cit a•urecoo" Qrli thei inmourtV and philanthrophy of our OVED COUNTRY. • Read befiTeMenzea KOS NI lAN SOCIETY," at the celebration of its• First Anniversary. RV REUBEN WENER, AN HONORARY MEMBER Hail! Phrenakosmians, hail! the time is hero, In which we celebrate the "by.gone" year ! Twelve months have pass'd since first we joined our hands, A heart-felt 'prayer the present scene'demands, For all the blessings which have crown'd our clays Since first tho Phrenakosinian hand was raised— Should not our hearts with:gratitude expand, To Him who leads us with his potent hand— Should not a grateful eulogy arise, To Him who rides upon he stormy,sliies? Should not each Phrenakos ian rejoice, And raise in accents mild a g eful voice: To praise that . Being who with te ;er care, Has watsh'd our footsteps, and thus b , 't us here Since first within those classic walls we et, How many storms have o'er the nations swept Fair Poland's gone! There, many a hero bled, Who now in silent slumbers rests his head ! 0, Poland! mity'st thou soon thy rights regain, And cast away the despot's galling chain . Throughuot Europa storms have ebb'd & flow'd, Like Etna's crater when about to explode! And like a ship upon the briny deep, "l'is only calm'd till other storms shall sweep. pople too, have caught Columbia's fire,(a) And will no more in tyrant's cliains expire! .0! may that day soon dawn upon the world, -When tyrants,kings,and emperors shall be hurl'd Down from their high, their lofty, lordly thrones, And -hear no more the vassal's sighs and groans! While storms and tempest sweep Europa o'er, We stand secure amid the (learning roar; While other countries rock from side to side, AMERICA can all the storms out-ridet she still o'er land and sea her banner witves, And s h succor foreign slaves ; iliiiiLandlooks the world around, Tr • be fi ob' Iris abject wretches way ;band: 4 q#tets her godlike - eyes from East to West, Antlers help to all who are oppress'di Aiii hears the groans that from Hibernia rise,. (b) , *kid sends relief to hush the orphan's cries— i sces,the want, the Wrotchedness r the wo, 75Whielfibretthatisla,that orrierala hand flow.(c) k - oii She calls Hibernia's sons—she li .- @;iThi em come, -- d make America their future home; t , tail - aye, "let thousands come, yea millions more, s There still is room on my extended shore." • Ibis she proclaims to Caledonians too,(d) • She calls the Frenchman, Gernian, and the Jew; She bids them come t for hero they shall be froo, Whene'er they touch the soil of Liberty! -Again, she roars her head to view the earth, And sees the land.where - GENths had its birth; e sees fair Gredickiwhere Homero sung,(e) ' re Plato taught what Socrates begun;(f ) Thell • of Genius where the Muses dwelt, Where . "dr , .es proclaimed, where poets felt. But ah! it is , e land of song no more, Siiite foreign fou.:tept have approach'd her shore! Our country asks, • , lire is that glorioni Whore is the land of v: r and of: thought? And where are now the so- of song and fame Who dwelt on Attic's(g)hoigh Morea's(h)plain? Where, Argos stood, a heap of r 'n lies, And Athens now no more the worefies! Where fertile valleys lay the hills bet - en, And in each hamlet joy and peace were s ? - Where science once sublimely rear'd her hen •Where statesmen flobrieded, and whore warriora, . bled? But Greece is gone! "her glories long have fled, Her ancient spirit slumbers with the dead!" Our country feels for this once favored land, And opens too, her philanthropic hand; To help the Grecians from the dust to rise, And to regain scientia's golden prize. Who does not feel within his breast a hope That GFecia yet may 'rise and with vs cdte l , Wilo,dnes. not wish that she may yet rega. me - glory - sho - once - httebin literary farno2..4 - =' : ' ' Otmay fair Grecia . raise her drooping head, And' see that hopoysweet hope, is not yet dead! Again our country looks still farther on, And roes Judea, land-of heavenly song! Fair Canaan! 0, hoW is thy glory gone! Where art thy singers of sublitnest song? Thy crown is fallen from thy princely head, _And all thy sons are.from thy borders fled! Where now are those who on Moriah's height,(i) Oft tuned their helps for the celestial flight? Tbey'ro gone! 'they're gone! but not to Chaldean's plams,(j) air arps TaTe - turfeless - on - the - willowe - 1 1- Thercannot-sing-a*-when-at-homa-thel,img_;._ How can they sing when far from lionS,onway In other lands they're yet 'coin poll'd t stray? Our country,,too, pleads with the stubbornlew,(k) leave his errors and the truth pursue. ; Agiig ithe looks farVir Whereflereos-winds howl,& dreary tempi s sweep From South to North,from Zealand's barren Isle,(/) To where the zephyrs o'er Owhyheo srso(m) And all the• gloom that lies those Isles ballween, Has by our country's sympathies boon sr 1r Have not her sons and daughters left therliome, To tell,those heathen what for them was dono?(n) 0! may that Light which o'er Owhyhec smiles, Soon shine o'er all these dark, benighted Isles'. Who feels not in his breast a secret Line, To be thus honored with the American names •• "Brace o'er our-country has her pinions spread," And wrestled with honor her majestic head . ; . 7 " 4 .'"Here guardian freedom triumphs in hor t , •• And learning, genius follow in the train! K, • 001 glorious freedom, on thy sacred shrine 'Burns ever• bright the patriot's flame divine!" But while we sing our country's worthy claims, Wntoo mug sing of Afric's galling chains! limn is a stain upon our country's meed, Which makes-the. heart of every freeman bleed ! elavory V- O, slavery 1 thou foe- • , Mail the bleireings which from freedom flow! When shall thygalling, clanking chains expand, And free fkom infamy our favored land? Another dark, another gloomy stain Yet on our, country's escutcheon is seen, . fignito first within these classic walls we inet, The Indian tribes have heard their dismal fate; Their country they-must leave and journey West llssto those wilds where savages infest. 01 where) the heartrthat would not, ho distross'd, 4' To leave the land wherein our fathers rest? On Conss's banks there sat an Indian maid, filitaie.i. and wept, and ingurn'al,.but nothing said; The. eight approached and darkness moved along: Theresthered host had sitopt their wesdiding song; triaw.numn..rode forth,,and with tuft klitten lig train Again dretirdarkness , from the spacious plain! An '. Seised: and. not one sound was hear d . pi, " , estd.theril the twittering of a bird: - rhish'd!. the silence lasted long— eve hear a de)ef4l, plaintive song— .. 41 4 „,,,,,Daii upon the moving wind, ROI Ilitilf*lPtloPaclvitttentive mind! ~.. , ~' 'Wort', her last farewell-- r( 'r ir 'ie in , • libr heart lidgins to swell! ' ' '-, .mswells, ant doinhe ...t."Csa. .° 1 irtojb,wAtittrehtthescrwords repeat. lirtoporf sft:tilns, ;,•Ottletheirieli • air; MN 1 t.. ,i .. . ‘ ll' l 4l'..'' . : :.-4,,:.(....: 0! where's-the tender-heart, That would from such sweet scenes ~~parl And never see them more 7 Farewell ye rippling stream•, Your sounds I'll no more bear, Unless in sou* bewildered dreams Sad music to my ear! Farewell ye lofty pines„ Whose foliage strudel; our cot; I must depart! my heart rapines!' But ah! this id my lot! Farewell! thou tender grove Whose shades I often sought! Where oft, With.great delight, I wove Green wreaths for those who fought! To all I bid farewell— To stream and hill and pine: • 'To the Khady groo and gloomy dell, And to sweet Georgia's clime!" The maiden ceas'd! her eyes were fill'd with tears! 'I he spell is broke! the vision disappears ! 0! may that God, who governs worlds unknown, Direct those tribes where'or'they yet may roam! 0! may that God who is the Indian's friend, Protect the injured and their rights defend! And may they flourish in innnortal bloom, en earth and skies have heard their changeless doom— And ma And thus ti EXPLANATO,Ity he United States (b)Hibernia, the ancie is well known to every read pers, that great sums of money ted in the United States, for the peasantry, who have been suffering foi in consequence orfrequent failures of crol (c)Emerald Island. This name is frequent _ plied to Ireland, owing to its vernal appearance . (d)Caledonia was anciently the name of Scot land—hence the Scots are.often called Caledonians (e)lt is doubted by some whether Homer was a Greek; this matters not. One thing is certain : if he wrote those poems at all, which are ascri. bed to him, he wrote them in the Greek lan guage, though it is not known in what country they wore written. (f)Socrates was a celebrated Grecian Philoso pher, and Plato was his disciple. (g)Atica was a Grecian State, of which Athens was the Emporium. (h)Morea was once the name of the Southern pifiref - Greecei its capitol was once Argos. _ (i)Moriah is a mountain in Jerusalem, on which the l'emple was built. „( j)Chalden. Under Cyrus, all those countries between the Mediterranean sea, the Persian Gulf and the Caspian sea, wore united into ono empire; hence, we may well say on "Chaldean's plains, in Babel's (for Babylon's) chains." (k)Great exertions are making in our country for the conversion of the Jews. . (/)Zealand is one of the most southern Islands in he South Pacific ocean. (m)Owliyhee is the largest of the Sandwich Islands. .(n)There are new many American. Missiona ries on these Islaluis. ADVERTISEMENTS. Thontas J. Cooper - RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and customers generally, that he has •ust received a fresh supply of ASONAULE GOODS, CONSISTING AS FOLLOWS: Dome ics, Dry Goods, ' Queens- are, Groceries, Hollow.Wl e, Lumber, &c. Which he is determin• u tosell low for Cash and Country INeduce, N.R.s".llbrier is d, anepei - sons who have accounts of old sta ing will please call and Settle to save cost. THOMAS J. COOPER. March 13, 1832. - 4t-49 IS hereby given to the creditors of AN DREW WILL, deceased, and To all' persons concerned, that the subscribers have been appointed_by. the Orphans' Court of 11 '. • kusikors to settle and ad- pvt obainit just—the-rates-fuld-proportionsof-tho-assets_ remaitringin -thohands ho Executors vf- S'aid deceased, due and payable to the re spective creditors—we will meet at the house of CHRISTIAN BISHOP, Innkeeper, in -bi ttles.Towni-24-dams--- Countyron4liontin,y the 16th dap of April next, at 1 o'clock.p. m., for'flie purpose of making distribution of such assets as may reniain in the hands of the Executors. JAMES RENSHAW-, JACOB KELLER, Auditors. JOIN SHORB, Morel 3, 1832. PUBLIC SALE. Will be sold at public vendue, On Monday the 16th day of April next, on the premises, Palmdale Farm, Situate in Berwick township, Adams Coun ty, about one mile from Abbotts-town, and half a mile from the Turnpike road leading from. Berlin to Hampton-,-late the Estate of JOHN NULL, deceased, Containing 157 Acres , 54 ; ••4~ap with an allowance; 85 acres of which are in a state of cultivation, ! with a large quantity of Meadow; tie resi due is well covered with chestnut and chest nut-oak timber. Tlicre,is,;:targe LOG 'IIWaLING 04 • 1":1:L lIOUSE • 11•1 , p. and Double Log, Barn—as also two Tenant houses, on said farm; a never-failing spring neai the Dwelling-house. ,There is a good Orchard of choice fruit, and running water in every' field--with an elegant situation for a distillery, Am. . . Sale to tOraninnee fit 1 0 o'clock, m.; said dat--when - due attendance, and terms • ofsale lads known, by TOBIAS KEPNER,. , • 5,. GEORGE .NULL, .Maich 1.3; , 1p32. • • • IS t.zrt 1 1 ,12 I z NI? - 11 Dt I e - ;a 11 ;7 , 1 .40 V-1114 111 — act 10670—'" ur country mourn her errors past, I.t JEHOVAH'S righteous blast! , TlCS.—(a)Columbia used for name for Ireland. It pf the current pa. se been collec, lief of Irish me years CIVEAP CHEAP:: NOTICE, TES. 4kill..."'ONSTAßtEli -„ • -. _-A-.CERTAIN 'CURE _F R THE ...... A a RIB filthy and infectious disorder, be it ever gA so involerate, may be cured in otte..ahour's application by the use of DUMFRIES' OINTMENT. It is unrivalled for the pleasantness' ease, expedition, safety, and eettainty, with which it produces a perfect cure of this disease.— The Ointment is known to be so certain and expeditious in its operation, as to ellect a cure in one hour's application only! without any hazard of 'taking cold, as the,compusi tion does not contain the least particle of mercury, or any other dangerous iiigredient; it may be,apPlied with perfect safety in the state of pregnancy, and even to children at the breast: r_rPrico 373 cents a box,with ample di'rctions DUMFRIES' HIGHLY APT ';VED av,r2 V(2 5 42.W.1 Price 25 cents a bottle, with diroc nq -14--ALSO THIS safe and powerful wash for sore or inflamed Eyes, stands pre-eminent among the multitude of ordinary preparations for tins purpose. The most obstinate as well as the more slight inflammations of that delicate organ, yield to this higbly approved Eye Water, which will brace and restore the tone of the diseased parts. On recent sore eyes, the effect is highly salutary, and in cases of years standing, the most unex pected relief has bAen received, after other applications of inferior efficacy had failed- Those who use it, prone Mice it to be one of Ist preparations for those complaints met with, especially in obstinate iess and inflammation. -ated CAIIII3ItIAN TOOTH give immediate relief with; 'he Teeth. On trial this best remedies for this nts a box with di- N . l ' , t . . - 1 , lb I FOR FEMA LES. N , DR. 14:LFE'S AROMATIC PI , __,_ _ FM they eV, cases of so, tcrThe col MATE PILLS, whi., out the least injury to . will be found one of the painful complaint. Price Zi! notions. . _ ,„ HAVE been long celebrated as a most valuable and efficacious remedy a gairist those general complaints peculiar to the female portion of society. They cleanse, purify and promote a free and brisk circu lation of the blood, when become sluggish and languid from the afflicting ailments for which these Pills are a safe and effectual specific.' They assist the suspended ope rations of tile sanguiferous system, when nature requires it, and ,rectify the irregular habits of the unhealthy female whose sickly and palid countenance becomes reanimated, and freshens with the natural glow of restor ed health. They are a tried and approved remedy in obstructions,'debility, hypochon dria, green sickness, giddiness, palpitation of the heart, bad digestion, loathing food, pains of the stomach, shortness of breath, upon every little motion, sinking of the spir its, and in, con3cquencp, a.dcicotocr ootanto nance and dislike for exercisCiand conversa tion. They are equally conducive to the health of married ladies, except in cases of pregnant,or hectic and consumptive habits,' when they must not be taken. But they may be adininistered to great advantage a rNonth or more after accouclunent, for the .purpose of44eansing the system and-,purg ing tliose gross humors,. which, when re tained, lay the foundation of numerous dis ease, and render the incautious subject un healthy for life. They should also be ta by all women from 45 to 50, to prevent , erous disorders consequent upon eriod of female life. They r found, by experience, to •ledy in all hypochon -norish disorders, hose nervous 1-ti Ve,_ the I: .) , !_i that critica i have, been fur • • 'afford a poweilkil :11: driac, hysteric, and .1 ~ both in men and women, sys em — they btieu g t lit i , and , _i nature in throwing off thosegross . L. perabundant glamors which produce me ciroly and depression of spirits, renovate the body;reanimate the mind, and diffuse a general cheerfulness and elasticity through out the whole systent6*.-Tri - 6U - $l - 513 - irtia, - with directions. r- Ernie above valuable Medicines are prepar ed from the Original MS. Recipe of the into Dr. W. T. CONWAY, by. T. KIDDER, his bnmediate Successor, and the Sole Proprietor. For sale at his Counting Rooin, No. 99, next door to J. KID DER'S Drug Store, corner of Court and Hanover Streets, near Concert Hall, Boston, and also •for sale by his special appointment, (together with all the valuable Medicines, as prepared by the lute Conway,) by Samuel H. Buehler, Druggist, Gettysburg, Pa. 5 4 * Observe that - none are genuine without the written signature of T. KtpDER, on the outside printed wrapper. Ll' A large discount made to those who buy to sell again: January 31, 1832, 4t-49 TWO DOLLARS REWARD. ANAWAY away from the sithscriber, mug' on Sunday the 11 inst.,„an indented apprentihe to the-Cabinet Making business,. named ANTHONY TRA.YER"; he is a bout„.l9l,pars of age—his clothing not re : , collected.' Whoever harbors. or _trusts said apprentice, will be dealt with according to Law. • JOHN ELINE. Littles:Towp, March 27, 1832. 4t-51 ALLL persons having-claimsagainst the Estate of . GEORGE' GE I SELMA N, late of_ Germany township, Adams county, Pa.,-deceased, are hereby requested to pre. sent - the same without delay to the subscri bers, properly authenticated, for settlement —and tholle indebted 'to said Estate are requested to borne forward and discharge thersame, on or, before the 271) day' of ,September next.. . JOIN liOMGARTNERa , • ' DANIEL. GtfBELMAN, x ra. 4t4*-51. lyesw4-42 NOTICE. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, the Hon. Joicv REED, Esq. President of the several Courts of Common Pleas, in the counties composing the Ninth District, and Justice of the Courts 'of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail'De livery, for the trial of all capttal and other: offenders in the said District-and DANIEL ruEFFEIt and WILLIAM MCCLEI.- N, Esqrs• Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas, and Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Termi ner, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offinders in the coun ty of Adams—have issued their precept, bearing (late the 25th day of.lanuarv, 18:32, and to me directed, for holding a Court of Common Pleas, and General Quarter Ses sions of the Peace, and General Jail Delive ry and Court or Oycr and Terminer, at Gettysburg, On Monday the 23d day of April next, At 10 o'clock, A. Notice—is hereby Given, To all the Justices of the Peace,the Coroner and the Constables within the said COUNT Y OF ADAMS: That they be then and there, 'in their proper persons, with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions ; Examinations, and other Re memberances, to do these things which to their offices, and in that behalf, appertain to be done—and also they who pvill prose- Cute against the prisoners that are, or then ,shall be, in the Jail of the said County of Adams,_ are to be then and - there - to prose cute against them as shall be just. Dated at Gettystmeg;'the 13th day of March, A. D. 1832. WM. S. COBEAN, Sheriff. March 13, 18:3`x. tc-49 POR SALE, AT THE DRUG STORE OF DR. J. GILBERT, GSDWIN'S German Water, for tl►e relief of all inflammations, especially of the eye; Potter's celebrated Eye Water;. Potter's Vegetable Cutholicon; Potter's Ox)genated Anti-Febrifuge, for the cure of the Fever and Ague; Byatn's Chethical Embrocation or Liquid Opodeldoc, for bruises, sprains &c.—said to be far superior to the common OpOdeldoc; Rush's Anti-Dyspeptic Pills; 04, 4 'm itoit ack;ri not to contain any mineral or any thing that might be injurious to the system; C. Purelles' Chemical Ink Powder, for the iminediate formation of a beautiful jet 'ack ink; Old Port Wine in Bottles, for thv sick— an article that can be necortimended— Together with every other article in his line of business, as. reasonable as can be had lesewhere. GeUysburg, Feb. 28, 1832. CO.ICII-'G, Yei bato boo 1 .1 ' W" "- 1 1 " " Respectfully informs the publjc that he has removed to his New Shop in Chambersburg Street, a :few doors 'West of the Court House, ---- whlatti 11 E -rs"---rwrimitittr—ro---- -driake l Trint and 711elair BRIDLES, SADDLE-BAGS, Portmanteaus, Harness, Trunks, and every other article in his line of busi ness, with neatness, durabilite and despatch. He returns his thanks for past encourage ment, and shall endeavor to merit a contin uance of the same. July 26, 1831. SHOPS Pip. RENT. THE subscriber has TWO , SHOPS, which he will rent frOin the Ist of April next. One of them has been occupied du ring the present year, by Mr. John Kane, as a Coach-Making shop--the ether adjoins it, and has been used for Carriage Painting: For terms, apply to - DAVID HEAGY. March 4, 1832. tf-48 -"- I. GARDEN SEEDS" Early York Cabbaue Seed, " Scarletißadisl7; _ " Large curled cabbage Lettnce, " Frame Fens, Just received and for sale at the Drug- Store of Dll. J. GILBERT. February 7,1832. 4t-44 CAUTION. I ' DEEM it my duty to caution the citi zens of Gettysburg agttinst employing a colored girt, named NANCY' tit iro Phe was bound• to me for a .bertain 'time, by - her mother, but has ran away before the eiptm. 'tioo of the time for which she -was bound. •R, W: MIDDLETON. ---Uttitch *Pi • • MEM liiii o. UIf.V.Ii2DQ-C=o 4 - rilitnulerittred - takeTpitlPlifi nouncing to his numerous ['d en . I-, ti r se who have taken such active 03 ',i e . patronize iikestablishment, that .Ii .‘ mi g let this opportunity pass without tegierini his most sincere acknowled,gmeritiforitheir liberal support, whilst engaged in his present avocation. He still continues al his old stand, the "-UNION F: 9 INN 99 situated on the S. W. corner of .the Public Square. in Hagers-town, and by far the Mott pleasant, business, and central part of the town; The back buildings are large and commodious. Although the external part of the front does not command the ap pearance that Hotels generally do, he hopes the internal will make up all deficiency. His Stabling has undergone a thorough re pair, and calculated to accommodate a large number Of Horses. He hopes by personal - attention to his guests, and a renewed exer tion to please, that he cannot fail to receive a liberal share of the public, patronage. The public's. humble serv't. D. H. SCHLEIGH. 4t-50 March 20, 1832. LibOrty ATTENTWAT 011 will c omplete uniform, on the 14th ady. , .31e4 ,. 6ext, at Nicholas Morritz's o'clock, A. M. B y o JOHN EY "+n Kr An Election will be ft:,ll‘ a Aft;,.4.1044. same day, by said corn zany, foi , ,ViiiiiTASel, Second Lieutenants. March t); 1832. 114 I, Ci"!tc. %TAMES HE LLY Baltimore City, HAS removed his office to* No.--9, Paul's Lane, nearly oppositalhe office of the Baltimore Gazette, amitrfew doors north of Market Street. Kr Any professional business entrusted • to his care in Baltimore, will be faithful! ' and punctually attended to:. 3 .010 • February 28,1832. 4t!*-47 PROTBONOTARY r S OFFICE, March 13, 1832. TaccoutlliJAMES McELWEE, -mi• Acting TrtiStee of THOMAS BRAN DEN, an habitual drunkard, is filed in the Prothonotary's Office, in Gettysburg,. Adams County, for confirmation at April term, 1632. GEORGE WELSH, Proth'y. March 20, 1R32. . DOCT. S. M. TUDOR, OITERS his Professional services to the public generally, and can always be found at his father's residence, at the house lormerly occupied by James Morrisson, within one mile-and a half 4 Hampton: Fair Mount, June 14, IS3I. tf-1 0 8 t -4 7 TO Offil CMCDITORS. TAKE NOTICE, that we have applied 7 to the JUdges of the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, for the benefit of the 4 , 'lnsolvent laws, and that the said Judges have appointed Monday the 23rd day of April nest, for the hearing of us and our creditors,-at the Court-house in the borough J i • or — Gettysbur g , wfiere you may:ilar — ir -you-think- proper.. Wil;LI A M ING RA M, Sen. of Hamiltonban township.. CONRAI) WOLF, .Renolleo township._ March 6, 1832. t 4S "~: ~~~' ES, TAIE LAST NOTICE, And without any equivocations zvhateart TIIOSg persons indebted to me, either by' bond, note or book account, and who have neglected my former notices for settlement, are' hereby notified', that, unless• they come forward and close their accounts, On or before the first day of April next, I will POSITIVELY bring suit, against thorn without "fear, fhvor or affection."' My business must and shall be eloged at that time. JAMES A. THOM•PSON. January 17, 1832. tf-41 Saturdiiy Morning Pisitery A i'AMILY NEWSPAPER, Devoted to Literature, Science, the useful' Arts., General Intelligence and Amusement,. IS PUBLISHED WEAKLY, BY C. F.-CLOUD & L. A. WILMER, No. 1, South Gay-st Baltimore. PHIS PAPER is printed on a sheet( t or the largest size, with a ndw and beau- , tifultypeyat the low price of TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. Great attention will be given in selecting , and preparing articles for publication in She' . VISITER. _The piblishers will spare labor or expense in ehdeavoring to mit - kit - it equal to any pnriqical of the kind in this , countiy.. Persons at a distance who wish to sub scribe, will have their orders punctually-at tended to.. The 'papers 'to go by mail wilt be carefully- put secure: them 'from. any injury on their passage. , #‘lliOrreTreb:'2,lf 162. 4t--40 , Aiipsehipariiitionlitotfiiittenat.isaatthisatii, NOTICE. , • • ME -50