• z le of fac h a yed. ses, been for hole loch Here shall, the PRESS the People's RIGHTS maintain Unaw'd 119 influence, and unhrib'd by DARN. !,ng ned Tuesday Dlornici a g, December 27, -1831. Lion. 66 THE SUPHEMACY OF THE LAWS. 9 I I Domestic Massaractures, Internal Improves* orient, and Home Industry. [l:7lVe wish our patrons'; tine-and all, a merry 11 Christmas, and a happy New Year. BALTIMORE MARKET—The navigation, says the American Farmer, continues closed and of course little business is doing. Howard street Flour continues at $5 from wagons ; 'from stores we are informed, that sales can be made at $5 25. The MITI- Ork, must S SiS- ears, d 111 elled they gets "' Small quantities of Wheat coming in lq wagons sell readily at from 90 to 106 cts per bushel. Fa mily_rork from wagons is selling at $5 25 to 5 50, jatr e-"neutral" masonic paper of Gettysburg has hoisted the Clay flag. As there aro only a half dozen or so Masonic Nationals in Adams, it • is probable brother Boaz will have the honor of it hmig-the-battto us or f Mr. with A very important examination (says the York Republicans) into the principles of Masonry, is prosecuting before a very intelligent committee of the Legislature ofßhodo Island. The Rev. Moses Thatcher, a seceder, has undergone an examine. tion of twelve and a half hours. The committee is said to be composed of masons and antimasons. Erif "Detector," of the Compiler, will turn to our paper of the 22d of November last, he will find the following article— "Dows Dusr.--;The $5OO wager offered by "Detector," in the last - " Compiler," Ie accepted: Whenever the money is deposited, and a anti:fi esta is shown us thereof• for that purpose, we pledge ourself to procure the same to bo done, is. sue joined and the question tried by a Jury of Ad. ams county. A'ste let -the "Compiler" back its assertions or confess their falsehoods. WE DARE UM TO THE ISSUE." We leave it to the public to judge whether there is any "equivocation" in the; above. The Leiialature has adjourned until 3(1 of Jan. nary next. . We understand that the Grand Jury of Bucks county have found true bills against Mina and Mrs. Chapman. Their trials have been postponed until February. We learn that the-testimony against both - these indi viduals is strong, but forbear to give place to the various ruthours in circulation. sins rest se of best n his the veers *The ease of Doctor Cooper, the President of South Carolina College, charged with in fidelity, and hence proposed to be removed from his trust, has excited great interest in that state. The Charleston Evening Post of the latest date says:—"We are informed wear that. ti; passenger in the stage this morning, states that before he left Columbia the vote had been taken on the question concerning or. Cooper, and that it was determined to leavil the matter to the Trustees, by a vote of 100 yeas to .3 nays." then, ucky f the irror, t., -iii Meip T-BOuitANce.—The -whale ship Martha,-says _ the _l3 altimore _A rac_riean, spate — eilTast week on,an With a crew of 22 fine young men, has on board "only four gallons* . spirits, and the sane quantity of wine, for medical use. The quantity of spirits usually taken by vessels on such voyages, is from fifteen to twenty barrels. Where there is an abSence 'of spir its, insurance offices have agreed to deduct 5 per cent. per annum, on the insurance.* It= ie 4 C rnev- EMI 'ay ►n must the e cry MILITARY MEETING. At a large and respectable meeting of the Volunteers and Militia of the 2d Brigade, sth - Division P.. M. held at the Court House in the Borough of Gettysburg, on Saturday 'Fi• 24th day Decerriber,lB3l,--Capt. JAMES BELL was called to the chair and Capt. ROBERT MCKINNEY and Quarter Master D4NEER appointed Secretaries. The object of the meeting being stated— - ON motion,Maj. A. G. Miller, Maj. H. Myers, Capt. G. Cownover, Capt. Kerr and Capt. Ash, *ere appointed a Committee to draft and -report to the meeting an address, and.resolutionsex - pressive of the object; who made a report approving of holding a State Convention, 10 take into 'consideration the defeels of the present Militia; System, with a - resolution to appoint delegates to said Con vention,„ which was unanimously adopted; when CorM. C. Clarkson, Maj. A. G. Mil ler,Maj Elijah Garretson, and Maj. Jacob Sanders, were appointed delegates to repre. 'sept this. District; and on motion the' pro. ceediza were .signed by the pificers and - Ode . to be : printed. - . JAMES BELL, Chairman.... ROBERT MEKENNEy Sectaries. • J. B. DANDIER,' ;, ' • wak s sit- rn a says: ,late r the have will ltana, hick owls- have •' as • Rail ce of that' y tho_ take• ; that, Peals` 14 ,!. The. Cherokee Pho3ni*, of Niorernbet 12, • her following note front Mrs. WOr oast,: r the wife oi* oiW of the imprisoned - :arrbi t Alubscriber acknowledges the re. ofs4o 'Oat oenhyeecattibuted by a On! i3itialra of the Cheroke e natkopy far thce,paa=- • CM dirs. hi IL' - VIE!. Dentocratic Anti..lllasonic Nominationt FOR PRESIDENT, TbriMain IL'irt, of Jig. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, amos Ellnuther, of Pa. ~N O BACKING OUT! EE CZE pose of defraying the expenses of a visit to her husband ininiion. To those, arid to all who have manifested kindness to her dtiiing the late scenes of affliction through which she has been called to pass, she tenders her sincere thanks—desiring that their k4ness may receive an eternal reward. "ANN 0. WORCESTER. "New Eehota, Nov. 4; 1831. A man, supposed to be an Englishman, named JAMES MYERS,..WaS found dead, on the turnpike road near Carlisle,'one day of last week.—A iskey bottle and a phial that had containeeraudanum were found empty beside him. The report of the in quest was, that the deceased had cotne.to his death by "whiskey, laudanum', and ex posure to the weather." • The New Orleans Courier of a late date says:—"Mr. Bertoulin, one of thoSe gallant Frenchmen who came from Europe to Allis country to . lend their assistance in the glori ous war of our independence, yesterday morning terminated his lowg and honourable career. This morning a detachment of 50 United States troops, stationed at this place, under the command of Capt. Allen, the staff of the Legion, and . a large concourse of his fellow-citizens, followed the remains of that worthy man to his last abode." Mr. JEFFERS, recently appointed Charge d'Affairs at Central America, is said, in the Trenton True American, to have resigned his office. This__Mr, Joffers, ityill_be recollected, came home to "explain away" a very seri ous charge publicly made against-him, and all the explanation we have, as yet, on the subject, is that hehas resigned! No doubt we shall soon hear him appointed to "some other no correcting power—and the thousands ex pended in his outfit for which he has ren deret-no service, be placed as a credit on the account ofßcforni andr-Pconomy! Will the people shut their eyes to such doings and be titisfied---Clianibersburg Repub. Weitrid_the gillowing article in the:l3o ston Liberator—it is a letter to the Editor.— Baltimore Gazette. MACON, (G co'.) Nov. 16th, 1831. DEAR SIR-I regret to inform you, that our mutual friend, Mr. John Lamb, got into a . difficulty last evening, in consequence of receiving your laudable paper. ' A mob of unprincipled valiabonds 'assembled around his house, and violently took tarred -and feathered him!! They then poured oil on his head and set fire to it ! ! They next carried him on a rail to the river and ducked him ! ! And then returned with him to a post near Darraugh and Simms' Tavern, and whipped him !! They are now preparing your effigy with the determination to burn it. I blush for my native state, to think that such a spirit of opposition and bitternes.4, could pervade our community; but I can tru ly say that northern men who reside among us, are more violent against the Liberator than our native Georgians. COLONIZATION SOCIETV.—The march of this institution in public favor is steadily on ward. We learn this morning, from the Kentucky papers, thaka resolution has pass ed both Houses, requesting their Senators and Representatives in Congress to use their best exertions to procure the passage of an act of Congress setting apart an annual ap propriation out of the neiON.l funds, to as sist in colonizing free persons of color on the coast of Africa. At a recent meeting of the Managers of the Colonization Society of this city, it was resolved to request ll the kindred societies of the United States to press a similar application upon the attention ofCongress;---N. York.-C;ontmercial-Adv.- Mrs. Clue has been set atliberty by Judge Gibson, he having decided that • she could not be tried a second time for the same of fence. It will be recollected this female was tried in July last. She was indicted for Ole murder of her husband by poison, but the Jury were unable fo - agree, after being out from ten o'clock on Saturday night till ten on Monday morning, at which time they were discharged by the court, on proof be ing fUrnished that the life of a juror was en dangered by longer confinement.—Sat. Bul. The New York Commercial, a m. Clay paper, in remarking upon the re the election in that state, says:,--"It e , appears, much to our regret, that , tha*i• masons have gained in the aggregate imOlg. 15,000 votes daring:the last year. It is proper to state facts, that our friends may not be deceived at home or abroad."- And yet the jack paper of this lmough, [as well as of Gettysburg,] would fain hare its rea ders believe that New York will go for Clay, Norristown Free Press. • ARKANSAS, Nov. 16. THE 'EMIGRATING INDIANS.—We learn, that Capt. Brown, superintending the remov al of the Indians, has received information from the Old Choctaw Nation, East of the Mississippi,that not fess than 7000 Choctaws will emigrate to their horned West of the, Arkansas, during the present season. Sonie 400 or 500 of this number; will remove on their own resources, and accept the commu tation $lO per head, offered by the Gov ernment, on their arrival at their new homes. The remainier war-remove under the dire.-. *ion of Agents of the" Government, and cross the Mississippi - at sundry pointa- , -Memphis, Helena,libuth of White River, Point Chicot, Vicksburg, and probably mthers. It. is pro liable that some of the parties have already . crossed the Milißias4lPip though no certain infvimtidn of their eying. hat yet been Fw&ved by the sooliintexulent. OM LATEST FROM RIO DE JANEIRO.. -The - brig Canning,' Whitten, from Rio de Janeiro, whence she sailed on the 21'st Oct...litiss arrived at Annapolis. The edi tors of the American learn from Mr: Rich ard • Saltonstall, passenger in the Canning, that an insurrection took place in the 'small fortified town' of Cobros, nerd. ,the city of Rio de Janeiro, on the 7th OCtobox. The citizens and soldiers, to the number of a bout 7000 men, immediately turned out to support the government, and the next day the disturbance was quelled, after a slight skirinish, in which several ofthe insurgents were killed. The young Emperor , was standing in the palace during the battle, and narrowly escaped being kill ed by a musket shot aimed at him by one of the insurgents. The government at the time the C. sailed, was believed to be firm, and the belief was strengthened by the'fact of its having been assisted by the citizennd soldiers in tho disturbances above mentiened.—Balt. Pat. We are not surprised to see the U. States Gazette, Village Record, Berks and Schuyl kill Jeurnal,,Norristown .Herald, and other old federal papers, puff Gov. Wolf 'and his message. Gov. Wolf is an (a federalist, end his election was suppoited by every ma sonic federal and Clay paper in the state. The democracy of Pennsylvania is opposed to him. Nothing but a union of the friends of Jackson, Clay and masonry; can save the imbecile tool,of the Sutherland junto. WHEELING, Dec. 17. The river has been closed with Ice since Sunday last. It has seldom. if ever, since the country hab been inhabited by the pre sent race, been frozen over so early in the inter o 18 5 , it was frozen over about the Ist of February, and broke up on the 16th. In the winter of 1826-7, it was closed with ice on the 29th Dec. and broke up on the 27th Jan. , • The winter of 1827-8, it was remarkably open. The river was navigable the whole ir.ter r and -on-the_9lqt fie.e._it_was-22 feet above low water mark. In the winter of 1828-9, the river was navigable until the 12th of Feb. On the 21st it was frozen over, and broke up on the 6th of March. Last winter, which was considered a ve ry hard one, the river was not frozen over until the 23d of Jan. It broke up on the • tlrof-Feb. • A WARY CRRDITOR.-A. dashing gen tleman, who was not reckoned among• the number of the best pay-masters, visiting his hatter, fixed upon one of ihe hats in the shop which - he wished to have sent, home upon credit; this being refused,, he exclaimed, f'What ! do you refuse to give me credit for a hat !"—when the hatter replied, I have another trifling objection besides that of merely giving you credit—l should not like to be under the necessity of bowing to my num hat till you may choose to pay for Neporter. TAKEN BY SUBPRISE.-At the time when Mr. Peale was exhibiting his beautiful pic ture of the-Court of Death, in Boston, he sent the late. Rev. Dr. Osgood a ticket, on which was inscribed, "Admit the bearer tci the Court of Death." The old gentlen.uth. never having heard of this picture, was ut terly confounded; "I expected to go before long," said he, "but I was not prepared for so abrupt a summons.—.lbid. It is an unfortunate error, though very common, that subscrThers to newspapers fait into, in supposing, ea& man, that the piper is made exclusively for himself: Each man sh - ouTd recollect, that It is for a thonsand • • dif rent Jvocatioroyanda thousand different Ways: of thinking, and each man must have a share. Yorl Republican._l_ On the 6th inst. by the Rev. G..Filllnore, Doct. T. M. Tows, of Rochester, N. Y , to Miss Er.a.s. BETH AJ4N BEATTY, of Rochester; forrnorly of Fre derick county; Md. On Thursday week !alit, by the Rev. John N. Hoffman, Mr. SAMUEL HA/WK,Of Frederick county, Md. to Miss MARIA BAU3iGARTNER,'Of this county. In Buffaloo towashiri, Perry county, on the 13th inst. Mr. IlonsaT BASON; & on the evening of the same day, SARAH his lilfe,and their infant child. Their funeral (says the Forester,) was attended on Thursday by a largo concourse of people, who witnossod the Interment of Husband, Wife, and Child, in one grave. VI ltiHE Emmitsburg Temperance Society . w ill hold its Semi Annual Meeting in Emmits. burg, at the Germati Church, on MONDAY the 2d of January next,at 10 o'clock, A. M. It is ex pected there will be two Addresses delivered on the occasion. A general invitation is given to all those opposed to, aewell as to all those in favor of the advancement oilt)to cause of temperance and of temperance societies. December 27, 18 . From their day of Ap r il next , • A SHOP' • 1 - ,„•.., ~.... North . - .. • -`... • oituat in Baltimore - - Street, joining the Coach Man ufactory of Mess Clark & Marsh. The sibintion is a goo one for a • Mechimio of any descripton. Enquire.or. , ~. i m IMOSES McCLEAI. Gettysburg,,Dic.l B , , IFBA., -4-....30 fifisiSP QU I ' To C4O,P 1.4 - ,4oirathA, imrti Norristown Free Press,. MARRIED, EDI Temperes,m poi; RENT', " arimNezt aFt tee liblebtel9ft SW Mee. PROCLAMATION. ,92YHEREAS,the Hon. John Reed, Esq. Pre sident of the several Courts of Common Pleas, in the Counties composing the Ninth Dis trict, and Jultice of the Cohlts of Oyer and Ter miner, and General Jail Deli Very, for the trial of all capital and other olio ders hi the said District —and Daniel Sheffer, an William M'Clean,Esqs. Judges of the Courts of Co on Pleas, and Jus tices of the courts of Oyer and errniner, and Ge neral Jail Delivery, for the tri 1 bean capital and other offenders in the County f Adamshave is sued their precept, bearing date the 30th day of- November, 1831, and to me directed, for holding. a Court oCommon Pleas, and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and General Jail Delivery, and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Gettysburg, On Monday the 23d day of January next, At 10 o'clock, A. M. _ Notice is hereby Given, To all the Justices of the Peace,the Coroner and the Constables within the said CO,LIZT7'.Ir OF 'ADAMS; then'ow-- A That t y eand there, in Their proper persons, with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions, Examinations, and' other Remembrances, to do. those things which to their offices, and , in that be half appertain to belong—and also they who will prosecute againWthe Mil are, or then shall be, in the Jail of the said County of Adams, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Dated at Gettysburg, the 27th day of Decem ber, A. D. 1831. December 27, 1831. tc-38 PUBLIC SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Adams County, will be e3cpbs to public sale on Saturday the 21st day of January next, THE' UNDIVIDED HALF OF A - F A RM, The Estate of Catharine Mun. •, . dorf,iec'd. situate in Huntington township, Adams , county, adjoining lands of William Wireinan, David Mumper and others, Containing 1 Hundred acres A LOG DWELLING SE • HOU Log Barn,& other necessary improvements. Terms—One half of the purchase money to be in hand; the balance in two equal an nual payments. HARMAN WIREMAN, Adm'r. _ _ the Court, JOHN B. CLARK, Clerk. December 27, 1831. • ta-88 liiartabW 4 o liftsfer and Sugar Boxes, „ , PRINTS, &C. •- NEST BOXES AND BARREL COVERS, 30000 cane, suitable for - reed, makers 500 nest sugar boxes • 500 barrel and half barrel covers SPINNING _WHEELS, Wash Boards Candle wick Lamp wicks - Baskets and brushes Sugu.r boxes • Fishing lines .0 Weavers' reeds Brush handles REEDS AND, SHUTTLES, - Sifters and strainers -Fishing .rods Shovels and twine Butter prints Clothe pins Bellows and spiggota Bed cords .Fishing hooks Tlouith lines Marbles and tops - Shoe brtuthes_ Weavers' brushes - MARKET AND FANCY BASKETS, Rolling pins Shoe blacking Pota - totrararhers ------ ItattontrayK - spocms - . Muddlers paddles Towel rollers Trenchers ° Wash & cake- board s - Crabbing& cabbage nets ~Cubs and biltter bowls. • The above articles are offered for sale; ort.4ett _..o sonable terms, by VALERIE'S DUKEHART, • • No 101 i, Baltimore between South & Calvert sts. Baltimore, 12th mo. 27th 1831. 4wlo-38 The .Interican Faimer, ANEAT WEEKLY PAPER, in quar to form, Edited by Ginnoil SMITH, is published in Baltimore, Md., by 4, Irvine Ilitchcock, at $5 per annum. ' It is devoted exclusively to Agriculture, Hcrtticulture and Rural Domestic and Do . mestit. Econonty. It contains also every week'the Prices Current in the commer cial and common markets, of the principal comsnodities which Farmers want to buy or sell, and such intelligence, Foreign and Do mestiC',lli is interesting to them, with re gard to thecurrent value of their produce. CONTENTS OF NO. 41, VOL. 13. , Orchard Grass luta Clover, on the best method of Securing and `Cleaning the Seed for market— On the cultivation of Indian Corn An Address delivered at Northampton, before the Hampshire, Hampden and Franklin Agricultural Society, Oc tober 27, 1831. By Sib F. Dickinson, continued.— Sheep in Vermont—Large pig — On ; the Peach, its botanical characters, &c.--Peruvian CottOri—On Heating Het Houses by water, letter from Sam uel G. Perkins, with remarks by the editor of the New England Farmer—Adulteration ofWines— Recipe to make Saur ,Kraut—Silk •Levanthter ma. nufactered iri "Manefiekt, Connee.ticut—Hogs— Editorial v 'Cheat or Chess.--Cardifig Machine*. Prices Current of Country Produce in the New York and Baltimore Markets--Advertiseiraents• OrTisilsa'who wish to see the American Farmer, with ix view to sobseriang - foi it, may iiddiess the. publisher' by mail, (free of postage,) who• will send .a specimen of the work containing ferma t as& for iimatnination, Al! postmastees are agents forlhe work. WEILIAINd . OF 974 i - subscilber, intending.-to rernoTe - Nliw Midctliberg, Frederick ectinty, Md., ofrerr at priVato sale his whole•S'foClC-Or-r" at the filoal,rocluced prices. They comist aan EXTETSSIVE ASSORTNEPiT OF •• DRY GOODS,. Groceries. Paintii • *ct-. , Comprising every thing generally fct‘nnd,ittActAlt i try store. . Cho stand is an excellent:one., knot Wig always command a largo share - of Glio. W CLADALIgrII. Middleburg, Dec. 21, (27,j.1831: . 4t-39 THURSDAY NEXT. &Maryland Slate idillem s , No. 10, FOR 1831. To be drawn in 'Baltimore on 7'HURS , . 1 4 DA Y, the 29th instant. HIGIIEST PRIZE, 6,000 DOLLARS! SCIIE:1110 1 prize of 66,0001 2 1 ° 1,200 I 2 1 8001 4 1 500 I 8 1 300 12,000' 2 150 I 10,000 2 100 I 12,025 Prizes amounting -to $BO,OOll, HALF TICKFS, $2- 2 QUAB.T2Ri Sie TO BE HAD Al' CLARK'S, Qffii in the resent State Lotteries his been oftener sold than stony other' offices ! ! ! fr.rOrders, either by mail (postpaid) or privalki conveyance, enclosing . the cash fbr prizes, will meet the oin prampt niqd_punotuattte s tA4 o 4 . if-on personal application. Address to , JOHN CLARK, Lottery Vender,- Baltimore.. December 27, 1931. t fil t , . r THE ..E.1.1140rS BOWIE comiErtekalgNi or A '3119W SERUM , iHE present No. for Deeemlperik 3d volitme ;it is embellished, with vet. beautiful and costly engraving) t 1 Page particularly has been worked np in imitad tion of GOld, which is a very expensive mode of printing, attended with incalculable trouble, and' as a highly ornamental and gratifying display of e the' Arts, desertesi particular attention. Besides which there are, a splendid engraving on steel or " Tax Wrrs ;" the Latest—London Fashions foe- Caps and Bonnets; a.. VieW of the Ring's Bridges- . andßoyal Barracks, at Dublin ; the Woodpecker/. and-the - Wood - Lark ;Awe favorite pleas of Magid with the accompaniments ; also, a genetalr Table of Contents for the Volume. hi catering for the amusement of`patron* the publishers have sought to obtain materials or an interesting, novel and diiersified charaiiteri and although they have not been able hitherto to prevent much in the shape of Originaleontributlont they have always cherishoka.proper regard Rizo Native Talent, & have be zealous and persever= ing in their efforts to obtain it. With this view,. it will be seen by the annexed advertisemenkthatr a liberal Premium of 000 has been offered by them for the lied AMERIOAN Tat.; and there hi nd doubt the competition for the honor of the award will be contested by writers of the, highest distined tion. A secondary Premium of $5O is also offered for the best POEM, suitable for publication in this' Lady's Book. It is reasonable to conclude then that the attractions of the succeeding numbers of' the work will be - manifold—they will be increased both in the character of its contents and the beau ty of its external appearance. The publishers have made engagements for a new and excellent paper, on which to print it; and they also propose to make some improvements in its Typographical appearance. The Music Type which they haft selected_ for Their use, is Cr the most approved kltid and in future accornpiminunktrentire wilt be givw en with the music they select for publication. The publishers have a linv copies df the last six numbers remaining on hand,with which they wilt be happy to supply new subscribers=as they will forma eonnexion with the finurn niimbers,—alL who desire the work complete will of course' sem-. mance with them. Persons who have Sot seen the Book, may have a specimen No. by addressizig__ the - publialiors (post paid) to that effect. The publishers era ; IleydrcLuidDlitiiiidnostter_ iy in fhe succeedin months as possible, an. estiv.__ in ate , of the number of copier of their work'* lobs • may be subscribed for, so that they may kliow what edition they will be obliged to publish•--it. is - • . fierefere-that for the Book may -be furwardedat once; brdoing so, those who wish- tasecure a copy of it will not, be disappointed, The Lady's Book is published on the Ist of Or-. cry month; contains nearly 60'pages each No, or neatly printed letter press. Terms $3 pet antllltre in advance. Address (post paid) L. A. GODEY & CO. • Dec. 27,18; 1 1. qpNo. 112 Chesnut-et. Phil, p,REMIUMB.—The pubishers of the Ladylo Book, impelled by &sense of gratitude for' the unprecedented patronage which hes been be 'stowed upon their work, andetroriops to improve its character by every meaneitheir power, haver AlermitteEl to • offer the foil premiums, viz: IfOR THE - 13ESTI'ieViGINAL TALE , Written for the Lady's Book, • • TWO HUNDRETUDOLLMM FOR THE BEST ORIGINAL POEM, SUitable for public:Am in the Lady's Book. FIFTY DOLLARS. Competitors for these Premiums,. wilt addresS their communications, free of rootage, to . L:; A. • GODEY & Co. No. 112 ,Chesnut street, Phila. delphia,,before the Ist day of June,lB32, et which time, as many as shall have been receiud.will h r. - submitted to a committee ofliterary persousevhose judgment shall determine the dist:l6llam ofprizes. Accompanying each communieation,the sneer the' writer must be. furnished. If secrecy is prefer. red,. the name may be enclosed in separate seal. - ed envelope, which will not be opened except,in the case of the successfhl candidate. It will of course be understood, that air articles submitted ' for these• Premiums writ be absolutely 'at Abe dis. oration of the publishers. The publication at dot Tales and Poems will be eomutenaid immediately after the award is made. December 27,1831. _]MILITARY CANVENTION...Ma.. w « ny of the Delegates appointed to tend the Military Con+ention,:tio be ;beide§ 4 . this plase i on the, day or itiouary..**A 'have agreed to - rteinn mend the atpuldraw, of rnernbers, prepared took nskleieVitatrtait in UNIFORM. , • , .... : #apiiiimiti l :D e c; 20,:te4., 13 lin so ra 25 , # - 'more and Cainea gay, N.. lIMI = ! • ME