The star, and Adams County Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1831-1832, November 22, 1831, Image 3

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    Here shall the Amos the People's mown proclaim
Unaw'd by influence, and unbrib'd by. GAIN.
Tuesday Morning;November )43, 1831.
Democratic Anti•Ma%onio NomintiUon 1
William Wire, 01'.71-d.
Janos Ellnaak er of Pa.
From the Patriot of ,Saturday lust.
FLOUR.—We quote the store Trice to-day at
5 431 to 5 50. The wagon price opened on Mon
day at 5 25; on Tuesday it ranged from 5 25 to
5 311; on Wednesday and Thursday at 5 311 to
5 37k; and to-day the price:ia uniformly 5 374.
WIIEAT.—We quote good to best rods to-day
at 1 05 to 1 08; fair to good at $L 00 to 1 05, and
inferior to fair at 75 cents to $l. 00 per brishel.—
A sale of primefamily flour white wheat has been
made at 1 19 per bushel. We quote white, as in
quality, at 1 10 to 1 19 per bushel. A part of this
week's purchases has been on orders from other
CORN.--Sales of several parcels of yellow, in
good order, wore made on Thursday at 51 to 52
cents per bushel; and of white at 48 cents. The
latter price is asked fur good lots of white today,
but wo bear of no silos. We quote ordiparY lots
of new' white and yellow at 42 to 45 cents per
RYE.—This article continuos scarce and in
good demand. Sales of fair quality pi!_rcels hair
nude ade at 78 cents, and prime, it is believed,
would bring 80 cts. Wo. ‘ quote ordinary to prime
at 76 to 80 cents. , • ~ •
OATS.--Sales have been made this week at 35
to 36 eta. per bushel.
FLAXSEED.—The wagon price.of the few
parcels receiving ranges from al 25 to 1 37i per
bushel, as in quality. The store price is about 121
cents more.
CLOVER SEED.—There are as yet no receipts
worth noticing. Good new is supposed to be worth
about 155"25 per bushel.
TIMOTHY SEED.—Wagon price $2 per bush.
TALLOW.—We quote the wagon price at 9
ots. and thci store price at 10 coats per lb.
lErThe Borough Accounts have been crowded
out this week; they shall appear in our next.
"DOWN DUST.—The $5OO wager offered by
"Drnecroa." in the last "CoMpiler." is accepted:
Whenever the. money is deposited, and a certifi-
Cate is shovra 'us thereof for that purpose, we
pledge ourself to procure the same to be done,
hind joined And the question tried by a Jury of
Adams county. Now let the "Compiler" back
its assertions or confess their falsehoods. WE
to reflect well on the important duty which you
are THIS DAY to discharge. The right of election
is too important to be lightly_and tholightlessly
exercised. Youi - Country's viTaillidtng—.your
dearest privileges, and the happiness of your pos.
terity, depend upon its proper use. Suflbr not
yourselves to be led to-the Polls, like a band of
Cossacks, at the signal of party discipline. You
have been too long deceivedity hollow protbssions.
You have placed too much dependence in the
fraudful declamation!) of interested and unprinci
pled demagogues. Think for yourselves, and you
will think aright. Ask yourselves, THIS DAY,
when you-go the Polls, ri"Can I find a sdperior,
bfitter, more faithful and obliging public iervant
than the candidate of my native county, JAMES
_BicSIiEELILY ? If 41. Your
ewer that you &inner, why will yoti not, one and
all, give him your votes? Sludl the Molach of
party, trample down the dictates of conscience?
_ trust' not. We hope anti_beliaire_ih a t
Alay's vote will prove the people as independent,
ad we know them to be honest. We do not heal
• t a to to say, that if it were not for the blightning
and corrupting influence of party, the candidate
mofnor-connty wettld---reeeive,eur- --amienimotarsup,
port. - As it is, his majority will be overwhelming.
Bl e ssed *powerful oftlent of Antl.lll(mosonryl
Anti-Masonry has had a rapid and vigorous
growth in Washington County, Maryland. A ve
ry able paper is published in Hagerstown, devoted
to the eause. Witness the effect:—
"The teenibers of Mount Moriah Lodge,
N0..33, and Mount Moriah Royal Arch
Chapter, being specially convened at the
Masonic Hull in Hagerstown, Maryland,
this 14th day of November, 1831, for the
purpose of considering the propriety of sur
r doming their Charters, have, upon due de
thertttion, std' ued the following declara
tions and resolution:" -
Here" follows what is ternind a 0 4aelarationel
after which, appears the following Resolution:—
"Resolved, That the Charters of this
Lodge and of the Royal Arch Chapter of
this place, be, and the same is hereby sur
rendered, and that the said Lodge and Chap
ter he henceforth discontinued."
We regret, however, that in the "declaration"
accompanying these prospecting% .
appears that
they were produced by. fear rather than conscience.
'We.dislike to see even a soulless oorpoiation die
with a lie in its mouth, In order to evince their
sincerity, it behooves the Members of the Hager!.
town Lodge and Royal Arch Chapter, to unite
with their 'ibilow-citizens in sup nosi ng the
Lodges and Chapters thioughout the Union.—
Then the object ofAnti.Masonry will be consum.
mated; and that "persecuting" party *ill cease to
(mist. ErWitat say. the proud "Good Samaritan
Lcsdge, No. 200?" Will you 'go and io like Wise?'
Or will you,hold on ineullen pride:until the wrath
.of an indignant people shall be woresfully dome
loped? . We shall see, • •
A N TI-414Asartne in Netetonyr.—litr.,l3Lettn, the
And.hilaionto onnditiete; hu, pn the sth triel,
Ivan sleeted ,to nvitee fkosit th e
_tOetriot of
co Rti •
WttiuktOd. • , .
• Givi the_ 4l Compihrt-soartra„r-dia..
tributed .over the county la week,..appears_ohly
g part of the proceediNs of the meeting held. at a
Tavern hi this place, by • the fiilloweis of the
"Handmaid." The worthy a'nil celebrated leaded'
of the company, gave the public an iccount of
the acts they "resolved" .to pet feria, but tusk es
pecial care to suppress that part of the ptsmed•
lugs which partly carried the resolutions t practi.
rally into effect among themselves'—at least, as far
as lIARD KNOCKS and THUMPS Could go. Give , us
all, brethren?
/MPORTANT !--Our respected-friends of the Her.
rishdrg Intelligencer, says:--"the saber the An
ti-Masons know one thing the better, and that is,
without the vote of the Clay men they cannot poll
as many votes as in 1828" Now, we have learnt
thus4nuch'from our friends, let us tell them two
things, viz: the Anti-Masons have a candidate in
WILLIAM Wia.r; and if the Clay men chime to join
with us and support him, and an Anti-Masonic
candidate for Governer, they - can do so—we can.
not and will not be -them to join-us f , -And if they
do bring Henry Clay-forward ; it will only be a
Masonichiirgain to defeat the Anti-Masons, and
krp in thb present iMbrcirtGrand Muter and
his Royal Arch Ciimpanions.
WM. WIRT —Mr. WIRT was born in Maryland,
and entered the 58th year of bu age in tho begin
ning of !bid month.
HENRY CLAY was, on the 10th inst., elected to
the Senate of the United States, by the Kentucky
Legislature. Mr..tlay was opposed by col. R. M.
Johnson, a Jacksonitg.
The Legislature of .Kentucky met at
Frankfort on Monday, the 7th inst. when
JOHN J. CRITERINDEN, Esq. was elected
Speaker of the House without opposition. .
RAIL ROAD.--Examinations are being
made, by taking levels and surveys, of the
contemplated- route for a Rail-road from
Wilmington, Del. to Downingtown, Pa.—
intersecting at the latter place the Rail-road
now in progress from Philadelphia to Co
NEW btraorennarr.-L.The Chambers.
burg Repository says, that a company of
citizens is now erecting, in that borough, a
Mill house 150 feet long, 50 feet widei and
three stories in height, in whichit is con
templated to place eight machines for the
manufacture of straw paper. This extensive
establishment is expected to be in operation
early in the ensuing spring.
At M'Farland'siron works, Monroe, N.
Y. last week 205 nails were made in one
minute; and in Conor's Foundry, New Y.
42 printing types were made in the - same
We learn with pleasure, says the U. S.
Gazette, which we are sure will be felt by
every American, that the venerable Chief
Justice MARSHALL has been able to walk
out within a tbw days,
and contemplates
leaving Philadelphia, for Richmond on
Thursday. Next week, the Judge holds the
Circuit Court for the southern district of
Virginia, from which he was never known
to be ab sent since his' appointment to the
FOR—Among the passengers
who sailed from New York for Liverpool in
the packet ship Napoleon on Tuesday last,
was ourtown.sinan John Nelson, Esq. The
Napoleon has on board twenty-seven cabin
passengers—ladies,Avntlemen and children.
Fredericktowh Herald.
From the Kentucky Commentator, Nov. 8.
The recent death of Ebenezer N. Robert.
son, Esq. a former member of the Assembly
from Russell county, by the hand of Dr.
Peirce, the last and present member, has
been mentioned in the papers, with some al
lusion to the enormities which produced a
catastrgplie eppaling._ _The chief incident
in this tragedy, was awfully sudden, and
striking; The County court was sitting in
the village where the parties resided. Some
lousiness called Pierce into court. The first
object which fixed his eye, was Robertion—
who by agreement had loft the county, nev
er to return—now there, writing at the
Clerk'kitable. Peirce gazed upon - himvfot
a moment, in.niitte astonishment; then- :
denly turned, and retiring by the door, re
appeared presently at the window, beneath
which Robertson sat, in the presence of the
court. Reaching in, with a pistol, near to
the head of his victim, Peirce fired and lodg
ed the chargein his brain—a fatal shod—
What. could have moved a gentleman, 'till
then ever mild, patient and conciliatory in
his deportment, to a deed of such singular
daring? Robertson had 'violated the mar
ritgre-bed of Peirce, his friend---struek at
his honor--fuhted his gtmily--planted dag
gers in hirbosom! And, with humility be
it spoken, there was no law in the land for
the adequate punishment of such an outrage !
The fact was notorious; not denied—not even
by the o ff ender himsef. "Satisfaction" in
the way called "honorable," had been de
manded; but not rendered. - The wreng was
irreparable, no adequate amends c.mild be
made. The destroyer of his neighbour's
peace—whose Unprincipled indiscrefion hap
east a deep shade over virtues which might
otherwise-have brightly shone, as some con
cession, had agreed to go forth from'. that
part of the country, to , return nomore. But
he did return; he teas there; the consequen
ces have been seen; Doctor Peirce was re
quired, by the judgment of two magistrates,
to give bail for his appearance at the next
circuit court in that county, tb answer what
might thennbe presented against him, in re
lation to this matter. Mit court was in
session' hurt week; and Peirce was in atten
dance.. One indictment against him for
murder and 'another for manslaughter, were
laid before the grand jury. Having made
mieh investigation, as twy,undfsr theii - ths,
'deemed jimixtr k they returßed bothindict
pen each-'— , Anot a a vc bili;" - --AiWit - trut
bill; ',and whatever an, opinion, made up up-
Oa views merely technicahtaight pan
the sheer justice of the case, and , the
diligent enquiry ofthe grand l , inquest of his
county, the accused standejil--411pquit
ted. lie appeared iu•the assembly tester
day, and was qualified as the representative
of his county;'und•notivitlistanding all that
has hapeuertloaay yet be, as he has here
tofore been, a fitithriii rspresencative, -and a
Mieful member.
Factory ,Burnt.—The Cotton Factory
establishment, owned by the Orleans Manu
facturing Company, situated on Pahner's
River, in Rehoboth,. was burnt to the ground
last night, between 8 and 9 - o'clock. The
factory building was of wool,containi tig about
2,000 spindles. The fire took place in the
mule room in the garret, but in what man
ner is unkr:own. Very little of the machine
ry or other property was saved. The value
of the factory isetated to have been:1,25,000
- 7 -15,000 were insured at the Harttbrd 'Et
na Office. The owners are S. B. numford
and L. W. Clifford of this town, B. Peck of
Rehoboth, and a gentleman, of Newpert,
whose name we could not learn,' The fire
was distinctly visible in this town for more
than an hour.
GEN. TETER B. Ponrea.—Serious aro:
prehension of the death of this distinguished
citizen haVe been entertained, in coilsuence
of an article which appeared in the Lexing
ton, (Ky 9 "Observer"of the 28t11 ult L But
it gives us great pleasure to state, on the au
thority of the Lexington "Reporter" of the
2d inst. that he is -now considered by his
physicians as convalescent, and that- well
founded hopes may be indulged of his speedy
recovery. General Porter's brother Dr.
'Woo Porter, died at Saratoga New York,
on Wednesday the 2d inst. lie was ono of
the oldest settlers of Saratoga, and a ygry
useful citizen.—Frcdericktown thra(;Z:
INDIAN LAW.—The Vevay Monitor
of the 26th ult. states, that a horse thief had
been tried in that place, and sentenced to be
confined in the penitentiary th!ee years, to
pay a fine of fifty dollars, and 10 be disfran
chised for seven years.
The Bethany, Wayne
,county, Pa. En.
quirer, says:.---The largest Buck within the
recollection of our oldest hunters, was shot
on the 10th inst. in Lebanon township. He
has attracted the attention of hunters in that
neighborhood for about five years past on
account of extraordinary size, and has been
repeatedly shot at, but has hitherto escaped
shot free. Ile was started on the runway,
and was greeted with a fire from two of the
hunters, but (to use the language . of Big-
Hunter,) "Mr. William 1.. Shieldseof Phila
delphia, did the job." The deer weighed
before he was dressed, three hundred and
sixty-five pounds !! ! When cleaned his
Meat weighed 2101bs; Tallow,lD The. Ride,
23 lbs. 6 oz. Truly, our woodsmen must
acknowledge beat, as Big-Hunter says, if the
city sportruen eclipse them in this way !
Thames arrived at. Quebec a_few-days : ::
from London. 'On the 30th of oc:tober,off
Biron's Island, one of the Bird Isles; fell in
with the wreck of the Lady Digby, from
Liverpool for Quebec, and took off Mr.
Crostliwaite nine seamen, and eight settlers:
the Lady Digby was wrecked on the 25th.
Thirty-seven passengers were drowned.—
The captain, mate, second mate, carpenter,
cook, and. one seaman, had taken the long
boat, but their tate was.not known.
Christian Advocate and Journal, being the
official organ of communication between the
officiers of the Methodist Episcopal Church
and their people, has at this time a subscrip.
tion list ofTWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND. It - is - the
largest newspaper subscription in the world.
It was forty years _'on Friday Nov. 4th,
iiiice Gen. Arthur St. Clair was defeated by
the 'lndians, itiiet British in the Western
Territory, then a wilderness, but which now
is a populous and flourishing part of our
country. In less than bell tat time hence,
the state of Ohio will be second to none in
the Union.
Alleged Murderer caught.—We learn
that two of our most active and vigilant po
lice officers, Messrs. John Stewart and Si
rneori Hays, succeeded this morning in ar
resting SIMON Excitor:re, a fugitive from
justice, from Pennsylvania, who stands char
ged with thq crime of murder perpetri‘ted on
a certain John Lynch, some months since,
in the city of Lancaster. A proclamatio
hiuLbeen issued by the Governor of Pennsyl-
vania, describing Eicholtz, and offering 200
dollars reward for his apprehension. As
already stated, he was arrested as above this
morning, and being taken before Justice
Sheppard, was committed to prison, to a
wait the requisition of tlie executive of ill ,
'aie.=-Ba/timore Patriot.
• Ova RAIL ROAD.--We lerito from the.
Chronicle, that 'upwardscfahikuixed barrels
of Flour mumfaitured by Mr o _ cinch's, of
Frederick county, reached this city rater : .
day on the 13a/timoret °hie Rail ROEUip
from Parr'i Ridge, a distance of 443 miles
This worthy and enterprising' citizen was
the first, we believe, who airwarded Flour
on the Ruil-road from. Ellicott's M4118.—/b.
Qaap digAlßliatipinfes
the . Argenting ' as us s at o ol
~ .Pa'wanted, itrinediately, artho 4tar -offi,ce.
71 • , fr":7 , _i_ 7. 7 ' t .
leititteiy*leaniiW atiteiiiieman froa*Ottiz
amptan, that the *Wiest! murderer,
'/Irrner; wait. exeCuted accordingjo se -
at Jerusalem, on Friday last, a&sft 1 o'clock.
He exhibited the utmost compose rir throng&
out the whole Ceremony; and although as,
cured that he might, if he i giought proper;
address-tlie immense crowd assembled on
the occasion, decline(' availing himself of the
privilege, and told the Sherirmafirm voice
that he was ready. Notarlintb.-nor-a-mus ,
cle was observed to move. His body after
death, was given over to the SUrgeons for
' Singular .Freak.—A gentleman in Bran
ford, in this county, has ,in his posscsfrft
a chicken, about four weeks old, which from
the-shelfjefused to remain with iNitiother,
hut-to alx;ile with neat and her kittens,
and flying as with a sense'of danger,
,at the
apprixich of the old hen. Many have noticed
it as a great curiosity.—N. Haven Herald.
A MI§TAKE.—A fellow in Albany,who
was sent with eats to feed horses, went off
and offeied them:f • _the watch house
which he mistook fot . He con
fessed his guilt ait - was sent to jail.
11 ARAI,ED ,
Near Petersburg, (York Springs,) on Wednes.
day the 16th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Gottwalt,
of Huntingdon towurkip.
It was THOMAS Grumman and not George whose
arriage we inserted last week,
Qa Tuesday evening last, in the borough of
Inntingdon, MosEs III.cLEAN, EN. Attorney at
,aw, :Be was a native of this county.
On Tuesday-week last,, Mr. Rnottwr_Euxtorr,,
of fluaingtOn township,- in the 26th year ut' his
age. •
Thuesday the Ist inst. Lsvlß♦ FLORAL)°, in.
fent daughter of Capt. Garret Cownover, of Mt.
Pleasant township; aged 11 months.
TN pursuance of a'n Order of the Orphans'
Court of Adams county, the subscriber
will offer at public sale,
On Saturday the 10th of December next,
at 12 o'clock, M. on the premises,
TRaCT OF Li1t.7,71
Part of the Estate of JACOB GILBERT,
deceased, situate in Menailen township, Ad ,
arts county, adjoining lands ofPhilip Long,
John Rex, Henry Bender , and others,
Containing 116 Acres, and al
lowance, of Patented Lan d,
On which are eructed, a two-story
Dwelling-Mouse, II
and Stoat, Back Building, which has been
kept al a TAVERN, a Bank Barn, Ten-
ant-house, and Smith-shop. There ate
two Wells of good water, and two Orch
ards, on the premises.
Attendance will be given, and terms of
Bait made known on the day of sale, by
- DAVID WILLS, Adni'r.
By the Court,
10.11 N -B. CLARK, Clerk.
November 22, 1831. is-33
Demoratic Anti-Masonic
To be held of Harrisburg, on Wednesday
the 22d day of February, 1832. •
WHEREAS, at the Anti;Masonic State
Convention, held at Harrisburg;on the 25th
day of May, 1881, tho following resolution
matradopted •
"Resolved that a STATB ConorrprEE of
nine be appointed—three of whom shall re
side-at 11arrisburg 3 -and- the 'remainder in: ,
other parts of the State, which Committ--
or a majority thereof, shall have autlCi_
cessary, and to hold correspondence on sub
jects ofAirti-masoiiiy.l___ -
_Therefore we, the undersigned State
Committee, in virtue. of the' authority given
us by the said resolution, do hereby appoint
'Wednesday, the 22d day of February 1832,
as the time, and Harrisburg the place, for
holding a Democratic Anti-Masonic State
Convention, for the purpose of nominating
a candidate for Governor; tor, forming an.
'electoral ticket for. President and Vice Pre- -
sident of the United States; and for tke a
doption of such other measures, as the said
Convention, wheinuisembled, shall deem
And, that the Democratic Anti-Masonic
Party in Pennsylvailia may is fully re
presented'as poskible, we would 'beg leave
rpspectfully, but 'erkhiestly to, recommend,
to the oppthients 4 if Free. Masonry, and all
Secret,Societiesrib theseveral counties of
the State and in the city of Philadelphia, to
elect delngatea to represent 'them in the
said ConvePtion•
* • J. WA.LLAi.'4,
a. ° Z, , 14‘.1.4gNgGAN,
V",t7' (0,010
W7ILL at all times he received in' pay ,
meat for the star. It, steeded re- .
17 machnt present. - •
November' 8 1 1831,4° • -
, ,
7-7. -'7.7.-.Tit 14r: F 7 ( .., '.--'5
l: r : ,
~. . • 7 j
': ill 14 SOW at_ public side; alibi pitEMlleev‘ -
On Saturday tht 114 of,' nart s
..... r• • ~...,: . 4 .- Or -
.. i L-•111.1r11- - -
lozitaining, 23Q Acres t r6Ort;oi ,
less late the pi9eity of
_Wm. itistioteid.,___.
Ceased, situate ittliberiy iowiship r aUsiror
pounty, adjoining lands of Rohert S. Grief;
ikkvid Roth, and others. The itnproie.:
inents um a two-tort'
al)6.ato. ri IP ei 112 9 . , . •
a double log Barn, WA* other but- ift,
buildings; an txpellant well of vat. ' ---
er -w ith it pii 'Teilimit - tinhirdwillhrg — : ---
-an orchard e' laining a variety •of Fruit
trees; a Nutricien of meadow and timber
fur the farm .. ALSO,
, •
A TE NA 1131301713Zri
With out-buildings. -
Tkie above property will be gold ix:frith; '
er or, divided to suit purchasers. ;Persons
wishing to view the property, will calf - cii"
Mrs. Bighorn, who resides on the fitrm.—.
Sale to commence at . ,12 o'clock. M. when
the terms will be made Anuwn, and due at.
endanco given, by . • •
.tACOB MYERS, Exectitor. ,
November. 15, 1831. . 4*-:-4112
Will be offered for rent, by public outcry;
On Friday the 2d of December next,
• on the premises,
s*.less, • tit s t_
Situate in Straban
tuns county, three miles frcim Gitittysburg,
on the road to HiMterstown, containing •
220 Acres, 'lore or km;
the imprOvements on whi.. area
IA Civ UO.UC3 :► 9 : 4H
Log Barn, a Well near the doe
and an ORCHARD.
On Saturday the 3d of December next,
alir rin *
• Situate in Straban township, Ad
ams county, about six miles;from Gel_
burg, on the - Turnpike Road to York r o,:on..„,.
taming 900 dotes, nritore_or
improvements on which are, a
two-story LOG ',OUSE,
good Barn, a Well of water near W
the door, &e.
Vendhe- to commence at 12 o'clock, St,
on each day, when attendance willbe glv
en, and terms made known, by
Executor of Geo. Bercaut,deett,
November 15,1831. is -82
CI AAME to the enclosures either übscri
ber, in Cumberland township, in the
county of Adams, • two stray
STEERS, about 2 years old, . ' •
one a brown colour, and the k gji
other a red with a white streak --
along the back, and slits or holes In the
ear. The aforesaid cattle came to the en
closures of the subscriber sometime about
the 6th of this month. The owner is desir
ed to come forward, prove property pay
charges, and take them away.
November 15. 1881. 4t-432
-114-A-NAWAY-front-the-subsc ribediving
-I- 01 in New Oxford, Adams county, Pa. on
the 10th inst. an indented apprentice to the
Carpenter trade, named_PETERRASEIt.
I_ _he reby caution Lilt_pgrsistruaLktr
or employing said atoprefiticse
ventritimself - fruny—me—wittrouruntrUgt—
cause, I will positive prosecute all those who
may harbor or employ him deficuice of
this notice. The above reward will be paid
for his delivery.
Berwick Township,
November 15, 1881..5 4t-82
Pennsylvania Intelligeneer. •
The Pennsylvania — Intelligencer; being.
the only paper located at the,capital &the
State, which independent of men or popu.:
lar caprice, adVocates the. American Sys- -
tem; and having the advantage of_„legation
in a place, to which; all the eyes of the
Commonwealth are directed, as the`scene
of operations of the State Government, it
appeals to the friends of Pennsylvania poli
cy for support.
The next session'of the Legislature will
be one of peculiar interest to everkein of
citizens in this Commonwealth. Me,_,
tern of Internal Improvement, and the means
to prosecute it, will be engroming and im
portant topics. The &Reit themselves
will be in attendance on bbth Houses, and
the debates-en all important quaitions will, '
be given, fully and impartially. The Ediu; .
tors are determined to make the inte/Agot?
cer during-the coming session. of the Legis
latUre, unsurpassed by any public Journal •
in the State, as a faithful Register eflegis- -
lathe debates, which cannot fail to.recom• _--
mend it, at this important crisis in our
provement system and the fiscal concerns o f
the Commonwealtb,to every Pennelyvenian.
The Intelligencer will -be printed on it.,
large IMperial sheet, on the followinglez
.Session only, Mies a week,
For tin) Whole year, ”- • 490
IttOWRY at CO.
IsleveMber, 22, 1831. .4t.7111