El Here shall the PRESS the •People's rucarrs prod trpato'd by influence, and unbrib'il by GAIN 'Tuesday Mor g, September 20, Is lUtanocriitie ImMusoille Nozulitatioiti FOR PRESIDENT, John' McLean, of Ohio. FOR PR ESIDENT, Richard Rush, of Penn. 13A LT IMO WE MARK ET. From the Patriot of Saturday last FLOUR,Uow'd-si.,ln the early part of the week the sales from stores were generally made at 623. per brl. but since WeduOsday parcels of 100 and 200 brls. have been taken at 5 75 per brl. The store price to-day is 5 75. The wagon price was generally 5 50 until Thursday morning; since then the dealers appear to be all paying 5 6?!. WHEA4 l ....•jfirt(supplies have been plentiful since our last, and we have a !inner decline in prices to note this week of about four cts. per bush. Since Tuesday last the sales of parcels very prime, • or best, reds have been made at 1 05 per bushel—' the sales of good parcels ut 1 00-and fair to or dinary and inferior from 95 to Ftry cts. and down wards. To-day the weather unfavorable (Ur delivery, and us purchasers show but little inn nation to operate, the market is heavy and flat, particularly for thecommon &script:it:mit. T a urge parcels of the best red would command 1 'os,'"tinti for a parcel of that description 1 06 was offered this morning. Prime parcels of White wheat con. tinuo in good demand, and have not declined pro. portionally with the reds. A sale of prime white was made ibis week at 1 20 per bushel, and yes terday a parcel of go6d quality l‘* told at 1 18. We quote fair to prime white, as in quality, at 1 15 tol2o. CORN.—A material decline has taken place in Coru since our last; From Tuesday to Thursday them wos fro‘deniand whatever, and on Thursday ..--tailes—oLw bite wt. re _mad t s f very prime parcels.. A parcel of white was sold 1 1 to-day - at 55 cents, and others would bo sold at that, but there aro no buyers. A parcel of yellow was sold to-day at 56 cents. .RYE.—We quote, as in quality, at 67 to 70 cts. OATS.—We quote at 33 to 34 cents per bush. CD' The readers of the Star, arc referred to the letter of JOHN QUINCY A VAMH on the first page— also, to the article heeded "Faxes" on the second page:. Both are worthy of attention. - rr To-clay the Delegates from Adams and York counties, meet at Hanover, to select a candi date for Senalor, to be supported by the Anti-Ma soiiic (* -- The German Anti-Masonic Almanac published at Lancaster, can be had_ at the Stores of Messrs. Smith, Fahncstock, Coin fort, and Cooper, and at the Star Office. Oz rThe Lady's Book for• September was received yesterday. KT-The proceedings of the National Re publican meeting kill be inserted next week. 'l'l++, 1[1:S. Convention wiilmeet next Mon day, at 12 o'clock precisely, in the Saloon of the 133dtimore Athenzenm, situated on Lexington and St. Paul's streets. able and cadent editor of the Lancaster le estaii 67- fitirri felts-AR(-41:4170%r IMI0==:1 a...q purc lase( -014 N C • EIA, become-soldrator and-ProprietOr of the Huntingdon "Courier i l"and (4110 Lae given n Life to that usefu-Falieeri. Large - Antl•Madonlo Minting at Dayton, 0. From the Republican we learn that a large and respectable meeting of the Anti-Masons, from FOUR to FIVE HUNDRED, was hold at Day. ton, Ohiwon the 3d inst. After the meeting was organized, the . "Threne of Grace was addressed _by the Rev. THOMAS BEACHAMP; after which ho delivered a very appropriate and impressive ad dress; and was tbllowed by JAMES A. Snsim, Esry. and the Rev. Mr. Beaue.ss, of Cincinnati." Spir ited resohitions were also passed. • So we find, that at home in our own State, and in those of our sister States, the "blessed spirit," as Guy. Throop, of New York, terms Anti-Mason. ry, is dcking_weik Let it go on. - And it will spread throughout the whole Union, until the black flag of Masonry Shall be struck, arnLits followers robed Of their aristocratic crowns and mitres. The Baltimore Patriot says:—The general 0., ° le'etion for Stale Officers tool( place in Vermont on Tuesday last. Tho contest is three sided— N stional Republican, Anti-Masonic, & "Jackson." As in Massachusetts, a majority of the wholelmin bor of votes polled, is nocisssary to a choice. For Governor, there has probably been no Choice by the people. Tho return from fourteen towns ex. hibit the following result: - -ALLEN, (National Re publican) 1359; PAL►MER, (Anti. Masonic) 1483; MEECH, (Jackson) 484. The following in refer ence to the Vermont Election is from the Boston Gazette:— "A gentleman frpnci Vermont, who left ,since the election s took place, ,is of opinion that the cause of the.: ati-Mesons - has pre willed in that State, against the , National Republicans and the frtends of the tratian.: 4 mfijoriV the. members of the . . 1 . it 'e .% \ - -1. .....-_.) L .. , ......ti 1 , .) -i: ll I ___, , ~ 2_, J li I 12 V 1 11 11 -10 A C 4 b) :' ( . k ' ' . ? V =big ( -‘N--M‘' Nj N' ~..: ci, . .. , .. _. Legislature, it is believed, are - aVOwed Anti- Masians: ,There was no choice of-a dover• nor by the ptiople." Arner,Conviet tutned loose on Society! 11-JACOB LEFEVER, convicted of the most . tro - cious - Li bol - everr published - in - - Pemnityl vani has been pardoned by George Wolf, before ho served out onp-f9urth part of his - se - .ltence. --- Verily, the law is u 66114 y-with regard to-Alasonic dere ! George Wolf has sworn to "extricate his brother from all difficulties, , whether alcirr of witoNc,".and he has kept his Oath to the letter. Let fools doubt—Honest men will awake, and act.! CID ITT The following _just and appropriate remarks, are from the Uniontown, Pa. - Jacob Lefever, editor of the Republican Compiler, published at Gettysburg, in this state, has been convicted of publishing a libel on T. Stephens, and sentenced to three months imprisonment in the jail of Adams, county, jo pay, a tine of fifty dollars and costs of prosecution. The editor of the Geittys burg Star complains that the PrOsecuting Attorney, visited the convict in jail, arid on two different occasions during the night after his conviction; was found there inclose con sultation. When Bruce, the Sheriffof Nia gara county, N. Y. was convicted and im prisoned fur assisting in the abduction of Morgan, the masons converted his prison into a palace, and supplied him with every convenience and luxury which his heart could desire. In every instance where a masonic juror was impannelled to try aeon- . spirator he has refused to convict. Here are practical effects of Royal Arch obli gation "to assist a brother when engaged in any difficulty so far as to extricate him, if possible, whether right or Wrong." 'l'o pre- Vent conviction is a first object. If this tails be-next--resort is e to areprieve,-and-in -case of failure,inNh, the sentence of the law is evaded by alle#*tiiig the sullining,s of the culprit. These are circumstances which,as Mr. Rush observes "have marked the pro gress of that mastery over the law which masonry has gained in the whole case of .Morgan, whose blood shed by masons, and concealed by masons, still cries for ven geance." Tw MAsoNic Trcirt:T.—This is, perhaps, the weakest ticket, so far as popularity arid public usefulness are concerned, which was ever settled in us county7ltis le - ita - tryirar —any-thing of the individuals composing it, for very few think of votin4r for them. How TO SETTLE A TICKET ACCORDING TO MA. St/M6 lILLS.—TiIe Misenic ConvontiOn of this county had proceeded. to. vote fir a candidate for Commissioner, and had selected David White, a Federal Jack. After he was fixed on, !Martin Clunk, ono of the Delegates, thought. the appoint ment not a good ono, and that it would be better to select, one from the Same neighborhood with the Republican candidate, Jahn Guerin:um:Yß, Esq. After considerable concussing, it was a. ;reed to let illr. W hite down to the Auditor's post and make a Commissioner out of MARTIN' CLUNIi !! Hew judicious! Martin Clunk is such a genius!!! N TION AL REPUBLICAN MEETtNu.—Last Satur- day was the day fixed for tho National Republi cans t o assem ble in Counts• meeting. Brother Boaz of the Sentinahad sounded his horn for the meeting, of the clans, and exhorted them to turn out strong, and look down Anti-masonry. The day rolled on and e very thee of Clay in town, to wit:-Fit, was mo4Q with anxious eTpectation. At high noon, whilo they ‘vere looking East, West, North and South, for the thronging multitude, their eyes, wore glioldeaed ii. hoed, for to! in rode Iwo gallant National.;. Yes, gentle reador, it is no fiction, but sober history, but two men from the coiintry attended this meeting; the one a Ma: Fnn and thEr - other=thn — Lord - itnowswhat: Bah clever- mon, hut queer politicians. These two - , Witrctle — Tifild six ifistown, tells ietr whole strength. But thfi friends of Clay d.05e:,,,. iiirritrtre - ditt . -= 4 l'h impossibilities ey attempt possibilities viitTi iiii-M"tieli-'zeid as if-they'hati:hopet I RENtiNdIATION OF CLAYISM.--Wit - recommend: the fallowing "Card," from the York Republican, to the notice of those of our friends who think the prospects of lylr. Clay bright in Poiisylvania.—.— Numerous other instances ofthe kind occur daily, but as this is near home, we think it in place to mention it. Howevcr battering the friends of .11r. Clay may think his cause in this State, they„ Will find that, in the end, he will do but a poor business at the approaching presidential canvass Pennsylvania and New York will be Aiitiinasonic at the contest in 1832, and no man canl!receive votes 7 sufficient to put down the present ruling Masonic dyniisty, without the Antimasonic votes —therefore, JOUN 111‘LF.AINI, or whoever else will be uominated next week, will have two chances of Success, whore Mr. Clay will have one: So, in our humble opinion, the opponents of the present administration could do their countyy. o nutter service than by uniting with . the Antimasonin sup Port of their Candidate, and . thereby . put an end to the present misrule of our government. THE CLAY TICKET. The undersigned, whose name has ,been used. by-an .assemblage of persons calling themselves "the Clay party," without . con r sultation with him, takes. this method of in forming the public, that, he disapproves of this unauthorized , act, and declines . the. nomination made .by them. WM. NELSON, Mpnaghan Township, August 15th-1931. Mr. Rush, (says the Newark N. J. Monitor,)in his LIM, letter says:--"The public evils, real or alleged, of this administration, are as nathsag, in my eight, the sum ... of them, to those which may spring from masonry." And he !night have add. . ed--4o those which de spring from masonry.— This is the prevailing sentiment of 'political anti: maione: they, tildreio're, will never consent to sup. port Clay--his masonry and i mmorality stied in the way—no more than Jackson.. Mr. Rush, nutugre the assertions of Clay men, goes with the anti masons. Ho alludes to Cloy very handsome. ly, and expresses his &tem - flint:Mb to go against him. He says "I go with you (anti.mnsons,) in - our—cause- from—my—gennida-4ienvicti,m ofri deeper and broader- foundations." * * "Other evils have their day and are gone, but this (ma senry).is permanent, !his wi:l Joe f.. , toned upon us finever, unless we resolutely determine to re: move it by OUR VOTES." * a "I place your cause foremast then of all at the coming (presidential) election in its principles, its objects and its char. atter; foremost in its elevation and range;_foremost beyond compare, in its direct aim, even foremast in the incidental good that it may have the oppor tunity ofaccomplishing. lii this decision, 1 per form what 1. , believe to be my highest duty to my country." CUMBERLAND—The Anfifflasenic Republi cans of this county havo settled the fulluwing ticket— Assembly—WlLLlAM LINE, JOHN M'KEEII AN. Commissioner--JACOB II l 'l'P. Director-4 A COB HEN DE L. Auditor—JOSEPll CLARK. Coroncrs----:A BR A 11A M BOWMAN, BENJAMIN M'KEEHAN. CHESTER—At a latwmeeting of the Antima sonic Republicans of this county, the followkng ticket was settled- 1 — Assembly—nios. ASHT3RIDGE, ARTIIUR ANDREWS, Jr. .Dr. BENJ. (;111FFITII • E. .1. PENNYPACEER. SheryTH—PETER OSBORNE Commissioner—EVAN EVANS, Esq. Director—ALEXANDER CORRY. ERIE COUNTY TICKET. Assembly—JOHN Sher b il—W LLI A 111 FLEM NG. Commissioner—THOS. R. MILLER. Auditor--J HIES SMEDLEY. INDIANA COUNTY TICKET. Assembly—WlLLlAM UOUSTON. Commissioner—WlLLlAN LEARD. Auditor—GEOßGE TRIMRLE. DELAWARE COUNTY—The _following is -the-ti't- . ltect-etttletl-by—the—Antimasonic - Royonb11: cans of this county— /13.8entbly—GEORGE SMITH, Sher WILLIAM LUGREN. Commissioner—JOHN EVANS. Director—JAMES OGDEN. Auditor LUKE CASSIN. ti STICK TO THE TICKET..--The Aristocrats are using all their arts to divide the Antimasons.— They wish to split the ticket, and thus elect some of the bantlings of the Lodge. But they under value the discernment of the Antimasons. What. over may be their feelings towards individuals on the ticket, they will be made to give way to the in. terost of the party. Our party is founded on the love of PRINCIPLES, acid not Men. We have no doubt, that every genuine friend of his country would vote for his worst enemy, if necessary to secure the success of the Republican ticket. The Masonic party will act in solid mass. Let tho Antimasons do likett ise. Freemen! Go to the Poles. The coming elec tion is an important one. A Senator is to be elec ted. The Masonic party have fixed on a high MASON as their candidate. The people will have a plain REPUBLICAN. Lot no honest man stay from the election. The country looks for salvation to the Farmers, Mechanics, St. LaboreTs. The Aristocrats and DeMagogues are in league against us. To the Poles, then, ona and alit "JVOT I."—The Bedford Enquirer, a devotee . thi-Grand 31a.1c, of Kentneity,tifterpitidishink itott„ oapr - QuiNev AnAjts'iotter, says it would be very u for-the public to infer that ho has enlisted in the reeksofAnti-itlasonryl4-1 , „„ „ / - burn - you mit-a-citindc-P." THE NEW CABINET: President JaCkson'ii Cabinet now consists of the follow ing-gentleinen; - EDWARD LIVINGSTON, Secretary ofState LOUIS MCLANE, Secretary of the Trea sury, Louis CAss, Searetary, of-War, LEVI Woonautti, Secretary of the Navy R. B. TANEY, .Attorney General. C'''Four, at least, °Wiese gentlemen are Masons—and three of them "old school federalists.'! JUDGE 11PLEAN.--Speaking of the nomina. tion of this gentleman, the Niagara Courier, Lock. port, N. York, says?---"The propriety of nomina ting this gentleman as the Anti-Masonic candi date, is still Strerrously urged 11,y_ many Anti-Ma sonic prints. The only o;)jections that we ever entertained to this measure; have grown out of the .... y uncertainty in which we were ,as to•the sen ,tirrients of the Judge upon the übjeCt of Free. masonry. Within a short time, however, .we have become convinced that he is not only no ma son, but that he has ever entertained unfavorable sentiments towards the . order.' ''• . Again the Editor of the Courier says- 4 We should have no hesitancy in entering heart and hand into his support, should he be nominated by the Baltimore Conv.ention to head our, ticket"— and in the avant of his being , nominated, Judge MiLEAtst ',will receive the hearty and united sup port ofthe entire Antitnasonic Republican party." 'This is as it. should bo. Judge Mchi c o:, knowp as the firm-friend of Republicanigni„.and a decided enemy of Masonry, stands high and deserves the attention of-the" American people. ''With lift a man,• we would rather 'be - detbatii,than gain tholniiind Nieto:lee with a crowned . Atistocrat. .OH DEAR !-The Masonieirinn this quarter which co ..dered,Morgan'S amrder of'. no co sequence at all, are quite shocked tit the idea of nominating a Adge for the Presidency. • Disinterested and consistent patriots—they fear such a nomination will -tinsettle—theAsanda- of—the—Uninu. Never mind—the pepple are deter Mined to put down Masonry, and they will not consult the whims of the craft in the course which they adopt,, for the purpose.—Boston Feee,Piess. From the BahlMore GamlfitelLor Friday last lYe stop the press to insert the following letter received by Mr. Barnum, City Motel, convev ing - the tuipleasant information of the insurrection of the blacks. RALEIGH, N. C. 13th Sept. 1831. Dear Brother—l came to Raleigh last night on business; at the same time expect ing to find a letter in the otlice from you. I staved in town .all night, but was aroused fioi.i i sleep by the alarm that the Ne groes were advancing towards this place.— Expresses arrived during the night stating that WILMINGTON WAS IN THE, HANDS OF Tut BLACKS & BURNT! The town of Raleigh was under arms all night, and this morning presents a dreary )ect—women running in every direction anu distracted. Theleadmg men of the town are at this moment assembled at the Court-house ex amining a number of Negroes. All busi ness is stopped, and arnil4 collecting from all parts of the country. I have just been with a party of gentlemen to examine all the amu nition in the Stores. P. S. While writing the above, a nian has arrived in express from Jonson county, and killed his horse on the road, anti begs assistance for arms and amunition. ; For the Star. To JACOB CASSATT, Esq. Foreman of the Grand Jury of Adams county, at August Term, 1831. SIR—As you are before the public for the highest office in the gift of the people of this county, I wish you to answer a plain ques , tion, viz: Were you, or were you nol, tamperer} with, when out Of the Jury Room/13y an txr- Commissioner_ofthis_couuty,two-years-paet a Federalist, and now a PethocratJaek ed in the wool, on . a certain bill of indict men t lieb -- befor - e - yoeirtiOlWrit - ble body•Terrtcy be preeented to the Jury—and by such-tam pering, whether you did not exercise autho rity ineonAstent with the honorable station 'ou held at that time. This is a plain question, and the public might to know the truth, before they elevate h'ou to the station you are nominated for. Us. Enrron—On looking over your pa per of last week; I find that Henry 111‘Dit itt has again been taken up; by the Aristo cratic party, tor. the Assembly. I really wish the good citizens of Adams would give the gentleman some office or other, to satis fy himself and friends—No matter whether he is capable or not, so that a thirst for office may in some measure, appeased. I, among others of my neighbors, think Mr. M‘Divitt would do very well to attend to the inzportant duties within his calling—lf there were the "least shade of a shadow," (as Gov. Wolf's prote g e would say,) cf the pos sibility that the, nelligent people ( f Adams_ would send such a man to the-Legislature, I should be constrained to ask them to "look before they leaped"—but there's no danger —no need of warning those of our township against voting for any of the Aristocratic faction—we go for measures,not men—con sequently, shall vote the ticket, IN FULL that is headed with such men as' ANDREW MARSHALL AND JACOB CASSATT. AB A I M 11.11)1. ETU IN - ••7trtA wish the people to - tlft alt - t - hnliTtia- LC,lhrtra - Viitt - masonie Convention Will not be supported throughout, and that the Aris tocrats will succeed in electing one at least. We wish then?-to-lay not such flattering unc tions to their souls—we are antimasons from principle—we will show them at the poles, thane think not of opposing a. ticket °four party, because one inenther of it may not be the favorite of afete of hie fellow-citizens: But intend voting, the ticket-4m, WHOLE ticket. So, away with their falsehoo4. we -Want.ukticonowers of.the "handmaid" to 'dic tate' to tii".:t 4 We have Measure:?, not Men, inscribed on our banner, and round it we will rally on the spcond uesday of October nest; Co the sore; discomfiture of the devotees .0e the Lodge. =, ANDREW MARSHALL and JACOB GetssArri heads the ticket which will receive .the undivided support of all true Anti-masons in LATIMORE. MePaimmen.---LI would merelylet you know that the ticket settled last Saturday week, by the 'Aristocracy .opposed to the genuine prin s ciples of Anti-Masonry, "does not take" in our to r ylv iship. Even the few who 'were ,heretofo oppoped to us show a rettiliness of "turning from the evil tenor of their ways," arid of joining in with those who follow the advice of him who warned us with his dying breath to "Beware of Secret Sodeties. EvenihriChtiirman. of the meet ing that formed the . Ilfarioriic ticket, very prudently forgot to vote for the Assembly nominations. And others among us, intimate that they prefer the ticket or theii,eole to ihrii of the-worshippers of the Lode. Die second Tuesday in October will count the votes, FOR THE PEOPLE'S. TIOK:ET, of every genuine rt - piAblic r an. that. iftettles in• .••• .- • /' • NENALLEN., AN ANTI-MASON. For the Star , LIBERTY. For the Stai. W .. - . 1 y opponen 'For the Star MA RAIL.% -- -- ,On -Wednesday - itort4 - br • ••• • . •e• • • f Mr. JOlrr . f KANE, of this Ronne', to NW ELMS, M. CARBON, CMIMOUD9DyI.OW,MODiP• Near Westminster, Md. tilt Tuesdar hist,by the . Rev. Mr. Geiger, Mr. Astritaw MILLMMI of einiq of Bhippensburg, Cumberland county Ps.; to 31 iss - --Assto-Nts- Zacrikerse, - olTeterick Co.lQid. On tho 2Sfh Aug..hy the Rev. John B. Ebaughs of Carlisle, Mr. ADAM &HOLM to Miss . Mans/ FAvsr, both of this county.' On Wednesday week last, by the Rent Ilinc4i Mr. 11 eriev A. AMELONe. of Cincinnati, , Ohio, to Miss MARY Levisn, daughter of Chas.-F. Keener, E,q. of Menallen township, in this county. .On Thursday the littonste by the Rev,J. Ruth ruff, Mr. Allitos LEFEVER to Misti - ANA WORTM, daughter of Mr. Jacob Wpo, On Saturday the 10th inst.. at an advanced Mr.'JANt! s ROWAN, son. of Cunitterhind On the same day, an infant daughter of Mr, David Garvin, of this Borough. On Tuebday last, Mr. DAVID G,tonts, of this Boronglr, ageil about 34 years. ' A D V 14: RTI II NTS. Gettysburg Gymnasium. THE Semi-Annual Examination of the students of this Institution, will be held on Wednesday the 29th instant. The several classes will be examined on the claiisic au. thors and different branches of:the scienPes' In - additiou b to the usual exercises, - 011ginaal pieces will be delivered during the intervals between the examination of the several cusses, by persons appointed for the purpose The exercises will commence at 9 creleek A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. The ladies arid gentlemen of Gettystliiig, and the public genefally,' are respectfully 'invited to attend: The winter session will commence on the 27th of October next. September 20, 1831. hO'jl`ici . ASEMI-ANNUAL Meeting _ of the "Temperance Society of - Gettysburg and its Vicinity," will be held at . the Court House in the Borough of Gettysburg, on Saturday (be Bth day of October next, at 2 o'clock p. M. S. B. RUSSEL, Seep Sept. 20,1831. ` EDUCATION,* Ink AVID_ IlL'.lll ILL A N—realeettui. ly announces to the citizens of Get; that he has remo- • ved his SCHOOL to West York street, &- few doors from. Mr. Newman's tavern,: WHERE WILL BE TAUGHT' - Orthography, Reading, Writing, English Grammar, Geography, and all MS: - principal branches orthb :- • MATHEMATICS. Terms of tuition made known on appli cation at his school-room during the hours of - school. - -()f-Refill'effeet f - WM. W. BELL. , September 20, 1831. bite 3. GILEERT, -OFFERS FOR SALE, At the old stand a few doors South of llfr.• James Gourley 's Tavern, Baltimore Street, Gettysburg, A FRESH AND GENERAL SUPPLY OF MariPab CiadiP2) QUI4MIIV+2O I 2Bgti) • Paints a• Dye-Stuffs. / AMONG WHICH, ARE THE FOLLOWING 2 DRUGS & MEDICINES.. Acid Sulphuric - Mustald Sees ." Nitric Nutmeg " kluriatic Oil_Wormseed " Tartaric " Cinnamon. " Lemon " Cloves /Ether " Castor Assafmtida ' " Sweet Antimony " Cubebir Borax crude and refined Juniper Blue Pill Op . Carb Ferri Rhubarb M a =I mm Cream Tartar Ctimphor. • Calcined Magnesia Flor. Sulphur Gum Guiac " •Arabic " Draggon Manna ' • PAINT& White Lead Terra Do Stennis. Red Lead Chrome Yellow Spanish Brown 0 " Green Venetian Red Rose Pink Litharge Prussian lbw Burnt Umber Lampblack • DYE STUFFS. Logwood chipped . Redwood Allum Madder r Coppehis • • Fustic . 'Red Saunders Cainwood _ _ --Red Tartar Turmeric &c.. &e. &c. .PATENT MEDICINES. Batemans Drops Medicamentum Balsam De Malta • Whites Tooth ache drops " of Life - Golden Tincture Pills Lee's • 1 ° Dyot'w • " Lyon's.. ". Fisher's " Hooper's " Anderson'lr " Quinine Opodeldoc - • 4e.• 4-s. *c. British oil Cephalic Snuff Eliker Paregoric " Vitriol- - Eye water.' Essence Cinnamon " Peppermint 1, Lemon Grodfreys Co rditb °tr . The above articles. he will. sell no low for cash, as can be had at any other shop in the place. §epteniber..29, 1831. Potter's IN,retable Cutlet! FRESH silpply• of . the above article •'% l • 411 k-i has just been received and for,eale, at the Drug St9reoC ° _ " Lift. J. PILBEt4T. Gettysburg, Segt:P, 1831. *44 • M• ~:f 11:=1 to - -24 4w-24 ; Snake Ro Sarsaparilla Sal Ammoniac- - t• Salts Epsom Glauber Senna Tartar En. Venice Turpenthir. ••sP Varnish Copal " Black oil • 4-24