The star, and Adams County Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1831-1832, November 22, 1831, Image 1

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    • 4*
Vamounureuito &REMY A BMW DOORS
W Mr _MR.-F_ORRY 7 S AV N.
- ocmepieuously
_inserted soot *nes fbr °xi
ware per square—over four timesAwsrrrv-rivs.
011141% per sqUare will be charged. • - - -
DV . ITODUISP2 WolltaDE)11111V01310
At V 4 per /i.1111114131t1. half•ye/erly in advance.
The subscribers, Trustees of J ohn Brown,
will offer at public sale,
04 Saturday the 3d day of December next,
on the premises,
OF L.1.11/"D,
on which said Brown now lives. Situate
part in Adams County, Pennsylvania, and
part in Frederick County, Maryland; three
miles from Littlestown, one mile and a half
from Peter's Tavern and one mile frorri
Sheiver's Mill, between the Taneytown
and Emmittsburg road,,and -adjoining lands
of Deitrich Bishop, Merits Budy, John
Bowers and others;
Containing about 132 .leres
of land, of which 40 Acres is Timber,
16 Meadow, and the balance in a good
state ofcultivation. The improvements are a,
HOUSE , hi
an, 13111111, With - an Orchard of choice fruit,
a well of - excellent water at the door—
Possession will be given on the Ist day of
April next.
0 - The Terms of sale will be made
known by either of the subscribers, living
in Littlestown. Sale to commence at 10
o'clock A. M. of said day. •
- Tustees.
November 1, 1831.
1 "p
alarylaiul State ILottery,
No. 9, Fou 1831.
To be drawn in Baltimore on WEDNES
DAY, the 30th instant.
1 prize of $6,000 5
2 • - 1,000 10
2 500 20
2 300 100
2 200 150
4 prizes of $lOO 101100
H a lt Tickets Que pollar--Qtrarters 50 eta.
Offices, N. W. corner of Baltimore and Calvert,
N. W. corner of Baltimore and Gay, N. E. c or .
ner of Baltimore and Charles•sta.
113" Where tho highebt prize in the recent State
Lotteries has been oftener sold than atany other
offices ! ! !
ErOrders, either by mail (postpaid) or private
conveyance, enclosing the cash for prizes, will
meet the same prompt and punctual attention, as
if on personal application. Address to
Lottery Vender, Baltimore.
November 1,183 L td-30
IT is proposed to deliver a course of Lee-
J.- tures on this interesting and useful sci
ence, in which its principles will be fitmiliar
ly explained, and elucidated by numerous
experiments. - TheNvhole of - the - proceeds - of
these lectures will be appropriated to pro
curing_Apparatus for the use of the Gettys
burg Female Academy. The first Lecture
will be delivered GRATIS,'OII the evening of
Tuesday the 22d inst. at half past o'clock,
at the Female Academy, when the terms,
which shall be moderate, will be made
known. It is hoped that those who would
engage in a study so delightful and amusing,
and all who feel friendly to our design, wilt
favor us with their attendance.
Nov. 8, .w •
N pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
'Court of Adams County, the subscribers
will offer at public sale,
On Saturday the 10th of December next,
on the premises,
Late the estate , of Daniel Sfangler, dec'd,
situate -in Mountjoy township, Adams co.,
consisting of a FARM
containing 52t00 *ACRES,
more or less, adjoining lands of
Jacbh Spangler, Jonas Span : mi ler, and others,
on which are erected, two
dill HOUSES, [ilti
a large Stone Barn, and a good Orchard;
Alloway's Creek runs close to the house.
A good proportion df mid farm is in TIM
BER, and the balance cleared rand, with
good Meadows. The Wets Road from Lit
tiestown toEmmittsburg paiams, by thnOtrin.
Terms will be made known on day df sale.
Sale to cotrunencolt at 12 °Wont, M., when
lee attenderige will be given by
JOHN. lINERT, '''"i tre ° •
*member 0,1841, r -tor-41
7 .,:, ,, .
ai27 ) 211)
C A.BIN ET -11 AWE It,
RETURNS his grateful acknowledg
ments for the very liberal encourage
ment which has heretofore been extended to
him, and respectfully informs them that he
where he is prepared to execute the neatest & most
71.03112011.L.322 WO=
Which he will warrant EQUAL, if not liv
rmumt, to any in the place.
A general and extensive assortment- of
Mahogany, Maple and Cherry
And of a quality, ivhich he only asks an ex
amination to be pronounced SUPERIOR.
K.THis prices are reasonable and suited
to the present times. Purchasers will Save
by calling at his Ware-house before they
purchase elsewhere.
o* - A II kinds of LUMBER and . COUN
TRY PRODUCE will be taken in ex
change for Work—for which the highes
price will be allowed.
Kr He deems it unnecessary to notice, par
ticularly, that he is always prepared to
make COFFINS, a. from his long
practice in the business, and strict atten
tion, he presumes it generally known; and
flatters himself that, from the general satis
faction his work has given, he will continue
to receive a share of patronage.
Gettysburg, November 8, 1831. tf-31
The subscriber respectfully informs the
public that he has received a late and fresh
supply of '
Suitable to the season, which will be sold
low for Cash or Country Produce; and also
that he has taken ANDREW DEARDORFF in-.
to partnership with him in the Mercantile
business. He hereby tenders his thanks to
his friends and customers for the liberal en
couragement already received, and .hopes
for a continuance of their favor and patron
November 8, 1831. 4t5-31
0 WING to my having made a change
in my Mercantile business, It now be
comes necessary that I should close my for
mer accounts-:--I therefore notify all those
who know themselves indebted to me
either by bond, note, or book account, to
call and settle the sane against the first
*kV Pf Astfar„v nexl,_ _After_ that_date those
neglecting this notice will find their accounts
in the hands ofa proper officer for collection.
(.;tr Those persons who gave their note s, _
at my Vendue last Spring, are informed that
they are due, and payment is required and
embntced in the above notice. By punctu
al attention to this notice, those indebted
yvill confer a great- favor on their - friend
and humble servant,
November 8, 1831. 4t*-31
t 1,3
.3,N7 (rq . , , (0 10 a Iwo), co, Di
IpHE Commissioners of Adams County
will receive WRITTEN PROPO
SALS, on Thursday 'the let day of Decem
ber next, for furnishing the Court-house
and Prison with Wood for the ensuing year.
By order,
November 8,1891. tt-31
LOTS r.oßmaium.
The subscriber will offer at public sale,
On Wednesday the 80th instant,
at 12 o'clock, M. at the Court House,
Two , Lots of Ground,
Situate On, the South side of High. Street,
opposite the German Church, in the Bo
rough of Gettysburg. The Terjus will be
made known on the day of sale.
November 8,00881.
.711 g . hereby Given,
ilro al, nocieoneerned, that the /te
a"-, t of lowa WEIGHT, Committee
SEPH •IitUTTONns Lunatic, will be
presented for ooufirraatieu, gtthenext court
of Comma Pleas, to be old at Getty burg,
on the Fourth SlondityNoveniberunear
•G WELBU r Proth'y-
October 2111, 851. . • 4t-4*
itbaino countk
DUCIT AMOR PATRII PRODES:Si t Es CIVIBUS—`THE toys wr CourtTaY CICADA ma To ea or ADVAtrrAot TO tiff F
artmoreWArail e zika4 Inoselikalre4)4)lP:wigwam sa lt alobao I PeertiN facb9G4Pe% wit%
Wbolle Ntunaber 85.
(042197' ebtaial
Can't wait any longer.
:~.,~ :-
"With sweets# flowers enrich'd
From various gardeees cialid with care."
Hark i it is de bridegroom's voice;
Welcome, pilgrini, to tby rest:
Now within the gates rejoice,
Safe and siittPd - ina bought and blest !
Safe from all the lures of vice,
Seal'd—by signs the chosen know, ~
Bought—by love, and life the price!
Bleats the mighty debt to owe.
Holy pilgrim ! what ior thee
In a world like thi remain?
From thy guarded b t shall flee
Fear and shame arid doubt and pain.
Foar—the hope of heaven shall fly,
Shamp—from glory's view retire,
Doubt-4n certain rapture die,
Pain—in endless blissbliss expire. f- "
"Why," says Ossian, "should'st thou
build thy hall, soft of the winged daYs? thou
lookest from the towers to-day, yet a few
years, and the blast of the desert comes—it
howls in the empty court, and whistles a
round thy half worn shield!" Then why
should man look forth as he fondly hopes up
on the sunny future with the eye of fancy,
and lay up .the golden visions, which have
passed like sunbeams in his pilgrimage, in
the hope ofbrighter ones yet to come, when
to-morrow the clods may be heaped on his
coffin, and above his quiet rest the sepulchral
views tremble in the wind I Alas ! if there
is aug,la ll on earth which should subdue pride
—which `iikauld make men feel that "the
rich and the 'ppor meet together, and that
the Lord is makof them all I"—it is the
Grave! It is there &sea tment dies, revenge
and ambition are satiatOct:it is there above
the urn of sorrow, man muittearn that
Happiness seems to,loave fixed her seat in
rural scenes. The spacious hall, the light
ed assembly, the splendid equipage, and the
pomp of courts, appear is less than the sha
dow of a shade when -eempnred with rural.
romanticity, and milder beauties of soul
pleasing nature: glittering misery does not
sooth and entertain the mind of man in any
degree, like the verdant plain, the enamelled
mead, the romantic vale, the fragrant grove,
thp melotliona feathery choir, the sportive
beasts, the azure sky, and the star besprink
led heavens.
It is undoubtedly a fact, that in proportion
to our population, too many leave the occu
pation of the Agriculturist, for other em
ployments. If this arise from its being con
sidered that the employment of the husband
man is not respectable, it is a very great
mistake. Every thing is honorable which
is useful and virtuous. This is an employ
ment instituted by : God himself, and by him
peculiarly owned and blest. It is that on
which every thing depends. True it is la
borious; but, then, labour brings health, and
health is the fountain of employment and
happiness—and it is health alone that can
render life desirable. The condition of the
firmer is thecondition ofindependence—
little dominion is his own, his comforts are
his Own, and he is not at the mercy of the
public whim or cap rice . It is not necesarily
the case, in this happy country-espeeial4 , -,that
the -farmer must- be- a-stupid,- ignorant - man:
He is taught in his youth the first rudiments
of education, and he has many spare hours
to read. - In the heat of summer's noon, and
by the long winter's evening fire, he has
much time for his newspapers and his books,
and in this country they are placed within
the reach of all. The farmer, by his prox
imity to God as He is displayed in the works
of His creation, is led to "look through na
ture up to nature's God;" and his nearness to
the sourceless and endless Author • of all
created things accounts for the unusual ex
tension of religious feeling among t who
"venerate the plough."
Mr: Wm. Bradford, of Vermont, has a
horse which he hatdriven in a loaded we
in from Montpelilr to Boston and back,
one hundred timend in sis years and might
months; the distanpe being 170 miles, the
horse has travelled in that time 34,000
miles. He is. nowiabout 21 years old, and
is "a pretty good co horse yet."
Baltimore 4.OPioßail ßoast and Chesa
peake and Ohio CanaL—We are indebted
to the attention of correspondent at Annap
olis for the high • gratifying information
that this most important Suit. teen teen . deei..
ded on final heating by the telunwillor, int
We take the earliest opportintiqt
cing this to the public, and •the
community on tbe result.. nit,,,anetie.
Mary Ann i lliggins, a handsome girl, aged
19,was lately cm*Atedat Warvvidit Assizes,
of administe ` laraenic to her IN* untie
w4h a view to bill bin and obtain his pro.
party. Tbr cdd Our died front the pow
the primmer wad believed 4 0 1)!I dedtb
tlm sat by bin in*Glowitt roOrChulur
i _7•
u w7„,.
Iti•intbitratt Sauntir.
'WM (114.11ab&RIEDo
"Life is a torrid
Parch'd by the wind
And death, tho calm, cool
When the weary day
who was tried LIS an, butrrequifted. l
She was executed on ay at Whittley
Common, near Coventry. It is supposed
that from 15 to 20,000 persons were present
at the execution.—English Parr.
The word Veto is thus explained in a late
letter from Kentucky: "When the plaguy
Congress pester the old 'chap (the Priaideiit)
with any of their law he don't like, he throws
it down and stamps it all , to brick and dust;
and as he never lets them have it any more,
this is called putting his five toes upon it; for
V.'stands for five, you know, for short. See,
Jim, what it is to have lainen."-
FRANKLIN, Pa. Sept. 20.
Fationterion.—Merns. Riley and Scott,
°Nile city of New York, own a large body
of land in the upper -end of this county, and
extending into the south west corner of Mer•
cer county. A great accession of settlers
has taken place lately on those lands. We
are authorised from an authentic source to
say, that between one and two hundred
families of new eetderf will be on the next_
spring, principally frOm Massachusetts and
New Jersey. The tide of emigration is
nearly equally rapid to other parts of the
country. Almost every day we hear ofnew
settlers. This is as it should be. We have
long been satisfied that if the resources Hof
Western Pennsylvania were fully developed,
they hold out to emigrants much stronger
inducements than those of Illinois, &c. most
viard. We sincerely wish our new and en.
terprizing settlers health and prosperity.
Venango Democrat.
Literary Convention.—This distinguish
ed body met at the City Hall, in New York,
on Tuesday last; and was organized by ap
pointing the Hon. JOHN Q. ADAMS, of
.Massachusetts, to preside over their pro
ceedings. The Pon. Mr. Gallatin and
Lieut. Gov. Livingston were-appouited-V.
Presidents; and John Delafiekl, Fisq. of N.
Y. and Professor Jocelin, Secretaries. We
ave seen no fiill account of their,_
. p r p ceed.
in but believe it write theiir Object to n
troduce.a uniform system of pronunciation
of the Gk.e and Latin` languages, in the
classical Watt dons OfOur country.
mark. N. J. Monitor.
From a statement Balled In several
newspapers, it appears, tit . the amount of 1
-of debt contracted by the state during tyo
'it, llic
years of Governor Wolf's admini icon, is
nearly as much as the entire sum conl ted
during the administrations of Meister and
Shulze, in a period ofnine years.
Three young men, sons of Mr. J. Phillips,
of South Salem, in a boat, near Phillips's
beach, on the evening of the 22d ult. fired
into a flock of shags, and killed 42 at one
discharge of their pieces, which were com
mon muskets. The shag is a species of duck,
and is rarely-killed except
In Bedford county, Va. a slave belonging
to Dr. Mitchell, was sentenced to death for
attempting to kill his master's with. An
other, owned by Mr. Circle, on James river,
was tried at Fincastle,
on Monday, on a
charge of insurrection; and, as the court was
not unanimous, was sentenced to be whipped.
A letter from a respected friend in Isle of
Wight county, dated 27th inst. informs us
Unita free_negro, named Witif-JoAnion, a
• ent of - that - county; murdered his w' e
and his only child, on the evening of Wed.
nesday 26th inst. and had absconded. The
followingidescriptiori of the wretch is given
that he may b 6 - brought In_ justice. -Sabi
Johnson is a hewer 'And sawyer by trade,
quite likely in persori,nttbout five feet 9 or 10
inches high, of dark complexion, about 25 or
30 years of ar--no marks recollected. ,
The Wellsborough Phcenir says, that a
most shockineaccident occurred in that vil•
lage on Thursday evening last. • A coloured
woman, wife of Elias Spencer, being in a
state of intoxication, fell into the fire, and
was burned about the face and bieast in a
most dreadful manner. She yet survives,
but no hopes are entertained of her recove.
qr.. , This is another proofof the fatal sabots
of 'intemperance.
EauricifivoiLes. Butvas.--We bate
great pleasure millein,g able to inform our
readers, that the British Governinent have.
determined on the enamcipatiatiof the slaves
belonging to the Crown in the various con-
Tiered cola. Directions to this - effect
have greatly been 63rwroled to the Grad
or of Berbide, and in 'a fits , months we may
joyfully anticipate that our governtmmt, tit
least, will be purged • Atm the fogl stain of
slavery.-4ondoe Baptist Map •
There is a . gourd at the museum, the
growth of the present season, under whose
shade a modern Jonah or even Grotiah might
repose.. It measures fi ve Sint fi.ur an 4 a
halr inches in eircumtbrsnee e and weighs
fifty-six pounds. It was raised ixdfolkstrd.
l oom
stork, by Afro Aaron d G w ood ,: *hew of
the superintendent or the kn, frowned
brought by, throw , frcim a place 700
miles west o , *ftle Rook ft?: *limps" ter.
fiterYo—tPos . ton: Mogan%
~,, • , • ,
3i;;;,?~,,";~ ,pF
1t7 . 7
re it
, _
1 I
Terillityrvv9 ,
,rpotuiterpir p
'de -ludr-yeaily
ihtwiweritz. - ) six monthig,,
Cnuerl u all etrreargervellaid
,to noiiry a discontintianoei
eetl-,itieretl N new eumement and tb. .
paper forwardwi accoduagl' yd.
Pennsylvania ifiegishonsv.
Philadelphia - City.—Williain &l), Deihl 8..
Haasinger. t
Philadelphia Co anty.--latlantturdenanieptt
Cheeter and Delaware.—Jona Ksai ix , Wagon
Northampton, Warm, Lehigh and Pihs;-4sinott
kern,§4 Walter C. Livingston.
Berk* and Sehtiylkili.—, Jacob Knits, DatiiiiA
Dauphin and Lebanon.,Taeob Stamm:.
Lancaster,—tilemiuel Houston, John Rob!semi
Adams.-.. Ezra an Adams.-..Ezra Blyth; Henry
ser. t
- Cumberland and Perry.—Jesse Miller.
Franklin.—DAVlD FULLICRTI)N4 •
Bedford and Sotnereet..—William Piper: - •
Northumberiandand Union.--Sennue/LPackeri
Centre, C/earfie/d, Lyeoming, Potter and irsd.
Kean.--Henry Petriken.t
Luzern/ and Columbia .--John Drumheller..
Bradford, Tioga and Susquehunnm.:—Reubmae
Huntingdon, MW lin, Juniata and Cambriem.a
Thomas .Tickson.
Weetnaorcland.--john Klingensmith.:
Emparand Butler.---Mosts Sor.r.rvand.
..;megYlTtny.--William Haye4
Washingron.--Thornsup Ringland: ,
Fayette and. G -hreene.-Willitun G . maalginsi
Solomon G. Krepps4
Erie, Mercer and Crthofcird.Q-Thomax S. Caw
Arenstronti-Indirma, Affersori,--Wita
Venanga—Philip MecMmnV
The names of the Administration members LT*
in Roman; the National Republibans SMALL'
CA/PI7.ALB, and the AntiAlasono in Atha.. The
Anti-Wolf members are marked thus 4). Thioipie
marked with a double dagger (I) were abated tatt
the late election.
lakideiphia Cliy.--sunuol B. Di*Juirtit
H. Mulc t Joseph Hemp&ll,i. Paul R - Breern, Joh*
W. As. hmead,f J.ll.Counpbel4---Theneesibiletilli.l
Philadelphia County.--James Geodnian,--Dand
lel R. Miller, Richard Pelts, Thomip J. HOILOIO/
Franklin' Vaneantr-Jiihn Felton, William Hind
okle,t Jacob Coßavi' _
81848.-- RobetillwingEl4 Airtaffiemßtiese i f
Christian Bartles4 Daniel Bodean4
DeTetoare.--Dr. &nun Asureasox4
Chester.—Thomas diterniese
Benjamin Gririth, B. P. Penn 'dent -
Montgomery..—Philip Hoo,' John Sheemere
John E. Groom+ -
Lancaster.—John Lovett,t 4Talot Streitan4 loose ,
Meekey,t Michael Kaufman* James Wkitehillir
Thomas R. Burros/mit . • ----
Berks.--John Wanlier, John Potteigor, Witt
Bath High,t Henry Boyer.t
Lebanon..--Devid Mitchel
Deephin.—Christian Spa d, John Pox.'
ltron&meptsts, WayneandPike.—Thomsralinti
Samuel Stokes, George Keluhner, hilrp Lyieur
Lehigh.—Peter Inepploy, John Weider.t '
York—John Rankin, John RiDonnell,tAndrem.
- Adems.—clitistian Pick ing,t A ndrew Marshall..
Franklin, Jtrxs DUNLOP,t THOMAS G. Ma.
Cin.wit4 •
Bed/ord.—Benjamin Martin,t George Ja*is,fr
Curnbtrieni.---,Michael Concklin,t Simnel M‘i
Perry.--john Johnston.t
&merest and Combria.--Daniel Wayand„t
- Narthumberlaint..- - -Veneerer Greerungrkt
Malin and Juniats.—Andrear .Bratton,t wil ,
liam Sharon:l.
Centre and Clearfield.—.Bond Valenti:Ere; Jollair
Huntingdon.--John Porter,t Henry Botaireht,
Lyceming, Potter and /114.Kean:--14rilliamPiat*,.
George Crawford.t
Col rg umbie,d--Uzir. Noricum.
Losetne.--Albert G. Broadhead,t rileholisf
Bindford and nogo.---.John Laporte, joint
Sueguithanner.—ALsioir H. Rr:Arti
Westmoreland—Jamearindtv,t -
;6f7 7 a ---. whead.t
j _
_ohn Walker,t ildrew Bayne.f ' .
Washington.--Willinnt Waugh, Wanton W.
Williams INin.l'atterson. •
liabrißiliiinon: •
Armstrong.--Hu g h Rerde
Indiana and Jefferson.—,Williant lineeoni e
Mercer.—WalteeDlieer. • -
Crawford.-olonre B. WALLAan t
Warren and Vetaango.—John Galbraith. •
Payette.—Roberts Pattermon,t Miliaria P. Car
1 46 4
Greene,Andrew Buchanan.* _
Brie,—.Jaini. Riddle. •
The' mines of the Administration members std
in Roman, the Anti4fasons are in hale, and thy
National Republicans in Baum CAPITAt S. nit
new members are marked thus t.•
been estimated thitt the blission~olo
Randolph of Roanoke' has cost the Tnnikv
ry a little more than 2,Boodollars_ rt. day
or 11t; an hour, or not quite ' afro doilarsfor'
non Minute of hie residence, sleeping, of
waiting, at the Russian Couttk-Bis. rate
New York Itedtbrti Gazette
that a coloured man having been obee: '
in flie room where: the Siamese' twine were'
_who had gained admittance witiv
out paying, Chang-Engontidenly numbed'
up,fimed him and accused mof it, Muth'
so frightened the poor AaUow that he Osiris&
At tits late election ht this sista, Irve e 44/
tore mite eandickttes ibr at in iWGlPalpe
AssomblY, throe of whom have been ere
beted it would appear' hoot thee,. that thw
Pfteetitette elm adopted
demi. are so ortunO'Se
have beensoneented in,* **Haitian el*
paper, should be excluded frotamiliee•
not generally obtain in , Penneyleabitt. -
I *maw