. . - -,, --- - _ • ,•i iIDtiEitTISEME NTS. ~~~ ~i 3PROCLAVLATION. IN pursuance of a Writ, directed to me for that purpose by his Excellency GEORGE WOLF, Governor of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, I WILLIAM - S. COBEAN, Esquire, High Sheriff of the CoUnty of Adams, DO THEREFORE, HEREBY make known, and give this public notice to the Electors of said county, that an Election will be held On Tuesday the 22d of Norember next, iiTikeireVeil - Election Districts established by law in said county; at which time and places the qualified electors as aforesaid, will elect by Ballot One .?Eember of Congress ft:l - re - prate' tit the Eleventh Conetessional District, at present composed of the Coun ties of Cumberland, Adams, Franklin and Perry, in the House of Representatives of the__United_Btates, in consequence of the vacancy which has happened by the decease alVilfilam Ramsey, Esq. who was elected a Member of said District. By the 15th Section of'the act of 15th of February 1779, it is provided, that the Judges andinspeetors chosen for and the preceding General Election, shall attend and serve as such respectively at such oc casional election; and the said Inspectors and Judges will therefore meet at • the pro per place in their respective districts, on the day of the election aforesaid at nine o'clock in the forenoon, to do and perform the sev eral duties enjoined on them by law. The Return Judges of the several Elec. tion Districts, are to meet at the Court -House in the Borough. of Gettysburg, on Friday the 25th day of November next, at ' • • • --with-certific • • • -- lion tit-till:fir respective districts, to perform the duty required of them by law. And in and by an act of the General Assembly, passed the 2d day of April 1921 it is enact red and declared that every person who, hold any Wilde or appointment of pro :k• At. us or trust: under the Government of the IL States whether commissioned officers or otherwise; a subordinate officer or agent, or who is or shall be employed under the Legislative Executive or Judiciary Depart ment of the United States, and also, that every member of Congress, is by law inca pable of holding or exercising, at the sane time, the office or appointment of Judge, Inspector, or Clerk of any election in this State. Dated at Gettysburg, the 18th day of Oc tober, in the year of our Lord, It l 3l. WILLIAM S. COBEAN, Sheriff. COME AND SEE TEEM ITZESZ FALL CMODC. D eIXIEL COMFORT has just received from Philadelphia, a new and beautiful assortment of tste'': --CONSISTING OF Superfine Blue, Mick, CLO TS st. Mixed and Olive CASSINETS, BLANKETS, FLANNEL, MERINO SHAWLS, French &English Merinoes & Crape Royal, for dresses. . Black Bombazetts, „Circassian', Tartan Plaids and Camlet CLOAKS, 4kitalian. t i tri With almost every other article in hie line of business. His stock of Goods having, been selected with great care, will „be sold --- en very - accommodating tetras. 0::)-Nr sons wishing•to purchase largely, will find tt to their advantage to call and examine— they may-rest assured of having Goods of. fered them as CHEAP as at any other house itt the place. —ALSO— a .1 largt,lot of Iow; . - .• 'Ras just been received from Arnold 6r, Ste yens' Forge, wattasited of a superior quay ty--which will be sold low. Gettysburg, October 18,181. German Anti-alTlastmic ALMANAC, FOR THE YEAR 1532, • Pas just been published at Lancaster, Pa. by S. —.WAGNER, Editor of the Examiner. fir HIS ALMANAC is handsomely print ., ~ ett. on good paper, with new and neat ype; and contains forty-eight large octavo 1 1 .0. lieges aTietter-press. It comprises histori .l 4 notices of Freemasonry, and expositions •ef its character a nd tendency in a social, ieligicue, rum al and political' point of view; an ezptanation of the System of symbolical ~ on y, with extracts from the obligations *nit a brief description of the ceremonies of ii degree, illustrated ,by ... .s. ki lie ' ' ;VirT rsvz woottz=c - • vid..a.variety of information relating to de. _get Societies; .besides the asunlastronomi- I go Celculaticns, &C. Ar,c.. - - . ',:—Viticsol-Ten (briars, pcpsro as. 'to ' Qne dollar, per . •:' , .4 , •,), • Single coe B p 1 41 ova _ i .: 4 ` ..; , , '`=,. Ord4il4-4*.pprned with cash or 0 r (. 04 :'' I tory iilbricnaiii,'Willlie lir/911101y at -0 toad to. S? 0 die' MD ~.~ ~ SI 'i *lptirkisr. ATTENVI' ON.; THE tubSeriber respectfully informs his customer. and the public, that he is just receiving a fresh supply of GOODS. CONSISTING OF Dry. Goods, Groceries, Queens Ware . .and stoves - And ollo`v Ware, - Iron-and Lumber, &c. if rirum , for CASII and COUNTRY PRODUCE. tke. THOMAW.J. COOPER. N. B. 1 return my thanks to ,those that have attended to my last notice fur calling and settling; and wish others to call and settle, where their accounts is or old. stand ing. T. J. C. October 18, 1831. 4t-28 IROX7 1R0.17 911111 E subscriber offers Iron for sale the reduced price of $5 50 per cwt., grostonid $4 • 92, nett He has on - hand a large assortment of all kinds of iron ) rolled and hammered. ' DAVID ZIEGLER. October 18, 1831. 4t-28 OParA O 041)...1)21 THE sutiseriber respectfully tenders his thanks to his friends, and the publie generally, for their liberal eacouragement, and informs them that he has just returned from Ae Cities of Philadelphia and Haiti timore with a LARGE AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OW SEASONABLD GOODS, AMONG WHICH ARE, CLOTHS, CASSIMEILES eled SATINETS: BLANKETS, 'FLANNELS, TARTAN PLAIDS, hc• 4c. WITII A HANDSOME ASSOETMENT OF English and French super royal MERINOS, AL Merino and Thibet SHAWLS. ('As Puffing is unnecessary, I only re quest a call, to oblige Your-obcdientse SAMUEL VAHNESTOCK. Gettysburg, October 4, IS3I. 4t-2 I • 3 1 , , II $1 TM subscribers respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they will open a . NEW STORE at the house No. 1, in Mummasburg, en the 4th day of October next, where they will keep A GOOD ASISORTMENT OF Groceries, TRIX. Queensware, AND DRY GOODS. Which they willed' CHEAP for CASH, or trade for COUNTRY PRODUCE. SAMUEL WISLER, WILLIAM ANDERSON. September 27,1831. tf-25 PI3BIAILC t 4 AVE Of Palusible Property. Will be sold at public sale, On Tuesday the 25th Oct., on the premises. A TRACT OF LAND, Situate in Manheim township, York county, about 4, miles from Hanover, adjoining lands of David Runkle, Chris tian Melheim, and others, containing about asa ✓lcres; op which are erected, ; A GOOD NOUSE, o ~: . large Barn; and ail Other neces - - _ - sary improvements, with an ex. tensive DISTILLER*. Of this Tract, there are about 200 acres of excel lent Timber 'also a large Orchard. —ALSO— On Wednesday the 26th of October, A TraCt of Mountain Land Win be ofli:red, Situate in Franklin town ship, adjoining lands of Peter Mark, An drew Noel, and others, containing 200 *lmes, more or less., 07'" Terms made • known on days of sale. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. la. of each day. ISAAC BA UG HER, r - FREDERICK BAUGIIER, 5 .13.11" Septembet 13, 1831. ts.--2; 4t-28 GENEIt..4.I4rOD OF THE LUTHE CHURCH, • IN TIM UNITS .TATE.S. TliE clerical and lay-delegates appointed 'by the different District Synods, are re quested Co assemble at. Frederick,. Md. on the 30th day, and knit Sunday of October next. As this Synod will be called upon to transact business of vital iniportance, to Ole Church, advisory brethren will'be cheerful ly received, if due information of their inten tion to be present, be given to the subscrihe - - DAVID F. SCHIEFFER, Secretary of the Q. S. in the U. July 19, IE I BI. 4t-&--15 bib(;rtty liifierntn ! • An Appeal for the last five parades will be held at\ the housc ofN. - Moritz in Liberty township, on 1110149 the 7th: GliNoimnAbOr, at 12 O'clock, M. WM. KERR, (:A r• (kteber 16 1991.1 _,t:^,~ IN GETTYSBURG, liall EBB 6 ,,- •&;1...1-t - r..kr.ort4') -- ii' ,-- It -.-' A-\_, IN I.IBIWEI PUBLIC SALE. Will be sold at public sale , on the premises, On Saturday the sth of November next, A TRACT OF -• .111-Or 9 lontaining 230 Acres.- more or iess, late the property Big ham, de ceascdi.situate in Liberty- township, Adams county, adjoining lands of Robert S. Grier, David Roth, and others. The improve ments are a two-story . • cte a w ar w p az a„ a double log Barn, with other - out-buildings; an excellont well of water with a pump, convenient to the dwellinz . — an orchard containing a variety,:of truit trees; a sullicieney--4.4 7 --t-neadoWand - timber for the farm. A LSO, A TENANT HOUSE, With out•buildi ng:;. The above property will be sold togeth er or divided to suit purchasers. Persons wishing to view the property, will call on WS. B►gha►n, who resides on the farm.— Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, when the terms will be nuide known, and due at tendance given, by J &COB MYERS, Executor. October 4, 1831. is-26 PUBLIC SALE. IN pursuance of un Ordcr of the Orphans' Court of Adams county, will be exposed to public sale, On Tuesday the 25th day of October inst., on the premises, A TRACT Or Olt e it ih . Situate in Cumberland township, Adams county, 2 miles from Gettysburg, adjoining lands of John Ritter . , the heirs of Wm. Mc- Clelland, sen. John S. Crawford and others, Containing 230 Acres, more or less. The improvements are a ,rtabCO .6T-COVV/80 .se ll double-log Barn, and Orchard— /I •':;: a spring or water near the house. There is a sufficiency of good WOOL) be solder the Estate _of Frederick Eichohz, deceased: • The above property will be shewn those wishing to purchase by Jacob Eicholtz, liv ing on the farm. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, M. when attendance will be given, and terms made known, by JOHN REX, Aders SAMUEL B. WRIGHT, By the Court, JOHN B. CLARK; Clerk. October 4, 1831. PUBLIC SALE. IN N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Adams county, will be expos ed to public sale, on Saturday the 20:h day of Norcmbe. next, on the premises, A TRACT OF L.l D , Late the Estate of John Fickes, Esq. dec'd. Containing 21 Creg &38 Perch es, with an allowance, situate in Hunting ton township, Adams county, adjacent to the town of Petersburg, (York Spiings,) adjoining lands of Fletcher Moorhead, Ja cob Gardner and others, on which are erec ted a large and convenient two story BRICK 1101 ISL 9 . • and KITCHEN, a brick Spring- , house, a double Barn, and frame Wood house... There is a never failing Spring of Water convenient to the housli and bath, with 'a Fountain Pump-near he kitchen door. AboUt SEVEN ACRES . of the above Tract is cleared dud under good fence, the remainder covered with excellent Timber. There is an Orchard of Peach and Apple Trees on the premises. IL4O, W , D,7fP4 1 1 ) ,2ib A'ijoining the Town of Petersburg. ALSO .1 LOT 01' In the Town of .Petersburg, on which arc .ereeted, a frame House 4 , Stable. A Stream of IVater runs through this Lot. Salo to commence ,at 12 o'clock, ht. of said day, where attendance will be given, and terms asale made known, by JACOB FICKES, PETER H. SMITH, By the Court, JOIffN B. CLARK, Clerk. Oetober 4,' 1331. t*--7tel PUBLIC SALE. ' The subscriber will sill at public sale, On Saturday the 2Qth instant, on the premises, at 12 o'clock, M. SIXTY ACRES ---: -:- t ,,, i , OF FIRST-RATE CRESNUT .. 41tk,`,. Timl'Elt irAIND, . • - Lying in lyrone township, Adams county, ,Ojoutig lands or Jacob King,.Conrad Wa !ig•brier and others, 1 mile from W hitestown and about same distance from the new Furnace erected by Messrs. Duncan do Ma hon. It will he sold in LOTS of IA 115, or 20 . Acres each, tosuit purchasers/ , • - • • Ternel-7—One half the purchase rriehey tq be Cash, and the balance inAtiree equal an; nual payments, • • i ‘', ' '. • ,': . : , '• if RIN[AN WtERM.A.N. i Ortobor 4, le 1. is—t}s II fi ERE DOCT. - S. TVA. TLTDOIt,. • oFFERS,.his Professional services to the public generally, and can always be found-at his father's residence, at the hbusc tbrinerly occupied •by James Morrisson, within one mile and a half of Hampton. Fair Mount, June 14, 1831. EDUCATION. DAV 13 lA, AN- respectful, ly announces to the citizens of Get. tyshurg alld its Nicinitr, that he has remo ved his SCHOOL to West York street, a few doors' from Mr. Newman 's tavern, WHERE 'WILL 1 AUG lIT lehli Orthography, Reading, Writing, Eng Grammar, Gcography, awl all the principal branchrs• °° is 201ATIII'Lli A TICS. Ternis of tuitioil made kno.‘,n Of appli. ion at his school room during the hours of sehuol. • Kr Reference, Wm. W. BELL. September 20, IS3I. LIST OF LEVIERS, EMAJNING in thrt York - Springs Post Jg-' ll ' Office on the Ist day of Oct. I. John Broth h, 3 George Hoffman Miss Anna Doyle .Mary Mondorff Detap Nictaiu Robt. Elliott Wm• Reid. Joel Punk John Shewmaker David Funk John Shoeman. HERMAN WIERMAN, I'. M October 1, 1531. wvvtxx slioVvhs. Nv AS taken up by the subscriber, some time since, as estrays, TIIHEE SIIO'I'ES, black and white color,wit It their loft ears cropped. The Owner Is here noti fied to call trudvrovn property, pay charge,: and 41(. 6 i then away, otherwise they will be disposed.of as the law directs. ROBEItI"FAYLOR. October 4, IS3I. TO OUR CREDITORS. PARE NOTICE, that we have applied to the Judges of the Court of Co►n►non Pleas of Adams county, for the benefit of the Insolvent laws, and that the said Judges appcinitedtAlcm - einyllre --2 th doy — of November next, for the hearing of us and our creditors, at the Court-house in the bor ough of Gettysburg, where you may attend if you think paoper. ALEXANDER SCOTT, JACOB SMITH, HENRY WOLF. October 4, 1831. TO OUR CREDITORS. grAKE NOTICE, that we have applied to the Judges oft Court of Comnror► Pleas of Adams county, for the benefit ()Nile Insolvent laws, and that the said Judges have 'appointed Monday the 28th day of November next, for the hearinvf us and our creditors, at the Court-110QIII the borough of Gettysburg, where you way attend if you think proper. is--26 JOHN WINTYRE, JOSEPH TONER, JOHN MYERS. October 4, 1831. TO MY CREWTORS. TAKE NOTICE:, that I have applied to the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, tar the benefit of the insolvent lawS, and that the - said Judges have appointed Monday the 28th of No• 'ember nest, for the hearing of me and creditors, at the Court-house in the borough of Gettysburg, where you may attend if you think proper. (;EORGE EVILIIOC K. September 27, 18:31. 4w-25 COJCII-.11,1K1.VG, &cf. MIWIrg Lg tespectfully informs the pnbliethat he has . , removed to his ' New Shop in Chambersburg Street, a few doors West of the Court House, WILEIIII HI: IS A IMO 'TO Make, Trim, and-Repair • 1144. - 11e -1, ! I -Ate • .e OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, SAD , ei ktle4 l DLES, • BRIDLES, SADDLE-BAGS, Portmanteaus, Harness, Trunks, and every otli'dr article in his. line of busi: 'less, with neatness, durability and despatch. He returns his thanks fbr, past encourage •, t'',..ond shall endeavor to merit a contin uance of the same. July '2(3,1831. SIX CENTS ILE WARD. irlo AN AW AY from the Aubsbribet, ltv ing in Ttirione township, Adams co., on the I.4th of August last, an indented ap drentice to the fertility laisiness, named JOHN NIEW MAN. .che above rewixttl will beegiven for said btttsr if delivered to the subscriber: Al.l gerstnis (tie cautioned gainst harboring said apprentico. • JOHN DEARDORF,F. September 27 1 . ItVl. NMI --- -ALSO ' -...-a- a.- Pottes l sfitgetable Cathotioni. ADA' ERTIS'EMENT. 77Le unrivalled and extensive rein:tation -acquired- by. this medicine for the last five years, both in I losrrnm and private pr.ac tier, demands from the proprietor his grate ful acknowledgments to u discerning. pub -lie. Potter's Vegetable Catholimp is olThind tp r th e cure olDisesses of the Liver, Ulcerated Sore Thoat, Debility resulting from liitoinpera-rmr— and Dissipation, Scrofula or King's Evil, Old and Inveterate Ulc6rs, Pains in the liones, Dispepsia or Indigestion, Di:- eases.ofthe Lungs, Syphilis, Wotohes on Ut Face and Skin, White Swelling of the Joints, 'Fetter, Mercurial diseases, Piles, &c.&c. The Cattlelimp consists exclusively of vPgeta ble matter, and with a slight determination to the, bowels, Vltich it preserves in a soluble Elate, act; insensibly, is pleasant to the taste, and requires no tairticular regimen or confinement. As a gen tle cathartic medicine, improving the appetite and restoring the general tone of the system, it confidently recommended to ladies in a &limb situation. The unrivalled and extensive character which this medicine has enjoyed, tier the lmt six years, as a complete renovator, and purifier of t •O blood nd humours both in Hospital and ricitte Prat t ~x i s a substaiitiat basis for its titture support.— It 104-. obtained its present great distinction by the extraordinary success which has attended it in the Healing Art, wlkile every-avenue-rind track have been searched in vain for its parrsllel; in deed, it discovery may be considet ed one of the most sacred banns that can be atlinded to the un fortunate; and I most sincerely hope the .Firnypa thy of the public will be excited to diffuse its in valuable merits. There aro it this time several spurious mix tures in circulation abroad, and sonic vended in his city, assuming - to possess . the- same; or-equal virtues,.orrotter's Catholicon. It is to ho hoped that the unsuspecting xvtll he placed on their guard against such impositions, notch mischief has resulted from their use. They consist prin cipally or sarsaparilla sirops, viz. Sire!) (le Cuisi nor or Rob L'AfP•cteu;', and are sold Ihr a much less price; you will therelbre he particular - and purchase or none but lily authorized agents, where you , can obtain the tIENUE\ E CA'lllO. I.ICON. 4 t-'. 6 The following strong testimonial is furnished ut the ropiest of 1)r. Davis, of Lynchburg, Va. by a gentleman 'of' great respectability, residing in that place, whose original certificate, of w hich, the following is an exact copy, is left with the pro irietor of the Cutholicon. 4t--20 CASE. Va May sth, 1828. At the request-of D.—, I hero give a state ment of the effect of Potter's Catholicon in the re = • alien been in a declining state for more than eighteen' — months: I was much troubled with a short dry cough, slight difficulty of breathing, which was much, increased by bodily exorcise; At night, great oppression at,the chest was experienced, with excessive collibinative sweats, soreness and pain in the sides and breast, with extreme languor . and loss of appetite: In this situation, I travelled to the New England states by sea, but obtained no permanent relief Sometime after my return by way a experiment; I was inducekto use Pot ter's Catholicon,and after using two bottles, my health was perfctly restored. "DAVID R. EDLEY. 4 t----2 6 CASE. PHILADELPHIA, March 29th, 1829. Dear Sir—After many but ineirectoal trials to relieve myself from a most severe and distressing attack of dyspepsia, I have been completely cured by the use of, to me, your invaluable Ca tholicon, and I thitit my duty thus public.ly to state my 1, case, and ) -order that others may profit thereby. The first symptomsof the disease were manifest ed in the spring 0f1a27. Warned at the approach of this destroyer of all ease, I had recourse to phy sician after physician, and remedy after remedy, but received little or no relief. 1 was recommend ed to retire into the country, whore I so far re cruited, that I began to think the enemy was dal lodged. I returned to the city, where in a short time all my old symptoms returned with double violence. My stomach became so debilitated with drugs that' I relinquished the regular system and entered on a course of Swaim's Panacea. It did me no good, and I wet:114110i, to any doctor, who crammed ine with pulverized oyster shells, etc; etc. My teeth became loose,and some actually fell out• there- was a constant pain in my joints, particular ly in damp weather, pains in my right side and shoulder, etc. I now.suemitted to another course of medical treatment, until the fall of 11129, when my physicians stated the.disease to be a satin-us of the liver. Then it.. was that I determined to try your Catholicon, a tbw doses of which improved my appetite, and gave me a feeling_ of ease end comfort, I cannot readily describe. In twelve days after using but one bottle, I found myself well— the few teeth I had left were firmly clasped by the gums and my appetite and digestion perfectly re stored. I now enjoy as good health as I ever did, and I must say it is to your valuable Cutholicoa that I attribute this happy result. Respectfully yours, EZIIA P. WILTBANK. 4t-26 NORFOLK, Va. May bit. 182)3. - Pear Sir.—l will .liortly state ow thriller case. I labore'd for six years under a violent Liver Com plaint. It first manifested itself in tho summer of le2l, and rendered frequent application to an eminent family physician necessary, by whose prescrlptions I could obtain only a temporary re lief.' After the lapse of tunny montlisiWithOut ro. .ceiving any permanent benefit from imedieine, c:inio to the determination to try your Catholicon. I took three bottles, and thank God, I Can truly say the disease of the liver entirely loft me; and I have since been us well and hearty as man can be, in the , fullest enjoyment of health and spirits.— My cure was effected solely by your celebrated and agreeable,Catholicon. Your frientl, EI)WARI) L. LONG, To W. W. POTTER, Philadelphia. . WILMINGTON, May, 12d,,1830. Dear Sir.—This was a case of rheumatism' irs an intimate friend of mine, an old gentleman a bout sixty yoars'of age, who had 'the Rheumatism for mnumber of years past, pert of the time con fined to bed; be took it merely through experi ment, and was surprised to find himself entirely freed from his painful disorder by using .. only,spie bottle. -• • . tf-16 An eminent physician says, "I have known fie vent! cu.ros performed by the im . of your Uatho 'kola, ;which had,priviously resisted the ordinaiy I proscriptions of the t faculty, 'and I have neVpr hilown it, to prodlico INJURIOUS EFFE.CTSI" , . \ LA. .To be had at the Di? Star e of . , . . . '- - • . r. J. - GILBERT. 1 • Gtttriburg,Ott.lB, 1431; '., ' : if—Ali NV. W. POrl'ER, Philadephia, CASE CASE. Your well wisher, JHREMIAII NICHOLS. 12MEM MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers