The star, and Adams County Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1831-1832, November 15, 1831, Image 4
F i~ . •`~.'~~ AN 0 T A BM la El .. - 2 *,t)* ,- *lt_ •__... .'xT4.: PROCLAMATION. • WHEREAS the Hon. Jonx REED, Esq. President of the several Courts of Common Pleas, in the Countiee composing the Ninth District, and Justice ofthe Courts ------ iifiTyiiiaTidTerminer ' and General l - Jail De • livery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the said.Districi—and DANIEL SHEFFER, and Wm.IIIPCLEA, Esq's Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas, and Justi ' ces_of the_Courts ofOyer find Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the County of Adams—have issued their precept, bearing date the 25th day of August,m the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, and to me directed, for holding a Court of Common Pleas, and General Quar ter Sessions of the Peace, and General Jail Delivery ) and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at. Gettysburg, On Monday the 28th day pf November next, At 10 o'clock A.M. Notice is hereby Given, To all the Justices of the Peace, the Coro ner, and Constables, within the said County, of Adams, THAT - thOy bo then and there, in their proper persons, with their Rolls, Records, Examinations, and ether Re membrances, to do those things which to their offices, and in that behalf, appertain to be done,and also they who will prose .cute against tho prisoners that are, or then shall bo, in the Jail of the said County of Adams, are to" be then and there to prose cute against them as shall be just. Dated at Gettysburg, the 25th day of October, A. D. 1831. Wig. S. COBEAN, Sheriff. I rN pursuance of a Writ, directed to me for that purpose by . his Excellency GEORGE WOLF, Governor of the Com monwealth of Pe*sylvania I WILLIAM . S. COBEAN, Esquire, High Sheriff of the County of Adams, DO THEREFORE, HEREBY Make known, and , give this public notice to the Electoraof said county, that anrElectien will be held Uri Tuesday the 22d of November next, at the several Election Districts established by law-in said county; at which time and places the qualified electori as aforesaid, will'elect by Ballot One Mireonber of Congress to represent the Eleventh Congressional District, at present composed of the Coun ties of . Cumberland, Adams, Franklin and Perry, in the- House of Representatives of the United States, in consequence of the vacancy which has happened by the decease of William Ramsey, Esq. who was elected a Member of said District. By the 15th Section of the act of 15th of February 1779, it is provided, that the Judges and Inspectors chosen for and before the preceding General Election, shall attend and serve as such respectively at such oc casional election; and thOsaid Inspectors ___andJudge- svill:heiefore. meet the pro. per place in their respective districts, on the day of the election aforesaid at nine o'clock mini - to do and perform the sev eral duties enjoined on them by laj. -- urn ge ofe se - veral Elec . - tioifthiCriets, - WIO - meet at the Court Howie in the Borough of Gettysburg, on Friday the 25th day or November next, at -11 o'clock - A. M. with ---- artificates of Elec tion. m their respective-dist • ~ . . •theduty required of them by law. And i and by an act of the General Assembly, passed the 2d• day of April 1521 it is enact ed and declared that every person who, shall hold may office or appointment of pro, fit or trait under the Government of the U. States whether commissioned officers. or otherwise; a subordinate officer or agent, es who is or shalt be employed under the Legislative Executive or Judiciary Depart ment of the United States, and - also, that every member of Congress, is by law ince pabli of holding or exercising, at the same time, the office• or appointment of Judge, Inspector, or Clerk . of any election id this • &de. Dataat Gettysburg, the 18th day of Oc• Sober, iti•the . year of our Lord, 1831. WWI fAill S. COBEAN, Sheriff. ik • JOHN S. BRIDGES, Costifetioner and Fruiterer, No. 139:KtitactSparsT, BACTI ' MORB. Manufactures and Sells colirrnadioNAtty, AXIVHDLESALE, - AT 18 Mtn rna POUND.. try-An, cgders,wit, paid,: enclosing the Cash, will meet Aiith immediate attention. k . lepa constantly on hand, a LAWNS- AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF FRUIT Otalribt dl rent kinds, Foreign and. Domenic. Puce Sweeitheats, •'' Cordials, • Bastindia PipservpdiGinger, Syrups, Pire dekerl,.. 4, Wilmorei. Or toikr. 18, 'ilia/ 4t-2 8. MIKA . te*,.•!• =ON. mlima_tesu L bQ exPOsed, to pubic wile on T v Saturday the 17th dayyDecember not, at 'the house of Jskiebair, limkeepet in the Borough of Hanover; at 1 o'clock P. M., the following described property, viz: A - 2 STORY - BRICK HOUSEII and LOte_Grrnard,situatairt_the_Bonsig of Hanover, Baltimore-street, next door to Gobrechts'Apothecaryi late the residence of John Michael, deceased. The above property if well - calculated for any kind of public business, and has been occupied b' said deceased as a store for a number of years, being the third lot from the corner or square. The condition of sale will be as follows: One half of the purchase money in hand on delivery of the Deed, which will be on or before the Ist day of April 1832, and.the residue in two equal annual payments; the purchaser to give his bonds with approved security, JOHN MICHAEL, Jr:Exir. October 25, 1831. to-29 COME AND SEE T 1 PRECISE FALL 0.002111 11.71rIEL COMFORT has dust received from Philadelphia, a new and beautiful assortment of FALL aiNTINTER GOODS OF- Superfine Blue, Black, i ociaornas Mixed and Olive , CASSI NETS, BLANKETS, FLANNEL, MERINO SHAWLS, Freech & English Merinoes & Crape Royal, for dresses. Black Binbazetts, Circassian, Tartan Plaids and Camlet CLOAKS, English & Italian Lustring SILKS, Wilk almost every other article in his line qf business. His stock of Goods having been selected with great care, will be sold on very accommodating terms. tr.)—Per sons wishing to purchase largely, will find it to their advantage to call and examine— they may rest assured of having Gobils of fered them as CHEAP as at any other house iu the place. —ALSO— large lot of IRO.!; Has just been received from Arnold & Ste vens Forge, warranted of a superior quali ty—which will be sold low. Gettysburg, October 18, 1831. 4t-28 - DR. Z. CULBERT, OFFERS FOR SALE, At the old stand a fete doors South of Mr. Jaynes Gourley 's Tavern, Baltimore Street, Gettysburg, A FRESH AND GENERAL SUPPLY OP 1D 1 fartale• Paints sr _Dye-Muth. AMONG WHICH, ARE THE FOLLOWING DRUGS & MEDICINES. Acid Sulphur's Mustard Seed " Nitric Nutmeg " Muriatio Oil Worn►seed a Tartaric " Cinnamon " Lemon " Cloves /Ether " Castor Aseafmtida " Sweet Antimony " Cubebs Baillam Copaiva " Mint Borax crude and relined " Juniper Blue Pill Opium Carb Ferri Rhubarb " Ammonia Red Precipitato " k, agnesia Snide Root Cal... Sarsaparilla Cre arias • Sal Ammoniac Camphor Salts Epson:- - Calcined Magnesia " Glauber Flor. Sulphur • 13enna Gum Guise - Tartar Emotis . " Arable Venice Turpentine Draggon Varnish Copal Manna " Black ell PAINT ( S. d Terra De Sienna Chrome Yellow •• Green White Lead Reirtevd --- s y rwliiah Brown Litherrs Burnt Umber DYE sTuFrs. Logwood shipped Indigo Redwood • Miura. Madder Copperas Full() • Red Saunders Camwood Red Tartar Turmeric • &c. &e. &e. PATENT MEDICINES. Bgternans Drops Medicamentum Balsam De Malta Whites Tooth ache drops " of Litt Golden Tincture British oil Pills . Lee's Cephalic Snuff Dyot's Elixer Paregoric H. Lyon's " Vitriol Fisher's ';' Eye water flooper's Essence Cinnsinii Anders*. " Peppermint " quirt& " Lemon - OpodeMoe Godfreyi Cordial arc. 4c. tS•e, 0 7 -I s rii.3 above articles he will sell as low for-Cash, as can. be had at any other shop in the place. September 20, 1831. TO OUR CREDITORS. WAKE NOTICE, that we have applied to the Judges of the Court of Commin Pleas of Adams county, for the benefit of the Insolvent laws, and that the said Judge have appointed Monday the 28th da of, for the hetting of ua toad . .our creditors,, at the Court-houso in the bOa. Aof Gettysburg, vvhere you may attend think paoper.. ' ALEXANDER SCOTT, -JAC SMITH,, " BENkv a-.- •••••*ctober 4 1:881. 4t-28 6.. • * rweian Blue 14ampblack tl-24 4inkg otta *MA woRTErt THE Butstriber iespectlidly informs 'his customers and the public, that he is just receiving a fresh supply of 1PA.141,4 GOODS. • CONSISTING OP • Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens Ware and Hard Ware, Stoves and Hollow Ware, Trop and Limnber, &C. All catAp for: CASH and COUNTRY PRODUCE. &c. THOMAS J. COOPVR. N. B. 1 return my thanks to those that have attended to my last notice for calling and settling; and wish others to call anti settle, whore their accounts is of old stand ing. October 18, 1831. 41P2V) ClllXarbi3B THE subscriber respectfully tenders his thanks to his friends, and the public generally, for their liberal encouragement, and informs them that he has just returned from the Cities of Philadelphia and Balti timore with a LARGE AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF SEASONABLE GOODS. AMONG WHICH ARE, - CLOTHS, CA.SSIMERES and 8.4.13NET5: BLANKETS, FLANNELS, TARTAN PLAIDS, /Ye. 4.c. WIT . A HANDSOME ASSORTMENTOF English and French super royal MERINOS,•& Merino and Thibet SHAWLS. OzrAs Puffing is unnecessary, I only re quest a call, to oblige SAMUEL FA HNESTOCK. Gettysburg, October 4, 1831. 4t—Q6 BOOT. S. M. TUDOR, O FFERS his Professional services to the public generally, and can always be found at his father's residence, at the house formerly occupied by James Morrisson, within one mile and a half of Hampton. Fair Mount, June 14, 1831. tf-10 TO OUR CREDITORS.. 'FAKE NOTICE, that we have applied Jo- to the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, for the benefit of the Insolvent laws, and that the mid Judges have appointed Monday the Mat h day of November next; for the hearing ofus and our creditors, at the Court-house in the bolough . uttendifyou- think proper. October 4, 1891. 'a German alitti-Jrlasonie ALMANAC, FOR THE YEAR 1832, Has just been published at Lancaster, Pa. by S. WAGNER, Editor ofthe Examiner,. Tills ALMANAC is handsomely print ed on good paper, with now and neat type; 'and contains forty-eight large octavo pages of letter-press. It comprises histori cal notices ofFreemasonry,, and expositions of its character and tendency in a social, religious, motel and political point of view; an explanation of t the system of symbolical mqenry, with extracts from the obligations and a brief description of, the ceremonies of each degree, illustrated by FITTT-F'I'VE 77001:07143 ; And a variety of information relating to Se `oret Sooiqtiop; besides the usual astronomi cal cala4lationsidzc. Pniclita*Ten dollars, ver gross. , One dollar,, per dozen. Single copies, 1.2 i cents.- Orders, accompanied with cash 6r satigactoryt regsreaces, wilL be promptly tend to. , ' 308 VRINiVING, EXIIetrTBD NBA TNICiIi'ANIO-DitiPATeil AZ nits firms& T. J. - C. - - 4t-2R Your o'ued lent serv't. JOHN M'INTYRE, JOSEPH TONER, JOHN MYERS. 4t-2t) ' #l 4. r -- --PLBIJI~SALE. I N pursuance drlka,iiider of the Orphans' Court of Adams county, will be expos ed to public sale, on • saturd4y the 26th day 4f November next, ' on th© -pieniises, A TRACT OF- L D , Late the -- Esta-te - of John Fiekes, Esq. deed: Containing 21 Acres 84 38 Perch es, with an allowance, situate in Hunting ton township, Adams county, adjacent to the town of Petersburg, (York Springs,) adjoining lands of Fletcher Moorhead, Ja. cob Gardner and others, on which are erec ted a large, and convenient two story' BRIC A TC DOUSE II •• • and. KITCHEN, a brick Spring • si • house, a double Barn, and frame Wood-house. There is a never failing Spring of Water convenient to the house and barn, with a Fountain Pump near the kitchen door. About SEVEN ACRES . of the above: Tract is cleared and under good fence, the remainder covered with excellent Timber. There is an Orchard of Peach and Apple trees on the ,premises. ALSO, • tiIODIAYP ZiOEPo • Adjoining the' Town of Petersburg. ALSO, Al LOT OF GROUXD In the Town of Petersburg, on which are erected, a - Frame House* Slable., A Stream of Water runs through this Lot. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, M. of said day, when attendance will be given, and torus of sale mad& known, by' JACOB FICKES, e rortft - 8311TH, Adm'rB fly the Court, JOHN B. CLARK, Cleric. • October 4,- 1331. is-26 IRON ! IRMY: ! THE - subscriber offers Iron fir sale at the reduced price of $5 SO per cwt., gross, and $4 92, nett. He has on hand a large assortment of all kinds of Iron, rolled and hammered. DAVID ZIEG it s October 18, 1881. 4t-28 Ten Dollars Reward. H l' authority of tlk Town Council of the Borough of Gettysburg, I hereby offer a reward of TEN DOLLARS, for such information as shall lead to the con viction in the Court of Conimon Pleas of Adams county, of the person or persons who committed a - wanton and malicious outrage upon the property of a traveller, at the house of Jani Gourley, in said borough, on the night of the 17th Inst. ROBERT swim, Burgas.. Gettysburg,-, Nov. I, 18a1. 4w-30 ANTI -MASONIC BOOKS.—A great variety of Anti-Masonic Publications have been received and arc ready for dis tribution, and sale, by the subscriber; A mong which are the following :- 5000 Giddin's Almanacsfor 1831 and 1832. New England do. do. Proceedings of the National Anti-Masonic Convention. C. D. Colden's Letter. Lamentations of Free -Masonry. Illustrations of Free-Masonry, by William Morgan. VALERIUS DUKEHART, General Agent. Baltimoro, 11th mo. let, 1881. 4t-80 Pennsylvania Reporter. LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDEWS: mURING the approaching Session, the Pennsylvania Reporter will contain full, fair, and impartial reports of the pro ceedings of both branches of the legislature. Competent reporters are. already engaged, - who-will - attend - regularly in the Senate and House of Representatives during their sessions. The Reporter will be printed on a fine large imperial sheet, with small type, which will enable us lo give the reports of the proceedings and debates, in both houses, at great length; and no exertion's will'be spared to render it interesting to the public in general, and "partkiularly to the citizens of Pennsylvania, as a faithful record of its legislative proceedings. The terms will be the same as heretofore, viz: For the fusion, twice n week, in advance r $ 00 For the whole year, 3 00 Otr The aceounts due fur subscription to the Reporter, from its commencement, Net vember 20,1827, have been transferred to the subscriber, who earnestly requests all those in arrears, to embrace the opportuni ty afforded by the. meeting of the legislature, to forward their dueo by the meinbers.— Those who do not reside convenient to their members,, may transmit by mail at our risk. HENRY WELSH. November, I, I E) i 3l. 4t-80 TO MY CREDITORS. TAKE NOTICE, that I have applied to the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, for the benefit of the Insolvent laws, and that the sthd Judges have appoi4te'd Monclnc . the 28ih of No na:her next, for the hearing of me and my ;creditors, at the Court-hrse• in the bcreugh of Gettysburg, where. you! naay':iittid if you - think popper. e • GO,ORGE , • Septembvt 27, 1.221. • - FIENZ MBE 11121 , loximtnums• SALES. I pursuance or' sundry writs Of Vendi. tionirEVOrmatissud-ot—of - the Court of - C4rnmon Pleas, and to rue ` directed, *ill ,be epiiksed ,to public sale, on Friday the 25th day of November inst., at 12 o'clock, M. at the Court-house in the Borough of Gettysburg, the following real estate, viz: A Tract of 'Land, Situate in__MOuntjay townslitp_ co ., adjoining landior Jesse .D. Newman, Jacob Hartman, and others, containing 15 Acres, more or less, on which are erected a Two Story Log Dwelling House, with a well of water at the door, ti- double Log Barn, and an Orchard. • Seized and taken in James Collins. • ALSO—A Tract of Land , Situate in Mountpleasant township, Adams county, adjoining lands of Philip Flesliman, James Lockhart and others, containing 53 Acres, more or less, on yvhichare erected a Story Log Dwelling House, double Log Barn, Log Sprina-house; and two Orchards. Seized and taken in exe cution as the Estate of John Schlosser. ALSO—A Tract of Land,, Situate in Tyrone township, Adams co., adjoining lands of John- Hartzell, Adam Forney and Philip Hartz.ell, containing a bout 14 Acres and 151. Perches, on which are erected a Two Story Log Dwelling House, Log Stable / Tanyard, Log Shop, Log. Mill-House, at@ an Orchard. Seized and taken in execution as .the Estate of Samikl Neely. • , WM. S. COBEAN, Sheriff: Sheriff's Office, Gettys. burg, Nov. 8, 1831. LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS. The Pennsylvania Telegraph. Will be published - on a large Imperial sheet with new type twice a week, during the Ses sion of the Leirislatute. It will contain full and impartial Reports of the proceedings of that body, and a summary of the debates, on all important questions, together with such remarks as the independent course or the editor shall deem just, uninfluenced by the hope of gain or reward, and unswayed' •by the officers of power or_dispenser.t of-paw tronage. In the exorcise of this privilege, he will from time to time, speak of the conduct of out-public m n, the character of their mea siires, and their principles ofadministration. But in doing this he will aim to he just and impartial, as Well as free and independent. Truth shall be spoken, and such facts as be long to the public conduct of public men, shall be given without fear or favor. Ablo Reporters are engaged. Arrangements are also made for giving the earliest reports of the proceedings of Congress. A portion of the TaLicistaApn will be devoted also to liter ary and general news. The terms will be, For the Session S:Z in advance. For the Year $3 do. do. Companies of 6, forwarding $lO, will re- ceive six numbers of the Telegraph during tho Session. Larger companies in propor tion. Agents who will obtain five subscri bers, shall receive a sixth copy grAillio ();!7 - All rernittarkes by mail, at the risk of the subscriber. THEO. FENN. Harrisburg, Nov. '8; 1831. 4t-31 GRAND MAY. Novethber Term... 1831. Straban lownskip.—Peter Hulick, John Dickson, Jr. Corunrago.—Nicholas Ginter, Jno. Emlet. Menallen.—Geo. Stauter, Levi Grist.. • Tyrone.—Jacob Smith, William Millar, Berwick.—Geo. Himes, Isaac Wolf; Cumber/and.=—Joseph • W.alk.Pr,, James Boyd - , John Plank, Robert Thompson. Huntington.—John Sadler. Mounijoy.—Sarnuel Durborrow, John. Adair. Hamiltonban.--David McMillan, John. Ferree, Isaac Robinson. , Borough. --John Slentz, Jacob Lefever., Mountpleizbant,,Samuel Swope. Lfami/ton."—Daniel E. Fahnestoek# GENERAL 317 RT. • Franklin Tcnonikip:',Robert Morrison, David- Willi Nicholas Mark, Alexander Caldwell, Them is M'Knight. Berwick—Jacb Newman, George Slat. gle, John Barmtz, Daniel Geisolman, Henry,v Lilly. Huntington—John Gardner,. Thos. Sty phens, bra'm Trostle, Templeton Brandon. Moan/pleasant—Jacob Diehl, Jr. Joseph. Rider, Andetseiv , Mourgioy--4no. Black, SilarMs Homer,. Jesse D. Newman, Joseph 0. ThoMpson. Hamikonban--William White, Jacob Weldy,,David Stewart,. Joseph Baugher. qv-many—Wm. Winrolt, Joseph Fink,, Miehhel Snyder: . • • Mamikan—George Brown. Gettysburg--Samuel. Fabbestock, David Zieglet. . Straban—Jacob Clissatt r Jr. haw Brim.. kerhofr Reading-L-David White. Mena/kn.—John Dillon. Liberty—David4Booserman, WILL at alLtimes be received' in pay moat for the Star. It is needed• ve ry much at present. ROBERT 'l4r . . MIDDLETON.. November g, 1831. , QUO QULP/A72,2loipi eM.lBl geo , Pripting 'b, the WiSI • iwited,,itnanduaoly at the Star Otru:e. lai Tr ( 0 ) (o, Fon II ts - -31 -