The star, and Adams County Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1831-1832, November 29, 1831, Image 1

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Conspicuously „inserted Foci times fbr ons
nor.Gaa per square—over four tiIIieS,TINLAITY-FIV".
carrrs per square will be charged.
Lov 0c0wa2.52 saaotpateort.
At $ per annum, luilltinrcarly In ikilvantn• 5
RETURNS hisgrateful acknowledg
menta for the, vgryliberal encourage.
ment which has heretofore been extended to
him, and respectfully informs them that he
where he is prepared to execute the neatest& most
ng1e2011123111 NVOT,Stp
Which he will warrant EQUAL, if not su-
PERIOR, tO any in the place.
A general and extensive assortment of
Mahogany, Maple and Cherry ,
And of a quality, which he only asks an inc.
amination to be pronounced SUPERIOR.
KTHis prices are reasonable and suited
to the present times. Purchasers will save
by calling at his Ware-house before they
purchase elsewhere.
0::rAll kinds of LUMBER and COUN
TRY PRODUCE will be taken- in ex
change for Work—for winch the highest
price will be allowed.
1)::!7 - He deems it unnecessary to notice, par
ticularly, that he is always prepared to
make ceriongs at..from his long
practice in the business, and strict atten
tion, he presumes it geterally known; and
flatters himself that, from the general satis
faction his work has given, he will continuo
to receive a share of patronage.
Gettysburg, November 8, 1831. tf-31
, . doors South of Mr.
Jatnes Gourley a 'Tavern, Baltimore
Street, Gettysburg,
WiaD 3 643 QiiteßKD
azzawavz was
Paints it Dye-Stuffs. .1
Acid Sulphur's Mustard Seed
" Nitric Nutmeg
" Muriatis Oil-Wormseed
" Tartarie " Cinnamon
Lemon " Cloves
JEther " Castor
Assafcetida " Sweet
Antimony " Cukebs
Balsam Copaiva " Mint
Borax crude and refined " Juniper
Blue Pill • Opium
Carb Ferri • Rhubarb
6 6 Ammonia Red Precipitate
" Magnesia Snake Root
Calomel Sarsaparilla
etkurrTartsdr -----
Camphor Salts Epsonk,
Calcined Magnesilli, Glauber
Flor. Sulphur &thin
Guns - Guise ' Tartair-Emetie
00,14rabic , Venide Turpentine
~ Varnish Copal
Manna •" Black oil
White Lead ' Terra De Sienna '
Red Lead Chromb Yellow
Spanish Brown 66 Green
Venetian Red Rose Pink
Lrtharge Prussian Blue
Burnt Umber Lampblack
------- DYE STUFFS.
Logwood chipped kdigo -
Redwood Allum
Madder Copperas
Fustio Red Saunders
Camwood Red Tartar
Turmeric &c. &c. &c.
Bateman. Drops Modicamentunl
Balsam De Malta Whites Tooth ache drops
" of Life _ Golden Tincture
British oil Pills Lee'.
Cephalio , Snuff " Dyot's
Elixer, Paregoric " Lyon's
, " Vitriol " Fisher's
Eye water " Hooper's
Essence Cinnamon ' " Anderson's
Peppermint. " Quinine •• --
" Lemon Opodeldoc
Godfrey. Cordial 4c. ite.
o:rThe above articles he• will sell as
low For cash, as can be had at any other
shop in the place.
September 20, 1831.
Ten IPirs Rettrarttr-- , -°
• ,
Iry authority oFtbe Town Council of
- 11 -v the Borough of Gettysburg, I hereby
offer a reward of T
such information as shall lead to the con
viction in . the' Court of Common Pleas, of
Mains - county, of the person or persons who
committed a wanton and malicious outrage .
upon the property of a. traveller,at the
house of James Gourley, in said oriiugh,
on the night of the 17th.tost.
• . 11 431-
The subscriber will offer at public sale,
On Wednesday the 30th instopt,
at 12 o'clock, M. at the Court House,
Two Lots of Ground,
Situate on the South side of High Street,
opposite the German Church, in the Bo
rough of Gettysburg.'" The Terms will be
madb known on the day of sale.
November 8, 1831.
kii= - 1+ aOl-f:AI-% A2l
The subscribers, Trustees ofJohn Brown,
will offer at public sale,
On Saturday the 3d day of December next,
On the premises,
on which said Brown now lives. Situate
part in Adams County, Pennsylvania, and
part in' rederick County, Maryland; three
miles from Littlestown, one mile and a half
from Peter's Tavern and one mile from Da
vid Shriver's Mill, between the Taneytown
and Emmittsburg road, and idjoining lands
of Deitrich
Bowers and others;
Containing about 132 acres
of land, of which 40 Acres is Timber,
16 „meadow, and the balance in a good
state of cultivation. The improvements are a
•• t .
and Barn, with an Orchard of choice fruit,
a well of excellent water at the door—
Possession will be given on _the Ist day of
April next.
01 - ' The Terms of sale will be made
known by either of the subscribers, living
in Littlestown. Sale to commence at 10
o'clock A. M. of said day:
November 1,1831.
IN pursuance of an . order of the Orphans'
Court of Adams County, th übscribers
will offer at public sale,
On Saturday the 10th of Decent/ next,
ate the - estate of Daniel Spangler, dec'd,
situate in Mountjoy township, Adams co.,
consisting of a FAirtm
containing 200 .ICRES,
-mom or-less, -adjoining -lands ok
Jacob Spangler, Jonati Spangler, and others,
on which are erected, two good
11.1 ' r - I
HOUSES . g;.
u 9 I
_ -
a large Stone Barn, and a good Orchard;
Alloway's Creek runs close to the. house.
A good proportion of said farm •is in TIM
BER, and the balance cleared land, _with
good Meadows. The New Road from Lit,
tlestown to Emmittsbiarg passes by this farm.
Terms will bemade known, on day aside,
Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, M., when
due ettendence will be given by
JOHN LINERT, 5 m rs *
November 8, 1-831.
WILL be exposed to public sale on
Saturday the 17th day of December
next _at the house of John Bair, Innkeeper
in the Borough of Hanover; at 1 o'clock
P. M., the following described property, viz:
and Lot of Ground, sittmte in the Borough.
of Hanover, Baltimore-street, next door to
Gobrechts'Apothecary, late the residence
of Jbein Michael, deceased.' The .above
property is well calculated for any kind of
public business, and has been occupied by
said deceased as a store for a Number of
years, being the third lot from the corner
or square.
Tjtondition of sale will he as &Hews:
On -,• •
h f'of the purchase money in - hand on
deliiery of the Deed, which will be on or
before tho Ist day_of April 1832, and the
residue in two equal annual payments; the
purchaser to give his bonds with approved
October 25, 1831. ts-29
17 7 (0) CO) 14 lri) I
HE O Commissioners of Adams County
will receiNe WRITTEN PROPO
SALS, on Thursday the Ist dny of Decem
ber next, for furnishing the Court-house
and Prison with Woodfor thatinsujng year.
j •By order, • „ "
62)2017=w / 4526 9 rpaa filFeseakair e 4iPinalfigUrnalft go o atuao .
on the premises,
wat outs rfic)
Gettriburg, November 29, 1831. '
The York Republican says, Flour, we under
stand, has been selling in this town at $7 75 per
barrel, whilst in Baltimore it sells at $5 25.
- • The- Lcmdon - confarence - ef Wesleyan Meth&
dists have voted £3OO for the use and benefit of
the Methodist Missions among the Indians in.
Upper Canada. It also resolved to commence a
mission to the- Indians in Upper Cantida, among
such tribesiii have not yet been visited by mis
By a vote of 168 to al, the House of ilepresenta
tives of Vermont have instructed their Judiciary
Committee to bring in a bill Erabolishing impri
sonment for debt on all contracts entered into af
ter the first of January next! Well done, Ver
mont! Go on. Pennsylvania and' New York will
go hand in hand with * you a twelvemonth hence.
• Tho New York elections; though small, 'have
terminated somewhat in favor of Anti-Masonry.
The N. Y. Journal of Commerce (.la - ekson paper)
gives the following account of the parties in 181.1
and 1831—
1830-95 Jackson, 21 Antimason, 9 Clay.
1831-93 dn. 33 do. 2 do.
1830-24 Jackson, 7 Antirnason, 1 Clay.
1831-23 do. 8 do. 2 do.
In most of the counties it appears that the prima
sy.objectof the—laels.sors.suiriClay..meiswa&
feat of Antimason ry, which they-could-only-atfoct
by a union of the followers of the two Worshipful
Grand Masters; and that that was done, the returns
fully demonstrate.
NCROLY—We have seen, says the Missou
ri Republican, an extract of a letter fraiii — the
gent of the Pawnees, which states that the Small
Pox has been committing dreadthl ravages among
the Pawnee Indians: - Nearly the whole of one
tribe (the Paisnee Republic,) of about 3,.500 souls
have been swept Off—the nnmbor of dying daily
being so great, that they had not time to bury
them! Scarcely an instance of recovery is known
alter they are attacked by this terrible malady.
Shwa. Pox.—lt is stated that 'the Small Pox
has recently made its appearance at the Savage
Factory, about 15 miles from Baltimore,. and at
the last accounts, 30 porsbns were afflicted with
that loathsome disorder.
UNNATURAL MARRTAGE.—We find it reported in
the Philadelphia papers that a man, "heretofore
considered a highly respectable citizen, and the
father of two or three •grown up children," has
'been married to his own sister! and that too a rth.
in about three weeks only after the death of his
first wife: who, it is said, died very suddenly; it
is strongly . suspected that %he cauls to her death
by; unfari means, en to
ascertain whether she has or not. A warrant was
issued for the apprehension of the man and hls
slater; the former. escaped, the latter was taken,
and, after a hearing, bound over to the Mayor's
court, in a sum of one thousand dollars:
Col. GADSDEN, who succeeds (lon. Bernard as
Brigadier-General of Engineers, has arrived at
Washington City, to undertake tho duties of that
In consequence of Mr. Lumpkin having been
called to the Gubernatorial chair of Georgia, his
seat in the Lower House of Congress has become
vacant. Mr. Berrien, late Attorney General of
the United States, has been nominated to fill that
- The citizens of Norwalk, Ohio, lately turned
out, in two companies, on a Squirrel hunt, and
killed 3,275! '
The Venango County Democrat states that S.
HAP, Nigttained..in_e_tunalot..a.number..of.P.o
tatoes, 16 of which , make half a bushel:
Jamesßamon, hag been convicted, by the court
of Oyer-and Terminer of New Nork-City, -of the
cad to be executed on the . 7th ofJanuary next.
10 2 -31
'Messrs. Thompson & Hom an s, of Wash ing ton
City, propose publishing "TM developments and
explanation which have been officially or authori.
tativly made, consequspt uponAhe
_dissolution of
the late Cabinet.'r
It is a coincidence of time worthy of being no.
ticed, says the s EveningiGaTette, that on the very
day wer were •Making a splendid parade in Boston
in relation to.the Polish Standards, the capital of
-Poland was taken.,
At ,Cliorlay; a Mechanic has Invented a Ma.
chine to Thrash, Winnow and Grind ; it will also
Churn, and scrape Potatoes, Rock the Cradle, and
darn Stockings! It is called the good , housewife!
Where will the oreative ingenuity of man stop?
Judge P. P., Barbour is named in a North
Carolina paper, as the candidate of the Jack
son'party for the Vice• Presidency.
We learn from the Scioto (Ohio) Gazette, that
the celebrated American System Ox, which was
exhibited-at the recent Canal celebration in Chili.
oaths, has been slangfitered, and fbund to weigh
2,272 pounds, nett beef. It was eight yeall old
last June, and raised by Geo. Renick, Esq.
A letter, re - ceivecj at New York from Smyrna,
states that the treaty between this country •nd
Turkey has been confirmed by the Turkish Goys
reign, and that it places this country on an equali
ty with that of the most favored nations,
The Governor of New i Jersey hail appointed
Thursday the Bth of December next, as amdlor of
public thanksgiving and praise to Ai m i t hc ir G o d,
fOr the numberless blessings with which The chi
gene of that State -have been favored during the
past year."
A member of the Kentucky L eit ioi n t ure , no t
lonfsinee, bit off the• ear of the Sheriff, and then
took tolis heels. - •
. :
• Nair Powss 31facniant,Mr,Ricinards, Ins Mlle
neer Of Bristol, states, that ' he , ba s; p er fe ct a an
"Endless Power Machine," whinh is sow in. so.
tient and which, hs`anierti, will invercoi the use
7-777 A
- -
of steam in every cue. The engine is self-acting,
and may be equal to 250 horse-power.
It is a gratification to every enlightened patriot
and christian to find such men as WILLIAM WIRT,
()Only advocating those great moral, religious
and political movements in our country, the ob.
ject_ancrtendency_. of which are.twenlighten-and
instruct the pele strengthen and to per
petuate our Rep p ~ Ub Imars Institutions.
Our readers will recollect that a public meeting
It as held within the past year, in favor of estab
lishing Sunday Schools, in the West, at which
Messrs. 'Webster, Frelingliaysen, Grundy, and
Many other distinguished members of Congress
and citizens appeared, and by their eloquence and
influence in favor of these public spirited and he.
nevolat objects, have done probably a greater
and more lasting benefit to their country, than
they ever effected in the halls ollegislition, great
and successful' as their efforts in the latter may
haie been. By their names and efforts the tide of
public opinion has been turned in favor of Sunday
Schools, and a groundless opposition chocked and
Among these warthielflWCWlßT was not able
to appear, but lest his absence should be constru
ed into indifference,
he forwarded the following
letter, together with fifty dollars in cash to aid in
carrying on these really charitable, operations.
Such men have been too'rare among our rulers,
but such a man as WIRT every patriot may fool
proud to support.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16, 1831.
DEAR Sia.-4 regret that it is not in my
power to be with you . this evening, that I
efforts with
those of Our fellow citizens Who will be pre
sent, in advancing this great, and, as I be
lieve it, Heaven directed cause. That. "Lib
erty and Learning lean on each other for
support," is a truth which has long been
known to the wise, and of which we are all
becoming convinced hy fearful experience.
It has been the ignorance of the people which
has so long enabled tyrants to - hold . the world
in chains; and they have never failed to burst
them asunder whenever light has broken in
strongly upon tlituu_But.if they are per.
mittod to - relapse kilo ignorance and its nat
ural attendant, grovelling vice; tyrants will
rise again, under the name of patriots, and
we shall see the world re-plunged into Gothic
darkness and' - despotism. It is not in the
nature of things, that a popular-government
can long subsist, except among an enlighten
ed and virtuous people; nothing else can
shield `them against the designs wished
and intriguing politicians, who always come
in the name and garb of patriotism, and, call
ing themselves friends Of the cheat
'lawn 1 1
to enlighten the people, deserves the zealous
support--of-eve!, geiguitiv friend of liberty;
and I hail, with unaffected joy, the ardour
with which this great and philanthrolife. plan
has been every where received. Viewed in
a temporal and political light, merely, it de
serves the strongest support from all
wish the continuance of our free and happy
institutions at home; and when we see the
effect that our example is producing on the
world, the motive for our exertions rises to a
far loftier and nobler sentiment. It is the
cause, not of the United States only, but of
the whole earth. It is the cause of man
throughout the world; and who is there so
poor and sordid of spirit, as to think only of
himself; when the great question is, whether
this earth shall be inhabited by enlightened
And virtuous free men, erect and, firm on the basis of independence, or by hordes of igno
ing their chains and licking the dust-liom
the feet of their-oppressors?
_ _But_in connexion-with these greet-tempo
_rak benefits.,-y.sor-isoeiety-Ites-tr-still-h ig i
and holier aim—spreading the light of the
Gospel, and advancing the Kingdom of the
Redeemer. In relation to the world at
large, I believe that public virtue has no so
lid basis but inßeligion._ Lineal:l_)y public
virtue, that which impels a, man, in all his
public acts, to look solely to the of his
country, without any view to public aggran
dizement. I believe that the Fathers of our
Revolution Vere, for the most part, such men.
A great crisis called them out, and the corn
mon danger, as well, as the common hope
supplied a great motive of action—which
heldthem together, and directed their efforts
to the liberation of their country. But that '
crisis once passed, and the object achieved
the natural passions of man came into pitty,
and then came personal ambition, with alfits
disastrous retinue of faction, intrigue, injus
tice,-barbarity, slander, contention and strife,
pntil our whole country presentee scene from
which every holm* , and peaceable man re-'
coils, without a ray Of hope, except fromthii
power Of the Almighty. Private vice al
ways. kOtips pace with public immorality.
Princtples and manners descend naturally
fllorn - thme who occuppdistinguished places
to those whe dwell in . the humbler walks of
life. This is an admitted.truth in 'monar- -
ochies, and we have had _experience enough
to know, that it is extensively true in repub
lies. ne distinguished man is able to coy.
rupt a whole neighborhood - by his example
and machinations; and the, sphere of his per
nicioue influence becomes enlarged, in pro
portion to the eminenceto which he has risen.
The only correction is that which you seek
to apply, and the plan is laiol in the prcifound
est/wisdom. Berl at the lother end of so
ciety with the rising *generation, in'the hum
ble walks of life. Plant in them the seeds
of that Gospe4 to whoa. power the world
of civilized man bears exidence, and you rise
4-great antagonist priticiple which . will
-Tertnit"•-riVt; DOLLAR/ pet , ,
payal;le- balCieit
riptintug taken for leg than sit maths, ttnit
none discontinued until all artve!irra ere paid
failure to no* a4liacontiaancei wi*
be considered a new enorment tb
paper forwarded accordinglyi
. ovbrwhelm corruption s though seated on
high. The people in truth hold the upper
place among us. They are the spring heiul
the natural fountain of all power.'-Purify
the tbuntain and, its -streams will, be , pu r e..
And what is there efficacinus r .nay,..whit is
there that has any_power at all to produce
snelian eflict - but the — Giispel of the Redeems,
er carried home to the heart by his spirit',
Mere human virtue is a eheat—a scintillation
at best, which we see continually extivtisho
ed by temptation. It has no power 'to re.
sist the call of selfish ambition s and the issue
of vile means and agents which such mauls
_hition never fails to empley,
a show in public; but it has-no power to re•
sist the temptations whicksolicit the pas•
sions of man in private, and which .have'al. .
ready poisoned all the springs of moral ae•
tion among us. Nothing less than the living
conviction of an ever present • God, before
whom we are acting, and thinking,' and
speaking, and that,we have'a future State of
never ending. existenee,..dependent , on his
approbation, can impose a moment's restraint
on the indulgence of human 'paa#on, and
nothing can reconcile man to such - terestraint
but. the formation of a new spirit within KM,
which will convert that restraint into libetty.
and privilege, and make tho_sexvic.o_of God,
his highest happiness here, as well sable
Lo - nly'in - re hope Ifordaftei. This isthe
itual work of the Gospel of the Redeetner,
which has brougtt life mid immortality to
light, and furnished to man a motive and a • -
spring of action, which enables him to tread
the earth and all its vile pursuits,beneath hire
feet, in the contemplation of that immortali
ty to which - he is ha.sterritig; -- With — thiiiii
sincere and deep convictions on this subject
it is delightfhl to anticipate the c ih - r - utge that
will s in alth'urnati •prehability;be wrought by : -
this great and magnificent scherni! of Sib
bath Schools, in the rich and populous valley
of the Mississippi. It is happy to see that
there is nothing sectarian about it, but that
the whole Christian .. I .lChurch unites in its ad.
vancement. And it i 6 not less happy
,to see
that the narrow spirit of political party, or or
temporal dominion to the Church, has no
concern in this case: that the great objects
in view are of universal concern, the diffusion
of light and knowledge;an e eep
wide dissemination of that pure religion,
without which human virtue degenerates into
an empty show, or a hypocritical instrument
• , „
nevolent plan may be prac:red under wise and
.k.ious-direetion i -that-it-, may - be - cniwned
with success by Him who alone has power
. itrutund tmcl - thtertheltiligdzhialirthii -
Redeemer may come, is the ferveht wish
and prayer of
Your fellow citizen,
• - WM. WIRT.
Fiom tho Lockport, N. Y. Babinec
Having as I liuMbly trust, obtained, an in.
terest in the merits of Christ, and feeling it
a duty to renounce all for his sake, and be.
lieving that a masonic lodge is not a suitable
place for a follower of the meek and lowly
Jesus, I hereby renounce all fellowship with
masonry, and will liclicaispeer a lodge again.
—~etiv F~e;~
U. s:
Jackson a coloured man, fininerly_employd
ed in the Post Office, web trie' d_ortlionday;-
on a charge of abstracting irons some him ,
dies of papers in his charte,, a packet cone
mining four letters, on the '4th of October
last, He was convicted - on, - leafe vidrineic
His character was proved to4iave been glxid
before the transaction. As there was no
monet in the letters, and the prisoner had
been in custody six weeks, y the Court limited
the punishment toe fine of ten dollars.
A lady (says the New York Constellation)
brought a child to a Physician . in Utica, - to
consult him about its precious health. A
mong other things she inquired if he did not
think the Springs would be
"Certainly, madaiii;" - leplie4 the doctor o
as he eyed the child, and then.took a irArge
pinch of snuff. "I havret the -i lesstbesitaa
tion in recommending the Springs-..and the
sooner you apply the remedy, the better." .
"You really think it would he good for
the dear little thing, don't you?"
"Upon thy word it's the best remedy 'I
know of."
"What - Springs would you recommend,
"Any will do, madam, where you can get
Rlenty of soap and wider I" .-
ONE SENSE 1 l!-Our philosophical res.
dens who hive hitherto valued themselves
on the possession of five senses, and our less
instructedfriends who have talked in com
mon parlance of being tlighjened out of
their seven senses, will; use. the Orem'
ology of parliamentaiy Otitionising, be fill. '
ed with consternation and disniay at learn.
ing that it has just been settled there is bug
one sense 11 / Man, the head .411 created
beings, enjoys on . jy onn sense, 44, that -
'sense is rou ej , e touches' spectral
objhe • ear touehes sounds, his mast
touches smells, his palate tout**
in short, his whole life is but T grip'