E seVeif ej , t the Lite rreted ts„de r wr- it until taking e, she en an iildren lc net resits- oma❑ after. 11 V% aS, p, earth o the he lay gtaed- were Nell— roha t tho from rially al lot he U. which or of throe from ncs n. ws:— ME MIMS tobin- ierce, from ream to an BEM •om so ary as It. pe lass Giles, stones one of fter it mards down, EMI dem ing to y and or the BM f Mr. are rm.; : S. art, o drops 11 ell -as 'other =I shall the raEss the People's niGirrs proclaim ik 'd by influence, and unbrib'd by VAIN. wog oy Morning, October 14-Im3l. Ertei is Anti.Manotilic Nomination: Denaocr " \FOR PRESIDENT, Wridin Will, of Ord. FOR VICE-PRINIDENT, Elintliker, of Pa. "BEWARE OF SECRET SOCIETIES:" AIDA.Mg3 COUNT 7 ANTI-MASONIC REPUBLICAN TICKET. SENATOR, James R. Rejig. ASSEMBLY, eihuirew. Jacob Cassatt. COMMISSIONER, *-4ohn L. ()hibernator. AJJDITOR, • Joint .111'Kesson. DIRECTOR OF THE POOR, James 41. Thompson. 10z!7 - TICKETS Can be had at the Star Office ready folded (KrExamine your Tickets! TRY IT AGAIN, BROTHER BOAZ! 0.-We are authorised to state, that the late Clay meeting made use of Mr. JAMES GOURLEV'S name in designating its Commit toe of Correspondence, WITHOUT HIS AP PROBATION—He therefore DECLINES. Detetted. The Compiler of last Tuesday, in order that it might not let slip any opportunity to deceive the yeomanry of the county, pub lished only the beginning and ending of Mr. WIRT'S letter—Thereby leaving out those paragraphs which go to condemn the vile and blasphemous - Institut ion .of Masenry.- Such conduct, however, does not surprise or astonish us. He is just the tool that the Lodge should have. The Lodge probably pays well, and the "laborer is worthy of his, hire." Caution!. Caution! Oz:!-. We understand that the menials of the Lodge have been busily engaged, for the last three or four days, in circulating Hand bills containing Addresses, Hailing Signs of Distress, &c. from the Lodge and its dis guised tools. They are all written in strict accordance with the priliciples of Masonry. Believe them not, for the TLIUTU is not in them. ANTI-MASONS, be firm! Let not 'the servants and. runners of the Lodge deceive you, Show them THIS DAY that they shall never uoonwrNie CABLETOW you! To the Polls, then, one and all and wrest your country from the profligate Aristocracy that has dearly ruined yeti! Go io 11w Polls. THIS is. the day_ (says - th for those who are in favor of State Reform and economy in the expenditure of the pub lic money—who are convinced that the af fairs of the State arc in an embarrasged And . 'minims condition, with TAXES I MPEN P 7 • •INO OVER THEIR HEADS, and'.lt• reckless set of .public servants, leagued 'to gether-by an abominablecombinationet those who wish to rid themselves and their children from all the disadvantages and foul play, which arise from the existence of Free masonry amongst , us, conic "'to the POLLS, and give their vote to put dawn the ROYAL ORDER. Let theM level the political lad „der by which so many haVe climbed to office and power without . merit. YOUNG MEN, who are.not masons; it is your duty. and interest to put doWn an In stitution, whose members will have the ad vantage of you in all the competitions of life, It is better for you to.fight °Oily with it, than to be all your life•the scape:goatotits secret oppositien. „treads of Families should not be guilty of !I - 101'01a negli pact.° the interests of their children, as noVto destroy, whet in their power, theiseductive influence of fite 11Iason. is Institution, That"with her crowned head and aproned robes beckons to their sons. and tenipts them to hey polluting and debauched embrace. ; > When in their. power - .. to”fleairoy hy - ,ovderly and-constittitional means, will they allOw the society ormasonry to stand in -the paths'Or their .children, either as.a lurh or a.syuribi,ing block 1 . Are thOjr not bound • matl2l' TT ii 1 11 ' 1 140 IL 3 . - _ to do all they c, I to secure to their ofrapfing a chance of fair play in the race of life'? To secure to thein an equal chance with ()the') o' *renter merit i❑ the stru2.oc for wealth and honor? • An equal chance for success in -business' -mid az it. veftual-Chaner-justiZtLi court of Law? Will j ithey bequeath to them their principles against masonry and not do - all in their power to preventiheseprindiples being a disadvantage to them'! . Will they allow other 'young men, Who have not those pure I}rifi6ples, to'proffi,iiitemporal Matters by the moral purity of their children? Ev 7 ery Father who has a son, and does not wish that son to become a mason, owes it. to his welfare, to do all that an honorable man may do to break up a combination that, if not prostrated, will jocky that son through life; that its own young membeis, not more favor ed by nature, nor better trained by educa tion, may, notwithstanding, get the start of him and distance him in the race. Now then is the time for the people—the Demo cracy of our country—to prostrate this aris tocratic Institution—to level with the rest of mankind these Royal KNlGHTS—these SECRET LODG ES--these Glt A ND EN CAMPMENTS, that hold, with its grasp of monopoly (Seusurpation,the rights,privileges, the offices and honors of our country. The Pennsylvania Whig has the following appropriate and just remarks on the odious Personal Tax bill passed ,by the Wolf ma jority in the last legislature: _ALsionliLhectunc.,elerViiVe -is as-the-term-imports,-really-free i to Walt tile rdetensions Closely, of those who are now put forward to represent them in the State Legislature. In the session of 1830-31, a Tax Lath was passed of the most onerous and obnoxious character. One feature of thia.law in particular, was calculated to ex citecthe feelings, as well as to depress the in dust:ri of the people. • We mean Tile I Neo3l}.; or I.ix . 9,tismoN Tax; which compels every man to swear to the amount of his profits, or income—which compels him to empty his pockets under oath, before the EXCISE-MEN fthisnew-Euglish-oligarcky,and pay down his per centage on his earnings, in a manner precisely similar to that exacted by the Sul tan of' the Turkish subjects. Such a law by the gorernnzent of the United States, instead of the State of Pennsylvania would create a rebellion; and sever the bonds of the Union." The Masonic ticket is composed of men who, if elected will unite with their brethren who had this infamous tax law passed, !in supporting and defending it— ftpt "Shall .we, as free men, vote for them? Will their own party _vote for them? We trust, not. If a party forlhe sake of party bigotry, can tolerate such 'an outrage, we must hid good bye to justice, right, and lib erty. But the sense of the community on this subject cannot be mistaken. Public opinion has condemned the law to unqualified reprobation, and its authors and advocates must, "bide the consequences." They are not qualified to legislate for a free people- Mr. WIRT, "after recapitulating, pointed ly and beautifully; the principles of the An ti-Masonic party as he understood them, and as they- will be acknowledged, by the party itself, says explicitly—{ - These 1 understand are your prfnciples, and I can seenothing in them which does not COMMEND THEM TO EVERY MAN WHOSE MIND AND HEART ARE SOUND : for there can be no question among reasonable men that, in a free government like ours, the CONSTITUTION • AND LAWS arc - rmr - only-sovercignt-that-the j!eace, order, prosperity, and - happiness of -our peopic - depend - on - ticesTE - Auwviirriftui. and EFFECTUAL ADMINISTRATION. Of M I LAWS; and that any SECRET SOCIETY, which by the force of MYSTERWIT t S OATH'S Al`M LicA.TroNs;:and EkTPle OF ITS COM EZNATIONS, seeks to DISTURB THE ACTION OF THOSE LAWS, to SET THE* AT DEFIANCE, to RIDE OVER and CONTROL THEM, to Multi , the GOVERNMENT, to hold the LIVES, PEACE and HAPPINESS OF SOCIETY at their mercy and to establish a REIGN OF TERROR over the initiated and the uninitiated, is a PO LITICAL MONSTER as fearful as the Invisible Tribunal..of Germany or'the In quisition of Spain, and OUGHT-TO BE EXTIRPATED, WITHOUT DELAY, by.,,the use of all the PEACEABLE MEANS which the. constitution and laws. of our country fur nishi" To the Point, brothel' Boaz! • 0* - The Sentinel and other kindred prints appear to exult at the nomination of Mr, WIRT. The Sentinel says, that Mr. Wirt's sentiments, coincide wiih tliose of its Editor. In his letter, after examining the details of the trials in the case of, Morgan, Mr. , Wirt Bays-0:" It' this lie masonry, AS ACCORD ING TONIS ts UNCONTRADICTED EVI DENCE BEMS TO BE - / have no hesita- Lion in saying, THAT I CONSIDER .IT - AT WAR WITII THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF THEFOCIAL COMPACT, M 3 TREASON AGAINST .01:jETY, & A WICKED CONSPIRACY AGAINST LAWS OF AND MAN, WHIC/COUGHT ry_ TO lin PUT DOWN. . wnsweiing alai, he has united himself, and his splendid talents, with IthoSO of his fellowafreelnen, in - endeti , voring to assert and maintain the "suprema cy of the laws.", If the Editor of the Sen tine io c s sue, I SC 1, 1 St: E-D E n tz, Ii ke Mr. Wirt, act as, well as speak? Loox OUT Fon Tl[ TA X-G ATIIERER. A general impression prevails through out Pennsylvania, that the tax law of last session did .not pass as reported to the legis lature, but was • postponed. it Dm PASS, however, and a more bunglink alliur wa s never imposed on a community. Section first enacts that "all ground rents, moneys at interest, and all debts due from solvent debtors, whether by promiss; . ;iy note, ex cept bank notes, penal or single bill, bow!, judgment, mortgage and stocks in corpora tions, (wherein shares have been subscribed in money,) and on Which any dividend or profit is received by the holder thereof, and public stocks, except the stocks issued by this commonwealth, and all pleasure car riages kept for use, shall be subject to a yearly tax of one Mill upon every dtiller of the value thereof." Section third empow ers the assessors to demand a statemeillof every man's estate, and if reflised, to guess at' it as near us possible!—Sat. THE ELECTION. Friends of Republican Liberty—enemies of Secret Societies—the day orelec t ion is at hand. Your opponents are active. No ineans will be left by them unemployed, to effict a triumph over you. The power of the masonic state administration is exerted to defeat you. The officers of our govern 7 ment„those that fatten on the public purse, dents, have received their orders from the Lodge L—that secret conclave of conspiracy, against the rights and liberties of the peo ple—and will to a man exert themselves to support the misrule of a secret self-created aristocracy. A government of G RANI) KINGS and GRAND HIGhI PRIESTS OF MASONRY. An institution that plun ders and degrades men in the name of CHARITY, and blatphemes in the name of RELIGION. An Institution that has been tried and found guilty . of murder, and that is now arraigued-ut-the-bar-ofpublic-opinio for conspiracy against our rights, and re bellion and treason against our laws. And shall it be convicted of capital, crimes com mitted against the peace and majesty ofour government, and be pardoned?? Shall it go unpunished? If not, let it be cut down by the votes of unshackled Freemen. • Pennsylvania Telegraph. GOV. WOLF AND MASONRY. Evidence of the dirett' influence of ma sonry over Governor Wolf, is-not wanting; but no act has been more glaring than his tinterference with the laws of the land and he decision of a court of justice and jury of the country, in the case of Jacob Lefever, a brother mason, and editor of the Gettysburg Compiler. Our readers, probably know, that Mr. Lefever had been convicted of publishing one of the most atrocious libels against Thaddeus Stevens, Esq. a talented and highly respeCtod . member of the bar of Adams County. His sentence was a fine and imprisonment for three months in the county gaol. But a brother mason was not to be thus held in "durance vile," for mere ly s!::::z!ering an Anti-mason. This by the laws of the Lodge, they have not only a right, but arc sworn to do. • The Fraternity knew the string to pull. The Grand Hailing Sign of distress was raised'. Gov. Wolf was called upon to in terfere with the adminiStraticin of Justiee. The purity of the ermine was to be Anes timed, and the SoVereigaty of the la* to be set aside. Mr. Lefever was pardoned, ex deheie r -of--lowing—slimesp- • ; ; citizen. But Mr. Stevens is an antimason. -hetmasoniirediters — tire- - said to have re ceived from the Lodges, orders to attack, liarrass-aud , *stroy . the•-reputations of all pyonent_And Antimasons; and it is even whispered that the Deputy Grand Master has given his pledge.that all breth mil and fellow laborers for tho crake° con victed, shall be entitled to, and receive the benefits of his pardoning charity. Pennsylrania Telegraph. JORN NDOLPM—The New York Eve ning Journal says Ntr. Rantlolphfcia visiting the south oeFrance, and has no' 3 intention of resigning his conimission.'" .. The Ibllowing statement of the cost ,of the mission to Russia, is taken . from the Roston Courier; and may be considered correct. To ordering die Concord to St. Peters burg with Mr. Randolph, • $75,000 To Mr. Middleton's return salary 2,500 Mr. Randolph's out-lit for his ten days mis sion,' 9,000 One year's salary Quarters'issretutU sal y Mr. Buchanan's out-fit One hundred and ,seven thousand 41ollars of the public's-money is thus squandered a way y die President, partly to gratify a few masonic favorites. .The Cumberland read may lie in ruin, the naked stone upoujts sur face may stand as so many monuments of the people's folly for placing the presont dynasty in power. National irplgovements am impracticable, and unconstitutional: All the money reiHialri- Mg in the Treasury uuler pSying the annuity_ of the pUblic hO needed to suskain our ROYAL FAMILY. • ' . , • .Mr. Riiiidolph has Moen chosen, oho Of the. doltgutes tothe which .N4r N'l.llCllllbl met in' Philadelphia, on the ! 300 t ult..Sp' :we see. that whether he is:at home or abroad, the present ad t niniqmt ion will add him to the sum of our i~ationul puctishtncut. =Pa. Debt. From the National Gazette. It appears the .Anti-Masonic Convention have selected Witham. Wirt as their cau l' .stf.Prcsident, and Amos Elhunker, for that of Vice President. Mr. NVirt - is a man of genius, of letters, and of morals; an eminent and able jurist; an elo quent and brilliant pleader; a liberal and.ur bane gentlemaa. He does not possess pulp brity es a politician, but he long filled itu of fice at Washington by which he waa inime dietely connected with the administration of the Gomm! Government. • W. From the Fenniiylvania WILLtAM WIR:r, EsQ.--The nomination of this gentleman by the Anti-Masonic Par ty as a Candidate for the . Presidency, is cer tainly a most excellent oue—wholly unex ceptionable in every respect, and which must command an immense support. Mr. Wirt is a Patriot, a statesmen, an orator, and what is more than all an ,Anieriean through and through. But we regret his nomination; nevertheless, because it substracts his strength of character from the Clay Ticket, upon which he we.s to be Vice President.— We lament the loss of Mr.-Wirt, but -westill hope it will. be a gain-to the Country though a loss to our party. • The masonic-presses are asserting that,, Mr. Wirt is a:nuison. This scheme doubt less was matured anioritst the craft, and is, sued from the Baltimore Lodge, to accom pany the announcement of his nomination. If Mr. Wirt had said as much against ma sonry six years ago, as he has done in his let-- tern 110 wens ave sharedneliite of Morgan: „The "canvass cap" would have enclosed his head and the "naked poignard" pierced his heart. The malice of the lodge going ma sons, is as great now as then, but they trem ble at the voice ofpublic opinion, and through necessity, are, content to "spend their spleen" in endeavoring to injure his stand ing among the Antimasons. ThiS; howev er, is readily underod'and met. If Mr. Wirt be a mason, they can no longer harp upon the proscription and persecution of the Antimasons. But the letter of Mr. *-rt shows , htrtrtsteirßENQU NCI N condemner of the institution--an opposer of its rites, ceremonies, oaths and acts. He goes for the principles of Anti- masonry—for the - laws and constitutions of his country—for the principle that "will, support no man for any, of who adheres to the masonic society." - This he recognig zes in hiS acceptance of-the nomination of the Antimasonic Convention, and adopts as hie. rule of action. He- "considers every man's allegiance to his country, his highest earthly obligation." This is Antimasonry. This is the "blessed spirit" that seeks to satisfy the vengeance of the broken laws, and wipe the stain of blood from her escutch eon. Masons who avow' such principles, are hailed as advocates and supporters of Republican Liberty, and worthy of the con fidence of Freemen.—{Pa. Teleyraph. When such men as Francis Granger, William Wirt, Amos Ellmaker, Richard, Rush, John Quincy Adams, Cadwalader 1). Colden, and a host of other distinguished patriots, give it as their decided opiniou that Freemasonry is corrupt, and in direct competition with the laiVs of God and man s where is the free born son of America who would not rally around the standard of lib orpi and use every exertiln in hisixwer to ,suppress and drive this Gaul demon from the land. Who that speaks or ivrites spectfully of "this midnight Institution, can close his eyes in sluintre'r in the siler.t night, without the fear of falling a victim to its fury, by the hands of its adhering despera. remain remiss -in-their-dutyi--and do net suppress the iniquitous tendencies of t)is unholy prder at The Pow; the only '"way effectually to oppose it, "Who would not -Taber itttcome food for worms while the lamp of liberty may yet iPght him to his grave, than to survive ita extinguishment, to grope through ages of the' darkness' of despotism, a "trembling, coward slave?" llagenstown Free Press. MARRIED, ••• ' A • On Tlliii•eday morning the _22(1 ult. at Came bridge, Ohio, by the Rev. S. Finley, of Washing ton, Mr. Ricuarfoir.as, ono of the proprietors of the "Cleayelan - Advertiser," to Mies Jimmy Helm, [fortner . itlf this town;] both of Cleaveland, Ohio. • 4 •.4 On thelsths Mt. by the Tlev. S. Guetelius, Mr WIIiLIAM WINTXRODE,tO MiSP ELIZABETH flonmaa both of Petersburg (Littliss.Toan.) . • ' On Tuesday the 27.thby - the_ ortiti ßat , L. I. , . . Rinsch,' Mr.. ANDREW k OE4 Ulu township, to Miss Rini 4 `k :Oznisze,attit rof Mr. Philip.Boohmor, of 1 1 alien township 9,000 2,500 9,000 On Tuesday th&-20th ult. Mrs—MARIA EZLIA. BRIM SCIILOSSILR wife of IVh.Peter Schlosser, of MenaHon township, in the 72d year of her age. On Wednesday morning AM, at his residence in Boonshorough, Dr. Ezaa Sh,w, ta, a respectable inhabitant of this' county.. Ty this dispensation ofan Allwise Proiridencejlitrfamily has boon be. reflof a tender husband and father, and society of a vs.ipable member.- $107,000 AMERICAN SYSTEM. The friends of the American System ate requested to meet at the .- Court-house, in ettyslinig;:nu SATURDAY NEXT, tO, :concert ineaSures toed's . ure its Continuance. Octerier 141,1-4831;,,' . • MANY. WNVe anticipate o ir publication: (lay.. EMI DIED, Aira - - 1)::)-The great powers pe lave a greed to - acknowiedigeiiiatidaiiiiiiri - 06 VOLAND. ASSEMBLY CANDIDATE: At the sblicitation of Many of nix friends have been induced to offer snyielf as et- Candidate for the Assembly at the ensuing 'eet ion-If - the, Public think proper to sop port me for the above (Ace, it ehall , be . thankfully received byttThir humble servant: JOHN DICKSON. September 6,1981. ODD & EVEN SYSTSINL Maryland Slate Lottery,:. No. 8, FOR 1831. - To .be, drawn in Baltimore on THURS . DAY, the 27th instant—. j'IIIZE, 6,000 1)0“.ARIII 4 • "Benumb:: 1 prize of e 6,000 5 1 9,000 10' 1:- 1,000 20 1" 1 . 4 500 100 • . , 300 1 150 1 200 10000 4 prizes of -MOO MODE OF DRAWING. The Numbers will be put into one wheel as e- sualr=and in the other will be. put thefrizqssitte the denomination of 02.00, and the drawinuto„. progressin the usual manner. Tho 10,000 ?plies of $2.00 will be awarded to the Odd orNum bers of the Lottery, (as the case may :A l e; ont on the drawing of the Capital Prize Six Thiinsand Doliara—that is to say, if the $. ,1 10 prize should ennui out to . an Odd Nitration then every Odd Nuiraior in the Scheme will be anittleft , to a Prize of $2.00; if the 6,000 dollar prize should' =no out to' an Even Number, then all the Even' Numbers in the Scheme will be each entitled le a prize of $2.00. IroilrTi'aiiiti;DiWlTtilliii--Quarters 50 cb. • . TO RE CLARK'S Offices, N. W. corner of Baltimore and. Calnert,' N. W. corner of Baltimore and Gap N. B. sere ner of Baltimore and Charles-Me Er Where the highest prize in the recsnt.Eitatss' Lottorie .. tas _been oftener sold thnzt stank other. ILTOrdere, either by mail (postpaid) or private , : conveyance, enclosing the cash for- prim?, will meet the same prompt and punctual attentsehlas if on personal application. Address to • . JOHN CLARK. October 11, 1831. XPZEMP 84) V1D478 E. subscriber respectfully 4 i tendert , • ,his '.: ": thinks to his friends, and the public . I‘o,lly, fbr their liberal encouragement, ' 'nfonns them that he has, just returned from theeities of Philadelphia andl3alti , ' timore with a LAROB ATCD 9PLENDII:I AIISORTMairi SEASONABLE 000= ,' AMMO WHICH ARE, CLOTHS, CASSIMEREB .an - SATINETS: ' ' BLANKETS, FLANNEW: TARTAN PLAIDS, teeitita' WITH A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OP English and French super royal' MERINOS, & Merino and Thibet SHAWLS. - 0::!r As Puffing is unnecessary, I only rew quest a call, teithlige " Your obedient SAMUEL FAHNESTOCIC Gettysburg, October 4, 1831. 4t-2G- VALUABLE PROPEIITr FOR SALM. Will be offered for sale at publie vendue o On Saturday the 15th of October next, on the pretnisesint 1 o'clock, P. M. that va luable property, late the estate of ‘,..1 er nzadian t d tory, and Pam ? Sittiiie in Huntingdon - townsimin - -Adano- - cciunty, 2f miles south ofPelersburg, (York- Springi.) The improntnaents are, a 2 story -- • t 3,113.11a1it 1.E017$ h ,, el 111 .211 2 Tenant Houses, Stables, a - ---_ bank Barn, (stone un er and ilk above,) stone smoke-house and `drying under one, and stone spring-house, and Tom tain pump at the back door; two. APPLE ORCHARDS-- one of which is young, bearing and thriving; and a t eem number of Peach trees. • • The FACTORY HOUSE is a tw(SI3I9TY STANE'BUILDING, seventy-fivs! ettnt.: long--which contains-16 Fulling.lhalfi , all the other necessary machinery-4 stone Dye Shop converVent ! The'' is good and standing. . • There are 225 acres in this Ourtu t Witlri. - sufficiency of meadow-.—about 100 acres of it. are covered with timber. It will suit well to divide, as the. great road. leading‘ from Carlisle to Oxford runs through said Farm. The terms will be -made known on `the • day of kite by THOMAS STEPHENS, Surviving Ex'r. dr John Stophonercieced., Petersburg, (York Spring July 12, 14331.- 5 N. B. if the above Property is net sok! on said day,it will then be offered for Rent for I. year from the first of Apritnext. T. 11: Pollees ttietable consenting. . . A .FRESll,supply. of Of ',there - etticif 'hits just: been Teceivectiand GW. ask, at. the Drug Store a.' J. Gitß4o,z, Gettynburg, Sept. 2b, 1$ 1. liaa It/ EZ til-27" t*--1 4