The star. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1831-1831, June 28, 1831, Image 3

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    Here shall lhe eitEss the People's RIGHTS pr1t6114117/
Ufii/tr ' d by inJluencc, a nil trnbrib'd by GAIN.
TUESDAY, JUNI; '21.4, 1431.
BA Lirumo E MARI:. ET.
Front the Patriot of Saturday last.
FLOUII.—The: transactions from store appear
to be confined to lots of 100 to tlOO brls. and in this
way sales have been nuide at $•1 75, •1 4 85,
and .1 b7A per bd. The same state of things ap
pears to prevail to-day, the asking price of the
dealers taking a range- of l cts. The wagon
price has generally ruled throughout the week at
4 fill per brl. In occasional instances a fraction
more has been paid for a load, but most of the re
ceipts have gone into store fur account of the own
ers, in thii country.
• _
Rye Fluo r.—Sales of2d Susquehanna have been
made at 83 37'4 and 3 50.
Cern Ni al.—We continuo to quota Lrls. $3 10
Wll EAT.—A sale of a large parcel of prime
West. Branch Susquehannix wheat, from. 8000 tb
10,000 bushel!, was made this-week-from store for
grinding, on terms which have not transpired. A
parcel of 1000 bushels light North Branch was sold
on terms equivalent to 97 cts. per bush. very'
small lot of neon white wheat of good quality, the
first of the present year's crop which has appear
ed ut market, was Held today at $1 05. Sales or
limited parcels of old Md. red, common at 90 cts.
COHN.--White corn Averaged from 63 to 65
els. per bush. Yellow corn has been in fair de
mand, and sales made ut 66 to 67 cts. for good
RYE.—We note the sato of a cargo of heavy
Susquehanna nye this week, at 69 cts. per bush
OATS.—Reinains as per last report; we quote
Bay at 33 to 31 cts. per bushel.
1111115.—The cargo of the schooner Firm from
Africa, consisting of about 501.10 hides, was sold
this week on terms which have not transpired.—
Sales of several parcels of Buenos Ayres' Horse
Hair, at °I cts. per pound. -
WHISK EY.—The wagdn price of brls. is 33
per ga 0 , .
price from 361 to $7 cents.
W 10 L.—Su les - of Wool in parcels, at prices with
in the range ofitiotations. This article ha's become
an important one in onr market, and growers find
a ready sale id fon prices. Since the commence
ment of the present year one house alone in this
city has purchased 10:1,000
E EX ECUTION.—Mar k ley was executed
on Friday last in Frederick. %Vo understand he
made no confession, but asserted his innocence
to-the last inoment
THE , ADDRESS.—On our last patT
will bo found the vety able unit interesting Ad-
dress to the People of Pennsylvania, adopted at
the late Anti-masonic State Convention. As it
embraces a faithful history of our past, our present,
and our future prospects, we call respectfully on
all to read it. The Republican cause of Antima
spiry—which is the People's cause—every whore
has once been planted, prospers. A few
years °ago, Antimasonry was as feeble as a new-
born babe. But being sown in a, good soil—the
- breasts of tho Republican people—it MN taken
Aeoproot,_spiung—into_oxit.tence,t.nd„ like the now
goodly blade of %Vn FAT, }MS ex panded, ul spreads
its ripo fruits far and wide. The Harvest. has
centimeneed—and although the laborers be few,
they are strong, and have Net in with a determina
ton of resting - not until they shall have gathered
their good griiin into purr places, and scattered the
chair to the tour winds of Heaven.
from BritiA bondage and pledged their lives, their
prtAkity, and sacred honors in support of the do.
- That day has been, and .should ever
41e, a happy one to every American heart. But
LAvhila we are rejoicing at our'achieved
lalllEa v--
while We are eulogising,„iit soul moving strains.,
those that have gone -11OWD to their graves, for
having' purchased with their blood our Indopou.
' - dencevlet xis not tbrget .that all men worn born
'aua and EA-WAL—that we have amongst us, in our
4)wn happy laud, those that are tied with a"tyrant!s
yoke- 7 11165t) that are far from the land of their
111.there4, in servile bondage--;contoruplating such
scenes, let a Eve9LIOT . 9 and CnaisTtAN's heart beat
warm tbr sutlbring humanity, in the L h'esein of eVb
ry American citizen who wishes to see our Afri
Let no one say or think, his mite, however'poor'it
may bs, will do no good. .Renumber, thgap.a can
Le drained of its contents, by a drop lit a time.
Lot us then attend the church of Mr.. M'Cur.AN,
ILrON s,u,piDAy NEXT, at 11 o'clock A. M.,
hear-their cause plead and give whatwo can, with
our prayers, for the emancipation of those of our
hKethren, who although their skin bo black,
spa hearts as white and ta; tender as we.
r ---
ED - For the sake of information we inerely.state,
that WM. S:CUIII,:ANASIVnigh Sheriff, anil .} A 31E:4
Es q. yigb .. Considhle; have been authoriz
ed to answer the : "Extract of a f.etter from a (4,An
t)pinan'ili Ilagerstown,'whieli was.pUblished t
week .00.'12opublican.Compiler," of this bo
'iough—"Adieu la voiture, adieu la boutique."
Wit. N. JEFFERS, of New Jektey, is, we
'Understand, appointed Charge d'Ailitirs to
Central Armerica.---Globc. _
SCEI+IE AT- WASHINGTON. In the:. House orßepresentatives of Mae.'
That our subscObers_inay_‘Nake A hoop" atClio sachusetes on Friday, on motion of Mr. Em.
- traimittions of, our Rulers,tvopublish,iii aeother mons of Hinsdale, tin - order, passed, request-.
column, 'the.Ci'mioEi,ponitenco 'botweon. the, ..EZ- tug (hat every member . of the 'House give
• niemborm of , the Cabinet... As AmspcsNs," wa thp 'amount of one day's pay to. their skillbr
iimi h u ini4ution. at tlo aceria.wl deli ft probetita . ni.. ing:breth reit of Fay e itev ( N C.)
the World. That a Chief Magistrate of a Repub.
lic,prouti °fits intelligence & dignified demeanor,
Should take into his counsels, and cherish as
his bosom friends, men who are' capable of such
ribald, and indecent, and lawless conduct, must
be mortifying to the feelings of every citizen Whr
Is all e to the honor of his country. Tie white
history of the cause of the late dissections ,Lad
dissolution of the . Cabinet, is dix , raerfa/ to the
Government. :A member of the family of one of
the heads of department, is held in such estima
tion as to exclude her front intercourse with thote
who are governed by the ordinary libeling:a of so :
ciety. The President of the United Suites makes
it a State affair, and brings the influence anti pa
tronrge of Government to regeke the social re
lations of the wives and daughters of imblic fimc
tionmies. Their refusal to yietilla his pleasure,
nn that subject, DISSOLVES Tut , .
The people little thought that they were elect
ing a Chief Magistrate for no higher pu, •(oses than
this. Thiiy inutgined that the Iliad of their Gbv
eminent was placed there for lug. and important
purposes. To guard the rights am. liberties of a
groat nation. Nat to arbitrate the private quar
rels; of a neighborhood; not to wield the powers of
office to establish or destroy the character and
standing. of_Matrons, or of Maids; of old Women
and little Children. Ihs'business, it was thought
"was with Men and Nations—with Governments
and Laws. But he has assumed the Diste and
tire ..B.EvricoATs! Wo ought not, perhaps, to be
surprised: It is the natural effect of old ago and
With regard to the controversy between the
Ex-socretaries, we feel no partiality for either.—
We have ever held in detestation, tho tortuous
politics of both. But Ice cannot avoid perceiving
that, in the present controversy, Mr. Ingham-up.
pears to less disadvantage than his adversary. Ile
is called on to disavow thoifactskated,'Editorially
in the Telegraph. Those flicts wore notorious:
Of course, Mr. Ingham would not testify to the
contrafy. After sundry abusive epithets had pass
ed between the parties, Mr. Eaton introduced the
Lady of Mr. Ingham for the purpose of &finning
her character. I ler IMMO had no connection with
the corresporidence"—sho was gratuitously intro
duced for the purpose of assailing her. We know
of no act more mean and detestable. The lowest
blackguard who ever disgraced Billingsgate, could
not have sunk to 'lower intinny. And this, too,
i . rom a soldier! From one who had just been lay
ing claims to courage and oidlantry! Who de
manded to be treated us man of honor! high and
has fled thy proud and lofty bearing, which would
have scorned to aSSitult, but would have periled
bills in the cause of any distressed female?
This people have eithse of shame that: they.iiiive
been duped into the support of suck men. But
the hour of redemption is at hund. Our high
places will soon be purified.
UNITED STATES BANK.-. 111 another column will
be found an article from tho American Sentinel.
defending the integrity of our Legislature and the
U. S. Bank against the foul charge of bribery, by
the Now Hampshire Patriot. litho Hills have
any conscience, thiymust have been confounded
ly pinched when they read the article. But "like
master, like man."
TRUE MASONRY.—We aro met in the last
Compiler, in the true spirit of Masonry by a
ine who assumes the mask of "A member ofthe
Beneficial Society." He has thrown out many
bifse, false and unmanly insinuations, to show that
because wo renounced the horrid, prolime
and il
legal obligations of Free Masonry, it was a plausi
ble pretext for refusing to admit us a moinbe!.. of
Qux --
iety.K:nowing-that-wowould be
on all sides by such masked masonic myrmidons,
we adopted at the commencement of our Editorial
career a determination to maintain an upright,
independent course—which determination • has
bean strictly adhered to, disregardless of those
Grave "cowslips" that have been so wonderffilly
"instilled with•counsGE" as to mask themselves
and endeavored to stab our private, moral and po
litical character. And wo again repeat, that no
noUce'Wlll•ihe taken of such insinuations, inihatt
put into a tangible shapeyor avowed on fair, open
grounds. In dither of the latter, wo assure our
honorable "Member," we will endeavOr to make_
"A ji.rill . figure,fo the hand of Scorn,
TO point his slow, unnwring finger at."
SIAN MM.-1'4,1 . W= may filch from us
our gold—the Midnight' assassin assail us, and
fail hi, We attempt to stab us to the vitals—and the
incendiary bp caught in the act of firing our shel.
tern—but who, or what, is it that can defend us
from the tongue of SLAsni.:a? Slander, "forever
hous`d, whom it once gets possession," sits on
tougues.thataro over ready to blast the titirest
character, and wither it as quick as the soverest
fr f 6st would the tender bud. Look at Mai man:—
See him prowling about liko a Wolf in. a Sheep's
clothing, seoliing whom ho may devour—See how
he, ingratiates hinisolf into the company of those
he ensys 7 —watch his comitonanco—Having-pr
mod his hellish designs, ho goes away exulting
in the "wail of the widow ithilAhmrplian." But
mark—mark his end! .
In the general scuffle at Washington Mr.
Andrew Jackson Donelson, the • private Se.
cretary of the President, has been dismiss
ed, and , has left Washington for Tennessee.
It is, rumored that Mr. Nicholas P. Trist,
of Virginia, is to he his successor.
Mr. Woomitinv .has issued an order ,
from the Navy Department, directing that
all persons in the 'service, entitled to rations,
and 'relinquishing ardent Spirits, shall he
paid at the rate of six centsper ration:
• MFA C ER, Jun e
Gov. Wolf and suit arrived' here. on last
Thursday evening, and departed next mor
ninf, on., his way to laic. Tnrat: WAS
-I:LIVENCE OF ITT! Lirnzbar ry
Many years ago, when Democracy first
raised her head in the land, she was abused
and vilified, and all who took part with her
denounced, and unuwi►hered curses poured
our upon their heads. 'l'i►ue, however, show
ed-it to-btr-the-ettut*l-oftit
uniphed„ Now, when Anti-masonry upon
truly I >e moc rat is grounds& principles,raises
her voice against the aristocracy of masonry
the English language cannot a11;)rd bitter
epithets sufficient to heap upon it. But it
too, is the cause of the people ; and THE
must, and will triumph over 'l'l E A Rlt!i-
TOCRACY 61: MA SON RY. 2 York Rip.
"A post of honor, is a Prirate Station."
The following correspondence speaks for
itself; and'is further confirmation of what
we have said 'relative to the Cause which
dissolved the -- late cabinet. We -reserve,-
an. 7i suliseilttetit notice, our comment upon.
this extraordinary attempt to silence this
press, by holding others responsible for our
statement of a fact which, so far as Mr.
Inghatn was concerned, had been stated in
the Philadelphia Inquire, several weeks ago,
the truth of which cannot be denied. It is
proper, however, that we should say that
Mr. Ingham having completed the rmpor
taut reports; for which he continued in the
discharge of duties as Secretary ofthe Trea
sury, had made his arrangements to leave
the Department yesterday. In the morning
Ile was engaged in taking leave ofh is friends,
when *Major Eaton, accompanied by several
others, made his appearance. in the Treasu
ry building. Their conduct was such as to
attract the notice of the clerks and a report
soon was circulated that he had come there
ter the purpose of making a personalattack
upon Mr. Ingham. One of his friends im
mediately apprised Mr. Ingham of it; and
-, • -
sum, passed to his office without molesta
tion. Some short time aft6rwards Major
Eaton, with two of his brothers-in-law, Doc
tor - tandoli ih- and - Major- _Lewis, ,left_the
buibling. Mr. Ingham,'we are informed,
Will leave the city for Pennsylvania, to
Sin: I have studied to disregard the a
busive slanders which have arisen through
so debased a source as the columns of the U.
S. Telegraph. I have been content to wait
for the full developetnent of what he had to
say, and until persons of responsible charac
ter should be brought firth to endorse his
vile abuse of me and my family. In that
paper of this evening is contained the fol
lowing remark of my wife: "It is proven
that the Secretaries of the Treasury, and of
the Navy, and of the Attorney General, re
fused to associate with her."' The publi
cation appears in a paper which professes
_be_Criond ly_to_y_ou,..._and _bro ght_ _forth
under your immediate eye. 1 desire to
know of you, whether or not . you sanction
or disavow it. The relation we have sus
tained towards each other authorizes me to
demand an immediate answer.
Very respectfully, J. 11. EATON.
S. D. INonAm, Esq. -
"'This is not lid rlc. quoted. We said:
"It is proved that the faniilies ofthe Sec-
Treasury,TundzerTilar - Navy;
and of the Attorney General, refused to as
sociate with her."—Ed. Tel.
Sin: 1 have not been able to..mcertnin,.
ffoni your note of last evening, 'whether it
is the publication referred to by you,.- - dr the
/Let stated in the Telegraph, which you
desire to know whether I have sanctioned
or will disavow. )t' it be thetirst you de
mand, it.iS too absurd 'to meri.t ill' answer.
If it be the last, you. may find authority for
the same fact in a Philadelphia paper,about
trite first of April list, which isdeemed to bo
quite as friendly to you as the Telegraph
May be to nn. When you have settled
such account with your particular friends,
it will be time enough
,to make demands of
others. :In the mean time, I take the occa
sion to say that you must be not a little de
ranged, to imagine that any blustering of
yours could induce me to disavow what. all
the inhabitants+ . of this City know; and per
haps half the People of the United States
believe to be true. I am, sir, respectiblly
yours, &c. S.ll. INGHAM.
Joniv H. EATON, Esq.,,, . •
18th „Tarte ,183 t •
Snt: I have received your letter Of to-day,
and regret to tiOtt ,that to a frank and, can
did; inquiry .brought before you, tin.toiswer
impudent mid insolent is returned.. To in
jury unprovoked, you lire pleased to add in-..
suit. What is , the — ffeinedy?i It is to in-,
dupe the' expectation thht, though a man
may be mewl enough to shiadct, base
, enough to encourages- it, yet he-May have:.
Xiniivry : repair the Avron , r. n
From the United States Telegraph
Friday night, 17th June, 1831.
T'V' ashingion, I . Bth .func, 1631.
that spirit 1 demand of you satiffaction for'- T u- IL T,- R ou t vir 1 KILT
the wrong and injury yOu done me.
Your answer Must determine whether ODD & EVEN SYSTEM
you are Ho farentitlod to the name%und char- Hy which the li;;ider of two TickOts meat draw
uctcr of a gentleman as to be able io act like ask Prizo, and may draw THREE I.::
one. Very respectfully,
S. 1). INuttAm, Esq.
Washington, 20th June, 1831.
Si a:. _Your_ note. of _Saturday, purporting
to be a demand or satisfaction for injury
done to you, was received on that tiny; com
pany prevented me from sending an Mune.
diate answer. • Yesterday morning your
brother-in-hotr, Dr. Randolph intruded him
self into my room, with a threat orpersonal
violence. 1 terrecti understand the part
you aro made to' play in tie arce now ac -
ing before the American people. lam not
to be intimidated by threats, or provoked by
abuse, to any act inconsistant with the pity
and contempt which your condition and con
duct inspire. ' sir, respectffilly,
joirN- 11. EATON, Esq.
20th June, 1831.
-Sm . Your note. of tliisaierning is receiv
ed.. It proves to the that you'are quite
brave enough to do a mean action, but too
great a toward to repair it, "Your con
tempt I heed not; your pity I despise. It
is such contemptible fellows as youniell that
have set forth rumours of their own creation
and taken them as a
_ground of imputation
against me. if that be good comic, then
Zooid you have pity of yourself, for your
wife has not escaped them, and you must
know it. But no more; here our corres
pondence closes. Nothing more will be
received short of an acceptance of my de
mand ofSaturday, and nothing more be said
by Inc until-face-to face wemeet-, : It is-not in
my nature to brook your insults, nor will
they be submitted to. J. IL EATON.,
Intemperate Physician.—The Christian
Advocate mentions the death of a young man,
which was supposed to be occasioned by an unskil
ful operation of bleeding, perlbrmed by a Physi
cian under the influence of ardent spirits;
The United States Telegraph publishes a
list of sixty-six Steam boats built at Pittsburg in
183 Of and furnished with their entire putfit at that
Porte There are others built at Marietta,.Cincin.
natti; and' elsewhere, whicli received their.ongi nett
'tt Pittsburg-
of Grenby, was accidentally shot dead by his son,
with whom ho was hunting doer, his rifle having
pima' by a jolt. Mr.ll. has left a wife and night
Webster.—A loffor iThfriiceW -Y-15ric
informs that "Col. S. i.. Knapp has just finished a
Life of the lion. Daniel ‘Vebster, which will short
ly be pat to the press. Mr. K. has been acquaint
ed with the sitbject of his biography from early
life; and'from his well known talents as a writer,
we may expect a highly interesting book'
George Washington Bassett, in a corn.
nitinication in the Virginia Enquirer, says that
the relations of the mother of Washington will not the removal of her remains; and propo
ses. a suhscription for a monument at or Contigumis
to the spot whore her refits now are.
In noticing the general health of Sckuyl
kill county, the editor of the Miner's Journal re
marks—'`A highly respectably - physician ofour ac
quaintance assures us, that in the course of eleven
years practice in and about this coal reoion, ho has
never been called to attend a sire to case aeon
s/in/Minn that originated in gchuylkill county.'
•In men there is a lump upon the windpipe
formed by the thyroid cartilage, which is •not to
ho soon in women, An Arabian faklo says, this
is part of the original apple that stuck in the man's
throat- by-the- wayt-but-the-wOmau-s wallowed her
pert of it down, •
Profitable Penitentiary.--The: State pri
son of * Connecticut, after paying all the c - Npenses
()I' the prisoners, &c. yields a clear revenue to the
State of nearly $BOOO. The whole number of pri
soners is 182.
Wo understand that the private disclosures
;nude by Jotiers, alias Gibbs, the pirate f with reward
tobis confbdcrates,were' communicated to the rms.- -
Went or the Unlikd States some time since bytiho
two individuals toNlioin they were wade; being
advirmithy gevertti — fervattatitelentleipefirto — to.o: -
coed to Washington for Una purpose.
' Beasley, who was charged with the mur
der Of a man earned fkrt, utider circumstances of
tilitemal atrocity, had him trial at the May term of
the Superior Court in Pattliek county, Va. and was
acquitted. A-writer in the Lynchburg Virginian'
mtates•that Beasley, since his acquittal, has mirky
"4it fhil and open confession - of him guilt of the mur
,dor of art.'
A W hirbrind destroyed a large stone barn ,
tit ' , West Pennisbero, Pa. and killed seven horseii.
An injuction has been granted by Judge
Gardiner, Vice Chancelor, to stay the proceedings
of the Buffalo Bank. The Buffalo Patriot tells us
of unequal and fraudulent distribution of Stock by
the Coininissioners.
t SI,ANDEn.--Thefollo*ing extract from tbe
Boston Masol4C Mirror is inserted to show the,
spirit in which Mr,Rush's letter is received by the
fraternity, but more particularly to exemplify the
masonic mode of tvarfare:,
"We perceive by the Anti-masonic paperg,lhat
the ex-secretary of thetreasury—John Randolph's
"Mehl - Sleiider" aline Shakespritre's "Brovibury
chersc"--has sold himself to Anti-masonry. The
result will be to seNrilllM DOWN 'CO TOE GitAVN,
ered with DISGRACE and INFAMY."
A domestic, who was fond, of expressing
hor ideas in pompous language, run in one ilay
from the kitchen to her mistress, with—"O mum!'
what shall I do? the superfluity of the butter has
suporanritutted the potatoes and rendered the fish
In the Insolvent Debtor's Court, England ;
one of the , prisenersfelt quite . indignant at being
termed a skoeinaker and said, "K,.Cordwainer
is a person who makes shoes for Itialieskind gentle.
men; Init a shoemaker is pno who mikes shoes for
it boom!" •.. •
4TlIolp ATLY.
ItTTho Gettyslairg" Guards intend dining tit, ',
GetirleY's Tayein on MONDAY
the 4th July. Those citizens Whe nuiry•feel ftis.
ilOsed to dine with the Ghards, are requesttid to
hand in their nau.esto either John Cress, James
(Ir IVe wider, D. (I. Xiiriattler. 9r Now;
. • No. 4, FOR 1831.
To be drawn in Baltimore on THURS.
Dd Y, the 30th instant.
/11tllEST PRIZE, 10,000 DOLI.AR:
olibred to adventurers the highest
capital prize orslo,ollo,in N0.3,1br 1631. CLARK
sold both the highest capital prizes of $5,000 and
81,000, in No.l, lin. 1831, and CLARK also sold
tho.highest capital prize 0M5,000 in No. I, forlB3l ,
• siltEmE:.
I prize of SIO,OOOI 4 prizes a in ou
, 2,000 I 8 50
500. 200
I '• 4'
fluff V s k:kuts, Oui3 Dollar only,
(Vireo, N. W. corner of Baltimore and Calvert,.
N. W. corner Of Bultienoie and,Gayi, N. E. cor
ner of Baltimore and Charles-ste,
Lil Where the highest prize in the recent State'
Lotteries hus been oftener sold than stony other
offices ! ! !
Li - Orders, either by mail (postpaid) or private
conveyance, enclosing the cash for prizes, will
meet the same prompt and punctual attention, as
if on personal application. Address to
Lottory Vender, Balditore,
June 28, 1831.
A LARGE SUPPLY of the above va
luable. artiele_bas _just beettjetaived
and for sale, at the Drug'Store of
Baltimore street, nearly opposite the Eiit &Hotel,
Gettysburg, June 28, 1831.
Supplementary to an ordinance entitleur f
"An Ordinance for the regulation of the
Market in Gettysburg," putted the 7th
day of--March, 1831: '
SECTION TNT.—Bo it ordained by , the 'Town
Council of the Borough of Gettysburg ; and it it
herobr ordained by tho authority of the mano r
That the hour of closing the Market shall be -
VEN ,O'CLOCli t in the morning of dock Market
Day during,:the months of May, June, July, and:"
Au rust—an thin_ contained in the ordinance to
which. this is supp
SECTION 2n.—And be it further ordained, That
if any person or persons, other than those who
ITTit stalki in the public Market House, shall sell,
or expose to . salo, at any place within the limit's
of the Borough of Gettysburg, and at any thus'
within Market Hours, any kinit.of meatotlier
than salted and dried moat, by a less quantity
than One Quarter of .a Carcass—he, she, or they.•
so offending, and being.thoreof to ally convicted *
shall forfeit and pay, for each and every offence,
the suin of Ono Dollar,for the use, of the Corpora
tion, .._ • _
omontary to t
Enacted and Ordained in Town Conn ,
cil, June 20, 1821. •
T. STEVENS, P ./ resident p►ro teni.
Attest—D. HORNER, Clerk.
Gettysburg, June 28, 1831.
first number of the above work V
this day published, and the saceending
numbers will be issued every other. nonth.•
The literary contents will be selections from
Foreign Magazines, similar those of ther _
Alhermam—front vVhiettfaiter publict
articles of interest and - amusement will be
'freely extracted . . Under the Fasionable
Head will be .comprised the explanation s or.
the Plates-Contained in each number—tlo ,
scriptioris of the European_and_American
FashiOns, (for the report of the latter they
have engaged competent perions,)—noticeo
of the-various - alterations in the fashions—
and, in short, all the information on thesub 7
-ieet•-off3ressrneamarri:mar •• -
fashion. •
Each number ofthe Gentleman's Maga-.
zine of Fashion will contain 48, royal duo
decimo pages (two sheets,).embellished with
Two elegant colored' Plates of the Latest
Gentlemen's Fashions, and occasionally
TaA, Plates, each Plate comprising two or
more whole-length Portraits.
' Merchant Tailorswill find a great advert- ,
tage tins work, as the Propyteters will
not publish any Fashions except the very
The Plates which we designed for .the
Models are considered-unnecessary. Their
omission shall he amply compensated, by
additional Plates of the Spring and Autumn/
- The price .will be s3' a year irpaid in ad.
vance, or $4 if not paid within six months.,
Boolvillers and . PostinasteT4 are . alkaied
12.1 per cent for collectin g responsible sub
scribers. Published ,by KANii & CO.,
over 184 Washington. Street, Boston.
Subscriptinne received at due Office.
June 28,,1b31
111 ANA WAY from the-subscriber;living•
in Franklin township, Adams county,.
Pa; on the 28th inst. an indented apprentice
to the Tanning business, named WASH,
IN GTON HA It RIS- , -1 hereby caution all
persons frpm harboring or employing said
apprentice, fd, as he abseritsbimself fporo
me without any just cause, I will Aositively
prosecinAjill those who may haiku. °rim.
ploy hinvlri defiance of this notice: The
above reward will be paid for his . delivery..
Franklin township, . •
Jura 7. 410,!,-0