II I r Advertisements. . , GETTYSBURG • I'EMALE. The public is respectfully informed that the next Scission of this Institution will commence' On 21f190D-4 Y, the 16th of May instant. In making this announcement, the, Trus tees are happy to have it in their power to state.that they have succeeded in making such arrangements and providing such ac eommodationS, as promise not only to sus tain, bat materially to increase, the reputa ' tion of the School. A brick edifice has been purposely erected, in an elevated and healthy situation; and comfortably provided with the necessary furniture and accom modations. Measures have also been adop ted, to make considerable addiiions to the 'Chemical and Philosophical apparatus; by which the course ofinstiuction in the e'xpe iitnental Sciences, will be rendered no less interesting than instructive to the pupils. But the circumstance on which the Board chi;'fly rest their anticipations of the pros perityi of the Institution, is the fact, that they have succeeded in making a permit cent engagement with the Rev. J. H. itursto --- retain — elnirge of the srhool. • The well known•reputation of this gentle man, for amenity of manners, ample Lifer ery and Scientific attainments, success as a practical Teacher, and assiduous regard to the morals and personal habits of the young Ladies committed to his care, afford the best testimony in .favor of his principles of instruction and discipline, and render super fluous any farther statenients on this subject. The branches taught, aro Reading, Penmanship, Intellectual and Practical Arithmetic, at 113-PER QUARTER. Zngliah Grammer, Ancient, Modern and Sa. - 'rod Geography, Ancient and Modern His.• WtyMatiffil — Philosophy and Chemistry with Experiments, Botany, _Elements of Mineralogy, and Geology, -Algebra, Go ,. emetry, Elenientliof Astronomy with use of the Globes and Atlas of the Stars, Rbet aria, Moral Philosophy, Political Economy Evidences of Christianity, History of the Christian Church, -Holy Scriptures, at $4 PER QUARTER. Young Ladies from a distance can obtain Boirding and Lodging in some of the must respectable families,for $1 50-Per-week. . S. S. SIMUCKER, J. B. M'PHERSON, J. F. MACFARLANE, g, J. HOUCK, W. M'CLELLAN, Jr. T. C. MILLER, R. G. HARPER, eettyaburg, May 11. LAYING OT TIM CORNER STONE. rho pilblic is reepectfully informed, that the • CORNER STONE • Theological Seminary, IN THIS PLACE, WILL BE LAID ON THURSDAY, the 26th of May instant. It is expected that the Rev. Messrs. triILHORN and RECK will address the audi once in the German, and Messrs.. SCHAEF _rER and' KRAunt in the . English language. The services in the German language to commence at 10 o'clock, and in the English at half past 11 o'clock A. M. A collection will be taken for the benefit of the Institu: tion. On the evening of the same day the Graduate Address _will be - delivered by the -.•, • • . 0 following, at 10 o'clock the Anniversary Addresses of the Students. J. G . Mt? anifte May 11, 1811. Soc'ry of thS toisedo,- Prothonotary's Office, May .5, 1831. S kiZaccountaJALLNZLEGLER,-TrUSteo ELIZABETH EIIIMAIZT, a non corn ! pomr , •rneittisiia-filechir nay otlice, -- and be affixed for confirmation on the 4th MOD day of August next, GEO. WELSH, Proth'y. AGENCY IN PIIIL.ADEPIIIA. • OFFICE OF THE LADY'S twit, / 112 Chesnut Street. L. A. GODEY & CO. • OFFER their services to collect for their city antreountry friends, and all others, having claims against individuals and oth ers in Philadelphia. They have determin ed to deyote a considerable portion of their . time to this new branch, and are well con vinced that their exertions will give satis faction to their employers., There are no doubt many . persons at a distance having claims that might be collected, were they aware of responsible p+ to address..— .The great expense in many instances paid for. Lawyer's fees, and where there has been •Jso necessity for. such a proceeding, prevents pally lawful accounts from being adjusted. ey will receive bills & accounts from any . _ of the country ,which will be immediate tt t, attended to, & the ptoceeds applied in this frtf' j f,or forwardts.d by mail as may be directed. No charge in any case will be made- unless the money is actually collected. The com mission in every. instance, to be charged on cellectioneovill be 10,'per Cont. Postage must be 'paid 'or ttll letters• will he, reincro- Bed and.retried to the person sending. May:ll - .. - . . .'. • . 3 011 f t. Or EVERY DESCRIPTION ' 11106(strritur wkril 15X.CVNI: ESS AND DEsl,Aica, AT Till OFFICIO OF THE WAR. AN R ; lk Ciawitheriimrg - . Street; a M o ors Wod of AfrCs.correa . 'Tuvent.' ) EBB OF Til II . THE - ANTI-MASONIC STAR AND REPOBLICAN BAN_ ER. THE EAGLE nOTEL. THE under Signe - respectfully Informs his old friends and customers, and the public in -general,- that he has taker that well known fq:s v aim:A -..• •441. TILE ' , ; EAG LE z, Mi l iFIOTEL, Situate on the corner of Baltimore and Mid. dle streMs, formerly occupied by Mr. B. G manna... The house . , is _ large and con venient. His 13ar is well stocked with the best of Liquors, and his - Table will always be furnished with the beet - the market can afl4rd. ,The stabling is good and roomy, and attended by an attentive Hostler. Travellers and others are assured, that he will use every exertion in his power to render both Man. and Horse comfortable. PIMA P IHE AGY. t 1-5 2 April 6, 1831. eirew More. THE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the Public, that he has just returned from the Cities of Philadelphia.and Baltimore, with an EXTENSIVE AND ENTIRELY NEW If.. OF G 0013%, Which he intends opening in the house of the late John ,ill'Conaughy, Esq. deceasal, Situate on the South West Corner of the Centre Square in Gettysburg, CONSISTING OF A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP . . DRY r. "tt svm- GOODS, GROCERIEg Queens and Glass WARE, LOOKING GLASSES, LIQU'ORS, &e. (FOR PARTICULARS, SEE HAND-BILLS.) A personal appearance at his establish ment, the LOW PRICES of the Goods, and elegant assortment, will-be an induce. rrient for them to purchase—"Loo/c before you leup i" The Public's humble servant, SAMUEL FAHNESTOCK. Gettysburg, April 20,1831. tf-2-2 PUBLIC! HOUSE. The subscriber has taken that old ULNAIMN (FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY GEO. LASDELLS,), On Me York and Gettysburg Turnpike Road; 5 miles from Gettysburg, and 24 . 1r0nt York. Having provided himself with every ao commodat ion fur Travellers, Wagoners, and Drovers, he invites those who travel that way to give him a call, and judge whether his entertainment and charges do not justify the invitation. ROBERT TAYLOR; tr-2-3 April 27,1831. N. B. Persons indebted to me, are re quested- to — call on noslis AfeettAN, in whose hands I have placed my books, and make immediate settlement. •R. T. RANAWAY from the snbscriber living Menallen township, Adams county, 'an the 17th of April, 1831, an indented'ap gprentice to the Weaving Business, named as t iree years yet:to serve. I hereby caution the public against harboring, or employing said _bay or trusting him on my account. -- - - - - Menallon township, Adams Co., Pa; CABINET-MEANING'. The subscriber respectfully informs the aiti- Jens of Gettysburg and its vicinity, SLUT ILE IS MAKING, AND PREPARED. TO DIA.NUFACTURE, ALL RINDS OP V V It. rt" V RYA IN 1118 LINE OF BUSINESS IN A SUPERIOR STYLI, At Mr. Hugh Denwicklie's Shop, in South Baltimore street, and next door to Mr... David Little's Coach Factory. He hopes that those wishing , to purchase will do themselves /and him the favor to call and examine his work before; they purchase elsewhere. 0.....-corrii\ T o made to order at the shortest notice. March 9, 1631. 9L I !LILO - Rill G. The subscriber takes this method,to inform his friends, and the public generally, • TDAT RE HAS COMMENCED VIE TAILORING BUSINESS, In_Cash-Town, Adams county, Pa., Where he will' execute all orders in his line of business promptly, main the most lash iontible manner, for Cash or Country Pro duce. As he has made arrangTmenta tci. re ceive the Quarterly Reports of the • Philadelphia. Fashions: • Through the- iiid.oe Mr: Allen Ward's Protractor System of Crating Garments he will be' - iiiiiihted4k ) please ull who may favor -lii r tfi'intli their custom.. A JACOB HOSSLgR. C?sh•Town„M'archl)o l , ,„ - 441 41-51` LEM L. SHARP. • 6t-48 =Si OOT ibc, SHOE 'IITAZILVO. - 4101/19 The Subscriber respectfully informs ihe in habitants of Gettysburg and vicinity, that he has taken' the •Shop, in West York Street,latelv oc . cupied by "Mr. Robert 'raylur, and that HE 15 PREPARED TO MA-N-UP-iteTl3ll-11---- HOOTS A; SHOES, OF EVERY DESCH IPTION, In a neat workmanlike manner, and that he , will constantly keep on hand, a supply of ready made work, which he will warrant to be as good and cheap as can he had in any other shop in the place. As he is a complete•handor making LA DIES SIIOES, and just from the city,Qf Baltimore he will ensure such work done in the most fashiona -1)1e and durable manner. DAVID SOMERS: et-51 March 30, 1831. LOOK AT THIS! T OR THE LAST TIME I call on all those indebted to me, either by bond, note or book account, to come forward and make settlement—lf this notice has no more effect than my for mer notice, those indebted will have to make settlement with persons who will add COSTS to their visits. JAMES A. THOMPSON. April 27, 1831. tf-2-3 MASONICS, OR "the art of finding out new arts," embracing the art of ‘icuaderwerkynge,' "the art of foresay thino-s to come," "the faculty of abmard&a," "the skill of be corning perfect without the excitement of either hope or fear," the mystery of "de monstrating moral truths by geometrical problems," and "the transmutation of me tals," so as from the dross of lead to extract virgin silver, and from old itrotiteltitniete7: ture bars of gold. With modest puffing we. may add that Science furnishes no parallel to Masonics. The elixir of life and the Philosopher's stone are both in the depths of its profound mys teries. Crowns are resolved by it into sil ver pieces fur the pocket, or golden orna ments for the head. Proficients equally love the Koran and the Bible, and combine in their apparel the apron of a servant with the spurs of a cavalier. Pupils received into this mystery at the Oothic Temple in Broadway, under the charge of experienced masters, $25 admis sion fee anti one 'dollar per quarter. 3w* TO LET. ON hire at half price, six Masonic Lec turers well qualified to teach the "Roy• al and Military art," of "knocking down" and "burying" a num, and "raising him to life from the grave, m which he had lain fifteen days," simply by the use of "the lion grip of a Master Mason." N. B. They are "true, blue:" they will affirm among gentlemen that "Morgan is on a farm in Canada," and that "his disclo sures are a tissue of falsetioods." Wunktk—UNE_Mason_or • • • who will bet from one to five hundred dol lars against the accuracy of Morgan's dis closures; the _hot to be 4ecided by an ami cable suit in a court of justice, and the par ties to be concluded by the verdict. 3w* WHO WILL BUY! --ilrE-a-rt-of:1-aying,-- - masonically a corner stone of ally buildirKwhereby_ the - la burers can gainTieadiiiration of children, arid obtain."re'fre,hments." As it is a se cret, the reader is requested to blind himself and search'for it. Instead - Of "No cure no pay;" lie will be expected to advance the cash at first, .and then make oath never to' publish that he has been swindled out of his money. ' Usual price $23, to be had- at fifty places in this city. Sign, square and compasses crossed. 3w* im) Dora/ins LL be paid fOC the best essay furn ishing a plausible construction of the Royal Arch obligation&tn "espouse the cause of a companion - , rig,lit or wrong,-so fill as to deliver him ost of diffieylty." Many simple: fats suppose that Preema- : sons do each:other a good turn in their dif-' ficultics in coerts ofjustice. The object - a. the premium is to provide against this sup psition. • The Judges to award the premium, will be the Grand Officers of : the General Grand : Royal Arch Chapter, to whom the compe 7 ' titors for the premium will address their communications, post paid with a private mark inside, and their own names - Under,seal; that seal not to be b'roken mess they win. STRAYED OR STOLEN. substitute for the word Ofa Alas jk - ter .Mason: Dttut! min s ! BONE !"-L It may be.hnown by a hiccough'whiehhas followed it foemereithan a century. • Any persoit who will return it to the I..odgss shall have his initialien into thesublimest degrees,or the mmtery,,Con the some terms usually granted to the ministers of the Got Oel,Allat is gratis: . 13e .particular, thlre are irnestcrsin the royal art. ISIMEEME =I HEWN 1 ..,,, J OST, HE CHECK DEGREE invented atom taught by "the most Wors t- MO/I Grand Lodge ofNew York," andits sisters road the' Union, to detect and expose those persons who may apply for admission. into. the lodge-room as "visiting brethren," with out more preparation than MorOn's book furnishes—This degree is a beautiful spe cimen of Masonic consistency; arid an em blem most rare of masonic "light," "the key word" being Los," that is sul or light, reversed, and made darkness !! The finder shall be re‘sarded with '.'a 'n-0r44 , 44-i-to kather apron -more-an dent than the golden Fleede or Roman Eagle, and more honourable than the Star and Garter, &e. &e." %SANTEE+, A CLOAK of "Masonic Charity" suita ble to hide the BLOOD of a fallen bro- IMIE Enquire at the - Halls of the most Wm.- shipful Grand,'" Lodges of the Several . U. States of North America. lw* V 0 It S AKNAATE'ssKut,L, suitable for a "Knight Ternplar's drinking cup," when he "takes pure wine in the filth liba tion." The living owner was a notorious scoundrel, whose ''sins added to those daily knight candidate," will constitute a sufficient penalty to be "visited eternally upon his re creant head, although he were pure him self as et saint. Inquire at the sign of the Severed Head, fixed on a spire in Templar's GREAT LUCK. F LISHA ADA NIS, concerned in robbing a freeman of his liberty, contrived to elude indictinent and trial for four years & upwards; and when hts guilt was proved in contestildv, escaped by -the fraternal aid of NVILLt,OI tr.soN, of Lewistown, a . Master Mason, who had managed to retain a place on the jury. Similar opportunities of rescue are offer ed to any rouges who acknowledge the pow er of "the grand hailing .sign (f a brother in distress:" Refer to Judges litßov and NELSON, of the Supreme Court of New York; to Judges 13112DSHALL and GAEDNER i of the Circuit Court of New York; and to the Jui:Es of the Common Picas' Newport County, R. 17 I PO RTA NT DISCOVERY. "THE low* b lo , t word ofa Master Mason: ' JAIT-BUII-LUN " IS UO\V tbund. When the Grand Master fell at the door of the Temple, "struck dead with the gavel of a fellow-craft," this sublime word was 16st, to the order 'of Master Masons. None could rog it oxcopt "by weary na v al" through four degrees to the recesses of "the Royal Arch," where it ever beams with radiance, "inscribed on the golden triangle, which deposited by Methuselah, the son of Enoch, in his subterranean temple, excava ted and prepared before the flood." -- We congratulate all Master Masons on a recent discovery, that puts them at once in possession of this invaluable word, which thousands have heretolore . sought with the same zeal that possesses those who follow after "a Jack o'lantern." -NOW % TIVE TICIIIII Office of the Contractor for the Md. State Lotteries I N presenting to hisfriends and the public the annexed scheme oft he Maryland State Lottery, NO. 3, for 1931, to be drawn in Baltimore, on THURSDAY, 26th of May ext T t-he Contra-ctor-would-mofst---regpcctfttl= ly call their attention to the very stnall num ber of Tickets composing the l same. BRILM : I.NT SCHEME: iiioliln;6oo2 prizes of rot) I 1 2,000 4 100 1 LOOOB I 1 603 lOO 1 400 1 2000 4 Five Tickets are sure of 2 Prizes and may draw 7! Only 5,000 .Tickets—lssued in Quarters. Quarters, 1 50 each. TO BE HAD AT CLARK'S, N W. corner of Calnert and Baltimore Streets, N E. Contr . )" of Charles and It g lii more Sheets, and N IV. corner. ofand' Baltimore St; ts, B DM RE. Iri - Wheru the highest pzizedm.the recent S ate Lotteries has been oftener sold than at any other offices ! ! trOrders either by mail (pwitpaid) or private conveyance, enclosing the cash for priies; will meet the same prompt arid punctual attention a as if on personal application. Address to JOHN CLARK, Lottery Vender, Baltimore. td-2-4 May 4, 1831 NOTICE'. 111-LI; persons indebted to the esta ISAAC CATOE, late of Latimore township, Adams county, deceased, are re 7 quested to come.forwnrd and make settle. ment without delay— T all those having claims against said estate, will present them,-pro : perly authenticated, for settlement. • JOHN WOLFORD, Adm'r. May 4, 18f.31. WANTIM. AN Editor to take charge oFa Free Press, about to be establishbd in one of the coUntry 'towns of Pa. td whom 500 subsert hem will be pledged from the,..start. Apply (postage paid4at this office. May 4. • rents pei lb, given tor Raki, • CASH," - ' • AT THE OcrlVAOcr TAB • STAA. ME ENGLISH AND' GERMAN- , Printing Establish . anent, ift:rtb_lLe_attention_afixin4ictive_and-initut4rioesa Printer:"or any other Person who wishes to engage in a large and profitable este' - lishmeat of the kind. T 0 - subscriber pliers for Sale, on very rett,istiable terms, the large and eiten- Englislt and GerthapYrint.ing establish• inent of the LTniou Anti4llasonic Telegraph, ernum advoccits, of New Berlin, Union County, Pa. togrithor with a LOT OF GROUND, whereon - i u r'cted a builditlgis.Tnent situated in Nlarket square of said town opposite .the public — buddit , s. l e die pur chaser will advance from 'tlo to 500 dol lar-,, takin,g possk.s. ion of the Office, the remainder will lee left to his own specified tune for payment, with good Lecurity. On, he .will ;Sell separate, either the Eng lish or the German establishment. On, if no sale will be nyde---the subs'ert ber is Willing to take into Partner. hip, active and industrious Printer,.of good and moral habits, who can'he well ri;conimended as sudh, and who is capable to conduct the whole irianainent of office-, will meet with good - enc - euragitnent and taken as (.‘ - - - i;• partner on feast inable terins. OR, it' no Sale nor Partnership will take place, he will (ZEN T the said establishment to any Printer who understands the business or to such a pershn who pledges hitwielf to employ capable hands to execute the work in the office, and who knows how to take ehargo of an office—for the,term gr 2 or m o ru years; (in the most reasonaLie terms. 'Phis Establishment is one "oldie largest . and extensive Printing Offices, in the NV( St ern part of the State.—Th.r subscription to( both papers have been larger than any (Alt- . or western paper in the State—upwards of '..2000 papers were issnoil, lo.f. /re the' oilier,' was left in charge of 11.. fLichenberg, the present Editor, who is no printer himself, and involved in other large and extensive business, who has thereiiire 110 bore to con duct the Establishment to its great advan tage. By some exertion the number of sub scriliet•s couldl2 he increased to 500 or 3000 as this is the only Anti-masonic Press in ll nioti,,Ohtmiberland, Columbia, Centre,: Cleargeki, and other surrounding Counties, and the only GERMAN Anti-masonic paper, west of the Susquehanna, in which Counties it has an extensive :inerease and will still increase, as the majority of the people. are becoming Anti-thasonic.--All the printing • of bills, tickets, &c. fin• the Antimasonia party . of those Counties are executed in this office, as well as all the public printing of the county of Union, and the Job-work is extensive; the Office e x ecuted work in 1.830 for upwards of 6000 dollars, which it will produce yearn, arid indeed nn)ru a ii businesa is properly managed. The Office is cOmposed of every necessa ry materials as a complete Book and Job Office; a good Ramage Press ; the assort ments of Type are good—the Job and all the German, as well as pant of the English Types are all but new, and every thing in good order to execute any kind of work. The reason for offering the estabrshment, on the above favorable conditions, • • because I have established anuther Office t Lebanon Pa. which requires my pre!ken e and whole attention, and Navin r given charge oldie. office at New Berlin, tt r. Ilachenberg, who from reasons ahoy stated, has no time to attend to the business, as it should be at _ twig • a large.outstantling business in Union and the adjoining counties,w rich cannot be done, to the advantage of the Office, as long as he has any interest in the same. e • 1•c at Lebanon Pa. will be promptly attended to. JOSEPH MILLER. = rmi. , :r - be a clecic?wi __ Anti-mason, and well recommended us such -- 7 autipledrre hi mselfulnet thc twp hers on t hem rine ples—no other need apply: THE SATURDAY COURIER APRIL 23, 1831 It is gratifying to learn that the "Couanat" has loot with very general titvour among our patrons in the neighborhouring country, and' also in dis. taut states. Many gentlemen, not personally known to us, limp ibrwarded their orders for the. paper, and s'eme 11 - i s t'Ve kindly offered to become our Agents.. We have in all C - ases cheerfully arced. ed to their wishes—and feel ourselves under par . . "ticulat obligations to then Tor the interest they !lave expressed for our success. IVheiever as agency is not already established for the couatiF.a.. i rum). be proper to obtain one, and use shall offer such liberal terinsjo gentlemen who are disposed to act-in this capacity fi - ir us us we have no doubt will be perfectly catislitctory. REIM V A L. THE PRINTING OFFICE of the subscriber has been removed to the now building in Chum. bersbur TAVERN, where ELI 470 3 .0P ,EVERY DESCRIPTION, will be done on moderate terms, with neatness- and despaich; and where subscriptions= to the "STAR,", andadrcrtisernenis for insertion in its columns. will be thankfully received. — He at the same time interns his acknowledgments to his friends fo( their liberal support, and hopes to merit a con. reliance of the seine. • ROBERT W. Nil DDLETON WONTED. ASCIENTIFIC man, tt man orlitera. ture.and of, worth, politically , friendly tto the - American "System, : and to ANTIMA. SONRY, to edit a newspaper in .one .of lho pleasant cities of the northern states. Apply (postage paid.) at Altis one, say 4, ,ANp TILE El