The star. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1831-1831, July 19, 1831, Image 3

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    r Prr - 7. thua the rithss the Preple'e t ifilf-Fa-prOCiallri-
Ousted by inflnence, and unbrib'd by GAIN.
From the Patriot of Saturday last.
FLOUR, /I*';/-st.—Thetranfiactions from store
this week appear to have been chiefly confined to
parcels of freih groand flour, sales of which have
been made at 4 87i. Sales of some parcels of old
but sweet flour have been made at 4 75. For lots
of fresh, of favorite brands, holders demand $5 per
brl. The wagon price has been uniform and steady
throughout the week, at 4 75 per brl.
WHEAT.—We are gratified in being able to
state that the disastrous reports of the Wheat har
iest which we noticed in our last, have not been
realized. The wet and warm weather which had
prevailed, and from which such'sertous injury an
loss were apprehended, disappeared on Saturday
last; and since then it has been clear and cool, and
extremely favorable for the operations of the har,
vest. By accounts from various quarters of the
State it appears that the propitious change in the
weather has arrested the damage arising from
sprouting, and is enabling farmers to gather in
their crops in excellent order. Although in some
sections the product is short, yet the aggregate
crop is expected to amount to a fair average, and
is, generally speaking, of good quality.
A small parcel of now red, not prime, was sold
this week at 97 cents. Prime would readily com
mand 100 cts. On Saturday last a parcel of 3000
bushels old North Branch Susquehanna wheat was
sold on terms equivalent to 1 00 per bushel.
CORN.—We quote both sorts to-day at GO to
62 cents, with a dull market for yellow.
That Judge M'LEAN, of Ohio, is, at this time,
the most popular man in the Union, no one ac.
quainted with the feelings of the People, will
doubt. Gen. JACKSON and Mr. CLAY have each of
them, warm friends and partizanttAintlt itntrtia •
iy true that each of them has, at this moment, a
clear and decided majority of the' American peo
ple 'ppo • ft to -him. Jackson's popularity had
• grown to an unnatural height—too tall for the
soil from which it sprang. He was unable to
sustain it. It has Ibsen constantly on the wane
since his election. • His , principles of national po.
Hey, as developed; his hostility to the Tariff; the
United States Bank, and the Judiciary, have alie
nated all his judicious and patriotic friends in the
Middle,--Eastern- and . -Western States. A portion
of the South, it ii true, still adhere to him, on ae•
count of his southern feelings and views. But
his real friends are a lean minority. We do •
moan to be understood, that they are a minority
compared with the friends of Henry Clay. We
think otherwise. Of Mr. Clay, we would speak
with respect; but we must, nevertheless, speak the
trutlitVag.epponrntsof Gen. Jackson cannot e.
Hite on, hurt, , Between the two, the Generid would
still be ascendant.
The Hon. JOHN M'LEAN is the only man,
who can save the country from the triumph of
principles-which threaten to work our-ruin. We
are aware that the Aristocrittic Party have assert.
ed that he is a Mason, or fitvorable to Masonry.
R. q. o r own friends have feared,it. , Un-
til now, we were unable to ,contradict it; Tor, al
though we disbelieved both . assertions, from a
Ige of liiivektuniztelysrettve -- wauld make
no statements which wo, had not authority for.
We now inform our friends, that Judge M'L
never had any connexion with Freetnaironry; apd
AND HAS N/FQli/tILY ll4ra m narnarala,
SF.CRET SiSCIETIES. Mill wo Ifave no hesitaney in
stating, that if he is nominated by the Baltimore
Convention in September next, ho will not feel
himself at liberty to decline the nomination.—
This, in our opinion, ought. to satisfy all our
friends. This is' all that genuine Anti-malfctrz ,
requiresecided opposition to Secret Societies . ,
and concerted action in their suppression.
From this time, until the meeting of the Anti
wiaeonic Convention, wo hope tasee a concerted
avutzealous co-operation among all our friends in
favor of that distinguished citizen: Ills nomini.
Lion will be the signal of victory, and the certain
overthrow of the present adtninistration„ and all
masonic rivals. lioneeforthi until controled by
the United Statue Antimasonic. Convention, we•
shall supgert the annexed nominations
op onio.
The nomination which we
_make to-day, i we.
doubt not, will lie : well 4081ved by every genuine
Republican. We sometime since coupled the
naive . of FLANCII3 GRANGER ? Esq. of New York,
with thatvf Judge ,MCLEAN., But hgving learned!
thif the Reptiblivana of New, York wish him to•
taktithe placee, at present occupied by a disciple of
Naeonry, we place the 'name of Pennsylvarnes
gpsat,est von in his stead. MoLinri.and Rum are
great mil good men. Sucili as weWant to cleanse
:t` high paces of statethat have been contomina
'pal by men :wit kent We have beep, a..
!nogg thouwithi 9f 9thets, greatly deceived ind
4llipappolntai 147 hint as a brave and gallant
deOsixler of his *hp, we 4 'ditlighted tu,
h4* r," APO who, te hpld the reins of
'Orally, is hfciTtyl vt4ntiqg t ! . ' go then, if
those who are hostile to the predent adininistra
lion, and those who are genuine friends of their
country, wish to see things restored to their pris
tine purity, we mast all one grand
aim, and unite upon but two men • e estorers
of our country's purity—and those two men musl
bo JOHN IVIcLYAN and ItictfArto Rusn. Thefriende
of Hratv CLAY will see 'the necessity of this. -4
However much the Anti-masons respect tho man
they must reject hie masonic principles. And
without the vole of nu' party, no man can dethrone
the present ruling tyrant.
article whith - appearerl - iirthe - '‘gtar n- the - 21 - et - ult.
has had its desired effect. We intended to portray
• .•• • vickedness of those who al.
though aspiriiV"leaders in isarol,•" are bound by
the horrid oaths of Masonry, to aid the institution
in peraccupng
wickedness. One of those "leaders," probably,
has seen fit, after a few weeks goading, to tell us
that "the Sacred Book warns us; Judge not lest ye
be judged,'''—WC know that "the Sacred Book" so
teaches—and we know also, that, in order to judge
who aro "Hypocrite's," the same "Book" tells us
"Ye stall KNOW them by their sums." Conse
quently, when a man has sworn to keep /cm, the
secrets of an Order, "murder and treason not ex•
cepted"—to extricate a brother , mason from ALL
ditlicutly "right or -Wrong"—to give those who
secede from their Order, a "bad name," "transfer
it, after him wherever he goes," andaid in "derang
ing his Imaipess," by persecuting him on all oc
casions offered—mocking Deity, by personifying
Him, and using his! name as a pass-word to the
Sanctum Sanctorum of their wickedness—when
we see men with such obligations, upon them, are
we not ;justified in judging them "by their fruits,"
when they openly say one thing but secretly aid in
carrying portions of these oaths--and obligations
into, effect? This Wo ictsow to have been done,_
and that too but a few weeks since,in this Borough.
Amid we really grieve, that mon who hold so high
and responsible stations in sacred places, should
still have on them such horrible oaths mind obliga
tions as they KNOW the masonic ones to be. They
should remember, that the Great "I AM" has de
clared, "that the secrets of the heart - shall be laid
bare—remembering this, let them ask their own
hearts, how they expect to stand in His sight, who,
while acting as "shepherds in his spiritual fold,"
are under horrid oaths to keep and practice Ma
sonry's secrets and-precepts Let them look above,
and see the sword suspended by a single hair over
their heads—while below, the slippery foundation
upon whtch they stand; and r6flectionAhlraid - 0 -
those who act the part of "Wolves in sheep's
clothing!" Pause, we beseech you, ere it be in
. • ittrhly-too-latel---Yetk4oow —we, too, KNOW
your situation.
The Compiler's correspondent.says—"There is
not a prominent leader of Antimasonry who is of
high-standing in the Church—not a Clergyman in
all this section of the country, who takes part"
with Anti-masonry. While we say, we allow of
one Clergyman in oar county who has publicly
secedod from the institution, and fivo or six others
who consider the institution too wicked for those
who wish to be good Christian "leaders,", to con
firmer bound by its blasphemous - ttths, lot us-ask-I
the correspondent to point out one Clergyman who 1,
"takes an active part" in favor of Masonry? Como,
let us have ONE.
'The Lexington Observer of the 94 instant con
tains in s. postcript an extract of a letter from a
gentleman of high respectability in Illinois, dated
on the 20th ult. which states that an express from
Gon. GAINES, who had undertaken an expedition
against the hostile Indians on .Rock" river, at the
head of 500 regular troops, passed through Jack
sonville on-the-1 Rt. and-stated that an action' had -
taken:place in which the Americans had been de
feated, with the loss of 300 men, the General be ,
then ! the wounded. On boin informed of
this disaster, Gov. REYNOLDS lin rood iately proceed.
ed to the scene of action with 1500 mountod vol.
nitteers; - anitha - d - ordered - 3000 - more to tbllow from
Illinois, Indiana and Missouri; but it was feared
they would be too late.
ACOIDENT.—On Tuesday evening last, a son of
Mr. HENRYCULP, aged about 5 yean77llT — his - 1
thigh broken and hiß . bowels,considerably injured
by being run over by.a wagon wheel. Ho was
hanging to the hind end of the coupling pole, when
his, herd gave away and threw hint in the way of
apart ofa wagon attached thereto:
ORDINATION.—Froth the "Regulator" . we learn,
that thr"Prosbytery of Baltimote will' meet in the
ttnionchurch, in 'fancy town,. on Wednesday the
.inst-" and that "if the way he opened," on
Thursday following., the "Presbytery will proceed
to ordain . Mr. C. W. K.'needy to the work. of the
Gospel Ministry." A geogral invitation is given;
the meting is expected to continue several days.
TO • LABORERS.—The contractors on the Balti.
more and'Ohio , Rail , rdad, in the vicinity of Fred.
crick, have' advertised that they will give , imme.
diato emplbyment to 1700 Laborers—to Nhom
Ono Dollar per dity t willbe punctually paid. And
also, that Slone Cutlers, and Slone sons-, will
find' employment-and‘ liberal Wages, on this work.
inquire at"Ridgeville,,New Market a nd rederick.
CHRISTIAN FRYDINGER.-4- , We learn from the
Frederick "Examiner" that tide mar who had
lieen arrested as a supposed accomplice of Mark
kty.,:was brought up for further examination on
'Saturday week last, and after giving prompt an
swers to the various and sifting questions that
were propounded to him,, he was discharged upiin
the elearest,_manifastation of his innocienely
111411 e
papers v we learn the "Pennsylvania Blatks"
by the Hon. Joan Itasn i le published and re'
• for delivery. It
,is in three volumee-410 . per
' BADOIIIa WOUrakit' Meentione.—We have TO
ceived a specimen minter of "Badger's Weekly
Meseepger," a huge ,and pnblication;
edited and published by the former ediUts'of
Herald,' an interesting and well conducted Me
thodist journal, which was publithed in Boston
knd more,tecontly an assistant editor of that popu
lar weekly sheet l -the . " Christian Advocate and
Journal." Persons desirous a 'Of patronizing
have an opportunity efexamining it., by palling at
our office.
OvE nv ONE TI(EY PALL.—Speaking.or the late
celebration at Shepherdsto4 ya. on the 4th inst.
the "Vitginia Free Press" says---"A melancholy
sensation - was the feet, that this was the
only anniversary ever cerebrated there, without
number of the revolutionary patriots being present.
On this -occasion., uot_anc_w_as_thcre_L_TtmE,liail
either swept all off into its resistless torrents, or
had enfeebled them too much to permit them to join
the tbstivo throng."
Fruui the-flosttm-Free Press-we-learn -that-the-
Massachusetts State Committee have recehtd a
letter from Mr. Rush, in reply to one from them,
addressed to him in obedience to a: resolution of
the late Anti-masonic Ccinvenbon in that State.—
The letter gives "further views of the it - dhow° of
Freemasonry over the Press, and the laws of our
A Daily Paper is about 1. - o be published
in the city of Washington, svowedly to ad
vocate the election of .the 'Hon. JOHN
M'LEAN to the Presidency. •
For the Stare
Mr. MIDDLETON—As you omitted in
forming.the public of the late large and re
spectable DEMOCRATIC meeting in this bo
rough, will you permit me to give it a pass
ing notice through your paper, so that the
people in - the country can see 'who are the .
staunch_leaders of "the Dembcratic Party.".
• On Thursday evening, the 7th inst. about
the "going down of the sun," the surviving
remnant of the famous declaration . of the
"TWENTY-THREE," headed by a little' "Cock
Robbin," was seen grouping their way to
the "abode of Darkness." This little "band
of brothers," marched on- their way with a
firm and steady pace—bearing the deter
mination on tbeir visages to stick to the
Harlot as long as she had a button on her
coat. That the people may know who these
Democratic heroes were, permit me to name
their Majesties:
His Most Worshipful Majesty, R. - G.
HieMosl Excellency, GEN. T. C. MIL
Worshipful Sir t .J. L. FVLLER, Esq.
Followed by brothers Boaz, Jachin and
Tubalcane; or, Holtzworth, Vanorsdallen,
and Geiselman.
So you see, such are the men who join
together to out-tin/v.:: public opinion, and
endeavor to prop apt)* tiot teri nil walls of.
an Institution which all honorable and re
spectable men are forsaking, and joining in
with those who have raised their voices a•
gainst the - blasphemies of Freemasonry.
Let them go on. Such men are worthy of
such a cause as Masonry. Q.
From the New York Courier of Friday, July 8.
THE FUNERA L.—Yesterday the re•
mains of JAMES MONROE were commit.
ted to the earth with a feeling becoming his
talents, his services, and his virtues. All
ranks and degrees, all denominations, and
all parties united in doing th fast otriCes to
the honest man, the virtuous, experienced,
and able statesman; the soldier of the revo.
lutioi, - who - gave thoidoodof his youth;-the
vigor of his manhood, and the wisdom of his
age to his country. The ancient soldiers of
the revolution• the ra -haired remnants of
patriotism and glory; their young succes
sors of the army and navy; the citizens sol,
drers, and the citizens-themselves,Oilowed
him to the last depository of honor, glory,
and greatness; and united in one sentiment
and one iroicerin one - testimony, to his hay
in_ lived and died a _ .d man a ood soi7
di er, an - a - goo 'patriot. . •
The body of the deceased patriot wifts
deposited in a leaden - coffin soon after the
decease, and thisis encased in a very high
ly finished Mahogany coffin, which bears on
a plate of silver the following simple inscrip
tion :
Died 4th of July.tifill, aged 74 years.
Presidents e f the United States.--There
have been (including the present) seventies t
dents, The mutes of four of them ended
in the letters oN.. The: names of three of
them ended in the letters sort, but neither of
these three had a son. All of them were
married; but three ofthem were childless:
The son of the only one, that had a son was
one of the seven. Four' of the seven are
dead; and thee . of them died on the fourth
of July !
I3ALTIMORE, July 14.
Pedth of Goo. Martin.- , -By the steam.
boat last evening from the Eastern Shore,
we have the melancholy intelligence that
His Excellency DANIEL MARTIN, Governor
of Maryland, died at his residence in' Tat
b; County, on Monday list, after a few
days of severe illness..., 'Gov. Martin, was
a high minded, honorable. man, possessing
great integrity of, character, which secured
to him the highest respect and confidence
of his fellow-citizens generally,. both in his
private and public charactery /
.. By this'imwelciime event / the President
ofthe Executive Council, GEORGE BOW ARD I
Esq. of ' Anne-Arundel county, - will bo . the
-Acting Governor of.the State until next
Session• of the Legisliiture r when a nev.,c
-.lection will' take place, , N;re4ahly to Aeon
vieitinit of theCpostiiatienu:-Patriot-
The • fast words or THOMAS JEFFERSON
Were, "I resign my soul to my God, and my
-Daughter to no Country." JOIIN ADAMS,
near his end, roused by the firing of cannon,
and being told people people were rejoieingtir
• the 4th of July; said, "It is a great and glo
rious day"—and expired with 'the . words
"Independenee 4 forever!" on his lipt‘. The
Commercial Advert•iser states that when'
the noise of the tiring began at midnight,
the dying MONROE "opened his eyes inqui
ringly; and when the cause was communi
cated to him, a look of intelligence indica
was." We know not if there be upon re
cord more striking instances than these,, of
the "ruling passion strong in death.
it, can
1 1 says "We have extracted, for to-day's pa-
Per a correspondence between Messrs. Ing
ham dnd Eaton, two persons who have just
left the American ministry. It is lamenta
ble we think to see so striking a departure
froth all the rules of educated Society, by
men holding such offices as those of Secre
taries of the Treasury and. of War of the
United States. This conduct must tend to
throw discredit on the nation and its public
press among foreigners."
OMINOUS !—lt is cited as a strange
coincidence, (says the Lynchburg Virgini.'
an,) that the same, paper which announced
AMOS KENDALL'S arrival in New York, on
his return from Massachusetts to Washing
ton city, also notified the arrival in the same
place of an OIYEANG OUTANG from Calcut
ta. This singular conjunction of a physical
and a moral caricature of humanity, it is
thought, bodes no good to the country. -.
Dr. P. G. Randolph has resigned the
office of first clerk in the War Department.
The-duties of Secretary. of War will be as
signed to one of the members of the Cabinet,
who will discharge them untiFthe arrival
of Gov.. Cass.[Globe_
Death by drowning.--On Thursday eve
ning last, between 5 and 6 o'clock, Mrs.
Mary Ann Knode, wife of M r. Israel Knode,
was upset from a boat in the Antietam creek,
near Mr. Gerard Stortebraker's saw-mill,
about a mile and a huff from this town, whilst
in the act of emssing-for- the-purposie of-ob
, taining water at the spring. Fier body was
not found until next morning, between 9 and
10 ,o'clock, when it was taken up about 250
yards from the place at which, she fell out
of the boat,, She has left a husband and
two young children. A Coroner's Inquest
was held, which brought in a verdict, as
follows: "That she came to her death by ac
cidental drowning, in consequence of the up
setting of a boat in Antietam creek."--110%
to a statement recently published, this flour
ishing and wealthy county contains at this
time: seven furnaces, fourteen forges, one
hundred and eighty-three distilleries, forty
five tapyards, twenty-two fulling-mills one
hundred and sixty-four grist-mills, eighty
seven saw=mills, nine breweries, eight hemp
mills, five oil-mills, five clover-mills, three
factories, 'three potteries, six carding ma
chines, three paper-mills, two snuMmills,
seven tilt hammers, and six rolling-mills,
ANoTarn Munnvt.---The New-York
Gazette states that orr Saturday, two boys,
ea - chub - out eight - years old, playing-marbles
in Orange street, quarrelled About their win. ,
nings. The mother of one of them ran out,
s ruck the vther ou the head with a broom,
and he died in a few minutes.
OF WiSlipiGTON...-The T
wrer„ of the .Montuneqat .Committee. ac
knowledges, in the Vredericksturgh flerald
of the Eith inst., the receipt of $775, towards
• , 9 t n I , a,ALVit„,WSI-411 lag tfin
on or near the spot where - her ashes rep , ose.
Of this stun $550 was collected in New
-0 deans.
On Sunday the 26th ult. in Berwick town
ship, Mr. EDWARI, SMITH, it Soldier of the
Revolution, aged 74 yea's.
On the night of the 28th nit., at the resi
dence of his son, Judge Hostetter, near Can
ton, Stark county, Ohio, the Hon. JACOB
closTErisii, formerly a judge of the court
ofcommon pleas of York county, Pa. and a
member of Congress of the United States.
On Thursday the 7th inst. near this place,
WILLIAM GILLILAND, Esq. in the 79th
yettr of his age. • He was a patriot of '76.
He has filled
_the office offit Justice of the
Peace; was for several years, a Senator in
the Legislature of this State; and, as an As
sociate Judge,fOra considerable tirne assisted
in the administration ofju rice in this county:
JACOB CULP, an inentled apprentice .
to the Cabinet-making business, had my
leave to go olg oneOeekiarveiling—he
left me on the 2d instant, and was to have
returned on . the Monday week 4 foliowing--
Having not yet returned, r atS induced to
think that he has absconded, r will give
the above reward if said apprentice is taken
at any time 30 days from the 11th
just." and brought hoffie. I hereby.caution
all persons from harboring or employing
said apprentice, for, as he af,sents himself
from me without any just carne t :l willposit
tively prosecute all those who may' har6or
or emplok-hiril in defiance of this. notice.
Gettythilig, l'a:41113 , 19, 1831. " ' • 4t.—Po
On Thursday Week last, by the Rev. WM.
Butler, Mr: : FREDERIDR , krNTE . , tb Mita
AMANDA DINSMAIv, both of this bOtottgh.
On Sunday the 3d inst. by the Rev; C.
- W - eyl;Mr..Hri‘ity WtAvilk,-ttr - Mise-R - 2= -
RECCA LEDY , bdth of Franklin township.
On Stmday the 28th.ult. by the Rev. S.
Gutelius, Mr. DAVID BOWER, to Miss ELI- .
zA IfultiotAN,..both of Germany. tO4riiihjp.'
On Sunday the 3d inst. by PRINTER
John Herbst,, Mr. JACOB HOI.I.ERADORy
Miss HANNAII STEPTY, both of Frederick
county, Md..
[I o 'rim PUBLIC.—As it has become fashiona..
hle for PRINT/CRS to marry folks, as . well as pent
for thetn, We respectfully request those disposed
to join in "holy wedlock," not to be in ahurry,as
we intend committing the forms and ceremonies
to memory, and shall be able in a- shot
wait on them. If it should be any reconunanda- -
tion, we would barely , state thlt we will not only
ask half price but conduct ourselves with a steady
eve towards the Temperance Society', Conetilu=
tiox—So, a great saving probably, by employing
little.pririto instead of Lig prittei-inay-ba
/FAKE NOTICE, that I haveati 'plied-bu
m- the Judges of the Court of COMMON
Pleas of Adams comity, for the benefit of the
Insolvent laws, and that the mid Judge,
have appointed Monday; the 22d day ofAto
gust next, for the hearing of me and my
creditors, at the court-house in the borough
of Gettysburg, where You may attend ifyort
think proper:
July 19, 1831.
Tho "York Republican' s. will insbrt the ihwei
to the amount of ei and 'charge this J«,
PILOMUM/LTIONti:, - -$•,
witiltitEAS the Hon. Joint krap t raii.
vv. Presidetit of the severat - Cowii l / 4 01(
Common Pleas, in the Counties 'eon)
the Ninth Dignity, and Justice of the
of Oyer and Terminer, and General ittiiiisk_
livery, for the trial of all capitalste other
offenders in the said District 7 -andDAN/Mt
SHEFFER and WM. M 4 C! , EokirvESCl l ß.ltnispoi
of the Courts of Common Pleas f tuadJusti ,
ces o((he Courts of Oyer and Teirminet i otif"-
Geneml Jai - nito I 4 ta • A.:l jg
capital and other offenders in the
Adams—have isstied their preeeptW
date the 28th day of April, in the ye4lifisbr - ' --
Lord one thousand eight hundred wd ditty.
one, and to me direoted,- for holding tikkort
oftommon Plese,and general Quirtiollr
sions of the Peace, and General initthOtte
ry, and Court of Oyer and Tetinikesoli
On m°mkltleo2otictfli*l--.
Notice is hereby Giveni
To all the Justices e the Peace, the -Cairo.'
and Constables, within the aaii
County e Adams;
THAT they be the* and there, in their'
proper persons, with their- Rolle r Record's,
Inquisitions,giniminations, and other Re y
to de' those things which to
their offices, and: in that behalf; appertains
to be done-L--auct also they who will prose--
cote against the' prisoners that are, or then
shall be, in the Jail of the said. County or
Adams ; are to be then and there to prose-.
cute against them as shalt be just:
Dated at Gettysburg, the'tOth
A.D. 183
WM. S. COBEAN, Sherif.
July 19, 1831. _ te.b.teir
015 REIS A.RD •
ANA.WY from the subscnber, ruing;
21 - 5 ' near Taneytown, Frederick co. Md..
on the 21st of May last, a negro man names
3031111' 11011171121:11,
very dark ; about six feet nig ; tolerably
slender; surly countenance; round chin,.and
shows his' teeth very ,much when laughing;.
he has a very large scar on one of his legs,
between the ankle and knee, occasioned by
the cut of a scythe-. 4 think it is on the'
right leg; he is tolerably fond of
and has some pretensions to the
o tS oe-ma
king business. He went away a ne ,
gro who has had one of his hands taken off,.
belonging to Maj. Jno. McKalubof Talley
town-!---no doubt they
,will be in- tle auraf
Should any person give legitimate:i f
through the medium . of a letter, respecting
the above ntgrlY, and the sebseriber be eue--
cessful in having him taken; he shall ie.?
eeive the above reward, without big name ,
being disclosed if he wishes.
Pipe-areek,. Md.
July 19; 1831. S. e
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IL:rThe Lancaster Examiner and lierrisbort
Statesman will publish the above __ 6 dm-Ns-PIO
send their bills to the Erditor of the "Stan"
%VIE clerical and)ay l delegistea appointer/
' AL by the different District Synods ' s,. se ,
quested to amenable at Frederick, Mk an
the 30th day, and late Sunday of October
next. Att'ilvis Synod will. be called`, upon ft,"
transact Willem - of vital importance thw
Chtirctr, idvisory ftretired ai l ' iettfuierfitt;
ly received, if clan infeensttibn'eflttellr
tiOn kite "present f ringiVen ttelbesitocribett
Secretary o/ th G.• s.•io,dift Se '
July 19, 1193 f.. • '
of July f