The star, and Adams County Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1831-1832, November 08, 1831, Image 4
. st-t, R® PROCLAMATION: HEREAS the Hon. Jonn REED, Esq. Arlr - -Presideiii of the several Courts of Comon Pleas, in the Counties composing the Ninth District, and justice of the L'ourts of Qy,sr and Terminer ' and General Jail De „lisory, for the trial of all capital and other 'offenders in the said District—and DANIEL Sways*, and W. M4CLEmi, EsqlsJudges of the Courts of Common Pleas, and Justi ces of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, nd dieeral Jail Delivery, for the trial orall [tai and other offenders in the County of Adams—have issued their precept, bearing date the 25th day of August,in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, and to me directed, for holding a Mart of Common Pleas, and General Quar tet Sessions ofthe Peace, and General Jail Delivery, and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Gettysburg, On Monday the 28th day of November next, At 10 o'clock A. M. • Notice is !l ereby Give‘, To all the Audices of the Peace, the Care sser, and Constables, within the said County of Adams, --- . -- Tlii - T - t*ise - then and there ' in their proper persons, with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions, Examinations, and ether Re membrances, to do those things whibh-to their offices, and in that behalf, appertain to be done—and also they who will prose cute against the prisoners that are, or then shall be, in the Jail of the said County of Adams, are to be then and there to prose- Cute against them as shall be just. Dated at Gettysburg, the 25th day of -- DettiVitie, X; D. - 1831 - . WM. S.-COBEAN, Sherif. PROINULTION. is pursuance- of ti Writ, directed to me , AL for that purpope by his Excellency GEORGE WOLF, Governor of the Com motiwealth of Pennsylvania,l WILLIAM &DOMAN, Esquire, Hi gh Sheriff' of the •Catity of Adams, DO THE3OSTODE, HEREBY take known, and give this public notice to tbe 'Rectors of said county, that an Election will be held On Tuesday the 22d of November next, —448-several-Elaction Districts established by law in said county; at which time and Ares the qualified electors as aforesaid, .elect by Ballot Member of Congress eine io----teresent the Eleventh 'Congressional District, at presont composed - of - the Coun ties of : Qbaberland, Adams, Franklin and Awry Wilke H.ouse of Representatives of the Unitedo States, in consequence of the vacancy which has happened by the decease of William Ramsey, Esq. who was elected a Member of said District. By the 15th Section of the act of 15th of February 1779, it is provided, that the Judges and Inspectors ohotten for and before the preceding General Election, shall attend auduttivems sucirimpectiveirat- such oc casional election; and the said Inspectors aid Sedges will therefore meet at the pro per place in their respective districts, on the day, of the eleetion aforesaid at nine o'clock in the forenoon, to de aid perform the sev eral duties enjoined on them brJaw. /Lite Return Jud of the several Elec. ten Istricts, are o meet arihi ourt }lotted in the Borough of-•Grettyaburg, on I .0 7.1u - i.freirrreriVATPs7:l, _nest r at 11 o'clock A. M. with certificates _of Elec tion In their respective districts, to perform theduty required of them by law. And in and by an act of the General Assembly, passed the 2d day of April 1821 it is enact. id -and deelared that every_ person who, shell hold any office or appointment of pro. fit or trust under the Government of the U. &stet whether commissioned officers or altherluse;„a eubordinato officer or agent, er whp is ,tor shell be employed under the Legielakive ExeCutile or Julliciaily Depart. Ment"orthe United States, and also, that wool member of Congress, is by law Inca pable.of holding or exercising, at the same thtioei the office or appointment of Judge, Inspector, or Clprk of any election in this akste. , Dated at Gettysburg, the 18th day of Oc. In *he year of our Lord, ,183.1. WITJAVI S. COBtIAN, Sheriff. '. JOHN -Si BRIDGES, ._ it fatiftaioner and Fruiterer, No. 139 IWRILEETSTREET, BALTIMORE. Manufactutea and Sells ' 'OO,III I ,IIOTkON ART , AT WHOLESALE, AT.IB CENTS PER rouse. 1131101oidexa, pod pact,- enclosing tho Cash, Will Wait with immediate attention. . He mew* heaps exultantly on hand, a / psitfiX „ AND WELL. SELECTED lITQCIS. Or 4 . ' F . RIT I. Fore T . e *int* Ailithreat kinda,`ign . and Demeitic. - ' Siieettneats, • Cordials,' .. - steer id ainger, AS I ~yrtii l "4 —it ' 44, . 4c. \ 4 0.. 4c. " Fs 1 more October 18 185/ 4t -44 8 . . • 4 V' i r_;,y yi SW ftirs'EsAmL bit exposed to public. sale on` W - Saturday the 17th da'of Decembei• next, at the house of John Bair, Innkeeper in the Borough — eft:mar; at I o'clock P. M., the following, A 2 STORY BRICK - HOUSE . I • and. Lot of. Ground, situate in the Borough of Hanover, Baltimore , street, siext door to Gobrechte Apothecary, late the residence of John Michael, deceased. The above property is well calculated for any kind of public business, and had been occupied by said - deceased as a store for a number of years, being the third lot from the corner or square. The condition of sale will be as follows: One half of the purchase money in hand on delivery of the Deed; which, will be on or, before the Ist day of April 1832, and the residue in two equal annual payments; the purchaser to give his bonds with 4:roved security. , JOHN MICHAEL, Jr. Ex'r. October 25, 1851. Mitice is hereby Giren, TO all persons concerned, that.the count of JOHN W RIGHT, Committee of JOSEPH HUTTON, a Lunatic, will be prengted for confirmation, at the next court Of Common Pleas, to be held at Gettysburg,. on the Fourth Monday of IVovember next CEO. WELSH, Proth'y. October 25, 1831. 4t-729 COME AND SEE TEE 711%3113E FALL C-001:0 neLVIE Z COMFORT has AL' i just received from Philadelphia, a new and beautiful assortment of PALL aIIESNTER GOODS -CONIISTING OF--.... . 4\ Superfine Blue, Bla , ri iia ornis Mixed and Olive lij CASSINETS, BLANKETS, FLANNEL, MERINO SHAWLS, French & English Merinoes & Crape Royal, for dresses. Black Bombazetts, Circassiens, T tan Plaids and Camlet CLOAKS: E ' h4latiratitustiing SILKS, Wit m ostevery other article in his line of business. ; . His stock of Goods having been mlect4riith great care, will be sold on itify,a6Conamodating terms. (KrPer sons wishing to purchase largely, will find A to their advantage to call and examine— they may rest assured of having Goods of fered them as CHEAP as at any other house in the place. large lot of IROX, Has just been received from Aniold & Ste vens' Forge, warranted of a superior quali ty—which will be sold low. Gettysburg, October 18, 1831. DR. 3. GILBERT, OFFERS FOR SALE, At the old stand a few doors South of Mr. James Gourley 's Tavern, Baltimore Street, Gettysburg, • A ITEM AND GENERAL SUPPLY OF ZDUItiPeCt 4261)21 - QYZIALLUOLteRPZBO r - Paints •IP.Dye-Stssil's. AMONG WHICH, ARE THE FOLLOWING : DRUGS & MEDICINES. Acid Sulphuric Mustard seed " Nitric Nutmeg " Muriatie Oil Wormseed " Tartaric " Cinnimon " Lemon " Clove* lEther " Castor' Aseafcetida " Sweet Antimony Cubebs Balsam Copaiva " Mint Borax crude and refined " Juniper R bares __ Red Precipitate Snake Root Sarsaparilla Sal Ammonia. Salte_Epsorn " Glauber Senna Tartar Emetic Venice Turpeutiae Varnish Copal " Black oil PAINTS. Terra De Sienna Chrome Yellow " Green Rose Pink Pruseilip Blue Lamphillick Garb Ferri Ammonia Magnesia . Calomel -Cream—Tartar Camphor Calcined Magnesia Flor. Sulphur Gum Guiae abie Marna Draggon White Lead Red Lead Spanish Brown Venetian fed Labarge Burnt Umber • DYE STUFFS. Logwood chiiiped Indigo 4 1 ' 'Redwood- • Annul •Madder • Copperas Fustic Red Saigidetv Camwood ' Red Tana Turmeric &c. &c. PATENT MEDICINES. natemans Drops • Medieamentum Balsam De Malta. Whites Tooth aloha drops " of Life Golden Tincture British oil Pills Lee's Cephalic Snuff 4 Dyot's • • Elixer Paregoric'- " Lyon's _ " Vitriol " Fisher's Eye water " Hooper's Essence Cinnamon • " Anderson's " Peppermint 4 Quinine Lemon Opcßleldoc Godfreys Cordial 4T 3 arc. 4c. Oz The above articles he . MI Belk as low for cash, as can be had at suet ether shop in thiztplace. September 20, 1831. WOOD ILL at all times- be received in pay v nient for the Star- It is needed ve ry much at pm:tient- "'~ - . WOR i nfer ATTENTIONI rilpHE subscriber respectfully informs his -AL customers and the public, that be is st receiving a 'fresh supply of - FALL. G 0 113101%.. COT SIt3TING OF • • Dry Goods, Groceries Queens Ware and Hard Ware, Stoves and Hollow Ware, Iron and Lumber, &c. All CHEAP for CASH and COUNTRY PRODUCE. Arc. THOMAS J. COOPER. . N. B. 1 return mr thanks to those that have attended to Myilast notice for calling and settling; and wish others to call and settle, where their accounts is of old stand ing. T. S. C. October 18, 1631. 4t-28 4 1 1 1 27? THE subscriber respectfully tenders his thanks to his friends, and the public , generally, for their liberal encouragement, and informs them that he has just returned from - the. Cities of Philadelphia and Balti timore with a 0-29 LARGE AND..SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OP SEAISONABLE GOoDs, AMONG WHICH ARE, CLOTHS, CASSIMEItES and DLANKETS, FLANNELS, TARTAN PLAIDS, 4.c• 4'T• WITH A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF English and French super royal MERINOS, & Merino and Thibet SHAWLS. Ot - As Piffling is unnecessary,' only re quest a call, to oblige Tour obedient serv't. SAMUEL EATINESTOCK. CrOpsbufg, October 4, 1831. 4t-215 CO4ClMalw4lii .7VG, .re. • • - . • ^ asfle 4 F• : WO' Nspy - .!/••••• -- •• ik7 • es. •••••• - 2 1 4M 9 SALVIUMI Respectfully informs the public that has New Shop in Chambersburg Street, a few doors West of the Court House, WHERE AR IS PRERARED TO Make, Trbn l . and Repair e riteitlea, OF . EVERY DESCRIPTION, -..-AL-SO SAD DLES 9 • - BRIDLES, SADDLE-BAGS, Portmanteaus, riarness, Trunks, and every other article in his line 'of busi ness, with neatness;durability and despatch. He returns his thanks for past encourage ment, and shall endeavor to merit a contin uance of the same. July 28,1831. tf-1 8 4t-28 DoCT. B. M. TUDOR, OFFERS his Professional services to the public generally, and can always be found at his father's residence, at the house formerly occupied by James Morrisson, within one mile and a half of Hampton. Fair Mount, June 14, 1631. tf-10 To OUR CREDITORS. WAKE. NOTICE, that we have applied to the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, for the benefit of the Juscay.ent_ Jam i _iinfl that the said Judges have appointed Monday the 28th day #' November next, for the hearing of us and our creditors, at the Court-house in the borough of Gettysburg, where you may attend if you - think proper. JOHN M'INTYRE, JOSEPH TONER; JOHN MYERS. October 4, 1831. .1 German :Inti..l►lasonic ALMANAC FOR THE YEAR 1832, Has just beenpubliehed at Lancaster, Pa. S. WAGNER, Eoitar,of the Examiner. 11HIS ALMANAC is handsomely print -IF- ed on good paper, with new and neat type; and contains forty-eight large octavo pages of letter-press. It comprises histori cal notices ofFreemasonry, and expositions of, its character and tendency in a social, religious, mole' and political point of view; an explanation oCthe systeM of syrnicklial masonry, with extracts from the obligations and a brief description of the ceremonies of each degree, illustrated by .11 1 11"27•71713 V7C4=CYCTEI ; and a variety of information relating to Se cret Societies; besides the usual astronomi cal c&lculations, &c. &c. • Pittoe=4Ten dollars, pfr gross. • One dollar, per dozen. .Single copies, r2i cents. o::7"Orders accompanied 1.401,11 cash,or saOsfactor•y re f erences , will be piOiliptly at to. , , • , tf-24 _ 401% 1 IttsTll G4* .EXECVTED WITH NEATNESS AND: DESPATCH SATINETS: removed to his 4t-26 i A 14 4 . 4 A. 1•111:9 arle4Q3.-k' _ RUBLIC'ISALE._ IN pursuance:of an order of the Orphans' Court of Adams county, will .be expos ed to public sale, on Saturday the 26th day of November next, ^ on the premises, ti''6o • A TRACT OF • L .I.ll''D , Late the Estate of John Fickes, Es q. dec'ti. ntaining-21 Acres &, 38 Perch es, with an allowance,, situatein Ilunting ton township, Adams county, adjacent to the town of Petersburg, (York Springs,) adjoining lands of Fletcher Moorhead, Ja cob Gardner and others, on which are erec ted a large and convenient two story BRICK MOUSE • and KITCHEN, a brick:Spring es house, a double Barn, and frame Wood-house. There is a never failing Spring of Water convenient to the house and btrn, with a Fountain Pump near the kitchen door. - Aboitt SEVEN ACRES of the above Tract is cleared and under.good fence, the remainder covered with excellent Timber. There isan Orchard of Peach and Apple trees on the premises. ALSO, WOW I VP Zikb Adjoining the Town of Petersburg. ALSO, L TOF GROUXD In the Town of Petersburg, on which are erected, a Frame House 4- Stable. A. Stream of Water runs through this Lot. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, M. of said day, when attendance will be given, and terms of sale made known, by ( - JACOB FICKES, Acbrers PE'r.ER, IL. SMITH, „. By the Court, JOIIN B. CLARK, clerk. October 4, 1331. IROX: IRO.'': THE sulmcriber o ff ers Iron for sale at the reduced price of $5 50 per cwt., gross, and $4 92, nett. He has on hand a large assortment of all liinds of iron, rolled anA liiiiimered. DAVID ZIEGLER: • Ogiober - 1 - 8 - , - 18'31. • Ten Dollars 'Reward. R y authority of the Town Council a the-Borough of Gettysburg, I hereby offer a reward of TEN DOLLARS, for such information as shall - lead to the con viction in the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county,. of the person or persons who committed a wanton and malicious outrage upon the property of a traveller, at the house of James Gour ley, in said borough, on the night of the 17th Inst.- ROBERT SMITH, Burgess. Gettysburg, Nov. 1, 1831. 4w-30 ♦ NTI-MASONIC BOOKS.—A great ki variety of Anti-Masonic Publications have been received and are ready for dis tribution, and sale, by the subscriber; a. mong which are the following :- 5000 Giddin's Almanacsfor 1831 and 1832. New England do. - do. Proceedings of the National Anti-Masonic Convention. C. D. Colden's Letter. Lamentations of Free-Masonry. illustrations of Free-Masonry, by William Morgan. V A.,LERIV S DUREB ART, General Agent. Baltimore, 11th ?no. Ist, 1881, , —3O Pennsylvania Reporter. LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS. DURING the approaching Session, the Pennsylvania Reporter will contain ...___ ____ full, Mr; and - imptCrtial - reporta of the prtl pog. , ' si of both branches of the legislature. tent reporters are 4ilreasly engaged, will attend regularly in the Senate tir .. 4 . d House of Representatives during their sessions. The Reporter will be 'printed on a fine large imperial sheet, with small type, which will enable us to give the reports of the proceedings and debates, in both houses, at great length;And no exertions will be spared to render it interesting to the public ,in general, and particularly to the citizens of Pennsylvania, as a faithful record of its legislative proceedings. The terms will be the same as heretofore, viz: For the seasion, twice a week,in advance, x.OO For the whole year, 3 00 VrThe accounts due for subscription to the Reporter, from its commencement, No vember 20,1827, have been transferred to the subscriber, who earnestly requests all ,those in arrears, to embrace the opportuni t,ty afforded by the meeting of thelegislature, go forward their due,' by the members.— Those who do not reside ciiiivenient to their memb;@rs, may .transmit by mail at our risk.. HENRY WELSH. • Mr' November, 1,1831. 4t-30 TO MY C EDITORS. WAKE NOTICE, that I have_aliplied to the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, for the benefit of the Insolvent laws, and that the said judges have appointed . .llfonekly the 28th of No efm,her next, for the hearing of me , and-tny. edite;s, at the Court-house in the borough of Gettysburg, • where you may attend - if x . bti think (Igor. - , GEOltert tITILHOCK. "Septembilr 4w-25. NI Poturlic."lo44oFe CaUso"keit. ADY.ERTIBBDIIT• The unrivalled and exteisive reputatim acquired nieekoine for the lastfisle years, both in Hovvrr.u. and private prae (lemands frcz the proprietor hisgrate-. ful twknowledgments to' a discerning pub lic. Potter's Vegetable Cabo!icon is offered for the' cure ofDiseases: of the Liver, Ulcerated Sore Theat„ Debility resulting from I-stnperancts and Dissipation, Scrofula or King's::Vvil, Old and Inveterate Ulcers, Paine in thi Bones; Rheumatism, Dispepsia or Indigestion, Die. eases ofthe Lungs, Syphilis, Blotches on the Face and Skin, White Swelling of the Joints, Tetter, Mercurial diseases, Piles, &c. &c. 'rho Catholicon consists exclusively of vegeta ble matter, and with a slight determination to the bowels, which it preserVes in a soluble state, acts insensibly, is pleasant to the taste, and requires no particular regimen or confinement. As a gen tle cathartitv medicine, improving the appetite and restoring the general tone of the system, it is confidently recommended to ladies in a delicate situation. The unrivalled and extensive character which this Medicine has enjoyed, for the last six years, as a complete renovator;tind purifier ofthe Mood and humours both in Hospital and .ic'rivate Prac tice, is a substantial basis for its future support.= It has obtained - its present great distinction by the extraordinary success which has attended it in,the Healing Art, while every avenue and track have been searched in vain for its parrdllel; in deed, its discovery nifty be considered one of the most sacred.bocins that can be afforded to the un- ' fortunate; and I most sincerely hope the tintype triy of the public will be excited te diffuse its in valuable merits. There aro at this time several spurious 'mix tures in circulation abroad, and some vended in this city, assuming to possoss the same, or equal virtues, of Potter's Catholicon. It is to be hoped that the• unsuspecting will be placed on their' guard against such impositions, winch mischief has resulted from their use. They consist prin cipally of sarsaparilla sirops, viz. Sirop de Cuisi. ner or Rob L'Affoctour, and are sold, for -a much less price; you will therefore be particular and purchase of none but my authorized agents, where you can obtain the GENUINE CAIHO... I, ICON. - t s-2 6 The following strong testimonial is furnished at the request of Dr. Davis, of Lynchburg, Va. by a gentleman of treat respectability, residing in that place, whose original eirtificato, of which the is an exact copy,*,lef with the pro prietor of the Catholicon. • • LYNCHBURG, Va May sth, 1828 At the request of D.—, I here give a state ment of the effect of Potter's Catholicon in Mb re storation of my health. ,My constitution had ten in a dcierffilig s a e or rilbre than eighteerr months. I was much troubled with a Short dry cough, slight difficulty of breathing, which was much increased by bodily exorcise. At night, great oppression at the chest, was experienced, with exessive colliquativo sweats, soreness and pain in the sides and breast, with extreme languor and loss of appetite. In this situation, I travelled to the New England states by sea, but obtained no permanent relief. Some time after my return . by way of experiment, I was induced to use Pot ter's Catholicon, and after using two bottles, my health was perfectly restored. DAVID R. EDLEY. PHILADELPHIA, March 28th, 1629. Dear Sir—After many but ineffectual trials to relieve myself from a most severe and distressing attack of dyspeptia,l have been completely cured by the use of, to me, your invaluable Catholicon, and I think it my duty thus publicly to state my case, and in order that others may profit thereby. The first symptoms of the disease wore manifest. ed in the'spring 0f1827. Warned at the approach of this destroyer ofall ease, I lied recourse to ph-y -sician after physician. and remedy after remedy, but received little or no relief. I was recommend ed to retire into the country, where I so far re. ,cruited, that I began to think the enemy was die• lodged. r returned to the city, where in a-short time all my old symptoms returned with double violence. My stomach became so debilitated with drugs that I relinquished the regular system and entered on a course of Swaim's Panacea. It did me no good, and I went back to my doctor, who crammed mo with pulverized oyster shells, etc. etc. My teeth became loose, and some actually fell out; there was a comitant pain in my joints, particular ly in damp weather, pains in my right side end shoulder, etc. I now stfomitted tnntiother course of medical treatment, until the fall of 1829, when my physicians stated the disease to be a scAirrus of the liver. Then it was that .I determined to try your Catholicon, a few doses of which improved my appetite, and gave me a feeling of ease and comfort, I cannot raadily describe. In twelve days after using but one bottle, I found' myself well. the w e Ulf laid ie - ft Welt 'firmly The gums and my appetite and digestion perfectly re stored. I now enjoy as goedliealth as I ever did, and I must say it is to your valualile CatioTtcon that I attribute this happy result. Respectfully yours, EZRA P. WILTBANK.. Dear Sir.—l will shortly state my former case.. I labored for dix years under a violent Liver Com plairtt. It first manifested -itself in the summer of 1821, aid rendered frequent application to an eminent family physician necessary, by whose prescriptions I wild obtain only a temporary re. lief. After the lapse of many mentlisovithout rer.- ceiving any permiment benefit fions rnediclne,4 came to the determination to try your Catholloon. I took three bottles, and thank God, I can truly say the disease of the liver entirely left me; and I havd sines been as well and hearty as man can be„ in the Meat enjoyment of health and. spirits.— My cure was effected solely by your celebrated, and agreeable eatholicen. Your Mend,. EDWARD L. - LONG w To W.W..POTTER, Philadelphia.. - • C A S WILMINGTON May; 22d, MO: Dear Sir.—This was a ease of rheumatism lit an intimate friend of mine, an ald gentleman a. bout. sixty years of age, who had the Or a number of years past, part of the time.oors, fined to bed•, he took it merely through (taped mint, nutty/as surprised to end himself entirely freed Rona his painful disosder by using. enty one. betite.r. -0 6 -; - Your well wisher,.. • . . JEREM/Ali NICHOLS. ' An eminent physician saps, "I have Antral"' several cures performed by the use of y our Claim— licon, which had previously resisted the ordinary prescriptions of thif- tiLiculty, and I have never,to, produce INJURIOUS_EFFECTSIn , . To be had at-the EinwStor" of . - • \ tOr. J. G !.BERT, Gettysburg, Oct. lig' 1831. i -, ' it-;-211'. J. ;. ~~ w W. W. POTTER, Philadephia, CASE. CASE. • CASE. NORFOLK, Va. May tot. 189.8.