El 111=SZ5 MO r: azz i T,L. A Sla)0 IF . e VI s tin mlr fawning. _Thihold..the Western evening light ! It melts in evening gloom; Christians sink away, Deacending to the tomb. _ ,• • .• • The windilreathe low; the withering leaf Soiree whispers ft•em the_tree; So gently glows the partitig breath, When good men cease 10 be. How beautiful on all the hills `The orimson light ia shed! 'ie like the peace the Christian gives • To mourners round his bed. 'How mildly on the wandering cloud The sunset beadr,,,imut! 'Tie likis diealtemeri lett 'behind, - ones breathe their list. ---And-now above the-dews of night, The yellow star appears; • 14 faith springs in the heart of those Whose eyes are dimmed with tears But soon the morning's happier light, 'lts glory shall restore ; An ded ey•-lids that are sealed in death ll wake to 'close no more. THE MIRROR. • Wirt's Life of Patrick Henry. . . . From Badger's Weekly Messenger. No man living was better fitted than the IfOti; Wit max Wrirr, to, .write the ,life. of Pitriok Hei'l - : The mantle of Henry's genius, may have descended on his biogra pher--or, at least, so much of the kindred power of eloquence us to render the younger ,enamoured of the glory of the elder. No eon 'Could have illustrated and sought out a midst' the discordant elements of faction and Misrepresentations, the noble traits .of a father's character more faithfully, add more in . the spirit of filial love than WIRT has done in the ease of Henry. It is, indeed, a wonder that a splendid edition of this work has never before been presented to the • Aiwtelettri - pltblic, as ail the former editions have made but an indifferent appearance. But, Very nii t ih to the credit of the enter r*or, publishers, Messrs. WElrath and ;,, +gs, the foUrth revised edition of Henry's Life, is worthy to transmit the fame 'of Vir ginie's noble son,dowa to another generation. We have no-space to enter fully into the question of Henry's mental superiority, or toanal the elements of power which coot ,ed in his patriotic bosom, hung on hi's -_sand plonghed deep furrows in the egnoWe of humao passions around him . Whenever his" ry's * mngs,Or the cause _ offireedem, ex ite d the lion within him; we vrt *at Only - ok, erne brief particulars of his biography, and extract a few of those . pas eaftee from his 04) which are best calculated to show his oratorical; triuMphS, and the • *eolith of hiapatriotism in trying scenes. - Palnt" ikliettry,was born, in the year 1736, in Hanover county, Virginia—of parents be keel* to the agricultural, or middling in terest, rather than to the class of the aristo cratic, semi-noblemen of that ancient colony. N. was, in early youth a poor scholar in 1 hooki,butalways gave evidence that he was a deep student in the knowledge of human na- turn. He married quite young, and had the nortune to fail twice in mercantile business— eid Was at last driven to the study of the laW,,to avoid extreme penury. His first ap pearance in court as an advocate, gained him great honor, although it was against the in terests of the clergy. Shortly after, elected two the house of Burgesses, he gave, in the words of Jefferson, the first impulse to the bald orrevolution. With his own hand he drew up the resolutions that expressed the ttectrines which, ton years after, reddened 4:the - field of Lexington, and Bunker's height. ' . While the right of theßritish to tax the co bake without allowin: them re resentation in-parliament, was um er discussign, tie o - Towing is recorded of-ilenry:--c midst of thiknannificent was descanlin,g on the ty ....ny.0l ~.,noxious act, that he exclaim ed, in is voienof thunder, and with the looklif " -- rgitidr*Cmsarhad - his - Brntus---Charles_tha t.• _at __l PI AL: ("Treason," cried the speaker—"treason, treason," echoed from every • part of the hOO3. It was one of those trying moments *Web is decisive of character. - Henry fal tered not for an instant,bnt.rising to a loftier attitude, and fixing on the speaker an eye of the most determined fire, he finished his Sentence with the firmest emphasis) may • "414 their example. If this be treason, make the most of it."„ in .774 Henry was a member of that me mitrable.body, the first Congress in Phila dellphia. The following extract will show the nature of his sehriccs on that occasion. '"The Most eminent men of the' various -,colonies were now, for the first time, brought together. They were known to each ether . ' by fame; but they were personally strangers. Thenieeting was awfully solemn.. The ob ieet Which had called them together was of incalculable magnitude. The liberties of, fib less than three millions of people, with that °fall - their posterity, were staked on the wrisdom and energy of their councils. No Wonder, then, at the long 'and deep silence .' which, issaiS to have. followed their organ ization;' at the anxiety with which the mein bent around upon each other, and the; I ndeetance -which every individual felt • to epee a business so fearfully momentous. .-lirthemidst of this deep and death-like si letwOd just when it was beginning to be lax* painfully embarrassing,•Mr. Henry a , togs .as if .berne down by the weight . .of theaubject. Aftei faltering, according • .110 - kin ;'habit, through a - Most impressive .:o;lol4l4'iti which he, merely echoed back 24. -41014400eoecteee of every other beart, in 4044 We:inability to do joiiiee l ltithe 0c ..ma1i44.00-hepnohed;.,Eaduallv itito a rebital p.Ortbieli(6l4 l ll 4ii:4 , 4ti.ising,. \ - ae he ad "ititietaiWitllie pl 41$ subject, and Ul`llllll4 7 4 (% Cort" Is 14 iz' . . glowing, at length, with all the.majesty and expectation of the occasion, his speech Seemed more than that of mortal ynan.-- Eveft those whi) had heard him in all his gloryi:in the liaise of Burgesses of Virginia were astonished at the manner in• which" his talents seemed to swell and expand them selves, to fill the vaster theatre in which' he was now pl4ced. 'There was no rant— no 'rhapsody—no labor of the understanding straining of the . voiceno confusion of the utterance. His countenance was erect —his eye, steady—his action, .noble—his enunciation, clear and firm—his mind, pois ed on its centre---his views of his subject, comprehensive and great, and his imagina .:tion,oorrnscating with a magnificence and a, variety which struck even that assembly with amazement awl awe. He sat down amidst Murmurs of astonishment and ap plause, and as he had been before proclaim ed the greatest orator of Virginia, ie was now, on every Inuirl, adniitted to be the first orator of America." On the occasion of the battle of Lexing ton, he said in the Virginia hotise of Bur- ge:iSCH "There is no retreat,.but in submission and slavery ! Our chains are formed. Their clanking may be heaud on the plains of Bos ton. The war is inevitable—and let it come ! I I repeat it, sir. let it conic ! ! "It isyain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, peace, peace; but there is no peace. The War is actually begun ! The next gale that sweeps fruM tlie north wilt bring to our ears the claSh of resound ing* arms! Off brethren, are already in the field. Why stand we here:dine'!" What is it that gentlemen wish?. What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty Goa! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, cried he, with both his arms extended aloft"; his 'brow knit, every feature marked with the resolute purpose of his soul, and his voice swelled to its boldest note of excla ination,"give me liberty, or give me death !" "He took his seat. No murmur of, ap plause was heard. The effect was too deep. After the trance of a moment, several mem bers started from their seats. The cry, 'to arms,' seemed to quiver on every lip, and gleam from every eye ! Richard -H. Leo arose, and supported Mr. Henry, with his usual spirit and elegance. But his melody was lost amid the agitations of that ocean which the master spirit oldie storm had lifted - uplarhigh. That supernatural voice still sounded in their ears, and shivered along their' arteries. They heard, in every pause, the cry of liberty or death. They became impatient - of atidea,-_-41u/iz--iis)ulii--A•ere on fire for action. Speaking of commercial restrictions on a Certain occasion= 6 1V11 , ,' said he, isluaild we fetter com merce? If a man is in chains, he droops and bows to the earth, for his spirits arc bro ken, (looking sorrowfully at his-feet,) but let him twist the fetters from his legs, and - 1 he will Stand erect, (straightening himself, and assuming a look of proud defiance.)-- Fetter not commerce, sir; let her be as free as air; she will range the whole creation, and return on the wings of the four winds of heaven, to bless the land with plenty." Mr. Henry made a tremendous; although unavailing effort in the Virginia convention, against the acceptance of the Federal Con stitution.• We make a single extract "Toward the close of the session, an inci dent occurred of a character so extraordina ry as to deserve particular notice. The question of adoption or rejection was now approaching. The decision was still "icer, tain, and every mind, - and every heart, was filled with anxiety. Mr. Henry partook Most deeply of this feeling; and while -en-- gaged, as - it were, in his last effort r availed - hiniselrathe strong serian.--tiniff-which-he knew to pervade the house, and made an appeal to it, which, in point of sublimity, has never-VW Stirpaseed-inany age _or country. Of the world. Afte dewribing, in accents Which spoke to the soul, and to which every other bosom deeply responded, the awful immensity orate question to the present and future generatiette,and the throbbing appre hensions with which he looked to the issue, he passed from the house, and from the earth, and looking, as he said, 'beyond that horizon which binds mortal eyes,' he point ed, with a countenance and action that made the blood runhack upon the aching heart, to those celestial beings who were hovering over the scene, and waiting with anxiety for a decision which involyed the happiness or misery of more than gaff the human race. To those beings, with the same thrillinglook and action, he had just addressed an invoca tion that made every nerve shudder with supernatural horror—when, lo ! a storm at that instant arose, which shook the' whole building; and the spirits whom he had called seemed to have Come at his bidding. Nor did his eloquence, or-the storm, immediately cease, but availing *himself of the incident, with a master's art, he seemed to mix in the fight of his . ethereal auxiliaries, and 'rising. on the wings of the tempest, to seize upon the artillery of Heaven; and direct its fierc est thunders against the heads of his adver sariei."The Scene became insupportable, and the house rose without the .formalitl'bf adjournment, the members• rushing frOm their seats witliprecipitatienaud confusion." We have 110, space for further extracts from the admirable volume which should be in every Virginian, every American library. After hewing been twice governor 'of his native State, and after having accumulated a handsome astate,Jimi a larger inheritinee of :fan)" .than perhaps can fall tii any .:Othel• American, save the "Father of his country," Patrick "Honrs . dic4 on • the sixth ditv 'of June, 1:700. M F3N-rs. COUNTY MEETING. - • The Free Ten of Adams Comely, opposed to Aristo&itcy in all its shapes, are request ed to meet at their usual places of holding, elections in the Borough and . Townships, On Saturday the 17th of December next, to elect two Delegates filmi cacf township to meet- in Convention at the Court-House, in Gettysburg, on Monday. tollowing, the 19th, to select Representatives to the State Convention in Harrisburg on the te.2d of Feh►nmry next. The object 'of the State Convention being to nominate a Freeman as a Cudidate_ be fore thelleople of Pennsylvania for the im portant office of Governor of the Common wealth, and to 'promote the "Suenr.it.tcy or TIM LAWS, " by fin'lriing an unshackled E lectoral Ticket for President and Vice-Pres ident of the United litates, it is confidently expected that every part of Adams County will be represented in the County Con tion. : a GILBERT, JAMES RENSIIAW, JAMES ROBINErr, JAMES WILSON„, ROBERT SMITE I, coRNELIus SM WM. A LIMIC Noveihber 29, 18:31. t DOCT. S. M. TUDOR, O FFERS his Professional services to the pith - tic generally, and can always be found at his father's residence, at the house formerly occupied l.)y James Morrisson, within one mile and a half of Hampton. Fair Mount, June 14, 1831. tf-10 A MEETING of th"Temporance So ciety of Gettysburg and its ricinity" will be held at Court House, on Satur day the 101 h of December next, at 3 o'clock P. M., when several addresses will be de livered by persons selected for that purpose. It is earnestly requested that the Members of the Society will be more punctual in - their attendance than heretofore, as there will be a motion made at that time to amend one of the Articles of the Constitution.—The Citizens are respectfully invited to attend: S. R. RUSSELL, Sec'ry. Nov. U 6, 1831. t m-34 Ae2lW 4 The subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has received-a late and fresh supply of NEW GOODS, Suitable to the season, which will be sold low for Cash or Country Produce; and also that he has taken ANDREW De.tanOnrp in to partnership with him in the Mercantile business. He 'hereby tenders his thanks to his friends and customers for the liberal en couragement already received, and hopes for a continuance of their favor and patron- age.__THOMAS McKNIGHT. November 8, 1831. 40.-31 Can't wait any longer. OWING to my having made a change in my Mercantile business, it now be comes necessary that I should close my for, mer accounts-4 therefore notify all those /who know themselves indebted to me either by bond, note, or book account, to call and settle the same against the first day of January - mxt. Afterthnt date those neglecting this notice will find their accounts in the hands ofa proper offieet for collectir. (0 - -ThOse persons who gave their notes, at-my-Vendue-last S?riag, are informed that are - due','and imyment is required and embraced in the aboie notice. By punctu al attention to this notice, thoSe indebted -will--confer a great- faikit-'Oll their-friend and humble -ervant, THOMAS McKNTGFIT, November 8, 1831. 4t*-31 SIX CENTS REWARD. RANAWAY from the subscriber living in New Oxford, Adams county, Pu. on the 10th inst. an indented apprentice to the Carpenter trade, named PETER RASER. I ,hereby caution all person§ front harboring or employing said apprentice; for, as he sents himself from . me without any just cause, I will positive prosecute all those who may harbor or employ him in defiance of this notice. -Th . .9 , ,above reward will be paid for his delivery. rt JOSEPII MARTIN. Berwick Township, November 15, 1831. ,5 Ten Dollars Reward. ny authority of the Town Council of the B4ough of Gettysburg, I hereby offer a reward of TEN DOLLARS, for such tni;nlnation al shall lead - to the con viction in the Court of Common Pleas of Admits county, of the person or persons who committed a wanton and Malicious outrage upon the property of a traveller, •at the how of James tourloy, in said borough, , oni tc night of the 17th inst. ROBIAT Burgess: Gettysburg,' 308 PRINTINGF, EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH AT THIS HTEICE: I • 1arP4A:#2141 1 22441 Ti. tho !Pktitift , rßus _ O 4 i Is i the Stmt wanted; nintiediatel Otrtelt \ NOTICE. Vjgith =1 CadCH:4ILIKAWG, Asc. 7 5 1.1 1 72 1- 1.1 1,22,a2 3 1 , Respectfully informs the public that he has removed to his New Shop in Chanihersintrg Street, a few doors West•of the Court house, NVIIERE HE IS PRERIEED TO Make, Trim, and Repair e aegle OP EVERY -- DHSCRITTION, --LALSO- • _ SAD 8 . '4, s DLES, BRIDLES, SA DDLE-B A GS, Pbrtmanteaus, Harness; Trunks, and every other article in his line of busi ness, with neatness, durability and despatch. He returns his thanks• fiar pa‘A encourage ment, and shall endeavor to merit a contin uance of' the same. MI July 26,1831. DOR° UG II .1 CCO rOrTS. 'Robert Smith, Treasurer of the Borough of Gettysburg, 830, Aug. 2.1. To cash reed oflturg.ess for license to Messrs. ilurri: $lO,OO son & Miles &e. • ti-Ap..l2s—To_oush of 1). IVlcCromy for Pump, " July 23. To duplicate Borough Tux, 269,08 Balance due R. Smit It Treat!. on settlement May Q., 1831, } 77,11 By balance on. settlement April 16. *21,63 1830, Ap. 17. By cash paidD. 51`Elroy, 7,50 " Juno 9. 'Do. Do. Si. 51sClean, Esq. 1,00 al Do. Do. Jas. Bowen, .5,00 IS &S 1)o. De. D. Ziegler, 5,00 " Sept. 3. Do. - Do. .5. S. King, Esq. 11,00 " "9. Do. Do. T. J. Cooper, 1,93 " "20 Do. Do. C. Christian, /- 55,00 Borough, " Nov. 11. Do: Do. J. F. M'Farinne, 11,04 ea " 29. 1)o. Do. G. Smyser, Esq. 140,73 1831, March 7. Do. T. Stevens, Esq. 5,00 " May 2. Do. Do. D. M'Elroy, 5,00 " " " De. o Do. 'l'. J. Cooper. 4,09 " " Do. Do. R. Smith, 1,15 " '" " Do. Do. Jno. Slentz, ..871 a a a Do. Do. Wm. M'Pherson, D. Little,T. J. Coop -2.5,00 E. Martin, and Jun. Sli3nts, town council " " Do. Do. Walter Smith, 3,00 '" , " By outstanding in hands 25124 i of C. Chritzman. " " a Maier and Clsk fowl, 183 30,00 LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS. SIMION OF 1831—'32. The Harrisburg Chronicle Will contain an accurate and impartial report of the proceedings of the Legislature, at its ensuing Session, which will commence at Harrisburg on Tuesday, December 5, 18.11. A competent Re porter will be engaged for the House of Represen. tativos, and one of the Editors will attond person ally in the Senate. No exertions Will be spared to furnish the people of Pennsylvania, through the medium of the Chronicle, with a summary of all 'that may be - done, and a sketch of all that may"be said, by their Representatives at the approaching The reports of Legislative Proceedings aro giv en in small type, which enables us to give an ex cellent summary, in a small space, leaving room for Politics, News, and Literature., - • • Postmasters, or friends to the establishment, who will procure 6 sefision subscribers, and for. ward $lO, shalt receive a seventh copy gratis.— tErwo will risk all remittances by mail. For the So ma ion, twice a week, in s advance, B 2 For the whole yoar, in advance, . 63 Subscriptions and- Advertisements always thank fully received and punctually attended to. HUGH HAMILTON & SON. _Harrisburg . Nov. 29 - , To Editors and Publishers of Newspapers. A CARD-EXCHANGE. The publisher of the "AMERICAN FARMER" is of. ton solipited to exchange his journal fur country papers, which, however excellent in themselves, are of little or no use to him—he has therefore frequently been obliged to decline such requests, when it would have given him pleasure to comply with them, if he could have done ; "so consistently with his own interest. Inorder,troWever, to make such exchanges mutually beneficial, he now pro. poses to exchange with any editor who will give this Card an insertion or two, and thereafter copy weekly the Contents of each number of the Far• mer as it shall reach !Ifni, introducing and con: eluding it in something like the following form: The *lnterim's Farmer, ANEAT WEEKLY PAPER, in quar to form, Edited by Ginnois &arra, is published in Baltimore, Md., by .1. Irrincl Hitchcock, at $5 per annum. . .It is devoted exclusively to Agriculture, Horticulture aiuj Rural Domestic and Do mestic Ee&iomy. It contains also every week the . Prices Current, in the commer cial aralcommon marketg; of commodities which Farmers want to buy or sell, and such intelligence, Foreign and Do: mestic, as is interesting to them, with re gard to the current value of their produce. CONTENTS OF NO. —, VOL. 13. [Always found in the last column of the Farmer.] o* - Thosvitckyish to see th - S American Ftlider, with a,'?view to subscribing -fur it, may address the publisher . by mall, (free of postage,) who will send a specimen of (ho Work containing terms,&e.fOr examination. All postmasters are agettOir.the work. November 20, 1831. 21.-34 4t-32 NW(0) Oa) let *et:lived in. pay. 41( inentibt: the Ste. istleeded• ye , much 11t moat. • ritj j 8281,08 $361,19 $361.19 BM TERMS Pollees Irigetabie Catholiebk. ADVERTISEMENT. Thg unriralled and extensive reputation acqieired by this medicine for the last jos yedrs, both in UOETITAL and private prac tice, demands from the proprietor hisgrats fuLacknowledgments to a discerning pub lic. • Potter's-Vegetable-Catholicon is offered for `the cure of Diseases of the Liver, Ulcerated Sore Thee', Debility resulting from Intemperance and Dissipation, Scrofula or King's Evil, oia and Inveterate Ulcers, Pains in the Bones, Ithemnatism, Dispepsia or Indigestion, Dix-. eases of the Lungs, Syphilis, Blotches on the Face and Skin, White Swelling of the Joints, Totter, Mercurial diseases, Piles, &c. &c. The Catholicon consists exclusively of vegeta ble matter, and with a slight determination to the - bowels,-which it preserves in a soluble state„acts insensibly, is pleasant to the taste, and requires n• particular regimen or confine:went. As a ken. Ale cathartic medicine, improving the appetite Anil restoring the•geceral tone of the system, it is confidently recommended to lays in a delicate situation. The unrivalled and extensive character which this medicine has enjoyed, for the last six years; as a complete renovator, and purifier efthe blood lind humours both in Hospital and Private Pnie-,. tics, is a substantial basis for its future support:— Mims obtained its present great distinction by tire extraordinary success which has attended it thq,,H ealing Art, while every avenue and track have been searched in vain., for iLs parrallel; in deed, its discovery may be considered one of the most sacred boons that can be atlbrded to rho uu fortunate; and I most sincerely hope tho ornypa thy of the public will be excited to diffuse its iu valuablo merits. tr--16 There are at this time several spurious mix tures in circulation abroad, and some vended in this city, assuming to possess the same; or equal virtues, of Putter's Catholicon. It is to be hoped that the unsuspecting will be placed on their ritard-against_such_iumosilions,n . i mischief hits resulted from their use. They consist prin cipally of sarsaparilla eirops, viz. Strop de Cuisi nor or Rob L'Atfecteur, and aro sold tbr a much less price; you will therefore be particular and purchase of none but my authorized agents. Where you can obtain the GENUINE exilic). LICON. CR. The following strong testimonial is furnished at the request of Dr. Davis, of LynchbUrg, Va. by a gentleman of, great respectability, residing in that place, - whose original certificate, of which the following is an exact copy, is left with the pro prietor of the Catholicuia. CASE. LYNCHBURG, Va Ma sth, 1828 At the request of here give a state. mein of the effect of Potter's Catholicun in the re storation of m,y health. My constitution' hid been in a declining state for more than eighteen months. I was .nuch troubled with a short dry cough, alight difficulty of breathing, which was much increased by bodily exercise. At night, groat oppression at the chest was experienced, with excessive colliquative sweats, soreness and pain in the sides and breast, with extreine languor and loss of appetite. In this situation, I travelled to the New England states by sea, but obtained no permanent relief. Same time after my return by way of experiment, I was induced to use Pot ter's Catholicon, and after' using two bottles, my health was perfectly restored. DAVID R. EDLEY. • CASE. PHILADELPHIA, March 28th, 1 829. Dear Sir—After many but ineffectual trials to relieve myself-from a moat severe ancLdiatresaing_ attack of dyspepsia, r hare been completely cured by the use of; to Me, your invaluable Catholicon, and I think it my duty thus publicly to state my case, and in order that others may profit thereby. The first symptoms of the disease were manifest ed in the spring 0f1827. Warned at the approach of this destroyer ofall ease, I had recourse to phy sician after physician, and remedy after remedy, but received little or no relief. I was recommend. ed to retire into the country, whore I so far re cruited, that I began to think the enemy was dia. lodged. I returned to the city, where in a short time all my old symptoms returned with doubts violence. My stomach became so debilitated with drugs that I relinquished the regular system and entered on a course of Swaim's Panacea. It did me no good, and I went back to my doctor, who crammed me with pulverized oyster shells, etc. etc. My teeth became loose, and some actually fell out; ,; there was a constant pain in my joints, particul ly-in.damp weather,pa . s in in • ri , ht side and shoulder, etc. I now animated to snot ievourse of medical treatment, until The fall of 1829, when my physicians stated the disease to be a sehirrue of age liver. Then it was that I determined to try your Catholicon, a few doses of which improved my appetite, and gave me a feeling of ease.. and, comfort, I cannot readily describe. Iri twelve days after usiu Out one 'bottle, I found'sn_y.self we the few teeth I had left were 'firmly clasped by the gums and my 'appetite and tligesi..lo. i lerf. stored. I now enjoy. as good health as I ever did. and I must say it is to your valuable Catholicon that I attribute this happy result. Respectfully yours, EZA P. WILTBANK. 3t-34 CASE, NORFOLK, Va. May ht. 1828. Dear Sir.—l will shortly state my former case. I labored for six years under a violent Liver Coin. plaint. It first manifested itself in the summer of 1821, and rendered frequent application to an eminent family physician necessary, by whose prescriptions I could obtain only a temporary re.. lief.. After the lap.ve of Many months, without re ceiving any permanent benefit from medicine, I came to the determination to try your Catholicon. I took three bottles, and thank God, I can truly say the disease of the liver entirely left me; and 'have since been as well ancthearty its man can be, in the fullest erijOymont of health and spirits.--. My cure was effected solely by your celebrated and agreeable Catholicon. Your friend; EDWARD L. LONG,, To W.W. POTTER, Philadelphia. WILMINGTON, May, 22d, Dear Sir.—This wag a case of -rheumatism an intimate friend of mine, 11.11 old gentleihan a-• tout sixtyyears of age, who had the Rhsiimatism. for a number of years past, part of the time con fined to bed; he Wok it merely through erperi• moot,. and was surprised to find' himself entirely freed froiii,his painfui disorder by luting may oliev bottle. An eminent physician sas. 4 4 have ~CnOwne several mires performed bl e, the use offyedirt;atlio— lioon. which had prtvious resisted thikiirditiery proseriptioni of the 'Own tyoNui t hate never knower it to puteduocrlNJUftiOUS EFFECISt" To be had at the Dive, e•bi re et atuflEßT. • Cettiottnarg; Oct. 4.13 i !Sgt.', 1 , W. W. POTTER, Philadephia, Your well wisher, JJ 1 EMI • AIi NICIi0~:8:.;