TB _ 1~ C. TILE LADY'S 'oppTgE op TIM LADY'S BooK, . - Philadelphia, April 2, 1.01. lig day is — pfiblighed the Anil, number of the LADY'S BOOK. We shall forward copies of:if - to:Acorn/try subscribers as fast as we obta,i m from the binder—the time necessarily devoted to- the colouring. of the plate of the Fashions, may poss . dc. lay its . delivery for a few days. ---- Although we - have repeatedly trespassed MEI upoit the friendly dispositions of our patrons by noticing ourselves the progressive Iprovements.:-.of_the Lady's Book, we 1 . 0 itri dutk-ifihich wns necessary to be performed, dt of 'llaCthey Might be - fully satisfied :f the exertions we were making to deserve Mer favourable opinions. The contents of the present month !nay not be judged so diversified as several of the former nuFlabers; but we believe there will be discovered no diminution of interest in any part. So well satisfied are we of this fact;-that we have felt-convinced that serer ' al of' the az tidies would be pronounced supe nor in excellence to many that have alrea dy appeared in the work. Among our fo male readers especially, the story of "Al ' phonsine," by a lady of this city, will be much apprioved. The-Ernittilishment3 are path y writ adapted to th:o elia.raSter wuich ha' been so ably austained throughout. The plate of p)(3) FASHIONS itsclf eonviys more tihtsli and excellence than has been herotoi;)re embodied in this ii..partreclit of the decent-1 tions; and we fuel cal! , :(I upon to award a large share oldie credit of i Hieee; ; ;s the ! abilities a]ld attention cC:i!o;. (2. G. Ciftr.ii:S, whose skill arid talent, a a en:Javt. - T, are well known over the union Including the late ofpattetns for 'Bonnets and Caps, in - thig number, we give TM). Popular pieces of MUsie—Two patterns of Embroidery— The Ornamental Artist—and the plate rep xesentino- "the conitmtinr , of Verb." CONTENTS OF THE APRIL NUMBER. Philadelphia Fashionsfor - Aptit;lB:ll—with an . Engraving, richt. , coloured. Lyrical Writings. Distinguished Characters. The Sky Loaners.— A Pastoral Sovereignty. Decay of the Alavn— ficent. A Father's Advice to his Daughter. S 1:; Ise of Honor. Epitaphs .and c'hurch yard s . The Beautiful Stream—t (laps end Bonnet's I —an .Engraving. To Laura—La li sits The Knight with a SnOWy Tlume. The Groameu fal Artist—with Engravings. Alfred and Ethelw;tha. New-Year's Day. A Dream. History et:a Dia mond. Increase of the N umber,: m The Bride—by Theodoie Hook. Dr. Sliuldon.— stanzas. The Skylark. Cosjogatint , a Verb— with an Engraving. Follow 3le. A Moorish En campment.- Mirror of the Graces. Su f plrilueus Hair. To the Earth—by I loin. Sir Nicholas at Marston Moor. The Gold The Won ders of Physics. The Dead ki 4 .inecr. Ti Ile Beauty. Embroidery for Head Dresses—two Eu. gravings. Stanza—by E. M. Fit.7...-rald. The Appeal---T. Alphonsine—by Aliss Leslie. The Nuptials. Horn Music and its Origin. 'rho Crtisades. A Chapter on Shawls. Sho weeps o'er the 'Trinkets ho gave her—:,et. to Mush'. Thu Tartar Drum—sot to Music. Woinati—by the author of "Pelham." A Matin Song. The Gath orer. Recipes. , Serenad3—T. Or gival. The plan of this publication has been fa'ir ly sub:nitted to the public. That we have accomplished one, and the most important object, in satisfying our fair 'readers that we hold in high "est3em their intellectual tastes and pursuits, is sufficiently attested by the unexampled success of this work, which is avowedly and ,exclusively devoted to their uses and advantage. A higher range in . the walks of literature than has been hith erto phrsued in publications of a similar description, was chosen by us in the begin ningiand this course we have since. steadily pursued. It would, indeed, be humiliating to suppose that in a country like ours where the possession of - talent has never failed to enlist admiration, a share of the enthusiasm we feel per;; .)ris of high literary renown, did not -proceed from. the awakening im _pulse of feniale society-. It is here that the mind of man, when his years are unripe and ---judgment-tu*forpropet4y--ettltivated and prepared for active usefulness in future life; and the earliest and most powerful in eentive, to - the- -paint aspirant for fame. are these dirived from a loving -Mother eix gentle sister; nay more, the same intl . iienee continues to.be exercised under other moth iitations until the flame of Genius burns steadily - arid brightly, and even then admin • inters its cherishing and protective . ti - Too mileh solicitude cannot be felt by - parents in regard to the- cultivation of a proper taste iii the difilment, anl) cspocially the female -branches of their tamilies. It -wOuld . erhaps be assumina too buch to say that no p exception can be 't7aken i to any paet _ of our work, since it is impossible that the various and multiplied wishes. of a numer ous body of readers can be perfectly gratifi ed; .but we confidently believe' that it is lia ble to rower exceptions than; post of those publications .which have been specifically dedicated .to the_atnusement and services of tbesofter sex. There is one matter In,i - vhich we claim praise. The most fastidious cannot discov er. in any passage contained - in this work a thought or expression which, however rnis constriied,.conld MI "Give virvie scandal, innocence - a fear, "ar from The soft-eyed virgin draw a tear.",- . IVO have,laboured zealouslyin promoting • what to-us appeared the best interests of the sex, and in perfcirininglins ugreea toe duty, we have endeavoured to blend th© ...Y.tsssl4l with the, sweet—the amuseig. with this instructive-,t,!le elegant With the serr, 4 :ll,Ceatile and- above, all, to . watch -with the most :yizerous earetldUesi -morzit - ten ofevery iirtjele.eWth-ma ror Thus . I?irs beeti_ainifmtiv_ -4 stettlond while we ne4t - IT:7f- , kiii :~., Ts; tft • ~,,., , - -r-- r edgethaiiberal patronage already Bestow ed, we look forward with an . eamestiapd eve rus .no map ace, , assurance, oan areas • which will enable ,ukeffectually to introduce and sustain such contemplated impr6cOments in the LADY'S Boot( as can of fart to render it-suedmorn-cleverving-ef- iaemaoura: - went and support,. ' All Jetters and Communications concern ing this work will be promptly attended to. Address L. A. GODEY & CO., Daily Chronicle Office, 112 Chesnut street, oppo site the Post Office, Philadelphia. The undersigned intends commencing in a few days, the 11,330 T frgo-regurtarira rUZINESS, IN ALL I'N In the room at prosent usr2(l as the printing ollhe oCtly3 Star, in Baltimore Street, five, (lours nortii of the Po-t office, Whero ho will be ever ready to matmlacture work in a good, substantial manner. He gill procurn the Leg ot . lea - thet, and his work shall equal, ilnot surpass, any that can ( 1 0:10 i n , I!, itoin;.!- a good work man hini-zelr, and !shall emplOy none but are compoent to make iirst-rate work, he l 9 confident of giving satisthetion,' both as to price and worh, 10 all who may favor him with tk'ir c ustom. 'MICHAEL G ROSH. March 30, 1P:31 CP 1 11, 1 17 4"- 1 ( adi;i4s And examine the Cheap Goods, purelia them, if they are as cheap aq any others, consist in , as follows: Eng!;sli Dry Goods, Dome Sties, - Groceries, Queens-ware, -- Hard-ware ; Hollow-ware, Dunstable Bonnets, Shoes, &e. N. P,. Persons wlio. , ;e accounts are of longer standing than .S'ix Months, are re.; ipc2sted to call and scale, as money is Wall tcd—and iithey cannot pay on the spot, oite tiwie noics t.n sii*o cost. T. 3. C. I'l3l. PENN SYLV ANIA TELF.GRAPIf, AN ANT ..!..) : 1A .40N-1.0-PA-1441---- Tube published in the Borough of Harrisburg, rEN.Nsv44 6. *OW The necessity clan efricit;tiraffti7mrisinr7:petpef at Harrisburg, must foreibly strike the mind of every anti-mason. For the purpose, therefore, of eoneentrating th© pri uciples and action of the Anti-Masonic Party in Pee nsylvania, and °flaying before the people ea, ly and Illithful reports of legislative and execu tive proceedings, III) subscriber proposes to pub lish, in the borough of Harrisburg-, Pa. an anti. masonic paper, bearing the above title. That every body of men, having the same ob. ject in viewonust, to ensure succes :, a dept an Mil tbrin plan of operations, is a Ilia wit ich experience has proved incontrove viable. It is equally certain diet HO tteillirm sy- t' a can be adopted without a Previediiispression of the-views and wisheS of all concerned, to the end that the course agreed upon may moot their entire approbation. This ne 7 cessary measure, it is believed, has not hilberto been sufficlindly attended to V the Antiinasons of Pennsylvania. It is the intl.-Mimi of the subscriber, with the aid of the friends of the cause, through out the state, now to ac'complish it by establish. SIX CENTS REWARD. in" a paper i that will circulate beyond the narrow - bounds of a coontry ote,u, district, and announce ANAW from - the frothe subscriber livingto every part of the state what is doing in its di& Ift in Liberty township, about the 30th threttt sections, so that exertions of the party, of November 1830, un indented colored boy who.:e organ it is proposed to be, May, by being nnitisrm ie and hartntious, prove more euccessful.— about 19 years of age, named WILLIAM• I / i g lu and information, trout otherSE portions of the LINDY. He was to have served until Umon, wilt also be brought to bear upon anti-ma- 21 yezys of age.; He had on when he - ab , sonny here. No source of knowledge will be loft scowled, a drab chat, a light vest, light unapproached in the present g lorious search after r aill'lll and contest with the active s' secret reign. corded pantaloons, and a fur hat. He is a - ing:polyer*Ad masonry. bout three feet eight inches high—of rather n One ofthe chief objeets of the proposed paper bashful countenance when in the company will be ' ,to scan the measures of the administras of white 'persons—one Of his thumbs is lion. Legislative and executive acts should have crookedf in consequence of a cut with a for their sole object the good of the cednutreity re presented or governed. They - should at all times knife. •: All persons are cautioned against be fully known to the people. As ' , mesas this is harboring or employing 'said boy. The n um case, fidelity and ability in public oiiicers will hove-reward will, be paid ibr his delivery to be .suitably appreciated and rewarded, while in- the Sub - scriber, or secured in the jail of competency or dishonesty being held tip to public r ` , dams county. JOHN PEDON. gaze, will be' frowned out .of pOWer. In this do- pertinent endeavors will be made to render the April 0, 1831.44. • 4t--52 Tersisittseit worthy of public p.ttrcege. ' 'To those who may wish to loam Ins principles and Manner of conducting a public proes, tho.-Mr seri her-would remark that, for nearly throe years past ho has been the conductor of the, teincaster "Anti-Masonic Herald." That paper, establislutel by him-at the first dawneafanti-masoury in Penri sylvania, now enjoys . the Cordidesiset of a large list of subscribers, • In conducting .4the proposed pa per he will betuided by. the same - prieci pies. this future labors, however, being intended for a lar -14.0r sphere, will have less of a local and individual bearing, and will be more general in their nature and 'application. The leading features in his character, as an editor, will be devotion to the cause of Anti-masonry -a cause which evinpre inutile all the groat and cherishedinterests-ofour country, and till the measures calculated to •socure and promote the general Welfare of the people of l'ennsylvania. With this brief exposition of his principles and object, the stibseriber respectfully solieits,the pat ronage of the opponents of sebrets societiesthe liiends of civil and political reform, and the adve. , cates of equal-rightss--- \ -e THE PENNsiYLVANTATELEGRAPHWiII• be publisbecleiith-new type, on a large imperial sheet, twice a Week during the sittifitof the Le. gislaturo, and once a week the remainder of therl year. The first nurither will be issued on the pith of May next, it' a suflicieet slumber of subscribers should then he ohtaiued, to Warrant its commence. meet. - , , ...-• _... 'Pk:ans.-4a per arensin, in adyince s or $3.50 at'- . Lerma monthe,• All jotters to besPOst paid and ' 4 reseft4ttrtitceettiesitihereittsl • ' s . l'ill4i.). , * . At-Il p . i f . gl 4 , 44,ti.410 , ?IEMMt= 11:10.'.'n ESTABLISHMENT OR 819. , 1 7 1.1PAC TOR ING eIL; SHOES• Bog LL A'VF T110:41AS J. COOPER. RUB •••:' . .S E 122 comm a EU 4 t -5 1 4t-51 EMI CS BOOT & SHOE IVIAZENO. The Subscriberrespoctfully informs the in habitants of Gettysburg and vicinity,' that he has taken the Shop, in Mat York Sired, lately oc cupied by Mr. Robert Taylor, and that RR IS PREPARED TO .MANUFACTURE BOOTS SHOES, OF EVERY DuscnirrioN, In a neat workmanlike manner, and that he will constantly keep on hand, a supply of ready made work,. which he will warrant to be'as good and cheap as can he had in ny other shop in the place. As he is a con etc hand for making LADIrs S►roES, and jus em the city of Baltimore he will ensure such •rk done in tlio most fashiona ble and durable • • nner. March 30, 1831. PA+ 41 4 44 ksil 4tel THE -Ng 00,9C1L1 WE GINLIPANT Will parade by companies, on Monday the 2d day of May next,,at such, places as the . commanding officers may direct, in Matti!, ions aslows:— Thefirst Battalion ofsaid Regiment will meet On Monday the 9th day of y next, in the town of Lewisbury, and the 2nd Battalion on Tuesday the 10th day gf May next, at Petersburg, (York Springs,) precisely at 10 o'clock A. M. The volun teer companys belonging to said Regiment will parade with the Battalion most conven ient. THE COURTSor APPEdL Will be held on Monday the 13th day of Jane next—For the Ist Battalion, at the house of Mr. Apley, in Lewisbury; and for the 2d Batalion, atthe house of Mr. M. My ers in Petersburg, (York' Springs.) J. L. NEELY, Col. tp-2--2 April 20, 1831 - BIEiIL4LOAV SI WAFElrtrik, SUGAR BOXES, zLtOg NEST BOXES AND BARREL COVERS, 30000 cane, suitable for reed makers 500 nest sugar boxes 500 barrel and half barrel covers SPINNING WIIIE:ELS, Wash Boards. Candle wick ainp wicks. Baqlmtssuaddtruslies_. Sugar boxes Fishing linos Weavers'"reeds Brush handles itireng AND SHUT TLES., Si (let d stunners Fishing rods - Shovels and twine Butter prints Clothe pins Bellows and spiggbts WILLOW BASKET CAB.RINGES, Bed cords Fishing hooks Plough lines Shoe brushes Weavers' brushes Ili:mini - Kr AND FANCY BASKETS Rolling pins Shoe blacking Potatoo maiebers Butter trays, spoons and Muddlers paddles Towel rollers Trenchers . Wash and cake boards Crabbing & cabbage nets 'rubs and, butter bowls. The above articles aro offered for sale, on rea sonable terries, by VA LER lUS D IIKEHAR7', No.lllll, Baltimore between South &Culvert sts. Baltimore, 3d mo. Nth, 18:31. 8 ` . 49 NOTIOn. Ak LL persons indebted to the estate of 11a * IjAVID DEmmtitcc, late Of - Straban toWnship, Adams county, deceased; are re quested to come-forward and make payment immediately—arid those having claims a gainst said estate, are also requested to pre sent them for settlement. HENRY BRINKERHOFF,Px'r. April 0,1831. APPRENTICE WANTED. A N Apprentice to the House-Joinerand - 1111 . Cabinet-making • Business, ;s wanted. Advantageous terms will be ofliired, if im mediate application is made. JESSE MARK. , Itunterstown, March 23,1831. 4W-50 M,ountplepsant Volunteers, Attention! IVOU will parade in complete uniform, at the house of Samuel Swop, inn keeper; in BonaughloWn, oii Monday the 2d of Afaynext, atthe• usual tinie. • B order, J.A.COB` I BAIR , , Lieut. • Apr&. ME WS D IMPVELICAN 13ANN, VID, SOMERS. Bt-51 Marbles and tops Lemon-squeezers 4t-52 ~•.1 I ,V°_ aim WAIiEIEMITSE JOHN N. 'STAR R, Respectfully informs his friNrdl and 'the public generally,' THAT Iu STILL CONTINUES TO CARRY ON THE CABINET-51A KING I! SIN ESS, IN ALL ITS BRANCIIES, At his old Stand in the Diamond, next door to Mr. R. G. _Harper's printing otlice, Whet' he has on hand, and will continue to have, • A 41ENERAL ASSORTMENT OF THE MOST FAS'ILION A BLE 7AND DURABLE FURNITURE In the place, and hopes, by strict attention to business, to receive a share of public pat ronage. KrAll kinds of GRAM 4. LUMBER taken in exchange for Furniture. [U* ALL ORDERS IN TnE COFFIN line, will be , - t ittended to with punctuality. Gettliskr ,, , :30, Is3l. NOTIICE. TIE Stocolders of the Hanover and -a• Carlisle l'u iike Road ,company are hereby notified that a election for Two niANAGERS, will be he . on Monday the second day of May next, betw n the hours of 10 and 4 o'clock on said day at e house now occupied by John Wolf, innkeep . • in South Middleton township, Cumberland c The Commissioners of Ciimberland and Ada ms counties, are hereby notified, to meet at the same time and place, and choose THREE MANAGERS Olsaid road all to serve 4br one .vear. By order of the Board. SAMUEL WOODBURN, See'ry. April 6, .1831. 4t-5`2 THE SATURDAY COURIEf. ON the first Saturday in April was com menced a Periodical Journal, to be published once a week, and disignated by the above title. Custom has rendered it necessary for the projectors of a-new htera ry`Undertaking, to present an analySis of the plan which they intend to adopt, in order that the public may judge how far the scheme is likely to be deserving of patronage. Ours shall be brief. Newspapers have been aptly called The Chronicles of the Times, and when , under the guidance of sound prinCiples and assur ed abilities, may justly be considered the safeguards of a nation. Many, however, diverted from the legitimate objects of their Institution, are prostituted to purposes winch involve injury to the morals, illlo - - imvedi ment to the advancement ()fa people. '['his it shall be our study to avoid. All matters of interest, conneetedir the general and state governments shall re ceive from us the earliest attention. We disclaim all party feelings or prejudices, but in doing this wo would be understood as holding ourselves at liberty to open our co lumns and express our sentiments in relation to all subjects of public interest, whet) connected with politics,or otherwise. LIGHT READLy:, in all its various de parrgts, will form an object of our espe cia e. The numerous sources for ob taining the best selections from fo:eign and domettic literature Within our r.'ach, au thorize us to assert that, in this respect, our journal will not sufferA comparison with any other in the country. Internal ImproveMeil, A I riculture and Domestic Manuact. m.pive _from us that consideratioks. alley are en titled by their great twice. - Among the regular nettices the week, will be given a corrected PRICES cIIRRENT Of STOCKS, and the GRAIN MARKET. The latest Foreign and Domestic Intelligence, received by the Eastern and Southern Mails on Saturday, will always be- found in this paper. In short nothing shall be overlook ed that may be deserving the attention and character of enterprizing, intelligent, and industrious journalists. We are not ignorant that we must en counter- many difficulties in advancinp; to public favour, but long experience in the mechanical branches of our prbfession, and an ardent desire to render ourselves useful in Eheir more extensive prosecution, lead*, 1 ?t.O 1 believe that these obstacles will not prove insurmountable. We rely particularly one the 'liberality always shown by an enlig* ened , public to enterprizes judiciously con-` ducted, and confidently make the assurance that our claims to patronage will not be les sened by any want of proper talent in aiding go give spirit and value to our undertaking. I WOODWARD & SPRAGG. CONDITIONS.--The SATURDAY OW . nrEri will be printed with good type,;On an extra-size Imperial paper, of the largest class, and of excellent quality—,comprising twenty;ejht columns of reading matter. . ADVERTISRAFINTS handsoinely displayed, and inserted at moderate prices. Terms of _SubscriptionTwo ..aoLbAns per annum, payable half yearly in advance. Agents,- and other persona at a distance, proeuring aix subscribers,i and' becoming responsible for the payment of their sub seriptions;*ill receive a seventh copygratia. ' All communidations concerning this pi : perjo lie . addressed .(pest: to _ , • . WOODWARD az ,SPRAGG; \ 'o' t. ~.. :34'.x. IMES asul 7 L,lp~• ~ Y~lr 4 1 1 1, 1 0 - 4 , lra ''' • `Y~ _ 1!!1,10. VV - 7 0.0 E-13. a-_ T HE subscriber. respectfully informs his' friends and the public generally, that , he tuts removed his GOODS into the Room_ timnerly occupied by George .Vrnold, and lately by C. J. Showers, where he has just o pened a VERY HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS, CONSISTING 4P DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Q„ITEENS-WARE, •&C.. &C. \Vl►ich will be sold, wholesale and retail, on the most accommodating terms. DANIEL COMFORT. April- 6, 18:11-. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of JOHN YAG ER LINE It, late or. Ger. many township, Adams county, deceased, will call upon the subscriber, between now and the 15th day of May next, and ►cake payment—Otherwise, suit will be brought without respect to persons. All those hav ing claims againts said estate, will also pro duce tho same, properly authenticated for settlement. A G USTIN E ISNY DER, - April 12, 18:31. T PALO RIX G. The subscriber takes this method to inform his liiends, and the public generally, TDAT II E HAS COMMENCED THE TAgLOMING REYSINEISS, In Cash-Town, Adams (Windy, Pei., Where he will execute all orders in his line of hnsiness promptly, and in the most fish 'enable manner, tin Cash or Country Pro d! . As he has made arrangements to re ceive e Quarterly Reports of the Ph' delphia Fashions. Through the id ofMr. Allen Ward's Protrartar System, Cutting Garments, he will he enabled to aso all who may favor himivith their custo JACOB I Cash-Town, March 30, 1 S 3 t 3I I DIME Cit EEK FACTORY. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public in gen6illl, that he has again taken that well known and long. established FACTORY,(the property of the Rev. Da vid Fdutz,;) on Middle-creek,and has taken LEVI CRIBBLE--into partnership with him; and that all wotk sent to the Factory, shall be done 'in a good, substantial manner. SAMUEL ARTHUR April 6, 1831 Lis gi ail z.. ..p, 51 7 71117.R.9 Remaining in• the Post-Ofee of York , • Springs, April I.st. ISBI. , G. Smith Brandon John KaSler 'Wm. U. Bonner Martin Makey David COok . Jacob Miller Adam Davis Christian.. Picking JaeobGrirst . Abraham Snail IWO') 11611 SO mObil Tudor '-- M ichael Ile.rmsn Matthew Tag i i denry Diner 1 TVEIR3IAN, P. M. • 3t-2-1 Aprill3, IE3I LIST OF LETTERS Rimutining in the Post . 'Tee at Hampton, Apreil Ist. 1t:31.. George Wagon Sarah Nerativro .latnes Ellicott Dr. Cornelius Smith Sainuel Matter Peter Marshal C. 8141811, P. 31.' April 13,1531. ft. ,• • T4, , 1FF4 . ~,r-Iltit.. , ' '' - - . .... _1(!, . - 4 111111110• ' A w . 6 . M.:. .0_,...., - •VA•W. - -'••:'• . * ..' • - .... 1 . a Mt Getty , .bui. fr •..a. i a oop, ,!530 ,:' ATTENTION IETOtT will parade in Gettysburg, on Mon. JR : day the 2d day of May next, at 10 o'.. clock, A. M., ench member provided with 12 blank cartridges. qi: 3 AMES BELL, Jr. Capt. .. .April 20, 18:11. tp-2-1 ... 'ATTENTION: - raTTSIIIIIIG GOARDS3. U will V l parade at your-usua Ow l , on 4 , , . . . Monday the 2d of :May ne.rt,iitiOp% - *Meek, A. M. with arms and accoutrements 'incomplete order—in Summer Uniform. • .By order, G. ARMOR: 6., S. April 2a, 18.31, ' '9)-4-2 Attention !—Liberty Riflemen.. you_ will' parade on the first Mondayo" May next, at the house of George 13aum , in Liherty township, at the commons, precOly at 11 o'cleck.. By order , JOHN EYLER, 0. HORSE-BILLS, • RAND BILLS, 3 ova ipw 4 •.'op EVERY DEBORIPTHEY EXECUTED IVITII NEATNESS AND 15111SPAItIr, AT THE :OFFICE OF THE STAR AND DANNER,- Chambersburg Strect„p few doorf W Vii,. lolll , Varern# ,-, \ ME SEM MEM 41--,52 Adair of said estate. 4t-2-1 SSLER. 41-51 4t-52 CM it