Itattn ; flrn =Si EMS MI stayrn atextma Gettriburg, October 18, 1831. Mr. Clay's Prospects. 04rThe following article is taken from the Literary Subaltern, a Strong Clay pa per, published at Providence,„Rbode Island. The prospects of Mr. Clay are exhibited in no very favorable light : "Fifteen years of the little period of life that has been allayed us, we have devoted ourselves ,to the interest of Henry Clay, with a sincerity and devotion that have had - rio bounds, and which have never wavered amid-the-vicissitudes of the times or amid the storms and the tempests that have howl ed around us. Certain of the great merit of Mr. Clay,—worshipping the evidence of the genius that he has displayed, and honor ing the independence and the lustre of the man, we- had hoped, that a grateful people would do justice to his transcendant merits and the superiority of his mind ; and that hope - has induced us to persevere in the cause of Henry Clay; and we have mareh ed onward, suffering loss of time and the lit. tle ekolument that would have attended our toils, had they been devoted to some other political aspirant. Our course has -been-onward; we have toiled and tugged, and tugged and toiled away the better peri od of our life, and our only reward has been the loss of money—the accumulation of foes, and the neglect and contumely of po litical demigods. But all this would not dishearten us, if we could only behold the glimmering of a prospect before us, favor able to Henry Clay .as a candidate for the -Presbiency.----But wa behold nothing in hia favor. That he can array a goodly number of personal friends, is a fact that cannot be doubted; but of what avail is that,if he can not rally a - party? What are his prospects? If the election were to take place to day, he might probably secure the vote of Massa chusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut; but he would loose Maine, New Hampshire, and'lrermont. This would be his fate in New England? What would he do in the West? He might possibly secure the vote of Louisiana,—but Mississippi, Alabama, itoßti, Indiana, Illinois and Kermicky, he , itroidd most certainly loose, - whilst - it islos: sibhr, that he might gain Ohio, Maryland, and Delaware ! And of what avail would all this afford him, when it is well known, that he cannot even hope for any support in Virginia, New York or Pennsylvania ! Asti not the times dark and gloomy in the eztreme I What possible chance is •there ler Henry Clay ? At the next canvass of the electoral col. kkges of the states, who can say, in antici pation that Mr. Clay will gain Rhode Island, Massachusetts or Connecticut ? The knti. masonic party,—one of the most flourishing parties that ever existed in this country, has avowed its determination not to support Mr. Clay; and, it is next to a mortal certainty, that ere the arrival of November 1832, Anti masonry will have a MAJORITY, and an ovxawirmatixo iNPLumwu in all New Eng bind. Ther Anti-toasons have 'avowed they will net support, or give countenance to any man who adheres to the Masonic order, they have issued their edicts to the world, and they Will ~be maintained and carried into complete and full execution. Mr. Clay is a Me s on of the highest order, and it ie pre sumed he will not adjure a society to which he has been attached from early period of fife, till the approximation of old age.— He amid, without being suspected of sin ister and selfish motives, secede ; if ho does secede, the Anti masons will not trust him, thellasons will as arena ter of course distrust'him, and forever aba him. Un .e tie existence of cireumeLn es like these Mr. Cray, as a lima of elevated feelings and as-ti than of honor, owes 4, to himself and his friends, to his countryPnd - to the repose of those who by the ties of personal and po filial friendship, to retire from ihe field of action; and assume a place in'the councils of the nation, where he , can wield the mighty influence o s eloquence and become again the c of the interests of the„,people. Placing his condition in the most 'favora ble aspect, it is barely possible that he can be returned a candidate to the House of Representatives—an event winch all his friends would , deplere, since it is the hope and prayer of the public that no man shall be elevated to the Presidency; without he reaches the poet of honor, by the voice of tho.people—and where is the man among thous:* sincere and devout admirers of Henry Clay, who could or would. hope to . • one him elevated to office, through bargain, Laths and corruption? • , Wale balloons of Mr,- clay's prospects, more than ordinary proof—'its mel lispeot.if not founded•,on the vete `Stet, that the blind worm of the brain be. bolds a thousand fantasies and unreal mock exists on a More solid superstruc. tore, and is firm as it its: repulsive. The lion, - Wi l iP Webster, the Hon. Richard Rush, and .the Hon. John Quincy Adams, as we have proof to show, have said within the little period ofa month, "Mr. Clay has soft*. remotest chance for success. We knew_him well ; we have all received uni ted! ' the benefit of his friendithips and the ol . his aetione, and we wish him . We will not ahandontim in thehour lis adversity, but we cannot indulge a • her , ih favor a his political fortunes, for ' 4 know that his • cannot be elected to he ringtitutey of this good Jlepublic c .' Y That ~4444 hiWe askL this, We are pre., 2\ to ProVIS:.` • ~ - 1 ,' ,f l - ESSES M=E 1 , ,1_ 1 .4 ADVERTIKEMPATS. ODD & EVEN SYSTEM. .illaryland Stale Lottery, • No. fir FOR 1831. To be drawn in Baltimore on THURS ' DAY, the 27th instant. JIIGIIEST -PRIZE, 6,000 DOLLARS! SCHEME: 1 prize of $6,000 I 5 1 - 2,000 I 10 • 1 1,000 I 20 1 500 ' 100 1 300 150,4 1 200 10000 4 prizes of • $lOO MODE OF DRAWING. The Numbers will ;be put into one wheel as u. sual—and in the other will be put the Prizes above the denomination of $2.00, and the drawing to progress in the usual manner. The 10,000 prizes of $2.00 will be awarded to the Odd.or Even Num bers of the Lottery, (as the case may be,) depend. ent on the drawing of the- Capital Prize of Six Tholisand Dollars—that is to say, if the $6,000 prize should come out to an Odd Number, then every Odd Number in the Scheme will be entitled toa Prize of $..00;.. Wale 6,000.d011ar prize ,sheald come out to an Even Number, then all the Even Numbers in the Scheme will bo each entitled to a prize of $2.00. Half Tickets, One Dollar—Quarters 50 eta. TO BE lIAD AT CLARK'S, Offices ' W. corner of Baltimore and Calvert, NW. corner of Baltimore and Gay,-11.: B. cor- ner of Baltimore and Charles.see. ILYWhere the higheht prize in the recent State Lotteries has been oftener sold than at any other offices ! ! ! rrOrdere, either. by mail (postpaid) or .private conveyance, enclosing the cash for prizes, will meet the same prompt and punctual attention, as if on pertionarappliciition. Address to JO KM CLARK, Lottery Vender, Baltimore. td-27 October 11, 1831. 4KIIV ) 414)40,a,V1 THE subscriber respectfully, tenders his thanks to his friends, and the public generally, for their liberal encouragement, and informs lhein that he has just returned from the Cities of Philadelphia and Bahl timoie with , a • LAME / AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF - 3 • ! f -- ONAZZE - GOODS; -- AMONG - WIIICH ARE, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES BLANKETS, FLANNELS, TARTAN PLAIDS, WITH A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF English and Trench super royal MERINOS, tla Merino and Thibet SHAWLS. • 0 - As Pu f fing is unnecessary, I only re quest a call, to oblige Your obedient serv't. SAM VEL FAHNESTOCK. Gettysburg, October 4, 1831. 4t-26 NNW STORE. WIFE subscribers respectfully inform -K. their friends and the public generally, that they will open a NEW STORE at t he house No. 1, in Mummasburg, on the 9th day of October next, where tarpy will keep A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF . { >-1-..i'::-.'' ' 'r Groceries, k t i• • . 1 ~,•.1 • • :,, - ' _ . • ,• - h tt :,:.•, TRAM. glg eensw are, ... I .„ . . . _.:f..7 _., AND CRY GOODS. Which they will sell CHEAP for CASH, or trade for COUNTRY PRODUCE. SAMUEL WISLER, WILLIAM ANDERSON. September 2'7;1831. - tf-25 PUBLIC SALE, The subscriber will sell at public sale, On Saturday the 29th instant, _on the premises, at 11 o'clock, M. SIXTY ACRES OF FIRST-RATE CHESNUT . TIMBER LAND, Lying in Tyrone township, AdamS county, adjoining lands of Jacob King, Conrad Wa goner and others; 1 mile from W hitestown and about the same distance froin the- new Furnace erected by 11tessys. Duncan & Ma hon. It will be soldliitOTS of 10, 15, or 20 Acres each, to suit purchasers. Tenns---One half the purchase moneeto be Cash, and .the balance in three nqual an nual payments. HERNIA.N WIERMIN. October 4, 1831. PUBLIC' SALE. WILL bit sold at public sale, on Tnes day the 18th of October next, at, the Wise of the subscriber in Franklin town.: ship, the : following property, viz: itoitsrts orchoits, 110 GS dt 801E.EP) 40 head of of which are fat. - GRAgir ,IN THE GROUND • 1: - PLANT AVON. W Cr O'N PLOUGHS 4- HARROWS, and other Farniing Utensils-.. Hay by the ton, - Straw by the . bundle 1 Windmill; 1 Stotte, with Pipei Household and Kitchen .Funtitere too tedious to mention. • . Sale tri cotnnience at 10 o'clock x. on etticiday,.*hen attendance and. credit will be given by JAtOtt GILBERT. • September. 27, 1831. 4t-2 1 ;, = ~~; ~,,r~ rt 50 20 10 ;t PUBLIC SALE. Will be sold at ' on the premises, On Saturday the sth of November next, A TRACT Or L J. -•11 4 D 9 - , ontaining '230 Aeres, more or . ss, late the property of Wm. Bighorn, de ceased, situate in Liberty township, Adams county, adjoining lands of Robert S. Grier, David Roth , a nd others. The improve ments are a two-story Ltao4l , 210UP011i 9 111 a double log Barn, with other _..,!_:Lf. out-buildings; an excellent well of water with a pump, convenient to the dwelling— an orchard containing a variety of fruit trees ; a suffidioncy of meadow and timber for the farm. - ALSO, A TENANT MOUSE, With out-buildings. The above property will be sold togeth er or livided to suit purchasers. ' Persons _wibahi T - to view the property, will cal Lon Mrs. Bigham, who resides on the farm.— Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, M. when the terms will be made known, and due at tendance given, by JACOB MYERS, Executor. October 4, 1831. is-26 PUBLIC SALE. IN pursuance of an .Order of the Orphans' JR. Court of Adams county, will be exposed to public sale, On Tucsday the 25th day of October inst., on the premises, A TRACT OP L .11* D • Situate in Cumberland township, Adams county, 2 miles from Gettysburg, adjoining landi of John Ritter, the heirs of Wm. Mc- Clelland, sen. John S. Crawford and others, Containing 230 Acres, more or less. Me improvements are a Zebtina b io • . double log Barn, and Orchard— "_-= a spring of water near the house. There_i_seuoy _of good WOOD LAND. To be sold as the Estate of Frederick Eicholtz, deceased. The above property will be shewn those wishing to purchaseby - JaCob Eicholtz, liv ing on.the farm. Sale to Commence at 12 o'clock, M. when attendance will be given, and terms made known, by JOHN REX, SAMUEL B. WRIGHT, Adm'rs By the Court, JOHN B. CLARK, Clerk. October 4, 1831. to--26 PUBLIC SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' AL Court of Adams county, will be expos ed to public sale, on Saturday the 26th day of November next, on the premises, A TRACT OF.` , -.: , ;- '!;*if!: L D , • Late the Estate of John Fiches, Esq. dec'd. -gontaining 21 Acres & 38 Perch * with an allowance, situate in Hunting ton township, Adams county, adjacent to the town of Petersburg, (York Springs,) adjoining lands of Fletcher Moorhead, Ja cob Gardner and others, on which are erec ted a large and convenient two story BRICK 110 USE s. 1! and KITCHEN, a brick Spring 's, • house, a double Barn, and frame Wood.houie. There is a never failing Spring of Water convenient to,the house and barn, with a Fountain Pump near the kitchen door. About SEVEN ACRES of the above Tract is cleared and under good fence Ale remainder covered'with excellent Tiniber. There is an Orchard of Peach and Apple trees on the premises. ALSO, WOUPciP Zbbfre Adjoining the Town of Petersburg. ALSO, .4 LOT OF GROU.VD In the Town of Petersburg, on which are erected, a rivime Mouse 4. Stable. A Stream ofNl .. iiter runs through this Lot. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, M. of said day, when attendance Will be given, and terms of sale tnade, known, by . JACOB FICKES, Admen, PETER H. SMITH, By the Court, JOHN ,B. CLARK, Clerk. „October 4,, 1331. , r 0-26 nx - Trsl nwirs% The subscriber takes this opportunity of in forming his friends & the public in general, THAT HE H4O COMMENCED THE ZILATTOIti - BUST- At NESS, Carlisle street, a fern'doors front Mr. Win. McClelland's Hotel, Where he intends to carry on pretty exten sively. He assures those who may patronise him, that his work will be done as well, and on as.reasonable terms, as at any other es lablishment. He hopes / by strict: attention• to business, and good work, loZplease the public and receive a liberal patronage; WILLIAM W. PAXTON/. September a ./ 1831. 4w-42 N. B. "o::rAihtieds o(Country.Produce w ill be taken in eiehange for Hats. FM CEO= ..cjailxfr . -'diai - r- - ii PV 14C. BILE • f ' Mslicable Piopirty. Will be sold at public sale, on the premis es, in Abbottstown, Adams county, Pa. -On Monda.9 the 24th of October next, the following described Property, late the Estate of Frederick Baugher, dec'd, viz:— A 2 STORY HOUSE., • With large. back-buildings at- ;::;'!;;' tached, and a . Lot—a large brick ::'; iT!i; . bank Barn, and an extensive • - TANNERY , .• with 2/ Lots attached thereto. This pro perty is well worth the consideration of Capitalists, as it is one of the first Tanne ries in the two counties. It is supplied with water (by a good water-right) from a never-failing stream running near it, and is situated in a good country. for Bark, lying within 11 / miles of the " Pigeon Hills. '•;-- The Tannery is large enough to contain 1200 hides ;'the buildings are ia'ige and con venient, and all in good order for carrying on the business. ALSO-01V THE SAME DAY, ca..ccemattv (t)..T za.l4 - Kb Containing about 130 Acres, lying part in York and part in Adams coun- ties, with a bank Barn thereon ; Beaver creek runs thro' said tract. Aiso, LOTS in the vicinity ofsaid town,to suit purchasers. Also—A TRACT OF LAND, Lying in Hamilton towhip, Adams coun ty, adjoining lands of John Wolf, Henry Stock, and others, contiating about 50 . A cres—about 20 acres of which is thriving Timber.; Pinprun creek passes through it. 2 Tracts of Pigeon Hill Land, Containing about s'o Acres each-L-either di vided or undivided, to suit purchasers.— One tract is about 2 miles from Abbotts town ; the other, 3 from Abbottstown and 3 from Hanover—the Hanover and Berlin Turnpike road passes through it. in — All Patented Land. in said town, known as "No. 3, with a Hat ter's-Shopy-now-in--the-oeeuptniey-of-Mr. Jonas Hartzell. Also, .A Lot with a Stone Smith- Shop thereon; and several other Lots ad• joining said town. Crr There wilt also be sold, S SIEAREs of York and Gettysburg, and AMUR of Berlin and Hanover, TURNPIKE ROAD STOCK • —ALSO— . On Tuesday the 25th Oct., on the premises. A TRACT °FLAND, Situate in Manheini township, York county, about 4 miles from Hanover, adjoining lands of David Runkle, Chris tian Melheim, and others, containing about 355 acres; on which, are erected, A GOOD HOUSE, large Barn, and all other neces is nary improvements, with 'an ex tensive DISTILLERY. Of -- this Tract, there are about 200 acres or excel lent Timber: also a large Orchard. A Tract of Mountain Land Will be offered, Situate in Franklin town ship, adjoining larids of Peter Mark; An. drew Noel, and others, containing ,4100 acres, more or less. otr - Terms made known on days of sale. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of each day. ISA AC BAUGHER, Ex'ra PREDERICK...BAUGHER, September 43, 1831, slums' Respectfully informs the public that he has removed to-his New Shop in Chambersburg Street, a few doors West of the Court house, WHERE lIE IB PRERARED TO Make, Trim, and Repair U gewe*, SAD fr"4\ DLES . 9 BRIDLES, _SADDLE-BAGS, portmanteaus, HardetoOrrunks, and every other-article in hie' line of busi. n'ess, with neatness, durability and despatch. lie returns hisohatilis itir- past encourage ment, and 'shall endeavor to merit a contin uancV of the same. July 26,1831. - tf--16 OFFERS his Professional services to the public generally, can • alvvayto be foUnd at his father's residence, at the house formerly' occupied by &Lilies 1 1114risso . n, tip_tr and half of Hampton. . ralltount, tin* Loa 111111 , y 4-44 -ALSO -ALSO-- 21tOtralB 61i) awe —ALSO— On Wednesday the 26th of October, IN (I'SBURG, COsICH-.MIKIG*"I 14• c. Or EVERT DIMCIakTION, -ALSO DOCT:. S. M. TUDOR, .-~=- MO Potter's Vektrudite Cathottioss. A FRESH supply of the above article has just been received and for sale, at the Drug Store of - D.R. J. GILIERT. Isettysburg, Sept. 29, 1831. tf-24 EDUCATION. DAVID .3tMILLAN rempectfill ly announces to the citizen's of Get tysburg and its vicinity, that he has remo ved his SCHOOL to West York street, a few doors from. Mr. Newman's tavern, WHERE WILL BE TAUGHT Orthography, Reading, Writing, English Grammitr, Geography, and all the principal branches of the MATHEMATICS. Terms of tuition made known on appli cation at his school-room during the hours of school. (Krßeference, WM. W. BELL. September 20, 1831. rrIIE Account of JOHN WRIGHT,. Committee/tifJoliph L. Hutton and Benjamin Hutton, is filed in the Prothono tary's Office of Adams county, and will be confirmed at the next November Term if no objections are made. GEO. WELSH, Proth'y. October 4, 1831. 4 tc-26 LIST OFILETTERS, REMAINING in the York Springs Post Office on the Ist day of Oct. 1831. John Brough t -3 - George Hoffman Miss Anna Doyle Mary Mondorff Delap W. Robt. Elliott Wm. Reid. Joel Funk Jogn Shewmaker David Funk John Shoeman. HERMAN WIERMAN, P. M. October 4, 1831. 4t-26 STRATI %110 TIE%. WAS taken up by the subscriber, some time since, as es - trills, THREE SHOTES, black and white color, with their left ears cropped. T he ownerialie're note fled _to call and prove property,pay e..harm and take them away, otherwise they will, be disposed of as the law directs. ROBERT TAYLOR. October 4; 1831. TO OUR CREDITORS. WAKE NOTICE, that we havo applied JR. to the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, for the benefit of the Insolvent laws, and that the said Judge. have appointed Monday the 28th day of November next, for the hearing of us and our creditors, at the Court-housa in the bor ough of Gettysburg, where you may attend if you• think paoper. • ALEXANDER SCOTT, JACOB SMITH, HENRY WOLF., October 4, 1831. TO OUR CREDITORS. T A ". NOTICE, that we have applied to the'Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, for the benefit of the Insolvent laws, and that the 'said Judges have appointed Monday the 28th day Jf November next, for the hearing of us and our creditors, at the Court-house in the.borough of Gettysburg, where you may attend if you think proper. October 4, 1831. TO MY CREDITOR& rrAIDE - NOTICE, that I h i ve applied to the Judges of the Court-of Common Pleas of Adams-county, for the benefit of the' Insolvent laws, and that the sthd Judges have appointed Monday the 28th of No vember next, for the heating of me and my ' creditcirs, at the Court-house in the borough of, Gettysburg, where you may attend if you think proper. GEORGE EVILHOCK. September 27, 1831. 4W---,25 ts.-23 SIX CENTS REWARD. RANAWAY from the gilbscriber, ing in Tyrone township, Adams co.; on the 14th of August last, an indented ap 'drentice to the farming business,,:named • JOHN NEWMAN. The above reward - will be given for'said boy if delivered to the . subscriber. All persons are cautioned ar gainst harboring said apprentice. JOHN DEARDOttEM September 27, 1831. • 4w,---25. GEN ERAL SYNOD OF THE -LUTHERA,N CHURCH, I,TNITED STATES.. >1" T•! lay.delegates appointed' by thedi istrict Sypdtkare re: quested to assern ` t Fretlenele,; Md:.. on. the 30th day, and' last Sunday of October next. Ai this Synod becalled upon tck• tvaneact business of vital importance to. the Church, advisory brethren will be cheerful ifAlup information of their baffle.: tibeto be present, be given to the subscriber. DAVID FiACH/EFFER, Secretary of the G.' S. i* the IT. S. July IqBl. 4t-15 BLaorKs foikut74 at this Nike. I EU NOTICE. JOHN M'INTYRE, JOSEPH TONER, JOHN MYERS. 4tr-26 0 cm 4 w-2 4 4t-26 4t-V1