The star, and Adams County Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1831-1832, October 11, 1831, Image 2

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liNtarigtitt ViNt.2l
The Antimasonic candidate for thtsAillice
of-Pnei. nt of the United States, at the en-
euint,lectlionr Pi, a native o:' irgmia. •ti
an accomplished orator, and as a learned and
• pound constitutional kiwyer, he has no stq)e
--iitiklii—thei-United—Stateit.-- In politics he
'hattdwayabeen a aeniqcrat,ond the person
-al as well as , political friend of Jefferson,
Madison and Monroe.
He first became known to the public be
yond the limits of his native State, by the
publication of the eloquent, ingenious and
original work, entitled the "'British Spy;"
which appeared.obout the year 1803. In
1897; his fame as,_an_.orator and lawyer,
' -- spratultyeiery - corner - of the Country, with
the reports of the trial of Col. Burr, for trea-
M. He was one of the counsel for the U.
Stites on thatinostimportaic trial.
In'lBl7, President Monroe appointed him
Attorney General of the United States,
which office he held duringthe'Whole of Mr.
Monree's administration. Oh the accession
of Mr. Adams to the Presidential Chair in
,1825, he continued Mr. Wirt,..a.s Attorney
General, until the end of his term, in March
1829. Atthe commencement of Gen. Jack
-,soretradministration, Mr. Wirt removed to
Hisltimore where he now retlides, engaged in
--- tlie — iiiducts and arduous practice of his
Mr. Wirt is a man of the most amiable
—and , -virtuotwoluulicter---His_minners ._ and.
deportment are entirely plain and republi
can. He is about 57 years of age.
rota the
send you folrowing
biographical sketch of AMOS ELLMA
KER, the Anti-Masonic Candidate for the
Vice-Presidency. This sketch was pub
lished, several years since, in - the Village
Record, edited by Charles Miner, Esq.
It appeared shortly after, and on the occa
sion, of Mr. Ellmaker's appointment as At
torney General of Pennsylvania, by Gover
nor' Shaine. It should, be added - that -this
was the second time the subject of the no
tied, had been called to that office—having
held it dui the administration of Gover
nor y Boyne ets for ten years ore.
_lmay .01ao add, es a fact not noticed to th
sketch, that, at au early period of his life,
and during his residence at the seat of the
Btat*Govemment, Mr. Ellmaker was elec
ted to a Neat in Congress. But his attach
. nente to hi! professional pursuits, and to .
.he quiet enjoyments of private life, wear
•sudenstood to have interposed a barrier t.
MI acceptance of the proffered trust. It IN
certain that -ho_dift gftat. Mr.
native of Lancaster uouni
-E rveral yearw he resided at Harrisburg,
where he commenced the practice of law in
Tegito; -- andlifiere, later periods, he took
a share in piddle concerns. During the last
few years his residence has been fixed in the
city of Lancaster, in whose higher courts,
iti - emnBivi3 and lucrative practice.
Mr. Ellinaher is yet in the 'vigor of life—
being little over 45 years of age. The
sketch is understood to be from Mr. Miner's
own pnu. Its publication, with these adden
siarsiulperhaps_sarve to. gratify public. cu
riosity.' It will, at least, tend to satisfy the
frequent inquiries at - this time directed to
Fran the Village Record, Sept. 1828.
The desire is universal among intelligent
minds, Nara the peculiar traits of char
ac.ter whteh distinguish public men. With
what lively interest do we - read anecdotes
-: 1 r: :;""; -. 4. ' : If 4, is a cut 0 sped;
-is weeug : Lwarty prejudice maideeeive.-
' • :: :•- • • :-alislead.--Narrowing.
the:mugs of enquiry from nations to a State,
. . . ime&ll.l.oo.near home to exec per.
:Set reedom or remark; for there are rival
--ries,- and jealousies; which active and pro
,minent men are always destined to encoun 7
__tem_and the ascription of just praise may be
misinterpreted, into flattery. , Nor are we
exempt from the - shameful and degrading
delusion that our great men are somewhat
inferior to the great men of other states—of
Viiginiatuid of South Carolina. So long
have we permitted ourselves to . think they
are superiorttrus, that the mind really, re
quires an effort to shake off this .unjust vas.,
sallage ofippiniond The south speak freely
of theiring indeovho are on the road-to
distinction, and greatness. Virginia does
them 'justice itr 4 parly _life—giving them
name abroad and character at home. This
• partly arises from the habit which there
exists of canvassing, in Oeneral Assently;
openly and freely, the merits and qualifica
tis of 'men who are named for appoint
itit.-,--Uuited States' Senator—Judges--
State Treasurer—Counsellors—all have to
undergo the terrible ordeal of public Ecru.
tiny. Opponents • exhibit faului—friends
speak their merits, and thos e who have fine
points of character, have them set in bold
relief, • and they become greater in public
estimationfroin the p ublic diiTplay of their
nierits. , , • -
If d one with sate ; I do not see that no
, • tieee'of our itetive, leading, distinguished
Men, an be injurious, or ought to be con
sidered oijectionable. -
Asitis ELL3traxit, Esq. Atterney Gen
ova of the; Com m o n wealth, is one of those
seen, extraordinary in this age,
ril li
~:w :unites the, highest- qualifigitions for
... ' 0 'IA, wilb• the least political ambition.
, Jibe : a- student, Mr. Ell ma kef - was no
teal* uncommon devotion tb his, books. =
-MougreciOijid not agure him to idleness:
' . pleasure.
-!ldliutees to him had rya; But
Tia 7L7, 1 Cw-42=V5310 - VAN IFIAUWAMQ
t ong 1. aeon an. toe stone— tike'lla
Chitty, and other . luminaries of the law,
miglit occupy the - gime usually devoted by
students to . t he attainment of ,their profes
sion, the hoursappropriated by other young
1 LtiLtehmatiomausiitintlSP.lnent...were bv,l
him occupied in literary and scientific stu
dies. Natural_ and moral philosophy were
those in which he most delighted. Clas
sical literature came in as tt relief to sever
er reading. On being admitted to the bar,
the profession found in him a sound, well
read lawyer, of rare endowments, and unu
sual literary attainments. Witli out seek
ing practice—practice flowed in upon him.
Without soliciting offices--oflices high and
honorable,. have constantly solicited his ac
ceptance.* The duties of the public sta
tions he has-filled,-have-been performed to
universal satisfaction. To say that his
principles are sound, and his integrity pure,
is to pay but the ordinary compliment due
to public men in our State; but the urbanity
of manners and delicacy of feeling which
distinguish Mr. Ellmaker, add new lustre
to the stern virtue which adorn his charae,
-ter. - Studious- of-retirement;--fond of liter-_
ary and philosophical ease, lie never courts
the angry debate, or voluntarily throws
himself into the political arena; but a tho
rough Republican—an ardent friend to lib
erty and the rights of man, private inclina
tion would not stand a moment in the way of
public duty, when the general welfare should,
in his judgment, call for active personal ex
ertions. Distinguished already, it will pro
bably be I - Hi - let - to act a yet more conspicu
ous part in public affairs. We know that
good men intimately acquainted with him,
look to Mr. Ellmaker as among the citizens
ofhiahest r promise in the State. At the re
peace so leirairOiii - - eFGOV::ZRFZe,7b-e"-ie
ceptaii the present - appointment A. pat
tern of public ancrin 4 ivitteAkirtue, he sets an
example to 'young' n, worthy of their
strictest attention. re might have been
said with truth. 1 u d not say less. No
thing would be more unexpected to him than
this notice. Should it meet his eye, the
writer craves his indulgence. His justifica
-1 tion is, that public men belong to the public.
*Mr. El!maker was twice tendered a seat on the
Supreme Bench of Pennsylvania—the last time by
Girt. Shulze. lie .was also solicited by President
Monroe to accept the Secretaryship of the Navy.
1111r1 1 8 Abmintaion.
From the Baltimore Patriot.
Mr. MommE—Relying on your candor,
solicit a space in your columns, to correct
a misapprehension in the National Journal
of Friday last. Speaking of the nomina
.13 of Mr. Wirt, by -the National Anti
. • rile Convention, that paper says:
"The reply of Mr. Wirt was not received
the Ciittvention until about an hour be
fore their final adjOdrimmtit; and it rumor is
to be credited, the delay is attributable to
tho great difficulty which the managers on
the part of the Convention experienced in
obtaining from, Mr. Wirt, such modifica
tions of his original views, as would make
his communication palatable to the mem
bers of that body. In the shape in which
it was finally handed over to the Commit
tee, it was far from receiving the hearty
approbation of some whose counsels have
exercised so important an influence on the
sentiments and resolutions of the Conven
I. did not notice this remark until to-day,
and as it would give me much pleasure to
see the Presidential canvass conducted by
the press on manly and elevated grounds, • I
take this opportunity to correct the mani
fest errors, in the above paragraph. It ap
pears to me that no candid man, acquainted
with the character of Mr. Wirt, and his
- uniform freedom from every thing_ like po
litical ietAgtie,.3iiill,..on..ieflection, believe it
possible that lie could he managed, clishow in - UM t "UT jiffy — gni:
dance but his own sense of right, arising
But—if it be
misfortune of any-ene f oo-imperfectly to ap
preciate the merits of a man as unspotted in
public — and private life,, as--is ; WiLLIKat
WIRT, I will give him the means of cor
recting his error by a statenrient of facts,
for the correctness of ' which I leave my
name with you as a pledge that they shall
be'substantiated, if called in question.
Although many members of the Anti-
Masonic Convention ha& forsome time pre
%ions to their arrival in this city, looked to
Mr. Wirt as the man 'best qualified, under
all circumstances, to unite the opposition to
the existing Administration, by Tresenting
a middle &build, on -which che true friends
of the best interests of the 'country might
concentrate their patriotic energies, yet no
suggestion, or interchange of view's to that,•
effect,' had been made, nor was it possible
that Mr., Wirt could have entertained the
slightestespectation". iving a - nomina•
tion from the, quart. 'co it came.=
Little minds,lutti rly inn. gable of grasping
the strong points of a ease' presented for
immediate conhideration, ...may marvel at
any one a conclusion, upon the
exhibition of facts and arguments, which
are entirely convincing in theiMelves, where
candet and intelligence are only required
to - admit their force.. But it often happens
I that decisions of great-importance are made
by such men as Marshall, Story and others,
almost by intuition, upon new evidence and
new arguments, presented for their prompt
consideration. I am therefore -no more
surprised, that (with a mind - predisposed : to
the truth, and a firmness and up;
rightness that would shrink from no avowal
of an honest c.otivietion,) .Mr.Virt should
have arrived at the eenclusion be did, in re
ference to the injurious and, anti-repuhlican
tendency of Masonry, than I tun at the de
cisions en .abtruse points of law and ehthor
ate i3tiiteinentS - Of - eige . g; which are - So"often
niade by eminent jurists - . There is much
less difficulty in fully comprehending, af.
most at a glance, the nature and-merits of
the argument between Masonry and A nti-
Masonr Flow'lona tbr instance would it
take for such men as Marshall, StorV, Web
ster and Wirt, to forma just opinion upon
the doctrines of nullification, if presented to
them, roi the first thnel 1 can see no pos
sible reason why they should not as readily
arrive at a just conclusion on the principles
and practices of Masonry, if they would de
vote equal attention for the same period to
the subject. Mr. Wirt's opinions Were
formed on this last topic, and fully express
, ed, before these opinions could possibly have
been conjectured by him to have any bear
ing upon his political relations. Let any
man point out a Single act in the public or
private character of William Wirt, that can
warrant a conclusion that his opinions were
ever formed or avowed, merely with a view
to personal advancement! No one, who
has the least pretensionsto candor, willdare
attempt so hopeless a task. How unjust
then, is it to insinuate that Mr. Wirt was
managed iri expressing his opinion on Ma
sonry. • I repeat, these opinions were as
well knewn,,and . as fully avowed as they
now are, before the nomination of Mr. Wirt
had been considered as a probable event, by
a single member of the Convention, though •
many zirdently desired such a result.. They
were avowed too, before the meeting of the
Convention, when - it was generally under
stood, and particularly by Mr. Wirt him
self; that Judge M'Lean would probably re
ceive the nomination, his conditional decli
nation of that nomination not then being,
made known; and even-at the time when
e& the - ballets of a large — triajority - 01 - the -
Convention, it was believed, and was so
urged by friends of.M‘Lcran, that he (Mr.
M'Lean) would not decline, if nominated.
The opinions of Mr.' Wirt on this subject,
Were therefore fully understood, _before .he
had received an intimation of the possibility
of his nomination, and his reply to the nom
ination on Wednesday, went no furthei than
did his opinions freely expressed in a pri
vate manner, previous to that (recurrence.
Now then as to the alleged Modification
and management,.of which the National
waited on informally, with an intimation
relative to his nomination, about 11 o'clok,
Wednesday morning. His reply was, that
if the Convention should see fit to nominate
him, he should frankly state his views of
thq principles on which such a nominatfon
should be founded, and would throw back
upon the Convefitice the consideration whe
ther his views accorded with theirs,-leaving
the Convention entirely at liberty to change
41,. „........1-6 6n if tb... 7 maw nt. T6i7 , ram
was reported to the meeting, and on that
was predicated the nomination made bi\th
Convention, leaving Mr. Wirt entirely `as
liberty to present-his own view of the case,
and the Convention equally free to pass up
on it. Every man who 'can appreciate an
open and - honorable course in politics, must,
it seems to me, understand this proceeding
as a full exemplification of that principle.
The nomination of Mr. Wirt, was made
unanimously in Convention, about .11 o'-
clock, and communicated to him about one
o'clock, on Wednesday. The Committee
who waited on him were Mr. Rutherford
of New Jersey, (one of the- triers of Wash
ington, for whom he.voted as elector, at the
first choice of that distinguished man to the
Presidency.) Mr : Rutherford is no body's
manager. Neither are Messrs. Sloane and
Elder, who constituted the rest of the Com
mittee. They immediately returned to the
Convention, with information, that Mr.
Wirt would transmit . his answer in writing
at 5 o'clock: „.:& further posifilibeinent l:-
Tame — necessary - from the — simple - fact — that
Xi: - Wirt — liitd not had sufficient time to.
prepare his answer, and have it copied.-- 7
: : )y--was-pkiced-iii=thitll -
Committee by half past seven-o'clock; an: ,
without any interview with . Mr. Wirt, by a
single member of the Convention, or the
slightest" "modification of original views,"
was,,to . the personal knowledge of the wri
ter_of this, presented to ~the Convention,
t: ,
nmediately on their meeting at 8 o'clock
in the evening, which was at least three
hours instead of "one," "bef2re their final
adjournment." The "ruinotT," therefore,
whose hundred tongues had filled the re
spectable ear of the editor of the • Journal,
'with strange fantasies, was no kin to the
thiniknf truth.
An 3 literary or
. thinking man, who re
flects upon the importancp s of such a docu
ment as was expected from Mr. Wirt, in
volving one, of the most. important acts in
his whelplife, must find a sufficient-expla
nation in the natury of the case, for the de
lay of six ho , (including the dining hour,)
without co ' cturing unworthy motives or
minagem t, to be the cause. Few men
in . this country could, 'under like circum
stances, have accomplished what Mr.. Wirt
did; in so short a time. The only manage
ment wasa request frerathe Committee that
tie would reply that day if possible, the
Convention being desirous of adjourning.
Mr. Wirt's own good sense, nice AisCrirn
, illation and -munificent,ititellect, were, the
only managers that modified his, reply.
" 4 The.Journal is equally unfortunate as to
thiilmpressiOn thafteply made on the Con:
,vetition.. fhe we present and could hear,
he- perceived how entirely %Las
factor;v it was, from the . enthusiastic matt
ner in which 'it Was received. Not a mem
ber:dissented from it, though Mr. Wirt had
'testi:nod ,the nomination fully to: the Con-
vention,.whe tniglit have rescinded it. With
perfect propriety, had they be, etiSO OilipOied;,
and we tunlertalto to say thit no public bo-'
"dy ever received an expression of °Pinion,
with rnore s cntire ttrid cordial satisfaction,
than the reply of Mr': Wirt was accepted by
th e 6mventiotr. Ler - the Journarhave - tbe
candor to publish the entire reply, its rea
ders will then understind
follow the Journal in other equally erroneous
views of facth, - given in the article I have
quoted from, for I have already occupied
inore space than I intended. Yours, &c.
One of e , Secretaiies of the N. A.,Connentinn
Baltit ore, Oct. 2, 1831.
We have rend with much satisfaction the
triennial report of the Directors of the Uni
ted States Bank. It is clear and deeply in
teresting, proving that we are all indebted
for our present sound currency to the exer
tions of this Rank. To those who remetn
-ber the pleasure of losing front 25 to 50
cents on every dollar received from a dis
tant State (and who does not remember
this?) no ether argument is required to prove
the value and utility of the United States
Bank to the people of this country.
It was interesting to remark - inAhe re
port that Pennsylvania holds much more
stock than any other State—her citizens
holding 52,638 shares—the next is South
Carolina, holding 40,674—the third is' Ma
ryland, having 34,503, while New York,
the fourth, holds but 32,903. In solid carii
tal, Pennsylvania continues to be number
one. It is a little remarkable too, that
Pennsylvania, the original Jackson State,
should represent the most stock
.of the Bank
which President Jackson wishes to crushl—
Saturday Bulletin.
ft,drords-Trs-arrmixed ignirttrbe-rompelfr
-ed to record--citt-ocenrience-- which- is-calcu
lated to excite the most serious reflections in
this cony - minty. On Sunday morning last,
Mr. Noah Phillips, one of the most respect
able inbabitantsof this tounty, and his fini
ly;sonsisting -of. lis_wife,.son,._daughter andl .
niece, found themselves suddenly indisposed,
from the effects of something which they had
eaten at breakfast. A physician being call
ed, at once announced to them the appalling
fact that they had been poisoned. An ex
amination was immediately made, and it
was discovered that - the seeds of the com-
-mon-Gympsum,wced, or Stramonium i -had
been• ground up with their coffee, and its
deadly properties imbibed 1)y the whole tinni
ly. By the energetic use of strong medi
cines,.the poiSonolis:tuatter was soon remov
ed from the stomach;',and we arc happy to
learn that the whole family is now in a fair
way to recover. There is no doubt that the
deadly preparation was the work of the tie
groes belonging to Mr. Phillips, four of
whom have been committed to prison on
Chronicle of September 21st says, 'fit. gen
tleman who arrived in this city last evening
from Athens, informs us that it was current
ly reported and believed there when he left,
that several of the Missionaries indicted for
tresspassing on the Cherokee territory, about
six or ten, had been sentenced to the Peni
tentiary, by Judge Clayton, at the Gwinnet
or Hall Superior Court, probably the former.
From the Chamborsburg Republican'
When we gave publicity to a note of
some particulars relative to the trial of the
Captain of this vessel, &c., we thought we
were going no more than anticipating inter
illation which would unquestionably he con
firmed by the papers Or - the neighborhood.
Every circumstance under which the infor
mation was received, was ,calculated to give
it credit, will hen we saw the story • pro
tiounced - "liibrication," by a New York
paper u we-kilt both -inortilic4ition and-regret
at having given it currency, although it
was but one of those errors into which any
one may_be once in a while_led,des, •`
.nn-----We observe, how
ever, in E lie following article exact confir 4.
nation of one part of our inti)rmant's story, - •
at - least, that which relates to an aged wit
ness who had lost his wife and family; and
it is further proved that the captain if not
triectrul convicted as has been represented,
was guilty
,of conduct scarcely I.ess,culpaple
than that imputed,'
'I'IIE LADY SnErinnoxz.—Eight of the
unfortunate passengers of the Lady i.iher
broke, which lately suffered shipwreck on
the. coast of Newfoundland, presented them
selves yesterday to the Emigrant Society of
this city, to be forwarded to Upper Canada.
One of them, a man about 60 years of age,
lost his .wife and all his children, seven in
number. Another had two saved„ Of
. a fami
ly, which, including relatives, consisting of
16 persons. He had gone tothe bottoni with
his family, but being an expert diver, rose to
the surface and swani on the shore. His
son escaped similarly. Nis wife,. who per
ished,' had one hundred and twenty sever,
eignS sewed into parts of her dreSs. Those
passenger* isserted that the Captain.,and
Mate were both in a state of beastly intoxi
cation; the Captain, particularly, who had
to be carried to bed by three men on • the
evening of the fatal calanaitv, and that the
Mate was on the deck about 10 O'Clcick, quite
unfit for the performance .of his duty. It
was a dreadful thing that the care of so many
liVes should have been entrusted to Siren Per
sons. It will be remembered that nearly
300- souls perished by this shipwreck. ,
JACKSON, Tenn. Sept.-10.
Unnatural and Horrid Ilfunder.—On
VVednesday, ight last, a negro womap, the
property of, 4061. Tnpg. Loftin," near this
pleat ,destr ed. three ,er \.,ch.ildren
breast. 9n the evening of that day
- tind - . -- beorraunttiscrl - by — tranm s t eri the it
tune it is said;. that be had ever corrected
'hen 'At a late hour ac
cording to her own neknowledgments„de
liderately took -them to- a pool of wr.
ter, one at a time, and held them in it until
life became exthict. n the act of taking
her fourth child fbr the samelnirpose, she
was discovered by her husband, when an
alarm was made. The drowned children
were found about two hours after dip. act
was cormnitted but,every exertion to resus
citate them proved inctrectual. The woman
stands committed tier
lit - P.rmo mvu!—On Thursday after.
noon as !VII-. David Stevens of this town was,
at the bottorn of a well, 20 feet deep, in
Plaistow, and about to stone it, the earth
caved in 'upon him, and covered him to the
,ofabout a foot and a half, where he lay
between ibur and five hours! Notwithstand
ing a considembls number of people were
most of the time assembled round the well—
no one dared to descend! Ile would proba
bly havp+ suffocated, hadsnot - a boy at the
first, gone down and removed the earth from
his head. Mr. Stevens was not materially
injured.—Huverhil (Mass.) . Gazette.
In the Washington Globe an official let
ter is published from the Consul of the U.
States at the island of Guadaloupe, which
gives the information that the Governor of
that Island has determined to admit - three
thousand barrels of Indian Corn Meal from
America, subject to a duty cilium francs n,
barrel, which shall be divided as eullows:—
PctTtf", -- t ---77 7 -
700 to Basstr - Terre;
500 to Marie Galante,
5130 to Motile, !'
500 to Saint Martin.
The Govenor's proclamation is dated
August 10th, 16:31.
Another Death by Violenre.—The Lex-,
ingfon Reporter of the twenty-first inst.;
says.-- v "We understand that a Mr. Robin
son was lately shot and killed by Dr. Pierce,
the member of too Legislature elect from
Russell county in this State. The circuni
- ; of - the - 11mA painful - Tiature - i - sucli
as need not he detailed, is they relate to an
aggravated case of seduction, which result
od in the death of the guilty individual."
The following account of a hail storm in
this District, has been handed to us from so
respectable a - source that, extraordinary as
it appears, we give it insertion:—,
On Thursday morning the .oth ult.lie.
tween 5 and 6 o'clock a thunder storm p
ed over part of the Seigniory of St. Giles,
attended with hail and rain: the hail-stones
were of the most extradildinary silo, one of
them weighed, full twenty minutes after it
had tidier', was ibund loof weigh then upwards
of a of a pound; a calf was knocked down,
and two persons received several contusions,
fOrttmatcly the storm was of but short dura
tien.. The two fitrm holes belonging to
Mr. George Arnold, had between filly and
sixty panes broken, and the most part of the
houses had a number broken more or -less.
—Quebtc Mercury.
At the old stand a fern doors South of Mr.
James Gourleg's Tavern, Baltimore
Street, Gettgeburg,,
zwav a a auxo
a ntEbava , fi e za t ari ,
Paints As Dye -,fit sills.
Acid Sulphuric . Mustard Seed
" Nitric Nutmeg. •
" Moriat le • Oil Worinsotl-
--- rr - TliThir - iiii ^ " Cinnamon
" Lemon " Cloves'
/Ether ' " Castor
Assatlinidi " Sweet . .
Antimony " Cubebs
Balsam Copaiva. " Mint
Borax crude and relined • " Juniper . •
Bluo Pill .. Opium . ~'
Garb Ferri Rhubarb •
" Ammonia •Red Precipitate
" Magnesia . Snake Root
Calomel Sarsaparilla.
Cream Tartar • Sal Ammoniac
Camphor Salts Epttom .
Calcined Magnesia " , Glauber - ,
Fier. Sulphur ' SOTMIL -
Ginn Guirte : Tartar Emetic
" Arabic Venice Turpentine
" Draggon . eVarmilt .Copal
/ . ;..i • " Black oil
White Load ' - , Terra De Sienna
Rod Lead .. • - Chrome Yellow
Spanish Brown . " • arena -
Venetian Rod Rose Pink
Labarge •
Bumf -limber
Logwood chippod Indigo
Redvrooti Alluin
Madder Copperas .
Fustic • Red Sauli rs
Ciunwocid • Red Ta r •
Turmeric "'it • • tic. &c. &e.
&Winans Drops Meclicarnentuna •
Balsam De Malta - Whites 'l'ooth ache drops
of Life Golden' Tincture
British oil • Ville Lee's.
Cephalic Snuff' " Dyot's
Elixor Paregoric " Lyon's • -
" Vitriol " Fisher's
Eye•water • " Hooper's
Essence-Cinnamon ' " Aniternon's
" Peppermint Qufhins
" Lemon • Opitdeldoci ' •
Godfreys Cordial 4c. 4e. .
,4gerlietiboye -articles• he will sell - as
haw for Oasti. as can 'be hiicl at any:other
shop in the plaCe. • • •
September...2Q, :1881.
Montreal Find.
drowning; one, a boy . . aged abou
years, and two girls, one an infant
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