The star. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1831-1831, February 28, 1831, Image 3

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Patriot not containing the price current, wee are
unable to give a cotrect-statornent of the- market:
We learn, however, that Flour was selling for
$5 62i the Itter part of last week..
GETWe have been politely favored by Messrs.
M'Sherty and Marshall with the "Report of the
Commissioners pointed under the resolutions of
March 23d, 1830, olativo to a Revised Code of'
Pennsylvania, being the revision of the Statutes
relative to Registers and Registers' Courts, and.
Proceedings in the. Orphans' Courts." • Those, as
.well as any other documents furbished us by our
representatilies, are at the pleasure of any person
who may wish to examine them. • • .
fErWe invite the attention of our readers to the
article in another column, on the." Present state
of England."
We have received the last two numbers of the
second volume of this highly valuable publication.
Wo believe it to be one of the most useful publi.
lions now in existence—every number containing
a Bank Note List, Prices Current, Prices of Gold,
Prices of Bank and Insurance Stock, and a &scrip.
tion of all Counterfeit and Altered Notes in circu.
lation throughofit the United States. It is publish.
ed semi-monthly, on an imperial shoot, at $9, per
annum. It also contains, independent of the a.
love information, a general summary of the news
of the- day, as also literary and miscellaneous se
lections. 07.1 .See the advertisement in another
The New York Amulet, and Ladies' Literary
and lieligious Chronicle.—The first volume of this
meritorious paper has ended, and with , the first
number of the second appears the name of S. WILD,
Esq. as Editor and Proprietor. Mr. Wild has,
through his frequent contributions for the first
volume, became Cu the-iiiiidaiW4f 'the
Amulet. Hie pa;4miections have generally hann wolf
composed. He 'itemises that every carp slia i llTie
taken to render satisfaction to his patrons, and will
punctually forward the numbers to those at a dis.
Lance. The work is cheap and valuable—and
when bound wilhafford at all times, amusem
and entertainment fbr spare hours. ll:7"Su'
Liens received at this office.
RAISED.—In another column will be found the
prospectus of Messrs. L. O. HARN & Co. for esta
blishing a "FAZE PaEss",in Hagerstown, Mary
land, to advocate and support the patriot cause of
Anti-Masdnry,, lire are glad of it, And hope they
will meet with encouragement. Washington and
Frederick Bounties contain many men who are
arid Will be Antimasonic, when that question' is
once agitated; and as they now have an opportu
nity of being instrumental in giving the cause a
footing, wo hope they will improve it. Indeed,
we cannot but wish the gentlemen success in their
LOOK HERE:-14:e learn from Harrisburg,
that a Committee of Investigation, appointed by
the Senate, have reported a deficiency in the ac.
-counts-of-the-late-Clerk of the-Senate,—for 1829,
EDUCATION RILL. —The bill Providing for
a Goners! System of Education has been recom
mi ' Troinciuttee on Education, for the
purpose ot amendment. '
EDUCATION:--'ll'he following is a synopsis
of the principal provisions of the 11iil accompany,
big tho Report of the Comeitted orrEducation,
published in last week's "Star:"
The bill, proposes, to set Aide for the pur
pose, •the proceeds of unpatented lands.—
The payrnents on this account last year,wero
.8120,000. ThiS'money is to be loaned at
sper 'cent to the Commonwealth, and the
interest sinvested until the fund shall a
mount to 8400,000. The Secretary of the
7 — Commonwealth, the Auditor General, and
the Secretary of the Land Office,are appoint
ed commissioners of this fund. After the
' • sum of $400,000 is, raised, then until it in
creases tottto millions, 10,000 dollars are
still to he loaned. The citizens are, at
their electiAs,Apjlect three school commis
sioners for etch district, these are to divide
the townships•into proper school districts,-
and any vacancy in that body, will be
filled up by the Courts•of Quarter Sessions,
upon application by seven inhabitants. The
taxable* then elect three trustees for each
district, and if they refuse to elect, the court
will appoint them. These trustees then call
' a 'meeting of the inhabitants, to fix-upon-a
place for said school, and the sum nedessary
for its•support, &c. When this sum
ieased it is to be levied and collected like
other taxes. . A treasureris to be appointed,
libraries to be raised, and a fine of twenty
dollars levie ...upon any one electect and .re
fusing to serve. The trustees are to. meet
on the first Monday in May, and elect thrie
fiemairis of learning and integrity, as super.-
mtendents of schools, i&c. 'Any teed'.
er acting without such examination, subjects
himself to a..fine pf $30.. Thcie -ary its
ohie, features.
From Bicknell's Connterfeit Deteetor we learn
that FrvE Doi ra NcrrEs Atha Philadelphia Bank
hang heon altered to •rw Arm r several of which were
passed in Philadelphia city a few days since.—
ILTThe genuine $2O notes have the heads of Penn
and Washington, and the vignette of Ponn's tree. ,
ty with the Indians. The altered notes have the
lie&de of B. Franklin and Wm. Penn.
TURNPIKE—A bill has poised the Maryland
House of Delegates, incorporating the Frederick
and Emmittsburg turnpike road company.
ryland Legislature have passed a law abolishing
imprisonmenl fordobt.
-- VIRGINIA.—On Friday week last, the Breen.
live Departments of the State of Virginia was or.
ganimi anew by the Legislatbro.4olll4 FLOYD
received an unanimous vote for Governor, for the
coustitufi v onal term ofiliree years.
A very large mooting of the old Democrats of
Huntingdon county, (soya the Mercer Luminary)
was hold in the borough of Huntingdon, on tho
12th ult. passing their opinion on tho immorality
and aristocracy of Spcculativo Freemasonry, and
appointing a committee of two persons in each
township, to collect funds for thil gratuitous dis
tribution of important antimasonic publications.
This is good- Lot every e County in the State go
and do likewise: thee the sworn secret party; sa
crilegiously stealing tho sacred name of democra
cy, cannot deceive the people.
'Truth issaid Cols) a divine attribute—ifeo, how
much is 4 the duty.ofevery man in whatever sit
uation in life he may-be placed, to endeavor to be
guided by its dictates—there is nothing that will
so soon sink a man in the eyes of a virtuous com
munity, as the lo' e of falsifying and misrepresent:
ing the acts of those who have boon appointed
by the people
. to administer their affairs. A
writer "for th — otompiler," in last week's number,
has seen fit to gratify his vitious spirit in bettor
than a coluinn'of abuse against the Commissioners
of the county, because they thought proper to con
fine the publication of the Receipts and Expendi
tures to Far.r. PRESSES—Prepscs that labor but for
the common good of the public—presses, too, al
though they have not been established as long as
the "Sentinel" and "Compiler," have far out
stripped either in the dissemination of light, truth,
and correct principles.
We have no disposition to enter into a discussion
vitlethe honorable Mr. "Fair Play," upon the acts
of the Commissioners. e They know to what par
ty they are indebted for their present situations.,
and we .are confident they have independence e
nough to do as their sense of propriety and a de
sire for the public weal may require, without the
dictation of eh masonic gladiators as the writer
"for the-Oompiler."
An old and trite saying—that the older we grow,
the wiser we get—is verified every day. The
writer "for the Compiler," gives us a demonstra
tion of this proverb. He says—that this paper
was got up for the purpose of prostrating the pre
sent Sheriff Thus, we see, that the man who was a
democrat, a federalist; — a mason , and an antirna
son, at pleasure before the election, is now trum
peted forth by the worshipful master of Good Sa
maritan Lodge, as the "Candidate of our [their]
parte—exultingly exclaimed—"We [they] have
elected our Sheriff"—and now reechoed by this
writer ','for the Compiler , " who glaringly adds the,
Sheriff is not indebted to the Antimasons for his
office ! ! !
Query—Who sent a young man one diiection,
while he went another, loaded with Antimasonie
tickets, and distributed them to the Antimasons,
saying—"only Vote this man in . Sheriff, and I don't
care who else are on the ticket?" The Sheriff
does not thank nor is ho indebted to the ,Antima
sons for his office'. L! Well done, "Fair Play."
"Fair Play" says—Mr. finAoir petitioned to be
come Jailor until Spring, notwithstanding the ex.
srtion4 kint-and-his , parey -- ogainstli7rtsctian.n/
Mr. Cobean. That this assertion is a bare-faced
falsehood, was known, no doubt, to "Fair Flay."
That it is, and maliciously so, can be proven We
are not surprised to see such a statement when is.,
suing from the guider it does. Bat looked' for it
reTt, — *Tfiiii - TifiNfliiiiip — pian — "ila in not hearing i.
week sOoner.—BUt our "little follow" was "not in
town",—gone to Harrisburg 'sposo, to soe the Grand
Master—and that ho has returned, full demonstra
tion has been given. And wo are not astonished
to find him , at his post—mid, may we not describe
him in the words of a KentuCky edifor, ! ssone who,
for the last few years, h a s)een uttering falsehoods
out of every pore in-his hide; and who never sits
down to write with Out having a swarm of palpable
and visible lies buzzing around his pen, and set
tling down upon it like a cloud of summer flies—
who, when lie attempts to reason, ambles but poor
ly.. ; but lot him once got fairly mounted upon his
hbbby.of blackquardism, away fie goes like a Lap.
land witch astride a Broomstick?
A marl named Joseph Anderson was burnt to
death by his clothes taking fire, in his own dwell
ing house,when in a state of intOxication, as is sup
posed, on Sunday morning, the sth inst. In Frank.
lin County, Pa.. a few miles from Chaifibersburg:
When found, ho was lying on the floor with his
flesh burnt to a crisp, and his clothing almost en
tirely consumed. Near him, on the floor, was a
.pint flask viiitlrit small quantity of whiskey.
PIRD AND LOSS OF LIFE.--At Cincinnati,
Ohio, on the night of the sth inst. tho grocery store
of Mr. Whetstone with one oxtwo adjacent fratee
buildings were consumed lay fire. The lose is es.
timated at t abont s3oo6,with no insurance. Mr.
'James Armstrong, a vigilant firemsni.BB,o the
qincinnati_ American, was among the fivemoscht
his ati4mpbs-to subdlni the , ragingfire i when an
efflesioti *fa 'keg of powder in the Grocery; threw
down Awl:the ralition walls and nearly buried
him in the ruins. Atternpts 'Were made to extri.
gate him, but Aso intense.'we! the.heat of the lire,
that for ~0 wile they were • Several
gentlem*, Act their grekt credit - be it meld; risked
their otvn lives in these laudable efforts, but near.
ly half an hour elapsed before they succeeded,,
lie was taken alive indeed, only to endure for a
feW hours the most excruciating sufferings. Mr.
Armstrong has left a wife and, four
sacrificed his life in tho performance of his duties
—duties of near concern to evi k y one.
ILTIt is rumored that Jack-Boaz is not true:
blue, educe he don't obey the maridate of the
Grand Lodge at Washington, and hoist his colors
for 'the Grand Maker of Tennespee. Cane, Jack
%Boaz, if you don't take care the lath Robin will
push you of tho pole. So, look out!
Brotherhood has been Pro
'GMIIII MaiteP of . Tennessee! .
Ar i tII
e - Nationai Intelligencer we !darn that,
at a 'late sitting of the Senate upon executive busi
ness, the nomination of GEORGE B.PORTER, irrA
HIGH MASON, u of POnnsylvenitt,,* be kar.
shal of the Eastern District of PontisOvania, vice
John Conard, (*how coinrnissiou has expired)
was confirmed.
In the year 1826; after the abduction of
-Morgan, there were - in Now• York, about
7000 Antimasorm .
In 1827, there wore
Such has been the rapid increase in four
years," in almost arithmetical ratio, -The
opposition and influence of masons was .so
powerful, that very little was done for some
time in other States
In 1829 Ppm. contained 51,000 Antimasons
1830 67,000
Here likewise, is an . increase of thirty
three per cent. in one year.
In Vermont, 1630, -- ._ 12,000
Other N. E. States, " 49,000
Ohio . " $O,OOO
Other different States " 50,000
Total number of A.ntimasonic votes, 332,000
In this enumeration, we include none but
voters, as we have no d ata whereby to make
other calculations.
:Nlot; - iwe fina by_tlae_canvaa_ofthe last
Presidential election, there were, about 1;-
200,000 votes given; a spajwity , of which
will give the President. Now then, if those
masons, who are'so loud lathe hue and cry,
that Anti:masonry-is gcritiedown, lit coming
to nought—will justlooic tit these filets, they
will see a-steady increase of double every
year. Allowing this ratio of increase to
continue one year more, there will be 730,-
000 voters, and more than one half the vo
ters in the United Statea will be aatlmason
ie. This we conceive to be a plain common
sense calculation.
From the Newark Monitor, Jan. 20
Kr. Editor: allow me - to-relate a :small
incident which hall just came_ acmes
mind. •
Some time ago,
.1 had a conversation with
a mason in this town, and told 'him what I
had heard one of - his brethren say, viv . that
"Masonry had led him into many of Ike
errors of his life." The Knight of-The ca
ble-tow was enraged at hearing this, and
replied, with a sarcastic grin,
_"He ou ht
to say nothing against Mamary, SL R it
kept kim . frohLthe STATES" -- PRISON/"
The public can make their own comments.
or .
On Tuesday week last; by the Rev. Mr.
Tab Mr. Joni.; &TOLL, to MiRS JAM&
STEWART, all Of this county.
On the 13th ult. by the Rev. 'Charles G.
McLean, 'Mr. SAMUEL McNair, to Miss
kart= Bionkm—both of Liberty township.
Or) Tuesday lasi, by the Rev. William
Paxton, Mr. JOHN L. Giu.i.LANni‘ to Miss
JANE. M'CLEARY, daughter of Mr. Joseph
M'Cleary, all of Millerstown. *
On the 15th inst. Miss MARIA ROSSRRHAN,
daughter of Mr. 'Jacob Bossprman, (form
erly of this county,) of Baltimore county,
Md. aged about 16 years.
In-Emmitsburg, on the 26th ult. Mrs.
ELIZA WATERS, consort of Henry G. Wa
ters, Esq. aged 36 years.
On Tuesday • morning last, JArstres Co-
NAMIAN, SOII.Of Mr. Dennis Conaghan, of
Conowago township.
-,- AND • •
3 013 G
In Balt.imore Street, Five Doors North of the
rost"Office,Gettysburg, 11!4.
lor 200 -TAR CANS
w4.ii T ED in(
No 1011 Baltimore.4l:"llotiictors City
• 'id roc'. Id, 4$
1 1 " .4.11.11 M
IN PURSUANCE of an Order of the,
Ja• Orphand" Court of Adams County, will
be exposed to sale by public vondue, on
Friday.the 18th day of March next,
_ .
OF -
Situate in - Hamiltonbanvetownship, Adams
county, bounded by lands of Moses Sea.
brooks, Solomon Young, Walter &unhand
others, containing
132 Acres, ittore or less:
It is covered with thriving young timber,
consisting principally of Chegnut,Pine and
Locust—Late the estate of .1 0 ll= Bo M.
G 1 RT N E .R., deceased. o* - Sale to com
mence at 12 o'clock, M., on the premises.
Attendance given, and terms made known,
By order of the Court, Adm'r.
February 10, 1831. 4t-45
- CD
Cr '
k . \
BY L. 0. •HAAN &
E FREE PRESS will be decidedly
opposed to Masonry, and willattempt
to promote a candid and dignifierreatamiria
tion of the nature and effect of Secret Socie
ties. Whether good or evil, their influence
on social, moral, and political rights, is a fi t
subject for investigation, in' order it the
community may award either duo approba ,
tion or merited judgment.
, It will be devoted to Passing Events, Po
litics, and Literature—it will give.a brief
and condensed history of the times, show
ing the principal changes which take place
on the earth, whether in governments, war,
or morals. •It will advocate the march of
Improvement in commerce, manufactures
and the arts—Temperance, Free Schools,
and the cause of the poor and oppressed.—
It will record .valuable documents, renuncia
tions, historical facts, resolutions ofconveu
dons, proteedings of churches, and
courts of Law relating to Free-masonry, so
•far as the hunts of the sheet will allow.
THE FREE PRESS will be printed on
an imperial sheet at Two Dom. Ass AND
TwENTY•FIVE emirs per annum, payable
half yearly in advance.
To distant subscribers, it will be carefully
enclosed in strong paper, and sent to them
-the-first-meal. -
Er:Subscriptions received• at this Office.
Ftrbrustvy 48, 1831. a--46
&c. &c. &c.
• .
The first volume of this publication hav
ing been concluded, the publisher respect
tbily tenders his thanks .to his • numerous
patrons for their kind encouragement, and
trusts, by renewed and persevering- eff'orts,
. • eDetector a-still more useful
and valuable work. Since its commence
ment it has received a most liberal share of
public favor, the subscription to the work
being such, at this time, as to gu,artuatee its
permanent establishment, and license the
editor in more extensive arrangements in
the prosecution of his labors.
i The "Counterfeit Detector" is designed,
Iprincipally' as a useful auxiliary to store
keepers and
every-number coats& a carefully corrected
Bank Note List, Prices Current, List of
Broken Banks, Prices of Gold,-Prices of
Bank and Insurance Stock, &c.; and every
other_ num_W' r__gives (in_additiote__the.A.
hove) a description of all Covrernaszn and
ALTED NOTES, in circulation throughout
the United. States, and all such information
as is likely to throw light upon the subjects
embraced in the design-of this Journal. In
furnishing for theme various iretlartments
correct info' mation, the "editor •has•estab
lished a correspondence with several of the
most intelligent men of commercial pur
suits in .Boston, New York, Baltimore and
other large cities, •so that.-whatever infor
mation may be circulated tbroughihe "De
tector," may, in all cases, be relied upon as
cot rect.
The literary department of this Journal
Will embrace the most racy and spirited se
lections from foreign magazines of merit,
as well as such original articles as the events
of the times and -the progress of litera
ture require. The latest foreign news, and
all• domestic items of importance, will be
given as early -as possible; and the entire
conduct of the work will be. regulated by
an effort to render the "Defector"' at once
one of the cheapest and most useful publica
tions of the country.
With the`commencement of the next
number thq° "Detector" will be enlarged
and otherwise imprtaffad, and it
dcsirable that all thoso who feel a disposition
to 'encourage the . , wor,,k, will forward their
names immediately. . - - • •
The terms will remain as heretofore, TWO
DOLLARS per annum.
"Addreas ' • -
No. 119, Chesnut street, Philadelphia, Pa:
Febwary 23, .1831.. , a-46 a-46
opy Books and Writing Piper
11$0 REWARD,
JR' ncluding 'that whith L hi4e oared in
hand-bills, will be given for the ligige•
hension of: _
but. sometimes calls himself GOOD IN
HAND,fIwho bcoke out of the jail of the
- county-of Lancaster, on the morning °Ellie ,
12th inst. confined on a charge of ROBBE
RY: - On the previous night he broke his
hobbles, armed himself with two hickory
cudgels, a butcher . knife and an iron poker,
laid injunctions of secrecy on the other pris
oners un_der pain of.death, swore that Re
had broke four jails,'and he would break
this one also that night or die in the attempt;
said he was a_
_.l.dghway robber, and had
r n
81000 burieot 15iniles from iinct', -- intir.
lie attempted puttinTg his threawinto eXe
tution by-breakipg thr9ugh
the prison, and, would have succeeded had
it not. been for one heavy•storie. 'After—
failing herehe frothed and foamed, said he
would be chained to the floor if he did not
get out, swore he would kill the jailer and
sheriff, dr
.any. man that opposed him, and
commenced pounding and breaking atones
in order to alarm the keepers of thti prison
that they might come up. The next morn:
ing he succeeded in making his esimpe by
scaling the wall'of the back vial . .. Age the
keepers was unlcxlking the doorsoftlM oth
er prisoners. Said robber is about 30yearir
of age, 5 feet 9 or .10 inches high, stout
made, ruddy complexion, slightly peek
markedi short flat nose, with a scar on the
right nostril extending to the Corner of the.
eye, leaving a nick on the point of the nose
—had on a blue coat, - grey - enisla •
loons and half worn hat. The above reward
will be given for the securing said robber in
any jail in the U. States.. - •
ADAM BARE, Sherij:
Lancaster, Pa. Feb. 18,1831. '4w-46
Ladies' Literary and Religious Chronicle.
We scarcely know whether, in com
mencing a Second Volume of the New York
Amulet, it is necessary to present our Rea
ders with a new Prospectus. On the fur
ther conkiderationi however, that our rea
ders will have a new Editor, and-that the
Editor .• . to have many new readers ' , it
may be :r to speak briefly of the char
acter and intention of our Work.
. It is our wish, and, to the extent or Our
humble powers, will be our constant endea •
vour, to promote those tyre, great essential"
of human happiness, love towards God and
will towards man; where the first, in.
deed, is found in sincerity, the latter cannot
be absent.
Thus far our work will be entitled In the
appellation of religious. ' but it is not our
into theological, any of those controversies in which, it
is much to be regretted; there is : too fre..
quently, more of the spirit of party than of
. It is the triumph of unbeliever that the
religious world have divided among them
selves; we would unfurl the standard of union,
and show the scoffer that the principles of
religion are throughout the same, pure and
As a literary work, we shall endeavour ter
combine in its columns instruction and it
inuternent--livailives of the serticer
of fiotion only for the,mirnotien of truth,
and the cultivation of those feelings which
may be beneficial to ourselves and other*.
When we conduct our readers into the re
gions of imagination, it shall-not be for the
purpose of unfiting them for, or disgusting
them with, those of reality, but for the en
joyment of a-giorious„ a noble-faculty-,-wit
which eh all-good .Creator has enhanced
Original_ Tales, of feeling or fancy, will
from a prominent feature in the _Kesent,
in - tho - past -- Volutne: --- Nor
chastened humour be frowned austerely from
our coluasße .---Ke ' • .
"there is a time to laugh," and, in, season,
we shall be glad to have our readers laugh
with us.
Poetry,. in all its variety--Criticiant, as
far as we dare venture on.such dangerous
ground—lnteresting Anecdotes, Extracts,
&c. 4c., will hold their do stations and'
importance in our Work:
The claims which the Amulet has put
forth to Originality, wilt bi 3 very much aug
mented. In addition to the distinguished
names already Inscribed on our list-of Con- .
tributors, and which the Editor fondly hopes
will not be lessened, he it enabled to say
confidentlypthat the second volume of the
Amulet will contain articles from several
distinguished Authors on the other side of
the Atlantic--the former literary associates
of the Editor
,Persons forwarding five subscriptions will
receive a sixth copy for their trouble.
The only cause of complaint, as far as Ivo
are aware, which has been found in the first
- Volume, shall be removed. 'the Amulet
will be published and maileld punctually -- on .
the 7th and 21st of every Month.' - •
TERIIIB--To,,City Subscribers, lied
vers, One Dollar and Twenty-five ,cants.--
Subscribers. supplied by Mail, One Dollar.
Subscriptions payable' in advance::'•--a-:
Anti-Masonic_Almaniteiji:;. , !.4l„
with a great variety . of other _inter stun
Anti-Masgnic - Publicatione;ltivst just llsok ••, •
received and for sale by 1 '
Baltinuxv, Ist nio. 22, teal .