S2ME !'„,• : ....,:i , ... i , ... , .,.,-.... 7 :., i . , ..j .. , :-;,.,,;,. , ... : IS nor Jik - FICE OF !Hz tirAg , CILPIBIARSOURG:S:IISE*, A FEW DOB WEEE or 'ME. Pointir's TAv 6 ADVERTISEMENTS Conspicuously, inserted FOUR times for ONE 00Lal per square' , --over four times, Twayry.rivs ozwreier square will be charged. ' Wte ladiaa)LUkite ( i)ato At $2 per'allUarn, halt6yearly In aava?ce. ADV ME NT§.. ODD EA EVEN SYSTEDI. MaryLatta State tottery, No. 8, FOR 1831: To be drawn in Baltimore on THURS DAY, the 27th_ instant. HIGHEST 1 4 1Z1ZE4 6,000 DOLLARS! sd [EME: 1 prize of $6,000 5 50 - 1 2,000 10 20 - 1 . 1,000 20 10 1 500 100 5 1 '4 300 j 150 3 1 ..200 10000 •'2 4 prizes of - $lOO MODE OF DRAWING. The Numbers will :be put: into ono wheel as u aual—and in the other will he.put the Prizes above' the denomination of 32.00, mid the drawing to progress in the - usual manner.- The 10,000 prizes of $2.00 will be awarded to the Odd or Even Num. bora of the Lottery, (as the case may be,) depend eat on the drawing of the Capital Prize of Six Thousand DoUors- 7 —that is to say, if the $6,000 prize should come out to an Odd .N ufnber, then every Odd Nmnberin,the Scheme will be entitled to a Prize of $2.00; if the 6,000 dollar prize should come mit to an Even Numbor, then all the Even Numbers in the Scheme will be each entitled to a prize of $2.00. Half Tickois,One Dollar--Quarters 50 cts. TO BE 11.4.13 AT ' CL ARK'S , Offices, N. W. corner nf Baltimore and Calvert, N. W. corner of Baltimore and Gay, N. E. cor- ,fler of.Ballintore adid Charles-es. ITWllere the highest prize in the recent State Lotteries has been oftener sold than atany other offices ! ! ! {fa - Orden, either-by mail (postpaid) or private conveyance, enclosing the cash for prizes, will meet-the same prompt and punctual attention, as -if on . personal appliciitibn. Address to JOHN CLARK, inffi JOHN S. BRIDGES, Confectioner and. Fruiterer, No. 139 MAIKEETSTREET, BALTIMORE. ----- ' --- Militufirctures ' and Sells CONFECTIONARY, AT WHOLESALE, AT 18 CENTS PER POUND. Erifit orders, post paid, enclosing the Cash, will meet with immediate attention. He likewise keeps constantly on‘hand, a LAROE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF FRUIT, Of all the different kinds, Foreign and Domestic. Florence Sweetmeals_, Cordials, East India Preserved Ginger, Syrups, Fire ackers, 4-c. 4'e. 4.c. Baltimore, October 18, 1831. 4t-28 DR. 3. GILBERT, OFFERS FOR SALE, At the old stand a few doors South of Mr. James Gourley's Tavern, Baltimore Street, Gettysbur i g, A FRESII AND GENERALISUPPL V OF 202.27PC0V dita/), att211).11k.0.20 ), 2. - Na9 Paints A' Dye-Stuffs. k AROING "AVE TILE . FOLLOWING DRUGS & 111EDICINES. Acid Sulphuric Mustard Seed Nitric Nutmeg " Muriatie Oil %Vorinseed " Tartaric --* . 11 Lemon /Ether Assalizetida Balsam Copaiva " Mint Borax crude and refined " Juniper Blue - Pill Opium Garb Ferri Rhubarb " Ammonia. Red Precipitate " Magnesia Snake Root Calomel Saacaparilla Cream Tartar Sal Ammoniac Catirplun Salts Epsom Calcined Magnesia " Glauber - Flor. Sulphur Gem. Guiac " Arabic •' Druggun 11u.nna White Lead Rod lead Spaniel' Brown( Venetian Red Labarge Burnt Umber -l'e —DICE STUFFS. .. Logwcrd chipped lndigo . Redwpod . - ._4llum Maddor ' Copperiie ' j Vustie - 1 Rod Saunders ,A Cametood Rod 'tartar ' 'Turmeric • &c. &c. Ate. PATENT 31E4ICINES. Batemans Drops ' MedicumentuM Balsam Do Malta Whites Tooth ache drops " of Life Golden Tincture British oil Pills Lee's Cephalic Snuff' Dyot's F•lixer Paregoric " Lyon's " Vitriol " Fisher's ' Eye water " Hooper'. Essence Cinnamon , " Anderson's " Peppermint " Quinine " Lemon ipp c ideddoe ' Godfrey. Cordial dlc. 4c. {The above articles he will sell as low for cash, as can' be had-at any other hop in the'place. • September 20, 1831. SOB PRINTINO. • • , a. • ,UPOCIFITND VOTII • NIATNSIAB DU/WATCH AT T/1/5 • • s Lottery Vender, Baltimore. td-27 " Cinnamon " Cloves " Castor " Sweet " Cnhohg, Senna 'l'artar Emetic "Venice l'urpontine Vuringh ' Black oil PAINTS. Turra DeSienrm. Chrome Yellow Green Roso Pink Prussian Blue Lampblack • :1.4 .:,,,-. -!. _A.:, ...--,.-., ~- ~,... ~ 1, .--,J , !.., k.i.-Pr1 k , ;. f ,, , , ' 4 .,064 ,:-....-,---. -....'14 . 4,--,-{ , --,--4-,' v,...',. -. - .'.,..,, ,, ,.:.'...,t- , .. , -1 , --.-- 4 , trok! ~ ,- . - -' i -' . :f - .• ;',:. d•'" 4; , ;:- -- ; , ••-•, •;41.',,:1;,. '' ' ' ' • .'"... Y- -' 1: '• l ' ' 1 \ 1 ':' . ' '" .'' ' ''': ''' :. : '''. • ' *-- --- '-'. '' '' ' '.". •'. • • :,. f• •-•-• • ":'•' '• '••••4•;• . e.V•t ". . . . ---- _____-,------- 4_4___...______ -•---- ---- ='-' - .. - 7-: - ---- -'7::. ~,... ----- .7 - _ . • , -- 7= 7 - ---- ---*- 77 *--- : 4 _ - - ~..- ~ . ..,,., -,,-, , - • ----ez .' - •,•••••:. • '7 — • -,' -. . ,-,-; .=.5 , - -, --..- ~.....; , -.7e.-' '....'“4" , :-Ni.. , -.A1N1T..v.,:.• r , r -,..-4.- A .--.,„ .---,- .„ . . , .., . . —. . ki .. . . .. . . ._ „...._ ,• E. , _ • • . , . . w • . • . . ~. . • . • . i . • . • . . . , . . . . •,.• ... ~ . . . . • „. . . . .• • _ • . . --,- . . , . _., • • ..., N - . -- - ---- - ~ • , .__ . ...__ . .._,...... IL, ilk 1.7 • ..__ • .._ a tant o county . ondrxiv,ibttran. sa:notAr.- _._ PAT Rl.{: PRO D ESSE CI Ir US- at.tiatict Gettysburg, October 25, IS3I. ciaZi;aglialaa Of the Anti-Masonic convention, to the People of the United States. FELLOW-CITIZENS.: A large and growing political party, through us, respectfully addresses you.— I Numerous bodies of enlightened and honest freemen, in states containing inure than half the electors of our union, have openly and fhirly delegated us to represent them, in the .perligniance. of duties, which cannot flit to I atlect your essential rights. And believing that your rights are inseparably blended with theirs, we seek, most earnestly, so to perform these duties, as to produce • effects equally and extensively beneficial upon the rights of all. These duties.coneist in. nom inating citizens to be supported, as candi dates for the offices of President, and Vice President, of the United,States, at the next election, and in setting forth the grounds, on which you are invited to sustain the nom- Anation. The, concurrence of millions of men, in any act of deliberation or decision, for .ob jects, in which they have a common interest, presents to the, mind a magnificent and ex-, citing spectacle. If the men be intelligent, pathetic, and free, and the object be that of appointing the most suitable of their num ber, to guard the rights, and advance the prosperity, of the nation, which they con stitute, human life can rarely exhibit a spectacle of equal interest and sublimity. Scarcely any approach toWai l ils such an exhibition has ever been witnessed; in any country; but,ours. . Let it be our ambition, so to continue and improve the exhibition, in all its stated recurrences, as shall more • I • - commend - --it-to—t-he—appro• ;• • and esteem _of the great brotherhood of communities, to which we 6elong, and most effectually tend to the establishment and support of free principles, in every commu nity of our fellow men. In selecting candidates for the' highest offices, in the gift of the peopleOt is essen tial to consider--the peculiar - frame and ob jects of our government...---the perional quali fications of the candidates—the principles, which should govern their administration = the sources of danger to these principles— add the means of removing that danger. On each of these considerations, we wish to offer our opinions with that ingenuous ness, fullness,. and earnestness . , which be come freemen, in addressing their equals and brethren, upon subjects involving their dearest hopes, and most imperative duties. Government has always been a business of the highest importance. In every form, it has exercised - a mighty influence upon the individual and collective condition of its subjects. In most countrieS, it has gener ally been the prey of crafty and fortunate violence; and Ivielded for partial and selfish. objects. With such an origin and such an object, it was impossible that it should net be the parent of innumerable mischiefs.= But bad as it has been, it hits not been with out its advantages; and these. have greatly outweighed its evils. Without government, there could have been no extensive associa tions among men. Their conflicting in terests and ,passions; would have produced universin collisionth, so, fierce and frequent, as to have revented rtmeh increase; and the--humair-raoe-would--have--existedv-at-this day, only in the condition of a few scattered, ignorant, indigent, foe le, ferocious, and in secure families. To raisc-them above this condition, government was. absolutely in dispensable. ~ ~............ he-gl3at use of government is to secure rights—all the rights of those, who unite in its formation. These are comprehended in . life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. To the security of these, order is essential. Order cannot be maintained without a coin mon and definitive arbiter of the dill;.,rences, that may arise between the 'individuals composing a nation, and a power to protect the whole against external aggression.— ..Such an arbiter and power is government; which, to be perfect, should be just, intelli gent, free from the bias of self interest, and effective, as to all the objects for which it is constituted. But such ' a .government never existed. And so long as men are ignOrarit; selfish, and passionate, never will exist among them. The nearest possible approximation to such at government is - a Republic. A Republic acknowledges the rights of all, and seeks to avail itself of the ,wisdom and power Fall, to promote,their Common welfare; Its theory is perfect: 'is fOund ed upon the proper basis, pursues the propel end, and employs the proper means. And by the principles of elective representation and accountability,`it may be so extended as ultimately to combine ail nations--4not 'into one family—intoa friendly association of several peacefill,prosperous, and numer, ous-a7MlArsigi: If right, duty . , wisdom, and power,.can contribute to the real exaltation and ' happiness of man; and if government can combine and apply ,them most compre .hensivelyand beneficially...to the regulation Of . condud, Then_ Republiefnism. of. fors nibre.nipiestic • and reverent! image tf-24 ME coattfxrtazinneati, a 442. tevatia:l)zo utp.f . . - maavi aaaa. "THE LOVE OF MT COUNTRY LEADS ME TO SE OF ADVANTAGE TO MY FELLOVVZITIZEisIS.' of substantial glory, than can otherwise re= suit; from the labors, and sufferings, and virtues or our race. It is a practical scheme of universal benevolence, sure to be approy-- ed, embraced, and sustained, by all men, in proportion to the just Eevalence, in their minds, of intelligence, truth, and philan thropy. Such a government is the one, under which, it is our privilege to live. Where it is the distinctive object ernment to bring the public wisdom to the direction of the public will, fur the public good; an the people understand their rights, their duties, and their interests, a design.... tion to fill the high places of its,administra tion, by a majority of their free voices, is the most precious reward;feaFthly - ori - qin; which can be bestowed upon intellet and moral merit; and imposes an accounta bility exactly propoctioneJ to its value. No step should be taken towards it:4 bestowment, without a lively and genereus itude; The qualities, which should be possessed, by every President of the United States, are the 'nest estimable, that can adorn a man. He should be industrious. No great end of human life tan be Atained. without great effort. Every thing, which is good, in the character and condition of luau, is progres sive, and cannot be otherwise. Knowledge, virtue, safety, happiness, are attainments, not gifts, nor inheritances. They are the slowly maturing, but precious fillits of ex ertion; not the 412.pricious or unsought boun tiel dearth, or heaven. Free government, the most complicated and expansive good, that can spring from human efilats, has not been acquired, and Cannot be preserved, without perpetual and strenuous exertion.— The chief magistrate of this government must, therefore, be willing and accustomed to labor. Honest labor is always honora ble. In the-President of the Uaitnd States, it is most honorable, because, his labor is rated to the nohlest_putpese can be advanced by human means, and re quires the employment of the highest 'quali ties that can animate the soul. He should be intelligent. The objects and' provisions of our government, in all its relations both foreign and domestic—the sources of its power, and the means of its support- 7 -the history of its origin, its estab lishment; its trials, and its;fruits, are topics of inquiry and meditation more pregnant with valuable instruction, to the genuine friends of mac, than all others, supplied by civil records. They aro themes of enlight ened examination, discussion, and admira tion, every where. And the most respecta ble nations of the world are now agonising to disabuse themselves of their ancient, bur thensome, and unequal institutions, for the sake of following ( - kr example. To under stand these topics, will•well repay the 'films, it may cost, to every mind. It is'an essen tial part of the education of every freeman. In him, who is entrusted with the most res ponsible application of all the knowledge they intbld, to the holy purposes of rightful order and social advancement, it is equally the'dictate ofduty, self-respect, and honora ble ambition, to understand them familiarly, and in all their details. Such understand ing can he'obtained, only by diligent study, deep reflection, candid observation, wise in tercourse, and practical experience. He should be honest. His conduct.should be a perfect exemplification of the solemn claims of truth and right, in all his commu nications and influences, and Of the strictest fidelity to the prescribed duties of his office. -His-manners-thottld-be cordial, both in his official and private relit (ions—the transcript of an. upright, pure and benevolent mind, and suitable to aid in the accomplishment of all his grave and ex alted functions. ' The greatest crime, which can be 'Coin pitted against freemen is the Usurpation ob pdwcr. It sheuld be deemed the unpar donable sin of Republics. It has been the unfathomable deep in, which all the footsteps of liberty, in other countries, have been swallowed up, in all ancient and modern times. To it, the higliest plate of delega ted power afibrds both the most temptation. and the most probable means of success.— Whoever fills that . place should, therefore; be strong in honeeiy. If be yields to the temptation, and seeks to employ the means, entrusted to him only for the benefit of his fellow citizens, in endeavor to raise him- Self upon their ruin, he sßuld be branded like another Cain. Ijis memory should be held in the most intense and. imtiortal `testation. • - Ire - should be independent, following ;his own convictions of rightiami not . shrinking from any of his appropriate responsibilities. He should be swayed by no private' and il legitimate influences, and never seek to cast his burthens upon others. In every act o the power lawfully assigned him,. he should stand forth, as the personal agent . of the public will, and answ e rable to all it:s, just demands. He should be vigilant. Our freedom, tiro' well secured, may be iniaded. In all other countries, freedom has been i_nfaded. Ours is too valuable', and-has boon` Coo ly purchased, to omit any means of its pre servation. Without eternal vigilance, in all 'd(' sentinels„no Me t§ bo . " sufficient. , V44h_att awakened ey,4to every ; part of his 91fatgo, tfo occupies hi g h es t watch. . 1 tower-of the nation, should carefullymark all the indic,ltions or good or evil, which may effect' it, and weigh theM well, the bet ter.to secure the objects of his care. lie should be wise in judgment. To this end, patient examination, cool deliberation, and nnpartidl affections are requisite. Ac cordingly he should be in the customary_ use of them. I - 43 judgment is the treat hinge of good or evil to millions. It sramild not therefore be hasty, wavering, or weak, but well informed, fiiithful and:firm. 1 He should be prudent.. This quality re. fers more to actioh than to speculation, but ine.lides both; and consists in a sagacious foresight of evils, and an effective applica tion - of means to avoid - them,: as welt - as - ini an enlightened anticipation of benefits, and' adequate effdrts to secure them. It is an exalted merit; not often 'brilliant in its means, because they are such as common 7 Sense enjoins; and therefore_ excite no won,. der; but blessed "in its effects, becatfse un der all eircumstances'it leads to the utmost attainable good ? Prudence obtains less • })raise than it deserves, because it is often confounded with the partial and sordid pur pose, to which it may he made subservient. He should be disinterested and patriotic. Yielding himself to the wishes of his fellow citizens for the momentous task of their leading eiVil service, _he should _in all its. specifications and labours, lose himself -in them. ' Their rights, their safety, their happiness, should be his undeviating aim. Regarding them as his political brethren , and principals, he will be intent upon pro , moting their interests. In this way, he . will secure his own. And grateful to them for his elevation- to the noblest and widest sphere of beneficient exertion, to which wig dom and virtue earl aspire in this World, he will labour, unceasingly; for the good of his country. 'With • ' - di" -iished bovo all others-i ionored abuses military—for -the self.diree ting i - and lying habits of its people—for its ingenuity and enterprise, , in. all the walks of produc tive industry—fur its force and steadiness of resolve, in pursuit of pradtical utility— for its just distribution of social respect mid' honor—for its high and equal valuation of individual rights—for its anxiety and ability to disseminateaseful knowledge, among all its childreil—for the spirit - of improvement incorporated in its frame of government, exciting to the discovery, and inviting to the adoption of every new and useful principle, and method of operation—for its unparallelled advancement in wealth, num bers, and strength-I-its facilities of enlarge ?inent,- over continent, and of influ ence over all the world—for the adaptation of its employments, purposes, and institutions to the rights of man—for its lage and in• creasir -, enjoyment of the esteem and fa vour of nations—andfor its glorious hopes of perpetuity, it would be as natural as it would be necessary, that he should be a pa triot. It would seem impossible fur' him to be otherwise. Penetrated with a just sense of the dignity and importance of his great trust, he should endeavor to discharge it, with parental and equal regard to every sec tion and member of the national family. What shOuld be the principles of his ad ministration? Such certainly as are found in the fundirmental doctrine of the Repub. lic, and are best calculated to harmonise or-. der and right. -As drawn from our con. stitutions and illustrated - by the writings rtuvd'exampleizef-our-sages,-t hey are-ehiefly the following—equal and exact justice to all men of w.hatever state, condition, or per. suasion,. religious or politiCal—peaeo, com merce and honest friendship with all na tiens, entangling alliances with nonethe•- •stipport Af the state governments, in all their rights, as the most competent administra tions for our 'domestic concerns, and -the surest bulwark against anti-republican ten dencies-the preservation of the general. government in its whole constitutionitt vi gor, as the sheet anchor of otir peace at home and safety abroad-a sacred regard to the principles and spirit of our Union, which Make us on people, and have been the es. -sandal means • of our national power, honor; prosper4y and freedom, as much as they 'were of the Successful atisellion of . Our'Fkit tional independenceacquiescence in the decisions of 00 everk if deemed. wrongful till - they..' be htWfulty changed, by the influence of intelligence and patriet ism; such acquiescence'being the irital ciple of republics,. from WhiCh.there is no appeal but to forceothe vit4l principle and intrnediatrent of despottsm—a or „, gaqii4initMa, our best reliance ni peace, anti for the first moments of war,' till regu lars may relieVe thern--the stip emacy of the civil oVer the militar.y authority--econ otay in the public expense, that labor may be lightly burthened 7 -the honest payment of our debts and'enreful preservation of the public faith —encouragement of the great intetestsOf aghculture, commerce and man , - ufactures; that ;every' branch - of productive industry may be proOtrilile, protected read Oefipected 7 --the - diffusion,of-itifornatition, by . the . reasonable, patronage .of eldmentary sehools, and scientific establishments, w i ll as by the ptiblipity:bfall goVerinentia trans actions, WM . -those temporary ezreeptions only, which are dictated by prudence, in re .t • • :: , MMWO payable half-yeady• r tgivatleed Keiji seliptiona taken for , legs ttauii ntontkur o lud none.displatinued Until all tu4iutrges airs id . a- 7 A failure to notify a discontinutute; Mil be considereil , new eUgagenutat d$Y paper forwarded accordingly. 1; 1•4 6i4 s aGl . 9014 Whole Number, - C . !alien to foreign intercourse, and the initia tory steps in prosecuting crime-the ar raignineut of all abuses at the bar of the public. reason—the -strict accountability ,of and frequent rotation in tlin unimike.n dominion or the laws (Wet' all men, whether private citizits,.,public'ortg cers4 or associations of buth-- , thipetrant • and lawful application' of all the necessary . powers of government to secure the liberty and life of any citizen from criminal but& sion, when it is known to be threatened, and . the most strenuous and persevering - exer4 (ion, on all occasions, to disclose and bring to legal punishment, - the . perpetratorit in crime; for liberty has no existence, but or name, where - the - government - or unable, to withstand the enterprises a ruction and crime, whether proceeding itt. secret or in public ; to confine;gach traithi ber of the society, and association of mem; bers,:within. the _ - presoribed4rAati.,- laws, and to maintainall, in the.secure and tranquil enjoyment of the tights of "person and property. There are yet other . tights of-the people of which his . administration • should.manifest a . 7,ealous te b re-4tat of 'pc.; litiCarequalityHrtrplying general Isuffiegei and eligibility to office- , -of the independent and safe application of the right...of voting to all cases, which the people shall' think proper; as in_ this„way_at,,may_becemo_L*o:_-___-_- mild and safe corrective of abuses, whicli must be lopped by the sword of revolution where peaceable remedies ate unprovided —of freedom of religion; freedom of thoi press, and freedom of person, under: the protection of the habeas. corpus ; • - juries and judges impartial in their obliga-: tion and impartially_ selected.; and of seen.' rity in person, houses, papers and : effects; . against unreasonable searches and seizure. Thise seem to us the essentiafprineipletvof" our freedom... They have been raisedotit of the precious mine of human rights,. by- a a., : : I : I . 7. I. ••• -them_. which all.the workings of ignot ancs, fiction and tyranny, would, keep thetty-eternally buried, by the moslpure-hearted, aratiousi and sagacious exertions, our political fiiikert . 'have combined and set . them .up, filik"otik shelter and guidance. . Let us never. bit'u* mindful of them. We can have . nothingof so much worth. They are the In* Vr.ilj liant jewels of our' nation already rich renowned. We cannot overvalue, them, But, unlike the-alibiing baubles of °stein*. floes and unrighteous pews'', they are veldt/ able in their use. In that alone are they . good; and their most important use is e to be made the touchstone of the merits of those we trust. Are these principles in dangert Evert candid man, who will enquire r meet think . _ so. They were never in danger so immi , nent. Their flue is rich, disciplined, and wily. He obeys no" rules of civilized war fitre, no resfraint of truth, no injunctions of justice, no pleadings of humanity. .He al-• ready occupies the principal. posts hereto fore relied on, as the chief defence of our liberty;, every where lies in wait to deceive; endeavors to poison the springs of resistance to him; seduces the unwary, disloyal, and sordid, by flattery, lucrative , nuiploymiiiiri and cars of preferment ; intimidates 'the irresolute and weak, by haughty exhibitioner of his power; and assails by a thousand alai -suscades, and by all sorts of weapons the - most envenomed and condemned, the watch. , ful; - thoughtful, -steadfast, and unconquera , le--friendaef-free-principles.--Sueli-a-fon---- is freemasonry. This appears incredible to honest unre. - •ficctina men, till they fairly uudersttuad the character of freemasonry, and ascertain its conduct. Wheaever they do this, the ind ' credibility vanishes; they join the great raid ly of antimasons, and work with: one mind and untiring zeal, in all the ways of law and honor, for its abolition. The disinclination to take up impressions of evil against it arid see, almost wholly, from the fair chartiettre of some inenesirho have been connected with it, and from t support of it, by interested politicians, a d pie presses under its control. ~ Honorable men have joined it, in early life. Incited by unsuspected ittipriiiinnla tions of its purity and value, aid by mu:4i-- ty to explore a mystery, they surrendered' themselves to the wish of its members, uial offered to be conducted into its dark AO** hers. Of these we know, some sto peat the threshhoid ; some, in the first e t rt!le ; • ih some in the second ; ; and more, in the t kr& None of them knew any thiniiit its peculiar ceremonies, oaths, or objects, till they had sworn to conceal them. .Thoy has* often praised ,the virtues it claimed, for they loved virtunland hoped the claim witijts, „ But they never imbibed its spirit, eikanw- iugly approved its principles. From , the first step of their initiation, they alwa y s BOW pected. both:. If they did not? we sboidd have heard front some.of the ten **A . conscientious- and patriotic seceders, Who have opened the door upon all its 'propel& ings, of father* leading their eons to,the ma.smitic alter..." Among them all, filitE4f-, , , ceders' have probably witnessed edmitah.,, , into, nearly every, lodge in the lJnion t .': •••': one has told pou t theit...lie,eVer atiiistor fi the initiatiogl of his :omin 80.4 V Maly- l y •,, • other father &soy in relation toillgt.ol4 not a a most honest, kigiblevaliglktal IN Efli MEI