The star, and Adams County Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1831-1832, March 27, 1832, Image 4

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    Parloas Matters:
AN- 1 0 Alt 1.11
The following is theaddress of tht
tor of the AMER WAN FARMER, 011 o pnEtSel
his patrons with the first nu`mber
14th volume of that highly valuable p;
• We could spin out a "long yarn"
commencement of a new volume, and probe
. bly should do so, were we not stoically, if
not' misanthropically opposed, to all such
ceremonials. The present, however, must
be an exception, so far awl-a statement of
some new arrangements makes it necessary.
The want of Agricultural and Horticul
tural Societies in this central part of the U
nion has been most sensibly felt, and after
doing all we could to cause their establish
ment, we have endeavored to supply their
place as far as lay in our power. For this
purpose, we have attached 1..) the Farmer es
tablishment, tin Experimental Farm, whore
we shall keep every description of br PROVED
'cl43iVelilnake trials of all NEW VEGETABLES,
including cereal, culinary, fruit and orna
mental plants; all which, when thus proved
' to be valuable and adapted to our soil and
climate, will be kept for sale. One of the
objects of this fariii is the cultivasion of eve
ry description of GARDEN SEEDS, to which
- oUrdittistel97oapted; and - tbr - this purpose
such preparation has been made by the
portation and collection of genuine kinds_ as
will ensure the food quality of all we shall
produce. As times and means permit, we
_ shall add an extensive nursery to the esta
blishment, and in the management of this
department Nlekh m
all attend ire to the good
.ef,thkfriiit,,then to the number
full well that half a
•-s varieties are .worth more than.
v ,~~t ~uudrbtl,of merely passable kinds.
- 11 s; hiafarM, with this object, the Editor
A i Farmer has just located himself. He
- on to it full of hope and ardent with
ation that his labors in the great cause
of, American husbandry will result in 11111,*
• good to his country, and at least a tolerable
competency ts? himself. Such being the
views and ekidets of the present arrangs
ment, the Editor does not hesitate to ask as
sistance from his numerous friends in this
undertaking, in the way of contributions, of
any thing they may deem valuable, either
animal or vegetable, assuring them that all
such shall he made to reach the coif on
stock of the country, and - to',enrich it with_.
• 'all the qualities the s x ,may be capable of im
-It is proper here to remark, that although
t the Editor resides upon the farm, and be-
Mows upon it constant personal attention,
his duties as Editor of the armer, are at-
tended to a 9 usual, and hef hopes will he
with:increased practical utility—as he will
1)e ible to devote his hours of respite from
7 , 7 4 '6e labors of the field arid to the
pleasing occupation of imparting to others
the information gleaned from the field of
experience. '
The Editor also deems it proper to say,
that the seed store and agricultural agency
Ibr some time established at the office of the
American Farmer, have been extended and
.will be continued under the personal supre
intenclance of Mr. Hitchcocks, the proprie
tor of the Farmer. At this establishment
every thing kept or produced on the expe.
timental farm, as well as all *cies neceS
study obtained ifrom countries, comprising
a complete assortment of seeds, will con
stantly be kept for sale; and all articles ap-
Aping to &mine and gardening, not
kept at the store, will . be obtained through
the medium of the agricultuaral agency. In
our anticipations o success in this under
taking, we may be deceived ;• but we great
. ty - lifiritrifiat - estimate - of--menand things if
they be not realized. Our experiments
with hew things will not be costly—enough
only to try their value and adaptation to the
_elezette •he ohtained and cultivated.-
-This will cost but little, and if -they prove
worthless or Unsuited to the country, - the
loss will be unimportant. The hulk of la.
hour and expense will be bekowed upon ob.
jeets of ascertained value, and on these the
establishment will be dependent for support.
Experiments in.- cultivation will also be
!nude upon the smallest possible scale at
first, so that the risk of loss will be reduced
to an equally low minimum. If a rod square,
under a new mode of cultivation, is Improv
ed by it, we shall have the best assurance of
success 'upon an acre; and if it be not im
proved, we shall have sufficient warning a
gainst a more extended experithent.
Nire have deemed it priaper - thus_ to lay
. our views and designs before our patrons,
• that whatever advantages may accrue there
from to them or to. ourselves might be avail
• ed of.••
Ex/tract of a• letter from a highly respecta
ble gentleman in Harrisburg,. to the Edi
"tor eArthe Pittsburg Times, dated
"MARCH Gth, 1832.
A - Theft , has been a great alarm in the'ranks
of the brotherhood. On the twoist ballots,
the Masonic Convention now in session,
gave Dallas two of a majority for Vice-Pre
sided." Dallas, you know, is a high Ma
son, the fraternity immediately took the a
- limn, lest the hand of Masonry might be
wade too visible, a nd public indignation a
roused, should they not only dominate Mt.-',
'lllOllll for the ottces of Prelsident and Gov
ernorpi but also that of Vice-President.—
Would be too palpable an exhibition of
„figaigaic charity. The brilherhood were'
immoologly dean collecting in little. grows
emillarig in whet way the difficu/ty
40414 avoided. One of the most distin
-4r ' ' Wei heard lo'sey l "If We nominate
^ . :C- , 800 Archer f or the Vice-Presidekcy,
~ W . plf is <lotto up, and we are
' ittrievero rr . 1
r w oa
, liiir siay.iiiif assured tlie:-Anti-ISlbt.rtie:
i IA
Aci _vir%
:renerth is much dreadtiny:the Wolf party
this placer They are willing to admit
uo manrirr a Maxon could now he
ai-Masonic .. State Conveniik.. ‘ n. Mark
words, Andrew Jackson is the last ad
ing Mason Who will ever fill the Presi
ntial chair!!! This is the opinion of sonic
the wisest politicians in Oil• country; and
1 speak advisedly when I make the asser
tion. Ritner will have an overwhelming
vote in all the German counties. Lan
caster will Ewe him from 2500 to 3000 of a
majority. - Chester 1000—Dauphin 800,
&c. His election is just as certain as that
.George %Wolf is the most imbecile creature
that was Over thong:it of for the office of
Governor Shnlze.—lt will probably al
tbrd some satisliictiou to the firmer political
friends of this gentleman, to know what
course he would pursue in regard to the nom
inations for the next chief magistracy of this
State. We state then on good authority,
that Mr. Shulze informed Gen. Burrowes,
his nearest neighbor and a delegate to the
late Anti-masonic State Convention, that he
[Mr. S.] would not he a candidate for Gov
etpor, unless nominited by the Anti-masbnic
Convention; that he 'Would not even run if
nominated by the sth of March convention;
and that he was an Anti-mason in principle
and at heart, and would run on that ground
or not run at all.—Somerset Herald.
From the Maine Free Press.
I, DANIEL NICKERSON, of Litchfield,
' me, do hereby publicly state that I took
the two first degrees in Masonry in the
Kennebunk Lodge at Hallowell, and the
degree of Master Mason in the Morning
Star Lodge at Litchfield. I was disappoint=
ed and deceived in not finding Masonry to
be what it had bc'tin represented to me_by
Masons before I was admitted. I have
carefully read- -William Morgan's - Rittstra--
44ans of 31a8onry, and I hereby certify
that the oaths and penalties, signs and ce
remonies, are therein truly and correctly
stated, according as I received them in the
Lodges above named. Being convinced
that Masonry Is an evil and dangerous insti
tution, I have long discontinued all connex
ion with it; and I hereby renounce all alle
giance to, and connexion with that society.
I further state that I was not inforined of
the -terms or nature of the oaths, 'until they
were administered to me by the Master of
the Lodge, and I was 'required to repeat
them after him. I was then in the Lodge.
room, blindfolded, and in the first degree
with a rope or cable-tow round my neck.
Litchfield, Feb. 1832.
The Danbury (Ct.) Recorder relates the
particulars of one of the most wicked and
unfeeling acts that we have had occasion'to
record. As a man named Noah. Barnam
was sitting by his fire side in that village,
he was shot by some villian from the outside
of the hoUse, and killed almost instantly—
the contents of a musket, consisting of small
stones and shot, taking effect in his head and
breast. He. was about 58 years of age.—
His own son has been arrested on suspicion
of being the murderer, and circumstances
appear to*tify the suspicion.
Village Topics.—An Ohio paper,,,.con
tains the following fearful annunciation—
" The two•legged puppy who had the
- -in--escorting a. young
lady froin singing school, the other evening,
after she had politely informed him that
she was provided with company, may- rest
assured that should he repeat the 'like of
feneof he shall
Ire -compelled-to--breakfast
the next morning on the tail of one of Simon
Snyder's toughest covvsliine.,
mC --- wtattn - twist his hair,
Mortar pestle pound him; -
~. wheels smash his bones,
And leave him where they found him.
A negro preacher was lately laboring
with his audience for the purpose of in
ducing them to look out for a better resi
dence than this vale of tears. He told them
that if they secured their passage to Heaven,
"they would get plenty of Bacon and:greens!
and. twenty-four ..drams a day!" One of
his musty :listeners, wishing to test ins sin
cerity,-uskedhim 'if he had ever been there,
he answered yes; and_was then asked if he
saw any negroes. His answer was, "You
black fool, you 'spose Y , went into the
A lie London paper states that there are
116 persons now in prison in the different
jails in the-United Kingdom, on conviction
for smuggling, and that the wives and chil
dren belonging to them, who are kept by
the parish; amount to 150 in number.
A lawyer boasting to an honest country
.that a gentleman whom he had never
beeno/company with more than once, had
left him a legacy. "Like enough," repli
ed Hodge, "but if he had' been twice in thy
company I'll be hanged if he would have
left thee a farthing."
It is certain, that eithorwise bea,ring, or
ignlnant carriage, is caught, as men take
diseases, one of another: thereto e, let man
take heed of thekrcompany.--Shakapeare.
OFFER§ his PiofesSiontil serrices to the
.Public generally, sand can always he
found at his. fisthees, residence, at, the house
formerly occupied by. James Arcirrissop,
within one xri and a half of liamptoril
Fair Maurit,'lttrie IA:, 'Vat At 1.19:
#Ct , B &ITN
cA-13-IIIT--~T-MAK.IIIiGL.- --
THE subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and the public generally, that
he has R.E,1101 7 1,'D HIS SHOP to the
house furuwrlV• occupied by Mr. S‘vcney,
few doors South of Mr. McCreary's .Sad
dler-shop, in Baltimore street, where he
still continues to carry on the
Cabinet-.'Plfl►'?H ilitsiness
ry 'JO za
VP 41
o* - 111 kinds of Lumber and Country
Produce will be taken in exthange fin'
work, and for which the highest market
prices will be given. •
C* --- The subscriber would also inform
the public, that, hiiving provided himsel
with a SIEJR,s E fin. the conveyance
of the dead, and- being prepared to make
Collins, all orders in !bat line will be ex
ecuted with promptness, neatness and de
The subscriber hopes, by strict attention
to ba4sivels,„Lo.,,;ffigKiS. ti.ud_receiVe a liberal
share or patronage.
Gettysburg*, Feb. 7, 1832. 11-44
Thowas Cooper
It ESPECTF L foilifisjiis friends
and eustorn6f4s gearaity r _that he—has
just received a fresh suliply of
Domestics, Dry Goods,
'Queens-Ware, Grorcrus,
litolldw.Ware, Lumber, &c.
Which' heis-dttermined toscll low for Casl
and Country Produce, &c.
N. 13. Money is mucewanted, and pet
sons who have accounts of old standing wil
please call and settle to save cost.
March Li, 1832. 4t-49
A-S to the creditors of AN
DREW WILL, deceased, and to all
persons concerned, that.the subscribers have
been appointed by the Orphans' Court of
Adams County, Auditors to. settle and ad
jult the rates and propottions of the assets
remaining 41 the hands of the Executors of
said deceased, due and payable to the re
spective creditors—we will meet at the
house olCitaisTiAN BISHOP, Innkeeper, in
Littles-Town, Adams County, on. Monday
the 16th day of April next, at 1 o'clock P. M.,
for the purpose of making distribution of
such assets as may remain in the hands of
the Executors.
JACOB -KELLER-, , Atickitors,
March 13, 1832. 4t-49
Will be sold at public ' , endue,
On dlianday inth clay ril next,
on the premises,
.1 Minable Farmj
Sittitite - in Berwick township, Adarne:Coun
ty, about one mile from Abbotts,town, and
half a mile from the Turnpike road leading
from Berlin to Hampton—late the Estate
of JOHN NULL, deceased,
Containing 1 57 Acres,'
with an allowance; 85 acres of ; U :;;" 7 C :
which are in a state of cultivation, L .
with a large quantity of Meadow; the resi
due is well covered with chestnut and chest
nut-oak timber. , There is a large
4;43" HOUSE
and Double Log Barn--as atso two Tenant
houses, on said farm; a never-failing spring
near the Dwelling-house. There is a good
Orchard of choice fruit, and running water
in every field—with an elegant situation
for a distillery, &c. •
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. 51., of
said day—when due attendanbe, and terms
of sale made known, by
March 13; 18,32. •
_. ts-49
NOTICE; that we have applied
. thee Judges of the Court of Conarnon
Pleas of Adams county, for the benefit of the
Insolvent laws, and that` the said Judges
have appointed Monday the,' 23rd day of
April next, for the hearing of ut‘ and our
creditors, at the Court-hous* in the , borough
of Gettysbtlig, where yet) may attend 'if
you, think proper.
of Heiniltenban township.
• , C0N.R.4 . 1) WOLF,
• of MenaitelawoshiP.
• rf ai ttir 6,1832 . 177., 41;,---A
R Ak. s M,
THE USN: pi,
CHARI.V.STO . W.N, (Mass.) Jtine23, 1.827
To the Proprietor of Dr. Jebb's Linitifent. . .
Dr.An diiern it a duty I owe to suiTering
humanity, to acquaint you, and through you the
public, (should you think best) of ti e r unexpected
and sirrprishig cure performed on myself by the
use of the above most excellent Medicine. I have
been fur more than thirty years, and some times
mostseverely,atilleted with the Ithemnatiinn; have
been fretpiently rendered perfectly helpless, and
in consequence confined to my bed, when it has
re mired two persons to move inn, being in such
extreme pain; I have several times been under
the care of the most eminent phy iciarns but-pro
cured only temporary relief I one day noticed
the advertisement of Dr. Jebb's Liniment, with
the testimonials accompanying it, and was indu
ced to try a bottle, which 1 used without much
sensiblo la_ le fit I concluded, however, to perse
vere, and bought another bottle, and was greatly
relieved, and by the use,of half the third bottle,
was wholly cured, and have never since had a re
turn of the pain, which I had not been free from
a month at a time for thirty years, and it is now
more than three years since 1 was cured. I
would most earnestly advise every person suffer
ing under this painful complaint, not to despair
of n cure so long as they can obtain "Dr. Jebh's
Liniment." You are m liberty to make any use
ofthis yen may think filvisable.
Most respectfully, yours,
To the foregoing testimony, many other unques
tionablo proofs might bo added, in favor of the
superior Liniment of Dr. Jebb. Nothing but a
fair trial, which the proprietor confidently solicits,
can give an adequate idea of its unrivalled effica
cy, in mitigating, and thoroughly mastering, the
excruciating disease, to which it has been sue.
cessfully applied in a multitude of cases. 'rho
operation ofthe Liniment is often immediate; and
it has frequently cured rheumatic'4octionS of
years standing, in four and tictnt . if hours. It Is
also recommended with confidence, as one of the
best applications known for stiffness of the joints,
numbness, sprains, and chilblains.
Price 50 cents, with directions.
V 1' 1? 1 '...- S la?' 1 o
0.1 IS prevalent disorder, as it exhibits itself
04 ] in its Customary symptoms' of want of a plic
ate, distr.cssidtr_,llatulenrie. , :;,, heart-hurn, pain in
thc stomach, siek headache, nausea, ran: iii ii and
rostirenes-s, vs now Round to yiold to tho tried,etli-
CiLCy of
These two preparations combined, constitute
an efficacious remedy for the Dyspepsia, oven af
ter it has acquired the most obstinate character,
and resisted every effort of professional skill.—
When both medicines aro administered in con
nection according tb plain and particular Direc
tions accompanying the ir'egetable Specific, they
thoroughly cleanse the alimentary_ canal of that
viseud mucus which is the proximate cause ofthe
disorder, and as a tonic and stimulant, they re.
Store the healthy action and energy of the stn.
mach, and strengthen the debilitated system.—
Tfie proprietor can also confidently recommend
the Vegetable Specific as one of the best remedies
known for the Sick headache.
Price 51) cents each article, with directions.
FRICE, which the present proprietor willi
es most particularly to recommend to the atten
tion of the public, is perfectly exempt from all
those acids which in general form the basis of
tooth powders in common use, and which Alt hough
*ay may whiten the teeth tOr a short time, rmist
inevitably destroy the Enamel by their deleteriAii,s
action on this beautiful covering of the teeth.--
The consequence is that the Enamel which is the
shield provided by nature to protect the spongy
and nervous internal structure, is rapidly corro
ded by these acid ingredients, become more dis
colored than ever, And exposes the inner portion
of the tooth to caries and a rapid-and certain de
, -.Amy Ity eno or the...nritisk_Alitieciltie
. /'rice, in the morning, as occasioli may require,
with a brush - moderately hard, and cold water,tho
accumulation of Thrtar will not only be prevented
but the teeth rendered beautifully and prr mariently
tohile, and the gums restored to that freedom from
soreness, that hardness and efflorescence which
are the sure tests of their healthy state, and the
best guarantee of that natural fragrance of the
breath which can never be expected in connection
with foul teeth, and scorbutic, unhealthy gums.
------(12444-50-cents « Lox, citlt-diroctionsr)---- -
* * *The ithove,valuable Medicines are preprared
from the Original Recipe MS. of the late Dr, w
T. CONWAY, bY his Immediate Successor and the
Sole Proprietor, T. KIDDER, and for sale at his
Counting Romp, No. 99, next door to J. ElimEn's
Drug Store, corner of Court and ['allover streets,
near Concert Hall e lloston, and also by his special
appointment, (together with all the valuaido
diemes as prepared'by the late Dr. Conway,) by.
Samuel H. Buehler,
Druggist, Gettysburg, Pa.
* * *Observe that none aro genuine without the
written signature 'l'. KIDDER, on the 'outside
printed wrapper.
A large discount made- to those who kir - to
sell again. '
January 31, 1832.. Iyesw3-43
k 4
AL % T r 0 TUFA 6 45 :1 2 :' 171 11'. it 0 0
II ill V S
er with a Cellar, of the New 13uild.►ng
one door'W est of Mr. Buehler's Drug Store,
is for rent. It is large and convenient,
and the situation a good one for a Store, or
Office. .
hinuary 17,'1832. t'r-41
And without any equ i vpcati on whattver!
THOSE persons indebted to me, either
by fond, note or book accouni t , are
who IntiGneglected my former notices for
settl6ment, ark hereby notified,. that, unless
they come forwhrd and close their accounts,
°tzar before thefirsfday of April 'text,
I will POSITIVELY lrii suit, against
theta withnut • "fear,, favor or'. affectifm.'.'
My, business must. and shall be closed at
that tame. • ,
January 11.7,:18:12..
Iyf HEREAS, the Hon. Joni Rem),
Esq. President of the several Courts )
of Colman Pleas, in the counties composing
the Ninth District and Justice of the Courts
Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail De
livery, tiw the triaLiof ail' capital and other
oll;aiders-in the said Pistriet—and DANIEL
SHEFFER and WlLLyill MCCLEAN, Esqrs.
.110 ! ..!!: i of the Courts of Pleas, ant'
Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Tern - 0
nor, and General Jail Delivery, for the tri•
of all capital and other (a:m(llmi in the eour
tv of Adams—have issued their precept
bearing date the 25th day ofJarmary, 18:32,
and to me directed, for holding a Court of
Common Pleas, and General Quarter Ses
sipas of the Peace, and General Jail Delive
ry and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at
Gettysburg, :.
On Nonday the 22a day of April next,
At 10 o'clock, A. M.
Notice is hereby Given,
To all the Justieestit4e - e4e,the Coroner
and the ConstOleelifigiln r the said
COUNTY or?i , 8 :77
That they be then antki 111 .- their
proper persons, with their
Inquisitions, Examinations, an , !;.: ge,
tnemberances, to do t tliese things which!
to their offices, and in that behalf; appertain'
to be done—and also they who will ow
cute against the prisoners that are,
shall be, in the Jail of the said
Adams, :ago be then and th
cute against them as shall be
Dated at Gettysburg, t•
March, A. D. 1632.
March 1:3,1832.
ODWIN'S German- Water, for the
-or relief of all inflammations, especially
of the
nc eye; . ,
Potter's celebrated Eye Water;
Potter's Vegetable Catholicon;
Potter's Ox3genated Anti-Febrifuge, for
the cure of the Fever and Ague;
Byam's Chemical Embrocation or Liquid
Opodeldoc, for bruises, sprains &c.—said
to be far superior to the common Opodeldoc;
Rush's Anti-Dyspeptic Pills;
Sing.'s Patent Itch Ointment, said not to ,
contain any mineral oenny thing that might
be injurious to the system;
C. Durolles' Chemical Ink Powder, for
the immediate forMation of a beautiful jet
black ink;
Old Port Wine in Bottles, for the siek—
an article that can be recommended—
Together with every other article in his
line of business, as reasonable as can be haN
- - GetiNsburg, l Feb. 2S, 1A:3?
CO.ICII-01.11i1./VG, •Vc.
removed to his
New Shop - in ChaWbcrsborg Street, a fear
doors West of the Court House,
(Make, Trint and Rejiair
e ;top tz
• ~ 1`•
SAD 41174 g ( i".-\
- IP
Portmanteaus, Harness, Trunks,
arid every other article in his line of
ness, with neatness, durability and despiftch.-
Ile returns his thanks !)t. past encourage
ment, and shall endeavor to merit a contin
uance of the same.
July 2608;11.
THE subscriber has TWO SHOPS,,
which he will rent from the Ist olAprit
next. One of them has been occupied du,
ring the present year, by Mr, John Kane, as
a Coach-Making shop—the other adjoins
it, and has been used for Carriage Painting.
For terms, apply to
March 6, 1832.--
Early York. Cabbage Seed, "
Large curled cabbage Lettuce,,
44 Frame Peas,
Just — received and for sale at the Drug-
Store of
February . 7, 1832.
DEEM it my duty to - caution the citi-•
zenir of Gettysburg against' e'lliploying a
colored girl, named NANCY Snrrit Sher
was bound to me for a certain time; by her
motlier, iit .Ims ran.n.way befi)re the expira
boo of \ the time for which sljf( was boUnd.,-,
, .
:Mjirch 20,1802. . -
~ b ~ Y ,