D Ea Pennsylvania: Legislature. IMPROVEMENT BILL. HARRI4I36.RG,, March 22, The impfervement bill was yesterday returned totlie Legislature with th(f.signature oftliegoyern, or, accompanied with the - following Message: To the Senate and House Represeniatives of thy Comma mrealth of Peritißylvania GENTLEMEN:.--Thabill, entitled "An act to elm tinno the improvement of the state by canals and rail roads," has been in my possession since the 12th instant, and has received that deliberate con sideration to which the magnitude and importance of its provisions entitle it, and which our constitu ents had a rig,ht. in expect it would receivebefore it should be approved and become a law. -In the message transmitted to the two noitses ofAhe opening of the present - season of the - Legis , lature, tho propriety of confining the appropria tions for objects of internal improvemout for the current year to the connecting link., oldie main ronte.from Philadelphia to Pittsburg, with a view to complete a connected lino of communication between those two important points, was pressed upon the attention ot'the legislature, from an hon est conviction on.my part, that the substantial in terests, as well as the true policy of the common wealth, would be best promoted by pursuing that course: And, at most, in addition to the cOinple. tion ofthe main line the North and West Branch divisions of the canal should bo extended into the coal regions towards which they severally tend in order that the utility and public advantages of these several public works might ho 'tested at an early a period as possible, and that they might soon be made to contribute, in some measure, to the in crease of the revenues of the state. The corn me emeat of any new project of iMprovemiint le same time deprecated, and considered, t. now, as being entirely impolitic; as tend in embarrass and delay the operations of the government in completing any portion of the pub. lie works, and manitbstly calculated to produce An effect which, instead ef infusing confidence • intothe public mind that some advantages will be speedily realized by the public, and that the trea sury will soon receive some return from those im provements, as en earnest that the sums which have from time to time been drawn from' it have not been expended in vain, would tend to dampen .the ardor with which our citizens were heretofore animated in favor of, and .to impair their eonti- Aence•in a. system of improvements, which, ifeon ducted upon right principles, would not fail to in. spire both. But although such were and still continue tribe the convictions of my own mind, amajority of the legislature has thought prosper to pursue a. differ ent course, and to authorise, by the bill now tin der consideration, the commencement ef two new routes ofcanal, of no inconsiderable magnitude, (should they be carried to the extent contemple-, ted,) and liberal appropriations have been author ised with a view to those objects. Inasmuch, however, as this is a question involv ing no constitutional principle, nor presenting a case glaring inexpedient, but exhibiting the na ked question in how far it is expedient at this time to enter into new cnntrnotp t ertn_vhitt _extent the commencement of new projects of improve ment shall be authorised, and the amount of mo ney necessary to carry them into effect,' about all which there may well exist an honest difference of opinion, I feel- myself bound by the respect which I trust I shdll always entertain for the opi nions of the legislature, when fairly expressed, to yield my judgment to theirs, believing, as I do, that the constitution never contemplated that the negatiie upon all laws with which .it has armed the executive, should be interposed in a case cir eurnetsekeed-iike the present- 7 4rquespan of sheer . expediency. - - 4 4 The questidh of rho greatest difficulty, Slid which is calcula to create more embarrassment, • in the operatio sof the government, in relation to the system of in ernal improveents, is that rela fied ting to a fund or the payment of the interest on the public debt. The same difficulty would have existed, however, to a certain extent, if the bill in question had never been passed: A crisis has been. produced in the affairs of the commonwealth, which must be met by those entrusted with the cOncernsi . of the government, and the direction of its affairs; and although it has been brought about by no acts of ours, it will nevertheless be our duty to meet it honestly, and with firmness, and Jo pro vide the means, to guard against any injurious ef fects or consequences, which it might otherwise be calculated to produce: If justice to the pub lic creditors, as well as a proper regard Tor the faith and credit of the commonwealth would have requited, that an adequate source of revenue fbr the payment of interest should have been provid ed, under the circumstances in which we were placed before the passing of the bill now under consideration, it can scarcely be necessary to re. -mind anenliglitenellegislature of the additional obligation imposed uponthern by the provision of the bill which gave rise to this cominunication v to provide an ample interest fund. ___._Withafirn reliance,upon_thointagriipand pat riotisin of the Members of the legislature of Penn s), 1. a nis, to WTI onfll iisiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiFifiiiiirs itilitreiil4- in d;" and Veil ti g - ii ssi i red that - the firitir and - credit of the state areobjects of their anxious solicitude, I' have every_ reason to believe, that this legislature will not consent to separate, until it shall have provided such ample moans for raising a revenue as will place the credit of the Commonwealth, for ever hereafter, on, a basis which cannot be shaken. Under these considtTiations, and under a firm conviction, that a contrary course would be pro ductive of consequences destructive to the best in toivits of the commonwealth, I have this ddy ap proved and signed the said bill, entitled, "An eat to'centiniie the improvement of the state by ca nals-end rail roads," and directed the Secretary of the commonwealth to return the same to the House of Representatives, in which it originated. GEORGE WOLF. llarrisburg, March 21, 1831. TnuasnAr,-March 24. TAX BILLS ON FINAL PASSAGE.. The final passage bf the land tax bill was postponed until the .afternoon, and the Sen. atlq took up the bill taxing personal proper ty,\ and after some discussion went into committee of thd whole for the purpose of amendment. The committee then made some explanatory amend ments, which were agreed fo,by the Senate. Tht • vote was then taken on the final passage of the bill, whomit was carried by ii..inajority of one vote—il7 voting in the affirmative, and 16 10 the negative -- so the bill, has at last pass, ed the Senate. On motion of Mr. Burden the Senate then re-considered the vote On: postponing the land tax bill, and on the queS= tion, 'Ashen thilbill pass?". It was decided in the affirnintive by one vote only. The ly difference in the vote. on this and the onet,!txing personal prokity, was that, Mr. Keript, of Delawarc, a Ai At t...rjassinger, Of • Phifadelphia,- etianged,eidest.M . r.Hassing , er votifigtigamst the personal property tat and against. he land tax.. As has boei*adely the Senate AMPI-M4SON/ in the bill taing.land, it only wantsthe sig nature of the Povernor to I .:4eospan k a law. Tirritaoxii;March 24. The House was engaged,post of the fore noon this day on a bill relative to tie assess ment of damages on the canals. Mr.-Pe trikin's substitute giving those who appeal from the decision orthe. appraisers trial by jury was . adopted and the bill was ordered to-be transcribed for a third reading. The-House then took up the amendments -rnade . by the Senate to the bill taxing per sonal property, ar.d concurred in them with ! out debate. The tax bills therefore only went tho signature of the Governor - be come laws. . ' , -- ROBBERY.—The 'City; Bank of -- New York was entered between the closing of the NI-1k on Saturday afternoon and its opening_ on Monday morning last, by means of false keys,nnd robbed ofabout $200,000 in bank notes and specie. Among the notes were' $40,000 oT the Lansingburg Bank, $20,000 of the 11Iorris Cana and Banking Company, $2,500 of the Ru and Bank, Vermont,. $3.000 of_ th ( p e County Bank, $2,000 of the Newbhygli Bank, $2,.: 000 of the Morris Bank, New Jersey, be sides a large amount of notes of the different -Banks in the City 'of New Nork., Two hundred Spani'Sh Doubloons were also car rind oil; but no collection notes,. checks, or other securities held by 'the bank, were ta ken. The doors of the Bank, and vault were found dosed and , locked as usual, on Monday morning. , The Cashier offers $5,- 000 reward for the recovery of the mop: ney, or a proportianala sum for any part. caster Examiner. DIARRIED, On Thursday last, by, the. Rev. Charles Woyl, Mr. JOHN GMINTER to Miss ELIZARETIT CROWL, daughter of Mr. Michael Growl, all of Franklin township. On the same day, by the same, Mr. MICHAEL BITTINGER, of Franklin township, Adams county, to Miss JULIANA RITTER, of Green townshil Franklin county. On Thursday tlie,,L7th inst. by the Rev. Wm. Patton, Mr. RonsatT MAJOR, of Menallen,, to Miss MARGARET KERR, daughter of Mr. John Kerr, of Hamiltonban township. On Thursday last, by the "Rev." JOTIN HER BST,* Mr. DAVID Winsi.tit to Mies ELLEN VANI)YEE, both of Franklin township. /. [.Erwe consider the marriage coremiany when performed by this." Rev." just as lawfully binding as if performed by a ;.tottle of Brandy, or any oth er inanimate major.] On Sunday the 20th inst. Mr. CAsrEtt HEyrzra., of -Cumberland township, aged about 70 years Advertisements. :) 3 4 a s .'l- 10 2j f Celti - 3- ; . i'l7 -, i - T 1 1711,911,73 ',',l'' o 4." 4 :s',llllliiiillig ' Tii:lifi: 7 'l -'-—.' 4 1' ' 37 1 r' , l ,T .ii7 l 1 1 11il' --, ' •'-, 1 '4., , t-'3' ~' z . ' 'il„ 'illi ( I A 1 , 1 ,L#1 1 ,,1, l :1;1!1111 '1! 0 I 1 , 1 , 1;1c yi , ll d II 11 II ! 1 11 ilti' I 'llO r . ' lll l i "ol d 11, 3 l i '' [[[l 41 ka l t 11 1' 1 all / - it ' t i ' ' 1,, , , L u ' I , t qt , I , t 1 - It( 1 _ 1 JOHN N. STARR, Respectfully informs his friends and' the public generally, THAT TIE STILL CONTINUES TO CARRY ON THE CABINET-MAKING BUSINESS, IN ALI. ITS DRANCIIF.S, At his old Stand in the Diamond, next door to Mr. R. G. Harper's printing office, Where he lion hand, and will continue to have, A CENTRAL ASSOItTMENT OF TiITrMOST FASHIONABLE AND DURABLE FURNITURE In the pace, and hopes, by strict attention to business, to receive - a share of public patronage. kinds of GRAIN 4 LUMBER trr ALL ORDERS IN THE COFFIN line, will be attended to with punctuality. Gcttyabarg, March 30, 1831. tf-51 NOTICE. - LL persons having any demands, of any y -rw. kind, agaihst the estate of JOHN FICKES, Esq. late of Huntingdon town ship, Adams County deceasedOire request ed to present the.same'to the subscribers for settlement—and all persOns owing said estate, are notified to call and pay the same. JACOB ,PICKES, • PETER H. SMITH, Executors of John Eickes deceased. March 30,1831: 4t-51 Disohition Qf Partnership. riIHE partnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers will be dissolveo on the Ist day of April next, and as one o the partners - intend leaving this place, it is necessary that their business should be dos ed—Therefore, all persons having claims against the firm are requested - to present them for settlement on or before the 15th day of said Montli,!-- i aml those indebted will please!come forward and make 'settlement. JACOB { .I4RETZ, ENOS R. wfirrn 'March 30, 183 r: 4t-51 Liberty Riflemen.!—Attention ivou will parade on the farm of Samuel Eichelberier, in Liberty township, on SatiTday the of April next, at.lo o'. - chock, A. Mr' • By. order of gm let : Lieu. • _ , JOHN" EYLER, 0...5. Mimi" 30, 831. 2t=-51 Blank Deeds-4'or sale' his oifiee • El Imo, es NE ..ESTAJBLISTIMENT FOR MANUFA#2OII:47VG 800. s Li The undois . igned intends commenting in a few, days, the BOOT & SHOE -WAKING BUSS. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES In the room At-present-used as the. printing Office of the Star, in _Baltimore Street, five doers north a the. Post office, Where he sill be aver ready to Manufacture work in a good, substantial Manner. He will procure the best of leather, and his work shall equal, if not surpass, any that can be donein the county. Being a good work man himself, and shall employ none but wlaq,areAorripetent to make first-rate work, he . isioftlXt of giving satisfaction, both as to price and work, to allwho may favor him with their custom. MICHAEL GROSH. March 30, 1831. • 4t-51 . CALL AT TILE • . Old Establishment, And examine the Cheap Goods ; And purchase them, if they are as cheap as any others, consisting as follows: English Dry Goods, Domestics, - Groceries, Queens-ware, Hard-ware, Hollow-ware, 44,:oTHOMAS_ unstable Bonnets, Shoes, &c. THOMAS J. COOPER. . . N. B. PeatelViiose accounts are of nger standing than Six Months, are re.. quested to call and settle, as money is wan . ted—and. if they cannot pay on the spot, give their notes to save cost. J. C. March 30, 1631. ROOT & SHOE IVIXEDEN I G. - - 111 . Mar. 401 1 4 The Subscriber respectfully informs the in habitants of has and vicinity, that he has taken the Shop, in West York Strectrhttely-ac• • cupied by -Mr. Robert, Taylor. and that HE /S PRIIPAREDVOIREIPACTITRE BOOTS. SHOES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, In a neat workmanlike manner, and that he , will constantly keep on handeo supply of ready made work, which he will warrant to be as good and cheap as can be had in any other shop in the place. As he is a complete hand for making LADIES SIIOES, and just from the city of Baltimore he will ensure such woak done in the most fashiona ble and ddrable manner. • DAVID SOMERS. March 30, 1881. St-51 TAILORING. The subscriber takes this method to inform his friends, and the public generally, THAT HE HAS COMMENCED TI E TAILORING BUS SS, In Cash:Town - , county, Pa., Where he will execute all orders in his line of business promptly, and in the most fash i-onable—thatiner, tbr Cash or Country Fro- Aluce._.......ll.s_holas-matlearrtuigeznents-toz • ceive the Quarterly Reports of the - Philadelphia Fashions. . Through the aid of Mr. Allen Ward'a Protractor System of Cutting-Garments, he will be enabled to please-all who may favor him with their custom. , JACOB HOSSLER. Cash-Town, March 30,1831 4t-51 ANTI-MACCITIC; COUNTY CONVENTION. T HE Central State Committee have giv en notice of a State Convention to be held at Harrisburg, on the 25th of May next, for the purpose of appointing Delegates to represent this State in the National Con- Arention, at Baltimore, on the 26th of Sept. next—Therefore, we respectfully request all those opposed to SECRET SOCIETIES, to meet at their usual placesnf holding Town ship. Elections, on . Saturday the 30th of April next, and elect Two DELEGATES, from each township, to meet at the Cqu,..0.; house, in the borough of Gettysburg, on Monday the 2d of May next, to elect T7inne persons to represent Adams county in the State Converitionabove mentioned. BERNHART GILBERT, . • JAMES RENSHAW, • JAMES ROBBINETTE; JAMES WILSON, . ROBERT SMITH-, March °13,1831. County Committee. HORSE /HLLS J ou or IVERY trisciltrimoir wrivr,lCßA.TNEell AND DIVFVIOCCIT, yfflr7. 4;.1771tE Of . 1"411 eTatR• ° 1211 ;~ IMR3M _ . • For theyekulatiOn of the Market, in Gettysburg. 1 s': SeArr 1. Be. it Ordained by the T . di iin . - council of the BotrOvgh. or Gettysburg, and it is hereb y ordained by ihenutherity-Ofthe tame; That Wednesday arid Saturday ' of every week be the days for Marketias here inafter described. That na person or per sons shall be admitted to buy any article o provision, - (groceries , bread and grain only excepted) tiveeri . the hours of sunset of the evenings of the days preceding the Mar ket days, and eight o'clock in the morning of the said Market days, except in the pub lic Market- house. And that- all persons shall be prohibited from - retailing in shops . or houses within the said Borough, all and . every. artielp or articles ofiprovision,- _ ___ (gro ceries, all kinds of grain, and breadonly excepted) without Whig first obtained a license for that purpose from the Burgess of the said *Borough for the.. time being, which license the said Burgess is „hereby authorised to issue,and to make an entry of such license in a hook kept for the purpoSe., And if any. person or persons shall purchase any articles of provision, except as before' excepted, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, every person so offend ing), and being thereof legally convictefi, shall ' forfeit and pay to the use of the cor poration, the sum of Two Dollars. And if any person .or persons shall, after this act shall be legally in force, sell or expose to sale any articles of prbvision in shops or houses-within the Borough, which provis ions had been bought for the purpose of sale, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this net, without - having obtained a license as aforesaid; such person or persons shall forfeit ,and pay to the use of the borough the _sum of Five Dollars. And all such persons as Shall have obtained license as aforesaid, shall bo prohibited, and they are hereby prohibited and restrained, from purahasing all and every article of provision as afore said, within the market hours aforesaid; - a- - hove the quantity herein limited, to wit: two dozen of Eggs, four pounds of Butter, one peck of. Potatoes, one peck of Fruit, twenty pounds of smoked or dried Beef, Bacon, or other meat, '(except ' a single piece should exceed twenty pounds.) `'And ifany person or persons having obtained such' lieense, shall purchase any provisions exceeding the quantity above stated, he, sho er they, so offending - and being.thcreoflegally convicted, shall forfeit and pay to the use of the borough the sum of Five. Dollars, for every such Offence. And that all persons are hereby prohibited and restrained from purchasing within the market hours herein limited, any greater number than three fresh slaughtered hogs; and if any- perSon,or per sons shall purchase any greater quantity of fresh-slaughtered hogs, againsts the provis ions of this act, and being thereof legally convicted, shall forfeit and pay for the use of the corporation the slim of Ten Dollars. And it shill be the duty of the High Con 7 stable, Town Clerk, Clerk of the -Market, and all other officers and good citizens of said borough; to inform of and prosecute to conviction all persons so offending against the provisions of this act; and the „several officers before whom such conviction shall be made, shall cause the several fines so in curred, to be levied agreeably to the charter, end paid into the hands of the Treasurer. (And all persons obtaining such licences as aforesaid shall pay therefor to the Treasur er for the use of tho borough the sum of Four Pollars per annum.) SECT. 2. And be it f ir her ordained, That if any person shall he' after sell, or offer for sale, any Butter, which shall be found not to be of full ,weight, such Butter shall be forfeited for the use of the borough, to be sold by the Clerk of the Market, and the proceeds paid over into the hands of the Treasurer. , SECT. 3. And be -it further ordained, That if any person shall bring to market for sale, unwholesome,bad—or—unmarketahle provisions, he, she, or they, shall, for every such ,ofience - pay a fine of FiveTTOlTers, to be recovered for the use of the borough, and that the said provisions shall be removed by the Clerk_of the Market,at the expense of the owner,or person °tiering the same for sale: SECT. 4. And be it further ordained ! , That the Town Clerk be directed to record in the Town Book, the occupant and number of all the Stalls in the Market house, and that he deliver a copy of the 'same to the Treastirer, and that no butcher or victual ler he perthitted, from and after the first day of May next, to Occupy, any stall` or stalls therein, unless he obtain every year, or every qnarter, license or written per mission therefor, to be signed by the Chief Burgess or Assistant, and countersigned by the Treasurer, - which same shall not be countersigned by the Treiusurer before the payment in advance, for the term of said occupation, by the said butcher or victualler, to the Treasurer, at the rite of Five Dol lars per affriuni . fer each still he shall eo oc cupy, nor until the full_ payment of all ar rearages if any such there be. And if any 'hatcher or victualler shall occupy any of said stalls, without - having first obtained such license or ,permission, permission signed and counter signed as afortiteid, he shall forfeit and pay to the use'of the borough the sum of One Dollar for each Market day he shall so oc cupy the same. • , SECT. 5. And be it fribtr ordained, That to secure fairness - in buying and scli- - ing,.and ,to preserve peace and good oilier market, that any person using eqy fraud, force or violened, in the Act of ptirchasiog any article or articles of proyision, or wlo shall remove or Attempt to remove the Barrie - withotit • the consent of the iiwne.r, he, or she, shall instantly be obliged hy.ihrkclerk of 'the- Markw, upon the complaint. of the owner Or nay other person, to restore the ER. r same, and shalliiVer payror.flottelt offenee the sum of One Dollar.' Sii:cr. 6. And be it Await" .„_ _ That if any person' Or persons 011aU us am other fraudulent or distoaesyPeactice r eitlier. in buying or selling during market hotter, in the market place, (not herein 13ppeinlly. • provided for) and - being thereof legally-con victed, shall forfeit and pay the Suss of One - • Dollar for everyeedli'offenee. -- , `._ . SECT. 7. And be it further ordained:. That the Clerk of the IViarketshall keep al , ways for the Ilse of the _corporation, exact Standard weights and measures as at pre • sent fixed- by . the - laws of Pennsilinnia, - and that it shall be hiS duty - Once in every three months, or oftener if he shall be thereto re- ' cluired, to try the weights and Measures - of finite iiihabitfints orthe said borough, -- whe . --- buy or sell by weight or measire, and all and every weight or measure used in the said borough either for selling'br buyingi which shall be found either greater or less than the standard weight or measure, shall be taken into the custody of the said Clerk, whose duty it shall bo, under the direction of the -Burgess or_ either of them,.to duce - or to increase the same to the true standavl; and the expense of doing the same - shall be paid by the personsowningor occupying thik said;weights or measures, and if any person' s . : or persons within the said borough shall knowingly, sell any article by __weiiht ‘ or measure under the just standard -so to be kept, or shall - buy by any weight or measure above such standard; he, she or they, on being thereof duly convicted, for every such, (donee shall forfeit and pay for . the use of the corporation the- sum of ten doilarsland shall also forfeit the said weights or ma- - sures. And if any inhabitant within, the said borough, using any weights or mea sures for the purpose of buying or scaling, - shall refuse, on demand being made in the day time by the said Clerk of-the Markek, to produce or deliver the said weighty, or: measures by which he either buyfrefilielb47: to the said Clerk, for the purpose of - being .... tested by the said standard weights and . measures, and being thereof legally convict. ed, shall for every such offence forfeit and pay to the use of the said corporation the sum of twenty dollar,. And it shall be the duty of the - Clerk - Of the Market to wen - a - every market-morning in the Market-house, where the said standard weights and mea- _ sures shall be kept, in_ the house provided for keeping the satins, and all ankles offer. ed for safe (other thin butter s put-up-itL-_ precise quantity) the price of which shall depend upon. weight or measure, shall, it. brought to the said house, be by him justly weighed and measured, and heathen be paid by the seller for weighing each draft not exceeding ten pounds, one cent; and if over : ten and not exceeding twenty pounds, tit°. cents; and if exceeding twenty and not ex-, ceeding fifty pounds,.three cents; and if more than fifty and not exceeding,m*laundred pounds, four cents; arlieznore than one - MM..' dred pounds six cents; and for measuring alt kinds of.articles sold I* the bushel, or less quantity, he shall receive under half a bush el, one cent for each measure; ifabove half a bushel , and not more than one bUshel, twe cents. ' and two cents for every bushel he shall have so measured in addition. And if the said Clerk shall be called upon by any person or persons buying or selling any ar- , tides by weight or measure, to weigh or measure the same at any other time than on the morning of the prescribed market days and within market hours, the seller shall pay to the said Clerk double the rates above( mentioned. (And the said Clerk of .the Market shall be paid out of the -borough stock, twenty five cents for each Market day that he shall duly and faithfully attend the said Market and perform the duties herein prescribed, besides the fees allowed byllitiii - dt for Weighing and - measuring.— And--the-said Clerk "shall be allowed-out.-of- ._ the fines and forfeitures incurred under the s - of - this - actithe -- furthwyeanvor - ' five dollars per armu ni tion for testing all weights-and measures, ass herein prescribed. And it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Market to cause the Market house to be swept clean on the day preceding each Market day, for which he shall be al li4ed the sum of five dollars per annum. . SECT.. 8 And - be it further ordained, That no butcher's blacks or benches shall be suffered to remain in the Market-house EX cept in market hours, unless the same shall - be so fixed under the stalls of. the Market, that no filth or uncleanness can be attached to them And no person shall bring within the Market-house, at within the lines of the -posts or foot pavements set round the same; any carts, drays, cars, or other, 'carriages; and every person offending in the-prermses, shall, on information being • made to the " - Clerk of the Market or on view of the said Clerk, for bit and pay the sul of two dollars. And all wheel-barrows @all, as soon as the burthen . carried on them into the Market shall be discharged, shall he removed to some plice . without the said lides of posts and -foot pavements, under the penalty of one dollar. And if any person or person shall bring into And leave within the said Mar ket-place or the Public squaw, any he. feet or-other offal ()ratty animal, he or she, so offending, shall forfeit and pay for each offence the sum of five-dollars. Sect. 9. Ancl° be it further ordained, That no hoc kstsr or seller‘of cakes:, .shall Isk permitted to occupy any 841, dr sit within the said linen(' posts and foot pavements piit round the Market-hooka with intention to sell during the market hours, under the Pena afty of one dollar, to be :p forthviith tas the. Clerk of they Market.'_ Enacted & ordained ln town coonoil,3lar. 7, 1,$;1, W W M. MTHERPON, Prti l t.: 1 Attest—R. SmITHI Clerk. Grottyabur , larch 30. gi NM