The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, May 18, 1857, Image 4

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    Wit &a. nor
I Would Not Die at AIL ,
I would not die in Spring time,
.• Wien Worms begin to crawl,
L.lllnnsi osbhags-plants are shooting up,
..,, And frogs begin to squall ;
~Prts then the girl's are full of ,fames*
And smile upon the men ;
Whoujsenbe and pev are in that. prime,
• 1 would not perish then.
I would not die in Summer,
- When trees are filled with fruit.
And erery spvrtsman has a gun.
Tie little birds to shout;
• The girls then wear the Bloomer dross,
And half dietrelt the wom—
b le the time to aw ,, at it out,
i'wonkl not perish then
I would Dot die in Autumn,
iglitist new cnol.n hay amens sweet,
wilUsi &belittle pigs are rooti,ng round
'. For something nice to;
!Tie then the honteman's wild halloo
:* la hard ;long the glen,
♦rd oysters 'gin u, fatten up,
world not peri.ili then.
/ Would not die in Winter,
• Per one nittit freeze to death,
Whin blustering breezes sweep around,
title acric• ime's breath ;
When sleigh beck iiit A te, horse% snort,
And buckwheat cakes are tall—
itt feet, this is a righttoil ;
• twuuld not dio at al
Snaking Out Sturgeons.
We have lau7hed until our ribs fairly
belied at the relation of the following
"item" on sturgeons, by a loquacious
friend of ours
It appears our °:-fend was located on
the Kennebec• river a few years ago, and
had s number of hands employed about
!t edam, and thr star; cons were very
numerous and extremely docile. They
would frequently come poking their
flosses close up t r the men standing in
the water -and one of the men bethought
him bowl delieioas a morsel of pickled
sturgeon was, and he forthwith made
preparation to ,nake out" a clever
sized fish. Getting an - iron hot at the
blacksmith's shop. close at hand, he
bill& up one end like a fish hook, and,
slipping out into the stream, he slily
PUN* the hook under the sturgeon s
nose And into its round hole of a mouth,
*setting to fasten on to the victimized,
Itrzalosa fish, and -yank" him clean
sad clear out of his watery element.
But, "'lardy," wasn't he mistaken and
surprised! The MOTTIvIIt the hook touch
ed the inside of the sturgeon's mouth,
thittreatnre ba , !lteil water so suddenly
and forcibly as to near jerk the head of
the holder of the hook from its socket.
The poor~ fellow was forty feet under
water, and going down stream, before
he mustered presence of mind enough to
induce him to let go the hook.
However, the lookers-on of this curi
' eas manoeuvre took a boat and fished
oat their half-drowned comrade, who
concluded that he had paid pretty dear
ly for his whistle.
The sturgemii-catching did not end
here. After the laugh over tho above
' mentioned adventure had ceased, some
cob offered to bet a hat that he could
bold a sturgeon al - ,d snake him clean out
of the water; and as the man who had
triod . the experiment ftlt altogether 'I
dubioas about it, he at once bet that the
sturgeon would be inure than a match
for any man in the crowd.
Thew ager was duly staked, a rod
crooked,- the operator tucked up his
sleeves and trowsers. and waded out to
where a sturgeon or t wo were lying off
in the shallow water. Of course, the
oppeeration now became a matter °lcon
s interest, and as the man was
a stout, ' , hearty fellow. able to hold a
ball by the - 11 u•ns, few entertainco
doubts of his bringing out his sturgeon.
. After a long lima, the operator gets
his hook under the sturgison, and leans
!leeward to stick it close into the jaws
of his victim; and no sootier was that
of the feat ace• - onplished, than Mr.
"backs out" with the velocity
of chain lightning, carrying his assail
ant .Mader water and down stream :
The man heki on; and there they went,
!bashing and pitching, until the fellow
finding his breath nearly out of his
66dy his neck. arms and le , rs just about
ilialocad, concluded to rose the hat
sadist the hook and sturgeon go
Pretty, well used up, the poor fellow
asebeeded in getting, out of the river, a
evert to the first experimental idea
of the strength and relocity of fish, es
peoially a big sturgeon.
aliraLfellow went, a few weeks since,
into tha store of Q, fashionable milliner.
!'/Istvsyou any skirts ?" asked he. Plen
ty of all kinds." " What do you ask a
weal" said the chap.' "A cord?" !v
-ow the woman. " Yes, I want about
a cord. our diggings the petti
codte has in out. I see you advertise
'Carded skirts,' and I thought while my
tiaika was in, I'd take what you had
aca4ad ap,"—The milliner fainted.
sar-"I see in the papers," said Mrs.
arrtington, looking over her specs at
, "the Judge says the Fugitive Slave
Biala a "statute. I know'd the Greek
viatitt .waa a stathte, but I thought the
Slave Bill, who ran away to be a fugitive,
was flesh and blood like other people."
...stirA Professor of Mathematics, in a
ealliega, who isnot famous for prompt set
tlement of his pecuniary obligations, re
cently asked one who was passing an ex
arenatkat : " What is a note on six.
ilxiptiths?" " Don't know, sir." "Hap
py, mark f" said the Professor, in a low
. 4 .
, 40-4. younger brother had espoused
au oid and ill-tempercl wife, but extreme
kWeith.:.. He seed to say, "Whenever I
' wife cross and my own temper
ay; I retire to my library, and
..nleleif by raiding her marriage
' PS
ler." Well, Ofairley,",aaid an anxiong
tuchia, ofdome threeyears,
•oa • , s ' , lc-411146d you ftnd in
• ; this 1119 . raing?" "
" Find,
. -
• - • • _ hopeful, why,
Sr. "P' ;
11, he father gate
ups c
- • matherast
41PaeolliaPa t amra aftraotionate that
A Fordl47pe-ingnit—The eiiitnr of the
Woonsocket (Rhode Island) Patriot makes
merry over the snistake of an old Shanghai
hen of his, that has been "setting" for lye
weeks upon too round slaws aa4 a piece of
brick! "tier anxiety," quoth he, "is ao greater
than ours, to (mow what she will hatch. if
it proves a brickyard that lien is nut for sale."
iiiir4Mr. Smith, the hogs are getting into
your cornfield." -
"Nero" mind, Billy, I'm sleepy: corn 'rose&
bort 'em."
A Irhopper.—T tell of big rats cm the
line of the Ohio can, , anti one of thalami& said
to have towed a Lost, using his tail for • tow
line. That's a whopper—of a rat we mean.
/a'Why is a hungry buy looking at a pud
ding in a eukik-shop wiutl.,w like a watt hursc!
Because he would be better if he had a bit in
his mouth.
`Life it s jourucyrand it is generally
our owu fault if w du nut make a pleaiaut
ocursion of it. a
—.. z. .4
. .
''s There is a man a Cincinnati in pos
ses/jou olds powerful memory. lie s employed
by the !Tolima. Society "to remember the
fer When the Iriiihunto firwt tried peaches,
, he said he liked their tlit‘ur, but the seeds my
hard in his stomach.
sar-The young lady who caught a gentle.
luau's eye, ha returned it box:aura it had e
"wee drop" iu it.
11111rThe man who “took the floor" hu been
arrested for stealing lumber.
Serßny what thou needest not and it will
oblige thee to bell thy necessaries.
/Thrilling narratil a—a dog's tail under
a ear-wherl.
111 AS WIN. O ffi ce one door west of the !Attie ,
I ran church, in Chaintwrishurp, ctreet, and
opposite Graunars store, where those wish
ing to have ady Dental Operation perform
ed are respectfully in% ited to call.
Rareassciii • Dr. D. Gilbert. Dr. C. N.
Beiluehy, Dr. D. lornef, Rev. C. I'. Kirsuth,
D.D., Rev. 11. L. augher, D. D., Rev. ProL
William M. Reynul , Rev. Prof. M. Jacobs,
Prof. M. L. Stover.
Gettysburg. April 11, 853. tf
Bounty Lan Claissios.
ISHE unden . igncd will attend promptly to
the collection of claims for Bounty Lands
under the late act of Congress. Those- who
hare already received 40 or 80 acres, can now
receive the balance. by calling on the subscri
ber and making the necessary application.
Gettyaburg, March 'l2, 1855. tf
D. 11 , Connughy,
atturnrq nt
(Office removed to one door West of Buehler's
Drugs Boulc-store,Chamhersburgstreet.)
Attorney & Solicitor for Patents
and Penmions,
BOUNTY Land Warrants, Back-pay sus
pended Claiins,and all other claims against
the Government at AVashington, D. C.: also
American clairuslD England. Land Warrants
located and sold, or tioaglit, and highest prices
given. Agents engaged in locating warrants
in lows, Illinois and other Western States.
‘,""Apply to him per-tonally or by letter
Gettysburg, Nur. :11, 1853.
Edw. B. Buehler,
3ffarnell rit tam,
IvILL faithfully and promptly attend to
all business entrusted to hita. lie
speaks the German language. Office at. the
fume place, in South Baltimore street, near
Forney's drug store, and neerlpapposite Dao
ner k Ziegler'it store.
Gettysiinitg. March 20.
David A. Buehler,
3tijilltli Itt QM,
IV,ILL promptly attend to collections aid
'A4 business entrusted to las care.
ar7off.ft in the Lhaniond, adjoining storeof
A. 11. Kurtz.
tlettysburg. Feb. 4,1856. 1 y
OFFICE on the south side of the Public
Square, 2 doors west of the Sentinel office.
Gettysburg, August 22, 1853.
...VI inform the Ladies of town and country.
that she is now prepared to execute Millinery
in all its branches, in West Middle street, a
few doors below Mr. George Little's store.—
Work done chesper . than elsewhere in town.
Please call and see.
April 21, 1856.
Germantown Road, halt an hour's ride five'
the Exchange 1,9 , Omnibus.-
Il A I)E, Fruit & Ornsmental Trees, Shrubs,
► Plants, Roses, 'cc., cultivated and fur sale
in quantities to suit dealers and otbers, includ
ing an extensivo and varied assortment of all
destrable vanetics of the above, for sale
kvholeaale and retail, ri - Catalogues can be
bad ott application, gratis.
N. B.—When addressed by mail , direct to
Rising Sun P. 0., Philadelphia. Our Stands
are in the Market, Market at. below Stith,
where orders are also reccivod.
March 33. Gw
CONTINUES the Flour of Feed boldness. at
his old stand, in West Middle street. lie
keeps the best.. and sells as cheap as the
cheapest. (iiye him a call.
January 12, Ni i s7. 3m
TD BUILDEB.S.—Haring increased our
stock of Hardware, Oils, Paiuta, Wars,
&0., we are prepared to oiler very great is
ducementa to persona building.
THE VERY ARTICLE.— i k flea lot of Wor-
NIAVGIVIS CliPap 1141 and Shve / Stare.
OIL•CLOTH and Carpet Bags, of all sizes.
lor sale at BILINGSIAN s ACGAILKRAI.4/14
Maw Hat mad Shoe :tore.
/''CORN DRYSILS.—Tbe attention of bIL-
V LER3 is invited to a very superior article
for drying CORN, wbicb can ba had at all
times at
your Lillti, Cain, Boots and Shoes at
Bringann tf iugAiythaugh's.
LADIES Ojibwa, Buskins, and' &sidles
for't'e obeli!) at
17813143' VESTS .— An unusually large as
sortment, of every description, jut re
ctified it • SA bISON 'S.
PINLIE ideation of tie ',ADM is panic,-
I. WI . ) , invited. to lb. large assemment of
Plata sad •fanaitilalteas,,ilatest at le, jest
radoived b - • Brinpean AevAitbotirgh.
ON! Thom mho bin& of namis.
A. will find a large assortment of, Viol
Amporibons, flats*, Pifer, es
X=N, do you , wan t tp Wow froze a
'ill* Bad, handsome variety of Craisti,
&spenders, 143.4 If yoo
.an is smug &
v..immacaboapothip ea* ilwayk
611 910 1, 19 41 1 w. and a larger
dru stsserbee* ti always jo-be ite4.Litt
,—,V4IINWrOCE . ,
brin in free - 0-
d ofpgart
!aped by thi
V": at
• .
J. Lawrence Hill, M. D.,
Win. 111.111*Clellan,
3ttarurq at,tont.
New Millinery.
Jacob Sheads.
lIE Illinois Central Railroad Company T
is now prepared to sell about
I,.soeyeoe Acre of
2tilr'trZ" "ilTr
41 •
in tracts of about ruitvc Acuaa,tou /wig ci esithr
awl nl lo Lr niter of saki%
These landa were granted by the Govern
ment to aid to the construction of this Road,
and are among the richest and most fertile in
the world. Theierend (mm North East and
North West, thntough the noddle of the State,
to the extreme South, and include every re; ie
ty of climate and productions found between
thrill, parallels of latitude. The Northern
portion is chiefly prairie. interspersed with
bite groves, and in the middle and soothern
sections timber predominates, alternating with
beautiful prairies and openings.
The climate-is more healthy, mild and equa
ble. than any other part of the country—the
air is pure and b, acing, while living streams
and springs of excellent later abound.
Bitiiininous Coal is extensively mined, and
supplies a cheap and desirable fuel, being fur
nished at many points at i 2 to $4 per ton—
and wood can be had at the saute rate per cord.
Building Stone of excellent qnality also
abounds, which can be procured fur little more
than the expense of transportation.
The great fertility of these lan,ls, which are
a black rich mould from two' to tire feet deep,
and gently rollicg.—their contiguity to this
Road, by which every facility is furnished fur
travel and transportation, to the principal
markets North, South, East and West, and
the economy with which they can be cultiva
ted, miler them the most valuable investment New Goods !
tbaCcan be found ; and present the mast fa
vorable opportunity, for persona of industrious NEW ESTABLISHMENT!
habits and small means, to acquire a comfort- TACOBS & BRO. respectfully inform their
able independence in a few years. ra friends sod the public generally, that they
Chicago is the grcstest grain market in the have opened a Merchant Tailoring
world—and the facility aiil. t eoonotny with Establishment, in the room recently oc
which the products of these lands can be copied by A. Arnold. in South Baltimore street
transported to that market, make th e m much near the Diamond. where they wilt at all times
more prOltable, at the prices asked, than be happy to accommodate all who may patron
those more remote at government rates,--as ize them. Their stock of Cloths. Casaitneree,
the cost of transportaticek is a per- Vestings, Cassineta. Cords, Summer Goods,
penal tax on the latter, which must be borne gc ., &c., is large and selected front the latest
by the producer, in the reduced pm lee be re- ! Ryles—all of which they will dispose of at
vales fur his grain. &c. • ' priceless low as they can possibly afford, their
The Title is Perfect—and w en the final system being to sell CUBA P. fur cash ur woo.
payments are made. Deeds ar executed by try produce.
the Trustees appointed by the te, and in They will make op garments of every de.
whom the title Is vested, to the irchewere, ' acription in the most substantial and desirable
which convey to them absolute till n Yee , manner, all warranted to At and' not to rip.—
Simple, free and clear of every incumbra 'coda bought of them not to be made t:p in their
lien or mor.giage. !establishment will be cut free of charge. They
Disc Price* are froall $6 to $3O; ralearrn are makingsp slot of REA 1)Y-MAD
3 per rent. Twenty per'eent. will be iNG, in the but manner, which they wilksell
deducted from the credit price kw Cash. 4as cheap as the cheapest. • 4 ,
Those who purehase , on long credit, give, They have also on hand a large 'assortment
notes payable iu 2, 3, 4. 5 sad 0 years after of Hosiery, Sespemlers, 8. 4 .i4a, Shirt Whirs
date, and are required to improve one-tenth he., to which they would call the ettentioiPoi
annually fur five years, so este base one-half
the 'land in euluvation, at the end of that' V - The.Lateetcashinni regularly receired.
time. Carth or Country produce always current:.for
Latopetent Surveyors will aaeompay those goods or work. Don't mistake the place.
who wish, to examine these Lands free free of March 17, 1850. •
charge, and aid theta in making lieleetions.
The Lands remaining unsold are as - rich
and valuabßl as tholte which baii r been dis
posed of. • a
32".g-cf(ottal .Vips will be sent to any one -
who will enclose fifty cents in Postage Stamps, p
sod Books or Pamphlets. eontaiiiing r u ner- i
ooalnstanoei6isuccessful farming, signed b
tespectable and well known farmers living i
the neighborhood of Railroad Lauds, throu •
out the State—also the cost of fencing, p
of cattle, expense of harvesting. thre
etc.—or any information—will be s chee
given on application, either personally or
letter, in English, French or German, add
sed to JOIIN WILSON, -
Law! Commiatinser of the 111,....i.C0utral a R. co.
II "Office is Illinois Central Railroad Du
pot, Chicago, Illinois.
April 20, 1857. Gni
New` Hardware Store.
THE subierihera would respectfully ,an
nounce to their friends and tho public that
they have opened • Ilard ware Store, in Balti
more street, adjoining the residence of David
Ziegler. Gettysburg. in which they always In;
tend to offer to the public a large and general
assortment -of
Hardware, iron, Steel, Groceries,
Wi t 51 . 9
cbar -ma rt., Eqpt .firbings,
Paints, OM, and Dye-stunk,
n general, including every description of arti
cles in the above line of business, to which
tbry invite the attention of Coach-makers,
Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Cabinet - makers,
Shoe-makers,'Baddlera, and the public gener
ally. Our stock having been selected with
&eat care and purchased for cash. we guaran
tee (for the ready money.) to dispose of any
pert of it on as reasonable terms as they can
be purchased anywhere.
We particularly request a call from our
friends, and earnestly solicit a share of public
favor, as we ■re determined to establish a char
seer for selling Uoods a t low prices and doing
business on fair principles.
JOEL B. DilitiNEß,
Gettysburg, June 9, 1851. ti
J. POMO! 45i.: CO.,
Dealers in Fish and Provisions.
[' A ti l t -E ms= e a l nli h o s n d, h liVr7n n gna t l n Wst
Beef. Pork, Lard, Shoulders, llama, Sided,
Cheese, flee, kc.
Ildarch 23, 1557. 3m
John Slone d on, .
str‘er, J' ifdddp.3ia,
A now receiving their Swing.
tin of Silk & Millinery Goods, con-
Rititil* in part of Fancy. Cap and Bonnet
Rihhons ; Satin anil :Nlantila Ribbons ; .dace
and Plain Silks ; Alarcelities and Florences
plack-Moiles ; French and
Tirlataite; Malins and Elusion Lucri,,tc.
Also, a full samottaorot of
Fre nrii. and American Flowers I •
which ihey.otrer to the trade on la vorable terms
March D. 2m
Boots and Shoe ^.
A large assortment. just opened. and will
be sold cheaper than the cheapest at
Removed*Pen llooraSouthoftbeOldgtand.
j H. SKELLY respectfully inn:knits his old
0 • customers and the pubic generally, that
hrcontieues the TAIL(MISfi BUSINESS,
near his old stand, in South Baltimore street.
where be will be happy to aocommodate all
who mAy patronise him. All work entrusted
to his care warranted to fit end be of most sub
sbistial make. Thankful for past favors, he
solicits a oontinaance of public patrovirge.
The New York• Spriug and Ammer
Fashion, are received. Call and see them.
Ciettysberg, 441 9, 18;5.
Hanover E. Railroad. •
TRAINS orei lln flanoTat Rrsoeti Railroad
now run u. &Rows : 14
First Train-leaTes Hanover it 9 A. N., with
Paisdpgers int Yroltir,"Hariisburg, Columbia
and This Train also connects
with thwaspress' for Baltimore, arriving there
at 12 x. •
Second Train leaves at 3 r. with Passen
gers fie. Balti - inere Sad intannediata places,
aid- returns wittr "monger* limn York, ic.
Aptirlik: • - J. LEIB, Agent.
• I Ai WWI • " •
(1150101#1itair km" ,Winipler will make
'” Baulk' .-00,00kOnil pla i nt) the tottegdow,
ttw auk or tt*V.+Oine: "amens mitt all
elbow wishing their hooka*. Varna. 44,1gPout
ed;troildr to Oct th•nlill OIL
bet ILL.wAsteugs::.
Air& tr • N.
Frolitotxx. , —a. pciattulacrsAr4 e
Surnis ?'ai
-L c 011 •i 5,...
Savings Institution of Adams Co.
Opens Saturday, 11th of April.
'TIMIS Institution receives deposttes forVtieh
1. it pays interest as 14illours
For over 10 months. 4 per cunt. per annum.
For 3 and not over 10 months. 3 per ant.
per annum. For transient depoeites, not less
than .3.1 day'. 2 per cent. per annum, payable
on demand without nouce.
The weekly depoalaura share tbeJiheidenda
(let -land and payable aerni•annuatti.
At the first meeting weekly deposits were
subscribed by responsible citizens, for the cur
rent year. to an 11030110 t exceeding 810.000,
which will be paid in as required by the busi
ness of the association.
For luaus apply on Wednesday.
Sums received on der te as low as a dime.
Interest to be allowed whenever the deposites
amount to 85.00;and ou each additional *5,00
acid upwards.
Office in South Went Corner of Public
Square. next to George Arnold's store. Open
daily from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.. and for reedit,-
ing eyery Saturday, firiixfi 9 A. M. to
G P. M. .
Trensuror tC• . 4 4.freiary.
Directors, -
John [trough, Jobe Horner,
Satuuel Durboraw, George Arnold,
A. Heintzelmen, Jaeol, Moueltnan,
I) McCreary. D. NieConsughy,
Wllltain Culp, John MiokleY,
Robert Horner, V' Juhu Throue.
April 6, 1857.
Surreys enrefully take* by C. M
pLi4s, Ciril Engineer.
drafted upon a 'melon( lj in
bile. making it tery conveni
it the dittnic- from one place
n the county, and it will have
113 (N I rk
Le 12 St 'O. ,V 6 o
east Offices. Hotels, Stores. Churches.
School Houses, Cemeteries. Mills. Mechanics'
Shops. hc., will he marked. and the residence
of evear rtuiPSUTY•IIOI.DIIII in this county will
be noticed with a dot. and his name carefully
inserted. It will he distinctly engraved,
ha ndsoinelycolored. and the border.,oraament
ted with views anti ettgravinp of Public
Iluiloin,gs and Priiate ILesidences of the coun
ty, and delivered to subscribers
For' $5 per Copy
The tlndersigned hive examined the draft of
the Map of Adams 'County, cow being prepar
ed by Mr. 001 i Vgltp, and are wail medalled
with its general corteetnees. When finished
in the style of the Maps of other counties
shown as specimens. it will be a beautiful and
valuable Map. and abould be posseased,by_er
ery family able to own in the countly. As
the Maps are to be made only f•r Subtcribers,
we bops no person will fail to secure one
while the opportunity presents itself.
D. A. Buehler, Dr. H. L. Baugher,
Dr. S. S. Schmucker, Prof. M. L. &hover,
Fahnestock Bro'a, 41 Dl.Juisobs;‘,
George Arnold : , Dr. C. F. Sehmffer,
A. D. Buehler, D. MoConaughy,
S. R. Russell, David Wills,
C. H. Buehler, G. Swope. 1
Pr. C. P. Krituth, Cubeen & Paxton, ' i
IL G. Harper, Rev. Jacob Ziegler, I
J. L. &thick, 11. J. Stable, %
Prof. Mulilenberg, Rev. G. P.VauWyck,
Danner & Ziegler, J. Huck,
R. G. MoCrestry Dr. D. Horner,
David MeCrenry, M. & W. McClean,
Ram R. Hill, John L. Hill,
Dr. 11. S. Huber.: • IFeb. 16, 1857.
dndersigned having purchased from
1 Wni. W. Paxton. Esq.. his entite Stook
of Goods, will continue the business at thi old
stand, in Charnhersburg btreet, a few doors
west of the diamond, under the firm of B NG
MAN & AUG HINBACGII, and solicit the
patronage of their friends and the public won
entity. We have made arrangetuebts largely
to increaseour stock of
11114, Cape, 11 , 0 , 1 r and Anes,
and will alway s keep on hand a full assortment
of all kinis, suitable to the season, which will
be 801 d at the lowest possible priees. Hoping.
by strict attention to business, to merit a lib
eral patronage, a e invite ail needing anything
in our line to call and examine our goods be
fore purchasing elsewhere,
Gettysburg, Jan. 12, 1657.—ff
St:stiffer 11,: 'Marley.
Cheap Wilkhes and Jesrviry,
• lUTIOLRSA LE and Retail, at the Philadel
phia Watch and Jewelry Store, No. 9tl
Ntirth Second street, corner of - Qua:l-y, Phila
Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 carat
cases, $2B 00: Gold Lepinca. 10 carat. 324 00:
Silver Levers, full jeweled, $l2 00; Silver Le
pine,. jewels. $9 00 superior Quartiers, 17 00
Gold Spectacles, $ 700; fine Silver do. $1 50;
Gold Bracelets. $3 00: Ladies' Gold Pencil,.
$1 00: Silver Teas Spoons, set. $5 00: Gold
Pena, with pencil and silver holder. /1 00:
Gold Finger Rings, 37i cents to SRO; Watch
Glasses, pion, 12i cents; patent 181; Lunet
25; other -articles in proportion. All goods
warranted to be what they are sold for.
On band, some gold and silver Levers and
Lepines. still lower than the above prices.
Oct. V), 1838. ly
Snmuei M. Mecutehen,
Mai- IVrigki and Burr Mia Stowe Minutiae-
QOLE Proprietor of Joetersox's higtoty "p
-ia proved and much improved Saw? f tse
Soexextem MAcimen ; improved tunx omi9Avi
BitAx Dunce, Ins ramttux aemputels Po* siq.-
Re.ridence: NO. 84 pew &met, (18th
Wind.) scloress.Kensitraton Poet Office.
$.l/31 1 3 FILTDOcii. Street. below !lent,
Ceeetia) ;11111 Stones. Mill bits. Smut Ad-
chines, Pateat Beaky Portable
Iltretobed BeWeir,. Co
, meat and &roes Wtrai
Won Memo „
Manth ) 2 ? 18". LL:I , •
elfinalleßV ILNSlOretkviretYrogrieti nig
siza.;al-.Nstmly.. toivatniatuianp
satiftsfn "7 1 ,-. Iv; "it" •
Do You Wish Bargains,
Ir so, 00 TO
Comet of tie Diamond and Baltimore evert.
L.Sr HICK has just r e• urn(' 1 ft- ,ra Phil:i
-ll • dolphin with a full and ,rt
ment rrf Sprinz Goods, eonsistin e• lilac-I:and
Fancy colored Cloths and l'assitntres, of all
styles and patterns ; also Satinetts, Jesus,
Cottouades and Linen Goods, for Men's wear;
and Satin, Silk, and Marseilles ve-ting; also,
Suspenders,Crarats, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery,
and Gloves, at prieetak, Inuit the time.—which
gentlemea wishing ecnnpleto outfit, would
do very well to examine.
•Foa TUX LADIES.-4ust received a sitperior
assortment of Black Silk., which will be sold
low ; also, 'Bore, o do Laines, Gingham.,
Brilliants, CaliiNte., Iripb, Linen 4, Swigs, Itook
and Cambric liiglinit,l)ot;ed Swiss anti Plaid
Mitglins, Riblxmo, Collars, Dress
Trimmings• fur varie'ty, ex.
cellence and cheapnetios t.l - a - nuut be aufliussed
in this market.
staritoeolleet, that although there is a
great rail) to Schirk's fur Trtr;., , ainii, all can he
aooominodatrd. Nu trouble t.) show Goods.
Therefore call in, and examine the largest,
richest and cheapest stock you eyeriaid your
eyes on.
Gettyrburg, April 13, 187,7. .
Attention, One and Ail!
Gl7 E.l7' SII O-1 1: 1
CIANILTEL WEAVER. haring prni(l him
k.7 self with an entire new end coati pa
ntos, is now prepared to Cornish
Ambrotypes mid Daguerreotypes.
in every style of the art, which he will 'war
rant to give entire satisfaction. Hie long ex
perience and superior apparatus give him
advantages seldom furnished by Daguerrean
establishments out of the city. Ile has %large
number of spsciniens at his Gallery, to Cham
bersburg street, v, h:ch the public are request
ed to call and examine.
rj'•Charges from 50 cents to $lO. Hours
of operating from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Gold
Lockets, Breal.apins, suitable for miniatures,
always on hand, at the very lowest prices.
rllltuldren will not be taken for less than
$1 00. • •
[I7AIIIIIIOTYPESAaken from ono dollar
and upwards. and in the best style.
Dec. 22. 185 G. if
New • Goodp--New Firm,
GHOW; It A It N OLD a, CO. have just revels
ed from Philadelphia a handiotns assort
ment of Goods, suitable for the Season. - Our
stock of
Ready : Nada- Clothing, '
and All in thal is extensive. Cheep
Cloths, C res. allsm ere tts, Drap Tletate,
Linens, Ycatin ,Drillings, &c.. ire. Call and
see us. If we notplease you in a garment
ready-made, we have our Tailors constantly
cutting out and tusking up, and can Make you ,
a garment upon short notice, and in' the yeti
best manner. Our jprices.cannut
Give ds March .1, '47,
P. S.-4 kale given Mr. J. C Ininn an in
terest expressly fur the
the purpose Wing up
my old business. I have now been operating
37 yeanuml have net it now determined
to settloulip my nem generally. Those
therefore who are islle l / 4 1,ted to me, either by
fond, Note or Book scumnt, will please call
and pay. the same. ' GEO. iItNOLU.
March 30, 1837. tf
Now KOK, Time
NOW is the only time to make very pretty
and cheap stlectiour of Spring and Suut•
mer Hoods. I tell you the truth is, that jf
you want cheap and pretty Goods. to watt
the north west comer of the Diatnoud—the
only place to get them. - Also. iteAdy-ittad•
ClutAitto'cotustantly on hand. All goods cut
dire or nivirtle.. Call and set Wore purchas•
inielsewhen,. at the Cheap Store of
April G. • • JOHN lIGkE.
Reinweats. 7
TrIE undersigned. being thi , authorir4per
ium to ninke roitovals into Ever Grtsm
Cemetery. hopes that mach as contemplate the
it ,
remoVal of the remains of decea. d relatives
(wrait's. will • avail theinsolves this season
of the ,year to have it done. ,/ is terms arc
moderate, and every , efrort is male to please.
Ketp,:r (tithe Cemetery.
February S r Bs7.
Gettribttrg Fonndr'.
FIIHI undersigned, having entered into part
nership to carry on the Foundry business
under the Run of WARREN I SONS, hereby
mike known to the eitisens of
pyeparedAdauts and a
joining counties, that we arc to
everytthing in our line of bustness. lso lave
constantly on hand, the
Hathaway and other Cooking Stoves,
the Parlor Air-Tight and Ten-plate Stoves, of
various sty leakaand sizes; Pots, Kettles and
Pang, and all Iron Cooking Utensils,
Waffle !runs, ‘lachincs, MN-plates,
Boot-scraper listings fin- Mills and
other Machi tin CAsriNus, of every
description, wake the Seylar, Block
er, and different kinds of Withervw Ploughs.
We have also got different patterns of
Fenclnz and Railing,
for Cemeteries, Yards and Porches, which
can't be beat for beauty and cheapness.
1J All the above articles will be sold cheap
for cash or country prodtice.
77131acksmithing still continued.
BRASS CASTLFitiS and everything in our
line made to order. •
Rhortest notice. Being 3loulders ourselves,
we will do our work RIGHT.
Gettysburg, May 14. 18.5. tf
Diamond Tonsor. :
TOTIN W.C' TIPTON, liuhiffivible Barber
10 midi/air firmler, can at all times be found
prepared to attend to the calls of the people. at
the Temple, in the Diamond, adjoining the
'aunty Building. From lung experience, he
flatters himself that he can go through all the
ramifications of the Tonsorial Department
witib such. an infinite degree of skill, as will
met with the entire a/aisle:Lion of all who Imlay
Submit their chins to the keen ordeal of his ra
zors. tie hopes, therefore, that by his atten
tion to business, and a desire to please, he will
merit as well as receive. a liberal share of pub
lic patronage. The sick will be attended to at
lbw private dwellings.
Wiettrsburg. Jan. 8, 1b55. tf
Hoffie-vivide Shoes
,LLW AYS on, band and tnade to order by
II the best of workmen, at Cobean & Paz
ton's cheap Rat. Cap, Boot and Sbce Store.
March 16, 1857
Ouoqraehantia Hotel,
Opposite Calvert iiitatlea, Baltimore, Md.
gni i onderaigned having teased the Idiom
Hotel and put it in complete order, is pre
pared to foommnotkts his, fliedidi and the
travelling' public. I'he proprietor will •he
*leased to see his old frierxis,
and promises to
scat stay comßataldeand astisiepto7,.
Baapge taken to std from Calvert Nation
free of charge.
JOHN BA RR, ( formerli i'eurgro,,)
JalrO, 113/14. tf •IP tat aback',
FloatOfer @Mei
onM r i k rodurfei oUPtipr, ta n at
I X 0 X, Eche bss inadrartangn•
manta te t base al#s>Qt the taile,**4o
agiA itOnLs:*** I **
4 1 1&" •
IMea, Ribbons, PaiquOsiind4ldasslL
bad very t tit per 7 - ,•
• . PAM' 0, OR •BR
IittrICIMS-Vi AR Cledas-st . sin" 'sham
watt, serHonstbirdd sold gwia Oa bad
11. •
Rover's Liquid flair Dye.-
TIIIS HAIR DYE needs only a trial' to sai
isfy all of its perfection as a Due, and the
following testituorual from that eminent. Anal
ytic Chemist, Professor Booth. of the U. S.
Mint, will only confirm what thousands have
previously b'rne testimony to.
"LAISOKATOar FOR NW-41(2AL crtextrear,
Philadelphia, Feb. 17th,1857.
"Being well =painted with the substances
composing floc-r's Liquid Hair D ye, I rn sAt
!stied that by following the simple directions
given for its use, it w•il: not injure the flair or
Shin, but will give a ;Altura: and durable caur
to the
JA, C. Bonny, Anrtlriti, Chemist."
Ho+'•'r'a Fluid. and florcr's Indelible /mks. are
too well known and introduced to require any
additional testimony of their character. The
sales have been increasing since their first in
tnaluction, giving evidence that the articles
truly possess that intrinsic merit claimed at
first for them by the Manufacturer.
Orders, addressed to the Manufactory. No.
416 R 10E street above FOURTH. (old No.
145.) Philadelphia, will receive prompt atten
tion by
JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer.
April 13,1657. ly
Osage Orange Premium Hedge,
.I•HE undersigned having made Hedging his
exclusive business, is now prepared; with
his extensive facilities, to do any amount of
4./ &
on the most reasonable terms, in any part of
Pennsylvania, 'New York. New Jersey, Deta
il/rare, Maryland, and Viiginta. The) - Osage
Orange is beautiful. ornamental, and protec
tive, proof against stock, high winds, back
eater. dc.
I will furnish Plints. Plant and Trim until
the Hedge will turn all kinds of farm stock, at
Om 81 to $1 5.t per rud, one-third to beipsid
when planted, and the balance %%lien it f de
clared a good fence by diNinterested peisnas.—
Those getting the Hedging done, are recwred
to prepare the ground Ly d. dl, ploughina and
cultivate the hedge row as directed.
Hedges set and Plants furnished at filial 50
to 6 ) cents per rodipayment to be made' l when
the fledge is set.
6:7PLANTg at Wholesale and Retai,
livered at the Railroad Station at this
securely boxed, as follows:
When 5.),000 arc ordered order.s4,so
per thousand for No. 1-14.011 for Nj. 2 ;
5.000'.in one order $5,00 for No. 1—5.440 for
No. 2 Less the n . 5,00U in one order 86,00 fur
No. 1-35,00, fur 2.
SEED. fre , th and of the hest quailed, et
Wholesale and Itetail, at tnarket prices.
• The value of the ()says Orange for II ging
is now settled. -Its success, with proper ann
sgerseot.isbeponddoubt. Nature Will tie IlltS
work:in nista z.g it an impervious Budge,
in.ito 09.192t:e.
FIEFSIIENCIti —ll.m James O') n. Tre.tdan
afirente State Aarimittural' Snclet Gen C 0... M
Ps ; fuliin Rum. MIV y;
ertown, Pa •
eiorr, Cashier jolt Bank, re ; lbm. V. nu !lig;
&tutor from l'eungylvattle; Ilea K. C Phil
Ye ; Gen. Wm Bell, l'attetsus, ;11m. A. Itokk
revasbu rig. Ps.
Dec. 15, '5O. .M Veytotoo, .if gi l l in ei
‘ MCg'CAI.
luoitirrsnce Ctimpany
CAPITAL $139,588 -effects incur*
any part of the Suite, against lowa'
prudently adapts itef operations to its.
ors : affords ample indemnity, and p
adjusts its tomes , .
Adams county is represented' in the
of Managers by [lon. Mosso l'ilit'LaAm.
WM. AIet,LEA N. A ,
°Mos le m. & W. ficele&o. u.tt7
May ... ;261656. •
/ RENIOV A lit .
TIE undersigned reapectfully inform
friends awl t h e public in general. the
have commenced the Cabinet and Chair n
lopiiness. in lialtimnre street. near J.
where they will manufacture all kinds
of. FU ItNITURE. such as Ih-essine"
anal Comulon 'flue-elms. Tables' of vit. iz, -
rious descriptions, Iledsteadß. Wahl
Stands. and every other article hi their
'ILL 01% the best workmanship and gm
tcrials, which will enable them to w
their work. _ A Igo, every variety of ell
COFrIKS Math: at short notice, and
various atylem. •
House Painting and Papering Allen
and done in the beat manner.
Their prices will be tot low Its he low'
all who way patronize them will 4cknot
o — Lumber and country produce to
exebange for work.
NORBECK 3 nEti.thy
Gettysburg. Feb. 23, 1r57. ly
- - -
New Family Grocery
F.. if. 11PiN1rAl
informs the citt tta of
IL , Gettysburg and the public gel rally.
that he lia.ssipeued a new
Grocery and Confectionary Stoic, "
on'ibe Northwest corner of the rnr
merly occupied by A. B Kort.z, where t
have constantly on hind a dtoice va ty of
GROCER I ES, Ckr.s;FECTIt )N Ali lES and
CEDAR WARE, and everything in- h line.
Every article that the Eastern Mat kit n af
ford hill be kept on hand or supplied t the
shortest notice. A share of public pat nage
is respectfully solicited.
All kinds of country produce takenn
change for Goods.
February 23, 1857. tf
The World'J Greet .E.rhibihnn Prize ANIal I
AW ARD 1 , 1 D 11) C. 'MEI' It.
For his Two Pialios, London, Oct. 10, 'lB5l.
constantly on hand PIANOS equal to Ziisic
for which he received the Prize Medal in tOn
don': in 1851. I
All orders promptly attended to. and great
care taken in the selection and packing otithe
urns. has received during the 44 1.5
yearn, more Medals than any other maker. /OM
the Franklin Institute : also First Premiams
at Irloatdh, and Premiums at New York and
Wareroorns removed from 52 8. Fonrth
180 ARCH street, below .Eighth, south tide,
Philadelphia. -
March 16, 1857. 3ot
James Brown's
rrli E FIRST Bove of the Rational Bysttn of
.11. Engli.h C.ralomer. 25 ctj.
Toe Slow) ikwm of the Rational Sysion
of English Gram:oar, designed tot-wich Ake
promm of Analysing tho lingiPdt - Langnar
wig; sound judgment ; end the art of using it
with grammatical propriety. 31 c
These works are now used in the Pudic
Schools in the First School District of P
Sys Tna Tmao.Root of the Rational Sys of
Engli4i Great:tar, designed to enabi
learns? to bosinesis most thoroeghly '
with the enure and use of the PeniosniOri,
add fitsY lee' tesd' by "him either in or opt of
seitowli , • • : '5O eta,
1 . llsown'iCinyoustp*Rnment. i This k
setpuide.the ell Grepintsis, eiposei t 1
feats, deurenatrates the little use of et:e
t 0111501131 sad present* to the Tauber *astir
erring and Poly -way Is the Nfritenamir pt 44
Engliell i awr ' •371 1 cts. •1
- Fel- sale- - area Gums, 118 ARCH
Street' • r ia,l_, 1-..1 . ' -- h . ,. i 4r• - . 4
Iliseat fa "- Bai "•, • 1 . .- , =.- r-,
StONBATS. RalikewoCkero t ili_ is*
asearosew sr 4uutvg,'B.
Health or Sielpires?
Il[olloway's Pillit.—The blood furnishes
the material of every holm, muscle. glebe, ,
and fibre in the human frame. WIWI pare, it
secures health to every .organ ; when corrupt,
it necessariiy produeett disease. llow.nwsv'si
Ptt.t.s operate directly upOn the eletnents of the
stream of life, neutralizing the principle of die:
ease, aid thus radically curing the malady,
%holier located in the nerves, the stomach,
the liver, the bowels, the muscles, the skin, the
brain, or any other part of the system.
Used Threnvhout the World !
11ot.t.ow PILLS arc equally efficacifiwt I
complaints common to the whole human ra
and in disorders peculiar to certain climate ,
and localities.
Alarming Digonlers
Dyspepsia, and derangement of the liver,
the source of infirmity and suffering, and the
cause of innumerable deatha, yield to thee
curatives in all cares, however aggravated,
acting as a mild purgative iterative and ion
ic: they relieve the bowelitc\prify the &this,
and invigorate the system and the censtatation
at the same time.
General Weaknerf--.Verrons Complaints.
When all stimulants fail, the renovating
and bracing properties of these Pills give firm
neis to the shaking nerves and enTeebicd mus
cles of the victim of - general debility.
In easel of the fracture•of bones, inju
ries caused by steam explosions, Bruises,
Burns, Scalds, Ithetustbim, Stiffness of the
Joints, and contraction of the sinews, it is em
ployed and warmly recommended by the fac
ulty. This marrelotli remedy has been intro
duced by its inventor in person into all the
leading Hospitals of uropeolnd no. private
household should be without it.
nu/oaf:W. Thointony.
The 11edical Staff of the French end English
Armies in the Crimea have officially signed
:heir approval of Holloway's Ointment, as the
Inost reliable 'ar:ming for sabre cuts, stabs,
and gcn-wonnds. It is also used by the sur
gpons of the Allied Navies. ~
//..fir lie Uinltutui and Pill* should be used in
Me rillme(h.g eases:
nyninnii rileumnthuri 84,re Throntx
Kum. Ringvorrn Sores of all kind*
CClapped!!lndsrialt Rheum Epraito 'l`f ,
( 5,A1 , 1.1 Fettr.bmits
, .
F,.tola Pk In Olorewees - Toner
I iont Se died 1:101.144 r Iron.
Luuutrigo FA., 1.,4,6 Venereal gorve
> Kruptidn4Sory Itr r Ilt.ll W 1.111.6 of ..11 lit inde
Vile. sore Ile.ulf
• • •Sold at the Manufactories of ProMisor
80 Maiden Lane, New York. and
241 Strand, London, by all respectable Drog
gists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the
United States and the civilized world, in pots,
at 2; cents, fi24 cents. and Fl each.
Tr7"There is a considerable saving by taking
the larger sizes.
N. B —Directions for the guidance of pa
tients in every disorder are afhsed to tach pot.
7Cauljoin !—None are genuine tailless
the wordm"ll,/onantrs..\*;-/n 1 i,r i, and 1,11,14.4,"
arc di‘ca.rnAble ato a av , e , .?-noark in every leaf
of the book of directions around each pot or
box ; the *same may be plainly been byehol4l
- inY "le 1 ..41 t , liar /rub/. A liandannie tuatara:
willhe given to any ofiereiniering, such tufOr
'nation as may lend to the dcteetion of any
party -or Isortiea counterkiting the medielues
or venting tLe same,_ knowing them to be
Sept. 1, 1850. cowly
an lAA
i 8
Joint Stock. Association.
on in
Ecleasire Sale of B. ',of cal
ari,.:).000 GIFTS.cI
40 be iwarth4 by the Aratociatiim as soon
ilas 20,000 Engravings are sokl!
rt o rtitiliectit (iifts anti N'uluable Pro
perty for Distribution :
1 Fann, 40 acres, more or least, vrith
• large two story Houiu, part atone
no.l part frame, with Ktoile back
building. and memory out-build
and S the, eon erected,
with water power ftlinust. any
purpose, situate in irvytluiii' h p •
inia county. l'a . 3,000 00
I noose and lot in C;ettymburg, 1.500 00
1 ibat-lut., near WWII, 5 acrus, '7OO 01.1
1 'l'o n-lot in Gen) at.tirg, 000 00
1 do do 3uo tto
1 Tract of land, 3tl acres • • 1,000. 00
1 do 20 •• • 600 00
3 splendid Carriages. $.200 each, 400 (N)
1 Jenny Lind liockaw ay, - 200 00
Lliitzgies.*7s cdch, -150 00
2 Gold IVetchca,extra 110c,5125 250 - 00
1 "do do 100 100 AN
2 do do " •90 1130.00
IT do do .60 1,V20 00
I the
St, AS
11 ;11
15 /maks' Gold Watches,. 65 073 00
10 -do du -,60 G 4.0 110
20 Silver Watches, -, Z 0 600 00
22, do do - . 20 440 00
6( do .do . 25 125 00
10 Oil Plintingt, 10 100 1/0
20 paie•Guld is;;lr
5 do du
20 gold l'cns,
25 g.,141 linger Rings,
20 gold Breast Pin+.
340 i Aviles of gold gilt, , —2,505 00
1 ( r pin Drill. . . .. 60 (.4)
8 lathaway Cook Stoves. 5,5 440 00
10 Green Mountain Fixtl Coital', 1 , 0 00
10 Ploughs, $l2 50. i , 125 00
2 eztni Saddle's, 5.37 50. 75 00 •
2 setssilver. mounted narrow, .40 80 110
8408 Books otAtiquette, 500 r
NI ,
1 Port F01i0,5 00 '
. -
I Rifle, - - { - ' 20 00
1 IV ontler of the TV,4ldi 2 50
3 Adventures ors Country lilerehayt, 7 50 _
5 Life hid with Christ. 2$ (10
2367 Family Receipt Rooks, • 92 00
1 Silk )ress, . 30 OW
3000 Port Monnnis. . 1/45 00
2481 Lithographic Prints, ,-..- 445 00
!I" . l'ericma,wishlng to become Aka reholders
in the above Property, eati do to Si forward
ing ONE DOLLAR. on receipt whereof WO
will send them en Engraving and certificate.
which will entitle the holder thereof to one of
the Gifts. As soon as the Erignotings are,ell
sold, noti.e will be given! to the hbahhoideri ,
and a Convention held in Gettysburg, when a
Committee will ho chosen, to whom the Pro
perty will be delivered, to be distributed
among the Shareholders. From the growing
popularity of these Joint Stock Associations,
it is confidently believed •that the property
may be distributed smoag the Shareholders
ins few months.
orders for Engravings and petal
caws, by mail, should be Ik'ddressed to
Gettysburg, Adams amity, Penn's.
A omyrs WA 11/4-TAD,
In every town and Tillage in the United
States, to sell Engravings, to whom a literal
commission will be given. 11:7'Att 'West of'
inquiry, accompanied by s postage sunup, in it
be promptly answered. )
Gettysburg. February 2, 1847.
- - •
Flour ! Fleur t '
rlVE9inderairaed continua* the Piper law&
Jt. anis asteretofore.' na "Ma MANI bar r el
or any smallei quanta :' By .taking 10 1 -4"
paorrtala catebuy as 'lt'l V ail' es low as
t i t
aitytiody else, and by al yak wtHiesworing to
keep none but the best, he hors towyetit and
receive a continuance of lititnt loottron
e r
At ase tirko..
Oct. 8, 1855
-.2_4u 50 (11)
2 /0.00
2 40 tio
2 50 00
2 40 Olt
20.000 00 v,
ft. , -,Attia:744