trim lb) kailhflows UPS larThe trial of Dam McKtm, for the A ralionoth l'unatire Beabliskunent murder of Dr. NORCROSS,- of liaessehn , We had occasion a few days since to calll ie tt a , near Alton*, Pa., has just closed at the furniture establishment of Mr. A. Ma - lat•Hollidaysburg. It, will be remern thiet.Nos.2o and - 31. North Gay street, between bared that a great sensation was caused FailsiSe sled Frederick, and in the course of al at the time of the perpetration of the tour of-inspectinn were both surprised and gratified at what we s a w. In truth, we found ; murder, and the race of the police °M eat What we had never before dreamed of, and j cers after the fugitive, and his cunning what probably few of our citizens know, that in avoiding them, gave a peculiar inter this is one of the largest furniture warehouses I est to the matter, besides the abhorrence in the United States. We very much doubt all felt at the murder. He was caught if there ie au, similar establishment near as at Long Pond, Luzerne counts', it will large, unless it is one where the workshops, i show-rooms, Ac., are all occupied in the same tbe remembered. At the trial he was building, which is not the case with this. fully identified, and the case made out Mr. Slathiot's Warehouse possesses several lagainst him. The juryrendered a ver other interesting and peculiar featured, be- ;diet of "guilty," and sentence of death sides the space it Gccupies, which we will no- yas pronounced against him.—The G ov ties in their respective order in the course of j err or has not yet named the day for the our description. The building, or rather the tion. two huildings, which are thrown together by 1 " the ,partitiun wall being removed, here a trout of upwards of 40 feet on Gay street, and extend back 170 feet to Frederick street. They are six stories high, and devoted mdely to show-rooms, except three small apart tnents, which are used as a finishing room, r upholstery shop, a nd a counting-room. The Lower story is on a level with Freder ick street. It is devoted solely to ordinary ehaniber bedsteads, kiteheu furniture, fire., of which there is an immense stock, corn rrising irrest many varieties of style and descrip tion The second floor, that on a level with Gay Street, oat/tains a great variety of furniture, Which is placed here, we believe, more as samples of styles and descriptions than for purposes of sato. Here are found fancy bed steads, tiefas, rocking chairs, wardrobes, ta bles, stands, tic., from the very finest destrlp tions tO ordinary cherry or maple furniture which the most economical housekeeper is al most compelled to possess. On the third fluor is a magnificent display Of parlor furniture, comprising splendid rose wood, walnut and mahogany: tete-a-tetes, so 11,st arm and parlor chairs, in coverings of richest brucistelle, plush and hair cloth ; also, every variety of eteger or 'what-nob," and some very handsome wardrobes, escritoires, buratto*, hat and umbrella rocks, .k.c. Some of these are of descriptions sufficient to grati fy the greatest lover of luxury and di- t iiay, while others rear the appearance of utility and durability, and are bell at prices more suitable to the purse of the man of moderate income. The fourth story contains an astonishing variety' of chamber furniture in setts, varying from $3O to $175. and of course from common to magniteent. We also found here a variety oreane seat chairs, rocking-chairs,washstands, tables, &c. In the sth story are all kinds of dining-room furniture, of varluus prices and styles, dis played, smug which are extension tables of every size, lounges, settees, dining-room chain, Lc. The Gth story is devoted exclusively to com mon Windsor chairs, rocking-chairs, sick-rouru chairs, kc., &c. One striking peculiarity of this establish ment is the facility with which any single piece of furniture contained in Bean be shown without disturbing any other piece. This af fordi the purchaser a fair-chance to examine all and select to suit his own taste or judg ment. And any one wishing to make pup- chases in this line, who could not be suited here, must certainly be must extremely fastid ious. Another advantage offered here is the fact that there are sufficient number of polite and obliging s sllft`ilUell to wait on all who way come in; and it is male the duty of these, too, to show the establislunent throughout to any who may call and express a desire to pass through it, even though they should nut be purchasers. This establishment is frequent ly visited by strangerl from Boston, New York and some. of whom are engaged in the same business, and all agree in pronouncing- it the in .st extensive as well as the best managed furniture warehouse in this country. We have already sail that no mantifactur ing is done in this building. Mr. M's. fur niture is niannfletured by his own employees, but in seseral different .hops. each undes the supervision of all excellent laird onupetent fore man. The relation he occupies to his work men is such that any piece of bad work may be thrown hack upon their hands, without de triment to his interests, and the result is that complaints are seldom heard of any article of furniture sent from this mammoth furnteire warehouse. Another great desideratum to the purcha ser is the I•iw price at which Mr. 3l.'s I ,, ftetia enables him to furnish any article in his line. In this respect the inducements he offers are fully-equal to those of any other cquipetitor either here or in other cities. And, again, Ildter — the purchasers Late eqneludecl their bargaining. they may repair to the spacious obearratnry, which eurinountip the building, anti enjoy a splendid view of the city. )'•The election fur a President and six Managers of the Hanover Branch Railroad Company. held 011 the 11th inst., resulted as Nesident—A. Eicrist.aranya. X tiviyerit— t[enry C. Scliri ver. Ja6oh Del- Intik George Itsigefinre, Dncid Worts, John Newman, Peter Flickinger. sfir-The George Law left Aspinwall on the evening of the 4th inst., with eight hundred passenger; and $1,700,- 000 in specie bound to New York. Three or four inches of snow fell on Monday night, near Ogdensburg, N. larThe lumber trade on the Susque hanna is said to bo now• very active. ~~~ti•S(e~ ~epo~•fs. Conesbiod trona the West Matti ewe , Tar k k Mir' or poplin Baltimore--Friday bast. Placir. per barrel, $$ 87 ® 7 00 Wheat, per bushel, 11 70 (0 1 95 Rye, 80t 95 ~, Corn, 77 83 .4 55 /0 58` Olever4e#4, " " 7 00 7 25 Ti :y " " 375400 Beef Cattle, per hula., 975 12 00 _nogg, a 850 925 ;Ixton, 20 31 00 9 4 00 y. per gallon. 34 Gesso, Peruvian, per ton, 62 00 • iisnover—Teursday /ad. hear, per bbL, from wagons, $6 37 De. " from Mures, 7 00 lrbiat, per bushel, . 1 65 0 1 65 41174' 85 0d.114 .._ • ill 'GM* " , ao airreneed, " , 600 y -11aKiik, " 'hair, pot toik - . • , • York—Priest Wag. . per biel., from Irogixis, - , $6 12 4 - If from states. 475 peetriad. 155 a 165 /35 . . , es 65 .... 47 a ' 650 c• ,e ' Miller, pre toa. • . 650 .TOn Flux Trim OM 2 50 8 50 sre better pre a ever to ex Paurroo, is ifs .:11441.. With Presser, rmd sn unte v hurgesimorianeett of letter and other may ireentred :6 =4: 1 44 4 sitit The trial of Mrs. Emma Augusta Cunningham, (claiming to be Mrs. Bur dell,) accused of the murder of Dr. Bur den, Dentist, of New York city, was be fore the Criminal Court of that city week before last. The mysterious man ner iu which-Dr. Burdell was murdered, created a profound sensation throughout the country, and is still fresh in the re collections ..of the people. There were those who believed Mrs. C. to be the guilty party in the transaction; but the case R-as not !wide out before the jury and the trial was brought to a close on Saturday evening week, by tri• .jury rendering, a verdict of "not guilty" against the accved. Mr. Eckel, impli cated with her in the murderous 'charge, was dischargod on his own recognizance in the sum ofBsooo to stand his trial.— As Mrs. C. has been cleated, it is not probable that the Commonwealth can sustain a case against Eckel. The trial commanded a great deal of - attention during its progress. Rt-arrested.—lth NCAST E R, May 12. D. B. tiondersmith, who was arrested some three years since charged with frauds on the Pension Bureau, but ab sconded, waa arrested here to-day and sent to Philadelphia in custody of Mar shal! Jenkins.' *-A suspected horse thief named Stitk- was shot dead in Washington vasty, Pa., last Friday night week, by arman named Clark. . *Col. Forney, it is said, has been offeted and declined the Liverpool eon- - ----.4 • ‘-:•- KO . . . . • Oath° ith inet., by the Rev. P. Schermer, Mr. JOHN If. Yr:COLECO tu,.Miu AMAN DA. LIEUEL. both of Adams county,' On the 13th ingt.,_by the Rev. M. Super, Dr. I VANDERSLOOT, of Abbottstown, to Mies ELIZABETH CROUSE, of \Vtlynes bore' Franklin county. y • .";! ; •, - i? I ! 4 - , ir• • Ne.. - .t tArb Chitin) Ilth inst., in ibis place. of Pneumo nia. Nrs. SAIIAII, wife of the late Quintin Arnitrong, aged about 58 years. Outhe 12th inst.. BARIiAIIA MICKLEY, of Fnuklin township, aged 69 years 4 mouths and 2 pace. Oldie Bth inst., Miss MARY Iit'ALLIS TEIt of Cumberland twp., aged 75 years 8 timaihs and 20 days. Oc the Rth in‘t:, in Adin county, ELIZA, conert of naniel Unger, aged 35 years 2 nutivitit 11.11.1 23 davq, °stile Fth Littlestown, Adams co., Fan A. J.INE, daughter of George Stonesi fcr, sged 2 vears 10 months and 22 days. ()lithe r,lth inst., at Littlestorni, Adams co., C1.„1,1A A N ETTA, daughter and only child, of Saimel Kamp, aged 8 months and days. lit York, nn Toes.lay morning, the sth inst., JOHN ROBERT. only eon of Franklin S. and Barbara Weiser, aged 4 years and 2 tunntis. On Tuesday la.9t, in Gettysburg, JESSE 11. !LANK, infant son of Daniel aDd Mar tha `Plank, awl I month and 8 (Capt. Oro Dollar & Seventy-five Cents, PAID IN ADVANCE, Wil Secure the It4ilar Visit of 'THE COMPILER," to tit . How of any Family in the County. ITS PERI:SAL WILL Albrd Instruction and Amusement 4 FOR FATIIERS, • 10THESS, BROTHERS AND SISTERS, OLD AND YOUNG, MALE AND FEMALE. Nojamily slo)uld be trithout the Compfler. 0fx.51,75 could be spent in no more prultable manner than by subscribing forthe "COMPILER," which will furnish yotwith all the news of the day, the nurkets, the marriages and the deaths oewrring in the community, with choice selections of literature, poetry, wit and hancr, and all that will go to make up a drat-rate Family Newspaper. Ad chiss the Editor and Proprietor, litit Y J. STABLY- May 18. TUE DAY IS FIXED. rrIIURSDAY next, the 21st inst., is the J. day fixed for the Distribution of Gifts at the Periodical Store of the undersigned. Those burgling Tickets in said Distribution will please and receive their gifts on the above dor. Those wishing to secure a splendid Gil must purchase their Engravings before Wednesday evening or early Thursday morn ill. As. the number to be distributed is litsited.immediate annliention slioeld be made, A. J. POTTEIIFIELD, Netai Lay 18, 1657. Hides & Tanner's Oil. 14)00 DRY FLINT ; 100 Ws. TANNER:SOIL. HIDESVo r sale by J. PALMER &CO, Market Street Wharf, Philadelphia, May 18, 1857. *1 T AMA and splendid assortment of Sam la mar Goods, oussisaing of Hata, Caps, &nu and Shoes, at COBEAN I PAXTON'S. LARGE lot of SUMMER CLOTILIVO, 21.' sailing at vary small props at COBEAN 1 PAXTON'S. .114 - KN's sad Boys' Beets, Shoes, Gaiter* sad Slippers, of all jr,imrs v sad at all pram% as cheap as the IsS Col4l"tilk'ALT.TON't A LAWS assortment of STRAW GOODS, ja_jast received, gad for sae at BIIXOILLN £ Accurnrsavants. - - DI ON NZ Itibbone , Parasols and Shawls, .IJ a• Tay Asap as ECOND 'rid of Spring Gondol Otis da, rio at Chip &ore et PAM litfrOONV. ARP ' Si TiloAa. Umbrellas. 101 I.) Ora* WNW I PAXTON 'S. • TIZIEUR LV23. THE LAST CHANCE! On Saturday, lie 30M of May iout, SALE Of VALUABLE CHESNUT AND LOCUST WILL be iiold at Public Side, on the premises, in Hamiltonban township, FIVE OR SIX VALUABLE TIMBER LOTS, lying on the road leading from Marshall's to the Cold Springs, and sidjoining lands of Daniel Mnasseldan, Abraham Scott, Elijah Seabrook~, and.others. Also, FIVE OR SIX other TIMBER LOTS, lying on the road from Myers' Mill, by Smith's Saw SEII, to the Cold Springs, adjoining lands of Jacob Boller, Wm. Culp and others. These Leta average from FIVE to TEN ACRES each, and are covered with prime young Lo cust and Chesnut Timber. equal to any in the Mountain. Persons wishing good Timber' Lots will do well to avail themselves of this opportunity to secure them. 104 - The sale will commence at 12 o'clock, 141., on the Lots lying on the road from Mar-, shall's to the Cold Springs, near the late resi- j dence of Elijah Seabroolos...-at which point I the undersigned will attend two days previous to the sale, to chew the Lots to any persons wishing to examine the aanie. sitty 18, 1857. to DESIRABLE FARM, At Private sae. Miff. Subscriber, intending to remove, of fers at Private Sole, HIS FARM. situate in Cumberland town.hip. Adams count'; near Marsh Creek, adjoining lands of Samuel Ca hoon, Wm. Douglas., heirs of George Toot, deeeased, and others, containing 156 ACRES. neat measure, with large proportion. of first rate Woodland and Meadow. The Farm i well watered, under god fencing and good cultivation. The improvemeute are a Two-story LOG H 1111 OUSE, A Large Stone Barn, Corn Crib, • Wagon Shed, Carriage Hou.e, Smokehouse, and other neoesnary out-buildings : a never failing well of excellent water: an Apple Orchard, with a variety of other Fruit Trees. imarl'ereous vrishing to view the prernisee, ,pre requested to call upoli the subscriber-, re- Aiding thereon. I'IIILIP REDING. /day IS, 18.57. zuct: zN smit.sovi AND . OiT Or SZAD)N F ARM RS, read this, and then come and buy. for we still here 6.A few mere left V' The subscriber takes this method of calling the attention of the pittdid in general L) that valuable piece of machinery, styled Hersh's Patent Hay Hoiiler and Hamra Excavator. Flaring the right of all Adams -county, ex. cept Conowago, Osfurd and 1110ao‘joy town ships, he will sell either machines or 'town ship rights. 11..0. CARR. mar Moo. at the same place, you can be air cotumoclated with as fine BUGGIES as can be got up in the State for the same navy—eon stantly kept en band. Repairing dune, neatly and cheeply, at short nqtice. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange fur work. Gettysburg, May IS, 107. Tim R FOROV.I L. Alex. Frazer, Wateh sad Clock-maker, rr Ag removed his shop to Carlisle street, b,l pw 11 AA's stirs, where he will always be happy in attend to the calla of cus tomers. Thankful for past favors, be hopes, by strict attention to business and &desire to please, to meritand receive the patronage of the public. Gettysburg, May 18, 1857. • 800 Doz. Knives trod 'Forks. HAvING just received of our own inivr tation, from England, a large and ex tensive assortment of Cutlery, we invite the i attention of those in want of any stz k le of Knives and Forks, Carvers, Nut Pies, to come and examine. We will sell at nob prices as will defy enmpetition. Also, a large assortment of Table Forks. which will be sold separately. Don't forget to examine the stock at FALINESTOCKS'. airConntry Merchants can be supplied at a small advance. May 18. Ladle., This Way t COBEAN & PAXTON hare Always...on hand a large and well selected stock of Ladies', Misses', and Children's/M6 SHOES, a tITIRS AND SLIP/MILS, of all kinds, and at all prices. Nu troupe to show Goods. May 18. Scythes! Scythes! Scythes! FAIINESTOCKS have reoeived the largest lot of SCYTIItS,Aver offered in the county. Thev torn r" illtriety of tnnkfr, including SILT kit S EEL BACKS, to which the at armers and others is invited, s*s that we will sell theta cheaper the (flay is. MT/Mg— To Railroad Contractors. 13ROPOS4L14 will be received for the eon- JL structson of* Railroad from Hanover, in York county, to Littltatown. in Adams coun ty, Pa., a distance of about *even miles. Proposals will Le received for the construc tion of the entire Road, also separate propos al fur the Grading. Bridging. dc;,.. of the en tire line, and of the several stet ona, and for the furnislaing o of the Iron. Tits. itc. • (I"Protllrs. specifications, &c., may be sern at the °Moe of the Company. in Littles town. from the 20th of May to the fit h of June. when the Contracts will be given out. Fur information address WM. McSIIEItRY. Gallestown,. Adams couniy, 'May 11, 1857. 4t RAILROAD NOTICE Pay rp: BY a resolution of the Board of Directors of the Littlestawn Kidtrued Cot:spawns notice is hereby given to the Stockholders that the FIRST INSTALMENT o each share of stock will be required to bo pkod in to'Ernasti Mrsts.Treasurer of the Com twiny, on or before dm 28gh Sly of May, and that hereafter on said date of each month the reg ular instalments will be due and pmyable.— l'aymeuts can also be made to any of the Di ' rector.. E. F. SIIOiIB, Seey. May 11, 1837. 3t Election. VOTICE, ia hereby giren to the Stockhold -1.1 era in the Gettysburg Water Compile!. that an Election for five Managers of said Company will be held at the house of George W. McClellan, in Gettysburg. on Saturday, tAe 6tA day or lime nest, between the }intim of 4 and 6 o'clock, I'. M. By order of the 864.14, S. R. RUSSELL, Sec'''. May 11, 1857. The Last Mane:. few more Leto Of prime C II V& tit NUT and LOOUST THUMB LAID, lb, tat& Apply to J. D. PAXTON'. May, 11, 1857. 6t, -IN'S sail Boys' SUIIiMBIRIA.TB of all i • to wtit••4lsllklr • Chip. Braid. 151401P . 5e Os& Wool ai all llt P , - 2 . otalkti p Kg . • 11110144.2 1' as Arrov OTIFIRLOIL ileaullaidies. Thimbles, La dies' 'sad Other Cobb. Bottoms. Rooks *ad Rpm irdauk Brushes. Lead Paseila, *dash st , NORSZOIES UM BM/AA Parasols and Tans"aiut be &ma, sal sad Asap. at SCHICK'S. DOWD= lust SHOT; theboat dat. • - r termi• se be bad at NOVIVOIM Chair & Furniture Establishment r ATIIIOT'S GAY ST. IVAREROOM,S, .Vu. '25 North Gay street, near Fayette, where are kept always on hand, or made to order, every Rte lei.{ Drench TETE-A-TETES, in Plush, Hair, Cloth or Broentelle. Fronc:ll Full Stuff and Medallion Parlor ARM CHAIRS, in Ukiah, Hair, Cloth or Broeutelle. French Pull Stuff Careeil PARLOR CHAIRS, in sets, with Plush, flair, Cluth yr Broentelle. SOFAS, half French Spring Mahogany, and Walnut Parlor CHAIRS, in Hair, Cloth or Pltt•h. J. D. P..iXTON ROCKING CHAlRS—various designs, is Hair, Cloth and Plush. Stuff Spring LOUIVES-0 large assort ment always on handMr any pattern made or cnrored with any goods to onier. CHAMBER SUITS—'n. Mahogany or Walnut. complete. from $34 up. CANE CHAIRS and Rocking do.—the largest assortment ready made in any one house in the United Sustoe--fruip $l2 a duo en up. Bar Room, Olfree and Dining CHAIRS, in Ook, Walnut tor Mahogany, with,rtuto. Wood or Stuffed Seats—an ausortment k osubracing over 50 dozen. Woo , ' seat CLIkIRS and SETTEES and Rocking Chnin—over 100 dozen. A. MATIIIOT, 25 Nnrtb Gay Street, near Fayette street. May 18, 1857. ly • WINGTMD, WHITE & SWOPE, Bonnets and Straw Goods, No. 4 North Howard street, up stairs, (opposite the Ikrward Übuse,) Ada* B. Witigerd,} .Am id S. While. BALTIMORE. M.D. JAR A. Swope. May 18, 18F. PHILADELP4ITA• Type &Stereotype Foundry. LJOHNSON & CO..inferm their friends • and Printers generally, that they are constantly making large additions to their as sortment of Book. Job and Ornamental letters, and will continue to add every do •ecription of type whir' the art may suggest, at require. Their assort or variety than env United States, and . tin lowest. Printing Presses, Ink, and erery artii of f ice, constantly on hl Stereotyping and description„ promptly Philadelphia, ay EXECUTOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. IN porstisoce of authority given iri the last will and testament of Joscrw Toe. issca. the elder, deceased. I will sell oa the pretuisetteom Titurstiuy, Me 11th duy of June next, at public ?endue or outcry. , A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Butler township. Adams county, Pa., lately in the occupancy of Frsocis McNutt, ro de ceased.4te The pperty is situate at the unc tion of the.puhlic roads leading from G ttya burg'to Carlisle and front York to Chats ro bots, about four miles from Gettysburg. It is bounded by land-r of Joseph Bayly, Jesse Bucher. Samuel Eicholts, Daniel Saltzgirer, John Qniekel. and others, and contains 242 ACRES, with the wine! allowance. The im provements are a large Two Story LOG II 0 U S li, I LOG BARN, Story , A One Log Home, an orchard, two wells of water near the buildings—Amy. eral fine springs of water upon the place. There is a hage proportion of fine Meadow, also of good Timber, and both so situated as to render a disvision )f the tract, (if desired) convenient. 17.3a1e to commence at 1 o'clock. P. when attendance will he given and terms made known by 11, ILLIAM L. MILLER. Ilata'deg Huentor of the hut *HI •nd testament of Ja mph Turnence t b elder, deceased. r7Persons dehirous of viewing the tract prevtena to the day of sale. are iequested to call upon Capt. Histiar residing near the same. - CO"Any information as to title. &c., can be obtained from M & W. McCt.s.tx, Esga., my Attorneys. regiding in Gettysburg. May 4, 1857. AARON CONSTANCE'S ESTATE.—Let tem of adutinistratitm on the estate of Aaron Conctance, late of the borough of Get tyslai g. Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same place, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make im mediate payment, and those having claims avuliat the same to present .hem properly au thenticated fur .settlement. J. B. IMN - NER, Adm'r. April 20. 1857. (%t ARY DEkRDORFF S ESTATIL—Iet -17.1. tens testamentary on the estate of Mary Deardorff'. widow, late of East Berlin, Adams county, deceawd. having heen granted to the undersigned. residing in Reading township. be hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to fund estate to make immediate payment. and thorw having claims against the Caine to pre sent them properly •authenticsted for settle ment. AD.151 JMtOWN. E.e'r. April 20. -1857. 6t 10 Per Cent. Interest. ANEW SAYINGS INSTITUTION.—IF you want to invest your money with certain return of good interest. and at the same time furnish to your faegrilies that which wit! be profitable and tseful- 7 -bicy all your Goods at Fahnestooks' Cheap Ste e. They have received, and are constantly adding every thing new and desirable to their stock. April 27, 1857. tf Removed to Rollover. FRANCIS J. WILSON, law of the Wash ingion Howie at Abbottstewu, has taken HERSHEY.'S OLD AND POPULAR STANK, in Hanover, where he will be happy to enter tain all who may patronise him. His Table Is applied with the best the market aidirr!.- den can afford, and his Bar with the choicest of liquors. His Stables ire commodious, esti Weeded by careful Ostlers. Give him a call. Too will sloop And Feenic. on the spot, ready and w Mos to peke everybody cow ;unable. (AO! 47, 1107. ALT: largo Hu of Salt clorUM - 1 - 4 Haring been poreltaact at t Asap rata. it trill be sold low*, don at any other Bw* in the county. $1.75 per sack. and warruntod to las • adparior article. OR ANGUS, Lemons. Clandk peke" Spices a tid soim kiwis, tine sma Ossp, Hair 011L'8. FLOrat & !SAD al**r oa baud at . I to TUE LARGEST In Baltimore WEIOLENALIC DNALERB IN HIV, SHOES, DAB, CAPS, Administrator's Notice. IF4ecotor's Notice. LIST OP MERIXRANTB ' : voiles QF INQUEST. . , NOTIC =• TO lirTCounty of Adams, returned N OTICE is hereby given to all the heirs TAX-PAYEB. ,271aan the ified 11 b ythe undersigned, Ap. -11 and Le g al reprommtatives of ABRAHAM ~NOTICE Is taweby given that the Comity praiser of Mercantile Taxes, in accordance : KITCHEN - late of lieading township. Adams 11 c onme i se i eeere w in ma ke so * L eh spud with the several Acts of Assembly, for the' county, deceased, to wit: John Kitchen, of fire per cope. upon all State and Monti re a r 1857-B—of goods, wares sad merehan:' Henry Kitchen, Edward Kitchen, Mary I taxes ~,,,,,,,,,it for year 1857 that Wall be dice: - 1 Kitchen, Esther intermarried with Isaac I paiti to Collectors on or before Wixineiner• Borough of G'citysbrerg. Bercaw, Hannah intermarried with William `the Ist cloy cS•Jwiy. Collectors will 101111 3*- Chi"- , "t•' Beroaw, now deceased, Margaret intermarried , quired to call on tax payers on or bean the Fahnertoek Brothers, V 2 2 00 with Isaac Patterson, now deceased, and lea- above date. and Make such abatement Iis:all George Arnold, 12 12 50 ; chael Kiteben ; also the children of Sarah 1 persons paying on or before said day, aid per Danner & Ziegler, 13 10 00' King, a deceased sister, to wit: ItAecca in-1 th e sa me t o the County Treasurer. sitherirlee J. L. Schick, 13 10 001 termarried with Samuel Vanorsdle,Sarah in- no abatement will be made. • . John Hoke, 13 10 00 : termarried with John Diehl, and Margaret Sy order of the Comtnisslonere. George Little, - 14 7 00; Bruiwn, Mary Jordan, and Stephen Kitchen J. M. WALTER, Okrk. Marcus Samson, _ 14 7 001—that May 11, 1857. td • A. D. Buehler, 14 7 001 Cobean & Beaton, 14 7 Of Daniel Plank, 14 --- 7 0 Ephraim Minnlgh, 14 7 f Philip Winters, 14 7 S. S. Forney, Agent. 14 7 Samuel Little, 14 William Gillespie, 14 Mtaa M. McClellan, 14 Miss 11. 'McCreary, 14 Jamb Norheck, 14 Alexander Freest', 14 Geo. Jaootie k Bro., 14 Jaoub Sheada, 14 Bringnian & Aughinhaugh, 14 A. J. Potterfield, 14 Cwaberiaml ip. 14 14 14 John Weikert, George Trustle, (mill,) Francis Bream. " Straws tp. Jacob King, 14 7 00 P. A. 31cors, ' . 14 700 Philip Hann, 14 7 00 Hugh King, 14 % ' TOO MearsUm fix Charles Elden, David Diviaey, J. & S. A. Burkholder, Josiah Penrome I CO., ALL. T. Wright, George Sinnigh, Joel Fisher, 0 House, • Overdeer, Jacob Sutler (p 4 Noah Miller, ICAlarani Stehle, Jacob Pall, John Hoover, Henry Hartsell, Samuel Faber, Agent. 2Vrene fp. George F. Bekeuroda„ Samuel Stoke, 1,, Hollinger ik Peters. 14 • Lslerly tp. G. N. ()raison 4 Bro., 14 Thentilion 10. Spangler 4 Bra,. 14 • 700 William Wulf. 14 7 00 Henry L. Miller, 14 700 J. B. Why, 14 . 700 John li t m - . 14 700 Wm. nee. 14 7 00 John lla bell, f , 14 700 Laiimereip. Henry B. Smith, • 14 700 . owa4jo . • John Yost, N y to. 7 00 John Reber*, Y 1 '1 00 , Beide?, 14 700 . Fraisklinip. • F. Lower, 14 7 00 'klark, 14 - 700 lam Soott, .34 .7 00 . 1 Mickley, 14 7 00 loulwilar,. 14 - - 7 00 M iciley..44 D., . 14 700 i B.,Wriggimm, ' ' 14 700. in L . Millet', ; 14 7 00. Chamberlain, 14 .7 00 %Masan. . - • 14 7 00 1 Isaac Byers, ' 14 700 Thomas Cooper, ' 14 700 C. 11. Carman, 14 \ 7 00 Jeremiah 'Wirt, . ' 14 , 7 00 • ' ilinstisgio* tp. Jacob A. Gardner, 12 12 50 1. F. thsidner, 13 10 00 Riley & Hollinger" 14 7 00 ~John Oardnar, • 14 700 James Magary, 14 700 Hasegiossban tp. Suliean & Rinehart, 13 .10 00 Paxton & Blythe, 'l3 10 00 Jacob Heiffiey, 14 , • 700 John C. Schartser, 14 ' '7 00 Mrs. Stably, 14 7 00 gr Wm. D. & A. & likwfasord tii. . 13 10 00 Mar 7 Ilesgy, 14 7 00 A. Staab, \ - t 14 ;7 00 Anthony 11...11krtin; ±,.. 14. 700 J. N. Smith & Co., 14 7 00 Edward Weigle, 14 — 7 00 Berwick tp. D. E. Hollinger 1 Grate, 14 7 00 iVni.lhivis. 14 7 00 Joseph R. Henry, • • 14 7 00 Rabic Binithal. 14 7 00 Miregietplatsam4 tp. John & E. Millory 14 - 7 00 Peter O'Neal. • 14 700 Jacob Gunman, , 14 700 Joseph J. Howler, . 14 7 00 Jiteob Sheely, 14 7 00 Jaoob liosaiitan, 14 . 700 Bodissi fp. Jacob Aulabsiogii, 13 Ephraim !Inward, 14 Act= S. Myers, 14 AuArew H. Miller, . 14 Conowarm tp -14 14 14 J.,hn Rushy, Reilr do Sneeringer, John Ginter, Lraion gp. Peter Long, 14 7'oo Abraham Self, 14 7 00 Win. Myers. 14 7 00 Abrahlim Slseely. 14 7 00 George Bair, (milt) 14 7 00 G Ephraim Myers, erseany fp. 13 10 00 E. F. & A. i3liorb, 13 10 00 Spalding k Bru., 13 10 00 Dr. Stonesifer, 14 7 00 George Houck, 14 7 00 Win. F. Crouse, 13 10 00' LICE( sg. David Rhodes, Freedom tp„ 10 $5O 00 NV In. 8. Jen kins,Cuttowaigo tp., 10 50 00 Dupla &units., " 10 50 00 Amull. NOTICE in hereby given to all persona in terestnd in the alma return of classifica tion, that I will hold an Appeal at the Cum missidhers' Office, in Gettysburg, on lisesday. the 91,1 day °flume nett, between the hours of 9 o'clock, A. M. and 3, P. M., when and where all persons that may consider them selves aggrieved - by said classification may attend. J. M. WALTER. ipprairsir al Moruditthe Taus Oar Maur meaty. May It. Ino. TO BRIDGE lIVILDEKS. SEA LED Proposals will be received at the office of the Ouunsisaioners of Adams county. until Notaday hie 261.4 inst., fur build ing a WOODEN BRIDOE. (without • root) across "Muddy Run." on the road leading from Gettysburg to Fairfield. aesr John Gellbsogh's. The bridp is is be one span, 33 foot in length: Rana sari apselicat:ons for the bridp oan be seen OM tbo day of let ting or by application to the Clerk of the Coo **simian. . GXOll6le - MTER9, p J 013411 Attest—J. )1. IN•Less. Cierk. • Xs: 11. 1ga7, . . . 1 1 / I lirtoknit. ...., Suns aithmliolia, 1 , WO, 18417. kw.Ull Pragisia sitillasseas of th is Trod- Alden itsagO As** a Okiiaad US PBS 11 4: =gat altar Uri 11 A . Csa, k, jes t May 11. 1857: St V . IV DRY.--A ft, assortowit Q Int. EL litteLLOW jest svesiied mid Illmr sale chair) .4 Brusgassi4diegkial6egiVii. FrOBACcO.—A aiGoto Just tse*ria l: it= • 111"iV AN INQUEST will be hald on the following property, to wit: A Mouse and Lot, Ilituatq in the town of nampton, Adams cent} - , known on. the general plan of said town of flamption as lot iNo. 35, fronting on Gettysburg street, un which is erected a one-and-a-half story frame Dwelling house, log Stable and a Shop, with otl►er.improvemeuts and appurtenances :also i one other Le, situate in said town, and known on said pled as No. 35, fronting on Gettys burg street ; also a Lo► of Ground, sitnato in Reading township. and county aforesaid, ad joining lands of Joseph &matter, Aim Mil ler, and others, containing Five Acres, mare or less—ass .ifunday, ate lot day of June next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., on .aid premises, to make part.itiun thereof, to and amongst tho heirs and legal representatives of said deceased, if the game will admit of partition, without pre. judice to or spoiling the whole thereof ; but if the same will not admit of .such partition, then to inquire how, many t.f said heirs it will conveniently accommodate—and part and divide the same to and arming' as many of them as the same will accommodate ; but if the wine will not admit of division at all without prejudice to or spoiling the whole thereof, thou to value and appraise the game, whole and undivided—whereof all persons interested are hereby notified. 7 00 7 00 7 00 111:SR1"11101AS, Sherira Office, Gettypolurg, May 11, 1857. ttl SHERI PI:A LTY. MO the Voters of Adams county : Encons- I aged by numerous friends. I offer myself as a candidate for the office of SHERIF? at the neat electidn. (subject to the decision of the Democratic Cdunty'Convention.) Should Ibe notainate4 and elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the office with prompt- ness strui fidelity. ISAAC LIGIITNER. • Mountjoy tp., April 6, 1857. 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 T 00 7 00 7 00 SHERIFFALTY. 7 00 FELLOW -CITIZENS of Adams county I offer myself as a candidate for the office of SHERIFF at the October election, (subject to the Democratic nomination.) IL I should be so lucky as to be nominated and be elect ed. I shall pledge myself to discharte the du ties of said office with sobriety and fidelity. SA M UEL SPANGLER. Mountplessant tp., April 20, 1857. SH ERIFFALTY. /PO the Voters of Adams county : Encoursg. ed by numerous friends. I offer myself as • candidate for the office or SHERIFF at the next election. (imbject to the American Repub lican County Convention.) Should Ibe elect ed. I pledge myself to 'ditteltarge the ditties of the office with prumptnesiv and fidelity. ISAAC LEEPEII. Cumberland twp.,Aluil 13, 1857. nES PECTF (3 LLY calls the attention Of It Capitalists and those having looney to invest, to their - BONDS. now being Issued, Tbe length of their Road, now under contract. is 161 miles, the grading and masonry of which is more than two-thirds finished, and rapidly pragressing towa d completion. By . a resolution of the Board of Directors, a MM. gage of-the entire road from Hanover to got. ItEGISTER & RECORDER. tysburgand also of the unfinished work of /(\O the Independent Voters of Adams co.— the Pepasylvama Extension. from Gettyabnrp to the.3lary land line. beyond ‘Vsynesboro .; 1.. Fellow Cuts:ens :—The undersigned offers' w ill - i n , i ?e,. days b„ l „, i.e d In G omm himself to your consideration as ll candidate sem*: Esq., as Tiustee, for the security of for the olio° of Register and Recorder of ,mo o b on d h o ld ers . Adams County, (subject to the decision of the Ab e Bends will be issued in minis of 1100 Democratic Convention. 1 and resPoctfarlY s ** and 11500 each, hearing & per cent. interest s Itents'your support end suffrages. Should Ibe . with coupons attached, payable senii-sonuslly. Dammam and elect e d, my endeavours shall li They.3l6tainly will loin, a very safe and deli, be to discharge the duties of the office with fil , 1 rabic investment, as the Bonds will' be ties delay and iuipertiality, 1 , fronifteiation, and yield interest payablssend- JOHN L. GUSERNATOR. L , annually, et 6 per cent. per annum. Perms. Coflowege tp.. April 27, 1857. '.. tithing tolubscribe for them, can do so by Bing, on the President, Secretary or Treats. REGISTER ac RECORDER. f the Company, or any of its Managers. WO the Voters of AXimi Count Fellow eta any of whom they will find lbw wadi. 1 citizens: Being encouraged by nuiner- i tio - reTrif stile. R. ZiIcCURDY, President. . ous friends. I offer myself tn your consideration : DAVID Wrm.s. &Trelary. as a candidate for the office of Itegister and! JNo. H. McCi.v.t.AN, 25-cancrer. Recorder at the next election, (subject to the : bl a mh , ls, 1857 action of theDemocretic County Convention.) And should I receive the n)inination and be eleeted.l shall duly appreciate your confidence, and proinise to discharge the duties of the oleos proaiptly and with fidelity. Your obedi ft. servant ZACHARIAII :►MYERS. Tyrone tp., April 27, 18.57. • TO THE FARMERS! lanny'a Combined Reaping and Mowing Machine, wiTri WOOD'S IMP!? OVEMENT. THZ undersigned, having been appoin'ed Agent for the sale of Nanny's Cembined Respigg and. Mowing Machine with Wood's Imprinevit, for Adams county, offers them to the public, believing them to be the best combined machines in use. They have been auccestfully introduced into different parts of our State and have rendered general eatiafac don. It received a silver modal at the State Fair last fall: also drew the first premiums at York, Cumberland. Centre. Huntingdon, &e., counties, where it was exhibited. Fariner needing a Reaping and Mowing Machine will please call upon the undersigned before pur chasing, as he always takes great pleasure in exhibiting these Machines. Ile has one set up at 'Pate's Hotel, where it can be seen.— fariy orders are solicited as the number re ceived horn the manufacturer wil! be in pro• portion to the. demand. SAMUEL HERBST, Cloutbersbarg at., Gcll yrburg. April 27, 1857. 3m 10 00 7 00 7 00 ' 7 00 • 700 7 00 7 00 Bonnets! Bonnet% 1k419E1 McCREAKY has just returned from the city with a new and beautiful assort ment of EDIINZI3 7'.L171(;7 33 OM, of the most fkahionablc styles, which she in vites the lodic* to call and examine, confident that they will be pleased with her selections. Miss McCreary will carryon the. MILLI NERY business. in all ita btanches, and hopes by her superior work and resconable to nierit the patronage of her friends. Gottysburg, April 20, 1857. 3m ring; aeoond account of Or. Jonat Ant, Corn m of the person and estate of Gnome BITTINGSI, • Lunatic, now of Doter. York county, Pa., has been Bled in the Court of Common Pleas of Admire:minty, alai will be continued by the said Court, on the MA day of .Way next, unless cause be shows to the Contrary. JbliN PICKING, Proiley. Prot 's °See. Getty*. burg, April 27, 1857. 4t f Bring:win & Aughinbaugh, STILL 4.1111.4 D! XVI are just receiving a sew lot qt V V "Eats, Caps, Hoof" & tamest ki —Ol the very latest Spring styles. spar inteed selling at small profits, Call and see thew before purchasing elsewhere: Beaseur ber the place. Paxton's old stand. Chambers burg street. March 23. VITAL111)10 CA N 1.21, rewleteen, of vs- Y V Moss kiwis, jest reoeleod br of 2110 itattsgh. ILVi -wA.llae lot, of Silver NUNN Juki- Savor forks, ow low ea oity plisse now 4o be bad at SCHICK'S. Qin *warm dill . sil retedy. . ./ ISWICLRY StATIONE7 WI lief and the bet stock this"plsos. Vide &tub, it, for YOGraavolt-AV lkir MSS' and Cbilarolted iv.r aim id Teo BOOBS 4** view, • Notice. IR A NEW STOCK Of BOOTS AND SHOW, Al the Old Stemi in West Cho mbersborglifrod. rrIlE undersigned has just purchased. wall 1. selected StOck of Goode, and invitka Lbs attention of the ptiblic to his fins assortatiiint al Gentlemen's, Ladies'. and Chil dren's BOOTS AND SHOES Tbese Goods have been selected with a view to meet the tsrious wants! rad necessities ofcustoniera. Also, a spienditi sortment of Plain and Pane% GAITBAS SLI PP P.RS, of all sizes Ond descliptienk, dads of very best materials, which ha ta sell en as favorable terms as they ciTIV to Itad at any place in the County. Having loot engaged in the 'hue businvss fat 30 years:be flatters himself that he has selected such Goods as 'will give entire satisfaction Is all who may Wish to purchase. Call sod es.iimisss for yourselves. Boots. Shoes, &c.. MOO to order 'as heretofore. WILLIAM BOYER. • \ May 11, 1857. 3V JUST FROM THE CITY, With a Larger look than Evert JACOB NORDECK has just rereired trout the city a large stock of GROCERIES, FISH, 4c4.,—the largest he has yet offered to the public, and which he is now opening, II his new location, Kerr's Corner, on Baltimore street.' Give him a call I You will find- hia Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Salt, Tua, end everything else, the Lest and the cheap eat to be had in town—he having bought is low rates, and'heing .let.ertained - to sell fast at small profits. lteeolleet, Kerr's old came, Baltimore and High Streets. Gettysburg, May - 11, 1857. AI wayi in - MARCUS SAMSON AS just received at his Ready-asatla Cloy IA: thing Store, on York street, nearly op. posite the Bank, .th e best •assortment td Ready-made Clothi n g , . fur Spring sad Sex* mar wear, ever opened i n this place. If yos want a well-made Coat. Veal, float., or any thing in the line of Ready-made Clothing, at less cost than they can be had outside or the city, call at SAMSON'S. April 13, 1857. The Gellyt‘bnrg Railroad Company TWO DULY LIBLES TO HANOrER. 'EI 'URA ACCOMWDA TloYB.—Therlit -111 deraigned returns his thanks to the *WI fbr the encourageinent heretofore extended hi him, and takes pleasure in announcing that'► has completed airangerouots by , which TWO DAILY LINES of • !- Coaches will run between Gettys.. ' hurg and Hanover, to connect with Ms trains to and from Baltimore, York, lisrrialstalti Philadelphia. &c. Persons desiring tieketiser information will all en the undersigrved.oe 00 CHARLES TAT!, Ticket Agent, at tits Rees Hotel, in Chamberaburg street. Li - Special attention given to all DaeltsgN t &c., or other business tntruated to the 13111. signed between pettysburg and Hallaftr. h,ch will be promptly and carefully atlas& ed to. 7The undersigned has Aso effected at• rangementa by which be will be able to supply t`Qaches. Stages. &c., for Funerals and otiose occasions, at moderate charges. NICHOLAS WEAVES. Gettysburg, April 13, 1857. Register's Notice. VOTICE is hereby given to all Loptees end 1.1 other persons concerned. that the ,d‘itiw is/ration Accounts hereinafter mentionint silt be presented at the Orphan's Conn oCAskifirf county, for confirmation' and allorapost op i'lleidgy, Ilse 261.4 dug of May walk vs; (These are a portion of those to be phew/led.) 241. The account of William Omer. 'Elect utor of the last will and testament of %Writ Oruer, Son., late of Mental= township, Ad' ams county, deceased. 243. Tbo second account of John C. KeiCal 7 lion, Administrator of the estate of Cora** MoCallion, deceased. 244. The first account of John C. U lion, Administrator of Catharine Mee deceased, late of Liberty township, At** 245. The fist and final account of 'Daniel Bucher, Administrator of David &plies, dit• ceased. 247. Tho account of Augustus Duatess, now sole and acting Bisector of the last said and testament of John Duncan, deceased. 251. The account of Joseph Monk, Trite. tee for the sale of real estate of Adam Lekt. decessed. 254. The first account of Biannual Speer • ler,Administratur of the Estate ofJoba 4isiar ler, deceased, late of Borough of Berwick. 25R. The first and final lacount of George Ehrhart and Daniel Ehrhart, EsecstueJ of Thomas Ehrhart, deceased. 260. Second and deal amount a .thmirj Benner and Josiah Beaker, XXOCOIOII.O 41 * last will and testament of Juitn-Bloilift. der ceased. Wsf. P. WALTER. Reffilkie_ Po . DANALII4sII4 Der** Register's Oilice, Gettyabesg. 1_ April 27. 1857. id f Latest Airrival Anotiler ',Large Ski* eit'Ver Griffidie lL2 'll4 R hostler. ()hepatic - 1 11110103 &BRO. hiiejost reinhalbaukilli chy. a large lot of .ts.'e,..eoodswi.olladlisij Canothiseree,ke•l l4 oo ale** which they are preparectitO istiellimortiaaa - ever.Stirp in and risokAttliairmarlibmit To. it tiost tba_pyres V 111111049 welt the latest Tablet* _ttlifsgity rt, TIOPTint bnrettel"4l-1% ilGeed wa lk vuriated g oo_ tjakkorg, I%.VIDT: ME