The star. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1831-1831, September 27, 1831, Image 2
121 11 1 31111 etNeitltitia Gettysburg, September 27, 1831, “10IWARE OF SECRET SOCIETIESI” AD-AXI3 C 10711"1 5 7 ANTI-MASONIC REPUBLICAN TWEET. ASSEMBLY, andrew Jacob . ,Cassatt, COMMISSIONER, John Id. Gubernator. AUDITOR, John .11 4 Kesson. DIRECTOR OF THE POOR, James Jd. Thompson. there no help for the Widow's El Aristocratic Masonic-- Ticket: Assemblyall RISTIAN PICKING, HENRY M'DIVIT. Comm,isitorrei•—MAßTlN CLUNK. Ayditor—DAVlD WHITE. Director of the Poor—J NO. MARSHALL. {) -- Mr. ADAMS, DI his opinion of Mason ry, published in the Star last Mr. JEFFERSON as hostile to secret socie ties. The following is a portion of the pas sage from Mr. J.'s writings alluded to by Mr. Adams: From Jefferson's Correspondence, page 418. "The Uneasiness excited b this s "lion the Cincinnati) had very early caught -the notice of "-General Washington, Still recollecting all the purity of the- motives which gave it birth he became - sensiblethat it might produce political evils, which the "warmth of those motives had masked: Add to Mr, that it was disapproved by the mass of the citizens of the Union. This, alone . was -reason. strong enough, in a country where the will of the majority is , -the law, 4. • law. lie saw that_ the objects orther institution were too light to be opposed to considerations as serious as these; and that it was become necessary to annihilate it absolutely. On this, therefore, he was decided. The first iiiiieral - fribetint at Philadelphia was now at hand; he went to that, determined to exert all his influence for its suppression. He proposed it to his fbllow officers, and urged it with all his powers. It met an opposition which was observed to cloud his face with an anxiety, that the most distressful scenes of the war had scarcely ever produced. It was can vassed for several days, and, at length, it was no more a doubt, what would be its ul timate fate. The order was on the point of receiving its annihilation, by the vote of a great majority of its members. In this moment,' their envoy arrived from France, charged with letters from the French offi cers, accepting with cordiality the proposed badges of union,. with solicitations from oth ers to - Wier:Z. - lied into the order, a.. wit notice that thitir respectable Sovereign had been leased to - nize it, and to permit poet Nati now changed. "the question as sumed a new form After 'the offer made accepte an an to retract ,it, which. would not cover them- selves with the reproaches of levity and in "---,gratitude? width would not appear an in sult,Ac those whom they loved? Federal principles, popular discontent, were consid- erations whose weight was known and felt , by themselves. But would foreignersknow and feel them equally ? Would they solar acknowledge their cogency, as to permit,- mithout any indignation, the eagle anct boa tcrber turn from their breasts, by the very hands which had placed them. there? The idea revolted the whole society. They found it necessary,, then, to preserve so much of their institution as might continue "I to support this folvign branch, while they should prpne ett_every other,-which would . give Offence to their fellow-citizens: thus sacrificing, on each hind, to their friends sad to their country. "The society was to retainits existence, 'its name, its meetings, and its charitable funds: but these last were to be deposited -with their respective legiehttures. ' The or. der was to be no longer hereditary; a re . . formation, which had been pressed even frim this side the Atlantic; it was to , be communicated to no new members; the pseud meetings, instead of annual, were to be triennial only. The eriglaand ribbon, indeed,- were retained; because they were worn and they wished them to be worn, by their frieidi who were in a-country where they would noti - be objects of offence; hut themselves never' wore them. They lajti -them up in their borealis, with the medats of Amodio:um Independence,- with those-of -the-tea they bad- on. But through' aft the United 'States, timnfrtecoNiei•seen - to .I -ntbuti the publie -- ilie -4 1titlitr disPIV of I • this badge. these changes have tranquil ized the American, States:, Their citizen feel too much interest irithe reputation of their officers, and value too much whatever titay serve to recall to the memory of their allies, the moments within they formed but one people, not to do justice to the Circum stance which prevented a total annihilation of the order. Though they are obliged by a prudent foresight, to keep out every thing from among themselves which might pre tend to divide them into orders, and to de grade one description of men beloW anoth. .er,__yet_the_y_hear_with pleasure, _ that _their_ allies, whom circumstances_have__alread y placed under these distinctions, are willing to consider it as one, to have aided them in the establishment of their liberties and to wear a badge which may recall them to their remembrance; and it would be an ex treme affliction to them, if the domestic re formation which has been found necessary, if the censures of individual writers, or if any other circumstance should discourage the wearing of their badge, or lessen 'its repution. "Thin short but true history of the order of the Cincinnati, taken from the mouths or persons on the spot, who were privy to its origin and progress, and who know its pre- sent state, is the best apology which can be made for an institution, which appehred to be i -and-was really, so heterogenous to the governments in which it was erected. # "As to the question, then whether any evil can proceed from , the institution, as it stands at present, I am of opinion there may. 1. From the meetings. These will keep the officers formed into a body; will contin ue a distinction between the civil and mili tary assemblies will not only keep alive the jealousies and fears ofthe civilgovernment, but give ground for these fears and jeal ousies. For when men meet together, they will Make business, .if they have none; they will collate their grievances, some real, some imaginary, all highly painted; they will communicate to each other the sparks of discontent; and- these may- engender a flame, which will consume their particular, as well as the general happiness. 2. The charitable part of the institution is still more likely to do mischief, as it perpetuates the dangers apprehended. in the preceding clause.- For here is a fund provided, of entexistenee. long? t he decendants of American (AI cers, of a, certain description. These de scendants, then, will form a body, having a sufficient interest to keep up an attention to their description, to continue meetings, and perhaps, in some moment when the political eye shall be slumbering, or the firmness of their fellow citizens relaxed, to replace the insignia of the order and revive all its pre- tensions. What good can the officers. pro apose,_whichnitty_weigh agejalitiheie pos ble evils? The securing their descendants against, want? Why afraid to trust them to the same fertile soil, and the same gen ial climate, which will secure from want the descendants of their other fellow -citi zens? Are they afraid they will be reduc ed to labour the earth for their sustenance? They will be rendered thereby both more honest and happy. An industrious farmer occupies a more dignified place in the scale of beings, whether moral or political, than a lazy lounger, valuing himself on his farni ly,too proud to work, and drawing out a miserable existence,. Isy eating en that sur plus of other men's labor, which is the sa cred fund of the helpless poor.. A pitiful annuity will only prevent them from exert ing that industry and those talents, which would soon lead them to better fortune. How are these evils to be prevented? 1. At their first general meeting; let them dis tribute their funds on hand to the existin objects of their destination, an , iscontinue all•furtileT contributions 2.. Let them de clare, at. the itir e time, that their meetings, Tiartiebll7,, shall . thenceforth cease. 3. Let them: melt up their eagles, and add the . mass to the distributable fund, ME ILI ton o ang em m err su on o es. • These reflections are not' proposed as worthy the notice of M. de Meusuie r. He will be so good as to treat the subject in hie own way, and nobody has a better. 1 will only pray him to avail us of his forcible manner, to evince that there is evil to be apprehended, even from the ashes of this ,Instatution,,and to exhort the society in . A. r . 'fetich to'make their reformation complete; bearing in mind, that we must WO the passions of men on our side, even when we are persuading theta to do what they ought to do." PROGRESS OF ANTI-MASONRY. A short time since, (treys the Niagara Courier) we caused a.number of copies of our print to be forvirsided to a valued cor respondent in CarePbell county, Kentucky, to be distributed among the citizons in that quarter. A day or two since, we received a letter from this gentleman, in extract From which we have taken the liberty of laying before our readers, for the purpose of showing the great- effect which the dis semination of correct information upon the subject of freemasonry has, upon the minds of a virtuous and independent yeomanry— and as affording a strong illustration of the correctness of the position'assumed by Mr. Rush in reference to the public" press. Its conductors have been Most shamefully silent however they raay,seek to palliate their oftbhee, the 'effect produced upon the public mind by the convincing letter of * Mr. Rush shows plainly that thepeopkaie full); impressed with the enormity oltheir con duct; and will' wise sanction their e thic t•- ; • - • • ' The infoiraintion, contained in our cones- To-whota wt I LiiiiLl escen trs ,A\ _ _ pondent's letter . fiords a pleasing- evi de ace the d resulting from Rush's letter. ...Masonry owes him much.— But let our correspondent speak for himself. His letter is dated "Carthage, Campbell co., Kentucky, - .Tuly afst, _ .'The ,copies otiahe 'Courier' containing Mr. RusMl6 letter, and also those of Di. Wa terhouse and -Mr. Gest, Were duly received. I sent two or three of these papers into Mon , roe township Clermont county, Ohio, (about. 1,4 miles from this place,) where: I' had fhi merly sent a small number of anti-masonic PaPers_3x_Md_w_here_a_little,ingnity4lWLlbe subject_of freernasunr . y_haiLtaken_place—in_ the minds of a few in that vicinity.. The effect of Mr. Rush's hotter was electrical in its influence upon the Citizens of Monroe township.---for immediately upon re c a - dliig it, a public meeting was held at the Franklin School House, in that township, when a long and very able address was delivered by Mr. WILLIAM HERRON, wherein he sot forth the dangerous tendency of the, principles of freemasonry, dtc.--and as an election for the choice of two magistrates in their town ship.was approaching; they nominated, (for the first time) two candidates upon strict anti.masunic grounds. As soen_ as the, ma sons were apprised of this measure; they opened theii'batteries of calumny and abuse upon their opposers--and 'made out their masonic ticket of two candidates.— On the day of the election, however, the masons dropped one of these candidates, and con centrated all their force in favour of Mr. Clutter of Point Pleasant, .(a village in said township,)—but to the great mortification of the Brotherhood, Messrs. Readin and Wyatt, the antimasonic candidates, were elected by a handsome majority ! "On the whole,' I presume to say, sir, that there never has been so rapid a spread, and so sudden a groWth, of anti-masonic principles, in any other part of the union, since the abduction and murder of William Morgan. It is cheering. "Very respectfully yours, &c." THE NEW-YORK GRAND LODGE AND ELI BR VE. [From the Ithica (N. Y.) Chronicle.] The fact has been frequently stated for two or three years past, that. the Grand Lodge, in Juhe, 1827, voted a.suni of money to Eli_Bruce, when it was well known that he-was-mi-aetiite..paxticipatur..4.llm-. tion of Morgan: • • . - While the fact was thus stated, Mr. Bruce, though he assures the public that his "feel ings are still alive to public sentjAeßLl7,..Aid not meet it with a contradiction. But Col. Stone, [Editor of the New York Commercial Advertiser,] who was a mem ber of that Grand Lodge, recently alluded to this appropriation as a loan. 'And Mr. DlPce, .profit atfrinibble, loses no time in meeting the assertion, (in a letter published in the masonic Craftsman) thus: "The Grand Lodge nth NOT then, (1827) nor at any subsequent period, loan me money." This has led Col. Stone to an examination, and thus he explains the acts: "Mr. Bruce tells the truth, then, when he says the Grand Lodge did not LOAN the mo ney to him. It is recorded on the Secreta ry's records of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge, that the money was GIVEN to Mr. Bruce, as an absolute DONATION. The like sum was also . cavrac, at the same time, to some twenty other western members of the 'order, more or les's, for the same cause, viz: the' persecutions these unhappy gentlemen Were supposed to be enduring, at the hands of the Anti-Masons." Mr. Biuce has thus unwittingly brought out full proof, from the Secretary's records, not only that $lOO . was GIVEN to him i -the ran. rrr. ge in • - LING FACT, that about' Two TuousAND nouraas was appropriated, at that single sit the-Grtual---Lodges-in-awns-of--.1 er, 'to some twenty others who had been c ncerned' in the KIDNAPPING and MUR -DER-1---Mor. •. , . Lodge of New York has not directly appro . - ved ofthat wicked deed, and is .not fully re sponsible for it.. If not accessory to the crimes of abduction and murder before the fact, the Grand Lodge-is so after the fact, by affording aid, countenance and succour to the guility. We charge, then, and we point to the, above facts•ror PROOF, that the ~ grand Lodge sands before the people,gui/- 4 of•,t he blood o/ a citizen With -this proved to him, what man can retain a standing in the institutions under the jurisdiction of this Grand • Lodge, and not partake. of her guilt T Let no honest man attempt it.. Let him who would be guilt less of a brother's /nurder flee from such a den of pollution: Many such we know.there are—nominal members of the' institution— who would themselves shrink from a din henimableact. Let them look Ekt. the posip Lion in which the institution, in its repTesen. tative capacity, is • placed; and reflect that while they retain even a nominal member-- ship they aid in sustaining it, and afford countenance tp its acts; mid then determine the course viliieh honor, patriotism, duty, re quires themiO 'pursue. A secieg•socifty abolished.-The Phi Beta. Kappa society at Harvitrd University, abol ished the secrets of that association, by It vote passed at their meeting on the 11th ult. Thq Providence Anwoican states, this Was brought to piss . . by the enlightened. efforts ofAdarns,,Story, and Everett. Thus we see the principles of Antimasonry,tritimphing, aqd , they will go onward from conquering to to "conciliar ? until all secret Associations will 1 ta g g CQuntry Afigg era; tows (lid.) Free Prait Singular Occurrence.=—On Sunday eve ning the - 3dinst - a - man; - *ho7catted obelf DANts.t. StiAnKR, _voluntarily came before Michael.Batzell, Esq., a magistrate of this city, and requested to be committed to pri son, alleging that he had committed a mur der, during the last winter,in Marietta; Penn. and that the reproaches of his conscience had become so'seYere, that he was unable, any longer, to endure !hem._ His narrative beingwrfectircolicrent, and lie liiniserap, pealing entirely sane, the magistrate com plied with * his request and committed him. Since that time, under his directions, com munication has been had with the proper authorities in Marietta, and such intelligence received as_ confirms his horrid tale. His stoiy is, that, during the debt) snow of last winter, he,. whilst in a state of intoxication, entered the house ofa widow named BOWERS, then - living in Marietta ; and, after violating her person, put her to death by strangling her. The Fact ofsuch a person having been found dead in her house, about the time sta ted, is (idly substantiated by the accounts received from_Marietta—and the whole de meanor of the prisoner, since his confine ment, as wellas his positive declarations, had induced a general belief in the truth of.his singular confassion.E.ra From the Pennillvunia Whig, WIIAT IS NULLIFICATION It is the right of one state to put down FOUR AND TWENTY. It iS the tyrannical dogma, that the majority shall submit to the minority. It is the solecism, that the rights of one, in a compact of twenty-four, are greater than the rights of twenty-three-ones; either united or separate. _ • It is TREASON against the UNION, against the COUNTRY, and against the MAJORITY. It is ANTI-DEMOCRATIC, ANTI-PyrRIOTIC, and ANTI-FEDERAL. It ig more preposterous, more atlsurd . , and more despotic, than the right of the British_ king to hold the Colonies in subjection. Because it is not the right of the FEW to govern the MANY; and of the AnisTocnAcit to lord it over the Wonxmo PEOPLE: It is the eryof the sLAvE;notnEßs, against selves, at any moment, of the expense of slave labour. It is the voice of Idleness raised against the voice of Industry, or, rather, the HAND OF LABOUR. It is the outcry ofbankrupt slavery arm* rst the wealth of free labour, competence, and fortune. Let is bear no more of NULLIFICATION. WHAT IS THE TARIFF! ' I:nws;impusiii It is a code of Revenue such a duty on Foreign Capitalists, as pro tects the American Working Man from the filthl competition. of large capitals, superior skill, and more• perfect machinery. It restrains the English Lord from riding down the American Mechanic. It secures to American ingenuity and in dustry the fruit of its labour, and tim just re ward of enterprize. It enables the to realize a For tune—who, without it, would be toiling to increase the fortune of the English Capital ist, and swell the funded debt of the Brit banker. .. It has expanded our cities with beautiful mansions, and placed on the rent roll of A merican manufacturers, squares ofhouses. The Cabinet Battle.—The Washington Spectator of Saturday, says:—The great guns have now beeti discharge_d,_with_thrt to , be the most tremendous blunderbuss that eivilizaticrn has ever known; it will be dis- ged rtienoc_stLyt,iva_few days, and will put his enemies where "even recollee,tion can no longer retain the fact" of their pre- "Let th,mn 6e stricken from the folls."-- Gen. Jackson hasappointed Samuel J. Carr, of South Carolina, Consul to-Morocco. Mr. Carr is the same person, we' believe, who had ,the misfortune to kilt a son of Judge , Martin, of-the Eastern Shore of this State, in a duel, sonic two or three years ago. Frederick (Md.) Examiner. Afair of Honor.—The personal difficul ties which have for some time existed- be. -tween Major . Biddle and the Hon. Spencer Pettis, and which grew out of a political disciission in thei lic prints commenced last spring, was minated yesterday, by tb an appeal to aims : The Challenge;Tve un cler.stand, was given by MO' Pettis and ac cepted by Major _Biddle. The parties fought on the istand - Opposite the city. Maj. Biddle is near sightell,, winch may explain therecoon why, as the challenged person, he brought his antagonist within five feet, the distance at which the parties actually. fought! And we regret to add that both gentlemen are dangerously, if not mortally, wounded. 'Major, Biddle is shot through the addomen: the ball lofting within.. Mr. Pettis is shot Ahrough the Side just below the chest, the balk:passing entirely through his hody. We under L and that the conduct of both pariietion the,grOund, was entirely honora. ble, and evinced the utmost coolness anct, courage, - as wanly; regard for those lima which custom has kestiribed for such oc oasiorts.—=Ti*si, - . .-' i " - ',o:TSubseque;nt accounts 'state . thOt - lx4h the 'ternbatatits have died of , their ivounds. El En liAlrioirS articles. FREDERICK, (Md.) Sept. 21. ST: LOUIS, Aug. 27. . . • NEW-YORK, ;art. 7: 2 k 51 ' It is o r pamful - duty this evening to an- - nounce t decease of our distinguished 10- low citi 1, Dr. S h MUEL L. Mitcum. HO had been disposed for some weeks past, not, however, 1 1ifivag - suppime - d; - iliar - ge - rousiy; - [ But at 12 o'clock at- noenof to-day ; his able _ [ and useful life was terminated. An Atrocious .11furdcr.-Caetain James Pace, the keeper the half-way .tavern be tween - Winchester and .- Mountsterlin g , iii Clarke county, Kentucky, was stabbed in tke„eitle. arin gl he,latter part ,of thel) 4 a_ -monthrwhile-lying-in-lied= - ssa . sts supposed to" have effected his purpose by thrusting his hand throughthe window im mediately under which the bed was placed. Capt. p ac e's wife, her lather and brother, together with a store-keeper by the name of Orear, have-lieen arrested. The latter is supposed to have been the paramour of Mrs. Pace and to have given the dedth wound, and that the others were accessories. CORIMPTION.-At what former period of our: history,--has--there been told a story-of' corruption like the following, from the Mausa chusetts Journal:- "In consegnence of a recent schism in the Boston Custom House, the fact has come oat that the officers appointed by Jackson and hies "agent" have had; a per-centage ( fire dollars per month)deducted from their salaries' to firm a fund for newspapers and elections: The same contributions are made (we have not a doubt) from federal salaries in Maine, and will (if any thing can) give the' State to Jackson at the approach. ing election. "For our own part we cannot resist the belief that our Government is 710111 the most corrupt in the world, and that there is MS much and as rank corruption in the Boston Custom House alone, as in any government in Europe. Such viperous enemies do we cherish in our own bosom." National Republican Meeting. A meeting of National Republicans of the Bo rough and County, was held at the Court-hull.° in Gettysbnrg, on Satiirdny the 17th iII9t. in pursu ance ofpublic notice. ALEXAN DER RUSSELL, Esq. was called to the Chair, and appointed Secretory.• On motion, Tames Wilson, Esq. J. B. Nt‘Plierson, and R. rp_exovere np • inied_a_ComMit ee to ruperiaLgib,, olntions-expressi've of the sense of the meeting. After a short interval, the following Preamble nod Resolutions were-reported, and-adopted: Tho situation of affairs in this Republic, is, at present, such as to call for tho earnest attention & close watchfulness of its citizens. Consequences have resulted from the elevation of Gen. Jackson to tho Presidency, which, in our opinions, strike at-the root of our highest political interests; and it is our right, - and our duty, to raise our - voices - in opposition to measures, which we conceive fraught .with danger to our political inatitutions—and to men, who, we may be convinced, will advocate sticti - nnweinrei/Pirerprevent - oecupantrif-ther-Pris sidential chair, we - believe,' has shewn himself, in vdriouis instances, hostile to some of those princi. pies of policy, a hich are identified with the honor 'and prosperity Of our Republic: Amongst these, the great and in port Ant principles of the American System, the independence of the Judiciary, the Bank of the United States, and the fulfilment of . sacred and solemn Treaties,hold a prominent place. Believing these matters of high interest and essen tial importance,we feel it our duty, tawatch close. ly any attempt to affect them, either through open opposition, or secret c,hicanorp and to elevate no man to a situation, wlah wilt afford him such an opportunity of injuring them, as does the Chief Executive oficerof the Republic. On the contra ry, it appears to us akclear and conclusive as any political axiom, that,. when the people are in favor of any leading principles of policy, they should place those only In that high and reeponsfale office who wilt further (heir viewsornd advance those interests which they may deem of high moment. When we lbok around us, we observe that-the-Na.- tionalßepublican party, in every section of the U nion, has, with ono accord, turned its eyes to HEN RY CLAY, as identified with all the above inte rests—as the open, fearless, uncompromising ad. yenta ofill — those measiii - • - ei - C of eiitional policy, r'elTrrri4lrli":""l"4”Mtl• prosperity; and public opinion has settled upon him, u one. eminently quallfled,from his talents, indepondenee of character, and correct political tikil;lo - 10 - the - he • trust tf discernment of the American people will elevate lihn to. With those views and feelings, it to watch - closely the principles and actions of those men, into whose bands the managninent of our po litical interests and ciiffrinstirutions is entrusted. Resolved, That, considering the present occu pant of the Presidential chair to •have departed • from that course of policy which.vve deem of vital importance to the honor and prosperity of our coup try,we feel it our d uty:to oppose hie re-el, ction. Resolved, That, in common with our brßbren of the National Rep üblican'party throughout the Union, we have the highest confidence in the tal. ents, integrity, and correct political principles of HENRY CLAY, who has been emphatically tor. med the "Champion of the American System," and the "Friend , of Liberty in every clime;" re. .coramond. his nomination as a candidate for the dike of President of the U. States; and will use all fair and honorable means to promote his election . 0 k to that high and elevated station. Resolved, 'that this meeting concur with the hie-meeting at Harrisburg, in the appointment of John Sergeant and Abner Lacock, Esqrs. as the Senatorial Derogates to the Nation,' Republican ' Convention at Baltimore. Resolved, That Wm Johnston, Esq. John S. Crawford, Esq. and Robert G. Harper, be appoint= ed to meet the Conferees from the other counties of thia.Congresronal District,, at Ship on the 15th of October next, to appoint Two - Del. eil k ates to the National Republican Convention to be held qt Baltimore in Deceimbor next. ' Resolved, That Jas. Wilson, John S. Crawford, Wm, Johnston, John F. Macfarlane, Esqrs. R. G. Harper, Wm. M'Clellan, Jr. Esq..T. B.MTherson, Wm, S. Cobedn, Esq. John M. Stevenson, and Jas. Gourley, be a Committee of Correspondence for this county, who shall have power to call meetings aid do all acts to, further our cause, which they may deem advisable. Resolved%'That these frocoetlinga be published in all the pdpon in the borough orGettysburg. ..A.LEX'R. RUSSEL, Chairman. Join B. Huy; Secretary. - - , [lll]"The person that pr pared the above prow , hie and resolutlons, eertainly."oopied" after the famtpur proceeding* of that. great Deag °ammo meeting; held in nenafiew last yeu, of Which S.. Wright was chairmio.: Did yew bircither.s3".l