OFFICE - OFTTIE 'STAN, Cou-MBERsBUR6-Sritti4; A Fitic DOORS ' WEsT OF ate.FoRRY'ErT.ivERN. ADVERTISEMENTS Conspicuously ,inserted 'FOUR times fin- ONE moutakft per square--over emu tilliel e _T WANT YTT CENTS per square will be charged. 'No teU3l4 At $2 per a lialfryearly in advance. (.saailarila.)o "With sweetest flowers enrich'd From various gardens cull'd with care." ROUND MY OWN PRETTY ItOSE. BY T. H. DAYLEy, ESQ• Round my own pretty Rose I have hover'd all day, 1. have keen its sweet lealies, one by own, fall away; They are gone ! they are gone ! but Igo not with there— No, I linger to weep o'er the desolate stern: They - say if! rove to the south, 'I shall meet ith hundreds of roses store litir and more sweet; But lily heart, when I'm tempted to wander replies, Hero my first love, my lust love, kny only love lies. When I sprang from the home where my plumage was nurst, 'Twas my own. pretty Rose that attracted me first; We have loved all the summer—and now that the chill Of tho winter come o'er us, I'm true to- thee still; Whom tho.last leaf is withor'd, and. falls to the earth, The false ono to southerly climes may fly forth; But Truth cannot fly froili - his sorrow—he dies Whoro his first love—his last love—his only love 1:' LIE teLzTt2.6' 213,21143Z5Z5JP V44),G) A VILLAcir. TALE. letthe what will Though sorrows may awhile intrude, 'Fair wisdom's voice is faithful still, Still, to bo blest, is—to be good.' "He will not come to-night," said Emma, as she looked out of her chamber window on the still and depopulated streets, and saw the dark rain clouds gathering in the sky; "he will not come to-night—it is past his hour —4th, he did not use to be so carethl about theweather—but I will not indulge in dis quietude—he has promised"—The word died upon her lips; she recollected the coldness— the tone of ambiguity, with which tharpro misev -had- been—repeated,---when—T-heodere last visited her, and in a confused atutem barrassed manner, though with much parade of his regret and disappointment, assured her that it would_be impossible for him to conform to his engagement, and marry her at the time appointed. She remembered, hoW tier heart sunk within her at the mo ment, and the strange mysterious presenti ment that crossed her mind. That then, for the first time, she thought how bitter a thing must be disappointed love—fotthe first time felt the force of the remark, which she has so often heard, "Mon's vows are brittle things." -- Still; - the - natural — buoyancy at hur spirits forbade her to despond. True, he had bro ken his first . engagement, - but he had repre sented to her the imperious necessity of the measure, and she hadacquiesced in it. True, lie had not fixed . the more distant period; he had left the final hour indefinite, but she had his promise; she had his oath; she would not _believe him unfaithful; she could not believe_ him perjured. At last, after an absence of a. week, which seemed to her a year, he visi ted the house again; he once more mingled with the smiling family circle; he ,seemed the same he had always been, and she was happy.-But he retired before the family: this cost her a night's rest; it was not his usual manner, and she wondered why, at this particular time, he should have. so much more business than usual. Still, she endea- yore • to put t le most ayorable Construction _upon_csery tlinig;__slie_stroye .ta acquit. Inui —in-her-hettrt. --- HBut - love - has -- ea - gle --- eminA:frOfri - Waif piercing vigilance, duplicity must be coupled • • t-ethmirrittrate-ttrt; if sub lvould — n; void detection. Emma was caressed by a large circle of acquaintance, and Theodore was also a favorite; in parties they frequent : ly eitine together, and there, when the spir- Y #re up, and all reserve thrown off, the heart tninutsks itself. There Theodore of- ten forgot his caution, and, not only abated - his usual display Of partiality feu Emma, bu lavished his fondness on another. The gen erous girl forgave him until fbrgiYenessge came a crime committed against-her heart. She resolved to lead a more secluded life, and in prosecuting her resolVe, she soon found ample evidence of what. she most . feared.— . His visits grew less and leis frequent, until, at length, they Were discontinued altogether.' Womanlike, in the deepest of her sorrows she retired, as it were, within herself, and - secure in the confidence that not even her nearest relatives or friends knew any thing of her disappointment, she nlursed her grief in secret, and put on a smile as sweei, if not as gay, before the world. But heroically cis she played this new and deceptive part, her feelings gradually obtained the victory over her &aim; she pined and pined away, day after'day: the paleness of departed health blanched her young cheek, and she roved in • the-stillness of the evening-among the,t , embs. of her fathersin the r,burch-yard, like a thin shadow of the. past.. None knew hqtrief,' but ho who w as its cause; and he shuddered • at the ruin he had made. . Her friends perceiVed with concern the rapid decay of her health, and as the family had' some relative in Bermuda, they resolved send her there. The voyage had a taryeflect—the change of scenes and. Cir ------eumetttuces:--new friends, end acquaintances and ten kindness she earerieneed in her • new abode, &polled natic4 of the•phetiphed NM . -__ F -::: \-- . -._ ~ ._ .____ _ - . .. ~ . - --_-___._.___ - . .. .., •m s, fe. ... ~ . .-- s --- . __._... _ .... ih. T•-:' '. :' ' .-' . . . . 1 • . '''' ~. • . . • d _ •... .:._.:_.... .4: . 1 'II( on . . 1 COI - . • ..• • ..• leo, DUCIT, AMOR PATRLE PROD) SE p.wwwzra,vJ4Lea,, iPW 4 2.B2zodr4 azalpUitsatruleat aata% gloom that pressed ,upon her heart, and add ed life to her almost inanimate frame. The glow of - health gradually returned; and she shone in the maturity of her beauty, a star of no common. lustre in the fashionable world of that island. A year had not elapsed, be : fore the hand of one of the wealthiest mer chants in the islanywas ofThred her. He was all that the young maiden's heart admires —generous, noble, and virtuous—and of years suited to her own. She accepted it, and became a happy wife. Having loft Philadelphia with the inten tion of returning s , she now waited anxiously for the opportunitybut a variety of causes prevonted it, year after year, a beau ',tiful tamily of boys and girls ffrew around= her husband was deeply engaged in an ex tensive and lucrative business, and twelve years paSsed by betbre she was able to ac complish her wishes, in---all-which time, she had never made an inquiry about, or once heard:from her former lover. Now, Mr. Lefere retired from business, and accompa nying her, with their family, to America. They reached Philadelphia in safety, and walked up Walnut-street to the old family mansion. It remained unaltered; her father and her mother, the old servants, her former friends, who remained, all welcomed her to her ancient home. Time shrubs she planted in-thu yard -had- grown up -beautiful -trees.— Her name remained where she had engrav ed it on the sash of her chamber, twelve years before, and she sat down by it—call ed back the recollections of by past times, and wept, yet these were tears of mingled joy and sorrow:. • Mr. Lefere took a fine' establishment in Chesnut-street, and lived in splendid Style. Emma used to ride out daily in an elegant carriage, mrith her infant family; and, as had long been her practice, she carefully sought out such objects of distress, as she deemed it would be charitable to relieve. • One day, Tidtigirthe sulitiThs 4 - the - city; slit saw poor, half clothed man, lying on .the ground and a tattered child crying bitterly by his side, to which he paid no attention. She directed the coachman to stop, & calling the man, inquired Why he disregarded the child and whose it was? "It is my own," said he, "I came out, hoping to get a place for it at yonder house, and could not; it is almost starved; and I have hot the - means to pro. cure food for 'myself or it."—She gave him a small sum and directed him to call at her house the next . day. He received it ,with tears and promised compliance. At the hour appointed, the poor man,with his helpless child, waited - in the kitchen for the call of his benefactress. -Mrs. Lefere sent for them into the breakfast room, as, soon as the family had dispersed, and desired to know by what means he had brought him self to povetry and want. The - man spoke, out honestly. • Intemperanc said was the great cause, but his troubleiTad driven him to that—"l once saw better days," said he, "I was a partner in a mercantile concern —I married—l was deceived—the mother of this poor child, after involving me in ruin ous debts, left me with a libertine, whoie addresseS she had long received; -I droWned my sorrows, and sunk my character in hab its of vice and intoxication. I have been twice imprisoned tbr crime—l sin destitute of friends and employment. "And what is ye • t ‘ 1 ?" :' . a 1. "Theodore W ," he replied, after -a .moment's hesitation. The kind lady turn nd-pitle-and trerrible - d; she_ga.ze - d - She recognized in lihn thefaithless Theo , dove. .. m itt lust, then," said she, afrecting to be calm, ` . you have learned_ta_keeprajour—pr mises—you called at the time appointed—l will provide n place 11)r yourself and child." "Ah," said he, " you know me. When you asked my name, I dared not tell you an untruth, but I hoped it had been forever blot ted' from your memory. I watched ,your fin .—l rejoiced at your prosperity—l cursed my own folly, until I had exhausted all my powers. But broken vows come baCk to ttwir author• in the end, and mine has ruined me forever." He covered his face and .wept. She lea him . , and having consulted.with Mr. Letere, procured him'a situation in an honest occu-, pation, and placed the child at school. - Thus wag the maxim verified, "all is for the best to the innocent and virtuous;" and thus it is, that vice works out its own re ward at last. Tun HEAD.—The head has. the most, beautiful appearance as well. .;s the highest station in the human figure. Nature has laid oulall her art iii beautifying the face; she has touched it with vermillion, planted in it a double row of ivory, made it the seat! of smiles and blushes, lighted up and enliven ed it with the brightness of the eyes, bung. it on each side with curious organs ofsense, 4iienil'airs and graces thltt cannot be de scribed, and surrounded it with such a flow ing shade of hair as sets all its beauties in the most agreeable light. In short, she seems to have the head as the cu pola to the mestiglorionsof her works; and whe)a we load it with a. pile of supernumera- ry ornaments, we' destroy the symmetry of .the. human figureOuxl foolishly. contrive to call °tithe eye from great t and real beauties'to,childish.gewgaws , to , ehildish . gewgaws, rthands, and hone lace. MI • • "THE I,OVF. OF MY COUNTRY LEADS MR TO RE OF ADVANTAGE TO MY FELLOW-CITIZENR•" VARIETY. Various; . Thai the mind of desultory man, studious of change And plecued with novelty, may be indulg.ed." DREADFUL AFFAIRI—It is Stated that lately in North Carolina, a member of thc present Congress, became jealous of his wife —and that "the green eyed monster" fixed upon two individuals—ope a young gentle. man and the other a clergyman of mature years. The husband inyitect the young man to take a ride with hini a &ft distance.— When they reached the wP.l4,lhe husband dismounted, took the young man from the gig, bound him to a tree, and perpetrated a barbarous outrage upon him. Ile immedi ately returned, and in the same manner en snared and maltreated the clergyman. It is said a great excitement has lweu produced in consequence—that the clergyman is on the. point of death, and the husband in prison on a charge of murder. What adds to the horror of the afliiir is' the statement that the husband found all the parties were perfectly innocent, after the. barbarities had been 'committed. ACTIVE BENEVOLENCE.—No man exist ing, be his station What it may, is exempted from the duty. of 41(116ring n hat good he can do to others. That man must halve, seen little of mankind who is ignorant of human misery; yet such knowledge is not to be ac quired by those who converse merely with persons of their own rank; they must enter into the cottages and garrets of the poor.; they must see them naked, hungik, and thirsty, exposed to the inelemencie's of the weather, to the sudden attacks or slow wast ing of disease; they must see the abets of their unruly passions, and their groveling vices; they' must be acquainted with all the consequences of ignorance and poverty.— Evils like - these - triaßtWe — kaii . vn before they can be remedied; yet the generality of the upper ranks know little what their inferiors sutler. The Chester county Democrat, printed at Downingstown, says—"At no period, it is said, for the last seven years, has. so much sickness been known in our village—almost every family has sone s yr two, an in 'some instances 4 and 5 of its members confined to their beds, of parching, burning fever—'ak yet, but few deaths have occurred, though there are many severe cases. The sickness appears to be chiefly confined to this ileigh i borhood." A Frenchman haying been condemned to be hanged, when the rope was putting about his neck, exclaimed piteously, 'Misericorde! misericorde!' (mercy r mercy!) on which the hang-man cried out, "Measure the cord, you thief', it's long enough to hang a dozen such rogues as you." GOOD HUMOUR.—Good humour is the fair weather of the soul, which calms the turbu lent gust ofpassion, and diffilses a perpetual gladness and serenity over the heart; and he who finds his temper naturally inclined 'to break out into sudden bursts of fretfulness and ill humour; should he as much upon his guard to repress the storm, that is forever beating inlis_mind r aa-to fence-against-the inclemrncies of the season. We are natur-. ally attached-even to animals that betray a - :softness — of We — are - fli easetnviTh the aiißnia fondness and fidelity of a dog. earner young I.sdy-bein7, asked- at a tea table-if she - used - stignr, -- replied, "I'have - rt diabolical invincible repugnance to sugar, for, according to my insensible cogitations upon the subject, the flavosity of the sugar nulifies the flavosity of the tea - , and renders it vastly obnoxious." AN Evra,tc-r,—At what tithe of life a human being—man or woman—,-looks best, it might be hard to say. A girl of eighteen, straight and tall, bright, blooming, and balmy, seems,' to our old eyes, a very beau tiful and delightfil sight. Inwardly we bless her, and pray that she may be as happy as She is innocent. So, too, is an oak tree, 'a bout the same age, standing by itself, 'with: out a twig on its. straight, smoofh, round, glossy silver stein, for some fens feet from the,ground, and then branching out into a stately flutter of dark-green leaves; the shape being indistinct 0 its regulfi s r but not formal ove 1140, and over-fordings, and over ' harigl% - alight and shade. • Such an oak tree is indeed truly beautiful, with all its ten derness• gracefulness and delicacy=--ay, a delicacy almost seeming to be fragile; as if the cushat whirring from its concealment, would crush the new spring -shoots, Sensitive. althost as the gossamer, 'with which every. twig is -intertwined: Leaning • on our 'staff, . - we 'bless it, and call it even. by that very virgin's name; and ever thenceforth, behold Marian lying ifi its shade. . • VlNE.—Humboldt tells us that it grows 'Avail in Armenia and Caramtmia, as well as along the coasts of the, Caspian.-- Thence it travelled into Greece,, and from -that cltuksic sky Waslntrodne.ed into Sicily The PliCeilideor CaYitiOdli t 0 thesodili of France; and the Romans domeiticated it on the banks 'of the Rhine. , lo , thoth , ot these countries the vine is ; hut in Spain - these are not use the _plant is_ kept short in its growth, in order that it may possess a stout stein. In Greece and Italy it clings to trees, walls, and trellis work, or verandas. It attains to a good old age; even Pliny speaks ofa vine that had survived six centuries; and it is matter of notoriety that there are vineyards in France and Italy, which are not only precisely in the same condition as they - WV re three hundred years ago, hut continue to yield abundant crops. The wood of thevinotecomes uncommonly solid when of old, standing, and, in warm cli mates, the stern grows to such a 'size, that boards are sawed out of it, and converted to the manutacture of furniture and other arti cles. Strabo even mentions a vine-tree the girth of which required the arms oftwo men to compass. ' IVIT AND ITUMOUR.-1 . am unable to de cide which is the less desirable quality in conversation—wit or humour. The former creates enemies, the latter lowers us in the estimation of friends—the'one may procure for us the reputation of wisdom, the other firings down upon our head the imputation of lolly. Wit is a tiger, that growls in his cage: we. tremble lest he should break thro' and' dart upon ourselves—humour is the monkey, who mimiekS our own look and gestures and regales us with.droll exhibi tions, We laugh at the humorist, but we fear the wit. Two rdestrian travellers, natives of the north, had taken up their quarters, for the night at a Highland Hotek' one of them next morning complained to his friend that he bad a very indif f erent bed, and asked him how.he slept ?—"Troth man," replied Don ald, "nue very wool neither, but was muckle .better off t h an the bugs, for the de'il - ane of them closean 'O - e - tEeh-ale When fashions are worn- out in Paris the milliners send their antiquated articles to the North;. that is to Sweden and Russia. A vessel deeply laden with such merchan- Aim, says a London paper,- was - run down in the channel of St. Petersburg. Next day, a salinon was caught in the Neva, dressed_ in a.white satin petticoat; and in the same net were found two large cod-fish, • with muslin handkerchiefs round their necks.— , The sharks and porpoises were observed - in goof the latest taste, and hardly was AlOiffl_ a fish,. that did not display some_of.the. freshest Parisian fashions that had ever vis ited:the-North, Sir Isaac Newton lost - theuse of his intel lect before his animal frame was arrested by the hand of death. • So it is said or - a-,..1 . Y1r. Swisset, that he often"wept because he was. not able to . understand the books which he had written in his younger days. Cornivus; an 'excellent orator in the Augustine age, became so forgetful as not even to know his own. Simeon Tournay, in 1201, after he had outdone all at Oxford for learning, at last grew such an idiot a's not to know one letter from another, or one thing he had ever done. SOMETIUNG EXTRAORDINARY—Mr. Ham ilton, who has obtained the First Sizership bay of Dublin; has been bt from his birth. In what manner he acquir ed his extraordinary classical knowledg: •: fated; but-tlle-facteauffeh astonish— ment in college. His latin wait beautiful. Enfilish was read to hi I -extemporaneously.- -Some-AA:Ate -Ex ately detected the imposition. A SwEET • ntleman, when asked his opinion of a • • rtain critic, a few days ago, gave it in the following terms:— "Why, he is a perfect crab-apple--a decoc tion of verjuice--4he quintessence of aseer bity. If I wished. tp convert the Thames into lemontide, I should pitch him into it; and . if, after the first dip, it was not 'sufficiently acidulated for ordinary drinking, water must contains greater quantity of saccharine mat ter than chemists generally imagine." MOST AFFLICTING:—Wc Were informed yesterday by a marl froni the township of Mono, about fifty Miles Atli. of Dundas street, that in an adjoining township, four children had been lost in the woods fourteen days when he left, and 'had not yet been found, although forty or fifty of the inhabi tants had been in search of them, as also some rndians on the south shore of lake Hu ron. The children went into the woods to ' hunt a cow; when itas supposed, they got bewildered and'lost. Our infbrmant states that the tracks had betn seen once, and on ly..once, on the bank of a oreek about twen ty,miles. from. their' homes. Three ;z , if the children belong to Mr: Van Meir, a black smith; formerly from the neighborhood-Of Hamilton, Gore district; two girls, one about 15 and the other 13 years of age, and. a younger brother, The other was a son - of Mr. L.HOrnipg„fortnerly iron~ near flimil4. ton, a lad about eight or nine years or age., We are.told that the afflicted mothers ofthe under peculiar oircuMst es, are dingertufsly ill, and no:physician with fifty' Surh a scene is certainly One of in-. TERMS OF MS PAPER:—TiroDomaits'' pet annunn , ..payablehitif yettririoll4:l•!nimin — lia - .thacrippona for reas thiskivitioathe,and ioneefecontirined-until all arrearakes are paid.. , sloes at the option of the Edttor.—and a fiilera:. notify a diacontiimanee will be considered a rdingly. . I% , ;obLfic) 30Q)44EFile4a SOO Whole Number, 77. conceivable affliction: - May it be sanctified and rigbtly inwroved.—U. C. GuLnyam____ At ithica, N. It on Friday week, Guy C. Clark murdered his with; having knocked her down and choked WO, and then man gled her dreadfully with an.axe. The cries of her. children—livo in number—brought several men to the spot, by Whom Clark wae arrested. The decease& is said to have 40.4 relations near Wilkesbarre. From filo Stamford (Conn.) Sentinel. •In anticidc.—Horrib - le Ejects of a Re , lisious Phrenzy.--The following melon , clioly occurrence from fimaticism, has recently taken place in an adjoining town, has been related to us by a person who' learnt the particulars from the wife of then unfortunate mrtn, and from persons residing in the vicinity of the bloody one. A Mr. -Stephen J. Miller, of New Canaan,- for many years past nvery respectable mew ber of the . Congregational church, in North Stamford, under the pastoral - charge of the Rev. Mr. Fuller, on Thursday night last killed his two children, and nearly killed his wife, while in &state ora6erration ormind. The circumstances which led to the act are ns - follows:--Net long since the church tit North Stamford held.aloui , kittySineeting." Mr. Miller was constant in his attendance, and was apparently much exercised in his mind with the religious services of the meet. ing. On Friday, the 2d inst he attended a similar meeting at New Canaan, conducted by the Methodist persuasion; on his return heme he told bifi wife that lie shntild more work; and that he intended to*aviall his temporal concerns to Provtdince and prepare himself for-death. .From-that-mo.- ment he commenced fasting, declaring he should in future live upon faith—he - then oc-' copied most of his time during the howl's of . labor, -in reading the - Scriptures -or- pm-srejr, 0n Tuesday morning last he toldhia wife she must'bot cook any victual ' s but, that she and the children must also fast;- with IM, re. quest Mrs. Miller complied, suspecting hilt, mind was not altogether rationaf. The neighbors during this time hadnotcriacesev ed- any in the conduct of Mr. Millew excite suspicion of his insanity. On Thunk day night he retired to bed at his usuathoUr with his family, consisting of liiswife and two children, one three and the other one year of age. About midnight a thunder shower rose and the noise of. the ,thunder awoke them from sleep- , -Mrs.. Miller ob. . cserved to -- hei-halsind - that -- • - '• very ,heavy, to Which he repliedOles,_the_ day of judgment is at hand, and we must get up and prepare for it." He immediately left his bed, took his elder child, and cum- , meneed beating it in a terrible mutter, to' keep (as he remarked at the time,) 64 The Revils olf." Mrs. Miller sprang out of bed an • terferred—Miller let go of the chi) " and 'sei her by the hair of her head, before she coukl extricate herself 7 f grasp, he tore all.ker night' 'clot ) . bruised, bit and s&atched h shockingly; on making below stairs, and he-foll .rede outer door 4tie fell -outside, the . closing against her leg;. she h_____kyntarlrarthannnak her attempt to pass t her by the allele; at the same ti this eonditio A and the darin, in pouring down in torrents, her e time holding her by the allele in ke-doorw---11e- finally, and - of - 1 Coid r let go his hold, and she fief nearest neighbOr, almost , lifeleis. house & tbund-hiin down were most y broken to • pieced—the~ younger child was'foundlying inthe w_eeds, about two rods from the house,- awfully wounded in several- parte df the body by blows apparently inflicted upon it with a hoe -it lingered a few tours and died. The other child was•found &corpse in the cellar, wretchedly mangled. , from traces of blood, and other appear , antes, it is supposed the last mentioned childi -was killed by beating its head againit the casin)s of the window 'in the chamber in which the tragedy commenced, and that the body was then hove out - of the- window and afterwards taken up and' thrown. through .another window into the cellar. Mrs. Mil ler remained at • the house where she „inst. gave the alarm, and where she yet 'remains unable to leave her bed, in consequetibe of the injury she received. Mr. Miller was taken before a magistrate• on Saturday, and after an inquiry had;• was committed to Fairfield Jail to awaita legal investigation of this unhappy cireiiiiistance r at the next term of the Supreme Court for' this county, which commences at Danbury, on the last Tuesday in - this month. A gentleman one day riding_ a stumbling horse along a very dirty lane; the poor beast. fell down and threw the rider into the least desirable part of it. t _whereby he was most.,, completely be niudded; exclusive ofibleefly . nose. A gentleman of the knight'fiampmeu. tame happened to arrive'at the i tipotjusta& the horse and his quondam rider were re. - covering their feet ---- "Bless me, Kr. Buitewett, elk he, "what, have yon imme .fighting with your horse' olio, Sir, t replOod the dismounted. her&,. "Oe only : - had & little. misundooßkt..inding." m his oft and flesh most scape "she fled , e after-4o caught `nor abouriF the ve.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers