The star. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1831-1831, April 13, 1831, Image 3

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    AN TI- - 31 ASO N IC"STA
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A LT! 3 r.. 1 31A it K ET.
From flip 1:,11:imore Palri 1. of Sal tircl:ty lact
Fr,ilf 'I?, 1 !tura has been a mato
rial 1:111ing- etriti the stypliei thiseek, the re
nearly astir-lialfles than these 01 . the
last. On t-;Autahly la: , 1 a talc or 10110 brl.-;. wp.s
matte ttt. tif; ;;II hrl. oft GO (la v s without interest.
and with some stipulation as to exemption from
stora:.:e. I fit Ttie.- , (l:ty a parcel of 1(100 hrls. was
take'. at 0 :I7S per brl. cash; and other parcels of
less amount were taken at the same rale on that
day and Wednesday. The annunciation yester
day (Thursday) Morning of the arrival below al
New York oflater advires 110111 Liverpool, threw
the market into a liwerish state,and the excitement
Ives increased by rumours of the receipt of thein
tellig-ence here by express. One pitrchaser, hav
ing been obliged to go into the market for some
Hundred brls. to complete a cargo, bought the re
quisite amount with some dilliculfy at 650 per brl.
—a number of the dealers having ionised to sell
at that price, and others to operate at all. The
Liverpoolltd% ices are tot he '.'21111 ry, Nut
show a :light decline in breakintl's in the English
The intelligence has tended to damp
our own anarket„and holdeM %vim yesterday re
-50, are to-day willing to sell at -0 371..
Otlwr+, howovor, a , k G :it). The loarlwt tiepins
to at a to-day;, and on hear of no tratisav
'l.ll,.rr,rurr prix , ilinvliout the taco nn
-I+l IVC(I4IIPS(Iay 1111 111 , 111/11:11S hero
( Nrcels v.'ore lion ::1
fractimi Ti)-(1;1t' thepri,o appear.
1.0 lie 6 :25.
\VIII :A'l'.—Op Sat prtiav tt r! , :n of
ittottitt wlttsat xvw, sidd of '7;l por bush. nod on
1111)1111:I.\ 41(•;ir.i.“os ‘vitris sold at 1 :17. (In
(lay a cargo %vat: shltl at I :17. Aea rg - tt Ivas otrort , (l
to_tloy, hot not sf dd, tlic Licititool ;pit 174 liavi : nt.r
dolorred -l'ront itp..; at pre% ions rate..
Solos L1”)11 re, 11 ry pd wra vd
It-on 'natio from I .21.1t0 I :;,": Fircol Nv:is takon al
raw lio:ri. yr , .1 or(!ily. c;irLi of . Vir;:ir,i.t
p...;l , .rdas ;it. I 11(): , ! of Itto
of :ay tt Ite;tl are ttrot (Nutt ry quality, and t:otott of
thew littytt pron.otl so very inditrorent as to Itrintl
hut ."4.1 In ;,"; row -7.
66 to I: vow,
to ti.-; (),,/,,:U to;;lets. (Vorf rseed,lll.4;lll
F. 45 10
1111 ;E: 4 ,--IV O links this work oll:;00 Bile
11(14 al flij eiN. I; inf..; and .11100 sit IQ!
2 111'1' ek'llit
We this week present our patrons, the first aunt
" her of the sevond volinue oi• the A vri-11.0.•;e•
been hi eNi:denee I;Ir on, y, r,:wd WO think we haz
ard nothing in deneminatingthat dietiod ! I cor of
71 , rexisi encl. “01 rIZEN in Adams C0a1,(,,.
Few ',lour readers ran firm an adequate idea
ol ; the dillicnlliestio to encountered itt esta :dishing
such n press. ( ht-the one hand, we are opposed
by all the members and friends ()fa powerkil
rill institution, who aro hound by , their private in.'
lor , sls and s,dom o oaths, to stri.presq
Ihi the otter, ti are assailed by the whole class of
unprincipled denn , gognos, who prefor their own
1,..r , :0tia I aggrandizement and selfish ambition, to
the fond of the ' cfmntry. This class is neither
small nor - inactive; and, fora soaini, they will be
able to tendoi• more etfeetind aid to, Freemasonry,
, that' a11it.i11in11144444-.1-ittirrtrnt,i! hypocri
tioal professions thr the well-being ,of a favorite
Marty, they sako over their ulcerous designs, and
'rho e‘petistss of.studi" an establishm en t at it s
commencement are necessarily heavy, and the
profits small, which renders its eontinuance
difficult when the proprietor, like us, has tlic
J . ollloll' to be—roon.
But notwithstandin g . all these o'ostacles, our sue.
ra;s,thus lira has been highly gratifying. In one
short year, I he" Star" has obtained,' a la rA•or
cola, ion thad noy ol*tho old e.-italdishments in t h e I
county. It numbers among. its patrons, a large I
portion of the intelligence and patriotism of the
people. And we have had I Ito sat istittlion to
Ina jority of our tidlow.cilizThs record their ap
probation oft he cause which wo am lending °tux , '
lumilde_otlint s to sustain. lint although thus , 1
chect:ed in our cours (2 , wo m u m, urgently call-on
our friendsoand the friend s or correct principles,
to renew. Abet r e.yortion s in extending the circula
tion or our paper, our;canse will 'lloitrish just in
proport.ion to the information tlitrthsed.
Every mealls aro resorted to, by our opperfents,
to impede our progress. Sitareely an individual,
in the county, who is not an antimasoii, subsci ibes
for our paper. And the ti'w who ventured to
do so st the titi;t, tiro compelled, by party disci
pline, to witlidrnw their names. "While the friends
of the craft, and of crafty, demegoguos, (tie thus
endeavorin g to destroy hon.: PlltStift, a largApr(r.
Port ion Of our-Ant iimuutlic friends aro ifoglect
to yield us their aid, endure feeding their enemies
by patronizing their papers. Many do not like to
ghango their printer, on account ofpersonal friend
ship, 4-, 01 associations. But theyshould remom
her that patriorism demands a chtrerent course;
and that by thus contributing to disseMiiiatefulse
priuciples, they conspire against the well-being of
,their country Those things Should . no longer, be.
illverypatriot should exert. hints9ll to ;ustain the
vehicles of truth. Let the "workers ofiiiiquity,r
derive sustenance from- thdirown brotheofi.
h)r folio e, our past, coutso Shull be diro9l
ad with ti.".'steady, aim'to the great interests of our
belovell country.", We never support any
men or rue:mires, by whomsoever advocated,
yyhich we believe Injurious to the public 1%
We shall oppose alike the nullification and disuni
on doctrines of the South ;, and the unprincipled,
sycophantic accordance to the schemes of
ifie -- " — rellb - g; Dvnasty," — which wotcld sacrifice the
vital interest of Drenestic Industry and Internal
Improvement oy the altar of cdtrupt ambition.-L-
Pursuieg this course, we shall keep steadily in
View, as the polar star of our direction, one other
Object of more vital importance in this Republic
than all others ifit l ed— We shall war with unecas
in,P find fearless efforts, afroinst the secret con
spiracy which ',cronies our land, (gut sops the
fimndyti' o n of oar lyre. institutions. We shallow.
der no circumstances, in exciting to wilco, an
a,lberio MP or ,adrocalc of Freemasonry.—
Not Itirr4 short of this vulorm and rigid course on
be part oft he people, can (lest roc the Monster.
A contest is about commencing, in which rival
candidates will be presedted fir the chief °Hires
(lithe Slate and Federal lovernments. That eon
warm and fierce. 'Kings will not stir.
render their Thrones without a strtiggle. We
shall not shrink- front our duty is public sentinels.
But instead of inflaming, we shall attempt,,to al
lay the fury of the passions;—to assuage the evils
of t he conflict. 'A:4/ hoe vet. may ho our opponents,
we shall ne ve r indulge in personal crimillatfimu.
The private and domestic relations and charuc,
ters of unofficial individuals, shall be hold saered.
A contrary course can contribute nothing to the
public good, however it might gratify malevolent
and demoniac feelings. It tvould not only is.
Ifirli social infereoure, and wound defenceless
and unollineling cifiziins, but create painful sen
sations in the breast or cq.cry honest man. If rvi;
have ever been betrayed info a slight departure
from this course, It was always under feelings ex
cited by the most profligate and aggravated inju
ries of our reckless opponents ;
,lout their example
and provocation shall not, b;;realler, induce us,
like them, to prostitute our press, ()ten for the pur
poses of retaliation.
To the encinios rerietics, we an say ,
with confidence, it• ruu aro true to yourselves,
you have !milting to rear. Your cause is sustain-
ed by reason, and every where prospers. But if
you grow sour exertions, and prove re-
errant to your country, your situation is doplora
blo. In the eyes or the "liing,s" and "Royal
Arch" Tyrants oftho land, your sins are unpar
glonahle; you will never lie tiir2,-i% on by thorn. Von
have Inolianoly dared to lilt Oa. veil and look into
Hie-dreadful sanctuary of their crimes! It be.
hooves you, then, to stand constantly on your do.
lioico, nor sliiiithcr at your post, or you will
c, , :no tho victims r,rtlieir trea:urcd wrath! 11
vig ilauro, our eitii,e runi-t obtain signal
i, this high olour country, It in the
(2;tw-o 01\ irluc and re', inn
linno4ll a slranger to most- of you, I Itopo,to
Inc cli diled, by your I;ind aid and constant sup_
Doll, long to dwell 'among you, and batter the
thick walls of: .4 Atan's syna7ogno with maily .
well directed biow. And, judging from past th-
V9r, , , I Ibel-contido n t f inztyvu will continuo - to stn)-
!curt my paper, which is the only FREE PRESS
lin the English lama o,; in Adams cranny.
I cult, your faithrol friond and servant,
3 )'Those of our suLsrriLers wlin have changed
their residolice t will please inihrin us soon.
A D,101:11NAII:NT OP THE LEGISI.Vrt'ar.--011 'rues_
day week last, tho Legislature of this State. ad
journed sine (lie. Two hundred and "fifty -ono laws
and resolutions were passed; the titles °lt'll , most
important ofwhich, shall be given in our next.
The TAX 111Tif,S, pulilishod in 'our last, takes
etl;•ct on the Ist day offetolier next. The bus
tle and con connected a ith rettioving our
oui,e giving ow own and others views
until next week. F.
Tiv!n. 1 , , I•;:,7. the able Editor of the Lancit.
ter Aid iniasonie _Herald, has issued proposals for
-- 7 - rntrlttrirEi- - a paper in Harrisburg-, be called the
Trfr2-ra ph. The importance of a
tliorotigligoing Antitinisonic presS at Harris
burg,- is- muctriiecTilea. And wo are gratified to
lin : d that a iiatiof Mr. Penn's talents and capacity
for conducting such a press has undertaken 4.--
le has our best wishes for his success. The
Prospectus shall be given in our next.
MORE LICHIT.—Wo. have received several
numbnrs of a now paper published, at West-Union,
Adams, county, Ohio, called the CoUßtErt or. Lia
r:n.l'l..7 • It is well conducted, and advocates the
cause of Antimasonry.-Success to it.
WARREN JENKINS, EAq • has issued pri?prosals
for publishing an Antimaannic papor at COlumbus,
gill°. Go on.
This paper has elutpgrd hands. Alessrs. Cu ts.
lloway & CU. have Leconte the proprietors Of the
anew literary paper, published in liiiladelphia,
has boon received. It is neatly printed on an'"ex
tra sized imperial sheet." The matter, bethorig
inal and. selected, exhibits taste and judgment
It is pUblislied by Woodward and Spragg.,''at.o
pet. year. The prospectus of the "Courier, '!as
ultio the colitents oftho "Lndy's Book," 0411 be
given in our next.
,____, ,
On Wednes(ray last, in the 77th. year of his
age;"-Mr. Ft - Maria Ba arrher,son. of Abbot
On Thursday evening last, Mr. John P. Gilli
The N.York Pilot of the Gth Says—" Rumors of
land, of Tyrone township, aged about 53 years.
wars" aro heard between Russia and Prussia on On the - 22th ult. Mrs. Margaret Mickley,
one hand, and Poland and Austria on the other—
wife of Mr: Peter Mickle %it . . of Franklin
A rebellimi has burst-out upon Italy in Mod
ena; township, in the 3,8, th yea y, r
of her age.
and no small disturbances are expected in that • On the 4 27th 'ult. - in Germany. township,
part of Europe. Dithilsch is marching with an Mr: John Yegerlenter,agtid 44, years.
army upon the frontiers of Poland With proffer of 'On . the 24th ult. Lydi a.VA, daughter of
pardon in ono hand, "and threats of punishMent in s Samuel Kitzmillet or ery4any town
tin) Other; 150,00 G ,non accompany him. Spain: • • . '• ti
4 ,
is arming. France i; arming. Enztand is turd. s in the 10th year of her:age.•
fishing lier anus, and reducing 'her taxes, atittup . -__ On the
..` - same day, Henry, son of Mr.
setting tlai tithe of the clergy upon the fruits of Conrad Pary, ofConawavo township. '
the soil.' --Cardinal Valietlari is elected PorE.—
On the 2.lSt tilt; near ,A b bbetts-town, Mrs.
Tno:pranil .s.aitan. is said to buathering tbroba „ , ~- ~.
with iian . .cienry., let tct-of ilf.t.•Comrad floury,i in
to he ready agamstthe tune Rtis - sia is -busy
Poland: And Perlin is stirll'4),th° sarap_Alic.x. I,fito 101st year of he
~, .
... .
, ---_ _
If all these signs rail, it - must be indeed a dry tirbo. -
We hope tliry • may; but tiio 41:111.1eS Ur J 0.7.70i)1211:i • , T , T Tr ,
ili; hit/ lig in the air ovilr Joritiletll, wer. not mom I"" "INTING .01:TWE of the Pubseriber
I been removed 1 o the neW building, in ('Joao-
intltcat I% e of - st rile, thap the pre, (l ,l ii , i ii ;ar , ~,.„.,
~ t, bort:liorg, street, a 113 W doors Wei - 4 of Alr. Eonov's
parat ioris in Europe.
TA ft:n v,..who're
a , Olt . PurS vali, CI
ONCE - MORE.—WiII 1 110 1 1 / 7 ,1/ PI, .3R Vl' rifer-"ror
the t 7on2j2iler," i,v)to appoars to he s o rouseictiticuas._
accept of the. ihnow log prop , isition ? Come, let
the People see whether the "I tisolosures" are Intt•;
or not:—
fLi 'We will procure to he ri l , pviied in the 13nia
of Gettysburg, or in the hawk ofany rot.pui.s.ahlit
person, not obi on,
/or adri (1"1/itt. , :, which rp Ha t i cr w 1!
Freennison, or ally iiiivoca , e cf. Inst ilirt;rn,
Who chiciaiie to p. crept j.,"IIIAT
THE*l)l,,cLosi t,i"llll'cu_Vl'lls
'11)•VI; '1.1.1‘" 1:1; 1 , 1; I:I; vc,:-(1_ , ,: \; .;
I.:N Tcrl'lll.,'l . lTriC (•.% 11.:;1O1'_(:AN, A7.1)('oNTAI:\,1:1) IN 111-4 (It INTEI)
PAlrt:l( TLAIi, I: "I' A,N I) 1 . 1 :11;,
Nve tall enter an auricalric ;:lio n in the Court of
Coninion Pleas or Aila no: v lie
11, other ixiiits are Iiu0(1, ;I 1(I lie c vlit lud.
et! by the jiulgmqnt,;
- .
Appointment by ,tlie I ;orerni,
G Altaic!: IlIALLEI; I', to he Pre.ident
Judge ofthe Third judicial cli , lrict, rompiA
ed or the counties of Perks, Northampton
and Lehigh, in the place of I?obert Porter,
Our. respected fellow citiArZ o l. Wit.
Lr.tx STEUART was yesterday choeen anti
sworn in Mayor of Baltinuort,.te
Supply the
vacancy occasioned by the resignation of
Col. dirceb Stintll. The electors wet at
12 o'clock, , and on th© rote being taken Col.
Steuart received eight ballots, and there
were liair • Chronicle. •
FORTIFICATIONS. --The following
are the appropiiations made for Fortilira
(ions, for the present year:---For George's
i Island, Boston harbor, $5,000; Fort Adams,
R. I. $100,000; Fort liamiltOn i N. V. ;;1, 0,-
000; Fort 'Columbus and Castle 1 - Vilria
N.. Y. tiii:s,ooo; Fort Monroe, Va.
000; Fort Calhoun, Va. tiit.o,ooo ; Fort Ma
con, :',ito,ooo; Fort tni Oak island, N. ('.
!).'"),000; Fortifications at Charleston, S. C.
! . .i;1.),000; Do. at Pensacola, i:titto,m_to; Fort
at Mobile Point, $90,000; Battery at Ben
ving, Lou. *i:;000 ; Fort Wood, Lou.
_Contingences $10,006. The sin-i of ,
. 20•;.000, is appropriated for carryiog on
the Delaware Breakwater.
Five Rdlar counterfeit notes Bank of
I 'lilted' States are in ei !Tulin bin rtr th ::cite,
sPveral of tlium have been' prrs7utt - Ai ai
of our yesterday , and to-d;:y.
'['hey are dated New-Ur!- an. let. 71av,
1.29, letter in l'avor i d*J. P. N"Lit,
or order—igned, S.Jandon, asLier, Bc v.
Chew, Pre-.t.
1.,k1 .
The la. 'Norfolk lierrildsays—"Welm.-.e
received it tellizence upon which-wr r(174,,,re.
111, that the lion. SAMUEL D.• hcirAm,
has been rrmoved rrons the Treasury De
partment !" "‘; .' •
similar rumors have been current in Bal
timore within a day or two past, but no men
tion is madec‘f the removal in the Washing
ton papers. Mr. Ingham is a Calhoun man,
aril we gave no doubt it' he has not been al
rendv, he will be deposed. 6011..lacksoa
ha4ialreadv indicated to the Honorable St.e.
retail - , his Sorereiirn displeasure and that
his place. is wanted tier one who i.: known t,)
be more loyal to MN Majesty
King Andrew the First.--11;u11. Pat.
Previous to the adjournment of Congre:,7.s,
the tbllowing resolution, offered by Mr.
111(, , veer, was adopted by a vote of 1 I S to
Rrsolred, That the President of the U.
States be requested to renew aud prosecute,
from' time to time, such negoiuttions with
the several Alaratizne powers of Europe and
America, as be !ay deem expedient for tho
elfeefual abolit ion ofd-the A-frican SlaVe
and its ultimate dentmeiatien, as piracy tin
der the Law of Nations, .by the consent of
the civilized world. .
-- 7"
A Methodistclergyman was taken np in j ja '" /I En g land
New - Alaxamlor Ethatinii
England, upon . siispicio'n of havingin,;
his saddlebags inirt or the money lielotiging I Sivii; Edwards
to the' bank in New Vol*. Search was ac-
. . i
. G l'
COrdingly made, and the nicely folded and 1 Peter Fl9tc
closely tied.packa. o es ere found to contain ',lldil'le"r
religious tracts. w•
Anti i
On Saturday week last, by the Rev. C.
Wcyl, Mr. Andrew Sandie, to Miss Bar
bara Frit; both of (Ins place.
On Sunday week last, by the same, Mr.
Michael Orereash,• of Cl ttilturd township,
Franklin county, to Miss Sarah ftei ntzle
man, of Franklin township, Adams dainty.
On -Sunday the :3(.1 inst. by. the Rev. L. L.
!Tinsel), Mr. George Tliontos, son of Mi.
Adam Thomas, r Miss atilotrine
(laughter of 111 r.'Dm'id Meals, both of Me
On .tlio . morning of the 29th tilt. in Balti
more, -Mr. Jas. Bloke, of Indianapolis,
diana, (tbrmerly of this county,) to Miss
Elizu Sprole, of that city.
It. .
crc — rxifff v ors(' I"rioN,
will be done on moderate terai" ,, ,,with nentrip,r. amd
derail h; and where stib , cript ime, to the
anthyleci iisrments for insertion in its column...,
%yin be timid:4lllly received. llc at the same time
relarns his acknowledgments to his friends tin.
tli'M liberal support, and IMpes to !men a eon
tinua nee' of the same.
ROBERT W. ` , ll l / I )I,ETC)N.
April I:3, ISII.
WT VW L (1050 rii` VA .
o. 2, to he drawn in Baltimore, on the
2 - -th 'April, 1 ;31---on the terminating
syslein, live Tic Lets severe TWO' PRI
ZES, and rnnv draw SEVEN.
of €:,44kimilt., 2of 000.
' Tickets 50—No Shares:
Triztsil or:A:5,000 P 4 prize; or f5O.
• 1,000 '2O
500 10
2 300 200 a
2 1300 8000 • 1
4 100 . •
Ff2sl Prizes amounting to S . :2•1,000.
11 7143—:20,110(1 Ticket:4.
T:t4.kets fin - sale, in the greatest variety of Nos.
N. W. Corner olCalvert and lialtimorets.: N
Corner ofQ.liarles and Baltintore-sts. and N. W.
Cotner of Gal and Baltimere.sti4. •
LI i - Witero the highest prize in the recent State
Lotteries has bean oftener sold than at any other
office:: ! ! !
r 1 . - Oiders from a distance, enclosiniNho Cn
will 1,. punctually :inputted to
Paitinjore, April Ili,
nonainin g in the Post. Offiv e at York
:pr . i.a.vs, April
G. Smitli. Praildon John Kasler
Wm. It. !limner Martin Alakey
Itaviii 'ook Jacob Aliller
Adam Davis Christian Picking
,AbrahamJseo ,( neat Slllia/
J:11 . 011 IlollSf John Tudor
1i irh;irl flerman Alatthow Tag
'away flitter
Aphil 12, IEII..
Remaining in the Post (lifice at Ila)upton,"
April ist..l- , 31.
(;001-7n Rear.,,on sandi liefiturro
Sheatrer .Janie:: Ellicott
1)r. Cornelius :' , ruitis Samuul Alattur
Peter Marshal
April In, 131
Ronaining in the Post.( Vier at Gell ysburg,
Pa. April lei,
n Anderson
. 1 .'(;• ba ugh
lanry Auckur
l'hivid Dry ern
.11r. 110% io
Nel)evra Cell
I4usicl Burns
Thonias; 11lochor
I'c is
E;cv, augher 2
Ucii ,taker
John 1;1.1.(•'.:, Scn.
Darhi.; I. poattora
I.4in. Llailrfy, jr.
Jacob Bilthigor
Maria C'cle
John ( 7raw Cord
John Clapror
George Corniony
Owen Connolly
floury Coons
:177 . 01.)Chipsaddio
Eliza Culp
lien. 1)otil;liorty
.M sotto I);tritisto
Janies (7a It
Alm AI. Gilbert•
Eliza tl,t,i,vor
.lames Galbrait
. h
Alary Graft
Margaret Gallaher
Win. W. Hutcheson
Joluilluhes • 12
George fleck $
Casper fl,,ncln
Win, Bolt , worth
Francis Harri s •
Peter Hulick
Henry Hake
Henry A. Holcomb
John flerA
Henry Ilartzel
Philip Hagen
Martha Ann frays
Alexander Horner
Win. Wilson . ..:
Saniuel Wright
- .Philip Warner
Win. Walker'
Adaui IVa!ter, jr,
Israeli ) ; Wright . 4
David Warren
Isaac Warren 2
Violet Wilson
Win. & Thos. White
Rebecca 8, Wilson
Rev..l. V. Wistleinan
Thomas N. White
Mary Weak ley
PAlnithid L. Vouco
Henry VOLT ...
-.lliclicl . '.ow, Soil.
(.come Ziegler
WM. I L 8E1,4, P. 41.
. _ .
Lucretia M. Johnson
Robert Kenyon
Goorgo Knopp
Wm. Konoy
Andrew Kerrigan
l e i rrigan
Ruffin Ke ogg
Peter Koehler
John Kant
Peter Little
Peter Linard '
PiHJip Long
Jae° Laiisinget
Mr. [Aim
Win, Li nn
13,1pril S:"1,
Robert. A. M'Phorson
John A.:Miller
Nathan Miller 2
'in. W. M'Clellan
Itobert .M'Crpary
John Mosier
John M' knsson
Nancy . * Menich
Peter Morit/. •
Robert M'Alordne
Jacob Miller
Isaac Miller
Jacob .11inniorli; Son.
John illll~nil Lt
Henry Moo,o
.iilllloB llitchell
John Mays or Mr.
James M'Allister
John Neely
ITatiry Oi•her
Patrick O'Frioll
bliss l'eixtort
(;cori;o. l'eterA .
Sau~tit_ I l'a it vrson
Samuel Reutzon
James Ray
James Russell
Reek or
Samuel [toutzong
Philip Rahn.
IVilliani Rady-
Jaseph Reinhard
floury Rupert
Belay kupp 2
13enjainin Ravonzan
.Tames St:olbn!
.16111) t.. 4 nwer
"riper Sehenehruch
• Robert Stewart
George Swope •
Richard Seutt
7. '".P1 . 611 ) Stallsinith
Mr. Sity tor
Chrfslian Shriver
_ E - lizahoth Swigart
Margaret E. 6llydur
Mary Scott
Joshua l'homppon
Mary 'lll9lllpson
kutitiel 'fagert 3
Mary Torrtnico
Abraham l'awney
Li, persons indebted to the'„estate.of
JOAN 1* A GERLI T.CER,lato Of * Ger. , .
many townslap,.Adarns - county, deceased,
will call upon Elie- •
ciTio (hr . , / (filay nest, iand palm
pay ifient-----ot herwise, (salt will be brdught
Wi!hoot reypoct to persons. All those bay
in ;• againts said.estatr, will also pro
duce- the tsarno.'properlv. autlimuticated for,
settlement. A i N E SNY DER,
4l //tr of said estate.
Prd I s e, IS:3I.
'Trial List --A pill I 1 erm.
\lal how Dtoosan vs. Jolm Duncan.
Jar,plp 31 , 0,(3 vs. Ileury
illary Sr-nit y,. Jas..k:, Jtavid Sentt.
Jacob (;,fr & Wire Vs. John el Ker.,
I .i•tii'Lrf` Henry , rt. - ril vs. Colsiovli.
John Sholl %Viro vs. I'. drut Cl+ Adia'r.
S;;I:1!If`1 DPardOrir vs. Jacob Hildebrand
11.1 U R. AL it E POSTTO
.• •
„ Bow En or Exit:RA.llam,
vi;(.I.IITF) •
gwirti:rly k it;ith n Pine Engraving..
Devnted exclusively to Polite Literature, com
prised in the following subjects: Original and Se
lect Eseays, American and Poreign
graphy, Travels, Notices of New Publicatious,
Summary of News, Origiria l and Select Poetry,,
Amusing, Miscellany, Ilumourousaild Historical
Anecdotes, &e. &e.
On commencing a now volume the publisher
pledges hiniselflu his patrons that his unremitting
endeavours•shall be exerted to meet their expecta
tions. The IZepositery will continue / to be con
dncted on the same plan and atibrilod at the same
conecnicut rate, which he has reason to believe
has hitherto given it so wido a circulation; and
such a durable & IlatteriPg popularity as had Ten
dered it a favorite and amusing visitor during the
seven yearsofits publiCation. As its correspon
dents nro daily increasing & several highly talent
ed individuals with the benefit of vvhoso literary
labours ho has not heretofore boon favored, and
whose writings would reflect honour upon any
periodical, have engaged to contribute to its co
lumns, hi Ilat*rs himself that their communica
ums and the prizes offered below, together with .
the best periodicals (lithe day, lrith-which he is
regularly supplied, will fiirnish him with amplo
materials for enlivening its pages with that varie
ty expected in works ofthis nature.
It must be acknowledged that the Repository is
one of the cheapest journalsextant. Arrangements
have boon made to have triii engravings executed
by the hest artists. A lino review of the City of
I ludsue, the River and surrounding Seerrerylvill
accompany the first number.
The Rural Repository will be published every
other Sithirday, on Super Royal paper ola superior
quality, arid Will contain twenty-six- numbers, of
eight pages each, boa idea, four plates, .a litlol, a.
ai.d index to the volume, making in the whole,,.
pages, (octavo. It shall he printed in handsome
style, on a trend and fitir type, making a neat and
tastend volume wt the end of the year,•containing
I mat ter, that will be instructive and profitable for
you in future rears. ,
The Eighth Volume (Fourth Volume New Seriesl
tivill columence on the ofJ mu; next, at the low
rate or One Dollar per annum, payable in all CaSeil
athwiice. Those who will forward Its Five Dol
lars froo of postage, shall receive six copies, and
any person who will , remit IN Sixteen Dollars,
shall receive twenty copi,. /;, c .,,,,.
the prico to h'igAty Cents per volume; and any per.
sen mho will remit Twenty dollars, shall receive,
Twenlyfive copies and a set of.S'lurin's Reflectionv
for every Day in the year, handsomely bound.—
All tilt previous volumes, except "the first and se_
tend, will be furnished to those who obtain sub
scribers, at the same rate. No
ceived thr less than one year.
Names or the Subscribers with the amount of
the subscriptions to be•sent by I fin 1501 of June,
or as soon actor as convenient, to the publisher.
William 11. Stoddard, corner or Warren,and Third '
Streets, Hodson, N. Y.
April 13, 1 S3l.
G rah d Jury—April Term.
Hamikon,—Chrisiian Picking; Andrew
Ickes, Joseph Carl,
AI% Smith.
llfmmt plea sa Jose ph Treagy.
Menal le n--Frederick Eicholtz.
'/10.0iir—Jane s
Strabrlll.:—ltoliort Bing, John Goley,
Rcailiny—SVilh<•Fi e lie •
Conowago--A tit hony aliiiter.
ill'Clean, John
Geinany—JOlin ICugler, I lin Woilcert,
Ephraim Swope.
Lail mon —lVm. Peale.
AforinUoy- , ,-Robert. 4 l, I Itsbn
.51‘Creary, Jamei Big
Cumberland- , --Samtiol Cobean (of W.)
Ceneral Jury—April Term.
rough—Thomns C. Miller, .David
Heagy, 'homas iM s Kellip, Peter Weikert,
John B. Marsh; Hugh Denwiddie.
71yr o tie- Aly.eitiT;filiii St udebaker,
Deardord, Isaac Sadler
Alorugp. r ia.rant-rienryLe r h o fl; Hen
ry Herring.
Cumberlaml—Andrew Walher, _Samuel
Coheau (ot'S.) ill'Curdy, Samuel
therow, Win. Thoinpson.-
Momllen—Henry Walter, 'John Ebert,
Samuel Diehl, John Hewitt.
Straban—Peter Eyster; - Bernard Hoff
man, Jacob Latshaw-
• Frit enfl, cc James King R.
hurt rd ie, jr., Trostlo, David
Chain berlain.
bintington—Jas. rir'El wee ; Noses Neely ;
[roman WiCrman.
Ilantiltok--Itobert 51‘Ilvnip, Wm. ffil
debrand, Coo. WO; Joseph Hilt, Isaac
Berwick—Henry Gitt,..fahn Fliekin,ger.•
• -1 1 - orin(Aoy—Satnuel flock; Abdiel
ister, Robert Yonne., Moses Mg!vain.
.ileading—John. nop..
Latiwore—Georrre Robinette.
Gilt. •
i - 1