The star. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1831-1831, April 13, 1831, Image 2

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Front.the Roston- Free Preys--Extra.
Voston, Friday Afternoon,lll4"th 11, li - 431.
t!l-lt-eH -- 1+) , Ittt!it)1
the pleasing intelligence of the rejrictiort et' the
rdost extraordinary petition of the Hvild Loilp, , e of
Massachusetts. The reckless contempt of - public
opinion exhibited by this si , cret institution in call
ing on the Legislature at this time for alt increase
()fits chartered pri., ileges must e.(cite universal
-astonishment. Tlit—liardihnott—erineed by this
:lameCranrl Lodg.e itt engraving a FALSEHOOD
nii.lbe Hate deposited under the corner stone of
its Tempie, is !utility exceeded by this tali petition
to the General Court, whose flail we now have 010
satisfactiuu to record.
eh of the Debar(
_ .
MR. I,Azi.A.L, of 1:1 id,:sel,vi ler, 'oppesNl the
ceplaneeofthe Repoit of the Civil :tee, Oving•
leave to [lie t ;null I,w?go to hriie.; in a bill. He
went into:; 11111 discussion alba t-.llbjent.. 0 1M a .
vonry, read the oaths and obligations, and other
important doeumonts—when he was very uneOro
- celled to order by Mr. Blake end Mr.
I.'l'. Adam::, or Ifo.ton, (both masons) but illoy
vrere nut f , /tArkiniid by the Spoalier, who pronoun
ced Mr. Lazo!! to be in order. Alter 'Alr.l.aztdlhad
finished his able remarks, the floor
,was occupied
by rt. large nuoiter the inemb,^rs, who were
en viaus to deliver their sentiments on the ques
tion, but it Was given to Mr; Brooks of Bernards
town, Ia mason] who immediately ro u te n mo.
lion tbr its definite postponement, and tl: • previous
- question beitit; celled Mr, precluded all debate,
and the motion was sustained by an overwhohn
log majority.—
(MR. LL'S Spercii will la: given in the
Boston Peesso
llmEr.:)w. then stated that he should on the
morrow, move fur a reconsideration of this vote,
and the House then adjourned.
Friday Morninp, Nurr/i ll.—Mr. Big oloN,
(GRAND MARSHAL) of:l3.lsliiii, nio‘led the re.
colisideration of the vote by which the House had
relitsed to grant the prayer. of the petitioners,
'Grand Lodge] this tbronuon. Ile believed that
the House would not retlise tho A;rand Lodge, a
elinetered society, privileges which they would
grant to every other corporation in the Common
wealth. Ifa said that the charges madO against
the Masonic institution, had nothing to do with
the question at issue. It was simply whether:2o,
11/0 sltould be taken front the personal e9tate, and
placed to the account of the real estate or.ifot. lie
took occasion to animadvert upOn Mr. Laxell in a
style of ribaldry and abuse, and upon flu: t .li
molly he had adduced relative to the out/ , c.
of the nstitution. He DENIED/ (y su /
OATHS as had been read to the • err
fplministered in lodges so PAR AS !IF. was .1011.!A IN
-rm!![Cregbit Jutheus Apella,non ego.; lie thought
if the petition of the Grand Lodge had been pre
sented and their name held back, that no gentle
man would have thought of Ivithheldjue front the
petitioners co reasonable a favor as Ito asked—
;lnd that it Was the present "excitement" against
the InStitution, which Made the Ilouse waver a
moinOnt._ Bigelow spoke some time, but he
was very desultory and disconnecterepoating
his remarks over and over, as if determined to
make up by their length for their• inherent weak
. - They were literally a fine-spun rope of
Rev. \ta. thucuAlt of Randolph, next occupied
the dour for upwards or an hodr,
!A duriic.7 which
time u? most attentive silen6e was observed.—
There, v.fa.s an-hrif tressiveness and sincerity , in
manner viiich did let !h.& orits etibet. 110 MAIN
-Trr;t 7 ll'v:lttriTrt "
scattered sheaves as lay wit:teat. lie
then on the abduction of Morgan by
:Viso/is—that Masons themselves had noLdenie&
thin that hote was one ptdpahlo evidence against
the Society, and a good reason for"excitentent,"
so much tabbed about by gontlonten. lEo then
took its el ii‘ns to being coasi&ired a. CHARI
TABLE ifittitut ion—l le said the Grand - Lodge
were chartered for parpotzes of charity—and that
now they wished to withdraw those funds grant
ed thr that express purpose, and sink them in real
estido. lie fished if there were not enou g h objects
01 charily them lie.dow their lands, it'
charity is not needel hero, upon ducat v: ho thotieed
elsewhere-lettt 1 item join with tint Su Sch oo l
Society, wlnote claims have been so cinquenily
supported by 11r. Webster at ‘Va , hitigton, in their
endeavors to seatier knowledge and the true liiith
ainong:4 the children in tiro
. .r6fit, valley of the
West. I Ift tinta remarked upon the uncereuioni
on; manner iirwhich the li.einonstrants had been
treated, a hearinef upon the subjact having boon
doniad them by lite Committee.. This lie t hong id
an unprecedented measure, and one which ought
to be reprolvat ed; especially as the L'osi in ince- tm
the Rai/ liumboliail sat day after &ay pationtly
wore appftintad lo 11,3 then remarked
upon the dangerous character ot'.Masunry u., a Sp . :
chit SoCiety, and intuit its being based u;ion watts
at which the intaginatinn shudders, quoting a
suntiincat :qr. Sullivan has laid down in
his Pulitica I (71:1`iA • 1.3.)(71i.--‘ , allat all OATHS Wl: ich
Alio public laws du not rotpliru are in thetaselvna
It thus (lint tlio Afasotiie 1 11i:dilu
tion lives by I...Listant, Cu.:omission ulcrinit`;. Mr.
Bigelow's denial °COI.) .4.ititlititt:;.l (tribe oaths it's
staik!. , l by 'lr. r,:tudl, nsalindsta (if :qr. Crans
ton's Islet I Court.
tr. Crarrztoa Leneral terms 11.4 r.
Higclow tli,l; !tut Ilion a cans cvtlitination, aii
-I,inowlisnl4iiil tile partici:lt r:4. Ile thought tlial
titk;i:\ as-atini: I meant senl3thing
or nothill'4. lit the one ea ,, e they %vat
ridicule:is, and ill th 3 id bor . _ cuittrary. to the
spiritof our , lust le earnestly hoped
tlytt tile niutioit fur reconsitloratiun would nut
Alr. flaimiz; of, (a lrason;thoti:4lit
Bit) argument of ilto genth :lan fiahil Urad.wil .ilr.
Bigelow; had I wen mo,t obi piently refuted by the
-gelitlesnan who had jti 4 ...i.t ibmn.. •
Mr. FRENCH of Berhley, \vas oppn3o:l in till. !e
-' coasiderirtii,i, and (,:tiorvb into all ar;!:iiiiient 01
_ sumo le.lgthilgailli.a. tip.) fo.:til in ion. IL: bron , .. , ,ht
• forward the, feqiniolvy oflei., . tars; readi:l , 4 - liar) 1,-)
Roy dechlration of Imb•Telotonco. HO tholli:t1
it'si a 11,1160:11 it/flats:lCU a:::.1 real rt.,;:ti the
original Centinel, .1 lajor lin , :ell's At il -al in fIVOE
of Brother Jiio. Ilioa l-..5--'iltj:ir II( . I Wing: in i 1
— ti i:cv - .
relljn fl.) real an extr,:i.•t frnal 3.:ainard':(
Loctiire in wit cdi ilia imivor lit' ‘1.1.-.;rairi . iS SO IHlr
tontoußly displayed, aid v,-) are told that ! , ,nod or
" 8.1.1..)W0 in ii t take it—the w.irld jii arniS callTlol
lint It, ii it I ft) said he v.-oul I not 4() over the
irl/010 (q . thr. Oatli t, a"..3 ilk) , 40:11i'lltall froill lil lii'l,o ,
. iti. [Mr, r,,willb] had :.,ii \ - eilliim the tnnilil-- Ile
• would repeat out ly 01:_ . Eatored A ppreni ices'. lie .
then set !Jethro the 1 Lorain the 'Oil propara
lions, tho' undresithigs, tho lialterilus 6. - .(:. every
::-----poor blind c;Artaidate Imil to thiclorgo; and hoped
t 44) hens() would jOlii with, ?ilia in roftbing any
hot ind;ilg•eizee b‘'a .'.'ociely , , • ,, :•,(.lipt lona
lite illoffery point oi*% i')W, :IS 11131 . 01 . vf iliory,-
Mr. Sui , . /,tx wi.,:lrql to vla,licato hi in;:ell from
struiteasp(ir.‘ion th..thad been , cast upon hilt' in the
i c:04,7).1 . 0 ij,l* irkiklat ", as
, 1 7 . . 1 ,1 I . i I'l a i In of the t.'orninit tile.
, Tito 4,..:.) liali4t.'o'.ti•Ci"..! a"fl'f. , l a/Jan /,iij qouielicia,(lts
mho asked a hearinz in therbehal 1" of the i f:o mon
sti ants. 'flip COnniiittec considered themselves
competent to report on this nubject§ without he;tr
ing the whole merits and dentin it;:t of.liasonry ills
ciissod, and thereibro,refused a liearintflie I homrlit
that the house would bear' them out in the : justice
or their course., lie then rerlled insinuations
made in a liodent paper, respertino•a•privase inte
rest he had in tlie present que , tirm—ds ibe
, a std AN ill( 11 , ;
erretrd, and the rrosent owns of he hind id i.s
immediate neir•illy.rliou , l. ror
.sentiment, ex-tract Crwil Boo:c
as given by 11 r. liri rha n , .I!.f. Jl'lolelll.
(71 . :11 , he rell";1!ed AIM*. C - 01",11 \ U.; full lie Itnew
notliiim; about the ();10 , :, and that
facia Nvas penned ;pint Any intoollell application
to 111: 1 ...omy, imedi to.,tiniony there.
hire ',la. Arltrita , ollTy.) • •
Ile hoped the Exeisiatiirewoofd pI I it s :0 :1 1 11 pol.
Antimpsonry—it %yip: ti ll ! A n ti oolsons w h o o o re
the authors 01 the e Hteinent and not the :Wilsons!
lief the Ma :ow:alone:lnd Hwy will ilo Np.ll e It!
Ifirirot a /hid,/ ye•tr.: ; the bar,f9iiiii
year:: set.% ice in the militia, aiid a loon ac.pieint
antic a itli most eivi - ity walk 1)1 . 1;:: , , 110 h a d „„r sreu
the inlinen,•o oF 31,1sonry , i 1 fi,r any b I i•ild
Or heard any loan reprOaciicil for 'wile' a :\i , isoit
l'urthertittpe, the institution 1 , 1"011 . 11 , : 1,1:1
good. Ile had been credibly
(hat the Grand IJiilee of this spent ttriiiitii iu
itv in ten yeays! lie lout repeat-il ('rat Anti.
niisonry to he itt:•th•tl or else it woidd ',ha ha
the whole . ... ,, tate to the centre. ['•'frue, awl pity
is true."]
When Air, Sullivan sat down, the pt , vioit ,.
lion tvas; called for :mil supported h v 11 1 ., I :pulse
thiisiprecludims, all further debate. l'pon tho urn in
question tiring. put from the rhair, whother the
I louse slmuld reconsider tie vote by which flee pe
tition of the Grand "liochze had been indefinitely
postponed, it was decided in the negative, Nays
[The above sketelt is very imperrect. We are
in hopes however of tfivintr, our readers at some
future time a full report of the remarli . s of AlesArs.
liazell,Willia ins, Brirham, and l'rench. It oin. - lit
to lie mentioned that the craft made other ellZirts,
than simply cnlfiir,r In order, in order to stop Al r.
Laze!! in his reinarlis. in their etlort.; in
the parliamentary may, they... wore driven to Cie
expedients of couqliiin, , , scrapiii;r„ LNZ 0. This teas
on the Hour of the !Massachusetts f tt re, ;Ind
we ourselves %yore witnesses to it. iVo wake no
Prom the New 7 Vork Re tf ister.
On the 26th of Septernbr next, a Con
vention Ivill'he holde r n in Baltimore repre
senting the interests,'views and purposes of
the Anti-Masonic Republican party of this
lUnion. .This convention is already the to
pia of conversation in many circles frolii
which even the name of Anti-Masonry has
been excluded with the most studious care.
The ellbrts that have 'been made are still
making to smother under a bushel the arous
ed indignation o:a lice and enquiring people
against a secret society, are as vain and fool
ish, as weak and impotent. Communities
when once excited to action are not to be
thwarted in their purpose, either by insidu
; ous ridicule or by studied attempts to con
ceal the causes that excited them. They
are fearless and until satisfied that they arc
in by the appeals of Sound sense and
fair arguments, feel no disposition to relax
their efiTifts. Precisely thus' has it been
with tlies6—otityli*ed to Freetnas(mrv.—
NV hen a 11Aring ited hiqhhanded outrage had
been committed,,they were forbid Co investi
irnft. :i. •,- S:- /.11 , -/IV .in, A.,LW - 423 tilat PrOdUCC ' d
it. - -
Whell it was manifest that the inveAi
gation would be held, attacks were then
made upon the motives or the erupt ire N, gni I
the acts and transactions elicited by them
were endeavored to be stilled and conceal
ed. This further step was the came that
induced the, establishment of Frei) Presses
and in'e were o publish what
ever Of inquiry there mi'dit he in Masonry,
and her out ra cre,s and crimes. The papers
thus establislied are among the most talent
ed and respectable - ludic country, and at
this tiitm their . number cannot vary fir from
one hundred and fifty. Probably' Frcana
soary would have been culled in mere mor
al action, if on th 7) 6v:2l(l)lth:sit of the prin
ciples of the institution, and an examination
into her pratices, had. it not been found that
her laws and ceremonies were in direct hos
tility to the. Con.titut ien and hINVS of the laud,
and that she had usurped, and then pos,,ess
etl, nearly wholc... of the
_political pow - rr
of - the- countrs:----AAL It NI tn - thisT - tht.- -- r..ii
and avowed determination of the Masonic
society to tniao to exclude froni all ollice:;,
those who should be so presumptuous as to
question her merit;, or to enquire into her
transactions, and from these causes arose
political Ant i-inasonrv—a cause that ins re
ceived much abuse and Vituperation without
any inquiry into its merits. Themeeting
of convention:;,:mil the .
didat.;::-3 for elective edlices, aret he principal
mean.; ti-3(sl to dissemillate intbrmation
this subj et. ThaVoovent ion held last All
tUtllil in Philadelphia, has done much to
aliliK, the Public mind, and to give - a jitst
concent ion ()Ni l e (1;1; . `,r; to 1)0 appr: mwidot4
rrom h•connsonry. Its del i lwrlelloll9 were
characterised hy 7 firindiscrotiOn, .and a tem
perate zeal. Its members will vie with an .
erinal number of-their inflow cuizcos ill any ,
community the pos.: , or iip,: l l)
an I iatcaceroai ,affair,:-nt,3. It not,
therefore, surprishig
: that their profteedin:s
}nave every where' beeo rtreive'd wit 1 great
consideration and
,rrused with interest; it
is . with hin the .lowledge of the writer, that
many in this city, and some „f them :I,lason;
who before entertainc;d strong pre . ;lidice
agaitm t Aiditnasonry have on a perusal Of
these proc,eeding,f i become de . Uteri A:M
inato-us: It may he safely ass..,rted that:the
same rosuit wouill, bk' follow, where
VYY 1 ..T.7)180 and an unbiased Mind are brotight
to tho iiivestip;ation. Tie People of these
states are al reatly -malting prepare ions-to
he represented la flip corning Baltimore
Convention. Connectictit has I.llreailysde- .
sign`ated delegates,. and New Yorlt - '
has also' dine the same. :1 4 Im charactei,
and shAliduig of the deLygates..atieady
chosen, indicates the respectability . ' anti use
'hitless of the coa,mtion: It i. , rto be hopod
that the saute t rtainipectioti wiil he followed
in the other.states, and if so, w.o. shall then
se it assembled-nritafiiiiiilinierSeritetither,
body of men •to whom wo may safely con
r,hle our interests, iirid- whose dulli.;s will
receive' a hearty and triumphant response
from the people. The wad important !rust
repose,) in this convention will be the ilesicr-
f-c-axid lit tos44-4-tie—Pre ,, irk nci.air—a 44 -4-1
rice Psemidenc\-. In the discharge of the
ino , t Tesponsrbie and delicate duty we a re
quite confident, that individual predilections
will In dismirdeftl, and that all will he actita.
tedtTP, &Si rte, to promate the honor and
orthis fiivored land—to perpetuate
our haPpy union—lipid in the establishment
, A . tho , e principles necessary to iiisfer and
protoct every principle of the people, and to
circumscribe and destroy the iniiaencc of
Fri.limasionry in Public alfairs. If these be
the landmarks; of the - convention and that
they will Le, cannot be queAioned, no doulit
can be entertained that their deliberations
v, ill I)'_ harmonious and honorable, and the
re , ililt most cordially approved of by their
' 0 "Rill 41,:, NIVAIV
Poste ripts in he New-York Evening Post
of Saturday and Commercial Advertiser,
- antionnii — theirriVal of the packet Ship_
France from flavre whence she .sailed
the 13th, of FehruarY. A Ifai , re paper of
that date says, that a tele,graph continual
cation has been mitle at Lyons, that se
rious REVOi UTION I) 11ItOK EN
OUT IN ETA LY—that ''Reggio, Beloizna,
and Modeno had been overthrown and that
the Duke of :\lotleno had been killed."
"A second edition of jalignani oft he 10tit
Feb. announces the receipt, per telegraph,
of digpatclws from Lyons," connuuniral lug
the news of a serious insurrection it►-Italy.
It broke out at the same -time in 114 -, g , .;ia,
Modena, and Bologna. The insurgent• had
adopted tl►e tri-colored cockade. At the
doparttire of the C'ourie'r the troops u 1• the
Duke 01 Modena were lighting in thesircet‘
with the insur.o:ents.
Cardinal Capilktri had been elected Pope.
A private letter from Madrid, or the Ist
February, states that the Spanish ( lovern
meat has been driven to hostile measures
by the intrigue,s or the apostolical party.
All the provincial regiments, 42 in number,
were put under arms.
Accounts from Venice state that every
thing in that capital wear a warlike appear-
New froin - Constantinople shows a dis
position on the part of the Grand Seignor
to avail_himself of the embarrassments or
Russia. to evade the execution of the recent
treaty. The cholera morbus had broken out
in Austria.
POLAND.—The Polish Dit-t have is
sued a long answer to tlif.! proclamation of
General COW. Diebitsch, which is a spirit
ed document, ajtd ‘‘liieh concludes as foi
nro natiOn,, milted in its.
Diet, declares, that for theliiture, it cOnsti
tutes an indepondent people, which has the
right to confer the Polish crown upon him
whom it shall dc2in worthy,.of it. , Upon
-him whom it shall judge l (..ttiptible of observ
ing faithfully the pvineipleS which he shall
h a ve sworn to, and of preservin , r untouched
the N atioiril Liberties." 'Fite declaration
was signed unanimously by the members of
the Diet.
Tlie Captain, or the packet, who arrived
at Ilavre two days alter the date ()four pa
pers, says the new was confirmed previous
to his departure.
From the Now-York Ametican
Tiro o'clock.—The France, packet ship,
Iron' Flay re r just arrived, brings Paris dates
of 11 t h Feb.
here has beit 'an tristterection in the
Duchy or Aletlena in Italy, which is thus
nati4444-in-t-hii-p-ri-va I c eovisf;sponfletter; Of th
insurrection beyond
the Alp.; has really broken out, bursting
forth on the same day it. Rep-gio, 'Bologna
and loF.leita. I.lle account:lutve
ceived by, telegraph at Lyons.
Ti) the details given by the Journal des
Dehals el thi:4 inerning (which unfortunate
ly we Laye not received) we think proper tc
add, that it if3entirely ii. republican move :
in(mt, and that very prob:thly the Duke o r
t he °Lily SOVerelgtl*ho rerosed to
pwliNigo our rdVOhltioll or : July, was
According to the reports in:sirculation,
the troop , ; And citizens we're engaged to
gaher, hut the troopS'had the advantage.
The Polish biet, by 'a
vote of 83 to 13,
had placed the l'rxectitive Power in a Com,
tni.•-•;..aon of Fiv e , M c n i hers, - Compn,led *of
Adam C:artogov; , :i..i, President; Vincent
..7lenlowski, i'k. ,iforolt ski and Joachim
fa ica , (l. , The Nov Pohni/, newspaper,
that one on ly of these had a part
in the late it volution. •
The intelligence from Viemn is, •that
every thin!; - in that capital is on the rooting
of w'ar i 'espi:Tially against Poland,, which is
threatened-witli irrva ion at once from fins=
Austria and Prussia, Prince Metternich
it in cio , e connection %Vith the l)tike of
Moutir_d, who, however, is watched closely
by Marshal liaison...
— .Oa the other hand, the news from con.
stay:6llo* by the way of Naples is, that
the Llrantl fork means to take advantage
of tins voiliarrassmets of the itussitins to
withdraw from complying viith the late
treary.' Th.e greater part of - the Paellas of
_Asia itre ordered to be ready for service in
May. The greatest activity prevails in the
Divart Agas hay' been seat on - missions.
to Albaniai':7 l 'ervia, - RAduoilitti the_
Sultan, it is said, is endeavoring to induce
the Persians to act, so as to give employ
anent to the Russians on thaqrontier.
I' l ikto ill 1;13 110.1. )
11.1 MI 11()R E; A pril
the packet shirr - York, Capt. - Ih - r-:ri , y,
arrivvd last evening from Livrpoid,
%vine') convevaticl iliel.:ditors the-(
have received .London
papers °rifle `.2:).(1, and Liverpool lie '2 1(h
iii L'ebrnary. TheirYontents are of hilt
moment, as will be seen by the series of ex
tracts which follow. I;iit we shall not
the reader by comment or analysis this
evenhol-, tit'' translation from tlio French
papers theniselyo.: are such, that we sho u ld
despair of impart additional ;mere s t to
them, and tli,cv ca.:Ty their own commenta
ry on tlwir lace. •
EitY 1.111'()It'l'A Vl' FIZ.OII FII.INCE
our private letters, says tho London
Courier, are of great interest. They state
that nitwit dissatisflietion with the pre-ont
Government prevails among the Natio na l
Guard, until that al immediate change must
take place. and f.afitte %yin, it is sup
posed, thrill part of the Now b ut
the latter is not expected to hold his ground
long, and Lafayette is expected to take a
part in the new_Gyvernment. 'tie war par
-0.: is evidently gainilor strength, notwith
standing the great ellbrts made by the pres
ent Cabinet, and by-the most intleential -Pa
risians, to comince the public or the great
advantag;es of peace. Ala p u rf o nh i ,
National ;mull hare petitioned tlic !ham
her to 1.)re 1 :01. nut ;lei or ai . c . 1.471110;i aL;aitist
3111. llotitarivet, und Buutic.
_4 lir appears
that some indiscreet, or perhaps t reacher- .
(ins friends of flue late reioiling faitiiir, at
tempted on the 1--Ith ur February- to cele
brate the death orthe Dulae iterri, by li n !
pL•rroftnatice or lass. stcp grealiy cx•
N-Terated the people.
Oil the the popular fury teas direct
ed iigaiip:t the .Irolihishiip of I'ari: ,whit it
resulted in the 41..struction of Ws palace.
l':.rtract of private let,Yr, (Idled
I'm: is, Feb. I'4.
never saw so ebmplete a .roin as the
prelates residence presents. There is not
a, vestige of' furniture, or 01 rich ornaments
of the state apartnit rats. The grout sulte
at rooms occupied, I - believe by the Pope
when he came to Paris to ! , rown, Napoleon,
and then relit I,sul at a most (At ravuerant ex
pense lor his t fullness, presented a sad spec
tacle; orate rich crimson and green Iv et
decorations of these apartments, bardlv a
shred remained on the walls. NIIII ; I
I the bare walk; 'remain in its place; :lad
crowds were looking across the river at the
good -work at their hands with the-liveliest
this war ()rill, inch, a most the ;'LIT
NI: Lis, the emblem or the ancient glory of
France, the king hasilmoid himself: wf \1,,1i
as to be obliged ivid. On the ifith the
Moniteur contained a royal ordinance
provides that ill Inture the state seal shall
represent an open hook, with the words
Charte de 1 , 130," surmounted by a crown
with the sceptre and Usual justice crossed
and tri-couloured flags behind the shield.
Two posts of the National Guards had
been disarmed by the people, and
arrests of those eoneerued in the aflair had
taken place. Arms hart been found upon
other huh vulva's who w ;led on the
- Nth. The Courier Fra s that they
were the same putrsons attempted
to disarm the posts of the National ;wird
of Petit Pout, and the plaCe St. Andre des
Arts. The guard Thu) seized upon their
persons was commanded by M. Schonen,
chief oi . tho
TheGazetto de France ofTebruaryi;' , th,
contains the following articles:—
The crisis is at can neWsav so.
But for thn - N`iTtional Guard the Repubiic
ul4-I—lia-w---Lieren-proolaittiod-ye 4+44 lay in-
Paris; and what a Republic, great God!—
such'a one as would hitt,•-entumenced in-the
devastation af — the churches, the tearing
down of the cross, and violence against the
clergy. We must say, the Republieuaro
'movement huts gained ground in these latter.
days; • ror they have delivered up to it the
insignia ofreligiou, and the emblems of roy
We can asstire our rea lers that the Na
tional Guard has been deeply afflicted by
the character of these remit days, and by
the sacrifices made to disorder
The thlloWing letter Was sent yesterday
by the Minister of the Interim• to the Etat
Maior of the National Guard:—
eiititled to credit, and
which reaches'ine From hour to hour, appri-
SCR 111(3 that a certain number of young: men
intend this morning .to attempt to collect
the multitude of the Fanxbourgs, and to
assembled arms at the garden Oldie Lux
emburg to endeavor to proclaim- a Reptib
310:N74M ITET.r
The, Ajajor, in transtnittingan °fit
cOpy ihe letter, adds-='"Plie chiefs
-de-/ti, , .(icr!t, in
the =dicers of battalions and companies, in
them..te take the necessary measures
to prevent the disorders, giving tili6m, at the
same time, full power toexecute it."
. This letter of M. de Moutalivet,,(saYs'the
Gazette) will make it appear, better titan
all that could be said resirecting the events
Paris, what the progress is of the move:
meat which has manifested itself, and by:
what dangers France is in rpality.threat
ened. • ' 7
There ebn be little••
datibt that helve this
thexe has been severe 1106414 in this eynn:
Naticmal Colander, fin. r
ForcP; ashinglon City. The.variety of
statistical and other inroi'mation c'ntained
in this volume, renders it - a . most valuable
publication, whilst the arraniroment is stielt
as to m*3 the facts soli , ' lit accessible willtl
out trouble. '1 he mass of information em
bedied . inthis calendar, Must have required
(Treat labour in its accumulation,lifid
not be found in any otherytifitirtitiOrrig4 Ve•
heartily recommend the work to_pu-btre„qm
tronti-ge, assured that those who purchase
will find it most 'desirable and, useful ite.%
ion.—Ralamore Chronicle,
The Bridge over Connecticut rivcr at •
Chesil ire -,-New itampsliive, was swept away
by 'the ice on the 25th ult. It fbll about
half past 9 o'cl6ck - in the evening, and soon
atter 4 traveller drove.on it, the, purposo
of orOsSipg. The toll gatherer called . to
to stop, bet the wan replied, ''l gn by the
year," - and wonkl . have kept on, -hail not the.
former di.scoveted 'the !vans to ntake hint
i3etvOle of his dangeN. . '
kr-v• The M2les-s . eeni to be united and re
-- • ,
I .. solute; but the . operation of Diefiitsch, as
far a , : they - .have been report •d. prove that
their patriot:sin and resources Ivotild.he put
o- tle t , ‘ , t without de!ay. , 7 1'heir whole
eastern lire of houricla'ry I t
hay een entored
at varioiN pointg. It was said that the Hits
... 4444f1ny Iruts;uiron- , d-mitt4l t
from and severe Ireather. "Hy , Poi,es
anticipated great advantages from the hu
midity or t!i!. weather.
Th e T,opdon papers of the ;:ebru
arv, ti oti c ,- the reeeillt or lambiirgh parrs
to thti They describe the eotiar,;i;e:iii
iu Poland as very great. An tivi;:le . eiriit
of no great consequence with the
:Tem.; to Dave talietuilace , V .OVO!4(11 . (VI:
Ina the PeirS . 11 . 1111.,tf I ha Ve• their ,I:ra 1 111
ni ! rgic, near \Varsaw, colt the ;
l arty thaW Is_ VC1"; 11 . 111C11 in 111" . 11'
impeding the 111111V11 ut till . siMIS II
rial. Pru-siait Pototi{l
to have evinced it,wll . in the ial; ; :t
iimatier tvor Of the Poles.
• IT.I
rilie ii-oittits by this•'Nzr;avai of iitirtil tlni
illtelltirenee tit( It trOal .5.4 halve broken out
„gent - I'4llft bothst
• : st rill it: l ily and I.;ili:iii
Slvilzerland. 1 1)111:e . ollIz.delizi . ,; proe.
hiniation issued at Alodena, On the .11 II is
published, announcing the stiree , , of his
troops Over the insurgents en the praious
day. On the news of the troubles at Itolog;
ita;lie instituted a Itegenicy; and retired with
his flimilv to Mantua, taking with him as a
prisoner Alinotti, who was wouded.
P.S. Rl: 4 , Feb. 2.l.—(.Vezes n/ I/u' morn
iii:-.)— ‘ii exiii.c , -.,:.; which left Rost izt MI thin
1:2111 l'lll'lVllt, Zl.ll(l;llTiVt'd ;It Toldoll 611 the
1:111, Ill'lllltt'llt tile 1101 v-; illat 111 , .! LIII!2(1‘111)
Or Narlr,:, the NVII(110.(IMI111:1;41:;1, tie' I iuch
.l4'S .01 . 1,11(;Cit :Intl P . 1.11111111110, the I )I(ch \' or
lioden oo m i d aluio,l the N%11411-0 orrii-,•310,•,
were Ma Slate 01111 ,4 111'1VCC1011, Mid t iI;It I Id-
II:III I li-ridlirs we're every Ns here ilizi.led
11 iil„, ii i ~;,I) ( ,,iiio nf. II is also 5:114 that an
extraordinary . courier arrived x.nsterzliiv at
Ilars(;illes, m lap brought the ii)ielli.;enee 01 .
an open ilevolution ;It Genoa., st here the
troop . , litid taken the silk' of the p4ople.
Provisional (; , ,‘:•riiiiients ‘1,;,17,r fli,wing
1.111100,i on the lii.2lt roads.
1 i Z 1'.1,.1 N I ).
llili I,a Rt•.:rii i , , , t .:/ i til 's e:/ i ( 1 .7:1 11 ::, 7 . / I :l : :( l n t fl r . ' — '\-
Thel - miiier ( , 1 militia regiments ordered to
Le rriztatieutly embodied- and sent to I T ,--
laud, are eleven. Oi'il l i, 1 , m , 1 1,, A . it i , \1',....1
Aliddli , ey is ono. Orders haw 1,, (•uso u t
to, the 'l'ol\ er to I_ , ;f•t, ill ree.lin,s, .200,tiott
stand uf ariirz, to lw ; 2 :iyui to Ita .s.• (tit..
VOIN le I'6
elling was itL
r L:1111 , 'n1 5. 1 ,1 It In: . 1,‘Ii11(1
Io callthem out ten permanent .
I \\ IN reported that A'. Skirl Nv:1:--1 to
113ve a in tllc II()IN(s. 01 . C01111111%4
the Represent:l6%-e 01 an h:ni4lisli .
From /he I:bur:rick Clirwi;
A l( nor Irom vi ii i i;( ; ;l f
received week by 1r rflniv,;(1 . (•i:11
11:e leind
c,,olluerrial intercourse, iii conseirwitee nl
Illy pre4 , int Inlet:lA:tin and distarlwll tlot- ot .
the heixitet-tetext lt ilmid ;!1;!) Irehtitrl.
v( - ry respeetaltle firm has withdraw!,
its connexion "till more fivoralt!e tittles lor
Irish trade," as the letter expresses it.
(111 EAT
The French tiitelliiy;ence was a stthittet of
paramount intlittrAatice in Londolf. - Even
the cll . I lit,,“iresorva-
I 101 l of 'rare on the colittioliad
disappeared. The worst etmsetptences or
Ilia recent movements in tho Vreneit capi
tal, are apprehended.
.11,esenge.r oil he 20th
arr: M alter I lie cotton duties:
that is, to spare the Fast and West India
cotton;, itlid to throw the whole %V(II4111, or
the new ,tax or owa penny' upon Inattricatl
;111(11i/reign cottons."
11(1a:wholly party of gen-.
fierily,' were on an e%cursion for deer, alma
nine iiiTs From - Mr\ shurgt,
Richard Winkl(l . conipO , :e(l one or the Par
ty, and hken aL tilalld, Wall:1112: for the ap
proach of adeer, which the thigs were theit.'
in pursuit of, in a. ditch to the depth of his
waist, and while in this situation, a young
ld named John Cooper, a resident of thiA
city, who was ako in search of game, but
unacquainted. orally party being out, dis
covereil a niotion in the hushes which ho
took tOr a turkey, mid fired—and mournful
t o re l a t e , it proYed to- be the unliirmnatet
gentleman above named, who was so se _
verely ‘'yound o til, that he survived but a few
minutes after. The deceased has left a.
Nviti! and several children, also many rela
tives: to bemoan his 1110'11110y end. - -