The star, and Adams County Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1831-1832, October 04, 1831, Image 1

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    STAR T - - 447 '
enistinetts iliatl l Muileit k my' "mots
Wrill Or Mi. rintint i r TAVIRN: •
c, ons pieneuely inserted rout times fbr ON!
Do . r • uare
eign ” per square will be charged.
4.4WW/tEirte WaIb.D,ILEVOgIo
At per annum' hall:yearly In advance.
With tweetest flowers emich'ci
44•Insrvetrinus-garciens-cuiti, .
1 ,
The merry heart, the merry heart,
Qf Heaven's g i Ile I hold the best;
And be 'who feels its pleasant throb,
Though dark his lot, is truly blest;" -
His mind, by inborn power sustained,
'', • Upon the poles of reason turns,
i; And, in his breast, the flame of joy
Diffuses incense, as it burns.
' - And Glory's wreath, aft(' Valor's plume,
Have not a charm to bdnitih ultra; ,• • ,
e . And oft the purple decksl the bilge,
•• Whose heart Promethian vultuiTtoar,
The chain will gall, none tk les;
j - • Because its links alr l e massy g , v-
In vain ion dock w . ifli gems th vest,
Whose threadthaye ten in poison rolled.
"Gold frets to'dust," and Beau; s bloom
Is slowly,filchtd by pale deca l
And .
And Genius feeds a Wasting fire
That eats his master's heart away.
The poet's laurel oft is twined'.
With branches of the cypress.,,treo—
Letothers choose the glittering . toy. -, -
But 0: the merry heart for me. '
From youth to ago it changeithiht; ' ' .
' In joy and sorrow still the same,
When skies are dark and tempests scowl,
It shines a steady beacon dame;
And in the,laughing_noon-of-joy. - -- ----
This, Hill; is still the betj pr
. part; •
• For light and b ath tinduters lioavens, '
Address i • ' the4teavy hifitilt.''''''''''''''l''
It gives a 'wisdom plain and,good,
Worth all the Sage's learned laws,
And, from the rubs and cares of life,
Some food for comfort still it draws,
When darkness reigns, some short lived power
But intercepts the general light;
And in the shadow's deep obscure
It secs a proof that suns are bright.
lives o entity a I its pow_er,_
. Theliutrieless charms. worth all the rest
The light thattlutters o'er els*
And'speane of sunshine in the breast,
XBeauL l 4B4sr-have-te ,
It well supplies her absence. too,
And many a face looks passing fair, -
Because a merry heart shines" through.
If Fairy times shbuld e'er return,
To bless this dull prosaic earth;
And some bright shape shouldproffer me
M Hor woriderous gifts ofinagic birth;
I would not ask Aladdin's lump,
- Nor yet Fortunio's.pilrie of gold,
But something better far tharoliese—;
The merry heart that ne'er grows old.
adocglau.kawts4h.ii ,
We dreamt we saw a beautiful &male ty=
ing dead in the fatal embrace of a terrible
serpent. Its horrid folds confined the limbs
and_closely_compressed.the_chest and neck.
Her livid countenance and glaring eye-balls
marked the agony of strangulation; and the
monster's head was thruSt into her very
throat, with her sweet tongue in its horrid
jaws. We dreamt again, that a Jury.of in
quest sat over the Corpse of tho beautiful fe
male. The monster, after having made her
mouth the tongueless receptacle of his putrid
_ bre.oo4.had.lett his_prey_Amil. crept like-a
murderer to his .cave. Verdict, came to
her death like her mother Eve; by a foolish
confidence iu the harmlessness of a serpent.
It seems she had borne a most excellent
-_---character; -- the - weakness which led to her
death having been th&only stain on her other
wise spotless . character. Sip had twenty
- three sister, the majority of whom were as
In c
funeral. - She was recognized to be' the
beautiful__Sou4 -Carolina, and the serpent
; 1 s, men
name etNattificatzon.
as recoil y sprung up in lecoun
ter of Burry, one of whose tenets is
_to salute
eaCh other at a meeting with a holy kiss.—
One of the female devotee's, a young lady of
•• a thousand clfarms, happened to encounter
. 1 a young gentleman, of whom she was enam
•oured, and gave him a more cordial and
.loving salute than ‘vas'quite becoming. Vhe
next day she received a message from the
high priest of the sect,.saying she had begn
excommunicated for "kissing with an ap
Tuk NYE l sviL. 77 -Aa.leis said to be an 3ef
fectual ' , ' 'Wive SP . the destruction of
wheat byl wetivil. Mix. a pint of salt
with a ba4elof wheat, or put up the grain
in old salt barrels, and the weavil will- not e
attack it. In statking wheat, four or five
quarts to every one hundred sheaves, spiink
led among tliein, will entirely secure them
flom the dopredationEr'sif the insect; and ren
der the' Straw morevaluahle as food for
he' Mos - t agreeable of all companions isa
. simple, frank man, without any high preten
sions to an oppressive greatness; one who
Loves. life, and understands the use of it; •sa
;,;. bliging alike at all hours; above. all, or a
golden, temper, and siert - dist as an. anchor.
For.suclian one, we would gladly exchange
.thegreatest genius, the most brilliant wit,
the throfoundest thinker. !+, •
"o era wi regret that the Hon. Wu,
Luz Jortee, late Collectec.of this .Poit, and
Sortnerly Secretary of the. Navy t .diedoe the
'morning ofithe 6th ,Bethiehent, ird
this State.—Phi4tdet i s . S. Gawk;
hey Ave
rpErrrE.--A reli
Oefoliper - .4 % j -A3l
P 00711T7
All T/-11403' •
andrew alrarshall, •
Jacob Cassatt. ,I•v«
COMMlssli4li s qty l• ‘"
John L. Gi ft
AUDI. • •••
, gal
John al' essoni
James .1. Thomp#on._ 4 *
Aristocratic Masonic Ticket.
Commissioner—MA.RTlN -CLUNK.
Auditor—DAVlD WHITE. - T
Director of the Poot.--INO. MARSHALL.
Senatorial Candidate.
Whet. our paper went to press last week,
we were not aware that our friends of York
had settled upon a person for Senator. From
the Ymit "Republican" of Tuesday last,
we learh that the Senatorial Delegates, who
met at Hanover, on the preceding Tuesday,
had, "without a moment's hesitation select
ed JAMES R. REILY as their candidate,"
In the same paper ,lie' . find the following
"Address of the Democratic Anti -Masonic
Delegates assembled in convention at York"
—For a notice of the talents, capacity, and
principles, of the' gentleman chosen, we ask
the public to read the following Address.
Amongst other names mentioned, that of
Jaines-IL-Reily appeared to be the most
prominent, .and consequently it became a
niatter of some importance, to ascertain f his
fitness foethat station.
Our first enquiry of course was,_whethef
Mr. mute. firm friend to the principles
of Anti-masonry, and, we are pleased to say,
that he is thoroughly so. He believes the
Masonic Institution to be both dan erous
He also, with us, believes it to be both
urkiiiiit — and - Improper, that the . Coutity.
orkshiii 4 LbelcignPelr". --t4-- i'''a3 L-1 !-e( 1-1 1 -
liixes,. for the construction of Canals and
Rail Roads, which"not_only do not_benefit
it -- hut:front - which
absolutely debarred from .any connection
with, Arid this too,at.ii_peried-wheit the-A.e.
gislature hive exerted themselves to preVent
our citizens from. relieving themselves, by
constructing iipprovements at their own
Beside this, Mrifteily has the benefit...of
experience inlo.efiice of a Legislator, the
duties of whiCh lib proposes to take upon
himself at this time, as he served the citizens
of-Dauphin county for two sesSions, in the
House under the adfninistration of Governor
Snyder: The advantage ,suiting from
this experience; to the people represented
will be readily conceived, by those who are
acquainted with the difficulties which new
and raw members have to encounter. In- '
deed the whole habits of his life, have been
such note make him well known, as a forci
ble and popular public Speaker.
It has been thought that the man who
was ready and willing to fight his country's
battles, deserved, if otherwise fitted, some
substantial evidence of that country's regard.
During the late war, after Governor Snyder
had called out the first draft, or finir classes
of militia, he made a further requisition of
the remaining fbur classes,. when Mr. Reify
declared his determination to go-to the camp
with the 'of his Congregation, upon,
which they unanimously elected him . Cap-
tarp of the Company which they cone
and he with them, prepared for actual se
defbnd: ;Our shores aed:Saered Tights,
and firesides, froh- the attacks of . .the .brutal,
Eueish - aOhlierY,, whose motto w as "Beauty.
and Boottk — • • • -
1 •
•, /*
We are however 'Fieribe r tly aware, that
our advemarine, the MaeonicParty l ,,
lapiti trawl* envied in exciting lila; Oip ,
.. ~~
vamorolarrav e rp44 tqPraexazr o utwarnazzi.4 o ageasb
mositimand jealousies of our fello.w.citizenn 1 we
. • -
.ittreotoushould,by-every-tie Mar to yap, tongues. You, Farmer,w ho.wish to preserve •
At '
istrue; - that in the minds orink. give thisTi4et Your_undivided-support, .yotir labor of many years—Tou, MecitimiXt__
--- - 1 411- - ATM-ads-a* objec fi ons to nimil Ink void
1.4 = ---a t r e -- w ithourreAFrehce - to private grieffi---444..„ , - and-Tridttanaterwho-have-heseettyliCeaMlP
sacred ditties iira spiritual guide, the tem. are confident you wetz bestow upon it your lated a small pittance for yourself and,iinsis
petal pursuits of the politican, and indeed, united vote. - ly—Arouse, arouse, while nu have thepew:
jmany denominations of Christians, are so To •fully sustain the pr i n ciples upon which er and the Means, and "la y the proud Usury
ealously careful upon this Subject, that the t h e A
.1 nag's-MA.smm lIMPURLICAM TICKET is perers low." Tell them bh•our acts NAV ,
pay their ministers largo salaries, in order ,
to abstract them from all care -for the pro- ' c3D k Y thatyour labor for the reser:
basea, we must, necesteirily, call your at. TUE. . , r.)
vision which it is necessary to make for the tention to the men who compose the other vation of those liberties and privileges which
body; but every ono knows that the solo ob. ticket, (which may truly be termed an op. your forefathers wen from a Foreign Des-,
ject in doing so, is that their clergymen may position one,) and the principles upon which pot, and which - you will never, willingly
thus b:.. able to devote their whole timo to it is formed. tran.s&e. ter Aristocratic IVobles at . lingh ome:
their spiritual charge. But, as Mr. Reily
Are not the members of that ticket °pp°. Toll them that eiour__Rel)re
has no chUrch under his care, there cannot
fossilily exist any reason, why lie should not sad to the Anti-Masonic party? Are they " Enstrs—must be Republica n riot
render 'service to 'his fellow citizens in any not supported, in part, by 'those holding of. 'the Minions or Tools of a'pseud A.ilistocisitry
other way, in which they may need hini. fices under the present profligate and cot, . ---, or_a_Despotic-Inatitutiortiliati
And indeed, next te bearing his testimon
as ti. minister of the Gospel against the vices
Y runt State Administration? '' Are they - not: - a._ Preenu;.a--of -his -LlBE'RTV
ttnif Lin PAN* .. --:-
. .
_ ___
and iminocalities of thelime;, what better .
supp o rted too; - b - y . thole ivho belong to, 'and Wife of a Husband ? tind'helplesp Children or
service can he render to his fellow citizens, uphold, a secret, dangerous, wicked, and a Father and Protectors Show them, on
what more hallo 'object
Object can he be en. murderous Institution, formed . within 'our TUESDAY NEXT, these things in words'
gaged in, than in ni t o put down, the GoVernment, but yet makes laws and gov. and acts in which they cannot mistake pH,-
... t,
most immoral, gervdt, a d anti-Chris-
eras-and punishes its members in open vie- and you will show that yau‘ are true ANEW=
tian ItMlalIi(511 NT 'h ' ' resent in exis
tenceo r . lation of the just laws of our Government? CAN Resuarsestss.aons of - your. heroic
Nor indeed, is this net of Mr. Reily's An Institution that has deprived a citizen fathers of '76, and your country and - your_ •
without precedent, amongst _ almost all
, de..• first of his Linnnu,next ofhis Lips.,- for dar- children - 'will - littve7eausertomber_lot_
nominations.- The people - ing - tereVeat its - iniquiteuS orgies—that has without blame. '• , •
during the Revolutionary War, eleet•s.l the
made a wretched Widow and helpless Of.
.i . - „,,likgain, we say, Fellow-Piesume s .arettiste
Rev. Dr. Witherspoon, a Presbyterian Cler
harts?. An - Institution whosemembers are for "New's the day, and now"s_the hour,r.
g 3 man, to Congress, where he served for phans
three sessions, with distinguished ability; the bound by horrid, wicked and blasphemous and.let those who are traitors to the Ilest I nd
citizens of Bu cks
county are at this time rep. oaths and obligations, which they consider, terests of their country and therneelVaisiwith
resented by Rev. ME. .mold en b ur n, of the and have so stated in Open Court, to bepara. the "Cotterafiiii - diCer 7----
Lutheran Church, and very recently, they mount to a lawful oath to•tell the'" truth, the
nominated him as a Candidate for the
whole Vice ." Institut ion whose mem.
truth. An tut
Presidency;—his uncle, Frederick Aug.
-Mithlenburgh, also a Clergy-inan, was the - hers refusedTO - answer correct questions, in_
- firir - spnalt - er - to Edwar Ev- Court, for - fear of being lieldresponsiblefor
erett, a Unitarian preacher, is a member rioting in th e blood of a BROTHER, nes
_of Congres_s•, ' and last year, the Jack -. • • -
UNIT, • T fER? AR nritirtUlloll whose mein
; '
ty of KentuCkY;were in part represented by
the Rev. Thomas Chilton, a Baptist Clergy
hersblasphemously:personates_ the MOST
man, and the citizens of Michigan Territory HIGH !- ; that carves a SACRAMENTAL cur i
were recently represented by Mr. Richards, FROM A HUMAN SKULK!—mimicks Je
a clergyman of the Catholic persuasion, neith. hovah in the Burning Bush!---irnpionsly Pro
[ er can it be forg_otten, that our late .Uover.
norfosses - te_nreforrallni - RESUR - itternt
- Shitlze was a Clergyman. - Indeed, in- - -
SOF OUR k and'ido t ' as a,
stances innumerable might be mentioned, if SAVIOUR ! P pass-_
it were necessaiyowhichsva_do ; not think it word to their unholy
_rites and ceremonies,
is, as Mr. Reily, more than two years ago, the name .of the Great " 1 AM THAT I•
tendered his resignation to his vestry, be. AM,"- ~- .
cause his health wopld not admit:of he faith-
Such, Fellmi-Citizens, is the character-of I
'fill discharge _of-his duties, to a Congregation -. - - - •
that Institution which the Republican .Free-
of sor 600 families. This, it is true, they
' declined, because they valued him highly, men of America are endeavoring to puti
and did not wish to lose his services, but down; indin_opposition-to- this-endeavor,--is
-within- tworor - three - iiientliiiip - iiii, -- he finally formed the ticket miscalled "DEMOCRATIC!"
and positively withdrew from the pastoral
charge, so that he may now be considered that is supported by men of all parties; Mi.
a layman, and not as a Clergyman. And
sons, Jacks, Federalists, Democrats, office
if the Government of the State did not refuse holders, are all united in opposing the ticket
his military services, during the war, on that of the Anti-masonic Republicans. Are not
score, we know not why our fellow citizens such the fact? Look around you and judge
should under present circumstances, refuse for yourselves. Look at the individuals
him as *a member of the Assembly.
- 7 - We - therefore, most cordially and cheer
fully recommend him, not only to the support
of all denominations, but ofall persons.
a •
To the Freemen of &Mums
e - coun.ty.
FELLOW-CITIZENS:—In a few days more,
yoy will be called uonto re air to • • •
t , to • gis ature. Situated as
we are, we feel it a duty incumbent upon us,
as - the - conductor -- ora - 77,77 i •
RESS; to call your attention to the mutter.
rwo Tickets are presented to_yeur-con
midoratioiligt --- J yuu ill e to decide, on TUES
DAY NEXT, which yotrwill choose,.—lt
is not our intention, at this time, to particu
la.rly enter upon the merits or demerits of
those composing either ticket—but to pre- !
sent to you, as fully and freely ai we can, in i
a few words, the principles upon which we
wish yoti to support the ticket of the Anti-
Masonic' ; party.
Th : i terials of which the ANTI-ltlasori
IC RiPUBLICAN TIblf.ET is composed, were`
selected by those of our fellow 'citizenswho
t)tir_t±up, } ) le d to all Secret Societies"—espe.
.ciaUy that called Masonry. Selected by
Freemen, tVishing to to reprepented by men
untrammelled with ant other obligation i par.
amount to that of fUthfully and honestly
serving them d theii country. The men
chosen, aiea good 4EPUBLICANB--illl, all
capable of iag inrhe several offices for
which they enoriinated. The candidates,
for'the Aseeinbly, you well know, have both '
faithfully eOved,ill inthe Legislataie—,-one
the last) Sessioaolie• other, a few Sessions
past. You knotheni to be well qualified,
both by talents ai experience for the station
—and that they tve, in all their proceed.
ings, kept a steal ye to the economy and
pfosperity oft ople . and the State—have
. :. • ', . lied° g*the des ofjudg=
h i
ment and the goes of, their coatituentS.
Those things abdedr you, fy voting far
them r ran no. rioe*ntr !threpreontiw
,Thoothrii, iirl..owl i atulynur coiniii34,
To the Polls, then, PiSlow-Citizens, on
TUESDAY NEXT. Selict men that are
honest, capable andindtvodent, and they
will !Willfully and truly, seivi'' you. Select
men who owe allegiance to no man, or set of
men—hut t ? their country. Select men, too,
who will do you justice in despite of that
which rules TI-hfASONS BEW ARE.
powerful, secret aristocracy, which rules the „
Wherever the Anti-Masoitrty hashed
men who w
Democratic State 'of Pennsylvania. Select
come too powerful for the c to contend ,
ilLstrenously oppose the measures with it, they watch with‘the deepest solici. •
of thobe , ,tsho have injudiciously involved the ' tude and vigilance,
,the least appearance or
State in debt . .ttlmost to the value of every the slightest sympton of discord,. or the least
man's. hirtn—who haw carried theit ptolii- disaffection in your ranks. This they wilt-,
6.lrinto a flame that will 'divide
gacy to such a length that our private and endeavor to
you, or at least create a lukowarnme that
unvalued property must be haled, and . a por- will paralize your efforts, hoping thus bt
tiorr of our hard-earnings wrested ft tie r to the "funeial pile of Ariti-Igasc,' ,. i
.. pay the interest on Irani" thousands of the eneinits of "Secret' SocieHea t ” li ,
-doll ars t , 1,.., • • - gainst tho nischinatitins ofthe ' , .
• ynsu breihren. Let;thentaftiallier
PeoPle gi r i - awe el-Row.fiki -- m
.Bi;mitttoity, oi'hialAtoubjef — toon :
the plumbertioto iglichilesignins*k have filtarn oop i n i c r y, condom*,
lulled? yo,'' - by their' sineotk :decaptivoojtypf thiirotuite.----Hfriabinvaik .\
- 4 1
0 . '
or All
, •sing e opposshon ticket. Are they
not avowedly opposed To - Anti-masonry?—
Are they the men that should, at this all
important crisis, be your servants? Will
they not receive the supportioss Who
have sworn to keep each others secrets,
-GTAFFED tb - T)Fiter or his
ficulties whettittl‘zto
o e atter sentence, look at its
practical demonstration under
_your - very
- - .
eye; a few - weeks pasti - m - turrrm I i • ...I •
some y
sageousit-tiime-as:ilfirer recorded, and
for no other substantial excuse .than filet he
was all important HOD for the masoanio-Go-,
vernor's party.
Fellow-Citizens! Ponder well
seech you, upon these things be*ryon,
cast your, vote into the jliilloilet t -.„.
situation 9? youi county and •Sta!o x :
loudly for Itiiindid and judicious avowal - Of
your seatirne4 Let the love of count r y.
and the dearest interests oft Life, Liberty and
Happidess guide you in your decisiOn.
o Is not—to
propose to lend . them some of our Comp:
POINTED Anties,of this county, who, I hart
no doubt, will serve them.. / would paipoile
•, - -live JAMES RENSHAW for'
1 Senato r C. SMITH and ALLEN
01,01113INETTE air Assembly. • And; if
I,l*ire GIIBERNATOR Will -proinisn'uot
I co fill the "old big -bellied fello wla
once a day -Tor one year wee - Win laiintittpi
Plto the Franklin people for - Assembilynkit..s..
as one year on the beket will-obi Ai LEN."
Let the friend* of earreetlirinoipleAPAeit
the enemies oftiersonal detractiog b regif4tite
• it'bov.a, and learn the ill-hred *Wale, arca°
thivetAasopry how to reap ' td seietii4.ll4f
those who slander and abutie prlvati
When our opponents adopt suck
of opposition, it is time for every sl i gr
man to discoantetumee such falandaiig-".
and it will be done by every
Arrri-MAsiirne Itipew,r4zt,
. .
PcttiC*63 4 u!s r v ia a i
scriptions taken iur llor than ft* marar, 01!‘
none aiscontinued Until ail arrikoves are mict
paper forwarde4 accordingly.
"92)4 5C1 ;144 0 1 04 .... e
Whole Nurnberg gb
Oti -- The - following article is reconuntitule •
e• to the attention of the people*--the truths
contained in it, are beyond denial. They
have not, a as ,ye •• en con • •trJrn •
the most active of
Not a single paper in the employ of the ,
lodge has dared to defend a masorne g • hier••,
nor and masonic legislature from the charge
that the.wapationof ,the_TAX
7pos A n a tit after the electiop;th•
solo purpose cf deceivin g•theileople. foo. thel - ' --
guilty profligates knew that if the hp col.
lectors were to come around, exactink doip •
ble the usual amount of taxes, trial** • •
would begin to thiuk,..tiniLat. blase • • '
their- confidently and-voter from Itn:di ttv
worthy spend. thrifts. l'hetr incompetshok
and corrupt profligacy led the agents of die
a 111 - a - r , td- itriiii--ellainitsol-
debt, from which they could not extricate it •
without imposing a tax, which would au-
thorize the collector to pry into every niiin's
private affairs. ;they venture to enact suobi
a law, but with the cowardice and dishonor: .
ty, ever the companions of 'guilt,. they polio
pone its operation until s the peopiehad Wide
more bestowed their vont, upon thent,fee*
ing_to enr. iritp-r_anopewie
~ • .t . ,6
conduct - .of
They hoped that the people would not see
through the base trick, but they deceived
themselves. The farmers, the mediae*
the tax pavers, of even: class runaAerriks„,---- -
They see that we have just entered won a
system of taxation, which, if the lodge lie
suffered to rule, will render us corn a u •
kiupts, and seeing this they wilt act •
Anti-m - (team - read -- tfte -- figliy;h4;liiiir".
from the Cofnpiier:-:
t the Anti-)
For iris star:
- 4 ,,.
in-roturtyTro odifiKeto:
1F a',