*, the grading and masonry of prepared to which is more than two-thirds finished. and Amsbrotypes and Daguerreotypes, rapidly progressing towa:d completion. By in every style of the are, which be will war s resolution of the Board of Directors, a Mort- rant to give entire satisfaction. His long ex gsge of the entire mad from Hanover to Get- perience and superior apparatus give hint tvsburg. and also of the unfinished work of advantages seldom furnished by Daguerrean the Pennsylvania Extension. from (;ettysburg estsblt:,hments out of the city. lie has a large to the Maryland line. beyond Waynesboro'. number of spicirnens at hie Gallery, in Cham will in a few days be executed to Gitoaria bersborg street, which the public arc request- Sivorit,.Enn., as Trustee, for the security of ed to call and examine. the bond holders.,; ,1 from '..eo cents to $lO. Hours The Bonds will be issued in slims of $lOO of operating from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Gold and $5OO each, bearing 6 per cent. tnterest, Lnckets. Breastpins, suitable for miniatures, with coupons attached. payable semi -annual ly. always on hand, at the very lowest prices. They certainly will foam a very safe and deli- ' ..12Children will not be taken for less that, rable investment, la the Bonds will be free $1 00. from taxation. and yield interest payablesetni annually, at 6 pet lieolt. pet ananui. persons wishing to subscribe for them can do so by calling on the Pressil!nt, Secretary or Treasu rer of the Coeupaoy,'or any of its Managers, with any.of who= they will find the oondi- Lions of sale- • IL ;Wet; RD Y, Pre.rukra. DAVID WILLS, ,S7 L tiary. Jso. IL 31c,CLm. aisvaaurer _March 16, 18,57. , i ware Store. I would reapectralli an• ' nds and the public that --'-- unblv : h a aicti na l : uwe o i ve anda i w u rnenday ß s al i t n i : I Va resideoce l of David New Silk cri4E,Asubscribersi 1 nano*, to tbeir l they hare opened * fino,..‘street. adjoin& ' Ziegler, Gettysburg tend to offer to tbi assortment of )oSirdWart ire, Melt CY/eldest CUTLE I Y. I ACH TRIMMINGS, SPRIN 8, AXLE'S, 0114 I ) MIT a Olcbar— , rc, Stpu Palinik, At and Dye-minting, in genera), includin every description of arti cles in the above aof business, to which they invite the a ntion of Coach-tankers; Blacksmiths, Ca niers. Cabinet - makers, Shoe-makers. Sad rs, and the public gener ally. Our stuck ring been selected with great ears and pu ased for cash, we guaran tee (for the ready obey.) to dispose of any part of it on ss ble terms as they can ,be purchased any re. We particulart request a call from our friends. and earns y solicit a share of public favor, as we are de fined to establish a char acter for selling ' sat low prices and doing business on fair p ciples. JOEL B. DANNER, DAVID ZI tXII.ER. I Gettysburg, Ju 9, 1851. tf 4- - - CELOIC ITARM LANDS ).1t SALE. ntral Itsostl Campy a to sell ut SO Acres of azy.am LAND z, ouTy o k i„„ : , credit, riinE Illinoie is now prep 1,500 L 0, go• rvea Lta.t.ll (v.& '• in tracts of 'Lou and at tufo ratra These lands • e granted by the Govern ment to aid in ti construction of this Road, and are among richest and :post fertile in the world. The extend from North Mott and North West. th .gh the middle of the State. to the extreme . th, and include every varie ty of climate a r productions (mind between those parallels • :atitude. The Northern portion is chic; prairie. interspersed with tine groves, an n the middle and-Seuthern sections timber • orninates, alternating with beautiful prairi and openings. The climate i ore healthy. mild and equa ble. than any . r port of the country—the air is pure and acing, while living streams and springs of • Ilent water abound. Bituminous al iv extensiroly mined, and supplies a cheatand desirable fuel. bring fur nished at man •.ints at $2 to $4 per ton— and wood can . ad at the Paine rate per cord. of excellent quality also n be procured for little more of transportation. lity of these lands, which are from two to five fset deep. g.—their contiguity to this every Facility is tarnished for ispottation. to the principal South, East and West.- and It which they can be cultism cw ithe um t valuable investment Id : aui present the most fa iity. for rsons of industrious 1 means, to acquire a cotnknt xin a few years. • greatest grain market in the facility and economy with lochs of these lands can be tat market, make theni. ['bitch at the prices asked, than lots) t government rates,—a s ;is of transportation is a per atter, which must he borne' . in the 'educed mice Ms m in. de.. Perfect—and v - then the anal made. Deeds are executed by pointed by the State, and in is vetted, to die purchasers, ) them absolute titres in Fee clear of every incumbrance, e. _ Badding Sic abounds, which than the expen The great to a black rich in/ And gently rul Road, by wino travel and tr l markets Non the economy ted, render the that can be to; vorable opport, habits and am', able indepatidif Chicago is 1 world—and t which the pi transported ti more priktall those more n the additional pinata tax on by the prod'', cettes for his The Title payments ar the Trustee! I whom the ti I which conve; I I Simple, free lien or inor:s 1 The i'rie l I afily 3 por e I deducted Cr Those wt notes payat date, and a; anneelly to the land i time. are from $6 to $3O ; Lamest fwenty per cent. will be the credit price fer Cash. .urchita• on long credit, give in 3..4,5 and g yell.; alter . sired to imp rive one-tenth • year*. so as to have etle-hal oluration, at the end of that : , 1711T01111 wi115131016116 1 / 7 thous esss•ioe these Laads. free st . • thew in tasking selections. nnusining unsold ass •s rich s• those which hero been dis- Coro vrbe via chatP. TDe Ls and value posed or. Naps wilt be . sent to any on) tiny tend in Postage &imps • Pampblets, containing nomer of suocessful firming, signet ny Id well known I/Ir.:arra living ja, seal of Railroad tamls, througli-;' also the cost of fencing, price' Ilienee of harvesting. threshing, information—will be cheerfully gication, either personally. or by Ash, Freneth or German. addres JOIIN ‘‘, I LsoN, onfooloomm of Lb* Ilbooti Cootral It ft. Co, , in Illinois t.;entral Railroad Do- Illinois. 857. (Ini 4,awrence Hill, M. D., , 3:7"Secti l l who will e sad Stooks ous insten respecuild the neighb out the St. of cattle, etc. --or given on I letter, in red to Laati gOrOd/i pot. Chic' April 2 Oa no4 - er B. Railrvtd. 91 1 11.1LNS over the Hanover Brandi Railroad i .1 now run as follows : 1 SiretTraia ilitUdi Hatioesrat 9*. x., with , Passengers for York, Harrisburg, Columbia and Philadelphia. Title Trait' alw Connects with the Express for Baltiinore, skiving there lit 12 s. Second Train leaves it 3 P. Y. , tith Passen gers for Baltimore and interrn kte places, and returns with passengers f York, be. April 21. J. f , Agent. - -- Wore 'New S -. ; pRRSCH Merinoes, all cold fashior.abte 1 1 Cloak Cloths : Fall Silks, t new styles ; ' niagnilicent new DeLaines: bet styles Fall Calicoes: very large stock °faint Shawls; Flannels, Welsh. English ant American ; 1 Cloths, Vestings, and all kindeMen's Wear ; 4 , Sheetings, Table Linen*, .Towelngs, &c. EYRE & LA DELL, Fourth and Arch' otreets,Philadelphia. y 1 ri - Suwekeepers are invited examine our New Oasis. Fsmilies can well suited in every kind of Dry Goods. e make Black Silks and Shawls leading a les for whole , salving. P. S.--Jobs receive daily from the f Auctions, in New York and P Isuielphia. EtTrans Nrry Casa. December 15, 1856. 6m -.- --- F ------•- QAPONIFIER oa COrci The Ladle* ! 4.7 making Soap—to be ha nd it to their adrantsge to call Jai FAHNESTOCI Week Brothers, and see their, 13 OiNTElS.Ribbons, Par ieup stock of Silks. Challis„ Lawns , i to be bad 'cry cheep ei weirtines, Detainee, Calionee, Ging-; FAHN'eSTOOF w hich are selling cheap at PAHNESTOCK BRO7'ILEIV3, 11 A 11,;WAYS ON HAND.--I Sip' of the Rel PORI. I Ili. ior every description, at I , at BasNowelit tli ice one door west of the Lnthi .feh, in Chatriberhburg r.treet, and mmer's store, where those wish any Dental Operation pet form triiltv invited to call. lI AS tan opposite ing to ha cd are re Rives Bet luch I). D.. ~William il Prof'. 11 Getty H. s: Dr. D. Gilbert. Dr. 'O. N. r. D. D Ilorner, Rev. C. P. lirsuth, 11. 1.. Baugher, D. D.; Rev. Prot Reynolds, Rev. Prof. M. Jacob 4, &cover. rg. April 11, 1853. tf onty Land Clain' s. ' ; [arraigned will attend promptly to action of claim& fur Bounty Lands ate act of Congress. Those who bareceived 40 or 80 acres. can nos, lance,l by calling on the subscrl fng the nettessary application. JOEL B. DANNER. rg, March 12, 1855. tf *, E the under t have at receive tier and OE Du- 1 hactis,, DM I=l 111 il:7 - AIIBROTXPES takes from one dollar and upwards. and in the btotacyle. Dee. 22. 1856. ti Do You Wish 'bargains t Is 10, GOiTO SCHICK'S CHEAP STORE, Corner of Me Diamond arid Baitimore.street. JL.SCHlCkhasjust returned from Phils;• ON • delphisi with s tali and complete assort- ment of Spring Goods, consisting of Black and Fancy adored Vieth* and Oasstmeres+ of all styles and patterns ; also Satinetto, Jeans, Cottvinaties and Linen Goods, for Men's weer; / and Satin, Silk. sad MarnsiUes vesting'; also, t Sitapandem,Oravata, Handkerchiefs. Hosiery, andilleves. at prices to suit the times—which , g, entlemen wishing a tiompleta outAt i , would do very well to examine. , FOR TOR LAD1R.9.41110 received a superior assortment ofilLack Silks', which trill be sold I law;, also, Berege de Lames, Ginghanon, Brilliants, Calicoes. Irish Linens, Swiss, Book 1 and Cambric Muslin. DottAsiSWißll and Plaid Martini, Glores, Ribbons, Collars, Dress Trimmings, Lo.. &0., which fur variety, ex . cetletemend cheapness cannot be surpassed in this market.' se-Iteuollect, the.% a*bough there is a great rush to Schisk's far bargains, all can be acooreatodased. Nu trouble to show Goode. Therefore eall ,ia, and etatnine the largest, richest audubeapest sunk you ever laid your eye' on. Gettysburg, April 13, 1851. ----- New Goods—lifew Firm, AND THE C Ago!! SYSTEM. WWI E A R HOLD A CO. have just receiv- Vt from Philadelphia a handsome &win ment of Goixbi, suitable for the season. Our stuck of Ready-Made Clothing, and all Goods in that line, is extensive. Cheap Cloths, Cassitnerecrashencietts. Drap Detate, Linens, Vestings. Mugs, &c., &c. Call and see ns. if we cannot please you in a gorrmeot reedy-made, we have our Talton; constantly cutting out and making up, and can make you • garment upon short mince. and in the very beat manner. Oar prices cannot be beat._ Give us a call. March 30, '57. P. S.—l have given Mr. J. C. GuMn an in• terest expressly fur the phrpose of sending up my old business. I have now been operating 37 years and have never until now determined to settle up my business generally. Those there:ore who are indebted to me, eitl,er by Bond. Note or Book aocount..wifl please call Sod pay the same. GE O. ARNOLD. March 30. 1557. tf Diamond Tonsor. JOHN W. TIPTON, I fashinaable Dads". and (fair Dresser, cart at all times be found prepared 'to attend to the calls of the people, at the Temple, in the Diamond. adjoining the County Building. Fran long ezpenencs., be Utters himself that he can go through all the ramifications of the Tozetorial Department with such an- infinite degree of skill, u will meet with the entire eatistaltion bfell who may submit their chins to the keen ordeal of his ra zors. He hopes, therefoie. that, by his atten tionl,, to business. and a denim. to tease, he will merit as well as receive. a libera share drib lic patronage. The sick, will be i attended to at their private dwellings. Gettysburg, Jan. 8 Ifiss. ti i ' Susquehantra 116 tel, Dewy/11,e Calvert ntattue. Baltimore. Md. k undersigned having lensed the above Hotel and put it in oosuplete order, is pre. pared to secommodate his frituds and the insulin., • pasha. - Tbet-fropisatose will ha pleased to see his old Cowie, and protonic.' to make their stay comfortable end satisfactory. Baggage taker to sul "row Calvert Station free of charge: ,": JOHN BU R) (forseerie of r',' 'e.,) July 9,446. tr ; Paorairroa. New la the Time , VOW is the only time to make very pretty LI and *rap selection* Of Awing and Sum pter Good& I tell yogi the truth is. that if ,you want cheap and pertly Goods, to min at the mirth west owner et the Diamond-the only place to get thank Also. Ready-made C4Athipy emmtmidy os land.' MI goods eat Pee of charge. Cell and see Won purchas ing elsewhere, at the cintap Store of , April 6. JOIAId HOSE. Tailoring. 11lammed/strew Down flee thettbeOld Steed. , I 11. SKELLY tealecitully ittibruts his old `IF • customers and NI NMI* general , that be continues dui TAIL_PRING BUSI TSS., 4 near his ald stand, in Math Bahl street , srhere he flit be Ir_ gpy to socoatm ate all who too intronile Mal All work rusted to his care warranted to St and be or most sub, mantis! make: - Thanktbl for past tato* be testiest* s sonttnssnes IA 'public pstmtts. 10" The New York' Sprissy and Sumner .1 1 i'aelti..14a art, received. ' CSII and seetem. Gettysburg, Apra, WS , New • 1 IV- 1.17031101 ICIL Tii LITTLE tithes to IV inform the Ladies of Lowe and country, 1 dies she is now prepared to executialillinery in all its branches, in West Middle street. a few doors below Mr. George Littlel stone.— I Work done cheaper than elsewher, in town. Please call and are. , i April 21, 1.6.56. • 6 , Bean% or Siricness CHOOSE HIITWEEN THEM. Rollowa r s pilig.— Th e blood furnishes the material of every bone, muscle, gland and fibre in the human frame. When pure, it secures health to every organ: when corrupt, it necessarily prodnres disease. Ilota..owsv's Pti.t.s operate directly upon the elements of the stream of life, neutralising the principle of dis- ease, and thus radicafly curing the malady, whether located in the nerves, the stomach, the liver, the bowels, the muscles, fhe skin, the brain, or any other part of the system. Bou.owAr's Pti-Ls are equally efficacious in complaints common to the whole human race, and in disorders peculiar to certain climates and localities. Dyspepsia. and derangement of the liver, the source of infirmity and suffering, and the image of innumerable deaths, yield to these curet ets in all cares. however aggravated, acting as * mild purgative. alterative and ton ic; they relieve the bowels, purify the diticis, and invigorate the system . and the constant/on at the mane time. General Fireekeese--.Vernout Complaints. When all stimulants fail, the renovating and i bracing properties of these Pills give lirm new t o the Asking nerves and enfeebled mus tier of the victim of petrel debility. ' In eases of the fracture of bones. inju ries; caused by steam expiation'. Bruises. Burns. fiealds. Rheumatism. Btifness of the Joints, and contractive of the siewire:ll - Wevo• ployed and warmly reoommended by the fon. ulty. This marvel one reinedy ?has been intro-, dosed by its inventor in person into all the leading pitals of Europe, and no private hoeiehold should be without it. Undeniable Testimony. The Medical Staff of the French and English Armies in the 'Crimea hare officially signed their approval of Hollseway's Ointment, u the most rehab,* dressing for übre cuts, stabs, and gen-sounds. It is also teseelthy the sur geons of the Allied Nvies. Bulk Vie Oisttment an d Pills .Auld be used in /Melo= = lii -n Chilblain& tidal& I= Lumbago Sons Lop Yeaoroal Sores Nocorialiropilloosiloro Broads Woos& of all Slab Piles Sore Hoods •„Sold - at the Manufactories of Professor HOLLOWAY, 80 Maiden Lane, New York. and 244 Strand. London, by all respectible Drug gists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United Swett and the civilized world, in pail. at 2i cents. 621 cents. and 81 each. o:7Thort is a considerable saving by taking the larger vixen. N. B.—Directions for the guidance of pa tients-in every disorder are affixed to each pot. ggiCautlioin l—None are genutne unless the words "fintloway, Mw rbrk and London," are discernable as a water-tnark in every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box; the came may be plainly seen by /fold ing Me leaf to the tight. A handsome reward willbe given to a rendering such infor mation as may le ad detection of any party .or parties counterfeiting the medicines or vending the same, 'snowing them to be spurious. Sept. 1, 1856. cowl) • 820.000! Erleasire Sale of Beautiful Engravings! 3:1.000 GIFTScp 9"O be awarded by Lb. Association as soon as 20,000 Engravings are sold.! Magnificent Wits and Valuable Pro perty for Distribution : 1 Farm. 40 acres, more or less, with large two-story lions', part stone and part frame, with atone back. building. and necessary out-build ings, and Saw-mill thereon erected, with water power for almost any purpose. situate in Freedom twp. Adams county. Pa. 3.000 00 1 House and lot In Gettysburg, 1,500 00 1 Out-lot. near town, S acres, 700 00 1-Town-lot in Gettysburg, 600 00 'I do • do SOO 00 1 Tract of l and, 36 acres, 1,000 00 1 do 20 6* _ 600 00 2 splendid Carriages, $2OO each, 400 00 1 Jenny Lind Rockaway, 200 00 2 Buggies, $75 each, 150 00 2 Gold Pl ir olles,mata flue,sl2s 250 00 I do 100 100 00 2 do do 90 180 04) • 17 do do 60 1.020 00 15 Ladies' Gold Watches, 65 975 00 10 do du 60 600 00 20 Silver Watchest, 30 600 00 22 do do 20 440 00 6 do do ' 25 125 00 10 Oil Paintings. • 10 100 00 20 pair Ovid Eat Rings, 2 50 50 00 _ _ _ _ sdo do 210 00 Ir age o range p rem i ere H e d g 25 gold Finger Rings, e. 20 gold Pens, 2 40 00 ' 2 50 00 . HE undersigned having - made Hedging his 20 gold Breast Pins. . 2 40•00 . exclusive butiness,is sow prepared. with 34Q3 Apple: &gold gilt. 2 ,505 00 his extensive facilitles, , to do any aIGOLGI or 1 Gra% Drill. • 6O 001• 2 rr l 2/ 41 N Bliathi 9 10 Grrion w ll i oo °64 ntsin St r eg' sed Cotte B r s s, , "1 150 00 88 " the most "Imaable terms. in 3 e7 Part of 10 Ploughs, 312 50. I Penneylvaina,• New York. New seiner, Dela, 2 curs Saddler, $37 50, n OO Rare. Maryland, and Virginia. Tbe Omega_ 2 aetsailver mounted Harness, 40 Group is beautiful. orustnental. and protec -8498 Books of Etiquette, 599 9° 59 99 tire. proof against stock , high winds, bock' ' . 1 Port Folio; 2: 6,;(