111 = Inemberi of that fraternity,- • had- made use . .of every possible device to firevent the emery oft - CVO handed offence, and to . lama- the-administration-of justice, and the "due execution of the laws. The first, hew • • .ever' esteiniitiethe . combinition May have bin, wallah a single outrage; and like hundreds of other fearful crimes, might have , . been puniShed, and forgotten, and the public . hafe felt secure in the . protection of the . Awe, in. witnessing the unobstructed execu tioa,of their penalties. The latter, by un-' hinging the whole administration of justice, • . would exhibit a state of facts deeply alarm- • ing to a community, who eminently repose 'Upon the laws under which they live for Protection, and rely endoubtingly upon their due and impartial administration. .• When - rumours of these outrages,firsi be • came_public, the citizens of the community, . in Which they wereperpetrated„felt_them, eelvestillled .upon to investigate how it was that a peaceable citizen should be forcibly seized in a populous village,, and- transport ed against his will, one, hundred and fitly miles . , through a thickly . settled country.. As worthyof a free government, they deem , - ad themselves bound to ascertain why, arid by_whom, a fellOW citizen, enjoying the same privileges; was abstracted from the pretec don of the laws, under circumstances which • created well grounded suspicions - of a horri ble fate. The inquiries for information in • relation to Morgan,were answered by taunts, reproaches, and ridicule. At first, the mem bers of the fraternity were. bold enough, °- pertly to declare, "That if Morgan had been " pig to death , his fate was no more than he deserved; te bed ferfeited - his life." These -- doeDiialletis wore made' by perhaps hun dtedifreemnseree.within two months af ter the-abduction, and there is scarce an in- Who at that early period took any ioiverept the ievestigetion,but can call to hired distinctly, many such declarations, by respectable and influential men. • . When intimations Were thrown. out that an appeal would be made to the laws, more than one 'freemason has-been heard to say, that the judges were mason's,` . the sheriffs were, masons, and the , jurymen would be ruasons,and set at defiance the requirements efjestice. There seetns to have been a detertnina 7 don onthe part afthe fraternity, not only to suppress all inforination-in-relation. to, the entities,. but even to repress inquiries. and ettestionings,which might tend to elucidate it. Individuals who ventured -to make re - marks which Such an infraction of the laws were calculated to elicit,* were made. the sub - • jects of unreasonable abuse, and-vindictive hostiliqr, by the lodge-going member of the fraternity. The public press, which has, in aimait every other instance of alarming . crime, been made in some measure. the • means of its investigation , or at least of ma king public its details, was, in this instance with a single exception at first, awed into the most slavish silence, by the influence of • freeniasonry. The conductors - of many of thepublio prints in western New York,were themselves masons,- and the proprietors of others; who did not belong to the fraternity, were "won given to understand that it would be most &tat to their interests, to publish a ny thing in relation-to the ill fated Morgan. , A single instance may illustrate his. species or influence. In the month of October, or Noveinber;lB26, Elihu F. Marshall, a (lea , kir tiler the conductor ofa paper,called."The Album," published in, the village of Roches.. ter, Ventured to say, . an editorial article, that the unlawful abduction of William Mor . "gan ought to be the subject of investigation. 'The paper with an article of this import had no sooner appeared, than Edward Doyle, a knight tempter, and treasurer, of the Mon roe Encampment, rushed into the office of . the Album in a incirin of rage, ordered his ----paper-tube discontinued, and his mdvertise ---- merits-stopped,. and told Marshall if he did not-cease.publishingarticlesagainst-thema. :sonic fraternity, many others would take the same.iopursei but-that'll - he - retracted -the next-week - rail: might - yerhewell: -. 7 - Deyle . - ---then- Went to the printing office of a royal •II I ; I ll'hut, Mil, tar' ii; 1 1;0 7/1_ ioutb." We regr f et e ;rl,thal the timid editor - quailed under the masonic . threat, and in his next paper made a partial retraction of his previous article. [TO BE CONTINUED.) TWENTY-FIRST CONGRESS. rsQOND.erSSION. ;.% In ti. • TIILMSDAY, Feb. 10. Sinate_y_esterday,_ Webste) f I. preowned memoritil& from th "Prudential Cothmittee of the Americanßoard of Com missioners for Foreign Missions of Massa , auntie," and from inhabiiants of Brookfield , ' - - iti the same State f against the removal of , the southern Indiads. The debate on Mr. GAindy's resolution tolative to the Post Of. ' flee inquiry was resumed. Mr. Grundy be- . lug in powssion of the floor, opened the de-: , . bate. Hi was followed by Mr. Hendricks. Mr. Clayton succeeded in reply to the ergo ' mots of Mr. Grundy, and had not donelu olett when: the Senate adjourned. The House of Representatives was prig* slowly engaged - yesterday in the discussion itsl34ll' relative to the establishment of a • Lead Office in Indiana. The House sub - aim:lndy took up the Appropriation Bill, - meths, queetiox of the salary and outfit to Art gendolph. Mr. Archer spoke at some ANNA in defence of the Adminisuntion of ' I 'hie - width the previous question WRS demand .,e. • 1:14 ig )114 1 ,,. Tucker, and seconded by a ma. - tan A l liambers preent—Aye.s 73, Noes 11111, . Boise then deci4l-that the main , 4peettO • :,.. Id be now pee, which was the ' • i' j." r 'i l ' ' tbe Bill, exeluding all the .` '. 't ~, 7 1 ": on the subject of Mr. letindolplie 144 , 144, ,, tem t atteinp macro ie were to get R i t e - CZ T - 'AN PMASO le VirAR-AMDAMEPITHLICAN. HE ainendments into the Bill,fut thew were de feated by et env letaul call for the previous question. The Bill was subsequently read a thireitime and passed: - FRIDAY, Feb. 11. Nothing of importance' transacted in the Senate. - In the Rouse of Representatives, yeiter lay, a bill; declaratory of the law concern ingg of Court, was reported by Mr. Buchanan, from the Committee on the Judiciary. A report of a very important charaCter was made by Mr.Hemphill, from the Committee on Roads and Canals, advo cating the policy of Internal Improvement, and containing certain resolutions corres ponding with that sentiment. It wac com mitted to the Com,rnittee of the Whole on the State of the Unite), and ordered-to-be printed; and a inotion, made by Mr. Vance, to print an additional number of 6000 copies; stands over until this day. --The bill to au• thorize, the constructili ofa Rail Road from Baltimore to the District of Columbia, and a number of other bills relating to the Dis trict of Columbia, were acted on in Com mittee, and ordered to bo engrossed for a third reading. "SATURDAY, Feb. 12. • In tehe Senate, yesterday, Mr. Ellis, from the Committee on Public Lands, reporteka bill granting a township of land for the use of Jefferson Colle g e, in Mississippi ; which was read, and ord ered to a second reading. The bill from the Ilouseof Representatives, making appropriations for the support of Government for the year 1831, was read, and referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. Hayne, Gom die select committee to which had been referred the bill from the House of Representatives for the settlement of_the accounts of James Monroe, reported the same with an amendment, striking out the words "_for public services, losses and sacrifices." The Senate resumed, as un finished business, the consideration of the resolution submitted by Mr. Grundy, pro,- hibiting the select committee appointed to inquire into the condition of the Post Office Department, from calling before -them the persons who have been dismissed from of fice, for the purpose of ascertaining the rea sons or causes of their removal. Mr. Wood bury, who had the floor, then resurnedltis argument in favor of the' resolution, and I concluded at about two o'clock. Messrs. Sprague,. Livingston, and Holmes, subse quently addressed the Senate. Mr. Liv ingston offered as an amendment, a substi tute to part of the resolution, declaring that the committee shall not make inquiry into the reasons which have induced the Post master General to make any removals of his deputies. Mr. Holmes then addressed the - Senate in opposition to the amendment, for about half an hour, when he gave way to a motion to adjourn. In •the House' of Represent.iii....., Whitt, uf New York, from the Committee on" Naval Affairs, reported a bill for the construction of naval hospitals, at Charles. town, Massachusetts, Brooklyn, New York, and Pensacola; which was read twice, re ferred to a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, and, together 'with the document, ordered to be. printed. Various reports were made; among the number of which was one by Mr. Everett, of Mass., from the Committee on the Library, who reported a resolution, that the . Clerk of the House cause to be prepartql a digested index of the executive papers, reports, and other documents, from the commencement of the 18th Congress to the termination of the present one, and 'to have the same printed, for the use of the present Congress. The resolution was adopted.° Mr. Lecompte gave notice that he should, on Tuesday, move the House to take up the resolution offered by him in relation to the Judges of the Supreme Court. The RITA }MR laid before the House a number of corn. munications -from-the Treasui7, War, and Post Office Departments; which were sev erally read and laid_ on- the table: The - ficniti—m -- ciltrtralff. - McDuffie, took up tbe_bill, on a division by yeas-and nays, by -a-vote-e11432- . dow of the lamented Commodore Decatur, and went into Committee upon it, Mr. Carnbreleng in the chair. It was delmited till five o'clock, by Messrs. Potter, Storrs, McDuffie, Hoffman, Craig, Carson, Whit tlesey, Barringer, Miller, Sutherland, Dod dridge, Chilton, Crockett. and Polk. Va rious amendments were propoOd; after which, the committee rose and reported. MONDAY, Feb. 14. In-the Senatoon Saturday, a lifter he the Secretary of War giving returns of the Militia force.throughout the United States ; and a letter from the Secretary of the Trett- 1 -ury, with returns frOm the Mint of the a mount of Gold - and Silver coins struck off in the year 1830, were cornmtirdcated by the, Vice President. Sundry memorials were; presented by Mr. Foot, - Mi.., Livingston and Mr. King._ Together With some private bills—the several bills granting "a qoantitY of land for the erection of e, public building at the seat of. Government at Littleltock, Arkansas.;" "to provide for the removal of 'certain Indian Tribes in Missouri;" and "to appoint a sub-Agent to the Wine - . ~ Indians at Rock River;" were each re • a third time and passed.., The Senate then adjourned.- - -.....•.....-- - - In the House 'of Repreaealith* i Mr. Strong &Om the Coiturutteer on Tetritories reported a bill respecting the City of Detroit, in the Territory orMichigan, which was twice read, ancl,, ordered lb be engrossed for, a third reading on this day, • A few other imports on private-billi -it , ere mikleatteir which,. the flouse,:viitheut fair . ,lap any further biOness r adjounied. .. • .. , , - Tu . /Apart 7 F I n ihi B e ast, yesterday, 4wne moriala were presentedfor the repeal of the last Session, relative- to the removal of the south-weeteriOndians. Two on thesubject efMassachusetts, by Mr. Webster-one from Pittsburg, signed by upwards of 700 inhab. Rants, by Mr.Marke---oneby Mr. Barnard, form Luzerne, Pennsylvania—and one from friends of the Administration at Hartwick, New York. Mr. Barnard presented a pe tition from Philadelphia, praying a modifi cation of the Tariff law ef'lB2B, in respect of duty on imported flax, and as it respected manufactures made from the same. , .Mr. Woodbury, from the Committee on Com merce, reported a bill. for a drawback ofdu. tron imported foreign Iron. The debate on Mr. Grundy's resolution relative to the Post Office Inquiry was not resumed / and -it-has, for the present, terminated. On the resolution_ being again taken up for consid eration, _ Mr. Holmes stated. that they had come to a conclusion on both sides, that the subject.matter had undergone sufficient discussion, and that ho was, therefore, in duced 'to move that-the resolution be laid on the table, with the understanding that the sense of the Senate be taken ori,its mer its on the following . day- (this day) at 1 o'- clock. This was agreed to; after which the Senate went into consideration of Executive business, and then adjourned. The House of Representatives were yes terday exclusively occupied in the consid eration of petitions, Mr. Edward Everett having succeeded in bringing on the dis cussion of which he gave notice on the pre ceding Monday, on the petition of the in habitants of Berkshire, enforcing the neces. sity of preserving the sanctity of our treaties with the Indians. Great opposition was made to the" taking up of the subject, and an attempt was made to prevent it by a de mand of 'the question of consideration— which, after some discussion on a point of order, was agreed to--the vote being, ayes 101, noes 93. The House therefore agreed to go into the discussion of the question.-- Mr. Everett then spoke in defence of his motion, which is fo refer the petition to the Committee on Indian Affairs, with instruc tions to report a bill making further provi sion for executing the laws of the United States on the subject of intercourse with the Indian tribes, and also for.a faithful ob servance of the treaties between the United St4teSiubt-said tribes. Mr. Everett spoke , at length. The House adjourned before he had concluded. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 16. In the Senate, yesterday, various memo rials were presented against the removal of the Southern Indians. Mr. Clayton intro duced a bill to compensate the officers and soldiers at Fort Delaware for the losses and injuries they sustairod by at the Fort. • • the late aria ma.. The sense or the Senate was taken on crrunuy - s resolution, as modified by the amendment of Mr. Livingston, which goes to declare that the Special ommittee on Inquiry into the Post Office Department are not authorized to - inquire ,into the causes why the Post-master General dismissed his Deputies; and the resolution was carried by a vote of 24 to 21. In the House of Representatives, Buchanan reported a bill from the Commit tee on the Judiciary, to remove the Circuit and District Courts of the United States from Lexington, New Hampshire, to Con cord, in the same' State. Mr. Verplanck, from the BPecial Committee appointed-on the subject, reported a bill to establish an Assay Office of the United States Mint in North Carolina and Georgia. The bill for the relief of Susan ,Decatur was taken up, on the motion of. Mr. Doddridge, for the reconsideration of the former vote on the subject, and on the question of engrossment for a third reading, it was rejected by a vote of 99 to 90. • Pennsylvania Legislature. A bill for the division 'of Mifflin County and the erection of a new county to be call- presentatives this morning and was sent to the Senate for concurrence. This has been a question before the Legislature for many years. TUESDAY, Feb. 15. The bill to incorporate the York and Ma zylandtiline rail road company, came op on the second reading. Mr- Ale;xander ad. dressed the house at some length in favor of the bill. Mr. Blair spoke against it; he saidit - was - a - Baltimore project, and addrees ed the house ai length against the pilotage of the bill. Mr: *Sherry observed, that it had been said it was a Baltimore-a Maryland project—adinitting it to be a Baltimore pro ject, if our own citizenswere benefitte4by it it ought to be granted. He then brotight into the view of the house an amendment, to prevent the commencement of •the road until 1833; he thought that it would be an advantage, not only to the citizens of York, but to•the!tate. 11s then went on at some length to show the advantages that would result fromethis rail read to the State s Be said that the same objections had been urg ed against - the Chesapeake and Delaware canal; that was stated to be a .IE, Itimore Prosiqctk yet it liaCproved a great advantage to Pennsylvania, and a great advantage to our metropolis., An thought, the people ought' to have a' choice of markets: Mr. Alexander made some further remarks in' faviir of the bill, atidip repri, to Mr. Blair. Mr«POtt it spolowith great warmth in reply. Tee' irentlemlia , who hied spokerlin fitvor, he' rcieeteand - ivos a bad. project fQr Pennayl. anitt. NBherri. Made reP'"' sbbtidgeipokewainsvtbe Theyea s , WAY*-,were tailed sad' the Wall** de: b: 15. st c• aUIII. 4.N "MONDAIt r Feb. 14. tided in the : .legative--yeas.37, nays 53. the bill was lost. , • WEDNEST/A! . , - -Feb. 1 : 43. On motion &Mr. Butz a resolution was read a.second time to instruct the commit tee on Internal Improvement to bring in a bill, to repeal the Jaw of last session relative to assessing damages - done by the .public works. - After some discussion, the resolution was carried, Yeas 72 .Nays 19. From the Reporter of Friday, Feb. 18. • THE. 'IMPROVEMENT BILL. The' rmprovement bill has been' under consideration in the Senate for the last two days.' Yesterday, the question was on Mr. Miller's amendment, to striate out that part of the third section which relates to the rail road across. The Allegheny - mountain. Messrs. Wise and Burden spoke at some length-in opposition 'to the 'notion, when it was negatived. .Mr. Burden proposed to strike out that part of the section, which excludes a tunnel, so as to leave it discro: tionary with the canal commissioners to ,a dept the best mode and manner of crossing the mountain. Mr. Burden supported his amendment, which was opposed by Mr. Brown and negatived„ Mr. King then moved to amend; 166;119 to make the rail road commence at Huntingdon, instead of Hollidaysburg, and to reduce the appropria tion to $300,000. This amendment was supported by Mr: King and opposed with much warmth, by Messrs. Jackson, of Hun tingdon, Brown and Burden, and was nega tived. The section was then agreed to.-- The fourth section appropriating $125,000 to the Western turnpikes next came up. Mr. Scott thought this section 04.. strange part df a canal bill, and wished to hear some good reasons for its passage. A spirited debate took place, in which Messrs. Ring land, Wise, Brown and Burden, supported the section, and Mr. King opposed it. Be fore the question was taken on the section, the Senate adjourned. Kr - This morning the 4th section passed. The fifth next came Op. On motion of Mr. Fullerton, the appropriation of $25,000 to the cross cut between Lewisburg and the West Branch canal was stricken out. Mr. Drumheller then m'oved to increase the ap propriation to the North - Branch from $lOO,- 000 to $200,000, which - was negatived.— The committee rose, and the Senate ad 'journed before the question was taken on the section. THE REVENUE BILLS. The bill to increase the county rates and levies,one mill in the dollar, for the use of the Commonwealth; the bill to lay a tax of one mill on the dollar, on personal' property, bonds, stocks, &c. and the bur leg va.uni witzunzatutterte. to sell the surplus water of the canal for manufaettiring pur poses, were severally passed in committee' of the whole in the House of Representa; tives on Wednesday, and on second reading yesterday. The bill taxing coal was not considered. Oz!r The education bill, and the bill to in crease the county rates and levies, one mill in the dollar, for the use of the Common- tatives, on a third reading, this horning. Cobbett's Letter to France. ,STATE OP ENGLAND A WARNING TO • .FRANCE. To the Editor of La Revolution, at Paris, PRESENT STATE OF ENGLAND. LONDON, 26th o Nov. 1830. Sxn.—You hear of grail commotion in England, and particularly of the fires which are now blazing in twenty-sax countici out of forty that England contains. These fires consume barns and other farm-buildings, and stacks, or ricks, of wheat, barley, oats,, beans, peas, mid hays-and sometitnes the. -value of these in-one-single farm-yard, a mounts to a hundred thousand francs or more.. The- country working people-are causingthis destructiop, which is spreading into every part of England. You will be put 4 - Isure that this terrible state of things has not talc( ithout ..,i to en p ace wi._ a cAusz; th - ii - 3 cause I will explain to you, and in that explana tion you will see the REAL STATE OF ENG LAND, all the causes of her feebleness, and of theaslavery and misery of her once free and happy people. The working people of England' were, in all former times, better off, better fed, cloth.; ed and lodged, than any other working peo ple in the world. Their rights and their 1 happiness seem to have-been the chief ob ject—of the laws of England - in - all former times. During the predominance of the Roman Catholic- religion, the municipal laws so far interfered with the property of the church as to make it conducive, to the relief of the Indigent. When that religion was put down, and the property of the church grasped by the aristocracy, a law was passed to cause provision to be made for all indigent persons. This famous law, passed ih the 43d year of the reigii orQueen Elizabeth, appointed offieers for each parish, to impose a tax on land and house, and thus to raise, without any Unit, whatever money might be wanted for the relief and support of persons unable to provide a ,stifficiency for themselves. So that there can, if this law be duly - enforced, he no person in Eng., /and to aufer for want. This law iecailed the POOR-LAW; and I bog you to bear in mind the descriptiorr that I - have given °fit., - 1 . • The working people, impedially the coun try *oiling -people, lived An the happiest state that 'klikp be imagined until the reign 41 Georg 11 1. . Ris War against our breth ern in Arherien, Which G&W greatlyto - the taxes of the . ntyion, made ndreat change ft t iotlie - lairofsigebiadn - ilia 'people ;wirer .than theurig . W a en bers; but s .. .v . h iriger 77,r- they lived - tolerably well; rniibb -potter than the working people bf.any other Cbuntry in Eitrope. It was the - long and expensive war against the Republic of France that brought .thein dOwn to real poverty.- 'Be fore the American war began, it: was a rare thing that any•o i ne, even amongst the aged and the widows, had occasion to apply for did fronithe poor-taxes; that war made this mark of wretchedness less rare: bUt now the rare thing is 'to knoW of a workingman; single or married, who is not compelled to resort to the pooriaxes to keep himself from perishing with hunger. That the Debt and Government taxes have. been the cause, and thesole cause, of the misery, is eyklent froni the increase of the .poor•taxes having kepi an exact pace with the increase of -the Debt 'and the - Government taxes:— Nothing can controvert this conclusion: the, filets are undeniible, and the conclusion is equally undeniable., • Atno't of ajAmo't of armo't of a year's gov'tlyear's Inte. year's poor fax for all rest of the l taxes. 1 England. Debt. PERIODS In peace,goon after Geo.III came to the Throne, 7,500,000 n peace after the Ameri can war, 15,500,000 n react!, in 1830, G 0,000,000 ins you see, se. how regularly the mis cries of the working people , have gone on increasing with the increase - of the Govern ment taxes and the increase of the' Debt. The amount of the poor taxes is'the measure -of the miseries of the people; and hero you see that they are seem times as miserablo as their grandfathers were. Taxes make the people of the nation poor;, poverty is the parent of crime; and accordingq the jails arc seven times as capacious as they were when .George.M. mounted' the throne.-- Let .France take care, then; - for similit causes produce similar effects; and, if tho funding system of France be suffered to ex-. ist - for any length of t i me, misery will spread itself over France as it has done over... En gland. • When taxes are raised to be paid to . fundholders, they create idle people; they cause a constant accumulation of the wealth of a country in a few hands; they create monopolies of all . sorts; they cause Jews and loan jobbers to live in palaces and.beg gar all the industrious part of the ommunts ty. Taxes, however applied, have natural- - ly this tendency; but particularly when ap-, plied to create usurers, (now politely called "capitalists") who quickly absorb the whole of the fruits of a nation's industry. As the working people have ammo on get-. ting poorer and puovur, they have become more and more immoral . ; and, indeed,_ it has been proven by witnees!m before the Committees of the House of Condiments, that . in innumerable instances men httie ,ed crimes for the purpose of getting into . jail; because the felons in the jail are bet. ter fed and better clad than the honest mark int, people. As the working people have become' poor, the laws relating to them Nava been made more and more severe ; and the • : tizalyetb, which was the greatest glory of England for ages, has by degrees been so. much mu tilated and nullified, that, at last; it i's se far from being a protection to . the working peo ple, that it has, by its perversions, been made the means of reducing them to a state of wretchedness not to be described. Tho sole food of the greater part of them has been, for many years, bread or potatoes, and'not, half of these. They have eaten sheep or cattle that have died from illness; " they have eaten garbage such as a lord or a loan jobber would not give to his Children's dogs; have been seen stealing the food out of hog-troughs; thousands:ofthem have.died - for the want of food; ibree meri-wiazerfound— - - dead last May, lying under a hedge, and when opened by the surgeons; nothing but rourisorTe/ (osielle sautim)was found in their stomachs, raid - this Was within a few miles of .a palace, which had cost millions of the .Aic—meney-l---The--spot on which thooe poor creatures expired was surrounded with villas of fund jobbers, living in hrxury ,and in.the midst of pleasure-gardens, all the means of . ..which living they derived from the burdens laid on the working people. Besides suffering from want, the working people hate been made to endure insults and indignities suth as even Negroes never were exposed to. They have been harnessed like horses or asses, and made to draw carts and wagons;_they.have_been,shut upin_the pounds made to hold stray-cattle; they have been made to work with bells round their necks, like cows put out to graze.; _they have been-made to carry heavy stone backward and forward in Olds or on the roads, and they have, in these cases, had drivers set • over them, just as if they had been galley slaves ; they have been sold by auction for certain times, as the Negroh are, sold in the WestAndies; the marnedmen have been , kept separated from their wives b y ,, force, to prevent them from breeding ; short,. no human beings were ever before treated so unjustly, with so much insolence, and with, such damnable harbarity,es the working peo ple have been Within S' • - • 211•rtieli.. liter within the ictet to , are o' the fr • and funds/ Without t industrious and moral' tin en could lave been brout ded state but as every from oth er causes, has its cess,l so, at hitt, the eel come, awl' itis, indevlicoi per which l Allan elidetivos , my next-letkir.„ arN Sirftyour most obed? *ll.4l,Lthl 1,100,000 4,200,000 9,800;000 2,200,000 30,500 000 , 7,500,000 debts 1, this nev- Irv§ lESI 111 lily. MO