OP THE yTAIty .. 4` STRERWrit , :k 2 FRi.' "DOORS F MR: FORRY I S TAVERN. • ill awiv LI f4-.4 MEI ,ADVERTISEMENTS 11011F011F` , time!! far ONE Dol zaji four thnes,TwaNTY-Frvz tuire_will he charged. lawarav •swo Sadv,DlDZbad'..D3 *At IP par annum, half..yearly in advance. Val@ C6411321&.31c,D0 " With sweet naf flowers enrich'd From various grirdens cull'd with rare." „ 4 ,41 1 0 Methinkslt were.no pain to die ' On such an eve, when such a sky O'er canopies the West: To gaze my (Mon yon calm deep, And, like an infant, Tall asleep On earth, my mother's breast • 2 There's pence and welcome in yon sea I Of endless blue tranquility ; - NEllcise clouds alit living things: I tracT their veins of liquid gold, 1 see them solemnly unfold Their Holt and fleecy. wings. • Those be the angels that convoy . Us weary children of a day— t i Life's tedious nothing o'er— Whore neither passions come, nor woes, - To vex the geniusarrepose- On -Death's inajiatic shore. No darkness there divides the sway With startling datintand dazzling day; But glorio . *lrene - Are the • ; • -Onefi . reigns T sio t - uman fear• ; L reeling is severe pour shell of clay: 0 Death! thy freezing kiss pates! thy rest is bliss! ould I - were away. . ~'~~i3i~~1`!!'L~o desultory man, 81 udious of change - north Y,lnny. - lke - indulged." - ure, f ew days ago, to meet unexpeeteilly, a friend, from whom. I t•gui beefi'manyyears separated. We had ueen_ mostly educated together, having pass ed our boyhood at the same school v, our youth at the same university: but our for tunes were different. He, born to wealth, left college to mix with the world at home and abroad; while I turned to the profession I had long since made choiee.of, and began .to lag my weary way towards independence. We were both a good deal changed. My friend ha 4 lost much of the gay buoyancy of manner; much of the merry, happy, care less How of spirits for which he had once been remarkable. I was less grave than I had been reckoned during our former ac qilaintance:' m it man-of-busine- ftnf+ married. We had much to say of the dif ferent chances that had occurred to us; and I found, that ttiough altered in manner, in habits, and in character, we met the same to each other as we had parted. It was getting late in the day, and I ask ed my friend it he would go home to the small house I occupied,and dine quietly with my wife and me. He agreed instantly, shook hands with me in his ow, lively way, as he thanked me for asking him, and we turned into the street in which I lived. I must own I felt some little uneasiness at the thoughts of introducing my friend to my wife. I had often spoken of him to her, and I dreaded, lest she should not find the portrait faithful. In fact I mistrusted in own judgment till it should be confirmed by hers; not that in words she would tell me that we diflbred,. bfit I knew her too well in look and manner to be deceived. I did not feeLquittLeasy_6tner at the idea of present lag My Mend. His admiration would in no degree alter my sentiments tuwqrds her; lint: I felt I should ha ill satisfied unless he thought her, in the course of one short eve-_ onig, all _I had found her during tlig three happy years of our union. MN heart beat as I ran up the steps. I colored as I pulled the bell. The door, was opened by our only man-servant, and I myself ushered my friend up stairs. My wife was dressed with extremoveat ness, though she expected we were to dine alone; -and she was sitting as Usual, at her Work-table, when the sound of my step upon the stairs made her raise her head. She came fiwward to. meet. me; and when I nam ed my friend, she turned to welcome him with a grace and gayety that made lifin sure of his reception. She placed hilin be side her 1m the sofa, and I was soon at ease to first impressions. • - _We_bad not_ far to go to dinner.. The Rower part of the — house being occupied by my chambers of business, our public rooms are confined to a small drawing room on the first floor, and a still smaller library opening out of it. 'ln this small library wo dined. The dinner was ordered with neatness and taste, and -served Without display in an apartment simply furnished. illy wile is not one of those who, to make parade upon the 96casion, lessen .the e.oinrorts of every day life. She • has never, since we married, set before me a dinner I might not haVe''brought a friend to. partake of; nor has she ever appeared be fore mu in a dres's she could not have worn on occasions of ceremerif. Yet our eXperr . 'ties do not, by any, means come up to out limited It is true' our wants are Sew; but we increase our luxuries as we go • on. We do not live in the world, bit we lite very much in society; society that we like and that likes us, and assimilates with us. All thiaawl more, in the warmth of my 'heart, I told -.my friend-, over a bottle of my beet yri*, wben.,Lay 4 wife rose and left; and • ,ivewere still upon the tianie l theme when we her, again at f the tea ! table He be, RIM 330= d dimes Story. _. . TIE . _ _ A_ . . atiain# trtifittitg DUCIT AMOR, PA TRIX PRODESS,e CIVIIII.IS 7 -j"Plig LOV E OF MY COUNTR Y gan to rally us upon our way of life, and he tried to persuade her that, in former days, I had played the inconstant among our circle of beauties, being fund to admire, and fickle to change. I saw that in his then mood it were vain for me to dispute his assertions; .- so to divert the time, and, may he, to prevent my wirefroni - thinking of any other:, I plead ed giiilty to. one serious attachment, and of ared to tell my story. "Soin.years ago," said I, "when it first became the fishion to take shooting quarters in the Highlands, I formed one of a large party who had engaged an extensive tract of moorland fir the season. The ganie keeper and the dogs were sent off early in July, and it was settled we were all to dine together at the farm-house we ,rented with the ground upon the 10th of August. My friends agreed to proceed northwards in a body; but as I dislike exceedingly travelling in that sort Of company, I declined forming one of it, and set out by myself, some weekslyefore,, orrri :tour through a range of my native country I had never yet seen." At this part of my. story my wife laid down her work, and - looked up anxiously in my face, I smiled and proceeded. "After an interesting and somewhat fa tiguing, journey, I arrived early on the morn ing of the 10th of August, at one of the prin. 1 cipal towns of the north Highlands. It was . market day, and the streets were filled with well-dressed people, thronging in every di rection. Several handsome equipages were, driving along the crowd, while genthimen on horseback arid foot passen , ers picked their way carefidly through the greripS Of country people and their wares, who stopped every regular passage. I alighted at a very cow -1 fortable inn, and having ordered some re freshment, I sat down very contentedly to look over a newspaper which lay upon the table of the parlor -I had been shown into, - Trirvi-q-cittrriettr Az ttririttmelity-kett4l 3 - m v eyes fell.lipon a mirl i rdr, which hung upon the op posite wall, between the portraits of (_ cue ral Washington and Mr. Pitt, I was struck with horror at my own appearance.• Hasti ly ringing for the waiter, I inquired whether there were itriy - hiriniresserin - the town. -on whose skill I might rely. I was told I was within a few doors of the first artist in the county. A man don't like to trust his heat% to a bungler; but the first step in Mr. Blank's shop convinced me the. waiter had not been wrong in his assertion. When the operation was over - ; iiiiiey tii - s - iiy — peiltiir.fi - mui,ii — wii; isfiiction in a small hand glass, obligingly held to me for that purpose; but not feeling myself at liberty. to indulge_rny,eenternta r , c a.... 1 tion so publicly, I returned as quickly as p - sible to my hotel, to consult at leisure the mirror, which hung upon the opposite wall, between the portraits ofGeneral Washington and Mr. Pitt. I was perfectly enchanted with my.good mein. I was' cut and curled in the most becomincr b manner." Here my wife laughed aloud; niy friend, too, smiled; but I took no notice of their inter ruption. ,: • "The inn stood hack from flier street; in a large court-yard, the projecting walls of which, on each side, prevented any view be- Ins li - ourt-vard - numbe people were constantly passing. I sat down at the open window of my parlor to watch the various groups th t s flitting hethre me. One, in_partieular, at ce engaged my at tention: it consisted - Ortiii - eTde - lr — y Ta. - cr . - y - Ti grey, a child in a frock and trowsers, a young lady in Whitey with pink upon her lionnet, and a:captain of a recruiting company quartered in the town. He was apparently saying something eXtremely amusing, tbr the young lady was laughing violently; and looking up in her mirth, she threw on me, he 1 sat perch ed at my window;-a--pair of the most beauti ful black eyes I had ever then seen. I fan cy mine must have told her so, Ow she • had not gone many steps before she raised those eyes again. Again they met mine, and this time, we both blushed. She hers quickly, and turned to the recruiting officer: he bowed as in the act of speaking. The lady in grey appeared to join in the conversation, and they all walked leisurely on -towards the projecting wall. Will she look up again! I pushed my well curled head as far as I possibly could out Of the window. She held hers, I thought, reso lutely down. I followed Them with my• eyes, as they stepped along across the p ivement. They reached the wall. The little child ran quickly Out of sight. The, lady , in grey was half concealed,. The young lady returned to reply to some gal lantry of the recruiting. officer, and once more her eyes were fixed on Mine, In another moment she was gone. I drew my head in - hastily, flung my hands before my face, to exclude all light, and again in fancy, those beautiful eyes beaming ,bright ly upon me. After a few minutes I looked up. Crowds of gay paesengerestilt.moved on the pavement beloW and talked, and laughed, and looked, as they passed me.— .Will she come ' again?' -I. took • out. my watch, it Was only three o'clock. Again 1 glanced at the projecting wall, and I follow ed, - eagerly, each succeeding. group,. as they emerged from behind it.. Many 'a 'voice-deceived me as it approiC 4d. Many a, party turned,the.corner to disappoint me. Four o'clock: she will ,not come. I rose from the 4in6w in - despair.: As I ! stood, the sound of , a voice Chad he4rd be ar7 lEM MEM Ctk.V.Wielia2BVP2CLitil 2P41.1.Q cativaxbaz i kllll s3 o aawc) MEI AND ~~ u4 rested my attention. There was a laugh, and a stamp and jingling poise, and the end of a sword.scabbard pointed out beyond the wall. It was the recruiting officer. ' Did he come alone? The little child ran for ward; the lady in grey put out a toot; and again the eyeS from the pink bonnet sought the window. We blushed crimson - . The young lady turned to her never filing re source, the recruiting officer, I darted for ward, seized toy hat, rushed down Stairs, and followed her. They had reached the hairdresser's shop, and they had stepped before it to examine some of his curiosities. The lady in grey too the little child by the hand, and walked on. The yoUng lady prepared to follow her; but as she moved away% sne cast one glance towards the window of thet , iim: it was quite deserted.— I ne4er stirred nor spoke, but I saw from her heightened color she was aware who stood beside her.' She held a small nose gay in her hand. She began to pull to pieces the flowers which composed it, and she scattered the leaves upon the pavement. I stopped to gather them. _ A carria,:, I was in waiting at the end of the * *act; it drew 4as the party approached. Voot man ',opined the door, alld•Ult dort. , ,pthe steps; an the recruiting officer ha dod the ladies into it. Ile laid his ktrA pun the door, and stood and talked for some min utes. It was an open carriage; tyouug lady was leaning thoughtfully againstmie .of-the cushions. The officer talked fmiger; at length he bowed, and they drove away. but4 lp I was standing before a druggis* p, supporting myself on the .brass ra . ' - protected it. As the carriage wimt • pully past, I ventured one last Omit , the pink bonnet. She ' was still ilelidi g , back against the cushions, and the rAtt . • of her nosegay were beside her. - As s e passed she extended the hand, whiter th j snow, which held it, over the side of the open carriage, pressed it tbrAtr - instant to her breast, her lips, and -dropped it gently at my feet. I started forward to receive the precious gift-" . "Oh! don't believe hint," cried my wife, -interrupting him: "it is all a romance; it is indeed, I never looked—l never meant— / If . , I interrupted her in my turn, and seizing the hand site had extended in the energy of the moment, 1 pressed it, as she had done the nose(Tayshe gave, e.. . Mind your own business.—The man who interferes with the business of others almost alwayLueglects,,his ~,own;• .aud ~wllkileAciing. that which no one thanks him for, he not unti-equently permits, his family to ecuneyto want. " No man who strictly attends to what ought to interest him will have time or in clination to meddle with the concerns of hir ,neighbors; he will pursue his own course, and leave others to do the samei he will be generous enough to believe thqt other folks know something as well as himself.— It is intolerable to be continually bored in this way, in the most trivial, every day busi ness of life. What is it to me if my neigh bor permits his cucumber vines to run on le-gviunfi r instcad of-fttritistrivith bushes, as I do; or rubs his razor on an old book cover, instead of a metallic strap, or prunes his trees with a coarse or fine saw. What right have I to find fault with the -dress-or-education of hi S funrity? - or - wit . the color of his hat or the cut of, his coat! And if he build a house-does it concern tile whether it fronts north or south,or whether it . large or small? If it does not,.---if it be my, neighbor's right to consult his own taste in these matters, let us yield him this right and attend to our oivn business. From a quaker to his friend.—Friend John, I desire thee to be so kind as to go to one of these sinful men in the flesh called an attorney and let him take out an instru mental means whereof we may seize the outward tabernacle of George Green, and bring him before the lambskin men at West minister, and teach hith as he would be done by, and so I rest thy friend in the light,—A. B. Gdv. Wolf appe s ars to be looking sharp af ter the Judiciary. He has appojnted James Mustard a justice of the peace in Green county. Doubtless some of those who get a taste of Justice Mustard's power will re member it with tears in their eyes. Spanish customs.—ln Spain, before any barrister, attorney, or notary is•admitted to practice, he is obliged to swear he will de fend the poor . gratis. That this grzituitous labor may be the more equally divided, 30 are every year-appointed from each Class to defend the poor in civil cases, mid every one is accounted .poor who can swear himself worth than 4000 reals minal case's the accused is entitled to make choice of any barrister in Madrid to defend him. The Virginia Conference ofthe Methodist Episcopal Church, met Norfolk-.on the 21d of Feb., an d — atbokurned on the .2d ult. Bishop Hedding presiaed. The reports from the diflsrent circuits and stations, show an increase el 2,225 Avhite fir, — end a de , crease' of lotriet,hing like 984 , colored inepi , bets, within the past. Conference :year. .4*tint DE OF ADVANTAGE TO MY FELLOW-CITIZENC" Is, • • BELIEI , Is WITNICTi AFT. --:-T he Colum bia (Pa \ .) Spy, has the following anecdote:— "During the, hurry and bustle in a neighbor ing town, occasioned by the late rapid rwe of the Susquehanna, one woman gave to anoth er for safe keeping, between ninety and a hundred dollars in specie; the latter being obliged to move her own etlicts shortly after concealed the money untkre some hay in a barn near by, where she imairined it would remain seciire. After the alarm 'had sub sided in a M - easure, she visited the barn to I remove the silver, when what was her sur prise to find it gone. A thorough but inef fectual search was made t , a number of others, and the money waS ;veil up as lost. hl gc A person of weak understand o• was sus pected as the purloiner, but no evi nee could be brought against him. Just betiire night it struck the mind of one of the neighbors that if this person had it, he might be so frightened as to give it up. Accordingly it was given out, that unless thisphioney was re stored, resort would be had the next day to a certain person in the vic inity, (who had ob tained some notoriety as being divined in the art of witchery.) for the purpose of ascertain ing who had taken it. This annunciation had the desired effect: the next morning the money was found in peit tp ely the swe spot whin it had be left trie,p_revious d'." "On The 10 - 4,1 i nit Near. Centreville, War wick, IC 1., a• ' mile the natne'of'Reuel Hollis, of Ptainfie d, '2nn., while in the ati( of passing a loaded team, the wagon, whiCtt . contained him, his daughter, and a small girl, was suchreiny tipset m od precipitated them a distance d several - feet: among toe rocks. The fat.lwas so badly injuoiles to sm.- "Vive Ifinit ,W%v llours; his daughtar received ..t broken arm, and the small girl escaped kinlitirh. „„.. . 3 .;• . ', .1 . • .'si At New Castle,tiland, on the 21reth of January, a curious experiment was tried. A piece of meat, a haddock, -and a loaf of bread, were sent up in the air by means of a paper kite, and, after remaining at a consid erable height for an hour, t was found that the fish and meat were putrid, and the bread was filled with animalculM. A farce, called, the "Cholera Morbus," lately performed in aid - Veiiide - lheatre, was prohibited atler a few representations. Governor Peters of Connecticut, has ap pOinted-Friray, the i 2Oth inst., to beobserv ed as a day of Fasting, Humiliation, and Prayer, throughout that State. The Managers of the WaSliington City Orphan Asylum, ofliT a reward of twenty dollars, for the deteCtion of the person who left a male infant, but three days old, at the door of that institution. The adver tisement save: "Part of ag.old, cotton dress was sewed around < theehild,and an''old flannel gar ment spread 'Clver it. A note was pinned on the covering ; of which the .collowing is a copy: "To the Superintendent of the Orphans' • -svlithi-4-141--bet-ween-gth-atitl---1-04-st-reetar- ..."llear Madam: Please confer on . me your maternal care for some months, at We expiration of which time I will be Called tl,r. Owing to the sickness of my mother, ion can s been abler dress me. I am three days of age this evening. '"Tuesday, 6th March, 1832." The citizens of Towanda, Bradford cowl, ty,.have held a-public meeting, and avowed their determination to prosecute to the laws extent, any person, whether citizen or , stran ger, who shall be found intoxicated within the limits of that Borh. A temperate move. Maryland has revived her claim to that part of Virginia lying between the North and South branches of the Potomac, com prehending part of Harly, Hampshire, Mo nongalia, the county.of Preston, and we be lieve part of other counties. It is intimated that 'one more invitation will be given Vir ginia to settle the dispute by reference, and in the event of her declining, that the case will be taken to the Supreme Couvt. Vir ginia. has ,heretplore declined any inquiry into the.question of right. We learn from the Fourth . Annual Re port of the' Board of Directors of the Boston Seaman's Friend Society, that the numbee of Seamen belonging to the United States, estimated with as much accuracy as was possible, is 102,000—0 f whom there are in the foreign trade, ) 50,000; in the coasting trade, in vessels of nearly or over 100 tons burthen, 25,000; in coasting vessel's, of less than fifty tons burthen, 5,0014:in the cod fishery, 10,000; in_ the whale fitdiery 5,000; in steam vessels, 1,000; in the U. States' Navy, 6,000. DISASTERS.;---tapt. P. Baldwin, left Havana in the brig. Poland, for New York, on the 7th inst. and was taken off by, a pi lot beat, off Smith's Island, and arrived here this morning in the steam'boat from Norfplk; aitErtrom him we' learn that the New York and Vera Cr= pocket was wrecked, ip the/ Colerados reef on the 16th Peruary-Lyeatiel and eargototatly lost. The specievainottati 1111 E Timis" - Do • payable lialflrbarly in advance. No sub.. 1 1 Seriptioniftiketiror less thina six tn onthsoind" none diwontinued until all arzetusgeft are paid. A failure to notify a discontinuance, Ivill - bel,outsidured - w - new eugsgemuent the paper forwarded accordingly. TJ i qgho 90 4441 4:1 0 4 8941 Whole Nelember, 104. ing to $75,000, the passengers and their bags gage, captain and crew, saved, and arrived at Havana 6th March. The passengers took passagf in the brig Neptune, which was to for New York on the Bth. The neW Mexican. Minister to the United States was also a passenger on hoard. A Sardanian brig, loaded with sugar and coll;!e, for the Mediterranean, took fire and was burnt,' in the harbor of Havana to:the water's edge----vessel and cargo totally lost.—Baltimore Pa/riot. Omni. SPECUTAVIIN.—The holders of flour in 0hi0,., have taken advantage of the distresand raised the price of flour from I to 2 dollars on a barrel. A law has passed the Legislature of Ma• ryland authorising a subscription ; on account of the State, to the Baltimore and 'Wash• ington Rail Road, to the amount of 800,• 000 dollars. - The Quebec G azetto of the 7th ult: says! "The deepest fall of snow this season occur , red on Monday andiyesterday. Our streets were in some places completely blocked up, The depth of snow . is uow - at this season." 'The severe Fait storm Monday week Wit - broke in one building alone} thi other buildings suffered ml of 2,000 panes of glass ha , in the tows-and "'"`The case of G. W. _ A. Jones, of Ntilledrville,Geog for slander, which has produced considerable excitement was, at the last session of the Baldwin Supe , rior Court, decided in favor of the plaintiff', in the sum of $5OOO damages._ The bill 'appropriating $2,000 fOr the re+ lief of the Delaware tribe of Indians has pass. ed both houses of the Leglsliture of Nevi Jersey, The Louisville and Portland Canal wa open, after its completion, 104 days, before it was closed by the ice this season; during which time, 827 boats of 76,000 tons pai through, of which 406 were steam boats. It is calculated that 300,000 tons Will isusf annually hereafter / nearly equal to half eft the boating tonage of the United Sista, 'And yet this noble and benificent underfelt* ing was thought by the advisers of the 'Ex. ecutive to be too contracted and . dirninutivei a concern to deserve the aid of the General Government. If such works as these be not National, what shall we call so?—Sat. LATER FROM FRANCE', By the ship Olympia, which arrived at Boston from Havre on the 22d ult.. Mr . Toplilf, of that city, has received Havre► papers to the 14th of February, and Paris to the 13th. The Boston papers give a few extracts. Conspiracy at Warsoc.—A letter (rota „ Frankfort on the Main, of Feb. eryrtireurrent-that - a con.:' • . the officers of the Russian Guard at War• saw, was discovered and put ..down,.enAke eve of its explosion, but not until Getieralo Bergh and Engelman were killed. .ono I 161-20-5 : I • 3 been sent into the interior of Russia." The Polish Committee have presentsul petition to the Chamber of Deputies, it* which they complainOhnrthe-Polith-tefti;T geei are interdicted the entry to the capital of Franceoind that orily . tv‘ro cities, Aviig. non and Cliateauroux have been 'gnu* td them as places of refugee The Br. brig Royal. Charlotte, of 200 tons from France for England, with a care go or brandy, had been wrecked on the French coast: cargo washed ashore: the crew supposed to have perished. CANADA.—There has teen mtich ex• citementin the Canadas of rate, which pro , muses, unless it is suppressed or smothered ' in some way, to lead to serious consequence* —no less, it is possiblt,than a declarationoC independence on' the part of the Colonies r and a consequent • disconnection from the litsas British Government. 4iere,litsi in • r • prior to the "three glorious days," the remit had been the chief cause of the excitement, one of the conductors .of that press in the person of Mr: Mackenzie, having press; re., peatedly reelected a membersof the Asaem• bly of Upper Canada, and as frepuently ex. pelted by that body. Other editizs became champions in the cause of their brotherratid some of these being visited with imprison. ment and fines, the excitement has menu , ed to an alarming extent. The - parties ie this..matter appear to be the trench and English residents of Canad4ettar latter es.. pousing the cause and recognizing the tak, thority oCthe English government, and the. former jeering, ridieuling, and libehnirthall govertnnente—Philadelphia Atbeee---- -- - - --.' . The' Boston Transcript tells rt fie& gory about cod, caught near - where theirtig .- *er -- • strand'ed, taken.with nutmegsant gof Citein their clatn2baskets. rn'the the fare of a small row boat, ne. tushel ofrimtmegs and sundry 4gri t offee,weriTotwid. ' f ta d , a