MOM ~l El _ft irtiseme-n-t-s OXIVZ*V.SKIJWII, A•r. WI 4 ' - 4 , • \-1 42)N#211 412,136110 Respectfully informs the public that he has remo‘d to his' C New Shop in C mberaburg Street, a - few ,•• 4467 - 11 - Yre - of - the - Court House, WHERE lIE IS PRERARED TO .7111 , - Trim, - ant . l. Repair . 1 :' aellee. eib 4 - . . , / s OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, / / • • _,...t y . a e SAD DLES BRIDLES, SAT IDLE-BAGS, Portmanteause:Harness, Trunks, and every other article-in his line of busi ness, with neatnesil, aad despatch. He returns his thanks tbr past encourage- Ment, and shall endeavor to merit a contin uance of the same. July 26,1831. • NOTICE. - tri • Prothonotary's ce, t# t • July 23, 1831. S account of Herman Wierman and • AL John Sadler, Trustees of ISAAC SAILER t is filed in the Prothonotary!s of itilGettyZurg, _Adams count.} , ', for-con firmation at August term, 1831. GEORGE WELSH, Proth'y. July 26, 1831. tc*-16 NOTICE: , Prothonotary's Office, July 23, 1831. S HE account of Jaßob Smith, one of the T Trustees of WRY FOLLER a non compos mentis, is filed in the Prothon. otary's office, in Gettysburg, Adams county, for confirmation at August term 1831. = GEORGE---WELSH;---ProtAty. -- July 26, 1831.. , te--16 • PROPOSALS, By the Editor ofthe Schenectady Standard For publishing, on the Ist of October next, a MtV of the olmerkan Pres.!, In a neat pamphlet form; to, contain the`ii tles of all the Newspapers and Periodicals published in the United States; the names of-the Editors and Publishers; a statement of the number of copies published from each press, and a designation of the political prin ciples advocated by each respective •pu bl ica iion. To which will be added, a notice of the several Type Foundries, and Printing- Press Manufactories in the United States. The work is, designed for the use of the Proles9ionyand will be of equal interest to political Editors of all parties. Printers and Publishers of Newspapers, who will immediately, upon reading this no tice, forward to this office a number of their paper enclosing I shilling, shall receive a copy of the work free of postage. Editors friendly to this design, are re quested-to give Or notice a conspicuous in sertion in their paper, which will enable, us to make our statements perfect and correct. Schenectady, N. Y. July 11, 1831. Jffount Pleasant .Ritknave, ATTENTIONS I "Wilriiiiiidd - iif - th - n - h - oininTOrldin __..7lWMtin4atur the o ffilai _next, at 12 - __o'cloe.k,_M-__with arms and an coui IMentiti ,COMP • te-0 or._ JOSIAH BENNER, 0. S. 9120 RIENr•KRID. JACOB CULP, an indented'apprentice to the Cabinet-making business, had my . leave to go out one week harvesting—he left me ott.tbe 2d instant, and was to have returned on the Mondky week following— Having not yet returned, I tun induced to think that he has' absconded. I will give the above retard if said appmntice is take at any time within 80 days frOm the 4,t1, inst. and brought home. I hereby caution all persons,frcittf"harboring or employing said apprentice, for,*dk he absents himself from me without any just cause, I will posi tively prosecute all those who may harbor or, employ him in defiance of this notice. DAVID HEAGY. Gettyrldig, Pa. July 19, 1831. 4t-15 • DO C% S. M. TUDOR, ()FM'S lily Professional services to the public generally, and can always be found at his father's residence, at the house Cormerly ,pccupied by - JaineS Morrisson, within one mile and a half of Hampton. Fair Mount, June 14, 1831. INFORMATION WANTED. rirnigintheeriber is desirous of acquirin r g Jik n or heidgughter litlary Anna . informatio n _ whet*, supposes emus to this country from ' Olinlith,PAbout 7or 8 ruining°. If the said . Mat Ann* if an w herein the United States • . Ow Os to t*rm her that the substrilnuv her mother itiat‘.• [' t Ma —, .syfantiouni Jimitl ; t6 00,hfit. . .",..,' to'' flitio.r.ditois in e . pirOftbe Unicakwiil o**l6+, „a &tor by.. " 'ag.this n otion. in. , • sorndit;;.. • CA : ,I ANA Kill: ME. ~~ .' -A LSO-- MEI _ _ A . _ _ger -A The subscriber, being about to remove from Gettysburg, will expose to public sale, On saturday the 6t4 of August next, at his dwelling, a quantity.of 112fiVI 47-IN 22 4 'VI% 1 COOKINU STOVE, TWO TEN-PLATE STOVES ONE. COV 4 • With a variety of other articles.. Side to commence at 1 o'clock, when attendance and acredit will be given by • JOHN N. STARR. is-14 July, 12; 1831. TO MY CREDITORS. WAKE NOTICE, that I have applied to - 1 - the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, for the benefit of the InsOlvent laws, and that the said Judges havo appointed Monday, the 22d day of itAu gust next; for t e hearing of me and my creditors, at th court=house in the borough of Gettysburg, , here you may attend if you think proper. Jay 19, 1831. $l5 RIVAIV 4.1EL11. RANAWliving Y from the subscriber, near T.aney town, Frederick. co. MX. on the 21st of May last, a negro man maned JOHN NOVJARD, Between 30 and .40-xehrs of age; skin not very dark ; about sirc . .feet high; tolerably slender; surly countenance; round chin, and shows his teeth, very much when laughing; he has a very large scar ori - between - the arrkle - tindkrree, occasioned-by the cut of, a scythe—l. think it is on the right leg; he is tolerably fond of whiskey., and has some pretensions to the ShBe-ma _ king business. He went away with a ne gro who, has had one of his hands taken off, ,belonging to Maj.-J - no. McKalub of 'Fahey: town—no doubt they will be' in the same neighborhood. Should any person give, information, through the medium of a letter, respecting the above negro, and the subscriber be suc cessful in having him taken, he shall re esive-the,abOve-reward,---without-his-narne .being disclosed if he wished. tf-18 Pipe Creek, 'Md. July 19, 1831. 5 GENERAL SYNOD 'OF THE LUTHERAN CHURCH, IN THE UNITED STATES. T HE clerical and lay-delegates appointed by the different District7Sytiods, are re quested to assemble at Frederick, Md. on the 30th day, and last Sunday of October next. As this Synod will be called upon to transact buqiness of vital importance to the Church, advisory brethren will be cheerful ly received, if due information of their inten tion to be present, be given to the - subscriber. DAVID F. SCELEFFER, Secretary of the G. S. in the U. S. July 19, 11,31. 4t-15 LIST OF LETTERS EMAINING in the Post Office ,at York Spring, Adams county Pa. on the first of July, 1831. Wm. R. Baker Richard llammand Elizabeth Beala Jonathan Miller John Du ld Charles Mitman at ony ear orff Hehry Mondorf George Diem David Myers, Esq. Margery Donahay Jane Ann Neely - Christian Deardorff Hon. Richard Rush .DaniaEicker --- - Philip Group . Amy Wierman • , : Burkhart Warner. Peter Grist, 2. ' 0'64 Sava White, 2 Rebecea priest qanirtel Zeigkr- HERMAN WIERNIAN. July 5,.1831 --------- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, TO all persons concerned, that the Sub. scribers have been appointed AUDI TORS, to settle - and apportion the remain. ing Assetts of the Estate of THOMAS BOIV NER, deed a'mong the Creditors of said deceased: and that they will meet, for -4attixismott the house of Philip Heagy, in Gettysburg, on. Saturday the 1 8th of Au. gust next, at 10 o'plock, A. M.—where all persons interestefi Will please attend. THOS. C. MILLER, 4.• JNO. B. MePHERS'ON, k JNO. M. STRVANSON, ; ~, July 12, 1931 .: , .- •• • , 4t-14 VUBILAIC . TN pUrsuance of an order of the Orphans'. Coitrtkif Adamscounty, will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, . OnAaturday the 20th of next, A LOT Or •••• 2 i": GROUND, • . . • Containing 28. Acres, adjoming lauds of John Collins and others. - Likewise a Lot Of Ground in the town of Heidlersburoo. 39, in 'Tyrone township, Adams county; all the estate ofA.rthur Nickel, deceased. Sala to comintode at 111. o'clock M. on the first.dascribedlot, and the litst described lot .at 8 eckkelc P. M..on.said day. . WILLI'AM NICKEL, Adm'r. • -May 31, 1831. • . is ' 8 CENTS ' Given for clean Linen and Cotton Rags, i‘ /I at the AS arthwer. NlDun GEORGE CROMER. 4t...15 6t-15 3 est V.REUedB.4,E pROPERTy POR SALE. • . a s • 1111111' . 1111 Al,' - Will be offered for Sale at public vendue, On Sayardiz# 14c - 11 - sili of October . next, on the premises , at 1 o'clock, P. M. that va luable proper! y, late the estate of, John Stephens, dec'd, known by the name of the Bermudian Creek Woollen Ate- tory 9 and Farm, .7 Situate in Huntingdon township, Adams county, 21 miles south of Petersburg, (York Springs.) The improvements are, a 2 story 3 3 1 01 ; 2 Tenant . Houses, with Stables, a to • bank Barn, (sine under and log above,) stone smoke-house and drying kiln under-one, and stone spring -house, and fun tain pump at the back door; two APPLE ORCHARDS— one of which is young, bearing and thriving; and a great number of Peach trees. The FACTORY HOUSE isa two-story STONE OUILDLYG, seventy-five feet long—which contains the Fulling Mill and all the other necesigri machinerya good stone Dye Shop_ convenient. The Streain is good and standing. . There are 225 acres in this farm, with' a sufficiency of meadow—about 'lOO acres - of it are covered with timber. It will suit well to divide, as the great road leading from Carlisle to Oxford runs through said Farm. The terra - will be made known on the day of sale by • THOMAS STEPHENS,. SUrviving 'ger. Of - Jiihn Stopliens, - deed. Ptersburg, (York Springs,) July 12, 1831: N. B. If the above Property is not•sold on said daylit will then be offered for Rent tbr 1 year front-the first of April next. T. S. Batigees 111"efkl# 417ressenger. By the former Editor of Zion's Herald mid . Christian Advocate and Journal. Plan of Publication: pagg-of-the-Weal4- Measenge-r -will be entirely devoted to editorial articles, original-Teligious-corrtspondenee r eonderis.- ed intelligence of ecclesiastical, missionary, andphilanthropie movements throughout the world ; embracing abstracts of reports of Bible, Mission,Tract, Bethel,Sabbath, Tem perance, and Literary Societies, and such interesting miscellany as , a wide range of valuable American and Foreign periodicals shall apply to combine variety with use, and please while it instructs. The fourth page will be devoted to various miscellany, ar. ranged under departments, suited for every age, profession, and circumstance in life, in which original and selected articles may be found, with engravings and pictoral illustra tions of scenery and moral objects. The de partments assigned to Sunday and Infant Schools will be prepared under the super vision of an association of gentlemen who have been engaged, for several years, in pro moting the best interests ofthese institutions. The two pages of the inner side will be de voted to secular intelligence, foreign and do mestic, literary reviews and notices, the pro. ceedings of,general and state legislatures, literary, professional, mercantile, and other business advertisementl, together with the current account of prices and stocks, bank note discounts, rates of exchanr &c. pre. EMI _ _ pared by a gentleman in the exchange busi ness, together with a correct, although ne cessarily brief list of -marine. arrivals and .clearances at the port of, NeW York and other principal-seapm-ts in the-United States: Qom• The price of tho Weekly :Messenger will be Two DOLLARS AND FIFTY QENTB a year, payable in advance. - IlaVostrnaatexs,rninisters,aratotherx.esponsible gentlemen, who are willing-to act as agents,-and - -setabreihsrpity_gtent atmual - subscription,shall be entitled to the seventh gratuitously, or to a pro portionate allowance in their cash account. Ur' 011brs of ageticy from responsible gentle. men at a distance will be gratefully received. 0.7 All communications to Badger's Weekly Messenger must be post paid, unless they contain. 'the names of subscribers or remittancesof money. Communications should be addressed to"B.Badger editor of the "Weekly Messenger " New York." Er Caro should be taken in making remittances by letter from a distance, that the money inclosed shbuld either be bills on the Bank of the U. States, or on such States' banks as aro in good credit, and whose notes are subject to no injurious discount in this city. All wmittances made at the risk of the Proprietor of the Messenger. Ili' Gentlemen sendingOn .their - own names as subscribers, or the names of these persons whom they wish to include in their agencies, are desired to write the name of subscriber, town or postiffiee, county and State, in a plain hand, with attention to the correctness of the orthography, or °hie mirk flirty occur in the direction of the papers and t the account hooks. B. BADGER. 'lllBmr York, July 26,1831. 1 3 / 4 . 4t--16 Tllll6. ILI AASED at the )ast 'Session of the' Le " gislatitre of Pennsylvania, have , been ticeived at this Office, and are ready for delivery. GEO. WELSH, Proth'y. Prothonotary's Office, Adams county, June 14, 1831. / 4w-0 Pennsylvania Telegraph'. 'rho holders as:olV7ription pirra for the Pennsylvania7Vegrapl4,(o - ce t in Lan caster county,) requpsted to tor Ward the names of the patrons received, to the sub scriber, at Harrisburd, as soon as posse ble‘ito meet-the arrangiurienti now making for the immedinv i,sue of the paper: THEO. 14:NN. July 5, . , journal having been soli cited by a largelnumber of his patrons to issue the "Reporter" weekly, has, in consequence, made such arrangements as will enable him to comply with their wishes after the :31st a July inst., on which date the first year of this publication will be completed. Wo feel grateful to the public for the liberal patronage awarded us, (having nowt' more ' extensive circulation than any other newspaper in the United States,) and shall leave no measure un resorted to, in order to render this journal valuable in - alt - rmipects - rnet - wily to merchantictunking - in - - - stitutions, brokers, and keepers of hotels, but:to the mmunity=in-general.--Wo:havo-ongaged-the4ii-L erary assistance of several gentlemen well known as writers, and have correspondents in all the prin. cipal cities and towns in the United States. We also receive weekly more than five hund: od news. papers from parts of the Union, so that whatever information may bo circulated through the Medium of the "Reporter," and the resources from whence it is derived, we•can confidently state may, in all cases, be relied upon as cos roct. Bank notes are being counterfeited in every direction; and on the arrival of every Vessel from Europe, or the creation of every national excitement, the stato.of the market varies. Every person shodld I therefore, be possessed ofsome certain guide by which all such info' illation might be received by earliest mails, and at such a rate as not to render its possession an exorbitant tax. Such a journal is exactly what -we endeavour to render the "Re. porter," in an effort to accomplish which, neither pains ner:exponse will at ally time bo spared on the partof the publisher. Every number will contain a carefully corrected Bank Note List, List of Broken Banks, Prices Current, Prices of Gold, Prices of and Lisuranee Stock, & a descrip tion of all Counterfeit and Altered Notes in cir culation throughout the United States, and all such information as is likely to throw light upon the subjects embraced in the design of this journal.— The latest foreign news, together with much or. iginal and well selected matter, will also be found ge, p in i t T he li c E ol P u ‘ n th m li s sil o e f r t ° h r e t i j ' l ß is eporter." ~ie ADVERTISENIENTS not exceeding a square, in.. dank serted three times ' for one dollar, and for every Other insertion twenty-five cents—larger ones in , . . __.l .A.c. ire, • 92MTME3o , • {ftl6^ Av ., ..2 - ia.:(LNfa.. PROCL/MI= I 3CON., WHEREAS the Hon. Jonrt Rpm), Esq. President of,the several Courts of Common Pleas, in, the Counties composing the Ninth District, and Justice ofthe Courts of Oyer - and Te . rtniner,i - ind General Jail De livery, for the trial of all capital and other -offenders n t he- said- District - - - -- - and DA - Nret - SHEFFER and Win. M'CLEAN, Esq's Judges of the Courts of Common Fleas,, and Justi ces of the Courts of oy,er and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the County of Adams-hasp issued their precept, bearing date' the 28th day of A pi!, in the year dont. Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty one, and to me directed, for holding a Court of Common Pleas, and General gliai ter Ses sions of the Peace, and General Jail Delive ry, and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Gettysburg, ' On Monday the 22d day of August next, Atlo o'clock, A. Al." Notice is hereby Given, To all the Jinitices of the -Peace, the Coro ner, 'and Constables, -within the said County of Adams, THAT they be then and there, in their proper persOns, with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions, Examinations, and other Re: rriembrances, to . do . those things which to their offices, and in that behalf,apeertain to be done—and also they who will prose cute against the prisoners that are ) or then shall be, in the Jail of the, said County of. Adams; ware to be then and there, to prose cute against them as shall be just: Dated at Gettysburg ) the 1 9thday of) uly, A.D. 1831. WM. S. COB EA N, Sheri . f. BICENEWS REPORTER, Counterfeit Detector, and Price Current. te-14 Notes on all solvent books, of a loss denomina tion-than five dollars, received at par in payment tbr subscriptions and advertisements. o:77he weekly publicition willbe enlarged'iind otherwise improved. _Xi iwinttedAtihe low price per annum ; the semi.motithry - to-re. main at $2; single copies, 121 cents. Address-- 12011E127T. BICKNELL, Exchange Broker, No. 119, Chesnut street, Philadelphia. TILE_ E AG to undersigned respectfully informs -AL " his old - friends and customers, and the in general„ that ,lie has taker, that well known TAATRItig t%T 4:111101. „ ; THE - EAGLE HOTEL Situate on the comer of Baltimore and Mid dle streets, formerly occupied :by Mr. B. GILBERT. The house is „large and. eon; venient. His Bar is well stocked with, the best of Liquors, and hie Table' will always be furnished with the best the market can afford. The stabling is good and ; foamy, and attended by an attentiveillik,ileri Travellers and others are assur*frl, 'that he will use every exertion in his' power to render both.lian and Horse comfbrtable. - • PHILIP HEAGY. April 6, 1831. tf 52 POTTER'S VEGETABLE CATLIOL4CON. A D T E N T. The unrivalled and extensive reputation acquired by this medicine for theAst foe years, both in fIOSPITA.L and private prac. tire, demands from tlieproprictoic his grate ful acknowled i rmentsto a discerning MibliC. Potter's Vegetable CatholiCon is offer the cum of Diseases of. the Liver, Ulcerated Sore Throat, Debility - resulting from - Intemperance and Dissipation, Scrofula or King's Evil, Old and Inveterate Ulcers, Pains in the Bones, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Dir . eases of the Lungs ; Syphilis Blotches on the Face and Skin; White Swelling of the• Joints, Tetter, Mercurial &taunts, Piles, &o. Cathblicßn• consists veststble mo,ttor, and with Eiffi F: '~ .*~ EMS tninktion - toihe bowels', Whict it preierves in a Soluble state, acts insensibly-, is pleas ant to the taste, and requires no particular regiinen or confinement. As' a gentle ca thartic medicine, improving the appetite and restoring the general tone of the system, t is confidently recommended to ladies in a delicate situation. The unrivalled and very extensive clir actor .which this medicine has enjoyed, fin. thaitstsix years, as a complete renovator, and purifier of the blood and humours both in jlospital and Private Practice, is a sub, stantial basis for itA future support.. l_t_has obtained_its present'great distinction bythe_ extraordinary success which has attended it in the Healing A rt,whtle every avenue and track have been searched in vain for its parallel; indeed, ft-discovery mity be con sidered—one or th . c most sacred boons that can be afforded to the untiutunate;. and I most sincerely hope the sympathy of the public will be excited to difliise its- invalua ble merits. There nre at this time several spit; ious Mixtures in circulation ritiread, add some vended in this city, assuming to possess the same, or equal virtues, of Potter's Catholi con. It is to be hoped that the unsuspect ing will be placed on their guard against such impositions, as much mischief has re sulted from their use. They consist prin cipally of sarsaparilla siropS, viz. Sirop do Cuisiner or Rob L'Atlecteur, and are sold for a much 10 . 8i1 price; you will therefore ho particular and purchase of none but my au thorized agents, whc re you.can.obtain the GENUINE CA THO.LIcO N. The following strong- testimonial is furnished at the request — of Dr. Davis, of Lynchburg, Va. tyy-a-gentkuttanof groat respectability, reaidinz in that place, whose original certificate, of which the following is an exact copy, is lett with the proprietor of the Oatholicon. • ''. CASE. LYNCHBURG, Va. May sth, 1828. - At the request of Dr.—, I here give a state- ment of the effect. of Potter's Catholicon in the, restoration - of my health. My constitution had I been in a declining state for more than eighteen months. l`was much troubled with a short diy cough, slight difficulty of breathing, which was much increased by bodily exorcise. At night, -groat oppression at the chest was experienced, With excessive colliquative sweats, soreness and pain in the sides and breast, wit extremr;tangruor _and_ losta-appetite—in-thituatieri,-1--travelled-- to the Now England states by sea, but obtained no ormanent, relief. y way of experiment, I was induced.te use Put: ter's Catholicon, and niter using two bottles, my . health was perfectly rentored. PHILADELPHIA, March 2Stli, 1629. Dear Sir—After many but ineffectual trials to ielieve myself from a most severe and distressing • attack of dyspepsia, I have been completely cured by the use of; to me, your invaluable Catholicon, and I thlok it my duty thus publicly to state my ca'r, anifin - order that others may profit thereby. The first symptoms of the disease wore manitbst ed in the spring 0f182.7.. Warned at the approach of this destroyer of ell ease, I had recourse to phy sician after physician, and remedy after remedy, 'but received little or no relief. I was recommend_ ed to retire into the country, where I so far e cruited, that I hegan to think the enemy was die: lodged. I returned to the city, where rim a short time all my...eld symptoms returned with double violence. My stomach femme so debilitated with drugs that I relinquished the regular system and entered on a course of Bwitim's Panacea; It did me no good, and I wont back' to my doctor, who crammed me with pulverized oyster shells, etc. etc. My teeth became loose, and some actually fell out; there was a .constant pain in my juints,particular ly in damp skeather, pains in my right side and shoulder, etc. I now submitted to another course .1 ofmedical treatment, until the fall of 1829, when my physicians stated the diseatie to be a aebirruo of the liver. Then it was that I determined fairy your ico n ra,few-41-1. u nproved my appetite, and gave me a feeling of ease and comfort, I cannel readily de - Scribe. In twelve days aftef using but one bottle, I found myself well:- -the few teeth I had left were firmly clasped by the gums and my appetite and digestionporfeetly_re, - steritsd: I now enjoy 118 gooirjils - aliliifyar did, and I must say it is to your valuable ratholcou that 1 attrittuta_this happy reault. - - Respectfully yours,_ • EZRA P. WILTIIAgIir. _ FOLK; Va. May Ist, In& Dear \ - ! Sir.—l wig - shortly-state-my formerease: -, I labored for six years under a violent Liver Com plaint. It - firmirlrennifeeted-itaulfin - fire stnnmor— of 1821, and rendered froquent_application to an eminent family physician necessary; by whose prescriptions I could ohtatif.only a temporary re. lief. After the lapse of m'sny months, without re ceivlbg any permanent - benefit from medicine, [- came to the determination' to try your Cat.hulicon. I took three bottles, and thank God, I can truly , say the disease of the liver entirely loft me; and have since been as well and hearty as man can be, in the fullest enjoyment of health and spirits.— My curb was otl'ected solely by your celebrated and agreeable Catholicon. • Your friend, •.' • EDWARD L. YOUXG . . I To W. W. POTTER, Philadelphia.. t. WILMINGTON, May 22 4 ;830. Deet Sir.—This wad a case of rhouniatigni in an intimate friend of mine; an old gentlemen 8- bout' sixty years of age, who had the Rheumatism for a number of years past, part of the time 'con fined to hie bed; ho took it merely through experi merit, .end was surprised to find himself entirely freed from his painful discirder by using only one bottle:. - • Iptuninent• physician says, "I have knOwn cures performed•byy the use_of your Catho previously resisted the ordin,ary sresariptrons .of the faculty, and• I 'have , never known It to produce INJURIOUS EFFECTS:" To haft at the Drug Store of Dr. J. GILBERT. Gettitiburg, May 18,1831; ATTENTION The - York Springs Troop . W ILL meet at the howm of Mr. Mole! • Mpwa, in Potful:9g, on Sati#dty" the 4. 3#l of 41sgei t it.Ket, at - 14e9lock, A. V. for 'orgizatiOn and the EleotUn - of Of. ficers. JA( B sANpgito, Sively of slight tjetor- LEM OM W. W. POTTER, Philadelphia. DAVID It. DUEY CASE. CASE. Your well wisher,. JEREMIAH NICHOLS. M 121
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers